#everett be real challenge
finnterests · 2 years
everett gray headcanons::
here r some of my eve hcs i love him a normal amount
the first song he taught himself on ukulele was riptide but he denies even knowing how to play it because its too "cliché"
he shops second hand for some of his god awful clothes
he def had a p!atd phase
when he was learning ukulele he would play it late at night and it would drive nate crazy so nate grounded him from it
he didn't learn to drive until he was 17 1/2 but only because nate taught him
one time as a "joke" he bought a dart board and pinned a photo of shilohs face to it
^^ nate did not approve of it but took his rage out on it ^^
he threw is ukulele at the wall once because it made him that bad
he refuses to study so nate makes him do it
hes so judgmental walking down the hallways, like he will see someone and make a face of disgust
hes very opinionated and does not hide it
hes seen mean girls more than once
^^ he HATED mean girls 2 and yelled at nate about how bad it was ^^
he wants to learn to play the drums
nate helps him shave the sides of his head
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applesaucesims · 11 months
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For the wedding, they had rented the estate in the chalet gardens for a beautiful evening ceremony on the rooftop. As soon as the sun started setting, the whole family was sat by the aisle and the ceremony could begin.
Emma had entrusted her young cousins, Sean and Darrel, to be the wedding's flower pal and ring bearer respectively. Niall had been led down the aisle by his mother, Linda, and soon after it was time for Edward to lead his daughter down the aisle to give away to the man she was about to marry.
And finally, Emma and Niall exchanged their vows and rings, becoming Mr. and Mrs. McGregor. As their shared their first kiss as spouses, despite their extended family's applause, they felt like they were the only people there on that roof, with the world around them slowly fading away.
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Family Affair
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, cheating, violence, humiliation, biting, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your sister surprises you with good news but you find it difficult to be happy for her. (older, short reader)
Character: Curtis Everett
Note: Happy Curtmas.
For @the-slumberparty Naughty or Nice Challenge.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me 💞
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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Chatter buzzes from the front room as you brace the wall and lift your foot to unzip your wedge boot. You’re late and the guests are already in the throes of their celebration. You wiggle off both boots and set them amid the clutter of many. As you stand straight and gather up your gift bags and purse, you’re met with an unexpected sight.
You lift a brow, slightly confused by the unfamiliar man. He’s tall, his hair is cut short, and dark stubble adds definition to his well-formed jaw. His eyes are a bold shade of aquamarine but are glossed over with an almost indifferent gleam. He doesn’t say a word as your eyes meet and he just as quickly turns into the front room, hands tucked into the pockets of his black jeans.
It’s been a few years. You’re sure a lot has changed. You head down the hall, past the broad archway of the front room, and into the kitchen. As usual, your mother is there, readying another tray of finger foods.
She looks up from her intent work and gives a wide smile, “you’re here!” She chimes, “I was half-waiting for a call saying you wouldn’t make it.”
Her arrow hits the bullseye of your guilt. You haven’t been the most reliable. You can make excuses; the divorce, work, depression. None of that can assuage her.
“Sorry, mom,” you go to put the gift bags down and she stops you with a tut.
“Ah, ah, you go add those to the pile and say hello,” she demands, “you’re not hiding in here.”
You look at her, almost desperate. You love her but sometimes you wonder if that feeling is mutual. As much as she’s right, you hoped she might have some empathy. She’s been through a turbulent split, she’s had to start again, but she expects you to do it flawlessly. As she has anything else.
“Love you, mom,” you give a sheepish smile.
“Love you too, hon,” she goes back to arrange the spiral of cocktail weenies, “make sure you say hello to your sister. She’s so excited to see you.”
You nod and a real smile breaks through. That was the one light at the end of the tunnel. Your baby sister was always your favourite. Despite nearly two decades between you, she’s your best friend. In a way, you feel like a second mother, taking pride in her like you would a child of your own.
The front room is filled to the brim. Aunt Geri and Uncle Val sit on a sofa with their son, Miko. A cluster of similarly aged cousins stand at the edge of the couch chatting. Aunt Maureen argues with Aunt Kaya, and the latter’s husband stands by the window with a glass in hand and his mind a million miles away.
You always found yourself out of place at these things. When you were a child, you were the youngest one in the room. Too immature to understand the dialogue of your elders. As you got older, the other cousins came along and were too young for your angsty teenage self. Now, you’re caught in the desert between the eras; the retirees complain too much and the coeds talk too loud.
You peer around. A set of broad shoulders draws your eye in the corner of the room. It’s that same man you saw before. He has his back to you as he maintains a casual posture. As he leans on one leg, you see your sister, Adeline, gabbing to him. Oh, he must be with her…
As you drop your gifts under the tree, you mull the revelation. You suppose the assumption wasn’t obvious. At first glance, he’s older than her, or maybe he just looks it. She’s still a sophomore in college but you suppose that makes even more sense. These are the years she gets to figure it all out.
You face the room and stop as Aunt Maureen latches onto your arm, blindsiding you with Kaya as they close in like hyenas.
“There she is,” Maureen slurs.
“Not too good for us after all, huh?” Kaya challenges.
“What? No, uh, Merry Christmas–”
“Where’s Benny?” Maureen interrupts. You blanch, nearly choking on your tongue. The mention of your ex-husband has you breathless.
“Maur,” Kaya hisses, “remember…”
“Probably with his new girlfriend,” you say tersely.
“Oh my,” Maureen lets you go and slaps her forehead, “I’m so sorry. The wine…”
“It’s… okay,” you shrug. “Not talking about it won’t undo it.”
“He was such a charming man,” Maureen hums mournfully. You blink at her.
“His loss,” Kaya pats your arm gently, trying to clean up her sister’s mess. You know they all think the same. You had a good thing and you blew it. Even if you told them he fucked his co-worker, you’d be the one who threw it all away.
“Pity you never got a kid outta him,” Maureen sighs.
“Really, divorce has been final for a year, I’m good,” you insist and shuffle past them, “I’m going to make the rounds.”
“Don’t forget to have some wine,” Maureen calls after you, “takes the edge off disappointment, you know?”
You growl and shake your head as you stalk away. You wave hello to your other aunt and uncle, hoping to avoid a similarly humiliating encounter, and weave through the sea of guffawing cousins. You come out on the other side as Adeline beams up at her guest.
Her gaze is drawn by your movement and her face lights up. She bounces in place and throws her arms out. She rushes past the man and has you wrapped up in a hug. It’s kind of ridiculous how much taller she is. You’re supposed to be the bigger sister.
“You’re here!” She rocks you in her embrace, “eek! I’m so excited.”
You croak out a breath as she squeezes the air out of you. She releases you with a giggle, apologising as she steps back. She wears a long tulle skirt and a beaded sweater. She’s beautiful. You could never pull something like that off, even twenty years ago.
“Oh, oh, you have to meet Curtis,” she snatches your hand and tugs you over the tall man as he turns to face you. Those same vague eyes fall upon you, “Curtis, this is my sister!”
“Curtis,” you repeat, “it’s nice to meet you.”
You look between them with a brittle smile. He offers his hand as he returns the sentiment. You shake, his palm rough and calloused. Adeline vibrates with joy.
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” he says. 
“And I’ve heard nothing about you,” you grin at Adeline, “Addy?”
“I’m sorry,” she cups her cheeks guiltily, a sparkle on her ring finger. Your heart drops. “I didn’t know how to– the divorce and–”
“Ad,” you wisp and nearly sway on your feet, “what is that?”
You point to her hand and she quickly swipes it away, hiding it behind her back. “Nothing,” she gulps, the same way she did when she was a child and you caught her playing with your makeup.
There’s a tense silence as you gape in shock. Your mouth hangs open as you search for the words. Your eyes tinge with hot tears but you swallow them back.
“Congratulations,” you draw her into a hug, “really, I’m happy for you.”
She hugs you back, gentler than before. As you part, she looks nervous. Curtis clears his throat.
“Both of you,” you offer him a fragile smile. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little… shocked. Does mom know?”
Adeline nods as she clasps her hands together. You take a breath, and calm yourself. It’s not anything that she fears, you’re not jealous. You’re nervous, you’re afraid for her. It’s a big thing and she’s so young.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around to share the good news,” you say, “I’d love to help, if I can?”
“We got it,” Curtis insists.
“Oh,” you wince, “I didn’t mean– I could help with the planning or the engagement part–”
“We’re eloping,” he crosses his arms, “we’re not wedding people. Whole lot of money and fanfare for nothing.”
You nod, holding back your surprise as best you can. Nothing? It’s marriage. Even if they don’t want a big ceremony, it means something.
“I could help pay for the trip–”
“I got it,” he enunciates each word as he sidles over to sling his arm around your sister’s back. She looks away meekly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep. She’s my sister, I just want to–”
“If you wanted to help, you would’ve been around the last two years,” he interjects.
Adeline’s head snaps around as she gives him a look. She nudges him with her elbow and whispers his name. He glares at you as you wilt. You’re not sure what you’ve done or said.
“Well, I think maybe me and Addy can talk about that,” you look at your sister, “when you have a chance, of course. I don’t want to spoil the holiday.”
“Adeline,” he corrects you, “Addy is so juvenile.”
