#even though i wrote it a while ago
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ninyard · 9 days ago
Yes that one !! I love it and in general I always love your wips
okay awesome so. this is from an ask i have had stored in my drafts and it’s a little ficlet snippet thing about how Kevin and Jeremy hooked up when he was trying to figure himself out (ft the two of them getting a little high and making bad decisions). it’s not finished so like if you want more pls ask but i’m glad to clear it out of my drafts!! enjoy <3
I don't know when or where in the timeline this falls, how it'd work with Riko but as an idea, let's imagine there's a point where Kevin was in California. Maybe Riko was there but left Kevin alone, or there was a reason why he was able to be there alone, but somehow it happened. Him and Jeremy weren't as close as they should be, because even though they texted often enough, they rarely got a chance to hang out in person. So when Jeremy invited Kevin out for dinner and a drink after a photoshoot or an interview or something, Kevin agreed.
At this point in his life Kevin was struggling through a bit of an identity crisis in a general sense; he was starting to wonder if Riko was holding him back, starting to wonder if he was missing out on normal teenage experiences because of the Nest and his "fame". He had hardly had a chance to explore his relationship with sex, either, mostly choosing to keep to himself rather than hooking up with his teammates. It's not that he didn't have an interest, it was that he didn't know what he wanted, or who he wanted, or what it meant in the first place. Riko had never treated it as a big deal, unimportant and mediocre, something to get a release or revenge - but some part of Kevin felt like it was more important than Riko lead him to believe. Some part of Kevin felt like he was missing something, like there was just this part of himself that he didn't understand, that he hadn't had a chance to understand. Who was he when he wasn’t with Riko? He wasn't too sure.
But anyway - Kevin finally found this opportunity to hang out with Jeremy. Maybe at that point in their friendship Jeremy hadn't explicitly told Kevin that he was gay yet, and while they were sitting at a table having dinner with a glass of wine each that Kevin hadn't touched, the two of them just caught up with each other. The topic of dating came up in the natural flow of conversation. Jeremy was using a lot of they's and generic non-gendered terms, but Kevin didn't really notice. Jeremy told Kevin that he was gay, surprised that he couldn't tell - Kevin smiled awkwardly through it, but a part of his brain couldn't stop wandering. Couldn't stop wondering.
They enjoyed their dinner, laughing a lot, getting on like a house on fire. They were more like each other than they realised - when they weren't talking about Exy, their conversations just rolled on, one topic into the next, no awkward pauses (save for the long silence that Kevin had accidentally allowed when Jeremy told him about his sexuality).
Jeremy asked him if he wanted company walking back to his hotel, but they found themselves paused in conversation outside of a club. Kevin had never been clubbing before. He pretended that he had been, if the conversation came up, but he'd never been allowed.
"Can we go in?" Kevin asked before he could stop himself.
"In-" Jeremy turned to look at the club. It was quiet - only lights on inside convincing them that it was open. He looked back at Kevin with a mischievous smile. "You want to go to the club?" Kevin shrugged. "Okay, well, it's like 7pm, party animal."
"So?" Jeremy laughed at his question as if it were a joke.
"Why don't we go back to mine? Have a drink or two, and then we'll find somewhere actually good to go to. This place sucks." He winked at Kevin, but Kevin didn't understand the joke. "Maybe I can convince a few of the others to come. It's not every night you get to go clubbing with Kevin Day."
"The others?"
Don't worry, he'd told Kevin. You'll like them.
Kevin tried not to be overwhelmed by the sudden noise and presence of other people around them - Jeremy didn't live with them, and it wasn't actually his place, it was just where he slept for most of the academic year. No, it wasn't the amount of people around him that felt suffocating. That took him a while to admit. Sure, the anxiety that came from new people hanging out around him was huge, but that wasn't it. Laila Dermott and Catalina Alvarez had been dating for a few months. He was... outnumbered. Or was he? If he thought about it too much, he'd-
"Vodka," Laila held two bottles out in front of him as Cat chose an album for them to listen to. "Or tequila?"
"Oh," Kevin said. "I don't drink. I'll just have some water."
"Did I hear that right?" Cat gasped, and the music started. She danced towards the bottles of alcohol as she spoke. "You want to go clubbing, and you don't drink?"
"Who doesn't drink?" Jeremy arrived at the door of the living room, changed into something more casual.
