#event: black malfoy wedding
luciusmalfoyx · 2 months
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Narcissa Black & Lucius Malfoy Wedding - August 3, 1979 - Ceremony
It was a beautiful sight for all their guests to behold walking into the Kew Garden, into a grand building, rows of white chairs lined on either side, flowers marking the aisle the bride would soon be ushered down, her arm looped through her father’s. The sunshine fluttered through the windows, filling the space with natural light. At the front of the aisle stood a tree altar, weeping willow tree branches hanging to add ambience to the atmosphere the couple wished to capture. 
All guests would be asked to find their seats, the mother’s taking pride in what they feel is the wedding of the year, their need to control hours away from being over. Music fills the room, the groom walking down the aisle with his groomsmen following, taking their position at the front, the priest coming out from the side to stand in his position. There is a shift in music, the string quartet’s continuing their song in time for the bridesmaids to follow down, the maid of honour the last to make an appearance, reaching the front with the others. 
The traditional wedding march song sounds around them, played by the string quartet, a cue for the guests to stand, turning their attention to the other side. Narcissa appears, her father at her side, and the spotlight rests on her, all eyes taking in each step ushered down, especially that of Lucuis, taken in by her beauty and the smile that forms on his lips, knowing that soon she would be his. 
Lucius stepped forward once they reached the end, the music stopping and everyone taking a seat. Mr. Black takes his daughter’s hand, placing it in his, before going to take his seat beside his wife. A whisper muttered, complimenting on how beautiful she looked, the both of them turning to the priest, their vows taking precedence, promising themselves to each other, knowing the words they uttered would bind them together till death do them part. A kiss seals the ceremony, cheers heard around them. 
The wedding party makes their exit, bride and groom, followed by maid of honour and best man, and the rest, walking in pairs down the aisle, making their way out into the outside garden to take wedding pictures. The guests are led to a small area for cocktails before being escorted into the reception hall, able to find where they will be sitting for the evening. No sooner is everyone asked to stand. An entrance is made of the party, lastly, welcoming the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, walking hand in hand, a smile on their faces, turning to give the crowd a kiss, relishing in the cheers. All going to find their spot at the front table, ready to take in the night of festivities. 
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alaraselwyn · 2 months
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Attending the Black/Malfoy Wedding: escorted by her fiancé @rsrevan
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alectocarrowx · 2 months
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Part of the Black/Malfoy Wedding: escorted by @r-lestrcnge.
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xsinistralowex · 2 months
where: black / malfoy reception. who: open.
Sinistra hated weddings. They reminded her of her own failed wedding. The one she had put time, sweat and tears into only to be shattered. The only reason she was at this event was because of status. She had to be there. If she didn't show her face it would be obvious to those she had begun to create ties with. She couldn't risk being knocked down any pegs. -- but it didn't mean she had to enjoy her time.
It was like any other pureblood event. Niceties and small talk. So that's what she would have to look forward to for the evening? Wonderful. But she had to play the game. And, unfortunately, the Blacks and the Malfoys were big names in the game.
As the servers walked around with plates of finger food and drinks, Sinistra took a flute of champagne and gulped it in two seconds. Noticing someone watching her she asked, "Have you never seen a woman chug a drink before?"
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ur-local-anti-hero · 5 months
Speak now
James Potter x Malfoy!Reader
Summary: If the marauders are against something, its agaisnt pureblood families ideologies. Sometimes that implies to wreak havoc on a white veil occasion.
Genre: Hurt/comfort, Fluff and a tiny bit of Angst. Arranged Marriage
CW: Forced Marriage, Familiar problems, talks about blood purity and blood traitors. Breaking into a weddig idk.
Word count: 2.2K
This is part of my Speak Now (Marauders’ version) collection 
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“So don't say yes, run away now. I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door.
Don't wait, or say a single vow. You need to hear me out”
When you were younger you saw a fair amount of weddings. They were always presented to you as big emotional events in which two people promised eternal love to each other. 
Even when you didn't know anything about love as a kid, it was no wonder that you yearned to have your own wedding once you grew up. It was a dream to have your own white dress, a beautifully decorated venue and a partner you loved so deeply you’d be willing to spend your whole life with them. 
Looking back maybe you should’ve known better. The first sign should’ve been your surname. A Malfoy has expectations they have to meet, keeping the bloodline pure, for starters. 
The second one should’ve been your parents’ loveless marriage, when you were younger you used to wonder why they’d married at all, now it was quite obvious. 
The third and most evident should’ve been when Andromeda Black was disowned. At that time you didn’t truly understand what that entailed, and why it was such a hassle that she wanted to get married. Now you understood that the problem was not the wedding, if not the groom. 
All your fantasies about the commonly named ‘Big day’ were completely shattered when your 18th birthday came, and with it a letter from your parents which contained the name of your soon to be husband. You tried to fight it, which only made your parents move the date of the wedding forward and get you out of Hogwarts, your education didn’t matter anymore to them now that your future as a housewife was inevitable. And being away from Hogwarts also meant being away from the ‘bad influences’ in your life. 
Now the corset of your white dress was suffocating, you felt trapped. Looking at the mirror was like looking at someone else. The girl with lifeless eyes and heavy make-up that couldn’t hide her eyebags was supposed to be you, yet it felt like a perfectly modelated version of yourself, made to impress the high class families attending the wedding. 
Narcissa’s gentle hands were bradding your hair, finishing your look before the wedding. Usually her presence was able to calm you down. Ever since she married your older brother, Lucius, her presence was regular in family gatherings and you’ve always felt some kind of kinship with her, seeking shelter on her whenever the phony and pompous encounters became too overwhelming.
You could attribute your shifted feelings towards her to the fact that she was unknowingly preparing you for eternal misery, or maybe because she was replacing the ones who you would’ve chosen as bridesmaids - there was no place for muggleborns in an event celebrating the union of two pureblood heirs -. Or even because it was her little cousin the one you were to wed. 
“You look beautiful” said Narcissa once she was done with your hair. 
You nodded and gave her a small thank you. However, you disagreed completely, the girl she was looking at was not you, it was your parent’s perfect daughter. 
“You do look lovely, father and mother are going to be delighted” your brother’s voice came from the door, where he was leaning on. “I brought you some company” he gestured behind him. 
Pandora and Dorcas stormed into the room, the former embracing you into a tight hug when they spotted you. Lucius and Narcissa left the room. 
“How are you holding up?” Pandora asked as soon as the door closed behind Lucius and Narcissa. Her arms were still holding you tightly, Dorcas standing behind her. 
You shrugged at her, not being able to talk due the knot in your throat and the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. You kept your eyes glued to the mirror. 
Pandora stepped out of the hug and stood next to Dorcas, who had yet to speak. 
“Evan and Barty are with Regulus, I swear I never thought I would see him in a tux” said Dorcas, trying to make conversation. The thought of Regulus being in the same situation as you didn’t make you feel better, the knot in your throat was getting tighther by the second. You promised to yourself you wouldn’t cry anymore, to be honest you thought you had run out of tears days ago. 
“Sirius is here too” Pandora was trying to distract you from the wedding. If she was being honest with herself there was nothing they could do to make you feel better. But maybe knowing that your best friend was out there could help a little. 
That made you finally look away from the mirror, a small wave of hope cursing through you. If Sirius was here it meant that James could be too. In the eyes of your family his family’s name was not good enough for yours, but maybe it was enough for him to be a guest. 
Maybe it was selfish to wish for him to be there when you knew how much it would hurt him, but you needed to talk to him, he was the only one who could actually comfort you right now, the only presence that would make everything feel normal again. You yearned to feel his touch against your skin and his lips against yours, even if it was for one last time, as a farewell. 
