#even when Damian is 6' he's still gonna be be Dick's little baby
minnow-doodle-doo · 2 years
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he’s growing up :,)
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zer0wzs · 2 months
𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙣 ("𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮!")
[ gn!reader ] it's your birthday and your boyfriend is unfortunately not physically present. however, some other people have plans. jason todd x reader [ also heavy reader & batfam i guess ] wc: 2018 cws: n/a!
an: was supposed to post this on my birthday almost two weeks ago but i couldn't finish it on time because of a lot of stuff LOL
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As you sip on your coffee, you finally take a look at your messages. 
It’s empty for the most part—save for a few birthday greetings from friends and a few messages from scammers about how you won a car (jokes on them; you don’t even have a license!). There’s one message that catches your eye immediately, though.
j 🫀 | 00:00 happy birthday baby 💖💘🫶🫶 really sad that i still wont be home for a couple more days i’m gonna make it up to you every way possible i’m all yours when i get back 💘
You find yourself smiling at his messages—of course because of the content of the text itself, but also for a lot of other things, from how he greeted you at the exact moment of your birthday to how he’s picked up some of your texting mannerisms to his very limited amount of number of messages compared to yours.
You | 09:03 awwwwsshwhJSJFHG 💖💖💖 i love you so much jay!!! imysm pls love come backk… 😞😞😞  ur team better use their time with u wisely u quite literally wont escape me once you step foot back in our apartment
Not giving much more thought to your reply, you continue on with your work, thinking on the side what you’ll do after. Your friends aren’t coming over; they’ve been assigned to meet on Saturday so that you have the whole day to yourselves. Still, you feel like treating yourself a little.
Curing this thought, you find that after work, you gravitate towards the hominess of your favorite thrift store. The owner is an older man who keeps the place the same as it has been since its establishment years ago.
The selection is far from filtered, a completely random selection for the most part, but it adds to the charm. However, his daughters usually help out, and you get to chat with them. They’ve known you as a regular now.
You slip a pair of headphones on and get to work, sifting through a few racks of clothes, shelves of trinkets, and stacks of records. Your jacket, or rather a coat, is wrapped around your waist to make your awfully formal self stand out less in the sea of people in the cozy shop.
You pick up some things mostly for yourself, but a few also with Jason in mind. No reason in particular, but if he asks, it's a welcome-back gift. You found a vinyl pressing of Comalies by Lacuna Coil—something you vaguely remember that he’s been looking for a while now.
Speaking of him, you mindlessly open your phone, hoping to see a message from him.
Nothing. Oh, well.
The walk is only a few blocks away, but your arms are slightly worn from the sifting through the aisles of items. You’re sure you’ll make it, though, even if the bags full of finds weigh a little heavy in your hands. Once you make it to your floor, you can just feel the exhaustion radiating from your arms. You could use a nap right now,
“YN!” You see Steph jump the moment you turn the lights on.
The whole apartment is decorated, decked in classic birthday decor—like balloons and banners. You note a few heads rising from the place they previously were from.
You know, coffee’s good, too. It’s only 6 PM.
As you eye around the room, the picture becomes clear: there are quite a few members of Jason’s family here—notably Dick, Steph, Cass, Tim, Duke, and Damian.
They all look at each other, uneasy. A moment later, a garbled chorus of birthday greetings is shouted. 
“Thank you. I’m flattered.” You mumbled, setting your bag of thrifted goods down as you closed the door. “How did you all get here, though-”
“Good question.” Steph nervously laughed, leaping to your side and hooking an arm around you. At this point, the rest of the family wave their hellos before finalizing a few pieces of decoration. “Come on! We made dinner—or, well, Alfred did.”
“Oh, is he here? Where is he?” You said, your lips turning to a smile. It’s been a while since you’ve seen him, you recalled.
“Sorry, he’s at the mansion, busy tending to the old man.” Steph sighed, noticing your excitement.
“Ah,” you nod, still very up in your head. You’re overwhelmed, frankly, but still grateful as ever. To be honest, you’re not the best at receiving surprises like this. “Thank you, though. I’m just a little, well, surprised.”
“Of course,” Dick hummed, quickly joining the conversation between the two of you. “We knew Jason couldn’t make it, and we really wanted you to enjoy your birthday somehow. You’ve done a lot for him and for us as well.”
“Oh, thank you, but it isn’t a huge—”
You’re not even in your kitchen when Damian appears in front of you with a stoic look on his face. If this whole thing was set when you first met Jason, you would’ve thought that he did not want to be here and did not like you at all.
Rest assured, though, his siblings say otherwise. They enjoy teasing him and telling you that he searches for your company from time to time. One time, Dick said he was near deadset on inviting you to Gotham Zoo, seeing how they had your favorite animal sheltered there recently.
“Do you need any assistance with those bags?” He looked at you, eyes flicking down to the plastic bags in your hands.
You shake your head, making strides towards the hallway. “Um, no, thank you. I’m just going to carry these to my bedroom-”
Immediately, he steps in and grabs them. “You shouldn’t exert yourself any further. It’s your birthday, after all. I’ll be taking these.”
Oh. Okay. You stand there a little dumbfounded but nodding. It’s not like you can’t stop him either; he’s already making his way to your room.
Your phone buzzes. You open to see it. It’s from Jason. You sigh, knowing he won’t be able to make it.
j 🫀 | 18:24 i’ll be back really soon don’t you worry 💖
Attached to his message is a video. While the others are distracted, you lower your phone’s volume to watch it. You can just feel the embarrassment on his face as he records a video of himself singing Happy Birthday to you behind some dingy place.
How the hell did he even send it from there? Oh, the wonders of reception, you supposed.
You quickly type out a response for him, rocking from the balls of your heels to your toes with your lips only spread out. You couldn’t wait for “a few more days” or something. You also tell him how his family threw a last-minute birthday party and how you can’t be any happier (It just really isn’t visible with the exhaustion weighing heavy on your shoulders.).
“Is everything all right now?” You hear Dick ask Duke, Cass, and Tim from behind you. You turn around to see them giving him an affirmative yes.
“All right then,” he grins. Steph is pulling a cake from your fridge, and it's only now that you realize that your countertop is filled with your favorite cuisines by Alfred. You worry about the amount of time this took up on top of the rest of the tasks he has to tend to.
They all sing a happy birthday to you, a mixture of liveliness and yet also idleness, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything nonetheless. Sure, your brain might be more than overloaded at this point, but you’re just thankful that they made the collective effort to celebrate your birthday.
It makes you feel a little bad because of all of the trouble you’re more than certain had arisen because of this, but you push that thought back. They don’t need to hear that.
All six of them are standing in front of you, and it only denies your fears of being alienated and inconsequential to the greats who are the family before you. You’re not sure why or how they accepted you wholeheartedly, but God, do you not just take the love that they give?
Your phone rings, and you look to see who it is. You pick up—it’s Jason.
You notice how Steph wants to go back to you once more, but you mumble an apology to her, telling her that your boyfriend was calling. She nodded and headed over to Duke to, what you can assume, is chit-chat.
“Hello! Good evening, Jay-love,” you hum.
Your viewpoints to Dick, who looks at you curiously. Your voice is far from loud, and you do not want to disrupt anything, so you mouth Jason’s name to him before he nods and continues talking to Tim, Cass joining in.
“Hey, baby, happy birthday,” a few words follow, but you can’t hear much because of the chattering around you.
“Ah, thank you. I miss you,” you chuckled. “Could you come again, though? I can’t hear well.”
You hear a chuckle from the other end. “No, it’s fine. I was just saying that I really wish I was there right now.”
“Oh, yeah,” you reply half-mindedly, looking over the group. “Your family’s really sweet. I feel cared for.”
“You are. How could someone not like ya’?”
“Thanks.” You giggle in reply. You play with the ends of your shirt while talking to him, finding yourself leaning against a wall. Breaking the conversation from the sudden end, you spoke up. “So, when again are you coming back?”
“Real soon. Promise.”
“Would it kill you to be a little bit specific? I’m asking you a-” You stand there, giggling, but the banter stops among the family when two hands cover your field of vision completely.
“Guess who.”
Immediately, you know. From his voice to the callouses on his fingertips to the warmth radiating behind you.
“You’re too old to be saying that.” You spit back, not thinking twice about what you were saying.
You hear a dramatic, exaggerated scoff from behind you as his hands pull themselves away. You turn back but do note how everyone’s eyes are fixed on you and the man behind. Only whispers could be heard—you feel your ears redden.
Despite this, have you ever had the ability to contain yourself around him? You dive straight into him and pull him tight. For the first time in a really long while, he’s here. He’s here, he’s real, and you’re not wasting a single second of it.
“Missed you too.” He mumbles on top of your head. He shifts you two so that his back is faced towards his family. “I’m really sorry that it took so long-”
“Tsk,” you put a finger to his lips, taking a step back with his hands finding their way down your waist. “Uh-uh, it’s my birthday, and I want none of that.”
“Okay, okay,” he sighed, a hand climbing up your spine and finding itself on your cheek as the thumb caressed the edges and crevices of you.
“Thank you.” You put a hand on top of his.
“Of course, birthday love.”
On your tiptoes, you give him a peck on the cheek after he redirects you to his lips, discontented with the first kiss from when he came back being so brief. It only lasts a few seconds, but you know you’re gonna get more later.
You feel a tenderness pool inside of you. There’s something about the way he gazes at you—so full of love, so full of admiration you can’t help but give back—that makes you forget that you’re just feet away from his family.
“About the party,” he cleared his throat, hand finding your lower back as you rejoin the rest of the group. “I was the one who orchestrated it.”
You hear a loud gasp from Tim. “Um, no? I was the one who had the idea.”
“I was actually the one who helped spark that idea?” Steph joined. “I think I deserve at least some credit here.
You find yourself standing in a room, never feeling more loved than now.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Hi, I was wondering if you had any baby Batkids headcanons, just all of them being extra clingy and obsessed with their dear dad. 😊
YES!! daily dose of fluff!!
Jason keeps a meticulous collection of poems that remind him of Bruce; Some collected from his favourite books, some he's written himself. They progress from love, to rage, to sadness, to regret, to a final, angry forgiveness, to love again
When Dick moved out, when his body was still clumsy and unfamiliar in his apartment, he spent hours just staring at his contact list.
Just aching for the courage to call Bruce. The little boy in him was begging to go home, and Nightwing kept denying him. But he'd know. it's a family tradition that Bruce always calls first.
Damian was never tickled; He hasn't giggled since he was 6, and Talia couldn't give to him what Ra's never gave to her. He was a blade, and blades don't feel.
When Bruce tickles him for the first time, he thinks its a punishment. His stomach hurts from laughing too much.
Tim's obsessive tendencies go root deep. He's vigilant, keeping a faithful watch on Bruce's every move. That's why he's there for. That's his purpose. He's good at that. He's useful for that. Keeping Gotham safe. It makes up for his invasion in the family.
One time, Jason gets hurt on patrol. Its a stab wound. Standard and measly. Just another scar on top of many. But it's a scar Tim could've prevented.
" I should've warned him. Should've-- saved him, been faster," And Bruce says he did warn him; He did everything right. There's no such thing as a good patrol. " I didn't do it on purpose. Bruce, it wasn't on purpose. Please believe me."
Bruce commands emotion in a way Tim is envious of. You think you see past the mask and he always shows you something different. Tim expects to get yelled at, and scolded, and berated for his sloppiness.
And then Bruce holds him, with an intentional tightness and unyielding tenderness, " Oh, my boy. My poor baby."
Stephanie doesn't get upset when people DON'T assume she and Bruce are father and daughter. Mostly because they're right. They're not. At their best, they're co-workers. At their worst, they're Bruce and Steph.
Fathers are overrated, anywhere.
But just for once, she'd like people to assume. She'd like to be mistaken for Bruce Wayne’s bastard child, or his one night stand, or drunken mistake, like the rest of the boys.
But when Bruce does put a hand on her shoulder, when a creep flirts with her at a Gala, " You're not in my daughter's league. You can't even afford tickets." It does feel good.
Cass and Bruce have particular love languages. Cass is tactile. She needs to touch you, and feel you, even if she doesn't speak. It's a proof of existence. It proves she's not an instrument of danger. Even danger deserves gentle things.
If there's anything true about Bruce, it's his lack of judgement. He asses, weights and critics, sure, but he's never one to judge. "Hey, honeybee. " and Cass loves that she doesn't have to hide. She can exist around him, and he can just hug her, and that's enough.
Cass has a tattoo of the bat symbol on her chest. Blsckbat rarely works with officers, but when she does, there's no pleasure in it. Especially when she has to stop them from putting a bullet through a starving kid's head.
"I gotta ask you; How do you do it? Why do you do it? No one's looking. No one's gonna know."
And Cass, angrily, rips a chunk off her suit to reveal the bat symbol. Gotham's mark of worship, it's unholy saint.
Thought saints aren't saints because they're holy. Saints are saints when they bleed. And they don't know how not to do that.
" This means mercy. This means Life."
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lovysmtalks · 4 years
Fallen for the wrong you
(Based on this idea)
Even from when Marinette was a child she liked being more boyish- in her mind clothes have no gender and will never have.
But the world thought differently
Her father didn't like her for that
And neither did the people around her
Nino who was a childhood friend of hers always said that she should be more feminine.
She laughed it off as being a joke but when he didn't laugh with her she just stopped talking about it.
She was 14, after she had one of the girls in her class confess her love for her, she realized that she was bisexual.
She started dating Lila, a popular girl in her school.
But once Lila visited her house, it was like hell was brought on her head.
