#even if LSH and CJS are not dead
valdeswan · 9 months
36 year old KRS taking all his savings and buying a farm in a town in the middle of nowhere.
His line of work was a dangerous one, being a bodyguard for high-profile clients
After a job where KRS was blinded in one eye, he took the compensation money and his savings and quit.
His idea was to buy a small, nice house in a town far from the city. But LSH and CJS convinced him that he should buy a couple of acres and make it a farm. Their argument was something about how he should keep himself busy with something to avoid getting into trouble.
Bullshit. If you ask him. But they made him promise that after a three-hour session of them yapping, he only managed to convince them to buy something smaller. There is still a lot of space for only one person (for now)
They made him promise that once they retire, he would give them a room at the farm. KRS sometimes wonders why they tend to ask obvious questions.
The land was acquired at a low price due to its condition: weeds everywhere, rocks, and a two-story old wooden house with leaks.
He wouldn't have bought it if it weren't for the fact that the previous owner had told him he had completely redone the plumbing and wiring a few years earlier.
The only thing Roksoo carried with him when he arrived at his new residence was a bag with clothes and another with his few precious belongings: books, a coffee machine that his coworkers gave him for his birthday, and his pillow.
The moment he set foot on his new property, Roksoo kind of regretted it all because of the work the property needed. He was aware of the condition of the house when he moved in, but for some reason he thought it would be easy. Never again.
He blames LSH and CJS for putting ideas in his head about moving to a farm; this wasn't his idea about living like a slacker. He could do nothing but sigh and enter the house.
The first step creaked as he walked on it; he avoided stepping on the second one, which was obviously rotten. The board on the third and final step creaked and broke. KRS cursed and fell into the hole. He had scratches all over his calf when he managed to get his leg out of the hole.
KRS wondered if he should have been less stingy when it came to shelling out money to buy the property. It's not like he couldn't afford it; he wasn't as rich as he would have liked to be, but he wasn't lacking either.
There was nothing he could do now, so he simply sighed again and opened the creaking door. A cloud of dust made him cough and step back.
KRS mentally thanks the previous owner, who was kind enough to leave him his old tools in the shed. He left his bags on the floor and went to look for a broom to clean the interior to make it minimally habitable for the night.
Sexy Ahjussy activities. Imagine a tall, buff, black-haired middle-aged man with an eye scar🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to the Mistaken One's Chapters 159-160
We get two chapters today, probably to celebrate the start of the manhwa's Season 3.
TL;DR - Cale planned to drag all dragons he knew to Aipotu. Best teacher Cale. Dragon Tears is a lie. Another talking book. Underling Cale. Generous dragon and her three gifts. Dragon with Past attribute confirmed. Cale meets Tang Clan, Emei School, and Qingcheng School to get the answers to his two questions.
Soos? LSH = ✅ CJS = ✅
Worried Daddy Cale First part was quite touching. 🥰 Cale was worried about the young Raon being burdened with saving the world stuff. So he planned to drag all the dragons he knew when he goes to Aipotu. He'd negotiate with GoD.
And when Raon asked if he had to save the world, Cale replied that doing it alone was impossible. He should do it together with his allies and companions. ✨The power of friendship.✨
Best Teacher Cale This was the funniest and cutest part of today's chapters. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Cale: It's easier if we do it with many people. Don't you think so? Raon: That's right! I like overwhelming fights! Cale: Good. *nods* Raon: And the stronger our side, the better! Cale: You know well. Raon: And I hope our side doesn't get hurt as much as possible! Cale: That's right. Raon: To do that, we must have as many people on our side as possible! Cale: Correct. (You've learned well.) Raon: And if we are at a disadvantage, we can just run away! Cale: That is correct. Raon: And then we can hit their backs! Cale: ...Uh-huh. That's right. (What he said is correct anyway.) Raon: We just need to prepare thoroughly and hit them first! Cale: …Yeah. Raon: And it's even better to rob the enemies of all their treasure! Cale: …Uh-huh. Raon: We can scam and scam them again! Cale: … CJS: Pfft. Cale: *glares at CJS* CJS: *lowers his head* Sui: *smiles* Wow, you learned well. Raon: *pushes out chubby belly* Of course! I am great, so I learn everything well! Cale: (Please just stop talking.) *shakes head* Sui: *pokes Raon's belly* You just need to think of playing. Raon: That tickles! *hides behind CH* CH: *carries Raon* There's nothing to worry about. Raon: That's right! Just destroy them! Cale: (Aigoo...) *sighs*
Another Talking Book Yes, another one. The dead dragon left a book, so Cale's group went back to the study to get it. We then find out that the dead dragon is an old woman from the talking book's voice. And she was a crazy dragon from the way she crazily laughed.
