#even though it's guy that stops madara
greenteaandtattoos · 2 months
omg guys i can't believe guy sacrificed himself to kill madara!! what a great way to end the show!! there's a montage showing naruto going on to work toward becoming hokage with iruka's help, sasuke fucking off to atone or whatever, sakura becoming one of the greatest healers in shinobi history, kakashi continuing to be one of the greatest ninja in shinobi history, and the rest of them go on to live their lives, honoring guy, neji, and all those lost in the war to stop madara. there are no more episodes after that. none at all. zip. nada.
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doveywovy · 2 months
ghost marriage tobiizu au but with a TWIST.
during a ceasefire between the uchiha and senju, izuna fucks up and kills a shinobi on the border of uchiha lands who it turns out was on her way to the Senju to get ghost-married to Butsuma Senju's youngest son to fulfill Butsuma's dying wish.
this is a pretty major fuck up given the ceasefire, but more importantly because the uchiha have a lot of traditional values and superstitions and getting in the way of a ghost marriage is Very Bad. preventing a spirit from being able to rest, circumventing fate, seeming disrespect to the will of the gods- it's just. extremely bad.
The only solution everyone's able to agree on is if Izuna takes the bride's place. Even Madara begrudgingly agrees, both because this is lesser than the punishment Izuna would otherwise face, and because Hashirama is really pushing for this as a connecting point to turn the ceasefire into a peace treaty (And hopefully that damn village at some point.) Even Izuna's on board, because he really doesn't want to accidentally curse the Uchiha or end up haunted or something.
So he shows up on Senju lands, gets brought very nicely by Hashirama to the wedding venue, and then-
there is an actual living human man there dressed as a groom waiting for him.
APPARENTLY Izuna's the only one who thinks so. Or- one of the only ones? But everyone can *See* the guy, so what the fuck is happening?
Well. When Senju Tobirama was born, it was obvious to everyone that he was fated to die. He was born prematurely, deathly silent, pale as a corpse.
His mother refused to let him be taken away, however, and he lived. But soon he grew hair, and he opened his eyes, and- unnatural. very unnatural. Not to mention his behavior, nothing like any of his brothers before or after.
Maybe in another clan it wouldn't be so concerning, but for the Senju his white hair and red eyes made it seem the natural conclusion was that by refusing to let him be buried, Tobirama's mother had...caused her son's spirit to possess his own dead body, or something along those lines. Even after she dies, they can't get rid of him; not only is Hashirama deeply attached (and doesn't believe a lick of what anyone says about him), but they're pretty sure trying would result in his spirit taking revenge.
Butsuma settled on the ghost marriage in the hopes that they could put Tobirama's spirit to rest and he'd...stop...possessing the corpse, maybe? and they'd get rid of him at last?
Izuna, getting this explanation, barely keeps himself from losing his goddamn mind. he thought the senju were supposed to be clever??? they're healers, does that not come with SOME understanding of genetics???
It's fine though, because it means not only does his brother get his peace but Izuna gets a pretty husband who's desperate for affection and companionship and who's attention he rarely has to share.
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spookysshadow · 9 days
Hatake nibbles.
Just sometimes they get so overwhelmed with happiness or love that they just have to bite the person.
It's not something they do in public, really only amongst those they deem pack. And even then, not all pack is treated to it.
The Senju matriarch nibbles at her little boys fingers and toes when their little pups, and playfully growls at them when they begin to toddle before snapping her jaw shut and making her boys laugh loudly.
Butsuma doesn't understand but then again, he doesn't get bitten either. At least until Tobi shows up.
Hashirama, the least Hatake according to the matriarch's own mother, playfully bites and nibbles at her hands and arms, her legs, full of love and unashamed. Though as the years go by he does it less and less. Sometimes though, when he sees his remaining little brother, he can't help but turn and bite his arm. Or if a hand is on the table, he'll sneak a nibble too. His little brother will huff, but he never stops him from doing it.
Tobirama also grows up nibbling and biting. A little too much even. Anyone he deemed friend/family - even the wolf summons, he'll climb onto and try nibbling at their ears. Not even Butsuma escapes his reign of teething terror - having to go to war meetings with a toddler strapped to his side, teeth nibbling his upper arms.
He also grows out of that all around, all encompassing affection and focuses on the few important ones that remain - a quick nib at his brother's shoulder before they go into battle, a playfully bite on Touka's hand when she tries to reach for something in front of him, so on.
This carries on - lets pretend Izuna lives, village is built and somehow standing in it's own and he's hella confused why one day, when he and Tobirama get assigned on a mission he tells the Senju bastard good luck and the guy just. bites him. Just pivots his head and chomps on his shoulder, before straightening up like something shot up his spine and muttered a quick "you too" before taking off.
Here he thought he and the guy were getting along, but he guesses not. Especially cause after that mission Tobirama won't even be in the same room as him. As always he goes to his brother for guidance in these trying times.
Hikaku: he bit you?
Izuna: Yeah, can you believe that? What the fuck!
Madara: Ah, Hashirama bit me a few times when we were kids. He said it's how his family showed each other they like them.
Hikaku: he likes you??
Izuna: Do I have to bite him back now?
He doesn't. Not at first, but after having to run around the village to get the man to sign a document because he is still avoiding him. he gives up. Just chomps on the arm that's right in front of him and then sits back in his seat like he didn't do that most insane thing in the middle of a council meeting.
Tobirama blinks before nodding and continuing with his report, seemingly back to normal now that his weird affection has been returned. Hashirama, inspired by his little brother, turns to Madara and also tries to chomp.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, Izuna is forced to be nibbled by a surprisingly affectionate Tobirama, while watching his older brother dodge the chomping affections of his friend. C'est la vie.
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hinakazino · 2 years
The Uchiha Princess || Uchiha Family/Child!Reader
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Summary: The third born child of the head of the Uchiha Clan, younger sister of Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha. You're the known princess of the Uchiha Clan! (That everyone may or may not have a protective side of.)
Warnings: None! Just Fluff!
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It was no secret really, Mikoto had really been hoping for a girl! So she was really happy to have you, her little princess.
Literally loves you, gives you the best of care.
Enjoys dressing you up or doing your hair (you look so cute and small in all those mini garments!!)
Honestly worried for awhile how you'd get along with your brothers or the clan, as it was mostly men.
Worries were quickly blown away though, who would dare hurt you?
Super nervous dad, he was used to the two boys, yes. But a girl? He was already worrying himself over how things would work.
Secretly you’re his favorite, literally held you so softly like you were the most precious baby ever.
You were his precious girl, and he admits he may have spoiled you a bit more than he should've.
Doesn’t like the idea of boys, nope he isn’t agreeing to ANY arranged marriages!!
He also doesn't like admitting it, although he hopes you become a great strong kunoichi. The idea of sending you, of all people into the battle field frightens even him.
The funny cousin, always comes over with treats just for you.
He just can’t stop poking at your chubby cheeks and practically squealed when he saw your stubby legs as you ran up to him.
Always makes sure to scoop you up and tell you plenty of his awful jokes. You love it anyway though! He loves hearing your giggle.
Enjoys closing his eyes as you trace over his scars in awe.
Heart throbs as you pecked his scarred cheek asking him whether he was okay and that you’d make the pain go away.
Literally the sweetest cousin ever, knows exactly what you like and spoils you whenever he is back from a mission.
The cousin you tell all your secrets to. (Who may or may not be secretly reporting to Itachi about it.)
Loves carrying you on his back, gives him sweet flashbacks of mini Itachi.
Is super dramatic with you, you both are like each others twins. He loves it whenever Sasuke and Itachi walk in completely bewildered at the play you guys have been acting.
You two are also pranksters, who have lots of fun pulling stuff on Sasuke, Itachi, and occasionally best of all, Obito.
Second most at poking at your cheek besides Obito too, vowed to protected you from evil at all costs.
Your big brother, who greatly inspires and motivates you. He is such a sweetheart!
He honestly has the same fear as his father because his life as a ninja hasn't been a walk in a rosy garden.
Can't describe it, he just loves you. Every time he is with you, he feels at peace.
Has been there for all of your tantrums, he is basically your comfort.
Knows best out of everyone how to take care of you. You're injured? Distract you with food, something you like, etc, to get rid of the pain as he treats you.
Sobbing cause you can't have something? He'll get it for you-- wait no his parents said no so he'll tell you maybe next time to make you forget.
Was the most nervous out of everyone.
But greatly adores you because you look up to him, he feels noticed and appreciated whenever he is around you.
You love Sasuke because he understands you the most as you're both similar in age.
Playtime is always fun, and mainly with him. He always tries to bring new games, not just to entertain you both but also to keep you active. He shows his care in different ways!
When he got older he still made time for you, there was always a reserved soft spot for his little sister.
You're his favorite Uchiha kid, and he isn't afraid to admit it.
He lets you play with his hair, he surprisingly didn't mind it. Honestly he loves your awe with it.
You spent a chunk of your time with him anyways since most of your other family members were busy so it wasn't before long you both developed a strong bond.
Out of everyone he deeply hopes you never experience war in your lifetime. He knows from personal experience, and it warms his heart that you're so innocent.
He teaches you a lot of things, madara knows a lot! From weapons and combat, all the way to gardening and game tactics. He's got to spend a lot of time having fun being the retired Uchiha.
© 2023 by Hinakazino, do not translate/edit/claim or use my work in any form.
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oh-no-its-bird · 4 months
Some Cardcaptor Sakura stuff ended up on my dash and now I'm thinking about a classic magical girl au. Magical girl Izuna my beloved,,
Has anyone done that yet? Am I going to have to be the one to do that? I'm totally going to have to be that guy aren't I. You know what tho, I think I'm ok with that
✨️ Magical girl Izuna time ✨️
I think one or the biiju should be his animal mascot / contractor. Kurama is the obvious choice but Matatabi could be fun, and also like, cmon, fire cat.
Alternatively though in a totally different direction, maybe Amaterasu can be the contractor. It could both play into Uchiha lore and also have some shit about his power coming from the rising sun with his magical girl transformation. Maybe he gets stronger the higher the sun is in the sky, and then weaker at night to the point that he can barley even transform. Maybe the villain of this hypothetical magical girl show could be contracted by Kaguya, and get stronger with the moon in contrast.
Fun scene where despite it being night, he's able to transform because of sun lamps or some conviniently placed solar pannels or smthn.