The benefit of the doubt splinters as his tone cuts through you. You bite your tongue. Perhaps a twenty-one year old is juvenile to someone his age. You’ll talk to Addy about that too.
“Adeline,” you force a smile, “I… I’m going to go check on mom.” You show a palm in deference as you excuse yourself, “we’ll catch up later.”
As you back away, your eyes meet Curtis’. He watches you with a scowl. You are taken completely off balance. How could she end up with someone like him? She’s so sweet and he’s so scary…
Maybe she’s afraid too.
Christmas Eve ends much the same as you remember. The elders sit around the dining table to play cards as the kids, now adults, disperse in the living room or outside to entertain themselves. There’s a vague stench near the front door that no one will comment on but everyone knows what it is as it wafts in from outside.
You find yourself in limbo, once more caught in the in-between. You hole up in the kitchen, staring at the kettle as you wait for it to tremble. You won’t be missed if you take a tea up to your assigned room without a good night.
You lean on the counter and sigh, your finger brushing over the brim of the white porcelain cup with the hen on it. Strange how your mother’s house never seems to change but your life is inextricably altered. Your melancholy dims the cheery decor around you as you wallow away from the voices of the merry.
“There you are,” Adeline startles you as she sweeps in, “oh, is there any of the hot choccy left?”
You smile at her question. Everything about her reminds you of the time passed, of her newfound adulthood, yet she’s just the same little girl you always knew. You turn and pull the tin forward, “one packet left, just for you.”
You pull it out and face her again. She pulls out a mug from the cupboard and sets it down. The kettle hums between you as it heats up.
She exhales as you linger in a tense silence. You both have so much to say but neither of you know where to start. She finds her words first. Despite being younger, she was always the more outspoken.
“Do you like him?” She asks.
You poke your tongue into your cheek, “well, I’ve barely spoken to him. He seems to like you though.”
Her cheeks bulb as she grins bashfully, “I love him.”
Your chest seizes as you recognize that glimmer in her eye. She’s genuine, she feels that love so deeply it consumes her. It’s a naive love but real nonetheless. The sort you can’t see for what it is until it turns sour.
“I can tell,” you reach forward to fix the bow on her headband, “I’m happy for you. And my offer still stands. Maybe if it’s not the wedding, a honeymoon, or help with a house…” you wet your lips and steady your voice, “I only want you to be happy, Addy– Adeline.”
“Oh, he’s just… he’s like that. I can’t even call him Curt. He balances me out,” she beams.
“Yeah,” you say noncommittally.
“What?” Her voice dampens.
“Nothing,” you distract yourself with the variety of tea bags in the wooden chest next to the breadbox, “it’s… a lot. I’m surprised, is all. I just hope it goes well.”
She sniffs and lets her breath out long and heavy, “I’m sorry, I knew– he kinda said you’d probably be upset. After Benny–”
“This has nothing to do with him,” you narrow your eyes at her, a bag of chai in your hand, “this is about you. I only want what’s best for you.”
“He’s so good to me, you don’t have to worry.”
“I can worry, you’re my baby sister,” you insist, “and…” You shake your head, refusing to let the thought escape.
“And what?” She challenges, her pitch squeaking.
“No, tell me. I can always tell when you’re dying to say something. What?”
You shrug, “it’s just… how old is he?”
She scoffs, “wow.”
“What? I’m just asking.”
“It’s not like he’s old enough to be dad,” she pouts and crosses her arms.
“I know, I didn’t mean– Ad–Adeline, I just— you have time to figure it out. So I hope you’re not rushing this.”
“I’m not,” she snips, an uncharacteristic edge in her voice.
“I believe you… but what about him?”
She’s quiet as the kettle clicks, signalling the boiling point. You turn and drop the tea bag into your cup and pour the water. She tears open the packet and empties it into her own mug.
“Sorry,” you utter, “forget it. I… I don’t know him so maybe I need to get to know him. I’m here, Ad, and I will always be here for you.”
She nods and reaches for the kettle, not looking at you.
“Really, I trust you. I just worry about you,” you clap your hand on her shoulder, “you’re my lil teddy bear.”
She chuckles and looks down at you, your statement made absurd by the difference in your heights.
“And you’re the big grizzly, scaring off the wolves,” she kids back.
“Adeline,” the deep rumble thunders in ahead of the man, making both of you jump. You pull back your hand as Curtis strides in, “hey, I’ve been waiting on you.”
“Oh, sorry, baby,” she preens at him, “I was just–”
“You said we’d call my family after dinner,” he interrupts.
“I forgot,” she squeals, “oh, I’m so sorry.” She glances over at you, “I did promise.”
“Go on,” you try to smile but you’re not sure it’s showing.
She spins and flits over to Curtis. His eyes meet yours over her shoulder. His brows arch as his jaw is set in stone. A chill runs up your spine at the ice in his dark pupils. He grabs Adeline’s hand and drags her out.
You’re left in silence. You look over at the unmixed powder floating in the steaming water. You chew your lip as you stare at it. It’s just hot chocolate but there’s something about her abandoning something she loves so much for him. You try not to let your own failed marriage echo over her relationship, but it just feels off.
Well, Benny always did say you never did handle change very well.
The night before Christmas is rarely a restful one. Even without the childish belief in Saint Nick, you find yourself awake, anxious but not for presents. You keep replaying the night through your head; not the awkward interactions with aunts and uncles, or the silent judgment from the younger crowd, but Adeline and Curtis. Let it go, it’s none of your business.
You huff and roll on your back. Sleep eludes you. You sit up and bend over the side of the bed. You hold your head. You’ll sneak out the bathroom and hopefully an empty bladder will help.
You drag your feet across the floor, the legs of your pajama pants too long and trailing down your feet. You open the door and yawn as you enter the hall, only to collide with another unexpected barrier. Before you can react, you’re being forced back into the guestroom, stumbling as your fingers claw at the door frame and slip off.
A hand smothers your mouth, rough against your lips, as a foot kicks the door shut with a sharp click. You murmur into the calloused flesh as an arm loops around your back, trapping you as you’re urged further into the dark. You grasp at the cotton clinging to muscular shoulder. You’re kept off balance by your attacker’s certainty.
“I fucking heard you,” Curtis’ silty grit seeps into your ears, “you think I’d hurt her?” He snarls as he stops you at the foot of the bed. His shadow looms over you, breath puffing from his nostrils as he growls like a beast, “I wouldn’t, but I’ll hurt you.”
He pushes you back so your legs meet the side of the bed. You teeter and clasp your hand around his wrist, squeaking as he easily takes you down onto the mattress. He pins you, your legs hanging off the end, kicking weakly as his other hand curves around your throat.
He bends over you, straddling your chest heavily. You can’t breathe. Your heart pounds until your ears throb. Your temples pulse violently and your throat dries to a sandy scrape.
“Stay out of my fucking business,” he snarls, sliding down your body.
You whimper into his hand as he drops his knees off the bed, holding himself over you. He squeezes your neck, choking out your voice as he drags his hand from your mouth. He feels along your chest and flicks open the top button of your shirt. Your eyes wet in horror.
“Fucking show you…” he sneers as his breath scours over your flesh.
Another button undone as his lips tick along your shoulder. You squeak once more as he sinks his teeth into your flesh, biting a mean pinch until you spasm. The pain is unbearable. You feel the skin break as the hot flow of blood mingles with his spit.
He detaches only to bite you again. You can’t make a noise as his grip grows tighter on your neck. Even if you could scream, you’re too terrified and confused to understand what he’s doing. He’s like an animal tearing you apart. 
He lays a tortured path down your chest, lingering on the rise of flesh, gnawing into the tenderness there. His nails dig into your side, pushing up your shirt as he scratches hot lines into your skin. You push on his shoulders desperately but he’s too strong.
“Stop filling her head with your bitterness,” he growls before he bites into your nipple. 
You shake and beat on his head, shoulders, and back. You writhe and wrestle, trying to free yourself from him. He continues on, down your stomach, lingering on the soft flesh as his fingers hook into the elastic of your pants.
Your panic overflows with your tears. This can’t be happening. Why would he do this? He could talk to you? You would listen. You didn’t say anything wrong, you just want Adeline to be careful.
The very thought of your sister throttles you. Does he do this to her? Is this why she’s so defensive? The idea makes you sick to your stomach.
He lifts himself, his weight centering on your neck. You think he’ll crush your windpipe as he looms over you, snarling in the blackness. He pushes you higher onto the bed, forcing your legs open with his knees.
“Don’t make a fucking noise or I’ll make sure you can’t,” he threatens, giving a last squeeze before slowly slackening his grip.
You hold your breath. You believe him. Your body goes limp and you close your eyes. The bed shifts as he sits back on his heels. He pulls your pants down your thighs and you whine. He hushes you, a harsh tap across your cheek to get his point across.
You let your head drift to one side as you clench the blanket beneath you in tight fists. He keeps your legs trapped in your pants, knees bent as the fabric strains across his stomach. He tilts and movies around, his fingernails scratching the back of your thighs.
“Bet the husband couldn’t stand your fucking mouth,” he snarls as he pushes roughly against your cunt. “Didn’t know how to train you.” He jams two fingers into you, jolting your entire body, “dry bitch like you, he was probably thirsty as fuck.”
