#even the dragon isles are boring
one-winged-dreams · 1 year
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Arivian is NOT enjoying his stay back on Azeroth.
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novaursa · 14 days
The Dragon's Right (12)
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- Summary: It was by grace of the gods that firstborn child of Viserys I and Aemma was born a boy and he lived. And all of the rest, scholars will later say, is by power of something more malevolent in kind.
- Paring: male!reader/Rhaenyra Targaryen
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Word count: 6 700+
- Previous part: 11
- Next part: 13
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne @oxymakestheworldgoround
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The skies over Dragonstone were overcast, a heavy blanket of gray clouds that seemed to press down on the ancient fortress. The sea winds swept through the courtyard, carrying the salty tang of the ocean as you stood, watching the crimson form of Caraxes descend from the heavens. The Blood Wyrm was unmistakable, his long, serpentine body slicing through the air with a grace that belied his fearsome reputation. As Caraxes landed with a thud that sent vibrations through the stone beneath your feet, you couldn’t help but feel a strange mixture of nostalgia and wariness.
It had been ten years since you’d left King’s Landing, ten years since you’d made your choice to live in exile with Rhaenyra, far from the politics and treachery of the court. Yet, even here, on the windswept isle of Dragonstone, the shadows of your past seemed ever-present. And now, with Daemon’s arrival, those shadows had come calling once more.
Daemon slid off Caraxes with a practiced ease, his movements as fluid and confident as ever. His silver hair, longer now, whipped around his face in the brisk wind. He wore a dark riding cloak that billowed behind him as he approached, his expression a curious blend of amusement and something else, something that made you tense.
“Nephew,” Daemon greeted, his lips curling into a wry smile as he stopped before you. “It’s been too long. I’d say Dragonstone suits you, though I must admit, the quiet life doesn’t seem quite your style.”
You clasped his arm in greeting, your grip firm as you met his gaze. “Daemon,” you replied, your tone cordial but guarded. “I’d say the same for you. But then, I don’t imagine you’ve come all this way just to admire the scenery.”
Daemon laughed, a low, almost conspiratorial sound. “No, no. Though I must say, the view from the skies is magnificent, as always.” His eyes gleamed with that familiar mischievous glint. “I couldn’t resist dropping in. I still remember the show we put on all those years ago—Lannister’s face was something to behold, wasn’t it?”
You couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at your lips. “Yes, you did enjoy yourself, didn’t you? Stirring up the hornet’s nest and then watching it burn.” There was a pause, then you added, more seriously, “But we’ve paid the price for it, haven’t we? Exiled from our father, from the crown. All for defying a marriage that should never have been considered.”
Daemon shrugged, as if such consequences were of little concern to him. “What’s life without a bit of rebellion, hmm? You and Rhaenyra made your choice, and I supported you then as I do now. Besides, it was amusing to see the Lannisters quiver for once. You took what was rightfully yours—no more, no less.”
You nodded, though the weight of the years spent in exile bore heavily on your shoulders. “But why are you here now, Uncle?” you asked, your voice turning serious. “You didn’t come all this way just to reminisce.”
Daemon’s smile faded slightly, replaced by a more contemplative look. He took a moment, glancing around the courtyard, his eyes lingering on the old walls and the distant sea beyond. “Viserys sent me,” he said finally, his voice quieter. “He wishes to see you both. He’s… missed you, despite everything. The years have not been kind to him without his children. And he wants to meet his grandchildren.”
The mention of your father’s name brought a mix of emotions surging to the surface. You’d tried to bury your anger, your resentment, but hearing that Viserys wanted to see you now, after so many years of estrangement, felt like reopening an old wound.
“He wants to meet my children now?” you said, your voice flat, betraying none of the turmoil inside. “I suppose it’s been difficult for him, hasn’t it? So difficult that he married Alicent Hightower after Otto couldn’t push her onto me as well.” Bitterness seeped into your words. “And then he tried to do the same with Rhaenyra.”
Daemon’s eyes narrowed slightly, watching you closely. “I won’t deny that Otto Hightower’s machinations played a part in all this. And yes, Viserys made his choices. Poor ones, perhaps. But he’s still your father, and the weight of his crown has only grown heavier over the years.”
You turned away, looking out toward the horizon where the sky met the churning sea. The memories of those last days in King’s Landing, the betrayal, the forced choices—it all felt too close, too raw, even now. “He was willing to sacrifice both of us for the sake of alliances, for the sake of his damned peace.”
“And now he’s paying the price for it,” Daemon said softly, his voice lacking its usual bite. “You and Rhaenyra—your absence has left a wound in him. He’s not the man you remember, nephew. The years, the burdens of the crown… they’ve taken their toll. He’s not well.”
You took a deep breath, trying to steady the storm of emotions inside you. Part of you wanted to scoff, to dismiss the idea that Viserys could feel regret, that he could truly want to reconcile. But another part of you, the part that remembered your father not as a king but as the man who had once held you and Rhaenyra close, who had smiled and laughed and told stories of old Valyria—that part of you ached to believe it.
“And what of Rhaenyra?” you asked, turning back to Daemon. “He’s banished her in all but name. What does he want from her now?”
Daemon sighed, his gaze softening as he looked at you. “He wants his daughter back. He wants his son back. He wants to meet the children he’s only heard about in letters. Whatever anger or pride kept him away before, it’s fading. He’s sick, Y/N. And he’s afraid.”
You clenched your jaw, the conflicting emotions tearing at you. This was the last thing you had expected—a summons, an invitation to return after all these years. And yet, the thought of facing your father, of returning to that world of intrigue and betrayal, made your blood boil.
“It’s not that simple,” you said quietly. “We’ve built a life here. Our family is here. And after everything that’s happened…”
“No,” Daemon agreed. “It’s never simple. But he’s reaching out, in his own way. He’s trying to mend what’s broken. If you’re willing to listen.”
You looked down at the stones beneath your feet, the wind carrying the distant cries of the dragons above. This was a decision that couldn’t be made lightly. Too much was at stake—your family, your children, and Rhaenyra’s heart, which had been battered by years of rejection and exile.
“And if we say no?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Daemon shrugged, though there was a seriousness in his eyes that belied his casual posture. “Then you stay here, and the world keeps turning. But know this: Viserys is dying. If you don’t see him now, you may never have the chance to see him again.”
The words hung in the air between you, heavy and suffocating. You turned away, your heart pounding as you tried to process what Daemon had said. It felt like a trap, like the last desperate plea of a man who had already lost too much. But there was also truth in it, a truth that made your chest ache.
“I’ll speak to Rhaenyra,” you said finally, your voice strained. “But I make no promises.”
Daemon nodded, his gaze understanding. “That’s all I ask, nephew.”
He turned then, walking back toward Caraxes, who waited patiently in the courtyard. As Daemon climbed back into the saddle, he looked back at you one last time, his expression solemn. “Take your time, Y/N. But don’t take too long.”
With a final nod, he urged Caraxes into the air, the great dragon’s wings beating powerfully as they lifted off the ground, the sound echoing across Dragonstone.
You watched as they disappeared into the sky, the wind whipping around you, carrying with it the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future. The decision lay heavy on your shoulders, a choice that could change everything once again.
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The horns of the city rang out twice, their deep, resonant call echoing across the Red Keep and through the streets of King’s Landing. The sound brought King Viserys back from his restless thoughts, his frail form stiffening as he looked out the open window. His children had returned, just as Daemon had promised. The realization brought a mix of relief and trepidation to his heart.
Viserys turned to Ser Harrold Westerling, who stood dutifully at his side. The years had not been kind to the king; his skin was pallid, his frame thin and weakened, and his once proud stance was hunched, as if the weight of his crown had finally crushed him. His breathing was labored, each intake a struggle, but his eyes, though dimmed, were still sharp with anticipation.
“Ser Harrold,” Viserys said, his voice strained but determined. “Prepare an escort. The Prince and Princess are to be brought from the Dragonpit to the Red Keep with all the honor they are due. Ensure their children are treated with the respect of their station.”
Ser Harrold bowed, his face a mask of concern. “As you command, Your Grace.” He hesitated for a moment, his gaze lingering on the king’s weary form. “Shall I summon the Maester? You seem... unwell.”
Viserys waved him off, his hand trembling. “I’ll see my children first. There will be time for rest later.”
With a nod, Ser Harrold left to make the arrangements, leaving Viserys alone in the chamber. The king took a deep, shuddering breath, leaning heavily on his cane as he made his way toward the door. Each step was a struggle, but the thought of seeing you and Rhaenyra again after so many years gave him strength he had thought long gone.
The courtyard of the Red Keep was filled with anticipation as the welcoming party assembled. Lords and ladies, retainers and servants all gathered, whispering among themselves as they awaited the arrival of the Prince and Princess. Viserys stood at the head of the party, flanked by his Kingsguard and councilors. His gaze was fixed on the grand entrance, his heart pounding painfully in his chest.
And then, you rode in, leading the procession on horseback, Rhaenyra at your side. The sight of you both, after so long, took his breath away. You had changed in the ten years you’d been away—no longer the young man who had left King’s Landing in a storm of rebellion and defiance. Your hair, still the pale blond of your Targaryen lineage, was longer now, pulled back into a neat braid. Your features were more defined, a hardness in your jaw and eyes that spoke of battles fought and won. You wore dark armor, polished but unadorned, the emblem of House Targaryen etched into the breastplate. There was an air of command about you, a strength and resolve that had grown in your years of exile. But there was also something colder, a guardedness in your expression that made Viserys’s heart ache.
Rhaenyra rode beside you, her presence as commanding as ever. Her silver hair, loose and windswept, framed her face, and her violet eyes were fixed ahead, the only hint of her anxiety the slight tension in her jaw. Behind you both, riding on smaller horses, were your children—Jacerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey. They sat tall in their saddles, their expressions a mixture of awe and trepidation as they took in the grandeur of the Red Keep.
You dismounted first, your movements fluid and controlled, as you stepped forward to greet your father. Rhaenyra followed suit, helping the children down from their mounts. Viserys felt a lump in his throat as he watched, his eyes lingering on his grandchildren, whom he was seeing for the first time in the flesh.
“Father,” you greeted, your voice formal and cold. The title was spoken without warmth, your eyes meeting his with a mixture of disappointment and disdain. “It’s been a long time.”
Viserys’s heart clenched at the harshness in your tone, the bitterness that lay just beneath the surface. He took a faltering step forward, leaning heavily on his cane. “Y/N...” he murmured, his voice hoarse. “You’ve... you’ve grown into a fine man. I—”
“Save the pleasantries, Father,” you interrupted, your voice low but cutting. “We both know why we’re here. You sent Daemon to bring us back after ten years of silence. What is it you truly want?”
The courtyard seemed to still at your words, the gathered nobles exchanging uneasy glances. Rhaenyra stood slightly behind you, her face unreadable as she placed a reassuring hand on Jacerys’s shoulder. The boy looked up at his mother, his eyes wide with uncertainty, but he remained silent.
Viserys swallowed, the pain in his chest worsening. “I wanted... I needed to see you,” he said, his voice breaking slightly. “I’ve missed you both, more than I can say. And I... I want to meet my grandchildren.” His eyes moved to the three boys, his gaze softening. “They... they’re beautiful, Rhaenyra.”
Rhaenyra inclined her head, her expression guarded. “They are my pride, Father.” Her tone was polite but distant, and Viserys felt the chasm between them, one that had only widened with time.
You turned to Alicent then, who stood beside Otto, her face pale and tense. “Alicent,” you greeted, your tone almost polite but edged with disdain. “Or should I say, Your Grace?” You gave her a curt nod. “I must confess, I’m unsure of how to address you now.”
Alicent flinched at the coldness in your voice, her eyes lowering for a moment as she struggled to maintain her composure. “Prince Y/N,” she began, her voice strained but steady. “It is... good to see you after so long. The king has been unwell, and it is a comfort to him to have his family near once more.”
“Family,” you echoed, the word heavy with irony. “Yes, I suppose that’s what we are. Though I doubt Rhaenyra and I were much of a comfort to him when he chose to marry you.”
Alicent’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, and she forced herself to meet your gaze. “I never wished to cause you or Rhaenyra pain,” she said quietly, her voice sincere despite the tension between you. “I—”
“Stop,” you said, your tone softening just slightly. You could see the pain in her eyes, and though part of you wanted to lash out, you restrained yourself. “This isn’t about you, Alicent.”
Before the silence could stretch any further, Maester Mellos stepped forward, bowing deeply. “Prince Y/N, Princess Rhaenyra,” he greeted, his tone deferential. “Welcome back to King’s Landing. We have much to discuss, but for now, let us focus on your safe return.”
You nodded curtly, though your gaze remained on your father. “Yes, there is much to discuss.”
The tension in the courtyard was palpable as you turned to Tyland Lannister, who had remained silent through the exchange. His face was a mask of civility, though there was a tightness around his eyes as he forced a smile.
“Prince Y/N,” Tyland greeted, his voice strained. “It’s good to see you again. The realm has missed your presence. We hope you’ll find King’s Landing... accommodating.”
You studied him for a moment, your expression unreadable. “Lord Tyland,” you said finally. “I hope your brother has recovered from the shock of our departure all those years ago.”
Tyland’s smile faltered, but he kept his composure. “Lord Jason has moved on, as have we all,” he replied, his voice tight.
Before the exchange could escalate further, Otto Hightower stepped forward, his voice smooth and diplomatic. “Perhaps we should continue this conversation inside, Your Grace, Your Highness. We’ve had food and wine prepared, and there is much to discuss.”
Viserys nodded, though his gaze remained on you and Rhaenyra, his eyes lingering on the boys beside her. “Yes,” he murmured. “Yes, let us go inside.”
You exchanged a glance with Rhaenyra, who gave a small nod. The five of you—husband, wife, and children—followed the king into the Keep, the tension hanging over the family like a storm waiting to break.
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The grand hall of the Red Keep was filled with the soft clinking of silverware and the murmur of conversation as the family gathered for the first meal they had shared in over a decade. The long table was set with an abundance of food and drink, from roasted game and fresh fruits to flagons of fine Dornish wine. Yet, despite the luxurious spread, the atmosphere was strained, the tension palpable in every glance, every word exchanged.
Viserys sat at the head of the table, his frail frame dwarfed by the opulent chair. He watched his family with a mixture of relief and trepidation, his gaze flickering between you, Rhaenyra, and your children, and then to Alicent, who sat to his right, her expression carefully composed. On the other side of Alicent were her children—Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena—all of whom sat quietly, their eyes darting curiously to you and Rhaenyra.
You and Rhaenyra were seated directly across from Alicent, your children beside you. Jacerys and Lucerys were trying to appear composed and dignified, their youthful faces betraying their unease in such an imposing setting. Joffrey, the youngest, shifted restlessly in his seat, glancing up at the grand, unfamiliar surroundings. You reached out and gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, a small smile on your lips.
Viserys cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. “It is... heartening to have my family together once more,” he began, his voice weak but sincere. “We have much to discuss, but let us first enjoy this meal.”
The conversation started tentatively, with polite inquiries about the children and your life on Dragonstone. But as the meal progressed, Viserys turned the topic to the elephant in the room, his eyes resting on you and Rhaenyra.
“I understand,” Viserys said slowly, his gaze shifting from you to Rhaenyra, “that you were married in the old Valyrian chapel on Dragonstone. An ancient and sacred place.”