Maybe the villain of that episode was depending on tech or something, so he gets to shout some quippy line about how "Oh yeah don't you just LOVE the wonders of modern technology!" Before fucking bludgeoning them to death with a magical girl staff or whatever his weapon is
Anyways, set it in vaguely highschool because this shit is always set in a school and I wanna have fun hitting all the tropes.
It acts on a "monster/villain of the week" system with some big shadowy bad guy apparently pulling the strings behind the curtains. The monsters are all existing people or animals, "corrupted by the shadow of the moon" or something along those lines. The moon promises them power to fulfill their wishes but then the wish will inevitably go wrong or the power will be too much for the person, corrupting them.
Izuna uses the power of Amaterasu's light and violence to purify whatever person/animal and return them to normal. Only some people are harder and sometimes require some good old power of friendship yelling to get through to them (this does not stop Izuna from usually just defaulting to violence tho)
Amaterasu lore dumps on him that they must be being corrupted by the power of Kaguya-hime, who was sealed away over a thousand years ago. And that with each monster made, she must grow closer to fully escaping. Which is why it's important that Izuna purify these people as fast as possible, to make sure that Kaguya doesn't receive power from their contratracts with her.
In the meanwhile, they need to brainstorm a way to put Kaguya back in her prison if she escapes. Because if she continues corrupting people for their energy, unless Izuna finds out how she's able to communicate with them from her prison, she will escape.
I want Hikaku as the token best friend who's let in on the magical girl secret (maybe by accident at first) and helps from the sidelines despite having no real power (he's the one who would have pulled in clutch with those solar pannels / sun lamps)
Tobirama can be the classic "ice prince" character who Izuna kind of hates and has a stupid rivalry with that usually seems one sided; Till he manages to rile up Tobirama enough to bite back
Touka as a foil to Hikaku but for Tobirama, acting as his best friend and occasional pain in the ass for both him and Izuna (she thinks Izuna is hilarious and that the stress migraine he causes Tobirama is good for him)
Seemingly clueless Madara and Hashirama, who turn out to be the reincarnations of the guys who originally sealed Kaguya away. They've both just graduated and seem to be too busy entering the adult world to notice Izuna getting caught up in magic shenanigans
School princess and shrine maiden Mito, who's ancestor was someone who helped to seal Kaguya, and who's family shrine still contains some hints at how they did it.
Itama as that one specific trope of a really sickly guy who everyone at school is always gossiping about, and who Tobirama is wayyy overprotective of.
Izuna, Hikaku, Touka and Tobirama are all in the kendo club. Hashirama and Madara were kendo champions and rivals before they graduated and now Izuna and Tobirama seem to be taking up their mantles.
So, Izuna is defeating new moon-mad monsters every week. A lot of them seem to pop up in conviniently nearby places, but he's no closer to finding out how Kaguya supposedly gets in contact with them.
As his adventures progress, he sometimes catches the coat tails of a mysterious other magical girl, but magic prevents him from remembering their face. But they'll appear and help out when he's in a really bad situation, and he sometimes catches them just watching. Suspicious!! But they're too fast for him to ever pin down for a real conversation.
Anyways; Eventually it seems like the monster of this week is going to be a steadily growing tense and unstable Tobirama. Izuna had started to learn the signs of oncoming moon-madness, and he can sense Kaguya's power eating away at him. He swoops in just in time as he sees the power start to consume Tobirama, only to watch as he's somehow able to fight back and regain control.
Still, Izuna will do his due diligence and burn the power away before it can turn him!
Tobirama does not seem to appreciate this. At all.
Queue identity reveal! Only not on Izuna's end.
So, the first twist in our story is that Tobirama ends up being the bad guy.
Flashback some months ago to when this all started:
Tobirama somehow stumbled on Kaguya where she was sealed away. Just like how Amaterasu can only interact with the real world through Izuna, without a magical girl contracted to her to act as her hands, Kaguya could do nothing to escape. So when Tobirama found her, she was immediatley readying her pitch; promising him power, knowledge, all sorts of things if he just helped to set her free. Even offering to bring back his dead brothers.
Though... well, Kaguya's power was fickle. All gods powers are. Amaterasu was only able to contract Izuna without exploding him with the heat of the sun because he was already born one of her children. And Tobirama isn't Kaguya's to claim, which means he ran the risk of getting fucking vaporized or corrupted or going crazy if he accepted the contract.
But with the promise of bringing his brothers back on the table, he wasn't about to say no. And maybe it was through sheer fucking stubbornness, but he was able to handle it. Kind of. He's managing.
(Which is why Izuna can't just purify him with Amaterasu's light or by talking him down, like he does with every moon-mad monster he fights. He's not possessed like they are, he's a proper countracted magical girl, just like Izuna)
Tobirama was able to bring back Itama and give Kaguya some more freedom behind her seal, but still mostly locked away as she was, Kaguya didn't have the power to bring back Kawarama as well, and Itama was brought back weaker than he'd died as.
Which is when Tobirama took matters into his own hands.
He began approaching other people, much like Kaguya had approached him. Offering them contracts with Kaguya on her behalf— only they turned out to not be able to hold on to the contracts like he could. Being corrupted or going mad and becoming moon-posessed. Still, each contract he made added to Kaguya's power and brought her a little closer to escaping her seal. (And closer to giving Tobirama his last brother back)
(And hey, with Izuna keeping the damage to a minimum and helping purify the people after, Tobirama didn't have to feel as guilty about the damage he was causing)
(Still though, when it looked like Izuna was struggling, he'd try to pitch in. Or when a person made an especially desperate wish or had a specific goal to fulfill with their contract, he'd try his best to help with that. If only as an apology)
But stubbornness wasn't enough to keep him safe from the sharp edges of Kaguya's power forever, and as time passed and the more contracts he made and power he gathered for Kaguya, the more he began to risk being consumed himself.
Which leads back to the here and now, with Tobirama assuming that since Izuna attacked, he'd been made. And Izuna first being really fucking confused, then really fucking concerned, then really fucking mad.
They fight, Tobirama gets away, and the next day Izuna gets to experience the most painful school day of his fucking life. Starting with the realization that, while he can recognize Tobirama since he saw him transform, Tobirama doesn't actually know Izuna is the magical girl
Izuna: What the fuck why did he get a wish when he became a magical girl, I want a wish why the fuck didn't I get one
Amaterasu: :3
Amaterasu: teehee <3
Izuna: Don't you fucking teehee me right now
Tobirama, knowing he's going to lose himself to Kaguya's power and aware that a) he's come too far there's no backing out now, and b) he's ok with losing himself if it means he can at least bring Kawarama back, decides to go full throttle. Skips all his classes and dissapears to go do shady shit behind the scenes as he massively moves up the time table for setting Kaguya free
He's already losing himself, might as well pump more power into people to create bigger, badder monsters— getting Kaguya even more power and putting even more strain on himself
This is about when Touka finds out what's happening with him, and decides she's ok with embracing the morally gray lifestyle for her bestie. She gets Tobirama to agree that once Kawarama is back, hes ending this shit for good. But till then, well, she always did tell him she'd have his back no matter what. Now she gets to parallel Hikaku even more!!! Yay!!!
Queue final battle time! Kaguya is on the very edge of escape and funneling more power into Tobirama than ever! Tobirama is either about to explode from the inside out or turn into a whole moon monster, it's unclear but he is this fucking close to losing it all. Quite literally, actually.
Touka gets to have a teeny bit of Kaguya's power for this battle, knowing the fight would be short enough and that she has enough self discipline to not immediatley go moon-mad.
She gets to face off with Hikaku, who gets his kendo sword blessed by Amaterasu so he can fight back against her moon powers.
It's all very dramatic and Tobirama gets to fully break out of his ice prince shell as he and Izuna scream and beat the shit out of eachother.
Im thinking that no matter what happens, Kaguya still gets free in the end and it's revealed that actually she and Amaterasu are like, bitter exes and this whole thing was a fucking lovers spat
Season 2 is just 20 episodes of Izuna being mad at Amaterasu as she and Kaguya make out passionately in the bg
Kidding. Probably. Idk I'm having a lot of thoughts rn, there's a shape of something to continue the magical girl train but I need to go do work shit so I'll leave this here for now and come back to it later
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moldy-flowers · 11 days
Okay hear me out hear me out hear me out. Sasuke, is not a yapper, bc he's internalised all his yapping‼️ He doesn't know the Uchiha ways of the yap!!
Okay so like, when the children are like children, they're the ultimate yappers. But not near people they don't know. Imagine like Itachi coming home and Sasuke sprinting to the door yelling "Ni-San" repeatedly while jumping up and down. You can see it, cant you? BECAUSE HES A YAPPER!!
Itachi was never a yapper and that's why Fugaku was like "Dont turn out like Itachi..." to Sasuke bc Itachi never conformed to the true Uchiha way!! They knew there was something wrong w him day one!!!
You know that scene where Sasuke to Mikoto is like "Does father care more about Itachi than me?? :(" and Mikoto tells him that actually Fugaku talks about Sasuke all the time behind closed doors? WELL IT MAKES SENSE NOW BC BC WHEN THE UCHIHA GROW UP THEY ONLY YAP TO THE PERSON THEY ARE CLOSEST TO I.E. MIKOTO‼️‼️ FUGAKU YAPS ALL THE TIME TO MIKOTO AND MIKOTO TO HIM‼️‼️
This also works for Shisui bc if we assume Shisuis parents died when he was young, Shisui never had anyone to raise him properly apart from the clan, and he wasn't really apart of their family's. Not to mention he was really highly praised and his goofy silly guy personality was brushed off bc Holy crap where the fuck did he go IS HE BEHIND ME WTF HOW??? HES LIKE 8!!???? WHAT THE SHIT‼️‼️‼️⁉️⁉️⁉️ So Shisui is at the age where he'd stop being a yapper but he's too far gone he's just a goof now and we love him for that.
Also, if we look at our beloved boy Izuna!! He's kind of a goober but he doesn't get the chance to goob around with everyone cause they're in war :(( He's a prankster bc he wants to lift up everyones spirits but when he's not w/ his family hes a snarky bitch (We love him for that!! We all cheer in unison)
Madara, we all saw his friendship with Hashirama, that boy was a yapper‼️ But the one he chose to yap to was Hashirama so most of the time he listens to Izuna yapping and stays quiet bc hashi is the enemy :((
Now our little freaky boy Obito!! He had no proper teacher of the Uchiha ways (pffft he doesn't even know the ways of the Uchiha yap? He's a lost cause just ignore him :// ) and he's lonely to he just yaps and yaps and yaps to anybody with an ear. But then he met Madara and was deyapped. He talks to himself though so just think that counts as a little yap.