You seal your eyes tight, tears trickling through as a sob bubbles in your throat. You want to tell him to stop. You want to ask why. You want to scream. You can’t do anything as your body locks up.
He fingers you meanly, pulling his fingers out only to ram them in again, each time his knuckles hit you painfully. He keeps it up, growling with each intrusion as your muscles knots and pathetic noises rise from your throat.
He forces your legs higher, tearing his hand away from your pelvis. He adjusts his knees and you feel something else against your cunt. 
“No…” you whisper right as he ruts into you.
He splits you apart around him. You let out a holler and he quickly silences you with a crack of his knuckles. The back of his hand snaps off your cheek and turns your head to the other side. You gulp and sob, choking back any noise that threatens to bubble over.
He holds himself as deep as he can. He puts his large hands on your shoulders and pins you flat. He bucks, agony rippling up your spine. He snaps his hips, again and again, each time harder than the last.
“This is what you need. So fucking jealous, aren’t you? Dried up old bitch,” he pumps into you as his breath picks up, “why kind of sister are you, huh? Fucking your baby sister’s man. Fucking slut.”
You cover your face and heave. You’re drowned in pain and humiliation. You’re disgusted with him for doing this to you; and yourself for letting him.
“You don’t wanna hurt her, do you?” He growls, “that’s why this is happening… cause you wanna keep her safe, right?”
He puts his hand against your head and pushes it down into the bed, fucking you into the mattress. The frame pounds the wall, matching his furious rhythm. You reach to brace his thick arm, begging silently for it to end.
“Oh, it’ll be over soon,” he rasps as his hand once more frames your throat, “fuck, you got me ready to blow quicker than I thought.” He puffs, each thrust rattling your bones, “I love how weak you are.”
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hello!! i am peter, helping test the anon
HLC react to MC’s phoenix after they bring it to the RoR? I like to think MC would name him Eleazar :)
MC holds their arm out for the majestic phoenix as it circles overhead. "Eleazar!" MC calls out and the phoenix gracefully decends. Its golden feathers glitter in the faux sunlight provided by the sanctuary within the Room of Requirement.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: "You found a PHOENIX!? Do you have any idea how lucky you are? Wait...does this mean, YOU HAVE PHOENIX TEARS!?!?" He nearly falls over from the realization. They're holding the cure for Anne. The real cure. She can finally, truly be healed. He tears up and falls to his knees. MC kneels next to him and holds him with their free arm as he openly sobs with relief.
OMINIS GAUNT: He's never heard a phoenix call before. MC describes the bird to him and he nearly drops his wand. "Incredible. How did you- actually, don't tell me. I don't need to know what you had to do to find this beast. I worry enough about you as it is."
ANNE SALLOW: She sits on a rock with MC, standing too long is painful. The phoenix moves from MC onto her shoulder and leans it's head against hers. It seems to sense her pain and gives a mournful coo. She's about to ask about the bird's behavior when MC quickly takes a small vial from their pocket and holds it under the phoenix's face. It suddenly dawns on her. The phoenix is trying to heal her. It takes everything in her to not cry her own tears.
IMELDA REYES: "Is that beast real?" Her snarkyness can't disguise her genuine surprise. "I thought they were just tales, nevermind what's used as wand cores. Who knows how old those feathers are...so, how fast can it fly?" The phoenix gives her a challenging look.
NATSAI ONAI: "How magnificent!" She holds out her hand and the phoenix accepts her gentle touch. "You are just as special as I always knew you to be, MC. To have a phoenix's trust, how does it feel to be the universes favorite?" She laughs.
GARRETH WEASLEY: He's absolutely SALIVATING at he thought of a phoenix feather. Do they have one? Can he have one? Pleeeeese?? He will literally sell his soul for one. He is actually on his knees, begging. He has no dignity when it comes to one of the most rare ingredients on earth.
LEANDER PREWETT: He's still trying to wrap his head around this Room of Requirement, let alone the sanctuary. He can hardly believe what he's seeing. He doesn't know what to say or do. MC has officially broken him. He just gives a helpless shug and holds his arms out to the phoenix in a gesture of "how am I supposed to respond to this?"
AMIT THAKKAR: He's only read about them, books don't do them justice. The feather are far more vibrant and have this mystical flame like shimmer. It's almost indescribable. He's in absolute awe, but jumps a little if the bird moves in his direction. It's a powerful beast.
EVERETT CLOPTON: In his awe, he reaches forward too fast and the phoenix pecks at his hand. "Ow! Sorry, got a little carried away." He puts his nipped hand in his pocket and sticks to admiring the bird up close hands free.
POPPY SWEETING: Her jaw drops and doesn't come back up for a while. When she can find the words, she asks a billion questions in rapid fire succession. The biggest one being HOW they found the phoenix to begin with. "Bloody UNICORNS are easier to find!!" She is bound and determined to befriend the phoenix. She needs that beast cred bragging right.
ELEAZAR FIG: He smiles bashfully, hearing that MC has apparently named their phoenix after him. MC encourages the phoenix to sit on his shoulder and it puffs up as it gets comfortable. "This is a wonderful surprise, MC. Thank you, I am truly honored to be the name you put on this magnificent beast." He means it, his heart is full and fit to burst.
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Watermelon Suga'
A Curtis and Honey One Shot
Summary- 1k Curtis Everett x Plus!Sized Reader. On a lake vacation with the friends and yet Curtis has to have you to himself for a little while.
Warnings- Oral sex, semi public space, some bad cringy talk.
A/N- @bigtreefest I know it's late, but I really wanted to do a little something for your challenge. Please accept this little chaotic mess as my love for you and my contribution to Essie's Summer Lovin' 300 Follower. Congratulations babes.
A/N 2- Listen, it's been a HOT minute since I have written anything real okay. I know this feels rushed and all over the place, it's because it is. It's the best I can do right now. Don't judge me too harshly.
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet Masterlist
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Tastes like strawberries, On a summer evenin’, And it sounds just like a song-
Curtis’s tongue flattened against your collarbone, dipping along the edge while his nose trailed against your sun-soaked skin, making little flutters in your belly as he sucked off the popsicle sugar off you. The smell of fresh water mixed with his woodsy bonfire scent made you feel all that fuzzier. 
Just around the lake's bend, you could hear your friends splashing and laughing at the dock, feet thumping on the boardwalk leading from the rented cabin you all shared too far out on the lake. Curtis had you hidden though from sight. His fingers plucking at the bathing suit you put on earlier. In your hand, that forgotten watermelon popsicle quickly dripping away now that he had you distracted. 
Breathe me in, Breathe me out, I don’t know if I could ever go without-
“You’ve been driving me fucking crazy in this Pretty Girl.” He practically growled against you as he pressed himself in closer, the bark of the tree he had you pinned against rough on your bare skin. Cold sugar droplets raced down your hand, sticky and sweet, smearing across his bare back as you grabbed onto him to keep steady.
“You like it?” You whispered back, a little more cautious of being heard when some splashing was sounding closer than before. Your popsicle fell in a mess at your feet, now really forgotten as his hot tongue started tracking back down your body where your bikini showed some skin.  
“You know this one’s my favorite.” He lowered to his knees in front of you, leaning back just a bit to get to look you up and down. You were aware, acutely aware of his gaze taking you in. His hands clasped at the back of your thighs, moving to lift one up over his broad shoulder. Your hand instinctively grasped at him to keep your balance. 
“We’re gonna get caught.” You squeaked while he placed a supposedly innocent kiss on your knee. But you already saw that wicked gleam in his eyes, the blue so intense that it made you shiver with anticipation. He had ideas, ideas that were turning into plans and then would be put into action. You were wonderfully helpless against him. 
I want more berries, and that summer feelin’, It’s so wonderful and warm-
Another press of his mouth was moving higher, inhaling against the softest part of your thigh, the pink of his tongue laying claim to your soft quaking warmth of flesh. His hand kept a steady hold on the back of your other thigh, unwilling to let you pull away from him. “I want you, want you so bad Pretty Girl.” He groaned, almost like he was in agony. “Let me make you feel good.” 
You knew he wasn’t in any pain, but hearing how much you were wanted, how he was so close and just waiting for you to let him have it. The rush made your bikini bottom dampen, aching to let him have what he wanted. Curtis continued teasing you. Presses of kisses were filtering against your spreading thighs, giving him more room. The buzz cut of his hair tickling your palms while you slowly felt yourself melting in place. 
Much like your popsicle is long gone now. 
I'm just thinking out loud, I don't know if I could ever go without-
You gave a sharp nod and felt him smirk against your skin in victory, now he had you. Unwilling to do anything more till you said it was okay. A finger hooked into your bikini bottoms and shifted the fabric till your perfect cunt was bare and with a press of his hand against your inner thigh making you spread wider just for him. 
“Fuck, Curtis.” You hissed at the feeling of him, the broadness of his shoulders, the strong hold of his hands spreading you, his tongue making you quiver in anticipation. You wanted to sink him into you and with your watermelon-sticky hands pressing against the back of his head, pushing him closer to you. He felt so good and right now in that moment, it was all you could allow yourself to think about. 
