#everybody’s free to wear sunscreen
thesiouxzy · 9 months
Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '99:
Wear sunscreen.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.
The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience...
I will dispense this advice now.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.
But trust me, in 20 years you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked...
You're not as fat as you Imagine.
Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind.
The kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.
Do one thing everyday that scares you.
Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.
Don't waste your time on jealousy;
Sometimes you're ahead,
Sometimes You're behind.
The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.
Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; If you Succeed in doing this, tell me how.
Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.
Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your Life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't.
Get plenty of calcium.
Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone.
Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't, maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't, maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary.
Whatever you do, don't Congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either.
Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's.
Enjoy your body, Use it every way you can... Don't be afraid of it, or what other people Think of it, It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own...
Dance... even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.
Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.
Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.
Brother and sister together we'll make it through
Someday your spirit will take you and guide you there
I know you've been hurting, but I've been waiting to be there For you. And I'll be there, just tell me now, whenever I can.
Everybody's free.
Get to know your parents, you never know when they'll be gone for good.
Be nice to your siblings; They are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on.
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.
Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard;
Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.
Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will Philander, you too will get old, and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.
Respect your elders.
Don't expect anyone else to support you.
Maybe you have a trust fund, Maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.
Don't mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will look 85.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.
But trust me on the sunscreen...
(Brother and sister together we'll make it through
Someday your spirit will take you and guide you there
I know you've been hurting, but I've been waiting to be there
For you. And I'll be there, just tell me now, whenever I can.
Everybody's free.)
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folkhymn · 1 year
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navybrat817 · 1 year
My teammate sent me this in the hopes that she found a song I hadn't heard before. Not only do I know it, I didn't appreciate it until I gave it a recent listen.
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night--hag · 2 years
Don't waste your time on jealousy Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind The race is long and in the end, it's only with yourself
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birdpal · 30 days
hey spotify how about instead of replacing the audio of a song with a completely different cover when you lose rights to distribute the original, you just make the track unplayable. like any normal fucking person would prefer
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pukomuko · 3 months
Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen
I remember this song when it got played on the radio. I was the class of '99. I recently played it for my kids and got very sentimental :) I was reading Brendan Leonard's Friday inspirations and he had a link to a Guardian article about this song. There was a line: Jay Leno even flew out the choir and Lee Perry to perform it on his show
And here you have it, on some obscure youtube channel with only 1.5k views.
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bat-in-the-machine · 5 months
Listen. In the 90s instead of Tumblr or Twitter or YouTube, if you wanted to make a viral meme, you had to
Produce a dramatic read of a column from the Chicago Tribune
Set it to a chill beat
Wait 2 years
Release another version of the song
Give that version a music video
Release that music video
Be Baz Luhrmann
It was dog eat dog back then.
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This song fucking wrecks me in the best way.
It's crazy to think that I graduated High School in '99.
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machotezin · 8 months
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thesimulationswarm · 1 year
Double Shot
Joel Miller x f!reader x Tommy Miller
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Pairing: pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!AFAB!reader x Tommy Miller Rating: explicit, 18+ MDNI Summary: A gorgeous man walks into your coffee shop and introduces himself as Tommy Miller. Then his equally gorgeous brother shows up. You can't decide which you like better... but maybe you don't have to. A/N: This will be in four parts, building up to the smut. Hopefully released daily. It's dumb filthy shit I couldn't get out of my head, okay? Then I'll be back to my ongoing serious series. Word count: 1.5k warnings/tags: threesome, shameless flirting, sibling rivalry, PWP
Part 2 , Part 3, and Part 4 are available now.
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Part 1
“It’s going to be another hot one out there today folks— topping out at 105 this afternoon. Remember to drink lots of water, stay in the shade, and of course, wear sunscreen!” The opening beats of Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) followed, and you whacked the radio off in annoyance.
You were sick of this summer. Sick of the record-setting heatwave. Sick of the shitty little building you’d found for your coffee shop, which had seemed so cozy in February but turned out to have the world’s lowest-output air conditioner. Sick of sweat staining through your t-shirt as you worked the morning rush.
You were proud of your business, sure. You’d started from nothing and managed to get it off the ground. Now you had a steady clientele that came for their morning coffee but also for your homemade pastries— your pride and joy. But to keep things afloat you worked like a dog. And this summer was killing you.
The flow of customers finally let up for a minute and you sat on your stool, leaning into the breeze from the countertop fan. 
You let your eyes flutter closed, dreaming about the ice cold Lone Star you’d have when you finished tonight. You could almost feel the condensation on the can as you pulled it from the fridge, could hear the crack and hiss of it opening…
You just about jumped out of your skin when the front door flew open, chime tinkling.
“Sorry to interrupt. Looks like a well-earned break, sugar.”
The man standing in the doorway was tall, bronze-skinned, with thick dark curls tumbling around his face. His biceps were visible below the sleeves of his gray t-shirt, his thumbs hooked on the belt loops of his jeans as he stared at you. He was smirking, and then— when you met his eyes— he fucking winked at you.
You raised your eyebrow at him. “It was, as a matter of fact.  Been at it since 5am. But what can I do for you?”
The man ambled over to the counter, inspecting the chalkboard menu on the wall. “Well, I heard this is the best place in the neighborhood to get a coffee and a little breakfast. And I’m going to need both to start my day.”
He ordered an iced latte, double shot, and one of your cinnamon buns. You set to work preparing them, only too aware of his eyes on you as you moved behind the counter. You got a lot of flirts in here, men looking for a little ego boost on their way to work, and for the most part you didn’t mind—as long as they don’t take it too far.