Now onto the star of the show the silly little loser Sasuke :33 (Our boy!! our boy!! We all scream clap and cry) When everyone died he was too sad and scared and paranoid and traumatized to yap if anybody would have actually listened. And hc that he desperately clings into anything Uchiha bc he wants to be as close to his family as possible. And everybody he knew was stone cold, or calm and collected and kind to those they were close to. So he too would be stone cold and calm and collected!!! It wasn't too difficult to close himself off because he didn't have any friends in the first place. But did you notice how that when he shows Fugaku his grades and they're all straight A+'s, and in the show we learn they are also graded on their ability to work with others, and in Naruto: the last we see Naruto Sasuke and Sakura sitting at the same table!? Using our heads and our amazing smarts we, together as a team can deduce this means that Sasuke actually worked with a group and worked so well with them that it was deemed an A+ (DESPITE THE FACT HE WAS REALLY ANTI-SOCIAL!? I COULD NEVER) So this means that at a table Sasuke worked with his future team very well despite the fact their personalitys clashed so much, Sakura a nervous wreck which is something Sasuke outwardly hates, and Naruto, a prankster who totally has ADHD and will not focus on anything, and Sasuke at the time was pretty compassionate despite being a little bratty!! They worked together!! (this could also be when Sakura developed a crush on Sasuke!! And Naruto on Sakura!!! Do you see!?? My Uchiha yapping agenda is so canon!!!) I went on a little bit of a rant there BUT we also see at the beginning of the manga that Sasuke actually scored pretty low on his ability to work with others!! He was trying to be more like his dead clan by being stoic and closed off!! He doesnt know they were secretly sensitive losers!! (Whenever they're alone with their partner they're immediately clingy and become the most touch starved people in existence and cling to eachother like if they let go they'll suffocate and die)
Omg fic where for an amount of time Naruto Sasuke and Sakura have a group project that extends before and after the massacre and during it we see Sasuke go from Reluctantly a ball of Sunshine and energy to really depressed and jittery to cold hearted and stoic!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SOMEOME WRITE IT FOR ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
And so like, it's in the Uchiha genes to yap!! But Sasukes yaps have been internalised and his first like really long time in Konoha he has to relearn how to have conversations with people bc he just yaps in his head and forgets to respond. Everyone thinks Sasuke is soooo intimidating bc he just stands there and glares (He doesn't realise he's glaring) at you and makes you feel really really stupid but he's actually just wondering if he can adopt a fluffy pink cat bc he saw Sakura earlier and wants to know if cats can be pink too. Now he's wondering if he breeds the cats correctly if he could get a rainbow cat. Oh what did you say? SHIT uhmm just roll eyes and walk away roll eyes and walk away. Kiba has a theory that Sasuke is plotting something (He's plotting gay coloured cats) Unfortunately he's so quiet mysterious guy coded that he never truly learns to let out his inner yaps. But when he's home alone or w/ a partner he's comfortable with (Whoever you ship him with) He happily listens or when it's quiet he hums long forgotten lullabys that his mother used to sing. Although im not letting go of my touch starved clingy Sasuke agenda he hums while hugging with a vice grip. And also when Sarada was little he would sing songs to her go help her sleep (Sasuke singing somewhere over the rainbow anyone?? :33)
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asukaskerian · 5 months
monthly word count - april
TOTAL: 4 604 low but on the upside i plotted out and got started on the last chapter for cherry wine's capital arc, FUCK yes finally. X_X
POSTED: nothing new! a battlefield terra scene languishing in my files since 2017 tho.
IN PROGRESS -cherry wine - madatobiizu ABO chapter 10 (1 548 words) -bleach suburban ot4 (2 553 words) -bleach: attempt at one of my unusual inheritances prompts that swiftly died on me (503 words) (if you ever think "oh it's such an obvious plot i will remember for sure" THAT IS SATAN LYING TO YOU.)
-- cherry wine (short bcs spoilers everywhere) --
Then they were approaching the well-lit area before the hall where people milled around, and the brouhaha covered the edge of their voices, as Madara asked, "So, what did you do?"
"Mm, nothing too extreme. I merely felt regretful that I couldn't keep Yukiha-san company, so I... referred her to some."
Madara's eyebrows quirked dubiously.
"The pink kind."
He'd done a little more than that, really. When he'd asked the Haruno girls what they thought about hatesex (in favor; spicy), and their ability to convince a very horny, grumpy, desperate kunoichi to let herself be bedded (very high; just had to challenge her superiority), he'd also asked them for the favor of their alpha brother's sweatier underclothes, to plant in her bedroom afterwards. They would have a fun couple of weeks waiting to be certain she wasn't carrying a bellyful of civilian bastards.
-- suburban ot4 --
Nelliel rolls like a beached whale, morose and defeated. Her phone keeps containing nothing of interest. 
Tier of course hasn't contacted her directly since their last in-person meeting, because she doesn't believe in chatting up ex-girlfriends. Especially because her current girlfriends are jealous and threatened somehow, even after Nelliel told them about getting knocked up by Grimmjow.
They all think she has shit taste in men, see, but they don't doubt her taste in women is more refined. 
Her only recent messages are from Grimmjow and Hime.
... Her most recent message is from Hime! Right now! Ohh, she was letting things settle a bit before she started hounding her in case the Kurosakis wanted space, but!
Hime-chan: Nel-chan, hello! Are you here?
She wants to talk! Live! Right now!
Me: yes!!!!!! :D :D :D hi! what's up?? Hime-chan: #^__^#<3 Hime-chan: oh, nothing much! I was just wondering if you're busy or maybe if you would want to go out for a walk? I was going to take kazui and go check out that new pastry shop and i thought, that's not too far from where you are and maybe you're not too tired to go? Me: YES let me get dressed. Hime-chan: but if you don't feel up to it then take care of yourself Hime-chan: !! oh, great! Give us a half hour? Me: yeeeeeeeessss ill be waiting downstairs SEE YOU SOON
"Hot date, eh?"
Nelliel gives her boyfriend the crazed stare of don't get in my way. "Oh fuck yeah. With Hime and the kid. I am going to get so many cuddles."
He laughs at her. "Want me to clear out in case you get them to come home with you for coffee while you're at it?"
"... Nah. You can stay and babysit."
Grimmjow plants his hand on top of her skull and swings her right and left, then shoves her back down onto her pillows. She yowls in protest, grabbing his wrist to haul herself back up. "Stop that, I have to shower and get dressed! I can't meet Hime if I stink!"
"But you're fine stinking for me, I see how it is." He drags her to her feet, an amused half-smirk on his face. 
"You're a gross boy, though. Hime is fresh and cute and sweet. She's not into salty."
Grimmjow smirks even wider. "Oh, she's into all sorts of crazy shit. Made me a herring and ice cream sandwich once."
"... I kinda want to figure out what exactly this means in our sexy metaphor but I'm going to be late." Nelliel leans in to give him a cheek kiss and a semi-friendly headbutt and scampers off to the bathroom. "I've got a daaaate!"
"A friendship date!"
"Guys who don't have a date don't get to piss on my parade!"
-- ichigo and sisters, odd inheritance -- fic disappeared on me and left me without notes, idk if i'll ever figure out what to do with it --
Ichigo has been eighteen all of two months when he finally manages to get 1. custody of his sisters and 2. access to his inheritance. 
It's fast. Really fast. Dad's lawyer friend was cutthroat and very prepared. 
(Even if the guy looks so dubious and scruffy--)
Ichigo has been living in a group house on his own for seven months by then, and he knows the clinic wasn't completely paid off, and he knows it's been sold on -- all their personal effects are in storage, in a truck, in the truck the lawyer friend got him and the lawyer friend's even odder friend taught him to drive and he is never going to manage to repay them--
"Is this it?" Karin asks, dubious. 
Karin and Yuzu are crammed together on the passenger's seat, and they peer at the actual goddamned mansion looming at the top of the hill with the exact same dubiousness Ichigo feels. It's an european style, but from a century back at least, and wasn't exactly maintained well. He's not sure why Mom hung onto it instead of selling it off, but maybe there were no buyers. There used to be a village nearby but now there's two rickety houses and some farmland, mostly woods, and the house stands on such a slope that cutting down the trees to grow anything else would be completely pointless.
On the other side of the ridge is, apparently, the sea, but about fifty meters of cliffside down. No beach access either. Sigh. Whatever.
"I'll unlock the gate!" Yuzu exclaims, and pops out of the cab, legs wobbling on landing from the drive. The rusty noise as she pushes it open is, uh. Bad.
"Home sweet home," he grumbles as he drives the car through the gate.
Making it livable is going to take so much work.
But the roof isn't leaking and the heating and water still work, and miraculously one of the wings has failed to get infected by mold. So. It will do.
The first night they camp together in one of the living rooms, and it's nice. (Yuzu cries openly over being reunited, Karin cries while telling her not to cry, and Ichigo somehow manages to wait until they have fallen asleep.)
They don't really know what happened to their mom's family or why she has a hugeass house fit for like ten or fifteen very antisocial people that nobody else had a claim on. The way Kurosaki Masaki spent their childhood dodging the topic like an olympic slalom medalist had been read as 'it was Bad and Ungood but now it's OVER move along hahaha'. So of course, "If one of our grandparents is haunting this dust pile and they don't wait until tomorrow to bug us, I will throw their tablet in the sea," Karin was muttering, half as a joke, before she finally laid down. 
It's five AM and Ichigo isn't laughing. 
Of course there are ghosts. Anywhere he goes there are ghosts.
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pachu09 · 1 year
Okay hear me out: There is an ongoing rumor that Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Hikaku are a thing. (There are only friends though).
This was escalated because apparently the only Uchiha he is comfortable approaching in a casual manner besides his student Kagami was his Father Hikaku ( I made Kagami as Hikaku’s son). Tobirama even smiles at him. Much to the jealousy of one certain porcupine of a clan head.
Sorry if I took too long to answer. I don't know if you're craving for more jealous Madara fics but I had to take my time how to think up scenarios for this one...
Many thanks to @amaranthinius and @grimnisdottir because they gave me the plot for this mini fic?
Hopefully you'll enjoy it....
Tobirama doesn’t know what the hell the Uchiha Clan Head’s problem is. He wrongly assumed he's been making a nice rapport with the man for the last few months. But honestly, this past month, the man’s actions prove otherwise that they weren’t acquaintances let alone there’s a friendship to even develop.
