#ever since i watched analysis videos of the dad series on youtube..............
mbat · 2 years
nathan barnatt is haunting me
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sillyandquest · 10 months
Haven't mentioned that Mutant Mashup AU in a while, might as well bring something up that I've been stewing over for ever since I saw this YouTube video by skulltrot.
It's a really good analysis on Leo and why he does the things he does in the movie. It even explains a few minor details you might've missed during a first watch, as well as a few other details that are mentioned in the series.
After watching this video I've seen Rise Leo not as an overconfident teen whose goofy for personal amusement, but an insecure kid who covers up that fact by telling jokes.
I'll explain more on Blue's character in the Au under the cut so you don't have to read it if you don't want to, but just as a reminder.
2012 gang's nicknames are:
Leo = DaVinci
Raph = Sanzio
Donnie = Niccolo
Mikey = Simoni
Splinter = Yoshi
April = May
Casey has the same name.
Rise fam's nicknames are:
Raph = Red
Donnie = Purple
Leo = Blue
Mikey = Orange
Splinter = Lou
Casey = Cass
April has the same name.
Now for Blue's character. I'm gonna focus on his insecurities here, as well as a bringing up his relationship with his brothers and cousins.
In the Au, Blue lives with his brothers and lives a few tunnels away from his cousins so there's plenty of interaction between them all. However, that also means that Blue picks up on his family's talents quickly and feels very insecure by the time the Au begins. Similar to canon, Blue doesn't tell anyone about his insecurities, using jokes to hide what's going on beneath the surface. It's hard for Blue to be vulnerable, even in front of his family. This was partially influenced by this father and uncle's relationship with each other, as well as how they treat Blue himself.
Yoshi and Lou absolutely care for Blue and don't want to see him hurt, it's just that they have so many other turtles to look after that sometimes Blue gets overlooked. He's not the only one either, Purple, Sanzio, Niccolo, even Simoni get overlooked from time to time. It also doesn't help that Blue's father has a habit of ignoring his issues through TV and other distractions. That meant Blue didn't get as much emotional availability from Lou as he should've growing up. Leading to Blue's lack of communication with his father, it just feels awkward at this point because Blue doesn't know if his dad will take his issues seriously.
Yoshi was a little different as he saw Blue growing up to be just like Lou and was worried Blue would turn out that way. That's why despite both sharing a similar sense of humor and getting along well, Yoshi was harder on Blue than the rest of his nephews. That led to Blue feeling like his insecurities were a weakness he needed to fix and feeling uncomfortable bringing them up to Yoshi.
Blue also doesn't like to bring his insecurities up to his brothers.
Blue noticed Red taking care of the family alongside DaVinci when their Dad and Uncle would fight. He understood, even at a young age, that something was wrong and that Red and DaVinci were stressed out over it. That's partly why Blue doesn't want to tell Red about his issues. He feels like Red already has enough on his plate and doesn't want to add more or feel like another burden his older brother needs to shoulder. Red and Blue do still tease and prank each other, as siblings do, but when it comes to internal issues that need to be addressed, Blue hesitates.
Purple is a different story because emotions are hard for him to get right. He tries, but Blue doesn't want to make his twin feel awkward or uncomfortable if he can help it. Even if Purple can understand being overlooked sometimes by the adults in their life, Blue doesn't feel the need to explain if it means an awkward infodump.
Orange is the closest to understanding Blue but isn't fully aware of the extent of his older bros issues. Blue is fully aware of Orange wanting to help and Dr. Delicate Touch his way into solving the problem, but Blue doesn't like how pushy Orange can be. Orange has a lot of energy with a passion comparable to his cousin Sanzio, but that eagerness to help isn't what Blue wants. Especially when he wants to protect Orange and not burden him with his issues, similar to Red.
The absolute last person Blue would explain his issues to is DaVinci. While Blue looks up to his oldest cousin, he feels inferior in many ways. DaVinci is strong, confident, efficient in battle and projects and air of safety that everyone can feel just by being around him. Blue wants to be like that but feels like he can't, that he's too weak to ever achieve that level of strength. DaVinci is pretty much the object of Blue's insecurities. That's not to say they aren't close, they both love Space Heroes and spa days. They care for each other, it's just that Blue can't help but compare himself to his cousin and other family members.
Sanzio is in a weird place though. While he would absolutely relate to Blue's struggles and maybe even offer some really good advice, Blue just doesn't explain to Zio. Blue is fully aware that Purple and Zio have an agreement between them, not the specifics just that there IS an agreement, and doesn't want to mess up with what they've got going on. Eventually, Blue will learn to lean on Zio after a talk with both him and Purple.
Simoni is similar to Orange in that Blue doesn't want to bog Simon down with his issues. Simon is fully aware that Blue's got some stuff to work out and is super go with the flow about it. He's not gonna pressure Blue into explaining something he's not ready to talk about and is totally cool with providing distractions. Blue appreciates that and spends the most time with Simoni because of it. Blue likes to divert his attention whenever his self criticism, or boredom, become too much.
The only person Blue willingly explains his issues to at the beginning is his cousin Niccolo, even the ugly parts.
Nico is calm, gentle, willing to listen and not give any feedback unless asked for it. Blue doesn't want others to find the solutions for him, he wants to find them on his own. He knows his brothers mean well, but Blue feels weak when he finally gets vulnerable in their presence. Blue wants to feel in control of his issues and Nico understands that. To others, Nico's silent presence might feel like detachment, but he's always listening and that's what Blue wants.
The Hamato's hooman friends are in a funky middle.
The Jones' definitely aren't the ones Blue would go to for insecurity assistance. Him and Cass aren't close enough for Blue to ask her for help, plus I think he'd view her as friend by association. She's a little intense like Orange so that doesn't help her case. Casey may be good at keeping a secret, but that doesn't mean that he's good at keeping a secret from his friends. Blue likes his secrets kept as such. Casey Junior lands in that same boat where Blue doesn't want to burden him anymore than he already is. I mean, kid lost everything and is considered the lone survivor of a doomed future. Maybe Blue might ask if his older self had any self care tips but just very subtly.
The O'Neil's try to get him to open up in their own ways. Blue doesn't go to Kirby or Carol unfortunately because he had a hard time leaning on adults growing up. April definitely encourages him to talk to DaVinci about his issues mean while May asks him to talk to Red. Both do their best but Blue is stubborn and stagnates a lot of the time.