There are times, though, when it’s not just about not minding.
Times when you decidedly enjoy the attention.
And this would be one of those, because this man is fucking gorgeous.
You feel your hips swaying more than usual, and you wish you’d worn something more alluring than jeans and an old t-shirt. At least this pair of jeans does a good job of highlighting your ass, especially now that the denim is clinging to your sweaty skin.
“So is this a summer job, or do you work here year round?”
“Honey, I don’t work here. I’m the co-owner,” you reply, whipping around to set his drink down in front of him. You were vaguely aware of the door chime tinkling as another customer walked in, but at that moment you only had eyes for this one.
The man let out a low whistle. “A business owner and a beauty? Color me impressed.” He leaned forward against the counter, looking around at the pastry case, the neat racks of cups, the espresso machine.  From this distance you could appreciate his freckles, like a dusting of brown sugar over his sculpted face. “You know, I’m in business myself.”
“That so?”
He held out a hand to you and broke into a wide smile. It was dazzling. “Tommy Miller, of Miller Construction.”
You were about to shake hands with the beautiful Tommy Miller when you were both interrupted. The customer you’d been ignoring had materialized at his side, and smacked him— hard— on the arm.
“Tommy, quit your bullshit!”
“Jesus, Joel, I’m in the middle of somethin’ here!”
You watched with interest as the two turned to face each other. The second man— Joel, apparently— was about his same height, but looked a little broader through the shoulders and a little older. He had a strong jaw, painted dark with stubble, and an impressive mustache. 
Jesus Christ, it was hot enough in here already.
“You’re in the middle of wastin’ precious time, is what you are,” Joel scoffed, before turning to you. “I’m sorry about my brother, ma’am. He thinks he’s god’s gift to the ladies.”
You laughed, looking from one man to the other. You could appreciate similarities now— the dark curls, the strong but trim bodies, the deep eyes you could get lost in.
“And you should know,” Joel added, “It is Miller Construction, but I am the sole proprietor. Tommy here works for me.” Then he held out a hand across the counter, with a close-lipped smile that was less flashy than Tommy’s but no less devastating. “Joel Miller. Of Miller Construction.”
Tommy glared daggers at his brother as you reached across to shake. Joel’s big hand swallowed yours, his grip firm and warm. You felt something electric go down your spine, the hairs standing up on your arms.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Joel,” you said, looking into his rich brown eyes. Then you turned, and held out your hand again. “And it’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Tommy.”
Tommy’s hand was smaller than Joel’s by just a hair, but it was softer, too. You looked at Tommy as you shook, but out of the corner of your eye you could still see Joel— watching you touching Tommy.
The dampness you were feeling between your legs— it wasn’t just sweat anymore.
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It was mid-afternoon and the cafe had started to feel like the ninth circle of hell. There weren’t many customers after lunch, so you used that time to work on baking for the next morning. The problem was the ovens, which put out way more heat than your crappy little AC could counter. You had about 30 minutes left before you could pack it in for the day, but you thought you might just spontaneously combust if you stayed inside.
So you grabbed a paperback and a cold coke from the drink case, and went outside. Your place was on the corner of a little strip mall in South Austin, and it bordered on a gravel lot with food trucks and picnic tables. Everything was closed up this time of day, but that was all the better to have a quiet moment to yourself.
The sun was fucking brutal, but you sat in the shade of a live oak, and you could feel a little breeze lifting the hairs on the back of your neck.
You looked around at the sun-baked street, watching people come and go. Mostly in cars in this heat, but some brave souls were walking or on bikes. Next door, a work crew was taking a break from the building frame they’d been erecting. You watched the men downing gatorades and wetting bandanas to tie around their necks. Now that was a tough job on a summer day.
Then you noticed something.
Off to the side was a makeshift table, papers spread across a piece of plywood balanced on two saw horses. Two broad figures stood beside it, looking down.
Joel and Tommy.
This was goddamn Miller Construction.
You knew you shouldn’t spy, but you couldn’t help watching. The brothers looked deep in conversation— Joel with his arms folded across his chest, Tommy with his head tilted to one side. Tommy pointed to something; Joel nodded, and then pulled a pencil out from behind his ear to note something down. Tommy said something else and Joel shook his head, tapped his finger on one of the papers emphatically.
Both men, taken separately, were impressive items. But when they were together, Christ almighty. There was something magical in their practiced ease, their good-natured jockeying for dominance. You couldn’t pick just one to admire.
You heard your oven timer go off inside the cafe, and you reluctantly peeled your eyes away from Miller Construction to head back inside. You hummed along with the radio as you checked on your croissants, suddenly a lot less annoyed by the interminable summer.  With their building site right next door, you ought to be seeing a lot more of the Miller brothers.  You were going to make the most of it.
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oh-no-its-dragons · 3 months
Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen
yet another crack fic written for the Rider's Quadrant discord server.
"My fellow cadets, I stand before you today because I have not yet been run off stage by the Commandant. I estimate I have about five minutes before he finds the underpants cache and I become the first lieutenant to be court marshaled before receiving my orders, so please listen up and don't throw eggs until I'm done."
At the side of the dais, three of the wingleaders were watching with wide-eyed shock. The fourth was pressing her palm to her her forehead as if she suddenly had a headache.
