#even if he looked very upset about her sad face lmao
sebille · 5 months
LMAOOOOO WOL IS SUCH AN ASS why did they react like THAT when Aymeric basically invited them on a date
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If possible could you write a fic with reader and matt in an established relationship and he hears something when he's around them and it starts driving him nuts and then he finally realizes is a tiny heartbeat bc reader is pregnant but doesn't realize it, and he's like overjoyed?
sorry this is my first time requesting lmao
hii!! this is very cute :( very happy to be first to write one of your requests☺️ thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
matt murdock x fem!reader
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word count. 481
Recently, whenever Matt was near, he wore an expression you couldn't quite place, looking as though he was concentrating - like his brain was preoccupied. You knew he often had a lot on his mind, so you waited the questioning - wanting him to come to you when he was ready, though he never did. 
Another week had passed, and he continued to model that same sceptical face around you, still no closer to the route of his confusion.
You're lying on the sofa, basking in the early evening sunset, nursing your nausea and awaiting Matt to return home from the store. He told you he'd briefly pop out to pick up some things for dinner - that he'd get something to help with your sickness bug, something to ease the upset in your aching body.
You hear the keys jingle in the door, indicating Matt's return home.
"Hey, sweetheart," he calls out, closing the door behind himself. "Sorry about the wait. Was so busy out there," he continues, placing the bags on the counter. He makes his way to you on the couch and takes a seat on his knees in front of you. "How you feeling?" he asks, slipping his hand into yours.
"Gross," you simply reply between a soft breath, closing your eyes. You were starting to feel it again - like the room was spinning. 
His thumb circles over your skin, attempting to ease you. "I'm sorry, angel," he coos, speaking gently. 
Matt props himself higher on his knees, extending to reach himself over your middle. He places a light kiss to your stomach over the fabric of your top and then carefully rests the side of his head in that spot - trying to comfort you. He keeps hold of your hand and laces his fingers between yours, playing with your hand as if to distract you. 
You peek down at Matt on your stomach, watching his brows furrow, seeming like he was focusing - that same darned face again. You extend your spare hand towards his head and nestle your fingers in his hair, soothingly stroking over his scalp. "What is it?" you ask, your confusion mirroring his.
He faintly shakes his head and shushes you softly, a smile growing. 
"It's not the flu, honey," he beams at you, lifting his head from your stomach abruptly. "It's not the flu," he repeats, the words almost catching in his throat.
"What do you mean?" you question, following his movements.
"Sweetheart," he coos, drawing out the petname with a gentle nod - like he was trying to prompt you.
"No?" you whisper, speaking in disbelief.
He nods once more, his features softening and melting upon hearing the news. His grip tightens in your hand, and he brings it to his lips, placing another kiss where the last one dried. 
"We're going to have a baby?"
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
some reason when I was writing this it reminded me of when vision said “yes, my love,” to wanda when she got her baby bump🥲 now im sad
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To Date a Criminal
Bucky Barnes X Celebrity!F!Reader
Word Count: 1,800ish
Warnings: Angst | Talk of ending relationships | Asshole Interviewers | Language | Brief mentions of sexism | Fluff? 
Summary: Bucky’s history is a problem to some of Y/N’s fans
Author’s note: This is more angsty than I originally intended, but life is a shitty mess so there’s no point sugar coating it lmao. Unedited. Didn’t know what to call it, so this is what I landed with.
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"A-list celebrity Y/N Y/L/N is speculated to be romantically involved with ex-assassin James Barnes, the Winter Soldier. A lot of people believe that Barnes should be convicted of the numerous murders that he committed over the course of the Cold War, but Y/L/N seems to have no issue flaunting her criminal boyfriend on every platform she has a voice. The 108-year-old man was once a close friend to Capt-" Sam turned the TV off. Bucky stared at the blank screen for a little longer, before swallowing heavily and looking down. Sam wanted to say something but struggled to find the words.
Bucky sighed. "This is fucked," he said after a moment. He appeared to be fairly calm about it, before he slammed his fist down on the table, leaving a small dent in the wood. "What the fuck?" He shouted out, as Sam crossed his arms.
"Buck, you know better than to listen to that shit," he said. Bucky turned to him, shaking his head.
"It's not about me listening to them." He started. "Y/N is being attacked. Even if she doesn't agree, her entire reputation is at stake, for dating me. They're calling me a murderer for fucks sake." Bucky ran his hand through his hair. Sam sighed. Of course, he didn't care what people thought about him. He'd been receiving death threats and insults daily since returning from Wakanda, he was used to it. "She has every reason to leave me. She'd be an idiot not to." He mumbled, turning away from Sam.
Sam sighed. He couldn’t argue with that. But something he’d come to realise is that both Bucky and Y/N were complete dumbasses when together. “Just, talk to her, man,” He replied, leaving Bucky to stew by himself.
He sipped his drink slowly, hearing the door slam close and a loud sigh. “You wouldn’t believe the shit I’ve had to deal with today,” She said, throwing her coat onto the back of a dining chair. She bent over the sofa and pressed a kiss against his cheek. “The guy who was interviewing us made some sexist comments before we even began, so we just knew it was going to be a long session,” She kicked off her shoes and sat on the sofa beside him. “It was really tempting to just walk out on multiple occasions, but apparently I needed a better reason,” 
Bucky grinned quickly, before placing his glass on the coffee table. "Baby, we need to talk," He began. Y/N looked at him and her eyes narrowed in confusion. She couldn’t read his expression at all. Her face fell when she realised that his smile had disappeared. 
"What about?" She asked cautiously. Her heart sped up.
Bucky took a deep breath. "You need to break up with me," he said. 
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at him. Everything was going well. She really liked Bucky and she thought he felt the same for her. "I don't understand. I don't want to." She said.
"And I don't want to either. But people are calling me a murderer." Bucky looked at her finally, and she could see the sadness in his eyes. She let out a deep exhale, relieved that she’d not done anything to upset him.
It took her a moment to think her way around his comment. "But you're not a murderer, and I don’t care what people say," She replied, crossing her arms across her chest.
Bucky smiled softly. Y/N was brazen, just one of the many things he liked about her. “Sweetheart,” He started, “I’m not worth ending your career over,”
She bit the inside of her cheek and turned away. Whilst she held the belief that he very much was worth it, she didn’t want to admit that now. Not if things were going to end. “Do you want this to end?” She asked. He was fairly insistent.
Bucky seemed taken aback. “No, god no, you have no idea how much I don’t want this to happen. But you have to do the smart thing here. You can’t stay with me,”
“I don’t care. I’m not ending this.” She said indignantly.
Bucky rubbed his forehead. Fuck, he loved her stubbornness sometimes, but it was not helping right now. “Your reputation-”
“I’m not worried about my stupid reputation! I couldn’t give less of a shit about it!” She shouted back and Bucky stared at her. She exhaled heavily and furrowed her eyebrows. “The only thing I’m worried about is you, Buck,”
Bucky clenched his jaw and turned away. “Well, that’s really not convenient. Because I worry about you and the way people treat you and the way everyone sees you. And you not giving a shit about that sort of thing really makes my job a lot harder,” He replied, and Y/N smiled. 
She pulled his face back in her direction, and her hand fell to rest on his chest. Pressing a kiss to his lips. “I’d leave everything behind to stop you from worrying,” She admitted and Bucky rolled his eyes.
“You’re crazy if you think I’d let you,” He raised his eyebrows, but grinned, all the same, leaning in to kiss her again.
She pouted at him. “I’m starting to think that you want me to be famous more than I care for it,” She joked.
“Not famous. Successful. I want you to do well, and I like seeing you get the recognition you deserve. I need people to love you as much as I… love you,” He paused at the last words, and looked down, hoping she didn’t notice.
But of course, she did. She’d been waiting to hear those words for weeks now. She stared at him, noticing the slight pink tinge that was creeping up his neck. “Buck,” She began. “I love you too,”
He looked up at her, searching for any hint of a lie. It had been a while since someone had said those words to him and meant it. As if she could tell, she took hold of his wrist and directed his hand to feel her heartbeat. “I love you,” She said again, smiling at him. 
“And if you still think we should break up, then you’re the crazy one. Especially after that super romantic admission of your love for me,” she stated, grinning at him as his cheeks tinged pink. He looked down, but his small smile was very much evident.
He sighed. “You’re right. As much as I hate to admit it,” He said back, as Y/N giggled. She kissed him again, and Bucky’s hand moved to hold her face, his thumb brushing against her cheek. “I love you,” He murmured in the space between them, their foreheads resting against each other.
