#even people who know have made light hearted jokes about it and i just wanna scream
pleaseshootthejester · 2 months
My best friend had a baby and people keep asking if it'll be me next and I have to stop myself from sobbing every time, I tell people I don't want kids but that's not quite true, I've just come to terms with the fact I can't have kids. But now everyone is pushing the matter and it's starting to get to me
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onsomenewsht · 4 months
I like it in the city when two worlds collide
About when she’s her hometown hero and you wish to fill your own home
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》 Alexia Putellas x Reader
》 words count: +1.5k
》 be like a kid in a candy store [phrase]: to be very happy and excited about the things around you, and often react to them in a way that is silly and not controlled
Admiring Alexia as she builds her foundation, little piece after little piece, it’s honestly one of the best things you had the privilege to witness her achieve. Sparks of excitement radiate every time she talks about it, every time new ideas are brought out or new steps forward are made.
You’ve been next to her since the very beginning, since it was all just a desire to make an actual difference for the next generation of girls in football.
And you’re next to her today, as it comes alive in her hometown.
It’s so beautiful and meaningful, your heart beats with pride.
“Nice speech, have you ever thought about a future in politics?”
“I can’t think of anything worse”
Alexia welcomes your hug eagerly, taking a moment between your arms to ground herself after all the talking and the smiling.
She’s happy, she truly is. But she also needs to stop for a second and just feel that happiness.
“I think your mama is one step away from building you a statue with her own bare hands”
The Catalan bursts out laughing, looking at her mother. Eli is beaming with joy and pride as she speaks with one of her old teachers, who somehow finds himself here to support her project the same way he supported her football dream back in the day.
“We’re all really proud of you, Alexia”, you say, holding her hand between yours to make her understand how much she has done. The beautiful impact she has on the one close to her and the one who shines from a distance because of her light.
“You say it all the time”, she dismisses as her cheeks turn a little more red under the praises and the Mollet sun.
“Yeah, I need to keep feeding your ego or you’ll die without attention”
The jab is light and mocking, you know how she feels about the running joke.
It goes back years, you weren’t even dating yet, but the teasing way you compared her to a fairy who can’t live without people believing in them sticks. The Barcelona’s captain keeps denying the comparison, you know she secretly loves your way to show admiration and support.
“Come on, I think they’re teaming up the kids and I want to make sure Eloise is with you”
“I don’t play favouritism”
She does, but you’re not wanna call her out for having a soft spot for your best friend’s daughter.
The walk toward the makeshift sports ground set up for the occasion is short, filled with stops to talk with people, hug excited children of all ages and shake hands with even more excited parents.
It doesn’t take much to put in place a little tournament, Alexia plays in the second round and you somehow find yourself involved too. You’re just glad the unfortunate kids who have you on their team do most of the work, allowing you to move around and look busy.
The odds are even in your favour when you find yourself alone in front of the goal and all you have to do is kick the ball into the back of the net.
You make sure a certain blonde athlete is looking when you mock a little bow.
From that is a blur of laughs and jokes between you and all the people who came here to support Alexia and her foundation, never stepping out of your role of a proud girlfriend.
When it’s her moment to get involved in the game, you are in the front row with the best view, always happy to see the footballer in her element - doesn’t matter if it is a stadium filled with a screaming crowd or an improvised kickaround with a soft ball and energetic kids.
And the kids are, indeed, full of energy and burning with excitement to play with an actual two time Ballon d’Or winner. They remind you of her.
“You’re drooling”
“I’m not”, you talk back, annoyed, yet unconsciously swiping your lips.
You’re not gonna dignify your best friend with a better answer, keeping your gaze fixed on the Catalan. You love him dearly, Teo has been your rock for years now, but he can be such an asshole.
“You know your own goddaughter is playing too, right?”
“Elo’s really good”
“She’s just doing whatever Alexia is doing”
It’s cute how much the young girl looks up at the footballer. Not just for the incredible and dedicated athlete she is, but also for the amount of care and attention she always reserves for the kid whenever the two are together.
It warms your heart every time.
“Do you think she is gonna let them win?”, Teo asks, genuinely wondering.
You only grin at his question. Alexia is not gonna let those kids win just because, doesn’t matter how adorable they are.
“She’s way too competitive”
“Those are children!”
As an answer, your girlfriend fakes a pass on her left, letting a boy, not older than ten, slide in the wrong direction and completely miss the ball. You notice as she tries to hide a smile behind her hair, finding another kid with a precise long shot.
Little shit she is.
“She’s way too competitive”, Teo confirms, giggling with you when your girls celebrate the winning goal.
“You can practise parenthood tonight if you want”
“I’m not babysitting so you can go out with that brunette you’re seeing”
He almost looks offended by your assumption, but you know him well enough.
The opportunity to spend time with your goddaughter is always appreciated and cherished, she’s a wonderful kid and no one managed to drag Alexia into their shenanigans as effortlessly.
But you have other ideas for tonight.
“I’m planning on letting her give me–”
“Shut up! Innocent ears are around!”
Alexia’s eyebrow rises as she approaches, with an open smile on her face and one hand firmly holding Eloise as she basically wraps herself around the footballer’s leg.
“What are the two of you plotting?”
“Do you want to babysit Eloise tonight?”, he asks with a smirk.
The cheers from both your girlfriend and the kid came faster and louder than any protest you could find in yourself.
The only reasons you don’t smack your hand on the back of Teo’s neck are the comforting arm around your waist and the well placed kiss on your cheek.
He owns you big.
But not even your best friend’s annoying self is strong enough to spoil your mood today and looking at Alexia going around for another hour or so with games and small talks, her smile never fading, is the best view you’d ask for.
She’s glowing.
You see her play and interact with kids all the time, it’s always a pretty sight and it always warms your heart how caring she is. Today, for some reason, it’s beautiful and a bit overwhelming.
Maybe it’s just your hormones, you should check your cycle’s app.
“Amor, are you good?”
Alexia’s voice brings you back, thinking too much sometimes traps you in your own mind. The nod you give her is not really convincing, but a light kiss on your intertwined hands is enough to calm her for now.
“Eloise’s team won the tournament”, she says eventually, pride filling her words.
You look at the kids, still playing around as the day slowly comes to an end. The two of you wait on the sidelines, letting the young girl have another couple of shots at the inflatable goal before taking her for an ice cream and home for the night.
“I thought there wasn’t really a winner”
“Technically no, but–”, the blonde’s lips curve in a well known smirk, “between me and you, she totally won”
“Difficult not to when a Ballon d’Or winner is on your team”
“I don’t play favouritism!”
“Oh, no, I know, you didn’t even let them see the ball”
At least she looks a bit embarrassed about being called out for her competitiveness and her attitude, having unmistakably played with a bunch of children without actually going easy on them.
“I couldn’t expect anything less from la reina”, you kiss the blush on her cheek and she doesn’t hold back a smile at your attention, “But don’t worry, I know you will go easy on our kids”
Her face, now bright red, can’t hide the surprise at your words.
“Our kids?”
“Yeah, we both know they will have you wrapped around their little tiny fingers as soon as you–”
The Catalan silences you with a firm kiss, shaking hands holding your face. She takes a moment, appeasing her fast breath and your running mind.
“Our kids?”
“Alexia, I thought this was all a twisted plan to ask me to have your children”, you joke, moving a hand around to remind her of the event still in place.
“Thank God you finally noticed”
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likedovesinthewindd · 4 months
game; part eight of sore loser ⋆ masterlist
summary: patrick doesn't understand the game you're playing | content/warning: explicit language, light angst, arguing, and everyone being shitty lmao | tags: @midwestprincesss
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"Do you ever think she's just using us?"
Art makes a questioning sound, muffled by the mouthful of donut he had all but shoved into his mouth. He chews and swallows it quickly before speaking up again. "What do you mean?" he asks.
Patrick sinks a little lower into the plastic chair, the sun catching his face before he sits upright again. "I dunno, like," he thinks a moment before continuing. "This thing we have, whatever it is," he says, gesturing between the two of them, "it just kinda revolves around tennis."
"It's like some kind of weird pavlovian response she has," he continued, eyes trained on the blue clay of the turf. "Like as soon as she starts talking about tennis, it gets her going."
"Kinky," Art joked with a playful scoff. Patrick shook his head, his body sinking back down into the chair. "It's kinda fucked up," he added softly. Art only hummed as he thought the situation through, his hand wiping across his mouth absent-mindedly. "Maybe it's better that way," he says, "I mean, she knows you're not serious—"
"Who says I'm not serious?" Patrick asked, looking at Art, who in return had a incredulous look on his face. "C'mon, Pat," he started, "you're in a new city every week, she's doing good for herself, moving up the ranks. I mean," he shrugged.
Patrick scoffed, sitting upright once again. "Why do you sound like you're trying to protect her from me or something?" he asked with a laugh lacking any humor. Art stayed quiet, his eyes now also trained on the blue turf, and just in time to see you emerge from the locker room, the giant bag hanging from your shoulder.
Patrick's eyes followed you for a moment, watching the way your tennis skirt swayed with each step before he suddenly stood up and moved through the grumbling people wordlessly.
When you scanned the crowd, you found Art sitting in the fourth row, a small smile on his face when your eyes finally met his. You returned the gesture with a wave before you noticed the seat next to him empty, no Patrick in sight. Your stomach churned with something uncertain as you started warming up.
✰ ⊹ ˚.
You lost, and horribly at that. Your opponent was still fairly new and the fact that she had managed to beat you inflated her ego by a hundred and made you want to throw the tennis racket at her head to wipe that smug look off her face. You should've been able to beat her, but you didn't, and now Sarah Joy Anderson had ended your winning streak.
You were in a foul mood after that, not even waiting around for Art and immediately making your way back to your dorm. A piping hot shower later, and you now sat quietly in bed, finally working on your assignments as the small radio on your dresser softly played.
A knock at your door startled you a bit and you had to gather all your strength to face anyone considering the mood you were in. You got up with a grunt, taking a moment to take a few calming breaths before opening the door.
It was almost funny how fast the initial calmness seeped right out of your body at the sight of Patrick standing in front of you, a matching scowl on his features.
"What kind of game are you playing here?" he asked, voice soft but still demanding of an answer. "I don't wanna do this right now," you said, ignoring his question as you moved to slam the door shut until he effectively stopped it with an outstretched arm. "I'm serious," he said, eyes staring you down and filled with so much unidentifiable emotion you almost folded. "What's your plan? Why are you doing this?" he tried again.
You were quiet for a few moments, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. You were angry at him, angry at losing to fucking Sarah Joy. Angry that he thought he could come here and confront you like this. "Why weren't you there today?" you asked, a small smirk forming when you could physically see the frustration expression deepening, his hands moving to rub over his reddening face. "Because I don't want to play your fucking game anymore," he answered in a frustrated breath.
"Choose," he said suddenly, catching you off guard. "What?" you questioned, recoiling when he moved closer to you, almost in your face. "Choose," he repeated, "me or Art."
"No," you said, watching that sickening smirk stretch across his face. "C'mon, is it really that hard?" he laughed. Actually laughed. "Fuck you," you said with so much venomous anger you felt lightheaded once the words left your mouth. "Yeah, you've been trying to for months."
The sound of your open palm hitting his face was loud in the quiet hallway, echoing through the area and through your body. The bright red hand rapidly imprinting itself onto the side of his face almost made you smile if it weren't for the look on his face.
You both were quiet, the realization sinking in as you stared at each other. It was a blur after that, as cliché as it sounded. All you remember was him pulling you closer with a force that had you practically falling against his chest and his mouth on yours. And as messed up as it was, you could feel the anger pouring out of you with the way he was gripping at you and the way his mouth moved against yours almost angrily.
✰ ⊹ ˚. part nine
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sarahghetti · 1 year
missing piece; j.l.
pairing: jake lockley x reader centric, marc spector x reader, steven grant x reader
summary: how you and jake get together.
warnings: literally all fluff, a little insecurity from jake, a lot of nuisance from marc and steven, female!reader.
word count: 2.4k
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out of the three of them, jake is the one you meet last.
marc and steven have mentioned him, of course: the third alter, a little sarcastic and a little aggressive, but who will still make kissy noises at every cat they pass even though his success rate is… quite low.
for a while, the extent of your knowledge about him is just tidbits like that—the things that jake lets the others share from the safety of their headspace.
he’s a cab driver. he likes 2% milk, the leather gloves laying on the corner of the coffee table are his own, and he thinks that steven is a better cook than marc.
