inseparableduo · 4 months
@everglow-synth-reboot replied to your post “Imagine twins invite you to a house party. 10...”:
"Is that... is that not what a house party is?" - Matthew
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​"Apparently not everyone does coke, heroin or even acid, and they give you funny looks when they see you do it. Fuck. Sometimes they judge you for smoking weed."
"Fuck. I've heard of parties where no one even gets wasted."
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sentient-rift · 3 months
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"Ah... All's well that ends well. Glad we don't have to worry about those Meta Not-so-Cool-er butts anymore.
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"Great job, everyone!"
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ask-dark-monita · 3 months
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"Ladies & Gentlemen... We have a winner!"
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"And the winner of the theme song contest goes to... Roll!"
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"Thank you! Thank you all for voting for me! I appreciate everyone's support!"
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"Great job, sis! I knew you would win!"
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"Congratulations, Roll! You won the poll! We're so proud of you!"
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"Another victory for Roll!"
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"Poyo! Poyo!!"
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"Congratulations, Roll! You are-a numbah one! Hoo-Hoo!"
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chronicparagon · 5 months
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From Harmony's Wall of text.
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"Huh?" Dark brows rise after reading the writing on the wall. "Wait! Hold on! Are you here?" She looks around, only to find no one. "Hello? Are you here?" She calls out, but silence answers her. Hope fades when she finds herself alone. It is just her and the wall.
A sigh escapes her while she turns her head back to the wall. She reads the message again and the first part catches her. "I can light up the night..." Whoever this is is associated with bringing light in dark nights. "Who or what would do that?" Harmony thinks on it, wondering if one thought she has could be it.
Firefly? Fireflies light up the night. Is this person associated with them in any way?
She thinks about it for a moment before turning away from the wall. She can't stay for too long. She needs to find her secret admirer and now she has a hint that could help find them.
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Oh yeah; I don't think I actually sent in the password when I followed you again lol. “AND THEY CALL HIM THE VAMPIRE KILLER”.
Gave the rules another read over just in case. ^^
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((It's all good! And thanks for reading the rules again just in case.))
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the27percent · 3 months
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Returning to this city, Atieno had been making their way around - just kind of getting a feel for the evening. It's not like they had any specific plans for the night.
But the sight of a familiar face was enough to draw their attention. What exactly they were seeing, it was hard to say - but it was enough to make them pause.
"Am I .. catching you at a bad time?" They can't help but remember Matthew seeing them at their more.. discombobulated of moments, so the least they could do was remain a little cautious here.
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gonnachasethestars · 3 months
I miss you! I miss you! I miss you! Trust that your heart will always guide you true Soar up as high as @everglow-synth-reboot's dreams can fly!
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"They say it only takes one person to change the world. That one person can create a ripple effect, that it'll cause others to join in, and that ripple will grow."
Like the waves of the ocean, anyone could change the world to make it a better place.
"Even I'm not blind enough to believe it'll happen in my lifetime, but I plan to change the world. Somehow, I'll make it so beautiful, and make everyone so happy, it'll be like nothing no one's ever seen before."
A slight shrug of his shoulders.
"I've always believed that love is the most powerful force in the universe. I don't think anything could change that mindset."
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everglow-synth · 3 months
Update: URL Change
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In a little while, I'll be pushing my blog's URL change! My original blog is going to be going from everglow-synth to everglow-synth-archive, and this blog is going to take its place.
So, by the end of tonight:
URL Change: everglow-synth-reboot to everglow-synth
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Update: The Future of this Blog
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Hey there. If you're seeing this, either you already follow this blog, or I followed you in the hopes of interacting with you. In either situation, I want to be as up front as possible here.
This blog will soon be replaced.
I am currently in the process of remaking this blog, and pretty soon I plan on moving over to a new blog. I'm gonna be changing a bit about Matthew, and also the blog as a whole, but the main idea is this; I need a fresh start.
The blog is currently under construction, and can be found at @everglow-synth-reboot (that blog will just be named everglow-synth when this blog is archived). I'm in the process of moving my sideblogs over, which can all be found below the cut, along with links to the Carrd for the new blog (featuring new bio pages for each character), and the Carrd for my multimuse blog.
everglow-synth Carrd - Features 4 main characters to the world of Polycus, may feature side characters later
the-devils-toybox Carrd - Contains all muses for the sideblog, Canon and OC alike. Features Alucard from Hellsing, Dark Pit from Kid Icarus: Uprising, Mewtwo from Pokemon, Locus from Red VS Blue, and more.
