#even when glee was at the absolute worst of its worst it still was a slow fade out for me
time for a tumblr purge
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okay okay, can I pls get Shinsou with “we would’ve been timeless” 🥹🫶
make it as angsty as you want, i’m feeling it ❤️‍🩹
“we would’ve been timeless…”
(hitoshi shinso.)
note: apparently bnha takes place in the 2100s.. for this fic just ignore that lol. love u ana!
august 16, 2010
you were 6 when you were given your polaroid camera.
as a small child, you didn’t know the significance this device would have on your life, or the value of film. the idea that this small, box could capture anything onto a piece of plastic was fascinating. it captured moments in time, and gave you tangible pieces of memory that you could carry around.
theres so many things a 6 year old could want to photograph in the eyes of childlike innocence. but the first photo you ever took, was of your best friend.
“please!!” you whined to hitoshi, who reluctantly gave in after your begging. he couldn’t say no to you, after all.
“okay, fine.” he groans, making an awkward smile that makes you laugh. purple eyes wince at the flash, but immediately scrambled to be by your side once he heard the whirring of the photo being developed.
you stared in awe. it was the first of many memories.
april 3rd, 2018
suffice to say that in the last 8 years, you took many polaroids of many different things. the exception to this was hitoshi, who absolutely hated his photo being taken. but the day you two were both starting highschool at UA, he relented.
“this is pointless.” he says, while you set up your camera. he’s wearing his uniform for the photo, but he feels as though its not as important to him as it is to you.
“no its not, toshi.” you say, walking back up to him. he offer’s you his arm like he always does, just wanting to give you a sense of security. his shoulders seem to slump.
“i’m in general studies.” he reminds you. “you’re in the hero course. this isn’t so fucking monumental.”
you sigh, understanding your best friends frustrations. you’re reluctant to take a photo if you’re going to look back and know he was upset.
so you stand in front of him, taking his face in your hands and say this:
“i know… but i’m not taking this to remember that. i’m taking it to remember that you made it this far… you can’t give up now. even if you don’t believe in yourself…”
you smile. “i can believe in you for the two of us.”
he’s silent for a moment, before the camera finally flashes and captures the moment.
may 22, 2020
you waited ages to see him there.
the look on his face when he’s finally accepted into the hero course is priceless. he’s in shock, only managing a soft smile even when his new classmates surround him in congratulatory glee. this feels unreal.
you stand at the sidelines, capturing the moment in a polaroid. he didn’t know you did this, he was too caught up in his own world to realize you were still there.
a bittersweet feeling blooms in your heart.
june 15, 2022
your graduation after party.
losing hitoshi impacted you more than you would like to admit. there was no big fight, no dramatic announcement of resentment. you two simply drifted. and you were totally fine with it. you were the person who believed in him from the very start, and now he forgot you were there.
totally fine with it.
taking 7 shots of tequila while mina and denki cheered you on certainly wasn’t your finest moment. getting sloppy drunk and using your dress to wipe off your makeup definitely wasn’t either. but the worst was when you stumbled over to hitoshi, a drunken slobbery mess.
“woah, [y/n]!” he says, grabbing you by the shoulders to stabilize you. he takes in your appearance, noting the tear stains that ran down your cheeks.
“we would’ve been timeless, hitoshi.” you slur, wiping the tear off your face with your knuckles. “fucking timeless.”
he looks confused for a second. “..what are you talking about?”
“i would have run away with you, or pray for you every night… cause i love you, and i never stopped believing in you..! and i was so proud of you when you finally got your heroic dream… and… and then what…? we just… just…”
you’re not making sense and you know it. but hitoshi gets it, at least some semblance of it.
he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. he knows he’s treated you like shit for the past few years. like the coward in every man, he just hoped it would never come up.
your legs finally give up on you. and like the hero he is (to everyone but you) he catches you, carrying you in his arms. he resolves to at least get you to bed.
and your classmates, who had your camera, captured the moment. to them, it was a display of drunken love. not that you could blame them.
you didn’t speak to him after that night.
the first time you saw hitoshi after going your separate ways was when you were attending some fancy gala. there he was, in his hero costume, looking so god damn handsome. he’s grown taller, more confident, more beautiful.
clutching your camera, you think about it for a moment. ultimately, you decide not to do it. most of those memories were embedded into your heart, anyway.
you think that maybe in a different life, you’d be laughing next to him. maybe in a different life, you’d be timeless.
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alexanderlightweight · 9 months
Hey lumine! I hope all is well and that you're getting over the post-plague funk- I know being sick is the absolute worst.
If you happen to be taking prompts today (and totally cool if not!) I would love to see if you're interested in tangling with a continuation of either the bitter trap of truth or the craft of adoration.
For the first one, I ADORE the way Cat and Ragnor in your last piece were observing Alec so casually giving priceless nephilim intelligence to them while so clearly displaying his trust in Magnus alskjfda;lsdfjasdfadsf. so good and happy and all my favorite things with Alec happily surrendering to Magnus and being his BAMF-y self while doing so and even the utter delight of outside POV!
For the second, if that AU floats your fancy higher, my brain is just utterly stuck on that line where Magnus asks Alec to come to him at dawn because he wants his people to see Alec coming to his call, coming to heel if you will. I would be drowning in glee (to continue the watery metaphors) to see how your wonderful imagination would envision that scene occurring and what Magnus (and Magnus' people!) would think of Alec acquiescing to Magnus' request.
Hope you feel better!
the prompts themselves are compliments and incredible sweet s thank you Laws!
I realize it was a different day that this was sent but I dont remember which day and tbh, today is a good day! Mostly over the cold and my leg is finally aching less enough to think.
no outsider pov in this one, but a bit more of cat and ragnor and the magnificent team immortal because i love them and they need to be more heavily involved in this fic for a variety of reasons.
need to take @saryn-prime to a health appointment and then i'll be back to settle in and write more.
i ened up really feeling the bitter trap of truth today and its been on my mind for days and my fingers have been aching to write it. hope you enjoy and are doing well!
<3 lumine
It’s past noon when Magnus’ wards flare and he leaves Alexander where he is, splayed out across the bed and face burrowed into a pillow. It’s been enough time that Catarina and Ragnor’s visit can only mean one thing.
Magnus will finally have his answer.
If he was wise to trust Alexander or if his boy has so easily betrayed him.
Alexander won’t face punishment from the warlocks.
Even if he’s played them, it’s one of his own people who have died and Magnus already knows that the Clave won’t punish him for it. If anything, they’ll reward him for ensuring that
But Magnus’ heart will still ache at being tricked.
Neither of his dear companions are in his apothecary, instead they are practically relaxed. Well, as relaxed as they can be when exhaustion haunts their visage. Catarina is splayed out on the sofa and Ragnor has nearly melted into his favorite armchair, pipe puffing peacefully away as Catarina summons three drinks.
“A toast!” She offers and her soft smile nearly breaks Magnus.
She wouldn’t be smiling or toasting if she brought ill news.
“It worked?” He asks, even thought he knows it has to have. But years of agonizing betrayal make him ask, he has to know.
“It’s as if she were never ill.” Catarina confirms and her eyes gleam with mocking humor. “I’ve never seen someone so mortified and furious to be saved.”
“It should also be noted that she’s of a much lower rank than your shadowhunter.” Ragnor gives a quiet sigh and blows out a ring of smoke. “I rather doubt she even knew what the poison would do beyond killing her and striking a blow to the downworld. She seemed utterly shocked that we managed to find an antidote.”
“Did you tell them how we managed?”
“And risk them finding even more obscure poisons?” Cat laughs and shakes her head. “No, let them think I somehow found an antidote. If they knew the treasure trove of willing information your boy is, well…”
She trails off with an apologetic shrug and Magnus just nods. Cat’s not wrong. If anything, she’s being generous with how delicate she’s being. It also means that Magnus is going to have to be very careful with who he shares information about Alec with.
The Council would no doubt want to interrogate him for all the answers he would be able to give, but Magnus would rather play the long game. Alexander is unique, in more ways than one and while he doubts that his hunter would dare lie before the Elders, he also doesn’t want more attention drawn to him.
Not before Magnus is completely sure.
Magnus’ heart has been wounded too many times for this one action to convince him, but it has done what he hoped.
Catarina and Ragnor are both now willing to give Alexander a chance, a real chance and that is worth more to Magnus than anything else.
— Alec is beginning to think that he’s never going to wake up with Magnus wrapped around him, or wrapped around Magnus. Every time he thinks he’s going to be able to enjoy sunlight and warm, bare skin and golden eyes, something comes up.
Alec is almost ready to just haul Magnus back to bed, but he doesn’t think they’re quite there yet.
It’s with careful consideration that he bites his lip hard enough to bleed. Instantly, the nearly scalding feeling of Magnus’ blood working through his veins lights up. He enjoy it for a few seconds as it heals the damage and then its gone… and no Magnus appears after it.
Alec follows the tug of his bond with Magnus, teeth playing with his lip — which burns in admonishment — and finds himself holding back a soft chuckle. Magnus’ friend Ragnor — someone who Alec knows is a highly revered potion master — is asleep in an armchair. He’s blowing smoke rings as he snores and Magnus and Catarina — who Alec knows is an incredibly talented and powerful healer — are splayed out together on the couch.
Magnus appears to be trying to give her a foot massage, but she’s asleep and his eyes are slipping shut, head nodding forward.
Alec huffs another silent breath of laughter and — with all the skill that he was once taught in order to be a better killer — collects several of Magnus’ extravagant throws.
Because Alec is nothing if not petty, he very carefully lays the cabbage green monstrosity of a tartan throw on Ragnor. Careful not to get close enough that the warlock wakes and thinks it an attack and then settles the large umber blanket over Catarina and Magnus both.