One of the downsides of being a celebrity was having to maintain a social presence. As a result, Y/N had to attend several red carpets that she had no real investment in. This particular time, Y/N was being interviewed by someone from some media outlet that she was unfamiliar with. The questions had strayed from anything remotely related to the public perception of her boyfriend.
“Bucky is not a murderer,” Y/N scowled at the person interviewing her. Her dating life was noones business at the best of times, but it was entirely inappropriate to discuss this right now.
The interviewer smirked at the rise they were getting. “He was one of the worlds most wanted criminals. He’s credited with at least two dozen high-target assassinations. He’s responsible for the Avengers breaking up back in 2016…”
Y/N stared daggers at the interviewer, and their face fell as they noticed. They stopped talking and swallowed heavily. “Bucky is not a murderer. He was given a pardon which has forgiven him-”
“Implying that there was something to forgive.” The interviewer interrupted “Why do you think it’s ok to date a war criminal?” They added.
Y/N lips parted in surprise. “You know what? I don’t have to deal with this. If people have a problem with who I love then that’s their issue. I do not have to listen to you insult my partner.” She snapped back, before storming off to the bathroom.
On her way there, a hand took hold of her wrist and pulled her away. Looking up, she saw Bucky beaming at her. “You look gorgeous, sweetheart,” He held his arms around her waist. His face fell when he saw her look in her eyes. “What’s happened? Are you ok?” his first instinct was to check her over for any injuries.
Instantly she let her tears fall and leant against him. “Why do people have to be assholes?” She bawled out. Bucky hugged her back, resting his chin on the top of her head. He held her tight, letting her cry into his chest.
“What did they say?” He growled, angry that anyone would have the gall to insult his girl. He looked around to determine whos fault it was. If anyone seemed even remotely guilty for the upset that they’d caused, but everyone seemed fairly content with themselves.
She sniffed quietly. “They were being so rude about you! I had to leave the interview,” She replied, and Bucky seemed taken aback. They’d insulted him and she was distraught.
He held her at arms length and looked at her, lowering his head so that she was staring directly into his eyes. “There are always gonna be assholes in the world, but you walking away from them in that situation helps people realise. You are so incredibly brave for walking outside your door every day when you know what people have said about me. And for that I love you. I worship the ground you walk on. I’m honored to have a place in your heart.” He said sincerely, desperate to calm her down.
“But you have to promise me that you will not give these people a place. Please don’t let them hurt you. Don’t take these shots that are meant for me,” He added, caressing her cheek with his knuckles.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, but seemed to smile. “Buck, I would take actual bullets for you,” She said, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Bucky chuckled. “Very unwise. Bullets hurt like hell. And you’d be taking a lot of them,” He bantered back. “But I appreciate the sentiment. I love you sweetheart,” He smiled.
Y/N exhaled heavily, smiling back. “I love you too,” she pressed a kiss to his lips. “Do you wanna come with me?”
He looked at her, confused as to what she meant. “Back onto the carpet? What about the interviews?”
She grinned. “Maybe you can do some staring if they piss me off.” She giggled.
Immediately he seemed excited. “Oh sweetheart, don’t tempt me!”
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thelonelyshore-if · 4 months
What if someone is very actively flirting with RO, making heart eyes at them, complimenting, smiling sweetly, etc. The MC looks at them from afar. They don't like it, they are jealous and upset, but they can't say anything because they are too shy and not sure if RO likes such attention from this person or not. So, MC just sends sad glances in their direction.
What will the ROs do? (if it's a crush stage)
Oooh fun question!! Putting this under a cut because I already know it'll get long lol.
Beck: Wouldn't notice at first. They'd be pretty caught up with flirting with the person, because they're someone who enjoys flirting. It probably wouldn't be until afterwards, when they're spending some time with MC, that they might notice something's amiss. Their mind would fly and they'd realize that Oops! They fucked up! "Hey, it's wild that they were all over me, huh?" they'd joke, silently terrified that they've Ruined Everything Forever. They'd be extra flirty and playful with MC to try and like...make up for it?
Croft: Lol they'd be completely stone-faced as they got flirted with. No matter how complimentary and sweet the other person is. They'd just deadpan 'uh huh' and 'wow that's amazing' until they got the chance to escape. If they looked over and saw MC looking upset they'd end the conversation immediately. They wouldn't be certain that they read MC's vibes correctly, but afterwards they'd complain about the person and be very clear that they wanted no part in it.
Jay: They're typically pretty friendly, and also are well aware when they're being flirted with. They'd be polite but distant with the other person, especially if they already have a crush on the MC. When they glanced over and saw MC looking upset, though, they'd make their excuses and walk off. If MC was comfortable with being touched they'd probably throw a friendly arm around their shoulder (panicking inside at the closeness) and try to convince the MC to go and do something fun together. They wouldn't address it directly, but would try to make sure the MC knows they weren't engaging in the flirting lol.
Perri: Would be petrified LMAO they have no idea how to handle flirting. They'd be so overwhelmed and flustered. And I could see a MC who's feeling jealous reading that as interest on Perri's part. When Perri figured out how MC was feeling they'd be even more horrified...but wouldn't know how to make it better. They'd probably just try to pretend nothing had happened?
Ravi: He'd give the person a placid, empty smile while listening to them flirt. He wouldn't engage...pretty much at all beyond that. Just smile and stare with slightly empty eyes. He has no interest in most other people. If he looked over and saw MC looking upset, though, it'd be over. "Thanks," he'd call over his shoulder as he walked away. Then he'd approach the MC and start talking to them, emoting more than he had in the past five minutes. Not saying anything specific, just trying to be very clear that MC is the only person he cares about in this situation.
Yasmin: She'd be actively flirting back with the person. Maybe give them her number, try to make a date. She's not in the market for a steady relationship...but if she had a crush on MC and she saw them watching and looking upset, it would make her feel. Odd. Unsure. She wouldn't understand why she feels so bad. Later she'd just. Ask them about it. "Did that bother you?" she'd ask bluntly. It might end up in an argument, with Yasmin flustered and frustrated and feeling Way Too Many Emotions...while also feeling bad about hurting MC.
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babyangelsky · 3 months
My Favorite Expressions in Love Sea Ep. 4
It’s giving me so many things I wanna talk about and scream about and I WILL but I wanna talk about the expressions first because they were once again excellent. Peat officially sits at Poom Phuripan’s “I love everything you do with your face” table.
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The two most dejected, disappointed men on the whole island. They’re about to be parted and they both hate it so much they can’t even speak for a few moments. (There’s something else I started to notice happening here too but that’s for another time)
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Being sad isn’t going to stop Mut from teasing and Tongrak from getting annoyed, but just look at these two faces. We went from annoyance to looking like the saddest kitten ever in seconds as soon as Mut mentioned saying goodbye. Forget not wanting to say goodbye upset, Tongrak doesn’t want to say it at all.
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If I saw Mut make this face after saying “I’m used to it” after I was unable to keep a promise I made to him, I would do everything I could to stay with him.
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And so would Tongrak, which is why he tried again to make it work as soon as he saw it because he took that promise seriously. It was at this moment that he resolved to never disappoint this man ever.
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Curiously amused with a sprinkle of hope, to sad, to putting on a brave resigned face. All within microseconds of each other to personally devastating effect.
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I’m really starting to lament my lack of gif making talent. I would gif every frame of this scene if I could. I would also hit my image limit immediately if I included every face I loved in this scene so I’m moving on but! I had to include this face because it’s the face of a someone who won’t say he’s in love but who ALSO won’t let go of his menace of a man come hell or high water. Pero he’s not in love.
Sure, Jan.
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Actual literal angel vs. “tell me I can’t, I dare you” vs. just-got-smacked-in-the-head levels of shock. Poetic cinema.
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I loved watching Tongrak watch Mut to see what he’ll do now that they’re in a different environment. He really is so patient in such an interesting way. He’ll watch, but only for a little bit. When a boundary is so much as approached, he steps in and says something. He doesn’t baby Mut but there is very much a line in the sand for him where Mut is concerned and he doesn’t allow it to be crossed.
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I see you seriously thinking about stairway s*x, Tongrak, you can’t get things by me.
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We’ve arrived at the line in the sand event horizon. Although Tongrak is very patient, he does lose his patience a couple of times with Mook but he doesn’t ever raise his voice at her. He just makes a face in his vein and firmly but gently reestablishes boundaries.
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Mut has been a sugar baby for less than 24 hours but already he has the expression of a man who knows he has pride of place.
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Also Mook, my dear frazzled girly, if you clutch those pearls any harder your fingers are going to cramp.