Lila stated ranting about how she should dress like a lady and be more girly, and she should stop talking like a boy and talk more softly and be more demure.
(while Marinette literally had to go to therapist because she wasn't exactly talking and didn't talk to anyone for 4 years)
Marinette with a heavy heart took her advice and stepped out of her comfort zone by asking her parents to help her be more girly.
For the next few months Marinette observed Lila's personality traits and tried to recreate them as much as she could.
The soft and stutter voice
The soft smile
The pink dresses and short skirts
After 2 years,  Marinette was now known as a bubbly and shy person. Dont get me wrong, Mari observed how Lila was flirting with other guys and started ranting about anything the short girl did wrong.
But Marinette observed something else too
People were really kind to her,
The teachers complimented her on the dresses that she wore
The people in school talked to her more
For fucks sake, even her dad talked to her more.
That kinda her the poor girl, but now she was finally accepted, right?
Last year of lycée...
Year with a lot of exams and brought by excitment of starting a new chapter in your life.
Lila broke up with Marinette at the end of last year, turned out she was just confused and never actually liked Mari.
The girl was really hurt it.
But her dad said suck it and be a man.
(Ironic because he treated her badly when she was more boyish)
When she started college, she met Adrien
A son of a big designer in Paris.
He befriended her, and they spent alot of time together
She started to fall for him and she tried to confess...
but then when they opened up more to each other, it turned out that he was an incel that believed a woman belongs in the kitchen and is basically a sex toy and a baby maker
Mari started to distance herself from him, and made a note in her mind that said "I hate men and I'm shit scared of them, never fall for anyone and dont get in relationships or anything more then hookups."
Last year of college.
Marinette meet Chloe Bourgeois.
The two girls because friends fast due to both of them having similar childhoods and interests.
Chloe helped Mari open more and teched her to not give a shit about anyone or anything
After collage, Mari and Chloe opened their own company
Even tho it was hard at the start.
They started with nothing else then a little help from Mari's uncle, Jagged, and Chloe's mom, Audrey.
It was hard, with most of the industry being controlled by selfish rich men
But they did it
They made it to the top
After 2 years of trying, they finally made  it up there
After many ups and downs, they finally did it.
Both girls were know for being the most kind people in the industry.
And they planned to keep that face on as long as they could.
After all, people dont like it when girls are rough and 'mean'
Damian lost a bet.
That was what started the hell hole
Dick and him made a bet and he lost it? The world must have come to an end.
"Ok little D, you must stop being in your room all the times,  dont you have friends to hang out with?" Asked Dick
Damian stares at him for a second
"Jon is on a mission with his family, did you forgot?" He said
"Yea but that doesn't mean you just stop going outside." Dick said seriously.
Damian wasn't the type to have many friends or go out a lot, everyone knew it, but now Richard was just being an asshole for reminding him that.
"Look, why don't you get a job? You will have to take father's place one day and you dont even know anything about what he does." Dick said
"Of course I know what he does, I..he..uhm" Damian was at a loss of words
'Am I really that ignorant?' He thought
"Look, why dont you two have a bet, if Dick over here wins, you will get a job, if Damian wins, Dick will leave you alone forever and never bring it up again." Jason said
Damian looked at his two older brothers
"I'm in." Dick said
After some seconds
"I'm in as well" Damian murmured
The bet was who can capture the next villain to appear faster.
Dick was faster with only some minutes, meaning that Damian lost.
*Flashback ends*
He was now standing infront of the building of a company he had no idea of. And he was very lost.
Once Damian stepped through the door, he was pushed by someone, making them both fall on the floor
"I'm so sorry, are you ok?" Asked the soft voice of the person who pushed him
"Yea I am alright" he said
He opened his eyes to see a short girl giving him a hand to get up
They made eye contact
Damian's breath cut short
After some seconds, the girl heard her phone ring
"Oh hell, Chloe must be waiting. I'm sorry I have to go"  she said as she started to run
Damian didn't have time to ask any questions as she ran fast, very fast to the lift.
The guy linked repeatedly as he looked after her, a small smile forming on his lips.
It's been 6 months since Marinette bumped into Damian.
The two of them got closer and they became friends... until the 4th month
That's when Damian confessed his crush on her.
She told him she felt the same.
And they started dating, and neither of them could be happier
It was a late night after a celebration party
Both of them got drunk
When they got to the hotel, they started heavily making out, with no care into the world
Clothes started to come off as they moved to the bedroom
They got to the bedroom with him being in his bottoms and her being in only her shirt
They threw themselves into the bed
Damian slowly started to take off her shirt
But when his hand touches her skin
He felt something weird on her waist
Damian stopped the kiss so both of them could breathe
Once the dizziness from the kiss stopped his eyes went on her waist
His brain took a screenshot
He saw alot of tattos on her torso
Marinette looked up at him
Her eyebrows narrowed searching for his gaze. Once she found it, her mind panicked.
She pushed him off the bed and got up, searching for her clothes
Until Damian woke up from his shocked state, she was already gone out of the door.
He got up to look after her but once he was in the hallway, there was no sight of her anymore.
*Some days after the break*
"Are you sure this is alright?" Marinette asked Chloe, who was sitting at her office.
"Babe, he lied to us about who he was and then got close to you, most probably to use it against you, you know how men are, they are all the same, plus,  you can give the job to someone who actually needs it" Chloe said as she threw a paper on the desk.
Marinette looked at the paper, it was  a dismissal paper.
2 days ago the girls found out who he really was.
The son of a rich competitor. Bruce Wayne to be more specific
Both Mari and Chloe know how the Waynes are.
They are cold, and mysterious.
Marinette was having second thoughts about this, but she couldn't risk her name being stepped on, not after working so much to get where she was.
The girl started to think if their relationship even was a relationship, they both were lying to each other.
She knew he wont accept her as she is, and now after learning who he really was, there was no doubts that it was real, and he probably didn't care, like everyone (besides Chloe) in her life.
"Hi Sam, call Damian in Mari's office please."  Chloe said to the secretary.
Marinette got behind Chloe and tried to ignore what was gonna happen
After some minutes, there was knock on the door
"Come in'' said Chloe trying to hide the rage in her voice
In the door stood tall no one other then Damian Wash- I mean Wayne.
"You called me Chloe?" he asked
Damian looked behind the blonde girl to see his girlfriend (?) Turned with her back and looking at the window
"Its Miss Bourgeois to you." She said in a icy voice.
Damian opened his mouth in surprise
"And yes, I called you, please sign this" the blonde says pointing at the paper infront of her
Damian hesitantly got closer to the desk to read the paper
"A dismissal paper? What's this about?" He asks confused as he looks at Mari again
"Dont play dumb Washington." Chloe said, putting anger on the word 'Washington'
Damian looks at the girl shocked, his eyes winded
"Marinette, if this is about that night I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" the man was stopped by Chloe
"Dont you dare try to talk with her after you lied about everything Wayne."  The blonde said loudly.
Damian let out a sort breath while he still looked at Marinette.
"This is a misunderstanding, I didn't lie to you guys, let me expl-" he was once again stopped by Chloe slamming the desk
"ENOUGH WAYNE, just sign this and were done."
Damian's eyes didn't leave Marinette
"Angel, please let me explain." He pleated
Marinette's head turned a little to the side
"We're over." She whispered, with a hint of sadness in her voice
Damian's eyes winded more
He looks at the paper and gets  the pen in his hand
He took one  more look at Mari
And he signed it.
"You are free to leave" Chloe said while turned to Marinette
And he did leave.
After he was gone, Mari broke down in Chloe's arms as the blonde girl was stroking her back slowly
"I'm sorry sugar, I promise I won't let anyone hurt you anymore" Chloe whispered in Marinette's ear
*at the Wayne mansion*
Damian's slammed the door closed as he entered the mansion, gathering the attention of his brothers and father
"Hey demon spawn, how was work?" Asked Jason as Damian walked past him
"Lilttle D, is everything alright? You seem down" Dick said
Damian stopped.
"I got fired" he says while his voice cracked a little
Bruce's eyes winded
"Son, I know you liked the job, but it's not that big of a deal, you can work with Tim" he suggested
Damian was looking at the floor
"And my girlfriend broke up with me"  he whispered
"YOUR WHAT?" says Tim as he spilled his coffee
"Since when did you had a girlfriend Damian?" Asks Bruce
"Since 2 months ago" he whispers again
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jason asked
The family was stunned
"Master Damian, no need to yell, why dont you vent to us? You're very stressed, I can tell." Alfred says
And he did, he told them all about Marinette, all the dates, all the laughs and smiles they shared together, he even told them about what happened that night
"So you're telling me, you got fired because of some tattos?" Jason asked
"No, I got fired because they found out I was a Wayne" Damian says roughly
"How did they not know?" Bruce says
"They dont look into competitors families, it's a bad habit that both of them have" The young Wayne said
"So for 6 months nobody told them who you were?" Tim asks
"No, because we weren't seen in public, I tried to be as careful as I could so no one would know " Damian sighed
"Well fuck, you fucked up big time, but that's not exactly a reason for her to fire you, not a good one at least" Dick said
Damian shrugs
"Wait, I think I know how to resolve this" Tim says
"What do you mean, Tim?" Asked Jason as Tim put his laptop on the coffee table
Tim started aggressively typing on the keyboard
"We now have a charity event to go to" he smirked
"I'm not sure what to think about this Chloe."said the dark haired girl
"We're going to leave when you want sugar, but we need to attempt at the event" Chloe said as she was looking through Marinette's closet
Since Damian left, he was all Mari could have think
She was distracted, hurt, confused, maybe even kinda mad at herself
"Aha, found it, look Mari! You would look so pretty in it. Plus it brings your tattoos at life" says Chloe while holding a suit in her hand.
Marinette promised herself that she would finally show the world that she wasn't the soft girl she always pictured herself as
She knows her parents would be watching the event, and she wanted revenge on her father for the years of therapy that she needed to get because of him and every man that did her bad, every man that said she couldn't open a business because she was a woman.
So she put on the suit, and left with Chloe who was holding her hand protectively.
Once the two girls exited the car, flash lights were all over their faces
They somehow got into the building
Chloe went to get to get them both something to drink, leaving Mari behind.
The girl looked around the big room, her mind being concentrated at one of the paintings.
Suddenly someone was dragging her out of the room
"WHAT THE HELL, LET ME GO!'' she yells to death ears
She continued to struggle but nothing moved out of the person's grip
They got into a dark room, Mari could hear the door lock, she closed her eyes, scared of what was gonna happened.
She heard the light turn on.
"Will you now let me explain" said a familiar voice
She opened her eyes in surprise
"Damian? What the fuck is wrong with you, have you gone nuts?" She said angrily to him
"You didn't let me explain myself, so I had to do something about it, I cant just go on with my life because I know you didn't know what actually is going on." Damian says trying to make his voice as soft as he could, so he wouldn't scare her away
Marinette remains silent, sign for him to start speaking.
"I didn't mean to lie to you, but have you seen how you reacted when you found out who I was? You started to treat me differently." He whispered
Marinette opened her mouth to say something,  but she decided to remain silent
"I didn't lie when I said I love you, god I still fucking do, but I had no idea how to tell you" he sighed
Marinette sighed a deep heavy
"If we start to confess things, I also have something to say" she says
Damian's eyebrows narrowed
"I'm not this bubbly shy girl, I am not the sunshine I make myself look like" she says
"Oh." He said
"I never was and I will never be, I print myself as that because people would treat me differently if they knew the real me"  she sighed
Damian took a step towards her
He kissed her forehead softly, then her lips aggressively
"Then show me the real you"
(Marinette's tattos/suit and Chloe's dress)
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alecmagnuslwb · 3 years
But Please Don’t Bite - @doubleredweek Day 6
Read on AO3
The number one rule about the Bats is to always, always stay away from their fangs. It’s no secret that despite Bruce’s strict no killing rule they’re the most lethal of the pseudo super families.
The rule especially applies to the Arrows, wolves and vampires don’t mix; they tolerate each other at best. The years of petty bitching between Oliver and Bruce at every Justice League meeting should be proof enough of that.
Roy Harper however never found a rule he didn’t at least want to tamper with. Befriending Dick Grayson, a creature of the night not a creature of the hunt, had been his big teen rebellion, but oh boy that’s going to look like he stole a pack of gum and promptly returned it immediately out of guilt in comparison to this.
Because right now Jason Todd’s fangs aren’t just within spitting distance which he knows Oliver would consider risky enough, they’re pressed right up against his throat.
Roy’s not totally sure how he wound up here, not that he’s complaining in the slightest when Jason’s lips travel down to the base of his neck his fangs slipping out the tips just barely grazing Roy’s pale skin.
Teaming up with Jason in the first place had been an accident, a wrong place wrong time incident that Batman’s most complicated son helped him out of. From there he’d just kind of stuck, Jason didn’t necessarily need the help, but he didn’t turn it down either and Roy couldn’t seem to stop. It was fun working with someone whose style wasn’t exactly like his and Jason’s wry sense of humor and handsome face were nice to be around.
There was just something captivating about Jason that Roy couldn’t seem to step away from even though every lesson he’d ever been taught told him he should. Captivation quickly turned into a crush, a silly unrealistic crush a werewolf had on a vampire, which quickly then became something more. Roy found himself in so deep, so quickly he knew no matter what they were, no matter if Jason felt more than obvious mutual attraction to him, he was going to be sticking around for a long time.
So, here they are now with months’ worth of tension spilling out in a cold, dark alleyway with a pile of unconscious drug dealers stacked up on top of each other not ten feet away.