(steven might have made that last one up. all you see is him looking into the reflective surface of the pot before he snorts, claiming, “yeah, jake definitely agrees, love, trust me.”)
but that’s not to say that jake doesn’t know anything about you.
he’s always been there throughout your relationships with marc and steven, watching as you smile and laugh and kiss them with so much light in your eyes that they might as well as hung the sun in the sky.
marc and steven have learnt about what you like, what you dislike, which means that jake learns these things as well, and even steps in sometimes to remind them.
marc’s on a grocery run, trying to recall which salsa you liked the most the last time he made tacos. “the one with a green label, pendejo.”
steven’s packing your lunch for work, signing off on a note to stick at the top when—"hey. draw a frog on that.”
“what?” steven felt jake watching, but didn’t actually expect him to speak up. “what are you talking about?”
“she’ll like it.”
“nevermind, just give me control of our hand.”
it’s terrible. it’s ugly. the faintest depiction of a frog that’s ever lived, marked with a little “- j” so you know exactly who it’s from.
you absolutely love it.
he doesn’t mean to fall in love with you. truly, he doesn’t. to him, you’re theirs, and he’s still hesitant to get involved with their lives any more than necessary.
but how could he not? not when they spend so much time with you, and he feels that aching warmth in their chest whenever marc or steven look at you.
he finds himself laughing at your jokes even if he’s not the intended recipient, admiring how you look even when you’re not getting dressed up for him.
marc and steven know, of course they do, and accept his feelings far before he does.
because I think at the beginning, jake is nervous to front around you.
you fell so easily for marc and steven, and though he’ll never say it to their faces, he gets it.
marc’s a real softie once you get past the ten-foot tall wall he’s erected around himself, and steven’s… well, steven.
but jake? jake “protector of the body” lockley, who’s sole self-imposed purpose is to keep their heart beating? he’s not a “people-person.” he doesn’t know how to love someone, at least in not the way you deserve to be loved.
“so dramatic.” marc rolls his eyes as he finds himself fronting on their doorstep. jake heard rustling from inside, indicating that you were home, and immediately relinquished the hot seat to one of the others. “you can just talk to her, you know.”
“I know.”
even steven scoffs at him.
“oh, yeah?” to his credit, jake manages to maintain eye contact as marc stares at him in the reflection of a picture frame. “you wanna get back in here, then? say hello to our girlfriend like a normal human being for once?”
when jake doesn’t respond, he continues.
“that’s what I thought. it’s not complicated, you don’t gotta fuckin’ sweep her off her feet or something—"
marc’s words are cut off as you open the door, eyebrows furrowed. “marc? are you just going to… stand outside all day?”
he gives one last pointed glare to his reflection. “nope, we’re coming.”
jake is only coaxed out once you start asking the boys about him.
you don’t want to push him if he really doesn’t want to talk to you, but with all the little things he does, you can’t imagine that that’s the case.
“pass this along to jake for me, would you?” it’s the frog drawing that he made for you some time back, but now with the addition of your own smiling frog beside it. “I’d give it to him myself, but…”
marc can see you deflate a little as you trail off, and that’s illegal in this household. his heart sinks, and he knows that the others can feel it too.
fortunately for everyone, guilt is a wonderful motivator for jake—particularly where you’re involved.
so it starts off small. when it’s time for him to work a cab shift, he doesn’t wait till they’ve already left the apartment to front, instead taking over just before in order to say goodbye to you.
“I’m heading out for work.”
the voice—so clearly your boyfriends’ but a bit flatter than marc’s, more softly accented than steven’s—makes your head snap up from the couch. a flat cap, light jacket layered over a button-up shirt.
black leather gloves.
“jake!” you can’t even bring yourself to be embarrassed about how excited you sound, jumping up to your feet. your enthusiasm to finally see him has his face heating up, and he ducks his head to hide it before you can see.
he fiddles with his sleeves. “don’t be awake when I get back.”
“uhm.” you ruminate over that for a second, confusion so plain that jake has to hold back a grimace. then it hits you—
oh. he just doesn’t want you to stay up on his behalf.
“okay.” you smile. “have fun!”
he snorts. “I’ll try. good night, querida.”
those few minutes before he leaves has you looking forward to his shifts, even if it means that you have to go to bed alone.
initially, jake doesn’t let himself think that you always being around when he’s fronting is anything more than a coincidence.
but then one night, you’re out hanging out with friends, and he gets a text as he’s stepping out the door: be safe! have a good shift :)
jake can’t really argue with himself after that.
(that, and the other two heckle him about it so much that he has to accept it. steven already has to deal with marc’s self-confidence issues—dealing with jake’s are much easier in comparison.)
“don’t even know if she likes me,” jake grumbles as he enters their building, hands stuffed into his pockets. he’d already parked his cab for the night, not too far from the flat, and the walk home has been the three of them running around in circles on the topic.
“don’t even know if she likes me,” steven repeats, not unkindly, but still very much annoyed. “mate, do you hear yourself?”
“she’s just kind, that’s all.”
“she remembers your schedule better than marc or I do, and we’re all in the same body!”
jake clicks his tongue as he rides the elevator, avoiding the reflections around him, lest he comes face-to-face with his alters.
marc chimes in. “you do know if you ask her out for dinner or something, she’ll say yes, right?”
he misses inserting their key the first time, swearing under his breath.
“I’m serious. we’ve talked about it before—”
“don’t be stupid—” jake opens their door a bit more harshly than intended, and the sound stirs you from where you dozed off on the couch.
“jake?” you rub your eyes, yawning. the sound of your voice shuts them all up, and you sit up just enough to look at him. “welcome back.”
“what are you…?” jake gestures vaguely and you shrug.
“wanted to surprise you, but I guess I fell asleep,” you chuckle softly, and his heart clenches.
“a-ha! you see? our poor girl was staying up late just to see you! how are you going to say that—”
jake tunes steven out as he walks towards you, pretending to be unaffected when he extends a hand.
“come on, let’s get you to bed.”
he doesn’t ask you about a date that night—you’re far too tired to be thinking about that, after all—but he turns the idea over in his head.
asking you out to dinner seems so formal, but it’s not like he can just buy you a coffee, either. what’s the protocol for asking out your alters’ girlfriend?
”you’re thinking about it too much.”
yeah, he knows, marc—that doesn’t make things any better.
gradually, he starts to front more during the day.
not as often as marc and steven, but enough for you to learn a bit more about him: how he likes his coffee (black, as expected), his favourite breakfast (eggs in a basket), and that he likes playing ABBA in the flat while doing other things.
jake is very much a ‘fake it till you make it’ kind of guy—is he nervous about spending time with you? of course not—how could he be, when he flirts and jokes around with you so easily?
and flirting with jake is fun. it’s all surface level—he refuses to touch the elephant in the room that is your obvious feelings for each other with a ten-foot pole—but he’s shameless in a way that marc and steven aren’t, making you hot in the face at the most inopportune times.
he might be wearing a smirk the entire time, but he means every compliment, every word that he says to you.
sometimes you hold his gaze for too long and see how his eyes soften when he looks at you, and it takes your breath away.
jake wants you so hard it hurts. he knows he’s digging himself a hole with how (little) he expresses himself, and although it fills him with anxiety, he knows that he’s going to need a different approach in order to actually let you know how he feels.
your hand is nestled in the crook of marc’s elbow as you walk past storefronts on the way home, pointing out the things you see in the window displays.
“those are the pots you were talking about, right?” marc gestures towards a set of expensive ceramics in all their glory, and while he’s correct, you shake your head with a sigh.
“’s not the colour I want.”
“your dedication to colour coordination in the midst of steven’s mess is admirable.”
you laugh, continuing on ahead until you stop in front of a boutique. in its display case is a sleek, form-fitting dress that falls so beautifully on the mannequin that it makes you suspicious as to how it’d actually look on someone. “oh, that’s pretty.”
marc hums from above you before stilling suddenly. you know what comes next; you’re ready to greet steven when—
“I wouldn’t mind seeing you in that, querida.” the corner of jake’s mouth curls and you roll your eyes, grinning.
“hey, jake.”
“hey.” his smile is lopsided, almost boyish. “don’t suppose you wanted to pop in now to try it on?”
“you’d like that.” he shrugs, guilty as charged. “but nah, I’m getting kind of hungry.”
jake gently tugs you with his arm. “then let’s go get something to eat.”
it’s a reoccurring joke between the two of you, and it’s your turn to deliver the punchline. your voice is teasing, “you asking me on a date, lockley?”
his tone stops you in his tracks. gone are any traces of humour as he holds your gaze. it’s the most serious you’ve ever seen him for a while.
that’s not right. he’s supposed to smirk, full machismo, and say something like obviously, princesa. your brain lags. “I—what?”
“I’m asking you out. do you want to go get dinner?”
you stand there, gaping like a fish as you internalize what’s happening. it takes everything in jake to not fidget on the spot or backtrack with another teasing comment. no, he has to make you see that he’s serious about this, even though his heart is racing a mile a minute.
slowly, a smile grows on your face until you’re beaming at him, and all the tension releases from his body. “yeah. yes, let’s—let’s go, jake.”
it’s nothing fancy. it’s not even new, either. he leads the way to one of your go-to places whenever nobody wants to cook, and though it’s your first official ‘date’, a sense of comfort settles over you.
begrudgingly, jake admits—the solution has always been a simple one. you don’t need him to be marc or steven, or to plan the perfect date. you’ve always just wanted to know him.
he can see as much in your barely constrained excitement as you both take a seat, legs brushing up against each other under the table. so, what else can he do but let his guard down for once?
finally, finally jake’s opening up to you, and he absentmindedly traces patterns on your hand with his thumb. “what do you want to know?”
well—lots of things, but there is something that you’ve been meaning to ask him…
you tilt your head, curious. “do you actually think that steven’s better at cooking than marc?”
 “dios, are you kidding me?” his lips curl up with so much distaste that you can’t help but laugh, and you bury your head in your hands; the sight warms him from the inside out. there’s so much jake wants to tell you, but—
there’s no rush. you have all the time in the world, after all.
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kissesfordaryl · 3 months
Hey there ^_^ This idea has been eating away my brain for a good while now and you're the only male writer I know, UGH I LOVE YOU
May I please have your headcanons on how Daryl would be like with a metalhead bf who's really intimidating and looks like he came straight outta hell but is actually super sensitive and sweet? Such as first impressions, how Daryl feels about his kindness, etc.
Thank you!! Xx
daryl & his metalhead.
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note: honestly had to do a lil research beforehand bc i dont wanna do any metalheads wrong😭 AND HOPEFULLY I DIDNT!! 😕 lmk (n ilyt)
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daryl sees you and automatically assumes youre the quiet type- a lone wolf even. you dressed in dark colors and occasionally band tees(which he had no clue of), towered over almost everyone, wore your dark hair long, and didnt warm up to many people. he doesnt go out of his way to talk to you, until youve come up to him.
"y'wanna go on a run with me?" hes staring up at you in disbelief, turning his head left and right in search of backup. youve practically cornered him on the streets of alexandria, big pleading eyes staring at him.
"yeah!" youre nodding a bit too enthusiastically for his liking, "its just... im looking for some parts. my guitars broken, so. but i wont be in the way, i promise!"
he scoffs, and doesnt believe you for a second. but the next morning, hes taken you and one car.
he realizes that every assumption hes made about you is 100% wrong. hes always categorized you as emo in his head, but you were quick to inform him the differences between being emo and being a metalhead. hes quiet for most of the ride, but surprisingly asks you a few questions here and there. his second assumption is that you were quiet. jesus, you could talk his ear off. but in a good way he thinks.
the run is unsuccessful, but daryl gifts you a little pin with a guitar on it. youre enveloping him in a hug, and hes reluctant to return it.
back at home, he pays more attention to you. he gets defensive whenever someone makes a judgmental remark about you, claiming that you're different than what everyone thinks. carol teases him about it: "didnt realize you knew him so well." and yeah. maybe he did. maybe he wanted to. "so what?"
he finds himself coming around to your house more often, letting you teach him how to make dinner and listen to you play(he found your missing part on a run with rick). he enjoys it more than he thought he would, and you joke around and say hes halfway to being a metalhead like you.