While he’s careful not to touch either of Magnus’ friends, he can’t help but settle a pillow under Magnus head and smooths the hair falling into his eyes away.
It’s a gentle, whisper of a kiss that he presses to Magnus’ hair and then he grabs the book he’d left on the table the night before.
As he settles on the floor next to Magnus, resting his head on Magnus’ leg and being careful to stay out of range of Catarina — he doesn’t know her after all — a glimpse of movement catches his attention.
Ragnor’s eyes meet his and Alec just nods, simple and acknowledging and then he opens the book he grabbed and settles in. If Magnus didn’t want him around his friends when they’re vulnerable then the magic of the loft wouldn’t have let him in.
The blankets probably aren’t necessary, but Alec is Magnus’ husband now. And while Alec is still figuring out his new position in life he does know how to take care of people. Mostly his soldiers and his siblings but still, if he softens his touch a bit, he’s sure he’ll manage just find at taking care of Magnus and his friends.
If this — being allowed in the same room as three vulnerable warlocks — is another sign that Magnus is trusting him, well then Alec is going to take full advantage of it.
While also not giving Magnus any reason to doubt him.
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gaysindistress · 1 year
When Night Comes- four
Summary: Who would win in a staring contest? New York’s resident mob boss and master of the side eye Bucky Barnes or the daycare teacher who really wants to go home and smoke?
pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
warnings: cursing, mentions of blood drinking, creepy cab driver
word count: 3.2k
three | masterlist
Tag list: @vickie5446 @cakesandtom @buckybarnessimpp @hidden-treasures21​ @unaxv​ @mal-adaptive-dreams @elizacusi-blog
disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest
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A groan rips through her body as she blindly searches for her phone while it vibrates on the coffee table. Reaching across to the table, her upper half falls off the couch with a thud and another groan (this time one of pain) rings out. The phone ceases its dance on the table when her alarm stops and she just slides off the couch entirely in her sleepy state, laying on the floor in a heap of blankets as she opens her phone. As she guessed there are missed calls and unopened texts from Bucky but the text that isn’t from him stands out. 
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Bravery should’ve been her last name for attempting to steal her away for a date the same night that Bucky had one planned. Well key word is had and since it is no longer on the books, accepting an invite from Yelena doesn’t seem like the worst idea she has ever had. A certain recent ex would be the worst idea she’s ever had but that’s a story for another time. At the moment, responding with “sounds good” as she struggles to stand amidst the blankets to get ready for the day are her only tasks in mind. 
Blackbear streams from under the bathroom door along side steam letting her know that Jessica is also getting ready and will probably make them both late if Sunny doesn’t demand she get out right now. 
“Jess!” she calls but gets no response. 
“Jess!” she tries a little louder before pounding in the door, “Jessica Lee Reyes get out of the shower! Other people need hot water too!”
Her laugher overpowers the sound of the water and music as it all comes to an abrupt stop and she swings the door open. 
“Calm your tits. I was literally about to get out,” she says as she slides past Sunny, a fog of steam following after her, “Did Bucky ever stop texting you last night?”
“Uh yeah,” Sunny’s voice is barely audible thanks to the fan but Jessica still hears. 
“Thank god. I almost blocked him for you. I really hate that guys can’t take a hint sometimes.”
“Yelena texted me though. She either is really lucky or knew that I canceled on him because she wants to go out tonight.”
Before she disappears entirely into her room,  Jessica freezes with glee at the mention of the blonde’s name, “Oh she did? And what did you say?” “Yes.”
“Thank Jesus! I’m so glad you’re finally starting to put my hard work to good use.” “Yeah, yeah whatever,” sarcasm is not uncommon with her but it’s extra thick when Jessica is around and even more so when it comes to debating Sunny’s love life. 
“I’m dressing you and you have absolutely no say.”
Sunny chuckles to herself while she strips off to get into the shower. Only god will be able to save her from whatever outfit Jess has in mind for her. 
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The moment they had ended their second shift at 6pm, Jessica all but dragged her back to her apartment to get ready for her date with Yelena. She may not have been freaking out about it outwardly, every fiber of her being is on fire with anticipation of what the night has to bring. All Yelena told her was that she’d be there at 7 and that they’d be going out, other than that, she is in the dark and at the mercy of Jessica’s interpretation of ‘going out’. Her definition included putting Sunny in baggy black cargo pants and a black corset because “what’s hotter than the big pants and little top combo?” as she put it. 
“As hot as I might look, do you really think this is appropriate? Going out could mean so many things and wha…”
Jessica presses a finger to her lips, “I know Yelena and when she says going out, she means clubbing so this is… actually maybe you’re right. I think you need a skirt instead, ya know small bottoms, small top is better anyways.”
She leaves Sunny at her vanity staring at her reflection as she searches for that one skirt she swears will be the perfect addition. The woman at the vanity on the other hand, is mentally tearing herself to bits as she inspects every inch of herself that can be seen in the mirror. No matter how hard she tries, Bucky comes flooding back to the forefront of her mind as she looks over the makeup Jessica put on her. It’s simple, bordering the clean girl look and something she isn’t used to seeing staring back at her. It makes her wonder if she had tried harder, would she be getting ready for HIM instead? 
“Oh for the love of god,” she mumbles under her breath. She never even kissed him and this is the hold that he had over her? One close encounter and she’s consumed by him? Shaking her head to shake him from the inside of it, she picks up the lip gloss Jessica used earlier and reapplies it. The shiny gloss catches the vanity light and glitters, cheering her on and boosting her ego. 
“Found it!” Jessica calls from the closet and comes back to her with a pale pink mini skirt, “What do you think?” “I like the pants better.”
“Ugh, you’re boring but have it your way,” she flings the skirt behind her with a chuckle, “You are going to wear heels though.”
“We’re going to a club not to the Met Gala, I’m sure my air jordans will be perfectly fine.”
“Why won’t you let me live through you? I’ve always wanted to go out with Yelena and it’s only fair that I get to style you since I set you two up.”
Sunny whips around to face her, “You dragged me to a party after I said no and then left me alone with a grade A douchebag only to be saved by Yelena. I would, in no way, call that setting us up.”
“I got you there and you met her only because you went so yes, yes I did set you up thank you very much.”
Before Sunny can get a retort back, the front door opens and Yelena’s voice rings out, letting them know she’s here. 
“Do you ever lock you door, Jess? It’s really not safe,” she says, appearing in the doorway and leaning against the frame. 
“I knew you were coming so I left it unlocked.”
“I know you better than that, you forgot but good try,” she chuckles at her failed attempt to cover up the truth before settling her eyes on Sunny, “You look good, голубка. Are you ready?”
She can feel her friend vibrating with excitement from behind her at the nickname and turns to her date, nodding and standing up. It’s the prime opportunity to smack her ass so Jessica takes it as she says, “Good luck. Don’t have too much fun without me!”
She sends her friend a nasty death glare while her date and her laugh manically like little school girls at her expense. Yelena is quick to stifle her laughter with a smirk when Sunny brushes past her on her way out of the room. This is an even better opportunity to look at her ass as she walks away which doesn’t go unnoticed by Jessica. 
“God you’re no better than a man,” she chides while cleaning up the remnants of their get ready session. 
“Says the one who slapped it.”
“Go have fun and don’t bring her back until tomorrow morning,” Jessica sends her a wink as she slides off the frame and goes in search of Sunny who is muttering to herself as she searches for her purse. 
“Looking for this?” 
Quickly looking up, she spots Yelena holding her missing purse with a cat like grin and eyes glittering as they take in every ouch of skin her outfit leaves out. Nodding she takes it from her and slips into her leather jacket, still feeling the heat of her date’s gaze on her. It’ll either make for a torturously long night or a far too quick one if she keeps up the way her green eyes leave chemtrails across her skin. 
Clearing her throat, she says, “I’m ready if you are.”
The smirk doesn’t leave her face when her eyes make their way to Sunny’s, “Of course голубка.”
She offers out her own leather clad arm to her before leaving Jessica’s apartment and lecturing her about never locking her door. 
“The boogieman is going to get you one of these days!” is the last thing Jessica hears while the door is shut and the two woman leave the apartment complex. 
Their walk downstairs and out onto the street is filled with the normal small talk; how was your day, any funny stories, what’s your favorite color, you know the usual things. Sunny wants to ask if she knew about her date with Bucky but bringing up a rival suitor is definitely not the best idea when on a date. If Yelena does know anything about it, she doesn’t give it away and avoids saying his name when talking about her job. Come to think of it, she’s rather vague about her job description in general and only mentions how it’s boring and how she works with her sister, Natasha. It’s a given that she does work in the criminal world to some degree if she knows Bucky well enough to crash one of his homes but Sunny isn’t about to pry that information out of her on the first date. 
The standard creepy cab driver does nothing to assuage the idea that she’s a criminal. His lewd stares and borderline harassing remarks causes her to keep a protective hand on Sunny’s knee. She can see her free hand itch to reach for something hidden under her jacket the entire ride but it never leaves her lap. Several times Yelena had to interrupt him mid-sentence and even threatened to get out without paying if he didn’t keep his mouth shut. She would have or pulled the gun tucked against her side if Sunny hadn’t squeezed her hand to ground her. 
“Don’t. It’s not worth it.”
The murderous glare softened the moment it left the cab driver, “The moment you’re uncomfortable, we’ll get out, okay?”
The nod of confirmation wasn’t enough though for her, “I need you to say it, голубка.”
The air left like it had been sucked out of her lungs with the simple demand but she managed to mutter back “I promise I’ll tell you if I am.”
Satisfaction from both her reaction and her words, she keeps a tight grip on Sunny’s knee and rubs small circles into the inside of it. The simple action is burning through her pant leg, trailing upwards as she has struggles to maintain a calm and collective exterior. 