"Kevin." Laila answered, taking a shot from the cap of the bottle of tequila.
"You don't drink?" Jeremy crossed his arms, and looked down at Kevin, who sat on the couch, wondering if he'd made a smart decision.
"No," He shook his head, a lift and a fall in his shoulders, an excuse on his tongue. "Not my thing."
"And you want to go clubbing?"
I've never been, he wanted to say, but instead he said, "Do you think I can't have fun without alcohol?"
Jeremy's mouth opened slightly, and he nodded slowly with a frown as if he was surprised by that answer. As if he’d said something he shouldn’t have, maybe. He wasn’t sure.
"Well, alright then."
It was an hour or two of hanging out before the time was more appropriate. Jeremy had given him a t-shirt that was more comfortable to wear out, and he'd shut his phone off. It wasn't the right thing to do, he knew he'd pay for it afterwards, but something in him needed to be free. Even just for a few hours. Even if he'd regret it in the morning.
They didn't have to queue for long to get into the club itself - the queue for the bar inside was not so kind. It was a club that Jeremy had chosen. Kevin was terrified that someone would recognise him, but if anyone did, they didn't say anything. Jeremy arrived back at the table they'd found with two glasses in both hands, he slid them in front of the girls, and pushed one towards Kevin.
"It's just sprite," Jeremy clarified before he could ask. "Nothing else."
Their glasses were replaced twice over the course of an hour, while Kevin sipped on the drink that he really hadn't wanted in the first place. He couldn't tell them that he also didn't drink soda of any kind, so he pushed through and emptied it slowly. The music was loud, and as more people filled into the club, onto the dancefloor, his anxiety got harder and harder to ignore. Cat and Laila left at one point to dance, and Jeremy slid in closer to him.
"Can I ask you something?" Jeremy finished the end of his drink before slamming it back on the table.
"Only if I can ask one back." Kevin smiled, shrugging his shoulders.
Jeremy thought about it for a moment. He shifted in his seat to sit facing him, and leaned his elbow on the table.
"Fair deal. Kevin Day," He clasped his hands together. "Be honest with me, is this your first time in a club?"
Kevin's smile faltered, but he couldn't help but laugh. "I didn't think it was that obvious."
"Wait," Jeremy’s mouth dropped open. "Wait, wait, wait. You're not kidding." He held out a pinky finger and Kevin laughed again. "Is that the truth?"
Kevin moved in his seat, and hooked his finger around Jeremy's. "100%"
"That's insane," Jeremy shook his head. "I thought..." He tightened his grip around Kevin's finger. Kevin felt the breath hitch in his throat. "You have never once been in a club." He phrased it like a question.
"I swear," Kevin let go of his finger. "Not even once."
Jeremy laughed and clapped his hands together like this was the most amusing thing he'd ever heard. "Well, I'm honoured, Kev. Tell Riko that he needs to have more fun."
Kevin looked at the ground. He couldn’t tell him, of course he couldn’t. He trusted Jeremy, with more than he would ever know, but his offhand joke left an unsavoury taste in Kevin’s mouth, like he was only reminding him what a bad decision he was making.
"So," Jeremy pulled his consciousness back to the table. "What was yours?"
"My what?"
Jeremy smiled wide, his teeth bright and shining. "Your question."
Kevin sighed. "How did you know that you were gay?"
Kevin didn't think it was intentional how quickly Jeremy's smile fell off his face. Jeremy straightened up, took a deep breath, lips pouting as he thought.
"Okay," He considered. His mouth opened once, twice, as he searched for the right words to say. "You... Okay. Why do you ask?" Before he could answer, he waved his hands in front of him. "I'll answer, there's nothing wrong with that question, Kev, but just... Why do you want to know?"
Kevin looked away. He paused before mumbling, "I don't know."
He looked towards the bar and then back to Kevin.
"Can I get a drink first?" Kevin nodded. "And you're sure you don't want one?"
"I'm sure. Thank you." Jeremy slapped the seat between them and pushed himself up, making a beeline towards the bar.