"youve already got the hair down." hes sat down at the couch, and youre coming around to sit next to him, a hand reaching out to feel his hair. "we're basically twins."
he huffs, turning away to hide his blush. "it aint like that. just grew out over time."
"well good. i like it."
hes grown attached to you, always spending his free time with you. that also means hes grown protective of you. he constantly lectures you on how you shouldnt just let people say whatever they wanted about you- and that if you wouldnt step up, he will.
you take in a stray cat, and daryl practically has a heart attack seeing how gentle you are with it, pampering it and laying it against daryls chest.
he lets you do stupid shit to him all the time, like dress him up in your clothes or do some light makeup on him. to show your appreciation, you gave him a kiss on the cheek. he freaks the fuck out and has to get carols advice.
your first kiss is all thanks to your lighter: its just you two outside the walls, and hes forgotten his own. youre leaning in close, the fire right underneath the cigarette. your hand is quick to steal it from his mouth, fingers brushing against his mouth. before you can blow the smoke out, hes on his tippy toes and leaning in. the way the smoke blows into his own mouth is the hottest thing youve ever seen.
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hopefully didnt butcher this🤞🤞 btw this is such a cute idea im in love
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un1ver53 · 2 months
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Angst with fluff 🖤🤞🏽
IF YOU DONT LIKE SMUT THEN YOU MIGHT NOT WANNA READ - it doesn’t have smut but it’s very close to 🤗🤗
1500+ words
You, Y/N Y/L/N is a famous pop star with 9 Grammys under your belt and you couldn’t have done it without your fans of course. You adore your fans a lot since they’ve got you to the place where you are now. Sold out arenas, number one albums in the world, merchandise always needing a restock, your makeup line being one of the most spoken and initiative brands there is. You couldn’t have done it without them; so when your babies keep pestering you to do a collab with a certain someone then you listen. However, you just wished it wasn’t the rapper and singer called Future.
Some people mistake Duke for Future sometimes and as a joke, his fans decide to make fan accounts and ships between you and Future, even though you have been dating Duke for 2 years and you have never seen or interacted with Future. Duke used to find the jokes funny and light-hearted until you made a small little one.
You’re sitting on Duke's lap, his arms wrapped around you as his big hands occasionally tightly squeeze your thighs. You start giggling as the fans pipe up again of the never-ending ship of you and the singer/rapper Future. Your boyfriend sighs laughing lightly until you say, “FINE you got me... I’m only with Duke because he’s the closest looking to Futu-”
“N***A what did you just say right now?!” Duke exclaims side eyeing you, not hearing the jokey tone in your voice.
“Baby I was jok-”
“Nah don’t give me that crap, you being serious right now ma? Nah n***a the fuck is this?” Duke pauses the stream abruptly and looks at you dead seriously.
“Baby please just calm down,” you say in a peaceful tone reaching out to hold his hands, which he accepts and lets you speak, “I was only joking since people are saying that, cmon baby you really think I would do that?”
Duke sighs and lets his head rest on your shoulder and you start playing with his dreads. “I’m so sorry mamas, I don’t know what happened. I just don’t want to think about you being with another guy or thinking of being with another guy.”
“It’s okay baby, I promise I never think about other guys in our relationship,”
You put out your small pinky finger for him to interlace it with his large dark one, he smiles and holds your pinky tightly pulling you closer to then interlace your lips together. You moan quietly as his grills bite your lip teasingly and his hands start to go up further up your dress shirt (his normal-sized shirt for him). You squeal feeling his cold hand on your hip and look away shyly then see the stream is still paused and the fans are confused but also somewhat worried. You smile and gesture for him to bring back the live and he does, returning the smile with his shiny grills. The fans are then reassured that everything is okay and not many jokes about the rapper who shall not be named was mentioned again.
Flashback ended
You’re in your personal recording studio with your legs propped on the expensive equipment as you slowly turn yourself side to side in your white wheely chair to wonder what to do. You read the lyrics again and listened to the demos of your verses repeatedly again, not knowing if you should bring the rapper who shall not be named onto the song and make a hit.
Contemplating quietly, you didn’t notice the door opening and your boyfriend but also the rest of the AMP members stroll in. Kai screams “WHAT'S UP SISTER!”
You slightly jump, nearly knocking your iced coffee onto the very expensive equipment, which you could easily buy again but that’s too much effort for you and your team to set up again.
“KAI YOU BITCH! Don’t scare me like that!”
He laughs along with the others and he starts apologising. You smile, and give everyone your hugs until you stop at Duke, he embraces you tightly kissing your lips and then asking, “Are you alright mamas? I can tell something is up?”
Duke always knew when something was bothering you, or if you just weren’t okay. You could fool anyone except him. You sigh and sit back on your white spinny chair in front of the AMP members and start saying the truth. You might as well tell all of them at the same time as Duke.
“Well you know how I’m a singer?”
Everyone nods confusingly but then you continue “Well sometimes a singer needs to collaborate with other singers to make really good songs, right?”
They all collectively nod again, “Girl where is this going?” Fanum asks.
“Just wait stupid,” you sigh looking down at your hands and then speaking “Well I’ve been making new songs and I’ve made a song, a love song which needs to be a collab with a male singer.”
After that statement, all the males could see where this was going and look between you and Duke wondering if they should pipe up or not.
“Well, do you know who it’s going to be?” Duke asks sternly.
“Well… the producers are all saying that there’s only one person who should do it and the fans have also sai-”
“Fine, I’ll do it n***a!” Kai exclaims exasperated getting up to shake your hand.
Everyone starts laughing, the tension being disrupted through the air and is finally gone because of Kai’s stupidity. However, one person wasn’t laughing, Duke.
“N***A SHE AINT ON ABOUT YOU! She’s probably on about Future. Am I right?” Duke says looking straight at you.
You nod slightly not knowing what to do. He sighs getting up and walking around not knowing how to feel. “Let me hear the song,”
You nod and put it on after telling them that you’ve only recorded with your voice and no one else’s. After the grand reveal of the song, everyone is still shocked at how good your voice is and starts hyping you up. You smile proudly but look around and see your boyfriend just sitting on the sofa looking at the ground. You sigh not knowing what to do, but the saviour Davis always does. He silently starts to make everyone go out of the room before giving you a smile and shutting the door behind him, giving you and Duke privacy.
“Listen baby I-”
“Did you write the song? WHO is it about? It’s about that n***a Future ain’t it?” Angrily, Duke says frustrated and looks up at you.
“Yes. I wrote the song and guess what it’s actually not about Future. I can’t believe you think I would do that?! Do you think I’m some type of whore that would go around making love songs about other people than her boyfriend? BECAUSE GUESS WHAT. IM NOT. I MAKE A LOVE SONG ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND BUT NO MY BOYFRIEND HAS TO THINK ITS-”
Your rant was abruptly ended when Duke grabbed your neck and then started the kiss your lips, both of your tongues finding each other and dancing together as if they were salsa partners. You start to moan as your knees buckle, losing strength. Duke grabs your plump ass, slapping it before lifting you up and dropping you on top of the sofa. He gets on top of you kissing your lips then slowly starts to make his way down to your neck and collarbones, giving you love bites and dark deep hickeys. You continue to moan loudly as being in a recording studio meant that no one could hear you, even if they were pressed up against the door.
You were about to continue then a knock at the door stops you both in your tracks, “ARE YALL DONE ARGUING OR FUCKING?” you hear from the other side of the door.
You laugh and get up, and start fixing your hair combing it with your fingers to try and get rid of the crazy sexed-up hair knowing that if you could have gone all the way then you would defo have to hide the hair as it would’ve been everywhere. Duke smiles at you and hugs you tightly before saying, “I’m sorry for getting angry, I just don’t want you to be with another man. I love the song so much thank you for writing it about me.”
“Jealous much huh? Don’t worry the only love songs I’m singing and writing are about you,” You tease before getting interrupted by the rest of the AMP members intruding into the studio.
“SEE they aren’t fucking!” Chris says at Agent but Angent could see something that his best mate couldn’t.
“N***a look at Y/N’s neck then speak to me.”
You look confused whilst Duke looks down and starts laughing. You turn around to look into a mirror and see all the dark hickeys Duke left.
“DUKE, AGENT, EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!” You exclaim trying to hide them with your hands.
You got to do the song with Future after all, and let’s just say the song was an instant hit and you may have gotten a few awards for it. Duke was the proudest boyfriend in the world and wishes he could’ve put his jealousy aside in the earlier days, but now he makes up for it by giving you the best nights and mornings wink of your life after you win the awards.
The song I’ve been on about is called ‘Loveeeeeee Song’ By Rihanna ft. Future
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lovingjingyuan · 7 months
Sweet Jing Yuan Headcanon pt 1
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I love Jing Yuan so much I had to write about him. I never really enjoyed writing but for him yes! I love this man to death and he's the sweetest and the kindest man! Also gentleman!!! He would be an amazing supporting husband for sure!
Warning: None!
I'm gonna write an NSFW version when I have time.
Jing Yuan who is general and never experienced love til he met you♡
-Jing Yuan is a busy man and most of the time he's never in his office yet he always makes time for his beloved. Need help with anything? Somebody is already on their way. It's either him or someone else capable of handling the situation.
-A busy man needs motivation and you are his motivation. Jing Yuan is perfect in almost every aspect til his new title "Dozing General" for his overly laid-back demeanor and "laziness" til they see the pile of paperwork and overfilled schedule. One kiss on the cheek and he's suddenly energetic and back to work flying through the paperwork.
-Doing work, especially reading through hundreds of files is no fun but draining. The only time he really takes pleasure in it is when you are by his side. He made sure to give you a few kisses even subconsciously. For example, your forehead, cheeks, lips, and anywhere at random in the middle of work.
-I feel like this man is actually clingy. Lion cubs depend a lot on their mother and his mood depends on you. When you're sad he tries to figure out the problem and cheer you up, when you're upset or mad he might chuckle and try to make it better by overstimulating you with kisses or buying your favorite food. Yet in return, he wants kisses and cuddles.
-Like a lion needing to sleep by their mother's side at night he holds you close to his chest as you both sleep peacefully. If you're anxious at night he'll put up fairy or night lights up for you.
-Although his schedule is flooded with meetings and having to attend them. He always finds a way to add in dates with you in his schedule because to him you and him both need personal quality time together. Each date is extraordinary. It can be a trip to another planet like Penacony or a fancy dinner in the Luofu or another Xianzhou ship, even staying in his room cuddling and kissing all night while watching films!
-Jing Yuan who will support you in any goals you wish! He'll help you as much as he can just reward him with some kisses and cuddles. He loves you so much it's hard to say no sometimes to you.
-Jing Yuan who will put you in place if needed. Remember that one scene with Yanqing where he wanted to continue fighting I think, but Jing Yuan told him enough? Jing Yuan knows it will hurt your heart if he tells you to stop or no, but he will for your safety if it's too reckless because he wants to protect you. He only does it when it's mandatory and will get serious when needed but he'll never do anything to harm you.
-Jing Yuan plans and thinks carefully about the future with you and him. There is not a single thing he wouldn't do for you to keep you and his future bright. He understands the consequences very well in everything and will do his best to ensure the safety of the people he loves that is you.
I wrote this when I was supposed to be studying for my political exam. Oh well, I'm gonna fail but worth it for Jing Yuan <3 I also love this man so much and his character and design! His charming personality and how he gets serious when needed. i love that one part where he was giving Luocha a trial and when he got complimented he joked around and was soft a bit before getting back into serious mode.
His character is everything to meeee! I don't wanna mess up his character too much for Yandere Jing Yuan so gotta write this! Hopefully, it's in character 😭 cause I know Jing Yuan is a sweet gentleman.