Once at the club, Yelena tosses the cash at the driver and gives him a side eye deadly enough he keeps his eyes trained in the road in front of him. She makes a mental note of the license plate number to follow up on hum after their date is done. As her sister always said, the scum of this world cannot go unpunished and his time will come. However now is not that time and the woman tugging gently at her hand reminds her of the task at hand; dance the night away with the vision of a woman next to her. 
“What is this place?”
“Oh,” Yelena starts as she leads her towards the entrance of the old brick building, “It’s called Strigoi, a friend of mine owns it.”
“That’s an interesting name,” Sunny muses as she flashes her id and award winning smile to the bouncer before following her inside. 
Anything she might have wanted to say gets stuck when the club’s red lighting bathes over them as well as the interior of it. Unlike most other clubs, the floor has booths scattered throughout with platforms occasionally raising above to provide brave club goers a stage to demonstrate the courage bought by alcohol. The bar is backed by a wall of mirrors while the signature red lights cast a devilish glow on the matching mirror shelves filled with expensive liquor. Beyond everything is the DJ stand where dark synth music streams dramatically from. 
“Who exactly owns this club? A vampire?” Sunny whispers to Yelena, half joking while also hoping her earlier suspicions of Peter aren’t true. 
She doesn’t answer with words but instead with a deep laughter that vibrates into Sunny’s chest as well as they weave through the crowd towards the bar. A familiar voice catches her attentions when Yelena stops at the edge, leaning over to order drinks for him. Only a few seats down is the Peter Parker she’d hoped to never see again with the same girl from the kickback turned party. The red ambience makes it difficult to see much of him but yet there is another flash of something when he smirks down at the party girl. In his hand is a short glass of thick dark liquid and if Sunny didn’t know any better, she’d assume it’s blood. Obviously that’s insane and no one is drinking blood so she tears her stare away and looks to Yelena who’s already looking at her in puzzlement.  His arrogant chuckle draws her attention to him and it clicks; Sunny had spotted him in his natural habit and of course, is confused by it all. 
“I can have him kicked out if you want,” she says while handing Sunny her drink.
“Nah leave him. He’s not worth the hassle.”
“For you, any hassle is worth it.”
“Wow already laying it on thick I see. Think you’re going to get lucky?” she chuckles as she takes a sip of whatever Yelena ordered for her. 
The blonde woman shrugs as she scans her face, “Now that you mention it.”
She rolls her eyes at the suggestion and tugs on her arm to lead them away from the bar. Spotting an empty booth among the crowd of people is no easy feat however it’s not up to Yelena’s standards because she shakes her head and points to an area that’s roped off with even more bouncers guarding it. 
“Did you really think I’d bring you to a club and not sit in the VIP section?” and when she doesn’t answer, she continues with her playful teasing, “Cat got your tongue? It’s okay, голубка, what I have planned doesn’t require any talking.”
Behind the ropes and bouncers, lounges Bucky with Steve and Peggy, short glasses filled with the same thick dark liquid as Peter’s. That intoxicating smell drifts in amongst the waves of other club goers’ smells and has him narrowing his eyes at nothing and everything at the same time, searching for the owner. Peggy whispers something to her husband, red lips mere inches from the shell of his ear. Steve glances to his blue eyed friend and chuckles in agreement with what she said. 
“Find your companion for the night?” he taunts while taking a sip from his glass, the dark liquid leaving a slight film on his tongue. 
“No,” Bucky states plainly as he sets his glass down on the table before them, “She’s here.”
Peggy snorts, “You already have her smell memorized? I see her almost everyday and I barely know it.”
“For the safety of your child, I hope you’re joking,” he says while standing and walking towards the bouncers. 
In his absence, she turns to Steve, “Do you?”
“Have her smell memorized? Only enough to know the difference between the staff though. I wouldn’t give any thought to him right now, he’s all fired up over her, that Lycan woman from last night, and Alix.”
She huffs in response which earns her words of reassurance from him. Meanwhile Bucky is instructing his men to keep a close eye on Yelena and especially Sunny. When he returns to the booth, he doesn’t sit right away and takes his glass from the table. Yelena’s voice echoes past the music and noise of the club, letting him know that he is about to face confrontation no doubt. She spots him before Sunny can and she does what she can to guide her away from that booth much to his dismay and pleasure. Her efforts to distract her fail and Sunny sees Steve, giving him a small smile which falls when Bucky comes into her view. The trio pick up on parts of what she’s whispering angrily to Yelena, “What… he… here? You….me….was going to be….”
Yelena, although, hears every word loud and clear, “What is he doing here? You didn’t tell me he was going to be here.”
“I didn’t know he was there. I’m sorry if it makes this,” she gestures between the two of them, “awkward. We can go somewhere else.”
“No this is ridiculous. He can’t fucking ruin everything,” she runs a hand over her hair and takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry if I made things awkward. It’s just… a little complicated I guess.”
Yelena’s ring filled hand cups the side of her face, tilting her hand to look at her, “Nothing’s changed. Trust me I know how complicated things are when it comes to him but I won’t hold it against you if you don’t against me.”
“Ya know,” she takes a step closer, closing the distance between them, “We could just ignore him. This date is between you and I, he is not involved in any way.”
“I like the sounds of that,” Yelena whispers back as her hand shifts down to cradle her jaw, her thumb ghosting over her glossy bottom lip, “You’re going to get me in trouble if I’m not careful.”
Sunny smirks against her thumb, “Why do you say that?”
“I think you know why,” she leans impossibly closer, “Can I kiss you?” Her eyes flicker down to Yelena’s mauve lips, nodding ever so slightly before they meet in one small kiss only to be drawn back in and devour each other in the middle of a crowded club. 
Having watched the whole exchange, his body tenses as her smell shifts when the kiss deepens. Jealously bubbles in his veins and the only thing stopping him from ripping Yelena to shreds is Steve’s hand on his wrist and Peggy’s reminder that “she is not yours. Stand down.” Rather than give into his animalistic urges to destroy, he settles for his usual scowl, hooded eyes trained on the couple in hopes that he can will them apart and her into his arms. His self control doesn’t last long and he’s marching over to the women in no time. 
“Yelena,” he gives her a curt nod, “Sunny, I need to talk to you.”
Neither is able to protest before he is dragging her towards a closed door hidden from view by more guards until now. Yelena shots Steve a lock of contempt as she approaches their booth, “You two are absolutely no help. Why didn’t either you of stop him?” “Do you really expect me to get in between him and what he wants?” Steve says expectedly as they all know no one is stupid enough to do so. 
“A heads-up would’ve been nice.”
“I’ll keep that in mind next time you’re on a date with the woman he’s interested in.”
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slapjacq · 3 months
I am ill. Not okay. I’ve cried and thrown a tissue box at the wall. Then proceeded to scream at said wall for twenty minutes. Yes I am melodramatic, no I don’t care. I am still in therapy for a reason. Nevertheless, this episode was bonkers, off the wall batshit insane. Like genuinely so good that it almost adds to the tragedy of it all.
Here are my immediate and unfiltered thoughts from my post episode freak out that I have to put somewhere because if I don’t, I will, in fact, explode.
Warning: spoilers up the wazoo, a lot of profanity
First and foremost: Daniel, old Maniel, I can count on you to always keep it a buck, and for that I thank you.
Armand you piece of fucking shit I swear on everything that is holy, you are no longer babygirl, you bitch ass hoe, go stick that fucking doe eyed face up someone else ass you stupid fucking piece of shit. “i cOULD nOt pReVEnt iT” FUCK YOU MEAN YOU COULDNT PREVENT IT YOURE 500 YEARS OLD, YOU SOLD THEM OUT TO BEGIN WITH. YOU STOP TIME, CAN CONTROL BODIES, PLANT IDEAS INTO PEOPLE HEADS, READ PEOPLES MINDS AND THE BITTY BABY VAMPIRE ARMAND COULDNT DO ANYTHIGN ABOUT IT? SUCK MY DICK AND KISS ME MERRY GO TRH THAG SHIT ELSEWHERE (shout out Assad for really giving his all with the whole puppy dog eyes this entire episode 10/10 would fall for them if not the circumstances). I can’t believe I actually was defending this dude a few episodes ago, I literally can’t defend anything else from here moving forward.
Claudia and Madeline deserve to watch these assholes burn and the fact they died such painful deaths should warrant the gods to set the sky alight with constellations of their love. They were allowed NOTHING but a small taste of happiness before it was shredded away from them. No one is EVER gonna villainize them, not to me, not ever. Roxanne absolutely was incredible, and Delainey, in the coming future, better up there as an A-list actor because she has been that astoundingly good. (That goes for everyone here honestly, but Delainey and Roxanne really deserve their flowers here).
Santiago has a special place in hell. I simply cannot wait to watch him die. Decapitation is too kind for him, put him through pain and fury before sending him to hell. Ben Daniels you son of a bitch you played the villain so well. I damn near jumped through the screen when he began to read Claudia’s diaries with a shitty NOLA accent, I have never been so livid in my life.
The rest of Theatre: “All of you motherfuckers, fuck you, die slow.” -Tupac Shakur
Louis GET UP LEAVE YOUR WIFE DUDE YOU KNOW ITS BULLSHIT and honestly I’m not even going to rag on him this episode because the poor man has gone through too much. Jacob was absolutely brilliant in all of this, and honestly I literally will never stop talking about the performances in this show. Regardless, the upcoming rage is justified and I when get to watch him massacre these assholes, I will cackle with the same glee a schoolboy has after he disintegrates ants with a magnifying glass.