On a more serious note, she spoke that the dragon with the Present attribute is the only one who could stop "He who could control time." Oooooh, new villain! 😊
Dragon Tears is a Lie So the dead dragon deceived the Sichuan governor's ancestors when she said that it was her tears there. The truth was, it was her dead body immersed in a lake inside, and covered by ice above. And then the lake was covered by a stone floor, which was the floor of the cavity Cale's group was in.
Underling Cale Another funny part. The book called Cale as the "dragon's underling." 🤣🤣🤣 Cale was in serious disbelief and even had several lines questioning it. Of course, CJS laughed and Cale glared at him again. 😂
And then Raon poked CH, whispering that CH was now smiling like Ron... which shocked Cale, who probably imagined CH with vicious Ron's gentle smile. 🤣🤣🤣 Even the Sichuan governor asked Cale if he was the dragon's underling... 😂
The book then fell down, and words were written on the cover: "The Joyful Dragon and the Dragon's Underling Will Become Stronger If They Eat All of This" ...What a crazy dragon! Poor Cale. 😂
Generous Dragon and Her Three Gifts Fortunately, the crazy dragon called Cale as "dragon's guardian" afterwards. The reason why she preserved her body in the lake was because her three gifts were there. And we get more info on how crazy that dragon was!
Ring of the Dragon Lord = "When I think about the hard work I did to steal it, I seriously cry. But without that, the Lord can't use his power properly, okay? Pwahahaha! Maybe he won't even be acknowledged as a proper Dragon Lord even if he attains the Lord position, and he must be worried if someone catches that he's lacking? Pwahahaha!"
Crown of the Emperor = "And the crown was used by the first emperor of the last empire I lived in, who was very famous as a dragon hunter? I stole the crown when 'he' destroyed the empire! Pwahahaha! 'That man' is probably going crazy because he can't find the crown? Pwahahaha!"
Sword of the Elven Knight = "Oh, and the sword is used by the elves who served the Dragon Lord for generations. Keke. I stole that too! This is the sword that the first Dragon Lord of our world gave to the person whom he appointed as a knight to protect him, and it's amazing! Fufufu. Maybe the guardian of the Dragon Lord is also lacking right now!"
To summarize, the new villain, probably He who can control time, toppled down an empire. That new villain is also the current Dragon Lord of Aipotu. However, the crazy dead dragon had stolen the crown and the ring, so the new villain is not a complete Dragon Lord. Something about how the ring is the key to using the power of a Dragon Lord. And his elven knight is alike him because the sword was stolen too... 😂
Cale was seriously happy when he read what the gifts were. He changed the way he called the dragon from "crazy" to "generous."
And then Ron apologized to him, saying he only found sweet tea here. Cale was secretly happy that the tea would not be sour. BUT! When he drank the tea, it was TOO SWEET! 🤣🤣🤣
Dragon with a Past Attribute We had a present and a future attribute, which means we also have a dragon with a Past attribute. The generous dragon said that the guy with a Past attribute was probably dead. She and that guy had failed in stopping He who could control time. So their only hope was the dragon with the Present attribute, Raon.
There was a part where Cale was afraid to meet this dragon if he was still alive. Cale was thinking that he did not want his current companions to see his past. 🥲
Ending Remarks Today was a blessed day, full of laughter and serious info dump. 🥰 Next week will continue Cale having the answer to his two questions: Are you incompetent fools or treasonous traitors?
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athasshi · 2 years
Me explain this to the wall in the middle of night that the trauma that Krs! Cale had is a very complicated trauma because it is very difficult to heal (well, I know there is never really a healed trauma) but most likely ... the posibility of trauma that Krs! Cale's had to heal is even smaller.
Because the trauma he has is not just a matter of his self-esteem or him thinking that he doesn't deserve love, he doesn't deserve happiness. NO, Kim Roksoo is not like that. He knows that he deserves happiness, he knows that if he wants to save others, then he has to stay alive.
He values (kinda) his own life.
But... he also firmly believes that the people he loves or cares about will end up leave nor dead, that's why he completely closed his heart and he did that for 36 fucking years.
Even though he has gained a new family, the anxiety of losing them is even greater, it's just... because our beloved Cale is not used to venting his own emotions (besides blowing up something), he doesn't know what to do to deal with his anxiety other than killing the white star as soon as possible.
The faster the better.
The ability to record he had will also be detrimental to him in this case because his trauma cycle will also continue to go round and round. He can't be triggered by something (talking about lsh or cjs) because his record will always remind him of events that he doesn't want to remember.
It's amazing for his new family to never give up to try close to him..
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space-girlllll · 2 years
So I was originally meant to post this on on another post with a bunch of AUs and headcanons but it got a bit long so I’ll post it earlier than I was meant to @salaapaoo:
Kim rok soo had always been kind of the older brother to the kids in the orphanage: 
When krs first got to the orphanage he I'm not sure the canon age but my head always goes 8 or 13 yrs old so he wasn’t that big yet but still older than a lot of them.