I don't need a man like Jing Yuan I need Jing Yuan.
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shitsndgiggs · 1 month
Hiii Kaya!
I saw your requests are open(?) And I was just thinking a lil bit, could you do either a Hector or Marc imagine/story what ever you wanna call it, where like reader is like a F1 driver and she introduces him to the drivers but like Carlos Sainz and Fernando alonso ( idk if you watch f1 sorryyy) are like complete 'no no, how dare you date a BARCA PLAYER COULDN'T YOU HAVE DATED LIKE ARDA GÜLER INSTEAD GIRL' (hope you get the point<3) and then it goes from like fluff to angsty cause he's scared they don't like him, but then it ends fluffy<3 Have a nice day/night, I hope you see the point and it wasn't too specific!
Does Carlos and Fernando approve of your relationship with a Barca player?
Héctor Fort x f1 driver! reader
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The roar of engines echoed through the paddock as I made my way to the team garage, the adrenaline still pumping from the morning’s practice session.
Being an F1 driver had always been my dream, and now that I was living it, there was nothing like the thrill of the track. But today wasn’t just about racing; today was about introducing Hector to my world.
He’d been so excited when I invited him to the Grand Prix, and I was eager to introduce him to the other drivers—especially the Spanish ones, Carlos Sainz and Fernando Alonso.
But as we walked through the paddock together, hand in hand, I could sense a bit of nervousness in Hector.
He might be a Barcelona player, accustomed to huge crowds and intense matches, but F1 was a whole different atmosphere.
“Ready to meet the guys?” I asked, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
Hector smiled, though there was a hint of apprehension in his eyes. “As ready as I’ll ever be. Just hoping I don’t embarrass myself.”
I laughed softly. “You? Embarrass yourself? Not a chance. Besides, they’re going to love you.”
As we approached the drivers’ lounge, I spotted Carlos and Fernando chatting near the entrance. They both looked up as we arrived, their expressions lighting up when they saw me.
“Y/N!” Carlos called out, his usual cheerful demeanor on full display.
“Finally decided to grace us with your presence, huh?”
I grinned, pulling Hector along with me. “Always happy to see you, Carlos. Fernando,” I nodded to him as well. “I’ve got someone I want you to meet.”
Carlos’s eyes narrowed playfully as he noticed Hector beside me. “Wait a second… Is this who I think it is?”
I nodded proudly. “Carlos, Fernando, this is Hector Fort. My boyfriend.”
Fernando’s eyebrows shot up, and Carlos’s grin widened mischievously. “Hector Fort, the Barcelona player?” Fernando asked, his tone a mix of surprise and mock offense.
I nodded, but before I could say anything else, Carlos threw his hands up in mock outrage. “Oh no, no, no! How could you, Y/N? A Barca player? Of all the people you could date!”
Fernando joined in, shaking his head dramatically. “This is an absolute betrayal. Couldn’t you have found someone like… I don’t know, Arda Güler? A Real Madrid player? At least then we would actually like him.”
Hector stiffened beside me, his grip on my hand tightening slightly. I could see the flicker of insecurity in his eyes, even though he tried to mask it with a polite smile. “I didn’t realize my club affiliation would be such a big deal,” he joked, though there was an edge to his voice.
Carlos and Fernando exchanged a glance, their playful banter suddenly feeling a bit too real. Carlos stepped closer, looking Hector up and down as if sizing him up.
“Barca, huh? You know we’re die-hard Madrid fans, right?”
Hector nodded, his smile wavering slightly. “I’ve heard.”
I could feel the tension building between them, and I hated seeing Hector doubt himself. He was usually so confident, but this situation was clearly getting to him. I decided to step in before things got too uncomfortable.
“Come on, guys,” I said, trying to keep the mood light. “He’s here as my guest, not to debate football rivalries. Besides, he’s a great guy. Give him a chance.”
Carlos looked at Fernando, who shrugged as if to say, “We’ll see.” Then, with a dramatic sigh, Carlos finally broke into a grin. “Alright, alright. Maybe we can overlook the Barca thing… for now.”
Hector’s shoulders relaxed a little, but I could tell he was still on edge. As we walked away from Carlos and Fernando, heading toward my team’s area, Hector glanced at me, his expression troubled.
“Do you think they really don’t like me?” he asked quietly, his earlier confidence completely gone.
I stopped walking and turned to face him, placing my hands on his chest. “Hector, they were just messing with you. Carlos and Fernando are both huge jokers. I’m sure that they didn’t mean anything by it.”
He sighed, looking down at me with uncertainty. “I don’t know… It felt like they were really bothered by it. What if they never accept me because of the team I play for?”
I reached up and cupped his face in my hands, forcing him to meet my eyes. “Listen to me. Anyone who really gets to know you will see what an amazing person you are. If they don’t, then that’s their loss. But I promise you, Carlos and Fernando will come around. They’re just protective of me, and they love to tease. Give it some time.”
Hector looked into my eyes for a long moment before nodding. “Okay… I trust you. But if they keep making comments, I might need you to step in again.”
I smiled, brushing a quick kiss against his lips. “I’ve got your back, don’t worry.
As the day went on, Hector slowly began to relax. He watched me during the qualifying session, cheering me on from the stands, and later we joined the other drivers for a casual dinner.
Carlos and Fernando, true to form, continued their light-hearted ribbing, but this time, Hector seemed to take it in stride. He even started dishing it back, which seemed to earn him some respect.
By the end of the evening, Carlos raised his glass in a toast. “Alright, I admit it. You’re not so bad, Hector. Even if you do play for Barca.”
Fernando nodded in agreement, a rare smile on his face. “Yeah, you’re alright. Just don’t expect us to start rooting for your team.”
Hector laughed, visibly relieved. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
As we left the dinner and headed back to our hotel, Hector wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close. “I guess I won them over after all,” he said, his voice filled with relief and warmth.
I leaned into him, smiling up at him. “I told you they’d come around. You just had to give them a chance.”
He kissed the top of my head, his earlier worries now completely gone. “I’m lucky to have you by my side, you know that?”
“I know,” I teased, glancing up at him with a grin. “But I’m even luckier to have you.”
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hollyhomburg · 2 months
Before I Leave You (Pt. 73)
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(Sneak peek)(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: You are everything to Yoongi, the yoke in his egg, the daffodils on the sidewalk, the sunshine in the morning. Everything. He just has to remember it. 
Tags: Nightmares, angst, hurt/comfort, mention of food issues but they're only talked about in terms of the m/c getting better, cuddling, fluff, comfort, panic attacks, implied ptsd, themes of forgiveness, inside jokes, butt touching but its romantic.
W/c: 10.0k
A/n: the irony of this chapter is that it's going to come out during the wedding of the two people who live in the house that inspired bily, the last time i was there there were sprouts growing in every windowsill and a fluffy throw on every couch so <3 everything will be alright wont it? the house is filled with love in this universe as well as the bily one <3
Previous part- Masterlist - First part
You are standing on a kitchen stool when he skitters to a stop on bare feet at the bottom of the stairs.
Yoongi has to blink a few times to make sure he's not dreaming, that the walls are the same light pink color they always were. Not brick red but not creamy plaster white- off color like the flush at your cheeks.
The sweater you wear is Hobi's- extra big especially at the wrists, pulling down all the way to your elbow as you reach up to stop the beeping from the smoke alarm with a wave of a newspaper. Nose wrinkled at the smell of smoke. You don't have the crusties at your eyes and your skin is glossy. Seokjin probably did your skincare routine for you as the pack omega is prone to do with so much extra time for fussing these days.
There is no one else in the house but you. The top layer of the air in the kitchen is cloudy with smoke. Yoongi watches you and scrubs a hand over his face. You do not turn and look at Yoongi in the doorway, although you know it’s him just because you can sense when your mate comes close, either scenting him on the air or through the dull pulse of the mating park.
He breathes in a deep breath of your scent, warm and sweet and slightly smooth, not frazzled or scared sour (the way he first knew your scent to be, back before he even knew that you smelled like cake and not rain). You smell completely unaffected, unworried, and unharmed. You don't smell at all like you would have in Yoongi's dream. You don't smell like you're dying.
So why is his heart still beating out of his chest?
He crosses the kitchen in a few shakey strides, just as you start to speak. “Hobi made pancakes but Jin and him started making out and they like totally forgot about them! So they’re out getting breakfast sandwiches, I didn’t wanna wake you so I just got you-”
Your voice cuts off abruptly as Yoongi lines his face up with your spine and plants his nose there, breathing in your scent once, then again shaky. Nuzzling into your lower back. Arms around your waist, gripping your hips.
You make a little noise, questioning, looking down at him with a mixture of shock and concern. And you should be shocked and concerned- it's been nearly a month since your mate hugged you- let alone clutched you to his chest like this. It’s roughly the same sound that Noodle makes when you wake him up with pets.
He holds around your waist as you stand on the ladder, three feet up. His hands tangle with the fabric at your hips. He blinks, looking down and away, at the floor.
“Yoongi? What’s wrong?”
Dimly, he's aware that he’s supposed to be angry at you. He flushes, the blood hot and pink at his cheeks. You’re not supposed to be speaking really- at least not about things that matter and to be fair- Yoongi cannot speak right now. Burying his face in your back until the feeling of your blood on his hands is a distant memory. Feeling the warmth of your skin until the idea of you cold and still no longer bothers him.
Not a memory- a dream. Not a memory. He has to remind himself a second time. Remind himself enough that by the time he doesn't believe it the space to answer your question comes and goes.
Your eyebrows lower and you set a hand on his head, threading routinely into his hair- long, shaggy and dark. And he pushes further into your skin and into your touch the same way plants press into sunlight.
Yoongi is so tired of being angry, he's so tired of being scared. Your hand touches his cheek and his eyes flutter. Lips parting. Namjoon cuddled him just last night- but Yoongi will always be touch starved just for you.
Your breath hitches, "Oh Yoongi."
Coming Saturday July 20th at 5pm EST
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Characters at a Ball
A/N: I am a SUCKER for Victorian era balls. This is largely based on historical romances! In this, MC is in the pining phase with each character!
Characters include: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Garreth Weasley, Leander Prewett, Amit Thakarr, Poppy Sweeting, Natty Onai.
Warnings: Kissing
Reader: Gender Neutral
Sebastian Sallow:
This man is the life of the party.
Okay he is so sweet though? Like he asks every woman to a friendly dance if they don't have a date.
He can dance relatively well, nothing to boast about though.
But oh man, he realizes you don't have anyone to dance with. So he asks you to dance, knowing you wouldn't think of it as anything more than he had asked the other girls.
Yet when you accept and he leads you to the dancefloor, his heart starts pounding. Man's is BLUSHING
He holds your waist so firmly and takes the gentleman's lead.
It's more of a fast energetic dance, and he can't take his eyes off you as he twirls you around the floor. It's not graceful either, you both laugh as he crashes you into Prewett.
When you're done dancing he leads you away on his arm. He grabs you punch and is just BEAMING because he's so proud to have someone as gorgeous as you on his arm!
He stops being nervous quickly and soon you're both cackling as you step on each other's feet, stumbling into each other.
Towards the balls end, he leans in to kiss you but is interrupted by Ominis asking him what instruments were enchanted to play.
Seb is angry but hey. By the way you're rubbing circles on his hand, he knows you feel the same as he.
After the ball he walks you back to your common room, and like a cliche he kisses you goodnight.
Ominis Gaunt:
He surprisingly is just enjoying the atmosphere! Of course he isn't joining, but he's content with standing in the corner and listening to everyone have fun.
This man drinks like half the punch and eats more pastries than he should, all because he's a nervous eater and you've been sitting there without a dance. Well, unless you count Sebastian.
He wants to ask you, but you look so happy laughing with Poppy and Garreth! He doesn't wanna distract you. So he settles with lounging in his corner, holding small conversations with people who come to talk to him.
About halfway through the ball he works up the courage (and not without Sebastians help) to ask you for a dance and LO AND BEHOLD his face is red. So is yours but like he doesn't know.
He's a good dancer I think, his family hosted and went to many balls as a child. But he's so nervous that he's shaking slightly. You don't notice.