And finally Lestat. He rose on the third day and served cunt and made me ball like the mommy issues toting bitch I am. Sam, my man, you knocked it out of the fucking ballpark. Magnificent. Lestat, fucking bastard. You messy bitch. When you get out of whatever the Theatre is doing to you big man, I better see you read Armand to filth. I better see the same from the other. They both deserve to be dragged to hell and back.
Also Daniel Hart is a genius, just really fills your soul with dread this entire episode, I mean the score was filthy, vivid, and hauntingly gorgeous. The violins at the beginning were nasty work and had me fully hypnotized for the entire 50 minutes.
SFX is killing it, everytime, making it all believable and absolutely the worst someone could imagine it to be. I full body contorted at the sight of the sliced ankles.
Shoutout costume department also did its thing. Santiago’s costume was top tier camp. And Lestat’s suit was absolutely everything. Gender envy 11/10.
I could sit here all day and go on about how all the cast and crew did a fucking fantastic job. Like you can really tell they put their heart and soul into this episode.
I mean dear god I’m going to be in shambles for the next two years this episode was insane.
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sendmyresignation · 7 months
if you wanna indulge me, id love to hear your opinions on sing (all of mine are detractory which i know isnt the complete view of the song)
omg id love too!! sorry this took me a sec to formulate post-work haha. i know we don't agree about sing but honestly that's the beauty of music opinions- I feel like it becomes easier to define what I like about things when faced with legit measured criticism anyway
for me, i want to start with the structure and instrumental since it's usually not mentioned (most of the criticisms of sing are exclusively lyrical or intention-focused). it's so cool. and evocative. and full of tension!! my favorite use of synth on danger days, plus the keys and the drums (man i love the dd studio musician drums lmao), really emphasizes sing as a suspended moment both in the album (necessary bridge, tonally, between bulletproof and planetary imo) and in the track itself- its alllll building up to that bridge and final chorus. but there's all these little pieces- the backing vocals, there's so many hidden guitar parts that riff just under all the noise, that opening like, tambourine. sorry for not having a quote on hand but Ray's said he really loved writing sing and it's so totally obvious to me. especially live- part of the reason I was soooooo excited for sing swarm tour edition is that even during dd ray was like absolutely shredding for sing after the bridge. and everytime time it's so good. part of the reason the lyrics don't bother me is sing could stand alone instrumentally and I'd still want to listen to it. (sing also reminds me of Ray's solo music- the sentiment is more significant that the lyrics and the music is itself a vehicle for storytelling)
also though, i think there's a lot of intention with sing (it's up to the listener to determine if that paid off obv) but within the context of dd the record as a pirate radio station, sing has always read as a trojan horse song. making it a single too, like once a song takes on a life of its own outside the record there's new meaning and circumstance. so both within and outside the killjoy universe sing is a vehicle for not just the bridge but the overall sentiment of dd (how fucking excited was gerard when glenn beck took the glee bait) like, yes, i do agree they could've benefited from another pass over the lyrics (i will always defend keeping "sing it till your nuts" bc its sounds like sing it to your nuts though) but I don't personally get the criticism that sing isn't "specific enough" about what exactly it's against or is too optimistic about "sing it for the world"-- i think there are songs on the album (notably planetary right after it!) which do that job just fine. dd is gerard in arguably top lyrical form so theres a lot of meat in the rest of the record like. sing it for the world is a purposely simplistic art is the weapon. like those are the same sentiments rendered very differently!
also like. i do think there was a very directed target at the younger part of their fan base here (girl/boy) which is sweet. to me. like i did hear sing first when i was a young teen (one of the few dd songs i was familiar with) and it did feel huge and empowering at that moment. my chem are their best when they are navigating the dualities of their specific fame, which includes simultaneously making very serious, adult rock music which is concerned with violence death grief and sex, as well as being a role model for younger people and taking them seriously and neither of these are in rhetorical conflict with each other. so like whatever sing is a little juvenile. but it's still filled with passion! taken as a legitimate project with a creative instrumental and a narratively-driven music video. I like that aspect, it works for me. I'll never call it my favorite my chem song but its certainly not the worst when you add in the bridge (i wanted to prove my point without the bridge but like. damn!! it's a good bridge!!!). that's my spiel.
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eisforeidolon · 4 months
Hey there, I hope you don't mind me dropping in here on a topic from a few days ago and harping on about it (I'm not very well-versed on ask boxes so I'm a bit unsure of the etiquette. If I commit a major faux-pas, forgive me). Apologies if this ends up a little long and a lot sarcastic - I have opinions about this. It's given me a fair bit of grief over the years.
Y'know, I see these 'abusive Dean' takes float across my dash a fair bit (apparently not being into Destiel or Wincest means I must be a Bitter Sam-girl instead and hate Dean, according to Tumblr). The oh-so-delightful 'abusive husband Dean and beaten wife Sam' takes. People calling Sam 'beaten wife coded' in general. One based on a grand total of two instances where he flinched cause Dean made a loud violent noise near him (who the hell wouldn't, you don't need to be 'beaten wife coded' to flinch when someone chucks a chair at a wall, it's almost like Sam has some kind of trauma about various other things and might be generally jumpy...). Or taking the end of S10 out of context and choosing to forget that Dean was nearly fully taken over by a mark of fratricide (which he still managed to overcome, they conveniently fail to mention that). And I just... ugh.
What I never understood about these takes is like... why? There's trying to paint your fave in a good light and a character you hate in a bad one, but then there's making the heart and soul of the show itself into something so ugly it ruins it for other people, like your Anon, and honestly this happened to me too a while ago before I forced myself to stop listening to the greater fandom and find a few I trusted (like you). Even still, it gets all up in my head sometimes. Why are these people finding such glee in making the central relationship so awful? What are you getting out of this show if you think that about it?
Like, imagine looking at the finale through this lens. Congratulations, you turned something sad but ultimately bittersweet into something horrible, the 'beaten wife' dedicating the rest of their life to their 'abuser' then being forced to be with them for eternity, and this is portrayed as a good thing. Why would you ever want to view it that way? Plus, it's rather forced if you take it as a whole - the few times Sam stood there looking contrite while Dean did something stupid pale in comparison to the number of times he calls him out on it, even in the later seasons (14x12 Prophet and Loss, anyone? 15x17 Unity?).
I guess people can take from media what they want, it's obviously not my place to police people's enjoyment, but I just never got the appeal. It seems so counter to what the show was clearly actually trying to do, yet they tout it as fact (now where have I seen that before). Like it's somehow a bad thing to enjoy the show on its own terms. Coming across these takes still kinda bums me out. This goes for people insisting it's the other way around too - I can't stand any brother vs. brother stuff either, it's never anything but bad faith, and honestly kinda misses the point. Some of these people boggle my mind with their lack of empathy.
If there's one thing this fandom is good for, it's honing your ability to roll your eyes and move along. It's full of so much absolute batshit insanity that you'll never survive if you listen to every take. Trust me, I've tried. Do you know which tags to block to avoid this kinda stuff? Cause I never seem to be able to.
Sorry if this was a bit of a rant dump, heh. I'm usually a chronic lurker, but this discourse in particular bothers me immensely.
You're absolutely fine, I mind neither bringing up previous topics nor excessive length (be a bit of a hypocrite if I did, tbh). And yeah, it's one of my least favorite SPN fandom discourses, too.
It does feel like it's pretty hard to find any corner of the fandom where you won't at least occasionally see one side or the other's worst faith not!fave-brother-is-terrible takes. And oh, do I hate the 'beaten wife Sam' half of the 'Dean is an abuser' discourse equation just as much. Like, supposedly they like Sam, so why on earth would they want to pretend this stubborn competent badass of a character is actually a helpless pathetic marshmallow?! Same with Dean on the opposite side of the fandom - it's not just the character they're constantly maligning I can't recognize, the character they "like" similarly bears very little resemblance to the one I'm a fan of!
So far as I can tell, some people just desperately need their favorite character to be the best one who is always in the right. Whether it's over-identification or what, I don't know. They seem to think they achieve it by reframing large portions of the canon as justifying, unfairly attacking, or insulting that character as necessary. Except they don't see how from the outside it very often looks entirely absurd, regardless of if they're doing it in favor of Sam, Dean, or Castiel. Which is not to say there aren't parts of canon which treat all of those characters ridiculously in one way or another? But it's the total fixation on it only being the case with their favorite character in every possible situation where it gets weird.
Every great once in a while, I do manage to come across a take that really annoys me. But for the most part? The extreme ones are just so absurd, so divorced from what anyone even vaguely trying to understand the other characters' motivations and what the show quite obviously intended? I just can't take it at all seriously. Especially when they (as they so often do) get canon details wrong or pointedly "forget" all the canon points that blatantly don't fit their narrative.
Unfortunately, like with a certain ship, when it comes to tagging? You're kind of at the mercy of the self-awareness of the poster about how much other people may not want to see their hot takes.
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lucky-bishop · 7 months
First & Last Lines
Thank you for the tag, @dear-massacre! Ily!
Rules: Post the first and last lines of the last 10 fics you worked on. WIPs are allowed!
Alright, the first three here are WIPs that are yet unpublished! Then the rest are on AO3, even if they aren't yet complete.
Soft Poly Parents of Beacon Hills (working title) | John/Melissa/Chris/Peter | Rating TBD (mature/teen): It starts, funnily enough, with a group chat "I think I - at least - underestimated just how out of practice I am at this whole thing."
The Heart Sweater™️ | Allydia | Teen+ She's not wearing it for her, but Lydia can pretend. This is more serious than 'awkward'.
The Worst Beta (aka the Grindr Bite Fic) | Steter | Explicit And sure, okay, maybe Stiles could have figured out that the guy was a wolf. Scott levels him with a Look. "Gee, I wonder where I've heard something like that before."