“Jaybird,” Roy says just as he nips at the delicate skin of Roy’s jaw, not quite enough to break the skin and draw blood but damn near close enough. The action makes him think of the speech he got from Oliver years ago, a warning about remaining on guard whenever a Bat was around.
“Just because he’s been training them all for years to reign it in doesn’t mean they aren’t creatures of habit,” he’d said. “They’re connected to their base urges just like we are. We can’t resist the moon when we lose focus, they can’t resist blood when they do.”
He groans, he really doesn’t want to be thinking about Oliver right now, and damn if Jason doesn’t seem wholly focused anyways.
“Don’t worry,” Jason says pausing his trail along Roy’s neck in favor of kissing him once, biting at Roy’s bottom lip when he pulls back. “I won’t bite,” he pauses again placing a slow gentle kiss on Roy’s jaw. “Unless you want me to.” He winks once at Roy before gently tilting Roy’s head to the side slowly working his way down the other side of his neck.
And sweet baby Jesus Jason bleeding him dry is the least of his worries he’s gonna die on the spot from his lips alone.
“No really Jaybird,” he says making absolutely no attempt to put a stop to it when Jason grips his waist tight and pulls him in closer pressing the length of his body right up against Roy firmly pressing him into the wall. “We should,” he pauses struggling to get through his intended sentence when Jason does something particularly pleasant with his tongue. “We should talk about what’s happening here.”
Jason pulls back his face still dangerously close to Roy’s. “I thought it was pretty obvious what was happening here.”
Roy huffs a little laugh reaching out a hand to delicately hold Jason’s sharp jaw. “I don’t mean this, this. I mean this in general,” he explains waving his other hand between them.
“So clear,” Jason says flashing his fangs a little when he smiles.
“Jay,” Roy says seriously, his words may be unclear, but Jason knows exactly what he means.
Jason sighs tilting his head up into the night air the glow of the moon, just a few days away from Roy’s time of the month, catching on the scar along his eyebrow and the white streak in his hair illuminating them. The motion causes Roy’s hand to slip down to Jason’s neck still holding lightly.
“You mean how vampires and werewolves aren’t supposed to mix and how your dad fucking hates my dad and they’ll absolutely both lose it if they find out about us?” Jason says his head tilting back down to look Roy in the eyes. The usual blue of his eyes is halfway gone being swallowed up by the vampire red that only comes out in anger or desire, a strange and mesmerizing purple line across them where the colors mix.
“I don’t give a fuck what they think, Bruce is always gonna be Bruce and let’s be real your dad just hates Bruce specifically, his issue isn’t with us,” Jason continues and Roy decides not to argue it. It’s technically true, Oliver doesn’t hate Dick or Jason or any of the other Bat kids but that doesn’t mean he’ll be thrilled if one of his kids starts sleeping with one of them. “Except maybe Damian, but Damian just kind of has that effect on people.”
Roy smiles amused, he actually kind of likes Damian as brash and rude as the kid can be.
“I guess they don’t really need to know if we start fucking in alleyways anyways, huh?” Roy says somewhat defensively protecting himself. He wants it to be more than just this, but he knows Jason isn’t exactly open to emotionally complex relationships. This might be all he’s willing to give. “Unless some siblings of yours catches us and blabs.”
Jason surprises him kissing him once on the lips light and soft not at all like the kisses they’ve been sharing since he punched out the last of the goons took one look at Roy and just pounced.
“You don’t have to do that,” he says and Roy just gives him an innocent look like he has no idea what Jason is talking about. Jason clearly doesn’t buy it. “You don’t have to act like this is just fucking in an alley. Which for the record we absolutely are not doing we may be nearly indestructible creatures of the night but I’m fairly certain there are some diseases down here that could very much take us both out.”
Jason leans forward touching his forehead to Roy’s keeping them close.
“I know I’m an emotionally stunted bloodsucker, but I’d like to try and not be with you,” he says closing his eyes. Up this close Roy can almost count every single one of his thick dark eyelashes. “Well the first part, can’t really do anything about the bloodsucking.”
Jason’s skin is cool to the touch just like it always is chilly fingers slipping under the edge of his vest. Roy’s warm hands stroke absentmindedly where they still rest on Jason’s ice-cold neck, it should make him shiver, should be such a contrast to the wildfire that always runs in his veins but Roy can’t feel it, he just feels warmer than he’s ever felt before.
“I’d say let me buy you dinner and then that sounds like a great plan, but you don’t eat,” Roy says with a chuckle leaning in once to press a quick kiss to Jason’s lips.
Jason snorts pulling back just a bit, but staying close. “How about you take me to blood bank?”
Roy nods pushing himself off the wall entangling his fingers with Jason’s. “A cold, clinical blood bank? How romantic,” he says swinging their arms back and forth as he drags them out of the alley.
He knows that sooner or later the fallout from this is going to cause an absolute shitshow incident between their families, but everything before and after that is going to be so much fun.
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supersilversleuth · 3 years
This Pain Isn’t Real (Because I Couldn’t Handle It Alone If It Was) by SuperSilverSpy
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU, DCU (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Gen
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson-centric, Dick Grayson Whump, Hurt Dick Grayson, Hurt, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Comfort, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Whumptober2021, touched starved, Bruises, Starvation, SuperSilverSpy, SilverGrayson, SilverWhump, Dick Grayson is Damian Wayne’s Parent, I think I might have attempted, Fluff, in this
"I'm telling you, brat, Goldie is probably fine. It wouldn't be the first time he'd run off without telling anybody. Besides, it's only been..."
"Tt, something doesn't feel right, Todd. He would have answered my calls by now, if he were oka—"
Jason saw him first, then Damian. Both of them freezing in place, staring at him with wide eyes.
OR Dick&fam in the aftermath of his kidnapping (comfort-ish fic)
No. 6 - TOUCH AND GO bruises | touch starved | hunger
Part 6 of 2021 Most Whumperful Time of the Year - Dick Grayson-centric
Language: English Words: 1,410 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1
It’s fine, Dick thought, it’s fine.
Your fingers are bruised , said that incredibly negative voice in his head, so are your toes, and your back and your bu—
Shut up , Dick thought back firmly, I’m not bruised, see? He looked down at his arm. No bruises. I can’t see them so they’re not there.
Liar, hissed the voice.
Memories flashed through his mind, courtesy of the crazy witch lady that had captured him two weeks—no, two days ago.
Just because it felt like two weeks and she said it was two weeks and my body is missing two weeks worth of breakfasts and lunches—doesn’t mean it was two weeks.
Afterall, the newspaper and his phone and the nice old lady across the hall said it’d only been two days.
So, Dick concluded, he had no right to be acting as he was. Kneeling on his living room floor, barely clothed, holding his weak and shaky arms out awkwardly as if keeping them from touching anything would make them hurt less.
Which, he thought, it might.
But it was all in his head, the bruises weren’t actually there. It only felt like they were. Just because he’d seen them with his own eyes didn’t mean they hadn’t gone away when he’d escaped.
Even so, Dick couldn’t bring himself to move, let alone stand up and actually do something productive. Any time any part of his body so much as touched something, it would hurt. Not to mention, his muscles were sore and achy, and he was very thin and malnourished. Stupid witches and their pain-in-the-a** magic. Dick smirked bitterly to himself at the pun.
You’re pathetic, said that incredibly motivational voice again.
Fine, Dick thought back, I’ll get up.
So he did. Well...he tried to at least. He made it to his feet, staggered a bit, and collapsed against the side of his couch. Progress.
Oh but how it hurt . His feet couldn’t handle the pressure of his body weight--lessened though it was--and when he hit the couch, it was as if every breath of air left him at the pain.
Dick groaned.
He didn't notice it at first, through the agony, but a couple hours later he could really feel it.
The cold.
Oh, f*** his life. The one time when his skin felt so tender he felt like a mild breeze might send him crashing to the ground—and now he was feeling cold.
It was ironic.
His blankets were heavy and soft, but it was the heavy part his brui—body didn't agree with. Dick dragged himself onto his couch, pressing against the cushions. Stars seemed to spark in his vision, pain radiating from his shoulder and arm, where he was putting the most pressure. His legs sank into the scratchy fabric as well, creating a sharp ache in his shins.
Dick shivered.
It felt as if he were trapped in a freezer. He breathed heavily, trying to control his breaths, looking ahead of him as if he might see the product of frosty breath in the air.
Relax, it's nothing, it's all in your head. He thought to himself.
Dick shivered again, tried to keep his teeth from chattering. It wasn't a very successful attempt. Against his better judgement, Dick rubbed harshly at his arms. He felt as if he was tearing through his own skin, though he did feel a very brief flash of warmth.
When was the last time I had a hug? It was three weeks ago—no, just a little over a week.
Dick sighed into his couch. He was a grown adult now, there was no reason for him to be sitting there, wishing for a hug as if he were some hopeful, naïve child.
Just as he was in the process of making himself pass out from pain, the door opened, and in walked two of his younger brothers.
"I'm telling you, brat, Goldie is probably fine. It wouldn't be the first time he'd run off without telling anybody. Besides, it's only been..."
"Tt, something doesn't feel right, Todd. He would have answered my calls by now, if he were oka—"
Jason saw him first, then Damian. Both of them freezing in place, staring at him with wide eyes.
"Hey, hey Dickie?" Jason asked slowly, "You alright?"
Damian burst into movement, hurrying towards Dick's side. He knelt on the floor, hesitantly putting a hand on his shoulder.
Dick held perfectly still, trying not to flinch away or show any kind of pain. But Damian knew him better than that.
The kid's warm palm against Dick's skin felt wonderful, and there was hardly any pressure behind it.
Dick felt his eyes water at the relief.
Behind them, Jason scoffed, shuffling his feet as if uncomfortable. Finally, he began heading towards Dick's kitchen, muttering curses under his breath.
Not long after and there was a loud exclamation from the kitchen, Jason had probably found out just how much food Dick...didn't have.
"Richard?" Damian asked him, completely ignoring Jason in the background. "What happened to you?"
"It's—it's nothing," Dick stuttered out, "N—Nothing happened."
He shivered, instinctively clutching Damian's arm, bringing it up to his face.
Damian's expression was solemn, yet concerned. "It's alright, Grayson. You needn't have to tell us."
"You're so warm," Dick shuddered, running tender fingers along Dami's arm.
"Richard? Where are you injured?"
"Everywhere." Dick felt the words slip through his usual defenses. He would've felt surprised, but all he could feel was numb except for that one spot where his little brother's hand lay on his cheek.
Baby Bird pulled back, and the previous warmth was gone, taken from him. Dick whined at the loss. Damian froze yet again, startled expression trained on him.
"Dami..." Dick whispered, drawing out the "e" sound. "Come back."
His arm flopped out, reaching out half-heartedly for the kid. It hit the edge of the couch, sending a wave of pain through his arm and back to his chest.
"What is wrong with you, Grayson?"
Dick closed his eyes, muttering tiredly about physical touch and feelings of cold--likely caused by starvation, he might add. Not because he needed a hug or anything. He hoped Dami would get the hint without him having to actually say it.
"You...of all people..." Damian stared at him in disbelief. "I consented to such physical atrocities just last week!"
Sighing, Dick turned his head away. "It's a long story."
He opened his arms as wide as they could go (which wasn't very), and tried to look inviting.
With mild grumbling, Damian stood, slipping onto the couch to join Dick there.
He sighed, content, wrapping his arms around the boy and burying his face in the kid's hair.
"Geez, what happened here?" Steph took in the disorganized mess before her.
Jason scowled. He wore a stained, ugly-yellow apron around his waist, and looked like he'd been in the middle of cleaning up something nasty.
"Dickface went and got himself starved in the two days he went missing—how is that even possible? And he seemed to be all drugged up on some sort of cuddle concoction. He was in the middle of snuggling the demon spawn when his fever started."
Steph winced. "How bad is it?"
"He's been lucid exactly twice since the first time he woke up and spat out parts of his stomach that I'm pretty sure should still be in there. The little sh** there though," Jason nodded to where Damian was adorably curled up within Dick's embrace, "Somehow Dick doesn’t splatter him every damn time he expels little bits of his organs. And he won't let go of the kid. I swear the universe is getting back at me from the last time I flipped it off..."
Steph cracked a smile, "So why am I here then? You're obviously being overdramatic about Dick's health, I can tell you're not that worried, you know."
The man just chuckled, tossing her the mop that had been in his hands before. "The next time Goldie wakes up, I'm gonna have some soup all ready for him. You, young lady, are here to clean up the rest of this mess."
Steph looked around, opening her mouth to argue.
Jason just raised his eyebrows, shooting her a pointed look as his phone seemed to materialize between his fingers.
Crap. That's what she got for letting blackmail material fall into the wrong hands.
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Batfam x Child!Reader - Confused Pt. 2
Guess who’s back after like year
Honestly I didn’t want to come back to it but I decided just to go with it. Hopefully the small amount of people reading this will enjoy it. I hated the first part but here’s the link to it if you haven’t read it yet!
Batfam x childreader! - Confused pt. 1
Just a quick warning, there’s swearing in this one!
“Knock Knock Knock”
A man, who was definitely a bit older, opened the door. “Ah, Master Dick,” The man started in a thick but posh British accent. “Welcome home.” He bowed a bit and opened the door wider for “master Richard” to walk in. “Thank you Alfred.” 
Dick and Alfred. Got it. 
Y/n made sure to remember their names, not wanting to be rude. “And what do we have here?” Alfred asks with a small smile and his brows raised. “My name is Y/n L/n,” she bowed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” Alfred looked at Dick with a questionable face. Dick just shrugged with a nervous chuckle. “No need for that Miss L/n, up you go.” She stood up straight and nodded. Alfred turned his attention back on Dick, waiting for an explanation. “I found her looking at the mansion when I came back from patrol and I asked her what she was doing. Apparently, she’s an orphan so I kinda just decided to keep her…..?” The end of his sentence turned into a question instead of a statement. 
