#everyone agrees it was to put it lightly a bad move
bixels · 1 year
Applied statisticsi is not the forefront of the current strikes, people are not even striking over it being potentially used at all in the future, at modt they want proper credit for when it is used in conjunction with their work. People are striking because of their current poor pay, horrible working conditions, lack of credit, and inabiloty to sustain themselves off succesful projects they work on. It is not easier or less expensive to film live action and then add a filter over that than it is to draw from the start, you have to pay the actors more, have to work with more frames, create sets or set assists, so many things. Mocap isnt even the way to go for profitable 3d animation, there is no way all live action to 2d animation isngoikg to be live to 2d led. That is why you are seeing it on youtube and not netflix. Please understand how technology works and what the strikes are over before you speak up on either issue. Stop being scared of computers and listen to real life workers.
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I must be mistaken.
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sturniqlo · 2 months
Forgive Me- C.S
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summary: chris cannot go to sleep without apologizing to his girlfriend blurb
cw: not tooo angsty?
an: chris saying he can't go to sleep until he apologizes to nick or matt did something to me
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Seven hours, it had been seven hours since both Y/n and Chris have spoken a word to each other. Their argument was at around three and it was now ten. Y/n was getting ready for bed in their shared bathroom while Chris was still in the living room doing who knows what.
Y/n did her last step to her skincare routine and massaged her moisturizer on her face. Then, the detangled her hair and headed for bed. She sighed as she turned off the light and got under the covers. She was missing something- someone.
This was one of their first actual arguments. Yeah, they've had little fights here and there but never like this. She had stormed out, needing some time to herself. She couldn't do it here, not when he was in the house as her. So, she stayed in her car until she was ready to go back in. Now, they're in this position, they've been ignoring each other all afternoon.
For lunch, which Y/n usually makes for both of them, Chris postmated some food and Y/n made herself some lunch. They ate thier meals in different rooms, Chris stayed in the kitchen while Y/n went to the living room. When Chris would enter the living room, Y/m would get up and go to the bathroom, so did Chris when Y/n entered a room he was in.
Y/n turned off her bedside lamp and the room went completely dark. She tossed and turned, until she eventually fell asleep.
It must've been about two hours or more until Chris started to yawn. He contemplated whether or not to sleep in the living room, but he eventually decided he'd sleep in thier room with Y/n. He got ready for bed, changing his clothes and brushing his teeth. When he opened the bedroom door, the light from the hallway lightly lit up the room and he saw Y/n sound asleep facing away from his side of the bed.
He quietly closed the door and got under the covers next to Y/n. He put his phone on his nightstand and tried to go to sleep. However, he couldn't. He laid there with his eyes open staring at the door, the ceiling or when he turned over he started at Y/n's back side. I have to apologize. He thought. "Baby." He propped himself up on one elbow and tapped her shoulder with his free arm. No response. "Babe." He shook her lightly and she moved. "Mm?" She hummed sleepily.
"Are you sleeping?" He asked. What a dumb question. "No shit." Y/n responded, she hated when her sleep got interrupted. Chris let out a breathy laugh. "Can we talk?" He mumbled. "About what?" She finally turned around to face him although she could only see his silhouette. "Our argument from earlier today." He said. "How about in the morning, I'm really tired." She tried to turn back around but he lightly grabbed her shoulder.
"No, now. I- I can't sleep. I have to apologize." Chris spoke softly. "Fine." She finally agreed and turned around to turn her lamp on. Chris finally saw her face. Her eyes were adjusting to the bright light and her hair was slightly on her face. She looked cute. "I'm really sorry about my behavior earlier today. It just that Nick and Matt weren't answering me for our meeting tomorrow and our work and our schedules are all over the place." He bagan. "And- I got easily pressed over something so stupid. I'm sorry, babe. Do you forgive me?" He touched her cheek.
"I do. Everyone has their bad days, you know? I just- I wish you would've told me about what you were going through, maybe I could've helped you or something." She smiled softly. "I- I will next time and all the times after that, okay?" He made a promise and Chris never broke his promises. "Okay."
"Now come here, I wanna cuddle you all night." Y/n giggled at his eagerness so she turned the lamp off and scooted over to Chris.
"I will never try to go to sleep mad at you, it's torture."
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slttygeto · 1 year
JJK MEN AS DADS — headcanons.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥featuring: geto suguru, nanami kento and toji fushiguro.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥note: enjoy this alternate universe where everyone is okay and safe and happy.
╰┈➤ interested in sending a commission?
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some of you might not agree with me on this but he probably never saw himself becoming a dad
sure he loves kids, they do annoy him when they’re loud and all over the place but he never thought that he would have kids
that is until you announced to him that you were pregnant, and his entire world changed
his daughter is pretty much everything to him but he doesn’t spoil her (gojo does)
he wants to teach her proper manners, the right way to communicate things and isn’t big on spoiling
and you both end up raising a sweetheart who’s in love with uncle satoru.
“baby, stay in my sights.” you heard suguru talk to your daughter as you both walked down the food aisle. she was well mannered, didn’t act up or tried to be bratty when told something (unless she was having a really bad day, which was very different).
watching your husband parent a child that looked like a mix of you both was a different kind of love. he was gentle, careful and most importantly trying to be there for her.
from taking her on daddy-daughter dates, to talking things out with her when she was mad at him or when she messed up, suguru proved himself worthy of becoming someone’s father.
“who knew someone else would come along, and you’d call them baby,” you teased the man with a small smile, letting him push the cart while you walked next to him. he shot you a playful glare before grabbing a can of tuna.
“don’t even start—i somehow got used to speaking in girl voice from being forced to attend her tea parties…” he sighs but you know it's far from a tired one. he looks at your daughter with so much love, so much adoration that your heart flutters.
you were incredibly lucky.
“tell me you love me in your girl voice, come on,”
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this man was made to be a father
despite how tired he looks he always makes time for you and your girl
very lovey dovey and is very proud of referring to you two as his girls
whenever he is asked to hang out, he goes 'lemme make sure my girls dont need anything'
hes quite literally the best
most patient, loving and understanding husband/father
ever since you gave birth, kento and your daughter had a routine. you two would feed her at 8p.m when he comes back from work, he would then take her to the bathroom where he would bathe her then read her a bed time story. he would then kiss her goodnight, keep the small moon shaped light turned on before closing the door.
it was endearing because he put it on so much effort when it came to her. you knew it was the bare minimum for a father, but you were still very grateful that you married a good husband and an even better father.
both kento and your daughter were now in the bathroom. bath time usually took about twenty minutes to half an hour, and it would be filled with giggles coming from your four year old and kento's occasional chuckles. but it was oddly quiet, so you decided to go check on them.
when you opened the door, your heart melted at the sight. your daughter had fallen asleep in the bathtub, and so your husband was trying his best to get her out and dry her up before she caught a cold.
and he was doing it so quietly that you couldn't help but ask if he needed any help.
"baby, do you need help?" you whispered to the man holding the sleeping girl, lightly kissing his nape and squeezing his shoulders.
"I got this." he whispered in response, turning around and pressing a light kiss on your lips and forehead.
you watched with heart eyes as he gently woke her up to dry her hair, kissed her forehead and continued on with their routine, before it was time to say goodnight.
nanami kento was an angel sent from above.
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this man isn't new to parenting, in fact you knew you weren't his first wife
but you were accepting of it, helped giving the grieving man a second chance at life as he liked to say
you met megumi when he was still so young and the little boy loving you was enough reason for toji to confirm that you were indeed the right one
loving a child that wasn't yours wasn't given to everyone, toji was well aware of that
and as you watched the man parent megumi, you were a bit hesitant to announce to him your pregnancy
when you did tho, he sobbed like a baby
and twins? a boy and a girl? oh he was in for a ride
"you little rascals better let me love on my wife in peace." your husband whispered to the two sleeping babies in their cribs. it was 9p.m and they were fortunately fast asleep.
you on the other hand, were busy with your oldest.
finally after getting them in bed, you were with megumi in the kitchen asking him what you should pack for his lunch tomorrow, which the ten year old responded with what he typically always chose.
megumi wasn't a difficult child, but with the arrival of the twins, you were a bit worried that he would think you and toji no longer cared for him. dealing with twins wasn't easy, but you were aware and willingly brought two lives to his family, and were fully responsible for it.
when toji was with the twins, you would help out megumi with his homework. and when it was time to breastfeed the babies, toji would take megumi to basketball practice or engage in a random activity together.
"a juice box?" you asked while packing his lunch, which the little boy nodded at before staring at who was coming down the stairs.
"you got school tomorrow at 8?" toji asked megumi, and the little boy responded with a nod. not much of a talker.
"are they asleep?" megumi quietly asked his dad, who raised an eyebrow at him before saying 'yes' and you watched as your son fiddled with his fingers, anxious of what to say next.
"gumi, do you wanna see them?" you stepped in, a hand resting on his back. the little boy looked up at you with sparkly eyes, grateful that you understood him.
"go, and if they do wake up call me." you kissed his forehead and watched as he carefully tiptoed upstairs.
toji's eyes stayed glued on you during the entire interaction, and finally let his arms wrap around your waist once your son was upstairs before resting his forehead on your shoulder.
"thank you," he whispered out, pressing his lips to the side of your neck.
"for what?" you chuckled, caressing the taller man's back.
"for making everything feel like it's worth it."
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2023 © all works belong to slttygeto. do not repost my work anywhere else.
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starboye · 1 month
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starring: lip gallagher x male reader
request: top reader and lip gallagher?, I don't know they've been trying for a while to have their first time but they are always interrupted by one of Lip's brothers, Fiona even caught them kissing in their underwear once,Do you like biting and have a big thing for breasts?
warnings: smut, making out, caught
to say it was hard to get laid in the gallagher house would be an understatement it was borderline impossible, from everyone running in and out of the house to you and lip being interrupted every 5 minutes when you were trying to make out and get in the mood.
and it was the first time so you wanted it to be special but you couldn't 'get it on' as carl put when every 30 minutes you had a new brother bursting through the door to get something, it was either ian and mickey pushing through the door making out to or carl coming in to grab something of his own, calling you some joking names before walking out.
once before, you and lip were making out on his bed in nothing but your underwear when the house was quiet and empty, or so you thought because all of a sudden you heard the door open and turned to see a shocked fiona standing there, just as lip got up to explain the sight in front of her "i didn't see anything" she said slamming the door.
it killed the mood instantly and you just ended up making out for the day, but now you were sure you could have a good time, lip called each of his siblings and told them he needed the house to himself and although they were definitely annoyed at the request they agreed to stay out of the house for the day so you two could finally do it.
now nicely layed in lips bed with him over you, him kissing at your neck as you took care of his and yours clothes leaving you both nude, you take in the holy sight of lips beautiful body, cupping his cheeks to meet your eyes with his "don't look at me like that" he says, a hint of red brightening his cheeks as you give him a coy smile.
"like what" you ask kissing him "like you wanna fuck me" lip chuckles "but i do, really really bad" you coo in a sultry tone, you could feel lip get harder "and i know you want me too" you whisper in his ear, tapping your dick against his ass, he looks down at you with eyes you couldn't really decipher, they had want, desperation, lust fullness, happiness, and nervousness all at the same time.
"please" lip lowly says, embarrassed by his own desperateness for your cock as he hides his face in your neck "m'kay then" you smirk at his shyness and kiss his neck before putting some spit on your tip and rubbing against his hole, letting out a little whimper from him "can i go" you ask pulling his ass apart "mhm yeah" he says.
you slowly push into lips hole, earning a moan from his mouth as he holds onto you for comfort and without even realizing you make it all the way in, to enthralled in lips noises that your hips were moving on their own, lip gasps at the feeling of being so full of you, if he was being honest he dreamed of this every night when he was jerking of but he'd never actually tell you that.
"can i move" you ask holding his hips in place, lip nods shakily with labored breaths as you begin stretching him out slowly but surely, and if you had to admit you were strangely close to cumming already, it was like lip was trying to milk you for every drop of cum and you weren't totally against it "are you trying to make me cum faster" you ask choking back a moan "mgh" was all lip manged to let out making you smirk "naughty boy" you mutter.
hearing you call him a naughty boy lip bit down on your neck lightly leaving a mark which you were definitely not going to cover up in the morning, lip presses you down into the bed before finally lifting his head to look at you, without any words he begins fucking himself on your cock, letting out a whine at he feels his good spot get grazed by you tip over and over.
"yeah just like that m'close" you lowly coo caressing his sides and holding onto his hips to keep him going before throwing your head and filling him up, lips eyes widening with how your cock spurts your cum into him "so fucking full" lip whimpers falling onto your chest.
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minniesmutt · 4 months
ur writing is amazing so i'm gonna send a request
straykids challenge y/n and seungmin to not come when they f4ck and whoever comes first has to buy the whole dorm a meal
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: SEUNGMIN X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: TEASING, HAND JOB, ORAL (M. REC + F. REC), 69, CLIT PLAY, SPIT, FACE SITTING, FACE RIDING, UNPROTECTED SEX, MULTIPLE ORGASMS, CREAMPIE ☾ ━━━ WC: 1.3K ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     “Do you know how many towels you two go through?” Minho asked the couple
     “You think I count?” Seungmin retorted
     “It’s too many.”
     “Do you guys not have a designated cum towel?” Hyunjin asked
     “I was under the impression there was,” Y/n said, glancing at her boyfriend
     “Why would I have just one towel for our cum?”
