#everyone gets a mug now!
amelia-yap · 2 months
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girlwiththegreenhat · 8 months
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oh my god they added a stanley cup to neopets
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rainbowpufflez · 5 months
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Team RR but it’s their mugs 🤯
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artsy-apricot · 2 months
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More experiments with Black Mountain clay!
I love the cool glaze effects I’ve gotten with this — the way the marbling shows through the clear glaze that only turned white over the black clay, and the cool speckles that emerged in the blue glaze. Next I’m going to try marbling the clay with a red glaze over it to see what happens!
Progress pics below the cut
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the-kipsabian · 6 months
i bought 30€ worth of yarn when i was asked to make two pairs of socks im
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jadewritesficshere · 2 years
Spirit Animal
Summary: this is simply high ramblings with the guys.
Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve Harrington (can be considered platonic or romantic)
Content warnings: just some weed
All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Thank you.
You had been at Family Video, picking up a movie to watch with the boys later. You had been having random conversations with Robin when she brought up a topic you had never thought of before. Robin had pointed out that some people resemble their animals (like Janice from the trailer park who looked like her Shih Tzu), which made her think that you could assign a person an animal. "Like if you died and got reincarnated or some shit, you come back as that animal. It has to be like your spirit animal! It would suck if I came back as a Robin just cause thats my name..." You had laughed a bit but the thought had stayed with you.
It had stuck with you so much you actually were categorizing your friends as animals now. Which led to later that night, sitting in your apartment with Steve and Eddie, passing a joint around. Eddie was leaning against the couch, with one leg straight out in front of him and the other curled towards him. Steve was laying on his side on the couch. You were sitting next to Eddie facing him, but if you turned your head right, Steve and your faces would meet.
Eddie was absolutely the most sober out of you and Steve. You were trying your best, but fuck if you weren't giggling (and you don't giggle). You looked over at Steve, who had a small grin and glassy eyes. You looked at Eddie, who wiggled his eyebrows st you before crossing his eyes, making you giggle more. Eddie grinned taking another drag from the joint. He had shed his jacket and vest, his arms on full display along with his tattoos. Eddie thought you were simply staring at his bare arms and his tattoos, so he was slightly flexing for you. Meanwhile, you were staring thinking about the topic Robin had brought up earlier, not even noticing him flexing.
You nodded once and then twice to yourself before blurting out," Hedgehog." Both boys turned to you with confusion plainly written on their faces. "Sorry, what was that sweetheart?" Eddie asked as you paused before shaking your head. "No wait does that even work?" you mumbled resting your head on your hand. "Babe, what are you talking about?" Steve asked, pushing some hair out of your face so he could see you fully.
After explaining the whole concept to them that Robin brought up ("Which Robin is totally not a bird like sure that's her name but like she isn't! She's like...like a honeybee! She's sweet and always buzzing around, and she's like and like yeah and honey and like..." "You lost your train of thought didn't you?" "No no they have a point."). "So wait... you think one of us is a rodent?" Steve asked wrinkling his nose. You scoffed," they are mammals Steve." "Aren't...aren't all rodents mammals?" He tilted his head, making you pause before mumbling, "Huh...well shit." Eddie chuckles as Steve gives you a shit eating grin.
You cross your arms and glare at both of them. "This whole topic is stupid. We are people for a reason," Steve muttered looking at his nails. "You just don't understand my genius," you flick Steve who slaps your hands away," It is stupid though!" "Uh huh, like you won't think of this later, man. So, who is this hedgehog then?" Eddie asks, discarding the stub of the joint. He turns to face you, laying his head against the couch and against Steve's knee. "It's gotta be you, you're a rodent. A rat." Steve says, reaching over and bopping Eddie on the nose. Eddie immediately goes to bite Steve's hand and you wave your hands," See! That's what I'm talking about!" They look at you confused. "My friend had a hedgehog and it nibbled a lot. It bit when it found a scent it liked. Eddie you literally come up and bite us randomly all the time!" "...They're love bites..." You ignore Eddie's interjection and continue," plus they make like dens. Like they make little piles and hide in them. You will steal all the blankets I own and curl up under them. And hide in them, wait did I say that already? Plus PLUS they have quills which are sharp and they protect you! It's like an armor and like you put on this act to protect yourself but really you're sweet and have a soft underbelly."
