#even bobo knows they belong to each other
ryker-writes · 1 year
Not alone
This was shorter than intended but I ran out of ideas oops. Enjoy some comfort before I get more into the heavy Jaxon lore
Note: Bobo belongs to @axvwriter, Fuyuki belongs to @minimallyminnie, Yuli belongs to @starboyshoyo, and Sunbeam belongs to @spritofthesea, goose is 🪿 anon
Jaxon has felt for a long time that he deserves to be alone, and no one would want to be near him. He's felt that's what he deserves. That was only reinforced when he came back to Night Raven College. Almost everyone avoided him, and they only spread rumors about him when he wasn't around. In Jaxon's mind, this was how things should be, but that didn't stop the small feeling of loneliness from creeping into his heart.
But not everyone did that. There were some people who seemed to care about him, even though it was hard for him to believe that. Even those these people said they cared about him in one way or another, he always refused to believe that was true.
That was why he always turned down Kalim's party invites. Well, the main reason. The people, excitement, and sometimes the lights were also large reasons he didn't go to parties. But every time Kalim invited him, he turned it down saying he wasn't interested.
But today, Kalim was more insistent than ever that Jaxon come to a party he was throwing. He just didn't want to take no for an answer. Eventually, he had worn down Jaxon's patience enough that he agreed just so Kalim would leave him be for a few minutes.
Jaxon was a man of his word though, so he would have to go the the party. What they were celebrating? He had no idea. Jaxon doubted anyone would want him there anyway.
However, the moment he stepped into Scarabia, he was jumped on by Kalim.
"Jaxon! I'm glad you came!"
"Calm down. I agreed to it anyway."
Jaxon pushed Kalim off him, and took a moment to look around the room. Scarabia had been decorated with darker blues and purples. His favorite colors. In the center of the room, there was a table covered in sushi and surrounded by people. People he knew and talked to.
There was Yuli chatting with Ace, Bobo and Sunbeam were looking at the food, Fuyuki was sleeping in a corner, Silver looked like he was ready to sleep, Deuce was looking confused at the food, and...there was a goose on the couch.
All people he knew and has talked to before. He's even seen the goose around before.
"What is this?"
"It's a party for you Jaxon!"
"They seem to think you've been feeling lonely or whatever."
Ace spoke as if he didn't care, but even he could see how alone Jaxon was most of the time. They could all see it.
Before Jaxon could protest much to the party, Sunbeam walked over to him and dragged him to the seats.
"Come on Jaxon! We got your favorite food!"
There were all sorts of sushi spread across the table. As Jaxon sat, all the others came to sit near him. As each person grabbed a dish, they all began chatting together.
"How do you use these?"
"Deuce you have to hold them like this."
"Like this?"
"If you hold them like that, all your food is going to fall. Here."
Yuli demonstrated how to use the chopsticks to Deuce, and even gave him some pointers. Across the table, Fuyuki had woken up, and began chatting with Kalim, Bobo, and Sunbeam.
"Thanks again for your help with picking out the decorations Fuyuki!"
"I barely told you anything."
"Still it helped a lot! And it was all fun to set up together."
"You guys did really well."
"Thanks Bobo! By the way, we should all play together since you, Jaxon, Fuyuki, and I are all in the same club. We could give the others a show!"
"I'd love to do it. How about you Fuyuki?"
"Sure I guess."
Jaxon looked next to him when Silver and the goose sat down next to him.
"Do you know this goose?"
"Yeah. They sometimes hang out with me at night when I'm alone...but I didn't think they'd be here."
"How did Kalim find you?"
"I think the goose came here willingly on their own."
The goose waddled over next to Jaxon, and pushed it's way into his lap. He didn't try to fight the goose at all, and just accepted it.
Jaxon looked around at everyone having fun at this party for him. And he realized that maybe, he wasn't so alone here at Night Raven College after all. At that idea, he couldn't help but smile a little.