Example; like right now. Madara’s latest temper tantrum had resulted with his friend flying away from the sheer force of Madara bumping shoulders with him.
“ Hikaku-san, are you alright?! “ Tobirama hurried to help his dazed friend to sit up. He patted the man’s body. Afraid that something must have been broken with how dazed Hikaku looked.
Hikaku stammers, “ I’m alright, Tobirama. Maybe Madara-sama is experiencing  a bad day, that’s why he didn’t see me and bump into me? “
Tobirama deadpan. “ Madara had this temper tantrum for a month now and it seems you’re always the target of his aggression. I don’t know what his problem is but this needs to stop right now!
Kagami looked up at his Father. “ Um. “ Hikaku looked down at his son and patted his head comfortingly. “ I’m alright, Kagami. There’s no need to worry “ 
Tobirama angrily scowled. “ This is ridiculous. It's obvious that he’s bullying you. Don’t worry, Hikaku-san. I’ll put a stop to that guy’s tantrum. “
Hikaku couldn’t even stammer a protest and he watch with dismayed eyes as Tobirama vanished using Hiraishin. He slap a palm over his face. “ Ugh. I hope Hokage-sama would stop those two from fighting. The Tower would be destroyed if those two came to blows. “
Kagami patted his Father on his back. “ Don’t worry Otou-san. I’m sure Sensei will finally put a stop to Madara-sama’s bullying of you. “
Hikaku looked in surprise at his son. “ What do you mean by that? “
Kagami shrugs. “ I heard Izuna-sama says Madara-sama is mean to you because he’s jealous. “
Hikaku paled in fright. “ I didn’t know he’s courting Tobirama! “
Kagami threw his Father a confused look. “ No he hasn’t, yet. He didn’t have the chance because you’ve been spending so much time with Sensei. “
HIkaku felt faint. No wonder Madara-sama is so hostile towards him! The man probably thought he’s seducing his intended!.
“ Right. Maybe I’ll make myself scarce when Madara-sama is nearby. “
Kagami plops himself down on his Father’s lap. “ Don’t worry about Madara-sama, Chichi. Sensei would make sure Madara-sama would listen to him..”
Father and son shuddered at that imagery. Anyone wouldn’t want to experience a pissed off Tobirama lecturing them. The ones who survived his lecture are still mentally scarred to this day….
Onlookers shook their heads in dismay that Uchiha Hikaku took a month to realize why his Clan Head was so hostile to him. He definitely deserved it for being an oblivious idiot.
Tobirama barged into the Hokage’s office with a furious scowl on his face. Hashirama and the other Clan Heads are surprised to see the younger Senju attending the meeting when he himself reported that he can’t attend today's session.
The Albino beeline straight to the frowning Uchiha Clan Head. “ You! What the fuck is wrong with you, Uchiha?! “ 
Uchiha Madara’s face became as smooth as a marble as he stared blankly up at the fuming Senju Heir. “ There’s nothing wrong with me, Senju. Maybe it is you who’s feeling under the weather for today? What with you rudely barging in this important meeting. “
Tobirama glared, seething. “ You know what the fuck I’m talking about, Uchiha. Why the fuck are you bullying Hikaku-san? Cease your childish tantrum because its hurting your own Clanmen! “ Tobirama was screaming his outrage at the other man.
Uchiha Madara slowly blink, dust his clothes off and stood up to square up the younger man. Tobirama had quickly stepped back in order to avoid bumping into the other man. ( They didn’t even notice Hashirama pulling out some snacks beneath his desk and avidly watches them as he opens a pack of mochi. The other Clan Heads stared baffled, exasperated and amused at their Kage’s behavior. )
“ Childish tantrum you say? I am not a child Senju to perform such juvenile action. “ Madara sneered at the younger Senju.
Tobirama glowered. “ Then, what the fuck are you doing to Hikaku then? “
Madara stilled, the blank terrifying look was back again, making Tobirama shiver in fright. “ I am simply reminding my Clanmate that he needs to mind his place and never touches what is mine. “ 
The Albino digested what the older man had said. “ Stop with the riddles, Uchiha. Why don’t you just tell Hikaku straight up that you find it offensive that he touched your property? “
Madara blinked, he cocked his head to the side and considered what Tobirama was suggesting. A second later he grinned delightedly as he agreed with Tobirama’s suggestion. 
“ And you wouldn’t mind being the witness between us then? “ Tobirama was surprised at the Uchiha’s easy compliance. He’s a bit suspicious, but if it makes Madara stop terrorizing his friend then Tobirama doesn’t need to interfere with the man’s way of apologizing to his friend.
Madara left for the nearest open window and arched an eyebrow at Tobirama. “ Well, what are you waiting for Senju? “ and he jumped to the next nearby building. Tobirama quickly followed after his heels. 
If Madara and Tobirama had only looked back at the meeting room where they came from. They could have witnessed that for the first time Hashirama had won a sizable sum of money from his fellow Clan Heads. The men and women are apparently left shocked that their Kage had somehow luckily guessed when Madara will make his intentions loud and clear. They eyed suspiciously their happy Kage who happily pocketed the gold coins they had tossed to him.
This man wouldn’t know how to be deceitful even if it bit him in the ass. So how did he accurately guess what will happen?
( Mito sneezes loudly, her dainty hand was too late to cover her mouth and nose. Touka snorted as she witnessed for the first time her friend’s loss of composure. She asks her Matriarch if she’s alright? The Senju Matriarch raised her head  to stare at the bright blue sky. “ Hm. You know, in Uzushio there’s a belief that if someone thinks about you, you’ll sneeze loudly. “
Touka giggles. “ That’s kinda dumb. 
“ Mito hummed and smiled dangerously. “ Oh I know for a fact that several someone’s are thinking of me. Maybe I need to visit my dear Husband to confirm what my assumption is. “
Touka stilled and sweat nervously. She didn’t even stop Mito from leaving the tea room. She shakes her head and prayed for those poor Clan Heads safety that would surely receive her wrath. )
Uchiha Hikaku was thoroughly enjoying his day off. Today, he had decided that he’ll take out his only son to eat at the Akimichi’s restaurant ( Kagami had an appetite when it comes to their barbecue . But he’ll be broke if he tries to buy it for his son everyday ). After they eat, he’ll get to train with his son for at least a few hours ( Tobirama-san is a God send for having the stamina to keep up with his little helion of a child ) and then they’ll get to relax at Home eating the exotic dessert that he and Tobirama-san had bought from their latest mission.
He was thoroughly enjoying eating his Gyudon when Madara-sama suddenly appeared in his peripheral vision. He choked in the lunch he’s eating and tried to hack the rice and beef that got stuck in his throat. 
“ Hikaku-san! “ Tobirama-san’s frazzled voice reached his ears. The man had even helpfully hit him on his back to dislodge the blockage in his throat. He’s pretty thankful that Tobirama-san had even handed him a cup of water to drink. 
After desperately chugging down the water. He nearly choked again when he saw that indeed he didn’t hallucinate Madara-sama standing beside their table. 
“ Uchiha, Why didn’t you help Hikaku-san!. He’s choking in front of you and you just watched boredly while he nearly died in front of his son! “ Tobirama snapping at their Clan Head nearly made Hikaku decide to throw himself out of the nearest window. Kagami safely cradled in his arms. He really didn’t want to come between these two powerful Men and besides its quite embarrassing that now they had the whole restaurant's attention because of their obnoxious behavior.
“ Stop nagging, Senju. We are here so that Hikaku will finally stop taking what is mine. “ The deadly glare Madara threw at Hikaku nearly made him whimper. 
Tobirama grumbled and sat down beside his eating student. He thanked and refused Kagami when the child offered him a bite out of his Katsudon. 
Madara stood menacingly in front of his Clanmate. “ Listen up, Hikaku. Senju Tobirama is mine. He’s not yours and never will be. I’m his suitor not you. How shameless of you to seduce him using your only child —”
Tobirama’s sudden spluttering made Madara pause in his tirade. 
“ What the hell are you talking about, Madara?! Since when did I accept you as my suitor?! “
Madara's deep frown clearly shows he’s upset. “ When you accepted my courting gifts, you idiot! “
Tobirama glowered. “ I don’t remember receiving such gifts! “
Madara opens and closes his mouth and then he facepalm. “ I bought you those expensive sealing materials that you needed to set up for Konoha’s sealing barrier. The high quality blue Kimono with the ocean pattern because you complained that you don't have any formal clothings or those delicacies that came from Mizu no Kuni that you are so fond of…”
Tobirama felt faint. “ I thought those were just friendly gifts from you? “ he weakly answered. 
Madara stared flabbergasted at the Albino. “ No. I would never give a friend expensive gifts, Tobirama. It is not in our Tradition. “ he quietly explained to the pale-faced Albino.
Tobirama swallowed with difficulty. “ I’m sorry, Madara-san for assuming that they’re friendship gifts. “ He flushed in embarrassment but he stared with sincerity at the other man’s solemn black eyes.
“ Does this mean Tobirama-Sensei would be an Uchiha for the future? “ Kagami’s innocent question had quickly broken the awkward and tense atmosphere. 
Madara cracked a smile at the child. “ Maybe? It's up to your Sensei though?. “
“ I…Yes, Yes Madara-san! You can still court me as long as you don’t change your mind or regret it? “ Tobirama rushes to answer. He clamps his lips tightly when it seems he’ll just promise anything to placate his Suitor.
Madara cocked his head in confusion. “ Why would I change my mind?. You’re the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life! “ 
Tobirama blushes furiously and slowly covers his face in embarrassment. “ Not fair, Madara-san. “
Hikaku ate his Gyudon with a blank look on his face. By the Gods these two dramatic fuckers had ruined his entire day off. He internally cried, ‘ Why must they flirt in front of me? ‘
And indeed in his peripheral vision he could Madara’s thick arms possessively encircling Tobiram-san’s trim waist. The Albino was pressed against in front of his Clan Head with his arms looped around the man’s neck. Hikaku made a face; they’re even whispering to each other as if they had been lovers for a long time.
“ I can’t wait for their Wedding, Chichi! “ Hikaku deeply sighs and patted his son’s head. 