Y/n looked at Alfred curiously as he nodded. It was so weird. He definitely had emotion but didn’t really show anything. It was almost completely stoic. She nodded to herself and decided that she liked him.
“Would you like to show her to Master Bruce sir?” Alfred says. Dick sighed and nodded, “I guess I kinda have to.” He mumbled. “It was nice meeting you Miss L/n.” She did another quick bow, “Thank you for your hospitality, Mister Alfred.” She stood up quickly and ran after Dick.
Her tiny legs slowed down as she finally caught up with him. “You’re very fast mister,” she panted. He looked down at her. “How old are you?” he questioned, realizing how small she actually was. “I’m four.” she looked at her hands making sure she was holding up the right amount. Sometimes she screwed up. Her fingers were just so tiny it was hard to bend them correctly. “Yeah,” she smiled excitedly for doing it right the first time. “Four.” He looked at her curiously. “Four? That’s pretty young,” he added. “I guess,” she shrugged. “But I’m turning five next week!” Dick chuckled at her on and off going excitement. “I guess we’ll have to celebrate then huh?” she looked at him. “Really? I’ve never had a birthday party before!” Y/n felt kinda weird. I mean, it was common for her to feel excitement but definitely not this much. “Then it’s gonna have to be huge in that case.” She tried to hold the bounce in her step after he said that.
“Who are you talking to Grayson?” An almost harsh voice said. It was coming from Y/n’s right. She leaned forward to try and see past Dick. A boy who looked around 10-13 was standing in front of an open door which Y/n assumed was his room. 
“How are you Dami. Awwww, I found a quick nickname for youuu~” Dick says in a baby voice and pinches the boy’s cheeks. “Don’t touch me you filthy hag.” He shouts and swats his hands away, but Dick didn’t seem to take any offense to it. “This is Y/n, she’s probably gonna be living with us from now on so treat her like your little sister okay?” Was he babying him? Y/n couldn’t really tell. 
“What do you mean she’s going to be living with us?” The boy’s voice cuts her from her thoughts. “Where the hell did you even get her? Off the streets, I’m assuming.” He talked in almost a proper manner but definitely not a proper tone. “Actually yeah, she’s an orphan like the rest of us,” Dick grabs Y/n’s hand and pulls her gently to his side so Damian can see her better. I mean, she tried her best to stay clean but it was kinda hard when you don’t really have anywhere to live. Damian scoffed, “I’m the only one with actual Wayne blood.” 
Dick patted his head, “Well it was nice running into you little bro but now we gotta leave.” He started walking, still holding the toddler's hand. Y/n waved at the boy even though she was sure he didn’t like her very much. Damian just stared back at her. He would rather die than admit this, but a tiny part of him wanted to pat her head. “Tch, whatever,” he mumbled and walked back into his room. 
Dick was quiet for a moment. “Wait, you live with Bruce Wayne? That’s a bit random,” Y/n says. “Well...Uh, it’s complicated.” He just realized he pretty much told a child his secret identity and probably everyone else's by bringing her inside. Her brows furrowed but tried to hide her confusion. 
There were sudden shouts coming from what seemed to be a kitchen of some sort. “Great, now look what you’ve done!” “I didn’t do anything, this was your fault, Drake!” “Yeah right, you’re just so angsty you just had to push me huh?” “Not my fault you’re so fucking clumsy.” Dick covered Y/n’s ears quickly. “You bumped into me.” “Keep telling yourself that.” The taller one says. “What do you want Dick?” The other one says harshly, now aware of his presence, and was definitely annoyed. His eyes widen when he sees the small girl whose face was being slightly squashed because of Dick’s hands. He removed them after both of them seemed to be more confused than calm. “What the hell is that?” Jason blurts. “It’s a child dumbass.” “I know that shithead, why is she here?” Jason retorts.  “Well right now I’m wishing she wasn’t so she wouldn’t have to listen to you two fight like an old married couple.” He says sassily. “Answer the damn question, Grayson,” Jason growls. “Alright alright, chill. She is here because I brought her here.” “I’m going to murder you.” He sighed, annoyed. Dick rolled his eyes. “She’s an orphan and you know the orphanage kinda broke or something so here she is I guess,” he says, finally giving a complete answer. Not gonna lie, she was honestly kinda scared and probably a little shy. Dick felt his arm being tugged and looked down to see Y/n hiding behind it but her eyes were still peeking out. “Now look what you did, you scared her,” Tim says to Jason. “What do you mean I scared her. We wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for you.” “Oh my god, I’m not gonna even try anymore.” “So now you want to acknowledge what you did.” “I swear to god I am going to pour my burning coffee all over you.” 
Dick sighed and used his other hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.  “This one is Jason,” Dick says to Y/n, pointing at the taller one. “This one is-” “A dumbass, this one is a dumbass.” Jason finished for Dick, glaring at the shorter one. “This one is Tim.” He says again, pointing to the shorter one. “I hate you. I have decided to pour the coffee and no one is stopping me.” Tim says. “Try me bitch.” Y/n could tell Dick was losing his patience. “Can you stop with the freaking swear words!” Dick shouts suddenly. “Well sooorry Mr. I can’t hear the word ‘fuck’ or I’ll throw holy water on you.” Tim rolled his eyes at Jason’s response. 
“Well I don’t know if you were paying attention or not, but there’s a small child, who doesn’t look older than 6, in the same room as us right now and I don’t think she should be listening to you cuss out profanities because you think you’re emo or something.” Timothy sassed slightly and Jason grumbled something under his breath. 
“We’re going now but have fun with whatever...this is,” Dick says motioning to the mess. Y/n waved behind Dicks arm, still a bit shy. Dick grabs Y/n’s hand again and walks off. “Oh yeah, you wanna go?” she could hear Jason shout in the distance, probably at something Time had said. 
Dick looked a bit annoyed with what just happened. “Mister Dick,” he looked at her. “What does dumbass mean?” (Listen I know I said she was smart but I don’t care at this point) His eyes widened. “It’s uh-It’s a meaner way of saying stupid butt.” Her brows furrowed. “Why would someone call something like that? It’s not a very good insult.” he shrugged. “Good question however I do not know the answer.” 
Dick opens a door to reveal a pretty normal study/office other than it was gigantic. He looks at Y/n and sighs. “I’m going to have to have to cover your eyes.” She nods and puts her hands over her eyes, turning around in the process. There was a loud but weird noise, almost like gears moving or something. “Alright, come on.” She turns around and removes her hands. Her small e/c orbs widen. There was a big gray elevator thingy in place of where the wide bookshelves should have been. She walked in slowly, being cautious. 
“It’s okay, I promise. It’s actually really cool.” She looked back up at Dick and nodded slowly.
 This family 100 percent confused her. They were weird. Really weird.
 Maybe she should have stayed outside.   
Sorry it was really short, I still hope you enjoyed it nevertheless. I’m probably going to end it here unless people start wanting a part three. I’ll try to start posting more once I get ideas on what to write. Hope you all have a fabulous dayyyy  
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Midnight Kisses - Dick Grayson x Reader
Words: 1.3k
Requested? Yes! From the lovely @subtleappreciation and @geekandnerdworld
“Hiiii! May I request a 6 with Dick please?” and “Hey. How are you doing during this major historic moment (which nobody asked for)? Could you please write a fic with Dick from the prompts 1, 6, 12 and 29. Thanks.” (1. pick me, choose me, love me 6. you can’t kiss me all day 12. alcohol does not solve all you proble- 29. dumbass are you drunk??? )
I LOVE THESE my boi Dick needs some love ;))) Thank you for the wonderful requests and I am doing alright in these wild times thank you for asking. I hope you don’t mind that I combined your requests : ) I hope you enjoy!
A Friday night meant board games and spooning, it was all you looked forward to during the week, texting your boyfriend how much you missed him and couldn’t wait to hangout during your weekends together. That was the way your life had been working, Dick was busy saving lives at night and working during the day and you were working during the day and studying at night - but both of you always cleared your Friday nights and most weekends for each other. It was a small tradition but it was reliable and showed that every week there was room in your life for Dick, and room in his for you. 
Sending a quick text then heading over to his apartment. On the way over you got a call from one of Dick’s younger brother, Tim.
“Heyyyyy Y/N so, Dick got in a teensy tiny little fight with Bruce because long story short Damian tried to stab someone and they both wanted to reprimand him differently and it was a whole thing and Dick looked pretty upset when he stormed out so just a warning I know it’s your Friday night date thing”
“How did Damian get a swor- nevermind I know how. Alright, thank you for the warning Timmy I’ll be sure to be extra nice, tell Bruce he’s wrong I don’t even have to know the argument and tell Damian he and I get to have a talk”
“Will do, you’re a lifesaver Y/N!”
And the call ended as you started the walk up three stories of stairs to get to Dick’s apartment. Cursing yourself for falling for a Batboy who enters rooms using grappling hooks to dive through windows and not doors like regular humans you groaned up the stairs, not even stopping to knock you threw open the door. “Honey I’m homeeeee” you called with a giggle, scanning the kitchen and living room for your lovely boyfriend. 
You heard a groan coming from his bedroom and the first sight you saw was Dick lying on his bed his lips sealed around a bottle of wine, the bottle was glugging as he swallowed drink after drink, his eyes half closed, nostrils flaring as he took deep breaths between chugs. “Oh Dick what are you doing?” you rushed to his side, pulling the bottle out of his mouth with a ‘pop!’ the red liquid spilling on him before you could turn the bottle right side up.
“Nowo Eiiim Nooot!” Dick’s slur was terrible, as much as he could pretend, he was a lightweight and you assumed the bottle of wine was not his first drink that night. Shaking his shoulder you chastisted him “Dick you dumbass are you drunk?” he smiled lazily, pulling you into his embrace. Placing sloppy kisses along your jaw he hummed as you ruffled his hair. “Rough day, more kisses” he mumbled, leaning into you as you lightly ran your fingers through his hair. “Baby talk to me, Tim called and told me a little” you whispered through his never ending kisses. 
“Today is stupid. First off Dami tried to turn a kid into a skewer then Bruce thinks he should ground him! Like obviously there has to be a punishment because Damian but also we need to talk to him and explain why that’s not okay and give him alternative ways to use his anger!” Dick was exasperated, waving his hands in the air. You loved the way he looked after Damian, and after being with Dick for so long you loved Damian too, you’d been adopted into a weird half family and gained three lifelong brothers and the love of your life. 
“You’re right Dick, and you’re allowed to be frustrated, but drinking can’t solve all your proble-” Dick stopped you with a long, passionate, kiss. Pulling away you shook your head at him. “You can’t just kiss me all day you drunk” Dick smirked. “Hmm I can and I will!” with one hand he pulled the covers over both of you and pulled you down under them with him. Laying down enveloped in sheets that smelled like Dick snuggled between your boyfriend’s (massive) arms was perfect. You were cupping his face in your hands, eyes boring into each others. “You’re really pretty” Dick whispered, his face just inches from yours. “Very kind of your love bird” you smiled into another kiss. 
“Do you love me?” He caught you off guard, “Dickie of course I do! With my whole heart” you kissed his nose, but he still looked slightly upset. “That’s not what Wally said, he said you were using me for this gorgeous body!” Dick gestured to the grease stained shirt and loose sweatpants. “Yeah baby, real gorgeous” you winked. “You love me! No one else” he stated, opening one closed eye to check that you agreed. “You’ve gotta convince me, prove to me that you’re the best boyfriend ever!” you teased, bringing his lips onto yours again. 
“Mhm okay, okay! I’ve got it” Dick squealed, springing up out of the bed. Running into his closet you sat up, giggling as he threw clothes backwards like a dramatic movie star. He came out in a black blazer that was very clearly inside out, and he stumbled towards the bed, taking both your hands in his. “My lovely Y/N, you’re the love of my life, so I beg you!” he cleared his throat, pretending to wipe away fake tears, “pick me, choose me, love me” then he gave you the cutest puppy dog eyes ever. “You win! Dear world I choose Richard Grayson as my one and only lover!” he cheered and dove back into bed with you. 
“Why are you so goofy when you’re drunk” you teased Dick. With your favorite teasing grin he pulled the bottle of wine off of the side table shaking it mischievously “I drank, you drink, we drunk!” he pushed the bottle towards you making a hilarious face. “D do you really want me to be drinking with you?” he gave you a fake glare. “You drink or I do!” he said cheerfully as you took the bottle from him. “I could drink this, or we could do something else?” with two fingers you traced from his chest up to his cheek, pulling him in for a deep kiss. “Yes, this is what we should be doing!” you laughed, placing the bottle back down, taking a quick swig for courage. 
“You know you’re my favorite person right angel?” Dick was drinking in the look of you in his arms. “I love you too Dickie” were the last words you said before he pulled the sheets over your head, completely focussing on you in every way for the rest of the night. 
The morning after, you woke up wrapped up Dick’s arms while he snored louder than you thought was humanly possible. He was clutching you tightly to his chest, keeping you completely stuck to his side as he snored in your ear. Starting with a poke, it turned into more of a shove, and developed into a sort of cooing Dick awake. With a deep groan he squeezed you so tight you forgot what the ability to breath was before realizing you, his hands holding his head which you assumed would be pounding after last night’s endeavors. 
