#even if perception isn't his strongest suit
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normalbrothers · 2 months ago
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maybe one day arthur will realize a few things about tommy ...
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yukirayu · 4 months ago
hii! i am absolutely blown by your analysis of Taku and Madarame: To Heal and To Hurt, and it gave me alot more insight into how Taku is a great foil for other characters. i kept thinking about the CG artwork of Taku's painting. it seems like the vacancy of the center square might represent the removal of a webtag or even the eventual disappearance of Towa's past trauma which Taku tried so hard to suppress. do you have any thoughts on the painting as a whole?
Hi, I apologize for replying to this several months later. Sorting through my drafts/WIPs or the things I need to do in general got me rather distracted, to say the least, but I am committed to seeing this through.
Thanks so much of course for reading and liking the metas. I'm always glad to hear that others like it and that I've managed to get the message through.
Now as for my opinion, I will give the disclaimer that said opinion is greatly inspired by what this person said in their breakdown of the paintings, as well as an art I saw that did their own breakdown about what the red square represented.
If anything, I may as well be parroting what they said in the site, albeit with different wording; since as someone who has no experience in art, analyzing paintings isn't exactly what I'd call my strongest suit let alone something I have confidence in.
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But true enough, the image does really give off the image of a medical patch that Taku is trying as hard as he can to keep intact by either reapplying or patching over with a new one... even if he can't keep truly contain the "blood" that is the pain and trauma left by Towa's past, or even Taku's own hurts that are both connected to Towa's ordeal and the tragedy that he had contended with alone (his mother and the debt he had accrued as a result of his family situation) even before Towa came along.
It might even represent how Taku has a hard time keeping his own troubles in check and is better (or at least more proactive and willing) at doing the same for others. Because try as he might, the cracks start to show (or bleed, in this case), partly because he's not good at lying or hiding things, and partly because there's only so much he can handle until he finally snaps from it all; hence why he has a darker side that manifests in his route, where the way the plot progresses makes things reach a breaking point for him.
That aside, from purely aesthetic point of view, it is relatively simple looking, especially when you compare it to the other paintings. Like I've said, I'm no artist myself, so I can't really give a good description of what I think of this and that painting without risking coming across as pretentious and such. But at the very least, I find it pleasing to look at because of its simplicity.
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One other thing about it that I think is rather understated (as well as incredibly touching) is how it's the only painting that gets featured in the cover for the AfterStory drama CDs. I think that this is becase while it's a very apt visual reflection of Taku's guilt and burdens, which Towa knows very well with how perceptive he is (and it's even the focus of his Interrogations with Taku), it is also a representation of Towa's own longing for Taku the entire time the latter was in prison.
Heck, it even becomes a topic of conversation in the first track, which leads to one of my favorite moments between them:
Towa: You’re not going to ask me who’s the inspiration of those paintings? Taku: …No…  Towa: You’re not interested in knowing?  Taku: That’s not it…! But… Towa: But?  Taku: (slightly insecure) Of course I’m curious. I mean… who were you painting?   (Towa says nothing and simply chuckles at Taku’s cluelessness.) Taku: (flustered and annoyed) Hey…! Towa: (still a hint of laughter in his voice) Oh, sorry. I had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to figure it out, so I just…  Taku: …What do you mean by that? Towa: (moves closer to Taku) All those paintings, who do you think they are of? (leans even closer and answers in an affectionate whisper) Murase… Takuma.
It's really telling that after Towa paints something, he no longer really cares for it and doesn't mind whatever anyone else does to it. But this painting, he treasures it enough to keep it in Taku's apartment (or rather, their home, together).
That, and one other significant detail: when it comes to Towa's modus operandi regarding his painting, he only ever paints each model once, no exceptions. Why? Because he wants to capture the very first time his model's innermost desire is fulfilled; in other words, when their euphoria is at its apex. It's why he won't agree to a second time, since the impact is no longer the same.
However, the narration for Taku's Euphoria ending as well as some other lines from Towa in the drama CD made it apparent that while that painting with the white splotches and the red square is his magnum opus of Taku, there were countless other paintings and sketches that he made of the man.