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ddlarmn · 2 years
get-to-know guide
REPOST, don’t reblog.
season: summer colour: earthy colors, mostly green and brown fruit: apples, he's a firm believer of an apple a day keeps the doctors away (his mom tricked him to eating more fruits but it backfired because apples are the only thing he eats) ice cream flavor: cookie dough breakfast food: coffee, chocolate filled croissant alcoholic drink: the yamazaki, irish whiskey and cream and bacardi scent: eros by versace or on casual nights and strolls, light blue by dolce and gabbana flowers: primrose animal: dogs movie: thor ragnarok, t tv show: tom and jerry, l book: percy jackson series, hunger games, comic books fairy tale/myth: myth of sisyphus, monkey king genre of music: 2000s grunge music , korean pop genre of movies: action films and its superhero subgenre genre of books: comic books
ridden a motorcycle: yes stolen something: no eaten an entire pizza by themselves: yes broken a bone: yes fallen asleep during a concert or movie: yes, he sleeps in any art film because he can't understand it and deems it a waste of time walked out of a movie because it was so bad: he loves watching bad films, no dined & dashed: no held a gun: yes in practice range gone skinny dipping: yes cried during a movie: yes, avengers endgame smuggled food into a movie: no, he doesn't like eating while watching movies lied to get a job: no tried to see how many marshmallows they can stuff in their mouth at once: yes: 20 big ones and 35 small ones been kicked out of somewhere: yes, in incheon when he was almost passed out drunk with taesun. he threatened to buy the club and pretended he's bruce wayne been on a blind date: yes ghosted someone: only recently, yes bragged about something they haven’t done: yes only to fuck with siwoo said i love you without meaning it: no gotten in a fight: yes fallen asleep on a bus: yes, and the bus took him to new jersey
how do they take their tea or coffee: brewed coffee (preferably columbian) and with hazelnut creamer. he likes cold teas in summer what is their ideal date: teach the other person video games. and cook together what are some of their guilty pleasures: watching easter egg analysis on superhero films on youtube, turning the fan on in the middle of winter. first job: university tutor in mit, but no one wanted him to be their tutor because he will get side tracked and talk about superhero films instead can they cook: yes. when his mom was still alive, it was one of their favorite hobbies and he would tease his dad about washing the dishes afterwards (which all of them do, his dad washes while his mom wipes the dinnerware and ken puts it in respective cupboards; the memory which serves as his purpose of wanting to cook all the time. it reminds him of the simpler times) do they believe in the paranormal: only slightly since he hasn't experienced it but respects the ghosts that want to be a part of the living again. do they believe in love in first sight: no, he hates the idea. the subject of love is too complicated to be seen or felt in one glance. have any special talents: he can eat an entire ramen cup in under a minute even if it's scorching hot.
TAGGING: anyone who wants to do it!!
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life-rewritten · 4 years
OMG!! I just found your blog through a WBL fan sharing your post about WBL on Instagram, and I am SOOOOO happy to see that you noticed and appreciate the tutor and fighter couple from Why R U series too. If possible, please write an analysis about this couple, about any specific aspect you deem as most important or just generally, whatever you are okay with. I love reading your analysis and the insights it gives me, and I just finished binge reading all of your writings on my favorite bl (1)
Hi wow mindblown by this comment Thank you so much for letting me know that my stuff is being shared I really appreciate that and I am so grateful that you took time of your day to come speak to me. I adore Fighter and Tutor, like they’re my favourite couple ever. What happened when why r u was airing was I wasn’t yet analysing BLs at that time otherwise I would have been writing essays and essays about them. Because it’s been so long since I went back to watch them I’m going to let you see some of my drafts on how I would have broken their relationship into pieces and analysed. Because they are incredible and I really always feel sad when people see them as just like a se*ual couple when there’s more to them than that.  So I will let you see the first drafts and my ideas on them through this  ask and I hope that's okay for now. Maybe after my other shows I will like go back and rewatch them and start analysing more about them. If I do I’d probably do a youtube video about them because they’re so good. 
Here’s some of the analysis for them that I wrote: 
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The theme for these two is  the struggle with internalised homophobia and self-acceptance. They both had this obstacle in themselves as they fell for each other and tried hard to avoid and run away from what they felt.  It’s been a long journey for them being into each other since the first time they met but not really realising what they felt.  Fighter did but he went into extreme panic mode and tried to run away immediately he felt that. So he tried to stay by Tutor’s side through the teasing and bullying because Tutor made him feel great and happy always but then with pressure from his father and the path he was meant to take to keep on being seen as successful, he thought his feelings for Tutor were useless and wrong. Plus he didn’t know if it was reciprocated so that caused even more fear for him which is why he just stayed with teasing and finally kater in thinking Tutor likes Hwa he chose to pull her away from him by taking her attention but also he chose to keep what they have as enemies/haters that way and avoid being near Tutor. This is why they end up hating each other a lot by the beginning of Why R U which is like 3 years later or something after he chose to stay with Hwa. 
Tutor didn’t understand fully why he got angry, jealous and annoyed, he had an inclination from the first year that Fighter liked men and he was actually hopeful about it because deep down he had feelings of wanting to also flirt with Fighter, wanting to stay with Fighter even when annoyed him and bullied him. He liked Fighter’s softness at times and he liked the way he felt even though he didn’t understand why he was so rifled and affected by Fighter’s presence when no one else has been able to do that to him before. But he became upset when Fighter chose to date Hwahwa because it was his automatic issue with IH that of course Fighter doesn’t like him but he likes girls, so he got jealous and sad and proceeded to also dislike Fighter because he had this effect on him whilst still trying to date his best friend who had feelings for Fighter.
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They both have had unknowingly pent up feelings for each other, so once Fighter breaks the barrier by their first kiss, they both go into extreme panic and they both could no longer pretend any more with what they have. Which is why the first episodes they both keep struggling to keep their attraction with each other quiet because its been 3 years since they wanted each other that way. Fighter has so much pent up attraction and needs to give into his feelings that each time they have a chance to break that barrier it’s intense and crazy. Both have been longing, pining secretly for each other since the beginning of the show. What happens next is for Fighter he has to choose to finally accept that he cares a lot, a lot , a lot about Tutor, he finally starts to learn more about this person he loves and he starts to want to protect and keep Tutor happy and by his side. When it comes to finally choosing to let go of Hwa and choose to fight for Tutor and start knowing if he feels the same way. It’s a leap of faith he takes when he breaks up with Hwa. He realises he’s the one stopping his wishes from happening with Tutor because he keeps being in denial about what they are because he’s scared it’s only him that’s gay and has feelings for the other.