He holds you so carefully but so close? Closer than the other dancers on the floor. His thumb rubs circles on your hip and he doesn't even realize it.
After a couple dances he relaxes and even cracks a few jokes. He's enchanted by your laugh already so it just lights up his world. This man is enamored!
When your feet start to hurt he takes a break with you, sitting down and still talking about whatever came to mind. You hold his hand and surprisingly, he doesn't break. the night put him at ease and he simply kisses your hand when thanking you for the dance.
Garreth Weasley:
he is so excited for the ball!! Probably asked MC for a dance before the thing even started. He's thinking of it as a friendly, no strings attached dance even though he wishes for more.
When he sees you in your gown or suit, his night is made. Like his whole face lights up and he can't even blush because he is amazed. You're just so amazing!
He tells you such with a breathless smile and extends his arm. You look amazing on his arm! At this point he doesn't even stop to consider his next move, he's just acting in the moment because you make it hard to think.
Almost immediately he asks for a dance. He's awful, but neither of you care. If you're wearing one, he steps on the hems of your dress and feels awful!
You accidentally spill punch down your dress or your robes and are devastated. He gives you his coattail to button up over the front to hide the stain. It smells a little like gunpowder and a lot like a stupid fancy cologne that he no doubt put on to impress you. You love it though, and both of you pretend not to blush.
About three quarter of the way through the ball, Garreth is leading you out of the great hall. You're both laughing as you tear through the courtyard, ruining your clothes with mud. It's okay though, he stops you at the green house.
It's there that he kisses you, breathless and passionate. Holding your face between his hands and smiling so hard into the kiss that teeth gnash together.
Leander Prewett
Honestly, he didn't even ask you to the ball. Garreth was teasing him about not having a date and, well, you were right there.
"actually, MC and I are going together!"
Not that you minded, but no more words were spoken about it. Not until the day before the ball and Leander asks for conformation that you still would like to go with him.
Like bestie you never said you did in the first place, but SURE YOU'LL GO WITH HIM!
and he dies when he sees you in your dress or suit. I mean full on stuttering, bright red, goofy ass grin. It's honestly really sweet.
He walks into the ball with you on his arm and his smile is just...so proud.
Honestly he hadn't been nervous at all, but when the first dance comes, Garreth has to give him a pep talk into dancing.
Your feet will be bruised by the end of the night, the hems of your skirt or dress robes will be ripped, and somehow your hair gets caught on the stupid collar connected to his robes.
Despite this, you had a great night. He brought you a corsauge to match his dress robes, and payed for your picture to be taken if you wanted it.
At the end of the night he walks you back to your common room. He really, really wants to kiss you but Garreth advised him not to. Instead he kisses your cheek and asks if you would like to eat breakfast with him the next morning.
Amit Thakker
He's so cute
He asked you before the ball to accompany him, and asked by leaving a note on your telescope.
Before the ball he comes to your common room and gives you a brooch to wear in place of a corsage. It's enchanted to match the color of your robes or dress, and is in the shape of your favorite constellation
Honestly, Amit probably wouldn't ask you if you guys weren't already dating. So when he comes to pick you up, he smiles so big and gives you a gentle kiss. He tells you how astonishing you look.
Okay he CAN dance but he lowkey hates it. But it is a ball, so he offers you one or two dances. They would be so romantic but he's in your ear talking about the night sky on the ceiling of the great hall. His nerdiness interrupts the pure romance and honestly, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Normally Amit doesn't do pda. Yet he kisses you on the dance floor. It makes both of you turn bright red and both of your friends are whistling in the background.
He is so embarrassed because he totally didn't think about it beforehand!! It's okay though, he hides his face in your neck while he blushes.
After the ball, you invite him to your dorm so you can give the brooch back. After all it takes three layers to take off before you can unclasp it. He ends up falling asleep in your bed and the two of you sleep in the same bed for the first time!
Poppy Sweeting
Listen Poppy is an odd duck, and she knows it.
She doesn't skip a beat in asking you to the ball. It's with a poppy that she asks you, because she thinks it's rather ironic that it's the first flower she could find.
You're sitting on a bench in your Vivarium when she comes up behind you. "MC!" And when you turn around she thrusts a Kneazle into your arms. It has a poppy attached to it's collar and a packet of your favorite candies. She asks you nonchalantly, as if asking you what your favorite color was.
Of course you guys get ready together!! She comes to your dorm in her dress, but helps you do your hair and or makeup if you wish. Really she just wants to appreciate you without the stares of everyone at the ball.
And when you walk in together, arm in arm, she is smiling and waving at her friends. Poppy doesn't consider herself a proud person, but SHE HAS THE DAMN HERO OF HOGWARTS AS HER DATE
Almost immediately she is dragging you to the dance floor. Honestly she doesn't care for traditional waltzing. You guys, much like Sebastian, are spinning and dancing to your own beat.
Some students there for an actual dance get annoyed but who cares? You're having a blast.
Her face is so red from the exercise and you can practically see the happiness glowing around her. She's just so damn happy to be with you!
So happy in fact that when you take a break to catch your breath, she stands on her toes and brings you in for a quick kiss.
You aren't even surprised, both of you drunk on the atmosphere. Not one moment goes by in the evening where the both of you aren't having the time of your lives.
Instead of going to your dorms when the dance is over, you guys sneak out to go feed the mooncalves. The stars are beautiful and oop! You guys are kissing again
Your night ends in Poppy's arms, surrounded by animals and heart full.
Natty Onai
Honestly, Natty asked you to the ball as friends. I mean neither of you had a date, and why not?
But as she is waiting for you to finish getting ready, she quickly realizes she wishes it was more than friends. Maybe you took it that way?
She conjures a corsage of bright red roses to match her dress and tries not to blush giving it to you.
She has on a floor length red gown and her hair is down and wow, if you didn't have a crush on her before, you do now.
Natty is so sweet when asking you for a dance. Like offers you her hand and asks "may I have this dance?"
her mother is one of the chaperones so Natty can't get too close, but she keeps smiling at you! She has a beautiful smile btw.
The perfect lady honestly. Brings you punch if you look thirsty and when you are tired of dancing sits and talks with you while you regain energy.
When her mother isn't looking she gives you a tight hug that lingers a little longer than a friendly one would.
it's during a slow dance that you let your head fall to her shoulder and she just m e l t s.
After the ball, Natty offers to walk you back to your dorm, but is stopped by her mother. She needs Natty's help cleaning up. So Natty slips you a note to read in the morning saying how much fun she had and how she needs to talk to you about something. (HER FEELINGS BTW)
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catoslvt · 6 months
Gally (TMR) x Reader
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you were from Aris' maze, and the people who saved Gally saved you as well.
because Aris is like the male equivalent to Teresa, Gally is the male equivalent to you.
everyone sleeps in the same room in sleeping bags and stuff apart from people who may need checkups during the night (like Gally and you🥰)
Also there's still apples and shit cos idk
he has a nightmare about Chuck cos I'm sad.
I was meant to be sleeping over two hours ago, but I'm restless, my mind going over 100mph, I need to get up and walk about, try to tire myself out and maybe go get a drink.
I slowly stand up from my bed, trying to listen for footsteps, if the people who usually check on me during the night realise I'm wandering out of bed during the middle of the night without letting one of them know i'll probably be in a lot of trouble, but I need a drink so I really don't care.
As I slip out of my room/hospital room, I hear quiet cries coming from the door next to mine, Gallys room.
My heart stops for a split seconds, and I stop in my tracks, peeking my head into Gallys room. I realise he's sleeping, his eyes shut tight, and his face screwed up as though he's about to cry, and without second thought, I creep into his room, trying to keep my footsteps as light as possible.
I watch Gally for a few seconds before he starts mumbling, his voice breaking with every word and his sentences hardly making sense.
"Gally." I say quietly, moving closer to his bed, but he remains asleep, his face tensing and twisting as the mumbling continues getting louder, I need to wake him up before Donnie or someone else comes to see what's wrong.
"Gally." I say, getting slightly louder, and as I touch his arm, His face stops twisting and making horrible expressions, and he mumbles one last word.
"Gally." I say, my volume now getting increasingly close to my normal speaking volume, and I give him one last final shake, and his eyes slowly begin to open.
"What the fu -" He goes to say very loudly, and I press my finger to his lips.
"It's only me. Everyone's still asleep. You need to be quiet, I'm sorry for waking you up, but I think you were having a nightmare." I tell him and gally sits up and moves so his back is against the wall, and he pats the spot next to him for me to sit down beside him.
We've both been here for probably close to a year, we've both changed a lot since we first arrived both physically and mentally, adapting to life outside the maze where everything isn't given to us in a box and things aren't in perfect harmony, but we've made it work, we're close, which makes sense because in Gallys maze he was the male equivalent to me, or vice versa, I don't think it really matters though.
"It was just a stupid dream." He states, turning away from me.
"About Chuck?" I ask even though I already know the answer.
"Yeah, It felt so real, like I was back there killing him all over again." He sighs, and I gently grab his arm.
"But it wasn't you. You didn't do it. You had been stung by a griever, and it wasn't even him you were trying to kill." I remind him, trying my best to comfort him.
"Do you get dreams about Rachel?" Gally asks as he turns to look at me, his eyes instantly falling on mine, and I feel myself blushing slightly.
"Yeah, but they're just dreams, I've come to terms with the fact I'm not at fault for her death. WICKD is." I answer and he just nods before shrugging.
"Wanna go a walk? I'm hungry." Gally then asks as he turns to look at me, and I quickly stand up nodding rapidly.
"I'm so thirsty, that's why I got out of bed to get a drink, but then I heard you mumbling, so i came to make sure everything was alright." I tell him, and he lets out a joking 'mhm'
"Are you sure you didn't just want to watch me sleep?" He teases as he stands up and stretches before walking over to the doorway of the room, which hasn't had a door in god knows how long.
"In your dreams." I scoff as I follow him.
"Unfortunately, my dreams aren't that good." He continues as he leads the way to the places makeshift kitchen, my breathing stopping when we walk past one of the enterances to the sleeping room.
Once we reach the kitchen, I instantly find a bottle of water, Ripping the cap off and chugging half of the bottle as Gally finds two apples, keeping one in his hand and stuffing the other in his pocket.
"Can we go to our car?" I ask and Gally smiles widely with a nod.
our car is one one of the old banged up cars our group keeps in one of their garages. It's a good hiding spot because all the windows are blacked out, and somehow, every door is still intact.
"We can't stay for too long. Everyone will be waking up in a few hours, and god knows when someone will wake up to check on us." He says as he grabs my hand and leads the way.
"Do you think the car still works?" I ask as we climb in the back of the car we have claimed as our own private hang out spot.
"I'm not sure, wouldn't be much help to us anyway." Gally answers as he begins eating the first apple, offering me the second but I shake my head no.
"Well, we could always just drive away, maybe make our way back to the mazes, see if the grievers are gone, and if they are, then we could just live happily in the maze." I say, being completely sarcastic and Gally just laughs.
"You always have to find the positives in everything, don't you?" He asks with a smile and I shrug.
"I guess that's one of our biggest differences, eh?" He continues with a gentle shove to my side.
"I like that you're almost always negative." I tell him as i turn to face him, and he just smiles.
"and I like that you're almost always positive." He states, and I feel myself turning red as I look away and smile.
"We've known each other for like a year, and im closer to you than I was with any of the girls in my maze, and I was with them for like three years." I tell Gally as I slowly turn to look at him again, and as I'm speaking, I could've sworn I saw his eyes drop to my lips for a few seconds.
"I hated everyone in my Glade, so it's not hard to be closer to you than I was them." He remarks, and I scoff and look away.
"No, I didn't mean it like that -" Gally quickly says, and I try to hide my smile by looking hurt.
"No y/n, I didn't mean it like that." Gally says as he gently grabs my face and makes me look at him, and his eyes fall to my lips again, and before I even had time to register what I was doing, my lips were on his.
"Shit." I gasp as I pull away from Gally, instantly pushing myself against the door on my side, trying to get away from him but also still wanting to be in the same space as him.
"Why did you pull away?" Gally asks, pulling me away from the door and almost pulling me onto his lap as his lips meet mine in a gentle but quick paced kiss.