Kevin had too much time to think in the few minutes he was gone. There was no sign of the girls coming back any time soon, either, and he felt like he was going to be sick just picturing how he would figure this out. Some part of it felt like this was his only shot - like he didn't have the space to feel safe enough with anyone else, like a stranger was too dangerous to trust with such a secret. But Jeremy was Kevin's friend, someone who knew who he was. Jean was different; he was still stuck in those four walls, stuck in that inescapable prison. He couldn't explain it - the only other person in the world who knew the side of Kevin that he'd been forced to hide, and he didn't feel like this was... okay. He didn't feel like this was safe in Jean’s hands, no matter how wrong that feeling was. But Jeremy?
He wasn’t sure that there was a point to having this conversation now, having it with Jeremy. But knowing that he was certain, certain in himself, comfortable enough to answer this question in the first place, that was the point.
"Okay," Jeremy said while he sat his glass down and took a sip. "I don't think that I can answer your question."
The disappointment that filled Kevin’s chest was uncomfortable. "That's fine. I didn't mean to-"
"No, wait, let me finish," He interrupted. "I can't answer your question because I didn't... I always knew. I didn't have a lightbulb moment or a gay awakening. But not everybody figures it out like that. Cat dated guys until she was 17, Laila knew when she was 12. There's not just one answer, Kev. Do you..." He let out a short frustrated sigh and lowered his voice. "Do you think-"
"No." Kevin answered before he could ask. He was too quick, he knew that, he knew that Jeremy could see right through him. But he waited for him to continue, and there was nothing he could say.
Jeremy put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "Talk to me."
The sigh that left his lips was automatic. "I'm not sure what I want to know."
Jeremy tapped his fingers on the side of his glass. He used his other hand to wave at the girls, who'd caught his attention from the dance floor. He gestured at the table. The girls bounced over, hand-in-hand, and Jeremy said something to Laila that Kevin couldn't quite hear. She frowned slightly but nodded, pulling Cat onto the seats with her, Jeremy squeezing past to stand up.
He gestured for Kevin to follow.
It was hard to navigate through the crowds of people without losing Jeremy, or feeling like he was going to have a heart attack, but he used his shoulders to push his way through. Jeremy took a sharp turn to the left just as the crowd broke, and Kevin had walked through the door to the toilets before he realised where he was. Jeremy looked around just once, and when the single man who stood at the urinals left without washing his hands, he shoved Kevin into one of the stalls and locked the door behind them.
The walls around them felt like they were getting closer and closer together. His heart was pounding so hard he felt like there was no room left in his chest for him to breathe. Kevin looked at Jeremy's lips as he rooted for something in his jeans.
"This isn't-" He started to protest.
Jeremy shushed him with a finger over his lips. "What are you afraid of?"
"I don't know."
"What are you open to?"
"I dont know what that-"
"When do the Ravens test?"
Kevin's mouth fell open. "What?"
Jeremy's shoulders fell as he tilted his head. "You live on campus through the summer, no?" Kevin nodded. "And you still have practice?" He nodded again, but when he tried to ask what was happening, Jeremy continued. "When do you pee in a cup, buddy, when do you guys get tested?"
"Okay," Jeremy paused to listen, to be sure that nobody had come in. "Is this a conversation you want to have sober?"
"I'm really fucking confused, Jer." Kevin strained.
"I can tell," He put a hand on Kevin's shoulder. "But is this a conversation that you, my brilliant, talented friend, want to have sober?"
"No," He said, but he wasn't sure why he said it. "But I don't drink."
Jeremy looked at him and smiled. Kevin knew that smile was coming, small and kind, reassuring while pitiful.
What Kevin wasn't expecting, was for his fellow striker, deputy captain of the USC Trojans, to take a small plastic bag from his pocket, and hold it out in front of him. Kevin didn't need to know what exactly it was to know that it was illegal, that it was mind altering, and that he should nod politely and say no.
"What is it?" He whispered instead, afraid to get caught.
"Molly," He answered. "You don't have to.”
He looked at Kevin for a moment too long, tilting his head and looking towards the ceiling as if listening to who was walking in and out of the washroom around them. He reached into his pocket again, and tucked the keys to his house in his palm in such a way that they wouldn’t rattle, dipping one of them into the open baggie.
“What is it?” Kevin asked again.
Jeremy finally looked at him like he was crazy. “Don’t they have D.A.R.E in West Virginia?”
“I was homeschooled.”
“Jesus Christ,” Jeremy laughed, but not in such a way that felt comforting, or like anything funny had been said. It felt more like pity, like disbelief, like he’d finally realised how sheltered Kevin had been his whole life. “Okay. This is more educational that I’d planned for it to be.”