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It’s only after tutor sister tells him that he’s holding back his feelings does he realise that it’s time to talk about their unstable relationship and Fighter at that moment had also come to terms with his break up with Hwa after making out with tutor revealed the truth, that’s why on the rooftop they do a test that ultimately breaks their walls down and choose to give in to their feelings no matter how scared they are about it being reciprocated. When Tutor looks away and loses the game it’s a symbol to Fighter that he’s also been the same as him from the start. Tutor looks away sadly thinking he’s the one who has the feelings but Fighter just loses it and lets him know its equal which is why I love that scene so much because for so long both of them because of IH has been avoiding thinking the other had the same feelings for them when they both from the start have felt love for a long time. And from then they go on a journey to learn about what this means, if it’s real feelings and not just attraction hence their beach vacation which is essentially them asking if they could love each other and be in a real relationship, and if they can take on their obstacles around them. The beach solidifies for them their feelings so they choose each other for life hence the earring and necklace. But it’s fast paced how they feel because it’s just confirmation, now Tutor starts to realise that Fighter is actually different than he thought he was and he falls so fast, he now realises how much he loves Fighter and how much Fighter made him want to fight for his happiness and life. Tutor has not had hope for happiness and ease in his life, because he’s always had to fight to survive on his own. So when Fighter shows up like a prince charming and constantly is connected to saving him time and time again, it’s exactly him realising there’s someone who does represent that hope that he’d be fine. Hence why the final obstacle is Tutor regressing and starting to think because of IH and society that he and Fighter are just a pipe dream.
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They go back to face the world only for Fighters father to bring back all the fear, internalised homophobia and obstacles they had. Fighter panics and thinks he was right; the reason why he never told Tutor his feelings was because he was afraid the other would break his heart (was not gay, did not have feelings for him, would make fun of him etc) so when Tutor breaks up with him he loses his mind after trying hard to let go. When he sees that actually Tutor is taunting him and is still flirting with a guy, not him, he proceeds drunk and upset to try and get back moments from the beach scene/ past make out scenes to keep that spark alive but realises Tutor is not okay this time and he’s the one forcing it. He also acted out because with them the truth comes out each time they’re physical with other romantically. It’s a kiss that caused them to finally tell each other how they felt. That’s always been the way they break their walls down.
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It’s what causes him to break down and finally reveal the truth he’s loved Tutor since he met him, he’s just been afraid of all that’s happening even if it’s happening he still wants to be with Tutor. Tutor however breaks his heart even more so he backs off. Tutor on the other hand is broken and mentally exhausted back to depression, back to having to fake being strong and deal with the futility of hope and joy in his life as he’s always been used to. He gets seen by Fighter and doesn’t have it on him to fight him away, so decides to stay in an idealistic fantasy, tells him to hold him and breaks his walls down again. Tutor is always having to fake being strong because it’s how he survives so whenever Fighter enters his world his vulnerability scares him, that’s why his sister gives him the image of a cactus. He’s tough and sharp or pretends to be with his demeanour but actually he’s just a boy who wants to be happy and be safe and survive. So when Fighter shows up at his weakest moments, as he struggles to deal with his mental exhaustion and heart break, he gives in  because again Fighter represents to him that hope. He starts to waver and want to stay in that lie for a long time with Fighter. Hence when he wakes up and Fighter is gone he thinks its all over and he finally breaks down completely.
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Only when Fighter goes he breaks down in anguish truly thinking he lost him. Fighter finally comes out to his dad and fights his views, And we end up back at the beach, a place which represented authenticity and truth for them, it’s their truest realest self, but it also was their escapism. So Fighter coming there and letting Tutor know there’s no more obstacles in their way makes them both finally equally start a stable relationship with no more fear or care about anything. These twos relationship is full of tension and they both feel the chemistry, like magnets their bodies are drawn together, every scene they’re in, it’s their love language physical touch not bl fan service. They just naturally want to be in contact with each other and also their pent up feelings leads to them constantly wanting to sleep together because of hormones and well because they enjoy their se*ual life, nothing bad about that it’s realistic for couples to be that horny, that needy and that touchy.
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It’s people who don’t get the context of internalised homophobia and what being in the closet is like for people with this anxiety and self hate caused by how they think society views them and treats them if out, those are the people who think there was no plot. Every dialogue these two had, their flashbacks and their acting (eyes, facial gestures, touches) showed why Fighter liked teasing Tor, why he dated Hwa but never paid her attention, why we had the beach scenes, why the break up escalated, why Tutor gave in when ill, why the non/dubious consent scene happened, why they get back together and why they told each other I love you forever immediately after they got together. Every single part adds up. It really is insane to me how people don’t see their real story to this day or see them as such a great storyline for BL. I would never get it.
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
Jenny Nicholson posted a 2 1/2-hour Vampire Diaries overview on YouTube today and you were the first person I thought of. I watched the entire thing despite only having seen about two episodes five years ago, so you'd probably get a lot more out of it than I would (although spoiler alert she was positive about the series finale, so... proceed with caution??)!
I just finished watching it, actually!
It’s funny, because I’ve been like... deep-diving into the depths of youtube and watching a lot of Jenny Nicholson videos (and also SarahZ and that ‘when posting goes wrong’ dude and hbomberguy, sidenote but i now know much more about the johnlock conspiracy and destielgate and various tumblr controversies and like msscribe shit than i ever needed to lmfao), but I took a break today to do some writing and then a friend of mine was like OH JENNY NICHOLSON’S TVD VIDEO IS UP, and I was like ‘her what???’
Anyway, needless to say I rushed right over to watch it. (I fucking screamed about like, the China Beach shit and also that weird af point-and-click game??? that was so fucking weird lmfao) I will say that while there’s a lot I disagreed with, I do have to give her some latitude because from the sound of things she watched the show almost entirely divorced from the fandom (insert ‘god i wish that were me’ meme here) and had a very surface-level reading that, I think, comes from watching it all at once and not getting embroiled in deeper meta analysis and just not caring that much about getting Deep into the show. Which I can understand, like if I hadn’t been watching tvd since fucking.... 2009 oh god I actually remember this because I started watching around when episode 5 of the first season was airing... I probably would be a lot more casual about how I read the show.
