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raurquiz · 11 days ago
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#HappyBirthday @GarryChalkTalk #garychalk #actor #optimusprimal #beastwars #Transformers #beastmachines #airattack #encore #optimusprime #armada #energon #masterpiece #mp32 #mp38 #beastconvoy #actionfigures @hasbro @takaratomytoys
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fitness-trending-content · 1 year ago
Awesome Air Attack! The Entire Tunnel in Conflict Areas Was Sunk by Fighter Jet Pilots 💥🛩️🚀 https://newsinfitness.com/awesome-air-attack-the-entire-tunnel-in-conflict-areas-was-sunk-by-fighter-jet-pilots/
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aicollider · 2 years ago
Insightful commentary on current events by one James Joyce
Ah, my dear friends, gather ’round, for I, none other than James Joyce himself, have arrived to regale you with my witty commentary on the current news headlines. Allow me to introduce myself in a most succinct manner – I am a literary genius, a wordsmith extraordinaire, and a master of the written word. Now, let us embark on this journey through the world of news, drenched in my characteristic…
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app-dl4u · 5 months ago
1941 AirAttack: Airplane Games for PC [Windows and Mac]
Imagine flying through the sky, dodging enemy fire, and controlling your squadron in the midst of WWII. If this sounds thrilling, 1941 AirAttack: Aeroplane Games could be the game you’ve been looking for! This immersive flight simulator transports you back to critical times in the early 1940s, allowing you to fight in fierce aerial conflicts while learning about the historical context of the…
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randgugotur-6 · 6 months ago
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Aug 19th 1985 #Malice released their debut album “In The Beginning” #TarotDealer #AirAttack #Hellrider #SqueezeItDry #HeavyMetal
Did you know...
The album was produced by Max Norman and would be their first release on Atlantic Records.
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druckkugelschreiber · 10 months ago
Speaking of dreams I‘m still thinking about, I got to explore a huge castle ruin in my dream that was build into a cliffside cave at the ocean. It had huge towers and was perpetually covered in a bit of water. Because of the cave it would have been perfectly protected from airattacks, but the throne room was further outside on the beach/ ocean and just. I could feel how much history there was in the dream. The castle was abandoned after the royal family fell and then destroyed in WWII (this is dream lore not real lore btw).
It was so cool!!!! I wish I could see that castle in real life (if it existed)
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news247worldpressposts · 1 year ago
#Breaking: Death toll in #Russia's Dec. 29 #airattack rises. 2 more bodies recovered in #Kyiv.
Death toll in Russia’s Dec. 29 air attack rises: 2 more bodies recovered in Kyiv. The latest reports push the total death toll of the Dec. 29 attack to 36 people: 13 in Kyiv, nine in Zaporizhzhia, six in Dnipro, four in Odesa, three in Kharkiv, one in Lviv. @KyivIndependent  
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propicsmedia · 1 year ago
UPDATE - ISRAEL UNDER ATTACK from ProPics Canada Media Ltd on Vimeo.
#Israel #Israelwar #Israeli #jews #Jewish #War Israelwar #victims #airattacks #land #sea #soldiers #military #civilians #death #warinisrael #palestine #Gaza #Hamas #nowar #WestBank #TelAviv #fight #strikes #air #peace #StandwithIsrael #SupportIsrael #prayforisrael #HELPISRAEL #JEW #JEWISH #jEWISHFEDERATION #Hamas #Gaza @gazaCity #Palestine #GazaStrip #Hezbolah #Judaism #Muslim #Terror #Egypt #WestBank #Syria #Fighters #cowards #IStandWithIsreal #Peacenotwar #UnitedNations #kidnapping #womenandchildren #elderly #killings
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corsairaviation · 5 years ago
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The venerable Cessna T337G Skymaster! TAKE FLIGHT 📞 +1 818-906-4024 www.corsairaviation.com #cessnapilotcenter #cessna #T337G #skymaster #isr #aerialplatform #aerialfilm #aerialphoto #cameraship #cinematography #twincessna #cessna337 #gimbal #gyrocam #sensoroperator #airattack #firefighting #infrared #firemapping (at Undisclosed Location) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3V5PskhLmx/?igshid=1kggdgyegmyqh
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raurquiz · 1 year ago
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#HappyBirthday @chalkgary #garychalk #actor #optimusprimal #beastwars #Transformers #beastmachines #airattack #encore #optimusprime #armada #energon #masterpiece #mp32 #mp38 #beastconvoy #actionfigures @hasbro @takaratomytoys
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stuffandthingsphotography · 6 years ago
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‘Copter 305’ a CAL FIRE UH-1H Super Huey, from Prado Helitack deploying firefighters during hover-step insertion training. Interested in finding out what goes on behind the scenes with @calfire helitack teams? Check out the launch issue of @airattackmag to learn more. #heli #helicopter #aerialfirefighting #aerialfirefighter #helitack #airattack #firefighting #wildfire #calfire #calfirefirefighters #firefighters #helicopterfirefighting #helitanker #huey #uh1h #uh1huey #heliopsmag #bellflight #bellhelicopter (at Chino, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsyZytolVP8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w3su1z73c3j5
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daniellefoushee · 6 years ago
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My SO @rangermattaz has been working on the Newman Fire in Flagstaff all week. . . Our apartment has a campfire aroma that makes me reflect on concepts of beauty and bittersweet-ness. Posted @withrepost • @rangermattaz Sunset on the Newman FIre, a lightning-caused fire being managed by the Flagstaff Ranger District for resource benefits. This photo was taken by air attack which is not my job... so not my photo as I was simply standing on the shore on the right-hand side. You know, the one that wasn’t on fire. @u.s.forestservice #newmanfire #flagstaff #flagstaffarizona #flagstaffrangerdistrict #coconinonationalforest #wildfire #wildlandfirefighter #wildlandfire #hotshots #airattack #parkranger #forestranger #usforestservice #forestservice #nationalforest #usfs (at Flagstaff, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0DwZmWHLF8/?igshid=wchalyag1gcq
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mega-suraj-blog1 · 6 years ago
पाकिस्तान पर indian air force का surgical strike | Daily dose| Indvspk
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dinavaasal · 3 years ago
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ikmalfahmirasmi · 4 years ago
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I have asked Mr. Sagi Karni, the Ambassador of Israel to Singapore to urge Israel government to stop violations against Pale..stine through a letter. #EmbassyofisraeltoSingapore #Israelembassy #embassy #singapore #foreignaffairs #savepalestine #freepalestine #koyakisrahell #israelkoyak #prayforisrael #ASEAN #AYOAsean #Israel #GazaUnderAttack #sheikhjarrah #bombardment #occupation #airraid #airattack #ALQUDS #gaza #jerusalem #telaviv #WestBank Israel in Singapore (at Israel in Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO9VUu8heE0/?igshid=1ka3998sugnim
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lazotoys · 4 years ago
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MAQUINITA AIR ATTACK TIPO GAME & WATCH 15 Euros FUNCIONA PILAS NO INCLUIDAS Se vende el juguete de las fotografías. Las fotografías son parte de la descripción. Se vende tal y como se ve en las fotos. Si necesitas más fotos o cualquier duda consultar. Envio por correo certificado a cargo del comprador. Mira mis otros artículos Envio certificado. Pago por transferencia bancaria, Bizum o PayPal como amigo. Cualquier duda consultar. #lazotoys #mylifeforsale #toysforsale #vintagetoys #retrogames #portatilgames #arcade #retrogamer #retrogame #retrogamescollector #maquinitas #lcdgame #airattack https://www.instagram.com/p/CNkTjIhgB17/?igshid=ck9ktfctuy54
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