Before Kevin had noticed it, Jeremy had sniffed in an inhale of powder right in front of him. With the hand that held his keys, he held his septum and sniffed again, wiping any excess away.
“It’s an upper,” When Kevin just looked back at him, he continued, “It’s like… Makes you happy, like you’re on top of the world, Oh, and it’s like you’ve never known what true love is until you try it.”
“Okay, you’ll try it, or okay, you understand?” Jeremy was cautious to be sure he understood.
“What’s the worst that could happen?” He said, out loud, though all he could imagine were the million and one ways this decision could blow up in his face.
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cluescorner · 9 months ago
They fucking did it again those bastards. Jason Todd fucking dies 2: Electric Boogaloo. Fuck it, let's go for a threepeat at this point. It'll be funny as hell.
#tuesday spoilers#jason todd#in all seriousness though like...what the hell#I'm not even a Jason superfan. I like him but I'm not like INVESTED in the way I am with Steph's stuff#but I am so upset on y'all's behalf. Damian and Jason have gotten so thoroughly fucked over by Zdarsky.#And not even in a way that makes narrative sense or is the logical conclusion to their character flaws#it really is the 'X is the best Robin disease so fuck everyone who isn't them'. Tim is Zdarsky's fave so these other guys need to fuck off#Update: Jason is not dead. which is somehow even worse#because it means they wrote a fake-out death for a character who's defining thing is that he totally actually died#and now they're having a character who LITERALLY DID DIE THAT IS HIS WHOLE THING have a fakeout death#why couldn't it be Dick? Or Tim? Or Damian?#Obviously it wouldn't be Cass or Steph or Duke because Zdarsky doesn't even pretend to care about them#but a Tim fake-out would make sense because Zdarsky is actually really good at writing Tim's whole 'I am Batman's caretaker/keeper' thing#so having Tim 'sacrifice himself' to protect Bruce would make sense and it would also fit with how he's characterized#and because (credit where it's due) Zdarsky is good at writing Tim it would probably be at least interesting if not straight up good#and a Damian fake-out would have made sense to do a while ago because it makes sense logistically and would have#allowed Zdarsky to take him out of the story. which imo is preferable to writing him poorly. it also would have raised the stakes#I'm opposed to a Dick fake-out because like...nah. we've gotten so many of those and I don't want to be reminded of Ric if I can avoid it#but it would have been better than fake killing the guy who DIED FOR REALSIES AND IT'S HIS DEFINING EVENT#Damian also died for realsies but IDK if that's been retconned and also it's not literally his whole thing#Damian is a Robin who died but he is not THE Robin who died
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jichanxo · 5 months ago
sunday six (i have been writing i pinkie promise)
tags: @four-white-trees @passthroughtime @phantasy14 @overdevelopedglasses @skysquid22
all my wips are spiralling out of control. anyway here's kuwagami again
“Slow down.” Kuwana spoke over him. “And breathe. You’re panicking again.”
Yagami went quiet and did as he was told, but only because it sounded like a good idea. Breathed in, out. Kuwana listened as he did.
“It’s just me.” Kuwana told him. “Talking to me isn’t a big deal, alright? You don’t have to be like this, like you’re... scared, or something. It’s not like you.”
Yagami laughed, ringing hollow even in his own ears. “Scared?”
“Then what is it?” Kuwana prompted. “That you feel about me?”
His heart supplied the word immediately, but it caught in his throat awkwardly. He choked around it, unable to get it out. Yagami’s mouth was open, but he didn’t say it, didn’t know if he could, if he wanted to.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 3 days ago
Can I say that I tend to get annoyed by how some parts of this fandom turns up their noses at darker portrayals of family dynamics as anti-intellectual?
I also find it ANNOYING when someone posts a whumpy Loki HC, and someone chimes in to give some "nuance." Like fuck off. We want whump over here! Don't try to smooth it out by bringing some unrelated bullshit to soften it up and make it cute and cozy about Loki and Mama Frigga or decent dad Odin. READ THE FUCKING ROOM!
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gremlinshatephilosophers · 2 months ago
Finally did some actual writing again and I have no idea if this story is going to turn out interesting at all. I kind of have a hard time writing stories set in their house because A) I cant figure out shit about their layout or where anything is in relation to anything else and B) I only know how they talk on camera and i feel it’s either too much banter for casual hanging out at home or it doesn’t sound enough like them if I take out some of the humor.