Possessive Beasts (WIP) | Steterek | Explicit | 16,549 words posted The possessive thing in Peter's chest snarls for him to sink his teeth into Stiles Stilinski, but he waits. It's a small victory that it was his information that got them to the point of the ritual, even if they still have no idea who could be working its magic.
Beasts of Beacon Hills | Sterek, Steter, Scerek, Sceter | Explicit | 5,708 words There's no other way to describe it: Scott and Stiles are fucking pumped for this camping trip. He wishes - more than anything - that they had just let the mystery go.
maybe we got lost in translation | Stisaac | Explicit | 1,998 words "The fuck is this, Stiles?" They'll figure it out, he's sure.
in the woods somewhere | Steter | Explicit | 3,020 words Stiles should have known better than to come out to the preserve alone tonight. He closes his eyes and lets the darkness take him again. It's all he can do.
The Greenberg Files | Stiles/Scott/Greenberg | Explicit | 7,962 words Things are pretty crazy in Beacon Hills, so Jared is pleased as punch when his application to spend the second half of his junior year abroad in Greece is accepted. And while Jared still has plans - he's still going to go out into the world and kick ass at college and beyond - he's more than happy to spend his remaining time in Beacon Hills as a part of the pack, as a part of this relationship.
Mario Kartussy | Liam/Scott/Theo/Stiles | Explicit | 4,252 words This was the best kind of pack day, Stiles was absolutely sure of it, even if they only called it dude's night and not an actual pack night, since it was more exclusive. No one could deny that it was off to a pretty goddamn stellar start, though.
Creature of the Night | Stackson | Mature | 7,595 words "And to think of all the shit you gave me for being a kanima. Oh, this is gold," Jackson laughs, genuinely doubled over with glee. "I guess so," Jackson says with his warm, relaxed smile that's Stiles' absolute favorite. "I think we can work with that."
No-pressure tags to: @softranswolves, @beaconfeels, @meggie-stardust, @ambersagen, @midmorning-bomb, @mirrorthoughts
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offantasiesandreams · 2 years
ey man, can i have a drabble with the puppeteer wanting to give the batter lots of kisses (because he deserves it :b)
Ayo, absolutely! Fluff is good and I'm always more than happy to write it! And you are so right, he deserves every kiss on the planet! As well as a lullaby! Someone out there should sing him a lullaby too!
Reader Giving Batter Kisses
“Oh, look! It seems like you’ve got a spot here!” Batter turned to you, utterly confused at your allegation. While it was true that he was eating a cream puff you had brought him, he was attentive enough to not spill anything. Or get some on himself for that matter. Though, you were His Player, you knew best about what he couldn’t see, for your judgement was always correct.
“I understand, the spot will be removed immediately. May I ask where it might be, however?” Looking up and down on his clothing, aside from a few crumbs, which he proceeded to wipe off of himself, he couldn’t find anything, his face didn’t feel as though it had anything on it either.
Still, you gave him a warm smile, one, the sun itself would be envious of. Just looking at you felt like being hit by a ray of light after a dreary night. Your giggles made something in Batter flutter, even if, by now, he knew you were up to something. It may have been good, it may have been bad, but either way, he was going to support you through it, even if it meant he was the victim of another prank of yours.
As you leaned closer to his face, Batter took another bite of his cream puff, chewing it rather slowly, however. Eventually, as he felt your breath on his face, he looked away, unable to maintain eye contact any further. “Oh, another spot seemed to have appeared, let me get it for you real quick!”
Puzzling as that statement of yours may have been, the saviour had no time to question your motives for he felt your lips pressing against his cheek. In that moment, he stopped chewing completely, too stunned to form a coherent thought. Only when he hid underneath the safety of his hat did he realise he still had food to swallow, as it was rude to speak with a full mouth. “My Player, I appreciate your taking care of me.”
“Batter, what are you talking about?” You snatched the baseball cap from his hands and put it aside. “You’re so full of spots right now! I need to get every single one of them!” Putting Batter’s face in your hands may have been your very worst idea yet. There was nowhere he had left to hide his face, red as the setting sun and cold as a winter evening. All four of his ruby red eyes were open, avoiding yours entirely.
And thus, your barrage began. Not a single spot of his was spared. From his cheek, to his nose, to his forehead. And every time you seemed to have gotten rid of a spot, two would appear in its stead somewhere else. Batter truly was as epic as he was mysterious. But even the heroic Hercules had to have his downfall eventually, as he, too, was merely a mortal. The finishing blow, you found, was when you met Batter’s lips.
“Aww, is someone all smiles now?”
Even the tip of his ears were red by the time you were finished with him. If you had been a spectre, Batter’s journey would have been much more difficult, it’s probably for the best you were His Player. But none of that mattered as you were awaiting a response when you didn’t get one. Did you go too far? Or, even worse, did you break him?
When he did face you again, it was a sight you would never forget. A small smile was placed on his lips. Like a blue moon, it was a rare sight, and like the lining up of the planets, an event you would never forget. One last time, you gave him a kiss on the cheek, whispering an “I love you” to a guy, who has not felt this much glee in a long time.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
You have probably answered this somewhere before, but I was just wondering, what season of Glee do you think is overall the best season? I always love reading your Glee meta!
Oh, Nonny, you are a darling and I adore you <3
I have answered this question a million times and you know what? It's a great question, and I love answering it so I shall answer it a million and one times because lord knows I can't stay away from an opinion when asked to give it, even if half the people reading this will groan because they already know this discourse. Also, you have been so sweet coming into my in box and I appreciate your kindness.
Probably shouldn't be answering this while feeling a little loopy...
Here's the thing - which question are we asking? What is the objectively best season of Glee - the one where the artistic talent is perhaps the highest? Or which one do I prefer to watch?
If we're going for seasons that I think are well crafted, at the top of their artistic game, well structured, acted, etc, etc, etc, it would be Season 1. I think the writing was top notch comedy, the story holds together, the plot lines work, the music was cleverly integrated and everything just blended together in a magical way. There's a reason Season 1 had so many accolades, and it deserved it (mostly - there was still a fake pregnancy story line).
However... It's most definitely not my personal favorite. I do appreciate Season 1 and have a lot of respect for the cohesive story that it managed to tell (and for the comedy and for the Kurt). But I find the first half of Season 1 incredibly boring, and I don't ever feel a need to go back and watch it.
I think the part of Glee that is my absolute favorite is the Kurt/Klaine story arc of Season 2. It builds on Kurt's original story in Season 1 beautifully. The structure of it throughout the season is so, so good. Everything works just so superbly that it remains one of my favorite stories of all time. The tricky thing is that I really don't like most of everything else that is going on in Season 2.
Season 5, while I know that it's a hot mess creatively, probably is the season that I (used to**) go back and watch because I enjoyed it the most. It has the most episodes that I can consecutively sit through and not feel the need to fast forward through things. I do think it's underrated, and the comedy is still really there.
**I say used to - because it's been a long, long time since I've gone back to watch Glee on a semi-regular basis.
I do think the shine of enjoyment of Season 5 has worn a little -- especially since I have seen it so many times, and do agree the little issues add up. But it's my happy place a lot of the time.
Seasons 4 and 6 I feel about the same. After writing fic about it -- I have a deep love for Season 6, even in its imperfectness. And Season 4 is underrated and has a lot of great things going for it, even if the introduction of the newbies is rough and the ending suffers from external factors.
And, as everyone infamously knows, Season 3 is last. The first third and the last third has some of the truly worst story lines of the entire show. And the way they treat Kurt as a Rachel story line prop and Blaine as a jukebox just frustrates me. There are still parts of Season 3 that I enjoy but as a whole, the ironically most structured season feels the predictable, boring, and just plain bad.
(apparently this is now an unpopular opinion - but it didn't used to be.)
It has been a long time since I've watched the show, and at some point, I would like to do so again. It'd be interesting to see if any opinions have actually changed. But for now... here's the short answer to the question -
Season 2 Klaine
Season 5
Season 6
Season 4
Season 1 back 9
Season 2 non-Klaine
Season 1 front 9
Season 3
(This is all very controversial, but it's how I feel)
Thanks for the question, Nonny! Don't be a stranger!! :)
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multitudeofmeus · 1 year
Tumblr media
You can't remember the last time anybody- Huh?
How long have they been there for? You don't remember seeing anybody else in here but you for a long time.
The mass by you perks up in response to your hazy acknowledgement, letting out a husky belch with attached emotions that could vaguely be interpreted as glee. Whoever they are, they must've been trying to get your attention for a while. Scrounging together what fragments of social behavior you have left, you manage to slur out a question: who are they?
They can't remember, not everything at least. But they do remember some things, which they regale in labored breaths and multiple breaks.
They were a hunter. or at least someone who hunted to survive. They'd go out, find the tastiest thing that had legs, kill it, eat it, and then do something else. That was their life, for a while.
They something changed. A group of unknown people took them from their cave and threatened harm if they didn't get their demands met. They thought it was an overly elaborate roleplay, so they played along. Tasked with eliminating entire populations of endangered animals, they carried out their part, feasting on whatever game was on the menu.
But they kept eating. And eating. And eating some more. Until, their habits sapped all their natural talents from them. Now useless, the group abandoned them in the back alley of a food place, where the local manager condemned them to the basement, forced to subsist off scraps. Then they outgrew that, and now they're here! That is all they could remember...
But they don't seem to be saddened by this at all! They've lost everything and now they share the same fate as you, so what changed? You plead with them for an answer.
The mass (which has a silly beanie on its head, you just noticed) musters the best shrug someone without usable arms can muster. They mused that even if they can't remember most things, the things they remembered were fun! And even if they're lost past, nothing can last forever. You just gotta take life as it happens!