I read a head-canon somewhere (I cannot for the life of me remember where, but this is where I got the idea is this technically theirs help) where he took care of the younger kids there.
Just bcs of the angst potential of this, every kid he takes care of or begins to care for leaves immediately, they get adopted quickly or they’re parents come back for them, some even ended up dead. So once the orphanage workers/helpers realized this strange system, they began to dump most of the children in his care. The workers/helpers who worked at the orphanage often stole or embezzled the funds they had. Kim rok soo had to look for food and get money by himself and taking care of the kids at the same time. There would be days in which where he would starve himself for the children, they were too young they shouldn’t have to suffer the way he did. There were even times he couldn’t find any food, he would clutch the children in a close hug as they cried from hunger and pain.
Fluff time! Maybe he would come to school for them in place of PTCs (Parent Teacher Conference) taught some of them to read and write, played games with them, help them when they get sick. When they have nightmares they often run to Kim rok soo, he was there safe place, he would maybe hug them and stroke their hair, sometimes even singing them to sleep (not me using this as an excuse for an i bet on losing dogs songfic).
After the workers left the children to him, he quickly learned how to organize food for the children, tie or even cut their hair, maybe he helps them with homework in-between his own working and they all have some set time for home work and school things, and as time flies by he soon is the oldest kid there and there is no one to help him out.
As he has to leave the orphanage eventually, he left them money, that he had worked hard for himself, that he’d spent hours tolling on work to give them, so they wouldn’t be left with nothing, so they'd remember he cared. Before he left he turned to the eldest of them, she was 15 and left in charge by Kim rok soo, the caretakers wouldn’t change even after he left and he trusted her, his little sister, after quickly going through his checklist on the things he’d left behind for them, to make sure they’d be safe and happy, even with him gone, he gives her a soft smile “Don’t forget you are still a child yourself, play around and cause trouble, children should be children.” before hugging her tightly and finishing his goodbyes not being able to hear her saying “What about you Oppa?”
Maybe he meets the girl again, during the apocalypse when she joins team 1 under Team leader Lee soo hyuk’s lead as a grade 1 ability swordsman. The two stay close, despite the time that had past Kim rok soo couldn’t help but still treat her the same way he did when she was a child he had been one too, taking care of her, making sure she was alright and not overworking, she even became close with Cjs and Lsh as Krs slowly befriended them. She teased krs often and complained along with cjs and lsh about his bad habits of sacrificing himself (like all younger siblings do such as myself).
They were all happy, they really were, till the massacre incident finally came and blew his entire world away, his brothers, his sister, his friends and family, the team that was his entire life, was gone and he was left with nothing but the broken pieces of his life, memories, and dreams of what could’ve been. Memories of playing with small giddy children, memories of older siblings being there for him and helping him, all disappearing as fast as the life was sucked out his family.
After the transmigration, there would be times when he looked at Lilly and saw her. The younger sister that he cared for and raised. He sees her in Lilly's brown hair, their shared sword style, and sometimes he would even slip up and call lily by her name. After a few times, Lilly finally asks "Oraeboni, who is (name)?" He freezes as the records of her death rewind in his mind. He can't stop it. Lilly resembles her too much, so he distances himself, hoping that it would lessen the pain. Lilly and (name) look like they could've been sisters... Almost like twins with how Lilly looks almost exactly like the little girl he raised. It hurts too much... He can't be there.
During the end of part 1 when GoD told Cale about Sui, he tells him a bit more than that. He tells him about someone else who reincarnated in the world-- in Roan. His little sister had been reincarnated as Lilly Henituse, the little sister of the original owner of this body. The God of Death then explains that he couldn't return her memories to her. Despite all of the things that Cale had changed and accomplished, GoD still couldn't return Lilly’s memories from her previous lifeto her.
