#fen answers
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hallowed-spirits · 1 month ago
*There’s a croak that sounds too humanoid to be a frog and too frog to be a humanoid.*
*Moments later, the smell of damp clothes. Seconds after that, a short as shit purple elf is behind them.*
“Fen, Dame, am I interrupting?”
📖 @auguryofillomen
Dame, being the only one of the two visible, can be seen with her entire snout shoves down a rabbit hole. At the sound of Lucille's voice, she startles up and turns to look at her. They only get a second of preparation before they are showered in dirt as Dame does her level best to lick every inch of their face, including the inside of her mouth, nose and ears.
A low rumbling laugh can be heard from a few steps away as Fen watches the sight.
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yukirayu · 4 months ago
hii! i am absolutely blown by your analysis of Taku and Madarame: To Heal and To Hurt, and it gave me alot more insight into how Taku is a great foil for other characters. i kept thinking about the CG artwork of Taku's painting. it seems like the vacancy of the center square might represent the removal of a webtag or even the eventual disappearance of Towa's past trauma which Taku tried so hard to suppress. do you have any thoughts on the painting as a whole?
Hi, I apologize for replying to this several months later. Sorting through my drafts/WIPs or the things I need to do in general got me rather distracted, to say the least, but I am committed to seeing this through.
Thanks so much of course for reading and liking the metas. I'm always glad to hear that others like it and that I've managed to get the message through.
Now as for my opinion, I will give the disclaimer that said opinion is greatly inspired by what this person said in their breakdown of the paintings, as well as an art I saw that did their own breakdown about what the red square represented.
If anything, I may as well be parroting what they said in the site, albeit with different wording; since as someone who has no experience in art, analyzing paintings isn't exactly what I'd call my strongest suit let alone something I have confidence in.
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But true enough, the image does really give off the image of a medical patch that Taku is trying as hard as he can to keep intact by either reapplying or patching over with a new one... even if he can't keep truly contain the "blood" that is the pain and trauma left by Towa's past, or even Taku's own hurts that are both connected to Towa's ordeal and the tragedy that he had contended with alone (his mother and the debt he had accrued as a result of his family situation) even before Towa came along.
It might even represent how Taku has a hard time keeping his own troubles in check and is better (or at least more proactive and willing) at doing the same for others. Because try as he might, the cracks start to show (or bleed, in this case), partly because he's not good at lying or hiding things, and partly because there's only so much he can handle until he finally snaps from it all; hence why he has a darker side that manifests in his route, where the way the plot progresses makes things reach a breaking point for him.
That aside, from purely aesthetic point of view, it is relatively simple looking, especially when you compare it to the other paintings. Like I've said, I'm no artist myself, so I can't really give a good description of what I think of this and that painting without risking coming across as pretentious and such. But at the very least, I find it pleasing to look at because of its simplicity.
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One other thing about it that I think is rather understated (as well as incredibly touching) is how it's the only painting that gets featured in the cover for the AfterStory drama CDs. I think that this is becase while it's a very apt visual reflection of Taku's guilt and burdens, which Towa knows very well with how perceptive he is (and it's even the focus of his Interrogations with Taku), it is also a representation of Towa's own longing for Taku the entire time the latter was in prison.
Heck, it even becomes a topic of conversation in the first track, which leads to one of my favorite moments between them:
Towa: You’re not going to ask me who’s the inspiration of those paintings? Taku: …No…  Towa: You’re not interested in knowing?  Taku: That’s not it…! But… Towa: But?  Taku: (slightly insecure) Of course I’m curious. I mean… who were you painting?   (Towa says nothing and simply chuckles at Taku’s cluelessness.) Taku: (flustered and annoyed) Hey…! Towa: (still a hint of laughter in his voice) Oh, sorry. I had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to figure it out, so I just…  Taku: …What do you mean by that? Towa: (moves closer to Taku) All those paintings, who do you think they are of? (leans even closer and answers in an affectionate whisper) Murase… Takuma.