Grabbing him some water and advil he was sitting up in bed, opening up his arms to cuddle you while he nursed a pounding head. The morning was slow, but serene and comfortable. You and Dick woke up slowly, after a shower and maybe a little throwing up, Dick was back to normal. “I’m gonna go talk to Damian now, wanna come?” Dick had gotten dressed and looked stressed. “Listen to you parent your baby brother and-or son? Absolutely.” you teased Dick, grabbing your purse. 
“Have I ever told you you’re my favorite person in the entire world?” Dick quipped as he grabbed his keys. 
“Uh yea, do you not remember anything from last night?” You teased.
“To be honest I really don’t”
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cdelphiki · 4 years
WIP Wednesday: Jason & Thunderstorms, untitled one-shot from the ‘Pennyverse’ (an AU where Damian grew up with Bruce from Dick’s Robin days)
Hello~~~ I haven’t done a WIP Wednesday in ages and posting these encourages me to finish them sometimes so here. I don’t know how much longer it’ll be. Originally I meant to explore how he handles this fear moving forward in time but I might just resolve this scene and call it done instead. 🤷‍♀️.
Jason is 12 and hasn’t been adopted yet, he still thinks Bruce is gonna find him a nice boarding school to live at. For those who haven’t read the main story (Precedent) Damian is 6 at the time.
It was dumb.
No. Not dumb.
It was really, really, exceptionally stupid.
Being afraid of a little rain was probably the lamest thing a person could possibly be afraid of.
What was even scary about storms?….. Anymore?
Jason had a house now. Not only that, he had a home.
Sure, it wasn’t like, forever or nothing. But it was at least for now. And for now was long enough to protect him from the storm outside.
And yet, here he was. Hiding under his comforter, trying to ignore the cacophany of noises outside.
People who said rain was relaxing were high, Jason was fairly certain. High or really, really crazy. Because the harsh static of the constant downpour only made Jason more anxious. Even the gentle pitter-patter of a drizzle was the prelude to the deafening onslaught of far too much rain for the city’s sewers to handle, and Jason couldn’t handle any of it.
The crash of another bolt of lightning made Jason jump so hard, he nearly tumbled off his bed. His heart was hammering, and he was amazed no one could hear it.
But then again, the rain outside was so loud, there was no way anyone could hear anything but it.
And he was immensly grateful Bruce had skipped patrol. Because the last thing he wanted was for Bruce to come ‘check on him.’ Bruce might have thought he was sneaky whenever he poked his head in on Jason at 2 in the morning, but he wasn’t. And now Jason was happy, because the last thing he wanted was for Bruce to find him cowering under his covers, afraid of a storm.
A freaking storm.
It was insanely dumb. Jason knew why storms happened. He understood about cloud formation, positive and negative charges, and all that fun stuff. He’d read all about it in one of his school books.
That didn’t stop his heart from racing or his hands from shaking. And when another bolt of lighting hit, this time probably only 500 yards from the Manor, Jason leapt to his feet.
It was dumb. It was really, really dumb, but he could not be alone anymore.
He couldn’t.
He needed… he didn’t know what he needed. He needed to not be alone.
Before he could think better of it, Jason found himself standing in the hall, looking down at the doors ahead of him. There was Bruce’s room on one side. Door wide open, as he always left them to encourage them to wake him, or something. Jason just found it annoying, becuase it meant he couldn’t sneak past Bruce at night to go downstairs.
Perhaps that was Bruce’s plan.
On the left was Dick’s door. Shut, as always. And entirely unoccupied. Per the norm. Damian’s was next to it, and just barely cracked, so the dog could come in and out as he pleased.
The dog.
“Ace,” Jason whispered, trying to keep his voice quiet enough so not to wake Bruce.
He couldn’t deal with Bruce right now. He might ask questions.
And Jason did not want to talk about how the storms reminded him of being stuck outside in late fall, unable to find adquate shelter, freezing cold, soaked to the bone, and shivering while the rain kept coming. Didn’t want to think about how it took days to fully dry out after that, nor how the ground was wet for a week.
Or the case of pnemonia he’d developed, that landed him back in foster home for the third time. Stupid clinic being a rat.
Bruce would be super caring and understanding and he’d listen and hug Jason, probably. Then offer to stay up with him and watch movies, or drink hot cocoa. And Jason… kind of wanted that. But he couldn’t handle it. He wanted to cry just thinking about it, and Jason was so over crying. So freaking tired of doing it.
The dog, though. The dog wouldn’t ask him questions. He’d just lay with Jason and be there for him.
Ace was awesome like that.
But when Jason said, “Ace” again, this time a little louder, all he heard was the jingling of Ace’s tags. Deep inside Damian’s room.
From experience, Jason knew Damian was a heavy sleeper. Like, a really heavy sleeper. One time he fell asleep on the couch, and he and Bruce continued talking at a normal level for an hour, and Damian didn’t seem to notice one bit. Bruce was able to carry him up to bed afterward, all without Damian so much as stirring.
It was wild.
Would totally get him killed, one day, but probably okay for him right now. As long as he was safe in the Manor, that was. With the literal Batman watching over him.
Jason was kind of a little jealous of how deeply he could sleep. If only Jason could sleep through even the lightest footsteps passing his room at night.
Or storms.
“Ace,” Jason whispered again, nudging the door open just enough so he could stick his head in. Once his eyes adjusted to the darker room, he had to blink.
Because Ace wasn’t on the ground, where he normally spent the night, ‘guarding’ Damian.
He was up in Damian’s bed, under the covers with him, tucked up against his side.
And Damian was there, wide awake, looking right back at Jason.
“Jason?” he said, far too loudly for Jason’s liking. Considering Bruce’s door was right there. Like, five feet away!
A crack of lightning flashed outside Damian’s window. And even with the half a second warning, Jason couldn’t surpress the flinch at the loud crash that followed. “Sorry,” he said, slipping into Damian’s room and shutting the door more, in hopes that Bruce wouldn’t hear them talking, “I was just… uh.”
The fuck was he doing? He couldn’t tell Damian he was looking for the stupid dog because he was scared, now could he? What would Damian say to that? He’d probalby laugh at him.
Or start calling for Bruce to come fix it…
“Checking on Ace?” Damian asked, pushing himself up into a sitting position. Ace, in response, whined at Damian and pressed up against Damian’s side more, “Did you know he’s scared of storms?”
Ace was afraid of storms, too? Why would he be scared of them?
Well, he supposed the noises were very loud and Ace was a dog. Practically a baby. He didn’t understand what caused storms.
“Yeah,” Jason said, standing a little straighter and crossing his arms across his chest, “Yeah, I just wanted to make sure he was okay.”
It was perfectly reasonable for Ace to be afraid of them. That was a valid excuse. Poor Ace.
Jason, however. He had no good excuse. It was just rain. And some thunder and lightning.
And trauma, Bruce’s voice whispered in the back of his head.
Stupid fucking Bruce saying stupid fucking things like that to him all the time.
When another crack of thunder made Jason jump, and bumped up against the door behind him, Damian frowned. “He’s okay as long as he gets to sleep with someone.”
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cass-y0inks · 5 years
Adopted Marinette (head canons) part 2
This is the second part and I’ve decided to do a third part for Bruce and Alfred. I don’t know when I’ll post it, I can’t promise a date this time. Also if you would like to be tagged please message me, it’s easier for me to keep track of. This is Tim’s and Damian’s part ( mari’s like 5 or 6 when Damian arrives)
Uncle Tim
Marinette can tell when Tim has had way to much caffeine as not enough sleep, like Jason (and pretty much everyone else) he doesn’t have the ability to say NO TO THE BABY DOLL EYES!! So they both end up taking naps together
Tim doesn’t read her fairy tales, he reads her science books, so you end up with a toddler knowing how the cell of a plant by memory
When Mari goes to school and has homework that need to be done, he will be there on the dinner table with her. Even if she doesn’t need his help, he’ll be there doing his work with her
If it’s their nap time, do NOT DISTURB, Tim WILL send you a death glare. You ain’t getting Mari until nap time is over.
Mari gets him to lay off the coffee a bit, tea parties!
On one of his birthdays she gave him a coffee mug that said “#tired” and Tim was like “ME!!”
Growing up
They meditate together when stress gets to them
When Tim need help investigating a criminal, Mari is his go-to gal
Still nap time buddies!
Since Tim has a lot of work, if Marinette has time she’ll help him organize and minimize his work time
When together they unlock a nother level of smart, sassy, and tired
I forgot to mention that they love playing games with each other. They share strategies and are currently on a tie for most games. Video games, board games, they keep track of everything they play
Uncle Damian
Let’s say Marinette is 5 years old, about to turn 6
They met when damian was going to train and all of a sudden he sees this small little girl flying around on a small trapeze
She didn’t pay any attention to him, but he was just amazed by how gracefully she looked
When they told him to be nice to the baby of the house he expected a crying little brat
Dick came behind him and called out her name. “Marinette, lunch time!!”
At that he saw her perk up and land in front of Dick, “oh and this is Damian. Your new uncle”
(I’m gonna save the rest for later)
They got along ok, because they didn’t really talk to each other
The most they saw each other was when they would be in the bat cave
Damian only started to talk to her when she convinced his father to let him keep bat cow
“Babydoll eyes.”
“The what?” Then she gives him the look. “Ohhhh”
After that Damian was determined to be best uncle
When Marinette’ tired he’ll carry her on his back. His excuse, “she’s the perfect weight lift”
They both adore animals and will even go as far to make slide shows and present it to Bruce
Mari tried to teach him the eyes but it ain’t the same, and Damian learned that he has to teach her how to be intimidating, the girl’s glare looks like a sad pout. Cute but not terrifing
They teach each other their skills. So Damian learns trapeze and Mari sword fighting
Kind of a “you learn from me and I learn from you”
They have each other’s back most times if not all times
Very sarcastic duo, they salty together
That’s it for now, if you guys want you may send ask about. Tomorrow I’ll try to update part three with babynette.
Tag list:
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What’s a Batman story you wish someone else would write for you instead of writing yourself??
Gotta tell you, I got super excited when I got this ask, because there are so many things!! That I would love to see happen!! That I’ll never get around to writing!! So uh, strap in because this is gonna be a big ol’ list :) I’m gonna organize these so that it starts with gen ideas and then switches to darker ones (otherwise, really in no particular order). Also, because it’s me, many of these are Dick-centric.
1. First up is a Batfam Hogwarts AU, but with the specifications that Dick is a Slytherin, Jason is a Ravenclaw, Tim is a Slytherin, and Damian is a Hufflepuff. Skalidra actually made an amazing post about this that I agree with so fucking much, and I want a fic that does this justice.
2. Batbros are actually blood bros. I know there are a couple of these already out there, but not the way I picture it in my head, so here you go: Bruce knows about Dick while the kid is growing up, visits the circus any time it’s in town, takes Dick out for ice cream & shit like that, but Dick thinks this is just some family friend his parents like him hanging out with. It’s not until Mary and John fall that Dick learns the truth about his parents. For Tim – Janet never really wanted a kid, so when she and Bruce sleep together (up to you to figure out why) and got pregnant, she was like “okay brucie as soon as this pops out you can keep it” which, once Tim was born, Bruce did. Jason can go so many ways, so up to you!
3. Transgender Dick!! Yes, these are already out there. Yes, I want so many more! Give me the struggle of coming to the realization while amongst Gotham’s high society. Give me extra supportive Bruce or a Bruce that just can’t wrap his head around the concept and absolutely fails to be in any way a good parent of a trans kid. Or take the extra step and give me a non-binary Dick!!! I don’t know if I’ve ever seen one of those, and as an enby individual, I really would love to.
4. Jason as a teacher. Do whatever the fuck you want with that, but I want to see Jason teaching literature. Still in the superhero world, no alternate world where Batman isn’t a thing. I want a Jason who’s been Robin and died and come back and been Red Hood and is a teacher.
5. I had a dream about Dick being a clone, and then an idea popped up behind it: In the Young Justice cartoon world, the Light makes another clone of Superman. But this time, the human DNA they used to stabilize the Kryptonian part isn’t Lex Luthor’s DNA, but Batman’s! That Superman-Batman clone is Dick. While Conner gets rescued by the YJ team, Dick (or whatever title CADMUS gave him, like how Conner was just called “The Superboy”) isn’t found, and is trained to fight against the team of young heroes as the Light’s weapon. Dick gets captured eventually and Bruce&Clark find out about their clone baby. Throw in some Superbat if you feel like it, or just Two Bros And A Baby. Either way, I would kill for this.
6. Ok you know how at one point or another Damian, Jason, and Cass were all members of the League of Assassins? Well, what if there was overlap? I want the three of them working for the League and knowing each other. I don’t know if this even works out at all but I just think this would be kinda cool, especially if it includes Bruce finding out about Damian or about Jason being alive and gaining a daughter along the way.
7. While we’re on the subject of League of Assassins, all four of the boys work for the League!! Do with this what you will, I merely present the concept to you.
8. Secret Agents. Just…just give me them as spies. Pls.
9. Dead Robins Club that ACTUALLY INCLUDES DICK BECAUSE Y’KNOW HE DIED. It’s a pet peeve of mine, when people write these kind of fics and include Tim and Steph (neither of which actually died) but not Dick, even though he did die for at least a couple minutes. Please stop ignoring Dick’s trauma guys, I beg of you. There’s one amazing fic between Jason, Damian, and Dick, and I want so many more of stuff like that.
10. Greeks/Roman Gods AU where Dick is the God of Death and king of the Underworld instead of the springtime god. There’s a really great jaydick fic out there that has this, but it’s abandoned, and I rally really want more of a Dick like this.
