#everyone in America should be afraid
pudding-parade · 2 years
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Why do I read YouTube comments? I mean, seriously, why do I do this to myself? I truly do not know whether to laugh or cry. This was a comment in response to a video about the ten deadliest animals in America, made by a person old enough to have a pregnant daughter, and...and...I can't. Then again, the creator of the video that this person commented on needs to be taken to task as well because of things like showing images of African wildebeest when talking about North American bison as well as images of caribou and elk when talking about moose. I mean, the latter is somewhat more understandable because at least they're all large species of deer, but at the very least moose have very different-looking antlers than the other two, soooooo...
But you know what might be a fun idea? A sideblog highlighting idiocy like this. Because I see a shit-ton of appalling scientifically-illiterate idiocy on YouTube and elsewhere that is often not worth responding to because the comments are months old or whatever, and sometimes I just need to vent. And it's not just when watching shit put out by creationists and flat-earthers or, worse, by people who are both at the same time.
OK, I'll go back to Sims now. Sorry. I just needed to share the pain. Oh, the pain...
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ameliafuckinjones · 6 months
If I said half the things I wanted to say about Canada and Americas relationship as siblings and neighbors, how they're ACTUALLY viewed by the world when it comes to international matters that are actually important (NATO, AUKUS, global economy, AI and tech companies, hegemony etc) and how it would be more interesting to explore aspects of their relationship as well as their relationship with the world that correlates with reality rather than this made up version that dominates the fandom... commie tumbler would hunt me down and kill me
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harmcityherald · 3 months
Republican glee over "immunity" decision shows they don't fear Donald Trump — they desire a dictator | Salon.com
#well written#the man is a killer in disguise#who no longer needs the disguise#people have died because of him and people will die if they are allowed to seize power#so important to vote#yes biden is old and yes he is capitulate with isreal genoside#but the republican party is the new nazi party#the new front national and golden dawn#theyve planned this shit in a long game to take power and they are almost there#wheres my john hinkleys and my oswalds?#now is your moment#the day trump gets in office is the end of america its so fucking clear#You can call me a conspiracy theorist if you like I do not care#Right wing factions have seized power all over the planet Since the 90s#Neo Nazism is a cancer And I have always known it#Way back in the 80s When I had To beat up skinheads behind the club#Naziism is not dead it is alive and well and living in the republican party#The absolute glee on their faces as they talk about it should tell you#And they think they are heroes for the furhur (sic) and the white race#Then don't lie to yourself The majority of white people in the US will vote with their racsism because they are afraid of the other races#They will say no Harm is crazy don't listen to him He's a conspiracy theorist nutball psychopath#But it is 100% true#they will agree to the chains of fascism to preserve the purity they imagine they have#they lie to themselves and to everyone#so fucking vote and stfu about replacing biden its a fucking smoke screen#yea I fucking said it#and its true#our real enemies are the nazis and the nazis are wearing republican skins#skinwalkers if you like#very few real republicans left
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yokelfelonking · 1 year
Post 9/11 Trivia
Most folks on this site were either children on September 11, 2001, or weren’t even born yet.  But America went crazy for about a year afterwards.  Here’s some highlights that I remember that might not be in your history books:
There was national discussion on whether or not Halloween should be canceled because…fuck if I know why.  After planes crashed into buildings in NYC it follows that 6-year-olds in Iowa shouldn’t be allowed to dress up like Batman and ask their neighbors for candy, I guess.  (Halloween wasn’t canceled, by the way.)
On a similar note, people asked if comedy - any sort of comedy - was appropriate anymore, ever.
People sold shitty parachutes to suckers “in case your building gets attacked and you have to jump out the window.” There were honest-to-God news reports warning people not to jump out of the window with shitty mail-order parachutes because they wouldn't work.
As a follow-up to the attacks, someone mailed anthrax to some prominent politicians and news anchors - you know, famous people - along with some badly-written notes about “you cannot stop us, death to America, Allah is good” and after that every time some random dumbass found a package in the mail they didn’t recognize they thought that the terrorists were targeting them, too.
Everyone was similarly convinced that their town was going to be the next target, even if they were a little town in the middle of nowhere. "Our town of Bumblefuck, South Dakota (population 690) has the largest styrofoam pig statue west of the Mississippi! Terrorists might fly planes into that too! It's a prime target!"
People started taping up their windows and trying to make their houses or apartments airtight out of fear of chemical and biological attacks. There were news reports warning people that turning your house into an airtight box was a bad idea because, y'know, you need air to breathe.
"[X] supports terrorism!" and “if we do [X], the terrorists win!” were used as arguments for everything.  "Some rich Arab you never heard of donated to his organization that backs Hamas which backs al-Queda, and also owns stock in a holding company that has partial ownership of the Pringles company, so if you eat Pringles you're supporting terrorism!" "The terrorists want to tear down our freedoms and our way of life and rule us through fear! Eating what you want is one of our freedoms as Americans! If you're afraid to eat Pringles, the terrorists win!" (I promise you that this sort of argument is in no way hyperbole.) (This argument is how Halloween was saved, by the way.  “If we cancel Halloween, the terrorists win!”)
People worked 9/11 into everything, and I mean everything, whether it was appropriate or not.  If you went to the grocery store the tortilla chips would remind you to support the troops on the packaging. Used car sales would be dedicated to our brave first responders. You couldn't wipe your ass without the toilet paper rolls reminding you to never forget the fallen of 9/11, and again, this is not hyperbole. My uncle, who lived in Ohio and had never been to New York except to visit once in the 70′s, died of a stroke about 8 months after 9/11, and the priest brought up the attacks at the eulogy.
On a similar local note, on the day of 9/11, after the towers went down, gas stations in my home town immediately jacked up gas prices.  The mayor had the cops go around and force them to take them back down.  I doubt any of that was legal.
Before 9/11, Christianity in America - and religion in general - was on a downward swing, with reddit-tier atheism on the upswing. Religion was outdated superstition from a bygone age. The day after 9/11? Every single church was PACKED. (This wasn't a bad thing, but the power-hungry on the Evangelical Right saw this as a golden opportunity to grab power and influence.)
EDIT: By Popular Demand - Freedom Fries. I initially left these off because they came a couple years after the initial panic and most people thought they were kind of absurd (and I don't recall anyone really going along with it other than maybe some local diners here and there). France didn't want to get involved in our world policing so some folks were like "TRAITORS!" and wanted to call french fries "Freedom Fries" instead, so as to stick it to the French.
Besides dumb shit like that…it’s really hard to overstate how completely the national mood and character changed in the span of a day, or how much of the current culture war is a result of the aftermath. (9/11 was the impetus for the sharp rise in power of the Evangelical Right, who made themselves utterly odious and the following backlash helped the rise of the current Progressive Left, for instance.)
And if all of this seems batshit...well, it was. But I want you to think for a moment how people react today over even trivial shit. People send death threats over children's cartoons. They call for blood if the maker of a video game had an opinion they don't like. If someone made a racist joke a decade ago when they were a teenage edgelord, folks will go after people who even associate with them. "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ALL THE HARM THEY'RE DOING!?"
Now take that same level of over-the-top histrionics and apply it to the unprecedented event of passenger planes crashing into crowded buildings in America's most populous city and killing thousands of people all at once. "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT WE WERE ATTACKED!?"
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Degrowth basics
"The word degrowth stands for a family of political-economic approaches that, in the face of today’s accelerating planetary ecological crisis, reject unlimited, exponential economic growth as the definition of human progress."
What is Degrowth? | Caracol DSA
Why degrowth is the only responsible way forward | OpenDemocracy
Degrowth and MMT: A thought experiment
We Need A Fair Way To End Infinite Growth | Current Affairs
Degrowth: A Call for Radical Abundance | Common Dreams
Can degrowth save us and the planet? | Nottingham Trent
Defending limits is not Malthusian | Undisciplined Environments
Can We Have Prosperity Without Growth? | New Yorker
The Urgent Case for Shrinking the Economy | The New Republic
Giving Up on Economic Growth Could Make Us Cooler and Happier | The New Republic
A guide to degrowth: The movement prioritizing wellbeing in a bid to avoid climate cataclysm | CNBC
What is ‘degrowth’ and how can it fight climate change? | Popular Science
Enough for Everyone | Yes! Magazine
Toward a Post-Capitalist Future: On the Growth of “Degrowth” | Lit Hub
All we are saying is give degrowth a chance | The RSA
A pathway out of environmental collapse | newsroom
On Technology and Degrowth | Monthly Review
What is degrowth (and more importantly, what is it not)? | META
Green growth
"There is no empirical evidence that absolute decoupling from resource use can be achieved on a global scale against a background of continued economic growth."
Is Green Growth Possible? | Jason Hickel & Giorgos Kallis
The Myth of America’s Green Growth | Foreign Policy
The decoupling delusion: rethinking growth and sustainability | The Conversation
Is green growth happening? | Uneven Earth
Green Growth | Uneven Earth
The Delusion of Infinite Economic Growth | Scientific American
Degrowth is not austerity – it is actually just the opposite | Al Jazeera
A response to Paul Krugman: Growth is not as green as you might think | Timothée Parrique
Deceitful Decoupling: Misconceptions of a Persistent Myth | Alevgul H. Sorman
Degrowth isn’t the same as a recession – it’s an alternative to growing the economy forever | The Conversation
Degrowth and the left
"In the middle of an ecological emergency, should we be producing sport utility vehicles and mansions? Should we be diverting energy to support the obscene consumption and accumulation of the ruling class?"
The Left should embrace degrowth | New Internationalist
Ecosocialism is the Horizon, Degrowth is the Way | The Trouble
Degrowth: Socialism without Growth | Brave New Europe
Toward an Ecosocialist Degrowth: From the Materially Inevitable to the Socially Desirable | Monthly Review
For an Ecosocialist Degrowth | Monthly Review
Degrowth and Revolutionary Organizing | Rosa Luxemburg NYC
The necessity of ecosocialist degrowth | Rupture
Degrowth is Anti-Capitalist | Protean Mag
Degrowth Communism | PPPR (Part one | Part two | Part three)
Economic Planning and Degrowth: How Socialism Survives the 21st Century | New Socialist
Degrowth and the South
"Southern countries should be free to organize their resources and labor around meeting human needs rather than around servicing Northern growth."
Who is afraid of degrowth? A Global South economic perspective | IBON Foundation
The anti-colonial politics of degrowth | Jason Hickel
Unlearning: From Degrowth to Decolonization | Rosa Luxemburg NYC
Degrowth requires the Global South to default on its foreign debts | Resilience
Degrowth: a theory of radical abundance | Jason Hickel
A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part II: synthesizing the insights
What does degrowth mean? A few points of clarification | Jason Hickel
Providing decent living with minimum energy: A global scenario | Global Environmental Change
Urgent need for post-growth climate mitigation scenarios | Nature Energy
Degrowth and critical agrarian studies | Julien-François Gerber
Decoupling debunked – Evidence and arguments against green growth as a sole strategy for sustainability | European Environmental Bureau
Incrementum ad Absurdum: Global Growth, Inequality and Poverty Eradication in a Carbon-Constrained World | David Woodward
Degrowth can work — here’s how science can help | Nature
A New Political Economy for a Healthy Planet | Jason Hickel
Planning beyond growth. The case for economic democracy within limits
Millionaire spending incompatible with 1.5 °C ambitions | Cleaner Production Letters
Is green growth happening? An empirical analysis of achieved versus Paris-compliant CO2–GDP decoupling in high-income countries | The Lancet
Exploring Degrowth: A Critical Guide | Pluto Press
A People's Green New Deal | Max Ajl
Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World | Jason Hickel
Breaking Things at Work: The Luddites Are Right About Why You Hate Your Job | Verso Books
The Future is Degrowth: A Guide to a World Beyond Capitalism | Verso Books
The Imperial Mode of Living: Everyday Life and the Ecological Crisis of Capitalism | Verso Books
Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism | Kohei Saito
Degrowth & Strategy: how to bring about social-ecological transformation
27 Essays and Thoughts on Degrowth | Giorgos Kallis
Yes To Limits To Growth! | The Other School
How Degrowth Can Save the World | Andrewism
How We End Consumerism | Our Changing Climate
Demystifying Degrowth | Rosa Luxemburg NYC
Degrowth is not Austerity | John the Duncan
Degrowth and Ecosocialism | Planet: Critical
Degrowth in 7 minutes: Fighting for climate by living better | Think That Through
The Future is Degrowth (w/ Aaron Vansintjan) || SRSLY WRONG
"Degrowth means power to the working class!"with Jason Hickel | GND Media
Degrowth Journal
Doughnut Economics
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I’ve spent a few years in online fandoms now (pre Voltron era) and have found that the following applies to (not all) antis:
They’re largely between 13-19 or early 20 at most
adults older than that make up the smallest amount
Antis’ friend groups are almost entirely online
people with social connections offline are or people with fullfilling jobs are usually not antis (there are of course exceptions)
Almost all antis have intergenerational friendships. This isn’t unusual irl when it affects people who go to school (like HS and college) or neighbors or irl friends, but antis’ friend groups consist of total strangers. Very few only want followers of the same age range
Because of this, minors are easily more radicalized on the internet. Currently I would say Twitter and Threads contribute the most to it because these platforms are rife with hate, disinformation and have a general lack of online safety features
Therefore they may also develop moral scrupulosity ocd, a form of OCD where people are afraid of being “immoral”, therefore they seek for moral purity and find their beliefs echoed in purity culture
which is also why they tend to flock to people who portray themselves as “safe” or who call out “morally corrupt” people (proshippers). Those who call out moral corruption can possibly be no “bad” people
anti rhetoric is strongly based on anti kink/anti sex and “kink critical” radical feminist and conservative rhetoric
the anti phenomena is also largely American. Despite antis being people of many different ethnicities, most anti rhetoric reflects America’s political views on sex/gender, feminism, sex ed, sex in general and the increasing amount of anti science beliefs and anti intellectualism
therefore, antis can only be countered by:
Stopping the spread of disinformation
Instead internet safety should be taught again
social media should employ better moderation (which I get is not possible unless we switch to dedicated fandom forums or something )
make people aware of red flags to look out for (for example online grooming, cults, radicalization)
share facts about queer history and explain why radical feminism is bad for everyone (including cis women)
parents should definitely monitor their kids more often. I don’t mean 24/7 surveillance, I mean teach them where and how to find information safely and age appropriately
bring back places where kids can be kids offline and online (not asking this of common people but as a suggestion for politicians we vote for)
report, block, mute and make people aware of fandom etiquette
Ate and left no crumbs. I may link this at the top of my page.