@slayers-testament - Doom Slayer from Doom Eternal @powered-by-prower - Timeskip Tails the Fox from Sonic the Hedgehog @the-devils-toybox - Multimuse featuring many different canon characters and OCs @android-dreams - This blog is going to be archived, but features a character that is being moved to my new blog
Planned changes for the new blog:
New tags(I started this blog before the new text editor was standard and it fucked up my tags a little)
Multimuse (I'm adding more characters tied to Neo Arcadia, including the character from the sideblog @android-dreams)
Inactive Follower/Following purge (I'm pretty sure a good few that follow me are bots anyhow)
Modifications to Matthew's character (The main change I wanted was him wearing a mask, because I never really do anything with it, and there are better ways for him to hide his burn scars on his face, like makeup. That said, I do have other changes in mind, like potentially ditching his secret identity. Characters who already know him, particularly those in relationships with him, will be told before a complete public outing of his identity, however.)
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inseparableduo · 3 months
@everglow-synth-reboot replied to your post “also I have never watched dr,agon ball but I don't...”:
The super intense Dragon Ball fans don't actually pay attention to their own series, nor do they pay attention to other media in general. As it stands, Goku was only the strongest by the end of the original series because his son, who was at one point stronger than him, decided he liked actually having a life and slowed his training.
​They should take notes and get a life too and not have a melt down when they are told their fav fictional character can't win a fight. The fact they get so into power scaling is funny bc I think the series at one point even says its stupid
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pinklocksoflove · 3 months
Soria pulls up on her bike, eyes scanning around. She was told to meet someone here and that she'd know them when she'd see them. Hitting her kickstand she steps off the bike, placing her helmet in the storage compartment. A lot of people around but none really standing out to her.
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ask-dark-monita · 3 months
The aftermatch of The Rolls Vs. The Immature Meta Cooler Bots...
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"Well, Cooler bots, what did we learn today?" She asked with a hint of smugness in her voice.
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"You're ugly, that's what. You're a cheatin' Genshin Impact player bruh."
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"Remind me again... What does Roll win from this challenge?"
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"Well, according to them, if Roll wins, then that means they're forced to reprogram themselves back to before Immature Frieza messed with them."
Mega Man then turns over to the army of Immature Meta Cooler bots.
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"A deal's a deal. You said it yourself. Now it's time to abandon your childish master and return to Cooler."
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"NEVER!!!!!" The army of Immature Meta Cooler bots quickly flew away from the group. Half of them would succeed in escaping while the other half suddenly find themselves trapped in a large ki barrier.
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"You robots aren't going ANYWHERE..."
Cooler menacingly approaches the Immature Meta Cooler bots.
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Off-screen, Cooler finally reprograms the many Immature bots back to normal.
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"There we go! All set! Now, just to be sure that they're all good again..." Cooler takes out a picture of Roll and shows it to the bots. "What are your opinions on this picture?"
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"She is a helpful kind robot made by Dr. Light." They said.
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"Perfect! They're all back to their normal selves again! It feels good to finally have them back!"
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"What about the others that left?"
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"Not a problem. They'll either get destroyed or something bad will happen to them. I can just feel it. But rest assured, they won't bother Roll or the others ever again."
Meanwhile with the other Immature Meta Cooler bots...
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"Ayo, good thing we escaped outta that. I sure hope nothin' bad happens to the rest of us fellas."
Little did they know, however, that Trickskle had plans for these remaining Immature Cooler bots that had escaped...
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queeniethevampire · 4 months
Queenie glanced as she looked down from her tree branch. "Oi! You!" She shouted. "You may wanna get up here. There's a turtle bear loose, and it can't climb! Wanna get up here?" She asked.
Turtle bear? What kinda shit is that?
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modeinthemiddle · 5 months
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It was unusual for Pe to visit a bar alone, but the day had gotten the best of her.
After giving the bartender her card, she muttered, “A fruity cocktail to start please. I’ll let you pick.”
While waiting, she spotted someone sitting next to her. “Have a rough day, too?” Mode spoke to Jonathan.
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 3 months
@everglow-synth-reboot replied: “International Rootin' Tootin' day still isn't a thing. Trust me, I tried to get it going." - Matthew
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“…Now that’s jus’ fucked up.”
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“Bu’ hey! Maybe if two people try t’make it a holiday, it’ll catch on?”
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rogueguardianforhire · 4 months
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((I’m leaning towards that. A bits. But it also enables me which can be its own issue.
You would think so. But my mind prefers the compatmentalization into multiple blogs. I’ve had multi muses and hated them.
He said considering re-vamping on of his blogs into a light multi-muse))
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