     “Because you guys fuck like rabbits and it’s showing on the water bill,” Minho answered
     “That’s Seungmin’s fault,”  Y/n defended
     “You are just as bad as me,” Seungmin said
     “We know, trust us,” Jeongin sighed
     “I’m glad I don’t live in this dorm,” Han sighed
     “You two need to either stop fucking so much or use one towel,” Minho said
     “Or both,”  Changbin said
     “Whichever one of you cums first next time you’re going at it has to buy the rest of us dinner,” Han said
     “Okay, let’s not place bets on their sex life,” Chan said
     “Deal,” Seungmin agreed
     “I did not agree to this,” Y/n said
     “It’s a chance of a free meal,” Hyunjin said
     Y/n shrugged and agreed. Much to  Chan’s dismay, the rest of the group knew they’d be getting a free meal out of it. 
     When everyone turned in for the night, the whole group knew what would happen. Seungmin was on her as soon as the door to his room closed. He was pulling her to him as he leaned against the door. 
     Seungmin smiled, pressing his lips to hers. Y/n returned the kiss and wrapped her arms around him as he leaned against the door. His hands rested on her ass as their lips tangled together. Gently walking her back to their bed. Y/n pulled her lips away from his and attached them to his neck. 
     “Careful, remember,” Seungmin reminded her
     “I know,” Y/n said and ran her hands up his shirt.
     Seungmin smiled pulled the fabric off and tossed it to the ground. Y/n smiled and slowly sank to her knees, kissing and sucking on her boyfriend's skin till she was kneeling in front of him. Pulling down his sweatpants and kissing his hard-on over his boxers. 
     Seungmin pulled her head back to look up at him. Y/n smiled as she pulled the fabric down, his hard-on popping out. “What are you doing pup?”
     “Taking care of you,” Y/n smiled as she wrapped her hand around him and slowly pumped him. 
     “What if I want to take care of you first?”
     “Same time?” Y/n suggested 
     Seungmin agreed before helping her up and stripping their clothes away. Seungmin lay down on the bed. Y/n smiled as she positioned herself over his face. She leaned down over his dick. Seungmin pulled her down on his face fully as she wrapped her hand around him again. 
     Seungmin licked up from her clit to her entrance as she wrapped her lips around his tip. Both moaning from the contact. Y/n took more of him into her mouth. Seungmin’s lips wrapped around her cot and lightly sucked on the bud. 
     A competitive back-and-forth started. Both kept the little challenge in their mind as they sucked each other. Determined to make the other cum first. 
     Y/n moaned around her boyfriend’s cock as his tongue rolled across her bud. Seungmin smiled at the reaction as he moved his tongue into her. Tongue thrusting into her as his hand moved, thumb rolling along her clit. The next moan she let out caused him to moan too. She popped off him for a moment and let a glob of her spit drip onto his shiny cock. Using her hand to spread it down his length. 
     Seungmin had to pause for a moment when she took him into her throat, her hand gently massaging his balls as he went back to eating her out. Y/n moaned around him as she bobbed her head up and down, tongue swirled around him as he fucked his tongue in and out of her. Fingers stimulating the little bud between them. Both of them bucking their hips toward the other. 
     “Fuck pup,” Seungmin groaned behind her.
     Y/n picked up her pace just a bit at the sound of his groans while he tongue fucked her. She clenched around his tongue ever so slightly as his dick twitched in her mouth. She used her hand to pump his base to get him there faster. It was working.
     She kept up as she felt him pull his tongue out and moan, cumming in her mouth moments later. Y/n smiled to herself as she milked him. Taking every last drop from him before pulling his dick out of her mouth and sat up a bit. Getting off his face and turning to him
     “Get back on my face,” Seungmin told her as he tried pulling her back
     Y/n smiled and let him pull her back on top of him. He let out a sigh before going back to eating her out. Y/n grabbed the headboard as his tongue slipped into her again. His nose pressed nicely against her clit. Y/n moaned as his hands moved up and groped her breasts. Y/n looked down at her boyfriend, eyes peering up at her as he toyed with her nipples. Y/n smiled at him as she rocked her hips against him. 
     “Good pup,” Seungmin groaned.
     “Want you in, Minnie please,” Y/n begged him. 
     The singer hummed and moved his hands to hold her down against his face so she couldn’t move except to grind on his face. Listening to her moan his name till she came on his tongue. Grabbing his wrists as he ate her out through her high. Letting her ride his face till she was almost spent. Seungmin gently helped her down from his face and laid her on her back as he got between her legs. 
     Seungmin pressed his lips to hers as he rubbed her hips. Y/n moaned and moved her lips with his. Moving her arms around his neck. “Okay to keep going?” he asked 
     “Yes,” Y/n answered
     Seungmin smiled and pulled her legs over his hips. Y/n locked her ankles together as he pushed the tip into her. Sinking into her and kissing her neck. “Always so fucking good for me.”
     “Move min,” Y/n moaned
     “And needy,” Seungmin teased as he thrusted into her. Enjoying every moan coming from her was music to his ears. He picked up his pace till he knew he was going at the right pace for her. Especially by the way she tugged on his hair and scratched his back. 
     Her sensitive walls pulsed around him with each thrust. Y/n could already feel her next orgasm approaching rapidly. Seungmin sat up and hovered over her. Grabbing her hands from his back and pinning them to the mattress. “Gonna cum for me again pup?” Seungmin groaned
     “Yes! So close Minnie!” Y/n moaned. 
     “Yeah. Gonna make a mess all over my cock?”
     Y/n tightened around him and gripped his hands tighter. Cursing and arching off the bed as her orgasm took over her body again. Seungmin fucked through her high, working towards his own, trying not to ruin hers until her body relaxed against the bed. The idol buried himself inside her as he came. His head falling as his cum painted her walls. Cursing as he rode it out, giving her a few more thrusts then pulling out once he was done
     “All good pup?” Y/n asked as he laid himself on her chest
     “Yeah just give me a second.”
     Y/n smiled and ran her fingers through his hair before he got up. He pulled his boxers up, put her in one of his sweaters, and brought her to the bathroom to clean up. 
     “One towel!” Lee Know yelled through the wall. Y/n laughed as her boyfriend turned on the shower for them and then went to grab them a change of clothes. 
     “How long till they bring up the bet?” Y/n asked when he came back.
     “Jeongin already texted the group chat saying I lost,” Seungmin told her
     “Teasing you too?” Y/n asked as they got  in the shower 
     “Yeah, but I get laid and they don’t so I don't care.”
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starhvney · 7 months
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: garroth, laurance, travis, dante, zane, katelyn, & nana
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: what i think they'd be like on a roadtrip!
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, slice of life
𝐂𝐖: none!
𝐀/𝐍: i miss going on roadtrips i haven't been on one in so long
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☆ calls shotgun immediately and insists it’s his spot for the rest of the trip (oldest sibling syndrome)
☆ always buys something at every rest stop, whether it’s an icee, chips, or some stupid trinket
☆ bought a key chain one time that flashed the words “bad boy” on it because he thought it was so funny. he was devastated when it stopped working one day
☆ likes being the gps guy because sometimes he’ll find a cool place to stop and check out on the way (to make the most of the trip, of course)
☆ talks about town lore when you pass through somewhere interesting
☆ he has the best road trip playlist and made sure to plan out how long it was depending on how far you’re traveling
☆ honestly he’s probably the one driving for most of the trip if not all of it, he finds driving relaxing and also doesn’t trust other people to drive safely
☆ likes to play fun talking games like never have i ever or would you rather, or just talking about life
☆ will play the license plate game or i spy to stay alert
☆ if he’s not talking he’s really enjoying the playlist
☆ if the road trip is super long he’ll agree to switch out of driving for a bit to take a nap
☆ is really invested in the license plate game
☆ he’s always cracking jokes and is definitely the type of guy to look in other people’s windows on the road and guess their life story
☆ gets invested when a car sticks with yours for a long time and gets dramatic when they finally split away
☆ plays multiplayer games on his phone with whoever wants to play or sends memes to the group chat (you guys are literally in the same car)
☆ will suddenly start discussing conspiracy theories or will tell ghost stories about the towns you pass through
☆ he’s either talking the whole time or passed tf out no in between
☆ says “i could go for some fast fast food right now” literally anytime you guys pass a fast food restaurant
☆ also cracks jokes and will add on to travis’s guesses on the lives of oblivious travelers
☆ makes really exaggerated and out of place guesses because he thinks it’s funny
☆ it’ll be a grandma driving in her old chrysler and he goes “how much you wanna bet she’s got a pound of weed in her trunk”
☆ like man what the hell are you talking about
☆ irritated if people are talking too much (dante and travis)
☆ puts on noise canceling headphones and only tunes back in if food or a rest stop is involved (he’s busy listening to my little pony infection au lore/j)
☆ has a pillow, blanket, and hoodie on at all times for maximum comfort
☆ another sleeper. surprisingly doesn’t mind if you use him as a pillow or ask to share his blanket, he’s really comfy with all those layers on
☆ will lightly shove you away if you start moving too much, though
☆ pretty chill the whole time as usual
☆ sits in the very back and mostly will watch the scenery
☆ she brings a book or watches a movie, and doesn’t mind sharing her headphones with you to watch it together 
☆ unless you’re traveling in a car with tv screens installed, then she has a small travel case with a ton of burned cds (if you know you know) and everyone can join in
☆ if she gets tired of socializing with everyone she puts in some earbuds and takes a nap
☆ packs a whole bag of snacks and homemade sweets for everyone
☆ checks pretty often if anyone wants to take a break at a rest stop and stretch their legs (she’s pretty jittery and doesn’t want to be the only one constantly asking to stop the car)
☆ also participates in the license plate game, but also likes to play the slug bug and yellow car game
☆ made the mistake of slug bugging katelyn and got punched back in the arm
☆ gets really addicted to cute cat games on her phone and accidentally spends a bunch of money on passes
☆ she brings some sort of craft or sketchbook for the trip. you notice she’s been quiet for a while before looking over and seeing she’s already crocheted half of a scarf and a hat
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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penkura · 5 months
last forever [6/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Fake Marriage, referenced sex (waaaaaay later on), mutual pining, Zoro is bad at feelings but what's new there, eventual romance I promise, mention of past attempted assault (I'll warn in that chapter), creepy older dude later on
Note: This got away from me, it's over 6k words, I'm so sorry. But, here's Robin and a bit of development between our lovely couple, I suppose. I do love Zoro, I promise.
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5]
“Looks like we've shaken them.”
A round of whines from your crewmates is heard, making you smile slightly.
“You guys should be happy.”
Another whine, this time making you giggle while Zoro stares at everyone else.
“Stop that. What's wrong with you all?”
“I miss her!!”
Leaving Alabasta the way you did, barely able to say goodbye to Vivi and Karoo, with her decision to stay in the kingdom rather than join you all at sea, it was rough. You missed her greatly too, but understood her choice and accepted it. You still had Nami, at the very least it wasn't just you and a bunch of boys.
“If you wanted her to stay, you should've taken her by force!”
Hearing the insults everyone throws towards Zoro makes you laugh, even as he looks up at you on the upper deck in annoyance. You wave with a smile still on your face before he looks away. Strangely, things haven't changed much between you since he told you nothing romantic would be happening. Sometimes you feel an ache in your chest when you look at him, thinking about it, but you've come to accept Zoro probably would never take back what he said or try to court you. Once you had some kind of response from your parents, you two would sign your annulment papers and move on, living as crewmates instead of faking being husband and wife for your safety.
“I do agree with Zoro, you guys,” your smile softens as everyone looks up at you in surprise, “I love Vivi too, but if we wanted her to come along, we should've just kidnapped her.”
“Of course, that would've made us worse criminals,” jumping down from the upper deck, you stand beside Zoro with your arms crossed, “so it's better we let Vivi stay like she decided to. We'll see her again.”
While the rest of the crew agrees with you, Zoro is surprised you're being so agreeable with him after your discussion the other night.
Well ‘discussion’ is putting it lightly and in more positive terms. Sanji confronted him the next morning and mentioned how you'd ended up in tears over what Zoro said to you, making your temporary husband feel bad for a bit. He hadn't meant to make you cry, he was just telling you the truth. Romance was the farthest thing from his mind, it shouldn't even be in yours right now. There are too many other things to worry about, your goals and helping Luffy become King of the Pirates were the main ones. Helping everyone else with theirs was secondary, romance or anything like that was so far out of his mind, he never thought of it being a thing he'd have to worry about.
When he looks at you, all you do is smile, before Zoro shakes his head to move on and get those thoughts that you're still upset out of his head. You probably are, but it's not something to worry about right now.
“Looks like we finally escaped the firing squad.”
“Yeah, finally.”
“Excellent work, swordsman.”
The newest voice makes you all freeze in shock before everyone starts to freak out. Your hand is on your sword but Zoro is in front of you before anything happens, the rest of your crew moving into position against the dark haired woman on board. You barely recognize her as Crocodile's partner Ms. All Sunday, and you're curious about her reasons for being on your ship.
While Sanji swoons over her, Nami and Chopper start to hide behind you behind Zoro, Usopp is shouting warnings, and Luffy is shouting questions, Nico Robin does little more than smile, before saying she wants to join the crew, giving her reason being that Luffy saved her life back in Alabasta.
“I was determined to die, and you saved my life. That's your crime. So I decided I would join you.”
“Well,” Luffy nods and crosses his arms, “Guess it can't be helped. Welcome aboard!”
The next little while is spent with everyone quickly changing their minds about Robin, for the most part. Usopp interrogates her but still believes her to be dangerous, until she pulls a trick with her Devil Fruit powers making him, Luffy, and Chopper burst out laughing. Sanji is smitten simply due to her being a woman, and Robin handing over a bag of jewels to Nami has them in each other's good graces.