It seems like we spend hours in the car kissing, but it probably wasn't even half an hour before we're clambering out of the car, trying not to laugh.
"I really hope we haven't had checks." Gally whispers to me as we begin walking back to our rooms.
"I don't even care if we did, I'm too happy to care." I tell him as I stare up at him, now standing at the thin strip of wall between our rooms.
"I'll see you at breakfast?" He asks looking down at me.
"Save me a seat." I say with a smile, and he leans down and kisses me to the lips before pulling away and walking into his room, and I do the same walking into my room with the largest smile on my face.
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mykoreanlove · 10 months
not the christmas party you had in mind
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“Just say my name when you’re entering the building. They’re already waiting for you.”
You giggled wholeheartedly as you read your friend’s text. You haven’t seen her in forever, but she hasn’t changed a bit.
Ever since you moved to Seoul gatherings like these became seldom, so you appreciated her inviting you to her work event even more.
You hid your face in your wool scarf as the cold attacked you brutally.
“Finally”, you mumbled as you made it to the company building.
The facility was decorated beautifully. You spotted mellow fairy lights, a big Christmas tree with shiny ornaments and mistle toes hanging from the ceiling. Your eyes wandered to the counter where a couple of employees waited around, joking and laughing about today’s event.
“Hi. I am here with y/besties/n. Does that ring a bell?”
The guy responsible looked up from his computer and took a good look at you – which made you stop in your tracks. Damn, he was attractive.
Light brown hair, parted in the middle with kind eyes and a devious smirk. His blue name tag hung around his neck, but it was too small for you to decipher.
He scanned the list and smiled at you.
“Are you y/n?”
You flashed him your kindest smile and hoped to see him later at the party.
“Yeah, hi.”
He motioned his hand to his colleague: “Please go with her. Enjoy the party.”
Your eyes scanned the room, but your bestie was no where in sight. As you went to get rid of your coat you scanned the area – the people looked nice, but no one piqued your interest quite like he did. You wondered if he would come up later too as you felt a hand grab you by your shoulder.
“Y/N!”, your bestie screamed excitedly. You hugged her tightly and talked for a while.
“Listen, that guy downstairs is hella cute.”
She nodded in response. “Oh my god, right? I thought so, too!”
It felt like hours went by until you finally saw him again. He was dominating the room like a lion – everybody wanted to talk to him, every woman was desperate for his attention.
“He is walking around like he’s fucking half of them; don’t you think?”, your friend whispered in your ear. You felt your chest tighten. She was probably right – even if he was single, he probably would be interested in a couple of women.
The night went by, and you had a blast with your friend. Shots and laughter filled your whole system. A couple of times you caught the guy from downstairs staring at you, but only for a second or two.
“Let’s go. I wanna go home.”
You grabbed her by the shoulders: “One last shot and we go. Come on.”
You motioned her to the bar and found your point of interest lingering there, too. He was holding up a shot glass and pointing it to you.
“We didn’t drink once”, you rolled your eyes at him. He turned around and ordered some more, making his way to you.
“You can’t leave without having a shot with me first.”
He handed you the pink liquor and looked you deeply in the eyes – daring you obey him.
As you gulped it down you felt him whispering in your ear.
“I don’t want you to think that this is some kind of lame pick up line but I gotta tell you.. You are such a beautiful woman. I noticed you right away when you entered the building.”
Butterflies appeared in your stomach as you listened to him complimenting you. You turned your head and whispered in his ear now.
“Thank you. Even though now I’m kinda sad that this wasn’t a pick up line.”
His laughter melted your heart.
“Oh come on, that is a nice thing.”
He held out his hand to you.
“I am Lee Know. Who are you?” You took his hand and shook it confidently.
“Y/N. Nice to meet you, Lee Know.”
You chatted for a while – about work and interests but got interrupted by your friend who was desperate to go home.
“I gotta go. I’m sorry.”
He smiled sadly.
“Don’t be. There’s always another party. I expect you to be there.” His charms grew on you.
“I can’t just show up, you know? Why don’t you give me your number?”
He entered the digits of his number in your phone and handed it back to you – smiling.
Shortly after, he slung his arms around you and hugged you goodbye.
“Wow, you smell amazing y/n.”
You smirked. Buying that overpriced Burberry perfume definitely paid off.
“Bye Lee Know.”
You followed your friend, feeling excited and giddy on the inside.
“Ah hold on. The boss wants us to show the office’s branch before we leave.”
The boss, a middle-aged guy with golden retriever energy, already waited for you two.
“Welcome, ladies. Ready for our tour?” You walked along the corridors and didn’t think much of it as you asked him about Lee Know.
“Hey, who is the guy that was checking the lists earlier?”
The boss looked at you surprised.
“Oh, you mean Minho?” Confusion cursed through you.
“Minho? No, Lee Know.” He remained silent, which didn’t sit right with you either.
“Ah, Lee Know, right. Actually, he’s my assistant.”
He opened the door to the office and showed you around.
“Here is my place and over there, there’s Lee Know.”
Your eyes lit up.
You looked around – it was a rather boring office set up, so you decided to make it prettier. You grabbed a blue sticky note and scrambled a message on it. You wanted him to remember you.
It was nice meeting you. Even if it was short. Hopefully, we can see each other again. Best, y/n <3
As you made your way out your friend noticed your perfume, too.
“How did I not notice your perfume before? You smell amazing. What is this?” You smiled again.
“Funny enough, Lee Know said the same thing.”
“He did?” His boss’ eyes widened in surprise. Something about his reactions really irked you, irritation flooding you.
“Yeah. He said I smelled nice. Among some other stuff.”
“Like what?”, your friend asked.
“Ehm”, you stumbled, not knowing if you should say this in front of his boss.
“He said that I’m a very beautiful woman and that he noticed me right from the beginning.”
His boss’ face turned cold.
“I can’t believe it. Did he also mention that he is married and the father of a newborn?”
“WHAT?” Your jaw hit the floor.
His boss sighed annoyed.
“Yeah, thought so.”
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theintrovertbean · 8 months
I wanna see how Nadia realized she loves Mc. Like when she realizes just how much she loves and cares for Mc and I’m talking bout before they got together because the M6 describes Mc , Mc is strong, caring , smart, talented and I just wanna see when Nadia realizes she loves Mc. ( also wanna see how she reacts to Mc being the strong Magician people say they are)🙃
Oh boy, I made this so long. I think I got a little bit carried away, but that's okay because the more Nadia content the better.
Thank you for the request, Anon! It was a delight and I had the time of my life writing it.
How Nadia realized that she loves MC
Nadia loved MC long before she even realized it. For three months, she dreamt of them and she saw their face everywhere. She already loved the idea of MC and having them in her life, but since there isn't much logic in that, she pushed it away until it was no longer possible to ignore.
However, MC was not entirely the same person in reality, but the potential was always there.
Remember the part in Nadia's route when MC was in The Tower realm with Nadia, and they woke her up from her magic slumber? Yeah, that's the person Nadia was already in love with. That version of MC didn't exist yet, at least not at the beginning of the game. But when Nadia finally invited them to the palace, and as they spent more time together, MC eventually became that person.
MC was once a powerful magician, I guess even stronger than Asra. Because MC died and lost their memories, it's likely that a lot of those abilities were lost, but not entirely. Still, this doesn't mean that MC is not a powerful magician, they just need to find a way to tap into that power. MC literally goes from cutie patootie who can summon a ball of light to breaking the Devil's chains. If that's not powerful, then idk what is.
On the one hand, Nadia is glad that the people didn't lie about MC being powerful because she hates liars. On the other hand, she found MC's power quite attractive and relieving. It gives her some peace knowing that MC can take care of themselves.
Not only MC is powerful, but also smart. Nadia was surrounded by incompetent dumbasses (except for Portia), so she wasn't joking when she said that MC's presence was refreshing. Being around someone with common sense made her life a whole lot better.
As for caring, it was something Nadia had experienced before from her family, because, let's be honest, the Satrinavas never seemed as bad as Nadia portrayed them. Still, Nadia refused to accept their affection and care, which was something she didn't do with MC. It was unusual to her at first and a little scary as well, but being cared for by MC felt so good. It took some courage, yes, but she did enjoy having someone care for her the way she cared for them too.
Loving MC was the easiest thing in the world. Nadia felt it pretty soon after MC came to the palace. It was natural, and there was no need to put much thought into it. Because of that, Nadia needed a catalyst, something that would help her realize her own emotions.
The moment when Nadia truly realizes that she's in love with MC is when Lucio steals their body and she almost loses them. You know how it is. People don't always realize how much something/someone means to them until they lose them, and that's exactly what happened to Nadia.
Suddenly, MC wasn't there, and the world felt empty and dull without them in it. And it hurt. Gayness, did it hurt. If it wasn't for her incredible self-control and because she was more focused on bringing them back, I'm sure Nadia would have had an entire breakdown. Not the pretty princess tears from a Disney movie, but actually crying.
Her heart was aching so bad, and she was horrified of losing them. Was she losing her independence if she felt like she could no longer imagine her life without MC in it? No, she was simply in love, and it was the most heart-wrenching yet beautiful feeling she had ever known in her entire life.
This person, MC, uplifted her in such a short time. Her resentment towards her sisters is almost gone, her memories are coming back, she's a better ruler, and MC has helped her with pretty much everything. MC makes both Nadia and her life better. How could she not love them?
It also made Nadia realize that she had to tell MC about her feelings. To lose them without ever telling them how much she loves them would have been far too tragic. And Nadia didn't want to let go of MC.
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carryonafi · 9 months
never say no.
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michael clifford x reader; SMUT!!!! 🔞
a/n: whatsup‼️ some more smut for u dirty people, this one is some epic groupie x michael stuff so BE PREPARED!! this is inspired by the absolutely wild conversations i’ve had with my friends about the groupie era, so slightly exaggerated BUT it’s just catering to your fantasies pretty much😭 — also! i feel like i could take this story somewhere, so let me know if you want a second part to it? enjoy!
words: 3.9k
Something about this didn’t feel real, standing behind The Forum on a chilly night standing in front of two men. Not just any two men, Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford who both play guitar and sing in 5 Seconds of Summer. Your heart was pounding in your ears with every passing word, every giggle you and your friend let out echoed in your ears and hearing a laugh from either of them in response made you dizzy. You had your eye on Michael from the moment you saw them on MTV just a few months ago, it felt like. Now here they stood, in the flesh, body language giving off a dirty intention you just couldn’t pass up. Everything about this was wrong, they had you both wrapped around their fingers and it was so, so cliche. Power imbalance, authority, but it felt right. It was too good not to chase after.
A leather jacket was draped over your shoulders, but of course, it wasn’t yours. Luke cracked a joke that had you two giggling again as if they were the funniest guys in the world, but really, you were just too flustered.
“The only difference is that his red hair isn’t natural, or is that what you two have in common?” Luke poked fun at your friend who stood beside you, naturally flaming red hair and seductively sweet green eyes with specks of hazel.
“I guess we’ll just have to find out.” She flirted, even you gawked at her because she was never this bold. Luke had this smirk on his face in response which awakened some kind of realization within you. This was happening, this was really happening. Michael was rolling his eyes at Luke and the way the light from the dim street lamps seamlessly reflected and bounced around his features had you in a trance, you could stare at him forever. Honestly, you just wanted to reach out and run your hands all over his face.
“You wanna come back with us? It would really be a shame, all this talking going nowhere…” Michael drawled in a way that captivated you and your desires, leaning back against the cold brick of the building you lot were currently hiding behind. Your friend happily reached out to you and squeezed your arm, not breaking the gaze she had on the two firm figures in front of you.
“We’d love that, yeah.” You replied, pulling the leather further over your bare shoulders. “Don't have to pay for a cab, right?” It was mostly a tease, and score, you made the 2 guys laugh with it.
“We’ve got you covered.” Luke shrugged nonchalantly as a way to play along, nodding his head in the direction of the exit of the alley. All you could think about was Michael, he plagued your thoughts as you continued to stare at him. Paying attention to Luke was just so difficult with the other next to him, eye-catching red hair paired with smokey black eyeliner that accentuated the barely visible, sweet freckles around his nose and hopeless green eyes. You had seen many, many pictures and videos, but up close he was simply something else.