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Pirate Week Finale: The Pirates: In An Adventure with Scientists: The Book: A Rope of Sand (Comission for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all ye happy swabs and welcome to the finale of pirate three days in a clump. And I saved something special for it: So last year pirate month, I watched Pirates!:in an adventure with scientists, the aardman cult classic based on GIdeon Defoe's series of novels, specifically the first one with the same name. At least in the uk over here it was band of misfits because Sony Pictures had a case of the stupids back then, also editing out some more adult jokes that kids would not have noticed, come on.
The film was fantastic, a fun film, one of aardman's best and so much better on rewatch. So naturally I was now curious to check out the books, which I didn't even know existed before the review and which Kev was a big fan of. And in his Kev way, he went a tad overboard but in a very kind way: He sent me the ENTIRE series to review at some point, and still is paying to commission them. What a guy. So each pirate month and outside of that when it fits, we'll be looking at this fine series. I also plan to get my hand on Defoe's other books, because I really liked this one.
As i'm not really attempting to hide, Pirates! BOM is a good a book as it is a movie. This isn't a huge suprise as not only did the film had aardman but much like Douglas Adams and Brian Lee O'Malley he kept a close eye on his masterwork by working on the film, doing the screenplay. As a result the film really does keep the tone of this book perfectly, with several scenes directly transplanted: the pirate captain's introduction, the airship joke about it being "used to look down ladies tops" (And the payoff later with the albino pirate proving it's indeed true), the pirates love of ham, it's all there. That being said what I found fascinating is that, much like those authors I mentiond while they worked on the adaptations closesly they also made sure it was a distinct work of it's own. As such while there are similarties in the plot, most notably charles darwin being the featured guest for this adventure, our heroes dressing up as scientests, mr bobo and his unsightly ass, almost everything else is diffrent.. but still prettty dang good. And you can sea what I mean under the cut.
I coudln't find anything on why this book exists and any interviews with defoe I could find were in audio form and this review is behind enough as is. Thankfully it's the last one i'm behind on and hopefully i'll finally have a resonable schedule again this week. What I can tell is he's a very funny man, is still active on twitter (I refuse to use X both because X dosen't belong to them but mutantkind and a certain reploid, and because it's just.. stupid. It's hilariously stupid. ) , and has his heart in the right place.
That said the book itself.. is brilliant. The style is hilarious and it's clear DeFoe was inspired by an idol after my own heart, Terry Pratchett. For those unware of him... Sir Terry was a fantasy juggernaught who wrote the hilarious and heartfelt discworld series, one of my faviorites and one i'm not even close to having read all of. Like DeFoe here sir terry took a genre and made a world that's one giant weird spoof of it while also including bhits of modern life (scaled for the time period) and used footnotes for laughs. In Gideons case he's aware kids are one of his audiences so he includes educational footnotes, some actually helpful, but most hilarious while also usually being helpful in some way, adding history to a work that blatantly laughs at the idea of being historically accurate: the pirate captain uses post its, one of the pirates plays murder she wrote on his acordion, there's no attempt whatosever ot be historically accurate and it's happy that way, while still showing Defoe clearly loves history and still throwing bits of actual history in there.
As for the plot itself the book, like the film it follows the dread and loveable Pirate Captain and his misfit crew who at this point have been on a bunch of adventures we've never seen and never will, love ham and are a jolly and loveable sort despite still running through people and gladly walking members of the plank they've run out of use for. The Pirate Captain is a boisterious sort who knows way less than he thinks he does, has a giant ego and the attention span of a me, but his men do love him and he dearly loves them.
Other notable pirates in this version are the pirate with a scarf, his best friend, first mate and the one who keeps most things running. In a refshing change of pace for this sort of dynamic, Pirate Captain , while trying not to show it too hard, KNOWS he needs pirate with a scarf and treats him accordingly, even giving the man full repsect. He'll cheat the guy at mini golf but goes out of his way to save him because he knows he needs PWAS and clearly loves the guy. There's also the albino pirate from the film if less prominent and pirate iwth an acordion, the only one to really factor into the plot. The rest are just a jolly bunch of weird man children.