Zoro intends to hold out, he's not going to trust her so easily when she was out to get you all until just a few minutes ago. He halfway expects you to do the same, though he doesn't expect the next exchange between you and Luffy a few moments later, once everyone has settled and you're able to pull your captain aside.
“Luffy,” you stay quiet, only he and Zoro can really hear you while Sanji continues to fawn over Robin as Usopp and Chopper ask her to show more of her powers, “Do you really trust her? I mean…she did work with Crocodile.”
Luffy gives you a bright grin and nod, which you return slightly. “Yeah, it's fine! She's not a bad person! You can tell too, can't you?”
“Mm.” You nod, deciding to trust in Luffy and his decision. You climb up on the railing beside him, taking the extra fishing rod to help him get something for dinner. “I'll trust you then, Luffy.”
“Great! Now let's get something good for Sanji to cook for dinner!”
“Haha, right.”
No, you don't miss how Zoro doesn't say anything, instead turning away from you and Luffy, avoiding Robin as she attempts to speak to him before looking at Luffy and asking if he'd gotten any bites yet. She was trying to fit in with you all, Luffy trusted her and she seemed to trust him. You're willing to give her a chance, even if Zoro isn't.
You're sure there's going to be a discussion about this later, and you definitely aren't looking forward to it.
“You can't be serious that you trust her.”
“Zoro,” you sigh and shake your head, rubbing your forehead a bit. Your head is starting to ache at the thought of a possible argument, “I didn't say I trust her.”
“Oh, and what's your reasoning for not being skeptical? She was our enemy not even three days ago!”
“I get that…but it sounds like she trusts Luffy.”
Zoro sighs heavily and shakes his head at you this time. He's not sure what to do with you, he doesn't want to fight with you about this, but it seems to be the way it's going to go.
He just doesn't trust Robin and doesn't get why you, who seemed to have worse trust issues than he did, ever would.
“And when she betrays us?”
“She won't, Zoro.”
“You don't know that! She could be using Luffy saving her as an excuse to get information and take it to the government or another pirate crew!”
“Oh good lord,” You're nearly glaring at Zoro while he almost snarls at you over the situation, “you are the most untrusting, stubborn man I've ever met! I don't trust her yet, who I trust is Luffy!”
“Luffy doesn't know what he's doing with her! She said something she knew he'd like to hear, she's not safe!”
“Luffy is our captain!” You didn't know your voice could get this loud, nor did you think Zoro's ever would. The rest of the crew must be getting one hell of a show if they could hear you from the storeroom right now. Though, if they could, you're certain Sanji would have run in to defend you and Robin by now.
“What does that have to do with this?!”
“He makes the decisions! If he thinks Robin is safe, I'll trust Luffy!”
“You're being as much of an idiot as our captain is!”
No, he doesn't really mean it, but Zoro wants to get his point across. You should be cautious, wary of this new person who, yes, was your enemy just a few days ago. You get that, you really do, but if Luffy thinks she's a good person, then…
“Yeah, sure! I'm an idiot because I trust our captain's choice!”
“Yes you are!”
“And you're a stubborn, untrusting dumbass!”
Well you've never called him such a name before, and that's more surprising to Zoro than anything that's happened today. You've both said too many things, probably things you don't mean, but it's enough now that he's done with it all. Done with yelling or trying to talk to you about it. He knows you won't listen, you'll both just end up trading insults and he doesn't want that anymore than you do.
So instead, Zoro pushes past you to leave, stopping briefly for one more thing.
“I want those papers later. We don't need to wait on your parents anymore.”
Zoro doesn't let you respond before he's heading back up the stairs, Luffy calling him for something that he's more than willing to do if it means being away from you for now.
You, however, do feel bad for the names you called him, and wish you had stopped him quickly enough to apologize. Had you been able to properly get your words out, maybe Zoro would have listened instead of fighting with you about Robin's recruitment. Instead you both let your emotions take over, said things you didn't mean, and now he was wanting the annulment papers.
Way to go, [Y/N]. You're getting an annulment and probably losing your closest friend.
Robin finds you with the logbook a couple days later, while everyone else is off the ship checking out the latest island you've docked at. She's not that surprised that you're the one who's keeping track of your adventure, you just seemed like the right person to write out everything that happened. If it wasn't you, she would've expected Nami to be keeping track.
“Anything interesting to record, Miss Logkeep?”
Humming a bit, you nod and finish the sentence you were writing, leaning back as Robin sits across from you. You're still recording all the events of Alabasta, trying to find the words to put everyone's perspective into the log appropriately. Making sure you had all the information meant having to speak with everyone, and with you and Zoro at odds for the moment, it felt like somethings were missing, and you likely weren't going to get anything from him until you two made up somehow.
You haven't taken your annulment papers to him, he hasn't asked again since your argument. Honestly you hope he's forgotten and will let things be until you hear from your parents or he changes his mind entirely. Maybe it's useless to hope for that, but until he asked for them again, you're going to hold onto that hope.
“Yeah, trying to finish Alabasta but…”
“Need someone else's side?”
“Mm…” You nod again, and Robin gives you a smile.
She had heard the argument you and Zoro had, so she knew very well that you two weren't really speaking. Even though it was due to her presence, she didn't say anything to let on that she knew, instead deciding to keep that to herself to see where things went with the two of you. It sounded like you were extremely close, and she'd like to see what your relationship with Zoro really was like.
“Forgive me if I'm prying, but are you and the swordsman close?”
You bite your lip a bit, wondering if you really should trust her with such information. It's not like you have to reveal your temporary marriage to Robin, Zoro would likely demand the papers again and actually sign them this time if you did so. After a moment of back and forth with yourself, you sigh and nod, closing the log with your bookmark in place.
“Yeah, we traveled together before we met Luffy. About eighteen months, I think.”
While you start to relay your story of how you met Zoro, met Luffy, and came to suddenly be a pirate, Robin just smiles and listens to you. Though you and Zoro aren't speaking much right now, you seem happy to be talking about him, like there's something there that even Robin is missing. She's not sure yet, if you have feelings for him, but the smile on your face and the slight blush you seem to have tells her she's on the right track.
“He's saved me from drowning, you know.”
“Has he now?”
You nod again, still smiling. “Not since before we joined Luffy, but a few times. My parents didn't teach me how to swim, Zoro's tried a few times,” you laugh and look at Robin, “I'm not very good!”
Robin laughs with you and gives you a smile. “Sounds like you really like him.”
She has you figured out, Robin thinks, while you blush a little and smile slightly before nodding. You simply have a crush on Zoro, and it seems he doesn't reciprocate it right now. That might change, because she has seen how protective of you Zoro is, having witnessed it first hand when she showed herself on Merry and he was in front of you almost instantly. Although she doesn't yet know all the details of your relationship, she's keen to see what happens.
When Sanji calls you all for dinner, Robin watches you and Zoro. You may not be talking to each other, but you still stay close, seated by each other without much thought, though you don't say anything to Zoro nor does he to you.
Robin knows you two will make up somehow, eventually. It seems as though you've been through far too much together to let one fight come between you.
And if you all do make it to the sky island, there might be a decent chance of seeing how well you two work together in battle.
“Come on, it's not water.”
You stare at Zoro from the Merry's deck, unsure if you believe him enough to jump down and join your crew. Finally arriving at Skypiea was a weight off and on your shoulders, with how thin the air was you felt like you couldn't breathe at first. Once you were used to that, you thought you were away from the water enough that you didn't need to worry about drowning, until watching Usopp nearly drown to death in the endless cloud sea.
Even with seeing Luffy, Chopper, and Robin freely walk through the clouds without any effects, you still weren't sure about it. Of course, you had no real fear of the water, you'd be a terrible pirate if you did.
However, knowing your inability to swim, you try to be careful on the ship, and not knowing how the Sky Island was, you were more worried than anything, even with Zoro trying to coax you off the ship and say you'd be safe.
You two have barely spoken since your argument about Robin joining the crew, so seeing him try to help you is a surprise. You're both stubborn but Zoro more so than you, which is what led to you spending more time with Robin and getting to know her, trusting her and knowing that she's no longer a threat.
Zoro's not at all impressed with you and how you've avoided speaking to him lately, but leaving you on the ship was not happening in his mind, not when everyone else had left and others were even calling for you. Luffy shouting for you to hurry up, Nami promising it was safe and you wouldn't drown, and even Sanji calling for you and saying he'd found something for you (likely the same flower you'd seen him give Nami and Robin, but it was a sweet gesture).
After another moment watching you debate, Zoro sighs and sticks a hand out to you, making you tilt your head.
“I won't let you fall. You know that.”
He's right, so you finally decide to go with your friends. Stepping onto and jumping off the railing with your shoes in one hand, the other grabbing Zoro's so he pulls you to him and keeps you from hitting the ground immediately, his other arm around your waist to help with that.
“Told ya.” Zoro sets you down and lets go of you once he sees you're stable, turning to follow after the rest of the crew before you grab his arm and stop him. “What?”
“I’m…sorry, thank you.”
“The hell you sorry about?”
“Not talking to you, calling you a dumbass, and fighting with you about Robin. I…we can…sign the papers later…”
Oh, that's what it was. Zoro wondered for a few days why you hadn't said anything to him about your marriage or your fight, he thought you'd just bring the papers to him later and say you wanted the annulment, not worrying about whatever your parents may think. He would've signed them if you did, but hearing the way you spoke just now, the slightest bit of concern and maybe sadness in your voice, it makes him shake his head in response.
“No, just…just leave it alone for now,” Zoro sighs but places his hand on your shoulder, moving you to walk in front of him, “Let's just join the others.”
Nodding, you don't miss how Zoro slightly squeezes your shoulder, before moving to keep his hand on your back and guide you, likely so you knew he wasn't letting you go so you wouldn't fall. It's a strange but kind gesture, even after he'd told you that he didn't have feelings for you and you two weren't going to be a couple.
Part of you wonders if he's lying, whether to you or himself, you're not sure yet though.
With all the trouble that Skypiea has brought you all, a night of rest and drinking was greatly needed, in your opinion. You'd all split off the next day to search for the city of gold and make your way to the end of sky island, but for now, you'll indulge in some drinks and laughs with your friends.
While he's still busy making food and handing it out, Sanji does, at one point, notice you grab a couple drinks and almost run back over to Zoro to give him one, before you go back to Nami and Robin nearby. How strange you two still are, in his eyes. You fight to the point of silent treatment, then start speaking again just earlier that day, and you're back to your usual self, bringing the mosshead things whether he asks or not. You're far too kind to Zoro, he doesn't deserve you, even though Sanji knows and understands the two of you aren't together. You do too much for him with nothing in return.
Although, rarely, Sanji has noticed that sometimes, it's Zoro who brings things to you in return. You've asked for a book once, something to drink a few times, and more recently had voiced your want for a snack, and were surprised by it a bit later when Sanji brought it to you.
“I…didn't even come ask you yet.”
Sanji shakes his head, scowling slightly before saying “Mosshead came and told me you wanted something to eat. Said I should just bring it right to you.”
You're surprised, mostly because you and Zoro haven't been speaking since your argument the other day.
The blond knows of your fight, you'd gone to him shortly after and maybe you cried a little while telling him everything, but Sanji's of the belief you two must've made up if Zoro came and asked him to bring you something.
“Guess you guys made up then.”
“No…” this time you shake your head, accepting the small plate of food from Sanji with a slight smile, “We haven't…but this was sweet of him.”
Sanji was surprised at that, but now, he's more annoyed than anything. While you talk and laugh with Nami and Robin, Zoro stays where you left him, every now and then, Sanji catches him watching you. He's probably drunk, that's the only reason Sanji can think of to explain the look Zoro has on his face. It's something soft and almost faraway, like he's thinking too much about something. It only stops when you look over and smile at him, like you had back in Cocoyashi Village, making Zoro look away quickly and down the last of his drink.
There's something there, Sanji knows there is.
He's just not sure what it is yet.
Robin fully believes she knows what it is between you and Zoro, after watching you two the next day. You'd gone with her to search for the city of gold, Zoro not thinking that was a smart idea but you convinced him you'd be fine and he relented. He didn't want to have another argument leading into a silent treatment event happen. Seeing you without Zoro around, you seemed extremely interested in whatever history Robin told you. You chose to tell Robin about your situation with your family, explaining up to your meeting Zoro and leaving off your current marriage to him. You'd tell her one day, maybe once you'd come to know her more and trust her fully. Robin, though, knows there's something missing from your story. She can see it in your eyes, but she can't see exactly what it is.
What she does see happens when Eneru is nearly about to electrocute the five of you standing before him, Nami hiding behind a bit of debris. Once again Zoro has placed you behind him, and Robin can hear him quietly telling you to go to Nami, which you deny.
“I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to help you.”
Zoro's trying so hard to get you to safety that he nearly misses Eneru targeting Robin, only really noticing when you'd pushed away from him and ran to her, only to be hit with Eneru's attack after you'd shoved her out of the way.
Robin's by your side and making sure you're still breathing, relief washing over her when she sees you've just been knocked out. She's more surprised at your actions and how Zoro's sending the worst glare she's ever seen towards Eneru, placing himself between the three of you.
“Don't you dare touch her again.”
“She's likely dead now so that won't be a problem.”
Eneru’s comment nearly pushes Zoro over the edge before Robin calls him.
“Swordsman, calm down! She's still breathing!”
“Doesn't matter! He shouldn't…she shouldn't have…”
Watching Zoro fight for his words and grip his swords tighter, it makes Robin realize she just might be right.