“Is he… Is James here?” you spoke for the first time. 
The answer was clear in the pitiful look they gave you even before Pandora replied with a soft ‘no’. 
You don’t know what did it, if the look in the faces of your friends or the fact that you would never see James again, but tears started rolling down your face. In seconds you were being embraced by Pandora again, and Dorcas’ hand was wiping away your tears. 
“It’s okay, you are going to be okay” Pandora didn’t believe her own words, but there was little she could do to calm you down and you both knew it. 
There was a knock on the door and your dad’s voice came from the other side “Y/N, it’s time” 
Pandora gave you a squeeze before letting you go from the hug. They both left the room, not without giving you a forced smile. 
“Oh, merlin” you said to yourself as soon as you were left alone, going back to the mirror, you wiped the few tears that were left on your face, and tried to fix the smudged make-up around your eyes with your fingers. You didn’t want to give your parents the satisfaction of seeing how much this affected you. 
Once you looked mildly presentable again you exited the room. Your father was waiting for you and he offered you his arm to lead you towards the venue. 
You could see the whole venue from the end of the aisle. The green and black motives contrasted beatifully with the white flowers decorating the aisle and the top of the altar. The guests were placed in black chairs at both ends of the aisle. 
You weren’t brave enough to lift your glaze from the ground, knowning that you wouldn’t see the love of your life waiting for you as you had dreamt since you were a kid. The heavy veil of your dress made your steps slow and lethargic. 
It was not until you were halfway down the aisle that you gathered enough courage to finally look at the man in front of you. Instead of the boy with unruly curly brown hair and eyes filled with love, there standing was Regulus, his black hair slicked back and eyes drowned by the same defeated look you wore. 
Once you reached his side everything went in a blur, all you remember is him taking your hands into his and the officiant talking. 
“If anyone has any objection, speak now or forever hold your peace” 
You were really going insane because you swore you saw James standing at the end of the aisle, wearing a tuxedo and with his hand up in the air. 
“I oppose!” His voice was loud and clear, your eyes widened. 
All the guests' eyes went to his figure and several surprised gasps were heard. Maybe you were not hallucinating. 
If Fleamont Potter ever found out how James was using his inherited cloak of invisivility he’d be horrified, or maybe oddly proud of his son. 
Not even James thought he would ever sneak into a highly patrolled wedding on a common Tuesday, but honestly if someone had told him a year ago he’d be doing this he wouldn’t be surprised. 
Sneaking in a wedding filled with pureblood families and slytherin students was the perfect setup for a Marauders prank. However, what would have surprised him would’ve been the reason for interrupting a white veil occasion. Dating a Malfoy was something he hadn’t expected to ever do, but you had gotten past all his defenses with your kind and bright personality that proved to be so different from your family’s pretentious ways. 
Therefore, he was now standing on the aisle you had walked minutes ago. He had a perfect view of you and Regulus from his stance, your white dress was gorgeous, and your hair was neatly done. If it weren’t for your puffy and bloodshot eyes, and the obvious defeated look in your face, a look that had no place in a wedding, he could almost believe this was a normal marriage ceremony. 
When you had received the letter from your parents you had been inconsolable, and rightfully so. James had tried everything to stop the wedding, he even went as far as asking your parents for their blessing and to be the one you'd wed instead of the Black heir. Turned out to be useless as his family had been marked as blood traitors for eternity. 
But James isn't known for giving up easily, and the Marauders were not going to let an opportunity to cause havoc pass by. 
With the promise of being on his best behavior, Sirius had convinced his parents to attend the wedding as a guest, acting as a mole for his friends' plans. Remus and Lily were outside the venue with their ride home -a couple of broomsticks they borrowed from Hogwarts' supply closet. 
And the last part of the plan, and its success rested on James' shoulders. 
The preacher spoke 'Speak now or forever hold your peace' James smirked, that was his cue. It was on. 
James took off his invisibility cloak and without a single trace of shame or shyness in his voice James stated loudly "I oppose!"
James would've loved to stop for a moment to memorize the looks of complete horror in the faces of the guests, but he had to be fast and make total use of the element of surprise. 
Without hesitation James sprinted towards the altar. He could see the way your brother had stood up and pointed his wand at him, his spell being intercepted by Sirius' expelliarmus spell. 
As soon as James made it to the altar chaos erupted from everyone in the venue, he could make out the shouts of your parents and some spells that were being intercepted by yours and James' friends. 
At the sight of James Regulus let your hands go, he raised his arms in defeat and left the altar without much hassle. 
"Gentleman" James greeted Regulus' groomsmen, Barty and Evan who were just as stunned as everyone, all they could do was nod in acknowledgement to James, not even trying to interfere. 
"Hi, love" he was finally looking at you, your eyes were wide with surprise and tears were gathered in your waterline. James took your hands in one of his and the other was raised to stroke your cheek. 
“James what- how-” you were completely astonished, and unable to formulate a single phrase. You knew your boyfriend loved you, and the lengths he would go to prove it, but you would have never guessed he’d be willing to break into your wedding ceremony. He was always proving you wrong. 
“Hey Peter, mate, it’s your moment to shine” Following james’ words a rat came out of his pants’ pocket. 
And suddenly Peter was standing in front of you. He pushed the appalled officiant slightly to the side and took his place. 
Peter cleared his throat before speaking “Do you, James Fleamont Potter, take Y/N Malfoy as your wife?” 
“I do” 
“Do you, Y/N Malfoy, take James Fleamont Potter as your husband?” 
You could hardly mutter a low “I do” before Peter spoke again 
“I declare you husband and wife. You might kiss the bride” 
James didn’t hesitate for a moment. To add dramatism he spun you around and dipped you, holding your weight with his arm. And without waiting for another second he kissed you, sweet and slow, conveying all his love for you with that gesture. 
When you became breathless you broke the kiss and looked at James straight into his beautiful eyes, which only show deep adoration. “I love you” you mouthed to him, which made his eyes sparkle with joy and a wide grin to break into face. 
He took you in his arms bridal style and walked down the aisle. You coudln’t even care about the chaos and spells that were aimed your way, all you could look at was James. 
And as he muttered “I love you too, Miss Potter” you knew he’d do anything to prove his love for you. 
Author's note: This one is of my faves of the collection ngl, James is my soft spot Thank you for reading! Likes, comments and reblogs are welcomed and very appreciated. I'd love to hear what you thought about it so don't be shy!! To be part of the taglist Dm me or send me an ask <3 Taglist @feral-posts @izuoyarmin @aremuslupinsim @yourfavgay @imobsessedwitholiviarodrigo 
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
Hello! I'm getting back into fandom after many years and was hoping you could recommend the best (or most popular) drarry fics to come out in the last 5 years?? The longer the better! I'm having such a blast re-reading old favs and would love more to read! Thank you so much!
I was also away from the fandom the past three years, we share the feeling! I'll go for +100k and skip super well known examples (e.g., Grounds for Divorce)
Alucinatio by alexmeg (127k)
"It's... it's not good," Harry tells them lowly. "They've given him a month's time, only." There is so much he needs to explain, but his head is foggy and exhausted and he can't think properly, can't think of how to relay all that he's learned. "Have you heard of Alucinatio?" is what he starts with. "The Daydream potion," Hermione says. "The person who intakes it experiences very vivid and realistic daydreams of all they could ever want, but is essentially in a severely catatonic state out in the external world, incapable of any basic functions." Harry nods. "Somebody's given it to Malfoy." He remembers the tattered remains of a black coak wrapped around Malfoy. "I think it might have been Professor Snape." They take a minute to process that. "And... the cure?" Ron asks. "Tears of anyone the experiencer craves love of," Hermione answers.