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We had already passed the patience event horizon when this face happened so I actually did think for a second that Tongrak was going to snap at her. He didn’t quite, he just stopped her with her full name, but to me this is the closest he got all episode.
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“What are you going to do next?” Mook asked. “Eat a canary,” this expression replied.
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I look at Mut like this, too.
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A menace. An entire fucking menace, I want him carnally.
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So does Tongrak. B*reback on the stairs.
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He pictured it and had to dial back into the conversation lmao
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Another moment of waiting and watching. Tongrak was about to go shower, heard what he thought could turn into Mook saying something that crossed the line to Mut, and stopped to wait and see where the conversation went before he actually went upstairs. He will not allow anyone to be nasty to his sugar baby.
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*sings ‘I Won’t Say I’m in Love’ under my breath*
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Throughout this whole contract scene, you can see Mut get hit with…I don’t think it’s a full bucket of cold water, but certainly a splash. I’m sure part of him thought that getting swept off to Bangkok would be more romantic and less business-like but I don’t personally read this as disappointment, although it easily could be read that way.
To me he has the expression of someone who’s had all the cards laid out in front of him, has read them, and is currently reworking his perception but who still absolutely knows what he’s about. This man has not been deterred by this contract.
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A face that very clearly says, “oh I like you”. Sorry, Mook, Vivi cannot help you because she plans to help Mut win her best friend over instead.
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And Mut likes Vivi too! I hope they become menace besties. Pour one out for Mook now because they aren't gonna let her rest.
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Again, it would be very easy to read this as resigned disappointment and I think Tongrak does at first. I think he even wonders if he was too harsh about not believing in love but really, all Mut is doing is doubling down in his mind before he does so out loud.
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One of these two men does not yet understand what they just signed up for, and it sure as hell ain’t Mahasamut.
I finally hit the picture limit but the rest of the episode is just Vivi and Mook shopping so it’s fine. This show is a feast and I am not done talking about it by a MILE.
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babiebom · 7 months
Two songs I think would describe my relationship with each doctor (nuwho)
A/N: i clicked on a video expecting chaotic doctor who TikTok’s but instead got edits and now all I can think about is what song would play if someone made an edit of me and the doctor. These headcanons are very self indulgent lmao so maybe read at your own risk(nothing too scandalous lmao)
Tw: some cursing maybe, the genre is really sorta fluffy and angsty so idk what to put as a trigger warning idk.
Bc: at least 4 for each 1 for each song and 1 explanation for each of those songs
Doctor who Masterlist
Until I Found You-Stephen Sanchez and Em Beihold
Okay for this song it’s just if he had never met Rose and I was in her place. Because I do think that whoever he meets at this time(if he likes them) will change how he views everything like she did. Like he needed somebody in this point in time to show him how wonderful the universe could be again after he had lost everything. This song gives those vibes
Snowman- Sia
This is because he’s a sad sad angry man and like, I don’t want him to be sad. This entire song is just me and my sad bf I don’t want him to be sad but no matter what it’s him and me because who else is there?
Stay With Me- Miki Matsubara
If you read the English lyrics the song is Sadge and I think it fits what I think would be my vibe with him. He will never admit if he has feelings for me(prolly not lmao) and this is just him being like love and affection are different things and i have affection for you. And like just wanting to stay in the moment if not having to be upset because of feelings or anything, just want everything to be good so I can hold on to the good moments.
Heather- Conan Gray
Okay so I’m going with my own AU of me just being the companion of each doctor and like maybe stuff happening in between? I think at this point, the doctor wouldn’t really either admit if he does or doesn’t have feelings for me and ends up falling for someone else while we travel. Like maybe the Family of Blood happens or something in this universe and I get Martha-ed(she’s the loml and I’ll never forgive the show for doing her dirty) by him. This is just me being angsty.
My Love Mine All Mine-Mitski
Literally just how i feel about him. I’m the only companion and the only one he ever sails off with, he’s mine all mine in a way. I love him, and even if the song is talking about requited love, mine is probably delulu and this is me being all head over heels prolly
Again a sappy song. Out of everyone else in the entire universe he somehow chose me to travel with him, because of him I finally found what I wanted to do with my life (be with him) cute cute cute but also delulu
Shinuoga E-Wa -Fujii Kaze
If we’re going based off canon things, the doctor was kinda insecure about this new face(because it’s older? I’m going off of what lizard lady was talking about to Clara) and this is just me being like I really don’t care what you look like I’d rather die than be without you
A Thousand Years- Christina Perri
Like the last song this is literally me being like YOURE STILL ATTRACTIVE MY FEELINGS HAVENT CHANGED PLS :)
Take Me to Church- Hozier
I feel like out of these doctors that thirteen was more so of like…I’m keeping all of my personal information personal? Idk like the others knew more about the doctor than the fam knew? At least before their last season. So I feel like at this point she would be lying about a bunch of shit and I’d be like “okay :) I’ll believe everything you’re saying even though I know for a fact your bullshitting me rn”
Love Story- Indila
This is more so the second verse. Me being like “lmao I’m never leaving you” and her being like “I’m literally being an asshole and I forgot how to love” and me being like “idc I’ll literally fight for you. If you ignore me I’ll just offer you my life” kinda insane but also like an undying love sorta thing
Fourteen is the same as ten but less angsty :)
Best Friend-Doja Cat and Saweetie
Atp I think that our relationship probably would’ve evolved to a couple that has been together for a million years but instead of being tired of each other were more like best friends to the point where everyone thinks everything has always been platonic. Fifteen is a bad bitch I love him <3
I Will Always Love You- Whitney Houston
Because fifteen is still hella angsty. He’s acting like the therapy worked but it just helped him deal with everything probably. He needs to remember that no matter what I’ll always love him.
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bubbleecloud · 9 months
Hey!! I saw that requests were open and I was wondering if I could make one!! I saw that you like Scott Pilgrim, and I would love a fic with lee Scott and ler Wallace! Maybe Wallace comes home drunk and is all touchy and playful. Take all the time you need or feel free to deny this request if you’d like. 💖
Yes yes yessssss I love this request sm! I was waiting for an excuse to write Scott Pilgrim ajsudydysi I hope you enjoy!
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Scott Pilgrim vs. Extreme ticklishness or something I was never good at naming these
Basically that scene in the movie but with a tickly spin! Aka Wallace is tired of Scott whining all the time and (literally) takes matters into his own hands
Lee!Scott, Ler! Wallace. Stollace if ya squint lmao.
**✿❀ ❀✿****✿❀ ❀✿**
"Guess who's drunk!"
"I guess Wallace..."
Scott felt the weight of his very drunk roommate plop onto the bed next to him.
"You guessed right!", he slurred into his pillow, sinking deep into the sheets with the intent of going to sleep. Scott, on any normal occasion, would have turned over and let the room fall into peaceful silence.
But he couldn't stop thinking about that girl. The one in, or from, his dreams. And it was very rare that he ever focused on anything so intently, or for so long. So, naturally, he had to tell someone about it.
Even if that someone had to be his hammered roommate.
" So- that girl from my dream-?" "Girl.. Can I pretend we're talking about a guy?"
Scott chose to ignore that little quip. Wallace, always the funny guy with the jokes...
"I saw her at the library... And then I'm at this party..."
He rambled on, staring up at the ceiling. She was so cool, and mysterious, and her hair was all... Pink. She had to be the one, right?
"- right Wallace? I mean, if she's showing up in my dreams she has to be-"
He was cut off by a finger being roughly pushed to his lips. He looked over at Wallace, who had his eyes closed and was definitely, totally not listening to him. He whined, shoving Wallace's hand away and kicking his feet, much like a child would.
"Your not even listening to me, you suuuuuuck! Just because your all gay and drunk you think your so cool..."
He mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. Wallace sighed, opening his eyes to glare at the man next to him. "I'm sorry I don't care about your wet dreams, guy."
"They aren't wet dreams! In fact, they're very dry. They're in a desert, usually.. Deserts are dry, and sandy."
He retorted, quite lamely, and Wallace snorted through his nose, his lips quirking up into something that resembled a smile. It was probably due to the alcohol. He sat up in bed, wiping his eyes. He looked down at Scott, who was now moping, much like a child would. Wallace rolled his eyes. And maybe it was the booze, or the annoying amount of affection he had for his man-loser roommate, but he found he didn't feel like dealing with mopey Scott. He was drunk and in a weirdly giggly mood, and he wanted happy Scott. Soooo....
"Yanno, guy, iiiiii don't like how you've been glooming up my house-"
"Our house!"