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anki-of-beleriand · 3 months
A Heart Made Of Glass ch.15
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Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Powered!F!Reader - Scarlet Witch x PoweredF!Reader - Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision - CarolxF!Reader
Warnings: Angst, drama, mentions of cheating, fluff, violence, smut, Switch!Reader, internalize homophobia, hurt, comfort, Wanda being a complete mess, anger management issues, jealousy, Requited/Unrequited love, idiots in love, swearing, mentions of alcohol. More tags as the story progess.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation of Dirty Little Secret I was really surprised at the response I got for the story, I did all the tags you guys ask for but if I forgot someone please do not hesitate to tell me. Thank you for the support.
Reader has some decisions to make, Wanda is just confused, and things are finally looking up for the both of them.
Please, do remember English is no my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Epilogue
Chapter 15
From Kamar-Taj
Time didn't stop after Wanda left.
Days and nights came by without any significant changes, the different agencies that had come to help during the dome incident had long gone and you were left alone once more. 
Tony had stayed behind long enough to ensure you and the others would be fine. And Monica had stayed to keep Carol company before going back to her normal duties; life in general went back to what it was.
Like the waters of the ocean surrounding Ulsteinvik, there was only calmness and the people in the city had forgotten and forgiven the small disruption in their lives. You were still as welcome, as the first time you got into the city to help those in need. 
The holidays had been welcomed by the inhabitants of the city with fireworks and a party that lasted a full weekend. You had enjoyed the admiration and sheer happiness on America's face whenever she went from one stand of food to the other, when she got in contact with teens her age and soon found herself living a life she hadn't enjoyed so far.
A bell sounded to your left, the door of the restaurant opened with a twirl of cold wind sneaking inside the place. You shifted on the chair leaning against the wall, your eyes following with amusement the discussion America started with Yelena. 
“She is unbelievable, you would think she is the same age as America.” Natasha snorted when Yelena slapped the table pointing to the street, soon the both of them left to prove a point missed by you and Natasha.
“I think they like to mess with one another far too much.” You shrugged, grabbing the glass of wine you had been drinking and taking another ling sip. 
It wasn't until then you noticed you had been left alone with Natasha. The Widow smirked, quivering a brow at you, her hands placing themselves on the table with her eyes never leaving yours, you knew what was about to come. For more than two weeks everyone had been trying to get a hold of you and the letter and know exactly what the young witch had said to you.
So far, you had been successful in pretending that letter never happened, making sure you were never alone with Natasha or Yelena.
“Well, are you going to tell me?” Natasha asked, leaning back on the chair, her clear eyes studying you. “Whatever it was, it really had an effect on you. Should I be worried?”
You exhaled placing your closed hands on the table, the steam coming from your mug covering your chin. Natasha scrutinised your posture and your facial expressions, it was something she had been doing in the last couple of weeks knowing that whatever had happened with Wanda was still affecting you in ways you didn't want to. You had been standing on the outlines, trying to disappear behind your shadows while zoning out whenever everyone was sharing light conversation at the dinner table or a mission was being shared. 
“Wanda told me what she did after the funeral,” you started the story, your head tilting to the side while your hand made a gesture to the waitress for the woman to bring another round of coffee.
“It is a rather long story, Tasha.” You smiled when the other woman raised a single eyebrow at you.
“So I see, I'm going to finally get the full story? The real one?”
You chuckled, shrugging while taking a long sip from the cup.
“She went back to the compound, went through my room until she came across the small trunk I kept in the wardrobe.”
You could see as realisation hit Natasha in a second, her eyes went wide with a slack jaw marked by the disbelief of what Wanda found inside that place. You nodded smiling bitterly at her 
“Yeah, she found everything and then, she just wanted to see Westview and the area where the place was supposed to be.”
From there you told Natasha everything you heard from Wanda and whatever blank spaces you filled in with some digging. You knew Tony had helped Wanda at some point, then she was contacted by Strange to help with the case of America which led her to your doorstep. Even after that, it was obvious something had happened, and that was the moment in which Agatha entered the story.
Agatha had worked in the shadows lurking Wanda to the spot she had been looking for I'm Westview. She had made it possible for Wanda to break down, with the enchantment she had placed before Wanda's arrival, she had worked her way into the fantasy guaranteeing that she could control some aspects of the fantasy.
Pietro and Vision had been some of them.
“Do you believe them?” Natasha finally asked, she squinted her eyes reading your reaction at her question. “It sounds convenient that Agatha could only bring dead people, so Visions being there was a coincidence meant to manipulate you. Convenient.”
The door of the café opened and closed again, the conversation around your table was suddenly louder than it had been moments ago. You scolded thinking over what Natasha was just saying, it was something you had thought but it was far too elaborate for Wanda to just make it up.
Besides, Agatha did admit to the manipulation. Your eyes hardened, you clenched your jaw tilting your head until your eyes focused on the world outside. Whatever doubts growing in your mind stopped when you remember childish laughter and then non-stop babbling from the twins.
“They look like me.” You mumbled turning to Natasha. “You should have seen them, Tasha. Billy and Tommy have some resemblance to me and Wanda, their eyes, the colour of the hair, the smile, some mannerisms…”
“Is this why you have been acting weird since you came back?” Natasha leaned over the table, she didn't miss your behaviour in the last couple of weeks her concern for you had been latent at all times but she had always respected your space allowing you to just come to her to talk.
You purse your lips grabbing a napkin, the frown deepened with your eyes flickering between confusion and nostalgia.
It was so easy to pretend you were still angry at hurt by what happened ten years ago, to just turn your back on the young woman you had met on a mission angry and scared that ended up becoming your life. Never before or after her did you feel the same for anyone, not even Carol. And when Wanda came back, hurt, scared, tired and asking for help your heart trembled with the same love you thought you had buried in the past. 
But love was not enough.
“She is still in love with you.” It was a statement, Natasha drank her tea glancing out of the window. “I don't think she never stopped loving you.”
“Love is for children.” You smirked amused by the roll of Natasha's eyes.
“True, but sometimes love should be enough.”
“It's never enough.” You leaned back scratching the back of your neck. “I could experience first hand what it would be like to be with her.”
Natasha softened at your words, she heard as you narrated every single detail of what you lived in the other universe. How you became a parent to the children that seemed to love you even though you were a different mom to them. How your other self would glance at Wanda and how that Wanda would look at you.
For the first time ever since everything happened you opened up about your fears, your hopes, and your wishes. It hadn't been easy to come to the conclusion of what you really desired, of what you really needed. But, here you were, pouring your heart out to Natasha, the only woman apart from Yelena that could beat some sense into you.
“What did the letter say?” Natasha finally asked, you hesitated before putting the letter from your pocket and handing it to the other woman.
“That love should be enough to start again.” You replied, focusing your attention on the people walking down the street. Natasha concentrated,reading the letter left by Wanda on the day she went away. 
Dear Y/N,
I’m not good with words, and I don't even know how to say everything I wish to tell you. My words had been trapped inside my head for over a decade, and I wasn't sure if approaching you with them was a wise thing to do. I knew of your anger towards me, and I knew you were probably feeling a hatred I didn't want to see in your eyes. I just couldn't deal with you not looking at me with love and happiness, the way it used to be.
I made many mistakes. But the biggest one was to let you go.
I asked for forgiveness once, but I wanted to say it once more.
Please, my love, forgive my weakness and my indecision. I should have never acceded to what was easy, to what my parents would have wanted, to what everyone was expecting of me. I know this doesn't make it any less stupid or hurtful, and that I should have never hurt you in such a way.
You are my world, and ever since you’ve been gone I have been so lost.
But I push myself to continue because I cannot give up, I have to discover my worth to be able to reach out to you once more.
I don't want to keep going knowing you are out there and that I am not with you, and I don't want to live with the past above my shoulders afraid of at least tried to be with you. After what we lived in these last week's I realized, I don't want to.
I understand if you are no longer interested, and that you already have someone else in your life. If that's the case, I would step aside but be there for you as a friend.
If not, then…I won't give up on you. I love you, I am still so much in love with you that sometimes it is hard to breathe and my chest twisted painfully knowing you and I could be…in another time, in another universe.
I will leave, not because I want to, but because I need to.
But I will wait for you, if this is what you want.
Love should be enough for now, right? This time around I promise you I won't let you go without a fight, my heart is already yours, Y/N, it has been for more than a decade. Please, just…give us a chance.
With love,
Wanda M.
Silence followed Natasha just as she placed the letter on the table. The only sounds breaking into their shared space were those of cutlery and low conversation in other tables, everyone was oblivious to what the two women had been sharing and even the weight of the circumstances leading them to the situation they were in at the moment.
You rested your chin on the back of your hand, your eyes dancing around the streets following patterns with your mind going back to the letter. You had learnt it's contents a long time ago, ever since Yelena gave you the letter. 
“The only one that can do something about this is you, you know that, right?”
“I know.” You faced Natasha, your lips curving upwards. 
“I've been with you all this time, Y/N.” Natasha chose her words with care, never once letting go of your stare. “I've seen the good and the bad, I've seen you fighting against your own pain and becoming the woman you are right now…and I have seen Wanda as well, she wasn't as lucky as you were.”
“I know.” You whispered, Natasha offered a tender smile placing a hand on top of yours. 
“I want you to be happy.” Natasha squeezed your hand winking. “I think it will take time but, perhaps, a friendship is not a bad idea.”
You opened your eyes at those words, your heart leaping inside your chest.
“You think…it is possible?”
“It's what you want, isn't it?”
You didn't answer, but if you were honest with yourself, it was what you wanted and what you had already decided to do. You were still afraid, going back to Wanda would it mean to face a past that was not completely erased and buried, and it was also a chance of falling harder than ever and not being able to go back from these emotions anymore. But, now that you knew what could happen, you couldn't say no to just give her and yourself a chance.
Before anything else could be done or said a tap on the window called your attention, Yelena and America were grinning through the window pointing to some bags they had on their hands. You snorted turning to Natasha who was still looking at you with tenderness.
“I guess we should go.”
“Let's go, the .”
Natasha didn't ask, and you didn't elaborate, but the both of you had come to the same conclusion and now it was a matter of time for you to step into the road leading to Wanda Maximoff.
She could hear the shower running, the sound of your voice singing a random song from your playlist. Carol smiled, closing the door of the room behind her, her footsteps taking her to the bed where she saw your clothes scattered around the bed. The blond-haired woman went to pick them up, thinking about the domesticity of her life in recent weeks.
The whole fiasco with Wanda had made her feel insecure, Carol had seen the conflict in your eyes but as soon as the other woman had been out of the picture it was easier for you to go back to Carol. It had not been easy, and Carol had been patient enough to know that it was time for her to make the proposal.
It was something the both of you had talked about before, Carol still had a duty to the Galaxy and she would be more than happy to share her travels with you.
Carol grabbed your jacket, her eyes flickering around until they fell on the white envelope inside your pocket. Without thinking too much about it, she grabbed the envelope looking at its contests before sitting down to read the letter.
The warm water rolling down your back felt heavenly, you lifted your face to the shower while letting the notes of the song overwhelmed your senses. It had been a long day, America was about to start school once more and Yelena was supposed to leave for New York the following week 
Your conversation with Natasha left your soul lighter, while your heart trembled with anticipation of what you would do. A part of you knew what should be your next action, while another part dread the conversation you needed to have with Carol Danvers.
When the both of you started the relationship, you never left space for romance. It was physical more than emotional, yet Carol had become a close friend and someone you could trust with your life, it was only fair for you to be honest with Carol. You didn't know what would happen with Wanda, but Carol was too emotionally involved with you for you to just leave things the way they were.
You excited the bathroom with a towel covering your body, your hands stopped midair just as your eyes fell on the woman sitting on your bed. 
“Carol! Hey, I didn't expect you here so soon, I thought you were with Monica.”
Carol winced, lowering her gaze, she pressed her lips together before facing you. You cocked your head, blinking slowly at the seriousness from the other woman.
“She had an important meeting, it didn't make sense for me to stay behind.” Carol stood up, her hand holding a familiar envelope.
Your eyes opened slightly, your eyebrows shooting upwards while the other woman stretched her hand in your direction.
“I never have a chance with you,” she stated, you opened your mouth ready to say something but the other woman shook her head. Tears welling up in her eyes.
“No, don't say anything, I know.” Carol shook her head looking away, “you told me, hell even Natasha told me, but I just thought she had hurt you enough for you to stop feeling anything for her.”
The conversation was turning out to be something uncomfortable with you dressed only on a towel. You tried to hold onto it, while trying to be as serious and as clear as possible.
“Carol, this has nothing to do with Wanda.” You started almost wincing when Carol narrowed her eyes at you nodding to the letter.
“I think it has everything to do with her.”
Silence followed such declaration, you stood there undecided as to what to do or how to proceed. The hand holding the letter was heavy, while the one holding the towel had been shaking all this time. You could see the hurt in Carol's eyes, how lost and really brokenhearted she was feeling at the moment.
It was something you had lived once that you wouldn't want anyone experiencing the same situation as you did. 
“Yes and no.” You stated trying to look for the right words. “I have been running from my emotions for a very long time, from my past and this mission…I never thought I would be facing everything I thought I didn't need or even want.”
“So now you're going back to her?” Carol couldn't help but press the subject, her eyes never leaving yours.
“I’m not sure as to what do I want to do or what it is exactly that I am looking for,” this time around you stepped forward, your hand left the towel to grab Carol's hand. “I just know that I have to do something about it and…see what will happen.”
Carol wanted to add something else, she wanted to say something but whatever she might say would sound hurtful and resentful. You stepped closer waiting to see if she rejected your proximity but if anything Carol seemed to give in. 
“I'm sorry.” Your voice was above a whisper, her hands soon wrapped around your waist and you could feel her warm breath on your neck.
“I never wanted to hurt you, Carol.”
“I know, I just wish I was enough for you.”
Without thinking too much, or actually planning on doing something different your cupped her face leaning in to share a goodbye kiss. Carol sighed, kissing you harder, pressing you against the closest wall trying to imprint in her mind the last memory she would have of you.
Three months later
The rain was falling on the roof with constant tapping breaking the silence in the room.
The heavy aroma of incense and myrrh impregnated the air in the room, the placed was decorated with earthly colours and there was a single chair that had been occupied by a strange man wearing a dark orange Kasaya. The man had been there ever since you arrived at the temple, his eyes dancing around a book he was reading with attention.