11. AU in which Bruce is the youngest member of the Justice League, and is still the badass leader he is in canon. No one in the League knows the truth, but it’s not like Bruce ever said I’m in my 20s or older, he just. Never mentioned he just graduated high school and is working on his accelerated bachelor’s degree.
12. A fic that addresses the fact that Dick has, in canon, been buried alive. I might one day write this, but I have a lot of projects that I do know I’m going to write, so this is wayyyyyyyyyyyy down the line, long enough that I’d be very happy to see someone write it instead. Bonus points if it’s a fic about Dick and Jason, and the fact that Dick killed Joker also comes up.
13. Tamaranean!Dick. And I actually have a whole word/plot for something like this that I’m never gonna write so if you wanna do this hmu I have THOUGHTS
Ok boys and girls and enbys we’re about to hit the dark shit so turn back if you don’t want to have to read it. You’ve been warned.
14. Ancient Rome AU in which Bruce is a senator and owns his robins as slaves (gladiator-wise and otherwise) who try to earn their freedom but Bruce likes using them too much (both for himself and in gaining control over others, like sending one of them to seduce somebody to gain leverage or steal something or what have you) and so he keeps changing what will gain them their freedom.
15. Auction fic where Dick is drugged and kidnapped and auctioned off to a bunch of villains. Yes, fics like this exist. Yes, I would like Many More.
16. Brusladick where Bruce has some Bad Thoughts about Dick but can’t bring himself to act on them, but he wouldn’t mind letting someone else do it, and who better than Slade Wilson, who absolutely wants to fuck Dick. So Bruce sets up a camera in the room and gets off to all the hard shit being done to Dick, but Slade breaks their agreement a little and tells Dick that Bruce is watching.
17. In an ABO universe, Dick is an omega. The world is pretty modern overall, of course there will always be some level of sexism but it’s not a large issue. But there’s this far-right terroristic-type group that thinks omegas are just good for ding as they’re told and being bred and have made it their mission to “fix” omegas who think they deserve equal rights, and they get ahold of Dick, sending a video to Bruce saying they’re return Dick when he’s better. For some reason Bruce and Co can’t find Dick for a long time, and by the time they do Dick’s severely traumatized and been conditioned into obedience and submission towards alphas.
18. In the Young Justice cartoon world, while Kaldur is undercover in season 2, an interaction with Deathstroke reveals something horrible about Nightwing’s past, and Kaldur has to act like hearing these graphic, awful things about his friend. After it’s all over, he goes to Dick and mentions Deathstroke saying something and Dick kind of shuts down and says like “How many people heard what he said?” There is a twitter thread between me and a friend on this very subject if you need inspiration ;)
19. Something based on this amazing art
20. Bruce is hella abusive. Dick lets himself be Bruce’s outlet so he won’t hurt the others. This, of course, comes to light. Yes, shit like this exists. But I pose you a question – is there ever too many? And has it been done by you yet?
21. Brainwashing. Just, give me brainwashing. Turned against your family, used and mocked by your enemy, kneeling “willingly” at your enemy’s feet. Bonus points for all kinds of abuse.
Well, that’s my list!! Go off and do great things for me! Thanks for the ask!!
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coolgirl · 5 years
Jason expert rate Jason’s designs
sorry for being late i was busy with school but now i’m free so to celebrate. jason indulgence.
pre-crisis not robin
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very cute. i like that it has a lil more of flair to it? the collar and the lines on the gloves and the shorter cape.. also love it has pants. king rlly king. wonder if they already knew he was gonna be robin anyways or if they were still considering nightbird. anyways, 8/10 bc its cute
pre & post-crisis robin (bc its basically the same)
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i mean its a classic.. however it reminds me jason was the only robin who was simply given dick’s clothes rather than like. have an unique look? which sucks. 7/10 middle child syndrome is REAL
post-crisis robin (winter edition)
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OKAY NOW THIS. i absolutely love. is it tacky? oh yes without a doubt. i still love the pants and the sleeves. finally winter clothes for this child, especially considering his new titans scene where he was bitching about the costume not being snow proof. he got what he wanted! 9/10
new 52/rebirth costume by
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EPIC. IDC I LOVE IT.the circles on his arms and his boots.. the lines on his legs.. i just love it. i love the red mask too… it feels.. not more unique, but feels more jason-y than the other costume. 10/10
NOW. onto older stuff
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as u can see im VERY confusion about the pouches and the straps?? why??? whats the purpose.. generally its fine. the white strand moved a nation and i think the chest piece is cool, but everything else.. uglee. like the long as hell jacket and him looking 40 years old like why r u 19 looking like fifty? ugly white man. 5/10
winicks/utrh version
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LITERALLY A CLASSIC. i love this costume sooo much. like jason obviously grew out of it, as in it wouldnt make sense for him anymore to go with something like this as his main costume because i feel like this fit the utrh mood (him not veing a vigilante/hero/villain whatver but trying to be a mob boss n shit) and it just. fucks. i love the helmet just being plain with no stupid mouth or nose shape. i simply love it. 10/10
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its just. its just the nightwing costume. didnt even try he just stole that from dick. he still rocks it and looks better than dick, and u gotta give him points for accessorizing with his dagger. 7/10
red robin 
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im not. a big fan of this costume.. i think the cowl is ugly, it just does not work for someone as big as jason… however i do like why he took this mantle and what it meant.. 6/10 no words head empty. 
oh brother. furryman
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ITS SUCH AN UGLY COSTUME. muzzle batman walked so muzzle red hood could run. its just. ugly like ugly. i dont like the ears or again the muzzle or whatever the hell is going on in the arms.. its just so edgy. 5/10
Injustice 2 batman
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I2 HAD IT IN THE BAG BABY. i like that its like classic batman costume but again! with some jason touches! the red eyes, the electric tiddies making a comeback.. epic genuinely epic. 10/10
and if ur not into evil jason
100% dad ‘i have my life figured out’ batman jason 
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just like the nightwing costume this is just. batman costume. nothing special or different from it so its like did u even try? BUT in this scenario it actually means smth that he stuck to bruces costume.. sweet.. but boring. 7/10
speaking of. evil ugly designs. ugh i hate this.
this motherfucker
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ive never. ever. felt as humiliated by a costume than thetime jason wore this. like MORTIFYING RLLY. its DISGUSTINGGG. the helmet shape. the fucking WHITE. the SKULL PLEASE WHO DESIGNED THIS WHO HATES ME IN PARTICULAR SO MUCH??? THIS MAN DOES NOT FUCK! HES UGLY! HE STINKS!!!! the red guns are epic that much i can say. LOOK AT THOSE PANS GOD ITS SO HUMILLIATING. 0/10 WORST COSTUME EVER.
HOWEVER. winick and the artist spun GOLD from it, because next time jason wore possibly my favorite costume to date
this motherfucker…2!
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like look how much better it looks with a little of swag.. the helmet without eyes.. the belts.. the fucking leather jacket.. keeping the red guns/gloves.. like seriously i dont know a better man. the skull is still awful and i wouldve replaced the white for black and MWAH best costume. like the black part at the top make it all red and the white make it black.. god this jason fucks massively i love him. 11/10 my favorite by a landslide perhaps
new 52/rebirth red hood
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OKAY I KNOW theyre slightly different (rebirth has shorter sleeves and a more padded look) but to me its like. same thing. okay i think its.. fine. its not phenomenal but its not ugly.. i like the brown jacket more than the black jacket i have to admit, its more distinctive and i simply like the color more, however i do not.. like jason having the bat symbol.. but thats also a me thing about how badly written this is. anyways. the helmet with the mouth disgusts me and everytime its drawn like that its humilliating. like. 7/10. maybe 7+. when it has the mouth or like nose ANY FACIAL EXPRESSION RLLY its a 5. 
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oh i absolutely despise that helmet. he looks like fucking. terminator. its the ugliest shape ive ever seen and the visor is.. huge. i dont like the shoulder pads either idk what the fuck its going on with the thing around his neck either.. like hes. knockout batman and i HATEEE IT. damians costume slaps tho. i just… its… ugly. like.. 3/10. 
get damian back arc red hood costume
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oh im a HUGE fan of this design.i love how his costume is designed in a way thats like. if jason was a dnd character he absolutely would be a tank. the padding, the red undertones everywhere, i just.. love it. i like how all the costumes were done to reflect their personalities you know.. i like this robin red hood hybrid. 9/10 would even say 10/10 bc i just enjoy how gleason draws jason.
red hood/arsenal costume
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its like. i dont hate it completely (i love the way the hood+helmet looks) and thats.. yeah thats pretty much all i like about it. i HATEEEE the vest i hate it fr.i hate how huge the sumbol is and idk this costume just does not spark joy. 5/10
outlaw costume
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okay this one. this one drives me insane. because like. okay i dig parts of it. i like the lack of sleeves. i like the gloves thingies. i like the hood. i could get aboard him ditching the helmet - it breaks all the damn time anyways. i like the stripes on his pants in the boots. ALL SEPARATE? NEAT. now i hate. hate. the muzzle. like WHY IT LOOKS SO UGLYYY LIKE SO UGLY like unless the artist GETS IT and is SEXY it looks awful. look at this
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AWFUL. also like it made sense for when he was on the run and he had to make do and assemble a costume from what he had but like now hes sponsored by lex, get that man a goddamn new suit already please. anyways. 6/10.. like i said i like many elements from it but its still.. kinda ugly all together and depends A LOT on the artist.
three jokers
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im torn on this one.. i think its a bit boring.. i dont rlly like the top part, it reminds me SOO much of that one tt issue where he beat the fuck out of tim while wearing a robin costume like i understad the implications of him wearing a costume thats similar to the robin blouse but im not a big fan.. also i prefer the brown leather jacket. its like not his worst costume by far but not the best.. like pretty basic?  i would say 6/10
tiny titans & lil gotham
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okay these two are like. pretty much the canon versions of robin and red hood HOWEVER they both have details that are different from the original version and DESERVE a mention. the curls on robin jason and jasons red gloves/belt are ICONIC. whoever designed them knew what they were about, so 10/10 best bapy jason.
arkham knight
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does the person who designed this know how much theyve done for the lgbt community? i hope they do. i love.. a lot about this costume. i love the ears, i love how techno it is, i love the layers to it.. im.. not a big fan of the whole military thingy but i have to admit that applying it to the design itself is kind of neat.. i love the colors too and how.. practical it is while being. well. kinda dramatic? the whole bat aesthetic.. yeah. i love it. 9/10
arkham red hood
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this one.. when u think about it the outlaw version is VEEERY similar to this one: the pants, the hood, the jacket eve. however i like this helmet so much more, i have a weakness for eyeless (??) helmets.. i like the little details of it as well, i remember that pic going around of it being held together with like. fuckign stitches and bandaids. legendary. i love this look, i would say 9+/10
injustice 2 jason
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okay gonna go ahead and say it: not a big fan of the helmet. it looks like.. a bug? the lenses do not spark joy. this bitch has many styles and like toners etc and i will no rate them all. i think its a pretty basic design, not the best but not the worst either. like if it was an exam i would make them pass but make faces at what im reading like eeehhhgh. 7/10.
hag jason
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middle one is like literally, on the outside and superficial level, just. his usual costume. the jacket and the grey kevlar and the bat. now the gloves are sexy as hell.. and in the whit ebackground one u can appreciate the under costume better and i really like it?? i just.. like the design. I HATE HOWEVER the bat helmet. WHY IS IT HOLLOW?? BITCH HELLO?? AND THE BATMAN SYMBOL DOES NOT MAKE SENSE! and i like things making sense!!!. we will not talk about jason in this book. like.. 8/10. maybe 9 if im feeling it.
hag jason 2: the hagger and the furious
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hes just.. a little old man.. he cannot change this.. i like this design. i like seeing jason grow old. wish it wasnt in this context. my father rlly. 8/10
am i forgetting any jays.. i wont do all animated robins because they all look the same and the one that doesnt i do not like. SO HERES my thoughts..
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scandalsavagefanfic · 5 years
6 Sentence WIP Challenge
tagged by @atasteforsuicidal (won’t let me tag you for some reason) and @gavotteandgigue. I’m gonna give you guys a few because one should have be finished by now, one is my work for the @jason-rarepairs January prompts that turned into a much bigger project that all has to be out at the same time, and I feel bad I haven’t fed you in a couple weeks :D
Snippet from a random WIP:
The bedroom they gave him is bigger than the apartment he lived in with his mom and da—and Willis before he disappeared and she died.  He still can’t bring himself to call Bruce ‘dad’ even though he likes B a lot more than he ever liked Willis. The whole concept has just left a bad taste. But the man has given Jason space; hasn’t pushed for anything more. It’s been a little easier to think of the three other boys as his brothers. Even if Tim doesn’t like him very much and Dick is always gone and Damian is a baby.  Truthfully though, Jason feels a lot more comfortable with Talia.
Upcoming Hogwarts AU, as requested:
Jason Todd doesn’t speak much. He’s not one of the little know-it-all shits in the front of the class who squirm in their seat, waving their hand in the air when he asks a question. Roman never calls on those kids, the ones who get validation from being able to regurgitate what they’ve read. He chooses one of two kinds, the dumbasses who who can’t tie their own shoe laces with a wand, and the wallflowers who just want to exist without drawing attention.
Roman is, if nothing else, an equal opportunity bully. Why pick on one kid when you can make them all miserable?
The Rare Pairs January Prompt that turned into a project:
It has only gotten worse as Jason’s gotten older; more opinionated; more independent. The prickly older man’s doesn’t approve of anything about Jason.
He can feel Thomas’s eyes slide over him, taking in the short hemline, the low neckline, the bold makeup. The cigarette. The drink.  