You inclined your head slightly, your expression neutral. “Yes, Father. Rhaenyra and I were wed there, according to the customs of our ancestors.” Your tone was measured, but there was a subtle edge to it. “It is as valid a marriage as any other in the eyes of our house and tradition.”
Tyland Lannister, seated a few places down, shifted uncomfortably in his seat. His lips pressed into a thin line as he recalled the enormous sum House Lannister had spent on the grand wedding that never took place, not to mention the damage to the Sept near Casterly Rock. “Of course, Prince Y/N,” he said, his voice strained. “One can hardly dispute the... sanctity of such a union. Though the Sept where... your departure occurred still bears the scars of that day.” He forced a polite smile, though it didn’t reach his eyes.
You gave him a cool look, your expression unyielding. “I’m sure House Lannister can afford a few repairs, Lord Tyland.”
Tyland’s jaw tightened, but he did not press the matter further, his hand clenching around his goblet.
Alicent, who had been observing the exchange quietly, set down her knife and fork, her eyes lingering on you and Rhaenyra, then shifting to the children seated beside you. There was an underlying tension in her gaze, a restrained irritation that simmered beneath her polite facade. It was a feeling she had harbored for years, one that had only grown as she watched you and Rhaenyra defy everything the realm expected of you.
She couldn’t help but wonder, as she often had, if Rhaenyra had deliberately lured you into her bed before you left for the Dornish border. Had she seduced you, entangled you in her web to secure your loyalty and affection so completely that you would defy the king and steal her away from her own wedding? The thought gnawed at her, though she pushed it down, focusing instead on the repulsion she felt at your union. To her, who had been raised in the Faith of the Seven, your marriage was an affront, a sinful act of selfishness that mocked the very traditions she held dear.
As Alicent’s gaze lingered on your children—on Jacerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey—Rhaenyra felt the weight of her scrutiny. She looked up sharply, her eyes locking with Alicent’s. There was no warmth in Rhaenyra’s gaze, only a cold, defiant challenge. For a moment, the two women stared at each other, the years of bitterness and betrayal hanging between them like a shadow.
“Rhaenyra,” Viserys said suddenly, breaking the tension, his tone filled with a forced cheerfulness. “I must say, the boys have grown strong and handsome. I would very much like to get to know my grandsons better.”
Rhaenyra tore her gaze away from Alicent, her expression softening as she looked at her father. “They are as spirited as their namesakes,” she replied, her voice steady. “Jacerys and Lucerys have been practicing their swordplay, and Joffrey, well... he is still finding his way, but he has the heart of a dragon.”
Viserys smiled, though the effort seemed to cost him. “I look forward to seeing them in the training yard. Perhaps they could even teach their uncles a thing or two.” He gestured toward Alicent’s children, who had been watching the exchange in silence.
Aegon, now a young man, glanced at you and Rhaenyra with a mixture of curiosity and something else, something darker that he hid behind a lazy smirk. Aemond, his face serious, studied you with the intensity of someone trying to understand an enemy. Helaena, on the other hand, seemed lost in her own world, her fingers tracing patterns on the tablecloth as she muttered softly to herself.
You looked at your half-siblings, your expression unreadable. “We will see, Father,” you said evenly. “It’s been a long time since we’ve shared such... family activities.”
Alicent’s eyes flicked to you, and for a moment, she almost spoke, her lips parting as if to say something, but then she stopped, her fingers tightening around the stem of her goblet. She looked at Viserys instead, forcing a smile. “The children have missed having their father present. I’m sure it would do them good to spend time with their family,” she said, though her words felt hollow.
Viserys nodded, his eyes distant. “Yes, yes... family. It is what binds us, even when we are apart.” He looked at you then, his gaze lingering on the hardness in your eyes, the guarded expression on your face. “Y/N, Rhaenyra... these years have been difficult for us all. But now that you are here, perhaps we can begin to heal these wounds.”
“We’ll see,” you said quietly, your tone flat. “It’s not so easily done, Father.”
The conversation drifted on, the tension ebbing and flowing with each exchange. The food was eaten, though few seemed to have much appetite. The wine was poured, though most drank sparingly. The atmosphere remained strained, the past casting long shadows over the present.
Aegon, his gaze flicking between you and Rhaenyra, leaned back in his chair, his smirk returning. “So, what’s life like on Dragonstone, brother? It must be... exciting, living among the dragons and the ghosts.”
You looked at him, your expression cool. “It has its challenges,” you replied, your voice calm. “But it’s home.”
“And the people there?” Aemond asked, his tone more direct. “Do they welcome you as their Prince, or do they fear the dragon that stole the princess away?”
There was a sharp intake of breath around the table, but you merely raised an eyebrow. “The people of Dragonstone know where their loyalties lie,” you said smoothly. “And they respect those who defend them, not those who sit idle in luxury.”
The barb hit its mark, and Aemond’s eyes narrowed, but before he could respond, Alicent spoke up, her voice strained but firm. “That’s enough, Aemond.” She turned to you, her gaze steady. “Y/N, Rhaenyra... despite everything, I am glad you are here. For the king’s sake, if nothing else.”
Rhaenyra’s lips tightened, but she inclined her head slightly. “For the king’s sake,” she echoed, her voice tinged with bitterness.
The uneasy quiet was punctuated by the occasional clink of cutlery against porcelain, the scrape of a chair, or the hushed murmur of a courtier whispering nervously. Though there were many gathered at the table, it felt as if there were only two camps—those who stood with you and Rhaenyra, and those who supported Alicent and her children. And, of course, King Viserys, caught between them all, like a man trying to hold back a tide with his bare hands.
Alicent set down her goblet, her fingers lingering around the base, and cleared her throat, drawing the attention of the table. Her eyes moved from Rhaenyra to you, then back to Rhaenyra, a calculated look in them. “Rhaenyra,” she began, her voice polite but edged with something sharper. “It’s been so many years since you left. We all... wondered what compelled you to take such drastic actions.” She smiled, though it didn’t reach her eyes. “I suppose, after everything, you must have had your reasons for eloping and leaving your family behind.”
Rhaenyra stiffened, her fingers curling around the stem of her goblet. “My reasons, as you put it, were very clear, Alicent.” Her tone was steady, but you could hear the barely restrained anger beneath the surface. “I chose to marry the man I love, the man I wanted to spend my life with. That is a choice that, as I recall, was not available to you.”
A sharp intake of breath rippled around the table, courtiers exchanging glances. Alicent’s smile faltered, but she recovered quickly, her eyes flashing with something dark. “You’re right, of course. Duty has often dictated my choices. But not everyone has the luxury to simply follow their heart, especially when the stability of the realm is at stake.” Her voice was soft, but there was steel in it.
Rhaenyra’s eyes narrowed. “The stability of the realm? Is that what you call forcing me into a marriage with Jason Lannister? All for some political gain?” She leaned forward, her voice rising slightly. “You speak of duty, Alicent, but don’t pretend for a moment that you or your father haven’t benefited greatly from those same decisions.”
Alicent’s face flushed, but she kept her composure. “We all have a role to play, Rhaenyra. You were supposed to be the princess, to stand by your father’s side, not flee to Dragonstone with your brother and leave the rest of us to pick up the pieces.”
Rhaenyra opened her mouth to retort, but you reached out, placing a hand on her arm, your touch gentle but firm. “Enough,” you said quietly, though your voice carried authority. You turned to Alicent, your gaze steady and unreadable. “We did what we felt was right, given the circumstances. And it’s clear those decisions were not made lightly.”
Alicent met your gaze, her eyes searching, as if trying to understand you, trying to find the man she remembered. “And what circumstances were those, Y/N?” she asked, her voice softer now. “What was so dire that it justified breaking your father’s heart and turning your back on the realm?”
You exhaled slowly, your eyes flicking to Viserys, who watched the exchange with a pained expression. “Our father was forcing Rhaenyra into a marriage she did not want, to a man she did not love. And he was willing to do the same to me.” Your voice was calm but firm. “I made a promise to protect my sister, and I will not apologize for keeping that promise.”
The hall was silent, every eye on you and Alicent. You could see the hurt in her eyes, the resentment she tried to hide behind her composed mask. You turned away from her then, focusing on Otto Hightower, who had been watching the exchange with a calculating expression.
“Lord Hightower,” you said, your voice carrying the weight of your title. “Perhaps you could enlighten us on the current state of the realm. I would hope that as heir to the throne, I would be made aware of any... pressing matters.”
Otto leaned forward slightly, a faint smile on his lips as he addressed you. “Of course, Prince Y/N. The realm is... stable, for the most part. The Stepstones remain a volatile area, despite Prince Daemon’s recent efforts. There are still struggles with Dorne, though nothing that threatens immediate conflict.” He paused, his gaze shrewd. “There have been whispers of unrest in the Riverlands, but they have been managed thus far.”
You nodded, though your expression remained serious. “And what of the alliances formed in my absence? Surely, there have been changes in the political landscape.”
Otto’s smile widened, though it did not reach his eyes. “Indeed. Since your departure, several key marriages have strengthened ties with the Reach and the Stormlands. The marriage of your sister, Princess Helaena, to Prince Aegon has also ensured a more unified front within House Targaryen.”
You glanced at Aegon, who shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He looked at you with a mix of curiosity and disdain, his mouth twisted into a faint smirk. “And what of your marriage, Y/N?” Aegon drawled, his voice carrying across the table. “I’ve heard many tales of the... unique customs on Dragonstone.”
You shot him a cold look, your patience wearing thin. “My marriage is as strong as any in this room,” you said sharply. “And it is recognized by those who matter.”
Before Aegon could respond, Viserys raised a hand, his voice trembling but determined. “Enough of this bickering. We are here as a family, not as political adversaries.” He looked at you and Rhaenyra, his eyes pleading. “I have missed you both terribly. And I wish to see my grandchildren grow up knowing their family. Whatever has happened, we must find a way to move forward. Together.”
There was a moment of silence, the king’s words hanging heavy in the air. You glanced at Rhaenyra, whose face softened slightly, her anger ebbing away in the face of her father’s frailty.
But Alicent wasn’t done. She turned back to Rhaenyra, her eyes hardening. “And what of your sons, Rhaenyra?” she asked, her voice deceptively light. “You’ve been away so long. Do you ever wonder what kind of life they could have had here, at court? Among their family?”
Rhaenyra’s gaze snapped to Alicent, her eyes narrowing. “My sons are dragons, Alicent. They belong on Dragonstone, among their people, not in this nest of vipers.” Her voice was cold, each word a dagger.
A murmur rippled through the courtiers, tension rising. You could see Otto’s calculating gaze flick between you and Rhaenyra, as if weighing the implications of every word spoken.
Alicent’s face tightened, but she didn’t back down. “I suppose that’s one way to see it,” she said quietly. “But a child should know their family. Even if that family isn’t perfect.”
Rhaenyra leaned forward, her voice low and dangerous. “Don’t you dare presume to lecture me on family, Alicent. You, who wormed your way into my father’s bed, who bore children of your own while trying to strip me of everything that was mine.”
The tension at the table was suffocating now, every courtier’s gaze fixed on the two women, their faces pale with the anticipation of what might come next.
Before the situation could escalate further, you interjected, your voice calm but firm. “We will discuss this another day,” you said, your eyes moving between Alicent and Rhaenyra. “This is not the time or place for such discussions.”
Alicent’s gaze flicked to you, her eyes filled with a mixture of resentment and sadness. “You’ve changed, Y/N,” she said softly, her voice almost a whisper. “You used to care more about... so many things.”
You felt a pang in your chest, but you forced it down, your expression unyielding. “I still care, Alicent. But my priorities have changed.” You glanced at your children, who were watching the exchange with wide eyes, their confusion and fear evident. “My family is what matters now. And I will protect them, no matter the cost.”
A silence fell over the table, the weight of your words settling like a stone. Viserys looked between you and Alicent, his eyes filled with a deep sorrow, as if he were watching his family splinter before his eyes.
Otto, ever the diplomat, leaned forward slightly, his tone soothing. “Perhaps we should continue this conversation another time. For now, let us focus on what unites us, rather than what divides us.”
Viserys nodded slowly, though his gaze remained troubled. “Yes,” he murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper. “Yes, let us try to be... a family again.”
The meal continued in strained silence.
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The bedchamber in the Red Keep felt both familiar and foreign after so many years. The room was adorned with rich tapestries depicting dragons in flight and the Targaryen sigil emblazoned proudly on the walls, a constant reminder of your heritage and the legacy you bore. The soft flicker of candles illuminated the space, casting a warm glow over the plush rugs and the intricately carved bed that dominated the center of the room.
You stood near the window, gazing out over the sprawling city of King’s Landing, the lights of the city twinkling like distant stars in the darkened sky. The sounds of the bustling capital, though muffled, reached your ears—the hum of voices, the distant clatter of hooves against cobblestone, the occasional call of a merchant trying to sell his wares even at this late hour. It was a strong contrast to the quiet, windswept solitude of Dragonstone.
Rhaenyra was across the room, slipping out of her gown and into a simpler, more comfortable robe. Her silver hair, loose now, cascaded down her back in waves. She watched you from the corner of her eye, sensing the tension in your posture, the heaviness in your shoulders.
“Y/N,” she said softly, her voice breaking the silence that had settled between you. “Are you all right?”
You sighed deeply, turning away from the window to look at her. “I’m not sure how to answer that,” you replied, your voice tinged with frustration and sorrow. “Seeing him today... I barely recognized the man who was once our father. He’s a shadow of what he used to be.”
Rhaenyra moved closer, her bare feet silent on the thick rug. She reached out, placing a hand gently on your arm. “He’s aged more than the years should allow,” she agreed, her tone laced with sadness. “But it’s not just time, is it?”
You shook your head, your jaw clenched. “No, it’s not.” You turned back to the window, the city sprawling out beneath you, feeling impossibly far away. “It’s them. The Hightowers. Otto, Alicent... they’ve twisted him, manipulated him. I remember a time when he was strong, decisive. Now he seems... broken, as if they’ve drained the life out of him.”
Rhaenyra’s hand tightened on your arm, a gesture of solidarity. “They’ve poisoned his mind with their ambitions. Alicent has always been her father’s pawn, and Otto... he’s wanted to control the throne for as long as I can remember.”
You nodded, your eyes narrowing as you thought back to the day’s events, the way Otto’s gaze seemed to assess every word, every action, always calculating, always scheming. “I saw the way he looked at us today, weighing the situation, trying to find a way to turn it to his advantage. And Alicent...” You trailed off, a bitter laugh escaping your lips. “She’s no different. They want to use Father as a puppet, to control the realm through him.”
Rhaenyra sighed, her gaze dropping to the floor. “And he lets them. He let them slither their way into every corner of his life, every decision. He’s not the father who once stood before the council and proclaimed us his heirs, who would have fought for what was right, no matter the cost.”
You turned back to her, your eyes softening as you reached up to brush a strand of hair from her face. “I know, Rhaenyra. I know. But what can we do? If we push too hard, if we try to wrest control from them, it could tear the realm apart.”
Rhaenyra’s eyes flashed with defiance. “Then let it tear. We have dragons, Y/N. We have strength they can only dream of. We can remind them what true power looks like.”
You shook your head, your expression pained. “I don’t want to fight them, Rhaenyra. I don’t want to start a war. But I won’t let them continue to destroy what little remains of the father we once knew.”
