#even if it's more 'cheese' than cheese
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jensownzoo · 10 months ago
I had some suck-ass shoestring fries last night and I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out a way to make them more palatable instead of becoming chicken food.
And guess who just found a hunk of knock-off Velveeta in the fridge?!?!
Oh yeah, we're going for cheese fries.
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r-aindr0p · 3 months ago
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Been touching grass for a few days lately but the creatures will invade the next dorm soon, here's this in the meanwhile. Thankfully someone stopped grim in time before he used an actual arrow... Roomates until spring - previous
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little-luna-llama · 5 months ago
Golden cheese: *walks into room with Cacao and lily sat on one side, Vanilla flustered and not looking at them on the other*
Goldie looks at cacao and lily. Then at Vanilla who looks back at her through his fingers. Back and forth a few times, before stopping on Vanilla
Goldie:oh my god I get it. Ohhhhh my God I get it
Vanilla: oh thank God.
Goldie: destroy my kingdom? Never. Me? I mean he could if he buys me dinner first....
Vanilla:RIGHT?! He could tell me sweet lies anytime
Lily: you two aren't real-
Vanilla: he could make me worse.....
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polterquest · 1 year ago
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danny butterman the world
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chonkymoth · 3 months ago
My hare-brained theory is that Sean is going to die due to his heart issues, excessive drinking, etc but thanks to Laszlo now having a grasp on how to reanimate the dead...well, you get the idea
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utilitycaster · 2 months ago
wait I'm rewatching for summary reasons and it's actually EXTREMELY funny to me that Ludinus is like tell me of your pasts...I will tell mine and the party is like yo have you ever tried talking to the gods and then he just launches into the monologue. like it's in-character but also as a DM I'm like yeah this is what you do when you need to get the backstory out and the characters are just kind of wandering around.
I thought about this yesterday and then forgot to post it but. Has anyone read The Dark Lord of Derkholm by Diana Wynne Jones? It's a childhood favorite for me, it's exploring the joke of her Tough Guide to Fantasyland, ie, poking fun at the tropes of heroic fantasy. The premise is basically that there's a world where magic is real, and someone from our world has found a portal to it and ruthlessly exploited it for Tours, which are essentially guided D&D campaigns, and this sucks for the people in the world because their world constantly set on fire and trampled to put on a big show for these tours and all the wizards and bards are constantly occupied with shuffling the tourists around, among many other things. Anyway in the story Wizard Derk is made the Dark Lord (BBEG) for the tours this year and there's a bit where he has to spend like an hour trying to entice the current tour to actually fucking "kill" him so they can finish and leave, and eventually he just deliberately falls backwards into the pit because the tourists are taking too long and that is the energy.
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the-casbah-way · 8 months ago
i’m assuming jamie was written out for real-world logistical reasons but i don’t think he could or should have come back anyway. when the attack dog goes rabid and gnaws through his own fucking leash there's nothing much anyone can do but stand there and watch. you can train a dog to bite for you but once they've got enough of a taste for blood they're going to stop giving a shit about who they've got between their teeth so long as there's something to tear into. maybe malcolm never had jamie on a leash in the first place. maybe jamie didn't bite because malcolm asked him to. maybe he just liked the taste of blood. malcolm hired a loyal dog and got what he paid for because at the end of the day jamie stayed so loyal that it became the death of him. loyal to the party. not malcolm
#does this make sense ???? grabs you and shakes you DOES THIS MAKE SENSE#it's like. is jamie on a leash really ??? because the closer you look the less it seems that way#he doesn't back down when malcolm tries to step in and de-escalate. he doesn't listen when malcolm asks him to stop#e.g. infamous beloved life-changing julius nicholson EAT THE FUCKING CHEESE scene.#the second it gets physically violent malcolm tries to step in and jamie just fucking bolts out the door after the fucker#not to turn such a deeply unserious scene serious but it is literally like an actual dog attack#like when a dog goes rabid. the owner can stand there and try and talk sense into it but it won't work#even in that one deleted scene from s+l where malcolm's telling jamie to behave and stop fucking everything up#and it DOES seem to work a wee bit. it feels more like jamie's just trying to get malc off his back rather than actually listening#he's only backing down because what he'd been trying clearly wasn't working anymore. not because malcolm asked#and it's like it's more of a betrayal from jamie's point of view right ??#malcolm's the one who ditched the party and backed whoever he needed to in order to maintain his position#but to malcolm it's like. if he's safe then jamie is too. he'll always look out for the both of them#but HE needs to be secure in order for him to do that. jamie's supposed to bite who malcolm asks him to. not just fucking anyone#so they both feel the knife in their back but jamie was trying to do what's right. malcolm was trying to save them both#(this is just my interpretation / opinion. i don't know shit. and i'm not articulate enough to explain it)#ttoi#the thick of it#malcolm tucker#jamie macdonald
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kittqns · 2 months ago
It’s so funny to me that Aaron fecher is homophobic to me as If the ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW didn’t inspire the predecessor to the Rockafire Explosion?!💀
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fraudulent-cheese · 8 months ago
This shit's going in the Pahkitew video - why did the writters do Sky like that in the final episode??? Why did they do that???? The show really spent the last two episodes setting Sky up as someone who, while competitive, values good sportsmanship and playing by the rules - you'd assume this extends to relationships and being honest right? Or just not liking cheaters?