"-with your sad guy attitude. So, as your best friend I have to fix that!" He said, shuffling around so he could face Scott who, in turn, raised and eye brow. "What are talking about? I don't need any fixiNG-" He cut himself off with a squeak as Wallace reached out a hand and prodded a finger into his side. He threw his hands out, feeling his cheeks heat at the shit eating grin on Wallace's face.
"Wallace, noooo! Don't- hey!"
He jolted away as Wallace delivered some poorly executed scribbles to his side. He wasn't as coordinated as he usually was, but it was still affective enough to get Scott squirming.
"Aww, cmon Scotty~ lighten up a little"
He teased, managing to land a better aimed attack, scribbling and squeezing the middle of Scotts stomach. He flailed his arms with a squeal, grabbing at Wallace's wrists. He was properly giggling now, squirming around and upsetting the bed sheets.
"You dihihihick! S- heheheh- stop! Wallace!!"
These reactions only fueled the tickly fire that was raging through Wallace's brain. He poked up and down the younger boys sides, wanting more out of him.
"What wrong, guy? It tickles? Awww, I could cry a river" he coo'd down at the mess of giggles in his hands, curling his fingers around his lower ribs. This combined with the teasing made Scott lose his head, just a bit. He threw his head back, consumed in bright, boyish laughter.
"No! Nohohohoho! You know it dohohohoes! Ahehehehehhe! "
He struggled between hiding his now rosy red cheeks and pushing Wallace's hands away. This left him in this odd back and forth movement that Wallace was finding difficult not to laugh at. In his alcohol soaked mindset, he couldn't help but chuckle along with him. He pinched and prodded at his upper ribs, delighting in the squeals it pulled from his roommate.
"Hmm, I guess your right. I do know everything, don't I?"
Scott groaned through his giggles, absolutely hating how totally stupid and mean Wallace was being right now! Wallace, meanwhile, hummed in thought, trying to think of a good way to wrap this up with a bang. Scott threw his head back against the pillows again, and ding! Lightbulb moment! Suddenly he pulled his hands away, crossing them over his chest. Scott wrapped his hands around his midriff almost instantly, panting and giggling still. Wallace allowed him to sit there for a moment, watching his chest rise and fall, heavily. Scott was mumbling random extremities under his breath, but Wallace didn't pay any mind to that.
He focused, instead, on the way the tilt of Scotts head exposed a good majority of his neck and collar bones.
"Scott?" He spoke up after he was sure the other had fallen into some sort of false security. Scott grumbled and opened his mouth to answer, but what came out instead was a shriek and Wallace suddenly leaned down and blew a raspberry right in between his neck and shoulder. It was like he was being electrocuted.
"AAAAahahahaheheh! StopstopWallacePLEHEHEHEASE!"
Another inhale. Another raspberry.
"NohoHOHOH! WALLACE! Your killing mehehehehe!"
Wallace leaned up and inhaled again, acting like he was gonna go three for three just to fuck with him and make him squeal, but he just ended up blowing the air in his face playfully instead, and Scott wrinkled his nose in protest.
"Hey! You are- you are such a- mean.. person!"
He stuttered out, his voice still breathy and weak from laughing so much. He reached up to rub the tingles from his shoulder, trying to force his mouth into a frown.
Irritatingly enough, he couldn't.
Wallace laughed and flipped down on Scotts chest, spreading his arms out starfish style. "Real smooth, guy" he chuckled. Scott whined. "Whatever! What was all that for, anyway." He asked, looking down at the head of black curls on his chest. Wallace shrugged.
"We're friends, guy. I care."
He said, simply, and it was so off par for a Wallace response that Scott didn't say anything for a bit. That was probably just the wine talking.. Yeah. It made him smile a little wider, though.
"Hey, so, are you gonna turn the light off, or-?"
The only response he got was a snore. Seriously, how did he do that? He was just up and energetic like, 2 while seconds ago!
"Ok- I'll just close my eyes then. It'll be.. Dark"
And he did, but not before he rested his arm on the small of Wallace's back. Just to get comfortable, of course. Duh. Obviously. Just two guys, chilling together.
Oddly enough, he didn't dream of pink hair and deserts that night.
**✿❀ ❀✿****✿❀ ❀✿****✿❀ ❀✿**
This was actually so fun to write! Sorry if it's a little sucky, I haven't written in a while! Enjoy lovelies! 💗✨
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miastideclock · 1 year
a year with bang chan, "april 17th."
word count: 687 warnings: not edited notes: funnily enough, this is the first one i've posted on the right day lmao
january 2nd ⁺₊ february 14th ⁺₊ march 2nd ⁺₊ april 17th ⁺₊ may 30th ⁺₊ june 4th ⁺₊ july 14th ⁺₊ august 1st ⁺₊ september 12th ⁺₊ october 3rd ⁺₊ november 1st ⁺₊ december 31st
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
int. outside at a zoo. noon.
“oh my god, look at those two!” chan practically squealed as he raised his hand to point at the two baby elephants that were stood in the pond they had in their enclosure. the two calves were filling their trunks with water, only to spray each other with it and running after each other.
“i didn’t realise visiting the zoo would be so similar to going to your dorms.” you snickered, just barely dodging the push that came from your boyfriend as his aussie came through with a playful ‘oi!’
you laughed at his reaction, but let him grab your hand despite his faux pout. he found it impossible to keep up the upset demeanour and a massive smile had soon found its way back on his face. “where to next?” you asked him as you stopped to look at a map of the zoo.
“the gift shop is right by the food court, so maybe stop there, grab something to eat, and then continue on to this section over here?” he suggested, pointing all over the map as he spoke. it sounded good to you, so you were soon sat in the food court, having lunch as you spoke about everything and nothing all at the same time.
next thing you knew you were in the gift shop, doubled over in tears from laughing. the two of you had found matching monkey-hats, and put them on as a joke. it was ‘couples’ hats, so when you stood next to each other, the monkeys on the hats were stretched out for one another, trying to kiss. you didn’t even have to say anything for chan to take the hats off of your heads and go to the register to buy them.
as you walked around holding hands, with those god-awful hats snugly on your heads, a little girl had spotted you and couldn’t hold her giggles all to herself. what you assumed would be her mother, picked her up and placed the girl on her hip, apologising for her daughters behaviour. the two of you reassured her that it was absolutely fine as the hats really were laughable. the mother gave them a warm smile and moved her daughter from her hip, over to the back of a man that was stood next to them, presumably the father. as he gave her a piggyback ride, they walked off.
“isn’t it wild that one day you get picked up and put down again, for the very last time and you don’t even know?” you spoke as you moved further down the walkway surrounded by animals. this made chan halt in his step and look at you, pretty much like you were crazy.
“now, why would you say that? now i’m sad.” chan let his legs go back to moving while you chuckled at him.
“this obviously doesn’t apply to you, as you and the boys make sure you are more above ground than you are on it at this point. never once have i been to your place without witnessing at least one member of your getting picked up.” you explained, chan nodding in agreement as you spoke, seeing as you made very valid points. “so you’re fine, i however am most likely floor-bound for the rest of my life.” what you said was not meant to be taken as an invitation, but that is exactly what chan interpreted it as.
“not on my watch!” your boyfriend announced, grabbing both of your hands and turning around so his back was facing you. he then bent down slightly and used the grip he had on your hands to pull you onto his back, your legs instinctively wrapping around his hips. he let go of your arms and grabbed onto your thighs instead, readjusting you slightly so he could comfortably give you a piggyback-ride.
“you okay up there?” he asked.
“splendid.” you chuckled at him, planting a little kiss on the side of his face as you couldn’t properly reach his lips.
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peachycrime · 1 year
SLK or Spider/Kiri/Lo'ak Headcanons
idk what these will be about tbh i’m just writing as i think of stuff lmao
Kiri had a phase where she was convinced she was a witch because everywhere she went an animal would just waddle up to her
Spider, Lo’ak and Jake talk to babies like they’re grown people, like no baby talk and it’s hilarious
Lo’ak was once holding a baby, and you know how you hold them high in the air and they’re above you? Yea they were having a moment and then the little creature threw up all over his shirt and started giggling right after
“Dude seriously? we were having a moment wtf” it took everything in him not to just drop the baby
Lo’ak would copy everything Jake did as a kid, his lil mini me fr
Lo’ak’s first words were either dad or Teyam
Spider and Lo’ak both have severe anger issues and lord knows what would happen if they ever turned on eachother abt that anger
Lo'ak is always reprimanded about the things he does, gets yelled at and gets in trouble in situations where he isn't truly at fault. Authority figures never let him explain himself and always assume he's lying or trying to makes excuses and they expect him to just take it and move on. He does, but all that annoyance and anger at a situation he can't help tends to come back up a lot.