“ It would take a year before Madara-sama can legally ask Tobirama-san’s hand for marriage. The courting process is too long for us, Kagami. “
Kagami’s face fell with extreme disappointment. “ But I wanted Sensei to come live with us sooner! “
“ The Elders won’t allow it. “
Kagami cutely scrunched his face. “ Hmph. I’m sure Madara-sama would do something about them. “ Hikaku sighs again, it seems his own son was too enamored at the thought of the impending Wedding. He just hope that Madara-sama would be too lenient in his punishments if the Elders tried to protest about his Chosen Intended…
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welkinsky · 2 years
Hello! Im not the pimple request anon but can I ask for Neji and Shino too? I also go through periods where I get addicted to those videos, they are so satisfying 😂
Part 1
A/N: I know its been a long time but here it is. Part 1 (Kakashi, Itachi & Madara)
Naruto Characters & Reader Popping Their Pimples
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Obito will be so surprised that you just don't let them be.
He'll be more excited than you to do all this. He will be asking a lot of questions and to your excitement, you will be happy to answer all of them.
Even if you make a mistake he'll take it down as a "don't" in the little mental list that he is creating.
The next time he'll do it will be when you'll be sitting right next to him. He'll want to show off to you how he paid attention to all of that and is basically an expert now.
But once you tell him that YOU like to do it he will let you know and may even let you in on a few tricks that he figured out himself!
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At first, he'll be excited about it as well. Just like Obito, he had no clue that this was a THING.
So he'll lie down, bring your all the things you'll need. But as soon as you apply rubbing alcohol to his pimple and it starts to sting he'll sit right up, "YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT IT WAS GONNA HURT."
You tried to laugh it off and said that this hurts because of the alcohol and only this step hurts.
The poor guy believed you but when you squeezed it, he was in the other corner of the room, "I think it is better if we let it be." with a "YOU LIED" face hahaha it'll be so funny that you won't be able to stop laughing.
Although your puppy face is all he needs to endure all the "Pain". Even though his training hurts like 100X times he'll be so sensitive which will be the funniest thing for you to watch.
Secretly you made a video that you showed to Sakura.
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He'll be disgusted right from the start. First of all, he doesn't even touch it why would he let YOU touch it?
But after you gnaw at him for HOURS he will let you do it.
Still, be very disgusted the entire time.
Once it is all done and you asked him to take a look in the mirror he denied it and went on with the day to get rid of all the weird feelings that process gave him.
But when he'll see the mirror later he'll be a little impressed and might ask you to do it again depending on how bad it is. If it is too bad he'll NEVER in the world would let you touch it. Not because he is insecure or anything but he just hates the entire idea.
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Just like Sasuke, he'll be against the whole idea.
But unline Sasuke he WILL BE insecure about it which is why he is insecure about it.
What if you came closer and realized how bad it actually is. Because let's be honest, Neji is the sort of guy who must be very hygienic and cautious about his looks even if he doesn't show it but I can imagine that he does a lot.
So the fact that you even noticed that he has a pimple made him a bit insecure.
But once you said, "What is wrong with it, you too have them and it is better to get rid of them rather than them leaving a mark later." He was a little convinced.
But was asking you to be very careful while doing everything.
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He won't be against it but might feel a bit uncomfortable because after the whole process is done he cannot let his insects touch it.
He never stops them from anything but this was a bit odd for him.
He will be his quiet self as you start but just like Naruto, he'll jump out of his place as soon as it stings.
"You said it won't hurt." he'd say without sounding angry even though he is a bit caught off guard.
He'll still agree to do it since you want him to. But would complain a lot like a baby.
Part 1
Thanks For Reading and for the ask and for all the support! I'm super grateful to everyone <3
If you liked it you can check out the masterlist too!
A-Z Headcanon
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rainbowfey · 11 months
Day 21: Swoon
Izuna was already waiting when Madara arrived at the training ground. For some reason that he couldn’t quite comprehend, Izuna had taken a liking to this rather remote area and now wanted to meet up there increasingly often. Sure, it did offer a peaceful and quiet environment and Madara did see the charm of the yellow and red trees swaying softly at the edge of the forest, accompanied by the soft gurgle of the creek close by. Due to its remote location, their training also often went undisturbed which was another benefit. They hadn’t planned on training today, however, and Madara wasn’t sure why Izuna had asked him to meet him here.
Izuna was resting on one of the benches, his legs outstretched and a calm expression on his face. He only looked up when Madara came to a halt in front of him. “Hi there,” he said, a half-smile on his face.
“Why am I here?” Madara asked, staring at his brother. He was no big fan of pleasantries, especially not with Izuna who he knew so well that they might as well be able to read the other’s mind. Well, at least that was the case most of the time. Not today though and thus, he was rather impatient to find out what Izuna wanted from him.
Izuna furrowed an eyebrow and looked at him, squinting. “Really? Not even a ‘hello’ for me?”
Madara sighed and crossed his arms. “Hello. Content now?”
“Not really,” Izuna said and slowly sat up. “Gee, you really need to loosen up a bit. You’re pulling a face right now, are you aware of that?”
Madara had to suppress the childish urge to stick his tongue out at his brother. Instead, he forced a more amendable expression on his face and took a seat next to Izuna. “Better?” he asked.
Izuna grinned at him and nodded. “Way better. In order to not keep you in suspense any longer … I wanted to ask you how your ‘absolutely not a date’ date went.”
Madara’s face fell and he gave Izuna an incredulous look. “For real? You made me go all the way out here just to ask me this one question?”
Izuna sat up and gave him a rather stern look. “Well, you wouldn’t have told me a thing if there was even the slightest possibility of anyone else listening. So, yes, that’s why.”
Madara had to admit to himself that Izuna did have a point but he wasn’t about to let him in on that. So he left it at a vacuous grunt and shrugged. “I don’t really know what to tell you,” he said dismissively, well aware that Izuna would let him get away this easily.
And he was proven right when Izuna huffed indignantly and shook his head. “I want to know everything,” he said emphatically. “Every detail, everything you talked about, literally everything!”
Madara sighed to himself but he knew that he didn’t have a choice. Not after Izuna’s plan had worked out exactly as planned, giving him the chance to get to know Tobirama a bit better. “Well,” he started and thought about what he wanted to tell his brother. “He did get a bit suspicious after you guys left. He asked me if I had planned for this to happen.” Izuna grinned to himself, his eyes glistening with amusement. “He was right about that, though. Did you tell him?”
Madara shook his head in disbelief. “Obviously not! I think he didn’t really believe me though. He’s way too smart to be deceived like that, you know?”
Izuna looked at him curiously. “How do you know that he’s smart?”
Now it was Madara’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Haven’t you heard him talk, Izuna? A person as eloquent and attentive as him has to be intelligent. Also, after you left, we talked quite a bit about our favorite books. Did you know that he’s well versed in philosophy?”
From the corner of his eye, he could see Izuna smiling. “No, I didn’t. Seems like you two have a common ground there, huh?”
Madara sat up and before he could stop himself, he already carried on. “Not just there. He’s also very well-read in a broad range of topics and he knows insanely much about weaponry and the nature of jutsus. He even told me about an idea he had for a new jutsu and it is impressive how in depth he knows about the process. He even made his own adjustments so that it would have an even bigger impact.”
Izuna gave him a pensive look and nodded slowly. “That is quite formidable. Only very few shinobi are capable of that.” Madara nodded emphatically. “Well, of course he is. I think I’ve never met anyone with such a sharp mind before … except for me, of course.”
Even he couldn’t stifle his grin at his bold statement and Izuna laughed out loud. “My brother, the epitome of humility,” Izuna grinned. “Okay, so he’s super clever. What about his personality though, did you click?”
Madara paused and thought about it. The whole evening had been a whirlwind of impressions and ideas but throughout all of this, he hadn’t been able to keep his gaze from Tobirama’s gorgeous face. Suddenly, he felt a bit hesitant and he contemplated about how honest he should be with Izuna. After his initial suspicion, Tobirama had indeed relaxed quite a bit and opened himself up more. However, Madara hadn’t been able to read him and he wasn’t sure what to make of Tobirama’s behavior.
“He not only has a sharp mind but a sharp tongue as well,” he grumbled, remembering a couple of sassy remarks that Tobirama had made.
“So, just like you?” Izuna smirked, giving a Madara a playful nudge.
“No,” Madara protested, shooting his brother an indignant glance. “He’s really bold. And he’s so stubborn, my goodness! If he’s convinced that he’s right he can’t be reasoned with. You should’ve seen his stern face when I said that he wouldn’t stand a chance against me in taijutsu!”
Izuna laughed to himself and shook his head but Madara preferred to ignore his reaction. “In that moment, I really wanted to grab him and shake him,” he continued.
Izuna grinned at him. “And kiss him?”
“Yeah!” Madara blurted out before he realized what he had said. “I mean, no! Of course not. Izuna, don’t be silly, I’m not even sure that I like him.”
Izuna gave him a knowing look which triggered Madara even more. He barely noticed that he had started to speak quicker. “I mean, yes. He’s insanely hot and his mind makes him even more attractive. And he has the most gorgeous smile in the whole world but dude, that doesn’t mean that I like him!”
A bit confused, he noticed that Izuna’s gaze wandered over his shoulder, almost like as if he was staring at something behind Madara. He huffed and crossed his arms. “Are you even listening to me? Just because he’s basically Mr. Perfect that doesn’t mean that …,” he trailed off and his eyes widened when he saw Izuna’s amused look, fixated on a point a bit above his shoulder. A sinking feeling started to form in his stomach when it dawned on him.
Izuna’s face lit up with the biggest grin he had ever seen on his brother and his heart skipped a beat when Izuna said to someone that had to be standing behind him. “Hi, Tobirama. What brings you here?”
Madara froze in place, staring at Izuna who visibly relished the situation, grinning like a Cheshire cat. It took him everything he had to force an unfazed expression on his face before he slowly turned around, his heart thundering in his chest.
Tobirama stood only a couple of steps behind them, his hands in his pockets and his face blushing crimson. He looked like as if he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole. He avoided Madara’s gaze, shuffling his feet and staring intently at some point below Madara’s face. “I … uh,” he stammered, still blushing intensely. “Hashirama told me I’d find you here. I wanted to …”
He trailed off, staring at the ground helplessly. Madara felt his cheeks burning as well and he gave Izuna the angriest look he could muster. But some part of him quietly rejoiced at Tobirama’s reaction.
He ignored the tingle in his guts and tried to sound as unimpressed as he could. “You wanted to … ask me something?” he guessed.
Tobirama nodded quickly. “Er, yes. There’s something that I need help with and Hashirama said you’d be the one to ask in this matter.”