The book starts with the group just riffing a bit, debating over what's best about being a pirate (And I have to agree with the captain, the shanties. ) , how to cook ham and just having a lot of fun. There's also a lot of talk of how to get girls, mention of gay pirates that's suprisingly not nearly as bad as you'd expect from a 2000's written farce, and some other nonsense till the plot kicks in. That's really the vibe of this book: while there is a plot, it's just there as a thin spine for nonsense, to move our heroes from one set piece to another. It still has progression but there's a lot of bits we'll get to that don't really advance the plot that much or coudl've been cut out.. but are just too funny NOT to. DeFoe , unlike pratchett, focuses less on comedy through plot and more just rediculous set pieces and clever banter. It's the books charm: it's just a lot of really funny , clever nonsense stacked on top of each other like a bunch of pirate children in a pirate trenchcoat.
So to get to our next set comedy bit, the pirates are invited by their old foe black belamy for a feast. Pirates really like their feasting here. Belamy, like the movie is Pirate Captain's main rival though here he's got a much diffrent vibe: while he's still a scoundrel her prefers to scheme and manipulate for his very short screentime rather than be a bullying dude bro. I mean not being played by Jeremy Piven helps.
At any rate Belamy challenges the pirate captain to cards.. and then looses. Really badly. He only manages to not loose all his money by bartering the location of a ship from the bank of england.. and given the title you can probably guess that it's the beagle, Charles Darwin's ship.
We also get something that was phased out of the aardman version as it just didn't fit their style when the pirates raid Darwin's ship: out and out murder. While the animated film wasn't above dark comedy or the ocasoinal bawdy joke, the book has a LOT more death. Most of it works: we get a love triangle between Darwin and his first mate FitzRoy... only for the object of it to get suddenly cannonballed to death; This itself.. would not be funny and would be kinda gross... if it werne't ofr the fact the two just patch up their feud so casually afterwords. It's so fucked up it works and that's how it works for most gags like this: the pirates later just.. walk a bunch of them off the plank as it's a normal thing they do.
The one time it really, really REALLY dosen't, is with the monkeys. You.. might want to skip to the puffy kitty to avoid reading about this portion. So... the pirates cut open the monkeys thinking their full of treasure. That's it... I'll spare you the gruesome details but it's just.. not funny and just gross and depressing. The joke to it just isn't funny.
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Okay we're clear. Shockingly in contast to the film despite this version of Pirate Captain being a tad more ruthless (he's way more willing to threaten with his cutlass).. he's more than happy to help darwin out of the kindness of his heart. Darwin's dillema is diffrent here. Here instad of not really taking off Mr. Bobo, his monkey he's trained with cards to talk, is working well.. too well. The Bishop of Britan wants him to stop it and has kindapped his brother erasamus to try and get Darwin to stop. So with that our heroes set off to london Before arriving though we get some fun hyjinks as Darwin is utterly annoyed at the pirates stopping off for an arcade then pirate themed mini golf. The pirates short attention span and the pirate captain's blatant cheating is just.. gold.
Then in london we get them disgusing themselves as scientests which is a lot of fun before PIrate Captain. .actually has a plan. The bishop recently bought PT Barnum's circus, complete with the Elephant Man. Sadly this did not make it into the greatest showman. So PC sends his number 2 pirate with a scarf and pirate with an accordion because they need more than one to go investgiate while he hits up the local pirate convention.. which shockingly depsite all indications.. isn't a trap. It's a nice swerve, it's really just a modern fan convention but for pirates, with PC's old friend Scruvy Jake setting him up with a booth and PC buying pirate merch and likely running more than a few annoying fans through with a broadsword. Ther'es also your standard con jokes from a 2000's work: it being mostly men, annoying questions, models and such.. all pretty trite for a book that's mostly pretty funny. There's also a joke I HOPE isn't transphobic where Scurvy Jake apologizes for a previous adventure with "I could've sworn those were womeN'
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Just.. no Gideon. No. Even for 2004.. no.