She believes it more so when you all have defeated Eneru, and are recuperating afterwards during a celebration with the Skypieans and Shandorians. Zoro had stayed by your side most of the time, constantly checking to make sure you were alright despite his injuries being worse. You barely seemed to notice, but Robin definitely did. Eventually she sees the same thing Sanji had the night before. You'd gone off with Nami once again, but also Luffy, Chopper, and Aisa this time, the five of you playing some game the little Shandorian girl had come up with, and Robin sees Zoro watching you all, but mostly you. She sees his eyes soften just a bit, the slightest smile on his face while he watches you laugh, especially when Luffy tosses Aisa to you and you catch her, making her squeal in laughter as well. This was the most peaceful she'd seen Zoro yet, and it was all because of you it seems.
How sweet.
You two are the last to wake the next morning, before your abrupt departure, and Robin is sure her hunch is right seeing you snuggled up close to Zoro with one of his arms around you before Sanji kicks Zoro to wake him up. Of course this causes an argument as soon as Zoro is up and in Sanji's face, you barely awake and rubbing your eyes to figure out what's happening.
“What the hell, I was sleeping.”
“You and the swordsman were,” Robin starts to smile while your eyes widen and you feel a blush creeping onto your cheeks, “but we need to get going soon.”
“R-Right… did um… anyone–”
“Yeah you were really cozy with Zoro all night.” Nami grins and you have to hide your face in your hands, Zoro and Sanji still shouting at each other while Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper are gathering their things like it's a game.
Once you all do take off, as you're running to leave, you nearly trip over the ground to the point Zoro grabs you like the sack of gold everyone has and throws you over his shoulder.
“Wait, Zoro!! Put me down!!” You pound on his back a bit before he adjusts you over his shoulder better.
“Not if you're gonna trip like that!”
You don't even bother to fight him and just hang there the rest of the way to Merry, Zoro finally putting you down once you all get there, Robin hears the quietest apology from him while you shake your head and move to help get everything ready to go.
They're very interesting, those two…maybe he does actually like her.
Landing back in the sea did not go as planned for you. Your air filled octopus balloon friend let you down easily for the most part, until he suddenly ran out of air and the Merry was being quickly dropped into the water. You grabbed as tightly to the railing as you could while everyone else did the same, or grabbed each other in the case of Luffy, Usopp and Chopper, and Sanji not at all complaining as Nami latched onto him. The splash down flooded the deck with water, but once it drained enough, Merry settled and you were back as close to solid ground as possible.
“Everyone good?!” Luffy shouts a bit, Usopp and Chopper still holding onto him while most everyone states they're fine. He furrows his brow when he doesn't hear your voice or see you. “Where's [Y/N]?”
“Did she get swept out when the water drained?!” Nami feels panic seep into her bones while she looks for you in the water.
The second Nami's question reaches him, Zoro is in the water on the side of the ship you'd been on, making what felt like the millionth rescue from water he'd done in his life, most of them being for you due to your inability to swim. The first time it happened you'd been pushed in by one of your bounty targets before Zoro struck them down, quick enough that he was able to reach in and pull you out by your shirt collar like a cat by the scruff of its neck while you flailed about. You didn't eat a Devil Fruit, your parents simply never taught you to swim. Your brother attempted to, but only for so long before your parents heard and barred you from doing so. A lady didn't need to know how to swim, your mother tried to reason with you.
Zoro's able to reach you in time before you get too far down in the sea, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you upwards, surfacing not even a minute after he'd jumped in, making you gasp for air and cling tightly to him, almost suffocating your constant savior while you spit up water from your lungs.
“Zoro's got [Y/N]!! Let the ladder down!”
You hated this, hated needing to be saved anytime you ended up in the water. It's become so much that you aren't sure if you really are crying while you grip onto Zoro, or if it's just water dripping down your face, despite how hard you're biting your lip and tightening your hold on him. It's not like you had a good excuse, not like those who had eaten Devil Fruits.
Zoro puts an arm around your shoulders and stops for just a second once he gets the both of you to the ladder before starting to climb up.
“Hey,” you almost miss him speaking to you, even once he starts trying to soothe you by rubbing your back, “I've got you. You're all right.”
He's quiet while he speaks to you, whispering reassurances that all is well, you're okay, he's not going to let you go until you're on the deck again. You're alive, he's saved you again, kept you from drowning like he has Chopper and Luffy in the past. Like he always has.
Sometimes it feels like all you do is take and take and take from Zoro, from all of them. You wonder sometimes if your parents were right, when they said you were nothing more than a greedy child still, always taking but never giving back. Despite the fact you do your fair share on the ship, in battles, it feels like you shouldn't be here.
Once you're back on the deck, you still don't let go of Zoro, even when he tells you to at least loosen your grip before you choke him to death. You do, at the very least, release your grip on his shoulders and instead hide your face in his shirt, trying to keep your worried crewmates from realizing you are crying after all. Zoro simply holds your head in place, even with Luffy and Usopp trying to check you over while Chopper runs to get his bag and help you. Sanji is quickly throwing his suit jacket around you and trying to get Luffy and Usopp away so they don't cause you more distress, while Robin suggests bringing you to your bed, and Nami's run off to your room to get dry, warm clothes for you. Despite the slight distrust he still feels for Robin, Zoro nods at her suggestion, bringing Sanji's jacket around you a bit more before lifting you up in his arms, knowing you weren't letting him go anytime soon. You don't let go, not even for a second, until you're in your room and Zoro has laid you on your bed, telling you to wait for Chopper to get there while he tries to leave and change into dry clothes himself. He's stopped only by you grabbing his wrist, wanting him to stay, before Zoro promises he'll come right back. You only let go after that, giving a slight nod when he turns to leave you to change clothes yourself.
He's almost out of the room before you stop him, making him look over his shoulder to you.
“Thank you…again.”
He shakes his head, telling you not to mention it.
“I'll always save you if you need it, wife.”
You're struck with a nasty fever and congested cough the next day, blaming it on the unexpected swim you'd taken and the slightly colder area you were in. Chopper's given you all the medicine you can take for now, to try and bring your fever down, the rest was up to your own body to fight it off. Your crewmates were kind enough to take turns watching you, as you all had done when Nami was ill before you brought Chopper on board. She and Zoro are the ones to spend the most time watching you; Luffy tries to cheer you up with jokes, Usopp tells you more of his tall tales, Robin has taken to reading to you from a book she'd let you borrow, Sanji is mostly quiet so you can sleep, and Chopper is in and out checking on you and seeing if your fever has reduced any. Nami is almost as quiet as Sanji, working on a map while you rest.
Then Zoro.
He continues to reassure you that everything is OK, not constantly while he's there but he can tell, when you trail off in your sentences and look away from him, that you feel bad about something. He's not sure what, but he tells you everything is alright, you're alive and you made it out of a fight against a false god and a near drowning.
“‘M sorry you have to watch me…instead of doing your training.”
If he'd been any closer to sleep, Zoro would've missed what you said entirely. Luckily for you, he's awake enough to raise an eyebrow and shake his head.
“Don't worry about it. It's what crewmates do.”
It's what a husband does too…
“I feel like all I do is take from you…”
You don't look at him, finding your ceiling more interesting as you look over the wood pattern to avoid his eyes. You know he'll try to reassure you again, Zoro was good at that, despite his indifference to your pretend marriage. He'd never made you feel like you were a burden or less than, even if you really did mostly take and rarely give in return.
Zoro's not even sure why he always tries to make you realize things are okay, that you haven't done anything wrong. He knows about your parents acting like you should be seen and not heard, such a crappy thing to do to your own child in his opinion. Your parents were well off, they’d give to you and your brother constantly, then make you feel like you were selfish for not returning the “favor” by marrying who they chose for you. They really seemed to embody the “not every parent deserves a child” belief.
Thank God you had someone who cared for you though.
Before even saying a word in response, Zoro quietly takes hold of your free hand, letting you lace your fingers with his and making you look him in the eye again.
“Take all you want, I'll give you what I can. You can return it another time, all right?”
You want to cry, as Zoro strokes your hand with his thumb, and you nod a bit, swallowing down the tears before they can start. The things he does to you, even after telling you he isn’t here for romance. The way he acts, the way he treats you, it really makes you want to believe he’s lying to himself, lying to you to keep up his image. It gives you the slightest bit of hope that things could change one day.
We're not a couple…I don't know why you put up with me…
Once your fever is past, you're back to your normal routine of helping out wherever possible on the ship, spending your free time in the kitchen with Sanji, helping Nami with a map, or staying near Zoro while he goes back to training. He doesn't mind if you quietly sit near him, whatever book you've borrowed from Robin in your lap. It feels almost domestic to him, and Zoro has to brush that thought away quickly, lest he start fantasizing about keeping you as his wife. He stops any random thoughts of you two sharing a bed permanently, of taking you out somewhere on the next island for a date, or convincing you to stay up with him during his night watch, just to talk about your relationship and future. No, those thoughts can't be entertained, not now at least, he can't be distracted by such frivolous feelings like wanting to hold your hand all of sudden, or expecting a good morning hug or whatever. Romance isn't in his plans, it's not on his radar. You being his wife isn't supposed to be permanent.
Still though, a thought lingers despite his pushing the others out, when Zoro catches you dozing off in the corner, still fatigued from your body fighting off that fever.
Would it really be so bad to stay married to her?
He's not sure, even as he sets his weight back in place, wiping away any sweat he can and putting on a shirt before settling himself next to you, gently leaning you against him as you sleep. You stir a bit but he quickly quiets you.
“Just me. Go back to sleep.”
Despite the scent of steel and sweat, you snuggle closer to Zoro, him wrapping an arm around your shoulders to keep you still. He lays his head on top of yours, closing his eyes and letting those thoughts come back, not stopping a single one this time.
Thoughts of a possible future where you two stay married and act like it, where you treat each other as husband and wife, where you've both reached your goals, where you're settled down somewhere safe enough to have a child or two perhaps.
Thoughts Zoro never once imagined entertaining, but now they take over his dreams to the point he's started changing his mind.
Maybe not so bad.
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yikesmary · 1 year
TWO: LIVE IN BOYFRIEND — choi seungcheol x reader
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summary: when you have to get used to choi seungcheol as your roommate and fake boyfriend.
notes: thank you guys for all the love you guys gave the first (technically first even if it’s not labeled as the first?) part of what I guess is becoming a series? depending on if I get ideas or not, uploading parts to this series may or may not take long. ill also be accepting ideas for the stories if you guys have any ideas!
btw this chapter focuses more on the contrast of how you and Seungcheol started as people who agreed to fake date vs how you guys will act now. you guys are still fake dating but to people it's very real because you guys act the part.
i'm still accepting requests if you guys have them! it can be for this series or for a one shot, just send an ask.
join my taglist!
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"We need to discuss some ground rules," You said as you and Seungcheol walked around the mall, finding stores to browse through.
"What ground rules do we need? I live with you, and I pretend to be your boyfriend," he said.
"How did we meet? Who asked who out? Where was our first date? Do we let people know we're living together? How long do we say we're together?" You listed out, counting off with your fingers.
"Don't you have a class with Wonwoo?" Seungcheol suddenly asked.
"Jeon Wonwoo? Yeah, I do. Why do you know that?" you asked.
"We say that Wonwoo introduced us and we were friends for a while. I wanted to ask you out but you beat me to it. Our first date was me teaching you basketball, and it was not pretty." He teased.
"How'd you know I'm bad at basketball?" you questioned.
"I mean, when you nearly died after choking on noodles, I guessed you aren't the most graceful," he joked.
You rolled your eyes and hit him lightly on the shoulder. Spotting a store you wanted to go to, you grabbed Seungcheol's forearm and dragged him with you.
"Anyways, we should let people know we're living together. It tells people we're serious and your ex he's a jackass for breaking up with you the way he did," he said, grabbing a shirt and showing it to you to look at.
Nodding in approval, you grabbed the shirt and continued to look through the racks. "Besides creating a story of our relationship, we make other rules,"
You grabbed a few more items before going in line for the cashier. Counting how much money you had, you realized you had to return a few things. You tried walking out of a line but Seungcheol stopped you and shook his head.
"Like don't fall in love with each other," you said, and he scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"We're not gonna fall in love with each other," Seungcheol said.
Once you guys were the next people in line, the cashier started scanning all of the items. Moving to pay, you stopped once you realized that Seungcheol already had his card out and was on his way to pay.
"You didn't have to do that," you told him.
"Think of it as a present. From one roommate to the other," he said.
"Anyways, what were you saying about not falling in love with each other?"
"Have you seen every movie that involves fake dating? The two main protagonists always fall in love without knowing!"
"Those are movies, this is real life,"
When you exited the store, you turned to face him. "How about we just agree to stay friends?"
"Just friends,"
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"I'm home!" You called out, putting your keys in the bowl that Seungcheol put after you lost your keys and had to use his for the 3rd time.
When you entered the living room, you saw that your living room was filled with both yours and Seungcheol's friends sitting at every possible chair. "Hello Cheol and everyone who doesn't live here," you greeted.
"How was your nail appointment?" Seungcheol asked and you smiled and walked towards him to hold up your nails to show him.
He took your hands and observed them, "you chose the color I suggested," he said.
You shrugged, "I didn't have any other color ideas and it looked pretty,"
"Now, tell me, why are there twelve of our friends in our apartment when they don't live here?" you questioned.
"We didn't have any food!" Jeonghan interjected.
As if practiced, the sound of Minghao drinking a cup of tea and Jun eating something crunchy filled the room. Jihoon then opened a bag of candy, which caught the attention of others and they grabbed handfuls from the bag.
"And you finish all of ours?!" You jokingly shouted.
"You guys are supposed to go grocery shopping anyways," Seungkwan pointed out.
"Can you guys get more chips? You guys ran out of the ones I like," Vernon said with a mouthful of the chips as mentioned earlier.