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koka-mi · 7 months ago
choking on flowers by fox academy...wowzers.....
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taylorrepdetective · 1 year ago
You’ve been spot on with everything so far, including her jet being tracked like the NORAD Santa tracker, so any guesses for what transpires post Super Bowl?
I said it was pretty obvious, and it was.
Well, we’re entering a transition phase, so I would never say I can guess anything very far in advance. But similarly to how it all became really clear in November where things were going, I feel like I can make a pretty good guess at what I think we’ll see next. The main caveat being that she is unpredictable and there are a million things I can’t know. But I think we have seen that her and his schedules are easy to see and are set in stone, so it makes predicting things easier that it was from say 2019-early 2023. And none of the below is mind blowingly novel. This is exactly what everyone expects to happen:
I think most likely after he takes a week or so✅, he’ll head to her shows in Australia✅. Probably Sydney✅ for a couple of shows. Then he’ll head home to his offseason routine✅, whatever that looks like. He’s gotta go find those abs with his trainer and shoot some commercials etc. Then she’ll be back and I think she’ll join him wherever that is✅ (possibly Florida with his trainer, that idea was already put out into the universe.) Her next tour break will be their first opportunity to really spend a lot of time together while they’re both off✅. So her jet will park where he is and they’ll make occasional appearances there. He will also probably be seen in her spots (NYC, Nash, LA✅.) Then she’s off to Europe and his offseason/preseason work begins in full. I don’t think she has any real time off at all during the Europe leg so she probably won’t come home but I think he’ll head over there for a couple of shows, probably early on✅. If he’s allowed with camp and stuff he may try to make it to a London✅ show, an important market for him to be seen in (for his post football A-list movie star future or whatever it is he has in mind.). But I’m not sure it can be swung. Then she’s off again in time for his early games, but then she’s back on the road again and he’ll probably have a bye week where he can go to a show. And then she’s done with tour just in time for her birthday, the holidays and the road to the playoffs/playoffs and engagement season. So really great timing all around. Then it’ll be time for TS11 full of songs everyone will attribute to him, and joe and maybe a bit of Matty. I’m really looking forward to a song about how Travis is a love that is really something, not the idea of something. And maybe he’ll retire. But that is so far away. Look at what happened unexpectedly in the last year. So no bets here, just stating obvious thinking. And even if all this does happen, there will be other things I can’t predict.
Alternatively, if their goal is to end it sooner, that April to June timeframe is probably the best time. After they’ve spent quiet time together and found they have nothing to talk about and then their busy schedules make it too hard. That gives enough time to make it feel plausible that it wasn’t fake and only going to last until the SB. But I think they’ll give it another season, because it’s working so well and all the timing for her tour lines up super well. And it’s clear that for whatever reason, she’s allergic to being single.
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anonyanonymouse · 5 months ago
#I feel. like I get too worried about putting my stuff in the tags LOL#or just too worried about ants in general#but to be fair I've come from some really infested fandoms#where people got reported for this stuff so hard they were removed from the site#idk if tumblr changed it though. maybe they did. where if someone hit a certain number of reports on their account they got removed#whether they were breaking TOS or not#I think that could have been changed because I don't see it happen anymore#but the more I cared about this tumblr acc the more scared of that I got LOL#it's been super peaceful though???#this could just be because I blocked like half the fandom before posting anything here#but I haven't received any hate mail & haven't had any sort of callout like I was expecting#and I guess mallesil isn't really SUPER controversial#it's leaning off the gray area lately but it is still in the gray area#I just feel like I'm cheating with how easy it is to ''get away'' with having HEY I LIKE INCEST front and center on my pinned and all#when I've seen someone get reported off the map for making one singular post saying they don't mind people who ship child characters#and I've just gotten away with posting sooo many mallesil posts in the main tags lately I'm like huh??? Did I ever actually need to worry?#it's kind of embarrassing I guess having several things in my Posts That Do Not Go Into The Main Tags#that I'm just now realizing were probably totally fine to put out there lol#like damn maybe I can just talk about lilia kissing silver with tongue and get away with it????#anyway#while I am on the subject of things I am embarrassed about for no reason#I feel especially bad lately for not posting like ANYTHING about sebek or lilia most of the time lol#I made a point to draw all the twst characters at least once a while ago but I don't think I've actually drawn sebek more than that?#sorry sebek I love you sebek :(#sebesil is such a good ship and I just have absolutely zero passion for it I DON'T KNOW!!! It just isn't there for me!!!#I like it a lot I love all the ship art for it I like seeing it pop up in fics#but if you leave me to my own devices I'm. not going to think about them even a little probably lol...#I do think about mallesebe sometimes though. I wrote about them once for the request. they're so fun they're so awful#and yet. most of the thoughts I have for mallesebe I'm just like hrmmmm this could be mallesil instead#sorry again sebek I love you sebek 😭