It's really telling that after Towa paints something, he no longer really cares for it and doesn't mind whatever anyone else does to it. But this painting, he treasures it enough to keep it in Taku's apartment (or rather, their home, together).
That, and one other significant detail: when it comes to Towa's modus operandi regarding his painting, he only ever paints each model once, no exceptions. Why? Because he wants to capture the very first time his model's innermost desire is fulfilled; in other words, when their euphoria is at its apex. It's why he won't agree to a second time, since the impact is no longer the same.
However, the narration for Taku's Euphoria ending as well as some other lines from Towa in the drama CD made it apparent that while that painting with the white splotches and the red square is his magnum opus of Taku, there were countless other paintings and sketches that he made of the man.
His way of coping, of waiting for Taku to serve his time, to reflect and come back a changed man, was to reflect his memory and feelings for him on paper and canvas, over and over and over, each one definitely distinct from one another (even if we never get to see those other artworks).
So... there. I hope that I still made sense at the end of this post, and I really hope it was a satisfactory answer for you. Again, I am so sorry for the delayed response, but I really appreciate getting this ask. 🥺
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spid3r-trans · 2 years ago
drabble request u say??? mayhaps a punkflower cuddle sesh??
If it was strange for four people to have the same love language, Miles and his friends were complete anomalies. They’re always touching in some way— secret handshakes, hugs, entwined fingers, or sitting side-by-side like he and Hobie are now. So Miles doesn’t really think much of it when Hobie swings his legs up over his own.
They’re watching some movie, or rather, a movie is playing while Miles tries to beat his high score on subway surfer and Hobie takes intermittent naps. Miles thinks Hobie is just stretching out, that he’ll settle back down into a comfortable position and drift off again like he has many times before— but Hobie isn’t so easily appeased.
Hobie stretches out again, lifting his legs and then dropping them back down on Miles’—waiting for a reaction. When he doesn’t get one he huffs, flipping himself over and reangling his long limbs until his head is in Miles’ lap, watching him tap away at his phone.
Hobie can’t see the amused smile that works its way onto Miles’ face.
After a few more moments of silence, Hobie makes a noise of discontent. He’s bored and tired and tired of being ignored, although he would never beg for attention (no matter how badly he wants it). Instead, he slips his hand up into Miles’, effectively forcing him drop his phone.
“Hey-“ Miles’ starts to protest, although he doesn’t put up much of a fight when Hobie’s fingers interlock with his and he readjusts again. Hobie joins him on the L-sectional, forcing himself between Miles and the arm of the couch, tucking himself in the gap like it was made for him. He’s much more content now that he’s a tangled mess around Miles, letting out an exaggerated sigh as he closes his eyes again.
Miles isn’t one to deny him this, equally content as he relaxes back into the cushions.
Illuminated by the blue light of the TV, the two boys fall asleep in each others arms— lulled to sleep by the soft sound of the other’s heartbeat.
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winters-tales · 9 months ago
Hey would you write fake pokemon bios
Ah, not for money, I'm afraid - I am too broke to risk getting sued by Nintendo. I'll happily write original works, but not fanworks.
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mrfenman · 1 year ago
Mr. Fen how do I manage my finances....
Hmm... 🤔
Very simple! Deposit pets into the Fen bank!
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fenartoftheserotonin · 2 years ago
Really love your AUs that put the Sparda apprentices in the story more!
I could infodump on them for hours honestly. With the lack of more backstory and things, creative liberty really do go brrrrr :3
Also dmc anon, you are cool. Just letting ya know 😎
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artoffenrad · 2 years ago
Also also. Are you planning to write a fic or comic about your apocalyptic stardew story? If so, where could I read it?
I sadly haven’t written any fic in years and when I did it was in French, even if I’m comfortable with English I clearly haven’t the level to fully write something !