How his tongue sucked on your lips and spread them to lap away at your slick, his heavy groan rattling through you while he feasted on you, teasing your aching clit till you wanted to push him closer or away. Your hips started shifting, matching his movements and he slipped thick digits into you, making you ride his fingers so he could watch you. “Thass it Honey.” His words slurred like he was drunk off your sweetness. “Don’t stop till you come for me.” 
 It was so easy to just let go, your head tilting back against the tree and moving just right, so close, so close. “Look at me Pretty Girl, that’s right.” He encouraged, taking a moment just to watch you start to unravel, all inhibitions you possessed gone. “Gotta see my girl come… you got my dick so fucking hard right now.” 
His fingers moved faster, his thumb pressing against your clit to make you whine and pant. “Please Curtis.” 
“Want me to bend you over after? Make you come on my dick?” He asked before swiping his tongue along you, and how the fuck were you supposed to answer him when you felt like you were about to shatter in the best way possible. All you could do was nod. So close, so close you just wanted to get lost in it. 
“You're so fucking beautiful like this…” Curtis sucked on you, the sensation shooting through you like fireworks. “And all mine.” 
You were his, so easily his and it made it that much easier to crash, knowing he had a hold of you. You felt yourself crest, dancing on the edge of bliss and then falling, everything floating into perfection while Curtis lowered you into his lap, his arms gathering your into him while you clutched at him, your mouth seeking his in a desperate sobbing kiss. 
I just wanna taste it, I just wanna taste it, Watermelon sugar high, watermelon sugar.
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caplanbuckybarnes · 1 year
Songs4Caplan Challenge
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(I located an older song fic challenge from a deleted blog I had that had this graphic on it. LOL)
Tag me in the authors notes & send me a message with yuor fic once it's posted! (along with the hashtag so I know which Masterlist to place the fic when I post it)
Please tag the proper warnings before the fic
More than one person can write for the same prompts
RPFs are allowed
If you’d like to write for more than one song, please make them separate fics
the songs are randomly picked from my playlist, so don't judge lol.
Can be however long you’d like the fic to be, however, please be considerate to the folks using the app and place the 'keep reading' feature on your posts!!
PLEASE tag the fic as #songs4caplan so i can easily find your fics!!!
Addicted to you simple plan
Africa Toto 
All downhill from here new found glory 
All for you sister hazel 
All summer long kid Rock 
Alone together fall out boy
Amnesia 5 seconds of summer
Animals maroon 5
As it was Harry styles 
as the world caves in Sarah cothran
Ashes of Eden breaking Benjamin 
Attention Charlie put 
Bad guy Billie eillish 
Bad things jace Everett
Beautiful mistakes maroon 5
Beautiful soul Jesse McCartney 
Before he cheats carrie underwood 
Before you go Lewis capaldi 
Beggin maneskin 
Better than me hinder
Blue ain’t your color Keith urban 
Burn usher 
Car radio twenty one pilots 
Church fall out boy
Climax usher 
Come & get it Selena Gomez 
Count on me Bruno mars 
Criminal Fiona Apple 
Deja vu Olivia rodrigo 
Delicate Taylor swift 
Diary Tino Coury 
Dirty laundry Carrie underwood 
Dirty thoughts Chloe adams 
Don’t call me up Mabel 
Downtown lady a 
Drivers license Olivia rodrigo 
Easy on Adele 
End of me a day to remember 
Every breath you take the police 
Every morning sugar ray 
Everybody hurts r.e.m. 
Fall for you secondhand serenade
Fallin Alicia keys 
Fast car Tracy Chapman 
Flowers Miley Cyrus 
For the first time the script
Forever young alphaville
Forever and ever amen randy Travis
Fuck it Eamon 
Fuck you bitch wheeler walker jr
Ghost of you Justin beiber
Glimpse of us Joji
God gave me you Blake Shelton 
Hate (I really don’t like you) plain white tees
Havana Camilla cabello 
Heart attack Demi lovato 
Heartbreak anniversary giveon 
Heaven Kane brown 
Hello darlin Conway twitty 
Hold on, we’re going on drake 
How do you sleep Jesse McCartney 
Hurt Johnny cash 
I fall apart post Malone 
I miss you blink 182
I see red everybody loves an outlaw 
I wanna be your slave maneskin 
I’m not the only one Sam smith 
I’m the only one Melissa Ethridge 
I’m yours Alessia Cara 
In my blood Shawn Mendes 
It ain’t me baby me Johnny cash 
Jealous nick Jonas 
Just one yesterday fall out boy 
Just the way you are Bruno mars 
Keep Holding On Avril Lavigne 
Killer queen Queen 
The last of the real ones 
Leave  the door open Bruno mars 
Leavin’ Jesse McCartney 
Let her go passenger
Like I can Sam smith
Lips of an angel hinder
Little do you know Alex & sierra 
Little Talks Mumfords & sons
Mama's broken heart Miranda lambert
Man down Rihanna
Misery Maroon 5
My Boo usher & Alicia keys 
Needed Me Rihanna 
Never gonna be alone Nickelback
New Rules Dua Lipa 
Not Over You Gavin DeGraw
Obsessed Mariah Carey
One Call Away Charlie Puth
One More Night Maroon 5
Our Song Taylor Swift
Picture KidRock & Sherry Crow 
PillowTalk Zayn Malik 
Please Don’t Leave Me Pink
Red Taylor Swift 
Remember the time Michael Jackson
Rolling in the deep Adele 
Say My Name Destiny’s Child
Say So Doja Cat 
She’s Got You Patsy Cline
Shower Becky G
Smokin out the Window Bruno Mars 
Someone You Loved Lewis Capaldi
Stay With Me Sam Smith
Take a Bow Rihanna
Take Me to Church Hozier
Take You Dancing Jason Derulo
There’s Nothing Holdin Me Back Shawn Mendes
Title Meghan Trainor
Too Good at Goodbyes Sam Smith
Too Little Too LAte JoJo
Trip Ella Mae
Trouble P!Nk
True Love P!NK
Unfaithful RIhanna
Unholy Sam smith
Unsteady X Ambassadors
Uptown Girl Billy Joel
Wait For You Elliot Yamin
Walk Me Home P!NK
Walkin After Midnight Patsy Cline
Want U Back Cher Lloyd
What a Man Gotta Do Jonas Brothers
What Ifs Kane Brown
Wolves Selena Gomez
Would You Go With Me? Josh Turner
You Found Me The Fray
You Had Me @ Hello A Day to Remember
You Need to Calm Down, Taylor Swift
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Aspen's Enchanted Birthday Festival Announcement
October first marks one hundred days until my birthday! So from now until my birthday on January 9th I'm hosting a writing festival!
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For this fest, I'm interested in seeing some mystical creatures we don't typically see, though you're free to adapt them and their lore however you see fit.
You do not need to follow me to participate (though it's appreciated). Details and guidelines under the keep reading/read more...
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REQUIRED: Feature at least one of the creatures from this list:
The creature could be the reader, the leading man, or a creature they encounter. You can go with strict mythology, or riff off the elements of the base lore.
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REQUIRED: Feature at least one of the characters from this list:
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Joaquin Torres
Nick Fowler
God the Bounty Hunter
Ari Levinson
Curtis Everett
Lloyd Hansen
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OPTIONAL: if you would like some melodic or lyrical inspiration, here are nine songs I'm floating your way:
“A&W” by Lana Del Rey
“Holocene” by Bon Iver
“Never Let Me Go” by Florence + the Machine
“The Lightning Strike” by Snow Patrol
“If I Say” by Mumford & Sons
“Fine Line” by Harry Styles
“Abstract (Psychopomp)” by Hozier
“The Moment I Said It” by Imogen Heap
“Daydreaming” by Rosa Pullman
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Writing must be an x reader story.
Minimum 500 words, maximum 9k words.
If part of an existing series, must be able to read as a stand alone piece.
Must be posted on tumblr between October 1, 2023, and January 9, 2024.
I will only read and reblog works that tag @buckets-and-trees and use the tag #aspensenchantedbday.
Stories MUST use a creature and character from the lists provided, but using song inspiration is optional.
All stories must be inclusive in nature.
No DD/lg dynamics, no pet play, no beastiality (if a monster cannot express consent, it is beastiality), no rpf (real person fiction), no scat play, no underage relations of a romantic or sexual nature.
Make sure to tag content and trigger warning appropriately and use a read more/keep reading cut after 300 words.
If you want to create something for THIS event that also aligns with other challenges or events, you can stack/maximize as long as that other event or challenge allows for it (doesn’t demand exclusivity).
I'm not obligated to read or reblog any works that fail to adhere to the requirements listed above.
If you're familiar with my library, you'll know I write a range of light to dark, fluff to smut, and so entries across the board are welcome as long as they meet the stipulated requirements.
May these creatures haunt your muse in the best way between now and January 9th!
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mtreebeardiles · 10 months
A prompt for you? "hiding under the blankets to hide the blush" for whichever Shepard boy you think it fits 🥺
Whoa, I am finally answering this! 84 years later! Ayyy!
Lol, can find it below as well as over here on AO3!
Thanks for the prompt, sorry it took a small eternity to write it haha
It wasn't often that Everett hid things from him. 