While/before all this is going on, order really dosen't matter here, Pirate with Acrodion meets a girl, they have some realy nice times but sadly she's just not into him. She is hliarious though, especially when talking to the elephant man and not getting that no, tha'ts just a cruel nickname he's not elephant related. We also get a SONG from him that's pure gold.
I look like some ex-pe-ri-ment! But please believe me i'm a proper gent! I seem like a monster, but what you don't know is I got a scorching case of neurofibromitosis!
Someone anyone.. please sing that for me. Our heroe snaturally wind up kidnapped.. except pirate with an acordion. While he catches up later he also quickly dies from scurvy. We get another of the best bits in the book when they confront the bishop.. not on turning ladies into soap so he can maintain his youth. I mean that's bad but our heroes are more concerned he's not taking them out to a proper dinner and instead kidnapping them with his creepy circus. Just the way he goes on about how he TRIES to take them out, even gives them his best evil laugh but they never go home with him is so fucking good. We also get some great cutaways of Pirate with a Scarf, Jennifer and Erasmus, who happens to be on the same death trap inside big ben pirate with a scarf's been strapped to playing animal vegetable or mineral. Back with Pirate Captain after meeting with Scruvy Jake, and figuring his first mate's been kidnapped, he comes up with a plan. So I present to you one of the funneist things i've ever experinced: He says the bishop has been spreading rumors of the HOLY GHOST ITSLEF coming to attack darwin for his theories being too blasphemous, figuring Darwin's presentation of mr bobo needs a bit of pagentry and luring the bishop out. He then has scurvy jake, whose implied to have gitantisim, put on a bed sheet, and put Charles Darwin through a table, wrassling style. I also like the foot note here, which not only mentions how dangerous wrestling is for actual professionals but uses Mick Foley as the perfect example. For those not aware of him
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Mick is both one of the most decorated wrestlers the WCW, ECW, TNA and especailly WWE has seen, but he also put his body thorugh ABSOLUTE HELL, loosing multiple teeth, getting embeded with tacks and being in regular pain due to the shit he's done. Even Vince McMahon whose neglagance has caused countless tragedies told mick after his utterly brutal hell in a cell match with the undertaker "NEVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN'. Kindly because mick was half dead at that point, and for vince that says a lot. Especially since years later he'd do the holy ghost thing but for realizes. No really vince mccmahon booked a match with "Me and the product of my semen shane" versus you (born again christan wrestler Shawn Micheals) and your god".
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Anyway Mr Bobo wins via folding chair as does science and Darwin decides to spruce up his presetnation in the future william castle style. Before he can though our heroes have to head for the rescue. We get an utterly amazing fight between Pirate Captain and the Bishop, who throws troglodites at him like discus and the two later fight with precious metals and recite their atomic weights.
After Bobo saves PC at the last second our heros commender the airship.. and in a great bit not only have the rest of the crew been wearing dinosaur masks and goofing off in the gift shop but many keep them on during the raid, leading to one of my faviorite lines in anything ever.
"Dino-pirates! It's my worst nightmare!"
I sometimes get burnt out on this job, get exausted. The falling behind, the large amount of for hire work.. but it's lines like this that remind me both why it's worth it and why for hire work is worth it: i likely never would've read this glorious sentence without having been paid to review the movie last year.
Our heroes manage to save the rest of our heroes in time, Pirate Captain hooks up with jennifer, Pirate iwth a scarf is relieved, and our heroes sail off, with the pirate captain having gotten some precious metal in his beard. They also abandon the bishop on an island, though he gets to take 8 records and 8 books of his choice. Just don't do robison curose. it's cliche.
As should be obvious.. this book is fucking fantastic and if you can get a copy, do. It's hilarious from start to finish, creative an da really brisk read at only 130 pages. I look forawrd to whenever I return to this series next. This was really fantastic stuff. Thanks for reading.
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stbobothesnail · 1 year
oh dearie me,
I tried to do some reading but I think I want to masturbate instead.
as of lately I haven’t been able to finish unless I thought about this one particular guy which made me kind of sad. now I still don’t love it but it’s okay.