With Spider on the other hand, adults can never seem to shut up with their backhanded comments,
"you're nicer than i thought you'd be considering your dad"
"Oh wow you're so smart I didn't think you'd get it'
"You look just like him" (in a bad way)
"Oh you're good at this, who would've thought"
All this stuff and he can't really say anything because he'd be proving them right. So he stays silent, doesn't argue back and boy does he hate it.
One time Neytiri made a comment on the wrong day at the wrong time and he honestly considered violence before he just silently walked out of the room. He definitely punches and breaks stuff but he tries to restrain himself which adds to the pent up anger
They've both used that anger on their bullies, Spider broke the guys nose and dislocated his shoulder by pulling it up his back and making him promise to never show his face again
Lo'ak just went straight to the punches, broke the dudes nose and left him slack jawed
So if you ever catch them in a slightly off mood and you even try to talk to them or act any sort of way, you're getting sent to the nurse. I'm sorry i don't make these rules
Kiri is the mediator, she doesn't want to be but she sometimes ends up being the most rational because when she's upset, anger isn't her default unlike the other two
Lo'ak collects comic books, Jake started the obsession and he went wild. Have a comic or manga you wanna borrow? Vintage or not it's probably in his room somewhere
Spider is a math genius, the formulas are just free balling in his head and it makes it easy for him.
He's also a literature enthusiast but has a hard time expressing his own ideas on paper, great public speaker though
Lo'ak definitely over analyzes his favorite characters, gets sad and cries silently abt it
Kiri is an all around science nerd, she goes to class just because she enjoys helping out w hands on science stuff, most of the content isn't new for her
Kiri despises chemistry, she understands it but finds it uninteresting. Ofc biology and botany are where it’s at
All language nerds
All great at physical education, i mean like the actually science behind the body, they have all the muscle names memorized etc
Kiri is their little jewel, Lo’ak especially, he tries to make it the least obvious but Spider definitely tells her how much Lo’ak cherishes her
Spider is very open with his affections, he just doesn’t feel the need to hide it, they live that loves that about him
Spider and Neteyam know how to cook a mean meal, put them in a kitchen together and you’re literally drooling at the smell
Spider is a spicy food enthusiast right along with Jake and Neytiri
Kiri has had a cat for 4 years, Jake has only known for 2 years because he used to be terrified of them and Kiri didn’t want him to freak out
He now carries said cat like it’s his mini purse
I’m all out
i’ll be delivering some locorro crumbs soon!
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mountsmase · 5 months
For the friends to lovers concept night that you mentioned a few day ago: mason and y/n are best friends and girly has been in a toxic relationship for a while and is finding it difficult, mason starts to notice she’s not herself and she’s sad, feeling shitty and scared etc, one day she opens up to him about it and mason helps her leave her bf. Can you finish it off please because I’m really bad at writing 🫶🏻
Okay so let’s say that you’ve not told Mason how you’re feeling because you don’t want anyone to worry about you, but you’ve been friends for ages and he can read you like a book so he knows 🥺
Maybe you’ve been spending a lot more time at Masons house recently, not really feeling comfortable in your own home anymore but you feel safe at his so you end up going there a lot, even if it’s just to hang out for the day when your boyfriend is home.
But he hasn’t ever asked you about it, not wanting to upset you just incase he’s assumed wrong but one day you come to his house and he can just tell that somethings off. Your smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes like it usually does and your phone has been buzzing non stop, until you eventually turn it off completely and stuff it deep into your bag.
The way you’re acting just throws him completely off guard, not liking how upset you seem and wanting to do whatever he can to help so he hesitantly asks you about it. Not wanting to cross the line and upset you even more but needing to know what’s wrong so that he can figure out how to make it better again.
You tell him everything and he can’t say he’s surprised. He’s never liked your boyfriend, knowing that he can be an asshole and he never liked the idea of you being with him, the way you’ve been acting recently has just confirmed that for him so he can’t say he doesn’t expect it when you tell him everything, from the way you had a massive argument that afternoon to your boyfriend texting other girls and his late nights out and not coming home until the next morning, disappearing for sometimes days on end without any explanation.
What does surprise him is that you’ve not broken up with him. But you tell him that you want to and that you’re ready to cut him off and leave that relationship for good rather than continuing to put yourself through the pain so Mason helps you come up with a plan to end it.
He’d agree to leave the actual breaking up to you - even if he wants nothing more than to see the look on your boyfriends face when you tell him you’re leaving - but coming with you just in case. He wouldn’t actually go inside with you, but he’d drive you over to your house, parking just out the front whilst you’re inside talking to your soon to be ex. He’d keep his doors unlocked and the spare key you’d given him ages ago in his pocket, just incase he needed to come inside at any point but he’s relieved when he sees you walking out of the front door a little while later.
He drives you straight back to his and he comforts you when you get a little emotional, overwhelmed with everything that’s happened because you’re obviously relived that you’re not in that toxic relationship anymore but at the same time it’s going to cause a lot of change and it’s a new beginning for you and that’s scaring you a little bit.
Mason would be incredibly supportive, offering you his spare room to stay in and he wouldn’t expect anything from you in return, just wanting you to have a safe space and feel comfortable in his home and after a while your feelings start to grow for Mason. Realising that everything you’ve ever wanted has been in front of you the entire time and he’s never stopped liking you as more than a friend, so one day you admit your feelings for him, when it all becomes to much for you to keep it to yourself any longer and you’re so happy to know that he feels the same way.
I know the end of this (the actual friends to lovers bit lmao) seems rushed but THIS concept has a very similar ending and i didn’t want to be too repetitive 😭
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melonteee · 8 months
You know, it makes me sad when people hyper-fixate on the bangs and the anime changing her skin color and trash Post-Timeskip Robin, because I love Oda's writing of Robin so much more post-timeskip.
And that's not to say her writing is bad pre-timeskip, it's great, it's just that she's so closed off and fearful that her real personality hardly ever shines through. Enies Lobby is great for character development, and it is that very character development that makes Post-Timeskip Robin so wonderful to me.
We only got a small hint in Thriller Bark, but she's really come out of her shell and been able to shine after the timeskip. She's so funny and weird and confident and happy. She's comfortable, able to make jokes and smile and make stupid faces with everyone else. And recently she's become more fierce and protective. Post-Timeskip Robin is the Robin I wish we had Pre-Timeskip, but she could never show. The Robin she wished she could be.
I feel that way about a lot of the Post-Timeskip Straw Hats, especially Robin, Franky, and Brook. Every time I hear people complain about Franky's ball-shoulders and block-arms, it makes me sad because that's clearly Franky at his happiest. That body is Franky's ideal Franky. He wants to look like a stupid action figure! Same goes for Brook, who went from depressed and lonely to a popular rock star, experiencing 2 years worth of fame and adoration to make up for 50 years of isolation.
I do totally understand getting upset at lightening a character's skin, because that's a very valid thing to get upset about - since it annoys the shit outta me too. The thing that gets me is like....that was Toei's doing, Oda has been consistent on his colouring for a long while. Hell he's even made Usopp somewhat darker since the start HHH he's still pale as shit but it's an anime only problem when making these characters lighter. It still sucks and Oda still fucks up, but pointing at him for that is crazy when he's not even supervising the anime unless he's asked for the help HHH
With Robin's hair, I honestly don't understand the anger at Robin losing her bangs, because she really stands out without them to me? Bangs are a very VEEEERY common hairstyle to have in Japan, like insanely common LMAO so I genuinely feel her bangs were removed for the sake of showing she's totally going against the norms and really opening up as herself. Because, I agree with you! I also like Robin more in the ts! She's so much more fun and so much more quirky and she smiles and emotes so much more now. Same goes with Franky and Brook as well!
It's fine to prefer original designs ofc, I just wish people didn't act like it's the end of the damn world 😭 these characters are still themselves, and Robin, Franky and Brook feel so much more fun and comfortable around each other in the ts. But honestly my insanely unpopular opinion is I genuinely like a lot of the ts designs a lot more than the original ones, I really like Zoro, Sanji's, Usopp's, Brook's and Robin's designs a lot 😭😭 but of course Robin would look so much better if Toei kept her skin dark, thank god we have people doing edits for that! It's honestly why it can feel a lot better reading the manga HHH
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maybege · 2 years
I know very little of your neighbor!Paz so forgive me for any inaccuracies 🥺 and sorry if someone else has already said something like this!!
Even tho I'm basically a hermit who has no interest in talking to her neighbors, I Love neighbor aus lmao.
But, imagine you're carrying in groceries, your typical paper bags cliche that are a tad bit overflowing, and Paz comes out to help you carry them in.