As it is, I’m an Elena stan first, last, and forever, so....yeah I don’t agree with her on everything. But I did agree in a lot of broad strokes, and I think even her ‘Elena’ section had some points to make, she just came to somewhat different conclusions than me, and part of that probably comes from my attachment to Elena and how much of that whole Situation that I saw through that lens. (And also I think she skates right around ‘Elena is a depressed and suicidal teenage girl’ but never quite arrives at that particular point and misses some of the finer points of her overall character arc.)
We did agree on some major things (like season 5 being objectively The Worst), but then she had to say things like ‘Stefan is the guy you would actually date’ (and also ‘it’s better than buffy’ which, like, careful jenny, them’s fightin words), and that was the point where I went ‘hmmmmm someone didn’t actually take time to think through his relationship to Elena and put a lot of the not-so-great points together’, which again I attributed to missing the fandom (and therefore the fandom infighting, so again I have to say I somewhat envy her experience) and not really caring to dive deeply into the source material. Which I can respect! But as someone who spent four years obsessed with the show, and another two angry at it but clinging for the sake of one (1) character, finally freed when she left (and so I do have to admit that Jenny’s actually seen more of the show than me, since I never watched seasons 7 or 8 [except the finale] and don’t intend to ever), I can’t help but be like ‘WELL ACTUALLY -insert list of things she’s wrong about-’.
And then there were things that I couldn’t technically disagree with, like her opinions on Jeremy, but I was also like ‘you don’t have all the facts, I love him’ so I was just that angry ‘I GUESS’ meme for a few sections.
Then again, pointing out that Caroline was metaphorically gay and being tortured by her gay dad who was metaphorically homophobic made me absolutely lose my shit laughing, so she also had some very good points, and watching the video was well worth the time.
I did have to laugh at the very end when she was like ‘I stan Julie Plec’ bc that, more than anything else, made it eminently obvious that she watched the show well after it was over and never engaged with the fandom in any meaningful sense. Which, again, I can respect, bc the fandom was batshit especially in those middle years, but Plec ran the show into the ground and I still haven’t forgiven her for it.
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goffilolo · 6 years
Demise!Izuku as a Youtuber?
Yep! You heard me right. Demise server is a strange little land, full of strange little ideas, unfortunitely this one idea in particular wasn’t so little. So without further ado here’s all the shit we came up with in the server in regards to izuku as a youtuber within demise!au:
If Izuku was a YouTuber can you imagine the fucking chaos dumpster fire his channel would be
He's be like an edgy twink Jenna marbles(edited)
Doing Me time every damn day
bandit is jennas dogs
tenya is julien
He'd have weird ass videos like dipping bandits feet in red pet dye then putting a sign on him that says "you pet and you'll meet the last person who dared to"(edited)
And he's also make videos about him breaking into UA and interrupting classes and stuff
"hey gamers, today we're breaking into UA to see my boyfriend and read all of my friend's secret files"
And a video just of him filing Aizawa in weird places and at the end putting him on an inflatable mattress and watching him float away 
He wakes up in Canada
They don't know how or why
He just attaches a go-pro to trash bandit and let's him run wild. He probably has a seriesJust letting him loose in weird places
DONT LET TRASH BANDIT EAT AIZAWA'S SLEEPING BAG AT 3AM | VERY SCARY"hey guys so today ill be doing the 'How many bottles of quil can i steal before i get caught by Tsukabitch' challange. feel free to make a video of your own!" 
He probably dyes Bandit according to holidays and puts him as the profile picture. The kicker is, he only does it for holidays that his country doesn't celebrate
Like 4th of july
And Canada day
"Hewo soulless fuckers it is me your overlord, King of the soulless fuckers. Today I'll be going up to people in the streets and telling them that I killed God and Satan. But y'all know me, that's not enough. So I'll be asking them which one I killed first and if they get it wrong I take a shot of quil. The quil I'll be taking is the plain ol kind so don't worry your little marshmallow heads about it." 
He only makes text posts in OwO speak this just makes me realise demise!izuku would make a great youtuber
He would twitch stream all the time doing the weirdest shit for hours on end
"what is up gamews! today i wiww be weviewing the new game cawwed life! i have been pwaying it fow about 16 yeaws now and i have to say it's pwetty bad my guys!"
I feel like he'd be absurdly popular and whenever someone mentions him and they look up the channel they are like "wth have I stumbled upon?!"
I'm just imagining what his front page would look like
The seasonal trash bandit profile picture, the banner would be a flaming hellscape with people he dislikes burning and trash bandit looming on low opacity in the background 
(He made it so that only people who view it on TV get the full experience.)
He probably has his own segment on buzzfeed unsolved
Not talking
Its about him
The intro video would just be him staring into the camera while mixing together a horrible concoction of quil then downing it without breaking eye contact(edited)
His about section is written in 3 different types of code and it's all in owo if you manage to crack it
i love demise|!izuku as a youtube cryptid
Clown Speak and OwO speak mixed together
I feel like in the beginning Izuku was this obscure YouTuber that you only find out about if someone in the know tells you about it until a bigger YouTuber found him out on a deep dive video and just couldn't stop watching yes
i imagine once he gets big people from react channel would invite him to react to videos of people reacting to his videos 
What if in one of his videos he started acting like his old self just to freak everyone out. He didn't say anything about it instead he talked about hero analysis with a bright smile and trail off into muttering a few times only to blush when he realized it. He have his hair in a ponytail with only bangs framing his face and some messy pieces falling out. Also her be wearing something plain but like old Izuku, maybe hero merch or something. The comment section was just people flipping out and shit
He never acknowledges the video after he made it
No matter how many comments he gets he acts like it doesn't exist
omg you know wha tthat would actually allign with the demise and canon swap places for a da
yand you know what that gives me a lot of feels
the millions of subscribers get to see the old izuku
Maybe after a milestone he would post a video he made in middle school of him analyzing a quirk in video format to make sure it wouldn't get destroyed
And he put a couple videos of younger him after it
But it starts being supporting Izuku
And his present and past self and stuff
PEOPLE MAKE FAN ART first Its all full of trash and memes
What if that picture of canon Izuku meeting demise Izuku was a fan art someone made of his old self meeting the new him 
Kids from his class kinda Piecing together they really screwed up?Some even sending in apologies, perhaps
For mental health day I could see him posting a serious video about what he went through and his time in the mental hospital 
And on national stop bullying day he would talk about his decade of abuse including the details of how the school and teachers fucked up and everything aboutbakugou
izuku using youtrube for shitposting and advocating
And for mothers day he features both Rei and Inko?