Eddie blinks a few times, opening and closing his mouth. "Aren't they like night creatures the...fuck I forgot the word...not awake during the day?" Steve runs a hand through his hair and you snap pointing at him," Yes nocturnal! So is Eddie!" "Okay okay enough exposing me." Eddie lightly kicks you," besides if I'm a hedgehog what is Steve?" You pause as you think before grinning. "Uh obviously I'm something cool like a-" "A chihuahua." "oh fuck you!"
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
Sorry everyone i finally found a color-accurate suit for aoki im going to be so annoying
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funkervogt · 1 year
Fuck i love drawing actually. getting really into observational drawing as almost like...a lifestyle. My little pocket sketchbook I carry with me whenever i go out and i draw whatevers in front of me. I do it all in ink no pencil no erasing. Some days I feel like being super accurate and observational and that's fun for me. Sometimes it isn't and i get more relaxed with it. Theres just something very nice about filling up these little sketchbooks with all the places youve been and things youve seen. Im just like arthur morgan fr
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amugoffandoms · 1 year
it's crazy how bad i need a gun to defend this man his innocent/forgiven rate is slipping and fast
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mildmayfoxe · 1 year
this is so exciting the last time i did a giveaway was when i had my *tsy in college when i was drawing shit on CERAMIC MUGS and making LEGO JEWELRY (another lifetime) and the giveaway reward was a commissioned mug and i never ever made it for the winner. sorry to that person. but i'm not 20 and going through a bad breakup and trying to graduate college OR making shit on demand anymore. this time it's fun and i'm way better at running my business
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girlscience · 1 year
Two days with family and I feel so weirdly infantilized. I pay for nothing, I never drive, I make no decisions, I can't curse, and I can't listen to 90% of my music. It is literally like I am 14 again. I don't like it.
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eats-the-stars · 2 years
love the guy assigned to my case at the “help you get a job” program. i have exactly 2 modes. 1) procrastinating until the absolute last minute. And 2) guess I will complete months worth of work that is also due at the end of the year in exactly 3 days of non-stop effort. You can basically flip a coin as to which approach my brain will decide to take for any given task.
so yeah I have a job now. and my poor case manager dude is like “wait. no. that was so fast. it’s been one week. you did how many interviews? and you picked...this one. the one that is not like anything you have done before and also was not on the “jobs I think would work out for me” list that we made?”
and he was scrambling like “accommodations. training. oh god. um. do i need to talk to your employers?” and getting more anxious when I was like “no i think I have it covered.” like i am sorry bro but i know that my vibes in person are like “quiet forgetful autistic person who can pass for either a high school student or a grandma at any moment” and this does not inspire confidence, but I am actually pretty independent once someone gives me a little push to start a thing.
also...dude you have my job history. winter sports area general worker (concessions, ticket sales, renting ski/snowshoe equipment, managing cross-country trails, monitoring the tube hill, etc.). family restaurant hostess (basically every role in the place except a cook). person selling fireworks out of tent for all of July while also living in a smaller tent behind the shipping crate filled with things that go boom. call center customer service rep handling 4 different clients that range from crafts and home decor to incontinence products and super expensive furniture. freelance dog-sitting with clients ranging from “rich couple who wants me to let their elderly cockapoos out twice a day for $50 bucks a pop in a house with a basement theater” to “i’ll give you $10 a day to exercise and feed the 3 huskies in our small apartment also they can jump higher than you are tall and scream louder than you thought possible.” bro we added a whole “volunteer experience” section to my resume because I wrote grants and worked with an environmental group to restore native bluebirds to the community and volunteered at the community table and the animal shelter and the library. like i have done lots of things that are not really connected at all. someone says “hey do you think you could do this?” and I am suddenly living out of a tent for a month googling “what the fuck is a crossette?” i once ended up in Memphis for 2 months doing volunteer construction work in the aftermath of a hurricane because my cousin didn’t want to go alone and everyone was like “oh we know someone who goes with the flow so hard.”