 When he sees her again, he's just devastated and pulls her close, holding her tightly as he slowly rubs the back of her head like how he always had in their previous lives. Meanwhile, the others are just confused because he usually has a sad look in his eyes whenever he would look at her before quickly averting his eyes. They're happy to see the two of them getting along though. LIlly is confused at first, but the hug felt so warm and strangely familiar. She's sure that she's felt it before, but the thought is quickly replaced with feelings of content from being hugged by her oraeboni
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blueteller · 2 years
I was reading through your posts earlier and saw the one about LSH CJS & KRS' abilities, and it made me want to share my personal headcanon for another Ability of KRS. As a disclaimer, I think this is very unlikely to be canon, but I found it such an interesting idea that I have pretty much integrated it into my headcanons and just wanted to share since you were also guessing about potential other abilities for him. Basically, I think an interesting third ability for KRS would be: being in the right place at the right time. I know it sounds pretty lackluster, but hear me out. Over the course of canon, there have been a LOT of lucky coincidences for Cale. He is constantly stumbling into people who desperately need his help at exactly the right moment to provide it (and earn their undying loyalty.) Hannah and Jack are just one of many examples of this. It's like his random encounter chance is at 100% at all times. Now, I do understand this is run of the mill for fiction, and in order to have a good and interesting story you need to maintain a certain suspension of disbelief for the lucky/unlucky coincidences the protagonist runs into, and I have no issues with that, which is why I say I doubt this is a canon ability. BUT, I do think it would be both interesting and reasonable within the setting for KRS to have that sort of ability. To explain my imagined details, it is basically an intuition of "if you go to this place at this time, then something you want/need to do will be there". No hints or anything about what will happen, just "go here and figure the rest out on your own." For the guy who can never leave anyone to suffer, even as he insists he wants to be a slacker, I think it would be something he couldn't ignore. Basically, it is a useless and even confusing ability for anyone but Cale, who has maxed out observation and strategy skills allowing him to notice the Random Encounters in his vicinity. It would also explain all the times he just so happens to run into exactly the person he needs to solve either a current or future problem. Honestly, what inspired me to think about this was the idea that a lot of Cale's dear friends and family members would straight up be dead if he hadn't coincidentally been there to give them the opportunity to save themselves, and it made me really sad so I came up with an Ability to fix it. I basically overthought things so much the power of Cale's protagonist halo leading him to story-relevant events was unable to soothe me, lol.
That's truly, really interesting! I don't think you overthought this at all – because it matches quite well with a certain theory of mine! …Well, not 100%, but hear me out.
Personally, I don't believe that Cale has a "luck" ability.
It's still a solid theory, of course – because if he had such an ability, there's a high possibility that he wouldn't realize it (having lived an extremely difficult life, on the top of being emotionally dense). In his previous life as Kim Rok Soo, he was under the Curse of the God of Death, which caused him constant misfortune and suffering. However, a "luck" ability would alleviate the symptoms a bit. Meaning: despite the odds, KRS still survived. He still made friends. He still experienced joy. Perhaps it was just because the Curse was weakened for KRS in comparison to the White Star, but perhaps he also had a natural affinity for good fortune, which helped him out.
I don't believe that's the case, though. Because you forget another important factor in TCF which hadn't been explained in detail yet: and that is Karma.
Now, according too google, Karma (in Hinduism and Buddhism) is "the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences." In TCF, it seems Karma is some form of energy, which can be obtained in three ways:
being naturally born with it
saving a lot of people by sacrificing yourself
stealing from other people by killing them
While we know that Karma can be used for transportation between universes ("I dedicate my Karma", a method used by the Hunters), and also having a lot of it means ascention into a divine being like a God or a Wanderer… I believe that Karma is also tied to fate, in a way. Good fate, to be specific.
Someone like KRS, who bore the Curse by no fault of his own, his Karma would remain unaffected. He would have earned a lot of it by saving people through-out his life and sacrificing himself constantly. Remember the incident where Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk died? KRS decided to stay and sacrifice himself, too. Just because he didn't die doesn't mean his sacrifice didn't count.
My point is: I think KRS got a lot of Karma. Which means there was a lot of good fortune in store for him. However, due to the Curse blocking all of it (or most of it, who knows), it was bottled up and unavailable… until the moment he transmigrated as Cale.
As Cale, he suddenly had a huge untapped reserves of good fortune on his side. And I think that was the reason why he was so lucky. He was guided to all the allies he would need by this force of Karma, which is directly tied to Fate. He was even able to alter the fate of the Black Dragon's – Raon's – death. The narrative stated that it was such an important event, that even Nature took notice of it and had to "accept" Raon as living in the world. Cale's earned Karma was so powerful he was able to implement such a huge change.
To sum it up, I don't think Cale is lucky because he's a protagonist written that way, or because it's an ability of his. I really think it's because of Karma, and that we will find out more about it in the future.
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with me! I hope my reply did not disappoint 😊
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moonsoupstar-ao3 · 2 years
that's good! don't overwork yourself! 😺
Yoooo! I don't really think I'm going to do it so there's the transmigrante!Soo's (both ideas)
They're polysoos too, but you can ignore it if you're not into it <3
To clarify, LSH transmigrated into Fredo, CJS into Cale and KRS into White Star (yes, GoD kick WS from the body like a ball)
OG!WS didn't do much before he was exchanged (like, he only put the plan for the capital and the wolves on) for KRS in that life but he's not dead-dead, he's currently in the body of a baby somewhere remote on the Eastern Continent, he's not going to have the means to act until after the adultes and even then he'll be more of a nuisance than a threat (at least for a while).