"I honestly never thought I'd make it to graduation, and not only because my boyfriend graduated last year and I haven't seen him in four months. No, I didn't think I'd make it here because my goal in life was to get murdered for bad puns before I could die in battle. The only reason I'm still alive is because of my wingleader, Rhiannon Mathias. Let's hear it for Mathias, fourth wing!"
"I am not responsible for your shenanigans, Gamlyn!" she yelled back.
"That's the leadership we love! Thank you, Wingleader! Now, for the first and second years, I have some advice for you:" He pulled out some scraps of paper from his pocket, trying to read his handwriting. "Uhhh… wear sunscreen? I guess that's good advice but it's not what I was looking for." He let that card drop to the ground. "For Aotrom: jingly tail bells, flock of threeps. Threeps? Wow, I was drunk last night." That card fluttered down as well.
"Oh! I found it!" Ridoc waved the card around over his head, and when he spoke again his voice was amplified with lesser magic. "Bodhi, make your booty go da-na da-na!"
Recognizing the cue, a loud "roar!" answered back and Aotrom flew into view above the wall, circling once before landing on the edge. Ridoc laughed and leapt from the dais, running past the confused cadets and vaulting up to find his seat on his dragon's back.
"Stop! STOP THAT!" Everyone turned back to see Panchek had arrived, wearing his uniform top and a towel wrapped around his waist. "That's an order!"
"Yeah, sorry, I decided I'm defecting to Tyrrendor. There's an absolutely dreamy man waiting for me, and he's got much better calves than you!" Aotrom took to the air, Ridoc shouting "yee haw!" as they shot into the sky.
Commandant Panchek crossed the dais with an impressive amount of self-confidence, given he was barefoot and in apparent danger of losing his towel to the rush of wind that resulted from Aotrom's flight. "Cadets, it seems Generals Melgren and Aetos have been regretfully delayed due to… shenanigans. Graduation will be held tomorrow."
As the cadets began to disperse in confusion and excitement, he turned to the Wingleaders of third and fourth wing. "Wingleaders Rhiannon Mathias and Emma Yanny, I need you to assist with a recovery mission of utmost discretion. Do you understand?"
The two riders looked at each other and their eyes met in shared understanding. "Is this about the… ah… underwear, Commandant?" Rhiannon asked.
"Yes, Mathias."
"Am I given to understand that General Melgren and General Aetos are also… in a similar situation?" the other wingleader asked.
"Yes, Yanny." Panchek glared. "Now are you ready for your orders?"
Rhiannon gave him an awkward shrug. "No offense, but I think I'd rather defect to than have to touch Melgren's underwear. I'm out."
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buckysgrace · 8 months
7. I Keep Looking
Gator Tillman x Oc
Part 7 of Every Little Thing!
Wow I am uh gutted after the last episode lmao
CW: Cheating, p in v smut
It had been a week since she’d last seen or heard from Gator. The silence was crushing, but she supposed it was what she deserved. She had lied to him, but she felt it was fair considering what he’d said to her. She thought she would’ve eventually gained the courage to tell him again, once she had a few weeks to mend her broken heart and have thousands of miles between the two of them. 
In some odd sense, it felt freeing to admit to someone else what had happened. No one else knew, at least, no one was supposed to. She definitely hadn’t planned on Gator snooping through her files from her doctor’s office. 
“What’s on your mind?” Hugh questioned as she pressed her palm over her abdomen. She blinked for a second, trying to ignore the empty feeling that had suddenly settled over her. She shook away her thoughts, burying her grief once again. 
“Nothing,” She breathed out softly, “Just a little stressed.” She smiled softly at him, snapping her attention back towards the party that was carrying on around them. The sun was warm, almost too hot as it sat high in the pretty blue sky. 
Hugh looked nice, almost too pristine in his black slacks and his white, long sleeved shirt. She’d warned him that it would get too hot, but he still insisted. He had a pink rose buttoned onto it, matching the ones that decorated her white flowery dress. 
“Your father has invited many people.” Hugh said slowly as he swirled his cup of water around in his hand. She nodded her head, thinking that he was very right as she turned to look up at him. 
“He is well known,” Daphne teased in agreement, “It’s mostly relatives. And you remember my friend Daisy. It won’t be too bad.” She said, tilting her chin up as she balanced on her heels to try and pinpoint where Daisy had disappeared to. Daisy had always wanted to make her break from the town, but had fallen short like everybody else. She thought that Daphne was crazy for returning. 
“I don’t know,” Hugh replied softly, “I’ll be married surrounded by people I do not know.” He said at last, expressing his feelings over the whole ordeal. She paused for a moment, unsure of how to approach the touchy subject about his family once again. 
“You’ll get to know them,” She reassured him softly, “Come on. We can do introductions and then we can dance.” She smiled as she took his hand gently, knowing that he didn’t like to hold her hand for too long. He always said it was because his palms were sweaty, but she often wondered if there was another reason for it. 
Around and around they went, slowly introducing Hugh to everyone who had attended. He was right, there were many people. Even some that she hadn’t seen in a long time. She knew better than to complain. Bruce was paying for it and at this point, this was as much his wedding as it was hers.
She retreated after she ditched Hugh off to Oliver, her cheeks tired from the tight grin she’d been wearing all afternoon. She had a thing later of sweat against the back of her neck from the sun that was beginning to beam down around them. She hoped she’d put on enough sunscreen.
She brought a cold can of Coke up to her lips, enjoying the way it bubbled and tickled at her throat as she gulped it down heavily. She felt as if she was a few seconds away from gulping down the entire snack table from the nerves that were beginning to grow inside of her. 