Never anything bad, exactly, but almost always something the other man was worried about. It was a bad habit that would take a lot more than the scant few years they'd been together to break, and some topics were harder for Evvy to broach than others. It was a dice roll to guess what may have been weighing on his mind this time, but Kaidan was confident, as he leaned in the doorway of their bedroom, that whatever this was wasn't going to be devastating. 
Challenging, maybe, but not life-shaking. 
He watched his husband from the doorway, eyeing the way the other man was chewing on his lower lip, a furrow between his brows and his pale skin washed out in the blue light of his computer screen. He was under his usual pile of blankets, Kaidan's hoodie wrapped tight to his body, every so often swapping to chewing on the drawstring before catching himself and going back to chewing on something else -- his lip again, or his knuckles. Another habit, but one Kaidan could deal with if it meant not smoking. He'd let Evvy chew on all his hoodie drawstrings if it helped keep cigarettes out of his mouth. 
Everett sighed, drawstring falling from his lips as he sat back and stretched, and in that moment he happened to look up. 
"Shit! Jesus -- how long have you been standing there?" Everett's cheeks flushed; Kaidan raised his eyebrows.
"Not long," he admitted, pushing off the doorjamb and wandering in. "Whatcha doing?"
"Oh, uh. Nothing?"
"Seems pretty intense for nothing," Kaidan pointed out. There weren't any of the usual signs of distress in his partner's expression -- not the sort that usually spelled an anxiety spiral. Worry, yes, and now a fair amount of embarrassment, which only piqued Kaidan's interest further. 
"It's… they're just… I was just seeing if I could…"
Kaidan hummed, settling on the bed next to him. 
"Seeing if you could…?" he prompted, gentle. Everett's cheeks went impossibly redder and Kaidan watched as he slunk down until he and his computer were under the blankets. 
"Um. Evvy?"
Kaidan blinked. "Like…for school?"
Kaidan settled in against the headboard, slipping a hand under the mound of blankets currently hiding his husband. School was a…tricky subject, for Evvy, he knew. Something he'd wanted for so long that had been just out of reach for years, his military career leaving no room for educational pursuits beyond the demands of being a marine, an N7, a SPECTRE. 
Beyond the demands of being Commander Shepard. 
He'd mentioned giving it a shot before, right after the Reaper War had ended and he'd officially retired. But nerves, the anxiety of expectation, and his own tumultuous recovery seemed to stall him any time he started looking into the matter. The fact that he was far enough in to consider the application process told Kaidan he was going to give it a real try this time. 
If he could get out of his own head enough, anyway. 
Cool fingers interlocked with his under the blankets, and he gave Evvy's hand a squeeze. 
"Can I see what schools you're looking at?" Kaidan asked. There was a pause before Evvy's laptop was carefully pushed out of the sanctuary of the blankets. Kaidan bit back a fond smile and took it, opening the lid and waking it back up to the page Everett had been perusing. He recognized one or two of the institutions listed in a word doc, and it didn't take long to see that Evvy's top three all offered remote or hybrid options. He wasn't surprised; there was no way Everett could ever experience being a regular student, not after having his name and face plastered over the newsfeeds for the past decade and a half. 
He gave his hand a sympathetic squeeze. 
"Sounds like they have some great programs," he began after a moment, his tone conversational and inviting. 
"Yeah," came the soft, muffled agreement. Kaidan toggled over to the application Everett had already started, reading over the requirements and expectations. All reasonable, and accommodating to older students. He hummed his approval. 
"I like the one in Vancouver, but it's hybrid, and I don't know if I want to deal with all that." Kaidan glanced down to see Everett had partially emerged from his blanket cocoon, the waves of his hair spilling onto the pillow. He shifted, releasing Evvy's hand to run his fingers through the errant strands instead. 
"Maybe still apply, and see what happens?" Kaidan suggested. "We could always go visit, if you like." 
Everett pursed his lips, eyes meeting Kaidan's briefly before darting away. 
"Hey," Kaidan went on gently. "Talk to me?"
His husband chewed at his lower lip again, and it took a moment before he could meet Kaidan's gaze again. 
"…what if I'm just fooling myself?" he whispered. "What if I left the only thing I was ever any good at?"
"Baby…" Kaidan carefully set the laptop aside and scooted down until he was lying beside him, turned to face him. This wasn't a new concern, wasn't a new conversation. Kaidan knew he could list each and every thing that made Everett so incredibly wonderful -- as a partner, as a friend, as a brother. Knew Evvy would hear him, but knew it wasn't always enough. 
"I think you should still try," Kaidan finally continued. "I think you deserve that chance, Evvy. Maybe you like it, maybe you find out it's not for you. You have the room to do that, now. You deserve to do that. You've given so much, honey… you deserve to take. To have something that's just for you."
Everett's gray gaze searched his, and his husband let loose a shaky exhale. 
"Yeah," he whispered. "Maybe." He sniffed, peeling back a few layers of blankets until he could cuddle up closer, tucking his head under Kaidan's chin, seizing his hand again and holding it to his own chest. "You're probably right."
"Usually am."
He felt Everett's laugh and smiled, laughing himself when he felt the undeniable scrape of teeth against his captive hand. 
"Fuck I want a cigarette so bad, Kay."
"I know, baby." 
"But I'm not gonna break," Everett went on after a moment. "And I'm gonna fill out those fucking applications."
"Fuck yeah, you are." 
Everett shifted, pulling back enough to peer up at him. He narrowed his eyes in thought. 
"What is it?" Kaidan prompted after a moment. 
"Since I have to write essays for some of them," Everett began. "I mean, they're separate entities. It's not like they'd notice…"
"I'm gonna make a template, Kay." 
This declaration, delivered with the sort of stubborn flare reminiscent of days on the Normandy, startled a bark of laughter out of Kaidan. 
"Of course you are." 
"They're helpful!"
"I'm not arguing!"
Everett moved again, emerging fully from his blankets only to straddle Kaidan's hips. He grinned down at him, and Kaidan could feel the tension in his husband's body easing. 
"You're the one who says skills are transferrable..."
"No hacking to get a better schedule, baby."
"What are you, a cop?"
Kaidan shook his head and looped a hand around the back of Evvy's neck, tugging him down and capturing his smiling lips against his own. 
"You've got this, Nerd," he murmured when they parted for air. "I believe in you."
Everett's smile softened, and he kissed Kaidan's nose. 
"Thank you," he whispered. "Nerdlet." 
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blakelysco-pilot · 2 months
Hey bestie!!! 8, 10, 19, 24, 25 for the ship asks for Ev & Val and Rosie & Jo? 👀💕
Chickiiie thank you for these! (= 8 and 19 are HERE
From this list; asks are open as always chickies!
Ev & Val
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
They both love dancing, specifically with each other, and it's something they find out very quickly. They accumulate quite a record collection after the war, and spend many nights going to jazz clubs to see some of their favorite musicians. They learn a lot of new music when Rosie becomes part of their inner circle, and so music becomes a big part of their lives. Val grew up listening to Italian classics, so she's anxious to introduce that music to Everett. He becomes extremely interested in it, and is determined to learn Italian so that he can understand what they're singing (and so that he can talk to her) so he enlists the help of Benny DeMarco to help him learn some Italian phrases to surprise her, and over the course of their relationship, just by hearing her speak it, mostly when her and Benny want to gossip without anyone else listening in, he starts to pick up phrases and words. The first time he tells her I love you in Italian, she's nearly bowled over in shock, because Ti Voglio Benne.
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
Val is headstrong at best. She's a master at sarcasm and stands her ground when someone challenges her. She grew up running up and down the streets of Brooklyn with Curt, and so a lot of his brash personality has rubbed off on her, though she reserves it for when he does something dumb (in her opinion). The day she pushes him off the truck when he tries to climb up and make his own coffee, it solidifies her independence and strength to the other men outside the truck, and also gives them a good laugh. Everett was always under the impression that he would marry a housewife; a woman who would have babies with him and have dinner on the table every night after work. Val is absolutely the opposite of the type of woman he pictures his life with, but once she's there in front of him, he knows that what he thought he wanted was completely wrong. They compliment each other in balancing out their opposite traits- where he's quiet sometimes, she's filling the silence and vice versa. Ev Blakely was never meant to marry a housewife in an apron- he was meant for the adventurous, opinionated Italian from Brooklyn.
25. Do they share a room/house? If so, what does it look like and how does it compliment their personalities?
When the war is over, they both return to Brooklyn where Val's mother has (politely) vacated the parlor floor of their building so that they have a place to live. Even before they're married, they live together, and it's not the forever home, but Val still painstakingly makes it feel homey for both of them. Everett gives it a fresh coat of paint, a sage green because it reminds him of Val's eyes, which reminds him of home, and they piece together some furniture until they find a house of their own. But, the apartment always smells of something home cooked, and it's their first place, so it's special to both of them. Val sits in the bay window on Sunday mornings while her mother's sauce is simmering on the stove, and drinks coffee while browsing the real estate section of the newspaper with Everett snuggled up behind her. When they move into their forever home, Everett paints their bedroom that same sage green, and calls in the troops to help him move furniture and build what they can't find. It's the perfect blend of her New York and his Seattle, and their mothers are the first to sit at the kitchen table that he built, with help from Dougie, and eat off the plates that Val was handed down from Nonna DiRosano.