"And soda!" Chan exclaimed.
"You tell me the word and I'll kick all of them out," Seungcheol offered.
Ignoring all of the shouted protests from your friends, you shook your head, "It's fine as long as Mingyu's cooking,"
Everyone in the room turned to Mingyu, who sighed and stood up to go to the kitchen. "Don't make a mess of our kitchen or else!" You called out.
"How about you change into comfortable clothes and I'll make these idiots decide on a movie," Seungcheol said.
"Nothing that's too scary or else Seokmin and Soonyoung will have nightmares," you reminded him.
"I don't think they'll get nightmares—" Joshua started saying, but a stern look from you cut him off.
"They'll get nightmares, nevermind," he backtracked.
"You make us sound like kids!" Soonyoung said.
"It's cause you are," Wonwoo commented.
"This is like a daycare," you muttered.
"Go change. I managed to get your favorite snacks away from the guys," Seungcheol told you.
You smiled at him before going to your room to change like you originally planned to.
Maybe this fake dating thing was going better than you thought it was going to.
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yurislotusgarden · 5 months
Unplanned makeup
ʚїɞ Nakahara Chuuya x Gn!Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 333
ʚїɞ Tw’s: nothing
ʚїɞ This was meant for his bday... In short, school is fucking me over, I forgot this was in my drafts and now idk how to end this🤷‍♀️
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from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸 READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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“Chuu, stop moving.”
“I'm not moving.”
“Yes, you are.”
“Your face.”
Chuuya was, quite honestly, having the time of his life the whole day. From breakfast in bed (that was delicious and he made sure to voice it out), the small surprise from the few people he could call friends, and a little date with you that led to the present moment.
You somehow got him to agree (it wasn't as bad as you first thought because he's a simp) to let you put some makeup on his face, which you started on eagerly soon after. However, he decided that he wanted to be a little bit of a menace which resulted in him moving slightly, or doing little things that made the whole process take longer than necessary. (He just wants you to stay on his lap longer)
Opening his eyes way too often when you were putting on eyeshadow, he refused for the longest time to let the mascara anywhere near his eye, or tilting his face wrong which resulted in your hand on his jaw (exactly what he wanted).
“What’s wrong with my face?” He asked, confused since he thought everything was alright as he hadn’t seen himself in a mirror yet.
“It's a mess because you don't let me do things correctly.” You sighed softly as you applied a small amount of blush to his cheekbones.
“It tickles, that's why I move.” That was a lie and you both knew it.
“You barely flinch at the rare time you get stabbed, the hell do you mean that you move away because it tickles?” You teased lightly as you looked over the lipstick options beside the two of you.
“You wouldn't understand, doll.” He had to shut up with those pet names if he didn't want you to kiss him right there and then.
“Of course I wouldn't, I never got stabbed, love.”
“You better.”
“Yes yes, now shut your pretty mouth up and let me put this on.”
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Notes, comments, reblogs and anything else is greatly appreciated
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Life in the City 3
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bad friends, creep behaviour, abuse of power dynamics, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You move to the big city and find yourself swallowed up by its chaos.
Characters: Clark Kent, Thor Odinson, short!reader
Note: A brief reprieve from the snakish prince.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you. No tag list, do not ask for updates.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You sleep lightly, A restless night that leaves your skull fragile. You give up your attempts as the sun rises through the windows. You sit up and stretch, looking around the soft hues limning the walls of Melanie’s apartment.
You stand and move cautiously through the space. You change in the bathroom, doing your best not to make too much noise as you go out to grab your bag. You brush your teeth and tidy up. You’ll have a shower when you get home.
You emerge and look around, making sure you haven’t left anything out. You take the time to clean up the snacks from the night before and place everything away in the cupboard. You know Melanie’s on a diet but it feels wrong to take it all back with you.
As you zip up your bag, a shadow darkness the hallway and you look up as Clark tussles his dark hair and stretches. You glimpse at him briefly, mortified to find him shirtless, his hard torso exposed above the low elastic of his sweatpants.
“Morning,” his voice is silty with sleep, “what… are you leaving already?”
“Well, I… I should head off. Get out of your way,” you shrug as you speak quietly, “plus, I got chores…”
“Oh, do you need a ride,” he lets his hand drag down his chest as you shift awkwardly, clinging to your knapsack.
“Um, that’s nice, but I’ll just catch the bus–”
“The bus?” He echoes, “let me throw on a shirt and get myself together. I can’t let you just sneak off.”
“Erm, I guess… I could wait and say goodbye to Melanie, I just thought–”
“Yeah, she won’t be up for a while,” he drops his arms, his chest puffed proudly, “you know, she drank a lot. She wasn’t feeling too well. You didn’t hear her?”
“What? I…” you blink and avoid his gaze, “I was asleep, I didn’t hear anything.”
“Oh, yeah, she was sick in the middle of the night. Pretty bad. I tell her not to drink on an empty stomach.”
“Ah, uh, yeah, that’s awful,” you sputter, “I… I’m sorry to rush out, it’s just I got a lot to catch up.”
“No problem. I’ll save you waiting for the bus,” he says, “won’t be long at all.”
“Oh, okay, but–”
“Really, it’s no trouble. If I don’t wake her up with a real latte, she’ll bite my head off,” he chuckles, “hungover Melanie is not nice Melanie.”
“Right,” you try to laugh but it’s more a croak, “I’ll just be… here then.”
You sit in the car silently. The tension is roiling. You don’t know why you agreed. You could have insisted; the bus won’t be long…
Too late for that. You’re stuck now. At least there’s not much traffic. You hug your bag in your lap, anxious to just get home. He drives patiently despite the empty streets, taking his time as he turns onto the next street.
“So, chores, sounds exciting,” he teases.
“Mm, yeah, I guess,” you agree squeakily.
“What else are Saturday’s for? Guess you’re headed back to work on Monday?”
You nod, “mhmm.”
“How is it? Work? You making lots of friends?”
You almost feel like a kid. It reminds you of when your dad would pick you up from school and ask what trouble you go into. You twiddle your fingers against your bag.
“Um, well, everyone sort’ve keeps to themselves,” you eke out, “there’s a lot of work so…”
“You’ll settle in. I’m sure you’ll find lots of friends,” he slows and flips on his blinker, “I mean, you already have.” You tilt your head and glance at him in confusion, “me.”
“Oh, uh, sure, yeah, sorry, I’m tired,” you laugh nervously.
“So,” he rolls into the lot of the Coffee Bean, “want something?”
“You don’t have to–”
“I’m stopping by anyway, no biggie,” he insists, “coffee, tea?”
You pick at the zipper of your bag. He’s so nice. Too nice. But that’s not a real problem, you’re just making it into one. Last night… what did he do so wrong? Pull a blanket over you? It was cold.
“Sure, could I just get an iced green tea, please and thank you?” You unzip your bag and fish around.
He steers into the drive through and puts in his order at the speaker, listing off Melanie’s complicated lite syrup, half-foam, coconut milk monstrosity at the end. You pull out your wallet as he’s directed to the window.
“My treat,” he insists.
“Really, it’s just three bucks.”
“Exactly,” he insists, “you brought all those treats last night, the least I can do is buy you an iced tea.”
“Thanks,” you sniff and look out the window.
“I’ll make sure Mel gives you a call. You two can hash this out,” he stops and waits at the window, “she needs a friend like you. All the others are so… well, they’re not as nice as you.”
“Maybe, I… if she wants to call. I don’t want to bug her.”
“Bug her? Oh, sweetie, she doesn’t deserve a friend like you,” he says, “but I’m being selfish and I think you’d be a good influence.”
You nod again, put off by his tone. It’s like he’s a parent the way he talks about Melanie. Almost like he’s trying to mould her into something. Someone like him, with his name and his looks, you’re sure he could find someone who already fits right in.
The window opens and he takes the tray of drinks. He hands you yours before sliding the other two into the cup holders. He flings the cardboard tray onto the backseat and continues through the exit. He idles at the signs.
“I forgot, which way am I going?” 
You point him in the right direction, nearly sighing in relief. You’re almost home. You just want to hide away in your shame and never be perceived again.
You’re not very surprised when Melanie doesn’t call. Not on Saturday or Sunday. You’re grateful that she doesn’t. You’re trying to forget about the movie night gone wrong. It’s probably better off. You’ve both changed a lot since high school, or maybe you haven’t changed enough.
You go through your usual. You’re not a liar, you do have chores. Dishes, laundry, floors, dusting… You keep yourself busy in an effort to block out the memory of the night. You won’t be watching Never Been Kissed ever again, that’s for sure.
Monday morning greets you with a new start but it all feels so stale. The routine is the same as the weeks before. Wake up, green tea in a thermos, pack your lunch, make yourself presentable, and out the door to catch the bus.
You enjoy the route, letting it lull your pre-work jitters. You’ve been there going on a month and somehow you still feel out-of-place. It’s not like before, where you knew all the people at your work study, or in high school where the associates in the department store joked around more than they ever did the price changes.
You stroll up to the building, slowing behind a pair of men in tailored suits. You feel like a minnow in a sea of sharks. You follow them inside as they drop the door on you. They’re important. They’re chatting about an important meeting and business trip next week. You’ll be dutifully perched at your desk, roving through spreadsheets.
The salesmen are higher up the chain than you in the ecosystem of the company. You’re somewhere along the lower-middle ground, below the lions and the hyenas. You’re off with Timon and Pumbaa, trying not to get eaten.
You step onto the elevator with them, shrinking down. You’re invisible to them. You’re not Stella in her red-soled stilettos and tight pencil skirts, or Ginnifer in her high-buns and sleek pantsuits. You feel like a little girl playing dress up even in your simple powder blue cardigan and flowered skirt.
The elevator bings and the men nearly bowl you over as they brush past you on each side. You get off after them and scurry away to your desk. You see Stella now, sipping a tall latte as she purrs at Tony. She struts down the hall ahead of him as she calls back about some expense report.
You tuck your bag under your desk and get yourself situated. You plunk down your thermos beside your mouse and boot up. You roll your ankles under the desk, your Keds soft-soled but comfortable. You can’t run for the bus in heels.
You steel yourself for another day buried in Excel columns. You sign in and push back the cap on the lid of your cup. Steam escapes and you let the heat escape before you dare taste it. You pull up your inbox and scroll through your emails. Your task list is ever longer by the day.
Your work isn’t unimportant. You give the analytics to the salesman and the big suits. You provide the numbers for their strategy but for them, all that is menial. That’s not the real meat of the company. You and all the other ants in the hill are dispensable.
You push your chair back as you reach into your bag for your notebook. As you do, the back collides with something. You quickly roll back in, knocking your head on the edge of the desk as you do. You rub your brow as you spin to face the obstruction.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you babble up at the tall man. 
He’s big, blond, and burly, and wears a suit that demarcates him as one of them. You don’t need an introduction, everyone knows who he is. The COO is memorable for more than his title. His booming voice and towering size set him apart from all the other men in their leather shoes and skinny ties.
“I’m sorry, sir,” you stand but still have to crane your neck to look at him, “I wasn’t paying attention.”
“That’s quite alright,” he smiles broadly, “are you alright? You took quite a bump.”
“Oh,” you drop your hand from your head, “yeah, I’m fine, sir. Thank you. I was just… looking for something.”
“So long as you’re alright. However, I am the safety officer, I could have a look,” he offers.
“Really, I’m fine,” you insist, “I didn’t mean to do that–”
“I didn’t mind so much,” he assures you, “I don’t know you. You’re new. Leah’s replacement?”
“Um, I think,” you look at your desk, “I wouldn’t know.”
“Of course not,” he accepts, “Thor Odinson.”
He holds out his large hand. You consider it and give him your own. Your hand is tiny in comparison as he easily wraps his fingers around it. You supply your name with a squeak.
“Ah, I like that,” he praises, “well, you have a wonderful day. And welcome to the company.”
“Yes, sir,” you rescind your hand as he releases it. His cologne wafts towards you, vanilla underscored by something woodsy.
“Thor,” he affirms.
You repeat his name and clutch your hands together. He lingers, looking you up and down, then turns on his heel. You watch him go before you sit.
You want to hold your head and hide. What did he think of you? This girl in her thin wool cardigan and lace-up sneakers. You don’t know why you care so much. He’s your boss but not directly. He’s probably already forgotten about you.
You cringe and swirl your mouse around. Focus. You’re at work. This isn’t high school or college. This isn’t about making friends and all that. It doesn’t matter what he thinks of you, your work matters.
You lean into the screen and squint at the tight boxes, increasing their size as you open a new report. For all your studying, you never saw yourself sitting there fighting with numbers all day. Percentages, rates, medians, mean… how boring.
You jolt as you feel your bag buzz against your leg. You look behind you before you push your chair out this time and bring your bag into your lap. You retrieve your notebook as you remember the cause of your first folly then fish out your phone. 
You bring down the menu and set it to silent. Before you hit lock, you see the message beaming back at you. It’s from Melanie.
‘Hey girl. Let’s talk.’
You frown. You’d already accepted that Mel was done with you. She was always good at holding a grudge, even for the slightest offence. You wonder if Clark really had talked to her. You leave it unread and tuck your phone away, dropping your bag back to the floor and shoving it away with your toes.
As you return your attention to your monitor, you sense something behind it. There, across the room, you meet Thor’s eyes as he stares at you. He has a red mug of coffee in his hand as he sips. He pulls the brim away from his lips and grins, sending a wink in your direction.
You blink and look over your shoulder. Who is he looking at? You turn back to face him again. He’s gone. Ah, whoever it was, must’ve caught up to him.
You shake off the collision and the text message. Work!