Your feet took you to the closest window, the world right outside was a full range forest that was being clouded by the falling rain and the darkening sky. Thunder broke into the valley, and you winced hearing the rumbling sky right above your head echoing its rage with nothing to quiet down the sound. Your eyes flickered to the sky, and for that moment, your mind drifted to the last couple of weeks in which your life had change so drastically.
After Carol found Wanda’s letter in your pocket, she decided to leave for good.
It was a tough decision, and a part of you regrated the way she had to leave and how things ended up between the both of you. It hadn’t been fair with the other woman, but you never made any promises that you couldn’t keep. In the end, Carol understood this and after one last goodbye, she left to comply with her mission to the Galaxy.
You always thought you would go looking for Wanda after that, but you didn’t.
Instead of just going where your heart was telling you to go, you stayed behind to fix and organise your life the best way you could. Natasha and Yelena kept up with their mission, the brought former Widows and some hurt powered individuals that you helped to go back on their feet while teaching America about her powers while giving her a taste of a normal life.
It had been working just fine, America had been getting used to her life with you and she was getting into the whole high-school adventure the best way she could. Life in Norway had always been a quiet experience, and something that you had fallen in loved with ever since you got there; that was the reason you never left. But in the midst of all of this, and life going back to what it was you found yourself going back to the letter and to Wanda.
It became quite the habit for you to just sit outside or go to the lighthouse to think and overthink about Wanda, the letter, and what you should do next.
“Why do you keep pretending to think about what you’re going to do when you already know?”
Yelena had been the first one to question you, and you didn’t have a complete answer to that. You just gave a vague answer dismissing the young woman before going back to ignore the tug at your heart, and the memory of Wanda inside your head.
“I talk to Wanda yesterday, she wants me to tell you that she really is grateful for the book you send over, help with the boredom.” That time it had been America, and the teen had come at you with a frown and narrowed eyes. “Did you really send her a book? Why didn’t you go to her? Or wrote to her? Or even call her?”
You didn’t have an answer for those questions, so you just shrugged and proceed to ask America about the girl you saw her talking to the other day. America had blushed and soon had forgotten her questioning of your actions, you merely smirked keeping the words Wanda had sent to you closed to your heart.
“Everyone is tired of you being an idiot, so Tony sent his jet that it is waiting for you. You’ll leave at midnight, go pack your stuff.”
Natasha had not been as subtle as the others, and she had gone on full commanding mode before setting everything up for your departure. That was how you ended up at the other side of the world, with just a single backpack and waiting in the lobby with a storm happening right outside the window.
Ever since you went into the plane your heart had been leaping inside your chest, shivering while awakening a hoard of butterflies in your lower abdomen. You had been trying to control your nervousness, and your thoughts had been protected by a dark cloud ever since you arrived at Nepal. You didn’t know what you were going to say, but you did know that the time to fix everything had arrived.
“Y/N, this is really a surprised.”
You turned around to see a smirking Strange standing by the door, you returned the smirk walking towards him with your hand stretched out.
“Strange, I have to say I was forced to make up my bag and come here.” You shrugged making a face, “didn’t have much of a choice.”
“And yet, this is the place you want to be, right?” Strange chuckled tilting his head, “took you long enough.”
“Is there everyone talking about me behind my back?” You grumbled shaking your head, Strange shrugged stepping aside to show a long hallway.
“We were merely speculating and hoping.”
Strange walked beside you, his face a mask of complete peace. The man had not age that much, and yet he seemed to carry with him the weight of the world and a duty that came to him when he needed it the most.
“We were hoping for you to make the right decision.” Strange stopped at another door, this time around those eyes of his hardened while they pinned you to the spot. “Wanda has made great progress here, you know? I know things between the both of you were not easy when you were younger but things are different now.”
“I know that.” You scowled lifting your chin, “that’s the reason I’m here, things are different now and I think it is time for me to just…”
You waved your hands around, the gesture trying to replace the words you didn’t dare to say to this man. Whatever you had come to Kathmandu for, it was something you would discuss with Wanda alone. For a moment, Strange gave you an odd quizzical stare before his face relaxed again and he opened the door.
You opened your eyes impressed by the sight, right in front of you there was a huge yard filled with training grounds that were completely empty under the rain. In each corner of the squared Yard there was a fountain decorated with mythological animals pouring water with a melodic fall. Your eyes went from the yard to the ceilings and the sky, then they finally focused on a young man standing by the closest column waiting patiently for something.
Strange cleared his throat presenting the young man to you.
“I have set up a room for you, Carlos will take you there.” Strange dedicated you along stare before speaking again. “Everything had been set up, and when you’re ready you will know where to go.”
“Thank you for having me here, Strange.”
“Don’t mention it, as I said, I think this is necessary and I think it would be beneficial for you and her.” Strange waved at you, turning around. “Just…don’t break her heart.”
Those words shoot a cold, sharp pain through your heart, your eyes opened and your mouth was already formulating a retort to such words. However, you stopped yourself when the sky ignited into a bluish-silvery light and thunder growled through the valley.
You jumped startle turning your eyes to the sky.
“Sometimes silence is better than no silence at all.” Carlos smiled gently at you; he bowed showing the opposite side of the hall to you. “Shall we, Mrs. Y/L/N?”
The young man led you a room in the far corner of the compound, it was under the shadow of a mountain while facing the forest and the far-away city of Kathmandu. The room was quite simple, with a single bed, a bedside table, a desk, a bathroom and a wardrobe it was something that reminded you of your younger days.
“I hope this is of your liking, Mrs. Y/L/N, dinner usually is served at 7pm, and breakfast at 6am, after those hours you are very welcome to use the kitchen at your own discretion.” Carlos explained while allowing you to se the room. “If you need anything else, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am in charge of you for as long as you stay here.”
“Thank you, Carlos, you are very kind.” You offered a single smile; Carlos bowed his head but before he could go you called out to him. “Carlos, wait.”
The young man turned around tilting his head with a frown on his face.
“Do you know…where can I find Wanda Maximoff?”
Carlos frown deepened and it looked to you as if he didn’t know for certain where the woman was or who you were asking for. Then, his eyes opened slightly with a glint of understanding in them.
“She usually spends her time in the Meditation Chamber, it is located it on the left wing of the compound. Near the pass to the mountain range.” Carlos hesitated before bowing again. “No one likes to go there when she is using the small chamber, Y/L/N, so please be advised of this.”
“Thank you, Carlos, I will be careful.”
The young man nodded and finally left.
You stood in the middle of the room for a while before dropping your backpack to the ground and falling to the bed. You closed your eyes, your heart beating a tad bit faster while your hands got all sweaty; there was a tingling void in the pit of your stomach making you tensed around the shoulders.
What the hell am I doing? Why am I even here? What if…what if this doesn’t work?
These thoughts danced around your head, your body regulating your breathing until you finally fall asleep. The last thought that crossed your mind was that Wanda would be in for a great surprised, and you just hoped that love really was enough.
You woke up with a start.
The room was submerged in darkness, not a single sound could be heard inside or outside your room. You sat down noticing the clothes you had arrived on, and the unmade backpack on the floor. You had fallen asleep, tired for the trip and the emotional rollercoaster you had been as of late.
You were also running from what was to come.
With a quick glance to the watch on your wrist, it was past four in the morning. You stood up and made your way to the bathroom, your mind going over the dream that had woken you up abruptly. The memories mixed with the dream of what could be, the anxiousness of a meeting you were not sure how it would turn out to be.
You took a deep breath enjoying the morning breeze that caressed your skin. The rays of light sneaking through the heavy clouds gliding above your head, it was a cold morning with little light following your stroll down the hall in the direction of the kitchen. All around you the morning routine for the inhabitants of the temple had started, with one single thought in mind, you went straight to the kitchens for a coffee before meeting with the woman you had come to see. Your lower abdomen was already filling up with butterflies, and your body tingled in anticipation.
There was a small cabin located at the outskirts of the compound.
Wanda had chosen this place because it was the only place in which she could hide from the judging stare of the rest of the inhabitants in Kamar-Taj. In the last couple of months, she had been focusing on learning more about her powers and about herself, she had tried to reach out for some sort of peace while getting her powers under control.
It had worked, to some degree.
What she really found difficult to overcome, or to actually face with a cold heart was her past. And more exactly, her feelings for you. The memories mixed inside her head, the possibilities along with her desires and her hopes brought a new kind of longing to her heart. The letter she left behind had been her fighting effort to be a part of your live, she was conscious of your anger but also of your willingness to forgive. 
Wanda had hoped that perhaps…
The sun raised on the horizon, this time around the yellowish light broke into the sky bathing that ground with light. Wanda rested her elbows on her knees, her eyes lost on the mountain chains spreading through the valley. She had found peace in Kamar-Taj, and after three months of uncertainty, she had given up seeking to heal her broken heart.
“You surely know how to pick these places.” Your voice broke any silence spreading through the house, Wanda jerked awake turning sharply to the source.
You stood rather awkwardly at the door leading to the yard, your hand scratching the back of your head but your eyes completely set on Wanda.
“Y/N?” Wanda whispered in disbelief; with heavy limbs she turned completely standing up. “You…what…”
The words went missing in her mind, she was dumbfounded never thinking it was possible to see you once more. To actually have you there, standing casually in front of her. You raised a brow, lips curling in amusement, you stepped closer observing as all defenses broke and Wanda stood vulnerable in front of you. Why didn't you see it before that day?
There was some hesitation on your part but, after a brief moment, you stepped closer hugging Wanda, holding her closer to your chest. 
“Hey there, little witch.” The nickname rolled out of your lips with a  familiarity you hadn’t lost and Wanda wrapped her arms around you tightly hiding her face in the crook of your neck.
This moment crossed your mind several times, each scenario had been different every time and sometimes the outcome had not been pleasant. But at that moment, it was everything you were looking for and Wanda was needing.
The sunny morning had changed rapidly into a snowy one, the sky darkened with cold breezes breaking into the temple forcing its inhabitants to seek refuge inside the quarters of the temple.. 
Wanda had been talking non-stop, it was unusual of her to just make small conversation but she had been nervous enough to have you there to just stay quiet and not say anything at all. Her hand grabbed the teapot, pouring the warm water into the small mugs she had fixed on a tray.
“Strange thought this could be good for me, he told me the offer had been on the table by the time Thanos was defeated but…” Wanda lifted the tray making her way to makeshift living room.
“But America and Westview happened.” You finished helping her out, Wanda smiled nervisouly shrugging while locking her eyes to yours. “You never have a rest, haven't you? I mean, as far as I know, you have been facing difficulties from day one and…”
“Losing you left me lost.” She mumbled sitting down, conscious that your eyes were on her. 
This was the first time she referred to that moment, Wanda grabbed the mug with both hands frowning lightly.
“I was afraid of everything I was feeling, everything I was experiencing with you.” She whispered only for you to hear. “You were everything I wanted and I was…I wasn't no one, Y/N, why would you want to be with me?”
You pierced together every single moment surrounding the break up, the treason before and after, the happiness and the heartbreak. At that time, Wanda had been completely alone, having lost Pietro had been difficult and then she was trusted into a life she hardly understood, and people that were more afraid of her than anything. It was not an excuse, but you understood what Wanda was saying.
“You broke my heart so bad, Wanda.” You spoke, noticing the hardening of your voice, Wanda winced but you didn't stop there. “I was in love with you, ready to give you the world, ready to help you with the weight you were carrying…but I never saw how hard it was for you.” Wanda broke into a bitter smile, “did I ever tell you about the beginning of the war?”
The question caught you by surprise, the change of topic was so sudden you were tempted to press further into questions about the cheating and the reasoning behind it. It was the shadows crossing Wanda's face that made you rethink your options, and the fact this was the first time she spoke about Sokovia.
“You never spoke about Sokovia, or your family. Not really.” You replied, earning a simple nod.
“My family was complicated, mom lost dad when we were children and she married soon after.” Wanda spoke with the weight of memory in her voice, her eyes drifting away until the found yours once more. “My stepfather was a religious man, and mom was a school teacher that had never forced her beliefs on us until then.”
You fixed your position on the sofa, your eyes never leaving Wanda. It was the first time Wanda really opened up to you, a story and a background you didn't know and that was showing a side of Wanda that had been unknown to you.How many times did you really talk to her? How many stories had she told you about herself?
Why did you fall in love with her?
Why were you still in love with her?
“He was really tough on me, Pietro would get away with almost anything until the first bombs were heard in the outskirts of the city.” This time around she softened the corner of her eyes, her lips twitching upwards, “he was so mad he wasn't allow to go to the soccer match, that he dragged me out of the house and we both tried to get to the field. We almost died that day.”
You straightened up leaning in with eyes wide open.
“You did?”
“Yes, one of the first conflicts broke out in the neighbourhood where the field was located.” Wanda made a face, “I had never been so afraid as I was at that moment.”
“What do you miss the most about Sokovia?”
The question caught Wanda by surprise, whatever shadow of war and memory dropped for a moment giving way to a different expression. 
“I loved the libraries.” 
“You did?” You chuckled watching as Wanda leaned forward all giddy telling you about the public library near her home, how the books were organised on different shelves and the sight of so many books she could get her hands on had always been so tempting she found peace and happiness in these places.
“After my parents died, I was so busy trying to survive and to make my way through the world with Pietro I just forgot about it.” Wanda lowered her face, her eyes on the floor. “I was angry, lost and afraid…then, Hydra came and I didn't want to be a victim anymore.”
You purse your lips remembering those first days in which you met Wanda. An angry and dark teenager that was angry at the world for everything that had happened to her.
“I guess it must have been hard to see Pietro again.” You said all of a sudden, Wanda nodded curtly tears forming in her eyes.
“It was hard seeing everyone, everything I could have but…”
“We don't know if we could have.” You finished placing the mug on the table, tilting your head, your eyes focused on the window, glancing at the world outside. “I guess things could have been different, perhaps worse…”
“Or better.” Wanda followed your eyes to the window, it was raining with some snowflakes swirling around.
You shrugged, lowering your eyes to the watch on your wrist. It was past midday, lunch was already being served back in the main temple and your stomach was protesting from the lack of food. 
“You could stay.” Wanda proposed following your stare to the outside, you teared your eyes from the window glancing at Wanda that was blushing lightly. “I mean, it is raining and the main temple must be full, and it is so far and…”
Wanda gasped tensing when your hand fell upon yours, your lips broke into an easy smile. 