His way of coping, of waiting for Taku to serve his time, to reflect and come back a changed man, was to reflect his memory and feelings for him on paper and canvas, over and over and over, each one definitely distinct from one another (even if we never get to see those other artworks).
So... there. I hope that I still made sense at the end of this post, and I really hope it was a satisfactory answer for you. Again, I am so sorry for the delayed response, but I really appreciate getting this ask. 🥺
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 7 months ago
Mmmmm Silvio rant time- because bday-
Fuck I love this man- his story is so good to like- wtf-
He starts out as a total price of shit, a snobbish bitch who is literally everything we hate about capitalism. First impression makes me think of Daughter of Evil and the princess in that song. That's the impression that the king wants Silvio to give off and what he has of Silvio (a spoiled brat who is just an asshole but good at buisness).
But that's what he was groomed into becoming by his parents. Going trough his story we get a bit of a better picture of Silvio, the actual one. He is very kind and believes in people, doing what he can to make them succeed in life(what he does with thr baker and what he tried to do with Rio). He is stubborn as all fucking hell and dosent really open up about his feelings easily. He is loyal to a fault, his loyalty may at first appear to be to his father, but the fact that he insults and belittles him at every opportunity shows otherwise. His true loyalty is to the people of Bennonite, their futures, to Rio, and eventually Emma if his route is chosen.
The first thing we see of Silvio is him haveing pushed a woman away after sex and then drinking. He drinks, alot. It may be a cultural thing, but I think it's also a repression thing. He is addicted to alcohol and sex to hide any bit of weakness.
His distain towards women is a clear factor that his parents put a very negative perception of women into his head. Basically every negative thing he has said about women, that's his father talking about his mother. Or him talking about his mother.
Now- for the Dalmation symbolism. I think the princes chose their crest around the age of 12 so that their personality has mainly formed and whatnot. So, Silvio choseing Dalmation works well (and I think makes his bond with Rio all the better because Rio also chose a dog).
For the physical symbolism, Dalmatians have a white coat with black spots on it. This shows Silvio is good at heart but has been trough and done bad things. That won't go away, but he is still a good person all the same.
Dalmations (like alot of dogs) were bred for hunting. So Silvio being sent out to do the trades, being the Bennonite representative, etc. Is his father putting him to use and sending him out for the hunt foe whatever reason he has that time. (To hopefully get him killed too)
Intelligence, loyalty, courage, determination, strength, and adaptability. Those are all things dalmations are known for and very easily apply to Silvio aswell.
This man is very intelligent, I mean, he is a merchant. I would pur him just below Gilbert and Chealver when it comes to intelligence. It probably wasn't ingrained into him, but he picked up differnt things while doing the kings errands.
I already did loyalty-
Determination... ❤️. Anyways- that determination is heavily linked towards his stubbornness. In his Romantic route, he comes up with a plan to make a four way alliance between the kingdoms. The king ends up pissed, but he knew that, he knew the conciquences and did it anyways. He dosent wish for those he travels with to end up dead. That's his number one rule. Don't. Die.
Courage is also quite the thing, I mean, he does often backtalk the king. Even gets the courage to go trough with his betrayal towards his father because of the change of loyalties.
Strength is probably not his strongest suit. But he is still very strong. He isn't apart of the military, but he has been able to fight off pirates and multiple of them at once. He could probably bring Gilbert out into a draw in a physical fight. But he isn't the strongest emotionally. He hides what he actually feels, pretends that he dosent care about the ones he cherishes the most, dosent cry when he needs to. He can't do it. But he can do it for things that will show in the long term, he wants to help Rio become what he sees as strong, so that he won't have to be hurt. He helps Emma be able to express herself freely instead of being happy 24/7. He supports those who wouldn't have the money to chase their dreams.
Adaptability is a strong suit for him. He may also lose out to Gilbert in this area, but that dosent matter. He adapts quickly into the situation with Emma since Gilbert was the one to figure out first she was Belle, so one less job for him to do. He proposes a tight deal on the first draft and makes extra so that Obsidian would agree aswell over the original plan. Makes sure that the two people he cares about the most is away from the shithead of a king.