You never really thought of it that way. This entire time, you've languished what you lost (and to your own actions, somewhat), but that was in the past. Clinging onto it as a desperate coping mechanism only further tore your psyche to shreds, a horizon you could never reach. But here she was, enjoying herself! Sure, they had it rough, but the fun times came and gone and no amount of effort could bring them back. So they didn't worry about it! All that mattered to them was that they had a roof over themselves and food in their belly. Maybe wallowing in your own self-pity isn't the plan of action.
So instead you talked. It was no easy feat for either of you, but you talked day in and day out to pass the time. Sometimes you shared sensations, other times you tried to recall what fragments of memory you still had, and occasionally you even just rambled about nothing at all to fill the noisy void. And they did the same!
You still can't remember who you are, even when you try your absolute hardest. It sucks the absolute worst and you still wouldn't wish this on even your worst enemy. But maybe, just maybe...
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You don't have to suffer alone. After all, somebody cares.
(A hypothetical "situation sucks mega-ass but it's not as terrible" alternate part 3! Art by the ever-great @pink8seed!)
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hopeswriting · 2 years
Behold, The World's Worst Seven! (Eight actually, but they all failed first grade math)
[Plain text: “Behold, The World's Worst Seven! (Eight actually, but they all failed first grade math)” in big text. /End PT]
CW: Swearing
[Plain text: “CW: Swearing” in bold. /End PT]
Inspired by this writing prompt.
Quite frankly, this is absolute bullshit.
Now yes, they did all sign up for risking their lives for the good of the world whenever it’d be needed, and knew what they were getting into when they did, but it’s always been understood by everyone that no one was ever going to expect that of them. Not the part about them being willing to risk their lives for the good of the world, but the part where they’d be able to accomplish anything even if they did so, let alone saving the world.
To begin with, their team only exist because the ones who looked what seemed to be the certain end of the world back then dead in the eye, and said “go fuck yourself” to it were ruthlessly thorough in assuring the continuous survival of humanity. So they created their team too, but only to be a moral support at best. The “Well, if they weren’t deployed yet, then things can’t be so bad. There’s still hope.” kind of moral support. Or the “Even if we fail here, there are still other teams left who can finish the job for us. We won’t die meaninglessly, so let’s do our part as best as we can.” kind of moral support.
So effectively, they’ve been paid all this time to only live the good life in their Special Town, and keep themselves in shape for a possible deployment they all knew would never happen. To cheer on the teams who are actually sent out in the field, and celebrate their returns or mourn their deaths, and promise revenge they knew they would never be the ones asked to do it. To be pretty and looking the part at the very least and at most, so important people can point at them and say “That team may have failed, and that one, and that one too, but they’re still alive and kicking, and just as resolved to save your butts for you at the risk of their own, so please calm down, keep having faith in us, and keep sending us your money.”.
Effectively, their team was created as an absolute last resort no one thought they’d ever need to actually use.
There’s a reason why it has never been deployed in all the history of its existence.
There’s a reason why the results of their tests landed them in this team.
There’s a reason why they’re the Z-team, so fucking excuse Skull for not taking their sudden order of deployment well.
None of the others are either, and their room has never been so quiet before. The air is heavy with tension too where they sit around their for-important-discussions table, suffocating like a rope tightening around his neck, making it feel like the table’s digging in his guts even if he isn’t touching it, and making the others feel too close to him like they’re pressing against each other.
And now get this, because absolute bullshit doesn’t even begin to cut this whole situation, but Skull should be the one to do something about it, as the leader. Not a leader, leader, mind you. Not in any capacity of actually having the abilities of a leader at the very least, that’s for sure. But the results of his tests and his overall stats were the best upon the formation of their team, and have consistently remained the best ever since—to Skull’s glee and pride and the others’ ever-increasing annoyance and rage—, and so he’s ended up in the leader position.
Now all the teams leaders are chosen like this because numbers don’t lie, and it’s hard to argue against them however much bruised your ego is in the face of them. It doesn’t always reveal to be a wise choice either, not at first, but the chosen leaders thrust into that position whether they wanted to or not always prove themselves worthy of it, either by tapping into the potential that was always there now they were given the opportunity to do so, or by forging themselves into a leader through fire by successfully completing their missions and surviving them.
At least that’s how it goes for the first two tiers of the ABC-teams. Not so often for the last tier. And least of all when it comes to the Z-team.
They’re the Z-team for a reason, and Skull really couldn’t emphasize it enough to save his life. Which is too bad, because his life now sure hangs on his ability to do exactly that.
Still, he’s the leader, and so he clears his throat, straightening in his chair.
“Shut the fuck up,” Reborn says.
“Alright,” Skull says, slumping back in his chair. Whatever. Suits him more than well, even. They can all have an internal breakdown in peace then, see if he cares.
“Are you sure about this?” Reborn asks.
Skull rolls his eyes. “You don’t think I double-checked with her? Triple-checked?”
“I don’t know, you know how lenient they can be with the tests with the last tier of the teams. Tell me again how well you did on the hearing one last time?”
“Feel free to check the files if you don’t believe me.” He gestures with his head to the stack of files in the middle of the table. “They’re right here.”
Reborn doesn’t move a muscle to take one of them, his arms tensely crossed on his chest, glaring at him instead. No one has made a move to take one of them yet, and it speaks volumes of how well they’re taking the new that even Verde refuses to touch them. “You don’t say? I can see just fine, Lackey.”
“And I can hear just fine, thank you very much,” Skull bites back.
“And you can both shut the fuck up and focus,” Lal snaps, sparing them a scathing glance before trying to set the files on fire again with her gaze alone. “What the fuck happened to the A-team?”
“Missing in action,” Skull says.
“The B-team?”
“Missing in action.”
“C and D?”
“Take a wild guess.”
“The fuck happened to the E to Y teams?” Colonnello asks as Lal purses her lips tight, probably stopping her from jumping over the table to throttle him.
“All confirmed dead ever since the L-team.”
“Fucking hell,” Colonnello curses under his breath. “And we’re supposed to do something about it?”
“No, wait,” Luce cuts in, “that’s a good thing, isn’t it? Not the people who died,” she hurries to add with a wince, “but, well, I mean… none of the first tier teams were confirmed dead, right? So isn’t our mission just a research, rescue and extraction one? And at worst a supporting one should we find them in good enough condition to go on.”
“I didn’t know you had God on speed dial like that,” Reborn mocks.
“Well, he for sure wouldn’t be on your speed dial, would he?” Luce shoots back, all sweet voice and sweet smile.
Both Skull and Lal snort, Colonnello snickering.
“Get fucked,” Colonnello says, and completely ignores what can only be the noise of Reborn stomping on his foot under the table.
“You okay there, Viper?” Skull asks, not really because they have yet to say a word or even move a muscle, but maybe they’re having that bad of an internal breakdown if they missed the opportunity to jab at Reborn.
“Alright, let’s please all refocus again for a second,” Fon says, raising a placating hand, his voice strained and his smile stiff on his lips. “I can’t seem to follow what’s happening. What do they expect us to do where all the other teams failed? Literally all of them?”
Lal sighs, raising a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. “Jack-shit, that’s what. It’s not about us being able to do anything the other teams failed to do, or them expecting anything out of us. It’s about procedures. They already deployed all the other teams except for ours, so what else are they supposed to do now but send ours out there too?”
“This is all besides the point, you utter and worthless proof of the highest peak of humanity’s idiocy.”
A stunned beat of silence passes, all eyes turning on Verde.
Colonnello scowls, straightening in his chair like he’s gearing up for a fight. “Dude, what? Fucking uncalled-for, bitch.”
“Say that to me again,” Lal says, deceptively calm and casual, but clearly begging Verde to give her the excuse to punch his teeth in.
“Go fuck yourself,” Reborn says at the same time.
“How could it not be the point?” Fon asks, his voice polite and pleasant, but his smile twitching.
“Okay guys, easy,” Luce cuts in. “Maybe let’s just all try to… stay calm.”
“Oh, so now you want us to be diplomatic with each other, do you?” Reborn asks, his voice biting.
“Oh my God,” Skull can’t help but blurt out, rolling his eyes hard, “really? You’re literally the one who started it.”
Viper laughs.
Well, not really, but the smallest noise they let out is undoubtedly amusement, which catches everyone’s attention because Skull sure would love to know too what is there to find amusing in their current situation.
Verde takes advantage of the silence to let out a long-suffering sigh, taking his glasses off to clean them with a tissue. “Should I even waste my time trying to explain it to you lot?”
“Verde—” Skull starts disapprovingly, frowning.
“Shut the fuck up,” Reborn says, and Skull emphatically throws his hands up in the air. Reborn leans on the table to better catch Verde’s eye at the other side of Colonnello, a razor-sharp smirk on his lips. “Are you trying to pick a fight with us, Verde? With me?”
Verde doesn’t spare him a glance, putting his glasses back on his nose. “They’re sending us out in the field. Us, the Z-team. Meaning we’re talking about an A-level threat here, if not one even beyond that.” There’s subtle and not so subtle flinches at his words, but he smoothly ignores it. “Which is not even to mention how we’re only learning of all of this now, so before they even sent out the first team to deal with the threat, they already considered it dreadful enough they couldn’t be certain they’d be able to get rid of it, and so chose to keep it hidden so to not make the masses panic. Do you idiots understand what I’m saying here?”
“Just cut the crap and go to the point, Verde,” Lal says through gritted teeth.
Verde huffs, and taps a quick and impatient finger against the table. “It may very well be apocalyptic landscapes awaiting us outside the walls of this town. The end of the world. The STU-Special Town may very well be the last surviving battalion of humanity. So perhaps,” he drawls out slowly like they wouldn’t understand him otherwise, his voice full of scathing sarcasm, “you want us to focus on that instead.”