She looked at you, her gaze intense, searching your face for answers, for a way forward. “Then what do we do?” she asked quietly, her voice barely more than a whisper.
You took a deep breath, your hand still lingering on her cheek. “We play their game, for now. We show them we’re not weak, but we don’t strike unless we have to. Father needs to see that we’re here, that we’re not abandoning him to their schemes. Maybe... maybe we can remind him of who he used to be.”
Rhaenyra leaned into your touch, her eyes closing briefly as she took comfort in your presence. “I want to believe that’s possible,” she murmured. “But I fear he’s too far gone. Every time I look at him, I see the pain in his eyes, the weight of all these years of being pulled in different directions. I see...” Her voice caught, and she paused, taking a shaky breath. “I see how they’ve taken him from us.”
You pulled her closer, wrapping your arms around her, holding her tightly as if you could shield her from the world, from the pain that seemed to seep into every corner of your lives. “We’ll find a way, Rhaenyra. We have to.”
For a moment, the two of you stood there in the low lit chamber, the world outside forgotten as you held each other, drawing strength from the connection that had carried you through so much. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls, and the distant sounds of the Red Keep—the footsteps of guards, the murmur of servants—faded into the background.
“Do you think he’ll see it?” Rhaenyra asked softly, her head resting against your chest. “Will he see that they’ve twisted everything, that they’ve made him into a tool for their own gain?”
You sighed, your fingers gently tracing circles on her back. “I don’t know. I hope so. But even if he does, I’m not sure he has the strength left to fight them.”
Rhaenyra pulled back slightly, her eyes meeting yours, fierce and determined. “Then we’ll be his strength. We’ll remind him that he’s not alone, that he still has us.”
You nodded, your gaze steady as you looked down at her. “We’ll fight for him, for the father we remember, for the man who once fought for us. But we have to be careful. We can’t let Otto and Alicent see us as a threat, not yet.”
Rhaenyra’s lips pressed into a thin line, but she nodded. “For now, we’ll play the dutiful children. But if they push us too far...” Her voice trailed off, the unspoken threat hanging in the air.
You leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “If they push us too far, we’ll remind them what it means to cross House Targaryen.”
A faint smile curved her lips, and she reached up to cup your face, her thumb brushing gently over your cheek. “I’m glad I have you by my side,” she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.
“Always,” you murmured, your voice firm. “Now and forever.”
The two of you stood there for a long moment, the weight of your responsibilities, your fears, and your love all intertwined in the quiet darkness of the chamber. 
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fair-city-reporter · 16 days
Completely Useless Wordgirl AU’s
Hi, so I’m bored and maybe just a tad stressed from a job interview tomorrow lol, so I decided to write up some more Wordgirl au’s - only with very little information explained and I’ll talk about them later! Also I have some meta I want to do, but that will also come back at another point. Anyway,
The Wordgirl Appreciation Page using Alternate Universes;
Boku No Hero Wordgirl AU: A BNHA/Wordgirl AU ft. Becky as a UA student - Fair City gets quirks? I’ve yet to fully delve into it. Also I just had the thought of her meeting Class 1a even though that’s technically a crossover /lh but shhhh
The Owl House x Wordgirl AU: Becky ends up in the Boiling Isles and meets a witch by the name of Victoria Best. Shenanigans ensue. Ft. Violet as Willow and Scoops as Gus
Beauty and the Beast AU: ToBecky, of course! I don’t think I have to explain who is who lmao
Pokemon AU: Trainer Becky is on her way to become a gym leader but of course, she and her friends run into trouble on the way
(This one’s a joke, sort of-) Centaurworld AU: why? Why did I create this monstrosity? Anyway, Becky would be a really fun -taur and let’s be so fucking for real, I could get silly with this. Becky would technically be Horse-
How to Train Your Dragon AU: dragon Becky dragon Becky dragon Becky (alternatively, Tobey as Hiccup, Becky as Astrid, and shenanigans ensue. What could possibly go wrong?)
More chaotic alternate universes under the cut! Speedrun edition;
Spy Kids AU
Miraculous Ladybug AU
A Whisker Away AU??
Big Hero 6 AU (only it’s a crossover but shhhh-)
Arthurian/Medieval Fantasy AU
The Sailor Moon AU I’m brainrotting over
Okay, I’ve talked enough about AU’s right now
Please keep in mind right now my full attention is on Whumptober at the moment! Although I’ve got mild writer’s block so we’ll see how this goes but don’t worry lol- I’ll come back to these at some point. I need to stop. Also I’ve got another mini fixation taking space in my noggin’ right now! Sorry about this being a little awkward, it’s late-ish
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thebluestbluewords · 8 months
Moral Education
*chanting* OT3 OT3 OT3!
Mal's teeth are sharp when she grins. “The beast king locked all the royal children up in his castle, just as he’d been locked up and abandoned by his own people. It’s to teach us all a lesson. So we can learn the power of isolation, or something. I don’t know what moral lessons your father is trying to impart. I’m not from here.” 
“Where did you hear that?” 
“Do you–” Ben starts, and then just stops for a moment, with his mouth open and his jaw working like he’s trying to digest the fact that the villains have more accurate information about his father than he’d reckoned for. “Did you have a source for that? One I could read, maybe?” 
Mal scoffs. “Like I’d ever steal a textbook. That’s school property. I’m a beacon of goodness and moral integrity for these trying times, and I’d never steal textbooks from a blessed institution of learning.” 
Ben levels an incredulous sort of look at her. “Really.” 
“Really. I didn’t steal anything–” anything of value, Mal adds to herself. “From Dragon Hall.” 
“Because there wasn’t anything to steal.” Evie adds unhelpfully. “And you didn’t attend very often.” 
“I had better things to do.” 
Mal rolls her eyes. She attended school enough of the time. Like, at least half of the days that they were allegedly supposed to attend. She showed up just often enough to keep all the little villains in line, and to get the free food that some particularly enterprising adult got for the cafeteria. “Whatever. The point is, we know that your father donated his old castle to keep the royal children all locked up in one place, and that’s why we’re not allowed to leave. The king wants us all contained so we can be just like him.” 
Ben’s face folds up into a frown. His eyebrows do this cute crinkly thing when he’s confused that makes Mal sort of want to kiss the point in the middle of them, right where his head goes all wrinkly. Like a weird, sexy old man. “That’s not true. We’re allowed to leave on the weekends.” 
“You’re allowed to leave,” Evie chimes in. “We’re not. Only the Auradon kids who have parental permission can go into town. I asked Fairy Godmother, and she said that we don’t have signed permission slips from our parents, so she can’t bend the rules and let us out, even though we could just send the permission slips over to the Isle of the Lost for them to sign.” 
“Like my mother would ever sign something to make our lives better.” 
“My mom would forge her signature for you,” Evie says sweetly. Ben’s eyebrows are reaching a new level of distress, but that’s not their problem. “She knows how. It’s something you learn, when you’re cohabitating with someone. Which our mothers are doing. Because they’re fu–” 
“Fucking,” Evie finishes, flashing an absolutely wicked grin. “They’re fucking. Because that’s just the headache we needed. Our mothers having a forbidden isle romance, after we already claimed that story.” 
“I’m going to end our romance if you don’t stop talking about my mom’s sex life,” Mal grumbles. She’s watched a lot of shitty, awful things happen on the Isle of the Lost, but her mother’s romance with the Evil Queen has been one of the most disgusting.  “They’re like watching a pair of goblins try to catch a fish.” 
“Disgusting and wrinkly,” Evie agrees. “And something that feels illegal. In the boring, gross way. Not the fun way.” 
“I’ll show you the fun way.” Mal shoots back. Her mouth just runs on autopilot sometimes, without any actual input from her brain. It’s sort of a problem. “In bed. You wanna get up to some indecent exposure together, princess?” 
Evie’s mouth is so red and sweet, and Mal is well aware that it’s lip gloss, but she still wants to lick the shine off of Evie’s perfect smile when she turns it on like this.  
“I think that should wait til later, M. We have a guest right now,” Evie says sweetly. “Ben?” 
Right. They have his royal highness over. 
“I’m–yeah,” Ben squeaks. He’s so cute when he’s flustered. “I mean, sorry. I didn’t know that Fairy Godmother wasn’t letting you four leave on the weekends. I mean, I knew that you weren’t going anywhere, but you’re always so busy, Evie, and I just figured that you were staying on campus to get everything done, because that’s what I have to do, and– uh, I can talk to her. About it. If that would help.” 
So sweet. 
“That would be great, babe,” Evie coos. “You’re the best.” 
Ben ducks his head into his smile. It doesn’t make sense for the crown prince to be shy, but Mal’s maybe, possibly been keeping track of when they can coax a real smile out of him, and nine times out of ten, when they get his real smile instead of his public one, he ducks his head to hide it. 
It’s cute, in a sad sort of way. It’s one thing for Mal to watch Evie, and Jay, and Carlos hide their real smiles, because they’ve grown up hiding their emotions from everyone but each other, but Ben’s supposed to be the well-adjusted one. He’s supposed to be Auradon’s perfect prince. The boy wonder who always has a kind word for everyone. Their future leader, equipped with a strong arm and a kind heart and a level head. It’s sort of distressing to think that he’s been taught to hide his emotions just the same as they have, so Mal buries the feelings for now, and keeps watching and waiting instead. 
“The best,” Mal echoes. “Best boyfriend ever.” 
Ben’s eyes flicker up to meet hers. Gods below, but she has got to stop falling for this boy every time he smiles at her. It’s not fair to the others. She’s got a limited number of butterflies that her stomach can produce, and they all seem connected to the way Ben’s smile makes his eyes crinkle up at the edges. It’s even worse when he’s all sunlight and golden like this. She’s going to have to have Evie make blackout curtains for their room, because it’s just not fair to keep bathing Ben in golden afternoon light. He’ll get some sort of complex. 
“Thanks,” Ben says, voice round and soft around the word. It fits naturally into his mouth just like it doesn’t in Mal’s own. “I’ll do what I can. There’s nothing I can do about official school policy, but I’m pretty sure there’s a loophole about students whose parents don’t have custody that we can exploit to get you four off campus. I’d wondered a bit why you never took us up on visiting the ice-cream place.” 
“Maybe we hate ice cream.”  
“I’d believe that.” Ben says seriously. “I would. That was a good delivery. But I know you, Mal, and I know that you’d never turn down an offer of mint chip.” 
Ugh. Unbearable. The butterflies aren’t going away. 
“ANYWAY,” Mal says, spinning away from her boyfriend and his stupid golden eyelashes. “As I was saying, I’d never steal from Dragon Hall, because I am a beacon of moral purity now, and stealing is wrong.” 
“And because you didn’t go to class,” Ben agrees, with just a hint of a laugh in his voice. “Or so Evie says.” 
“Evie’s a liar and a cheat.” 
“And she’s right here, Malfeasance Bertha, so if you want any help with your remedial goodness homework later, you’d better watch your mouth.” 
Her girlfriend is the worst. 
“Anyway,” Mal says again, turning so she can face both of her beautiful, perfect nerds at once. “We were taught that king beast locked up the royal kids in his former castle so he could keep control of them. And for moral lessons, or whatever it is you good folks tell your kids to keep them compliant. And then we got here, and we’ve been stuck on the castle grounds since then, soooo.” 
“So your logical conclusion was that your teachers were right, and my dad locks us up here,” Ben says, nodding. “Okay. I see it now. Do you want to know the real truth, or would you rather bring it up to Fairy Godmother when we ask her to let you off campus?” 
“I want the truth.” Evie breaks in. “Please. I spent enough time locked in a castle back on the isle, so if there’s another way of living, I want to know about it.”
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shellyseashell · 10 months
updated witches guild lore! first of all they are no longer called the witches guild because it’s a boring name. they are now called the deviltry, which means reckless mischief, witchcraft, wickedness. they do a few things:
- they run the arcade and dragon hall (facilier backs them) and also probably the witch academy to some extent. they are powerful.
- they control magic deals. people will come to them for help, and if they can make a good bargain, they’ll help. they’ll only screw people over if they’re particularly awful by isle standards. usually, it’s a facilier and magnus making the deal.
- magic training. i personally think a good amount of magic is available on the isle, but even if it’s only a little, people are going to learn and train. they have the most magical info, largest range of magical abilities on the isle due to numbers. safe is subjective on the isle and around magic but it’s at least good training.
- they keep the ultra powerful demon villains like chernbog, zhan tiri, and chatana in check through whatever means possible. outright fighting, strict deals. whatever. this can also act as protecting specific people from them, as plenty of the more magical villains try to build armies to get revenge on auradon and not everyone wants that (this is actually why the gang was founded, but explaining that more is mim lore saved for a fic)
- they terrorize frollo. sometimes they outright fight his men, sometimes they help claudine, sometimes they trash the church. sometimes they help cj and/or ivy burn it down.
as they control a good amount of land, they have a good amount of people under their protection/control, but official members who carry out duties include:
- magnus mim (leader, oldest mim grandkid, founded the gang)
- maddy mim (second in command, magnus’s younger sister)
- freddie facilier (third in command)
- celia facilier
- yzla
- iduna (elsa’s daughter)
- marya rasputin (and maybe one of her sisters before she died if I have my timeline right)
- zevon
- cj hook (honorary member, but she hangs around often enough she might as well be a member)
their main backers are facilier, elsa, and yzma when she decides she knows english. their closest allies are the lost revenge and hallow’s eve (a gang made up of the halloween town citizens) due to the faciliers and mims having family in each respective gang. through the lost revenge, they have an alliance with the sovereign dread. they’re willing to make alliances with other gangs, if they can make a good enough deal. they’re most reluctant to ally with mal’s gang since she and the mims hate each other, but sometimes her help is needed.
also, the faciliers always rig the arcade games. magnus doesn’t, but no one believes him.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months
Ghost, What's Your Name?;
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Summary: Ghost Hannah Hook starts causing mischief at Auradon Prep. Giving Auradon a hard wake up call. Trigger warnings: past child abuse and child death, allergic reactions, fainting, murder, minor violence, swearing, etc. LMK if I need to add to the list.
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
Major Character Death
Descendants (Disney Movies)
The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz
Minor Doug/Evie (Disney: Descendants) - Relationship
Minor Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants) - Relationship
Past Ben/Audrey Rose (Disney: Descendants) - Relationship
Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Jenkins (Disney: Descendants)
Tourney Team (Disney: Descendants)
Auradon Prep Staff (Disney: Descendants)
Original Children of James Hook
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - Ghosts
pirate kids
Major Original Character(s)
Past Child Abuse
Past Child Death
Pranks and Practical Jokes
Child Ghosts
Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney)
United States of Auradon is Not Perfect (Disney)
Auradon Prep (Disney)
Judge Claude Frollo Being Terrible (Disney)
Language: English. Series: ← Previous Work Part 3 of Ghost Hannah Hook.
The Dragon Cannon went off. 
Which was weird, because Taylor (Tarzan’s son and their Dragoneer) wasn't anywhere near it. Nor was Herkie (Meg and Hercules's son), who was the reserve Dragoneer. In fact, none of the players were near the thing because the team was having a water and snack break. 
Coach Jenkins squinted at the Cannon. “Did someone set that off?”
“It shouldn't be on.” Genie—who, along with Li Shang Jr, was one of the assistant coaches—frowned. “Nobody's near it… unless Taylor forgot to turn it off.”