All in all, Silvio is a good boyo and I love him alot-
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empydoc · 11 months ago
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SOUL EATER AU lasko & coworker
check out the masterpost here!
welcome to a redacted soul eater au post! here, i try and discover what it'd be like if you merged the soul eater world and mechanics within the redactedverse. this is the seventh post in the series of posts i'll make regarding the individual characters and their listeners! we've got lasko & coworker/dear on the menu. enjoy!
lasko — soul type: weapon weapon type: bo staff compatible with: coworker (primarily), freelancer (secondarily)
lasko, as i've mentioned in gavin & freelancer's post, is both a weapon wielded by freelancer and coworker. this is because freelancer wields all of the D.A.M.N. crew + gavin. however, because coworker has a much more personal and intimate relationship, they've developed a closer bond in terms of their souls, and suit each other primarily.
being an air elemental, lasko's element often comes out during combat considering he's a weapon. (think avatar: the last airbender if you like). elementals also have souls that're much easier to match wavelengths with.
the reasoning for lasko's weapon is both heavily inspired by aang from atla, but also purely from the fact that i can imagine him also wielding a bo staff. he isn't necessarily the most confrontational sort, so it makes sense he wouldn't really have a blade or a gun, but something still quite defensive.
coworker —  soul type: meister strongest meister ability: equal level - each meister common ability is on an equal level with this meister. they hold no specific strongest ability from soul perception, soul resonance, or wavelength control. compatible with: lasko (co-wield)
coworker co-wields lasko alongside freelancer. at first, it's assumed that coworker's fine with freelancer being lasko's meister, but considering one's soul can match with several others, it didn't pose an issue for coworker and lasko to have the desire to be meister/weapon partners later on.
being a water elemental, coworker's element merges with lasko's element when in combat. this often creates a whirlpool effect (something that i'd delve into more if i wanted ... special attacks are my fav).
i almost forgot about coworker, unfortunately :,D after realising that co-wielding is a cool ass concept, though, i decided This Is What I Am Going To Do.
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lite backstory: for every post i make for the characters, i'll add some au backstory to really fill in some details you may be curious about!
coworker, after getting to know lasko, assumed he wasn't wielded by anyone. this changed once he explained that his friend, freelancer, wielded several of their other friends- including him. because of this, coworker then assumed that was that, and they wouldn't have a partnership as meister/weapon- which was completely fine.
even so, eventually lasko came to them and proposed the concept of being partners in such a way, purely because he wondered if he could 'be of use to them'. after explaining to lasko that he didn't need to 'have a use' for them, lasko thanked them sentimentally and poked once more at the idea. coworker accepted more enthusiastically than they'd intended, and they soon got to training together.
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 2 years ago
So I may have gone down a rabbit hole a while back and figured out some fun facts behind the meanings and origins of each card suit and the Heartslabyul boys fit somewhat well into them??
Like Hearts = emotion (Ace is the only one who’s dated, and may or may not be smitten for Yuu’
Spades = weapons + soldiers (Deuce’s delinquent era where he got into fights + his diligence now)
Clubs = the common folk (Trey has a whole vignette talking about how he’s the most normal person at NRC + a normal-ish life compared to the others)
Diamonds = superficial wealth (Cater is very superficial outwardly and hardly lets anything break his ice)
A couple of those might be off but I still think it’s super interesting!
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"Gone down a rabbit hole"? I see what you did there--
There's actually lore from the Magical Archives which states that the dorm leader determines which card suit each student is! This led me to speculate how the dorm leader determines which suit to bestow and if the suits themselves have any additional meaning. (If you're interested in reading more, you can find that post here!) I didn't realize that the suits also had some kind of common meaning irl too?? Something I mentioned in that other post is that I think of Alice in Borderland, which categorizes games of life or death by suits, with hearts being games of trust, spades being games of physical ability, clubs being games of cooperation, and diamonds being games of intelligence. Those, too, also kind of fit in with the ideas you brought up.