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guplia · 6 months ago
I hate how this comment I made on a Ninjago crackfic is better than any story I've ever written
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irritablepoe · 2 years ago
ok i wrote a little over 1k words today, somebody tell me they're proud of me :')
#THE TAGS ARE LONG SO BE WARNED!!!#and it's mostly ramblings so not a vent post#i have a good feeling about this draft#i mean i just started a new one but i have kind of a much clearer idea what i'm doing now#i have a notebook where i put a timeline of all the events and it's so helpful#though i have SOOOOO MUCH fantasy names and shit that i invented like a year ago and even though i have all the origins of the names noted#i have little idea how i got there#i even invented a whole calender that i'll use in this story (hopefully) and i'm so proud of this omg#i hope i get this draft finished one day bc it would be a really cool high fantasy book if i do it right yk#AND I'M SO PROUD OF MY MAGIC SYSTEM#it's reaaaaallly complex and i spend weeks figuring it out#though it's been a while since i wrote anything in this project and i don't have all the information on paper (in the notebook) yet#so the information is kinda spread throughout all the documents that i started for like little oneshots scenes and beginnings and stuff#and i have to find them all :')#but creating is soooo fun#but writing is a pain since march for some reason#i had a lot on my plate but also... that normally helped?#well i hope i'll get to write in september bc of semester break#i looked at my progress chart-thingy over the year and i wrote so much in feburary ;-;#i want this back plsssss#nowadays i only get to do like one poem in 2-3 days (and not even that!) and 90% of them are shit#ANYWAYS#thank you for reading all this if you did <3#this was just me rambling lmao#i haven't posted much today aaaahhh but well i'm very tired and in pain :(#i wish weekends were longer man#period.cramps.are.shit.#personal
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 1 year ago
Wait shit
I just realized I was going to build other missing people into Legendkeepers
Specifically I wanted Xavier, my XY trainer, to have lost one of his friends to a rift, and I was going to have it be a sort-of parallel to Rex, where Rex is So Sure Ritsu's alive while Xavier is Positive his friend is dead and has given up on her (even if he's saved a gift pokemon for her Just In Case)
I could USE this for my story....... 👀
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askthekirbysquad · 2 years ago
"Meta Kniiiiight!!!" Kirby whined, batting at the older puffball with his fists as he leaned against him. "Just let me wiiiiiiiin!"
Meta Knight raised an eyebrow, unbothered by the other's 'attacks'. "And allow you to split yet another one of my masks in half?" He chuckled. "I'm afraid not, Kirby."
The swordsman had already learned that lesson twice by now, after going a little easier on his student and paying the price for it. At this point, with his stash of spare masks dwindling in order to truly challenge Kirby's abilities, he had no intentions of going anything less than all-out.
"You will not get any stronger if you only ever fight against weak foes."
"But it's haaaaard!" Kirby pouted, sinking to the floor. Though he may have been Dream Land's hero and had saved both it and the wider universe on several occasions, Kirby was still a child, and clearly, not one who appreciated losing several times over. "This dumb samurai stuff is different from our usual training!! I can fight really good when it's a normal battle. But this is just waiting... And waiting... And more waiting..." He yawned. Even just talking about all the waiting he had to do was making him tired. "And then when I can actually fight without getting in trouble, I've gotta be really really fast, because I lose if you hit me even once! I don't like it."
"What if you someday face a foe capable of defeating you in one blow?" Given the exceedingly powerful threats Kirby had faced in recent times, such an opponent was not entirely out of the question. So, it was important that, as his mentor, Meta Knight prepared him for the situation before it could arise. "It may be more wise to dodge rather than strike first in such a scenario, that is true, but the point of this exercise is to train your reaction time. Being able to react quickly and intelligently to anything your opponent may throw at you in the heat of battle is a vital skill to learn."