For comics I’d love to, but knowing me and my health I wouldn’t be able to draw a full comic. But I plan on drawing illustrations and maybe mini comics/just some scene and writing some little things, more like just a post with ideas and headcanons to go with the drawings!
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spid3r-trans · 2 years ago
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he has been gifted a plant and a little hat
How's the plushie Fen xD
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shitty-mechs-headcannons · 11 months ago
All the Mechanisms share the last name Mechanism
true and correct!
-mod fen
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callsign-rogueone · 8 days ago
what do you think Fen was like as a dad?
he must have been alright, considering Xaden's remark about "forgetting how it felt to be loved" after he died (bodhi and garrick would like to have a word with you about that, sir...) so clearly he wasn't as cold to his son as Col. Aetos or King Tauri (I know we don't have that much concrete evidence for how those guys were when their boys were young, but it's not looking good for either of them, tbh.)
we know Fen also despised his own dad, who apparently died before he could graduate from the rider's quadrant, so to me that means he never knew him, and would want to be a more active parent for Xaden. taking his son with him (and Mr. Tavis and Gare!!) whenever he had to travel (including Poromiel, I guess, where Xaden met Cat.)
I'm writing this response completely out of order, because my brain is always so disorganized, but now I'm mad again, because speaking of Cat... at exactly what age did their families decide to marry them off? Xaden says multiple times that he never loved her, so I really really doubt that this was his decision (it absolutely wasn't. no way.) and Fen was executed when Xaden was what... sixteen? seventeen? so it had to be earlier than that. and a teenager whose brain is literally still developing cannot and should not consent to a marriage contract that has political stakes this high.
moving on.
I'd think he had high expectations of his son, being a Duke and a general? (I don't remember his exact rank but I know he was up there, leadership wise), and taught Xaden a lot, about leadership and governing and also how to fight and all that. he gets some points in that category.
however, that business with Xaden's mother, and the relationship contract... that will mystify me forever, and also piss me off. I know it's a fantasy book, so the main characters have to be orphans (jokes) but I need a VERY compelling reason why Mama Riorson left, or why Fen made her leave, or I'll be mad at them forever. because how are you just going to up and fucking leave your ten year old son, knowing that will cause him irreparable emotional wounds, because he's a child, and can't understand why. he was ten. he'd be a fifth-grader. (maybe we'll get some clarity on that in onyx storm. I'm only 1/3 in. but again, I'm gonna need some this-was-the-only-way-to-prevent-the-end-of-the-world level excuse to even think about forgiving whichever of them's this idea was.)
anyway. on a fantasy dad scale of one to Darth Vader, I give him a solid three or four. there's some happy memories in there, and he grew up having all the necessities / obviously wasn't capital-N neglected and didn't go hungry, etc., but Fen gave his boy A Lot Of Psychological Issues that he is still dealing with, and will continue to for the rest of his life.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year ago
Very important question:
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My answer is:
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hallowed-spirits · 4 months ago
*Dog Billy does a spin around to thank Fen before dissapearing into the tent. Human Billy comes back out holding something behind his back.*
“Fen, Fen, Fenjamin. I finished your rock holding bag!”
{ @billythewitchesbane }
Fen laughs at the doggie antics, when Billy returns it has laid out one of the picnic blankets out in the grass to sprawl more comfortable without the biting flowers getting at it.
"Hey Billy! You know, if you want to try to full name me its Fenric. Although Fenjamin would be a very funny option. Here come sit down on the blanket," it shifts aside to make room, "the flowers are trying to bite my ankles, and it provides some protection"
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yukirayu · 3 months ago
this new translation, whilst i was super excited at first, honestly seems overly verbose. and some parts are just blatant plagiarism. i don't understand, if these people were going to go to the effort to "retranslate" in secret for over a year, why they wouldn't have completely thrown out JAST's script and started from the original. what do you think?