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klausysworld · 1 year
Hey hope you’re days going well, I just wanted to make a request that I thought abt last night. I wanted to ask if you could do smt where the reader is sleeping in the next room and she woke up from a nightmare all freaked out so she sliped beside klaus and he was telling her that she was safe and that she is a good girl, just smt all sweet and safe but maybe if you can fit it in a little smut to calm reader down 😮‍💨
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Let me protect you
I woke with a gasp as the rush of adrenaline shook me out of my nightmare. My heart raced and my skin felt burning hot as I sat up and pushed the covers off me. I took ragged breathes as tears fell down my face.
Hesitantly I got out of bed, my legs felt weak and shaky as I stood and I went straight for the light switch. I wiped my eyes and cheeks as I looked around to make sure I was alone and my dream was just a dream.
I crawled back into bed and sat down for a moment before pulling my knees to my chest and covering my mouth with my hands.
The nightmares had been here every night since the incident. Turns out life with the Mikaelsons isn’t that great. Id come with Hayley to New Orleans when she thought she’d found her pack and ended up getting close with Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah. Unfortunately that came with a target over my head and resulted in a kidnapping.
I had assured everyone that I was fine and I’d rather just move on from it and so everyone agreed to drop it. Everyone except Klaus. He had tried to talk to me about it a few times since but I brushed him off which ended up making him feel bad and distance himself from me.
I felt bad for pushing him away, it wasn’t his fault it happened and I knew he blamed himself but I didn’t want to tell him what had happened while I was taken, I wasn’t ready. But that didn’t stop the memories from haunting my mind.
And as much as I didn’t want to go make a fuss about it, at the same time I just needed someone to hold me or tell me it was okay.
Hayley was at the bayou for the night and so Klaus was the next person I would go to. Even though we weren’t talking as much recently, I knew if I went to him, he would never turn me away.
So I went to his door and knocked lightly but he didn’t answer. I felt like a nervous child going to their mothers room to wake them up.
Which much reluctance, I opened his door and looked inside. The duvet only went up to his waist exposing his bare upper body. His eyes were closed and his lips were parted as he breathed slowly.
I quietly shut the door behind me and made my way to his bed. I faltered in my step when the floor creaked and I thought I’d woken him but he didn’t move so I lifted the covers and got in beside him.
I silently tried to lay down without rustling the covers. I turned to lay on my side and face the opposite direction to him as I put my head on one of his pillows.
My legs curled up so I lay in the fetal position. I let out a sigh as I stared at the painting that hung on the wall in-front of me.
It felt like I laid there for hours before Klaus’s body rolled over and his arm went around me. I stiffened at the feeling and slowly turned my head to see if he was awake but he was still out.
I managed to turn in his hold as he pulled me closer. I could feel my face getting hotter as I was held against his chest. Hesitantly, I nuzzled a little closer and allowed myself to take comfort in his touch.
Several moments later I heard him mumble something before his hand pet my hair lightly and he shifted to sit up slightly.
“Y/n?” He rasped sleepily as he cupped my face to have me look up at him. I could just about make out his face in the darkness and nodded. “Love? How long have you been in here?” He asked with a yawn. He pushed himself up against the headboard and kept me tucked to his side
“I don’t know…not too long” I whispered and he furrowed his brows a little. “I had a bad dream is all and well I knocked but you were asleep…but I can go back to my room”
I went to get up but he pulled me straight back to him and tightened his arm around me so I couldn’t leave. “Nonsense sweetheart” he mumbled “stay” he whispered and I wasn’t in much of position to argue, physically or emotionally. I nodded and lay relax against him again as his hands held me close. “What was your dream about?” He asked softly and I frowned with a shrug
“Don’t remember” I whispered and he hummed. He moved about a bit before pulling me onto his lap and kissed the side of my head.
“You can sleep here for the night” he murmured softly as his hand rubbed up and down my arm gently. I pressed my cheek to her chest, my eyes fluttering at the warmth that radiated off his skin.
“Thank you” I uttered as his hold on me tightened.
We laid there for a small while, I must’ve fallen asleep for a moment because before I knew it I was back in that room and screaming for someone to come save me. It wasn’t long until Klaus was there, right in that room and trying to tell me to calm down. It didn’t make sense that he was there, he didn’t turn up the last time. I didn’t realise it was a dream until I woke up with Klaus’s hands pinning me to the bed as I kicked at him aggressively and tears covered my face.
I froze when I realised it was Klaus who I was fighting and turned my head to look around in confusion.
His grip on me loosened and his thumb swiped the tears away from under my eyes. I went to push myself up but he presses a hand to my chest to keep me down. “It’s okay love” he whispered, “you’re okay now”.
I sniffed a bit and rubbed my eye “I’m sorry” I told him quietly
“Don’t be sorry sweetheart, it’s my fault they took you” he argued
“I don’t blame you” I whispered. The back of his fingers grazed my cheek and his lips pressed to my forehead.
“Then you’re a fool” he muttered and I smiled a little. He laid back down beside me and pulled me back to his chest “I should have saved you” he confessed. I’m all honesty it was him that I had been yelling for to save me, I was obviously still more than happy that Hayley and Elijah had come and got me but I had wanted him. That might not have been fair to him, he was probably really busy fighting for his own life but at the time I had been upset. Obviously I realised now how ridiculous it was to be mad at him for something so silly but I couldn’t find it in me to argue with him that he should’ve been the one.
I swiped my palm over my cheek and moved my arm over his chest. His arms slipped around me and pulled me on top of him completely. “You were so strong that night” he whispered “I’m so proud of you…and I know you’ve wanted to keep being strong by keeping it all to yourself but I don’t want you to pretend. I want to protect you now…just let me take care of you” he murmured and I nodded reluctantly. I relaxed against him and sighed softly.
I should’ve let him help me earlier.
But I suppose late is better than never so now was just as good a time as any.
I let my eyes close as his fingers played into my hair. My heart fluttered when his lips brushed over the shell of my ear and he whispered the words “good girl” to me before kissing my temple.
I nuzzled up into the crook of his neck as he began to rub along my back leisurely. Warmth left me as the duvet was pulled down to my hips but I didn’t complain, it was too hot anyways. My body stiffened momentary as his hands slid up under my top against my bare skin to my upper back. He hugged me closer than possible, my chest was squished to his and I felt his legs shift so they were tangled with mine. I let out a breath once his touch slid back down to the bottom of my back, his hands choosing to squeeze my hips lightly.
I felt his lips press to the top of my head as the pads of his fingers wondered the length of my body. “I’ll take care of you” he whispered quietly. I kept almost silent and still, my body reacting on its own as he continued to draw swirls and patterns up and down my skin.
With each breath I took, the more of him I seemed to feed on. His scent and warmth and touch and softly spoken praises. My stomach fluttered when his fingertips moved down past my back to my arse. I was only in panties and a t-shirt while he was only in his boxers so there wasn’t much between us as he began to feel the waistband of my underwear.
He kissed along my hair and then my forehead, I pushed myself up on my forearms so his kisses could continue down my face. His lips touched everywhere but my own, instead our foreheads rest together and his nose brush mine as my heart rate increased and his hands moved under my panties to squeeze at my arse gently. We both let out a hot breath as he did so and I could sense the smirk tugging at his lips as he repeated the action.
“Such a good girl” he murmured, his mouth just brushing mine teasingly with each word. I could feel a certain heat begin to pool inside me, my body began to grow needier as his hands borderline massaged my arse until I let out a soft moan and moved my hips to brush myself against one of his thighs.
He hummed before allowing our lips to touch, just lightly to begin with before they were moving together in perfect sink. He pulled me further up his body, pulling my legs over him to straddle his hips to give me a little more control as I kissed him back. His tongue brushed my lower lip to part it from the top one to deepen the moment. I make a noise of surprise when a ‘snap’ sounded through the room and I felt my panties slid away from my body.
I pulled back and he let me to see the item in his hand that wasn’t cupping my arse. He lifted them to see the glistening wet patch that had spread across the material making my face flush red and my skin to burn hot.
Neither of us spoke a word before he brought them to his mouth slowly and let his tongue taste the warmth. I could feel my body tingle at the action and my eyes widened slightly as his eyes rolled back into his head and closed. I swallowed down the saliva that was flooding my mouth as he put the panties on his bedside table and cupped the back of my head to pull me back down and let our lips press together again. I went to pull away as his tongue met mine but he kept me there, having me taste myself on him as his other hand began to encourage my body to rub against his.
His mouth left mine, only to travel along my jaw and down my neck as he shifted me to sit directly on his clothed dick, I could feel my body getting wetter, hotter and more nervous as I ground against him and his hands gave gentle pats to my arse to keep me going.
“Let me love you” he whispered and my heart squeezed in my chest. We had both known that the other cared for each other deeply but neither of us never said a word about it out loud, until now. “Tonight, tomorrow, and every day after that” he murmured into my ear before kissing just below it and lifting me up by my thighs so I couldn’t grind against him anymore.
He looked to my eyes, a soft yet seriousness to his gaze making me nod “every day, forever” I confirmed and he nodded.
“Good girl” he whispered and before I could blink he was completely nude and I was placed on-top his cock, my pussy pulsing as he moved his hips to slide himself against my folds. My breathing got laboured as his tip knocked against and around my clit. His hands kept a good grip on my waist to control both our movements. I glanced to his face but his eyes were trained on where our bodies met as his teeth bit down on his own tongue and his tip slipped inside me.
My breathing grew shallower as he pushed me down via his hold on my waist until he was halfway in. I let out a whimper as my body adjusted to fit him and he groaned softly. “Tight” he mumbled to himself before his eyes found mine and he smiled lazily before kissing my lips gently before pushed me further down until he had bottomed out completely.
My brows scrunch together in pain as I stretched around him while his head dropped back against his pillow with a loud groan. His arms moved around my waist and he pulled me tight against him, our bodies pressing together. My upper body was still clad in a slightly too big shirt as he lay completely bare beneath me.
I laid my cheek against his upper chest and let my eyes shut, my hands smoothed up his arms to his shoulders. I could feel his touch slide back up my back until his fingers were in my hair and an arm was round my waist. A soft moan left my mouth as hips began to rock gently. His breathing shallowed as he continued to move within me slowly. His hand gripped my hair as I rubbed my fingertips against his shoulders.
“You feel so soft” he whispered making my cheeks heat up. I could feel myself squeezing his cock as he moved a little bit faster. “So warm” he mumbled before releasing a puff of air. His lips pressed to my head and down to my ear, “so wet” he breathed down my spine. Another soft moan left my lips in response and I began to help slide myself along his length to match his movements.
My breathing quickened, my knees digging into his sides as he sped up our pace. His hand form my hair moved to cup my jaw, lifting my face closer to connect our lips. He hummed against me sending a buzz through my body as he sped up again.
The kisses were soft and loving, both of us keeping as quiet as we could despite a few moans, groans or whimpers between heavy breaths. Mostly so we wouldn’t wake the whole house and also because we were both still tired and our bodies were ready to sleep.
That was until the intense pleasure became much more apparent as his tip rubbed over a sensitive spot inside me. A needier moan bubbled through me at the sensation and I pushed our lips together a little harder.
His arms wrapped around my waist before we were rolled over so he was on top. His hips moved to mine considerably faster as his mouth seemed hungrier.
A hand moved from my waist and brushed over my thigh encourages me to open them a little wider. I let out as gasp and my hands pushed at his shoulders gently to pull my lips away from his as I felt his thumb press to my clit. “Klaus” I whined as my walls clamped around him and he groaned.
His other hand tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear as his breathing turned to panting as his hips stuttered every so many thrusts.
I whispered softly as his thumb rubbed against me and his cock began to release hot spurts inside me. My thighs opened as wide as I could manage as he pushed me over the edge, his hand covered my mouth as I came and his movements slowed. His eyes fluttering as he pulled himself out of me and dropped to lay beside me. His hand left my face and I was pulled right back against him for his lips to press to mine again.
My breathing calmed and I kissed back gently before he pulled back away and his hands smoothed over my hair. Both our faces formed smiles as he kept me to his side. “I’ll bring you to the bathroom and we can clean you up, then we can try getting you to sleep again, okay my love?” He whispered while pulling me onto his lap and moving us to the end of the bed. His arms moved, one under my legs and one round my midsection as he lifted me and walked us to the bathroom.
He sat me on the toilet seat and told me to wait. He disappeared for just a second before returning in clean boxers with one another pair in his hands and one of his tops. He pulled the one I was wearing off, and his gaze landed on my chest for a short while before he cleared his throat and pulled the top over my head, I slid my arms through and basked in his scent. My lips kept pulling up as he got down onto his knees with a warm cloth to wipe me clean. Very few words needed to be spoken as he did so, both of us just feeling comfortable enough to continue in the quiet.
A yawn forced its way out of me while he pulled a pair of his boxers up my legs to my hips. Before I knew it, I was back in his hold and brought back to his bed. He dropped me down making me breath a soft laugh before he was on-top of me and pulling the duvet over us both. My mouth opened to speak but his lips stopped any words from leaving. From there he planted kisses right the way round my face before snuggling closer and pulling my face to his neck.
“You should try sleep now my lovely…I promise I won’t let any bad dreams or memories get you” he promises and I nod with a small smile
“I don’t think I could have any bad thoughts after that” I whispered and he hummed
“I should hope not” he murmured with a growing smile “but just incase, I’ll be here every night”
“Oh? Every night? Do I get a relaxation session each night as well?” I giggled and he chuckled
“I will show you my love every night, every morning, every afternoon and every moment in between that I can have my hands on you” he whispered and I kissed him briefly.