He noticed the wine and the more expensive looking steak (or meat alternative, or just more expensive food) and you explain to him that you have a date tonight! Its your first one in ages and you're nervous and excited because this guy at your gym has been trying to ask you out for a while but you've been too apprehensive to accept.
Paz is...disappointed, but not surprised because how could he be? It makes perfect sense for his beautiful, adorable, sweet neighbor to have guys all over her.
He stands outside your door, holding two bags of groceries while you put your bags on the counter, he doesn't want to assume he can come inside, he knows how intimidating he looks and the last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable.
You thank him and give him a smile that lights his heart up, he wishes you luck on your date.
Later, he can smell the food your making and it smells delectable, he can hear the pots and pans clanging about through the thin walls, and he hopes to God he doesn't hear too much in case your date goes...really well. He turns the TV up and tries to ignore the sounds coming from your apartment.
Time passes and you've finished making dinner and gotten ready a little while ago.
...Your date never showed.
You texted him before he was supposed to show up, he never answered.
You called later and had to leave a message.
Its been an hour and a half and nothing.
There's a knock at your door
You quickly make your way to the door, but its not your date? Its Paz, you're not as disappointed as you probably should be when you see him on the other side. You're a little relieved in fact...
"Hey, Paz, can I help you with anything?" You're trying to put up a front, a little embarrassed and hurt.
Fuck, you look so pretty. Paz knows this is a weird time to knock. He just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong and he had to check on you. The, now empty, plate of brownies looking like a beacon on his counter, telling him to knock on your door.
He's upset with himself now though because you look like an angel. An angel who just got their wings clipped. There's a sadness in your eyes. Did your date upset you?
"Oh, no honey. I just wanted to real quick hand this over to you," he holds out a plate, "Before I pick up dinner." Something he should've done before your date, but it just slipped his mind.
You made too many brownies for your job the other day and gave some to Paz. At least thats what you told him, perhaps you made extra brownies as an excuse to see him.
"Thank you, Paz."
This has to be serendipity, right? Or are you just upset from your date not showing? Or is this a rare moment of courage that you have to act on this now?
He nods his head at you, wishes you a good night, and starts to walk away. Do it! Do it now!
"Paz?" You call out. He stops and turns to look at you. "Would you like to have dinner with me?"
He wants to ask about your date, but he has a feeling about what happened...
"I would love to, honey."
This time he doesn't feel uncomfortable walking into your apartment.
❤❤ hi again I've sent a couple messages to you about Paz. I actually needed a bit of a warm up, so sorry it was long again 😭. I hope you like it, I had to rush a bit at the end. But your au's make my day!! ❤❤
Oh dear anon, never apologize for the length of your asks. They are perfect! 🥺
Paz is so disappointed that his sweet pretty neighbour has a date but he tries his best to be happy for her because she is so happy. But when the realization hits that she was stood up? Oh boy he could just punch that boy in the face for how unhappy he made you.
But that also means he gets to spend the evening with her and they talk and laugh a lot and maybe she makes a comment about "This is already way better than any date with him could be." and Paz is like 🥺
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
both at the summary and the little accidental spoilers ive gotten and just in general
ohhhh mr benedict is so obviously extremely nervous im sad
oh is she whammied
but is she whammied
big day tomorrow! lgfkjfgh
oh I think she got whammied
hes gonna be all “im sorry I couldn’t” and then shes like “okay!” bc whammied lmao
oh this is terrifying
I love them so much
“thank you for not fighting me on this” is she really though. or is it a trick
she set a timer lkdfjg yeah she’s definitely tricking them
oh reynie. naïve sweet summer child
but of course immediately willing to go along with things
“take them off. now.”
this is so funny what the fuck
jeffers cant even get out of it lfkghjfkghj
“just pull it” “…oh” and adjusting his sweatER
you’re EVIL
“oh! sticky! friend!”
hair loss lkjfglkjfghhg
ohhh youre gonna try and whammy sticky
I bet sticky isn’t affected bc he was whammied last time
more experience resisting
im so anxious I feel like im gonna throw up dljgfkjghhh
ldkgj but when I think about it I want to resist OHHHH
“what if everything is just fine” “oh that sounds lovely”
singing with her ohlkfgjhkfgjh this hurts me a bit
its adorable but also cringe
from a distance but still
the fabled rags of a hostage lkdjfglkdfjg
I KNOW????
oh fuck auguste
is he gonna whammy all of them?????
a horse camel? did she just say horse camel?
“does it bother you to lie to him?” coming from reynie…. ohhh…
“just because you had to do something doesn’t mean you cant feel bad about it” “maybe I do feel bad”
sticky<3 nerd
I wonder if she does enjoy the scientific facts in one way or another she would just normally never admit it
LSKFGJRFG [HUGS] “…….whats wrong with her” “curtain did it”
her wide eyed look of distress
terrifying , constance
“it’s highly unsettling” “it’s been great” oh sticky rip
also love how each of the mjust walked in and immediately found who they were looking for
its gonna be like “im not putting those on” [cut to those on]
jackson and jillson’s abruptly stopped clapping ldgkjfghjfghfg
oh milligan’s smile is terrifying
and rhonda’s hair!!! oh I love her
I love that squinting face reynie makes when of the other says something wild
uh oh someone’s neck hurting! that’s bad
oh darlings. they’re not undercover.
also curtain’s reaction + jackson and jillson being insane dlfkgjgfd
ohhh mr benedict is noticing something’s wrong
ohh just missed the kids
is he okay?
are you sure?
“they seem… very happy to be with you”
ohh of course it would be concern for someone that would break through to him. of course it would be. god
another hug<33
terrifying! I mean expected but terrifying
milligan’s is somehow the scariest though the smile is so terrifyingly wide
it looks so scary and uncharacteristic I hate this
angsty horrific hug !
and rhonda my darling you look so good
god I mean we been knew this would be terrifying but it really is terrifying
“formed by suffering”????? OHHH
also telling constance she’s better as she is whammied.. I think they’re just trying to keep going without arguing but still. ouch
ohhh mr benedict seeing all of this spying on them fglkhjfgh
also jackson and jillson continue to be.
curtain’s visible “oh fuck” face ldkfgjkflghjgfh
hug <33
also garrison versus curtain journals ldkfjgg
cool little building montage!
“positive thinking” ironically
LKDFJG and then her follow up
lkdfjg and the dancing…. oh dear
and i know i should feel something ubt i couldn’t but that terrified me but i was relieved to feel the terror ohhhh
contemporary jazz and welsh folk style
“utterly THOUGHTFUL! ……what is it”
“iiii. don’t see anything :)”
ohhh his face… oh god
“you deliberately misled at the gates”
he didn’t even say anything about being brainwashed
all of their reactions the second they’re unwhammied….god
“and I do. with my life”
“perspective ON the perspective!”
oh no bc mr benedicts been under the longest
oh god they’re not gonna unwhammy him are they
oh no but it broke
I have a feeling it didn’t work
and not constance either
oh auguste’s weird awkward little wave
“she gets a vote now???” “..she does :/”
“…us” :)
lkdfjgkjg hes practicing in the mirror
oh is he trying to hypnotize himself? or s he practicing
“what? [sees dart] oh. I see.” [CRASH]
love that I was right about them kidnapping curtain<3
I have a bad feeling that this isn’t going to go as planned
although love that they just have curtain in a little bundle. amazing
I love that they immediately jump to the right conclusion
aww they’re all asleep in a big pile
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llycaons · 1 year
ep28 (2/2): you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sigh dreamily, you'll grit your teeth in hopeless anger....this one has it all
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the drama of the duel is kind of silly if you know it's a ploy so idc for it but this is very real hurt wwx is expressing and jc just doesn't care I guess!
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also why did he do this. just for the drama....
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oh my god so this scene had me sobbing. real tears. she was so happy to see him! her brother!!! but he's going away from them and it's breaking her heart and she's begging jc to do something but he's just standing there and wwx is getting smaller and smaller in the distance 😭 wwx people love you so much!!!!
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and this look afterwards...devastating
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oh shit did jc give him money? it's implied that lwj gives wq money but following that same logic, maybe jc did too. less in-character for him tho
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this is a joke im literally bisexual please dont come for me
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im such a sap for their romance...an arrogant rich boy getting into muddy water to personally build you a pond that reminds you of home so you won't be homesick...mud on his face and hiding the lotus behind his back as if he could hide it....I AM charmed!!! I am!!! he may not have any principles either but fuck if he doesn't love his wife!
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and she is CRYING!!!!! she misses her home!!! she wants to be with her brothers!!! this is hard for her!!!