“You look good, mama.” She turned quickly, her eyes widening as a drizzle of pop spilled down the side of her lips. She wiped it away quickly, licking her mouth clean as she looked up at Gator.
Her heart thumped roughly inside of her chest, beating to a rhythm that only he knew as she tried to find the words to say. He looked good, handsome. His hair slicked back in the usual way, a slight grin on his face as he squinted down towards her. She wondered if he’d started wearing contacts again or if he was just neglecting to do so. 
“You came.” She stated softly, mentally kicking herself for how hopeful she had sounded. She glanced away, trying to pretend like she hadn’t been hoping to see him again. She had feared that she’d ruined it all, that he hated her. Not that she could really blame him. She had kept a heinous secret from him. 
“I figured the invitation was for me too,” Gator tilted his head as he looked upon her, “Is there a reason I shouldn’t be here?” She let her eyes linger on him for a moment, noting the nice pair of jeans he wore as well as the blue button up shirt. He left the top two buttons undone, exposing his chest hair. 
“No,” She shook her head softly, “I’m glad that you’re here.” She said at last, truly grateful because this meant that he didn’t completely hate her. She faltered underneath his gaze for a moment, feeling cautious as she brought her fingers up to her lips. She rolled her tongue over her lipstick, no longer feeling the scab that had faded away. 
“Dance with me.” He said simply, not asking as her eyes snapped towards him again. Her mouth suddenly felt too dry, as if she’d swallowed hundreds of cotton balls. 
“Gator,” She sighed deeply, “I can’t.” She mumbled, keeping her voice down as someone walked past them. She noticed the slow walk, the curious eyes as they were surely trying to pick some sort of gossip up. She wouldn’t allow that. Not today. 
“Why not?” He asked her seriously, his lips curling into an amused smile. She parted her lips, feeling like he was making this harder than what it needed to be. 
“Someone may get the wrong idea.” She replied softly as she pulled her arms over her chest, crossing them tightly to keep her hands to herself. She felt like she didn't have much restraint when it came to him. 
“We went to all of our school dances together,” He pointed out, “What’s different about this?” He asked her seriously. She shook her head, her lips curling up into a smile ever so slightly. 
“I’m marrying someone else.” She reminded him gently, feeling like this whole thing was ridiculous. In the back of her mind she knew that Gator should be the one she was marrying. They just wanted different things.
“We’re just two friends dancing,” Gator drew out slowly, “Unless there’s something else?” He asked her with mock interest, tilting his head down as his eyes fell onto her features. She turned towards him, suddenly feeling a little shy. She wouldn’t bring up feelings again, not after last time. 
“No,” She replied, “There’s nothing else.” She stated slowly, locking her eyes in on his brown ones to challenge him. She waited for him to reply, to beg her to leave Hugh and whisk her away. Her heart hammered roughly in her chest as he looked down at her lips. She wondered if he could see how desperate she was for him to say those words; to want to be with her. 
“Then what’s the problem with dancing?” He asked her huskily, taking a small step back to pull the vape up to his lips. She huffed, shaking her head as he blew the smoke out towards her. She scoffed, but had to admit that it smelt better than the cheap cigarettes he used to smuggle into her room. 
“Nothing,” She shrugged her shoulders, trying to keep as nonchalant as possible. She wasn’t sure if she’d be able to handle her body so close to his, “Just as long as you won’t step on my toes.” She grinned as she stepped off the porch, settling onto the makeshift dance floor that Bruce and August had settled out for them. 
“I don’t do that anymore,” He mumbled, almost a little pouty as he followed behind her, inside of the barn that they no longer used. They’d spruced it up pretty nicely, but it would still need work before the wedding. The sun dipped in through the large windows, decorating the floor, “That was a long time ago.” He told her, as if she needed to be reminded of it. She’d spent his Junior prom barefoot, her feet on top of his shoes to keep from getting her toes smashed and bruised. 
His Senior prom hadn’t been much better. She’d had braces then and had spent most of the night spitting out mouthfuls of blood from where he’d accidentally popped her in the mouth after he’d been trying to tighten his tie. Still, she had been the only one in her grade to go to prom all four years. She had a different dress each time as well. She supposed she was just a smidge spoiled. 
She just smiled in response, trying to ignore the ache in her chest as he placed a hand on her hip and pressed his palm against her own. She inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of his cologne as his eyes fell down to her face again. She glanced around, noting that Hugh was swinging around a very unamused Noelle not too far away. 
It felt natural the way she moved with Gator, the way her skin molded against his. She felt warm, but it had nothing to do with the way the sun was shining on them. She looked anywhere but at him, afraid that he’d be able to read her thoughts with a simple glance. 
“You know what I think?” He asked as he pressed his fingertips lightly into her skin, drawing her attention back to him. She drew her eyes up slowly, focusing in on the moles on his cheeks instead of his warm eyes. 
“What?” She asked softly as an intense sensation spread through her chest. She wanted to look up at him fully, but she wouldn’t allow herself too. She wondered if everyone else could see just how pathetic she was at the moment, if they could see just how desperate she was for him. 
“I don’t think that you really like this guy,” He murmured in her ear, letting one of his hands slide lower and lower down her back. She gasped softly at the sensation, her eyes widening as she stared up at him this time, “I think you’re just trying to prove a point.” He replied huskily as he pulled his hand away from hers and began to trace it up her arm. She felt a thin line of fire spreading from where he’d touched. 