“I was thinking the same, but perhaps you have something to eat? I'm starving.”
The change Wanda had was almost surprising, her whole face lit up and she stood right away stretching her hand towards you. You glanced at her hand, then at the grin adorning her face before taking her hand in yours standing up and letting her guide you through the small cabin.
“Oh, you're in for a huge surprise, I've been dying to show these new recipes to someone but…” Wanda trailed off, her enthusiasm almost diminishing until you squeezed her hand smiling encouragingly at her.
“I've been on my own in this place ever since I came here. Not many are very open to share a conversation with me.”
“Why's that?” You inquired frowning lightly, Wanda shrugged looking away from you.
“They are afraid of my powers and…how powerful I am.”
Silence followed her words, but soon there was no more conversation needed it as you two reached a small kitchenette located at the back of the cabin. Wanda pointed to a dinning chair near the island counter, her happy smile was back on making sure you were seated before she started working around.
“You really are excited about this.” You commented chuckling lightly, your cheeks burning when the other woman winked at you, carefree and grinning.
“I just…” she bit her lower lip, her eyes glancing everywhere but at you, “I'm just happy I'm not alone, that I have someone to cook for.”
Wanda turned quickly busying herself with the past and the knives putting the food from a cupboard and a fridge.
“When did you learn to cook?” You asked resting your elbows on the counter, your eyes never left the form of Wanda observing the tension on her shoulders, or listening to the trembling on her voice.
“When we have to go on the run…after Lagos.” 
“Those were difficult times,” you recalled the conflict and the drama, Natasha trying to balance her public life with her life as a spy, then Steve and Tony arguing like children while the world divided itself without any reason.
“You signed the treaty, though.” 
“I did but it didn't matter.” You cocked your head, smiling as the other woman scowled openly at your words. “They needed the idea of control, and that's what we did. But they never got a chance to actually controlled us, our abilities and the danger that has always lurked in the dark wouldn't allow them to actually have any control. Or power.”
Wanda opened her mouth ready to argue your position, she had been at the other end of the conflict being accused of horrible crimes while being called names that had broken her at some point.
You softened your stance, sympathy showing in your eyes.
“It was different for you, wasn't it?”
“Everyone thinks I'm a monster.” She replied flatly, “I'm starting to think they are right.”
It was not only Lagos, it was Edinburgh and Sokovia, it was her working for Hydra and then coming back from the snap with anger and sadness in her heart. It wasn't easy for her, and you were just taking noticed of the external factors that had pushed Wanda over the edge on more than one occasion.
“You're not a monster.” Your replied was supposed to be encouraging but your voice hardened this statement, you winced noticing the hurt flash crossing her green eyes.
“I guess it doesn't matter anymore.” Wanda turned around busying herself with the food. “I'm here now, away from everyone I could ever hurt, trying to just control myself and learn more about my powers.
She didn't say it, but for you the word resounded perfectly after her statement. Soon after all conversation died and the only sounds were those of Wanda moving around the kitchen preparing the lunch she had been so eager to show you moments ago.
A little restlessly, you stood up walking around the kitchenette taking noticed of the appliances as well as the actual construction of the cabin. The place was at the outskirts of a temple that had exist before any civilization had a chance to flourish. Your sight lifted to the mountain chains hovering above the valley, the dark clouds of a storm along with the drops of water covered the plain making the resto of the world invisible to prying eyes. The cabin was on the perfect spot for anyone to disappear for a while.
You turned around observing the furniture and the few things that were Wanda's. You took notice of the books, and the notebooks, her clothes and her blankets, the shoes on the floor and the pictures on the coffee table. With some trepidation, you approached the table, your eyes going wide open as they fell on the picture right on the top.
It was a picture of you and her.
You two were younger, the smiles and the closeness were evidence of what was starting to happen between the both of you. It had been a happy moment, right before the both of you escaped the watchful eye of Tony, Steve and Natasha and went out of your way to have fun and find so much needed love.
“I love that picture.” Wanda appeared out of nowhere, you jerked around finding her standing by a cabinet, her eyes far away submerged in memories. “That day you went out of your way to make me laugh, to try and make me happy…it was…”
“After your birthday.” You mumbled, smiling softly while approaching her. “I remembered.”
You stood right in front of her, the heat from her body comforting the cold ess in yours. Her eyes filled with uncertainty and hopefulness, your heart shrank at the scene wanting nothing more than to give in. Wanda wrapped her left hand around her right forearm, tension growing around you two…waiting…
“Lunch is ready.” Wanda was the first one to break the silence, the tension broke with a splash of cold water and soon there was only awkwardness.
“Good, I'm starving.” You declared touching your abdomen, Wanda smiled nodding to the kitchen.
“I…I hope you like it.” She stated stepping back an dreading you back, whatever was happening, whatever was about to happen put to a rest while you and Wanda tricked yourselves into denial.
The rest of the afternoon went by without any major incident, Wanda was afraid to ask about your life but you didn't need any questions since the silence was becoming unbearable. With some select stories, you told Wanda what you had done ever since you left the Avengers, you told her about the many adventures and those tragic events that had surrounded your life. She had filled in the spaces with her own stories, but the strained that had been growing since lunch was still there lurking and waiting to explode.
You stretched out tilting your head to see the rain had stopped and the night was filled with stars and a bright, silver moon. 
“I think I should go.” You mumbled but did not make any attempt to move from your spot.
Wanda followed your eyes, biting her lower lip.
“It's late.” She stated with some hesitation, “you could…you could stay the night. I mean, the walk to the main temple is long and in this darkness could be dangerous, and it was raining so …”
“You do know that I can moved through the shadows once I know where I am going, right?” You replied amusedly, Wanda blushed opening and closing her mouth.
“Yes, yes of course I know, I…” Wanda trailed off, lowering her gaze.
I don't want you to go.
You nodded briefly standing up and completing your stretching routine. Your eyes never once leaving the form of Wanda.
“Then, I'll leave. We can continue this tomorrow, if you're up to it.”
“Yes!” Wanda stood up rather fast almost falling on you, she couldn't stop blushing cursing her own inadequacy and cowardice. “I mean, that would be nice.”
“We could train and you can show me what you have learnt in here so far “
“Sure, that would be…nice.” Wanda bounced lightly wanting to say something else but unable to do so.
You turned around but, right before you were consumed by your shadows you leaned in placing a single kiss on Wanda's cheeks.
“Have a good night, Little Witch.”
You left and Wanda was left frozen on the spot, her face warm with a single hand brushing against the spot you had just kissed. With some hesitation, she wrapped her arms around herself and went to bed, thoughts of you dancing inside her head. There was just a single thought tormenting her, and it was the question that kept her most of the night awake.
What was going on with you and that sudden visit?
What Wanda thought would be a couple of days turned into a couple of weeks.
The questions tormenting her mind never stopped, but she didn't dare to voice any of them for fear of breaking the status quo of her relationship with you. Idhe was happy with what she could get, even if that meant she would think about it at night unable to sleep wondering just what the hell was happening or why you were there. She would remember your smile, your words, the conversations that made her laughed or know the Y/N she had missed all those years; and then she would turn around put her knees to her chest and let herself feel the twist of her heart thinking of the cruel torture that was seeing you and not being able to be with you.
It was difficult, but Wanda was just happy with what she could get from you. 
“You have to lift your arm…yes, just like that.” 
Your voice and the soft touch of your arms broke Wanda's thoughts, she felt her cheeks colouring red at the closeness of your body, the sweet torment of your warm breath on her ear.
“There you go, let's do it slowly. First learn this form before channelling the energy.”
You smiled satisfied when the young woman followed your instructions, Wanda had been distracted in the last couple of days and her frustration had grown to the point she was always tense when trying to follow up your instructions. You stepped back watching before joining her with your own exercises, taking a deep breath while enjoying the silence that echoed through the valley.
“When did you learn all of this?” Wanda huffed tiredly, she turned around to see the teasing smirk dancing on your lips. “This is…difficult.”
You shrugged, finishing the final movement before scratching the back of your head, you step closer to Wanda standing right in front of her. It was easy to see when her breath caught in her throat, how her eyes dilated and the muscles of her body tense completely. Your heart shivered lightly, your arms stretching with the palms of your hands turned to her, Wanda furrowed her brows watching as you joined her hands with yours.
“I was angry at the world, violent and a little confused when Natasha first took me in,” you explained, never looking away from Wanda while your hands alongside hers lifted and started a new form of Tai Chi. 
“This technique gave me peace, but it wasn't until I left the Avengers that I realised I need to really learn about my powers.” You furrowed your brows, the memories breaking inside your mind, Wanda couldn't look away her heart leaping intensely while her body submitted herself to you.
“This helps me understand the shadows and the darkness inside my heart, besides…” your smirk grew, your eyes gleaming mischievously, “it is giving me an opportunity to be close to you, right?”
Wanda couldn't help the blush growing on her face, nor the smile that showed on her lips. You chuckled, leading her for at least fifteen more minutes before the training session was over. 
The morning had been cold, and the rain had become a constant occurrence in the time you had been in Nepal. That morning had been not an exception, and by the time the training had been over your clothes were completely drenched; you made a face grabbing your jacket and the boots while looking around for your backpack. The downside of coming all the wat to where Wanda was staying was precisely that your stuff was all in the room up in the main building.
Wanda could see your hesitation and annoyance, your eyes going from one piece of clothing to the other while your hand massaged the back of your neck. The young witch chewed on her lower lip, thinking on how to proceed before stepping closer her hand placing tenderly on your shoulder.
You turned around tilting your head while furrowing your eyes, Wanda offered a tentative smile nodding to the cabin.
“I have hot water and some spare clothes, it you don’t mind.” She said tentatively, “that way you don’t have to go all the way to the temple and…well, you…you can finally take my offer of staying here.”
You pressed your lips together thinking over the offer, you hadn’t dared to tell Wanda that night would be the last one you would stay in Nepal. That day you had planned to finally have a serious conversation with her right before leaving; the last couple of weeks had been amazing and you had given in normality instead of facing the real issue that had brought you all the way to Kamar-Taj.
“I mean, you don’t have to and if you want…” Wand started babbling waving her hands while trying to hide her nervousness, you realised you had taken far too long to answer her and she was now trying to cover up for something that might not be what you wanted.
“Hey, that’s okay I was just…” You hesitated straightening up, the same nervous gesture of your hand at the nape of your neck present, “look…I just think we must talk.”
“Oh.” Wanda stepped back placing her left hand on her right elbow, her face fell only to change into a grimace that she tried to make look natural, “right, I mean you have Natasha and Yelena, and America is there and…and Carol. Right I just, I thought…”
Whatever Wanda thought got tangle in her throat as she found herself mere inches away from you, your hands had been placed tenderly on her hips and you were trying to catch her eyes in your to make sure that whatever you were going to say was not lost in misunderstanding.
“I have to go back, yes.” You started taking care of the words you were using, “Natasha and Yelena got news of something unusual happening in France and wanted my help, America is still at school so I have to make sure everything is arranged and Carol…”
A swift breeze formed around them, Wanda was frowning crunching up her nose while her eyes gleamed a single flash of red. She stepped back lifting her hand when you tried to approach her.
“I know, I get it. I never expected you to stay longer than…than what you should, I mean I don’t even know why you came here.” Wanda finally said looking away from you not really understanding what was happening, but hating the fact she was feeling so heartbroken.
“Wanda…” you started but the redhead shook her head breaking into a sad smile.
“Go take a bath and I will prepare the clothes and something to eat then, we can talk.”
You opened your mouth only to close it again nodding curtly.
Without looking back at you or saying anything else Wanda turned around and left you alone feeling the coldness of the morning now more than ever.
The sound of the shower filled your ears while the warm contact of the water heated your skin. You closed your eyes, your hands working on the knots on your back and arms moving through your shoulders and your neck whatever place you could reach. Your body was letting go of the tension, but your mind and heart were deeply tormented by what had happened in the last couple of weeks.
You had come to Nepal with a single goal in mind.
Seeing Wanda after almost five months had brought back all the love you thought you had stopped feeling for her. On that first day you had thought of just talk about what had happened and her letter, but things didn’t turn out the way you expected them and, as the days passed by you realised the conversation could wait as long as you had a chance to pretend that Wanda and you were okay.
Wanda had set up the food in the small living room, she had a laptop set up while a mug of hot chocolate rested in her hands. Her face lifted in your direction, her eyes were swollen and her cheeks were red, the smile she gave you was one of pure sadness and the sight alone broke your heart.
You approached her taking the spot beside her on the sofa, the table had been filled with another cup of hot chocolate, bread and some cheese.
“I thought you may be hungry as well, and I just thought well you told me you haven’t watched this movie and Strange got it for me under illegal circumstances.”
It was a silent offering that you took with a smile, you sat down grabbing the chocolate.
“I bet he did, don’t worry Tony has a specific program for this kind of activities as well,” You fixed your position on the sofa.
Wanda pulled on her blanket, a huge dark blue fleece she had bought on her way out of Norway. She stretched out making sure your legs were covered, her warm breath so close to your face that it sent shivers down your back.
“I just thought if this is going to be my last day with you, I would love to spend it like this.” She whispered, chewing on her lower lip before sitting closer to you.
“It is not your last day with me, Wanda.” You replied lowering your gaze furrowing your brows. “You left with a goodbye and a letter that left me confused.”
“It was not my intention.” Wanda leaned back, she was hoping for the conversation to not take place to perhaps evade the inevitable heartbreak but it seemed as if you were decided to continue without any consideration.
“I wrote that because…” Wanda brushed her hair shrugging, “I never thought I will meet with you again, Y/N, and the circumstances of this meeting make me face my past, and what I lost, what I could have.”
“You weren’t the only one, Wanda.” Your voice dropped shaking your head, “I never thought I will see you again, but when I did…”
“Why did you come here, Y/N?” Wanda finally dared to ask afraid of the answer but far to eager to know, to finally understand what had happened in the last couple of weeks.
You were looking straight ahead, your thoughts twirling around in a maze of uncertainties. Leaning to your right, you found Wanda was just as confused and nervous as you were feeling at the moment.
“I never stopped loving you.” You confessed unable to look away from those green eyes, “I tried several times to just forget and ripped away my love for you.”
Wand winced her heart clenching inside her chest at those words.
“But I couldn’t and then…” You snorted shaking your head. “Then everything happened, you come back and I just…”
“I love you.” Wanda whispered, her lips quivering and her eyes welling up with unshed tears. “I never stopped and it hurts so much knowing that I messed up so big that you…I don’t pretend you want to be with me, and I know after everything things are…”
“Confusing.” You cut in; you took a deep breath before glancing back at Wanda.