And like, whatever she's feeling for Dave she doesn't want to be around him and it says alot about him that he had to have Sky kiss him for him to be motivated to help her win, but also SKY WOULD NOT DO THAT. SHE WOULDN'T LIE TO HIM ABOUT WANTING TO GO ON A DATE AFTER THE SHOW IS OVER WHY WOULD SHE?
Oh, and the whole "she had a boyfriend back home this entire time!!!"? Yeah, that's bullshit to me. it feels like a half hearted attempt at the writters at making the tables between Sky and Dave less unbalanced in Sky's favor in terms of how bad the relationship is so we could go "oh they're both bad" despite the fact Dave's the one that broke her boundaries, didn't take her rejection the first time, ignored her "but" the first time and while neither of them communicated well in the middle of the season, dude is fucking DESPERATE man. I bet you anything if episode 13 didn't exist, everyone would be on Sky's side. everyone.
HELL, even with the boyfriend twist, girl didn't wanna date him she just wanted to win the money! she wanted to break up with that boyfriend! She made a mistake, a big one yes, but that's not justification to me for hating her, unless you're like allergic to cheaters in which case boy do i hope you also hate duncan with a passion then!
Urgh... can you tell i really don't like the last episode? Like Pahk'd with talent's already a meh episode, but Lies, Cries and One Big Prize sucks even more since it's issues apply to every character and not just the show feeling especially rigged against Sugar just to get her eliminated (kind of like how they did the challenge in Sky Fall just to get rid of Jasmine).
uh TLDR Sky ooc moment bad, Sky good character and Dave needs therapy.
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knifefightandchill · 8 months ago
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random nox edits 1/???
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roseunspindle · 30 days ago
Percy any time he faces the demigods that joined Kronos: I'll try to just knock them out or let them escape somehow. They are kids and I understand why they chose the side they did... I'll listen to them even when they try to kill me. I'll use my one wish to the gods to try to improve their lives and get their godly parents the recognition they deserve/need/want
Alabaster: I wish I could give that son of poseidon what he deserves.
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findafight · 2 years ago
(Okay, gonna try and send this again)
I had a whole spiel about how R0nance has the potential to be very interesting and stimulate character growth on both sides in a similar way to Steve and Eddie. Not to say that Nance needed “ego death”, but she has built too much of her identity around being the smartest person there/the only person who can find the answers, and having Robin challenge her in that way (at times without even needing to) would provide some much needed growth. Because at the moment she’s giving “gifted student who didn’t struggle in school and is going to be eaten alive at college”.
Or, if you wanted to lean into the “Bad R0nance” side of things, they have the potential for a lot of interesting dynamics, scenes and conversations that they couldn’t have with other characters. Like, Barb is already such a charged subject with Nancy - add to that the fact that Barb ditched Robin to become Nancy’s best friend. To say nothing of Steve, who is such a big part of Robin’s life, he’s going to be part of Nancy’s what her she likes it or not.
Hell, assuming that that argument prompt wasn’t meant to be cute or funny, that’s a dynamic that could be interesting to explore. Honestly, I find Nancy’s difficulty with admitting that she’s in the wrong/having to have things done her way interesting, especially in contrast with a lot of the guilt she carries being over things that weren’t really her fault (if a bit too close to how certain loved ones of mine act sometimes). And I already see enough of her sticking to her guns despite common sense going unexplored in the show (quite literally; I love surprise gun-toting badass Nancy as much as the next person, and her and Max sawing down the shotgun was a cool visual. That being said; WHEN have guns ever worked against the Upside Down?).
Anyway - my point is that it’s not that I dislike R0nance, I just find a lot of the stuff written to be OOC, that it ignores many of the elements that I think would make them interesting together, or that it downplays Steve’s importance in Robin’s life/ignores it in favour of treating him more as Nancy’s ex-turned-kinda-friend.
haha yeah I got the first one and was like hm. that's not finished...hope they continue!
yeah Nancy doesn't need the same kind of ego death as Eddie did, but she's in desperate need of the realization she doesn't need to form her identity around her academics and journalism and her ability to Solve the Mystery etc, she can be something other than that. The tidbit from rebel Robin that if Robin tried a bit more, she could be valedictorian or something is so juicy for this! I don't think this is exclusive to romo rnce tbh i think them getting a kind of friendship could be really interesting and change them.