His words sink in in a dead silence until Viper bursts out laughing, so loud and out of nowhere, they all flinch and startle, almost jumping out of their chairs.
“Jesus fuck!” Lal curses, bringing a hand against her chest.
Viper laughs like they just heard the funniest joke on earth, sounding less delighted and more hysterical and out of their mind, and soon has to lean on the table to keep themself upright.
“What the hell…?” Skull says to the room at large and to no one at the same time, watching them warily.
“Ha!” Colonnello gloats. “As long as I’m not the first one to lose it.”
“No, they’re right,” Reborn says. “This is hilarious. Behold everyone, the Z-team, humanity’s last line of defense. What could possibly go wrong?”
Reborn and Colonnello catch each other’s eye before breaking into laughter too, sounding just as hysterical as Viper.
Skull stands, slamming his hand on the table. “Alright, enough! You guys keep your fucking shit together, will you?” Reborn opens his mouth, but Skull repeatedly slams his hand against the table again until silence falls on them again, all their attention on him. Except for Viper’s who’s still laughing, that is, but whatever. “No, you shut the fuck up, Reborn. You all shut the fuck up. Like it or not but I’m the leader here, so you will listen to me.”
“Oh, good Lord,” Lal says, looking a bit horror-stricken all of a sudden.
“Oh my God, you are,” Colonnello breathes out, a same kind of horror in his voice and on his face.
Skull puts his hands on his hips, puffing his chest out. “That’s right, I am. Meaning I’m the one calling the shots here.”
“God almighty,” Verde deadpans, looking in the distance, and Skull’s eyebrow twitches.
“Maybe if you all weren’t even more incompetent than me,” he points out faux-casually, because fuck them, quite frankly. Skull got and has defended his position as a leader ever since fair and square, thank you very much.
Viper laughs harder, stopping Reborn and Colonnello from tag-teaming him until they kill him, though just barely.
Viper wheezes, but just as they all exchange glances, silently agreeing it’s about time they do something about them before they laugh themself to death, they start calming down.
It takes a while, but they eventually lean back against their chair and wipe their tears away. “Sorry about that,” they say, pausing to take deep breaths of air, some lingering chuckles tumbling from their lips still. “But I’m fine now, I can face reality now. So,” they start, finally drying their eyes and cheeks to their satisfaction, “let me get this straight. We’re all dead, right? Am I getting this right?”
Publishing this one fully on tumblr too because honestly I’d love for someone to pick this up. Not in a “I’m giving this idea up” way, but in a--idk, an open writing thread kinda way, I guess??
Like I’d have loved to write more for this, at least far enough we’d see the Arco actually out in the field, trying and failing at completing their mission because I think it’d be super funny to see lol, but I can’t figure out what their mission would be/what kind of threat would have taken out all the other teams to save my life. Also this is typically the type of setting that requires some world-building, and it’s unfortunately not my forte.
So yeah, if someone is inspired by this or have ideas of what could happen next, totally feel free and welcome to add to this! And not necessarily in a fully written way or a written way at all either, feel free to just throw ideas at me!
Also the credit for the title goes to @/cloudspark.
Hope you guys enjoyed the story, thank you for reading!
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tuiyla · 2 years
Sometimes I wonder if the actors knew how offensive some of the stuff they said/did on the show was. I mean I know it was their characters but still.
There was a lot of biphobia from Kurt, Blaine, Santana and even Brittany. There was the line Blaine said in the script read in 5x20 where he said "I'm gay and you're mostly lesbian" to Brittany!!!
Also the Britney 2.0 episode was super offensive and basically just spent 40 minutes mocking someone's mental health which is a huge problem and something a lot of people struggle with.
I know it's not the actors decision but do you think they knew how offensive some of this stuff was.
Also the whole IKAG episode was pretty bad and when Brittany and Sam got together and she said something about "lesbian bloggers" I have to see that as a dig about the Brittana fans!
I know that Naya, Heather and Darren were straight so it may just be that they are uneducated on these things.
I appreciate things like Kevin talking about the Lights Out mess in the Q&A episode of the podcast, but it’s ultimately not the cast’s responsibility. Am I curious what they thought of certain things, sure. Am I desperate for someone to cover IKAG with a critical eye, very. But I think fans already put way too much on actors and expect them to represent characters and their stories way beyond the constraints of the media itself, and that doesn’t feel fair. I’m general on the side of protecting actors’ privacy and right to do their job and not owe anyone anything more.
With things like Britney 2.0 especially I feel like we shouldn’t expect anything from the actors. Sure I like it when they’re self-aware and Jenna and Kevin are at times critical of the show in their podcast (old and new) but this is a typical example of, like, what are we expecting of them? It has been a decade now but particularly when the show was on, I’m sure it would have felt like biting the feeding hand to call out the biphobia or something. If I were an actor on a major network show and given Problematic material I wouldn’t be happy about it but man, it’s my job to say it. And we’ve heard how volatile things sometimes were on the set despite the general alleged good working relationship. I don’t blame people for not wanting to risk RM’s wrath with a public condemning.
I don’t know if they even stopped to consider this kind of stuff. With something like Artie’s offensive lines, Kevin clearly has. And again I’d kill to know how everyone truly felt about IKAG. I don’t know, maybe they knew. I’m sure there were certain things on Glee that raised eyebrows even then. Kevin, Jenna and Harry talk a lot about things not aging well in the Throwdown episode of the Showmance pod. But again, at the time no one was gonna risk a job. I don’t think anything was that egregious on Glee, it’s more like things adding up. But I mean for sure things like mocking Britney Spears and the consistent biphobia were cringe at best and cruel at worst. So no one get me wrong, the biphobia and the SA stuff and all these poorly handled, poorly framed things were bad, it just wasn’t SO bad that it would absolutely warrant an actor having to apologize for it.
Going back to actors’ privacy and all, I don’t like to a) assume their identities and b) make assumptions based on those assumptions. It especially feels strange to say they might have been uneducated just because they wouldn’t have those first-hand experiences e.g. with queer issues. A leap too big for me. And this is a can of worms of its own, but I think we shouldn’t assume with Naya in particular - in terms of identity, that is. There was that View interview that some take as her confirming she was bi; me, I don’t know and I don’t think we need to know. We never will know. Was Naya Rivera straight, was she queer? I say let the dead rest. Either way she was clearly a fierce ally who fought for that lesbian storyline to exist in the first place so whether she personally considered e.g. the biphobic things they had her say messed up or not, that’s really not for me to know or judge. I don’t really feel comfortable shifting that responsibility onto actors, which I understand is not what you’re doing but it’s dancing too close to that edge for me. Even if Darren, Naya and Heather were all Super Woke™ even back then it’s not like they could have done much to fight the biphobic lines. Actors have some say in these discussions, sure, but no one wants to push their luck.
Heather in particular has said some things in the past, iirc during season 4′s run especially that pissed people off but even still I don’t think being a little tone deaf or not living up to fan entitlement should warrant that much criticism. For other things too, I think she gets too much shit because people expect her to be this Representative when she’s just a person. They’re all just people. They’re actors and they get paid to say the words as they’re written. There’s some creative freedom with that but it’s up to the director/producer’s discretion. So again, maybe they were aware of how messed up the more iffy things were, maybe not. My bottom line on questions like these is that it’s not our business and not their responsibility.
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televinita · 1 year
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Am listening to Taylor Swift music again, and have been seized by the need to talk through some of her older albums -- favorite songs, personal history, whatever comes to mind. Maybe in yet another attempt to try and figure out my overall fave / ranking of them as a set? No real order is planned for this so I thought I’d start with this one, because I realized I actually hadn’t listened to it in quite some time.
(I don't really know what this mini-project is going to be but I’ve been noodling on it for a few nights and now seems as good a time as any to share.)
When it was new -- and a 2010 Christmas present for me -- it was my favorite of the three, but now I'm not sure. The thing is that it has several songs I like better than the entirety of Fearless (except for #1 fave Change), but it also has a handful I find less interesting compared to that one’s “13 track listings, stars beside them all” success, and I can’t decide how to weight that. It does absolutely have the prettiest cover and booklet, though.
Ask me my favorite song on this album and I’ll say without hesitation Long Live. I don’t think that will ever change; it’s in my all-time-faves across her whole discography. The twin/companion piece to Change, it never fails to make my heart sing. It came out after I was an adult but it still makes me nostalgic and occasionally teary as hell for high school. Bonus association: this was my mental soundtrack for the end of Glee season 3 too (”for a moment, a band of thieves in ripped-up jeans got to rule the world").
Runner-up faves are Haunted, which really lives up to its name (Wuthering Heights-haunted style, maybe... between the electric guitar tearing open the scene and the chimes, the instrumentation is epic; this may be the only song that actually loses emotional impact as an acoustic/piano version), Better Than Revenge (which is my not-even-that-guilty pleasure and I will JAM OUT to it to this day; "no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity" is SAVAGE and I love it), and The Story of Us ("looks like a lot like a tragedy now" is one of my favorite quotes to bust out in episode reviews about ‘ship destruction, or was when I still did those), which is similarly jam-out-worthy. Ooh, and Sparks Fly is one of those songs where I'm like, "WHY wasn't this a single, it's so good." I’m actually always kind of surprised that one isn’t the album opener; “my mind forgets to remind me you’re a bad idea” is my anthem for giving shows/ships/characters/episodes way more chances than they deserve. (Grey’s Anatomy. We’re mostly talking about every time I dip back into the Grey’s Anatomy waters). In slow-songs-I-like territory: Enchanted, which is frankly too pretty for the person it’s actually about (but helpfully easy to apply to anyone and relevant to every listener’s life). And Back to December, which suffers rather unjustly from my knowing that it’s about The Boring Taylor, because I used to automatically skip it about half the time, yet every time I actually listen to it I'm shocked to realize it’s way prettier than I remember. Both musically (when male vocals...enhance?? a taylor song??) and lyrically.