I Do Not Love You by Writ_and_romance (228k)
In 2013, a carefully-designed Obliviation leaves Harry reconfiguring his life and identity without any memories of true love; an act that’s essentially erased Draco Malfoy from his mind despite a wedding band and shared home. In 2000, Draco had expected Pansy’s relationship with Luna to bring the Gryffindors a bit closer to his orbit of quiet, carefully pacifistic existence, but he never expected to navigate such a transparent embrace into a unit of family, friendship, and love. A mystery, two love stories, and a reminder that learning to love never has an end date.
Nor All That Glisters by @sweet-s0rr0w (110k)
Lonely and frustrated on house arrest, with no prospects for the future, Draco begins brewing Felix Felicis in an attempt to improve his lot. Just in the short term, of course. He isn’t a total idiot.
But before long he finds himself with a thriving business, a nice flat, some actual (albeit irritatingly Gryffindor) friends, and a very satisfying sex life. What’s more, no-one is hexing him in the street. And Harry Potter is single, and gorgeous, and giving Draco decidedly interested looks.
Stop taking the Felix? You must be joking…
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by @norelationtoatticus (104k)
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
Every Hour Has Led to This by @sassy-cissa​ (105k)
Banned from the wizarding world and sentenced to live as a Muggle for ten years, Draco Malfoy finds his world turned upside down. Navigating the Muggle world becomes easier thanks to help from some unexpected strangers who become family. But when his mother insists Draco fulfil an agreement set when he was a child, he finds himself married and a father. Then a divorced single father. After the war Harry Potter found himself without purpose, until an unexpected offer changed his life. Playboy, Quidditch star, war hero – Harry seems to have it all, until a Quidditch accident ends his career. Lost and without purpose, Harry’s life is lonely until a surprising event brings him to Draco’s door…literally. Running parallel lives for nearly 10 years, when they reconnect both Draco and Harry find the passion for life that had been missing. A story of love and loss and how the best things in life happen in their own time
Pages of You by @wolfpants (101k)
Summer, 1980. Harry is floating between university and becoming a Real Certified Adult. He's not ready. He really isn't.
In a desperate attempt to have the Best Last Summer ever, he takes a casual job at his godfather's bookshop in London, starts an illicit pen pal affair with a wordy posh boy that he's catching feelings for, all while dealing with the son of Sirius's business rival, one Draco Malfoy, insufferable know-it-all extraordinaire.
A story about trying to figure out who you are, where you're going in life, and who you want to take along with you.
Notes on a resurrection by newleaves (126k)
It was never Draco’s intention to raise Sirius Black from the dead.
The Liars Department by @dorthyanndrarry (103k)
This is a story about Harry meeting up with Draco Malfoy four years after the war. And a story about Harry, well, not hating his job per say, but it's not like he has much to compare it to and it seemed fine. His whole life seemed fine. Then Malfoy came along with and his flashy suits and fast car making everything seem dull in comparison, and Harry... Harry couldn't just leave well enough alone.
Turning Leaves by @kbrick (112k)
Draco and Harry have a one-night stand that ends in disaster after Harry tells Draco he's unable to move beyond their poisonous past. So when Draco finds an unusual Time-Turner in the Department of Mysteries, he seizes the opportunity to start fresh with Harry. Only instead of fixing things, he keeps making them worse.
Bolts by @lqtraintracks (114k)
Harry joins the Hogwarts staff as the new History of Magic Professor, while Draco has already been teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts for the past year. When Samantha, a first year, is being bullied one day and throws a made-up Truth curse at her harasser, only to accidentally hit Harry instead, Harry becomes cursed to tell the truth, and not only that, he has to regularly tell it to Draco Malfoy. Samantha is clearly gifted, maybe the most powerful witch or wizard to ever come through Hogwarts, and yet she has no idea how to take the curse off. As they work to remove it—and also teach Samantha how to control a power that's becoming more dangerous by the day—will Harry's truths become too much to handle? And will whatever’s going on with Draco just make everything exponentially worse?
Freedom to be by @quicksilvermaid (169k)
Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived. 12 years after the war, he's become the Boy Who Lived For Everyone Else. He has the perfect wife. The perfect house. The perfect job. The perfect friends. Only nothing feels perfect. Until one day he stumbles across a club called Release and begins a journey of self-discovery that takes him to a very different place.
By the Grace by @letteredlettered (139k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
Two to Shore by Lamplighter (204k)
Harry and Draco meet in Madam Malkin’s and instantly take a liking to each other. Just kidding. They don’t, but Harry does get sorted into Slytherin, and they do become extremely good friends.
Way Down We Go by @xiaq (109k)
The war was over. Or at least that’s what the papers said. They’d been saying it, for months, as if people needed reminding. Maybe they did.
In which Harry and Draco both run away from their pasts and conveniently choose to hide in the same tiny American town. It's super.
Nyctophilia by prolonged_autumn (107k)
Everyone's back for 8th year, and Harry and his friends seem determined to spend their last year in school running around at night, hyped up on coffee and alcohol and Honeydukes candy, doing all the childish things they didn't have the chance to do before. Draco watches as he's always watched: from afar, quiet and bitter and hopelessly in love. That is, until Pansy decides she's had quite enough of it.
Make Yourself by @anyaelizabethfic (103k)
Harry just wants to be safe within the freshly painted walls of Grimmauld Place, with his friends around him. But when he hears Draco Malfoy has been spotted at the local soup kitchen, he can’t help but encourage a different type of stray to come under his roof.
Kept Man by @drarry (147k)
A downtrodden Harry Potter in a serious dry spell is looking to be a kept man, and a lonely Draco Malfoy responds to his anonymous ad. A perfect storm of lust, scandal, and maybe even love. A Daddy Kink Magnum Opus.
The Ordeal of Being Known by @lou-isfake (146k)
When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there’s unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions. It’s obviously a terrible idea, a disaster waiting to happen, but Draco’s never been able to back down from a challenge… especially from Potter.
Harry Potter and the Welcome to the World of Grey by @sobsicles (456k)
When Harry fails to keep his anger at bay and Voldemort possesses his mind, the events that follow lead him down a long road to realizing the world isn’t as black and white as it seems. Chaos, hilarity, and tragedy ensue with a Dark Lord being honest all the time, a rival becoming something else, and a world demanding to be saved. Featuring frightened Death Eaters, deep conversations with a monster, Pureblood traditions being ridiculous, and the fight to do the right thing with no true options. Harry’s life just gets more and more bizarre with each passing moment. ~~~ Or, the one where Harry’s life gets split in half, and he has to figure out how to bring it back together.
The Secret Keeper by @the-fools-errand (225k)
On Halloween 1981, Albus Dumbledore made a decision that would change the course of history, concealing Harry Potter’s survival at the hands of Lord Voldemort underneath a Fidelius Charm. But when Harry comes of age in the Muggle world, Dumbledore realises too late that the fate of the world may depend on a boy who has never held a wand. An unlikely team assembles to teach him everything he needs to know before the charm runs out, but only one of them knows the truth behind the Dark Lord’s return to power. If it were anyone else, Draco would have no problem turning them over to the Death Eaters, but there’s something about this certain bespectacled idiot that has him questioning everything he’s ever known. Will Draco seal the fate of the wizarding world by uncovering the Chosen One or will Harry save Draco from a fate of his own?