KRS did not read the entire novel, just as the canon only went up to the fifth volume.
CJS read the novel in his adolescence cuz' there was a copy in his house, but he don't remember too much of it (only the first two volume).
LSH is... well, his position is secure and he has a very clear idea of what to do, even if he don't read the novel at all. He meets KRS first and together they determine that probably, if they are lucky enough, CJS is also reincarnated in this world.
In the end the three of them meet, everyone is very confused about why three of the strongest and most lunatic men in this world are hugging each other as if they haven't seen each other in an eternity and speaking in a language that only CH seems to have an idea of what it is.
They locking themselves in a room together for almost three whole days and people assume a LOT of things but the reality is that they were walking around, catching up, deciding where they are going to make their new house with farm and chord, taking up their platonic marriage vows and making out a little because CJS loves kissing and his (again) husbands love to spoil him.
CH doesn't speak much Korean these days, forgot most of what he knew and is now resuming his classes with KRS along with the kids (Raon, Hong, On, Dodori and all the others).
Bc yes, KRS go for all the childrens and people who need help, just because he can.
CJS left the heir position officially and for a while was a "free spirit", post-canon he usually travels around the world (or as far as he can) but spends a lot of time wherever his husbands are.
KRS dismantled Arm and most of WS's plans shortly after reincarnating so he has free time, if he's not lounging around, glued to some other "Soo" or the kids, he finds himself generating mayhem for fun.
LSH became the new king of Endable Kingdom, he has a lot of work to do but he always makes time for everyone's visits, especially his children and husbands.
Technically no one but them knows about their marriage but everyone smells something going on between them, especially after those three days locked up. There are a lot of rumors out there, they don't deny or affirm anything.
About the other idea, is almost the same au except each comes from a different version of the Earth.
KRS comes from an Earth where the three had been married for a decade and a half and is very interested in remarrying them (he's not going to force them or anything ofc).
CJS comes from a version where he only knows KRS, they got along extremely well even though they knew each other relatively recently (two years), he transmigrated a year after the start of the apocalypse and hopes his KRS will be fine without him (he is, though he still has him on his mind)
LSH doesn't know any of them, he also comes from an apocalyptic world but was alone (with his team but never really forming strong relationships), he meets KRS!WS almost by chance and they end up spending a lot of time together, he also falls in love with the concept that is CJS
“Lee Soo Hyuk wasn't the type to fall in love at first sight and he didn't believe in falling in love with someone he didn't know either, but the way Kim Rok Soo talked about them, about Choi Jung Soo, with that soft tone and the bright gaze made it impossible for him not to fall in love, even if just a little, with the ray of sunshine that seemed so unreal.”
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author-luna · 3 years
TCF AU pitches
I haven’t posted in a very long while, especially anything related to my fic on AO3 (yes i know that I havent updated it since I posted it-)
But in the mean time, I did write a couple of things, ambled ideas and pitched a few AUs on discord which I will be putting up here (and maybe flesh out and post on AO3)
Without further ado, there ya go:
Modern day where KRS and Cale are siblings, with KRS being like 10 or 12 years older (this has a purpose I swear)
KRS went to a different city for colleges, and Cale was das because his big brother is now gone and not many people are there to talk with.
It that’s alright, he still has his mum and , albeit very busy, dad , right?
It takes only 2 months for Jour to become bedridden because of an unknown disease, 2 more years and she’s gone.
In those 2 years, 8 years old Cale had to watch as his father loses his sanity with each passing day.
At first he held it in for the sake of his sons, but when Jour doesn’t make any progress, he starts slipping away
In the end, after the funeral where Cale had to comfort his father, Deruth loses his last thread of sanity
Cale is so so scared because his once warm and loving mother isn’t there anymore, there is no big brother he can hide behind and even his father starts screaming and crying whenever he looks at Cale
He thinks he has to endure it, because his father still loves him and he can’t abandoned him, but he’s only 8 and an 8 years old can only take that much
It takes him a wine bottle being thrown at him to muster up the courage and call KRS in the dead of the night, at first with an icy voice
But when KRS hoarsely takes the call and asks “Cale, is that you? Why are you up so late?” He starts crying and bawling
Through hiccuped sentences, KRS finally understands what’s happing and tells him to lock himself in a room with enough food and water to last him 3 days, he’ll come to get him.