“I didn’t!” Taylor insisted. “I turned it off, I swear!”
“Did any of you go near it?” Lil’ Shang asked, crossing his arms—trying not to grin or laugh, even though he was sorely tempted. 
There was a chorus of no coach from the group..
Suddenly, a large cold gust of wind hit them—which was more than a little unusual considering that it was nearly 80°F out—and an eerie childish giggle rang out from around them. 
“ Nope.” Emir (Aladdin and Jasmine's younger son) dropped his stick and started to walk off the field with his brother, Aziz.
Miguel (Isabella Madrigal and Bubo Marquez's son) just looked amused. “Is some little kid playing a prank on us?”
Jay groaned and stood up. Cupping his hands over his mouth. “HOOK! KNOCK IT OFF!”
William Darling (Wendy and Edward's middle child) whirled around. “Hook? Hook who?”
The eerie giggle turned into a full on gleeful laugh—a laugh that sounded like it belonged to a child far too young to be anywhere near Auradon Prep.
“Yeah, I’m with Emir and Z. Fuck this shit, I’m out!” Tyrone (Naveen and Tiana's son) held up his hands in surrender, walking off the field after Emir and Aziz.
“I'm out too!” Brendan (Charlotte La Bouff and Lars Westergaard's son) yelped, quickly running after his god brother.
Carlos sighed. “Guys, don't worry. Hannah's harmless—”
“I SAID, HOOK WHOMST?!” William yelped, swearing he felt someone tap his shoulder.
Jay roller his eyes, using his stick to pock at the space behind William. “Back, Hook! Go bother Evie.”
Carlos, on the other hand, just decided to take pity on their teammates and coaches. “Hannah Hook. Captain Hook’s youngest daughter.” 
William paled. “Shit, shit, shit. NOT TODAY SATAN!”
“Dude calm down, she's seven.” Jay rolled his eyes. “She's just bored. She's not gonna hurt anyone.”
Coach Jenkins, who had been watching the whole encounter amusedly, now decided to step in. “Jay, Carlos. I appreciate your good humor, but you’re clearly scaring your teammates. Let’s turn the noises off, now.”
The boys just gave him blank looks—neither looking amused with the situation. Just bored and, dare he even say, annoyed. 
It hit him then that they weren't joking.
“Oh, so I was right. It is just some kid.” Miguel mused, completely unphased.
“So…more Hooks escaped the Isle, then?” Jenkins rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“Nope.” Jay said, popping the ‘p’ before plopping back down on the bench. 
“You guys aren't making any sense.” Herkie groaned, head in hands. 
“She's a ghost , Herkie. She's been with us in Auradon since we came here.” Carlos rolled his eyes, starting to get frustrated.
“Ghosts aren’t real.” Aiko (son of Tomiko) scowled.
“Tell that to my mama!” Tyrone yelled from beyond the field.
Suddenly, one of the bottles of water lifted into the air and was emptied on Aiko.  The laughter turning into full on cackling.
Jay swatted at the air where the bottle stood, causing it to be thrown at him. Along with the rest of it's contents. He glared at the spot where the ‘ghost’ was. “ Was that really necessary?” 
Aiko glared at Jay, whipping water from his eyes. “How did you do that, VK? Magic?”
“Jay doesn't have magic.” Carlos reminded, exasperated. 
All while Hannah kept laughing. 
The wind picking up. 
Coach Jenkins looked around, fully believing that the Hook child was hidden away in a tree somewhere. “Now, listen! I’m all for fun and games, but this prank has gone on far enough, young lady!”
The laughter stopped. 
And the eerie giggled turned into an eerie, small voice. “Sorry….”
William screamed, running off of the field while flailing his arms.
“Look at him go!” Miguel shielded his eyes from the sun with his hand.
Jenkins was about to ask the Fairy Godmother for a raise. “Can we go back to practice now, or are you all too scared of a second grader to play the damn game?”
The team all muttered except for Carlos and Jay who just said “finally!”
Hannah wandered through the class rooms, staying invisible to the naked eye. 
Once again bored.
Eventually deciding to mess around in the chemistry lab. 
Juggling vials and giggling.
Evie walked in, wanting to be early for class, and groaned. “ Hannah! Don’t you have anything better to do?!”
Hannah jumped, nearly dropping the vials. And, instead of just talking directly to the princess, she decided to write ‘NO’ on the chalkboard. Just as other students and Mr. Deley walked in. 
Mr. Deley, who already had Evie on his shit list, saw the ‘no’ written on the chalkboard, and a red-faced Evie, and connected the two dots. “Miss. Evie. Care to explain this?”
Hannah giggled. 
Mr. Deley didn’t seem to hear the giggle, but Doug did. His face furrowed in confusion as he looked around.
Hannah lit up as she noticed him and appeared next to him. Beaming at him. “Are yous Evie’s boyfriend ?”
Doug shrieked, almost slamming into the person behind him. 
He wasn't the only kid to scream and jump at the sudden appearance of the little GLITCHING girl.
Poor Tyrone, who happened to be in that class, ran out of the room, screaming “The Other Side!!!!”
Hannah giggling, biting her thumb. “Don't worry! I don't have cooties or scurvy!”
Mr. Deley squinted at Hannah. Then his eyes went wide. “Great Scott…” He collapsed, smacking his face on the floor.
Hannah's laughter could be heard echoing throughout the school.
Lonnie had developed somewhat of a night baking habit.
Ever since she caught the VKs making love spell cookies in the middle of the night, she’d realized how nice and quiet the kitchens were at night.
So she’d started sneaking in to make her cookies. Sue her.
….it also made her feel less homesick, too, if she was being honest.
She’d just finished a batch, and left them on the counter to cool off while she grabbed a glass of milk.
When she turned around, three of her chocolate chip-green tea cookies were gone. She's only been away from them for an actual minute, if even that!
“What the fuck.” She said aloud to the empty room.
A loud creepy giggle echoed around the room. 
“...ancestors?” She couldn’t help but ask. Though, why her ancestors would c hoose to show themselves while she was sneak baking cookies in the middle of the night, she didn’t know.
“What's an a-an-cest-er?”
“Gah!” Lonnie jumped, holding up her hands in a defensive position. “Who– what are you?”
“...Hannah.” The voice replied, sounding confused.
Lonnie cocked her head. “Hannah who? Why are you invisible?”
“Hannah Hook! And cause I’s dead! Who are you?”
“...I’m Li Lan-Lei. But you can call me Lonnie.” Was she actually talking to a ghost?
“That's a pretty name!” Hannah complimented, giggling—probably at whatever funny looking expression was currently on Lonnie's face. 
“Thanks?” Lonnie cleared her throat. “Uh, how did you, you know…die, anyway?” Wasn’t that what you were supposed to ask ghosts?
“Frollo!” The lights flickered at her raised voice. “Anyway how old are you?”
Lonnie blanched. Frollo, as in, Judge Claude Frollo, who terrorized Quincy, Emile, and Zephyr’s parents? “Um…I’m sixteen. How old are you?”
“I'm seven!”
“You died at seven?” Oh, joy. Lonnie was gonna cry in front of a ghost. “That’s so sad. I’m sorry.”
“It's okay! I saveded my friend and his sissy!”
“From Frollo?” She managed to compose herself enough to ask.
“Uh huh!” Hannah replied, sounding like she was chewing on something. Probably one of her missing cookies.
“Do you, uh…like the cookies?”
“Uh huh! I likes chocolate!”
“Me too!” Despite the fact that this whole situation was completely insane, Lonnie was starting to get along well with the ghost of Hannah Hook.
“Help! Help!”
Doug heard the calls for help and went running towards the sound. “Hello? Who’s calling?!”
“Over here! Help!”
He kept running, following the oddly child-like voice.
“Here! Here!”
Doug rounded a corner, and saw Chad on the ground, writhing. 
“Oh, shit!” Dough cussed as he ran over. He felt around Chad’s clothes, looking for the epipen he always carried around. “Come on, come on, come on! Where is that damn thing?!”
“His backpack!”
Not bothering to look where the random ass child voice was coming from, Doug dove for Chad’s bag, and snagged the epipen. He uncapped it with his teeth, and jammed the end down into Chad’s thigh as hard as he possibly could.
Chad went lax, choking ever so slowly turning to wheezing and mild coughing. But thanks to his uncle, Doug knew that he needed to still get him to the nurse and call an ambulance.
He dialed Doc’s son quick, making sure that Chad’s head didn’t loll too much. “Raph, it’s me! Medical emergency in the south side of the school! Get the nurse and call A113, asap!” 
He tapped Chad’s cheek. “Dude, what did you eat?!”
“He ate that thingy on the table!”
Now that Chad was out of immediate danger and help was on the way, Doug looked around for the source of the child voice. But found no one and nothing.“Who said that?!”
“I did!” The voice said, beside him this time—right as he was poked with something. A crinkle of a wrapper could be heard. 
Doug jumped back. “Wait–are you that ghost from the chemistry lab?”
“What do you mean maybe?!” 
“If I'm in trouble, then no. If I'm not, yes. Is he dead?”
“No, he’s not dead!” He sputtered. “And—how are you a ghost?!”
“Frollo. Also he ates this!” The ghost poked him with—a candy bar?
“Wha–?” Doug took the candy bar and skimmed the ingredients. “Dude!” He looked at Chad, who wasn’t super conscious. “The first ingredient in this thing is honey!”
Which, along with feathers, Chad was extremely allergic to. 
The blonde just squinted at him, trying and failing to say something but being unable to do to the swelling of his lips and his inability to form/get the words out at the moment. 
Ben had been spelled. 
Ben had been spelled. 
Ben had been spelled. 
And now everyone knew, but no one , including BEN cared. 
No but Audrey, who'd been humiliated in front of two whole schools when her boyfriend had sung a love song to another girl . The girl who'd spelled him and wasn't getting any consequences and who was even telling jokes about it. 
Which was why she found herself sobbing her heart out in the girl’s locker room, while all her fellow cheerleaders were at practice. Her fellow cheerleaders who'd smiled and clapped and laughed while her boyfriend sung to another girl, like everyone else had.  
Something brushed against her cheek. 
Her eyes shot open. 
“H-hello?” Her voice was throaty, and she coughed a few times to clear her throat.
Something poked her cheek again. Something… soft. 
It was a crumpled (but thankfully clean ) tissue. Floating. In midair.
Audrey yelped, scrambling away from the floating object.
“I’m sorry. I didn't means to scares you.”
“Who–what—why–” Audrey stammered, freaked out, sure, but mostly embarrassed that she hadn’t been crying alone after all.
“Are you okay?”
“Are you–are you invisible?” She waved her hand around in the air, trying to find whoever was doing this. “This isn’t funny! You’ll–you’ll be in trouble for pranking me like this!”
“I'm not prankin’ you!” The lights flickered slightly. “I just… you soundeds so sads.”
The lights stopped flickering. “But… I'll go aways if ya wants me to.”
“Wait!” Audrey hadn’t the slightest idea why she called out to this…entity. Maybe it was because this was the first time in a while she didn’t feel so heart-breakenly alone . “Don’t go.”
“I'm sorry about what happened.”
She sniffed. “How do you even know what happened?”
“I heard people talkin’ about it. And I saw what happened.” The voice was becoming clearer—and the more it spoke, the more apparent it became that the voice was a child. “I'm sorry. If I'd known what Mal was gonna do I'd have stopped it. You didn't deserves that.”
At that, Audrey promptly burst into tears again. “Y-y-you’re the only person who’s said that to me! Everybody is on Mal’s s-side, even though she spelled Ben!”
“Do you want a hug? You look like you could use one.”
Audrey had no idea who this weird invisible child was, but honestly? She didn’t really care. “Yeah, sure.” She held out her arms kind of awkwardly, not being able to see her. But she could still feel it. 
Merryweather was grading her students' papers, rather angrily. Her class, Life Skills Without Magic, was a required course for all magical pupils, which meant that she had a lot of…unwilling participants in her midst. The papers got worse and worse as she graded.
She lifted her head up sharply. Someone was writing on her chalkboard. She pushed her seat out, and angrily stomped out of her office. “WHO, I say, WHO IS IN THERE?!”
A piece of red chalk was floating by the chalkboard—which now read ‘Say sorry to Audrey, Maleficent Bertha Fae-Athanasiou II!’
Merryweather paused. Because, well…she agreed with the writing. Audrey was her niece, after all.
But still. Using magic? On the Life Skills Without Magic teacher? Too far.
Also, it was a little disturbing that whoever was doing this knew when exactly Mal would be having her class. 
“Very funny, you little miscreant!” She snapped. “I won’t be reporting this to Fairy Godmother, just because you’re friends with Audrey. But if you pull a stunt like this again, I won’t hesitate, witch!”
The chalk dropped to the floor and the sound of tiny feet running could be heard as the door to her classroom flung open and then shut again. 
What was a child doing at Auradon Prep and how did they know enough magic to turn themselves invisible?
“Tinkerbell flew into a wall, 
Tinkerbell had a great fall!”
The fairy in question heard this nursery rhyme, coming from nowhere, and turned bright red in anger. “Who is that?! How dare you?!”
The singing stopped briefly as the singer took a break to giggle. Before it started up again. 
“Tinkerbell got caught in a trap, 
Tinkerbell is full of crap!”
“Stop that!” Tink demanded and stood up from her desk. “Who is doing that?! I will send you to the headmistress’s office and have you expelled!”
The singer snickered and a loud thud rang out across the room. As if someone was jumping up and down. 
“Tinkerbell can't sing,
Tinkerbell’s lost her wing’s!
Tinkerbell got hooked, 
Tinkerbell's cooked!”
In a rage, Tink stamped her foot. “Who’s spawn are you, huh?! I’ll make sure your parents know about this!”
The only response was a loud, almost never ending laugh.
The pink curtains in the Acapella Music Classroom had been swapped with blue ones. 
Flora tried to breathe in through her nose. Calm, happy thoughts. “Merryweather…”
Before the fairy could say anything else, her pink chair turned blue. 
She whirled around. “Merryweather! I thought you were done with all this magic nonsense!”
The desks turned blue. 
Hannah went on to annoy every single staff member she came across. 
Mostly out of boredom, rather than malice. Mostly.
The class’s eyes widened, staring at something behind her as Fauna droned on about Zarina—the subject of this Bad Fairies lesson. 
“What are you children looking at?” Fauna put her hands on her hips, not liking the idea that her students weren’t paying attention to her.
One of them pointed at the whiteboard, mouth agape. Looking white as a sheet. 
Fauna whirled around and screamed.
The word ‘bollocks’ was written on the white board in big, blocky, bubble letters. In uppercase. 
She spun to face her students. “Who did this?”
No one claimed responsibility.
Mrs. Potts was busy making macaroni salad for the students' lunches.
As head cook, she was insistent that the kids in her care got the four major food groups.
At that noise, Mrs. Potts whirls around to look behind her.
Only to be met with a floating bag of pepperonis that was about knee length in the air. 
“What on earth!” Mrs. Potts shrieked and stepped back.
The bag jumped before falling to the ground and a child glitched into view before scurrying away. 
Mrs. Potts had seen her fair share of wild things. Hell, she’d spent ten years as a teapot. 
But random glitching children stealing her pepperoni? 
Yeah, that was too much.
She dropped her ladle and ran out of the kitchen, screaming.