“Gator,” She warned him as his palm brushed across the side of her breast, “You’re going to get us caught.” She told him quickly, pulling both of his hands back to an appropriate place on her hips. She held onto his hands for just a second before she put her arms over his shoulders. 
“Don’t you want to know what the point is?” He asked, looking a little cocky as he bent a little further. She traced her eyes over his features, feeling like he already knew the answer to that. He was teasing her, toying with her emotions. She straightened herself out a little bit, trying to ignore the way his hands were drifting lower and lower. 
“Alright,” She said softly as she drew her eyes up towards him again, “Since you clearly know me better than I know myself, what sort of point am I trying to make?” She asked him, flicking her head just a bit to get her bangs from her face. His lips curled up into a smirk.
“I think you’re trying to make me jealous.” He whispered lowly, his head tilted in her direction as he spoke. Her eyes fell to his lips, feeling drawn in by the way they moved as the words rolled off of his tongue. They were such a soft pink, like the inside of a flower.
“Oh, am I?” She questioned him, drawing her eyes back up to his gaze. It was hot and heavy, entirely too intense as her heart continued to thump roughly against her ribs. She was sure he could hear it if he listened close enough. She hadn’t gotten with Hugh for any of those reasons. When she’d met him, she was sure that she’d never see Gator again. Desperation had brought her back. That was all. 
“Mhm,” He said softly, nodding his head as the next song began to play. It was slower, a little too sensual as the sun began to dip underneath the hill. The rays caught against his skin, lighting him up in a warm glow, “I think you just want to catch my attention so I’ll ruin your little wedding.” He mumbled as his fingertips pressed lightly into her hips. 
“Huh,” She drew out slowly, turning away from his gaze to ensure that they weren’t being too conspicuous, “That’s a fun little theory, but I wouldn’t like the scandal. You should know that if you’re so smart.” She pointed out, trying to keep herself from playing with the collar of his shirt. He pulled her a little closer, just enough for their clothes to brush against one another. 
“You already started a scandal by marrying someone else,” He mumbled underneath his breath, his gaze hot and heavy, “I think you like the attention.” He spat back, challenging her as his hands wandered a little lower. She felt a shiver racing up her spine.
“I think you’re full of it.” She told him in response, but made no effort to stop his movements. She waited, almost hoping that he would do something rash. She wanted to know if he really would make an effort to stop the wedding. 
“I guarantee that you’re only with that guy to try and upset me.” He said again, rocking his hips forward just a bit. She felt her breath hitch for a moment as she pressed her fingertips roughly into the material of his shirt. It felt nice against her skin. 
“I guarantee ,” She drew out slowly, “That you’re just trying to get a rise out of me.” She told him seriously, wondering if he was just trying to make her cause a scene. She wouldn’t. If there was something to admit, he’d have to be the one to do so. 
“Is it working?” He asked as amusement spread over his features. She had a strong urge to move her hand so she could touch his skin, but resisted. She chewed on her bottom lip, hiding her own smile as she shrugged her shoulders.
He swayed her back and forth, dancing with her for far too long as other people passed their partners back and forth. She blinked softly, thinking that maybe in a different life this could’ve been their engagement party. 
“It’s getting hot out here,” He mumbled as his fingertip rubbed softly over the trail down to her ass. She watched him, slowly nodding her head in agreement, “Some iced tea might be nice.” He suggested slyly. She felt her heart racing, clearly knowing there was a pitcher on one of the tables for that exact reason.
“I can make you some in the house,” She replied instead, her heart hammering as she pulled away slowly, “With lots of sugar.” She played it off, trying to act like she was doing it for his benefit. She had no desire to make him anything.
“Sounds nice.” He agreed, watching the way she finally dropped her hands from his shoulders. She turned slowly, exhaling deeply as she pulled her hands to her stomach. She played with her fingers, hoping that Gator was keeping a safe enough distance that it wasn’t suspicious.
She felt a little safer once they passed through the crowd, back up to the porch where no one was lingering. She took one last glance around, grinning as Gator stepped in front of her to slide the door open.
She paused, her heels tapping against the floor as she walked through the dining room. She peaked in the kitchen, in the living room and up the stairs to ensure that no one was lingering in the house. By the time she turned to face him, he was on her.
His large hands cupped her soft face, squeezing as his lips brushed against hers roughly. She craved the taste of him, the feeling of his hot mouth against her own. She brought her arm across his shoulders, pulling him closer as his tongue brushed against her bottom lip. 
“Someone will see,” She mumbled as he continually pressed his lips against hers, snapping out of her little haze as she became more aware of the large glass windows. She dragged her mouth against his just a messily, kissing him harshly as he pressed her against the counter, “Not in here.” She begged him softly, ashamed at how she couldn’t find it in herself to push him away. 
His lips curled into a lazy smirk as he gripped her waist, pushing her towards the dingy laundry room. She giggled, trusting him as she messily walked backwards and blindly searched for the light that would expose his features to her once again. She didn’t want to do it in the dark. She wanted to see him. 
She messily unbuttoned his shirt, struggling at the frantic way their lips were dragging against one another’s. It was sloppy, messy as his tongue flicked against her own. She tugged it off just enough to let it hang limply at his sides.
She breathed out, admiring his soft muscles as she pressed her fingertips against his shoulders. She touched his freckled skin, her eyes dancing across his pretty moles before pressing her fingers against his puffy nipples. She brushed her nails through the hair on his chest next. She slowly dragged one finger down the trail, dipping down across his belly button and his lower abdomen before she stopped at his pants. 