Cale can’t help the glimmer of hope that spars indeed of him, the thought of seeing his brother again and having someone finally help him
When KRS finally comes home, he knocks on the door of Cale’s room and Cale doesn’t answer at first
KRS talks to Cale, asking him to open the door, and when Cale realizes it’s KRS, he flings open the door and throws himself at his brother
KRS hugs Cale’s trembling figure, mentally swearing at himself for not noticing that something was wrong. Cale almost always called him. When the calls dwindled and eventually vanished to almost none, he hadn’t thought anything of it
They admit Deruth into a hospital for mental trauma and he starts getting treated
Legally, custody is transferred over to KRS as he is an adult with the capacity to take care of Cale
All of the money and other things that belong to the Henituse family Also belongs to KRS, which he used to buy a better place for him and Cale
He takes Cale with him to the city he’s studying in, and enrolls Cale at a nearby school after a while (it takes Cale almost a year to be able to go to school due all the trauma) and gets him a therapist to deal with the loss of his mother and father
Cue Soos moment
LSH and CJS are KRS friends in college, and when they find out he is taking care of his little brother, they help him out
And Cale got used to calling them sometimes as uncles
Or calling them hyung because they are KRS friends and CJS and LSH tease KRS to also call them hyung
In school, Cale gets to know Choi Han and Alberu (I know that CH is supposed to be CJS uncle once removed but here he is younger)
At first he doesn’t like Alberu, his face so blinding it hurts his eyes
But after a series of accidents, they become friends and soon CH joins them
Cale also takes a side job in his teen years, where he takes care of his neighbors kids (On, Hong and Raon)
All of them adore him
Years pass by, and Cale and KRS heal from their wounds
When Cale turns 16 (KRS is around 26-28) their father gets out of the hospital
At first, they don’t have much contact, but it grows overtime
They’re very awkward around eachother, mainly because Deruth realizes that both of his sons are grown up and he didn’t get to see Cale’s growth
When he falls for Violan and eventually married her, Cale feels like a wall stands between them
When they visit over their breaks, he feels the slighted sting of jealousy as he watches Deruth laugh and talk with Violan and Basen (*I used to have this as well*, he thinks to himself)
But he soon gets over it, and is instead happy for them, even if he longs to fit into the picture
When Lily is born, the rift continues to grow
It’s almost like KRS and Cale don’t belong into the Henituse family, like discarded puzzle pieces that no longer fit into the new and shiny picture
He feels bitter, and so does KRS
But after a talk together, They realize that maybe they’ll never fit into the new family, at lest, as long as they don’t try
Deruth is ashamed and scared, he had hurt and abandoned his sons
But one day, they ask him to talk
And they talk until the night, spilling all the words they kept bottled up, talking about the burdens they carried for so long
It’s awkward at first, but with time the conversation flows
They clear up misunderstandings and understand eachother
When they walk out of the room, if feels like they flipped to a new page, a new chapter, where life might even look a bit brighter
Maybe they go to family therapy or sth as well, but they improve their relationship and the wall that stood between them slowly crumbles
Or alternatively:
KRS and Cale decide that maybe it’s better to walk away from the burdens and to return to their new family, where they are right home and fit in just perfect.
They go low contact and enjoy their lives with their friends and family
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to the Mistaken One's Chapter 162
TL;DR - Cale being cautious. Water absorption begins. New tattoos for Cale.
Soos? LSH = ✅ CJS = ✅
Cautious Cale 1/4 of today's chapter was Cale being cautious, 1/2 dedicated to the water absorption process, and 1/4 for everyone's reactions.
Why was our Cale cautious? Because he didn't trust the dead dragon who dictated that the young Raon go save the world. There was also his conversation with LSH and CJS who said that this dragon crossing worlds meant that she was not normal. She would have used her lifespan as a price, unlike the hunters who used karma.
Cale even messaged GoD and Jungwon, but not one replied. So he decided to have the three treasures be inspected by Eruhaben and Sheritt first before using.
The ring would go to Raon, the crown to Cale, and the sword to Choi Han.
Water Power Up Remember the time when Cale laughed as he threw money to the lava pit? Cale was laughing in the same way today as his Water AP got its power up. He was feeling so happy that Raon, CH, and CJS were speechless. 😂
To remove the ice covering the black lake, one had to mention the dead dragon's name. And so we get a name reveal... the dead dragon is called Maxilianne! I'll call her Maxi for short.
Cale and Water AP were completely enjoying the absorption process (and Shield AP too) that Fire AP and VoH were left speechless too... 🤣🤣🤣
Surprisingly, Cale did not cough blood or faint after getting the power up. Which actually shocked both Cale and Water AP. What? You two were expecting Cale to cough blood? 😂
New Tattoos Cale didn't exactly drink the entire lake. Water AP simply got the "core/nucleus" of the black lake water. There were 8 black water droplets that served as its cores. Thus, Cale got 8 black water droplet tattoos on his collarbone, 4 on each.
As for how much stronger Cale became, the Water AP's seal was completely released, and she even got a 300% increase in attack power! Now, how will the God of Balance react to this? Will he let it slide or nerf Cale?