Hannah rifled through the cabinets of a classroom, looking for something to do. Glitching in and out of view as she struggled to stay visible.
“You looking for something, sweetheart?” A woman’s voice said, right next to her.
She spun around, trying not to look too guilty. “I ain't stealing.”
“I never said you were.” Honeymaren raised an eyebrow. “I just asked if you were looking for something.”
“... I don't know. I'm bored.”
“Well, I’d imagine so. Being a spirit must be awfully tiring.”
Hannah nodded. “There's nothing to do.” 
“My friend Gale, he’s a spirit too. He likes to make people fly.” Honeymaren made a whooshing motion with her hand.
The young spirit’s eyes lit up. “Like a fairy?” 
“Very similar.” A smile played on her lips. “If you want, after I’m done with my classes for today, I can teach you.”
Hannah danced in place, excitedly. “Yes please!”
Honeymaren couldn't help but be reminded of how her own daughter, Nora, was at that age. 
“Alright. Just…try and stay out of trouble until then.”
Homework was stupid.
Chad really didn’t understand the concept of it.
He already had to do work at school, why did he have to bring it home?!
The math problems were swimming around the page, and he’d only completed three…out of thirty.
Suddenly, a ball of paper hit him in the back of the head. 
He whirled around, looking for the culprit. 
There was no one there.
Wondering if he was actually going insane, he cautiously returned to his problems, now double unable to focus.
Only to find the equations to the homework. The ones he's forgotten ages ago.
He glanced up at the sky. “God?!”
A small giggle rang out. “No.”
“Gah!” Chad hit the deck, as if expecting an explosion. “Who are you?!” He asked from the floor.
“Hannah from tourney!”
He blinked. “...You’re the one who shot the canon and made William pee his pants?”
The ghost (?) giggled amused. “Sorry!”
“It’s okay…it was funny.” Chad wanted to smack himself. Why was he talking to a ghost-maybe-not-a-ghost?
“I hope the math helps! I don't likes math either.”
“Yeah. Math sucks.” Chad agreed. “How did you find these things?” He gestured to the previously missing equation notes.
“I don't have anything betters to do than to writes stuff down.” He could almost see her shrugging. 
“I guess that’s fair enough.” He hadn’t really considered what it would be like to be a ghost—and yes, he was acknowledging that she was a ghost now.
It must have been boring. 
And lonely.
Belle couldn't find her book and her book club was set to start in ten minutes.
She’d looked everywhere she normally left her books, then started looking in places she would never leave them. Like the refrigerator.
Where she found one.
“What the–” Belle blinked. Was she going senile? There was no way she could have put this in there!
Ben peaked his head into the room. “Mom? Are you ready for book club?” 
The queen said nothing.
“Mom? Are you alright?”
His statue was missing it's head.
Former King Beast had walked around campus for a solid hour trying to either find the head, or the culprit.
When all the VK’s had solid alibis, he checked with Ben's close friends but found they had alibis as well: Fay had been furious he'd accused Jane at all, Grumpy had been even angrier and had cursed him out for accusing Doug, Coach Jenkins had cleared Lonnie, and Chad and Audrey weren't even on campus. 
He did find it, eventually.
In the downstairs girl’s bathroom. Upside down. In a bidet. With the word ‘BITCH’ painted on it. 
After doing a good amount of angry yelling at nothing, Beast stormed out of the bathrooms, not bothering to touch the statue head. He’d get a janitor to clean it later.
But he would be getting to the bottom of whoever did this, and punish them severely.
Only when he passed his portrait did he realize that his statue wasn't the only thing vandalized.
A crude mustache and glasses were painted on his face, as well as the words ‘scurvy ridden, scabby sea bass’. The words were punctuated by a picture of a sea bass smacking his portrait self in the face.
Beast roared.
The whole school was in chaos. 
FG and Ben were trying to get to the bottom of what was going on. 
But Mal already seemed to have an idea. “HANNAH ARTEMIS HOOK, KNOCK IT OFF!”
“Who’s Hannah Artemis Hook?” Ben asked his girlfriend, looking around cautiously.
Mal allowed some of her anger to drain out of her as she gave him a small smile. “Ghost kid from the isle. Don't worry about it. She won't actually hurt anybody.”
FG gave a condescending laugh. “Ghosts aren’t real. I’m sure this is just an intense prank. Remember how Calista Jane Hook was? I’m sure this is just the same.”
“That'd be news to me if she managed to fake her death that well at only seven.” Mal tried not to roll her eyes or come off as too sarcastic, simply for Ben's sake. “And not be exposed before now.”
Ben inhaled, regretting his life choices. “So let me get this straight: There’s the seven year old ghost of CJ Hook’s sister haunting Auradon?”
“No, she's just following us. She'll probably leave when she realizes we're safe enough here.” Mal waved him off. Before turning to look down the hall “But until then SHE NEEDS TO BEHAVE !”
The locker closest to Mal (coincidentally her own) slammed open. 
Ben jumped and let out a swear. FG jumped as well, but let out a “fiddlesticks!” instead of a normal swear.
“Is that her?” Ben asked, unsure of what exactly proper etiquette was for meeting a ghost.
“Yes. But again she won't hurt her…. Well, as long as you don't hurt any of the isle kids.”
FG huffed, but Ben looked at where he thought the ghost must be. “Uh, hi, Hannah! I’m King Ben. Welcome to Auradon!”
“Hi!” An echoey, eerie voice replied. 
Ben tried not to jump again. Was that disrespectful? “How’re you liking Auradon so far?”
“I likes da books. They ain't missin’ no pages!” The voice replied. “And nobody's died here yets!”
“Yaaaay?” Ben’s voice went flat. 
FG at least had the decency to look ashamed.
“Are yous Mally’s boyfriend?”
Mal hid her face in her hands, fully aware of how red that comment was going to make her.
He grinned widely. “Why, yes I am.” To prove his point, he kissed Mal on the cheek.
Hannah giggled loudly. “Oooo waits till her siblings find out!”
“Siblings?” Ben looked at his girlfriend in surprise. “I thought you just had the one. Treycor, right?”
“Ya! Treycor! But she has more!”
Mal nodded, embarrassed. “From our dad’s side…”
“Dad?” It suddenly occurred to him that he hadn’t heard much about the other parents of the VKs.
Hannah giggled. 
“Will you knock it off?” The purple haired teen snapped at the space where the little girl was supposedly standing. 
“Buuuuuuutttttrt Malllllllly I'm boooooooooooored! BORED, BORED, BORED!”
“You know, Carlos and Jay have video games in their room. You like video games?” Ben tried to placate her (and to get her to stop yelling.)
“Maybe you can watch them play?” Ben was glad he was getting somewhere. “In fact, I can take you there now. I just have to ask you one question, if that’s okay?”
Ben hesitated. He wasn’t sure how this would go. But there was a seven year old dead girl. He had to know. “Can I ask how you…became a ghost, Hannah?”
The lights flashed, all of the lockers flung open, and a water fountain turned on. “Judge Frollo!”
FG screamed, and used her clipboard as a shield against the chaos. “Claude Frollo turned you into a ghost?!”
Mal winced. 
Ben had wrapped his arms around Mal to shield her from the lockers, but after FG said that, he glared at the woman with all his might. “She means that Judge Claude Frollo killed her, Fairy Godmother.”
FG gasped. “Oh.”
“She uh… was trying to protect his last two living children.” Mal added, hesitant for once. “Her mom and Grandma didn't make it in time to help.”
One of the lights exploded as the lockers slammed shut—silence quickly filling the hallway, sans the trickling water of the fountain. 
“Oh my gods.” Ben whispered, breaking the silence.
“Can we play now?” Hannah cut in, ‘breathing’ heavily before the water fountain turned off. 
Ben was not in the mood for playing, but he forced a smile anyway. “You betcha.”
The lights flickered once more before stopping. 
“Race you ta Jay-Jay and ‘los’s room!”
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mdhwrites · 10 months
The demon realm isn’t diverse despite the show saying all myths from the demon realm influenced Earth even back in the deadwardian era it very European inspired there are also POC witches but their skin color makes no difference and the demons in the show barely have any resemblance to demons from mythology or religion I feel like the Crew could not write different Cultures and sticked to the Fantasy European Model because it easier and because some people will take issue with the show depicting their monsters as demonic What do you think?
Punctuation. Is. Important. This post is... weird without it. BUT it does actually bring up an interesting point, in part because... Well, I'd be in a pretty similar boat unfortunately.
See, western/European fantasy may have a WIDE variety of options but it also has the easiest when it comes to having a good selection of easily available creatures, settings, etc. to take from. Everyone knows dragons, dwarves, elves, gnomes, etc. At least, here in the west. Unless you do deeper digging, a lot of people will have a pretty limited reach for what they can do monster wise and I think that is reflected in the show.
And I suffer from it myself. I've never done real deep dives into all the monsters out there so while I like them, my mind ends up freezing on only a handful of common ones to use in my writing or the like. It's something that I would like to get better about due to just the sorts of things I enjoy writing. But because a lot of fantasy sticks to these close knit groups of easily useful monsters and myths, you kind of get stuck in a loop.
The show did give itself an out though for worry about potentially insulting other cultures and that was that everything is BASED on something from the Isles. They didn't have to make one to one portrayals but could have taken inspiration. Theoretically, that is in fact what the show did since we don't actually get anything named after a regular monster. The closest are the fact that the witches and wizards actually use those terms and I guess giraffes. Otherwise, they're all purely made up. Which, you know, isn't a bad thing so long as they're interesting.
Unfortunately they're not for most of the like... five that show up in the series? Cool designs usually but little in the way of making them unique obstacles or having real personalities besides "Creature."
The other potential excuse is that the style of the Isles was specifically based on a Dutch/Netherlands artist named Hieronymus Bosch. While his art is weird, it still is steeped in his culture as his buildings and the like are still European in inspiration. Of course, then we get into the fact that they don't include any of the actually surrealist elements of his art which is part of why the Isles is so boring. Strip that part away and all you're left with is... Europe but it's a little weird.
However, the reuse of European history, even including people who look like Vikings, is much weirder to me. At that point, you're not basing this on artwork or fantasy... You're just copying history. Like you point out: Their architecture, style of dress, etc. like that actually mimics common, HUMAN clothing trends just as much four hundred years ago, before a human ever ruled them, as it does in the present day. That's a bizarre disconnect that adds to the feeling that this is just kind of a lazy fantasy setting.
And no, I don't expect every fantasy world to look like Hylics and be this unknowable, abstract landscape. I am fine if something just steals medieval fantasy for its style and creatures after all. The thing that makes most fantasy distinct are its cultures and the interplay of them, or how they diverge from our world despite being so close to it at the same time. Skyrim is not a bad or boring fantasy world because it is THE style you go for with generic fantasy. It's world is vibrant to many because it feels more alive and like there are conflicts that are motivated by things like magic, monsters, etc.
It doesn't even have to be something big. My favorite book series of all time is a medieval fantasy series with some magic for two books and then NEVER BRINGS IT BACK. The mythos around the Rangers of Ranger's Apprentice though, them genuinely engaging with the different countries they come across (even if many are just replacements for real world countries) and the exploration of those cultures, how they differ, their beliefs, their tactics, etc. helped make each place feel like a unique challenge and world in and of itself even though it was lifting so much from reality. It drips with what makes these countries interesting and fun to take from for a fantasy world.
TOH though? They wrote in explicitly an excuse to take literally EVERY fun part of every religion, story, myth, video game even, etc. that has EVER been told... And decided to snark at all of it instead and act like it was better than all of that. Which is potentially a reason to go with the generic, European-centric style BECAUSE it is the most generic. Because most people will know about it from Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. As such, it is the one that is the easiest to ridicule because they are actively choosing the elements that are the easiest to mock. It's like when people say that Madoka Magica is a deconstruction of the magical girl genre because they have literally only seen Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura.
And yes, there is an argument to be had about Dana potentially not feeling comfortable including other cultures' mythologies due to cultural appropriation and... I'm not going to try to deliberate that. I am the second to last person to get to behind the British. I also won't say it would be exactly a bad reason to avoid it even. Just that it is a thing and... *shrug*
A lot of this in fact kind of doesn't have a conclusion besides a shrug. After all, I like D&D. I like the Forgotten Realms. They are not, by default, that unique a fantasy world, in part by design. But, you know, a good DM makes that generic world into a playground. TOH never feels like it's willing to expand to even add a slide.
Btw, if you want a monthly-ish D&D show to watch, I HIGHLY recommend Dan Jones and Dragons. It has a more casual feel to it than I feel like a lot of D&D stuff I've watched tends to have while not devolving into jokes and gags. Everyone is taking it seriously but they're willing to diverge for thirty seconds about a good joke that happens. All of the characters, their personalities, the drama they go through and the care they have for each other is also just SO GOOD. Cannot recommend enough.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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notsp1derman · 4 months
a review full of childlike wonder of the wizard of earthsea, by ursula k leguin
[may contain spoilers]
“A rock is a good thing, too, you know. If the Isles of Earthsea were all made of diamond, we'd lead a hard life here. Enjoy the illusions, lad, and let the rocks be rocks.”
Ever since I've started reading A Wizard of Earthsea, two thoughts have been circling my mind:
How the fuck is Harry Potter more acclaimed than this?
Wow, the Ghibli movie really doesn't do it much justice.
Earthsea is a simple story in its core, yet so groundbreaking in so many details (and in such a subtle way too) that I just understood how special it is after I finished reading. Within a third of the size of staples in the genre like The Name of the Wind (which has a similar plot and worldbuilding as well), it manages to tell an adventure that would captivate any child and entertain any adult, even those very serious about realism in fiction like me. Although we fly by many important events in this 180 page book, each one of them feels carefully thought out, a perfect balance between the sentiments of our protagonist and the hard laws of the world.
The archipelago of Earthsea feels alive and solid under the words of this book, and there wasn't a single moment where I was fished out of the immersion because of a poorly explained piece of lore or a boring infodump about the details of commerce that I don't really care about. LeGuin weaves together hard worldbuilding and the childlike wonder of unexplained mysteries in a beautiful way, encapsulating a joy in discovering a new world that I haven't felt in years.
Of course, nothing is perfect, and sometimes I wish there was a bit more of detail about landmarks, people and even Sparrowhawk. Still, it somehow works because it brings out the imagination I had as a child to fill all of the blanks myself. In this process I the archipelago of Earthsea became mine too. I love descriptive books that paint a vivid picture of a place that exists only in the dreams of the author, but a change of pace sometimes can feel like a breath of fresh air, and this is how Earthsea felt for me.
But the most special feature of this book is the way the author uses narrative. Her way of telling the story of Sparrowhawk as an omniscient narrator, giving away teasers of later events but keeping the thrill of the journey in its twists and turns almost feels like a legend told by fireside, of a hero long gone. We know of Sparrowhawk's potential as a hero and we know he will be a great wizard, but he still feels human even with this semi-detached style of narrative so common in legends. Because although his power is vast, his hubris is entirely human.
And between dragons and magic and islands, Earthsea discreetly brings a message of balance and self-discovery, that is intrinsically connected to Sparrowhawk's development as both wizard and person. The wisdom passed through the pages doesn't feel like the author giving some unwanted lecture, but more like a sage advice that I truly am compelled to take seriously.