Silence fell afterwards, the tension built like an invisible force that was threatening to explode in the outcomes Wanda was afraid of. It wasn’t until that moment that she understood she had been afraid to know the answer to her question, why were you there could have many responses, but Wanda had only written two possibilities: a possible friendship, or give Wanda a chance.
Both outcomes were equally terrifying, and the silence coming from you was the most disturbing thing for her.
Wanda opened her mouth to speak but the words tangled in her throat, you had shifted your position coming closer to her the back of your hand caressing her face and your eyes, those eyes that months ago had looked at her with hatred and anger, were now looking at her with tenderness and confusion. There was something else in there but Wanda was afraid to put a label on it, hope could be such a fragile emotion.
“I thought about your words, Wanda, I haven’t been able to rest since you left.” You furrowed your brows your hand moving away but your face coming closer to Wanda’s. “Tell me, what should I do?”
Wanda found herself lost in your eyes; her throat completely dry while her heart leaped painfully on her chest. Her abdomen filled with butterflies while she tried to find the right words to answer your question.
“I came here because I needed to see you, because I missed you.” You confessed your words hitting Wanda straight in her heart. “But the real reason, Little Witch, is because I don’t want to lose you. Not again. Not anymore. So, tell me, Little Witch, what should I do?”
Time stood still.
Wanda was still trying to process your words, her heart beating really fast with her mind wrapping around what you just said. She could feel your warm breath on her face, the smell of her shampoo on your hair and the sweet scent of chocolate on your breath. Wanda had waited far too long for to give her a chance and now that the opportunity was here she was afraid.
“You…You could stay with me.” Wanda whispered cringing at her response, thinking herself an idiot for not being straightforward.
You snorted shaking your head, Wanda was afraid to see anger or disappointment, but when you put two fingers under her chin and lifted her face slowly all she could see was amusement and…love.
“Whatever you want, Little Witch.”
The nickname rolled out of you sending shivers down Wanda’s back, something shifted at that moment but Wanda wasn’t sure what it was; but even though she was afraid and unsure, she leaned in closing the distance melting as soon as her lips touched yours.
It was like the first time you two kissed.
Tentative and timid, a single touch of lips moulding to the other with trembling hands holding you to Wanda. You missed this feeling so much, her soft lips, the taste that was purely Wanda, how she just gave in without thinking too much; the world fade away and the only person that existed was Wanda.
The kiss broke too fast for you liking, Wanda rested her forehead against yours tears rolling down her cheeks.
“What so you want, Wands?” you asked softly, your hand caressing her cheek and face.
Wanda fluttered her eyes closed leaning into your touch.
“If this is our last day, I just want to be with you.” Wanda’s eyes opened wide, her cheeks burn an intense red while you wiggle your brows teasingly.
“My, Wanda, but give us at least another cup of chocolate.” You chuckled when she slapped you playfully on the shoulder.
“I didn’t mean… I just …ugh, would you stop it?” Wanda tried to hold back her laughter, but with you looking at her amused was kind of difficult.
“You have a dirty mind.”
“You’re the one with the dirty mind, I just said I want to be with you.” She retorted rolling her eyes but without getting away from your closeness.
“So movie and some snuggles?” You inquired fixing your position on the sofa, Wanda nodded playing the movie while crawling to you.
“This is not going to be our last day, Little Witch.”
“I know.” Wanda said with a flash of doubt crossing her green eyes, you wished there was something else you could tell her but for now your words should be enough. “Can we…watch the movie?”
“Whatever you want, Little Witch.”
You moved on your back, putting the movie while letting Wanda decided where she would rest. It didn’t take her took long to crawl to you resting her weight on your body cuddling closer with her eyes turned to the screen her ear placed tenderly on your chest hearing the beatings of your heart. Wanda sighed contentedly when your own arms wrapped protectively around her, and at that moment she knew she was falling in love with you again and this time around things would be different.
Next Chapter: You meet with Wanda once more, this time around a different place and a different, as the world continues its existance you and Wanda are finally giving one another a chance to live. America gets in some trouble, Yelena brings back up, and Natasha can believe she is ready for retirement.
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vidavalor · 1 year
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This is the face of an angel who just realized that his oppressors are afraid of him and his friends because, together, they are a force that threatens the regime.
This is the face of an angel that just realized all of this Metatron nonsense is to separate them and keep him-- the best strategist-- from starting a revolution. If they are split up, The Second Coming goes off without a hitch... but if Aziraphale unites them, then Heaven will fall. Crowley & Aziraphale alone are enough trouble together to stop Armageddon. Crowley & Aziraphale with the eons-long leaders and commanders of Heaven and Hell in Gabriel and Beezelbub, though? That is a coup.
How little would it take to overthrow it all at this point? How long until it's Crowley & Aziraphale & Gabriel & Beez... & Muriel & Eric & Furfur? How til they get Michael and Dagon on their side? How long until it's actually most of the demons and a sizable portion of the angels teaming up against what's left of Heaven?
Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death. Aziraphale took the coffee. The Metatron thinks it means subservience. He thinks it means he's tricked Aziraphale and that he's won and he was almost right, so is the level of trauma these beings have suffered. He didn't know, though, that coffee is already coded as liberty. He handed Aziraphale a cup of symbolic freedom and didn't realize how so very true that was going to be. Just like a certain empire once did when they gave some of their people the option to form some colonies, thinking that the empire would always remain in control, and now we call those colonies not part of Great Britain but The United States of America.
"Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks leap out"-- the Job quote on the matchbox. The matchbox containing the fly, containing Gabriel via Beez. Out of Gabriel's mouth goes burning lamps-- Gabriel lights the way. He's the path forward. He is first shots fired in the rebellion...
...and sparks leap out.
Some Boston Tea Party stuff afoot, you guys.
That is the face of an angel that just realized that he and Crowley were both wrong: the solution isn't running away but it's also not taking over a broken system that doesn't want to be fixed... it's fanning the spark that Gabriel lit into a flame and then into an inferno and burning this entire mother to the ground.
Aziraphale is no longer headed to Heaven to run it.
He's headed to Heaven to *overthrow* it.
He's headed to Heaven to *liberate* it.
No idea how much of a chance he will get to succeed alone but this is Aziraphale. He will give them hell if it's the last thing he ever does-- for Muriel and all the angels like them. For all the persecuted demons. For the humans Heaven wants to destroy. For Gabriel.
Most of all, for what they did to Crowley and the 6,000 years of fear and pain they've put them through.
That is the face of an angel who just realized that he had almost been drawn back into Heaven's web of darkness again, only to hear that Heaven wants him to oversee the destruction of 8 billion people and the Earth he calls home and the stars the love of his life built and he has reached his absolute last remaining straw.
They've taken his home and hurt his friends and they took *Crowley* and at this point, Aziraphale no longer gives one flying fuck what it might be that God wants because God can go fuck herself if this it is. The elevator scene is Aziraphale saying Crowley was right:
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That angel is *untethered* with barely controlled rage. They nearly played him for a sucker. He might die doing this and they fooled him and he broke Crowley's heart and they've taken too. Fucking. Much. It's just utter destruction. There will be no system of Heaven and Hell done when Aziraphale is through with it.
Aziraphale is about to go from not sure if he should stop Armageddon in S1 to being the angel that destroys the system of Heaven and Hell in S3.
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Yes, you can save everyone, Aziraphale, but not alone. You need Crowley's imagination and Gabriel's leadership and Beez's intelligence. That's what they're afraid of. You finally got it in that elevator, so get up there now, get your gang back together, and make some trouble.
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
it's concerning what people are saying and thinking is activism. I've unfollowed someone who unironically reblogged something that said death to israel. how is that going to help? if anything that's just making a more hostile environment. support palestine but maybe cool it about what you say about israel considering why it exists in the first place
There are a few reasons for this, and the first is that the western left is so absolutely goddamn terrible about recognizing its increased and violent radicalization. I can't tell you how many posts I've seen to the effect of "the far right wants to kill everybody but the far left just wants healthcare for everyone uwu." First, by their own extremely warped and constantly biased perception, that would actually make the mainstream Democratic Party "far left." The party might disagree about how exactly the actual mechanism for better/more equitable healthcare should be implemented (etc. etc. if you oppose instant Medicare for All with no other transition period or hybrid options, YOU ARE EXACTLY THE SAME AS A FASCIST!), but that's now a central and uncontroversial plank of official Democratic party policy. But since as we know, BOTH SIDES ARE THE SAME!!!, clearly that can't be what the self-defined "far left" actually wants. Witness how we've had several days of intense and valedictory social media approval and worship of a mentally ill person's violent and public suicide, because it was done for the "right reasons." This person should have been given help and support, yes, and we never know what's going on in anyone's head. But if I was someone also contemplating suicide, this whole "it's the right thing to do and you should just burn yourself to death and announce it's for the Right Cause and you will have legions of adoring admirers" would be hella hard to resist. This is going to directly cost more lives.
We point out all the time that the far right has become a fascistic death cult of authoritarian personality, but the online far left is now absolutely just as willing to make "you should die and/or kill yourself and others for Ideology" a central part of their platform. We've had endless rhetoric about how the violent Glorious Revolution is the only answer and society is irretrievably broken. This is casual, constant, inescapable radicalization, and it's presented as the only way to "do" leftism. So of course the rhetoric gets increasingly insane and genocidal (while insisting that all they want is to "stop the genocide"), and it's more and more normalized. We've had people reblogging posts that are almost entirely lies, because they "want to highlight" one sentence or half-truth they agree with (and apparently decided the best way to do this was to uncritically amplify the misinformation, rather than making their own post and trying to push back on it). We've had people admitting they're afraid to lose friends or be attacked on social media because the Groupthink is so pervasive and violently radicalized. This is not normal and this needs to fucking stop.
Secondly, and this is inescapable especially in regard to this particular conflict, the western left is absolutely steeped in antisemitism through and through, and it has no desire either to examine that or even think it should. It has become absolutely mired in the "antisemitism is a Good and Necessary and Correct belief to have and it's not actually a prejudice, it contributes to social justice because all Israelis and/or all Jews are evil settler colonialists constantly genociding innocent Hamas and/or Palestinians." This is why, as I keep saying, it's not that hard to support Palestinian self-determination, statehood, dignity, freedom, and a stop to the indiscriminate slaughter of Gaza, while not actually thinking that the way to do this is just to be wildly antisemitic at all times and calling for the genocide of Israel to be substituted for the genocide of Gaza. That does not actually reduce the net amount of genocide in this world!!! I thought you wanted to stop it, not turn it loose on another group of people who "deserve it more!" JESUS CHRIST!!!
On that note, even if you don't agree with every single premise or point it makes, a lot of people on this website (and on Twitter, but yeah, uh, good luck with that) need to read the following article in order to understand, as I keep saying, how deeply virulent antisemitism has become an unquestioned tenet of virtuous faith among the western left. Content warnings for some very graphic depictions/discussions of violence, including sexual violence, but that's not an excuse. If you've found yourself posting or agreeing with any version of the "Jews/Zionists/Israelis are all collectively responsible for this while evilly torturing innocent non-Jews" thesis statement, READ IT. Y'know, read it anyway. Try to get the first and most basic grip on the fraught and violent history of antisemitism, which is quite literally the oldest prejudice in the world, and how that interacts with and negatively informs the way in which supposedly well-intentioned western leftists are reacting to the current situation. As I said in an earlier post, I don't care if your "good intentions" (the road to hell is paved with, etc. etc.) are solely about stopping the current slaughter directed against Palestinians. That does not excuse you from the consequences of the lies you spread and the genocidal violence that you advocate as a "better" or "more correct" kind of genocidal violence then that already taking place. So. Yeah.
If you run into a paywall, you can remove it by disabling JavaScript on the page (this can be done with most ad-blockers), or someone has also helpfully provided the full text as a pdf in this link. Read it.
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
Now, why would you dare me to embarrass you and your pals like that?
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I appreciate how you wanted my attention so bad you posted me to not one, but two subreddits.
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Makes a girl feel special! 🤣
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I have actually never seen Wikipedia cited as a source about endogenic plurality. Though I do see anti-endos all the time, when asked for sources, telling people to just Google things.
Anyway, here's @guardianssystem's document filled with academic papers about endogenic plurality:
I've compiled my own, but honestly, theirs is better organized than mine.
And in the interest of fairness, here are all the anti-endo papers debunking endogenic plurality:
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Sorry, I forgot. Those don't exist. Oops. 🤷‍♀️
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Echo chamber? LOL!
Weren't you the one spouting a bunch of lies on Tumblr, got totally debunked, posted the people who debunked you to r/systemscringe to have a hugbox where fakeclaimers could assure you how the people who contradicted you are all fakers, and then blocked everyone who disagreed with you?
Weren't you also the one who, when shown a quote from an expert in dissociative disorders who worked on the DSM-5 saying that a disorder isn't a disorder if it doesn't cause distress, argued that the people who defined what disorder are must be wrong about that definition?
You're a misinformation machine who can only find support when huddled in cringe subreddits. Don't try to talk about people in echo chambers.
Also, you know most of psychology is just... listening to people? That's how it's been as long as the field existed. DID (or MPD at the time) was a recognized disorder since long before the first brain scans were conducted on DID patients. It's saying something though when basically every single scientist who has ever researched endogenic plurality has said they believe it's a real thing, or that it could be. While absolutely zero academic papers have expressed that it's fake.
There is also an fMRI study into tulpa systems that's been in the works, but results have yet to be published.
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Sure, if that's what you'd like me to call you, Crazy. 😊
Anyway, Crazy, you should know that just because you personally find something scary doesn't mean everyone will or that the thing is bad. Personal preferences are a thing.
In a study of tulpamancers though, most generally reported their lives becoming better after the practice.
78% reported improvements in their mental health, and 91% on overall life.
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There are many out there who would jump at the chance to have someone there with them that knows them intimately, and to never have to be alone again.
If it's not for you, then so be it.
But it's certainly not something to be afraid of.
And maybe, for those who are willing to commit to the practice while America struggles with an epidemic of loneliness, it's something worth being open to.
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This is actually pretty fair.
But that's now, and I'm looking at course of history and trends of plural acceptance.
300 years ago, any plural would be viewed as demon possessed and end up tortured or killed for their plurality.