He pushed her back against the washer machine, hiding them away behind the door as she flicked her tongue across his lips this time. She gasped as his large hands squeezed at her boobs, lightly kneading them together before his hands moved further down. 
He pushed her dress up over her hips, groaning softly as he took in the lacey thong she was wearing. She felt her cheeks heat up, flushing at the cocky look that grew in his warm eyes. She pursed her lips together, her hands shaking as she fumbled with the loops of his belt.
“Who's the needy one now?”
“Just wanna feel good,” She whispered softly, fully aware of the desperation that was etched across her features, “I want you to make me feel good.” She whispered a second later, feeling full of lust as she tugged his body closer to her. 
He paused, his mouth dangerously close to hers as he examined her for just a quick second. His eyes lingered against hers, like he was trying to tell if she meant her words or not. She tilted her head up towards him, fluttering her eyelashes in hopes that he’d be able to tell just how serious she was. 
She kissed him first this time, her lips dragging against his sweetly as she tasted the sweet watermelon on his lips. She brought one arm around his shoulder, resting it lazily as she tilted her face up closer to his. His fingers lightly draped across her hips, just barely dipping against the material of her panties before he pressed one large hand against the back of her thigh and placed it over his hip.
She could hear her heart pounding in her chest as he used his other hand to free himself, his cock hard and glistening as he slowly pumped the length of his dick up and down. She watched, her eyes burning into his skin as she thought of how long and thick he was. It’d been so long. She wondered if it would hurt.
“Gator,” She breathed out softly, her nose brushing against his as she turned her gaze up towards him again, “I haven’t-,” She stopped herself, unsure if she should clarify what she was going to say. She didn’t want him to think that she would forever be waiting for him, that she was pathetic. Even if she was.
“S’alright,” He spoke softly as his pink lips curled up into a gentle smile, “I’ll go slow.” He promised, his gaze intense as he held onto her eye contact. She swallowed roughly, wondering if he could feel just how hard her heart was thumping inside of her chest. 
He pressed her thong to the side slowly, exposing her pink clit and folds as he slowly dragged the tip of his cock across her wet pussy. She inhaled deeply, her lips parting as she admired the way his eyebrows were slowly beginning to knit together. He was handsome, pretty even. 
She wrapped one hand around his bicep, the other digging into his shoulder as he languidly stuffed his cock inside of her tight walls. She exhaled, her lungs empty as his thick cock stretched her walls out. She turned her gaze away from him, looking down at where their bodies met as she watched him slowly disappear inside of her. 
It burned and was slightly uncomfortable as she felt herself clinging to him. It wasn’t as unbearable as their first time, but just enough to make her press a hand against his hips to stall his movements for just a quick second so she could fill her lungs again.
“You alright?” Gator asked hoarsely, his features tight with pleasure as he pushed her hair from her eyes. She felt like her tongue was two sizes too big, as she suddenly couldn’t form any words as she willed herself to adjust around him. She nodded her head, trying to focus on the pleasure rather than the slight pain.
He brought his lips down against the crook of her right neck, licking at the mole that was delicately placed there before he dragged his lips up slowly. She shivered underneath his touch, her thighs jerking as he nibbled across the sensitive area on her skin. He licked at her skin slowly, before bringing his lips back to the same spot.
She exhaled, feeling the pleasure beginning to coil inside of her stomach as he pressed the remainder of his thick cock inside of her warm cunt. He dragged his fingertips forward, dancing them across her clit in a teasing manner as a soft moan left her lips.
“Gator,” She crooned, feeling like she had jolts of pleasure that were trickling through her veins. It spread through her body. To the top of her head and down to the bottom of her toes. Everything suddenly felt too good, too warm as her cunt clenched down around his cock, “More. S’alright. I want more.” She begged earnestly, rolling her hips forward to make a point. 
She cried out softly at her own movements, gasping as her clit brushed against his soft hairs. He pressed his forehead against her own, his breath warm as he dug his fingertips into her soft thigh. He groaned as he slowly pulled his hips back and then pressed his cock deeper inside of her velvety walls.
“Christ,” He spit out, his eyes looking at her lustfully as he slowly rocked himself backwards and then shoved his cock in deeper inside of her. Her head fell back with the movements, gasping at the feeling of being stretched around him. The burn was pleasurable this time, leaving her with a dire need for more. She gasped as she held onto him, wondering how she’d gone three long years without feeling him like this, “This feel good?”
“Yeah,” She cried out softly, pulling him closer as the edge of the washer began to dig into her back. She didn’t care; didn’t even care if he left marks on her. All she could focus on was him, all of him, “Feels so good.” She reassured him, tilting her mouth up towards him.
He groaned softly, his warm breath tickling against her features as he did so. She whined at the feeling of his hard cock curving up into her, dangerously close to the spot that made her see stars. His lips curled up just so softly, like he already knew what he was doing. Their bodies molded into one, like they were falling back into place after being split apart. 
She brought her lips against his again, stealing the groan that was forming on his lips. She swallowed it, flicking her tongue against his in a messy way as he squeezed tightly at her thigh. She wondered if he’d leave bruises on her, if she’d have to cover them up. The excitement of possibly having to do so was almost too much for her to handle. 
Her pussy squeezed around his cock, coating him in her slick as she squelched around him. The sound of their muffled moans bounced around in the laundry room, hidden away by the loud sound of the laundry machines at work. 
He roughly moved a hand up to the top of her dress, forcing it down enough to free her tits from her top. Her boobs bounced with his rough movements, getting slightly wet from the spit trail that fell from their messy kiss. She moaned at the feeling, enjoying how his fingers spread the spit across her hardening buds. 
