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museummixtape · 4 years ago
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Got my flu shot and it ever-so-slightly alleviated my overwhelming sense of powerlessness. - since 1879! #flushot #vote #jewishmuseum #edithhalpertandtheriseofamericanart #ladyliberty #weathervane #windsofchange #everylittlebithelps (at The Jewish Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGAyO_DlsnZ/?igshid=3rr5uu1zvydn
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yujikashojin · 4 years ago
Updated today with some good news (all things considered!)
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jenniferstolzer · 5 years ago
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#writingthermometers update. Im not super proud of my progress the last two weeks. Minor ups on two projects, but ive been working diligently on #evilbook trying to get through the muddy middles. I wrote out an extraneous POV and reordered some events so theres been INVISIBLE progress. I also scrapped and restarted the second Shapecaster book. There were plot issues that were turning it into something apart from what the Shapecaster line needs to be. I changed the temp color to reflect the new direction. #writingcommunity #amwriting #everylittlebithelps https://www.instagram.com/p/CBjSxdADZEY/?igshid=18ntt8hec8w8d
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tiredkitten123 · 5 years ago
I don't really want to do this but given the state of well...everything, I gotta say I need help. My sister is running low on diapers and not many stores are having them in stock, I won't get paid till the 27th and I really want to help them, there's definitely more people out there in a worse situation, but can any help us if only to make it easier on my nephew, I want to make sure he'll be able to have diapers and formula and wipes before we go into shutdown. Please anything helps
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cassraven · 5 years ago
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junkomori · 5 years ago
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Latest piece combined with silver and steel. I use many time those ball point elements. All components are cleaned in polishing barrel but separating ceramic tips and the actual components are my least favourite job. But I got little helper now ❤️ #everylittlebithelps #blackandwhite #forgedsteel #finesilver #botany #littlehelperchatalot https://www.instagram.com/p/CBBdI9Ypycn/?igshid=1fl1uh6m3k50q
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lisajaynemurray · 5 years ago
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Finally knuckling down and uploading all my stock to kooshti.com.au. It’s going to be a long process as I am doing everything ... photos... product copy ... website design ... but Hey ... I’ve got some time up my sleeve 👍🏼😁👍🏼 Still need a plan if someone orders something. 🤣🤣🤣🤞🏼Maybe I only do a post office run once a week to minimise my need to leave the house. We live in quite an elderly heavy suburb so I’m trying my best to keep them safe as well as those whose immune systems are compromised #becauseihavetheoptiontoo #everylittlebithelps #workingfromhome #thinkingofotherstoday #nojudgement #tryingmybest (at Beaumaris, Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9xid1gJbcv/?igshid=1cflhcwq5gt3r
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geezerwench · 5 years ago
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#ReusableGiftBags! I am an idiot! Why have I not done this before? I admit it. I'm slow. *sigh* I got this one from #DollarGeneral. I have more coming from @amazon. . . . It takes a while for things to click in my brain. I was wrapping gifts and thought about what a waste it was, and I needed more paper. Though the #ChristmasPaper is so pretty to look at, we just throw it away or try to recycle it. #ReusableBags make so much more sense! *ug* Cloth bags, by the way. Not plastic! #Christmas2019❄ #ReduceReuseRecycle♻️ #EveryLittleBitHelps #Christmas🎄 (at Susquehanna Trails, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B55q0nfAObG/?igshid=1szzt99bmwwoa
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keakeag · 5 years ago
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I've made a Facebook fundraiser for Chuckie's surgery. Anything helps. . . Chuckie's Medical Fundraiser . https://www.facebook.com/donate/3243711558989129/?fundraiser_source=external_url . . #fundraiser #surgery #help #pleasedonate #everylittlebithelps #pleaseandthankyou #helpsavealife #pugsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #chugsofinstagram #chug #chuckie #sickpuppy (at Broken Arrow, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OrhJADKSpcIDQNdx5bXSmKVT-20LAzfM-LTc0/?igshid=npplbnu1bciy
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arizonacolleen · 5 years ago
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If you're looking for a lovely last-minute Valentine's Day gift, consider a gift of kindness. My husband gifted a school for me, and I think it's a lovely, neat thing to do. He donated through @unicef and I including their ranking on Charity Navigator - which is a great place to check out where donated money goes. #unicef #unicefireland #valentinesday2020 #valentinesgift #charity #doinggooddeeds #everylittlebithelps #education #improvement #helpingothers #dogoodfeelgood #charitynavigator (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8jygAmg-gv/?igshid=us1yyc128h98
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samantha-girlscout · 6 years ago
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I made a little aesthetic post in celebration of completing campnanowrimo!