Rosie & Jo
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
It's no surprise that Rosie loooooves dancing, and jazz. It's something that Jo loves about him, so much so, that they go on adventures together to seek out new musicians. Rosie's favorite adventure was seeing Benny Goodman at Carnegie Hall with Jo before the war. At first he's worried he's imposing on her, that she's not enjoying herself as much as she says she is, but when he takes her dancing the first time and sees her grinning from ear to ear the first time he spins her on the dance floor of Minton's, he knows that she's not just saying she's had a good time for the sake of making him happy. When they move in together, Rosie takes to reading with Jo at night. The two of them curled up on the couch, a record playing in the background until one (both) of them fall asleep with their books on their chest.
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
Both of them are generally affectionate people. Rosie is a born leader, at least that's what Jo calls him. He led his crew during the war, and then he led the new kids to the bitter end. He is definitely the type to take charge, and while Jo likes to be in control and take charge, there's something about Rosie being home to take charge that she loves. She takes charge of things while he's gone, working on the switchboard of the War Department and moving out to live with Jean Crosby, but when Rosie comes home... she doesn't give up the independence or the job, but Rosie is home now and she can worry less about needing to be independent. She can remain that way because she wants to.
25. Do they share a room/house? If so, what does it look like and how does it compliment their personalities?
WHEW! "Not until you're married!"- Mama Rosenthal and Mrs. Harris. Once they are married, Rosie makes it his mission to find them the perfect home to start their life together. It has extra bedrooms for when their friends come to visit (eventually one becomes a nursery for Baby Rosenthal) but Pappy is their first overnight houseguest because of course he is. It becomes a tradition to help fix up the houses that each couple starts their life in so Jo enlists the help of the girls to pick out curtains and furniture while Rosie and the guys put together bookshelves and paint the walls. The house is cozy, and always filled with friends and family- Mrs. Rosenthal insists on bringing a covered dish at least once a week and Mrs. Harris likes to come over and bake Christmas cookies with her daughter around the holidays. Christmas and Hannukah finds their home filled with both the Rosenthal's and Harris'- New Years is for friends, still. A record player in the corner of their living room is almost always playing a tune, and Rosie loves to swoop Jo away from whatever house chore she may be in the middle of so that he can dance with her.
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yesmissbzzz · 1 year
It’s time for the Dream Show Challenge 3.0 (*audience cheers*) organized by @singledarkshade
I’ve got this cast for : Kirsten Vangsness (Criminal Minds). Goran Visnjic (ER… sorry I didnt get creative in another nationality but the real one of him), Dina Meyer (DragonHeart), Ice T (Law and Order SVU), Rupert Everett (My Best Friend Wedding), Rhys Darby (Our Flag Means Death), Carol Kane (The Princess Bride) and because this is a Rip Lovers Place, imagine who will appear without a request.
Sinopsis: Evangeline tries to start a new life, and find a new love, a year after her husband passed away. She gets on a Europe Press Tour promoting her new book and getting in dates with not the best results. Finally gets back to London with her former family, a place she really don’t wanted to get back, never… why?
Evangeline Reed – Kirsten Vangsness
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A writer and journalist. She wanted to stay at his husband country, but Croatia is Nikola, and she can’t bare feeling him in every inch. Allysa, her publisher and best friend, decides that is the moment for a Press Tour of her new book and throw a challenge to her about dating with men again.
Nikola Kerr - Goran Visnjic
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We meet him in flashbacks of their marriage. Evangeline remembers him and tries to figure out what he could say and do in most of situations.
Allysa Miller – Dina Meyer
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The perfect publisher. The perfect best friend. The perfect adventures companion. Allysa will say yes to everything in the Europe Press Tour.
Donald Sieger – Ice.T
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At Amsterdam, they met this suave American guy, and Evangeline decides to taste the yankee love.
Santino Fontes – Rupert Everett
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They say that a girl in Italy will fall in love each 5 minutes, but Evangeline gets to the practical side: choose the most handsome, with the finest italian suit at the Editorial Party.
Ernest Reed – Rhys Darby
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Evangeline’s brother, who host her little sister back in London. Evangeline is disappointed that passing time with men to get over his husband just managed to make her miss him more, and he push her to one more try.
Dinorah Reed -- Carol Kane
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She is old fashioned only in the using of getting his husband family name, but this woman is far from the traditional granny. Ernest kids will get loads of delivery food and 80’s slashers on DVD instead of baked handmade goodies and old rhymes.
Jerome Twight – Arthur Darvill
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Evangeline meets this guy singing the same song her late husband used to sing a lot.
Yes, I wrote the song lyrics, and they are cheesy lyrics, because I tought I would get a better development of the plot, using it, and make wordplays with stars and space.
And I
Stars crossed
Before beginning of love
As love was created for those bonded stars
In a crossed faith
In an eternal bright
The stars
The stars
Brights of love
Burns of desire
All trough the sky
Night by night
Lovers meeting
Lovers dancing
Lovers brights
Lovers burns
I don’t know how to make poetry, I never did. But I wrote the bloody song and I won’t keep It hidden forever :p
Episode 1.
Evangeline Reed feels his deceased husband everywhere.
At this episode we know how the couple met in flashbacks from places she moves on a normal day.
One night at the University Library, he came to ask her for conversation because they are the only students left in there and he doesn’t want to get asleep.
Surviving the end of semester, they started proper dating.
Back to present, at the end of a normal day she decides to move, and calls her best friend to accept a Press Tour of her new book which publication was delayed when she became a widow.
Episode 2.
Berlin. Allysa makes her best efforts to distract her friend and have fun. But everything makes Evangeline remember Nikola (oh yes the flashbacks).
By the end of the episode, Allyson decides to challenge her friend to get on dates, even without a romantic interest, just for meeting more men than the one in her memories.
Episode 3.
Amsterdam. Evangeline picks the first dude to date: finding him checking the underground movies from the Book Store where she signed books. He is an american tourist using his life savings for a worldwide trip. She has fun for a couple of days, until he has a train to ride.
Episode 4.
Rome. After a deep evaluation, Evangeline decides to pick up the man with the most elegant suit at the Editorial Party, finding that he is the main investor from the Editorial. Santino gives her three days of luxury, fashion, limousine rides, dinners at the best restaurants, just to find that they have zero chemistry when they try to kiss.
Episode 5.
Another round of dates at different cities, where she get fun but can’t stop thinking about Nikola. In the meanwhile, she is trying to persuade Allysa to erase the last stop from the tour or at least set her mind for it: London.
Nope, she don’t succeed, next and last stop: London.
Episode 6.
Meet the Reeds!!! Ernest is the kind of older brother that won’t let her sis to stay at a hotel, because she needs their childhood homemade dinners and a familiar room to pass the night, also her nephews don’t leave her side all day.
Dinorah is the kind of mother that never cooked and survived with delivery and his son cooking after becoming a widow 5 years ago.
Evangeline is happy with her family, until the adults insists that she needs to get out of the house and roam by London as an adult, because she left for University and met London only as a child and teenager.
She founds that the Cafe with her favorite sights to the city is still working, and she sits in there, looking at the early morning, wishing that Nikola were there.
Suddenly she thinks that he gots allucinations or she is still dreaming, because she hears Nikola singing the tune he always sang. She looks around and by the next table, there is a man, singing the same song, and now that she is totally aware of being awake and in the real world… he doesn’t look or sing like Nikola at all.
Episode 7.
The man looks at her, with the “Do I have something at my face?” expression that most of people fix when a stranger is locking their eyes on you.
She apologizes, introduces herself and explains.He also introduces himself: Jerome Twight, who is very happy because he likes her books. They roam the city, talking about how a lot of things had changed and how others stays just the same.
Evangeline is enjoying herself, not even thinking about Nikola, until… it starts to rain.
Episode 8.
Evangeline starts running, asking strangers to let them in their houses for sheltering from the rain that is becoming a storm very quick.
Jerome understands that she is getting a panic attack, and the complete scenario gets to him while she begs in panic to the lady entering her house to let them in, or the man holding her hand will die just like his last husband did.
He finally finds a shelter, a thin roof just enough for them both. Evangeline hugs him, crying and swearing at London and the rain.
This is why she did not wanted to came: Nikola had a weak inmune system and got pneumonia when a little kid from the Croatian Town where they lived went missing, and refused to get back when the rescue groups wanted to stop the search by a storm.Jerome tries to comfort her.
Yes… GETTING IN LONDON AFTER THE RAIN KILLED YOUR HUSBAND was a horror, but after some minutes of making her sure that himself won’t die for just some rain, Evangeline calms herself enough to wait until the rain stops.
She walks her back home, gives his phone number, but she is so ashamed that makes clear meeting again has very very low possibilities to happen.
Some days pass, until Jerome gets a call on his phone, by an Unknown Number.
He picks it up, and the last thing we see is his expression when the voice from the other side is Evangeline greeting “Hello. Do you know the chances of rain for today?"
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ash-and-books · 11 months
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: A clever con woman must convince a skeptical, sexy farmer of his property's resident real-life ghost if she's to save them all from a fate worse than death, in this delightful new novel from the author of Mrs. Nash's Ashes.