70 years ago, all plurality was seen as a mental illness, and it was common to force plurals, as well as anyone else associated with mental illnesses, into asylums.
30 years ago, the first real plural communities were able to connect on the internet and form in small numbers.
8 years ago, the first studies into endogenic plurality started being conducted. 4 years ago, the ICD-11 acknowledged that you could have multiple distinct personality states without a disorder. 2023 marked the first, but certainly not the last, time a system used their system name as an author of an academic paper.
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Recently, new plural resources have been designed and put into use. More servers than ever are using Pluralkit. And Simply Plural went from 100k users at the end of 2021 to 210k at the end of 2022.
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Progress is happening far more rapidly than you realize. And you had best be ready for it.
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BOO! 👻
Oh, hey, I just realized... this is literal pluralphobia!
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And yes, The Future is Plural! 😜
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cockslutpadalecki · 1 year
Second Time Around
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Summary: After a brutal assault by one of your co-workers, you choose to turn your experience into a positive, eventually becoming an ambassador for other victims, and in turn, an unintentional household name. However the good Captain America doesn’t seem to take to your newfound fame very well.
Characters: Dark/Mean!Steve Rogers x Ex!Shield!Reader.
Words: 3K.
Warnings: non-con, mentions of previous sexual assault, mentions of previous date rape/drugging, oral sex (female receiving), multiple orgasms, size kink. MINORS DNI.
A/N: Been working on this for far too long and finally managed to finish it. Beta: @princessmisery666 but all the general bullshit is entirely mine. While likes are gold, feedback is golden. Please support your content creators by sharing our work.
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Your prideful smile is reflected in the face of everyone in the audience. The crowds acceptance is contagious and you can’t smile wide enough.  
Another successful seminar completed. With every one you host around the state, your happiness grows, knowing that your words are having an impact. Your message is spreading like wildfire, but instead of burning everything in its path, empowerment blooms instead.  
The sound of applause is loud in your ears— thunderous and overwhelming, yet you find yourself not wanting to run from it. It brings you to tears, joyful ones that you have trouble holding back until you feel your assistant’s hand on the small of your back. 
“I have someone in your dressing room requesting a moment of your time,” she mutters softly into your ear.
You turn a little, trying to keep the smile on your face from dropping. You’re deeply grateful for every single person who shows up to these events, and you do your best to meet with as many of them as you can, but as you're booked for another talk that starts in less than an hour and two towns over, your time is stretched thin.
“I can’t, Allison,” you tell her gently. “We have to leave in ten minutes.” 
The other woman glances at her watch awkwardly before looking back at you, unease pulling at her features.
“Please pass on my apologies, but-” you begin, but Allison quickly interrupts.
“I’m sorry, but they told me they have to meet with you, and they won’t take no for an answer.” 
The message riles you up, instantly setting your nerves on edge. Isn’t that what these talks are about, setting boundaries, saying no? If whoever this person is knows the reason for you being in Brooklyn perhaps they should have chosen a better time and location for an impromptu meeting. Yet you find yourself, reluctantly, agreeing, just to keep the peace
You walk the short distance to your dressing room, determination and a shred of annoyance propelling you towards your mystery guest. You feel guilty for being irritated and you don’t understand why. Allison hurries along behind you, quickly answering your questions as you fire them at her over her shoulder. 
Did they give you a name?
Did they tell you what they want?
She tells you very little, unable to give you the answers you seek. All you know as you approach the door is that a man stands on the other side, waiting for you, his intention unclear. 
For a brief moment, you’re afraid it’s the damn movie producers again— determined to break you, whittle down your resolve into agreeing to turn your experience into a dramatization with very little fact. Something to twist the narrative and essentially make you the villain.
Bidding Allison your thanks at the door, you enter slowly, peeking around it. Your eyes land on a Herculean-sized figure— all broad shoulders and rippling muscles— and suddenly all of your previous fears rush from you like a waterfall. You know this figure, even from behind. 
“Steve?” Your voice is intentionally quiet because even though you’re sure it’s him, there’s still a part of you that questions your memory. 
He spins on the spot, lips split into a giant smile as he takes you in like you’re the first person of the opposite sex he’s ever laid eyes on. 
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he replies with a heavy sigh. He steps towards you, arms outstretched as he envelopes you in a tight hug. It’s hard but warm. Comforting in a way you had forgotten exists. His smell reminds you of the past, but instead of allowing it to trigger unwanted memories, you inhale deeply— telling yourself that you’re better than being a victim, what happened to you doesn’t define who you are.
It’s what you preach to your audiences day in day out. 
Don’t let yourself become a victim.
“You’re a hard woman to pin down,” he smiles wide.
“Sure am now that I’m no longer stuck behind a desk,” you return with a little jest.
He gives you another of his best All American grins. All white and perfectly straight teeth. “I still walk past it daily. It’s not the same without you there.” 
You return his smile with ease, unsure of how to respond. Instead, you turn out, “What can I do for you?”
Steve shrugs. “Ah, well I thought that seeing as you’re in my hometown, we could go out for dinner? Haven’t seen you in a long time.” 
“Can’t say I wanna stay here longer than I’m needed to these days.” The reason lingers in the room, unspoken. Not since it happened. Steve flashes you a sympathetic look and that inexplicable sense of guilt returns. “But one dinner with the Captain can’t hurt.”
Hours pass by in a blur of decadent food and conversation. You’re ready to head back to the hotel when you leave the restaurant, but Steve doesn’t want to end the night so soon, insisting you join him back at his apartment for one last drink. Neither of you know how long it will be before you cross paths again and though he probably doesn’t mean to, he makes you feel a little guilty that it’s been so long. 
The kindness in his eyes stops you from saying no. 
You barely check your phone all night— too caught up in conversation and recounting lost memories, until Steve excuses himself to go to the bathroom. During the time alone, you find yourself mindlessly checking it while you wait for him to come back. Your screen is flooded with notifications— the usual messages from Allison, “just checking in x,” along with tweets and mentions praising your seminar.
But one particular tweet, “Cap looks absolutely ready to murder someone,” catches your eye, and before you know it, you’re clicking the link, your curiosity piqued, wondering what on Earth it can be about. 
Though he often neutralizes bad guys, he’s rarely called a murderer. Steve and murder don’t go into the same sentence often, if ever.
You stare down at the video that begins to play— catching sight of yourself talking animatedly on stage, your hands flying around in all directions. Your hair looks a little neater and the flowing dress you’re still wearing is a little less creased than it is now after a whole day rushing around Brooklyn. 
“There are times when I do miss working at S.H.I.E.L.D, yes,” you listen to yourself admit through the speakers of your phone. “If only for the friendships I made and unfortunately lost. But I know now that that wasn’t where I was meant to be, so I guess I should be thanking him.” Your scoffs bring you back to the moment, and you finally look up, realising Steve has returned to sit beside you.
The audience on the video laughs, but there’s an awkwardness to it. Like they shouldn’t find your experience funny, but because you’re making it so, they feel like they have permission to do the same. Giving Steve a cursory glance, you don’t miss the way his face drops at your poor joke and immediately you feel guilty. 
Guilty? For trying to make light of your past? Trying not to let it represent you? 
You swallow hard. You’ve skirted around the issue all evening, not wanting to dampen the fun you’ve been having. It feels ridiculous when you think about it— being so reluctant to bring up your experience with him when you find it so easy to be candid with strangers in regards to it. 
Maybe it’s because of that very reason. They’re strangers. They didn’t witness you leave with the man who assaulted you. They didn’t help to get him arrested and convicted for his crime. 
Steve did. Steve is closer to the harsh details of that night than anyone— apart from you. And your rapist. 
Another question quickly pulls your attention back down to the screen.
“You’d really do that?” 
“I get to see more of the world than I did before, so,” you watch yourself shrug as someone else pipes up. 
“If you came face to face with your attacker now, what would you say to him?” 
The video pans to the back of the room— a quick blur of color as it passes by the audience, and focuses on Steve standing by the door. You almost recoil in shock at the sight of him, not realising he had been there at the time. Still watching, you look at on-screen Steve as he stares down at the floor, listening to you speak.
It surprises even you how quickly you don’t hesitate. “I hated you for so long, but now I just pity you for being such a coward.”
Steve’s eyes flicker up at that moment, his jaw taut in fury. 
The clip ends and you look towards him, eyes inexplicably full of tears. 
“You look so angry,” you observe quietly. 
“I was,” he pauses, seemingly like he’s trying to calm himself down. “I loathe being called a coward,” he finally says. His tone seems off suddenly. Like he’s annoyed somehow at you.
“Pardon?” Your brow furrows in confusion, the uncomfortable silence lingers for a moment, baffled by Steve’s change in attitude. He’s not making any sense. Nor does he elaborate.
“Your parents must be so proud of you,” he adds tersely. 
It’s a strange statement. One that immediately sends a wave of ice through your body. You take another sip of your drink, licking a drop from your lip, and they tingle as if going numb. You haven’t drunk that much. 
“Yes, I suppose they are,” you affirm, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. “In a roundabout sort of way.” 
“Strange thing to be proud of,” he smirks, huffing out a puff of air through his nose. “Their little girl famous just for getting her legs spread.”
You stare at Steve, the words swirling around in your brain, not making any sense. Maybe you have had too much to drink. But did he just- 
“Ex-excuse me?” you manage to stutter out.
“C’mon, you did look pretty slutty for a work party,” he says, rising to his feet. “That tiny little dress you were wearing was practically inviting us all to fuck you.”
You sit aghast, too revulsed to move from your seat. 
“No wonder we thought you wanted it. Especially when you let Mike take you home.” Steve shakes his head. 
“I- didn’t,” you try to defend. 
He tuts in disgust. “I saw it, sweetheart. Saw him climb into that cab with you. Saw how much you were all over him.”
“N-no, that’s not true.”
“But of course, when you realised that he would tell everyone what a little whore you are, you just had to cry rape, didn’t you?” 
Tears flow freely down your cheeks as you protest, “Wh-why are you saying this?”
He slowly moves closer, bending over in front of you until his face is inches from yours. “Because it’s the truth.” 
You shake your head furiously. Your head fuzzy with the turn of events. “It-it’s not.”
“You believed what I told you,” he says, matter of fact. “You were unconscious, how do you really know that it was Mike that fucked you?”
The fact he uses the term fucked instead of raped makes your stomach roll with nausea. Fucked would imply you had given consent. 
“But you-you saw us,” you stumble out. 
Steve laughs bemused, like this is all a joke to him. “Mike did take you home that night, he did put you to bed, but he didn’t fuck you.” 
There it is again. Fuck. Not rape. 
You think you’re going to be sick as one solitary question crosses your mind. If Mike didn’t attack you, then who did? Another thought hurriedly strays past, replacing the first. What if Steve is covering for the real person responsible? 
He straightens up, hand reaching out to cup your jaw. With gentle coercion, he lifts your chin, smiling down at you when you finally make eye contact. His usual warm sapphire gaze is cold. Hard like ice. 
“Y’know, you should be grateful. I’m the one who made you famous.”
The revelation hits you like a freight train and everything suddenly seems to make sense. 
He doesn’t need to say it out loud. 
He’s not covering for anybody but himself. 
Abject horror fills you at the frightening realization that there’s an innocent man rotting in prison because of Steve. Mike did nothing except make sure you got home safe, and Steve took advantage of that opportunity to frame him for his own heinous crime. The perfect crime.
You’re frozen in place, too afraid to move as he smears his thumb across your bottom lip. 
“All those rousing speeches you make, all those uplifting messages for your fans, and you’ve got nothing for me, huh?”
“Fuck you,” you manage to spit out with venom. 
Steve’s demeanour sours in an instant. His smile drops into a foul grimace, full of contempt and hatred. His hold on your chin tightens and tightens until you can feel the bones in your jaw protesting beneath the weight of his grip. Just this action alone is enough to make you realise that with one small twitch of his hand, he can easily break you.
His breath is hot on your cheek as he leans down, hissing in your face, “You should be fuckin’ thankin’ me.” 
He snaps, grabbing you around the waist and hoists you off the chair in one fluid motion. You kick and hit out as he lifts you into the air, dumping you onto his shoulder like you weigh absolutely nothing.  
You scream and yell, but Steve makes no attempt to silence you as he carries you into his bedroom. He throws you down onto the bed, quickly covering your body with his as you continue to hit him, but they just bounce off his biceps and chest without even so much as a flinch. 
“Stop, please,” you beg when he roughly pushes up your dress. The plea falls on deaf ears, Steve already working open his pants as he tears your underwear in two. 
He stares between your spread legs as he lines himself up to your opening— his cockhead hot and sticky against your pussy lips. Steve’s eyes flicker to you, watching your mouth drop open and your eyes squeeze shut as he sinks into you, the sheer girth of him punching all the air from your lungs. He doesn’t fit past the first inch. 
“C’mon, let me in,” he breathes above you, stroking his thumb over your clit. A whine escapes from your throat and he manages another inch— just. 
“It’s a shame you don’t remember anything from before. My fault, I guess, gave you too much ketamine,” Steve shrugs nonchalantly. “But I spent hours worshiping you,” he softly adds. “Eating out your delicious cunt, making you come all over my tongue.”
He pulls out, and you let go of the breath you don’t realise you’ve been holding in. He shimmies down the bed, face level with your pussy and looks up at you once more. His tongue darts out just as you lift your leg to knee him in the head, but Steve’s faster. He licks up your sex and all of your motor functions cease to work. Your leg falls to the bed useless, and he curls his arms around your thighs, pinning you in place. 
Steve gets to work, licking and kissing his way up and down your sex while you lay beneath him— body reacting to every precise touch as your mind revolts at the sensation. He slides in a finger, then two— both perfectly crooked inside you as his tongue flicks over your clit and you’re coming whether you like it or not. 
You’re still trembling when he climbs up, smoothing his cock through your soaked lips. Steve doesn’t miss the way your entire body jolts when he rubs it across your clit, and he grins down at you with a smile that used to make you feel safe. 
Now it just terrifies you. 
“See, your body remembers me, even if you don’t,” he cajoles, teasing his cock against the entrance to your cunt. “And I think she’s wet enough that I can just slide straight in.” 
Steve drives his hips forward. He pops inside you with no resistance, easing into you inch by inch until you can feel him heavy and swollen in your gut. 
Your back arches, and your hips cant towards him, forcing him deeper. 
“That’s it,” he praises, wrapping his hands around your hips to keep you impaled on his cock. “Look at you takin’ me nice and deep.”