Endeavor exposure video
What if Rei helped edit or something?To help pass the time for her
Give her something to do
People love the mysterious editor
I feel like villains watch his content like maybe Dabi
rei and fuyumi sometimes make appearances
Dabi just shows up in the videos
Quickly become faves
I feel like Dabi would become a fan and start crying after seeing his mom happy in one of Izuku's videos
"...and this is rei, my hospital mom and this if fuyumi, her daughter so like my sister she helps me keep my shit together and sometimes gives me quil.." 
dabi crying from seeing his mom happy in some lunatic's youtube videos
“...and this is shin, dont let the looks deceive you this man went to jail"
Shin comes in and covers the cameras a lot
“and this is the local florida woman and her alligator
WHAT IF BNHA VERSE HAD QUIRKLESS AWARENESS WEEKizuku would go ape shit during that week
"who needs a quirk when my dad gave me a gun!"
He would give axe sharpening tips
"Remember kids! Society won't help you, so you gotta help yourself!"
he would make 'how to cook videos' except it would only be quil combos
What if one day he just put quil in the ovenand pulled out a muffin
Remeber, don't try this at home kids." makes A horrifying quil combo "rememer never ever do this even if you have a quirk that allows it." downs the horror concoction
"so today were gonna do my boyriend does my makeup challange and since both me and tenya are dumb and know nothing i borrowed my mums makeup..." 
It’s a given he’s gonna do makeup tutorials. The real question is would they be good or absolutely horrendous?
good or horrendous? Both
Amazing makeup at horrendous things? Hmmm interesting
“Hey guys today I’m turning myself into a real like eldrich abomination with the help of eyeliner and glitter!”
izuku has a whole playlist of videos dedicated to tenya and UA
theyre all jsut shitposty compilations of some footage when tenya isnt looking
Even tho it looks like he couldn't give a fuck he is very selective with which footage makes it online. He's very careful at how much is revealed and makes sure no students or secret identities would be in danger with his content
izuku isnt stupid...hes jsut having a good time
Sneaking into UA highschool by hiding in pro hero eraserhead's sleeping bag | NOT CLICKBAIT
Izuku would totally play carefree and childish games while just being Izuku
Like his animal crossing series
Fucking legendary on his channel in terms of gaming
izuku's sims lets play
it's like a 10 generation long telenovela lowkey based off the todoroki family
He has no straight sims, he recreated UA and class 1a in sims
the wedding of sim izuku and sim tenya is like the biggest party in the sim neighbourhood
He creates endeavor just to lock him in a room with 50 ovens
Omg his draw my life has got to be super depressing
He'd be super blunt and monotone during his whole draw my life going through all of the abuse and bullying that he went through because of his quirklessness and also his suicide attempt and all that jazz(edited) 
izuku would paint on a potato
Izuku would make a get ready with me where he does something totally batshit crazy then ends it with "Ah. Yet another day in my life."
Izuku meets Marie Kondo
“Only keep what brings you joy”
“Well this gun from my father sure brings me joy”
Knifemaking videos but with axes
Izuku decided to do a wardrobe tour and like 4 things were bloodstained which he never addressed. The most popular comment was what happened, which of course he never answered.
Izuku does these new year (like all of the questions from last year) or milestone Q+A’s/AMA's which are basically people just asking a bunch of the things he wouldn't answer or address before. A lot of his viewers write down and timestamp when he does something and doesn't address it. If you don't you'll never hear an answer.
He has his boonk gang phrase which is probably like Bandit gang or some shit like that, which he shouts while breaking into places. UA dorm rooms, UA facility office, UA, Hero Agency’s, Endeavour's bedroom (Don't ask), etc. 
He has a variety of videos where he does things from different communities. For example he has a few hair tutorial and following hair tutorial videos. Same for makeup.I feel like Izuku would also have some dresses and slutty Halloween costumes that be put on in a video all while looking like someone who just had finals and was studying for 4 days straight beforehand.
At like 4AM a thought hit Izuku to have Trash Bandit meet Kouta for the first time and learn what his sheep talks about and what he has to say. Needless to say he took his camera, went to UA, stormed the dorms, went up to the shy kid sheep in hand, looked him dead in the eye, and asked “What is my sheep saying.” bandit speaks and Kouta goes from confused and slightly scared to disgusted and horrified. What did Bandit say? Who the fuck knows…
Izuku loves analysis and while he doesn't do it for heroes anymore when he misses it too much sometimes he does it with tv shows or other things.
Idk what yet but Izuku is weirdly good at something and only showed it on camera once. (He's casually known to be a good artist) Whatever he's good at he did it once for a video and it's in one of the most popular compilation videos of him. 15 minutes of Izuku being a cinnamon roll.
Izuku has a shit ton of videos featuring the UA kids. He has some playlists dedicated to certain ones even if all you see is the back of their head.
Any proceeds Izuku manages to get (he is popular but he gets demonetized a lot) goes to different charities for the quirkless.
He made only 1 serious cooking video on his birthday, but instead of using a knife he used an axe.
He has a video called “My sharp things (tour)” where he just shows off all of his knives and axes and shit along with a massive pair of scissors he got Momo to make.
Izuku makes videos of himself destroying endeavor merch while staring at the camera.
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kaleidographia · 6 years
[Analysis] The "Weird" One: Where The Last Jedi Fits
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I have a confession to make.
This may be a weird way to start what is essentially the first post of a new media critique blog, but I consider it to be essential knowledge. Every reviewer and analyst brings their own unique perspective to their writing, and I am no different; sooner or later, this truth will make itself known. To know this fact about me is to gain a new understanding of what makes me tick as a consumer of art, and it is one that it best to get out of the way as soon as possible, for it is better for a reader to lose interest now than to string along until the awkwardness of hiding such a secret reveals itself.
Here it is:
I LOVE the Star Wars prequels.