Ending Remarks Today was a happy day for Cale and Water AP. Next chapter will be about the treasures, and hopefully, we'll resume the murim arc. Why does the meeting with the Blood Cult keep getting so delayed? 😑
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Trash Boss's Chapter 134
TLDR; HD and Cale talk. Suicidal HD. HD found a way to purify the dead mana while keeping his chi.
Soos? LSH = ❌ CJS = ❌
Alberu and Heavenly Demon It wasn't just me, even Cale thought that these two were similar! The difference was that HD did not like having a glib tongue. He openly expressed his feelings without hiding anything.
Young Master Kim's Rumors
HD: You are a little different from what I heard. Cale: What did you hear? HD: I heard that you are gentle, kind, and have an incomparably broad heart. HD: That's all nonsense. Cale: ! Raon: T-That! No! Human, you are a little resentful, no, it's not a little... but anyway, human, you are not gentle-... anyway, human, you are very nice!
Raon, it's so hard to defend Cale, right? 🤣🤣🤣 Of course, our Cale ignored Raon's mumbling.
HD: However, it seems that your power had nothing to do with the "Nature Realm" martial arts rank. Cale: Sigh. It's not a rumor I spread. HD: I know. It's just an interesting rumor. I like those kind of gossip and exaggeration. The exaggerations and misunderstandings of the murim people are interesting. Cale: (What???) HD: *changes the subject*
I'm with you, HD. The exaggerations and misunderstandings in this murim arc are very funny and interesting. 😂😂😂
HD: But why do you want that as a reward? Cale: *feels awkward because he couldn't completely tell his plans to HD* Cale: Because that is what I need the most. You know that, right? Cale: *feels embarrassed for some reason* HD: I know. HD: *silently laughs* HD: I think I know why those rumors are circulating. Cale: Pardon? HD: Nothing. *chuckles in laughter* HD: You are a very amusing person. Cale: (What did you just say now?) HD: *changes the topic again*
Cale, you are not really good at hiding your emotions, okay? Or trying to mask your goodwill with selfishness. 😂😂😂
Suicidal Heavenly Demon Okay, so sad part. HD tried to remove the dead mana himself, but failed. That was why he planned to kill himself within 2 weeks to prevent the "other him" from destroying the Demon Cult.
Cale gets a taste of his Dominating Aura You know how this AP is so OP in this murim arc? Well, Cale finally experiences being on the receiving end of an aura similar to that. HD had let out a dark red aura as he argued with Shadow Guardian who disagreed with his suicide plan. And Cale got goosebumps and felt a dominating pressure. Even Raon remarked that it was like Cale's AP!
Cale and Heavenly Demon's Collaboration HD had figured out a way to remove the dead mana while keeping his chi, and Cale was needed for that method. Telling Cale that method was the reward mentioned in the conversation I wrote above.
Cale and Fire AP were excited to try that method, thinking that it would be easier now. However, Raon was nervous when he saw his human smiling brightly... 😏
Ending Remarks This entire chapter was hilarious! And Heavenly Demon is really growing on me. Kinda wish that we will know his real name and not just his title. Author-nim is really fleshing out his character unlike the other murim arc characters.
Anyway, next chapter is Cale coughing blood time! Or will he not? Tune in on Friday to find out! Bye!
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Trash Boss's Chapter 137
TLDR; Cale's black smoke purification. Raon's growth. New characters. New Cale fangirl. Poetry again.
Soos? LSH = ❌ CJS = ❌
Cale's Black Smoke Purification Nothing exciting happened here as it was just a repeat of Cale's first black smoke purification. The only difference was that Cale was holding HD's hand while staring at HD's eyes this time. 😏
The scene of the Guardians and Brain Demon worrying about HD was quite touching though. 🥰 They really cherish HD like family.
And because they were out in public, Cale told HD that they would disguise the purification as being caused by a "divine item" to fool the eyes of the Blood Cult spies.
Raon's Growth As usual, Cale pondered over Raon's growth. You see, Raon used soundproofing magic around Cale and HD. After that, Raon spoke to Cale directly and not through telepathy. But when Raon was about to tell Cale regarding the secret conversations he heard from Chi Hidden Voice, Raon realized that this should be kept secret from HD.
That he could not let HD know that he could hear conversations made via Chi Hidden Voice. Raon explained to Cale via telepathy his thoughts, and Cale was amazed, praising Raon for his actions.
Of course, our Cale did not attribute Raon's growth to himself, but to Sheritt and Eruhaben... 😑 C'mon, Cale, Raon's money sense came from you 😄
New characters
Pavilion Master Gong -old woman who is the leader of the Law and Manners Pavilion, the venue of the banquet. Described to be one of the strongest members that even the previous HD called her a monster.
Pavilion Master Kee - leader of the Coin Tree Pavilion, the one in charge of all money matters of the Demon Cult. Raon confirmed him as a Blood Cult spy.