This year has been a pretty productive one. I’m well on my way of finishing this first book and I can’t tell you guys how excited that makes me. A few years ago I would have thought it a pipe dream, but look! I’m already into my third notebook and the last third if this story. That being said this novel has a LONG ways to go still. When I started I barely knew any of the characters and so many have shown up for the journey that I’ll have to polish up everything so it’s a bit easier to read. But that’s for later! Now is for a bit of recouping and trudging on through the rest of this. I’m a bit concerned about reaching my goal of having a finished draft by the end of the year, but I’m well on my way. Here’s to setting and making goals!!💗 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0q3LLfggw8/?igshid=xl6nyqtkw73m
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aquanzacadogan · 5 years ago
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“Here, have a dollar In fact, no brotherman here, have two Two dollars means a snack for me But it means a big deal to you…”
Mr. Wendal - Arrested Development
#atineforgiving #donate #Route7Orlando #accountability #everylittlebithelps #mentorship ・・・ This time of year is truly “A Time for Giving.” In partnership with @thecitybeautiful Families, Parks & Recreation Division, Route 7 Orlando will be hosting an event to provide Thanksgiving dinners to preselected familes at the Dr. James R. Smith Neighborhood Center. Our goal is to provide 30 families with the essentials needed to prepare a delicious Thanksgiving dinner for their loved ones (14 pound turkey, canned vegetables, stuffing & gravy). HOW CAN YOU HELP A small donation goes a long way, especially for deserving families in need. To contribute, visit our website (link in bio) Route7Orlando.org and select the Donate button at the bottom of the homepage or donations can be accepted via Cash App ($Route7Orlando). Donations will be accepted through November 19. Let’s give back to those who need it most. (at Dr James R Smith Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4dzrmihiHp/?igshid=1tzyr1h3i9fkd
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victoriansense · 7 years ago
Click here to support Cancer patient transportation organized by Joseph Graves
A good friend of mine and. His husband need help, any little bit will help, please boost this so they can get around better!
"I am trying to gather money to get a car so I can have transportation to get to and from work and Matt will have a car available for him. 
Matt has stage 4 liposarcoma and is undergoing chemotherapy.  The cancer is not curable.  We are going to get it under control and manage it with medication.
He takes me to work and picks me up, or I walk.  Currently we live 1 mile away from my workplace.  In September my work is moving across town and it will 8 miles away. 
Due to the side effects of the chemotherapy and medications, I don't think that it would be good for Matt to drive 16 miles twice a day so I can get to work and home.  I also don't want to take the car and leave him stranded at home.  This may sound weird, but if he needs to go to the store or a doctors appointment or just get out of the apartment for a little bit, he needs the car.
Riding the bus isn't an option I want to take because of  getting exposed to many, many people and the possibility of me bringing a sickness home to Matt.  The chemotherapy weakens the immune system.  
Our current income does not allow us to purchase a car without help.  Any money donated to this go fund me will be used for a down payment or purchasing a car."
Having a second car will relieve a lot of stress from me.  I will not have to worry about Matt driving so far.  Or him having to drive if he is not feeling well.  
Any donations made will be greatly appreciated!
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ladyskullshine · 6 years ago
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stuffandthingsphotography · 6 years ago
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One last shot for the night. It’s staggering when you realize that the fire front is like this for many miles. This is but one minute sliver of the overall scene. (LAFD’s AW139 performing a waterdrop) #firefighter #fire #wildfire #brushfire #helicopter #heli #helitack #aw139 #leonardohelicopters #heliops #heliopsmag #airattack #airattackmag #woolseyfire #fireseason #gonnaneedabiggerbucket #everylittlebithelps #everydropcounts https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp_fUf1FP2f/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g9ycnb7i1bx2
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gussiemiller · 6 years ago
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Not really sure if I care anymore about @reverbnation but... here I am at #57 on the #singersongwriter chart. #streaming #everylittlebithelps #music #songwriter #singer #producer (Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwbVroenAZz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nv82y3iqgh69
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