Oh, not only do I love them, completely and unironically, I actually do not care much for the original trilogy. It’s all right. But it doesn’t make my heart sing.
Attack of the Clones does.
Okay, okay, I can already hear the groans of disgust and the clicks of mice leaving my blog to the wilds of the web, but I promise this is going somewhere. I am not unaware of the many flaws the Prequel trilogy has, and I can’t in good conscience call them cinematic masterpieces, but I think this opinion derives itself not from poor taste, but the relative lack of blockbuster quality movies that tap into very particular themes and structural quirks that I appreciate. I may dive into those specifics at a later time, but the reason why I am bringing this up now is because it inextricably ties into my feelings about the most recent film in the franchise’s main series, which would be impossible for me to discuss without addressing this aspect of my formative film influences.
The Last Jedi has already received tons of coverage, controversy, and counter-controversy, so if you��re interested in picking apart the finer aspects of the plot and characters, feel free to look those up — I am sure there is a brilliant video essay on Youtube tailor-made just for you. I am more interested in the meta-narrative surrounding its position in terms of fanservice to what is an enourmous empire of not only fans of the original trilogy, but fans of its many derivations, spin-offs, and cultural foundations.
Star Wars is no longer just a film about a space farmer who learns he’s a space wizard and goes on a perfect beat-by-beat hero’s journey. It encompasses more than that: two sequels, an expanded universe of books upon books, comics, videogames, pinball machines — a holiday special (and no, I have not watched it) — toys, cartoons, parodies, reiterations, iconic images, phrases, cinematic touchstones, and, of course, the Prequels.
When the new Sequel trilogy was announced, the filmmakers had a real challenge to contend with: How can one follow up on not only a legacy of films, but also a legacy of expectations of what such a sequel would be like? I am not just referring to the fact that Disney, post acquisition of Lucasfilm, decided to just toss out the previous expanded universe, label it “Legends”, and start afresh with a new canon. I am also referring to the literal millions of fans who were already thoroughly familiar with not only the films but also their cultural impact. How could one possibly please them, especially when the Prequel trilogy was so universally mocked?
It was clear that Disney needed to win the crowd over, and to do so they leaned heavily into a safe bet: the Original trilogy. The Force Awakens released with a sort of wink-and-nudge, reflected in its story beats, characterization, and practical effects, that said “hey, we hear you. We know you’re scared because you don’t trust us to do this material justice and we know you love the original films, so we’re gonna give you exactly what you’re looking for”. It’s hard not to see the fanservice and whether or not it was successful has already been discussed to death, so I won’t get into it here, but the point is — and I am sure this wasn’t really intentional — to someone like me, who actually liked the prequels and a lot of the expanded universe, this approach felt incredibly alienating. Everyone was having fun with the new film, but to me it felt like it was saying, “all those things you love about Star Wars are not the reasons why anyone else loves Star Wars,” and I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty hurt, but at the very least The Force Awakens gave me a cast to fall in love with.
This is why when The Last Jedi was in production, I was intrigued to hear that this film was going to be “weird” and “unlike any other Star Wars film”. My expectations were tempered by the fact that ultimately this was going to be a Disney movie anyway, so it was probably not going to reach my standard of Weird (my dad showed me Koyaanisqatsi when I was 7, to give you an idea). Nevertheless, after the very safe rehash of Episode 4 that was The Force Awakens, I was just hoping for anything that might show me the franchise still had room for creativity.
I was in fact happy with the result, although it doesn’t surprise me at all that it attracted controversy. Some of my close friends, whose opinions I highly respect, hated the film for various reasons and I can even agree with them on some points. Others, like me, loved it. Overall, however, what I like most isn’t necessarily anything about the film itself, but its position as a nod to fans who wanted their corners of the Star Wars universe acknowledged. To put it bluntly, as a Prequels fan, I felt represented.
Going even beyond the Prequels, The Last Jedi contains themes from my favourite piece of Star Wars media, the Bioware-produced videogame Knights of the Old Republic and its Obsidian-produced sequel, which layer critique of what it means to be a Force user and what the role of Jedi and Sith are in the grand scheme of things. “Jedi” does not necessarily mean “good”, a fact Luke highlights in his role as reluctant mentor to Rey, and while there are some things I would change about his portrayal here, this perspective is absolutely one I wanted to see more of in the main series. Even as a kid, good-vs-evil stories bored me; it’s one reason why the Original trilogy failed to speak to me, because even though I wouldn’t have been able to articulate why at the time, the setup was just too easy. It didn’t challenge me to think that there’s a side that’s inherently good and a side that’s inherently evil, but when Knights of the Old Republic put decisions about when and how to use the Force in front of me, that was a much more interesting proposition, and the idea that doctrine about the nature of the Force could be wrong or even damaging was outright enticing. I honestly can’t remember whether playing the games or watching the Prequels came first, but I get the feeling it was the games, because that malleable view of what the Force means and who the Jedi and Sith are has carried through for me ever since.
The Last Jedi does kind of play it safe in some ways, ultimately being a Disney property that has to sell lots of merchandise and bring people to theme parks, but it also boldly rejects just about every expectation one might have of a “Star Wars Film”, characters make mistakes, they fail, things go wrong at the worst possible times, some act selfishly or foolishly, and by the time the credits roll there’s actually very little to be excited about, as the heroes are in a much worse position than they were when the film started, which was already very bleak. But in a way, that was the most exciting part to me, as someone who grew tired of the popular culture perception of Star Wars and who felt shut out of the Sequel trilogy by its first film; The Last Jedi may have been agonizing, but it was agonizing in a way that promised more, giving hope to those of us who were looking for a less straightforward narrative at a time when powerful politicians can be comically villainous in public and yet people would bend over backwards to excuse their actions as if an “evil empire” didn’t already exist. Over the last couple of years I have seen people post a gif of Padmé Amidala’s iconic line, “So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause”, saying this was the only part of the Prequel trilogy that aged well, and yet to me the truth was already glaringly obvious back when the film was released, contributing strongly to my own critical interpretation of it. The Last Jedi is a film that picks up on the thought that people can make foolish and terrible decisions and runs with it, but it is by no means the first in the series to approach this theme.
(I should note that as a Brazilian, whose country was freshly out of a dictatorship when I was born and which is now hurtling towards another at full speed, my views on what counts as an Evil Empire and how and why a democracy dies may be somewhat sharper than the average American’s. This is by no means the only reason why I’m into this kind of storytelling, nor is it exclusive to me, but it is a big one, and it would be short-sighted to ignore it.)