The patch is retelling the game by following the JP text more closely, so if it's very verbose, then that was how it was also worded in the original game. I even pointed out a few examples (albeit with MTL, which is more intended to give the closer gist of the sentence, than anything else) that does hint at this same verboseness. That, and the fact that there's far less slang and cursing, and while I can't read Japanese, I am familiar enough with the spoken version to notice a lot of worded lines (in the localization) that do not match the voice llines themselves.
And as for the claims of plagiarism, it is another version of an English translation of the game. I wouldn't expect every single sentence to be worded differently. If someone stays "Stop doing that" or "Stop that", then that's usually the best way you can word it. Or if the reply is a quick "Sure", then that's fine. It's impractical to think that for another translation to avoid the accusations, every letter is retyped and every single word (adverb, verb, preposition, adjective, etc.) is replaced.
And any posts that claim they barely edited anything only showed sneak peeks from the tutorial, and I have shown screenshots from when you're far enough into a route that show how whole sentences were changed. Even if you generally can see where either version of the same scene is getting at, wording and tone play an important role in how people understand the context, except that the localization got overly crude and memey and that can really affect one's perception of the characterization and the themes.
And they did say it's a patch. Patches like this function similarly to game mods, where you use the base file of the game and tweak it in a way that more features get added, or even refine parts of the game's coding to fix any potential bugs and whatnot. Since they explicitly stated that the patch works with the localization, it'd make sense that the do use the localization's files to insert their translation of the text.
One can only guess why they didn't patch over the JP version of the game, but if I am to make my own guess, it may be because this is their way of sidestepping the potential accusations of copyright infringement, since Slow Damage is still officially licensed by another company.
Another funny thing I have to share is that before the localization itself was released, there was a translation of the VN's demo, which was told in third person (much like this patch is). But that demo, which technically isn't the same as the licensed game and is also free property since that's what demos are for, got mysteriously deleted all of a sudden, and I've seen hints that it had something to do with JAST not wanting people to notice the change in narration POV (whichever you prefer is up to you, but the fact remains that they changed it, something that they didn't do even in the other N+C visual novels they licensed).
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spid3r-trans · 1 year ago
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Breaking News!!
Spider-Man found at the 7-11
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winters-tales · 1 year ago
Yo, Beg My Forgiveness sounds awesome. What's that about?
Thank you! It's a little bit of blasphemy from an ex-Catholic.
So, I like my vampire stories. I like how far they go back into various myths and legends and folklores, I like the different takes on them, I like it all.
Beg My Forgiveness is the idea that the first vampire is Lazarus, after the miracle of Jesus raising him from the dead didn't quiiiite work.
Because sure, God is infallible and all-powerful etc etc... but Jesus was still just a man, and humans are not infallible, no matter how much divine power they have.
Did you know that with the story of Lazarus, Jesus specifically waited until he knew Lazarus was dead, specifically waiting until the traditional period of waiting with the body (iirc it was 3 days) was over and the body was prepared, before he even started the return journey back? He deliberately waited until there would be absolutely no doubt at all that Lazarus had died, before he went to go and bring him back. This man was supposedly his friend.
What would that do to someone? To know that your friend had let you die just to... what? To prove himself, when he's already done that a thousand times over? How much pain was Lazarus in when he died?
How much pain would he be in, knowing that his death was down to one person's choice?
TL;DR: it's mostly just me finding new ways to spite my Catholic upbringing. Or work through the religious trauma.
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hallowed-spirits · 5 months ago
(Fen gives a sound of acknowledgement and also heads its seperate way, to go get Dame into a covered tent, also with the setting up of the tent, and make sure both it and Dals have shelter)
Hey, you look, uh, busy. Would you like a hand with any of it?
(Briggsy hears from about a metre or so away)
*He jumps, not expecting the voice. He glances over his shoulder to find no one nearby. Which means he knows who is nearby.*
“… I would, yeah.”
*He gives a curt nod, holding a corner of tarp out for Fen to grab.*
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