Madara blocked out Izuna’s triumphant smile and focused on Tobirama. “Sure thing,” he said, “where is it?”
Tobirama hesitated noticeably and his cheeks turned blazing red when he finally muttered, “At my place.”
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kankuroplease · 11 months
and Tajima with his wife and son had written about him because there are so many things in your blog that it's a little difficult to find😅
Your friend will be the master post for the AUs when navigating some of the ask. But there are a lot, so I get it lol
Tajima and Sumi are very passionate about each other. Even before they were married, they loved each other.
Their comrades had to witness this often after battles 🤣
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It really wasn’t a surprise that they got married. Tajima pretty much decided he was marrying her when they were kids
he’s always been very possessive of Sumi. He didn’t like when other guys attempt to talk to her and will talk for her in those instances (he’s fortunate she doesn’t mind this)
Tajima values Sumi’s opinion, period. Be it her battle strategies or her opinion on where the best place is to view the stars is.
Sumi gets Tajima to lighten up quite a bit with her. He’s like a big cat that likes laying in her lap for scalp massages and an over grown child when they’re splashing each other in the river
Tajima was so excited when he learned he’d be a father. The healers had to tell him to stop spinning her around like that 💀
Sumi teased him about his name choice for their first born and he teased her back about giving birth to a child that was more hair than baby.
Definitely grossed his sons out kissing while gripping their mothers butt often.
He’s very confident in Madara’s abilities
Tajima couldn’t ask for a better first born as he sees Madara being a natural leader. Yes the deal with Hashirama angered him, but it had a silver lining
He has troubles relating to Inari’s kindness even though that’s one of the things he likes about his wife so much.
He was mad af about Inari helping and being blinded in one eye by a Senju. He did scold him harshly for the stupidity behind helping the enemy, but it’s mostly because it made him realize his kids aren’t exempt from harm no matter their strengths
Kota reminds him of himself in some ways; mostly how headstrong and determined he is to succeed by any means necessary
Tenko… he’s not sure what to make of this boy. Most annoying child by far as he just doesn’t take anything seriously, but also is skilled at evading punishment.
First time he saw him disguised as a girl, he wasn’t sure who’s daughter he was until Tenko said “dad, it’s me” 💀
Izuna, his sweet baby boy (that no one outside their immediate familythinks is sweet). Definitely his mini me and they get along great
Maybe too much so as an argument with one means you’re arguing with BOTH of them
He’s more upset than he’d like to admit when any of his children gets hurt. You can only really tell by his tense jawline that he’s seething
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writersfantacy · 1 year
tobirama x uchiha reader confession
*this is a confession by tobirama when he saw y/n with the other guy*
You felt the cold breeze caress your hair as you walked beside the Hyuga man. He was your fiancé, but not your choice. Your brother Madara had given you enough time to find a husband on your own, but you had failed. You had failed because the only man you wanted had rejected you. Tobirama Senju, the second Hokage and your colleague at the Senju Development and Research Center. You were the head scientist there, a brilliant and beautiful woman admired by many. But none of that mattered to him. He had broken your heart, and now you were alone.
Received message. Here is a possible rewrite of your content: You felt the cold breeze caress your hair as you walked beside the Hyuga man. He was your fiancé, but not your choice. Your brother Madara had given you enough time to find a husband on your own, but you had failed. You had failed because the only man you wanted had rejected you. Tobirama Senju, the second Hokage and your colleague at the Senju Development and Research Center. You were the head scientist there, a brilliant and beautiful woman admired by many. But none of that mattered to him. He had broken your heart, and now you were alone. You felt his fingers twitching to grab your hand. “Fine, take it,” you muttered, giving him your hand. “Why did I agree to marry this guy?” you thought. Your eyes widened as you saw Tobirama ahead, chatting with some villagers. “Oh no, let’s go back. Madara must be worried,” you said, tugging your fiancé in the opposite direction. You hadn’t seen Tobirama in two days, ever since he turned you down. “Mina!” Tobirama called out in his stern voice. You froze, covering your face with your hand. “Why me?” you groaned. Your fiancé looked at you and Tobirama with a puzzled expression. Tobirama walked up to you and stared at you with his piercing red eyes “Uh, yes, Mr. Senju?” you said, avoiding his gaze. “Who is this guy you’re with?” Tobirama asked, sounding more curious than he should. “He’s my fiancé. We’re getting married soon.” You said, trying to sound confident and crossing your arms. “You’re getting married? Now? Why so sudden?” He bombarded you with questions, his voice betraying his disbelief. “Yes, I’m 25 now. I don’t want to die alone,” you said, looking him in the eye. “Besides, this guy is really nice,” you added, lying through your teeth. You saw Tobirama’s reaction. He was shocked, even though he tried to hide it. You felt a surge of satisfaction and amusement. Tobirama clenched his jaw and looked away. He couldn’t believe you were getting married to someone else. Someone he didn’t even know. Someone who didn’t deserve you. He had rejected you two days ago, thinking it was for the best. He thought you were too good for him, too pure and innocent. He thought he would only hurt you with his cold and harsh personality. He was torn. He knew Senju and Uchiha were enemies. But he couldn’t ignore his feelings for you. He had to talk to you. “Mina, please, listen to me,” Tobirama begged, his eyes showing pain. He couldn’t let you go. “I’m sorry, I don’t have anything to say to you, no-” You couldn’t finish your sentence as he lifted you up by your waist and carried you away. Your fiancé was outraged. He tried to stop Tobirama, but you did too. Tobirama’s glare threatened your fiancé. “Put me down!” you screamed, kicking his chest. He pressed you against a tree, his eyes locked with yours. “Mina, please, hear me out,” he said, his voice full of regret and sincerity. You usually would have interrupted Tobirama a thousand times, but this time your heart told you to let him speak. You stayed silent as he held you against the tree, no way to escape his hold. “I-I…I’m sorry. Please don’t marry that pale-faced jerk. I know, I know, I turned you down. That’s because you were too good for me, I was a fool. I thought you deserved better than me, which you do. But I-I can’t stand seeing you with someone else. Please don’t marry him,” he said, his words stumbling out of his mouth. He was the man who never got nervous or stuttered in his life, but this day he couldn’t express his feelings clearly. He just wanted you to know that he loved you. You saw the love in his eyes. You couldn’t resist him anymore. “Are you sure?” you asked softly. “I’m sure. I don’t want to lose you. I want to be with you forever. Just please stay with me,” he said, his words making your heart flutter. You smiled and kissed him. His forehead touched yours. Your arms wrapped around each other.
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sueske · 2 years
Do you think sns is toxic? People use this excuse to dislike sns all the time to explain why nh and ss are 'underdeveloped but at least they are healthy (nh more than ss)'. I don't agree with nh and ss shippers about them being healthier than sns (them believing it just make me want to scrub my eyes with holy soap), but I admit that sns is toxic if one only stans the fanon versions of naruto and sasuke who says that either one dominate the other (not equal in skills and relationship).
I think that canon versions of sns are toxic only on the surface level. People forget that sasuke and naruto are ninja, resolving conflict with a deadly battle (vote 1 and vote 2) is not considered... too toxic? I mean at least they meaningfully communicate before, during, and after the battle unlike the majority of ninja in the naruto world. They show vulnerability to each other compared to Hashirama-Madara and Obito-Kakashi fights (Naruto crying in vote 1 before Sasuke puts a chidori arm through his chest) (Sasuke screaming in vote 2 as he punches Naruto, uncharacteristically with eyes closed). After vote 2 they work together (not counting the monstrosity of boruto etc) and seem to have a relationship (platonic or romantic doesn't matter it's still love) that isn't about hurting each other (mentally or otherwise).
I’ve never been under the illusion that sns’ relationship is 100% perfect. Like most relationships tend to be, they are flawed in certain ways.
The people I’ve seen say sns are toxic cite the following reasons: naruto wanting to beat sasuke into submission and making him come back to konoha (vote1 and vote2), to make sasuke forgive konoha by working for konoha and covering up the massacre, saying he’d die with sasuke at the bridge, etc. It’s based on the violent nature of their encounters and the shutting down of sasuke’s wants.
People don’t put it into context though. Naruto said both at vote1 and vote2 that he never wanted those fights. I’ve spoken about it in another posts, vote1 was to prevent a friend from going to orochimaru and making sure he was safe, and vote2 was showing sasuke there were other ways to achieve his goals rather than take on the pain of the whole world on his shoulders and be alone for all eternity because that would cause sasuke pain. Idk why it’s so hard for ppl to understand this. 
Naruto’s first instinct was to tell everyone about the massacre before even confirming it. Kakashi was the one who stopped him. Then at the bridge naruto didn’t even need confirmation. He just said he understood sasuke’s actions. The choice to not tell anyone about the massacre - isn’t it common sense that naruto would eventually leave that choice up to sasuke given these reasons? If sasuke wanted ppl to find out, he would, and naruto would NOT say ‘no don’t’. kakashi would tho.
Naruto saying he’d die at the bridge with sasuke - while… romantic… it was not the best way to go about things. But sasuke said he was going to destroy konoha then. Naruto didn’t want sasuke to destroy konoha. So naruto was like: 'okay. though first, take out your anger on me. But just so you know, if we do fight… we’ll die.'
The intent behind SNS ‘toxic moments’ are founded on love for each other and the context of the times that they live in. They care for one another so much. They resort to violence because they're ninja after all, and they speak heart to heart through their fists. “I knew it was going to take more than just words to understand you.” "When 2 high level shinobi exchange blows they can read each other's hearts."
So, while SNS' relationship had elements to it that can be considered toxic, they ended up working through those. You know... their reconciliation.
Ss and nh are in a completely different ballgame. 
Pink girl just chases after sasuke cuz he’s a prize to her. What is ‘healthy’ about a girl that chases after a guy, after the guy told her ‘no’ so many times, a girl who doesn’t try to understand the guy and just resolves to kill him cuz oh no he’s evil :’(  pink girl only talking about HER feelings, both at the beginning and end of the manga. She never bothered to understand sasuke. “I can’t trade blows with you” read between the lines: 'I cannot read your heart.’ They were never meant to understand each other. “I have no reason to love her and for her to love me.” What is healthy about a relationship where the guy doesn't even see the girl for like 10 years... not because he can't but because he doesn't want to.