Deuce definitely fits the bill due to his physical strength and penchant for throwing hands when his old habits get the better of him. Trey's the "normal guy" of the group (which he emphasizes on multiple occasions, especially around Rook; ie Endless Halloween Night, Happy Beans Day, etc.) and is usually the peacemaker responsible for calming Riddle down (ie he wants everyone to "get along"). Then we have Cater, who comes from a reasonably well-off family (his dad is a banker), and seemingly acts very shallow and superficial (particularly when it comes to Magicam). However, he's also shown to be socially savvy and knows how to use others' perception of him to his advantage to get them to do what they want; Cater's very intelligent in that sense!
The only one I would somewhat debate with you on is Ace?? It's not that I disagree about him being emotional, it's moreso the reason presented for it. Yes, he's the only one who has dated before but compared to the reasoning given for the other Heartslabyul boys, that's such a small part of his character to warrant it defining his heart suit. Whether or not Ace has a crush on Yuu is left to personal interpretation; I'd rather not make assumptions about the nature of his feelings, as not all players will align with it (thereby making the evidence shaky). Rather, I feel like the source of Ace's "heart" and emotion comes down to his earnestness.
Ace isn't afraid to tell it like it is! That's a key component of his personality--time and time again, he calls people out because he feels passionately about his own stance. Ace slaps some sense into a ghost bride's deluded ideas about romance and the ideal prince, calls his own dorm leader a tyrant, and even tells Malleus (one of the top 5 strongest mages in the WORLD) off for the dumb, dangerous prank he pulled on Halloween night. Of course, this bluntness also lands Ace in trouble with those he offends (which can sometime also include his own friends; recall that Ace often insults Deuce and Yuu, sometimes more playfully and sometimes slightly meaner), but the fact remains that this is an essential part of who he is. While I wouldn't say Ace is as emotional of a person as like... Kalim, he's still emotional in his own way. Ace is just a person who speaks his opinion even when no one asked for it or wanted it! You may even say he speaks from the "heart" (albeit in an unconventional way)!
Anyway...!! Riddle's so lucky to have such troublesome reliable card soldiers by his side! They're such besties 🥰
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quietlyblooms · 1 month ago
" i can't think of any characters who inspired my portrayal of chiyo " wrong!! h.ideyoshi n.agachika... dok-mi from flower boy next door... sophie hatter... and i swear there's at least one more! and i have to be honest and say that it's been so long since i've watched 2/3 of these media, so take these as vague inspirations -- like hide's loyalty and devotion to his best friend?? such a chiyo thing, but i don't remember his personality nor story enough to say much on that.
dok-mi's struggle with the people and world around her, being too scared to reach for happiness out of fear that it'll disappear ( " happiness being like a bubble " ), is also such a chiyo thing... that one i'm actually pretty confident about bc her story has been character inspo for actual years of my portrayal despite my terrible memory.
even sophie's negative self perception, too, is such a chiyo thing ( not believing she's beautiful or remarkable, and the curse being essentially an outward reflection of her self esteem ) as well as that acceptance of it. " this is how things are, but it's fine. being an old woman suits me. " yet that doesn't mean she isn't frustrated or hurt! there's a time when she blows up! when she cries and lets it out! and when it comes to saving someone she loves, she'll risk it all. truly sophie might be the strongest chiyo inspiration? and i just never sat down and thoroughly thought about it.
i dunno what to do with this information tbh but i'm thinking about it uvu
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reprisalet · 1 year ago
Character Deepdive
NAME: reyson
height: 181 cm
strength ☆☆☆☆☆ (lack of physical strength is sincerely laughable, mr "once punched someone and broke his hand bones" over here is NOT going to be winning any fights)
dexterity ☆★☆☆☆ (he will sometimes dodge!)