Kirby merely grumbled in response, absentmindedly wondering if there was any copy ability he could use to melt further into the ground. Maybe Meta Knight's lecture made just a teensy tiny little bit of sense, but it didn't make him any less frustrated by the new training regimen.
Meta Knight sighed at the young puff's antics, and produced the Maxim Tomato he had kept safely tucked within his cape. They had been training for a while now, he supposed, and it was good to have small rests every now and then between sessions. ...Even if that was something he himself was notoriously bad at incorporating into his own training. Luckily for the swordsman, Kirby immediately perked up upon seeing his favourite food.
"You will get better with practice, I am sure." Meta Knight said. "You are already quite skilled at spooking Dedede with that party popper, I must say." Handing Kirby the tomato, he added, "Take a break for now, however, and let me know when you are prepared to resume our training."
"Mm-hm! Thank you, Meta Knight!" Kirby gleefully responded, his sour mood forgotten as he held the precious Maxim Tomato in his hands. Good food made everything better! The new type of training was still dumb, in his opinion, and it was gonna be hard to beat Meta Knight with all those extra rules in place, but thanks to his snack, he had a feeling that he could do it!!
...Meanwhile, in the distance and out of sight of the unsuspecting duo, Magolor snickered to himself as he prepared his legion of mini Scarcutter attacks. It was wonderful to see his friends enjoying the theme park he created, and while he did have some Park Manager work to attend to... Well, who's to say he couldn't have his own fun in Merry Magoland's attractions?
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jonny-b-meowborn · 2 years ago
Y'know I can barely call myself a writer, since I haven't finished anything serious in years, and the last time I wrote a full story I was a young teen and wasn't really good at it, but goooooood I wanna release a book. Like before I started doing visual art my dream was to be a writer, like, with published official books that you can buy and read. And I still do love writing but recently ive been leaning more towards writing fanfiction, which isn't a bad thing, I just wish I could do both. And like, I have so many ideas that I want to write, like original stories that I'd kill to have published someday, but there's absolutely no motivation in my brain. What the FUCK happened to the brain power I had as a kid, when I'd start writing any idea I had with no critical thought, and I either finished it or not but at least I tried, and I'd write all the time, so many short stories that were honestly shit quality but at least I was doing something. Ough
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cfgcdsandmcnsters · 2 years ago
Wish me luck that in the morning my headache will be gone and I'll have the energy to write more than just two replies.
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sombreset · 11 days ago
Sorry honey I know I haven’t eaten my breakfast it’s just I can’t stop thinking about the new Baths album, and how so much of it resonated with the queer anguish I was trying to capture writing Logan in Old Soil and I don’t know what to do about it.
I wish this album came out months earlier only because I wish it plagued me Before I started writing Old Soil. Oh well! I guess it can start haunting late!
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months ago
The Protectors (Martian Manhunter, Doctor Fate, Ocean Master and Solomon Grundy): DC's version of The Defenders:
All four of these characters have solo stories going on (which I mentioned in their seperate notes), but they all converge here. The Lords of Chaos seek to take Doctor Fate out of the picture, by trapping him in an exile world of their own making. Unable to escape, nabu realizes the only way to save his champion is to get other people to free him. So he sends out mental emanations designed to attract heroes and allies to the tower of fate in salem.
His psychic vibrations only manage to reach the three people he's allied himself with most recently: The Martian Manhunter, Ocean-Master and Solomon Grundy. So, from Denver Martian Manhunter heads for Salem. And interrupting a fight between Ocean-Master and Solomon Grundy in the swamps outside of New Orleans, Nabu guides them up to Salem, too. There, these three heroes team up to take back the tower of fate and free Doctor Fate. They do manage to free him and preserve the tower, but that's just the beginning of the war. No, The Lords of Chaos still have to be chased back to their base.
So from here, our four heroes hunt the Lords of Chaos down. They defeat their earthly agents (who include Batman, who's lost himself since he was kicked off the Justice League. I covered this more in my Doctor Fate note), and then they fight the Lords of Chaos in their home dimension, a place of madness and nightmares. But after a long battle, our valiant four heroes manage to save earth from the lords of chaos. Our group of four then go their separate ways, but not before taking a name for themselves: The Protectors. A team that'll aid earth whenever things are so dire that it needs protecting!
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