“I’ll stick around then” I mumbled and he squeezed me tight
“I’ll be waiting”
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1-ker0sene-1 · 9 months
Never Just Two
Ghoap / Reader
(Wheelchair User Reader)
Chap1, Chap2, Chap3
"Liquid Courage"
Word Count: 1.7k
CW: Ghoap kinda being assholes
They thought it would be easy. Maybe you would go away in just a couple weeks, either done with your task, or hell- maybe you weren't that good and they'd get a replacement. Seems Ghost and Soap weren't so lucky. You were good at your job, damn good. You got the information they needed barely in a couple days. Laswell and the captain agreed to sign you onto the next mission, then the next.. now they were even considering making you a full fledged member of the task force.
Not only were you good at your designated tasks. But fuck. You were already acclimating well on the base, on the team. Already knowing Laswell, you came in with a good respect for eachother. You and Gaz bonded fairly quickly, apparently you briefly lived in his hometown around highschool. Not that you knew eachother deeply, just passed eachother in the halls. And Price, damn those paternal instincts, had done well taking you under his wing. Making sure things were accessible for you, making sure you didn't question your role here. You were soft spoken, he'd be damned if he let anyone on base walk over you.
You got along with everyone. Everyone except them. You definitely strayed away from the couple, slipping out of the room when they came in. If you couldn't leave you'd at least quiet down. You could meet Johnny's eyes if he asked something directly, with some brief glances away. But Simon definitely intimidated you the most, you didn't even look him in the eyes. But you were civil, speaking when spoken to, still handing them their designated information for missions. Wishing them luck just as you do the captain and Gaz. You were simply distant, as far as you knew, it was for your own good.
They couldn't deny their part in it. Simon directly threatened your life, Johnny did too- just having the slightest bit of subtlety about it. At first, with your growing kinship with the team, they were sure you were going to give them away. Not to mention, you saw Simons face. God did it make his spine itch, those he trusted saw him unmasked, he certainly didn't trust you. Simon is ashamed to say he tampered lightly with your computer in the first week, with little hope that you'd fuck up and be transferred. He knows it's low. He knows it's a bastard move. But you were a threat, a threat of losing Johnny. This little stunt didn't work, you completed your task without a hitch. Not even mentioning the clear tampering, you never reported it.
It was the second week that they stopped any sabotage towards you. The fact that you surprised them was an understatement. They made a mistake, one of the recruits saw them wander out of a room in the barracks together- looking.. out of breath to put it lightly. They were sure this was it, caught red handed, they'd be pressed on the subject and eventually the truth would come out. But you, just as Price questioned them, lifted your head and piped up.
"They were just helping me-"
Both Gaz and the captain blinked at you. You barely spoke to the pair, so you asking them for help was news to them.
"You? .. With what?"
Price questions with a raised brow, hand rising to paw at his own beard lazily. You shrugged.
"..I uh.. Had to move some furniture in my room in the barracks.. I can't push the dresser by myself sir."
All that day guilt swarmed in the two men's stomachs. Maybe they were being too harsh. So far you kept your promise, more than that really. Johnny's lips pursed once it was just him and Simon in his room.
"We cannae keep doin' this. Felt bad 'bout it before, now it's damn right cruel."
He mutters, dragging his nails over his scalp through the thick fur of his mowhawk.
Simon stayed silent but nodded in agreement, leaning up against the wall.
"Can't get rid of her now."
He mumbles in confirmation. Johnny scritches at his stubble slightly, which earned a light push on the wrist from Simon- Johnny had a habit of nervous ticks. Whether bouncing his knee or lightly scratching, either way the Lieutenant was trying to break him of it.
"Maybe we shouldn' have tried t' all."
Johnny grumbles. Regret weighing on him. They jumped to conclusions. Now feeling like a right arse. They quite literally were picking on a disabled woman in the workplace, looking like fucking idiots while doing so too. Especially considering that woman just helped them stay out of prying eyes.
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Tonight the group was going out to celebrate, it took you some convincing from Gaz to come along with them. Teasing that you had to come since the mission wouldn't have gone well without you. Now you didn't believe him in the slightest, but praise had always been your weakness. So here you were, trailing beside them as they entered the old building. Price walking behind you, despite you saying you didn't need his help pushing the chair, he liked to remain close just in case you changed your mind.
The bar was nice, Gaz had told you it was the groups favorite. Cheap liquor, good music, and fairly empty most of the time besides regulars. You didn't mind the place either, the warm lighting soothed your nerves. Sinking a little into your seat comfortably. Heading over to the table with the rest of the guys. Gaz slides away a bar stool, letting you pull up your chair in the spot instead.
"Thanks Kyle."
You smile warmly, crossing your arms and leaning your elbows on the tabletop. The group moves to sit down. Gaz on your left, Ghost and Soap across from you, Price at the head of the table. Purposely sitting in the back so the bartender couldn't catch him lighting up a cigar as they waited on their usual drinks.
"Damn lucky this time boys."
The captain mumbles. Soap gives a cheeky grin and bumps shoulders with his Lieutenant beside him.
"Y'know I'd prefer ta call it skill Captain."
While idly chatting about the mission, drinks were slid onto the table by the bartender. You couldn't help but stifle a laugh into your hand as Price was being scolded for the smoke in his hand. Gaz however openly chuckles. Ghost huffs in amusement under his balaclava. Soap grinning ear to ear.
"No captain here Price, that lass is tellin' you off like hir own bairn-"
"Shut it.."
The older man groaned, tossing his hat on the table.
Sipping on the bourbon in your glass you watch with a quiet smile as the four bicker playfully between eachother. You sunk willingly into their background, not minding it at all. Honestly, you found comfort in it. So when Gaz proposed a game of pool over to the middle of the bar, you politely decline, deciding to nurse your drink at the table. However you swallow thickly as all four leave. Except one.
Simon stays seated across from you, making you shift uncomfortably in your chair. Looking down at the liquid in the glass, tracing your fingertips along the rim. You wanted to say something. Anything. Frustrated wasn't quite the word you felt with this man. Well, both of them. You open your mouth, glancing up you find the masked brute is staring right back at you. Closing your lips, jaw clenching. You notice him take a breath, before lifting his glass- slipping out his words right before taking a drink.
"You're awfully quiet."
The words come out of him, as if he isn't one of the reasons. You blink at him, brows furrowing. At first you wonder if he's fucking with you, being sarcastic. But it doesn't matter for your answer. You look down at your cup again, picking it up.
"Not really. We just don't talk much.."
You mumble in return. He's still watching you. You can't help but glance towards the other three, well mostly the two you feel comfortable with. But you find that Price is focused on the game and Gaz is most definitely busy teasing him for it.
There's another long moment of silence. You're glaring at the wood of the table. You both want to speak now, but the words are difficult to find. Hiding instead in frequent glances of distrust. You throw back the glass and down your drink, letting the liquid burn down your throat. Looking Simon straight in the eyes you say sternly.
"I know you have an issue with me. The both of you."
It's Simons turn to blink at you. He's not going to deny it. He's showed it rather clearly in his opinion. But. He does feel the urge to explain. It wasn't personal. He wants to say. He just can't lose Johnny. You were a risk. You were a risk he just wasn't willing to take.
"I don't care."
These are the words that catch him off guard. You stare at him in defiance. You're gripping your glass tightly with both hands.
"You don't have to like me. You can hate me if you want too. But I'm not going anywhere."
You say sharply. Simon hasn't heard you speak like this before. Usually you can be rather meek.
He shifts, opening his mouth to speak.
"I know you were on my computer too."
Simon swallows his words instantly. His eyes were cold, he's gripping his glass just as hard as you are. Taking a long drink. You continue, he doesn't interrupt.
"I care about this team. I care about Price. I care about Gaz."
He expects that to be the end of it, but by the look of determination and the flush on your face, he's wrong.
"And whether you like it or not. I care about whether you and Soap get back from each mission too."
You take a deep long breath, your shoulders sinking slightly. You just wanted it off your chest, your eyes soften and you glance away again.
"You can be as terrifying as you want. You're not going to take this job away from me."
You say. Looking up at him slowly.
"So if you excuse me- .. I'm going to go lose horribly at pool."
You say with an unreasonable amount of confidence. Pushing back from the table to roll towards the group of three. Leaving Simon at the table with your outburst and a half full drink.
He can't help but stare holes into the back of your head. Downing his drink in one gulp. He underestimated you.
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{ugh! Feels good to be writing again! Apologies this series will have chapters around this length, not too much longer than 2k at the most. This is kinda a mini fic for now. However! ♥️ Will be taking requests! And if anyone wants on the tag list for this, lemme know!}
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stoned-writer · 11 months
New Kid - Jay Halstead
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summary: you're new to the unit and catch the eye of a certain handsome detective
warnings: maybe language?
word count: 624
a/n: i'm still very new to the chicago one universe, this is super short and rushed, not proofread and honestly pretty bad but i'm working on some more !
likes & reblogs appreciated !
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Detective Y/N Y/L/N, Intelligence CPD 
It was your first day with the Intelligence crew and to say you were nervous would be an understatement. They were a well established family already and to be the new kid on the block made you feel like you had to prove yourself worthy of working with them. 
As you walked into the district you said a quick hello to Trudy who shot you a faint “good luck” under her breath as you started up the stairs to the gate. You sighed and gave yourself a quick “you got this” to yourself as you scanned your fingerprints and headed up the stairs to where the rest of the unit was sure to be waiting. 
Voight was the first person you saw, you felt slightly at ease being as he was the reason you were here in the first place. He heard you coming and turned to greet you, “there she is, how ya doin kid?” he said as he pulled you into a side hug, you chuckled “ready to get started Sarge.” 
He brought you over to where the rest of the crew was waiting to see who the new face in the unit was. 
“Everyone, this is Detective Y/L/N and she’ll be joining us for the foreseeable future, unless you knuckleheads run her outta here” Voight says scoffing lightly, everyone goes around the room introducing themselves when they reach the last person, a ridiculously handsome man with piercing green eyes stands and comes forward, “I’m Jay Halstead.” 
Before anyone could say anything else a call came in about a new case. Voight puts you and Halstead together to watch a suspect, the two of you lock eyes briefly before he rolls his eyes a bit with a smirk, “lets go newbie” you scoff to yourself and mutter “this should be fun.”
As he drove you both made trivial small talk getting to know each other, you noticed very quickly that he was a little bit of a flirt which you knew would be trouble. The two of you sat at your post continuing to talk as things were moving very slow with your suspect. 
A few hours go by before Jay decides to ask the big question with a sly smirk on his face, “so Y/L/N you got a boyfriend?” You pause for a minute and throw him a smirk yourself and laugh, “right to the point with the hard hitting questions I see Halstead, but no I am currently unattached” he gives you a nod and you hear him mutter “good to know.”
After sitting on the supposed suspects location with no activity Voight called you both back to the district for the unit to call it a night and to start fresh in the morning with clear heads. When you arrived back at the 21st  the gang invited you out to Molly’s to celebrate your first day with them albeit a uneventful one, you agreed. 
When you all arrived at the bar, Kim immediately passed a drink to you with a laugh welcoming you to the team. You took a seat next to Jay of course. 
Jay turned towards you and slung his arm over the back of your chair, instantly making you flustered, “I know we just met and all but I was wondering if maybe I could take you out sometime newbie” he says with a dorky smile on his face. You turn and lean into him slightly and respond with a giggle as you sip your beer “real smooth Halstead” “Is that a yes?” he counters, you throw your head back and look in his green eyes “yes it is detective.”
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angelyuji · 11 months
lost keys
william afton x afab!reader warnings: noncon sex, kidnapping, creepy boss, gross power dynamics, william afton is a murderer, ooc-willy, henry lost charlie, william lost evan, this story follows my own personal canon abt fnaf :) violence, williams a sick sick freak and i want him bad sawry, she/her pronouns for reader
william afton sucked. he was an asshole and a creep, but he was also your boss.
“god he’s so awful.” your coworker whispers as you both wipe down tables. the pizzeria was closing and you both watch as he stalks around, watching everyone. “i miss henry. i hate when ass-ton’s around.” she sighs and you agree. henry emily had taken the last couple weeks off, and rumors spread around that there was a death in the family. you stay silent, eager to finish your work and leave. both of you wince as you hear william shout out orders to one of your coworkers. william comes near you both to inspect your work. he places a hand on your lower back, leaning in to check. you feel a chill go down your back at his touch. you resist the urge to creep away, but as he rubs his thumb against your back, you immediately jump away.
“finish up quick.” he gives you a stare and walks away to the others. your coworker grabs your arm.
“ew, what the hell was that?” she looks at you panicked.
“god, i hate when he does shit like that.” you whisper to her. she whips her head to look at you.
“he’s done that before?” she whispers.
“yeah, like i forgot my hat once and he called me into his office and put the hat on me and like… called me his good girl.” you shudder as you recount the situation. you friend stares at you, jaw dropped.
“what the actual-” she raises her voice, but you cut her off.
“shit, let’s finish up and get out of here.” you panic as he looks back at you both at her voice. everyone finishes their work and chat as they head out. you stand at the front, fishing through your pockets for your car keys.
“what’s wrong?” your friend stops to look at you. you sigh, exhausted.
“i forgot my keys, man…” she laughs at you, before patting you on the shoulder. you turn to head back inside.
“you want me to wait for you?” she calls out as you open the door.
“nah, you can go. i’ll see you tomorrow!”
“you sure? i know ass-ton’s still here. i don’t want to leave you alone with that creep.” her eyebrows furrow as she remembers what happened earlier.