health ☆☆☆★☆ (despite physical frailties, takes excellent care of himself)
energy ☆☆☆★☆ (he spends most of his time incredibly fired up. calm down dude it isn't that serious)
beauty ☆☆☆☆★ (notably so, herons in general and reyson specifically are referred to as beautiful numerous times throughout the games they feature in; he's ambivalent toward his own appearance and doesn't like to be reduced to it, but nonetheless he is what he is)
style ☆☆☆☆★ (he dresses to make a statement! and make a statement he does)
hygiene ☆☆☆★☆ (pretty clean, takes good care of himself, he keeps himself and his space tidy but isn't obsessive over it)
perception ☆☆☆☆★ (heron empathy can grant him glimpses into the hearts of others, reading emotions, intentions, even thoughts... this is potent and because of that he's very aware of what those around him are doing, he's also pretty sharp-eyed so long as it isn't dark)
communication ☆☆☆★☆ (aforementioned heron abilities aside, he's a good communicator, faltering only when he gets heated. his people skills are impressive, befitting a birdie politician)
persuasion ☆☆☆★☆ (you will do as he asks. of the main persuasion methods, only intimidation is weak)
mediation ☆☆☆★☆ (peacemaker for the bird tribes...)
literacy ☆☆☆★☆ (well-educated befitting royalty, however he falters occasionally when not reading/writing in the ancient language even after all these years)
creativity ☆☆★☆☆ (pretty average!)
cooking ☆☆★☆☆ (decent cook given his limited palette and long list of dietary restrictions, nobody will be signing praises for his food, but he has a number of specialty dishes he can create that are generally enjoyable)
combat ☆☆☆☆☆ (herons are unable to engage in combat, and i play true to this even in rp)
survival ☆☆☆☆★ (after everything...)
stealth ☆★☆☆☆ (he's really noticeable, isn't he...?)
street smarts ☆★☆☆☆ (he's getting better! he's getting better, probably,)
seduction ☆☆☆★☆ (not his strongest suit, but more than capable when he puts his mind to it)
luck ☆☆☆★☆ (one of his highest stats! considers himself particularly lucky for how he was able to survive against all odds)
handling animals ☆☆☆☆★ (they like him, he likes them)
pacifying children ☆☆☆★☆ (i think he's good with kids! his family was large once, i bet there were little ones flying around...)
intelligence ☆☆☆★☆ (pretty smart, good mind for certain things though he isn't at 'genius' levels)
happiness ☆☆★☆☆ (things are not perfect. but oh, they are better)
spirituality ☆☆★☆☆ (complex relationship with the goddess of order and what it means to be a heron and what she intended for herons and if he, any of them, can live up to that)
confidence ☆☆☆★☆ (he has insecurities like anyone, but is generally confident in the things he knows he's good at!)
humor ☆★☆☆☆ (a little below average...? he takes himself too seriously sometimes but has the wit to be funny at times)
anxiety ☆☆★☆☆ (so much could still go wrong)
patience ☆☆★☆☆ (hot-tempered still, but he's calmed down somewhat)
passion ☆☆☆★☆ (see the above note on his hot temper, he still feels wild-hot grief and rage regarding the destruction of his people, he's just better at picking his targets)
nice         ☆☆★☆☆     mean
brave       ☆★☆☆☆     cowardly
pacifist     ☆☆☆★☆     violent 
thoughtful ☆☆☆★☆    impulsive 
agreeable ☆☆★☆☆     contrary
idealistic   ☆☆★☆☆     pragmatic
frugal        ☆☆★☆☆     big spender
extrovert   ☆★☆☆☆     introvert
collected   ☆☆☆☆★     wild
ambitious / possessive / stubborn / jealous / decisive / perfectionist
charisma ☆☆☆☆★ (natural charisma + being raised a prince + pretty face)
empathy ☆☆☆☆★ (the heron of it all)
generosity ☆☆★☆☆ (he shares what he can)
wealth ☆☆☆★☆ (serenes is recovering!)
honest   ☆★☆☆☆ deceptive (sometimes to a fault, dislikes lying and dislikes more when others try to, looking at you naesala)
leader   ☆★☆☆☆   follower (has a natural knack for it but prefers not to be at the very head of things)
polite     ☆☆★☆☆  rude (certainly can be as polite and diplomatic as a situation might call for... but is prone to vulgar turns of phrase picked up from twenty years among informal hawks)
political ★☆☆☆☆  indifferent (he literally cannot afford to be indifferent...)
higher power ☆☆☆★☆ (he believes in ashera, and yune for that matter, but again see the note on his uncertainty with regard to what he is & what he's meant to be)
fate/destiny ☆★☆☆☆ (it can be hard to believe all the tragedy he suffered was preordained...)