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I love that the show teaches you how to watch it. they're saying, look at this romantic couple. jzx is committing to supporting and taking care of jyl. jyl is saying jzx's name with no formalities attached. they're staring deeply into each other's eyes. they're on a bridge (ahh!!! I just noticed!!!). this is what couples in this universe do! dw about kissing. staring intently at each other from an arms-length is the height of romance. and you know what they're right
not that I wouldn't kill for one good wx kiss in ep50. but they're right. sometimes romance is in all the littler things
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they call jc 'little' huh. to indicate his youth, and accentuate his helplessness and victimization? don't think that was his goal during the duel
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oh my god this scene is fucking hilarious. the poor 19 year old with zero history of working with kids. thrust into this position, a child wailing on his leg, beset on all sides by concerned well-meaning strangers. usually so poised and confident, he's shrunk into himself so much he can barely speak. HE DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL FOR THIS!!!! he doesn't know SHIT!!!
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and ofc wwx in the corner laughing at him
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that's like nine people...help
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this scene is ALSO funny bc wwx is obviously watching lwj for a minute before making his presence known to him and lwj lifts his head and it's pov now so he's suddenly all 🥺😍😮 but all in one face and the frames slow down as we go slomo and wwx looks so handsome and powerful walking over to rescue him from this disaster. his hero <3
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forgot he said this and then said he has a bitter expression. very xie lian to mq of him lol
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I love this moment bc it's one of the first gifs I ever saw and I remember the commentary was like 'lwj suddenly realizes he has a burning need to have a family with wwx' etc. etc. and they're right he does wants that desperately. sorry, lwj. give it 20 years
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this is rich kid behavior. I thought wx was being mean and teasing a-yuan, but he was just being practical. there are toys there, so he'll use them to distract and calm down a-yuan, then they'll leave. they don't have the money! and a-yuan isn't even that upset
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still, lwj 0.2 seconds after meeting his very first baby, can't bear to see one not spoiled. so we get this very cute scene
personal highlights
that first convo was so good but THEN I'LL BE THE PRECENDENT and then jc's monologue ough
wq returning the comb. sad but also lmao. fail jc moment
jyl's dream broke my little heart...
jzx all covered in the mud offering jyl a piece of her home he built with his own two hands (mostly)
lwj frozen and panicking and trapped by well-meaning nosy market-goers. because of a toddler
lwj reprimanding wwx for not buying all the toys. he is so silly
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reynie-muldoons · 2 years
“A Joyful Lens” liveblog!
I know I’ve been kind of delayed on these but I want to watch the finale as soon as I can, so this liveblog is happening tonight LMAO.
RIP bingo for this one, I did not have time, and I don't have time for the finale either. I've been really busy, and work has me working weird hours, so I'm really sorry about that.
As always, spoilers under the cut!
0:58 it’s really fucking creepy how he sicced a kid on number two. Creepy ass child
1:21 just let him drink it dude
1:46 welp there she goes
2:09 well there goes that plan
2:22 “I could not poison my own brother” my guy it’s not poison
2:34 what the
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3:03 I love that they have a code between each other LOL
3:10 “it’s our own system we made up to classify bug and animal threats to the farm and dictate our response” LMAO THOSE CUTE ASS NERDS
3:29 “I’ve stared down the barrel of Curtain’s brainsweeper. I’m fine staying put.” MY BABY GIRL KNOWING WHEN TO STEP ASIDE
3:35 “run silent, run deep.” REFERENCE TO THE INSTITUTE BREAK-IN
3:52 “thirty seconds pretty much guarantees they’ll be too far away to see our movements.” LMAO i take back everything I said earlier but at least my girl’s funny as fuck 4:13 straight jackets? really?
4:32 he is stone fucking cold. That's the face of a kid who rightfully held a grudge
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4:47 you’d think the happiness technique thing wouldn’t make Constance lose her contrarian nature, just make it have a pleasant flare. It goes to show how much it’s truly altering these people
4:55 “just pull it.” why does he know how a straight jacket works
5:03 she ripped that thing off like tearaway pants LMAO
5:14 “that’s not my way, you know that Sticky” I hate that he’s already trying to appeal to him
5:48 yikies
6:01 and now time for the lovely intro. I really do like the style, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired if the vibe
7:06 it makes me sad that she was so unhappy, but at the same time it’s upsetting that it’s being achieved through manipulation and hypnotism
7:11 it really does seem similar to a manic episode
7:28 “but when I think with my mind I just want to resist with all my might” smart. Please listen to yourself
7:42 “what if you just don’t think as much? What if everything’s just fine?” this sounds like a neurotypical person trying to tell someone to just not be anxious
7:53 wtf is happening
8:03 again wtf is happening. This is like two drunk people pretending they’re sober
8:05 oh lord it’s both of them now hahahah
8:21 okay the hard cut was really fucking funny
8:25 is the two of them screaming out a song going to be an important plot point for the gang reuniting hahahah
8:34 “...wolves?” LMAOOOO
8:40 what on earth
8:45 OOP
9:11 “blink once if they have this room bugged” yikes
9:18 “sir, you’re dressed in the faded rags of a hostage” tell me why that reminded me of gert’s “the tower” (gert if you’re reading this i love that fic and its additions so fucking much)
9:24 “I’m getting my own soon” if they’re anything less than a loud yellow im suing
9:26 “I requested yellow” girl you’ve been hypnotized for like 5 minutes when did you have the time to do that
9:36 what is wrong with this child
9:52 rip rhonda and milligan’s free will
9:59 “it’s like a… horse-camel.” does Kate not know what a llama is??
10:29 Constance looks like she jumped right out of Hansel and Gretel
10:58 “I know I tease you, Sticky, but the truth is that I enjoy your scientific facts.” I wonder how much truth there actually is to that
11:24 AWWWW. I know Constance would not do that when not under the influence but it’s so sweet
11:27 “...what’s wrong with her” she didn’t even hesitate
12:07 oh my gosh actually?? Smooth. And very smart to keep up the act so that they can meet up with the other two
12:30 “you two need to blend in” as if they aren’t already on curtain and his team’s hit list
12:38 ew is this like a PR thing
12:51 I really don’t like the phrase “reach into someone’s mind”. Very brainsweeper-adjacent of you
13:07 is this supposed to be a masterclass or some shit
13:29 “and soon all of you will be ready to share your gifts with the world” this is getting very Whisperer-takeover-adjacent of you
13:35 I’m sorry but Milligan you look ridiculous
13:36 I love how they somehow managed to make the four maintain some aspect of their personal styles in their hobo clothes. Reynie has a collar popped for fuck’s sake LOL
14:04 happiness centers?? This is the same but opposite of the books’ SAD cases and facilities
14:10 yikes, they’re operating them? Curtain must be fully convinced that he has control over their minds at this point. Scary
14:17 another one bites the dust
14:24 “I got it, they’re undercover.” Sticky I love you but do you think Mr Benedict is that good of an actor. Like Milligan and Rhonda I get, they are skilled as hell, but he would never be able to keep his cool around his brother like that
14:32 oh that made me so sad, I saw how ecstatic Miss Perumal looked
14:46 wait it happened that quickly? You get one neck pain and then 10 minutes later you’re fully catatonic?