Dwelling on Dreams by @the-sinking-ship (135k)
Draco thought he could avoid Potter for the duration of his brief return to England. He’d stick to his schedule and be back home in Paris, where he belonged, in a few short months. No trouble at all. He had plenty to occupy him, what with the opening of the London branch of his successful apothecary, his innovative research, drinks with Pansy, a backlog of unread potions periodicals. Except Head Auror Potter is everywhere — in Draco's chair, at his door, in his dreams. All six feet of motorbike-riding, combat-boot-wearing, sex-hair-sporting Saviour of the World packed into one unfairly fetching uniform. Potter won’t leave Draco the bloody hell alone, won’t let him breathe, let him forget, let him sleep. Because no matter how fast Draco Malfoy runs, Harry Potter is always hot on his heels.
A Sword Laid Aside by @korlaena (128k)
When Draco’s cover is blown during a deep undercover operation and the Ministry is compromised, Ron takes Draco to the only safe place he can think of—Potter. Hiding out with a taciturn Harry Potter, who has been missing from the Wizarding World for almost two decades after a shocking fall from grace, is nothing like Draco thought it would be. Draco has to navigate dealing with this Potter while being hunted by Dark wizards and wanted by extremists in the Ministry. When things take a turn for the worse, Draco has to decide whether he's going to keep running or find a way to protect the world and the people he cares about most.
Changing Tides by @carpemermaidtales (109k)
Draco has spent half of his life spouting the things his father has taught him without much thought about how he feels about what he says. When he unexpectedly comes face to face with the Dark Lord, he grapples with the harsh realities of the world and struggles with his changing views on life. Instead of doing what’s expected of him fifth year, he joins Dumbledore’s Army and learns how to defend himself, how to make his own choices, and how he can be something greater than his father’s example as he grows into his own man rather than his father’s shadow. The choices he makes change both his and Harry’s fates, intertwining their paths until they converge.
Taking Chances by @gracerene (135k)
After the war, Draco disappeared and started over in America, vowing never to return to Great Britain and the fraught past he left behind. Unfortunately, when his mates convince him to sign up for an exchange programme for the last year of their Auror Training, Draco learns that he doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter.
Graceless Heart by @orange-peony​ (132k)
Harry is lost and broken after the war. He has gone to countless funerals, broken up with Ginny, moved back into Grimmauld Place—which feels darker and dirtier than ever before despite how much he tries to fix it. He feels lonely and desperate, but he won’t ask for help, and he still can’t cry.
When he agreed to help the Aurors at Malfoy Manor over the summer, he thought that he would be breaking dark curses. Harry never thought that he would actually spend his days sorting out dusty books with Draco Malfoy, or teaching him how to cook.
Little by little, as they begin to navigate their life post-war, Harry and Draco become intimate…in more ways than Harry could have ever expected.
Brave Though The Stars They Make Me by @dwell-the-brave (108k)
After the events at the end of his Sixth Year, Draco Malfoy has been kept all but prisoner in his childhood home, Malfoy Manor. Alone, terrified, and desperate for some way out, he begins to have strange dreams - dreams of Harry Potter. Are they a trick of his mind? Or are they a way to change his fate, and a chance at redemption?
Always Already by @aibidil (170k)
Harry and Draco are perfectly fine, separately minding their business in 2004, when the Unspeakables conscript them into service... in the First War against Voldemort.
Come for mutual pining and forced proximity in a 1980 hotel room, stay for young Sirius and philosophising about immortality and wormholes. And an eighties cowboy soap opera.
He Comes Like a Thunderstorm by @korlaena (140k)
Draco is doing his best to balance the life he wants to live and the life he’s forced to live. He’s nearing the tail-end of a long, post-war probation when Harry Potter crashes back into his life with all the grace of a charging Erumpent, breaking through his carefully constructed rules and routine. Caught up in a whirlwind of sex and lust, Potter unwittingly shows Draco that his life as an Incubus doesn’t have to be as lonely and unfulfilling as he thought, but how long can it last?
Close Behind by @oflights (134k)
To rescue Draco from the Underworld, Harry has to look forward. Unfortunately, Draco has to look back
where all the veins meet by @saxamophone (146k)
It's the summer of 1998. The battle is over, and Voldemort is dead, but Harry still has more questions than answers. Who is he without a piece of Voldemort's soul in his head? What is he supposed to do now? His friends try to help, but the only thing that can hold his attention—one of the only things that ever has—is Draco Malfoy, out on parole and weirdly hanging around the British Museum. As they keep running into each other, Harry sees that Malfoy is different, and he wonders if he can be someone else, too. Featuring rumpled band shirts, poker games everyone hates, fumbling sex, and a Harry going a little mental over how wands even work.
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god I just love the idea of power couple Lucius and Narcissa. Bc there’s no WAY they weren’t the it couple when they were in school. Give me House of Black and House Malfoy alliance and brilliant slytherin students just quietly being the example of traditional pureblood culture. No need to make it political yet, but just a historical couple with a different air about them.
I’m talking the clothes with hints to their ancestry, bobbins and trinkets centuries old, family jewelry, lavish courting gifts, the most intricate etiquette, loving looks across the hallways, whispered adorations, interlocked pinkies, love letters, imported snacks being slipped into book bags, pieces of commissioned music, bespoke clothes with no price tag bc if you need to ask, you can’t afford it.
Just let them be young and falling in love with a modest amount of distance and an overwhelming amount of vanity and money. They’re sneaky, with unmatched pedigrees, and they breathe traditions millennia old, their journey from being paired for marriage by their families to falling in love is FASCINATING.
I want to see what unspeakable wealth looks like when it marries other unspeakable wealth and then falls head over heels. Like. The possibilities for romantic gestures are literally endless. What is considered too much? They’re a wonderful way for my brain to explore pureblood high society and a quieter, more subtle sequence of romance.
just imagining their courting period and engagement let alone the event of the decade: that WEDDING. Lord.
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xanthoshaima · 1 month
When: Malfoy-Black Wedding (Evening) Where: Malfoy Manner - Ballroom With: Open to all!
The wedding was, well, smaller than he’d expected, but then Greecian weddings were events unto themselves. Nevertheless, Xanthos ensured an entrance was made, flying to the manner upon his winged-horse and dismounting in his blood-red dress robes. He turned to nuzzle the beast’s head with affection before whispering in its ear and sending it flying off again; it would return when he had need. 
From there, the ceremony was bland, but well executed and the afterparty felt much the same. Still he laughed, socialised and drank with those of Rabastan’s circle and wondered if the evening would grow more lively as the night wore on. “I wonder,” he said, voice rich and deep as he turned to the nearest person, red wine in hand, “Do all remained so well behaved all evening or will there be some true revelry before the night is through?”  
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mothraantics · 2 months
Crimson Born
Note: Ive had this idea for basically a few days and bunched the first chapter together, im honestly very proud of it and I hope that this will become better and better in the future :D
Regulus was born a pureblood black prince. Second born heir and all he wasn't even close to being the talk of the town, His brother sirius, was first in line, with a whole crowd of young ladies ogling over him, but of course his dear brother had to swing the other way, escape the binds of their parents and be with a man. If the crowd didn't protest in his name Regulus would be the heir to the throne by now. He hated the world for that.
His cousins? Bellatrix, married a duke from another land and is having some unknown affair with whom they call these days the dark lord. Her sister, Narcissia is betrothed to Lucius malfoy and their other sister is missing. No doubt he was the last one to be thought of.
That was all until he decided that the crowd had to focus on him, become entranced with him, so he followed his brother and did one better, have an affair with the blood prince known as James potter.