magic ☆☆☆★☆ (both the beorc and laguz varieties have been witnessed, he of course has a firmer belief in the seid magic of the herons though!)
soulmates ☆☆★☆☆ (hmm)
good and evil ☆☆☆★☆ (and the general distinction therein)
luck ☆☆☆★☆ (fortune over fate)
family ☆☆☆☆★ (always always always, and not just blood relations either)
friends ☆☆☆★☆ (there's room in his heart for many)
love ☆☆☆★☆ (not just the romantic sort, he loves his friends and family deeply and he wants to do all he can to support them)
home ☆☆☆★☆ (pleading emoji)
health ☆☆★☆☆ (he takes care of himself/his health when he can, but is prone to reckless behavior that endangers it)
praise ☆☆★☆☆ (everyone likes to hear they did well sometimes, right?)
justice ☆☆☆☆★ (ahaha... of course the question of 'what is just' can grow murky, but he genuinely tries his best)
truth ☆☆☆★☆ (he hates lying he hates being lied to...)
power ☆☆★☆☆ (many kinds of power out there, not just physical strength)
fame ☆☆★☆☆ (it isn't a motivator, per se, but he is well-known and both good and bad things come of that)
wealth ☆★☆☆☆ (not a main priority)
others' opinions ☆☆☆★☆ (depends which others! but he wants to have a good reputation to better aid the bird tribes)
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roze-sloth · 1 year ago
[random excerpt #01: Dazai calls on Akutagawa to involve him in a certain team-up, but Akutagawa has something he wants to know first...]
* * *
Dazai: **leaning casually against the wall of a deserted, isolated warehouse** Ah, Akutagawa-kun --just the person I wanted to see. I have a job for you. It seems we're in need of that lethal grace of yours.
Akutagawa: **narrows his eyes** .... Another job with the weretiger, I presume?
Dazai: **smirking calmly** Ah, you catch on quickly! Well, you two make such a dynamic duo, don't you think?
Akutagawa: **clenching his fists at his sides** I do not need to hear your attempts at sarcasm right now. Instead, why don't you tell me, this: why should I have to cooperate with someone whom I can barely stomach?
Dazai: **takes a step forward and leans in** Well, besides the fact that you both make quite the formidable team on the battlefield? It's a good way to ensure a harmonious working environment between factions, don't you agree?
Akutagawa: **gritting his teeth** --I don't care about that; not about the Armed Detective Agency's peace, nor the weretiger's well-being. Now, I'll ask you once more: the benefit to any others' aside-- why should I team up with someone who's nothing more than an obstacle to me?
Dazai: **chuckles** You say that, Akutagawa-kun, but deep down, you must actually already realize the potential of your partnership, am I wrong? Two powerful abilities working together, pushing each other to grow, and complimenting your strengths, as well making up for your respective weaknesses?... Under my command?— Quite the force to be reckoned with-- just think about it.
Akutagawa: **his glare darkens** .... This isn't about strength, however. Nor is it about complimenting each other in battle; I'm not so blind that I can't see this is a matter of constant comparison.... You want to see whether I can measure up to the tiger, is that it? The one you continue to doubt... is me, isn't it?
Dazai: **smiling, his gaze unreadable** ... Observation skills as sharp as ever. But it's not only about comparison, Akutagawa-kun; its as I told you, it's about pushing you both to reach your fullest potential.
Akutagawa: **furrows his brow** I don't need you to lead me by the nose to achieve that, Dazai-san... I will prove my worth and strength to you on my own, without needing to rely on the weretiger.
Dazai: **leaning back, almost appraising** Hmm. Really? Suit yourself. But remember, Akutagawa-kun, sometimes the strongest move is the one made together; think it over when your head's more clear. **turns, getting ready to leave**
Akutagawa: …. You say that, but-- aren't you constantly going off alone and doing things on your own? Devising plans, orchestrating moves... alone. **a narrow-eyed glare** Or do you mean to suggest that your moving others around like chess pieces, is your idea of making moves 'together'…. So why is it different only for you, Dazai-san?