New Cale Fangirl A new one joins Caleism! The 4th candidate to succeed HD, she is in her mid-twenties. Brain Demon caught her in a daze as she watched Cale purifying the black smoke, and she was in such a daze that she did not even notice that drool dripped out of her mouth! 😂
Brain Demon had a headache when he saw all that (because she was the candidate HD favored), and pretended to not have heard her muttering "Amazing..." as she watched Cale. Oh dear, is she a problem child? 😆
Poetry Again I think everyone is used to it by now. That every time Cale uses his ancient powers (or Raon uses his magic), the onlookers describe the sight in metaphors and poems 😆
A rose gold fire with sparks struck the wind. As if a red beast jumped into a black swamp and ate whatever it came across. The wind that flowed like a calm river gradually changed from black to a brilliant rose gold. And along with the change, gray ash fluttered. ... Fire and wind moved. The rose gold wind passed through dead mana smoke in the pavilion, devouring all and leaving only ashes. Then it soared into the sky and disappeared. It looked like an Imoogi ascending into the skies. And gray ash fell from the air as if to tell that it had passed. -TCF Part 2 Chapter 137
Heavenly Demon, clad in a dark red aura, stood as usual with an appearance befitting the master of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. On the contrary, the rose gold color on Young Master Kim gradually faded. Like the fading of the red sky and the descent of darkness. Seemingly like the setting of the sun and the coming of the waning moon. -Brain Demon on seeing HD and YM Kim
Ending Remarks I didn't expect this one to be long. I already cut out a lot of details, but still... 😅 I wanted to draw the scenes between Cale and HD because for some reason, my inner fangirl was screaming 😂
Anyway, that's all for today. See you all next Friday to read how HD will deal with the spies~!
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Trash Boss's Chapter 133
TLDR; Living Jiangshi and dead mana discussion. Cale purifying black smoke. Heavenly Demon greets Cale and smiles like Alberu.
Soos? LSH = ❌ CJS = ❌
My reaction to this chapter? Finally, RidiBooks uploaded chapter 132! 😂😂😂 Yes, my feelings for the release overshadowed today's chapter because nothing much happened.
The Purifier Half of the chapter was just Cale purifying the black smoke as he walked towards HD. And some discussion about Living Jiangshi and dead mana that we already know. It was boring, actually.
Shadow Guardian The third guardian of the Demon Sect was an old woman, though she never revealed herself and only talked to Cale via Chi Hidden Voice. Her role this chapter was to narrate how HD's black smoke started and its gradual worsening.
The Alberu-like smile Once the black smoke disappeared, Heavenly Demon opened his eyes and greeted Cale with a smile. However, Cale felt a chill on his nape when he saw that smile, and even Raon warned his human that HD's smile resembled Alberu's, so he had to be careful... 🤣🤣🤣
Ending Remarks Chapter was uneventful and short, so I somehow felt disappointed. I mean, we spent an entire chapter of Cale walking towards HD and greeting him. That's it. The end. 😑
Anyway, I leave you all with a fanart I drew of Young Master Kim meeting Heavenly Demon. I suck at shading and coloring, so everything looks strange. And I gave up trying to do the sparks created by the Fire AP, ehehe... 😅
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Miracle Creator's Chapter 141
TLDR; Cale and HD casual talk. BD and Raon talk. 1/3 of Purification over.
Soos? LSH = ✅ CJS = ✅ Both of them are just mentioned standing and watching the purification.
Lots of Talking Half of the chapter was just conversations. Cale and HD are on casual terms already that Cale even uses "Yah" (or "Hey" in English) to call HD. 😊
Do you remember Array Formations? They're the murim version of magic circles. The array formation surrounded HD to suppress the released dead mana. Enter BD and Raon's conversation. The array formation was about to break because the dead mana was too much, so our Raon reassured BD that he would handle it, creating a black shield.
Poetry (Again) Of course, every time the Fire AP is used, there will always be poetry of its appearance and effects. But this time, gray clouds and rose gold lightning even fell from the sky, so poetic descriptions were inevitable... 😂And perhaps, more people converting to Caleism 🙏🧎
Purification Begins No blood-coughing yet. Fire AP said that it was easy even when lightning descended from the sky. So our Cale was feeling confident and relaxed. He was also using the divine stove during the purification.
I drew Cale and HD's positions before the purification began:
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The array formation (blue lines) is actually bigger, but I made it smaller to fit the drawing.
HD was sitting cross-legged on a platform.
The raws said that Cale took a seat, but did not say if it was on a chair or on the same platform as HD. I opted for a chair because it looks better.
Cale was holding the divine stove on one hand, and his other hand was touching HD's back.
Ending Remarks Not much happened this chapter, so it was disappointing for me. Only a third of the dead mana has been purified, so next chapter will be the continuation. Perhaps we'll see the blood coughing by then 😂
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