Of course…with this he has to keep the blood curse hidden from his brand new boy toy.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57660256/chapters/146730271 - Find the book also on Ao3
Chapter One - Prince Regulus of Lissara
If life were not extravagant parties, and balls, banquets and fancy little get togethers, Regulus would have no clue how he would escape away from his family. Maybe some boarding school, but in another life he doubted if the magic of their world would even exist? A world where humans can wave silly little sticks and cast spells? It sounded preposterous, where would they find the phoenixes if it weren't for the hole of Vulca, or the unicorns tucked away in the forbidden forest, far off into the north.
He wouldn't have a clue where to start if their world was not this one, then again if it where he would be stuck living a pretty little life just like he was. Possibly. Banquets were his getaway, running off sitting in the gardens were his favourite pastime, he had done his entree a few hours prior and made some small talk with some noble families, but that's all he will try doing. It wasn't worth it, he wasn't the lead heir, his brother was and even so, he wasn't even  near the public eye, his cousin bellatrix married a man from the Lestrange Duchancy and she got her fame through dark power, his other cousin, Narcissia, is going down the same route as malfoy with their wedding on the horizon next spring.
Andromeda? She was still missing, and ran off with a peasant, a muggle. They weren't taught magic these days, peasants, they were too weak to harness magic, and so were the squibs of the noble families, although they can still have a taste of the ravish lifestyle and go off to marry an Earl. Muggles as they called them were just yellow trash to the aristocrats. There would be the lucky one that can harness magic and get adopted into society, but what did they know? They can't even see magic if you waive a wand in front of their eyes and cast serpensortia In Front of them. 
“Regulus?” the cold shrill yell of his mother's voice rang throughout the garden, there goes his peace. “Regulus! There you are!” She says as he picks himself up, her demeanour was cold, “yes mother?” He replies, dusting himself off, “Have you been out here? Mingling with the birds? Get inside we have yet to serve the cake”
Cake? What cake would they mention, Regulus didn't know any important event was happening. It wasn't a holiday or anniversary, nor was it someone's betrothal, and unlike his brother he's less keen on starting his own just yet, unless they started the arrangement process without him. Why would they need him to be there to serve the cake??
He was dragged away by Walburga, soon enough and as they neared the green hall she released him and he followed blindly. By this time he was thinking what had he missed? What family milestone had he missed?
“I'm so happy” Walburga said with venom, “finally it is fine for you to come of age my son” she gives him a half fake smile. “excuse me?” Regulus' stops in his tracks, “Mother I don't come of age until..June!” He points out, what was going on? She stops and looks back at him. “Regulus darling it is june, you are of age” the boy stopped, “oh”
Salazar's saggy balls, how could he forget?! If he was aware it was his 17th he would have stayed longer, made some small talk, against his will sure, but this was already a bad step towards society, the debate was soon, all those who turned 17 by the middle of the year and those who turn 18 of the last half of last year would debutante. His brother being one of them. 
Mabey the golden prince of the Black Empire will overshadow him enough that people won't care. Again. 
“-And a toast!-” 
The banquet was full that night, every sitting in their chairs they were brought out, the dark lord was speaking. He was a new upcoming figure in Lissara, many knew him as Lord Tom M. Riddle, the lord of the Parliament that buddied up with the nobles. In high noble society, the snake like-serpentine speaking man was known as Lord Voldermort.
“-To the two Black princes who are debuting with many of your children next week, and a very happy coming of age to the second born prince” 
The crowd clapped, it was filled with dark nobles, evil, corrupted. They kill peasants with a flick of their wrists using one of the curses,  some of the other nations called them death eaters. Herre it was a compliment, in other nations? It's immediately a death trial for you and your family. The world was fucked like that. Very fucked but who was to blame them? The biggest empire made of Purely magical individuals threatened to eradicate the lower class? The class that does all the work? Regulus' would be concerned as well. 
The ball went on throughout the night, with the nobles spinning around nobles. Firewhisky going down like it's water, and a whole new boring world for Regulus. “Something wrong brother?” Sirius asks slipping up near Regulus, “No, I'm okay”
“Is it too rowdy? You can request to go back up?” 
“And leave all of the guests to listen to you? You wish” he laughs as Sirius shrugs, “your loss”
Shrill shrieks ran through the echoing halls. Regulus' cringed as another one rattled his windows. The ink from his quill splattered on his parchment reducing his now ruined homework to just ink, “fucking damnit” he cusses grabbing the paper and trying to dry it with no avail. 
“Useless being! Crucio!” 
Regulus' cringed as he heard those words being screeched from the other room. He sighed giving up, his potions essay can wait another day, the tutors weren't supposed to return till next week anyways. 
He heard the door next to him being slammed shut before his own door swung open, he jumped, Walburga stood at the door. Blood splattered on the hem of her white nightdress, “Rest dear, we have the debutante dinner tomorrow” she says before closing the door. Regulus sighs, he knows that this dinner wont be the usual dinner, just another political agreement, another death eater meeting being covered up, and another way for him to be overshadowed by his older brother.
Because every event he had to be overshadowed. If regulus was overshadowed he would be the second prince, but when theres the second prince there's a first, and that's his older brother Sirius.O Black the heir and now, from discoveries by a certain Bartemius Crouch Junior, that the same heir is with a man from the Crimson Court, a well known as Remus Lupin. 
Regulus sighed and blew out the candle as he sat on the floor, the room darkened as the red light of the moon shone through the window, in other rooms the screams of some family members could be heard, he himself was situated away from the red beams of moonlight, he stared at them, nextdoor he heard sirius shatter a glass nearby, he was probably left near the rays of the blood moon. 
They werent as common as full moons, but unlike the werewolves that roamed the forests and some in higher society, blood moons came in every shape or form, unless new, and they came every two months. Regulus took a sharp breath as he felt his body bubbling as the red streams of moonlight hit his bare feet, and then the night of agony begun.
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annabtg · 8 months
AnnaBtG - my Ao3
Select works:
@jilyawards favourites
Mistletoe Mishaps (1.3k). Jily, canon, fluff. Winner of Favourite Canon 2023. Completed, rated G.
Lily Evans doesn't know why James Potter keeps on pointing out the mistletoe above her every single time. Well, she does, but she likes to pretend she doesn't.
Nom De Plume (46.5k). Jily, no Voldemort AU. Finalist for Favourite Magic AU and Favourite Fluff 2023. Completed, rated E.
James Potter, renowned potioneer, has a secret side career as an erotica writer under the pen name of Scarlett Goldwing. When his latest book starts to take off, and Scarlett is asked to promote it at a public event, he has no other option but to recruit his colleague Lily Evans to pretend to be Scarlett. The only problem is, Lily Evans hates his guts… or does she?
The Great James Potter (8.7k). Jily, canon, pre-relationship. Finalist for Favourite Canon Oneshot 2022. Completed, rated G.
Lily Evans has never held any appreciation for James Potter, even though he has always been a favourite among girls at Hogwarts. That is, until she starts paying closer attention to him...
Readers' favourites (below the cut)
Priorities (1.1k). Sirius & Lily friendship, background Jily, canon. Completed, rated G. Rec'd by @casquecest and @furiousgardenhologram.
When Lily receives some life-altering news, she turns to Sirius for comfort.
Scandalous (4.9k). Sirius/Lily fake dating, Jily, prophecy AU. Completed, rated M. Rec'd by @casquecest and @furiousgardenhologram.
Sirius Black attends Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black's wedding, with a controversial choice of a plus-one and the explicit intention of stirring up drama.
Are You Experienced? (12.7k). Jily, canon, fluff. Completed, rated T. Rec'd by @abihastastybeans.