Idly, he wonders if Bruce will be angrier about this or the rally for the omega vote he went to last week.
I’ll tag @pleasesavejasontodd, @openthingsatrandom, @crumpeting, and oh hell, @inihiu I know you can’t give me six sentences but I’m selfish and want to see more art so hit me with a current wip in the rough sketch phase if you want :D
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bookdragonlibrary · 6 years
Second Friday YJ appreciation
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
—————————— Private security 
- Will has the dad belly! Lian is cuter and cuter! <3 (But it’s just me or she seems less Asian than in season 2? Where’s Jade?)
- Lucas Carr! :D (For those who don’t remember him, he appeared in the first YJ comic book and in season 2 when he teachs Gar at Mount Justice.)
-  Why Dr Jace stays at Luthor Grande Hotel, in Metropolis! 
- Bowhunter Security! With orignal Roy/Arsenal, clone Roy Will/Red Arrow and clone Jim Harper/Guardian (So if he’s Guardian again, what about Mal? He’s still a hero? Which one?) I love the dynamic of the Harper family and Roy calls Will bro!! He has finally dealt with his trauma (he seems to) and considers Will like he’s older brother! :3 
- Dick in a security costum! Just like in Titans with the policer costume. He has a new outfit every Friday! 
- “An old soul in an young body” Another clue for the Motherbox theory! So the first Halo is still alive inside or gone for good?
- Zatanna! TT.TT
- American genetically modified beef! xD
- Am I the only one who sees Jeff x Dr Jace miles away?
- “To the SUV!” My new war cry! 
- Now Brick has red skin, it means he activated his metagene. How did he get out of jail by the way?
- I love how they show the Prince’s not understanding. He asks questions instead of jugement and “it’s a machine. I don’t understand.” instead of “You’re dumb” or something.  
- I’m kind of afraid of Wolf sleeping. Don’t tell me he’s getting old and will die soon :( 
- All Halo knows from her post life is violence, torture and hatred. No wonder she doesn’t want to remember... 
- Don’t forget the clipboard! xD Will is more loyal to it than to his hat! 
- OMG! Giovanni aged so much in just 7-8 years! He’s what? Between only 40-50! Side effect of Dr Fate’s control?
-  “Wall” My heart, why? TT.TT So heartbreaking than Dick is too afraid to be part of a team because he lost Jason and Wally and Barbara gets injured.
- “I’m older than Jim.” So Jim was made after Will. interesting!
- Harper’s family business! Need more episodes with those 3!
- I really loves the humour in this episode! xD 
—————————— Away Mission
- Forager! Orion! Wait, what a bastard! :o 
- Gregor tries to protect his little twin brother and has compassion for the Quracis refugies. I love him! 
- Bear! Wait there’s a thing between him and Dreamer?! The notebook with the photos! The nostalgia!
- So the New Gods use metaslaves? O.o 
- Traci, Jaime and Bart! :D And Jaime finally talks! Now Scarab’s turn! “There’s no sound in space. The physics on the show is so messed up!” It’s Jaime or Scarab who speaks? Or Jaime took the comment habit of his bug friend? I definitely see Scarab saying something like that! xD So Traci watches the shw for the story or for Gar? “Hello Megan!” Their ringtone for the missions is the generic of this show! So cute! 
- Cassie and Tim have a conversation without yelling at each other. That’s an healthy relationship. So I hope they won’t break up :( “Awkward...” Sorry Virgil, you seem pretty alone :(  
- Jaime, why do you massage your side? Bart didn’t hit you that hard, did he? And he calls him amigo, sorry Bluepulse shippers... (Well, at least it isn’t hermano, so maybe Bart’s just pinning, whatever that means.) I was expected Scarab to yells “Incompatible!” to the boom tube... “Who watch the show for the physics? Who uses a boom tube for the physics?” I love the dynamic of this trio! And Traci is so adorable! Bart’s haircut changes every frame or what?
- “I hacked the Justice League’s computer!” That’s my boy! xD And G designation is for Grayson right?
- M’gann and Cassie are two mad girlfriends, poor guys (Jaime, Bart and Virgil) they didn’t do anything wrong :/ “Superoblivious!” xD 
- “Excuse me?” xD The Yj comic reference with Lucas Carr! Brion who wants to impress Halo.
- Even in bug form, M’gann is still white! :) It’s me or Blue just growls?
- Guys, stop stressing Brion, you gonna make him fail :( What did I say? —‘ “My trees” So Lucas Carr is a neightboor or something? “Excuse me?!” New color for Halo: Yellow is for attacking. I want to see what the green does!
- I love how M’gann put down her little brother like the older sister she is. So she used to hide behind a green form and her little brother behind a beast? You can see M’gann growth throught the comparison with her brother. “I have been dealing with the red and green oppression.” Wait, so there are red martians too? And is for Darkseid he made the bugs made at the New Gods? So they have less allies against him?
- Every metateens we saw so far doesn’t look human anymore. I don’t know if thee Light are doing that on purpose so we could not recognize them anymore or it’s because the forced evolution is too much for their body :(
- Is Halo healing herself like a reflexe or does Sphere help the processus to begin? Violet? That’s so cute! Wait, another supermartian parallel!
- Bart still has the same energy! (I hope this is not an act this time...) I love the Team dynamic: Virgil helping Cassie and thir hand five, Bart trying to stop the bugs from attacking Jaime, Cassie rescuing Jaime, Jaime helping Traci :3 The weapon has to be similar to Genesis tech to hurt Blue however...
- Baby martians look... cute? I think when he kills the green martian, it was on the mental plane and not a memory since he has that beast form. The nostalgia! Everyone is back in season 1 and with their season 1 version of themselves, except Artemis and... why do you have to bring Wally in every single damn episode?? Conner is M’gann shield! 
- And two more metateens dead TT.TT Wait, failsafe? Poor Forager! He just wants justice and kindness :( I love how Cassie and Jaime jump on his side and M’gann adds two arms to adapt to his appearance. I’m sure M’gann’brother made the green bug mad telepathically, because Mantis already knew Forager brought the Earthlings and Bear on New Genesis when he first stopped the bugs’ attack.
- I need more of the trio Traci/Jaime/Bart to see their friendship, Traci’s story. And more Cassie and Virgil screentime because we barely saw them in season 2 and in this episode :( 
- Why Blue seems so angry all the time? He had like one positive line in this episode. Is he still dealing with his trauma in season 2? Is he angry at himself? I don’t know if it’s anger, frustration or self-hatred :( I just want him to be happy after the nightmare in season 2 :( But I think it would be more human if he still has to deal with himself after being mindcontrolled for months... 
—————————— Rescue Op
- Black Spider and Terra. The goggles have to much screen time to not have an importance after. Who was Jackie? “All the bosses will be proud” So Shadows + Light + Darkseid?
- So Barbara is indeed in a wheelchair :( I love how she still can push Dick down :) And barbdick are a new couple :) We need another ship name, a more YJ like one :)
- The Outsiders trio is so cool! So Forager don’t use pronouns so much. So he’s a he, she or them? Wow, Halo knows a lot about New Genesis. Another clue for the Motherbox theory. M’gann is so done to explain she’s not a earthling: “I’m not from Earth” “I’m from Mars!” “Brion is the alien to Forager” this is so true. Thanks for putting this! I love how Brion is so enthousiastic to meet aliens :) He looks like a kid! So bioship is in a car camouflage. Maybe that’s why Halo hurt herself so bad :( Mars town xD “That’s what we were thinking too. We? Uh Me” (and Oracle xD) So is Tara controled, brainwashed, has her memories rewritten? Or is she willingly working for the Shadows?
- Why I think Forager x bioship will become a... ship? xD Like Will x clipboard xD
- Dick, if you don’t want them to go to the Shadows, why did you show Brion their localisation? --’
- Halo’s enthousiasm is so cute! Forager’s too! 
- Why it feels like Sensei is manipulating Brion with words just to make him mad? I’m sure he’s lying.
- Can we talk about Brion’s extreme reaction to Halo’s death? Parallel to Spitfire maybe? And can we please stop killing Halo? I know she will ressurect but it’s still painful :( 
- Why the ninja fighting style reminds me of Robin? Like an older Damian?
- It’s indeed Sphere who starts the healing processus. “Is Halo a new god?” Another clue for the theory?
- When Ra’s mention “the Detective”, Dick growls. Is he mad at Batman? Or at the comment? Ra’s isn’t with the Light and at the head of the Shadows anymore. So who? Sportmaster? Cheshire or Deathstroke would be good clues! Ra’s should be mad at Jade with how he said “Get out!”
- Talia with Damian? So who is... Jason?? An amnesic Jason. Ok. I’m fine. I just need to... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???? (I don’t like the deisgn of Talia which is too close from the animated movies: no bra is definitely not a good idea to fight and she looks too white for an Arabic person :/ Damian is ok I guess?) Do Ra’s want to “return” Jason when he will have his memories back or to use him against the batfamily? Jason should have been trained by Sensei for Dick to not recognize his fighting style.
- Brion really looks like Conner’s mentee with his clothes xD The parallel with the first trio (Robin, KF and Aqualad) Why are you breaking my heart like this? Except they did save Superboy when we don’t have intel of where Tara is :( Dick is still so sensitive when we talk about Wally :( And he looks so much like Batman now: same speech. Same situation, same result: another team is born! Poor Violet :( And the guy with the spiderweb tatoo could work with the Shadows? Or am I confusing with RWBY? xD 
3 episodes = 3 trio. I love it! :D I know we will have more scenes with the Outisders but I also need the other trios: more screetime with the Harperfamily (the bowfamily?) and the Team!  
I guess we will see the Batman Incorporation next week? Since we didn’t see them at all in 6 episodes. And more second season team would be great too, they only have one episode so far :( 
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mrsmarymorstan · 5 years
So tomorrow (1st May 2019) we will learn just what it is Tim and Stephanie have been getting up to and why he is calling himself “Robin” again! Here are my Top 10 Totally Serious Theories:
1) Tim Drake of Yesterday
It turns out, that Tim Drake of Today is the Tim Drake of Tomorrow, for Tim Drake of Yesterday. So poor Baby Tim has arrived from the past to see that the future is actually all just a post crisis mess! His pregnant girlfriend isn’t pregnant at all and never was. Dick Grayson is now calling himself Ric, not even RicK but Ric. Jason Todd is ALIVE and running the Iceberg Lounge; and the latest Robin is a former assassin with a pet cow?! So he takes off to Metropolis in a new outfit to try and figure out how to get back home because this place is WEIRD. 
2) Midlife Crisis 
Let’s be honest here, the life span of a Superhero is always weird. Nobody seems allowed to age past 40, and if they DO then it has to be in a carefully controlled Alternative Universe. This means your “Midlife Crisis” is probably going to happen around the age of 17. And NOTHING says Midlife Crisis like wearing the outfits you did when you were 14, riding a motorbike, and trying to re-connect with your school friends you haven’t seen in nearly a decade. 
3) Tim Clone
Ahhh Metropolis! Home of Superman and Lex Luther! And you know who likes clones? That’s right, Lex Luther. But he has a habit of letting them escape! So he creates a Tim Drake Clone to try and infiltrate the BatFam; but the problem is he made him too much like Tim and the little shit escaped! He was trying to escape the city, but then spotted Cassie! His downloaded memories TOLD him she they were friends and so tried for an awkward meet up. Then the city got invaded and he decided to get involved. He’s hoping Superboy will be able to help him work out all this stuff, since he is ALSO a clone. Tim Drake Prime doesn’t know what is going on, he is busy having Steph put tiny braids in his hair whilst they watch Queer Eye on Netflix. 
4) Magical Disapearing Female Character
Tim and Stephanie decide to pause their road trip to go and see a Magic Show with Zatanna! Because you know, she saved their butts that one time and is pretty cool. But when she gets Stephanie on stage as a volunteer, she makes her disappear for REAL!! It happens a lot, but Zatanna assures them she’ll show up eventually. Tim’s now just trying to kill time biking around Metropolis until a writer decides they wanna include her again. 
5) Finding The Perfect Gift 
Tim and Steph have been studying the multiverse and as such have been reading all of Neil Gaiman’s graphic novels. Because you know, if Sandman is part of their universe then the rest of his novels are ALSO gonna be in the DCU, right??? Tim’s been reading Stardust and thinks that going to a parallel dimension to get a gift for your beloved is an EXCELLENT idea. So he tracks down a rift to Gem World with the idea of brining Stephanie back a nice shiny gem. That’s why he crashed straight into Princess Amethyst! He plans on kidnapping her using Cassie’s lasso and brining her back to earth as an engagement gift. Steph likes purple, after all, and Amethysts ARE purple. (Sort of). Tim’s read the book and so he’s PRETTY SURE that Amethyst will just turn into a giant rock when she gets there. So it’s ALL going to be FINE. 
6) Zatanna Zatara on Her Way to Steal Your Girl 
Whilst exploring the Multi-verse, Stephanie meets the Series One Young Justice Cartoon version of Zatanna. She realises she is SUPER GAY and dumps Tim in favour of her. To add insult to injury, in this universe it’s DICK who helps form Young Justice and NOT him! So he nicks Dick’s latest costume and returns to Earth Zero in order to brood. He can’t say the words “Young Justice” because it just ends up reminding him of how he got dumped in favour of a hot teenage magician. 
7) For Shits and Giggles 
Tim got bored one evening whilst studying with Steph, and decided to design a new Robin suit for Damian. He was driving to Metropolis hoping to surprise him when he was hanging out with Jon, when he saw the shit that was going down. So he decided to put on the costume himself (he’s designed it so Damian can ‘Grow Into It’ because somebody round here has to mother the kid now Dick’s gone) and do a spot of Crime Fighting. 