15:05 of course the guy it happened to was conveniently on a wheelie chair
15:27 I really don’t like the implications of “worldwide happiness revolution”
15:37 Mr B looks incredibly concerned. Did he break out of it? Is it possible to break out of it? Is it possible to feel things other than happiness? I have so many questions
16:28 “they seem… very happy to be with you.” fake asf
16:44 ohh Reynie sweetheart
17:15 ohhhhh Kate
17:35 “there is no point to that emotion” dude’s fucked
17:42 “you guys are so convincing!” “thanks :D of what :D” incredible
18:01 “we love it here Sticky, and you will too.” fucking creepy
18:38 “it’s only natural to want others to be as miserable as you are” I mean there’s her usually biting tone but also huhhhh
18:58 Garrison team up part 2 electric boogaloo
19:40 oop they weren’t in unison that time
19:52 cover’s blown
21:13 “a correlation. Which is not the same as a causation.” just say you’re in denial and go
21:40 “and next time, do not bring me a problem for which you have no solution” so what I’m hearing is that homeboy doesn’t want to held responsible
22:37 why does she write her r’s like that
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22:37 I mean I get that it's a font but still
22:46 “optics. You mean like shining a bright light in someone’s eye?” don’t tell me they’re about to strobe people into awareness
23:06 “I’ve successfully stolen several items recently.” Kate, my love, I’m so proud of you LMAO
24:02 I’m really enjoying this compilation, each person is contributing in ways that play to all of their skills so dang well
24:19 that’s right, now learn to appreciate your dad’s contributions
24:36 “50/50… maybe…. 40/60?” loving the confidence lol. What a weird ass solution
24:49 it is so deeply strange seeing them all frolicking
25:01 I find it hilarious that the hippy pants don’t have belt buckles so Kate had to make a sash for her bucket
25:22 good grief. I know I said it earlier but it’s like they’re drunk off their asses
25:24 so did Mr B just like… forget about what he saw or
25:35 “that… is an unexpected vision.” agreed
25:47 “where’s my dad? Let’s start with him.” she can pretend she’s not worried about him all she wants but I will simply not believe her
25:57 okay so he didn’t forget. But he’s still dancing. So does the hypnosis thing kind of interject happiness into everything else, like force it to the front no matter what? Is that why he’s so chill? I still don’t quite understand how this works logistically
26:03 “and I knew I should feel something but I couldnt, which terrified me” okay so that does kind of answer my question, from what Mr B’s saying it negates other feelings to the point of overriding them
26:22 Milligan my guy chew with your mouth closed
26:42 I know he’s compromised but I think he would’ve responded the same way if he wasn’t because he’s so soft for her
26:54 “you are an amazing person, Kate Wetherall.” “I have strong genes.” AOJSDLFKSJDLF
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27:19 moment of truth
27:28 “...you deliberately misled me at the gates.” LMAO HE’S BACK AND HE’S BITTER
27:57 “looks like you’ve gotten acclimated :D” creepy
28:34 RHONDA’S FACE HAHAHAH she’s like “I can’t believe this shit”
28:43 “Oh, can it wait? I’m vibing.” drunk queen energy lol
28:53 “trust me.” “and I do, with my life” LSKDFJLIDSFJ AWWWWW
29:07 they’re going to be a problem if they’re watching so closely
29:13 first of all, don’t J&J recognize them from school?? LOL. second, called it
29:58 why did they have to tackle him like that adfjlafj
30:06 “my shoulder! It’s dislocated!” “STAY WITH ME” “it’s just my shoulder but thank you!” these two hahahhaa
30:58 “she gets a vote now?” in this house I demand respect for Miss Perumal 😤
31:52 “us :)” awwwwww
32:18 so is he like trying to do it to himself or
32:21 he WAS damnit that’s sad
32:28 equal parts sad and creepy. This is a desperate man
32:47 LMAO HUH
33:08 so number two’s original plan is in action lol. He is in a literal body bag
33:47 LMAOOOOO they’re fucking zoomin
34:06 why do they call them the greys too? Like.. don't they have an actual name for them. Like, say. Recruiters
So I did this liveblog in a few parts, but as I’m typing this it’s Wednesday night. I’m about to watch the finale.
34:24 idk why I gasped bc I knew it was coming
Damn, this season really took a hard left LOL. I have 0 idea what to expect for the finale. See you guys there!
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phas3d · 8 months
can i request something where the reader is sick and she doesn’t eat cause she’s scared to puke so they try to make her eat until they slowly can
this is optional
((but then she feels like a “burden” on her stomach? idk how to explain it ahahah))
You're Sick || Slytherin Boys
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type :: comfort
tw/cw :: puking/vomiting (all)
contains :: draco malfoy, tom riddle, mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
summary :: how they help you when you're sick! i hope the requester isn't sick cause I just got better from a fever and omfg i wanted to cry - 🐍 :: masterlist!
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He cares deeply for you but he HATES being sick
When you text him that you're sick, he's sad but he won't say that
"Finally a day away from you" but then he'll instantly text you that he misses you
Sends you soup and any snack that you're hungry for
But he won't go near you
He'll enter your room but he won't get super close to you
He's scared to get sick since he literally despises it
Last time he was sick, he stayed sick for almost 2 weeks straight
His immune system is weak asf and can't handle germs that much
He loves you, but he's gonna send you kisses from 6 feet away
But when you get super sick, to the point where you can't eat or even breathe properly, he gets worried
He does his best to be there for you for everything
When you vomit, he's mortified but he holds back your hair and looks the other way
He'll help feed you, but he'll definitely be wearing protection of some kind
Like a mask, gloves, goggles, and more
It's a bit dramatic (Very fucking dramatic) but you don't mind
He helps feeds you slowly spoon by spoon
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I think that he has a strong immune system so he doesn't understand how being sick can affect you so much
But he comforts you in his own ways
Such as, being in the same room as you, making sure all of his devices are muted, sneaking in headache pills in your food, etc
Brings you food from the banquet and feeds it to you spoon by spoon
But sometimes, he pretends he's going to feed you but then feeds himself
You tell him to not do that since you're sick and ate off the same spoon
But he doesn't care and kisses your cheek as extra evidence
When you refuse to eat, he doesn't care and continues to spoon feed you
Even if you deny it, he just rams the spoon on your face, making the soup fall on your clothes
So either you eat the soup or you get covered in it
When you say you're scared to vomit, he groans
He thinks you're being a big baby LMAO since he thinks puking is completely normal
But when you get really upset and start to tear up due to your fear of puking, he panics and sees you're being fr
He goes to the school medics and ask them how to help you
They give him a special vial that allows you to eat and not vomit, which is super perfect for you
He helps you throughout it all and makes sure to care for you :)
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He has a strong immune system too so he doesn't care about being near you
He'll lay in the same bed as you and kiss you, he doesn't care
Probably makes fun of you for being sick and teases you
"You would have never gotten THIS sick if you just ate dirt as a kid"
Promotes the worst health advice you've ever seen
Probably tries to convince you to go jogging or do some weight lifting
Do NOT do that, don't listen to this man
But he is really sweet with you, just in his own way
When you do anything, he's so proud of you cause he knows how hard it is for you
Like when you finally get up to go pee
"WOOOOO GOOD JOB!!! LETS GO!" He shouts, as if he's watching you take your first ever steps
Will spoon-feed you but definitely adds sound effects
Train noises, bird noises, airplane, fucking everything that moves
Definitely teases you still by pretending he's going to feed you, but the eats it himself
But when you don't want to eat it, he genuinely doesn't understand
"If you want to get better, you have to eat. That's how it works"
But if you keep denying, he'll try to make little promises for you
"If you just eat half of this soup, then when you're feeling better, I'll take you on a shopping spree!"
Will coax you into it and eventually you'll give in
But if you throw up, he feels really bad and guilty
Definitely runs to the school nurses to get medicine for you and everything possible
He holds your hair back and rubs your back reassuringly :)
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Despite smoking a shit ton and drinking a lot, his immune system is actually pretty good
He’ll give you small pecks and cuddle but he won’t kiss your lips directly
Gives you a ton of tissues and hugs you all the time
He skips class to spend time with you and make sure you're okay
Doesn't care that he's missing an assignment or two because he's smart enough to just learn the material on his own
My headcanon for him is that he's secretly kinda nerdy and has the best grades out of the Slytherin boys
So when you're napping, he does all of your missing assignments for the day
He's such a good caretake it's crazy
Fluffs your pillows, tucks you in, plays your favorite movies, makes sure you always have water and that the temperature of the room is perfect for you
Goes to the dining hall to get you some food and soup
And if they're not serving soup for the night, then he'll buy some himself
I also headcanon that he's pretty good at cooking :) So he might just make you some
But if you deny the food, he'll reassure you and comfort you that you won't throw up
He spoon feeds you and talks about his day
He makes sure you're not eating too fast or too big of bites to make sure you can avoid puking as much as possible
Such a good boyfriend :))
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Has an okay immune system but it's pretty weak at times, always has allergies
But even though he knows he's gonna get sick from you, he's still gonna skip all his classes to be with you
Loves this because he has an excuse to skip and spend all day with you!!!
Definitely cuddles with you all day and doesn't care
Takes naps with you and rests besides you
If you struggle to take your liquid medicine, then he'll pour himself a little spoon of it as well
Even though he's perfectly healthy, he'll take it just to make you feel better :)
Does this with pills as well
Brings you food from stores instead of the school's banquet
Buys you fancy and nice dishes that are hot so you can get the best quality possible
When you're scared to eat because you're worried you might puke, he's super fast to reassure you
"It's okay! You need to eat or else you won't get better, love."
Does his best to coax you into trying at least a few spoons of it
And makes sure to tell you that it's from the finest places in town
If you don't like it, he'll just buy you more and more dishes until you finally like one
Anything you want, he'll get for you :)
He will 100000% be sick after you get better, but it was all worth it to him in the end
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thank you for the support ! 🐍 :: masterlist!
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