James Potter decides to ask Lily Evans to a Muggle live music show. This noble mission, however, requires a series of steps he is entirely clueless about: from procuring the tickets to finding the correct outfit, and most importantly, to spending an evening with Lily Evans without making an absolute fool of himself.
My Best Friend's Girl (12.4k). Sirius/Lily to Jily, canon. Completed, rated M. Rec'd by @casquecest.
Sirius Black and Lily Evans start dating during their sixth year at Hogwarts and their relationship is nothing short of perfect, to James Potter's silent suffering. However, things begin going downhill when next year, she is appointed Head Girl...
The Chaperone (7.5k). Jily, Petunia Evans, Sirius Black, canon. Completed, rated T. Rec'd by @casquecest.
When Lily's father won't let her go out alone on a date with James, she has to resort to desperate measures: make it a double date with Petunia and Sirius.
Fixed Luck (1.3k). Established Jily, angst, no happy ending. Mind the tags! Completed, rated T. Rec'd by @kay-elle-cee.
The books warn: excessive intake can cause giddiness, recklessness, and dangerous overconfidence. But good luck is addictive.
Over Spilt Coffee (1k). Remadora, angst, canon. Completed, rated T. Rec'd by @nena-96.
Tonks's musings on the night she picked up smoking... the night Remus Lupin broke her heart.
Afterlife (microfic series, 1.1k total). Gen, James and Lily-centric. Rec'd by @nena-96.
James ships Harry/Ginny | Brother | Enemy | Unforgiven
AO3 Is Down (1.4k). Jily, Muggle AU, humour/fluff. Completed, rated T. Rec'd by @tinyluminaryzombie.
AO3 Status: Delayed emails have been sent out and the Archive is back! Thank you so much to our sysadmin james_ for interrupting his sleep to work on and monitor the situation. Inspired by this very real Tweet, an alternate universe where the sysadmin is James Potter, and Lily Evans is his supervisor who had to drag him out of bed so he could resolve the problem.
If you read my works, please feel free to send me asks or messages to add or update your recs!
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luciusmalfoyx · 2 months
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Moodboard Aesthetic: Lucius Malfoy & Naricssa Black ( @nvrcissasm - Wedding
The Garden Kew London
The theme happened to turn into Slytherin colours. The groom dressed in dark green, the groomsmen wearing black with dark green accents. The bride chose a traditional white dress where the shirts on the groomsmen matched her, where as the bridesmaids wore the same colour green to match the groom.
The reception takes place out in the garden on a beautiful summer night, tables lined around the area, the dance floor in the middle. Guests seats have been selected for them. At the head of the table is the entire wedding party.
The cake is six tiers, alternating with a lemon vanilla cake with lemon butter cream icing and a white raspberry chocolate cake with a butter cream icing. This was picked more to appease the older generation, cake made by Alara Selwyn.
Dinner is a five course meal, French cuisine, the cake being the dessert. A four michelin star was brought in to prepare the meal for the wedding.
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xantoninxdolohovx · 2 months
Who: Open Where: Malfoy x Black Wedding Reception, his own seat. He looked down at his own place card, the sense of gentle belonging felt like an almost unnatural relief. He could almost fall asleep after so much dancing and mingling, though there were always ups and downs after events like this he settled for lounging in a surprisingly comfortable chair. He turned idly to look at the person who had approached with a smirk. "Congratulations! You've found me, I think I'll have a short rest if you're looking for a dance, otherwise feel free to join me."
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sitp-recs · 1 year
liv I love your blog so much. thanks for being here <3 I've been looking for a very specific theme recently and can't really find any fics with it. I've read so many fics with one character being ace and that resulting in miscommunication and intimacy issues, and I love love all of them!! But I was wondering, do you know any where they have intimacy issues due to one character just being afraid of intimacy ect sex in general, not due to them being asexual? Doesn't have to be them being a virgin necessarily..thank you in advance babe!! Appreciate everything you do :)
Hi anon! This is quite specific but I think you will enjoy these fics. It’s important to mention that not all of them revolve around sex after all that’s just one form of intimacy :) enjoy!
Once Bitten by Frayach (E, 5.6k)
Harry likes to bite and fortunately Draco likes to be bitten.
Touched by @writcraft (T, 7k)
On the insistence of his parents, Draco begins to see a therapist to discuss his difficulties with physical intimacy. When he changes his appointment time, Draco discovers he’s not the only one seeking assistance as a result of events which occurred during the war and he finds comfort in the most unexpected of places.
Catch and Release by @shealwaysreads (E, 11k)
Wizarding Britain is changing; a slow integration with the Muggle world has begun, and Draco Malfoy has been summoned from his quiet life crafting wards in France to help. But that’s not what this story is about. This story is about Potter, and magic, and the courage it takes to reach out.
The Body Keeps Score by amorsindolor (E, 13k)
Draco cries during sex. A story about touch, intimacy, and the healing we find through mutual trust and love.
Vale Sanare by RurouniHime (M, 23k)
Draco’s world gains a new component just when he thought he’d sorted everything out.
As Souls From Bodies Steal by Femme (E, 41k)
Hope may be found in the oddest of places, even in the bleakness of winter.
Embers by @shiftylinguini (E, 41k)
Werewolf Alphas aren't meant to be alone, or to suppress their ruts indefinitely like Draco has been since he was bitten eight years ago. He needs company, companionship, to knot ― he needs an Omega Heat Companion. At least, that’s what the Healers say, and even Draco can admit contacting the person they’ve referred him to might be nice. Of course it turns out to be bloody Potter.
Touch by @bixgirl1 (E, 45k)
When Harry is referred to a professional cuddler for the soothing power of touch, he’s dubious — even more so when the Cuddler who shows up turns out to be Malfoy. But in the years since the war, Malfoy’s changed, and over the next several days Harry is confronted by how much he still doesn’t know about this new version of his old enemy — and by how much he wants to learn.
Another Heart Whispers Back by @slytherco (E, 53k)
At twenty-five, Harry Potter is still a virgin and sorely lacking in options to change that state anytime soon. To help him find a plus one for Ron and Hermione’s wedding, and maybe kill two birds with one stone, Harry’s friends set him up on a series of blind dates. The only problem is, there’s something not quite right with each of their candidates.
A Room Up There (And You In It) by @the-starryknight (T, 59k)
When Preservationist Draco Malfoy was assigned to work on Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, he was excited to delve into the gorgeous Black family antiques. His excitement quickly ended when something in the House decided it did not like his presence one bit. Featuring a grumpy antiques lover who most certainly did not sign up for this, encounters with a vengeful apparition, and a healthy application of Christmas spirit.
Monster by @orange-peony (E, 71k)
“Hmm,” Hermione hums, tapping her index finger against her bottom lip and then smiling at Harry. “A broken music box, you say…” “A cursed one,” Harry corrects her. “Well, it’s still a music box that is not working properly,” Hermione points out with a very intent grin. “That will give you a chance to see him.”
Nothing Like the Sun by Lomonaaeren (E, 144k)
Harry finally realizes that he has trouble keeping lovers both because of his looks and because he isn’t very good at sex. He does what he can to alter that, but it seems he’s never going to be good enough to satisfy a wizard lover. When Draco Malfoy offers, Harry thinks a casual relationship with him might be the solution to his problems. But he should have remembered one thing: when it comes to Harry, Malfoy has a problem staying casual.
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
My black sisters early headcannons
I agree with you about narcissa not being soft, I mean if she was she probably would be miserable for the whole of the series and shes not, and the redeeming factor for the malfoys is that they all love each other very much. She and lucius got together in her fifth year. And got married straight after she finished school. She had however had pregnancy problems, so they were overjoyd when draco was born. Narcissa was made prefect but not head girl. Of the sisters she was the least interested in school but she did do enough to get good grades in all her classes.