Lady h… I can’t even be bothered with her tbh. she admired naruto from afar but it’s moot if she never did anything about it. Naruto always maintained it was iruka and sasuke for him. what did lady h do? girl confessed in the middle of the battlefield only to get one-shotted by big boss pain in front of everyone and after the arc naruto just ignored her and was like ‘ANW SASUKE’ LOL. 
My point is, they’re one-sided. How are one-sided relationships healthy? And while sns did have their toxic moments, how come ppl misinterpret where they stemmed from, how they were eventually resolved, how Kishimoto took great care in showing that sns' feelings were reciprocated while the others weren't, when sns still have the strongest bond even post-naruto?
Sns are not perfect. but they're not toxic. and ss and nh aren't healthier either.
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jewwyfeesh · 6 months
The Lost Tome - 2
Writer: Mitsuki
Characters: Suou Tsukasa, Mikejima Madara, Sena Izumi, Narukami Arashi, Tsukinaga Leo
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Leo: It’s not good for your body if you’re always angry ☆
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[ ♪ ]
Season: Autumn
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Walkway
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Izumi: (Where the hell did the King run off to? Tch, I can’t find him anywhere.)
(Though… Rather than saying I can’t find him at all, I have a feeling that Ou-sama’s trying to hide from me on purpose. I know he’s back in school, but I’ve searched high and low and checked every nook and cranny — there’s literally no way he can’t be found.)
(Perhaps someone told him in advance? Only Kasa-kun and Naru-kun knew that I’d gone looking for our King back then — just who ratted me out?)
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(Must’ve been that Shitty Okama, getting on my damn nerves again! Sure, if you wanna play tag, I’d gladly keep you company till the very end!)
(Hm? Mikejima and Anzu are up ahead. I’m unsure if I’ll even be able to glean some information off of them, but it doesn’t hurt to try.)
Madara: Someone’s full of energy! An angry Izumi-san is truly a vision to behold! Though, Anzu-san, there’s no need to be afraid! You can rest assured, Mama will handle it! Hahahaha!
I’ll help you answer any questions Izumi-san may ask.
Izumi-san, fancy seeing you here! You’re truly a sight for sore eyeeeeees…!
Izumi: Hello…
While bumping into you both doesn’t necessarily make me feel any happier, but since we’re already here, I suppose it’s worth a shot.
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Did you see the King? If you see him, notify me immediately. If not, get lost, stop blocking the road. I need to find that idiot today.
Madara: I did not see Leo-san at all… ☆
Though, aren’t you prickly today! Did something happen?
Izumi: Hmph, telling you won’t help me in my search for Ou-sama, would it?
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But whatever. You have a good relationship with him, don’t you? I was hoping that when you find that idiot later, you could help remind him of some things.
Although Knights has been doing better after the King’s return, to the point where others have been praising the resurrection of a powerhouse unit…
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But slacking off for that particular reason is unacceptable. Complacency on the battlefield is but a sure-fire way to send oneself to ruin; and yet, the King is capricious as ever.
That’s my motive behind looking for him today — I need to teach that idiotic Ou-sama a lesson!
Madara: (Ah, so that’s the reason behind Izumi-san’s actions… Izumi-san’s prioritising Knights' wellbeing, but I’ve already promised Leo-san to safeguard his secret. I’ll be sure to pass Izumi-san’s regards on to Leo-san later.)
Though, what’s that in your hand? Is that a sword? A furious Izumi-san brandishing a sword… How majestic, hahahaha!
Izumi: This? This is Ou-sama’s toy, as well as evidence of his negligence.
That guy would sometimes skip on practice; and if that wasn’t bad enough, Knights events too! This time, he even brought a f**king toy to practice, as if that isn’t just throwing gasoline into a blazing fire! He’s really pissing me off!!!!
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Leo: (So that’s what happened… Sena’s treating that sword as some sort of toy.)
(At first, I’d thought of hiding here to eavesdrop on what Sena and Mikejimama could be talking about, but ended up hearing something rather disastrous.)
(Although I do disappear… sometimes… But this misunderstanding is something that must be cleared up.)
(As they always say, one must take responsibility for their actions! Everyone does that! Okay! I think it’s better if I reveal myself.)
Oh? Sena! What a coincidence, seeing you here.
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Why’re you so angry? Did someone upset you? Eh? You somehow look even more displeased — your face’s all red.
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It’s not good for your body if you’re always angry ☆
Izumi: For f**ks sake, you acting as if nothing happened… The one pissing me off is you!
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Ou-sama, you… I… I don’t even know what to say anymore!
I need to cool off and get my thoughts in order. Aaaargh, sooooo annoying!
Ou-sama, ditching our practice is one thing, but our events too! Hmph, don’t think I’m in the dark about it. I’ve asked the fans at the venue, and they all said they’ve seen you! Don’t you dare try to bluff your way through this!
This time, you’ve even brought this toy to practice! I hope you can very well offer me an explanation!
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Leo: Oh, that’s not a toy, it’s a sword. It’s because the book from earlier really got the creative juices flowing! In my search for the feeling of being a knight-errant, I specially commissioned someone to buy a sword for me.
Though, I’ve completed the piece, and so happened to have bumped into Sena! Here, here, you have a look too~ ☆
Izumi: …………
Leo: Sena, you’re looking hella confused? Why? What’s wrong? Is it because my composition was too amazing, and you got a shock from it~?
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Izumi: Excuse me? Don’t go around blindly trying to guess what I’m thinking!
It– It’s not a bad piece I guess… But, don’t think that you’re able to wriggle your way out of the mess from earlier just because of this particular outcome. I can see that you’re doing your part too, so I’ll let you go this time.
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With that being said, could you please be more involved in our activities and practices outside of composing? Are you even aware of what it means to be the leader? Don’t just disappear as and when you like!
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Tsukasa: Sena-senpai, Leader, I would like to request that the both of you cease your fighting. The members of Knights should all get along with each other; now really isn’t the time for us to be demoralized and disunited…
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Arashi: Tsukasa-chan’s right. Everyone should coexist in peace~
Izumi: Kasa-kun, don’t just run over and start pulling me away— I wasn’t fighting with Ou-sama, the situation is not what you think it is. And, why are the both of you here?
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Tsukasa: That’s because after you left, Narukami-senpai and I came to the conclusion that you’d gone to look for Leader; judging by your furious expression, we were worried that a large Conflict would come to pass. Thus, in order to avoid such a scenario, the both of us came over to mediate……
But uh… Are you sure the both of you aren’t quarrelling?
Madara: Relax, Tsukasa-san. As a bystander, I can testify that the worst of it is over, and that the both of them are getting along rather swimmingly, hahahaha!
Though I am curious to know how this happened in the first place? What about this book that you mentioned? I’m super curious about the source of inspiration for Leo-san’s song! And don’t forget to tell me what happeneeeeeed!
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Izumi: Good lord you’re annoying as hell, Mikejima! Whatever, I’ll tell you what happened, I guess.
[ ☆ ]
← Chapter 1 | Story Masterlist | Chapter 3 →
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childotkw · 1 year
Jordan, plz we need another part of the regulus saves izuna au
Also how far did the rumors about regulus really reach?? Was he infamous in a matter of days or did they have to do enough searching to find him???
I'd say he arrives about six months before the fated Izuna-getting-fatally-stabbed battle, which is plenty of time for him to arrive, adjust, start his little habit of magically healing people, and gaining a reputation. Madara had already heard rumours of a guy apparently able to heal even some of the worst wounds, so he immediately sets out to find him once they realise Izuna ain't gonna be coming back from this one. Hence the kidnapping! Lucky for him, Regulus has a weakness for brothers 😉
Most of the surrounding ninja clans in the Land of Fire would probably know about him by that point. They do deal in information after all, and someone who can heal as well as he can would be a hot topic. Some might have even gotten help from him, but he exists in this weird off-limits / no-man's-land space because he's a civilian, unaffliated with any clan, and isn't interested in being affiliated with any of them. They...don't really know what to do with him, to be honest.
But after he heals Izuna, the Uchiha are basically trying to claim him, and it kicks up a lot of interest (and protest - mainly from Regulus himself 😂)
--- -- --- -- --- -- ---
"Oh, that's not right," Regulus muttered under his breath.
It had Madara straightening immediately from where he was slumped against the wall, the crack in his spine almost audible. Between one blink and the next, the man was beside him - and if Regulus were not already used to how fast these bastards could move, he might have jumped.
Which would have been a pity since he was wrist deep in someone's chest cavity at the moment.
"What is it?" Madara asked, low and rough from the hours he had spent in here without a break. Regulus could feel his own thirst, a burn that pulsed in time with his heartbeat and made his whole throat feel swollen.
"There's something in his wound," Regulus said, frowning a little deeper as he again felt that oily sliver brush against his magic before ducking away. "It's not...shrapnel or anything like that, but it's definitely responsible for the infection being as difficult to curb as it is."
"Poison?" Madara hissed, his eyes narrowing suspiciously, and Regulus might not be able to sense their chakra well but he could feel the weight spreading over the room like an uncomfortably hot blanket.
He clicked his tongue.
"Stop that," he snapped, feeling his headache grow. "And no, it's not poison. My mag - any foreign substances would have already been purged during my initial work. This thing...whatever it is, it's aware." He looked up at the other man. "It's sentient."
"So it's a parasite?" Madara suggested, mouth twisting with confusion.
"I don't know what it is," Regulus said, shaking his head. His hair, drenched in sweat from how long he had been healing, clung to his forehead and neck. "But it keeps slipping through my senses. It's hiding, trying to burrow deeper inside him to avoid me. But I can feel it. It's like ink - slick and disgusting. Whatever this thing is, it does not want me to heal your brother."
And like most older brothers would, like Sirius would if this had been Regulus, Madara's shoulders went back and his expression darkened with protective fury.
"Can you get it out?"
Regulus looked back down at where his hand was sunk into Izuna like he had dipped his hand through the surface of water, the spell he had cast the only thing making this possible. His mind raced, trying to recall something, anything, that might let him draw this toxic shard out of his patient.
"Maybe," he answered. "Though it won't be easy for him to endure."
Whatever manner of foulness polluted Izuna was strong. It was sucking the life right out of the younger man, draining his energy and keeping him on the precipice of death in a way that was unnatural. A lot like a curse, it feasted on him.
It was only Regulus' magic at this point that was keeping Izuna alive.
"Do it," Madara ordered.
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oh-no-its-bird · 4 months
Spinning around in a chair consumed with thoughts about the magical girl Izuna AU, specifically about what cool patron gods the others could use as sponsors if they got hit with the magical girl beam. + What would happen after the 'season 1' phase of the story
So, Susanoo, little brother of Amaterasu, hears that Kaguya has gotten free.