Dazai: **turning around again, a hint of seriousness in his eyes** Akutagawa-kun, my solo endeavors are merely a means to an end-- a chaotic dance to keep others on their toes. But when it comes to you and Atsushi-kun, the potential lies in combining your strengths, not conflicting them. It's about ensuring that chaos works in our favor, not against it. Consider it a strategic necessity, if you will.
Akutagawa: **raises a brow faintly** So, what... you're the maestro, and the rest of us are just the players you've deemed qualified to create the symphony of your desired orchestra? But if one falters, they can simply be thrown away and replaced-- just as long as the concerto ultimately unfolds as you planned, that's what matters to you - am I wrong? **a pause, and then, quietly** ...You may have abandoned the Port Mafia, but your methods haven't changed at all, Dazai-san.
Dazai: **leans in, a cryptic smile playing on his lips** You've become more perceptive since my departure from the Mafia, Akutagawa-kun. But remember, even a maestro needs a symphony worth conducting. Your talents and Atsushi-kun's happen to add the perfect crescendo to my arrangement, however... it's not about replacing, but enhancing. Think of it as a collaboration, not a solo act. Now-- what do you say? Will you play your part?
Akutagawa: **eyes narrow, but he hesitates** …. I … **a pause, before continuing more sternly** --I have a condition first. Just one. Answer me what I ask and I will -grudgingly- lend my full cooperation.
Dazai: **smirks** Oh? Very well, then... ask away, Akutagawa-kun. I'm feeling particularly generous today, too.
Akutagawa: **glaring, taking a small step forward** …. Back then… why-- why did you leave? Why didn't you say anything before you left? **his brow creases with agitation** You disappeared without a word…. ( 'without even a goodbye'… but he doesn't say it aloud) you brought me into the Port Mafia and then left me behind, discarded -- tell me why?! **his obvious fury masks the despair**
Dazai: **his expression grows serious** You're asking a difficult question, Akutagawa-kun. **pauses** .... I had my reasons, but they're complicated and deeply personal. Believe it or not, there are matters that even I struggle to put into words. **gazes into the distance thoughtfully** ... I left when I felt it was necessary, not on a simple whim. And sometimes, perhaps, leaving without a word is a strategy in itself.
Akutagawa: A... strategy... ? **a pause** …. Is that really the reason? **his tone is cold and hard**
Dazai: **nods** That's right, Akutagawa-kun. It might be hard for you to understand, but sometimes the less you know, the safer you are. **sighs** It wasn't a decision made lightly, nor without its share of internal conflicts. But now, we have a different mission to focus on-- are you able to put aside our personal matters for the task at hand?
Akutagawa: **stares at him intently for a moment, then quickly averts his gaze again** …. I see. I think … I can understand it a little better, now. Yes… **a contemplative but softer tone** Very well. I'll fulfill this mission-- without fail, and with as little of that bumbling tiger's interference as possible! So, this time... watch me, Dazai-san. **his fists clench in determination**
Dazai: **smiles** That's the spirit, Akutagawa-kun. I believe in your abilities, but just remember that this mission is for the greater good, and sometimes we must endure the company of those we aren't particularly keen on, to protect the well-being of many others. **pauses** Now, let's go meet up with Atsushi-kun and get this show on the road.
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ohnogoosie · 4 years ago
Attack on Titan x Haikyuu: Which team the aot character would join/fit in best?
Eren Yeager: Karasuno
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Middle Blocker/Decoy
183 cm
Strong minded and unwavering confidence. His goals are set and he will stop at nothing to achieve it.
Like a crow, is willing and able to try new strategies to reach the top.
Hinata 🤝 Eren
Loud and shining presence, making him a great decoy
Ambitious like no other
Ass first, head later main characters
Mikasa Ackerman: Shiratorizawa
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Right-Wing Spiker/Ace
176 cm
Outrageous individual ability (worth over a hundred soldiers) and unbelievable strength that her teammates rely on.