The Barb of it all would be so good and neat to explore. God. the hurt and guilt on both sides? I want them to have a conversation about Barb!! How robin mourned her even before she died, and maybe felt like a fraud for crying herslef to sleep when Barb went missing, because they weren't really friends anymore. How Nancy feels guilt for letting Barb leave, how she wishes she could take it back. How Robin resented Nancy for "stealing" barb away, about her insecurities in her friendships because of that. I want to see it! They could have such a rich friendship!
I want to see them argue! yell! scream and cry! There's so much potential here! their personalities would clash in glorious ways even in a friendship, let alone a romo relationship! hoo hoo!
Poor Steve is just. He's there too. He can't not be, because he might be an ex Nancy didn't talk to unless the world was ending, but Robin would see him everyday? and that's awkward. idk I think people also miss that for Nancy, dating the best friend of an ex she broke up with in....not the best circumstances and tried to avoid since then would be majorly awkward! idk like Nancy has warmed again to Steve in s4, but clearly didn't interact with him a lot between seasons, but she was also flirting with him and then went back to Jonathan, so it's probably not a situation she wants to be in! Besides the whole mess it would be for Robin considering if she actually wanted to date a friend's (best friend's) ex, the ex, Nancy would probably have to consider spending time with an ex like that. (because you're correct! for robin Steve is non negotiable)
(the prompt was absolutely supposed to be cute it blew my mind) But it's such an interesting dynamic, and absolutely something that I can see Nancy doing. It's been haunting me for weeks! Her feeling guilty over things she had no control over, but then not taking accounatbility for things she did and could change, that's so neat! With her relying on body language, and not adequately communicating to partners what she actually wants/needs/is thinking, Combined with Robin not being good at reading people and generally nervous about that inability to read more subtleties, it would be brutal. They would both dig their heels in, but robin wouldn't know why. FASCINATING.
Common sense doesn't exist in Stranger Things <3 Also I know next to nothing about guns but for some reason I know (am pretty sure of?) that sawed off shotguns have worse accuracy. I was like "nooo nancy you don't need to do that! It will also not help at all!" please let Nancy get a meelee weapon please let her beat the shit out of a demogorgon please let her actually inflict damage!
Uhg yes agree. I think it's one of the few ships I dislike more because of the shippers and how they interact with the characters, and that I see it as sort of a relationship that wouldn't last, and the shippers wouldn't like that and also want it canon. So much stuff I find ooc, and also for some reason a number of steve haters (super uncharitable ones that really, idk why they like robin, a character who loves steve so much she wants to combine with him, if they hate everything about Steve). Big turn offs. Not a lot of nuance happening! (which is NOT rnce exclusive!! I exit out of fics with ships I like because I find them ooc etc.) It could be a really interesting ship that would be messy and possibly implode but oof it'd be neat to explore. I've said before that I can see them liking each other and just not working out in an au where Steve and Nancy never had that history, because honestly another part of it is that I just don't see them as compatible (and included it in one of my not at all canon adjacent aus!).
I am with you on a lot of the content fumbles how Steve fits into it. The complexities his relationships both past and present to both Nancy and Robin would bring up between them could be explored more. Like yeah maybe steve's fine with his bff dating his ex whatever. but how would they feel about it? how would Nancy feel about steve being Robin's ride or die? how does Robin's friendship with steve effect that relationship? there's interesting bones here but alas. He's often shoved to the side as Robins friend and nancy's ex-turned friend. WHERES THE JUICE THERE? c'mon! i get some folks want non-conflict romance but maybe the ship that has potential to be so so SO messy that isn't going to be the most incharacter interactions.
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newtness532 · 2 months ago
is it too late to ask for a better brain for christmas?
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loveletterworm · 6 months ago
i have some tendency to want to partake in literally every activity and/or topic of discussion that is theoretically possible for me to do (maybe this is normal and i am only strange for describing it like it's strange) but sadly this is not really practical to do in reality for various reasons so mostly i just have reached an olympic level in the act of lurking
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blackswallowtailbutterfly · 9 months ago
I got through the carton before it went bad! :D
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oxavane · 1 year ago
girl he's like 40, tops, that's not an old man
ah wait I realised I didn't mean it as in 'Gort looks 35ish, that's aaancient', I meant it more like- 'this character could have some delicious older man coded headcanons attached to him'
takes all responsibilities
reads newspaper while listening to classical music and smoking
grumbles about the youth being unambitious and foolish (doesn't matter if he's still part of 'the youth' on age technicalities)
fancy walking cane + back problems from plotting hunched over his desk all day (scheming is hard work)
And again, characters don't really need to be *old* to have any of the above attached to them, it's more that that's the vibe I get from 'old man' as a character trait shorthand ((I posted that doodle late and I forgot those words together had a different implication outside of my head :' D sorry about that))
Gortash is middle-aged-ish, but he's old to me <3
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