“don’t worry, i’ll be okay. he won’t even hear me come in.” you wave her off. she, hesitantly, waves goodbye and you head back inside. the pizzeria was creepier that usual as you stand alone in the front. you turn to wave to the animatronics, but they weren’t on stage. “he must be doing some repairs…” you mumble to yourself before calling out, “mr. afton? i just wanted to ask if you’ve seen my keys?” silence follows and you sigh, thankful. you head to the employee room to see if you left them there. you walk down the silent hall, your footsteps echoing. you feel the hair on the back of your neck raise as you walk down the dark hallway. you pass ass-ton’s office and you see the light on. you quietly pass by his office, not wanting to get interrogated by him. you turn the knob to the employee room and quietly go in, the door squeaks and you wince. you spot your keys on a table and grab them. you feel relief flood your veins, happy to go home.
“(y/n).” you jump, startled at the voice. william stood at the door, an edge to his tone.
“mr. afton! ha, i don’t know if you heard me, but i- uh- i forgot my keys.” you lightly slap your forehead, nervously laughing. he doesn’t move from the entrance. you don’t move either, feeling something wrong.
“if i had known that all it took were some keys to get you alone…” your boss chuckles darkly. he starts to walk closer to you and you back up, panic setting in. you notice something in his hand, glinting in the darkness.
“oh god…” you see the knife and put the pieces together. you realize that as he walked to you, he stopped blocking the door and you make a break for it. you try to sprint around him, but his hand lashes out and wraps around a chunk of your hair. you scream and he pulls you to the ground, your head throbs. he’s on top of your legs, holding you down. william cackles as you scream, he tries to bring the knife down into your stomach, but you hit him as hard as you can wherever you could reach. shocked, william stumbles off and you run down the hallway.
“THERE’S NO WHERE TO RUN, (Y/N)!” he screams after you. you hear his thundering footsteps follow and you run into the first open room, slamming the door shut. he bangs on the door for a couple seconds before stalking away. you breathe out a sigh in relief. you turn and hold back a scream as chica and bonnie stares back at you. the smell hits you suddenly, the stench of iron. you notice the blood dripping to the floor from the cracks in the robots.
“oh… oh god…” you cover your mouth with your hands, feeling tears drip down. you inch closer to the blood, but before you could inspect the scene, something smashs against the door. the doorknob falls off and you stare, unable to move. you watch as the door slowly creaks open. your boss stands in front, staring at you. he’s gripping a knife in one hand and you notice a hammer dropping to the floor with a thud. you try to move, but knowing you could step in blood stops you. swallowing, you choke out, “blood.”
william smiles, warmly, “a means to an end… though, i did enjoy hearing them scream.” you choke out a sob, paralyzed as he steps closer to you. he stands, looking down at you, inspecting your face. he takes a hand to brush strands of hair behind your ear. his hand was cold as it grazed your face. you flinch, feeling the tip of the knife poke your stomach, and his smile widens. “so pretty…” he whispers as he leans in, close to your ear. his hand grips the back of your neck and he pulls you close to lay his head in the crook of your neck. you stand stiffly against him. “i’ve had my eyes on you for so long. cute little face, so… innocent.” you can feel his breath on your skin and your skin crawls.
you hiccup and you feel him chuckle, “what- what do you want from me?”
“what do i want from you?” he pulls away, “(y/n), i want relief.” he brushes his hair back and puts a hand on your waist, affectionately. you don’t respond, looking for a way out, and he continues, “i’ve lost so much… i need something for myself for once. these kids…” he gestures to the suits, bleeding out onto the floor. you feel your stomach drop.
“k-kids?” you feel like throwing up as you see a tiny tuft of golden hair peeking out from chica’s suit. “you- you killed these kids?” you back up, but step into blood. “oh my god…” you feel yourself gag as you feel the squish of your shoes. he comes closer to you and you’re forced to back up into the desk. william grabs your arm, tightly squeezing. you look back at him.
“at first, it was just supposed to be one… a test. but, it was just so… fun!” you see a manic grin crawl up his face. his pupils were blown wide, “hearing their screams, how easy it was to make them shut up, how satisfying it was shoving them into the suits. that was a last-minute idea by the way.” horrified, you try to move, but his hand tightens. “i mean, when i killed henry’s brat, i had just left her out there in the rain. i didn’t think to hide her somewhere, which was my mistake.” he shrugs, “but these two?” he gestures to bonnie and chica, “i planned better.” william laughs. you break down. you were going to die, just like these poor kids, alone and afraid.
“are you going to kill me too?” you whimper out as you sob. william had taken a breath, so he could continue his speech, when he heard you.
he coos as he cups your face, “oh no, sweetheart. no, no. i couldn’t kill you. i mean, if you had just not ran earlier, we’d be at home, but… plans change.” his hands drift down to your waist before it travels under your shirt. you panic, realizing what was happening.
“no no no, please, i’d rather die.” you try to shove his hand away, sobbing harder. william rolls his eyes and waves the knife in your face.
“would you really rather die? cause i can make that happen for you and ill keep your corpse warm to fuck.” he shrugs.
your eyes widen, “you’re insane.” you sob and he puts the blade to your neck.
“if you really want to die, than go for it.” he presses the blade into your neck and you hold your breath. a moment of silence passes between the two of you as he waits for you to kill yourself, before he tilts his head, lowering the knife, “that’s what i thought.” his hand moves from under your shirt to your head and yanks your hair. you yelp, and william turns you to face his desk before shoves you down to lay flat on the table. you wheeze as you hit the table and william trails the knife down your leg. you lay, afraid to move, as william tugs your pants down to your ankles. his knife traces your skin, before cutting into your underwear, and you feel him press himself against your ass. “so beautiful… i knew you’d be perfect for me.” you can hear the smile in his voice and you feel a chill of disgust go down your body. you hear him unbuckle his belt.
“please, mr. afton, i’m begging you. i won’t tell anyone, you can just let me go.” you sob as you feel his fingers slide over your slit. he hums, disappointedly, seeing how dry you are. he tosses the knife to the side and you hear it skid across the floor, before hitting an animatronic.
he ignores you, “i wanted to make this feel good for you, wanted to feel you clench around my cock, but i’m not gonna waste anymore time.”  he pulls you back using your hair and taps a finger on your lips, “open.”
“fuck y-” he shoved two fingers into your mouth before you could finish. you gag as he pulls you back against his chest, shoving his fingers deeper. you choke around his fingers and he moans. he pulls out his fingers and see them slick with your saliva. you take advantage of the new position to try and elbow william but without missing a beat, he grabs your arm and twists it against your back. he pushes you back down. you scream, pain throbbing from your shoulder to your arm. he keeps his hand pressed against you, keeping your arm held back, as he drags his fingers down your slit. his rough fingers sent tingles down your spine and you grit your teeth to hold back any sounds. you feel his fingers push into you and you choke out a moan.
“all that running and screaming just for you to be clenching around my fingers.” william pulls his fingers out and you whimper.
“you’re psychotic.” you grit out, arching your back.
he laughs, “i know.” you hear his pants hit the ground and you press your cheek against the desk, sobbing. you feel the tip of his cock rub down your slit before he pushes in. you moan, unable to hold back, and william moans with you. “you feel so good, sweetheart.” you feel a warmth spreading throughout your body as he thrusts into you, pausing for a second. his other hand rests on your hip, squeezing.
“fuck.” you choke out as he fills you, his pelvis pressing against your ass. you feel him lean forward and pull your shirt back to expose your shoulder. his lips press against your shoulder, lovingly. without thinking, you lean back into the soft kiss and hear a soft hum in your ear, before teeth pierce your skin. you scream as william bites down into your shoulder, he lets go and pulls out till the tip of his cock is still in. his hand leaves your hip to rub his thumb on the mark he left.
“you’re so good to me, (y/n)… i should’ve done this the moment i saw you.” his hand goes back to your hip and he lets go of your arm, before snapping his hips back against you. you moan, unable to hold back as he pounds into your sweet spot. you feel your toes curl as the pain of the bite and the pleasure he’s giving you starts swirling. you grip the desk as it shakes, he fucks you with no care for your pleasure, but you feel something building up inside of you. “my good, good girl…” william moans as he feels you squeezing his cock.
“feel… feel so good…” you moan as you feel the pleasure numbing your head. you feel a wave of pleasure rush through your body and you let out a silent scream, vision blacking out. william feels you gush around his cock and he pushes in once more to the hilt, before filling you full. you lay there, exhausted, feeling his cum drip out onto your thighs. you shiver as william takes a finger to scoop it and push it back into you.
“cute.” you feel a jacket cover you up and you let yourself drift off. you feel him left you into his arms and murmur into your ear, “i’ll wake you when we get home, sweet girl.”
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cosmopretty · 5 months
Azzi Fudd x Fem
warnings: nsfw
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She will make you wear her jersey to basketball games even if your on the team with her
Will introduce you to the entire team and regret it after they all flirt with you to get her riled up
hates when anyone else tries flirting with you or getting to touchy
Sitting inside the cafe you smile at the waitress “ Can I have a French vanilla latte please “ you ask while the rest of the team says there orders after. The waitress smiles at you again “ Of course pretty I’m on it “ she says to you before walking away.
Azzi glares at her wrapping her arm around your shoulders and kissing your neck. You look at your girlfriend and push her head away “ relax Az “ you tell her.
A few minutes later the waitress comes back handing everyone their drinks. She hands you the drink and grabs you arm lightly “ If you need anything else let me- “ she says before Azzi interrupters her “ My girlfriend is fine so you can leave “ you turn your head to your girlfriend and stare at her annoyed. The waitress walks away and you roll your eyes “ She was just being nice “ Paige rolls her eyes at your words “ Nice my ass she wanted you real bad “ Azzi nods her head agreeing with Paige. She pulls you into her and kisses your cheek before looking over and smirking at the waitress who was watching.
Best believe after a hard game she’s coming to you to release her emotions verbally and physically
Your always stealing her clothes
Azzi 100% has a Polaroid picture collection of the both of you guys being cute and sexy
Loves when you ride her thigh and will beg you too
When you first got together you were really shy so Azzi had to make the first moves until one day you kissed her
Shows off her muscles to you 24/7 it’s her biggest flex
Azzi and you were on the court together practicing together when you went to shoot a three pointer, your girlfriend came from behind you and grabbed you throwing you over her shoulder. “ Azzi that’s not fair! Put me down “ you squeal she shakes her head and runs around the court with you on her shoulder.
When she finally puts you down you push her but she barely moves “ I was going to win you cheated “ you tell her. Azzi shrugs and flexes “ With these muscles come on baby “ she smirks at you. Rolling your eyes you go to walk away before she pulls you into her wraps her arms around your waist. Subconsciously you relax into her “ Let’s go home huh baby. Wanna make you feel good with these muscles “ she says flexing her arms around you.
Your always helping each other with school work
Paige has walked in on you two fucking and has claimed to be “ traumatized “
Azzi loves watching scary movies together just so you can both hold each other
Mostly the big spoon but once in a while you will hold her
She is the first person you go to when you have anxiety about something
Loves holding you
You lay down your head on Azzi’s chest as she wraps her strong arms around you. She hums softly eyes moving from the TV to you every few moments. Your eyes are shut as you trace circles onto her stomach “ Baby are you okay? “ Azzi asks you.
You nod and turn your head to look at the beautiful girl infront of you “ M fine just tried Azzi “ you mumble kissing her chest before laying back down. She nods and rubs your back “ Go to sleep baby I love you “ Azzi says you nod “ I love you more “ before closing your eyes feeling safe in her arms.
Loves carrying you around, in her arms on her back she doesn’t care
Your always comforting her after a hard game hugging her telling her how good she is
You take care of her all though her ACL injury
She 100% made you sit on her face all the time durning that because she couldn’t move her leg
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WIBTA if I gave out condoms to my mom (English is not my first language so bear with me) 👶👶 so i can find later
Me (24, transM) unfortunately had to come back to live with my parents after a BAD relationship (straight up abusive because of their mental illnesses. It was not my first choice but it was my only choice). My parents happily agreed to let me live here and I help with chores and a fixed money amount per month. I put this on first because Reddit has a huge issue with "oh you live with your parents after 18yo? That automatically makes you the asshole", so I preface this with info on why the fuck I live with them. Trust me I tried to move out but the housing economy is in shambles)
Now for context: my mom is a HUGE religious person, to the point that she uses zero contraceptive methods aside from counting the days after your period, to the extent she now has 7 bio children (me, M21, F14, M12, F3 and recently (one month old!!!) Twins (both M)). While her sex life is not my problem, my parents are less than ideal and end up neglecting the older kids in favor of the younger ones which to a degree, fair, but it ends up with both of them so overwhelmed and tired they just neglect everybody, yell, want us to become the less annoying possible, to the point where apparently I have become the positive role model to the 14F, 12M and 3F and I say that not lightly, because both teens come to me to tell their problems and about stuff they like and the 3yo actually listens to me when I talk to her to like, stop doing stuff (that's usually messes, hurting animals, more mess) which she doesn't does with my parents. After the twins got born she stuck to me like a baby opossum in their mom.
The second problem, as if the neglecting wasn't bad enough, is that my mom had risk pregnancies with both the 3yo and the twins, and I worry that the next pregnancy will actually kill her. And as a little addendum here, my dad doesn't has the healthiest habits and I worry all the time about him actually dying before the twins are even 5 and all that mom seems to want is to keep making christian babies I guess
With Christmas coming up, I wanted to make gifts for everyone in the house, and I am seriously considering gifting (not in the middle of everyone, obviously) condoms to my mom because of her.... Reproductive issues and tell her that she needs to fucking stop having children before she actually dies because she needs to pay attention to the ones she have right now (that are already a lot)
What are these acronyms?
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