so you better believe i told you “oh i don’t know, maybe a receptionist position would be nice” and then applied to every local job known to god and then a few extra and took the first one to say “cool can you start next week?” i know i did not give off “I will try anything at least once if you ask me fast and then go ‘great!’ before I can process what i agreed to” vibes while sitting in your office in my colorful leggings, grandma sweaters and animal hats while not making eye contact and talking about how lovely my nephew is and how much I enjoy quiet time alone and gardening and i struggle with a poor memory and navigating social interactions. but i know you proofread my resume my guy. you asked questions about all these things except the construction thing because i actually forgot to mention that actually which is good because then i might have had to mention the cult involvement that i wasn’t aware of until i was stuck on-site but it all worked out so no sweat. still, i am glad that he is concerned by my “out of the blue” spontaneity. it’s kind of his job to help people settle into jobs that they can handle, and I also know that I would realistically need more assistance from him if I wasn’t so good at adapting on the fly due to my bad habit of saying “sure, I can do that” to literally anything. also my new job is honestly pretty tame, so i am not sure what he is freaking out about. i should really not mention some of the other jobs i spontaneously applied for before accepting this one. like..my friend...i could be working in a bridal shop. i could be training to install and repair vending machines or decorating cakes or delivering medical equipment. i applied for a job that was literally “window production.” none of these are actually as wild as that time I spent 2 months with a religious cult doing manual labor and living out of an abandoned, half-destroyed school building because my cousin talked me into it. i had to watch a dramatic reenactment of the crucifixion of Jesus on my very first night that brought the whole gymnasium of strangers to wild, howling tears while I was awkwardly clapping my hands as my cousin sobbed incoherently into my shoulder. i once dog-sat a bluetick coonhound for 2 weeks in the dead of winter, and the snow if his yard was so high that he was able to jump the fence and book it down the street. i had to chase him through knee-high snow for over an hour before he stopped to sniff a bemused old lady long enough for me to catch him. i once had a customer at the restaurant rail at me for a good twenty minutes because she was absolutely sure that we did serve pineapple upside down cake and i was just withholding this dessert from her, specifically. the bar for “jobs I would apply for” is so low that I actually thought “well as long as nobody spits in my face, pukes on me consistently, or shanks me in the kidney again I could probably do anything.” although to be fair to my case manager i did not mention those things to him (except the pineapple upside down cake lady because I mention her all the time, i am still pissed off about that situation). also, my sister was actually the one to have a dog wake her up in the middle of the night only to puke directly into her mouth, but I watched it go down, so the psychic trauma of witnessing that still exists.