With Andromeda i think she actually loves all the pureblood functions like the balls and the rest. But most the fics ive read has her hating them. And that not being able to take part in the high society was the worst part of running away for her. I think she was as prejudiced as the other 2 when starting school. And my headcanon is that she and ted got paired for a class very early on and he just decided he wanted to be her friend and he just did not let up. Snatching small conversations and giving small gifts. It took years for this to actually work and andromeda to decide she wanted to be friends. And that and only that made her slowly change her mindset. After the 2 war i could see her and narcissa write letters to each other but i also cant see either of them writing first. And its not like andromeda would attended bellas funeral. I also think of the sisters she and bella were the ones who were the closest. I think bellatrix wedding was the last event she attended. And the fact that after this bellatrix was very busy made it easier to run away. I also headcanon her as the best spellcaster of the three but that after the 1st war she does not keep training. I also think the reason she wasnt more involved in the order because she doesnt want to fight her former friends and family.(opposite i think to sirius who i think found Joy in it).
As for bellatrix she is the one i think who enjoys balls the least but she still thinks they are somewhat fun, she leaves as soon as socially acceptable to do other fun "afterparty" things. By the time she started school she had decided who her friends were and those were her friends for all 7 years. She also really enjoys learning and was the most studious. She took as many classes o.w.l.s and n.e.w.t.s as possible and excelled in all. She could have been both prefect and head girl but made sure ahead of time she was not interested because it would cut into study time. Not that school classes was the only thing she studied. Due to being and excellent student and some charm and high standing she got to read any book she wanted from the forbidden section of the library. She always asked with a good and untrue excuse. She was far from kind to muggleborns but she was not a bully in school. Only hexing those who annoyed her or slighted her some other way. She actually found it boring and did always had an air of "can you get done soon" when her friends were bullying. Bellatrix found however out that she liked inflicting pain the first time she did it, this was at the very end of school though so she didnt terrorize the school. As soon as she was out of school she travelled to learn more. Around her 20 birthday her parents started bugging her about marriage because she had never shown any interest in romance. She after a bit of this went to rodolphus and said lets get married in which he responded wathever you want(I think he is in love with her but knows she doesnt love him and therefore dont expect anything and they are best friends). He proposed the next day at a garden party with the finest and most expensive of rings. Though there had been talk with and about voldemort in her friendgroup. Bellatrix first met voldemort at her wedding(I really like this headcanon). They immediatly got along well because Bellatrix had gotten lightly into dark magic and wanted to learn more and voldemort really liked how much interest she showed esp coupled with that she is very powerful.
Hi, anon! Oh, gosh, thank you so much for this ask - I agree with so many of these, almost all of them! They're so perfect.
Yes to Lucius and Cissy being together since Hogwarts, yes to her being Prefect but not Head Girl, super-duper yes to Narcissa with pregnancy problems. I have a very specific headcanon in mind for this. I think they had several miscarriages (Bella had at least one too; difficulties with conceiving children is something I envision for all the women of the Black Family, which may also be due to the fact that they all select their spouses from a very small pool) and they finally managed to conceive with Severus' help, using some sort of potion and very later on (if Cissy is done with school around 1972-73, why did her and Lucius only have Draco in 1980? It's not like she was involved in the fighting...)
I also agree that Andromeda was quite different from Sirius and her leaving her sisters was much less of a nuanced political position (I see her as someone with many biases and a lot of unlearning to do- never mind the fact that she also doesn't want her daughter to marry Remus because he's a werewolf). I think she loved her family - sisters, parents, cousins - and partly her world (balls, fancy restaurants and holidays...) I can see her having a difficult time letting go. Her abandonment of her family is something that's much more selfish than we think: she liked Ted, and her family said she couldn't have him, so she took him anyways. My problem with her is that I can never seem to write her the way I want to. I can't seem to get her voice right.
Yes to Bella's wedding being the last event she ever attended (something Narcissa would always be resentful of).
Sirius is someone with a very black-and-white morality (ironically, the same as Bella), while Andromeda isn't in my opinion. And I can see her being conflicted over her position in the war, even willing to forgive her sisters until Tonks' death, of course. Yes to neither Andy nor Cissy being able to bring themselves to write first after the second war. And yes to Andromeda not being there for Bellatrix's funeral. She might have gone, even after Sirius, if it weren't for Nymphadora. I just can't see her forgiving Bella for that.
Yes to Bella being the most studious, and the best in school. Yes to her having a small group of friends. I can see her being Prefect and Head Girl, but I can also see the opposite - her not being given it/refusing it not on the basis of grades but temperament/free time/other injustices etc. Yes to Rodolphus being in love with her and them having a good relationship, yes to her choosing him personally. I headcanon that she meets Voldemort at her engagement party! (At least in the story I'm writing, but I am very flexible on this- it's not the when it's the how for me.) Yes to her being a natural sadist, not that much of a bully in school, but definitely respected. Maybe she partook in her free time.
It's a happy headcanon for her to have travelled after school. I definitely think she wanted to, but in my head, her parents had always refused it, saying that it wasn't proper for a young witch like her to travel the world without a chaperone. It also fuels, for me, her need for adventure as a young woman. I do like it though (I tend to make everything tragic; I don't know if you've noticed but I love angst!)
Yes yes yes to her seeing Voldemort as more than a political figure but as a mentor, a teacher, and him choosing her above all else to make her his pupil.
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princeblack · 1 year
it’s not long before the wedding now and tensions are high, the planning of the ceremony taking up everyone’s time. it’s winter break so it’s only a week away now, salem staying with regulus, both because the wedding is so soon and because he’s never letting her go back to her mother, knowing that she’d most likely be hurt if she did.
it’s their first dinner back and it’s a big event, walburga inviting some of the neighboring wizarding families and organizing a small feast. during the day everyone gathers in the garden, dressed in high end clothing and drinking enchanted alcohol, most everyone in good spirits. orion and one of his friends take turns playing music on the piano, giving background music to the party. there’s wizard chess and even owl racing, some of the adults bringing their children as well. they use the bigger dining table, the one in the garden, to magically set out the feast when it’s time for dinner.
regulus gets drunk faster than he should, playing two truths and a lie with salem to get to know each other more (and taking a shot every time one of them gets something wrong). he guides her through the garden to show her all of his favorite pieces of art, his fingers intertwined with hers as he explains each sculpture. this is her second night staying here and he didn’t get to spend enough time showing her everything last time, gettng cut off by their parents before he was done.
it’s hard to keep his eyes off of his bride-to-be, looking so beautiful in the black, lacey outfit she chose alongside his own. his coat and pants are black silk, matching the dark color of his lace material top, slightly unbuttoned to show off his chest and the silver necklaces layered upon it. his dark curls look even darker against the outfit, the silver snake choker glinting on his neck. their clothing seems to draw eyes, especially from the handful of guests that are their age, regulus and salem knowing them from hogwarts. astoria and daphne had even said hi earlier, speaking to them for a moment before regulus had guided salem off to look at more art.
by the time they make it to the dining table, he’s smiling faintly, glad that she seems to enjoy it here even if there’s still a lot that’s unfamiliar. he pulls her chair out for her, allowing her to sit before he takes his own seat next to her. at first things go smoothly, everyone filing over until most of the party is participating in dinner (roast beef, vegetables, dinner rolls and various other appetizers). orion introduces salem to one of the families they’re closer to and they make small talk, mrs. greengrass even asking salem about her own career plans for the future. regulus can feel orion listening raptly to salem’s response, knowing this is one of the things his father is a stickler about. he wants regulus to work in the ministry with him and he lets his father believe he will for now, still not giving it a lot of thought yet.
by the end of the party, regulus is drunk enough that he’s feeling it as people start to leave, kind of wanting to sneak off with salem but getting caught by his mother and asked to join them inside for dessert. he agrees somewhat reluctantly, tugging his fiance along until they’re in the dining room inside, the table already set with chocolate gateau and whipped cream.