I knew things weren’t over. even after he got engaged I could just feel it, but then I thought I must be crazy. he loves her. he loves her. he loves her. so whatever I think I’m feeling must be pretend.
then he texted me and we were back in that place. we drank beer, and watched scary movies, and fucked until the sun came up.
that’s what it’s like with him. that’s what it’s like with us.
the next day I thought I’d feel like a terrible person but I just felt happy.
I understand deep down that even if this happens again, or a few more times, he’s not going to pick me. I don’t know if I really want him to anyway? I do like him, and I like when we spend time together, and I missed him so much when we weren’t doing what we do, but I know we wouldn’t be good for each other.
we’re both destructive and self sabotaging. which is why we hooked up again. he’s with someone else. he belongs to someone else.
I’m worried when it ends it’ll hurt more this time.
st. bobo
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mari-ry-me · 7 years
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“ - well, that would be tap, tap, tap, a nail in my coffin. ”
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rainbowsky · 3 years
SDOC4 - Finally Caught Up
I FINALLY caught up on all the episodes of SDOC4 and Let's Chat, after watching nearly 14 hours of this over the course of a couple of days. 😅
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Here are some thoughts I have after viewing it all.
(Spoilers ahead)
I can't get enough of AC. His choreographed performance was ridiculous. Not only is he an incredible dancer, he has so much personality without being annoying or shrill like so many 'big personality' people can tend to be. He's smart, strategic and very, very talented.
Really looking forward to seeing more from him.
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Han Geng
So surprising how well he did in the battle. I was really impressed because my expectations were fairly low, but he really brought out something that felt original and his own, and like it belonged in that battle.
He's also fun to have around as a sort of older brother figure to everyone.
God God, his krump during the battle, that series of face grabs... wow. He is a powerful krumper. And talk about multi-talented. Playing the guitar and keyboards, all the farming skills he's developed from Back to Field. His producer skills. Talented guy.
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It's also nice seeing him and DD interact, you can tell they know each other well.
Henry Lau
Love this man so much. He is such a sweet guy, but also so energetic and a huge gremlin. Like Han Geng, I wasn't expecting his battle performance to be as good as it was. A lot of originality and strength for someone who had never battled in front of others before.
Also very talented. Playing the violin, dancing, skateboarding, charming others. He impresses me every episode.
Mr 3
WTF, this guy completely blows my mind. His choreographed performance was entirely next level. WTF. Blew me away. Unforgettable.
Xiao Ji
I mean, we knew already how awesome he is, but man - this guy has starpower oozing out of his pores. His entire "I need to use the toilet but first let me blow you all away" flex was the highlight of this season so far, and this is coming from someone heavily biased toward AC.
His performance was quite possibly my favorite so far. Just mind-blowing considering he was unfamiliar with the music and his back teeth were floating the whole time. SO entertaining, so hilarious, so original. And watching Bobo freak out over him is priceless.
He has so much personality - again, and like AC it doesn't get annoying. He's just a really cool guy you can't help but love.
Ma Xiaolong
His choreography is next level, and he has all the required skill to perform it to its full potential. That's saying a lot. The elegance and precision he has make for very convincing performances that one can get completely lost in.
Bo Zi
I always have a weakness for the b-boys, but wow. That guy can move. WTF.
Absolutely incredible. SO original, so cool, so much rhythm and control. Guy blows me away. I can't wait to see more from him.
So much style, skill, expressiveness and originality. This guy is exciting to watch. 20 years old. Wow, the guy has a hell of a career ahead of him.
This guy is an alien. All I have to say. How is anyone even going to stand a chance against him?
Huang Xiao
Love his style, his ability, his beautiful lines, his creativity. Always a joy to watch.
Hapless Robot Server
This thing just keeps getting lost. Poor little guy.
Truly the star of the show. He brings himself to everything. His authenticity is what makes him so well loved by his fans.
I loved him in the battle. He has such a natural connection to the music, it's undeniable. I can't wait to see more dancing from him.
Watching him eat is almost as enjoyable. This is one thing I've always appreciated about DDU and SDOC - they give us plenty of DD eating moments.