She got lost in their kiss, lost in the feeling of his cock brushing against the spot that left her whining and whimpering. Her body shook, desperately willing for him to be closer to her. She parted her lips, rolling her tongue against his once again as a loud moan formed in her chest.
“Daphne?” Hugh’s voice rang out from the kitchen, dangerously close as Gator placed open mouthed kisses against the side of her mouth. She felt her eyes widen, her pulse quicken as she was sure they’d be caught.
Gator moved his large palm over her mouth, silencing any sounds of pleasure or protest as he continued to rut his cock deep inside of her. She felt her eyes fluttering as she fought to keep them from rolling back in her head; fought to keep her legs from collapsing in pleasure.
“What do you think your little boyfriend would think?” Gator whispered harshly in her ear, his breath warm and hot against her earlobe as her cunt dripped along his heavy cock. She turned her eyes towards him, her eyebrows knitted together from the pleasure that was vibrating against her clit, “Does he know you’re my little whore? That you belong to me?”
She shook her head, feeling like there was drool falling from her lips as she looked towards him desperately. She didn’t want him to stop, not even if it meant Hugh finding out about them. For some reason it only spurred her on, made her dig her heel a little deeper into his hip.
“Are you in here?” Hugh’s voice rang out again, the sound of his shoes tapping against the floor ringing into the laundry room as he walked around the kitchen. It took everything in her to keep from crying out as the tip of Gator’s cock pressed against her g-spot, nearly rocking her over the edge right there, “Your mom wanted more pictures!” He yelled a little louder, a sense of amusement in his tone.
“You wanna go out like this?” Gator teased her as he circled a finger around her hardened nipple, before pinching it softly. She whimpered against his palm, her body twitching in anticipation as she did her best to warn him with her eyes. She wouldn’t be able to keep herself quiet if he kept teasing her.
She mumbled a soft no against his skin, whining softly as the pleasure continued to build and twist in her stomach. She desperately pulled him closer, her nails digging into his skin as his breath continued to fan over her face. 
Gator let out a soft groan, his sweaty forehead brushing against hers as he pressed his body closer against hers. She licked at his palm, teasingly moving her tongue around as she enjoyed the way he rocked his cock inside of her. She savored every inch, each vein and curve of his cock as her pussy clamped down around his thick girth. The sounds of their skin meeting, their bodies molding into one rang quietly in the room as the sound of the door to the kitchen slowly slid open then shut again.
“Is he gone?” She whispered out harshly, her voice breaking in pleasure as she tried to keep her eyes focused on him. She tried to memorize the way his features twisted in pleasure, how his neck tightened as sounds of pleasure left his lips. 
“I think so,” Gator groaned as his lips fell open against her mouth, “Jesus. You feel so good.” He spoke against her lips, barely sealing their mouths together as his cock continually hit against her bundle of nerves. She cried out, her body clamping down around him to keep them in sync. 
“Mhm, I’m so close,” She breathed out harshly, her mind fuzzy with the pleasure that was racing up her spine, “You make me feel so good.” She whined softly, wishing that this feeling would never end. 
He grumbled underneath his breath in response, whispering something so low that she couldn’t even make out what it was. She felt her body shivering in response, the pleasure becoming overbearing as she felt her stomach muscles clenching tightly together in awe. 
“Gator,” She whined, her toes curling tightly in her heels as she dug her fingertips into his skin, “Oh God.” She gasped loudly as the bridge inside of her collapsed, throwing her pleasure over the edge as she came with a cry. She wiggled against him, her eyes filling with stars as he brought her as close to heaven as they could manage. 
“Fuck, Jesus, fuck.” Gator spit out harshly, sounding just as desperate for his release as his nose brushed against her warm cheek. She licked at her lips, trying to keep from being too loud as her cunt ached around his throbbing cock. 
He filled her, his hips pressing deep against her as his head fell into the crook of her neck. He groaned loudly, clawing at her thighs as he emptied his cock inside of her cunt. She whimpered, her eyes fluttering shut as his warm spunk coated her walls. She wiggled her hips, her clit throbbing from the sensation. 
She clawed at him just as desperately, not wanting to miss one second of his flesh against her own. She could feel his heart throbbing against his skin, beating in the same rough rhythm as her own. He sighed against her neck, leaving behind a small dribble of spit as he rose to face her again.
She stared up in awe at the way his eyebrows had relaxed, the smooth lines on his features and how home like his eyes suddenly felt. She liked staring at them; enjoyed how they seemed to be a mess of different colors. They were a warm brown, but sometimes they seemed to have a vast amount of green mingled in them. Sometimes they seemed to be golden. 
She took in his flushed skin before her gaze fell to his cupid's bow lips. She brought her fingertips up delicately, touching them as if to confirm that he was real. She watched the way they moved against her skin, and she enjoyed how soft and wet they felt against her. 
She moved her hands up to his hair next, slicking the messy strands back into their usual position. His eyes stayed on her the whole time, like he was waiting too. She wished she had the strength to push him off, to tell him this would never happen again. 
Instead she brushed her nose against his again, enjoying the rough way he was still breathing as her eyes fell shut. She fell into her own little fantasy for a moment, imagining that this wasn’t wrong. She imagined that Gator was hers and that everything was okay. 
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enbyleighlines · 4 months
It’s June!! In honor of pride month, I decided to cook up some headcanons about the Tellius characters attending a pride event in a nonspecific modern au!