Exceeds the requirement of a tall and strong player
Mikasa 🤝 Ushijima
Dense (intelligence wise) but has a unfaltering physical aptitude. Can and will give her 120% + more
An intimidating opponent that everyone is familiar with and is wary of
Good at everything meat suits who have the emotional intelligence and range of a peanut
Armin Arlert: Nekoma
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168 cm
Brains of the team
Nekoma is known for their unbreakable defense and being able to connect, aligning with Armin's ideals and mindset
Armin 🤝 Kenma
Not known for his physical strength
Can easily perceive his opponents strategies and is quick to counter them
Video game nerds who have no idea why they joined volleyball, but love their tall idiot best friends respectively and have an appreciation for the sport
Annie Leonhardt: Inarizaki
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Outside Hitter/Defense Specialist
153 cm
Strongest challengers as their strategy is seen as unconventional which matches Annie's unique fighting style
She would be known for her exceptional skills and this school is marked for having very strong players in their midst
Annie 🤝 Kita
Seen as cold and unimpressed most of the time, but actually does care about her team
Confident in her abilities, isn't swayed by nervousness and people are often surprised to see if she shows any emotion other than her usual blank stare
Has no idea what feelings are until they get hit w a big ass wave of emotions that make them cry like a baby
Secretly cares for everyone on the inside, scares and hates everyone on the outside
Jean Kirstein: Aoba Johsai
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190 cm
A powerhouse school with players that are capable of being aces in their own right
The team relies on their leader who is able to accentuate everyone's abilities to the highest extent
Jean 🤝 Oikawa (lil shits)
Perceptive of both his teammates and opponents thoughts, strengths, and weaknesses
Easily envious of people they consider opponents, but cares very much for his friends and team
Confident in their own abilities, but are both lil shits w childish antics that their team loves them for even tho their team is tired of their shit on the daily
Sasha Braus: Jozenji
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Left-Wing Spiker
170 cm
The party team suits her as she can be known for her carefree attitude
Unpredictable, but can easily adapt and keep up with the flow of the match
Sasha 🤝 Takeharu
Type of person to enjoy the game and play for fun with her natural athletic ability
Can be childish, but knows when to be serious during the competition
Sasha def wouldn't play the game too seriously at first, but will get into the game eventually bc she hates losing
lil idiots who only know how to have fun and has no idea what serious means until it hits them in the face
Connie Springer: Fukurodani
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Left-Wing Spiker
180 cm
A powerhouse school that's headed to nationals thanks to their strong ace
An ace that is powerful thanks to the support of their team
Connie 🤝 Bokuto (self aware idiots)
Impressive individually, but undeniably childish and airheaded
They got jokes and are both the hype man for their team, and can serve as an inspiration to their enemies
Same idiot energy and big heart and can def give the best hugs uwu
Simpletons who are good at what they do 😌
Ymir: Sarukawa Tech
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Middle Blocker
172 cm
Nationals level team with consistent and average plays which matches how Ymir is not in the top ten but is still very skilled
Utilizes strategies of pressuring and intimidating opponents little by little correlating to how Ymir plays the long game
Ymir 🤝 Kanazawa/Shiramine
Confident in her abilities
Can raise her teams spirits ironically (I pulled this outta my ass yo I couldn't find any character that rly fit Ymir tbh lmao)
Rising up every time bc Ymir literally rose outta the ground and lived bro
Can hold a long ass grudge if they wanted to and thinks way too into the future
Reiner Braun: Nohebi
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Right-Wing Spiker
188 cm
Known for cheating, but still a strong contending team
Has gained favors with the higher ups or bosses
Reiner 🤝 Daishou (snakes)
Strong minded and strategic thinker, but quick to get emotional
Can be two faced and manipulative
Cheaters who still lose lmao idk
Bertholdt Hoover: Date Tech
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Middle Blocker
192 cm
This dude taller than the wall, literally 🥲
He is third of the 104th so he got skills other than height so he'd be good at read blocking all things considered, and is an over thinker
Bertholdt 🤝 Aone
His titan looks scary, but he is really a kind and respectful guy
Determined, but barely speaks
Literally both are walls
Tall yeah yeah they got height on em yee yee
idk if i like how this turned out lmao it's been in my drafts for the longest time so yeah. is it accurate tho? i think some of it is LMAO
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