#honestly i think my poor social skills get me into half of the situations in my life#because i agree to things before i process them because most people talk and talk too fast for me#so i spend the whole conversation trying to keep up also figure out what the hell we're talking about#and then at the end i turn to my sister and say 'so what was that about?'#and she says something like 'you signed up to sell fireworks out of a tent for all of july' and i just have to run with that#the other half of the situations just come from having relatives and family friends that actively seek out situations#but want to drag someone adaptable and chill along who will also not say 'that's literally insane. no' when asked#also i need less cousins who take the zombie apocalypse life tip of always bringing a slow runner with you to situations#like i am a small person ok. my legs are shorter. i can't help it that everyone else is sprinting around on their stilt-legs#also just like i like to take walks with my dad because the mosquitoes love his blood way better than mine#i have a history of 'first person to get stabbed in a situation' that is probably just due to being the weakest looking person in any group#and i don't really panic in emergencies. i don't really know why. maybe it's something to do with being autistic#but if someone is screaming in pain and writhing on the floor#or an alarm goes off#or a bus skids on the ice and smears a stranger across the sidewalk right in front of me#or if i get mugged in a coffee shop while i'm studying for exams#i don't really do the things that other people around me do in the same situation#i personally think that the bubble i exist in just runs slower than everyone else's#so they're all having their reactions and freaking out while i'm still like 'damn something sure is happening right now.#am i supposed to do anything about this?'#and then if the answer is: 'yeah you should probably calm down that guy on the floor. figure out why he's screaming. then call 911 maybe?'#then i'll just do that while other people are saying things like 'oh god what's happening?!'#like if i panicked every time i had a dog that i was responsible for make a stupid life decision in front of me#or had a cult member ask me. an atheist. if i felt like i connected with god at the emotional catharsis activity#or honestly even just every time i've ever been stabbed in the left kidney even tho that's only happened twice#then i don't know i would probably be doing a lot of panicking#maybe it's an energy thing. i feel like panicking requires more energy than i usually have access to
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waywardsalt · 4 days
chat how do we feel about me deciding that if the other dnd party members want a specific item my character has, they need to succeed a persuasion check with a somewhat high dc
#salty talks#rn the dc is sitting at 22 and will be higher by some amount if the character making the check is any kind of elf#is 22 high? like the character is a lawful evil assassin rogue who got the item by mugging the og owner and is thinking of selling it#with the extra context being that its a sword that my fighter got and that the dm of this next scenario tipped me off that the sword#would be p useful for his scenario. but im not using that fighter again. so my rogue mugged her so i can carry the sword over#but i want to do more actual like. roleplay shit with them. so they have a sword they have no real intention of using#and must be persuaded to hand it off (and if no one succeeds ill just have them hand it off in a pinch or smth)#wip kinda idea. theyre a wood elf who has a distaste for other elves hence the. higher dc for elves and half elves whatever it ends up bein#i dont even know what characters everyone else is using lol. i just hope the minmax character doesnt return#the base dc is going to be either 22 or 24 but ive never set up this kinda thing so. idk if thats a bit much#tbh i might talk to the dm a bit so i can get a better understanding of the basics of the scenario#bc i might also utilize infiltration expertise and have them show up using a false identity at first#can you tell im excited abt this scenario. im just excited to use this character again really#now that i uh. know that you need to add not just dex(or w/e stat) but also prof when attacking with weapons ur proficient in
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chaoticlaurel · 2 months
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Random, self indulgent art because I've been having nightmares lately about the ~passage of time~ ooOooOOOo and just generally feeling touch starved ahahahahah
Oh to be 5, who held their care on their small, little shoulders, too big to carry, yet to them, it was too little to give out to the world. How can someone so full of love be so carefree. Where did I go TvT </333
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loser-user-noaccuser · 2 months
Chester has once again found the biggest stick in the garden that he desperately needed me to help bring it inside
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knottahooker · 1 year
Make sure you've got shelf-stable food and water for everyone in the house, including pets. The rule of thumb is a gallon per person per day. Freeze water bottles if you want cold water.
Make sure you have enough meds!
Make sure you have batteries, candles, flashlights, and a manual can opener. 
Make sure your electronics, including backup batteries, are charged. Unplug things you don't want fried in case of a power surge. 
Don't tape your windows, it doesn't help and you'll just be stuck scrubbing goo off of them later.
Put a mug of frozen water in it in your freezer with a quarter on top of it. If your freezer defrosts, the ice will melt and the quarter will sink and tell you you need to throw things out.
Get everything that's not nailed to a foundation out of your yard. That dead branch hanging on by a thread? Time to get it down (it was probably time to do that three days ago, but now’s better than never).
Park away from powerlines and trees if you can. Rain makes the ground soft and then trees fall over.
Have an evacuation plan to a shelter. Evacuate if they’re telling you to.
If you start to flood, don't go in your attic. You'll get trapped if the water rises too high and you can't hack through your roof. This happened to a lot of people in Texas and Louisiana. Get ON the roof.
Be safe, be well <3 
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