“Come on! (Y/N) already answered for me, it’s cold out here.” Your friend complained to the two boys, her arm sliding down the fabric of Luke’s jacket until their hands ended up interlacing when she reached the hem of the sleeve. He graciously wrapped his arm around her and gestured for Michael to follow, but you could see that glint in their eyes. They had this similar look to them that only said triumph as you began to tail behind Luke. The flirting between her and Luke was hardcore, unashamed and definitely feeding into the jealousy for anyone else involved in these streets. However, Michael liked how you were much more. You got your point across by body language, a physical communicator and not so verbal. Hopefully that would be different, he was a sucker for any type of dirty talk.
“You have to be cold, too. I mean… look at that little skirt you’re wearing, and a flannel over a tank top? Wasn’t the smartest choice, was it?” Michael placed his hand on the small of your back to make sure you weren’t leaving his side, and the blessed giggle you let out in response was more than music to his ears. “I can feel you shivering.” He said a bit lower, voice unwavering despite his own lack of warmth.
“Well, I didn’t plan too far ahead…” You sighed, turning to the side to whisper back to him as you blindly followed Luke. “I don’t dress for practicality, y’know? Whatever makes me feel attractive, I guess.” You replied, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth as you watched his eyes dilate.
“Well it definitely worked.”
The journey back to whatever hotel this was didn’t take too long at all, but holy shit, were you impressed. The car had those seats you saw in movies or paparazzi pictures, the two backseats facing each other which had you and your friend staring back at marveled faces as you settled in. However, it didn’t last too long, the flirting continued and some of the things these boys were saying had you squirming in your seat. Did car rides always take so long?
Michael never left your side, from the moment you exited the car to when you finally entered the 6th floor hallway that held their rooms. It seemed as if the other two band members were already in their respective rooms, leaving Michael and Luke the last ones to arrive at their temporary stay.
“Night, mate.” Luke locked hands with Michael, giving him a slight wink. “Don't be too loud, can’t get another noise complaint.” He spoke like it was scripted. If you had known that there was an unspoken rule between the guys to hype each other up as much as possible without lying, you would have laughed out loud. Something about the thought of them having multiple noise complaints stirred a bit in your mind, making your eyes widen at your friend who was still sharing a shocked look at you. She followed Luke into the room as you did Michael, the click of the door bringing you a rush of energy and eager anticipation. Michael tossed the keycard onto the table next to the door, and in this moment of silence it was like your thoughts temporarily froze. You could barely think, clouded by bewilderment and desire.
“Are you sure?” Came a voice from behind you, which was obviously Michael, who else would it be? Still, unbelievable. You turned to look at him, swallowing the nervous yet anticipating lump in your throat as his hand followed an invisible line to your shoulder. Your shoulder, down your arm, slowly interlacing his fingers with yours. Something about that made you feel warm, heart swelling as you stared up into his eyes heavy with lust, but laced with concern.
“I’m sure, yeah.” You breathed in agreement, letting a smile tug at the corner of your lips.
“I know I — “ Michael paused, cutting himself off with a slight shake of his head. “I know I was talking a lot, but I really, really don’t want to pressure you if you don’t want to do this.”
“Michael.” You cut him off yourself this time, closing the gap between your bodies. “It’s okay, I want this.”
There was barely a pause between your words and the moment he pressed his lips to yours, it took you aback, but just as quickly as the event turned you relaxed. The warmth of his lips made you shiver, his hand disconnecting from yours to snake around your waist and pull you closer to him… as if you couldn’t get any better than your original position.
Your heart fluttered, the effects of his sweet gesture beforehand still lingering even now in the moment of this heated kiss. Your nerves feeling like they were on fire, nothing felt more amazing than this moment. Michael had now wrapped both arms around you, lips sliding against yours as he hummed between kisses and led you back towards the hotel bed. He was so careful in his movements, immediately stopping when you wouldn’t move anymore. You were pretty sure he noticed the side of the bed hitting the backs of your knees before you did, leaning forward with the support of his hands on your back. Your heart pounded in your chest, hands cupping his cheeks in a desperate need to hold him. To touch him, to know that this was real. Fortunately, this was not one of your comfort scenarios you thought of at night to make you blush before falling asleep. This was reality.
Michael’s fingertips brushed the leather jacket, quickly moving up your body to push it off of your shoulders with the flannel following suit. The harsh chill of the hotel room sent goosebumps all throughout your body.
“Still cold, hm?” His words against your lips, all you could do was breathlessly nod. “Won’t be a problem soon.” Michael pulled you in for another kiss, and god, were you floating. You had imagined he was good at kissing, but he was incredible. His lips were warm, soft and sweet. His tongue skillfully glides across your bottom lip before escalating to battling yours for dominance over the kiss, and that stubble… scratched your skin so good and made you push forward for more initiative.
Yet still, you needed to do more. Your hesitant fingertips traced careful lines down his jaw, over his neck before they caught the collar of his shirt. Michael knew what you wanted instantly, reluctantly breaking away from the kiss you shared to swiftly tug his shirt off over his head. It ruffled his hair, making the spiked up back parts stray away from the rest of the style. You couldn’t help but grin, and apparently it was contagious due to Michael pulling the same face. “Don’t laugh at me.” He playfully shook his head as you started to giggle.
“But you’re just so cute.” You replied, hands pressed to his pale chest trying your hardest not to marvel at his bare torso.
“We’ll see about that.” Michael buried his face in your neck, making you laugh even more feeling the tickle of his breath against your pulse point. Until he started sloppily kissing, sucking, biting every spot that made you tense like he knew your body better than you did.
“Oh god, Michael…” You sigh dreamily, voice wavering as he reaches your collarbone. Your breathing had become slightly labored, tangling your fingers through that bright red mess you had just teased him about. Michael’s lips continued to move across your neck, leaving you no choice but to tilt your head back. Before you knew it, your top was being lifted and the zipper of your skirt was being enticingly played with. Once again, your mind left you no choice but to follow the desires. Now with your tank top gone, skirt hanging low on your lips and Michael left in black jeans that hugged his legs, the slow setting reality started to hit you again. However, your position finally changed, moving from the awkward edge of the bed more towards the center in a bit of a diagonal way. You weren’t on any pillows, but the pushed up comforter made for a good substitute.
“S’fucking beautiful,” Michael’s hands roamed your body. “Absolutely, goddamn gorgeous, (Y/N).” That made you weak, chest rising and falling with each shallow breath you took. Your eyes widened, analyzing every detail of his face with care. The pure amazement in his eyes, lips parted with his own breathing. You wondered for a second if he was looking in a mirror.
“Why are you so sweet?” You shook your head, cradling his face in your hands yet again to place a gentle kiss to his lips. “You just had to be everything, hot, talented, and a sweetheart?” This made him flush a soft pink, you giggled and kissed both of his reddened cheeks. “You’re not really proving anything to me about that whole ‘cute’ ordeal.” You raised your eyebrows, to which you were shocked when you felt a hand on your inner thigh.
“Gimme time.” Michael hushed you with his lips, fingertips ghosting closer and closer towards your core… until he moved his hand away and began the same soft strokes to your other thigh. The sigh that left your nose was out of need, your hands sliding to clutch his shoulders. There it was, the pressure you so desperately wanted from his middle and index finger to you, it felt relieving despite the cloth separating the friction. If anything, it created more as you moved your hips in time with the slow circles of his fingers. You hummed with satisfaction, breaking the kiss with a sound that sent an additional shiver down your spine. “Take those off.” Michael ordered with his voice just barely above a whisper, but it sounded more like a plea.
Without a second thought, your thumbs hooked in the fabric as you lifted your hips and pushed them down. They got to a point where you could easily kick them off, ending up somewhere on the other side of the bed. Michael was, once again, struck with wonder. “There are so many things I want to do to you.” He muttered, shaking his head like he was the one who couldn’t believe this was happening to him.
“We’ve got all night.” You tugged him down for a kiss, making him chuckle.
“Maybe if I leave those ‘things’ for later,” You could almost hear the air quotes around the word, despite him not physically making the gesture. “Then it’ll give me an excuse to see you again?” Michael’s voice heightened in question, eagerly awaiting your answer with a quirk of his eyebrow.
“I think I can work with that.” You nodded playfully, and he did that laugh — that cute, shy giggle he did in interviews when he wasn’t really supposed to laugh but did anyway. He kissed you again, only briefly before sitting up on his knees and loosening the button to his jeans. You bit your lip in response, propping yourself up on your elbows to get a better view as he struggled to shove his pants off. Luckily, the way you had your lip harshly between your teeth stopped another laugh from escaping.
His boxers were bright blue with Superman logos in a uniform pattern. Was that sexy? No, not one bit. But it was cute, and you loved cute more than you loved sexy, sometimes. Especially when it came to Michael Clifford.
However, a thought seemed to make itself known. One that might win you a reaction from the man you so desperately wanted to please. So, you took it upon yourself to run your hand down your body, over the peak of your breast and over your belly button, right down to your clit where you rhythmically swirled your middle finger. Your lips separating in a silent moan, instead letting out a shuddering breath to which Michael did the same. He had a condom wrapper in his teeth which presumably came out of the pocket of his jeans, seeing that his hands were preoccupied with palming himself over the patterned cotton. Michael almost dropped the plastic from his mouth, making a sound like a growl from behind his clenched teeth. Those perfect teeth, which were actually not very perfect… but they were to you.
“Gettin’ impatient over here, Mikey.” You tried out the nickname everyone on the internet called him, rolling off your tongue seductively as he brought up a hand to tear the wrapper open with haste.
“You’re so fucking hot.” Michael gaped at your actions, exposing himself with one quick movement as his superhero boxers accompanied your panties on a corner of the sheets. The latex now removed from the package, you jumped at the opportunity to stop focusing on yourself for a moment. Michael stopped in confusion as you sat up, snatching the condom from his hand and wrapping your own free hand around his cock. The contact made such a quiet sound slip past his faultless, swollen pink lips, a shaky breath following soon after. You slowly applied the rubber with care, not breaking eye contact just to see the look on his face as you teasingly pumped his length. His eyebrows scrunched together, tongue poking out to wet his lips as he tilted his head back — it was amazing to you how he couldn’t even hold the eye contact himself.
“You look much more needy than me.” You teased with a cheeky smile, to which Michael huffed out of amusement. He lifted a hand to cup your chin between his index finger and thumb, lips briefly hovering over yours. This proximity sent another chill down your spine, the other carefully guiding you to lay back down on the bed as his lips connected with yours. This had become second nature, kissing Michael like you had done this a million times before.
“You okay?” He whispered, waiting until he got your silent approval. A pause, then he was teasing your entrance with the head of his cock shielded by the slick latex. You held your breath, waiting for a sting of the stretch which came after just a few seconds of your anticipation. You faintly gasped, nails digging into Michael’s shoulders as you took in every little thing you were experiencing in that moment. You could feel everything from Michael’s waist grazing your knees, the tickle of his hair against your neck where he had hid his face, the sheets crumbling under the weight of your bodies, everything in between. Michael mumbled something into your skin, taking note of how tightly you held him. It was your turn for your eyes to shut firmly, grabbing frantically at his shoulders as his hips stammered and pulled back again. He thrusted this time, causing you to jolt with an airy moan.
“Michael, please — just…” You breathed, begging him to start moving. The boy lifted his head from the comfort of your warm, flustered skin to follow your orders. He read your face, and you read his. Both glowing in a pink tinge, perspiration heavy between the both of you as Michael searched for your discomfort. He sensed none, so his body began a steady rhythm.
“So beautiful. S.. So beautiful.” He mumbled lovingly past groans and it felt so right, why did you feel like his words had meaning? You were convincing yourself that Michael had something for you, something more than a fan and groupie relationship. Was it real? You had no idea of knowing, but for now, you just had to enjoy this moment like you would never get another chance, despite Michael implying this wouldn’t be your last time.