He pulls out slowly, but he’s even slower sliding back inside you. His eyes don’t leave yours, watching the way your face contorts and shifts as he fills you up.
“I didn’t get to enjoy this look of pleasure on your face last time, now at least I get to savour it.”
He starts to fuck you— rapidly building to a pace that has you sinking into the mattress with each deep thrust. It’s not meant to be pleasurable, but the pain slowly fizzles away until all you can feel is heat.
The coil in your gut tightens— aching, straining to snap and you try to block out the sensation. It does nothing and you come around Steve like you actually want it, body jolting and tensing as ripples of ecstasy possess you.
You try to block out his staccato praise and heavy moans, but the more you attempt to focus elsewhere— the less you’re able. The sounds Steve makes, the touches of his fingers on your skin, the feel of his cock brutalizing you— it’s a horrible, pornographic concoction that you can’t escape and the inevitable sobs come.
Tears run into your hairline and pool in your ears as Steve claims you over and over— one deep, guttural thrust at a time. Disgust hurriedly replaces the dull pleasure still swirling in your gut, violation thick as all you can do is take everything he gives you.
You recovered from the trauma before, able to move on, evolve into the person you are now. Stronger for your experience. But as you stare up into the eyes of your true nightmare, you’re not sure you’re going to be able to overcome it a second time.
CE: @buckymydarlingangel @broadwaybabe18 @captain-asguard @chamberofsloths @cevansgurl @dreamlessinparis @deanwinchesterswitch @fandom-princess-forevermore @hurricanerin @kellhems @ladybug05 @mugi-chwan95 @navybrat817 @otomefromtheheart @oneoftheprettynerds @patzammit @rebel-stardust @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @sammykb1994 @syrenavenger @saiyanprincessswanie @sunwardsss @selfsun @threeminutesoflife @vicmc624 @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @wintasssoldier @xoxonotme
4EVS: @amirra88 @andreasworlsboring101 @b3autyfuldisast3r @cheesyclaire @chibijusstuff @callsignrambam @dangertoozmanykids101 @daughterofthenight117 @doozywoozy @foxyjwls007 @geekofmanyforms @heyyouwiththeassbutt @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @ilovefanfic86 @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @letsby @letsdisneythings @labella420 @mogaruke @maliburenee @notyourtypicalrose @nik2write @obsessivelycapricious @patrick-hockslutter @princessmisery666 @phildunphyisadilf @sage-writing @sea040561 @sweeterthanthis @slutformarvelmen @smokeandnailz @stoneyggirl @stoneyggirl2 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @thegirlnextdoorssister @unfortunate-brat @wayward-dreamer @warriorqueen1991 @xoxabs88xox
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captainjonnitkessler · 11 months
I think being on the internet has given a lot of leftists a drastically skewed view of how popular our beliefs are.
Most politicians support Israel because most Americans support Israel - only 8% of the population thinks the US should publicly criticize Israel.
Bernie didn't lose the primaries because the Democrats were just too scared of having a real progressive in office so they rigged the election, he lost because socialists are the least-electable people in America and because fewer people voted for him. That's how elections work. ( In b4 'but everyone else dropped out in a coordinated effort to concentrate votes behind biden!' - yeah, if your candidate can only win when the vote is split eight ways that's not a viable candidate. And I voted for Bernie!)
As of 2021 only about 15% of Americans support defunding the police, 47% would like to see increased police funding, and the number of people who think violent crime is a "very big" problem jumped 20 percentage points up to 61% in one year.
And it's just really frustrating to see internet leftists being super condescending as though everybody should already know everything and be on board with this stuff or else they're a Bad Person, driving people away from leftist ideology or making people too afraid to ask questions lest they be branded as a Centrist or worse, a Liberal, or refusing to engage in politics until they're being specifically catered to even though that would be political suicide (and would therefore not accomplish anything anyway.)
And like. It's fine to think that people who support Israel or more police funding are bad people, frankly I think a lot of them are. But I think even more are just misinformed or not really informed about alternatives at all. And not everyone is in the headspace to do education or outreach, but when you're only 10% of the population I think you need to make a choice about whether you want to feel good about being right on the internet or whether you want to be effective. It's frustrating to have to walk someone step-by-step through why genocide is bad, but it's a lot more likely to change minds than shouting at someone that they're obviously just a genocide-loving racist is.
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hazellevessque · 1 month
So technically I finished Cinder…six months ago (🧍) when I read it for school because everyone was recommending it to me. But then we switched units and I wasn’t allowed to read a sci-fi book anymore, so I had to stop a few chapters into Scarlet. Then school ended and I didn’t have access to the books anymore, and I couldn’t get them from the library, so I had to resort to other methods (begging my parents to by me the books). They finally folded, and here we are!
I did re-read Cinder before this one because I was afraid I forgot what happened lol
That being said I think I liked the last book more than this one, but I still really liked this book so no harm done
I feel like everyone should know that my 12-year-old sister looked over my shoulder at one point, saw the world “alpha” and started singing, “SHE’S THE ALPHA, SHE’S THE LEADER, SHE’S THE ONE TO TRUST” 💀
Émilie is an icon, she needed more page time
Imagine that one day you look up and see a giant spaceship with a naked lady painted on the side of it. I know that that probably isn’t possible with the canon but. Just imagine
Wolf is…kinda just there to me tbh I don’t dislike him I just like the other characters…more?? He’s my least favorite in the gang AS OF RIGHT NOW. I don’t know if there are any Wolf stans in the crowd but please don’t come at me
Idk Scarlet gave me lesbian vibes
I really liked that the books take place in parts of the world other than America. I’m American and most media/all the popular books marketed towards us takes place here and I usually have to go out of my way to find books that don’t take place here
When Kai gave that emergency speech Cinder’s reaction KILLED ME. Oh my god. Wow
“Cinder has a bit of a crush on him” “Don’t we al?” I LOVE IKO
Also speaking of Throne I think he’s so funny. I know he’s the love interest of the next book so I’m excited to see that!
So apparently I have still not recovered from Peony’s death because every time her name got mentioned I was hit with a brick
There were multiple times where I had to get up and do a lap while reading. This book is very intense
Overall I really liked it. Most people I know say that Cress is their favorite book and Rapunzel is my favorite fairytale so I’m hyped for that!
Also I forgot everyone that was on the taglist so I’m gonna be doing this mostly from memory (let me know if you’d like to be added/removed!): @writergracethepanda @winterrhayle @rosaadiazs @caliburn-the-sword @qylinscafvne
@rxsewqter @silverstarssart @typingwithmyhandstied @hijabi-desi-bookworm @livie1507
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Imagine being the daughter of Erik Killmonger and Shuri running into you when her and Okoye find Riri
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The commotion could be heard from across the courtyard as the some older kids gave you a hard time. When you walked past them on your way back to the dorms. It was hard being one of the youngest and smartest kids at one of the most prestigious colleges in America. When you got your acceptance letter from Cambridge you were filled with joy and a sense of accomplishment like never before. You told yourself nothing was going to stop you from taking this opportunity, but you knew it would come with challenges.
One of those challenges was sometimes being underestimated because you were a girl and a loner. Not to mention your outspoken no bull-shit attitude. The older kids liked to push your buttons every now and then just to see what you would do. Most of the time you would just give them a death glare and flip a bird before walking away. The headmaster of the school did not tolerate violence whatsoever. So that was out of the question, but sometimes when they really deserved it. You would give them exactly what they were asking for.
Chad grabbed the strap of your bag and used it to pull you to him. He had that cocky grin on his face and dangerous look in his eyes. "Hey buttercup where do you think you're going?
Across the Courtyard
Shuri and Riri were only a few steps behind Okoye who was hanging back just in case something happened. If someone tried to make a move from behind, they would have to get through her first, and if they attacked from the front. She would see it coming from a mile away. They were walking at steady pace with purpose but not so fast to draw attention to themselves.
"Chad let me go." Shuri came to an abrupt her head snapping in the direction of the female voice in distress. Riri didn't stop right away until Okoye clamped a firm hand on her shoulder. She threw the General a slightly irritated look. "What's up with you two I thought we needed to move quick."
"Give it back you asshole" You shouted as Chad snatched your bag away, and held it out of your reach. At that Riri turned in your direction to see what was going on. A grin formed upon her face at the sight.
"Aye what do you find so funny about one of your classmates being tormented" Okoye chastised her.
Riri shook her head with a laugh covering her mouth when Shuri turned to her with a raised eyebrow. She held up both of her hands "will both of you just chill out and enjoy the show."
It was then the group witnessed Chad grab you by the shoulder and shove you away from him so hard. You fell back onto the ground hard. Shuri had seen enough and even though she knew they didn't have time for it, or should be taking the risk. She didn't care anymore "Okoye can you discreetly go kick that colonizer’s ass?"
"With pleasure princess" she accepted getting ready to go over, but Riri blocked her path. "This again small child move or I will move you."
"Naw man trust me if there is any girl on campus who doesn't need your help. Its her just watch this is part of her plan usually things don't escalate, but these idiots must be new or just dumb." Okoye turned to Shuri who didn't look too sure of what Riri was saying, but gave her a nod to hold off for now. Riri turned back around not wanting to miss what was about to go down.
Chad had his back to you laughing with his friends until he felt you tapping him on the shoulder. He rolled his eyes before whirling around to confront you. "Didn't I tell you to beat it I'll drop your bag off after I copy your answers to the homework tonight."
"Or you could just do it yourself dipshit" You shot back balling your hands into fists.
He frowned. "Hey watch how you talk to me. Do you have any idea how hard I can make your life around here."
"Oh please you're too dumb to solve basic Calculus, and I'm supposed to be afraid of you. Let me guess you're going to send one of your groupies after me. Well heads up not going to work."
"Oh yeah and why is that?" He sneered shoving his face into yours. By now everyone in the courtyard had stop what they were doing to watch the argument.
"They'll be too busy screaming my name in my bed we both know you don't get the job done" You whispered into his ear. It wasn't just a joke but a personal attack. You had actually stole one of his the girls he was full crushing on this semester. It did the job Chad pulled his fist back ready to throw a wild haymaker. But you brought your fist up sinking into his stomach before he could even blink. Specks of spit flew out his mouth as he hunched over wrapping his arms around his middle section. You took a few steps back light on your feet as he recovered. "Are you done?"
Chad let out a groan rushing towards you with outspread arms. You dropped to the ground and swept his legs out from under him. He was sent falling to the concrete face-first. Everyone watching either cheered at the move, or closed their eyes, but the crunch sound when his face made impact was loud and defining. You weren't down yet knowing it would take more to get your point across. You grabbed him by the shoulder and rolled him over onto his back with surprising strength. Then proceeded to straddle him and proceeded to lift his head by the collar of his shirt. You drew your fist back into the air making eye contact with Chad. Before bringing it down into his face.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.
His friends watched in fear and awe as you brutally beat Chad until finally his head lolled back. You released him letting his head fall back to the ground gently. The last punch was the one that knocked him out for good. One of his boys tried to attack you from behind, but you rolled backwards making him miss. A kick to the back of his leg made him drop to one knee. Before he could think you were in front uppercutting him in the chin. This time you weren’t holding back so that one punch K.O. this guy. He fell on his side unconscious.
"Now does anyone else want to pick a fight or mess with me?" You asked loud enough that everyone in the courtyard heard. The rest his posse shook their heads frantically and scrambled away. One of them held out your bag which you snatched up. You slung it across your shoulder and started off for your dorm again. Leaving the two unconscious dudes in your wake like it was nothing.
"Now do you two see what I'm talking about y/n is a freaking badass. No one messes with her and get away it" Riri exclaimed slamming a fist into her own hand in excitement.
Not much could catch the General of the Dora Milaje off guard, but Shuri could tell by the way Okoye's eyes followed you. Until you disappeared into a building that she was impressed by your fighting style. It was a little too brutal compared to her own, but there grace in your movements. Especially when you anticipated the second boy coming in from behind. You didn't move like a young girl who had taken a few self-defense classes. You moved like a warrior with a few years of combat training, and maybe even a few fights under your belt.
Shuri herself was captivated by the way you dealt with those guys. Because the way you fought reminded her of someone else, but she couldn't put her finger on it. "Riri who is that girl?"
"I told you that's y/n" she answered.
Okoye asked the question both of them were wondering. "No what's her full name child?"
"Don't tell me you guys are trying to kidnap her too now. Are y'all short on warriors or something?"
"Riri her name for Bast's sake give me her full name" Shuri snapped.
Riri flinched. "Easy her name is Y/N Stevens alright, and before you ask. Yeah me and her are pretty tight she roughed up these guys who tried to stiff me one time. That girl has had my back since day one I asked her to teach me how to move like that once. She told her father taught her how to fight like that before he died. Apparently her dad was like some super assassin for the government or something like that. Either way his daughter is proof of how badass he was."
Riri was too busy talking to see the look exchanged between Shuri and Okoye. At the mention of your last name, and the look just intensified as she continued on giving them more info on your life. "Shuri you don't think she could be-" Okoye spoke up first letting her voice trail off.
Shuri was too far gone in her head already contemplating what Okoye was implying. T'Challa had her do an intensive background search on Erik immediately after that whole thing was over. Just too make sure his uncle hadn't fathered anymore children all those years ago. If you truly was his daughter wouldn't she have found you back then during her initial search. But then again she didn't think to look for any children Erik might have had himself. It didn't occur to her that he would have kids of his own. He seemed like a man too blinded by vengeance and hatred to have the time or desire for his own family. She couldn't even find a girlfriend linked to him.
"Oh yeah one more thing I mean I don't know why y'all care so much-"
"Just spit it out what else is there?" Shuri demanded coming out of her trance.
Riri grabbed her chest as if she was offended before continuing. "She never gave me her father's official government name and all. But he did have like a badass codename she told me. It was Killmonger."
At the sound of his name both Okoye and Shuri gave each other a knowing look. Both of their eyes widened in surprise, Okoye glanced back at the dorms. While Shuri dropped down into a crouching position with her head in her hands. There was no doubt about now both of them were sure.
You were the daughter of Killmonger and that made you Wakanda royalty.
Tag List: @danveration @xxromanoffxx @romanoffomixam @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @yelenabelovasgf @be-missed @jokertgkk @lizlil
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anadiasmount · 2 years
me and you? - c.p
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gif not mine.
Summary: After being invited out to the wedding of his closest friend, some feelings are revealed during the event.