8) Just Popping To the Shops 
Tim and Steph are living together as they study all the weird cosmic shit that goes down in Metropolis. Tim decides to quickly pop to the shops to buy milk, putting on his old motorcycle jacket because Safety First! He’s completely forgotten that it contains the Robin (NOT Red Robin!) costume he designed for himself when he was 16, and thought Dick was going to take him on as a REAL Robin once he was Batman. He never got to use it though because Damian came along and took the job. He had to do some world saving though, and it was the only costume he had! Stephanie is still wondering when he’s going to get back because whilst she’s happy to eat Lucky charms out of the box, she would quite like some milk in her coffee. 
9) Let’s Go Lesbians! Let’s Go! 
Despite his relationship with Kate Kane, Tim Drake has real kinship with Lesbians. He’s often found himself leading a whole pack of them! The “Let’s Go Lesbians!” Skit, which became a meme, was actually written about HIM. The lure of forming a team made up of a Cowgirl Lesbian, a Baby Lesbian, a Pink Haired Lesbian and a Lesbian Demi-Goddess was too much for him. He HAD to follow the call and ended up in Metropolis. Stephanie, being bisexual, is fine with him running away to lead his squad of Lesbians. She is looking into that Queer Team she seems to have started forming in the Pre-Crisis world Brother Eye showed them. Tim is wearing the Robin suit because he’s heard that Damian is up to some immoral shit and wants to maybe give the name a bit more credibility? So when Bruce looks up the latest news stories on Robin, they’ll all be about him and his team of Lesbians saving the city, and not the secret prison full of dangerous criminals hidden under Teen Titans Tower. He’s a good brother, really.
10) It’s a Kink Thing. 
Look. We all know that the Bats are into weird shit. Bruce and Selina are both furries. Dick Grayson makes out with people whilst hanging upside down from skyscrapers. Pretty much any form of Sex with Jason Todd counts as border line Necrophilia. So REALLY Tim dressing up in a replica of the Robin Costume he found on Brother Eye’s database and riding around Metropolis where he will eventually be caught by Stephanie Brown in a replica of the Batgirl costume Brother Eye showed them is PERFECTLY NORMAL AND FINE. 
Zatanna helped them with the sewing, since she makes all her own costumes and supports their right to have safe and sane sex. They’re both over the age of consent, after all! 
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All My Fault 25
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Damian Wayne/Batman
Rating: PG/K+
Notes: (Masterlist) This is a kinda long one at 2,167 words, but WOOHOO more stuff is happening! We’re getting over closer to their confession y’all! If you’re wondering, no I don’t really know how to do short series XD Just LOOOOONG slow burns XD
Tag List (Open): @batboys-and-other-messes @lostredrobin @probsjosh​ @spooder-moon @welovegroot
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18, Ch 19, Ch 20, Ch 21, Ch 22, Ch 23, Ch 24
Creeeak! SLAM! Thud!
I looked up from my phone and leapt over the back of the sofa, bolting from the parlor out into the foyer, already in a fighting stance. Who was invading the manor?!
I slid to a stop on the polished wooden floor in my socks with my hands clenched in fists.
When I whipped my hair out of my face, my hands dropped.
Damian had collapsed to the ground, duffel bag next to him. One arm was trapped underneath him like he’d collapsed while holding an injury and the other was splayed out on the floor.
“Damian! Oh my word!” I exclaimed, dropping to my knees by his side. I rolled him so his arm was no longer trapped beneath him and he was lying on his back on my lap. “Oh Damian. What happened?” I breathed.
His face was bruised. So were his exposed arms—but they had cuts and scrapes too. His dark skin was colored even darker in patches by purplish-greenish bruises and dried blood. His normally-spiky hair was hanging limply around his head. His eyes, usually so fiery and crystal-clear green, stared at me, half-closed and glazed.
“Damian. Damian, it’s me,” I said, brushing bangs that didn’t usually touch his forehead out of his eyes. “It’s Cloudy. C’mon, Damian. Say something.”
“Mission failure,” he mumbled.
I turned my head to shout over my shoulder. “DICK! JASON! BRUCE! ALFRED! HELP! IT’S DAMIAN!”
Damian winced at the volume of my voice, forehead creasing under wisps of bangs that had crept back onto his skin. I pushed his hair out of his way again, trying to keep his eyes on me. The weight of his upper body in my lap and his tense, hard muscles against my legs reminded me for the zillionth time that he wasn’t a thirteen-year-old pipsqueak anymore. That he’d grown up to become Batman.
“Damian, look at me. Come on. Please. What happened?”
Damian just tutted—weakly. “Tt.”
I heard the wssshhh noise of someone sliding on the floor in socks and Dick’s gasp. “Baby bird!” he exclaimed, dropping next to me. “Oh wow. You look terrible.”
Damian looked like he was going to flip Dick off, but his hand only lifted a few inches and then flopped back onto the floor.
Dick glanced at me. “Open the clock. Let’s get him down to the Batcave,” he ordered, dragging Damian’s upper body onto his own lap to free me. I scrambled to my feet and rushed to the clock, pulling it out of the way. By the time I got back to Dick and Damian, Jason had materialized from thin air—as any bat was wont to do—and helping Dick hoist Damian up.
Jason outweighed Damian by ten pounds, but Damian was three inches taller. It was safe to classify Damian as the biggest of his brothers, and there would have been no way for me to carry him into the cave. I was fairly strong, especially for my size, but I didn’t think I’d be able to get him downstairs by myself. Thank goodness Dick and Jason were significantly stronger than I was and could get him down to the med-bay.
I guided them down the stairs and through the cave, making sure they didn’t knock Damian into anything.
Bruce rushed over as Dick and Jason set Damian on a gurney. “Damian,” he murmured. “Are you alright?”
Damian, only half-conscious at this point, just grunted. “Mm.”
Alfred crossed to us and politely elbowed us out of the way. Dick and Jason fell back the farthest, me and Bruce closer. Bruce because, well, Damian was his son; and me because if I fell back any farther I wouldn’t be able to see past Dick and Jason’s bulk.
Tim and Cass joined the tense little party of waiting to see if Damian was going to be okay. Cass took my hand quietly. We exchanged a look of worry before turning our attention back to Alfred examining Damian. Damian may have had a tendency to rub everyone the wrong way at one point or other—especially when he was younger—but at the end of the day, everyone loved him. Because, for all the faults of the bats and the birds, we were all family.
I squeezed Cass’ hand. She squeezed back. And then again, harder, getting my attention. I turned to look at her. “You worried?” she signed, one-handed.
I nodded. Cass just looked at me for a moment before nodding back. We turned back to look at Alfred. I tapped my foot on the floor and bit my lower lip, watching Alfred with a stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff—a sphygmomanometer—as he looked Damian over.
“It would be easier,” he said without looking over his shoulder at us, “if I could continue without an audience.”
Jason set his hand on my back and jerked his head towards the stairs. We all headed up them, except Bruce. I watched over my shoulder as Cass pulled me out of the cave. Tim shut the clock once we were all out. Cass let my hand go. “It’s gonna be okay,” she signed with so much confidence that I almost believed her past my own anxiety. “Damian is strong.”
I nodded. “I know,” I signed back. “But I still worry.”
Cass gave me a contemplative look. “I know,” she signed.
“You okay, Cloudy?” Dick asked.
“Fine,” I said. “Just concerned. You?”
Dick shrugged. “Same boat I guess,” he said. “Worried about Damian.”
“We all are, curse our bleeding hearts,” Tim put in. Jason snorted.
Neither Alfred nor Bruce emerged from the cave for what felt like hours—but was probably… oh… maybe forty-five minutes? Jason, Tim, and Cass had moved away from the area around the entrance to the cave to get other stuff done. Dick and I sat nearby and waited.
Finally, Bruce came upstairs. “Simple exhaustion, a bad beating, and dehydration. If you want to see him, it should be one-at-a-time. He needs to rest, so no hyping him up, you hear?” he ordered.
“Of course,” I said.
“Ladies first,” Dick said, gesturing that I should go see him first.
I nodded and ducked back into the cave. I trotted down the stairs and bit my lower lip as I approached Damian lying on the gurney. I sat on the chair next to the gurney. “Hey,” I greeted softly.
“Hi,” he breathed. His hand twisted so it was facing the ceiling and his fingers straightened. I took the cue and slid my fingers through his, holding his hand.
“How do you feel?” I asked. There was an IV drip in his non-dominant arm, probably for rehydration—or maybe it had some pain medication. Or maybe both.
I didn’t know what Alfred did with IVs.
Damian grunted, giving my fingers a small squeeze. “‘M alive,” he mumbled.
“Yeah but how do you feel?” I pressed.
“Like I got dragged behind a cart again,” Damian said.
I scrunched my eyebrows. “Again?” I quoted.
“Mmhmm… training… with… the League of Assassins…” he muttered.
“I hate those guys,” I grumbled under my breath. I leaned closer. “What did Alfred say?”
“‘M gonna be alright,” he said tiredly. “Just need rest and rehydration.” His fingers squirmed in mine. I moved to let go, but he tightened his grip. “Not yet,” he said. “Please.”
“Okay,” I said. I leaned forward and brushed his hair out of his face. “I went and saw Michelle while you were gone. Jason’s remote polygraph said she wasn’t lying when she said she didn’t have an affair with my dad, but she had a hard time meeting my eyes.”
Damian gave me a look with scrunched eyebrows. “You didn’t wait for me to come with you?”
I shrugged. “Jay pretended to be my chauffeur and I was feeling brave that day.”
“I see,” Damian said, thoughtful and quiet. He still sounded exhausted.
We sat in silence for a moment, I wanted to get up and leave so Dick could come down and check on Damian, but Damian wouldn’t let my hand go.
“I missed you,” he said quietly after a moment.
I gave him a smile with the left side of my mouth. “I missed you too. Don’t tell Dick. He was teasing me about it,” I replied.
“I won’t. Promise.”
“I was really worried too.”
“Mm. Apologies.”
I pushed some of the hair that I’d already pushed out of his face even farther back with my free hand. “It’s okay. It comes with this life. We all always worry about each other, don’t we?”
“Mmhmm. Always.” He brought my hand up to his face and pressed my knuckles against his lips. “But I'm okay. Promise.”
I gave him a skeptical look. “Whatever you say, Dami.”
“You don’t believe me,” he observed.
“You’re the one covered in bruises and cuts,” I pointed out.
“Tt. S’pose you’re not wrong,” he said.
“Ooh. You tutted instead of grunting. You must be feeling better,” I teased. Damian chuckled weakly, patting the back of the hand he was holding with his other hand. There was a tiny smile on his face, but it looked like he was having a hard time doing it. I got off the chair. “Get some rest. Dick will probably come down once I'm gone to make sure you’re okay.”
“You’re not gonna stay?” Damian asked.
“Bruce said one-at-a-time since you’re exhausted and need rest. Dick wants to see you too.”
Damian squeezed my hand hard—and winced doing it. “Come back when he’s done. Please,” he said.
I nodded. “Okay. I will.”
I slid my hand out of Damian’s and left the cave. Dick was sitting nearby.
“Your turn,” I said.
He nodded, got to his feet, and went into the Batcave. I took his seat and waited for him to come back.
He was down in the cave for about ten minutes. When he reemerged, he smiled at me. “Damian asked if I’d send you down again,” he said. I nodded.
“Yeah. No problem,” I said. I stood up and went back down.
Damian was dozing on the gurney. I sat back in the chair I’d been in before. His eyelids fluttered open, saw me, and closed. He turned his hand and straightened his fingers again. I took his hand. He grinned slightly. “Just… just stay,” he murmured.
“Of course,” I said.
He hummed with contentment and closed his eyes again. I heard him take a deep breath and sigh out his nose.
When Damian woke up, he noticed immediately that his right hand was asleep, but other than that he felt fine.
He peeled his eyes open.
He was still on the gurney in the Batcave, but the rest of the cave had changed since he went to sleep. The medical area around him had been cleaned up, and there were signs everywhere else of the rest of his family heading out for patrol. A discarded—likely dull—batarang on a table, a gauntlet that had been in need of repair missing from the stand it had been on, Drake’s staff removed from where Todd had hid it among the brooms and mops.
Damian glanced down to see why his hand was asleep.
McCloud was asleep on top of it. She held his hand with both of hers, her forehead resting on the back of her hand that was threaded through his. Her hair was a slight mess, but not as wild as it usually was when she slept.
Damian couldn’t help but smile. He couldn’t even see her face and yet she was still beautiful.
The digital watch on her left wrist said it was 1:27AM. Everyone else was still out on patrol and would be for several more hours. Apparently it was a slow night because Pennyworth was sitting at the Batcomputer, but he was silent. No one was frantically shouting through the speakers for technical assistance.
To be frank, Damian was surprised that Pennyworth was allowing McCloud to sleep with her head on the gurney. Surely she’d be sore and stiff and achy later. Why did he not order her to her quarters? No one refused Alfred’s orders—least of all McCloud.
Unless he hadn’t seen her… but that was absurd. Pennyworth noticed everything that happened in the household. He must have seen her…
She cooed in her sleep and shuffled, her forehead unsticking from the back of her hand and coming to rest on the right side of her face so she was toward Damian. Her face was always peaceful in sleep. She looked like a painting of someone relaxed in an idealistic, utopian society. Or like someone painted a character from a magical fairytale that had been blessed by fairies with the gift of beauty.
Damian grinned and closed his eyes again. Maybe… just… a couple more hours… would do him… some good…
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