Fake spirit medium Gretchen Acorn is happy to help when her best (read: wealthiest) client hires her to investigate the unexplained phenomena preventing the sale of her bridge partner’s struggling goat farm. Gretchen may be a fraud, but she'd like to think she’s a beneficentone. So if "cleansing" the property will help a nice old man finally retire and put some much-needed cash in her pockets at the same time, who's she to say no?
Of course, it turns out said bridge partner isn't the kindly AARP member Gretchen imagined—Charlie Waybill is young, hot as hell, and extremely unconvinced that Gretchen can communicate with the dead. (Which, fair.) Except, to her surprise, Gretchen finds herself face-to-face with Everett: the very real, very chatty ghost that’s been wreaking havoc during every open house. And he wants her to help ensure Charlie avoids the same family curse that's had Everett haunting Gilded Creek since the 1920s.
Now, Gretchen has one month to convince Charlie he can’t sell the property. Unfortunately, hard work and honesty seem to be the way to win over the stubborn farmer—not exactly Gretchen's strengths. But trust isn’t the only thing growing between them, and the risk of losing Charlie to the spirit realm looms over Gretchen almost as annoyingly as Everett himself. To save the goat farm, its friendly phantom, and the man she's beginning to love, Gretchen will need to pull off the greatest con of her life: being fully, genuinely herself.
A con artist who makes her living as a fake medium finds herself in over her head when she begins seeing an actual ghost and now has to help him break the curse on his family... except said family member is a hot grumpy farmer who sees right through her and wants her off his farm. Gretchen Acorn is a fake spirit medium and has become one of the best at her job. She has only one rule though: to leave her clients better off than when she met them, thats so she can be different from her father, a horrible con man, Gretchen might take money from people but she's adamant that they're happier when she's done. Gretchen isn't a bad person, but she's not exactly a good one. When Gretchen's client pays her to help a friend she can't help but say yes, what was suppose to be an easy pay day is ruined when she finds out that Charlie Waybill, the friend she was suppose to help isn't an old man on a farm but rather a very hot farmer who is unconvinced Gretchen can communicate with the dead. Yet Gretchen is in for the surprise of her life when she actually begins seeing a ghost, this time the con isn't fake and she is really communicating with a ghost. The ghost is related to Charlie's family and tells Gretchen that she has to help him break the curse on their family and to save Charlie. How can she save Charlie when he wants nothing more for her to get away as far as possible. Now Gretchen has to find a way to convince Charlie that the curse is very real and that she can actually communicate with him. Gretchen won't leave so Charlie offers her a deal: she'll work on the farm for a few months in exchange for room and board, that'll give her enough time to try and save Charlie. Yet the more time they spend together the more the feelings between them begin to grow. Gretchen is about to face her biggest challenge yet: being her true self and possibly opening her heart up. Can she break the curse before it's too late? This was such a cute and cozy autumnal/spooky romance vibe book. I love a fun con artist story with a touch of ghost. Charlie and Gretchen were really cute, despite how much they thought they were different, they had so much in common and cared so much about each other. This was a really cute feel good read and I had fun with it!
*Thanks Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group, Berkley for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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quoteablebooks · 1 year
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Genre: Fiction, Adult, Contemporary Romance
Rating: 5 out of 5
Content Warning: Death of a parent, Grief, Sexual content, Cancer, Infidelity, Child abuse  
A romance writer who no longer believes in love and a literary writer stuck in a rut engage in a summer-long challenge that may just upend everything they believe about happily ever afters. Augustus Everett is an acclaimed author of literary fiction. January Andrews writes bestselling romance. When she pens a happily ever after, he kills off his entire cast. They’re polar opposites. In fact, the only thing they have in common is that for the next three months, they’re living in neighboring beach houses, broke, and bogged down with writer’s block. Until, one hazy evening, one thing leads to another and they strike a deal designed to force them out of their creative ruts: Augustus will spend the summer writing something happy, and January will pen the next Great American Novel. She’ll take him on field trips worthy of any rom-com montage, and he’ll take her to interview surviving members of a backwoods death cult (obviously). Everyone will finish a book and no-one will fall in love. Really.
I know I say this at the start of almost every review, but this read was influenced by social media. However, I do think that almost everyone heard of Beach Read when it came out in 2020 so I can’t blame Tiktok and Youtube for this one too much. Beach Read follows January Andrews and Augustus Everett, two writers that are suffering from a number of crises in their lives as well as writer's block. There is also the added issue that January has always seen Gus, as he went by in college, as her writing rival because he dismissed her writing of women’s fiction and romance for his high-brow literature. One ill-fated book club meeting later and a deal is struck, they will both attempt to write a novel in the other’s genre. Whichever book sells first gets the bragging rights. However, living next door to her college rival, whom she spent one steamy frat party dance with while dealing with digging up all the secrets of her father’s past might be too much for even disillusioned January Andrews to handle. 
This was a five-star read for me and there were only a couple of hiccups in the story that I found. However, because I read this book three years after it was released, I had also been warned that there were some heavier topics in the novel that had such a light-hearted title. I can see how some people would have been taken off guard when they thought they were going into a light-hearted romance and were hit with a lot of not light-hearted issues. In the Author’s Note, Henry stated that she didn’t write a romance novel, so perhaps it was the marketing team that got it wrong. That being said, I really enjoyed that there was a lot going on in both January and Gus’s lives aside from their jobs and their evolving feelings for one another. It made them feel real and well-rounded. It also made some of their miscommunication make more sense than just ‘they won’t talk to each other’. 
I related to January a lot more than I thought I would. While I don’t have a box of gin and an agent breathing down my neck for a new novel, the way her thought process played out was very familiar. While my outlook on the world might not be as happy and optimistic as January’s, I think I still try to find the happy ending, or at least the satisfying ending, in all the stories I tell myself in my head. Gus, at times, was a little too brooding, but understandable once you learn more about his background and past relationships. He also had some great romantic lines in this novel. 
The one gripe I had was that there were numerous miscommunications that, while cleared up usually pretty quickly, seemed to fall into a predictable rhythm. Gus would grow distant, January would blow it out of proportion (relatable) and then she would get emotional and he would comfort her. As someone with anxiety, my mind is constantly telling me that everyone hates me and will never talk to me again, but reading about it multiple times in a novel does get a little old. Luckily, I liked the characters enough and cared about their arcs enough that it didn’t really dampen my enjoyment of the novel. One more time and it probably would have knocked the novel down a star rating. 
Overall, I think that this is an interesting novel that takes a look at love and how our perception of our loved ones can change over time. How relationships don’t have to be perfect to be right for you. This isn’t a perfect novel, but it was perfect for me at the time I was reading it so it is a five-star read. I would suggest checking out the content warnings before going in though, so you aren’t caught off guard. 
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Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows 6
Warnings: non/dubcon, clashing personalities, exclusion, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: moody boy Curtis Everett x bubbly, plus-size reader
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Another Monday. Is this what life is? Mourning the weekend as you try to wipe the sleep from your eyes. It's too much, you should be cuddling squishes and snoring.
You hop off the bus and head towards the building. Once you're at your desk, you can pretend you're awake. If you get the right angle, you can just doze off a bit. Just a couple minutes more.
The elevator nearly knocks you with its slow rise. You shuffle between cubicles but before you can claim your chair, you find something unexpected. A cushion. A pink and white ergonomic cushion with a matching pad clung around the back rest. Um, this isn't your chair.
You look around confused. Someone will be real mad when they realise they lost their fancy chair. People do seem territorial around here. You turn the chair as you search for its owner.
“Did I get the colour right?” A grizzly voice has you leaping in place. You face Curtis as he rests his hand on the side of your cubicle, “they had purple too.”
“You?” You gasp.
“I…” he shrugs and his eyes wander to the ceiling, “I'm tryna make it up to you. I was and asshole so–”
“Nope, nuh uh,” you turn and tear open the velcro, detaching the back pad, “keep ‘em. I don't want your charity.”
“It's not–” he steps forward, “it's an apology.”
“Apology? For stealing? Well, I can't forgive a liar.”
You shove the pad against his chest, “I think I was clear. You should be happy I was because I have a terrible habit of rambling. My mom says I could talk the dead to life.”
He reluctantly clasps onto the pad as he scowls. You grab the seat cushion and press it against the other one. He reluctantly hooks his other arm under it.
“I was gonna give it back,” he grumbles.
“So why'd you take it?” You challenge.
“I don't know,” he mutters.
“I do. You're a bully. I left those behind in school,” you put your hands on your hips, “so go away and keep your hands off my things!”
His nostrils flare as his eyes meet yours. They're the shade of blue that makes you think of storms and the ocean and butterfly wings. He'd be cute if he wasn't so mean.
“You shouldn't talk to me like that,” he warns as he squeezes the cushions.
“Take your own advice, meanie! You had your chance.”
“I've been nice,” he rasps as he looks you up and down.
You're unsettled by how the glint in his eyes changes, how his shoulders square and his jaw ticks. He meets your gaze and narrows his eyes.
“You don't know what mean is.”
You flinch as he spins on his heel. He marches past you, a gust of air tickling your cheeks as he flees. You turn and watch him go, your stomach knotting.
Maybe you were a bit rude, even pushy, but you're trying to be better about drawing lines. You don't have to be a doormat to be nice. Even if it is easier.