I can't help but love books like this, able to charm me with a wonderful world and fantastical characters, but also able to bring me reflection about human nature. By naming the shadow with his own true name, a gesture so significant in Earthsea, Sparrowhawk made peace with the dark parts of himself, that his own arrogance brought to life. And by understanding all parts of himself, he became a better wizard and finally found a bit of peace. It is a journey we all must take, albeit a less fun and more plain one.
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Descendants for the plot bunny ask game? <3
Thank you for the ask @daughter-of-melpomene!! 💕 Well I’ve came up with two ideas 💡 Tagging the Descendants gang: @ginger-grimm @manyfandomocs and @ginevrastilinski-ocs
name: cookie cheshire
age: sixteen
sexuality: lesbian
job: student at dragon hall (formally) student at auradon prep
love interest: lonnie shang
brief summary: non-binary child of the cheshire cat, and best friend of eleanor amora. jealous that their best friend is chosen to go to auradon, even if they imagine it to completely boring compared to wonderland. with some help from the mistress of evil who decides to transform them into a cat and send them with them under the disguise of being eleanor’s pet. cookie soon discovers that being under a disguise is quite useful, until they accidentally get caught underneath the legs of the daughter of fa mulan, while she is fencing, and the former accidentally slashes the check of cookie, which they accidentally reveal their human form, in which they don’t mind, because they soon find themselves developing a not-so secret crush on the beautiful martial arts and hip-hop dancing girl.
5 adjectives to describe them: artistic. witty. mischievous. intelligent. strange
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name: eleanor amora
age: sixteen
sexuality: pansexual
job: student at dragon hall (formally) student at auradon prep
love interest: ben beast
brief summary: daughter of the enchantress, and best friend of cookie cheshire. she was raised to never judge a book by it’s cover and as far as the isle kids go, eleanor is honestly kinder than most of them. ben included her among the names of children to be brought to auradon, even if it made her best friend jealous. she wasn’t bothered about visiting the place, even if the current king is the one who sent her mother away. what she doesn’t expect is to fall in love with the son of the beast.
5 adjectives to describe them: kind. sharp. witty. cunning. wise
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nortonluv · 2 years
OKAY I GOT A HTTYD REQUEST! So maybe the reader is a rider with a armorwing as their dragon and it's set at the rtte time. One day the reader goes to find Snotlout on berk only to find his father, Spitelout, belittling him and making fun of him. So when he gets back to the edge, he's in one of his moods where he feel like he has to prove himself to his dad and himself by doing something dangerously stupid. But before he can, the reader goes to find him and comforts him, stopping him from doing said stupid thing and then they just hangout together and it's just really fluffy towards then end. Okay that's all, if you can't write this or just don't want to that's completely fine! Have a great day💜💜💜
You're actually not that dumb - Snotlout X Gn! Reader
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Not my Gif!!
Pairing: Snotlout x Gn! Reader
Reader pronouns used: They/Them/Theirs
Warnings: Spitelouts a bit of a douche yk, language, Yelling lmk if there's more I should put here
A/n I was unsure of whether you wanted a romantic or platonic relationship, so I've gone with romantic but please tell me if you want to change it. I won't mind.
Summary: Snotlout crumbling under pressure and the reader building him back up again
Dragon: Armorwing
Dragon name: Duncan (it's a cute name k?)
You ever get that really bored feeling for no reason? I should be able to find something to do but I just can't be bothered.
Nothing particularly interesting is happening on the Edge and everything is kind of at a standstill.
The Twins were obviously causing their usual chaos, but everyone kind of expects that from them. The calm days are usually weird for us considering that we're always having to get up to something.
Duncan, my Armorwing, was sat in the corner of my hut. His green tinted scales quietly shake as he yawns. His armor rattling a bit more loudly.
His yellow eyes are narrow but dilated giving him a cute, calm expression. It's a miracle I was able to train him. He gets along well with the other dragons but none of the bonds he has with the others will ever be as strong as it is with Hookfang. Which is good, since me and Snotlout are almost always together.
That's someone I could go and find. Snotlout. My boyfriend.
"Duncan, how about we go find Hookfang and Snotface?" my face morphs into a grin and the Armorwing raised his head. His tongue flops out of his mouth and his lips? pull into a sharp grin. His head raises and he hops a little bit.
With a couple of bells on the tips of his wings and the end of his tail, we set off flying to Berk. You know, after finding he wasn't going to be on the edge. Ha ha...
We flew as fast as possible for a while but slowed cause I didn't want to hurt Duncan. He's a dangerous dragon but a gentle giant really. Soon we are greeted with the sight of the Isle of Berk coming into our view.
Home. It's always a heartwarming sight, however this time it's not as warming. To be fair it could just be that we live an incredibly cold archipelago. Although I am extremely happy to see the familiar village.
We land by the academy so Duncan can wander and find some nearby dragons. He happily waddles away as the metal on him rattles with him. I make my way to Spitelouts home, hoping that his son was with him.
Hookfang is waiting patiently outside for his rider. His eyes seem slightly distressed and uncomfortable.
"You alright buddy?" I reach for him and he instinctively moves his snout to my palm. He gives a small purr to let me know he feels comforted by this. His eyes being filled with a light flame of happiness.
I quietly open the door. Now before this seems like it's breaking and entering, Spitelouts has always been somewhat kind to me so he's kind of ok with me just walking in. As I peek through the gap, I see an unhappy Spitelouts and an even more unhappy Snotlout.
Being to scared to listen to anymore I move away from the door. Now that I've heard though, the noise of Spitelout yelling at his son has become far more clear. That's why Hookfang was worried.
I look to the dragon unsure of what to do. He gives the same unsure look in return. I'll see if he brings it up later. Yeah, that's what I'll do.
"I'll see you later Hookfang, I'll try to get him to talk later." I wave with a gentle smile to the sweet monstrous nightmare.
I make my way back to the academy to find Duncan so we can go back to the Edge. He's playing with a few Terrible Terrors lightly nudging them and ringing the bells on his wings to confuse them. It makes me chuckle and I signal that it's time to go.
Back at the Edge, Duncan and I have been fishing for hours now waiting to see Snotlout and Hookfang but currently there's been absolutely nothing. I've probably caught enough fish to feed the entirity of Berk and all its greedy dragons.
The sun is setting slowly making the sky a hue of yellow and orange. My face scrunched as I yawn quietly. Maybe he's staying on Berk for tonight. Although after what I saw, I know I wouldn't if that was me.
I make my way to my hut for the night once Duncan is happily resting in the stables. Still with no word of Snotlout.
The morning comes around after a dreamless night of sleep. Heading stables I finally see that Hookfang is back, meaning that Snotlout is no doubt somewhere nearby.
I get Duncan out of the stable and look around for Snotlout, who still has yet to appear. However, my sights are soon set on the Jorgenson boy who seems to be attempting a dangerous stunt. The twins cheering him on and being completely unaware of the possible injuries he could receive.
Panic sets in on my face and just as he falls from Hookfang, I call to Duncan to catch him. The Monstrous Nightmare looks upset that he was made to do this and me a guilty sound as he returns to the ground. Snotlout has his helmet covering his eyes as he lays on Duncan's back.
He slides off and doesn't move to remove the helmet. A frown is clear on his face.
"Snotlout." My voice is stern as I glare at the helmet. His hand finally moves it so our eyes meet. "We need to talk, now."
He sighs and gets on Hookfang once more, knowing that it's best to talk with just the dragons around. No interruptions.
We fly in silence for a while. Neither one of us wanting to tell the other something. I guess I have to go first.
"That was stupid. Incredibly dumb." I say without looking at him. "Why would you do that?"
"because I had to pro-"
"what, you had to prove you were a Jorgenson? Snotlout, nothing will change that you are a Jorgenson but don't ever try to pull off a dumb stunt like that again" I interrupt.
"I had to prove I was good enough.. For you.." He almost mumbles but still clear enough for me to understand. This makes me turn to him.
"oh Snotface.." I smile gently at him. I guide Duncan slightly closer to Hookfang so their wings are close enough to jump and not fall into the sea. I get up onto his back and make my way across both dragons wings.
"I'm sorry, you're not actually that dumb. I was just worried." I hug him from behind and place a gentle kiss on his cheek. "What he said isn't true, you are good enough. Maybe not perfect but that's what makes you perfect to me."
He leans into the embrace and the dragons purr at the scene.
"wait." His eyes widen and he turns his head to me. "How did you know about my dad?"
Now my eyes are wide as I realise I just got myself caught. Quickly maneuvering myself back onto Duncan.
"OH WHAT'S THAT I THINK ASTRID NEEDS ME FOR TRAINING, MOVE DUNCAN MOVE!" I yell behind me as he zooms away from Hookfang who is then told to pursue the two of us.
We both laugh and honestly, it's the happiest I've seen him in a while. Just being able to let go and play around like kids again on our dragons.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
Sorry if the ending seemed bad I'm not great at endings!
I've starting writing the first chapter of the Dagur x reader book, it's not done and I need to write a couple of extra chapters to go with it but I'm really excited for when it does come out!!
This has not been proofread yet.
To the person who requested this:
I'm working on your Heather Request so don't worry, there's more to come 💜
Httyd Masterlist
Redbubble - would love any support
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sl-newsie · 7 months
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter) Descendants 3- Ch. 8: Second Chances
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“So what happens now?” Celia asks in a bored voice. “Obviously Audrey’s not here so where else can we find her?”
Everyone turns expectantly to me and I want to shrink away. How can they assume that just because Audrey used me means I know every in and out of her plans? 
“She can’t be too far away,” Carlos says, and I give him a discrete, grateful smile. “The scepter wouldn’t be powerful enough from a great distance. I say we retrace our steps back to town and go from there.”
Ben and Mal share agreeing looks and start to lead us down the trail away from the cottage. Once again Carlos and I are at the end of the group, although this time it doesn’t feel as forced.
“I missed you, by the way,” the freckled VK says after a while. “I know you aren’t happy about what happened with… everything. But I think I understand now why you’re mad at me.”
Don’t, Carlos. Please don’t. Don’t rip apart the stitches I’ve used to sew my humanity back together. He probably feels sorry for me now. Understands that I’m still pathetically weak with emotions-
“Actually, Mal promised to let all the kids off the Isle when this is over.”
Evie’s conversation with Ben catches my attention. Mal’s actually going to do it? I’ll be able to see Evangeline! I’ll be able to set my mother free from the spellbook!
“I have to tell you guys something.” Mal stops in her tracks and avoids everyone’s gaze by staring at the dusty ground. “Um… I lied to you. The kids won’t be coming off the Isle.”
All at once every ounce of hope I’ve been gathering shatters and dies. It’s never different with Mal. Always the same lies. 
“What do you mean?” Carlos asks.
“The program is shut down. And the barrier will be closed for good.”
“For Auradon’s safety,” Ben adds.
Ben’s agreeing with her? Again? It’s never different with anyone!
“Hold up,” Uma interrupts and stops Mal with a hand on her chest. “So we’re saving your precious people and your behinds for a lie? I knew it was a mistake to trust you. You’re always out for yourself.”
“And you! King Ben, eh?” Harry gets in Ben’s face. “You’re probably just gonna throw us all back inside, eh?”
We all stare at her, waiting for an answer she might not even possess. Ever since Mal’s catastrophe with her mom she’s always wanted something to control, something to be comfortable with. Now she’s decided to take control of completely abandoning everyone on the Isle. Lord knows what else she’s been lying about.
“What about me, Mal?” I ask softly yet with a hint of warning. “Were you ever going to let me see my father again? Let me go home?”
“Of course, Sparks!” Ben tries to sound uplifting but he fails miserably.
I shake my head, still glaring at Mal. “I want to hear it from her.”
Mal keeps her head down. “I was planning for you to stay at the castle with us until we could help you control your magic-”
“Stop,” I cut her off sharply as I feel my walls start to crumble. “Just. Stop. All you want is for me to be locked away, just like everyone else in my family. You are the daughter of Maleficent. One would think you can hold sympathy for other VKs but you’re still the same backstabbing dragon.”
“You know what? I actually thought you were brave.” Celia walks up and I can tell she’s fighting back tears too. “But you’re nothing but a chicken too scared to tell me I was never gonna see my dad again!” She yanks the Ember out of Mal’s pocket and tosses it into a birdbath before Mal can stop her.
“Celia- no!”
The Ember sends out some sparks and then dies to remain nothing but a plain blue stone.
“Regain your might and ignite!” Mal tries to resurrect its power but it’s no use. Good riddance.
“Bummer. Let’s go find Gil and leave ‘em all to rot.” Uma and Harry each give me looks of apology as they walk away, but all I can hear is Mal’s lies swimming through my thoughts.
“Uma! Evie, I’m so sorry- I was afraid I was gonna lose everything! I had to protect everyone!”
“Did you know?” I ask Carlos, almost not wanting him to answer.
He exhales deeply and shakes his head, taking my hand to show he stands with me. “None of us knew, Magica. I’m just as surprised as you.” Dude brushes against our legs to show his own support.
“Closing the barrier was your idea,” Evie says coldly at the purple-haired queen.
“I did it for us! I did it for our life that we have here now!”
“For our life? What about the kids that we left behind on that island? The kids that we promised! We were their only hope. I thought you were gonna stand up for the VKs, but instead you lied to them. You lied to Magica. You lied to Jay, and lied to Carlos, and you lied to me. We’re your family!”
Mal still keeps trying to prove her side. “Evie- Evie, come on! I had no choice-!”
A bolt of pink lightning bursts from the sky, and when I open my eyes I see Ben and the remaining VKs in front of me. All turned to stone.
“No. No… No! No! No! No! Carlos! Please!” 
I frantically grab at the statue and wave a hand in front of his face. He just stays there crouched, petting Dude. Stone-faced and… gone. 
The familiar dark feeling of hopelessness sparks in the pit of my stomach and my thoughts start spinning. I may have lost my true love but at least he was alive. Whether or not he loved me he was still in my life. Audrey was right. Happy endings are overrated and fake. Sandersons live through lives of crime and hatred but we still have each other. Now I have no one.
“Why didn’t you turn to stone?”
Mal’s voice is static to my ears. How can she just stand there? She has the audacity to wonder why Audrey left me to suffer alone.
“I’ve always had trouble finding friends. I guess Audrey doesn’t want to break tradition. She’s cursed me to be alone with twisted and evil magic. And if Carlos is gone, then I really have nothing left to live for. I hope you’re happy, Mal.”
I keep my voice eerily even-toned, something that puts Mal on edge. “What are you going to do?”
“What I should have done from the start. I am going to help Audrey settle this once and for all. Then I am going to find my father and you will let us go back to the forest in peace. If thou dost not comply with these terms I will curse you to be alone and miserable for the rest of your days.” I climb onto the fountain and look down at her pathetic expression. “You’ll get used to it. I already have.”
I whip out my broom and take off before she can argue. Audrey might be evil, but she’s the only one that hasn’t lied to me or tried to use me. She only wants me to earn the respect I deserve, and I won’t lose that chance again.
Forgive me, Carlos.
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untilthenextencore · 1 year
"Nights To Remember Ch. 5: You Belong To Me~..."
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Jimmy & Dahlia made their exit from the Chuco sometime after that. The smallest thing triggered it. The funniest thing. A song by the Duprees. And a shared look after one last dance.
"See the pyramids along the Nile…
Watch the sun rise on a tropic isle…
Just remember, darling, all the while…
You belong to me…"
The look they shared was laden with understanding. A flicker of a shared shy, sheepish smile. A soft laugh at how fitting the song was then.