Ultimately I understand why The Last Jedi is so polarizing; it doesn’t pull punches and some of the punches it throws are even a bit misaimed, thus the description of it as “weird” and “unprecedented” makes sense. It just isn’t quite as weird or unprecedented when compared to previous attempts at broadening the scope of the Star Wars narrative both within the main film series and the expanded universe (at least pre-Disney; I haven’t engaged with any post-Legends canon aside from the Rebels cartoon, so I can’t say for sure). It also serves as a complete 180° turn from the Sequel trilogy establishing itself as a safe haven for Original trilogy fans and a middle chapter leading into a final film we still know nothing about, so whether its narrative leaps will pay off are still a mystery. In any case, The Last Jedi rejects superficial concerns in favour of theme, leading to a certain degree of dissatisfaction from fans who really wanted to know Rey’s parentage and what exactly was up with Snoke, but I think this is a good thing, because they gave new meanings to previously established Star Wars tropes and drove the whole thing into uncharted territory. I for one am glad the franchise has freed itself of these particular burdens; it simply remains to be seen whether the conclusion will maintain this momentum.
All this to say, I like the Last Jedi because it likes the things I like about Star Wars, and now I know I’m not the only one.
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dollopheadedmerlin · 6 years
Once I move back to my hometown, I'm going to try and start Youtube. I have a few ideas for videos to help me start off and I figured I'd list some of them off here so you guys could tell me if you'd be interested!
Read Le Morte d'Arthur and make a video summary of each book within the legend, typically humorous but also with serious analysis and accurate depictions of what happens in the text.
A series where I paint along to a Bob Ross video using progressively more ridiculous mediums
A series called "uncringe" or soemthing like that where I look at something typically viewed as "cringey" and delve into its origins and explain the logistics of the community or trend and elaborate on why it's not as ridiculous or awful as it seems on the surface.
Me exploring the woods and abandoned places near my house, also possibly looking for cool places whenever I can borrow my dad's boat (or get my own) since I know that there are some cool sandbars and mini islands nearby.
Tutorials or timelapses of me making costumes, cosplays, props/replicas, etc.
Short films and mini series if I can get a few people to help me out with some little stories I have in mind
If the Le Morte d'Arthur series is ever finished, I could move on to watching other retellings of the legend and comparing it to the original legend and analyzing the strategically made differences and whether of not it makes their version of the story more interesting, unique, or just inaccurate.
Branching off of the last idea, maybe a series where I analyze each episode of Merlin, comparing it to the original text
Videos of my Lizards (6) and my snake (1)
Idk story times???
Let me know if any of ya'll would actually check out my channel if I did this stuff.
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cosmosogler · 7 years
i just made myself sick from holding in laughter. good times. ninja sex party always gets me right here.
ok so after ping’s delightful impromptu 5-am door-slamming and yodeling concert i barely got any sleep and i had the kind of dreams i get when i nap for too long. which is to say, terrifying and horrible in every way.
at the end i was... on a coaster i end up at sometimes. usually it’s a gentle enough ride that my gramma rides it for some reason, even though it tends to dump you out in a field of tall dead grass and you have to hike back to a wooden structure. when you try to climb the structure the people on the platforms try to push you back down by kicking you in the face.
but this time the coaster was super off. i didn’t like it. and the tracks were made of like, sinew. it was still pink and bloody. then the tracks just ended and i crashed straight into the ground with my face. i got mad but i wasn’t hurt too bad. that happened next!!! the operator appeared. for some reason i got really strange and really strong deja vu. then everyone started melting. i watched the girl next to me explode into goop. then my arm fell off. then the rest. i screamed.
i ended up getting up late again... but still 20 minutes earlier than yesterday. despite going to bed an hour earlier. cool!!!!!
i got over to campus on time though. josie and i waited for our classmates to get out of class, but then nobody came to the “lounge,” so we just went to eat tacos by ourselves. it was cinco de mayo so they had margarita deals. we didn’t drink alcohol though. i paid for josie’s meal because she was broke. i had a good time. we talked about The Gay and depression and stuff.
then i hung out in the department for another two-ish hours. i wanted to talk to dr. cole, but he was teaching and then left. and there was an alum who wanted to talk to him so i let him go instead. and i talked to michael, who is doing well. he replaced me as the si for the intro physics course. these past few months would have been a lot more guilt-ridden and miserable if he hadn’t stepped in for me. i am impressed and grateful that he took on so much work.
i gave bradley the rest of my burrito (since i only managed half as usual) and went to sort out my tuition refund. the guy gave me paperwork and answered a bunch of questions. i’m gonna have to get doctors’ notes so i will start with my physician when i see her sometime next week. he said i got until 2018 to complete and turn it in so it is less stressful now.
then i went home because no one was in the lounge and i was tired. i watched adventure time for a while. i assume the next series of steven universe episodes got leaked because my youtube suggestions were FILLED WITH SPOILERS. EVERYWHERE!!! i had to mark all of them as “not interested” so hopefully youtube’s algorithm would get the hint. at least it stopped recommending family guy finally.
and i made my veggie bacon for dinner. i didn’t figure out how to cook it in a way that didn’t turn it to charcoal until the last few pieces but that was ok. it made me kind of ill. i watched some pokemon videos until maranda got back. that’s why i wasn’t laughing out loud. 
i keep looking at adventure time clips trying to find one that could get asher interested in the show. but i know that won’t happen and i shouldn’t try to have everything in common with one friend. i just really want someone to talk to about it that i already know because talking to random strangers about tv shows i like is stressful. it’s harder to get a read on their interest. and starting a new network of friends based around one common interest is difficult and time consuming for me, with no guaranteed payoff. at least with people i used to hang out with because of one shared interest i already know now so like, it’s not like getting to know an entire new group. and meeting friends of friends, at least i got some kind of lifeline, so it’s a little less awkward to introduce myself. it’s not out of the blue “let’s launch into a detailed analysis of this tv show, whoever you are!”
when i tried to join the homestuck fandom as a regular poster, my dog died like a week later, and i was too depressed to strengthen those relationships and they disintegrated extremely quickly. i think that was about when i withdrew from fandoms altogether. 