He really didn't want to put his finger down on the marriage question. 😅
DD and his little seed garden
He loves that garden. I hope it grows well for him. I definitely enjoyed watching him get absorbed in planting, and his enthusiasm when he saw the fresh sprouts.
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I had a lot more people I wanted to highlight and a lot more I wanted to say, but my brain is fried today (allergies), so I think I'll leave it here. Just really looking forward to more from everyone. Loving this season. Loving the quality of the dancers. Loving that I'm finally caught up on everything!
IMPORTANT: Please, when responding to these, remember not to post any spoilers. I want people (including myself) to be able to read the notes of these posts and not get spoiled. Thanks!
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134330kira · 2 years
With the looming elections, I guess it's only right for me to share my thoughts also on whatever is happening since I am a registered voter. My opinion does not really hold weight but in case someone sees this and it might help them in assessing themselves.
There has been this never-ending "bardagulan" among people about their chosen presidential candidate. I have observed it in every social media apps that I have. Some things that I have observed also while scrolling through arguments of people on who is the better candidate, it made me realized that some of us are never going to see each other eye to eye because we can't keep an open mind and we also have our biases that we are not aware of because it has been instilled in us for centuries now.
I am for Leni-Kiko. And no, I am not "bayaran". This blog post is not sponsored or anything. I am also not forced to support it by my school. I made that decision on my own and because I can see that she is the most capable. And it really hurts when I see her getting criticized just because she is a woman. I understand people can make mistakes and I do not wish to idolize VP Leni. I will be with those who will criticize her when things go wrong, but I trust that she will listen. Because that's what we need, a leader who listens. A leader who makes us feel heard. However, criticisms that are rooted in misogyny really irritates me.
"Babae mana sya, she can't lead"
"Puppet raman na sya"
"Women can't lead in times of war"
All of these stink of misogyny and sexism. This is something that is also as dangerous as misinformation. And that is something that I cannot accept. I understand though that people might not be aware of themselves for this bias among women. I hope people can finally open their eyes. She has an incredible track record and she has made many contributions to the country but it is invalidated because she is a woman. We also expect double from our women. If she was a man, she would be praised for everything she's done, even if it was just the bare minimum. We, women, always have to exert more effort just to be seen by society. We have to run as fast as we can and wonder if we'd get there quicker if we were men. And when we do get to prove ourselves, we still get criticized. 'You're not supposed to be like this, you're not supposed to be like that, women belong in the kitchen, etc.'
When people talk to me about their presidential candidates or I show my support to her in social media, I receive mocks. I have asked someone in a healthy peaceful way (I was just genuinely curious) why they do not like her, majority of them said that they acknowledge that she has done great things but they still doubt her beceause she might just be a "puppet". And at first, I accepted that as a fair criticism, but after thinking about it hard enough, I realized it's kind of sexist again. Why do you assume she is a puppet? Are you really concerned about the Aquin*s, or is this just you unconsciously judging women, that they cannot work on their own. That they always have someone to control them. That they cannot make decisions for themselves. That they are only shadows of men.
I hope people get to assess themselves because I personally hate misogynists but I also understand why they are like that. The patriarchy remains because of centuries of conditioning. Same with the issue of misinformation and disinformation. In the end, if we want a better Philippines, we listen to each other. We do not dismiss each other. We do not tell each other "bobo, bugo, bulok". We have to have humility, be the bigger person. I know someday our patience will pay off. After all, mas radikal pa rin ang mag mahal.
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autumnklare · 3 years
realizations while reading 'the seven husbands of evelyn hugo,'
The years 2020 and 2021 were two of the most extremely painful year my young adolescent have received. I grew up with my loving family where I was a witness of how my parents love each other up to this day, I see how my father still adores and love my mother even though the time has already changed the way they physically look, the way they think, and how they handled each other's problems such as financial and other things related to marriage.