First puli fic! If you have any requests, they are currently open <3
Word count: 2.7k
He props up behind you, offering you a hand with your necklace. “Still can’t do it?” he teases, you nod and grab your hair so it wouldn’t get in the way. You watch as his hands work the clasp so the necklace would stay in place, his fingertips ever so slightly touching the nape of your neck. He sees the goosebumps that arise on your skin, holding himself back from pressing small kisses along your bare neck and shoulder.
He knows he shouldn’t, but you fit into his embrace so perfectly. He knows it's wrong to feel how he does, that it should never have happened because of the agreement always to stay best friends. But you were it for him, the way you hugged him close after a tough day, making those fantastic sandwiches when you don’t feel like making a big meal, always open to watching monsters inc for like the thousandth time.
It could be the little things like making coffee before he leaves, or when you stay the night in the morning you leave little notes rather than a text, when his family visits him you always give him space but his family adores you always making you feel included, you always make time for him even if you're busy or if you're not at you 100%.
But something he will truly never get over is how he is himself without you judging. Even before moving from America, he always dealt with his insecurities and constant judgment from everyone, it always was there. It got worse and he always shut out from the world, not knowing who or how to reach out to.
He doesn't have to be fake happy, or fake a smile, he can laugh loudly not caring if he lets out a small snort. He will often tease you, kiss your head, and hold your hand when you begin to feel nervous if you're out in public. When you tell him you would stay over he is always met with you layed out on the couch with a messy bun and glasses reading a book of interest. “If only you were mine…”
He cuts out of his daze and pays attention to how you turn around slowly, placing your hands along his chest. His eyes link with yours, and Christian smirks too when you let a shudder of air at the closeness of your bodies. “You okay?” he finally speaks, causing a blush to your cheeks when it comes out raspy and deep. You nod and fix his tie which was a little loose, he frowns at your sudden quietness, so he brings your small hands to his lips kissing softly along your knuckles.
“Tell me what's wrong…” Christian pleads, you sigh but smile nervously, “I don’t know how to describe it Chris. I have this feeling in my stomach that hasn't gone away, and before you start no Im not feeling sick,” you cut him off before he could ask you. “It's a gut feeling that hasn't gone away since the morning,” he narrows his eyes and hums.
“If you continue feeling like that during the wedding please tell me. We can come home at any time,” he states. Home. You didn't realize till you were getting ready today that you've been coming to his home for the past 2 weeks straight. Cuddling on his couch, making breakfast before departing ways, having his friends over for game nights, and even sleeping on his bed at night, legs tangled beneath the sheets.
“I might go to my flat tonight…” you say randomly feeling like you've maybe overstayed your original stay. He shakes his head and squeezes your hands a bit tighter, almost as if he was afraid to let go, “Why? I wanted to surprise you tomorrow morning with brunch. Did I do something?” he frowns. “No, no, no! You haven't done a single thing, Christian, just missing the flat a bit. Last time I was there was two weeks ago…” you reveal giggling at his reaction.
He was so used to having you around he almost begged for you to stay, that you could do it together but in the morning, tonight he wanted you here, in his arms, in his bed, with his shirt.
You pull your hands from his and bring them to Christian's cheeks, swiping your thumbs over his freckles and slight stubble, “I promise I’ll be here before you wake up tomorrow, okay? So you can still “surprise me” with brunch,” you fake quote with your fingers. He chuckles and agrees, he hugs you, your scent hitting his senses, “Let's get going? I know you hate London traffic,” he kisses your cheek and interlocks your hands together.
“You look absolutely beautiful Y/n.”
“Likewise handsome…”
– – –
Your eyes did not leave his toned body all night, not even when you stood next together while greeting around. Christian just looked like a good-to-be-true dream, his black suit hugging the perfect places, and the precious black tie causing dirty images in your head. His Daniel Wellington watch on his tattooed wrist, his right wrist wearing your handmade friendship bracelet.
He currently had his left arm wrapped around your waist, his fingertips from time to time drawing small shapes and figures. You had excused yourself to go to the bathroom to touch up your lipstick that had faded after drinking some water and a glass of champagne.
Christian meant the absolute world to you, and the constant fear of losing him if things went wrong always scared you. Were you willing to lose a person who brought you coffee while you studied? The exact person who always greets you with a kiss on your cheek and then who hid their head in the crook of your neck? That person who you randomly danced under the rain the summer trip the year before, almost kissed?
That darn blush that adorned his freckled skin when you complimented even the smallest bit? The one who always bought you and your flat roses? The one who always dedicated his goals to you? You were too attached at this point to let go.
How would you tell him how you felt inside, not knowing if he even felt the same? The feeling of rejection crossed inside your head, the confrontation? Who were you kidding, he felt the same for you. These whole two weeks proved your point. You suddenly felt more confident, sexy even, the bubbly feeling inside you still present.
Before you walked out to the party once again you made sure the lipstick wasn’t smudged or on your teeth. You found his eyes instantly, they were already on you, and so you walked over to the table and sat down next to him. “You really do look stunning Y/n,” said Weston with a slight smirk on his face, you thanked him seeing how Christian clenched his jaw. “Did you just get here or?” he asked leaning over to you slightly.
“No, I arrived with Chris. We’ve been here for a while actually,” you smiled seeing Weston nod. The air felt heavy around the table causing Tyler to abruptly stand up and asks for everyone’s drink orders.
When you declined his offer Christian leaned over and whispered in your ear, “Have something, please. You told me you had a gut feeling, and I want to make sure you're okay,” he pleaded with his gorgeous brown eyes, how could you say no? All you did was nod and listened to Chris order a drink for you and him.
When Tyler returned the mood uplit, everyone laughing and having a conversation, telling stories from each other lives, and those from the US camps. When the lights dimmed and lit up the door entrance you clapped at the bride and groom who walked in with their hand in the air. They each gave speeches, and soon the party began again.
For the first 2 hours, you danced with some of your girlfriends that attended who were there and Christian of course. You took pictures at a booth with him, using the props and sunglasses that were laid there. You laughed at the caught-of-guard pictures that were taken, going for a second round, this time coming out prettier and happier.
“I'll be right back, going to use the restroom and get a drink,” Christian announced quietly to you once you were sat at the table again, you nodded and whispered a quick ‘be careful’. When you looked around you saw Tyler shake his head ‘no’ at Weston who had a mischievous smile on his face, and you suddenly panicked when you read his lips, “let her be, she's here with Pulisic man!”
“Y/n! Have a dance with me! I promise I don’t bite,” Weston said in a joking tone. A slow song played in the back, and you skimmed over to the dance floor which had couples and even the bride and groom dancing slowly. You cursed at yourself for being such a people pleaser, not wanting to make anyone feel upset or left out, you were just like that. “Let's go McKennie.”
He led you over to the dance floor, you finally had a good look at his cream suit and black button-up. Both of your bodies swaying to the music, one of his hands on your middle back and the other interlocked with yours. “Trust me, my intention isn't to hit on you or make you feel uncomfortable. I apologize if I came off that way,” Weston spoke. You furrowed your brows confused, and looked up, “I don’t understand-”
“He loves you Y/n, so much,” Weston said and smiled when he saw you realized who he was talking about. “Christian never stops talking about you, ‘Y/n this, Y/n made these cookies, Y/n was telling me, Y/n is staying over tonight,’ he's utterly obsessed at this point,” he teases. You laugh and continue to dance, “Give him a chance, the two of you were made for each other. Everyone notices besides the two of you. The love and relationship have been there since day one.”
“Never took you as the advice giver Wes,” you said smirking making him laugh. “Well here we are I guess,” Weston shrugged his shoulders and spoke again “Do you plan on telling him? Because if looks could kill, I would be dead by now,” you turn your head at his words and lock eyes with Christian.
He looks down and walks off to the table, his jaw clenching and unclenching, fist closed so tight his knuckles appear white. “Never took him as a jealous type,” expressed Weston. “I wanted to tell him tonight. I don't know I'm tired of waiting and honestly, it feels like we're already together. I didn't realize till today I was there for two weeks straight…”
He suddenly stops dancing, “Be happy with him. You love him dearly. The two of you deserve it. Tell him how you feel Y/n.” At that moment, Christian suddenly appears slapping Weston’s back playfully, a forced and tight smile on his lips, “Tell who what?”
Weston chuckles nervously and quickly retracts his hands back, “Hey man, you're back!”
Christian nods and cocks his head to the side, “Never left Wes”. Weston awkwardly walks off to the table, and you laugh as Tyler ushers him with his hand angrily to come back. You gulp and clear your throat as you observe Christian now with no tie and his first three buttons undone, a full view of his chain and chest hair. “What’s up, you okay?” you ask when you see him take deep breaths, the jealousy still present.
He relaxes when you bring your hands around up to his neck, not holding back and wrapping his arms tight and close to your body. His head rests on the side of your, feeling his nose trace along your jaw down to your neck. Christian presses a couple of kisses along your jaw, behind your ear, your pulse point, all the way down to where your neck meets your shoulder. Testing the water, but he sees how you love it. “I can't hold back anymore longer Y/n…”
You throw your head back at the feeling of his lips again, holding back a moan. “Wh-Wha-What do you mean Christian?” you stutter and then gulp. “Jesus, even the way you say my name makes me feel things you have no idea”. You don't even feel it when Christian starts swaying his body side to side with yours, dancing slowly to the music in the background. “Do you remember when we first met Y/n?” he asks, now resting his cheek next to yours.
“How could I forget? I didn’t know a single thing about you and what you did. You claimed you loved the small tattoo I have behind my ear and bought me a coffee with a chocolate donut” you had the courage to speak and reply. Christian hummed pulling you closer to his body, feeling the muscle underneath, “Can I confess something to you?” he whispers along your ear causing goosebumps to arise. “Anything. Tell me,” you urge.
“Just promise me you won't leave. Leave me.”
“I promise Christian, just please tell me,” you play with the hair on the nape of his neck. “If there's anything certain in my life it's you. I love you, y/n. It's been you always, I love you and your imperfections. I just want you next to me, supporting me at my games, watching the sunset at Jupiter, to do those silly face masks. You treat me so well, and you have no idea of how afraid I get if I weren't ever to have you, one-day pretty girl.”
You gasp at his words, not believing he's actually confessing how he feels right now. He brings his head back to stare at your face, your teary eyes and mouth slightly gaped open. “Say something, please,” Christian begs, and all you can do is chuckle. “Remember when I met your sister that one time by accident at your house?” he looks at you amused yet dumbfounded to see where you were going to take things.
“I knew from that day forward I would be stuck with you forever. That day you lifted the trophy with the US team, I knew I loved you. I love your small pep talks before I leave to take tests, your messy curls in the morning, and the little face you make when you see me wearing your hoodie, but most of all I love the way you love me…”
“Hold me when I'm upset or have just had a shit day, rub your hand on my thigh while I read, when you help me pick out plants for your house even if you insist there's plenty already, your soft eyes even when I blabber the stupidest shit, you playing your guitar… I love you, Christian.”
You stare at his soft brown eyes now filled with tears, one slowly falling down your cheek, you swipe it away with the back of your hand. Christian brings his tattoed hand to tuck your hair back, then suddenly lands on your cheek pulling you to his lips. He kisses you like there's no tomorrow, the sweet taste of your lips makes him groan, now holding your sides with both hands.
Your hands come up to his face, his slight beard tickling your palms but you don't care. You're too into the moment to care, just paying attention to how now his tongue teases your bottom lip to open, and when you do he wastes no time to kiss you deeper. Your hands now slightly tugging his hair. He gulps your soft moans and gasps. You place both of your feet back on the ground after tip-toeing, just smiling along his lips.
“Is this real?” you couldn't help but ask, your thumb swiping behind his ear. Christian nods pecking your lips once more, “More than real, baby. You're mine Y/n, all mine pretty girl.”
“Yours,” you agree. “So this is? You’re finally my girlfriend yeah?” Christian questions, his voice slightly nervous and excited. “Yes, as long as you’re my boyfriend? Forever and ever Mr. Captain America?” you tease him by saying his nickname that everyone love but him at times. “Deal. Still want to stay at your flat?”
“Not a chance. I want to stay next to you for tonight Chris…”
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fairuzfan · 11 months
Genuinely curious, because I've seen some people say that one should vote biden because if you vote for trump or desantis their stance on the ongoing genocide and other matters would actually be worse than what we're contending with, and I have no true frame of reference: do you think that's actually true or a likely possibility?
I'm of the opinion that it really doesn't matter who we vote for anyways, the outcomes will still be the same. Biden is enabling 4 different genocides/ethnic cleansing (Palestine, Congo, Armenia, Sudan) and honestly, I don't see how it can get any worse.
They often make the argument that things will happen *here* that is dangerous but speaking as someone who has lived in a very Red state my entire life, it has never been safe or welcoming for me to begin with, along with others who have similar identities to me. Not to mention that bad things have already happened here under Biden, with the Abortion ban, book bans, and ban on critical race theory being taught in schools.
Trump is not great, like I don't want him to win either. He was the person who moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem and it was seen as a political slap to the face to Palestinians (click). Don't get me wrong they're both piles of shit. But I refuse to elect people into office that let such flagrantly terrible things happen in the world. These people have no oversight in their actions, are free to do what they want, and no manner of "democratic" intervention will stop them from doing the things they want, especially when they're afraid of losing funding for going against major lobbying organizations like CUFI and AIPAC.
This isn't the first time Biden ignored Palestinians in this term. Remember in 2021 with the settlements in Shiekh Jarrah? He didn't say a word condemning Israel for their forced displacement and their bombardment of Gaza (click). Sure the Abraham Accords sucked and that was brokered by Trump, but Biden could have undone that. He didn't. He just re-approved aid to Palestinians (which, who cares when they're under occupation? No amount of aid will help them attain liberation). Palestinians don't want aid — they want America to stop funding the Zionist Entity.
Everyone in Palestine already knows that the Israel's biggest supporter, America, is also their biggest funder. If they just stopped funding, everything would be cut in half. There is no way the Zionist entity would be able to sustain itself. Even now, their economy is failing because they relied on Palestinians for much of their cheap labor. They cannot support themselves without USAmerica's direct intervention.
I am of the opinion that we should organize to change the way our government operates or else things like these will keep happening. It does not help anyone but the ultrarich and the people in power. Things like Cop City and the genocide in Congo and Sudan and Armenia only happen because the US has a vested monetary interest in oppressing them. This will not change between presidents. Biden will just be quieter about it.
I don't know how to organize stuff like this, or where to go to organize, but if we keep playing in the system they laid out where they always win, then there's no way anything can change.
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