They both knew it was time. It was in their nerves. In their blood. A little flicker in their eyes.
Jimmy laced his fingers through hers, hand swallowing hers as he gazed down at her. "Shall we?"
Dahlia nodded simply. "Let's go."
Jimmy slipped out of his jacket, draping it around her shoulders before leading her back out into the now much cooler night. He nodded & smiled in greeting, tossing a few waves to some cheering fans before they were both tucked safely back into the quiet private depths of the backseat of the town car he arrived in.
"Darling, you really shouldn't have run off like that. You really did give me quite a fright. Though I'm glad you left word for me with Peter." He tutted, patting her hand.
"Of course, baby." She reached up to cup his face tenderly & thumbed the swell of his cheek. "Like you already said I didn't want to worry you. I got bored back there but saw you were still having fun. I knew Peter would get the word to you in where I had gone. If you didn't already know or guess. I just got homesick I guess. Missed things. Missed the place. The fun. You know. The old days I guess."
The old days.
Memories danced in Jimmy's mind. Of more dances here. More dances at the Chuco. Inside under the tinted light. Outside on the patio. Under the streetlight. Under the stars. Under the moon.
From the first time she took him there in his Yardbirds days to then. Through all lengths of his hair. Through all lengths of his beard. Both before & after his beard. Pinstriped trousers, jeans, velvet bellbottoms. Silk blouses, lace trim, simple cotton. No matter what he wore he was always welcome. She was always welcome. They were always welcome.
It wasn't hard to see why she loved it.
Why she missed it.
Why she escaped.
The other party was the complete opposite.
Though she stuck out in both like a sore thumb - albeit a stunningly beautiful one - it was clear, she fit this one like a glove.
"I'm sorry if I worried you at all, Jimmy. I thought maybe if I went along with Robert when he offered you'd have less to worry about."
Jimmy stifled a laugh. Stifled a grin. Barely. After all these years. Even after that night. She still had no idea. He was glad in a way. It meant Robert hadn't tried anything. It also meant that certainly Magnet hadn't either. It meant she was still safe. Still his. Still secure.
"Forgive me?"
And thus, so was he.
Cupping her face in his large hands, Jimmy cooed in a dragon's curl of smoke from the cigarette he had just finished. "There's nothing to forgive, my dear. Nothing. As long as you're safe."
Dahlia beamed at him, placing her hands over his cupping her cheeks, starry-eyed as ever. "I had a wonderful time tonight, darling. Hope you did too. Despite the slight fright I gave you."
His smile grew before his lips pressed to her forehead once more. "My dearest. My sweetest. My loveliest. My only. My girl. My lady. My Dahlia."
His heart swelled in his chest at what he saw flickering in her gaze. The light. The devotion. The purity. Purity of gaze. Of heart. Of love. Of feeling. Of emotion. Pure, raw emotion.
All of this led him to make one simple promise. "The night's not over yet, my girl. My lady. It is but still young for us."
"I bless the day I found you…
I wanna stay around you…
Now and forever, let it be me…"
Jimmy's smile brightened at the sound of the Everlys crooning over the radio. "Remember this song, my darling?"
"Don't take this heaven from one…
If you must cling to someone…
Now and forever, let it be me…"
Dahlia's smile quirked in the same way. Instantly, she read his mind. "Palomino, 1969."
They shared a private giggle. A favorite date of theirs. A favorite memory of theirs. Jimmy taking Dahlia to see the Everly Brothers at the Palomino in 1969. Holding hands. Holding her close. Sneaking squeezes of her hand. Sneaking little clinches. Sneaking kisses. As they did before.
"Each time we meet, love…
I find complete love…
Without your sweet love…
What would life be?..."
As they did then.
Jimmy leant in & nuzzled Dahlia. Nuzzled his wife. She nuzzled back. A low growl sounded in his throat. A purr in hers. A chuckle followed from him. A giggle from her.
The partition rose between them & the front seat. Jimmy's arms came around Dahlia's back, hands caressing the skin left bare by her low backed dress. Dahlia shivered & purred again, reclining back as Jimmy leant her back into the seat. Her arms circled his shoulders as their nuzzling intensified & once again their lips met.
She shivered as she felt his silver jeweled pendant cool against her hot skin.
"Gee whiz, look at his eyes…
Gee whiz, how they hypnotize…
He's got everything a girl could want…
Man, oh, man, what a prize…
Oh, oh…"
As the song played Dahlia gazed up at him in the flickering, intermittent light. The dragon's green fire seared her to the core. A private smile was shared. A tandem flicker. The air crackling between the two as it so often did. And suddenly two pairs of curved lips crashed into each other.
"Heaven up above knows how much…
I love that fella's soul…
Angels sing of a love like this…
I hope our love will grow and grow…"
Jimmy's lips burned a trail of heated kisses down her throat as his hand blazed a trail up her skirt. Her legs fell open instantly. As if on command. Under his spell as ever. Open sesame.
"'Cause, gee whiz, I love that guy…
Gee whiz, my, my, oh my…
There are things we could do…
I could say I love you…
But all I can say is…
Gee whiz…"
His lips trailed back up to claim & conquer hers yet again. Dominating her again. Mauling her again. Dahlia nipped his lower lip softly, earning a throaty growl. The growl of course came with more hungry, devouring kisses.
A sudden gasp left Dahlia's lips, thighs tightening around his hand slightly as Jimmy's fingers shifted her panties aside & his middle finger pressed inside.
"Dahlia… My lady…" He panted.
Dahlia let her legs fall open just that bit wider. Jimmy's finger pressed deeper, curving towards those familiar places he knew so well would elicit those deliriously sweet sounds.
And little bucks & lifts & rocks of her hips as she was so doing then. Each little buck allowed her skirt to slip higher and higher up her thigh. The slipping slip dress thusly only revealed more and more of her shifted panties & his working fingers.
The sight of the flickering light, intermittent from passing cars & streetlights, flashing on her exposed core stirred him to no end. The sight of her lips parted. Him parting her lips. His fingers parting them & pumping. Curving. Pressing deep. Making her mewl. It stirred him… To action.
"Oh, my angel…
Come back to me…
And I will love you…
Till eternity…
Oh, my angel…
This fire in my heart…
Consumes my happiness…
Since we are apart…"
Jimmy let Dahlia slip from his arms momentarily, only to bring both hands to his belt & undo it.
"Dahlia… Forgive me… I need..."
Dahlia merely allowed herself to sink down onto the sear & giggled. "There's nothing to forgive… As you said, my love…"
Jimmy hurriedly undid & unzipped his trousers, freeing himself & allowing his length to fall free. Dahlia giggled again & softly stroked his length in greeting. Jimmy jolted, grunting, groaning deeply. He stilled himself, allowing her a few more smooth strokes before acting again.
Taking her hand & once more pressing a kiss to the back before draping her arms around his shoulders. Coming close, he gave her panties a tug down her thighs before embracing her once more. And with that, Jimmy rose over her, drawing his hips back & piercing her in one go.
"Ah!" Cane the tandem response.
"You're mine…
And we belong together…
Yes, we belong together…
For eternity…"
The music was the perfect soundtrack as they lay wrapped in each other's arms. Another giggle was shared between the two before Jimmy pressed deeply once more. Another thrust. Another gasp.
"You're mine…
Your lips belong to me…
Yes, they belong to only me…
For eternity…"
Jimmy rolled his hips into hers slowly. Smoothly. Deeply. He drew out moan after moan. Sigh after sigh. Stirring her from deep within.
Dahlia's back arched, allowing Jimmy to slide the spaghetti straps down her shoulders. There he was able to bunch the silken dress at her waist. There he was able to trail kisses down her neck as her head craned back.
His lips trailed a heated path down to her breasts, circling her nipples & sucking them into peaks as his tongue batted & teased them. The sight of her panties, filmy & now sodden, ringing around her ankle led him to remove them, pocketing them secretly. Then, Jimmy's smile widened as Dahlia's legs wrapped around his waist. Her heels grazed the upholstery on the door behind him, her ankles locked behind his back as he drove consistently into her as they were driven around.
"You're my, my baby…
And you'll always be…
I swear by everything I own…
You'll always, always be mine…"
Dahlia watched as his pendants glinted in the light. Dangling & spinning. Hypnotizing her. Each thrust pierced her to her very core. Stealing her breath away. Her hands slipped under his jacket, sliding along the smooth expanse of skin along his back. Her fingers curled. Nails scoring into his shoulders.
His hips stuttered & faltered only momentarily before snapping harder & ever so slightly faster into her.
"You're mine…" The song crooned.
"Jimmy..." Dahlia mewled, arching her back slightly. The way her eyes both glittered & hazed over caught his eye. He recognized that. Recognized the way her nails dragged from his shoulders down his back. He hissed & shuddered & snapped his hips yet again, thrusting deeper still.
Her legs tightened around him. Walls tightened around him. Arms tightened around him. "Ahhh… Jimmy… Jimmy…"
"Are you close, darling?" He asked with a kiss, even though he already knew.
As he expected, he saw her nod slowly, still with that hazed starry-eyed gaze.
Jimmy smiled, sliding one hand down to brace her hip. His thumb swirled gently on her clit as he began to hone his thrusts in a very pointed fashion. Dahlia gasped softly. The gasp was muffled against his lips as he claimed hers in yet another passionate kiss.
"Mmmm… Me too…" He admitted, with a cheeky grin, muffling his subsequent chuckles into her lips just as she had muffled her gasps.
Now their hips rocked in unison. Lifting & rolling into a sweet, smooth grinding meeting. The two of them colliding over & over.
"Jimmy…" Dahlia mewled.
"Mmm-hmm…" He purred, wrapping one arm around her back, the other hand bracing her thigh, keeping it close to him.
"Jimmy… Jimmy…" She nipped his lower lip, causing him to growl. The sound vibrated through her body, making her shiver & clench around him.
She felt him drive into her clenching tightness in a few short quick thrusts, aiming for her spot just so & jolted. Another gasp fell from her lips as her back arched. She clutched into him & with the last of his thrusts as he grunted & groaned, he spilled & she shattered.
Galaxies collided as their bodies had, shattering & spreading stardust across her vision, the stars he had seen in her eyes sealed with a bated breath sigh of his name & kiss.
The same stars she saw alight in his now as his lids fluttered open. Emerald depths twinkling in greeting as their gazes met.
"My lady…"
Her fingers drew their last trails down his back. Another hiss fell from his lips as he stirred deep within her, filling her as he braced her body to his. Large right hand still bracing her thigh to his hip. His left arm still wrapped around her, keeping her stomach flush against his.
"I love you…"
He swore as his lips retook & staked their claim on hers at the same time. Deep, passionate, grateful, sated, yet all the more hungry kisses greeted her on the way down as they both recovered.
"I love you…"
She sighed her pledge in return.
Another purr sounded as despite the eternity their hurried climb & easy float down from their peak seemed to take, they both registered the last words of the song then on the radio. Fitting as ever. As always.
"And we belong together…
Yes, we belong together…
For eternity…"
Hope y'all enjoy~!
As ever, this is forever under construction~!
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cloudcountry · 1 year
My sea bunny asked about my favorite franchise????? My wife wants to know about TES????? I get to talk about my special interest without being called names by my brother???????
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Ok ok ok!! I got this!!!!
I'll talk about the newer games because I know the most about them!
The Elder Scrolls are a series of games made by Bethesda where you explore a fantasy world on a continent called tamriel on Nirn (the mortal plane), also called Mundus for much of its history, it has been divided into the nine provinces of Black Marsh, Cyrodiil, Elsweyr, Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Skyrim, the Summerset Isles, and Valenwood. Every game has been focused on these provinces, but you also occasionally go to the relms of oblivion. Oblivion are the other collections of relms where daedra reside, daedra are demonic entities (however evil is in the eye of the beholder so let's just call them tricky and bored because they live forever and come back when they die)
The playable races are Altmer, Argonians, Bosmer, Bretons,Dunmer,Imperials, Khajiit , Nords, Orsimer, and Redguards however there are many more nonplayable races.
There are beastfolk, man, and mer.
Beastfolk for playable races are Argonians (who look like lizards and people at the same time) and Khajiit (who look like cats but have many sub races that all look different according to what moon cycle they where born on, there are two moons named Masser and Secunda. Masser is the larger of the two, well over twice as large)
Mer, also known as elves for playable races, are Altmer (high elves), Bosmer (wood elves), Dunmer (dark elves), and Orsimer (they are orcs but still count under elves to most people)
Man (typical humans in our world) are Bretons, Imperials, Nords, and Redguards.
Then there are the Nine Divines
Akatosh – The Dragon God of Time and Chief god of the Pantheon
Arkay – God of the Cycle of Life and Death, and burials and funeral rites
Dibella – Goddess of Beauty and Love
Julianos – God of Wisdom and Logic
Kynareth – Goddess of Air, Wind, Sky, and the Elements
Mara – Goddess of Love and compassion
Stendarr – God of compassion, mercy, justice,charity,luck,and righteous rule by might and merciful forbearance (he and his worshipers don't like daedra)
Talos – Hero-god of Mankind,conqueror God,God of Might, Honor,State, Law, and Man (the Altmer don't like Nords worshiping him and try to stop it during Skyrim)
Zenithar – God of Work and Commerce, Trader God
They are considered the "good" gods and are commonly worshiped by the general public.
The Deadra, however, are thought by most as bad and/or dangerous with the exception of the "good" daedra Azura, Boethiah, and Mephala. Who are worshiped by the Dunmer.
All the daedric princes (gods) are as follows:
Azura - Twilight, Prophecy
Boethiah - Conspiracy, Deceit, Unlawful overthrow of authority
Mephala - Lies, Sex, Secrets, murder
Clavicus vile - The granting of power through pacts and wishes (one of my favorites, he also works with his shape-shifting hound Barbas, who is a part of him)
Hermaeus Mora - Fate, Knowledge, Learning, Memory (another favorite he talks annoyingly slow though)
Hircine - Hunting
Jyggalag - Order (he is confined in Sheogorath because he was too powerful, and the others didn't like [and perhaps even feared] him)
Sheogorath - Madness (also a favorite, so silly!)
Malacath - The Spurned, the Sworn Oath, the Bloody Curse (don't ask me what that means cuz idk he's an orc though and calls them his siblings, not that bad compared to the rest)
Mehrunes Dagon - Destruction, Revolution, Change (I don't like this guy he killed my husband).
Meridia - Living things (hates undead and is incredibly annoying)
Molag Bal - Domination, Enslavement, and no, no touching (I HATE HATE HATE THIS GUY!!!!)
Namira - Darkness, all things repulsive (a cannibal but stays in her lane and doesn't really bother me)
Nocturnal - Night, darkness (worshiped by thieves)
Peryite - Ordering of the lowest orders of Oblivion, Pestilence (considered the weakest but is still really powerful)
Sanguine - Hedonism, Debauchery, Indulgence (drunk uncle vibes)
Vaermina - Dreams, Nightmares,omens
The daedric princes deal with mortals the most.
But also have also tried to take over Nirn out of boredom many times, the games take place during those times (not all of them but a lot of them have)
Dagon tried to in the game Oblivion (he killed my husband Martin :'( )
In Skyrim, however, they didn't try to take over Nirn. Dragons did, though.