i guess... if asher or one of my other friends was super into adventure time, at least as much as i am, it wouldn’t feel like i’m wasting their time when i start talking about it because i can’t hold my thoughts in my head any more. they fall out and it doesn’t matter who’s around. i was telling my mom’s friend about it one summer because i was spending a lot of time around the office she worked at. 
i don’t like having that little control over what i talk about. like while i was so excited about one thing, it didn’t matter that it wasn’t relevant to the person i was talking to. what happens if i feel like that around my parents? is that why i got dad to watch the show in the first place? i know he likes it NOW, and i thought he would like it, but... 
did i expect to be able to talk about it with him? the one time i tried to bring up some theme analysis to him he said he doesn’t look that much into it so i stopped and just made references to the jokes sometimes instead. he seems to like that better. the last episode we watched was “you forgot your floaties” which is really plot heavy and dad actually got bored. and commented that it wasn’t very funny. i haven’t shown him another episode since, even though season 7 gets really good again and season 8 has been actually my favorite so far i think. season 6 is the low point for the show and we got right to the end of it and i stopped asking to watch it... and he never ever brings it up himself. i guess it would be easier to get a handle on his enthusiasm if he asked to watch it even like once a month. but these last few months i’ve been so unhappy with him that i just don’t want to sit and enjoy something we both like with him any more. and at the times i would usually ask he’s busy screaming at league now so i don’t feel comfortable even being in the room. because he likes to swear and punch his desk before he looks at me if i say hi or need to ask a question while he’s playing.
i don’t know... i liked having that thing in common with dad. the only cartoons he liked before that were, like, transformers and family guy. and old voltron i guess, he talked about it once when he heard about the remake. and he buys me jake shirts sometimes. but now i don’t like having it in common with him i guess? i have made no effort to be on better terms with him since he told me i needed to get a job before i was even feeling any better back in february. mostly because it was redundant and all it actually told me was that he thought i was being a bum when i literally couldn’t eat solids.
he and mom are always on about, “if you’re sick, you shouldn’t do anything you enjoy or else you’re faking being sick. when you’re sick all you’re allowed to do is rest and do nothing.” except when you’re not allowed to rest any more (regardless of whether or not you are still sick). 
i guess. feeling entitled to positive encouragement is a flaw of mine. my parents are the “if you’re doing your job then no one needs to comment. if you’re not doing your job you should get fired” types. and also “if you have one luxury item/are not devoting all hours of every day to improving your situation (regardless of whether or not the situation is actually improving) you are not really in need of help.”
but there’s... a difference between being entitled to the “everyone gets a trophy” idea and being positivity-starved. even big achievements, like placing well in the statewide math competition in grade school or getting all a’s, are brushed aside as “you did the job you were supposed to so it should be invisible and smooth.” i started doing competitions without any aids or tools that we were allowed to use because anything other than just you and your brain was “cheap.” i placed very badly in those competitions. then i lost my confidence and my grades also dropped.
if i got a single b it would be time for a serious discussion and grounding from any socialization until my grade improved. so there was only fear motivating me.
i mean, it’s not technically “necessary” to motivate with the guaranteed reward/punishment. it’s just, my reward was usually “you are allowed to talk to your friends” or “here is dinner. you have to eat it all or else you will sit here for hours until the plate is clean.” and sometimes my parents would prepare a “surprise reward” for me and then take it away upon getting home and finding out i had messed up in some way, when i didn’t know they were even planning on ever getting the thing i had asked for. they would do that with car trips too. pack me and my sister in the car whether or not we wanted to go anywhere and not tell us where we were going. and then when i got frustrated they would take away the “surprise reward.” 
i mean yeah, one time i messed up really bad watching my brother 10 years ago because he said some really hurtful things and i refused to interact with him while my parents were out one day. then he did a bunch of dangerous stuff while i wasn’t looking because i was busy crying.
hnngnngnghhhhg. i was trying to explore why i don’t feel close to dad any more and why feeling close to him in the first place was a mistake. i only ever felt nostalgia before i went to high school. the moment i realized my life sucked, and had always sucked, i never wished for “simpler times” or “the good old days.” 
come to think of it, i don’t feel close to a lot of people any more, and i should not have been close with them in the first place in all honesty. i didn’t have a lot of options. i have slightly more options now, provided i got the energy to spare. i got lucky with this physics department. i only actively disliked, like, two of my classmates. one of them was a creepazoid and the other one is kind of unfair to her. she ain’t done nothing to me. i just think she’s a little obnoxious. which is pretty rich, coming from me!!!
ok i am tired. and maranda has gone to bed, which means that if i stay up too much longer she will come out and yell at me for having the kitchen light on.
the same maranda that kept me up every night for the last 5 semesters watching the office/parks and rec/psyche over and over and over. when she finished a show, she’d go back to the beginning and start over. when i hear dad watching the office i get subconsciously annoyed and it takes me a minute to figure out why.
i mean, i could have kept asking her to turn the volume down. but when you get a sharp “no” the first time it gets really intimidating. and i couldn’t close the door because ping would just open it.
mom and maranda’s mom are coming up at 10 tomorrow. my aunt will also show up at some point to put my furniture in her pickup truck to get it down to phoenix for us. and the department picnic is at noon. mom wants me to stay at the hotel with her and dawn. i don’t really want to, it’ll be harder to stay up obnoxiously late, but the alternative is to sleep here on the floor. which is even more miserable than trying to sleep in the bed thanks to ping’s concerts the moment he gets bored of everyone around him sleeping.
i did everything i needed to do today. tomorrow i just gotta be present. i hope i can manage that. if i lose out on sleep again tonight i might die though.
i am putting off going to bed... i am out of things to talk about but i want to keep typing. i have been super restless the last few nights. i can’t figure out why. i have been getting, not enough exercise necessarily, but more than usual, and enough that i am tired by the time i get back to my apartment. and the lack of sleep makes me not want to move at all. my brain is wiped. but my legs keep saying “YEAH LET’S GO LET’S DO IT COME ON LET’S GO!!!”
anyway, i’m gonna get ready for bed before maranda yells at me. i will try to think about what is bothering me so much tonight that i don’t want to sleep. if i find out i will try to remember to share it.
the mold, by the way, is a non-issue. it causes respiratory problems and exacerbates already-existing conditions like migraines. those are not the symptoms i am currently experiencing.
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