The room turned into a pornographic scene within seconds, you squirming and writhing beneath Michael as he took your body for his own. He held on tightly to your frame with the one hand that wasn’t holding himself up, digging his fingertips into your hips that were bound to leave marks just like the ones on your neck. Michael suddenly moved positions, carefully sitting back on his knees and sliding your body closer to him. He tried his best to be as low as possible, now able to grasp both of your hips as he thrusted. You were left no choice but to splay your arms above your head, back arching to meet his hips with ease. Michael was amazed by your state, you were a mess of endless moans and gasps, long whines of Michael’s name which overpowered his gentle, yet greedy sounds.
This was your breaking point, opening your eyes to see the same face he was making earlier. Tightly knitted eyebrows, gritted teeth and messy hair, flushed cheeks and chest glistening with sweat, mouth open letting out moans increasing in frequency and volume. You cursed, thighs twitching with need as your belly tightened and relaxed over and over again, leading you closer to your orgasm. With that, you would have warned him, but you could barely make out a coherent word before it crashed over you.
“God — (Y/N), f.. fucking… gonna fucking cum. ‘f you do that. You’re gonna make me… f- fucking,” Michael stuttered, the way your walls pulsated and enclosed around his cock had a strangled moan tearing past his throat barely seconds after you. The comedown felt like nothing, just staring down the back of your eyelids as your chest heaved with quick gasps. You were on fire, and just like the books said, seeing stars. Your thighs were hurting from being in one strained position for so long, and momentarily, you forgot this was not just some guy you met at a bar. Not some random you decided to drag home, it was Michael Clifford. Michael Clifford gently pulling out of you out of concern for how you felt, Michael Clifford’s weight shifting the bed, Michael Clifford kissing your forehead as he looked down at you. Michael fucking Clifford you opened your eyes to.
“You’re fuckin’ amazing.” He muttered sweetly, so sweet it made you question his feelings yet again. His hand leaving loving touches across your face with his thumb, stroking your tear/blush stained cheek as you both came to. You couldn’t help but smile, leaning into his touch as he settled in next to you. Silence hung in the air for a few moments, ending with one of your many deep breaths.
“I hope you’re not expecting me to leave, because there’s no way it’s happening now.” You teased, your voice now hoarse and heavy with exhaustion.
“Never. I never thought about you leaving so soon.” Michael assured you, then more silence. “I meant what I said.” He said finally.
“Hm?” You replied curiously.
“When I said, um… other things. I want to see you again.” Michael elaborated, surprisingly hesitant considering how he had just railed you not even 2 minutes ago.
“You do..?” Your eyes softened, staring back at his face. God… you’d do anything for that sweet face.
“Yeah, yeah. I do, this leg of tour is over. Just… talking to you outside was amazing, too.” Michael sighed as you placed your hand over his, still resting on your cheek. “Yeah, we walked up to you because we thought you were hot, but you’re so cool too. You’re witty, I like it.” He mumbled out his sentence in a boy-ish manner that made you giggle, just barely turning your head to kiss his wrist.
“Okay.. yeah, okay. I… wow.” You laughed again, not so discreetly hiding your nerves. “Yeah, Mikey. I want to see you again, too.” Finally, a complete, finished thought that made sense. This made Michael’s heart soar, just by seeing the look on his face you were satisfied with how this whole situation had turned out. “I thought this would just be a one night stand.” You admitted.
“I did too, but it wasn’t.” Michael agreed, his tired eyes bored into yours with a shared acknowledgment of his intentions. You couldn’t be happier about it ending up this way, there was only one thing that changed… and that was your cuddling position in bed throughout the rest of the night.
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rosenallies · 7 months
If you wanna write Planymphia being useless lesbians I'd be into it 👀
the way I wanted to jump right in and write the smut scenario we talked about today <3 but I won’t at least for the first prompt to this lil au <3
“Fucking dammit,” Jane huffed, stomping her foot petulantly as if acting like a child would unjam the copier.
“Do you need some help?” A voice came from behind her, one she didn’t recognize.
She rolled her eyes and turned to face the voice’s owner, ready to fire off a snotty remark, but the woman standing there momentarily took her breath away. She was absolutely gorgeous dressed professionally in a bright yellow pantsuit, it was nice to see someone else dressed nicely for once, the rest of her coworkers usually opting to look sloppy in jeans or leggings, besides Dawn who looked like she should work at the preschool down the street in her colorful attire she donned every day.
“I-um-it’s jammed,” she stammered, her accent coming out thick like it always did when she was nervous, a reminder of her Russian upbringing despite leaving the country as a young girl.
The woman smiled, opening up one of the drawers and yanking out a crumpled piece of paper. “That should do it,” she said brightly, a smile on her pretty lips, “I’m Nymphia by the way, I’m new.”
She extended her hand for Jane to shake, which she did, though awkwardly, or so she felt it was. “I’m Jane.”
Nymphia smiled. “Plain Jane,” she giggled, making Jane’s cheeks flush even though usually when anyone made that joke anger simmered under her skin, “it’s nice to meet you. Maybe I’ll see you at happy hour tonight? Everyone’s been so welcoming and I got invited to happy hour already!”
Jane inwardly cringed, annoyance at this beautiful and bubbly woman curling in her stomach. It took Jane at least 6 months of working there to be invited to the coveted happy hour, though people always did tell her she came across rough at times.
“Yeah, I’ll see you there,” she said, pressing her lips together before storming past Nymphia back to her desk.
“Were you a bitch to Amanda again? Did HR finally crack down?” Dawn, nosy as ever, asked after Jane had audibly huffed.
“No,” she rolled her eyes, “the copier was jammed.”
“Was? Why is that a problem if it’s fixed now?”
“Get back to your own work, Dawn,” she snapped only half intentionally.
Dawn only laughed. “Love you too, Janey.”
The rest of the day dragged on, a vision in yellow distracting Jane from her work.
Later that evening, Jane found herself three shots deep and feeling nothing but a buzz, screw her Russian lineage. Though, her new coworker seemed to drink and drink, getting more and more giggly as the night progressed. Everyone took to her like a moth to light. She was effervescent, charismatic and Jane hated that her eyes and attention stayed on her the entire evening. No way Jane could handle a crush like this, crushes led to dating and dating led to other things she didn’t have time for. Or dating led to a broken heart, and no way was she going to do that again. Besides, Nymphia could never like someone like her. Nymphia was everyone’s sunshine and while Jane was confident and loved herself, she simply knew that that just isn’t who she is. Jane was a lot of things, but being someone like Nymphia’s “other half” wasn’t it.
By the time the night ended, Jane found herself alone with Nymphia, the rest of her coworkers calling it a night but Nymphia never seemed to tire, her eyes sparkled as she spoke of her home and her family and friends back in Taiwan. Though, Jane finally had someone else to relate to coming from a different country, she didn’t share the same feelings about her home and her family. That didn’t stop her from listening intently as Nymphia spoke.
“You know, you’re really pretty,” Nymphia said at one point, drunkenly leaning against Jane on the wobbly barstool, making Jane rest her hands on Nymphia’s waist to steady her.
“Thanks, I get that a lot,” she replied dryly, only obviously a joke to her.
“I bet you do,” Nymphia said with a giggle and then sighed, “I suppose I should get home. I’ll see you around Plain Jane.”
Nymphia got up and stumbled a bit, Jane steadying her again. “Are you sure you’re okay? I could walk you home,” Jane offered reluctantly, Nymphia had already mentioned how close to the bar she lived.
“You would? That would be really nice,” Nymphia said with a sweet smile.
They walked in mostly silence, besides Nymphia’s drunk giggles she let out every now and again. She lived only a block away so they got there quickly, Jane couldn’t tell if she was relieved or disappointed.
“Thanks for walking me home, Plain Jane,” she said, winking and blowing a kiss before going inside and leaving Jane to her thoughts, which she pushed away until she was home and in bed, staring at the ceiling and unable to stop replaying every interaction she’d had with Nymphia that day.
She’d known her less than a day and Jane already knew she’d become a huge problem for her.
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swamp-spirit · 3 months
Not a doctor, but trying to use my experience as a long term Anxiety Disorder Haver to figure out what could have happened to Jason in Gotham War. Listen, I know comic book science is made up, but let me have my 'fun'.
This is also a lot about how trauma and anxiety chemically works and Jason and Trauma in general.
(Discussing my own anxiety disorder a lot here, so don't click if that might be upsetting. Also please minimize the Bruce discourse here. I wanna talk about Jason.)
EDITS because I wrote this in a fugue state and replaced all words with homonyms
So there's two main elements to anxiety. There's the emotional element, the kind you can deal with in therapy, and the physical element, the kind you can deal with via medication.
I related a lot to Jason in Gotham War, because I have very physical anxiety. Even when I can calmly reason through a situation, my nervous system is very physically reactive to the point where I'll be holding a conversation and cracking jokes while seizing. Unmedicated, like Jason, I couldn't do light exercise without triggering a panic attack.
What Jason seems to be experiencing is an issue with his nervous system. To massively oversimplify, because I'm not a doctor, let's say the sympathetic nervous system is the gas, the parasympathetic system is the brakes, and triggers are the foot that decides when to push the pedals down.
When you're in a situation where you need to be amped up, your body hits the gas. You get adrenaline, faster heart rate, fight or flight, but this state isn't sustainable. First, it's very resource intensive. Second, it's a state designed to Do Something, and is very emotionally stressful if there's nothing to Do. This is why people with anxiety disorders can often function in actual danger, because that's what those reactions are designed for.
PTSD is pretty much 'your body hits the gas because your brain has misidentified a safe situation as a dangerous one due to previous experience'. Jason pretty consistently shows signs of PTSD, which makes sense. He has pretty much never been in a safe situation. Even before he was a vigilante and brutally murdered, being homeless, especially as a kid, requires constant vigilance. Most people of any age develop a level of PTSD after living homeless. Witnessing the death of a parent, (depending on the canon) growing up in an abusive home, and being homeless again while brain damaged and vulnerable could all cause PTSD on their own.
We see Jason be triggered a number of times. We also see him trying to self sooth and manage, to 'hit the brakes'. The 'breath deep' on his door in the new Boy Wonder, his stack of books on trauma and chronic pain management in Three Jokers, ect.
So Jason's already got his foot on the mental pedal. He's already scared, and for good reason. His world has always, always been violent. His behavior in Gotham War looks a lot less like ZEA!Bruce turned up the engine and a lot more like he cut the brakes.
As somebody who's experienced the 'lightly jog, and you have a panic attack', it's pretty much a failure of the parasympathetic side of things. You want some adrenaline for a light run. You need to take in more oxygen, but, when your nervous system isn't regulating, it goes out of control. It keeps amping up until you're breathing so fast that you aren't actually processing the oxygen you're taking in. These heightened states are rough on your whole body. When your body is running danger mode, it's not supporting things like sleep, digestion, and wound-healing.
What makes this more horrifying is ZEA!Bruce seemed to feel this would be permanent, even if Jason tried to reverse it, which means it wasn't just an injection the system would flush. To me, the most logical conclusion would be that the injection would have done permanent damage to the parts of his brain that kick in the parasympathetic nervous system.
This also... wouldn't keep him from killing. Jason is usually a calm killer, not a passion killer. Physical excitement is what the body is supposed to do in violent situations. It's much more likely to cause a panic attack in a safe situation where there's no physical outlet. He can take a shot without nervous system excitement. It would keep him from, or at least interfere with things like: -Jogging -Having sex -Watching emotionally intense media -Handling triggers Like, he definitely wouldn't be able to operate as Red Hood because RH does intel work, extended battles, etc, but he could very much kill.
SSRI's probably would not be that helpful, a serotonin tends to help more with stopping anxiety at the 'thought spiral' part than dealing with the nervous system. SNRI's and beta blockers would be a better bet, though Bruce clearly didn't think those would be enough to let him operate at Red Hood.
So... how is he better? Well, the actual answer is 'comic are bullshit', but let's try and roll with it. The given reason is Joker Gas, which is odd because Joker Gas seems to function like... a neurotoxin? A stimulant? My best guess would be that dying or brain damage in general is kicking in some sort of residual Lazarus healing factor and repairing the physical structure that controls the parasympathetic system.
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