My favorite game is online, where Molag Bal tried to, in the dlc's more tried as well.
I'm getting really hungry, so I'm gonna stop here, but I might rant more later if you still want it.
julianos is the divine that caught my eye, wisdom and logic sound cool as hell WGHDIEHUDJEH
sanguine's drunk uncle vibes have me intrigued, and vaermina sounds SO COOL TOO LIKE NIGHTMARES???? HELLO WHAT!!!!!
imagine taking over the world bc you're bored LMAO they sound so goofy
I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO TELL ME MORE PLS <3 make sure you eat a nice meal and drink water too okay?
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kiunlo · 5 months
okay the biggest fucking gripe i have with world of warcraft is that as an australian, i usually play on oceanic servers right? specifically on saurfang. been playing on that server since i was 12. Never played on a single other server at all. the issue with oceanic servers? which are clearly designed for people in oceania? which is on the opposite side of the world to america? the in-game calendar IS 1 day ahead like it should be, and the in-game clock which shows the time is correct, sure...but the events??? They're placed in the exact same place as the american calendar. Meaning that...if the darkmoon fair starts on the 2nd of June in America, that means that theoretically, the event should be placed on the 3rd of June in the Oceanic calendar, because that is when the event WILL HAPPEN in real time. But in actuality, they keep the event placed on the 2nd of June in the oceanic calendar MEANING THAT ALL THE EVENTS ON THE CALENDAR ARE INCORRECT EVEN THOUGH THE DATES ****ARE**** CORRECT!!!!! ARRRRGRGRGHHH
and that's not even where it fucking ends. the zones in game are always on the AMERICAN TIMEZONE aka all aussies are playing WoW when it's night-time in game. In order to see the fucking dragon isles beautiful day time sky i have to be up WAY PAST 1 AM IRL to see it. I occasionally get to see sunsets if I get up super early to play WoW (9-10 am). Do you know how fucking annoying it is playing at night time in-game? You can't see shit and your lighting options for screenshots are severely limited. i have played this game for close to me entire childhood and i've spent MOST OF THAT TIME playing WoW in the fucking dark in-game. the night time. do you understand how fucking boring some places look in-game at night??? HAVE YOU EVER HAD TO QUEST IN THE OHN'ARAN PLAINS DURING THE NIGHT WHEN IT WAS STORMY IN-GAME??? YOU LITERALLY CANNOT FUCKING SEE SHIT. and yet i look outside and WOWWW look at all of that fucking mid-day sunlight!!!! this cannot be that fucking hard to fix i'm sorry but i hate the night-time and i'm not getting up at fucking 1 am just to play WoW just for a bit more visibility. let USSSS control the weather bitch you literally have a whole ass TOY that changes the skybox!!!!!!! can't you do that permanently for oceanic servers come on now.
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violetc4ts · 10 months
i think the fact that mal canonically has tattoos is brushed over too much
i like to believe she gives herself tattoos whenever she's bored on the isle, and gives them to her friends too. mostly jay
evie's more hesitant. her mother would never let her see the light of day if she found out. but eventually she gets a small one in a subtle place that matches with the others. she gets a bit more adventurous once she leaves the isle but still nothing big.
carlos doesn't have have much desire for tattoos. but he still gets one to match mal, jay, and evie. he gets one for dude too.
jay is like mals practice dummy. he has tons from their time on the isle. he loves them. mal would drag him away somewhere to try out this new technique, and he would roll his eyes but smiles
mal has her dragon tattoos, matching ones, her symbol, and even a few practise ones too. tattoos are addicting. and she especially loves the looks she gets from prissy auradon royalty.
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goldthcrns · 2 months
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𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ;
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*  ♔  ◟   the  gates  of  highgarden  open  for  the  arrival  of  MELICENT GREYJOY  from  HOUSE GREYJOY  of  PYKE!  it  is  known  throughout  the  realm  that  their  aura  exudes  INTELLIGENT  and  COURAGEOUS;  however,  beneath  the  silken  robes  that  shine  in  the  sun,  whispers  run  that  they  are  ALOOF  and  also  SADISTIC. visions  of  them  always  relate  to   salt running through your veins , drowned gods speak to you as salt and sea fill young lungs a promise made , you will never be the same + a woman in an isle of men more fearsome than all that have come before and will come after , you fear no man but they all fear you + waves crashing against longships , the sounds of the seas ring in your ears , the water on your skin ... or your scales , where are you ? ;  but  make  no  mistake,  in  the shadows,  they  hide  the  fact  that  they  ARE AN ILLEGITIMATE TARGARYEN , UNBEKNOWNST TO HER , HER TRUE PARENTAGE DIED WITH HER MOTHER !   i  wish  you  good  fortune  in  the wars  to  come.
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⸻  basic information .
full name: melicent greyjoy. moniker(s): the blue kraken. title: ruling lady , melicent greyjoy of pyke ( throughout the seven kingdoms ) + lady of the iron islands , queen of salt and rock , daughter of the sea wind , lady reaper of pyke ( within the iron islands ). age: four and thirty. date of birth: tba. place of birth: iron man's bay , iron islands , westeros. ( claimed ) languages: common tongue & valyrian taught to her during her travels to essos. culture: ironborn. race: the first men. religion: drowned god. gender: cis woman. pronouns: she / her. orientation: pansexual , panromantic. status: unwed.
⸻  familial information .
biological father: king aegon iii targaryen. relationship: no relationship , as their relation has been kept a secret. biological mother: ruling lady gysella greyjoy. relationship: coming soon. known father: lord consort joron blacktyde. relationship: coming soon. siblings: utp greyjoy , utp greyjoy , utp greyjoy. betrothed: tba. relationship: tba.
⸻  personality information .
label: the ice queen , the amoral , the hidden maddess. positive traits: intelligent , courage , devote , determined. negative traits: aloof , sadistic , cunning , unforgiving. moral alignment: lawful evil. temperament: choleric. deadly sin: gluttony. heavenly virtue: patience.
⸻  misc information .
allegiances: house greyjoy , the iron islands + herself. personal goals: to be announced. hobbies: sailing , sewing , reading , axe throwing.
⸻  history .
in  the  years  leading  up  to  the  ruling  lady  of  pyke's  first  born  ,  she  set  sail  quite  a  bit  .  a  disgust  for  her  ironborn  husband  ,  kept  her  running  but  her  affinity  for  a  particular  king  kept  her  running  to  one  place  .  her  longship  would  sail  through  blackwater  bay  until  the  shadow  of  his  dragon  brought  darkness  above  her  or  excitement  .  she  would  go  on  to  tell  her  closest  confidant  ,  "  if  i  could  marry  aegon  ,  i  would  ,  naught  for  the  crown  ,  no  "  ⸻  an  affair  that  continued  until  her  last  days  ,  would  bore  her  a  bastard  child  but  an  heir  nonetheless  .  a  vow  made  to  herself  when  the  maester's  told  her  of  the  unborn  babe  within  her  ...  her  mistakes  would  not  be  thrust  upon  her  children  .        
it  is  said  when  the  young  kraken  was  born  ,  she  entered  the  known  world  wailing  so  loud  the  seas's  inhabitants  paused  even  just  for  a  moment  .  hearing  her  battle  cry  and  remembering  it  for  as  long  as  she  shall  live  .  her  mother  ,  the  ruling  lady  of  pyke  ,  bore  her  eldest  child  within  her  own  longship  in  the  middle  of  iron  man's  bay  .  sailors  in  the  water  that  day  claim  to  have  seen  something  fly  over  the  iron  islands  ⸻  a  beast  ,  retreating  .  they  believed  the  girls  entrance  into  the  world  to  be  something  of  a  good  sign  of  what  was  to  come  .  with  eyes  as  blue  as  the  sea  that  crashed  upon  the  shore  and  hair  as  dark  as  the  dirt  that  crumbled  beneath  wet  boots  ,  melicent  held  a  particular  beauty  unknown  to  the  iron  islands  .  this  beauty  would  become  a  thorn  in  her  side  as  she  grew  older  ,  an  attempt  for  the  men  that  surrounded  her  like  starved  crows  to  question  her  claim  to  the  salt  throne  ,  as  if  being  a  woman  wasn't  enough  on  the  isles  . 
as  a  young  girl  she  spent  much  of  her  time  with  her  father  ,  he  was  everything  her  mother  wasn't  :  vicious  ,  demanding  ,  feared  .  all  the  things  melicent  wished  to  be  .  it  was  early  on  she  learned  how  her  mother  had  come  to  power  ,  the  only  child  of  the  late  lord  of  the  iron  islands  evading  the  kingsmoot  by  marrying  mel's  father  ,  lord  joron  blacktyde  a  feared  ship  commander  .  with  him  by  her  side  no  man  would  dare  question  her  birthright  .  to  mel  this  was  distainful  ,  a  slight  at  the  old  ways  .  as  heir  to  her  mother's  claim  she  knew  she  wanted  more  than  her  mother  would  ever  have  ⸻  she  vyed  for  undying  respect  of  the  iron  islands  and  so  her  campaign  to  be  worthy  to  her  claim  began  . 
she  was  raised  aboard  ships  ,  trained  in  fighting  with  both  a  sword  and  with  a  dual  axe  ,  and  as  she  grew  older  was  privy  to  the  what  it  meant  to  pay  the  iron  price  .  she  did  not  cower  in  the  face  of  these  actions  and  as  time  went  on  she  grew  entirely  indifferent  to  them  ,  it  was  merely  the  way  of  the  men  who  would  one  day  raise  her  up  ,  the  drowned  god  willing  ,  so  who  was  she  to  judge  ?  with  each  trek  out  into  the  sea  ,  she  was  deemed  more  worthy  .  she  was  made  of  salt  ,  stone  ,  and  steel  .  a  true  ironborn  .  this  only  rang  more  true  to  those  around  her  once  she  went  on  to  captian  her  own  ship  ⸻  the  she  kraken  :  a  longship  ,  bigger  than  any  other  within  the  iron  fleet  ,  the  greyjoy  sigil  at  either  side  of  the  ship  while  her  own  personal  sigil  flies  in  the  front  of  the  ship  ,  a  blue  kraken  on  black  background  .  her  personal  sigil  a  warning  to  any  man  or  woman  that  comes  before  it  . 
well  before  this  time  though  ,  during  one  of  her  first  journey's  out  to  sea  with  her  father  and  his  men  a  dire  mistake  was  made  on  the  young  girls  part  ,  as  she  reeled  the  ropes  back  onto  the  ship  she  lost  her  balance  ,  falling  into  a  ravaging  sea  .  the  ship  returned  after  hours  of  searching  ,  the  presumed  heir  to  pyke  had  been  lost  .  her  fate  in  the  drowned  god's  hands  now  .  her  mother's  own  wailing  cries  could  be  heard  at  the  shores  of  the  mainland  .  until  the  next  morning  when  a  feminine  frame  is  washed  up  on  the  shores  of  pyke  .  they  say  she  coughed  up  so  much  water  ,  the  two  small  fish  she  heaved  from  her  throat  remianed  alive  in  the  pool  beside  her  .  ⸻  "  what  is  dead  may  never  die  ,  "  where  the  first  words  she  hears  ,  and  through  baited  breath  she  manages  to  echo  the  sentiment  .  she  would  never  be  the  same  after  this  day  . 
on  a  night  following  her  accident  ,  melicent  falls  asleep  in  her  bedchamber  .  door  ajar  ,  with  her  bone  dog  ,  kromm  at  her  feet  .  she  enter's  the  mind  of  kromm  ,  unconsciously  ,  running  through  the  castle  she  could  see  and  hear  all  that  her  dog  could  .  all  whilst  remaining  in  her  bed  .  when  she  woke  ,  and  uneasy  feeling  overcame  her  .  was  it  all  a  dream  ?  in  the  weeks  following  this  would  continue  ,  until  she  decidly  removed  her  dog  ,  whom  she'd  built  up  quite  the  connection  with  since  she  was  just   a  babe  ,  from  her  bed  chamber  .  the  dreams  as  she  believed  them  to  be  ended  there  .  until  one  morning  ,  as  she  stood  on  the  shores  and  she  entered  the  mind  of  crow  hovering  over  the  isles  .  the  fear  that  struck  her  crippling  to  the  point  the  bird  dropped  from  the  heights  of  the  skies  and  into  the  water  only  then  did  she  reenter  her  own  mind  .  she  seeked  counsel  ,  claiming  she'd  been  cursed  .  when  a  drowned  man  explained  to  her  what  it  meant  to  be  a  skinchanger  .  her  own  near  death  experience  having  ignigted  the  power  she  already  possessed  .  melicent  would  set  sail  to  a  meet  with  a  known  skinchanger  to  hone  her  abilities  ,  learning  of  the  dangers  of  remaining  untrained  .  with  her  a  handmaiden  and  her  mother's  closest  confidant  .            
while  away  ,  it  is  presumed  by  accident  that  she  learned  the  story  of  her  birth  to  be  false  ,  merely  a  story  told  by  a  woman  she'd  already  held  disdain  for  .  the  iron  lady  ,  close  to  her  mother  ,  during  a  drunken  night  aboard  the  she  kraken  admits  the  truth  :  melicent  had  entered  this  world  wailing  so  loud  the  sea's  halted  ,  yes  ,  but  it  was  not  within  in  the  confines  of  iron  man's  bay  instead  on  the  waters  of  blackwater  bay  .  a  change  in  location  ,  to  this  day  she  cannot  quite  wrap  her  brain  around  .  what  could  be  learned  of  this  ,  was  that  lady  gysella  greyjoy  ,  her  own  mother  ,  was  a  coward  and  a  liar  .  it  is  for  this  she  grows  weary  of  the  woman  who  sits  upon  the  salt  throne  .  once  her  training  comes  to  an  end  ,  there  is  only  one  thing  left  for  her  to  do  :  return  to  pyke  and  confront  her  mother  but  as  her  ship  comes  ashore  she  is  welcomed  with  news  the  ruling  lady  had  passed  .  a  mix  of  anger  and  relief  fills  her  ,  as  if  deep  down  she  knew  what  ever  her  mother's  explaination  could  be  was  not  something  melicent  could  bare  to  hear  . 
following  the  funeral  of  gysella  greyjoy  ,  the  kingmoot  is  held  .  in  many  ways  a  promise  by  the  known  heir  to  the  salt  throne  that  she  was  upkeep  the  old  ways  and  follow  no  man  or  woman  but  the  drowned  god  .  she  had  lived  such  a  life  that  a  historically  misoganist  region  willfully  elected  a  woman  ,  as  they  knew  as  much  as  she  did  ,  she  was  the  best  option  they  come  to  .  the  drowning  ceremony  follows  ,  no  baited  breath  with  this  one  as  she'd  already  risen  from  such  incident  . 
with  the  selection  now  on  the  table  ,  melicent  see's  a  path  for  not  only  her  house  but  the  iron  islands  as  a  whole  to  gain  favor  within  the  mainlands  .  untapped  hatred  for  royals  who  ,  she  deems  unworthy  can  be  cast  aside  in  the  wake  of  furthering  the  ironborn  .  the  stakes  are  higher  than  ever  and  she  knows  this  much  ,  but  what  she  doesn't  realize  ?  is  just  how  much  is  at  stake  for  her  as  she  and  her  family  join  all  of  the  seven  kingdoms  in  highgarden  .       
⸻  wanted connections .
coming soon .
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