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at first dessert goes well too, orion telling them about some vacation the malfoys are on and how they sent souvenirs, but eventually he finds out why his mother really set up a family only dessert. “i wanted to talk about your plans together, as a couple,” walburga starts, her dark brown eyes finding salem briefly before moving to her son. “how you’re planning on behaving, and representing us… we decided that salem is to move in here, so certain family ideals need to be upheld. right, regulus, dear?”
regulus’s good mood evaporates as soon as he hears the tone she’s speaking in, picking up on the way she looked over at salem for a little too long. “like what, making sure the hedges are trimmed a certain way? extending a pinky finger when we take a drink?” he shouldn’t be joking about it but it’s hard to answer her seriously when he’s kind of wasted, a smile on his lips. 
“regulus,” orion warns, but he can hear a hint of amusement in his father’s voice. he probably knows what walburga is about to say, and it doesn’t help that he’s also been drinking so he isn’t taking it very seriously at the moment either.
his response clearly frustrates her, dark eyes narrowing a bit. “very funny. no, i’m talking about how it’s already going to look to people that she’s staying here before the marriage ceremony… this isn’t how normal pureblood families do things. we’re bending our rules to suit your demands, so i think it’s only fair to ask things in return…”
“we’re bending the rules because salem isn’t returning to stacy’s home,” regulus interjects sharply. “that’s non-negotiable. i won’t have my fiance be in harm’s way.” his parents know vaguely about why they’re cutting stacy off and orion fully supports it, agreeing that a husband shouldn’t allow something like that (and that it would make their family look bad anyway, if it got out). his mother had been more quiet, seeming as if she finds the situation disasteful but not enough to argue against it, ultimately agreeing with her husband.
walburga’s mouth is set in a hard line before she continues, looking irritated at the tone he’s taking. “be that as it may, we should go over family expectations. starting with the first one, i expect a certain level of respect from both of you when under my roof together. you’ll act in a way that would reflect well upon us if anyone else in the village were to see.” her voice is stiff, as if she’s holding back something that’s making her more upset.
regulus isn’t in the state to analyze what she means, her words rolling off of him because of his inebriation. “luckily for you, mother, i left my ‘i love muggles’ t-shirt back at hogwarts, so…” “that’s more than enough, regulus,” his father interjects, voice strict and a little cold as he glances over at his wife in concern. he knows how things go when walburga and regulus fight, and how inconsolable she gets. “perhaps we should have this conversation a bit later, when the drinking has worn off, walburga.”
“no,” she says coldly, and there’s full anger in her eyes now as she looks between them. “you won’t speak to me that way.” she seems a little taken aback, probably because this doesn’t ever happen, regulus tending to keep an agreeable tone with her. something about the intoxication mixed with his protectiveness of salem is making him act out, feeling annoyed and very much like whatever his mother is displeased about doesn’t make any logical sense. 
regulus glances over at salem to make sure she’s okay, the room a little twisty because he can’t seem to get sober even as he reaches over to chug some water from his goblet. “mother…” he can feel her about to launch into another demand, already hating the slight tremble in her voice. / @ghstdoll
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lilylovessev · 2 years
missed chances || narsnape
“Aren’t these absolutely beautiful?”
Narcissa smiled approvingly, nodding in agreement with her mother as they inspected the final floral designs for her wedding. Her wedding. You would think that Druella were to be the bride. It was embarrassing, even for her. She knew that her parents were proud of her for making such a good match. Bellatrix was making a utter mockery of her marriage, and Andromeda refused to entertain any thought of marriage. And so, it was left down to her. She was barely out of school, but did that matter to anyone in her life? No. 
Of course, she wanted nothing more than to marry Lucius Malfoy. 
She had adored him from being a little girl. How could she not? Any woman would have to be blind and completely stupid to be oblivious to his charms. He was everything that she could ever have wanted in a husband. He was perfect. She wouldn’t hear anything to the contrary said about him. However, this could have waited. She didn’t want her marriage to solely be a union of convenience for their families, which was how it felt. She didn’t see it that way. She was marrying him because she loved him. 
“You have done a wonderful job, Eva. Thank you.” 
She shook the florist’s hand and flashed her a kind smile; noticing that the woman appeared to be incredibly nervous. She couldn’t entirely blame her for that. This was going to be the wizarding wedding of the year. These were high stakes within the pureblood community, her reputation was most definitely on the line. And as polite and kind as Narcissa was being now, she would not be quite as pleasant were anything to go wrong on her wedding day. She wasn’t shy of throwing a temper tantrum; and had done so, on many an occasion, when something hadn’t gone her way. 
She then leaned down, picking up a cupcake that the florist had kindly brought for her.
“You’re not going to eat that, are you? That dress is not at all forgiving, Narcissa.” She then hesitated, the cupcake held up to her mouth, before she moved to put it back down. 
“What a dull little affair this is going to be.”
“Oh, Bella. Stop it.” Andromeda sighed disapprovingly, glancing toward her sister. Whereas Narcissa was desperately trying to seek out her husband to be. 
They had all been invited to Malfoy Manor. His parents were holding their annual summer garden party. Of course, only the very best of their society were in attendance. It was always one of the much looked forward to events of the social season. They could afford to put on quite the party. However, this wouldn’t be a patch on her wedding, not in the slightest.
Narcissa was bright, and relatively bubbly. She was quite the antithesis to the world around her and always had been. Although she was not stupid, or at all oblivious to the reputation that her social circle had. It had been particularly obvious during her time at Hogwarts. She was a part of it, just as any of them were, even if she didn’t approve of everything that happened. She had just listened as her brother-in-law had described something completely and utterly horrifying to her father, and had simply tried to ignore it. That was the reality of her day to day life, and nothing was going to change. This was the world that she had been raised in, the thoughts and opinions that she had been raised to have. The values that she had to hold. She never questioned anything, because she didn’t feel the need to. She knew that they were elite, that they were the best of the best, and that was all she had to know.
All eyes swiftly turned to them as they walked down the steps from the Manor; they made quite the trio, their parents and Rodolphus following closely behind. All three sisters couldn’t possibly be more different from one another. Although, Andromeda and Bellatrix definitely favoured one another more than she did. She was an anomaly, of sorts, amongst the entire Black family. She smiled brightly, fully aware that those eyes were undoubtedly seeking out the future Lady of this very Manor. How could she not feel as smug as anything at that thought? This would soon be hers; not quite as soon as she’d have liked, given that his parents were still very much alive. She could sense that her mother was feeling just as smug in that moment. 
As she walked across the grass, a tad wobbly in her heels, someone caught her eye. She smiled, before then hesitating and turning to head in his direction. “Severus.” She was glad to see him. He was one of her only true friends, that much she was certain of. The last few weeks had been an utter whirlwind of wedding preperations, she hadn’t had much time to be particularly social. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly, yet in a perfectly respectable manner. She stepped back, “How are you enjoying life here?” She cocked a brow curiously, before then glancing up at the Manor. “Has he been behaving himself?” In a way, she rather likes the fact that Lucius had someone there to keep an eye on him, for now. She trusted him but... this was Lucius Malfoy that she was marrying. 
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