I’m gonna start out with my ot3 Ike/Soren/Ranulf, but I will get around to my other queer ships, too.
If the sun is out, Ike’s guns are out. And by that, I mean his barrel biceps. He’s 100% rocking a sleeveless shirt. Between that and his bear vibes, he is hit on by many men, which still makes him as uncomfortable as being hit on by women, but at pride his boyfriends have no reason to hold back claiming Ike as their property. Not including the unwanted attention, Ike enjoys himself.
Ranulf is the one who drags Ike and Soren along with him. He goes all out, decking himself with a variety of rainbow and bi-flag themed accessories. Unsurprisingly, he has the most fun out of their trio. Some people flirt with him, and while Ranulf flirts back, he makes it clear that it’s all for fun and that he is extremely spoken for.
Soren follows along quite begrudgingly. He comes prepared for the weather: bringing sun hats and sunscreen for all three of them. Most of his time is spent shooing potential suitors away from Ike. Despite fussing like a mother hen the whole time, he enjoys the warm weather, and secretly revels in showing off his possessive side. If asked directly, however, he will do nothing but complain about his experience.
In their usual day to day life, the trio keep their relationship fairly discreet. Close friends and family know, but they keep things vague with co-workers and strangers. This is primarily due to Ike and Soren’s private nature. Ranulf would be more open about it, if it didn’t make his partners uncomfortable. At pride, however, Ranulf is free to tell anybody and everybody about his wonderful boyfriend Ike and “boyfriend-in-law” Soren. And he takes full advantage of that. Ranulf even tries to get them to wear matching shirts, but Soren draws the line at that.
Ranulf wants to stay all day, and tries to attend as many events as possible. However, Ike and Soren’s social batteries are much more easily depleted, so they end up going home and “continuing the party” there. Aka: they have a little picnic in their backyard with music and fruity drinks.
You can view the next post in the series here
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Hey there
I just wanna so a question
The other day I was out with my mum and i was wearing a hoodie
It was really hot out and because of this I got really mad
Everything became annoying to me
Like every sound became too loud and that sort of thing if that makes sense
I just wanna know if over sensitivity to heat has anything to do with autism or am i just really dramatic
Thank you :)
Hi there,
I also have a hard time in the heat. I find unbearable. I’d rather be freezing cold.
I found an article going over heat intolerance and autism. Here’s a excerpt:
For those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), this problem can be exacerbated. This is because many people with ASD may experience hypersensitivity and heat intolerance.
Hypersensitivity can make the feeling of sweat, warmth, and uncomfortable clothes even more unbearable. While not everybody with autism struggles with this, hypersensitivity is a relatively common symptom of the condition.
The article will be below in case you’d like to read more.
I also found another article listing some ways to cope during hot weather:
1. Water, water everywhere
Keep water, or herbal tea, or anything drink-wise that is non-soda based and caffeine-free with you at all times. Sip (don’t gulp) at regular intervals. If the heat is unbearable, simple tricks like sucking an ice cube can also work; it will cool you down and keep you properly hydrated. Try and avoid anything sugary or carbonated, as that can sometimes make you sweat more or even induce anxiety.
2. Let us spray
Do you have an old spray bottle or an atomizer? Fill this with cool water and use it to spray your hands, face, neck and head if the heat feels like it might be too much for you. It’s very refreshing and as the water evaporates, you will cool down.
3. Inhale “cool” essential oils
If you can tolerate fragrance, make up a blend of cool-smelling essential oils that can be inhaled from a tissue or handkerchief at regular points. Peppermint, eucalyptus and tea tree are all great ideas — they’ll clear your head and cool you down.
4. Adapt your clothing to suit your ASD
I hate the feeling of having my arms uncovered outdoors, even in extreme heat, so I’ve had to adapt my clothing accordingly. I’ll only really ever wear long sleeve shirts in light-colored, lightweight fabrics. I won’t ever wear shorts for the same reason, so I’ll switch to linen trousers or light jeans if I can.
5. Protect your eyes and your head
Sunlight and ASD can equal problems with sight and vision. Always have good quality sunglasses, and a few pairs so you’ve got them to hand. If you have to wear them indoors, do so and don’t apologize for it.
6. A once a day sunscreen can really help
There are some brilliant once-a-day application sunscreens on the market now, which can mean the difference between having to stay in because you burn easily and going out for at least a few minutes every day. Sometimes, ASD folks can be photosensitive to sunlight, and a product like this can help them tolerate the heat and light better.
7. If you need to shut out daylight, shut it out!
Close the curtains, blinds and drapes if you need to, and it doesn’t matter what time of day it is. Sunlight can be intrusive and cause pain. There comes a point in every day — usually about 6 p.m. — when I have to give in and close everywhere up. I become too tired to focus and concentrate and I find the slight darkness quietens my head down a little.
The link to this article will also be below in case you want to check it out.
I hope these sources help answer your question. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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orange-lover · 1 month
i dont know if any teenagers follow me but if you do listen to the sonf everybodys free (to wear sunscreen) like right now. its important i promise
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justafoxhound · 17 days
Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free ( to wear sunscreen)
Stumbled on this on Spotify from '90s classics😋' album. Can you imagine a dj dropping this in the club in the 90s... idk I was too young to be raving or trance night, feels like it would be too deep for someone on e lol
Heard this when I was 16, college friend from another town/school introduced it I think. We were like 'whoa so deep'... but you come back to it after years and your perspective has changed. Idk if I acted on any of it.
Did anyone know this too?
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