As far as the other singles, I kind of killed Mine for myself with overplay, but I do think it's one of the strongest singles she's ever released...and as I’m listening to it now, I think it might be back! What good music, what a sweet scenario, and how much do I love the “brace myself for the goodbye / ‘cause that’s all I’ve ever known...” part.
Mean is fun and deservedly sassy, although it too is recovering from overplay (with the added demerit of being covered in the worst, least appealing possible way on Glee and feeling tainted forever. Once upon a time this was in my top 5 for the CD). Speak Now is fun too, but also...damn, so much more juvenile and mean-spirited to me now than Better Than Revenge. You don't help a dude ditch his bride at their wedding! If he shouldn't be marrying her you talk to him BEFORE THE CEREMONY???? I have definitely lost enchantment with this one over time.
One I don’t know how to feel about: I have to be in the right mood for the song so I don’t always let it play through, but as a late bloomer homebody and perpetual looker-backer, the second half of Never Grow Up really kicked me in the heart when I first heard it. I thankfully never ended up having to experience this, but "here I am in my / new apartment in the big city / they just dropped me off / it's so much colder than I thought it would be / so I tuck myself in, and turn the nightlight on" really described all my deepest fears about graduating from college and still brings a twinge at the mere thought.
On the downturn: unpopular opinion but while Dear John is full of great lyrics, it’s just so damned slow that I skip it almost every time. I’m really hoping it gets reinvigorated by a Taylor’s Version, because whenever I give it a chance, I just end up freshly disappointed by the wasted potential.
Innocent is slightly more compelling music-wise, but still rather slow and often skipped, not least because it just...feels weird. Uneven. There are some great lines and a good idea buried in here, but with its history and context it's so patronizing even when I’m on Taylor’s side that it ends up cringe.
Meanwhile, Last Kiss doesn't even exist to me. It covers the same criminal territory as Back to December but it's EVEN SLOWER. Bonus Tracks I didn't hear them until the end of 2012 and even then only as standalones on Spotify, separate from the album associations, I absolutely love all three, more than the last 5 or 6 above in fact. Ours is the companion piece / sequel to "Mine," If This Were A Movie is sweet, and Superman is so cute and catchy.
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minetteskvareninova · 2 years
Minette Watched The Black Queen: Assorted Thoughts
- Pretty Thing Of The Episode: Aemond and his saphire eye. Fucking sue me. The man is a sociopath, but exceedingly attractive sociopath.
- Whelp, this episode was actually kinda good? With the exception of the two extremely points, which I was thankfully forewarned of, I liked most of it.
- First of these points was the infamous choking scene. It’s probably the single most inexplicable scene of the show, with the possible exception of the foot fetish scene. Like, there was absolutely no reason for Daemon to choke his queen and beloved wife while he’s angry at her and what he perceives as his brother’s nonsense. I could rant about it for hours, but needless to say, seeing it context didn’t make it the least bit less idiotic. The worst part is, there was no real fallout from it, not even Rhaenyra threatening him for CHOKING HIS QUEEN as she should. Rhaenyra’s reaction is supremely underwhelming, and while it could be what destroys their marriage before Nettles appears (which would at least give it a reason to exist, as shoddy as it is), it’s not really certain. And I mean, no woman, least of all a fucking queen, should have to put up with a man who hurts her for any reason, not to mention how exceedingly dumb that reason is. I am seriously considering mentally writing the choking out and just deny it was ever part of the scene, because it makes so little sense, my God.
- The second exceedingly stupid moment was Lucerys and Aemond losing control of their dragons. You all know why it’s dumb, but it’s also pretty pointless. Like, fuck, Aemond was already trying to mutilate this literal child with sadistic glee, would it really be that much worse if he murdered him?!
- Corlys and Rhaenys were as usual the MVPs of this episode. Nothing but respect for MY king and queen.
- Rhaenyra doing politics and hesitating before going to war was in-character, and showed her having more than a baseline competence when it comes to politics. I still wish we saw her do the politicking more (well, her and Alicent, girlies really didn’t do as much power plays throughout the season as they should’ve), but what we did get was pretty cool.
- Rhaena and Baela still have no proper characterization, fuck this noise. First you gloss over their mother, then you all but erase them?! Baela’s showdown with Aegon the Trashy better be pretty epic, how dare they forget my gurl like this.
- Still no Mysaria! Like, I fully expected her to show up at Dragonstone and offer her services to the Blacks, since her previous master screwed her up so badly, but no, she’s nowhere to be seen. I don’t think they would just kill one of the few characters of colour like this, especially since she was alive at this point in the source material, even they can’t be this terrible, she’s going to show up just before the Blood and Cheese incident, right...? Right???
- Daemon and Otto’s beef has entered its second and third decade, because apart from Aemond, they are the pettiest bitches in this entire show. God, I love it so much. Like, Daemon was a dick in this episode, but apart from the choking scene, in the exact way I would except him to be.
- I am glad that Rhaenys basically justified her not killing Aegon and Alicent the way I did all along. See?! My mind reading is accurate, and the writers aren’t incompetent! Well, most of the time, anyway.
- My heart bleeds not just for Luke, but for Arrax, his tiny widdle dragon with his tiny widdly saddle than was especially tiny widdle when compared to the monstrous grandma Vhagar.
- Girlies be like “Rhaenyra had a bigger reaction to the Alicent’s stupid book page* than to the deaths of her children”. Girlies be blind. Seriously, did you miss Rhaenyra cradling her daughter’s dead body and lovingly covering her in shroud?!
*and yes, I do think the book page is kinda dumb, like the writers def didn’t do enough to establish its significance, I would’ve forgotten what it even is if I haven’t seen it before on dem internets
- Am I going to watch the next season? I don’t know! Like I have good reasons to classify this show as legitimately bad, despite the loads of great moments it offered us. I’ll probably have to make a list with all the pros and cons neatly written down before I give it something like a star rating or whatever. Maybe negative nancys on Twitter have rotted my brain and I cannot enjoy this show because of relatively minor flaws, maybe they were right all along... Either way, thank you, choking scene, for finally breaking my uncritical adoration of this show and making me second guess everything it does. Maybe I was at first too wrapped up in my righteous anger and affection for Daemon to realize that it is just one scene, but I can’t say thinking critically about this show is a bad think. It clearly wants to be smart, so it’s only natural that we consider whether it succeeds in this.
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angelbaby-fics · 2 years
Can you do a fic where steve or Bucky accidentally drops the reader?
#stucky 🌻🦋☀️
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Word Count: 435
Pairing: Bucky x Little!Reader
A/N: Oh man, I'm sorry its been so long! And that this isn't very much!! But I'm hoping to get back into the groove I was in earlier this year with my fics, and the first step is getting started!
Of course, neither Steve nor Bucky would EVER intentionally drop you, and are probably even more protective than the average person.
The only way I can imagine it happening honestly is if something happened with Bucky’s arm that he couldn’t control, because keeping you safe is as natural to him as breathing.
It wasn’t even a malfunction, quite the opposite actually.
Bucky had just gotten his arm refurbished in Wakanda, getting it equipped with new skills and updates, in addition to general upkeep.
As an added bonus, Shuri had polished the arm to give it a little extra flair!
What she’d neglected to do was tell Bucky about the polish, and so the first thing he did when his arm was reconnected was scoop you right up into a big hug. 
He spun you around, both arms around you as he pressed you into his chest, but as shifted you into his left arm to fill out some paperwork with his right, you felt yourself lose your traction. 
Next thing you knew, your bottom hit the floor!
You looked up at Bucky with wide eyes, him staring back at you just the same. 
You paused for a moment before bursting into tears, and Bucky rushed to you in an instant, trying to pick you up again, but you fled from his grasp.
“No daddy!! You drop me!!” You cried, shrinking away from him.
Bucky’s heart was broken; it was his absolute worst nightmare to be in any way responsible for hurting you and making you feel scared.
Even though he knew it had been an accident, he still blamed himself for not being more careful.
“Angel, I’m so sorry. Daddy didn’t mean to!” He pleaded with you.
You could see the pain in his eyes, the fear come true of hurting you especially with his enhanced limb.
You knew he was insecure about it already, and you didn’t want to make him feel worse.
Even though you were still shaken from your fall, you knew in your heart that Bucky would never dream of hurting you on purpose, so you slowly got up and walked back towards him.
“It's ok daddy, accidents happen.” You said, offering a smile.
“You wanna try again, sugar?” He asked, holding his arms out to you, but you shook your head, not quite ready to risk it again.
“I wanna walk and hold your fancy hand!” You said, grabbing his vibranium fingers with glee and tugging slightly, indicating that you were getting impatient, wanting to get all this adult stuff over with so you and your daddy could go play.
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Taglist: @babybatdani @cherryynoir @simpingbutch @xxxqueenlaufeysonxxxxo @mogaruke @flthyhrts @mariexoxosblog @stuckysgirl27 @midnight-dreams-23 @mischiefsemimanaged @0witchtrials0 @my-river-lilly @erynnnn @tired-spider-siblings @tamzindouglas @st3rgirl ​​@rach2602 @bradfordmyworld @keirabux @teddybearsgrr @sleepybabyxo @bunnyweasley23 @simpforsebastianstan06 @angies1021 @acahope311 @marvel1984 @little-love-bee @charliessafespace @avoyen1998 @milfdilfslayer23000 @mylittlesafehaven99 @bootlegmothman420 @lokisgirlszendaya
please note that due to how big its getting i will be revamping my taglist in the near future so keep an eye out!!
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