He decides that yk what? Time to fuck with the big sister. Kaguya got sealed away for reasons anyways, so why shouldn't he at least make jokes about putting her back where she came from?
Meanwhile Amaterasu is busy yelling at Kaguya for hours then making out with her for even longer as Izuna stares in horror. (Tobirama does not give a shit, he got both of his brothers back at this point and could not be happier. As far as he considers, he's retired. His contract with Kaguya is half broken right now anyways)
So now lets fully shift gears away from Tobirama and Izuna's seeming end of the adventure, and turn to Madara's POV
So Susanoo finds Madara, whos a) compatible with his power via being one of Amaterasu's children. And b) The reincarnation of one of the original guys who sealed Kaguya away.
Perfect match!!
idk how he convinces him to help exactly, maybe Susanoo spins a bit of a story, maybe he pokes at and reawakens the parts of his soul with a grudge against Kaguya, maybe he, like Kaguya, offers him a wish-- Im undecided.
Long story short though, magical girl Madara with Susanoo as his sponsor
Somehow Hashirama finds out, and not one to leave his best friend to his task alone, now gets to join him in the adventure as the powerless backup!! Im such a sucker for that trope.
Susanoo does spend an especially long time squinting at Hashirama before saying something about he has surprisingly strong ties to the earth. Strong enough that he might be able to actually handle a contract with some sort of nature kami -- but only if he can find one willing to offer him their power.
Shrine maiden Mito makes a come back to help back them both up with some cool priest magic. Her ancestor helped to seal Kaguya away with Hashirama and Madara's past incarnation, and theres little clues that can help piece together their past lives and powers littered around her family shrine.
The story dives a bit into Madara and Hashirama learning about their past life. Before, they were able to avoid the karma (good and bad) theyd earned in that life via being ignorant to it. But now that they not only know about their past lives but have now interacted with the gods again (thanks Susanoo, really) they're getting regularly harassed by spirits and minor gods for an array of reasons. Past crimes, bets they lost and deals they forgot or werent able to fuffil,
Thanks Susanoo, really. Really.
So anyways, Susanoo kind of forgot the original reason he contracted Madara (he just got distracted having too much fun watch him be harassed by spirits)
But one day Tobirama shows up in costume while Madara is struggling, figuring hed help.
(Its important to note that just like before, unless you see the magical girl transformation in real time with your own two eyes, they're all prevented from recognizing/remembering each others faces when in costume. )
Susanoo is like "OH FUCK RIGHT!!" and starts yelling at Madara to like fuffill his destiny and punch out this guys lights
Madara is like ???? he helped me tho ???? but Susanoo points at the big glowing "I only gave you this contract so you could fight Kaguya and if you pull out now Ill leave you alone without the powers to fight off all these spirits who keep trying to eat you" sign
And Madara is like fuck and just goes for it
Tobirama does not appreciate his help being returned like this.
Quick interlude about Tobirama's situation:
So, last time we saw him, Tobirama was risking a full transformation into a moon monster. So why is he seemingly ok using Kaguya's powers now?
The answer is that its because hes stopped giving out contracts on Kaguya's behalf. He can handle Kaguya's power, just in small amounts. Though it still does sometimes cause some discomfort. At his lowest point he was basically acting like a battery for all the power Kaguya couldnt hold bc of how she was sealed. There was way too much power there for any mortal to hold, its honestly a miracle he survied. But now Kaguya is fully free and Tobirama barley even uses her power. (Why would he? He got what he wanted from it, his brothers)
He still has the contract with her because keeping it in place is what keeps his brothers alive. He cant break that without killing his brothers too, but he doesnt mind. Kaguya isnt that bad-- Even tho having Kaguya around means Amaterasu (and thus Izuna) is around too.
Anyways, Tobirama at his strongest is stronger than Izuna (he did kind of win that final battle in releasing Kaguya), but also risks going insane and or exploding from the weight of Kaguya's power. Even if he recovers after, the more times he uses that kind of power, even once, the more he risks long term damage. He now purposefully only uses power in small amounts to avoid that risk. Take that as you will
Alright back to the story;
So. Tobirama and Madara are fighting now. Madara does not want to fight but Susanoo is pretty much blackmailing him at this point and also cheering on loudly from the inside of Madara's head.
Tobirama meanwhile is very down to kick the ass of the apparent jackass who decided to take a swing at him after he went well out of his way to help him out. Also at this point hes a lot more experienced than Madara when it comes to fighting other magical girls, so.
Yeah. Madara gets his ass beat. Not too bad, but like, enough.
He kind of thinks he deserved it too, hes really embarrassed about it. He has MANNERS. Hed never DO this to someone who just fucking SAVED him. And they're the first other actual fr magical girl hes ever met !!!
Madara has his head in his hands in fucking agony rn, Susanoo why would you DO THIS TO HIM???
Tobirama stomps off to go tell Izuna about a seemingly weirdly prone to violence magical girl in town (Izuna, when told that Madara punched Tobirama in the face out of nowhere, quietly mumbles *damn I wish that were me.* Then gets his ponytail yanked on angrily)
(Amaterasu and Kaguya are actually mildly concerned, if only bc another magical girl = another kami physically present in town)
Madara slinks home to tell Hashirama the bad news about possibly having just made an enemy out of whatever community of magical girls apparently exists in town (and its to note that neither of them actually realized they were AROUND)
And then Susanoo drops the "oh yeah that guy was contracted by Kaguya btw so like youre going to either have to kill him or go through him and seal his deity if u wanna fulfill our deal ;)"
Madara: *agonized noises*
Well! At least the moon rabbit contractor isnt someone Madara and Hashirama actually know! Haha thatd suck. That would really, really suck.
So, with Madara's karma pulling in all sorts of spirits, minor gods and monsters to town, we return back to that 'villain/monster of the week' schedule
Meanwhile Izuna and Tobirama are getting pissed at whatever the fuck is attracting all these spookies into town. They thought they were going to get to be retired!!! What the fuck is this!!!!!! Somehow they're able to figure out all these monsters are being attracted by the pull of the new magical girl in town, who keep trying to start shit with Tobirama for seemingly no reason.
In one of those fun 'oh no my friend is in trouble and its all on me to save him!!!' moments, Hashirama manages to find and convince some earth kami to contract with him and join Madara in his fight. He cant just let Madara fight alone! And it may mean inviting the bad karma of his past life to haunt him, but so what? Hed do anything to help out his friend!
(and now there are TWO magnets for spirits gods and monsters to attract them into town, oops)
SO THEN !! With another fun funky turn in the story we enter an arc thats basically the most painful series of miscommunications and secret identities ever. Where Madara, Hashirama and Mito team up to fight against Tobirama and Izuna.
Only none of them realize who the fuck the other is.
Oh ?? Whats that ???? You thought I forgot about Touka and Hikaku?????? WRONG
While Madara and Hashirama fight with Izuna and Tobirama, shrine maiden Mito finds herself faced with two seemingly normal people, just like her. Only not exactly.
Hikaku is still armed with that kendo sword blessed by Amaterasu from the last final battle between Izuna and Tobirama, and now hes had plenty of time to learn how to use it. Sun sword time !!!
Meanwhile Touka has been practicing balancing more of Kaguya's power via a contract through Tobirama. With time, effort, and Tobirama's help, shes able to do some like cool partial transformation into a moon-monster or smthn. Maybe she gets a cool glowy arm?? I really dont know but something like that
I'm actually really into how they continue to contrast eachother. Like, Hikaku's sword contains the purifying light of Amaterasu's sun, which is what's used to chase out Kaguya's power. And Touka is filled with that same barley managed corruptive power of Kaguya's. It's neat! It'd also make sense from a tactical standpoint to pair them up together to fight. If the power gets to be too much for Touka and she starts to loose herself, Hikaku can give her a whack and hopefully help bring her back to reality.
Anyways, while the magical girls cant recognize eachother or be recognized, and Mito might have some fun seal to use to hide her own identity in a similar way, Hikaku and Touka dont!
Maybe they go into the fight without disguising themselves as like an accidental oversight on their part (too used to the protections Tobirama and Izuna have to consider themselves) or maybe they use basic masks, I dunno
Either way, trying to disguise themselves or no, I dont think Madara and Hashirama will fail to recognize their cousins.
Queue another "oh god I know their secret identity but they dont know mine and its !! someone !!! I know !!!!!!!" (can you tell I like this kind of agony because I do)
Well. At least the magical girls arent people they know !!! hahahahahahha. Yeah.
Back to Tobirama and Izuna's POV;
So, you might have realized it by now. But Tobirama's contract with Kaguya is what keeps his brothers alive. In other words, if Kaguya is sealed again, they will instantly die!
Yeah !!! So theres that !!!!
Even if Tobirama and Izuna werent friends, which they kind of are now (and maybe they should also kiss that would be neat) Even if Amaterasu wasnt really pissed and constantly yelling about the gall of some upstart nobodies coming into HER town and putting HER girlfriend back into the moon. Even if Izuna hadn't been interacting a bit more with the revived senju brothers--
Well, Izuna would still be helping Tobirama here. Hes not going to just let Itama and Kwarama die.
So yeah, safe to say that these guys are motivated and out for blood.
Good news Susanoo, you no longer have to worry about goading Madara into attacking first!! Izuna and Tobirama are out for his fucking head!!!
Anyways; No matter how it ends I dont think Susanoo especially actually cares about sealing Kaguya away fr. He really just came to fuck with Amaterasu, and then stayed to watch Madara flail as hes harassed by his past lifes karma.
because I dont want to see Kawarama and Itama fucking dead, Im gonna say Izuna and Tobirama will probably win this one around. Susanoo grumbles about loosing but then Amaterasu spots him and starts screaming directly into his ear
There is however a very fun ending out there where Madara and Hashirama win; In the process managing to make Tobirama go fully insane in his attempt to fight them with too much of Kaguya's power; killing both Itama and Kawarama; Putting Izuna in a coma; Leaving Touka now struggling with the moons power stuck in her without Tobirama to help regulate it; And leaving Hikaku with an arm now unable to ever hold his sword properly again.
Fun times!!
Season 3 after the bad ending is actually Touka and Hikaku picking up the pieces and trying to find a way to fix it all as Madara and Hashirama struggle to comprehend what they've unknowingly done to their own families.
Idk, I'll think about it later
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