You put your bag on your desk and sit, squeaking at the harsh impact of your ass on the thin seat. Gosh, there may as well not be any padding. You sniff and swivel close to the desk, booting the computer as you wait and think.
He's mad but he'll get over it. He made it clear he has no interest in you before so why this sudden change. Oh well, you never really understood men or their brains.
You stare at your pen cup and frown. You miss your happy penguin pen buddy. As you ponder his absence, that suspicion nips at your ears. Maybe he took those too.
Does it matter? You're moving on. You ordered new pens on Amazon. You're starting over new!
You get up to get a fresh coffee. You really should cut back. Maybe you could do some hot chocolate but you get a bit silly when you have too much sugar.
You enter the break room and immediately want to storm out. He's there, glaring at the machine as he watches it brew. You smell the dark roast you bought him. How could you have ever been so nice to someone like him?
Curtis takes his mug and you sidle along the wall, certain to get well out of his way. He turns and stops as he sees you. You stare at the ceiling as you wait for him to go.
He snarls but makes no move to leave. You bounce on your heels with your mug in hand. You can wait.
He's not going. So you go to the machine and peruse the selection. Maple shortbread, huh, that's a curious choice.
You sense him lingering. You do your best to ignore him, the scuff of his shoes putting you on edge. You're not the best at reading people, obviously, but you can feel his anger.
As he looms closer, you take a step forward. You spin and throw an arm up as if blocking an unseen strike. Your hand flips Curtis’ mug, spilling the brown liquid down his grey shirt. He backs up and looks down at the mess.
“Why would you do that?”
“Personal space,” you wave your arm up and down, drawing the invisible wall before you.
“I'm trying to… you're crazy, you know that?”
“So what does that make you?” You pout, “I told you to leave me alone.”
He puffs, lip curling as he grips his mug tight. He scoffs and whips it past you so it smashes against the wall and the bits litter over the counter. You let out a squeal as he stomps out, leaving you in shock, standing before a puddle of coffee.
You gulp and face the remnants of his mug. You should clean that up before anyone cuts themselves. You cross to the counter and set to carefully plucking up the shards.
“What happened in here?” Melanie asks as she enters, “oh it's you.”
You ignore her as you focus on the glass. Of course she assumes it was you. Seems like everyone thinks you're a disaster.
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Hey, if you're interested in another idea, would you like to write the reactions of the various characters to the dyslexic MC? (and therefore low self-esteem) ❣️❣️❣️
It's not that MC couldn't read, they just had to do it slowly. Sometimes they'd have to stare at a sentence for several minutes before it made sense. Some days were better than others. While sometimes it would just be a letter or two out of place, sometimes it would be entire paragraphs looking like someone spilled alphabet soup on the page. They prayed to any higher power that would listen that they would never have to read in front of the class. It was bad enough to struggle doing homework reading assignments.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He reads like a Timelord, so he'll struggle with the idea that someone just can't read words sometimes. He'll be interested to learn about their condition, but MC will still have to remind him to be patient. If MC really struggles with learning something new, he'll gladly help them, for a price. He likes having friends in his dept.
OMINIS GAUNT: He learned how to read relatively late in life because of his blindness, so he still has to take his time. Don't even get him started on writing. Even with his wand, writing in a straight line with a quill is challenging. And POTIONS, UGH! Needless to say, he relates. Misery loves company.
ANNE SALLOW: She's not as voracious with reading like her brother, so she's far more compassionate in encouraging MC to take their time. The professors give lots of time when they're reading assignments usually and they shouldn't fret about it. If they have real concerns in the class, just talk to the professors. She is sure they'll understand.
IMELDA REYES: She genuinely believes MC can't read for the first couple months of the year. Did MC expect to just learn through osmosis by staring down their textbooks? Even after an explanation, it just sounds like excuses to her.
NATSAI ONAI: She's more of a doer than a reader herself, so she relates a little bit. She offers to help MC through their assignments by doing the reading for them and then explaining it verbally or through demonstration. She's not going to let her bestie fail just because their brain sees books as word jumbles.
GARRETH WEASLEY: He understands, but more under the pretense that he just has a hard time focusing because his brain is constantly elsewhere. Trial and error is the best way to learn anyway. If you don't understand it, wing it. It's worked for him so far.
LEANDER PREWETT: He can't help but poke a little bit of fun at the fact that MC actually does have an Achilles heel and is not perfect at everything. If this genuinely bothers them, he'll apologize. Reading's not all it's cracked up to be anyway, just about everything at Hogwarts can be learned verbally. They shouldn't stress about it too much.
AMIT THAKKAR: He's quite the avid reader, so while he's sharing his favorite books and lessons, he may accidentally come across as condescending. MC Just has to tell him once what they're dealing with and he'll offer to help. He can easily break down many of the professors reading lessons down into more simplified paragraphs to make them easier to read.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He doesn't have perfect vision, so while he's not dyslexic, he can relate to MC's esteem. Kids can be cruel to those they think show weakness. He has a sack full of dung bombs for anyone who bothers MC about their dyslexia.
POPPY SWEETING: She believes MC just needs a nice calm environment for their reading. No distractions or loud noises to bother them while they're focusing. The vivariums are perfect! The beasts never judge how quickly someone reads if MC would like to practice reading out loud.
ELEAZAR FIG: He knows early on they have trouble reading. Not to worry, he's dealt with this sort of thing before, comes with the territory of being a professor. He's very patient with them and lets them read at their own pace. When he can manage it, he'll try to keep lessons verbal and with illustrations instead of written words.
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mintakablue · 2 years
7 15 34 e g h caine :)
YAY thank you everett. spins you around
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
oh God lmao caine's entire character arc is so centered around nostalgia and the experience of being caught in the past. they are so very big on holding onto like the artifacts of their past so to speak, like they carry around their brother's scarf and their sister's knife everywhere. they hate the pain of actually looking back at the past (which is like what nostalgia even means) but they also romanticize the past heavily.
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
caine's manner of speaking is what i usually call "pattertalk" in the script--their internal monologue is really well-put together but when they get nervous or stressed they start speaking really quickly and without filter. they do rehearse in a sense by monologuing but that doesn't mean it actually translates
34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
OH GOD everett you chose such targeted questions. literally the next episode of @undertheelectricstarspodcast is about dealing with and handling guilt. caine feels like the whole weight of the world and a sense of abandonment tied with guilt (if i was better, they would have stayed) so they are so bad at shaking it, they just carry it FOREVER until someone pries it out of their vice grip
E. Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
caine and i are so similar. i think they might think i was a bit of a pussy but like otherwise we would get along very well
G. What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
caine stop running away from your problems challenge
H. What trait do you admire most?
caine has a very strong sense of conviction and justice that even i don't have. like i think the story is certainly less nuanced than real life BUT i like that caine will jump to people's defense and to the pursuit of justice without hesitation
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neowitcher · 2 years
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) ★★★★
Action/Sci-fi, 2h 41m
Dir. Ryan Coogler
Cast: Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong’o, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Dominique Thorne, Florence Kasumba, Michaela Coel, Tenoch Huerta, Martin Freeman, Angela Bassett & others
Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M’Baku, Okoye and the Dora Milaje fight to protect their nation from intervening world powers in the wake of King T’Challa’s death. As the Wakandans strive to embrace their next chapter, the heroes must band together with the help of War Dog Nakia and Everett Ross and forge a new path for the kingdom of Wakanda. (Letterboxd)
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My review (slight spoilers):
Since Black Panther is so well-received and is always a fun film to rewatch (one of my personal favourites within the MCU), the challenge to equal or even top that quality is real. Getting Coogler back as the director was a wise choice because despite the clear absence, the film feels like a well-needed hug. What’s not to like about that?
A big factor that makes Black Panther: Wakanda Forever especially easy to love, is its emotionality. Opening the film with King T’Challa’s passing and funeral felt like an arrow straight through the heart but one that was absolutely necessary. The parallel to real life was very visible, not only through the funeral but also many nods to Chadwick Boseman throughout the movie. It was a beautiful tribute, and a powerful ending to the MCU’s fourth phase.
More importantly, it introduced our new Black Panther, though definitely after a long process because being a grieving superhero isn’t all that easy. Shuri (Wright) has always been a very lovely character within the universe but this film really stepped up and gave her just the right amount of depth. You can’t help but feel along with her and although her character isn’t as cheerful as she has been, she still has her bright personality underneath all that grief, showing every now and then. The rest of the cast also once again give it their all, with Gurira, who plays Okoye, really taking the crown for me. The acting she did in certain scenes made the panic and pain visible through the screen and with it being such an emotional film, it hit even more.
Plot-wise, the new addition to the universe, with Namor (Huerta) and the entirety of Talokan, really shows how much there’s still in store. The villain was a very typical Marvel one, especially judging from the latest movies. You root for the main characters but somehow, it’s hard to really hate the antagonist. Aside from all the praise, the story’s writing may have been good enough, it still felt like a lot was going on but nothing was really happening at the same time. The film is pretty long and I enjoyed that, but sometimes a little more exploration of new characters and places could have been used.
Though the first movie is still more dear to me, I cannot wait for the sequel to grow on me as well. It’s definitely one of the better ones this fourth phase, and I’m nothing if not excited to see where the Black Panther is headed next.
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