The book The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is a firm representation of how a woman stands on her ground to prove that she can in this world that mostly bias men. I think that I grew up lucky because I have never felt that in my life, during my early years in school, I never felt that I was in a competition with men or I was different just because I was a girl-- but that completely changed when I entered college and when I met my third boyfriend (now ex!)
My ex-boyfriend, which I'll be calling 'Jake,' was my ultimate dream guy way back 2018. I met him on Tinder during the summer before I entered college, and thought that "this guy is different," I even thought, he is out of my reach. He is smart, I feel like he can talk about everything, through politics to culture, and everything else that I can think of. He was my ideal guy. Aside from that, I found out that he is a Christian, which is something special to me because I like the idea of someone who has the same faith as me. We were inseparable, during those time, I felt like I belonged to him and he belongs to me.
But that changed when he started shaming me when we're alone, he used to spit out words such as "Ang bobo mo naman," "Tanga ka ba?!" etc. During that time, it did not felt like I was hurt, but for me, its feedback felt like I was disappointing him, I felt like I was not doing enough to please him. So, I did everything he asked. I tried to paint myself through his words because I felt like that's the only way I'll make him stay.
He became too comfortable with the idea that I can't leave him because I am too afraid and in love with him, so he cheated.
Reading this book, Evelyn taught me a lot of things. I am too heartbroken with the way Evelyn's words represented my fears, my pain, and how I deal with the world just because I am a female.
"Oh, I know the whole world prefers a woman who doesn't know her power, but I'm sick of all that."
Aren't we all? What my ex-boyfriend did took me a lot of years, a lot of strength, to finally encourage myself that I am sick of being treated like a piece of shit. Because believe it or not, I forgave my ex-boyfriend after cheating on me for three times (or more!) and even thought that I'll never find a love like that, but guess what.
My feelings have changed. And I hope that I will no longer tolerate men who fucking treats women like trash.
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sidecarghost · 4 years
My Reaction to Destiel in Spn 15x18 to 15x20
Notes: this will contain spoilers for up to series finale 15x20.
I am in LGBTQ+, and this is my personal opinion on the treatment of Destiel, Dean, and Castiel in episodes 15x18-15x20. The LGBTQ+ community is complex and varied, just like any community, so I do not intend for my views to be seen as representative. I think any reaction is just as valid as mine.
Castiel’s Declaration and Dean’s Response
I personally thought Misha Collins’ performance of Castiel’s declaration of love was earnest and authentic. It was beautiful, and I loved every word of it. What bothered me about 15x18 was Dean not reciprocating. I understand that love doesn’t always work out, but this is a LGBTQ+ relationship. There are so few LGBTQ+ relationships on tv, so it’s difficult to understand why anyone would see the need to add an unfulfilled LGBTQ+ relationship that leaves the queer character unloved. LGBTQ+ are just as worthy to be loved as cishet. Before this viewers could use their imagination, but now it��s pretty final that Dean never thought of Cas as more than a friend, and that Dean is vaguely to deeply disturbed by his BFF being in love with him.
I think 15x20 tried to firmly establish Dean as cishet (retconning any prior subtextual queer coding) by having Dean show more affection to his car joining him in Heaven then he had to his LGBTQ+ friend near death. I hate that Dean is so cold to Cas during that declaration scene, and then no other insight into Dean’s feelings is ever shown. So we can only infer Dean’s feelings from that scene and the reaction reads confused, disturbed, shocked, and disbelieving. And I feel second hand crushed for Castiel. That would not be a happy moment for me at all. Just because Dean doesn’t feel any attraction to Castiel I don’t think that excuses his coldness during the declaration. This was a heartless way to react to a close queer friends admittance to an attraction, and the cold shoulder reaction seems really OOC for Dean.
Dean is typically much more sensitive about other people’s feelings. I know he is often painted as tough and unfeeling, but that’s really when his own feelings are in question. Usually he seems very in tune when someone else needs emotional support, and here he is just like mentally checking out. Dean appears to be thinking “Oh my BFF is confessing his love, I will just gawk at him like he is some kind of crazy.” Then Dean’s last words to Castiel are “Don’t do this, Cas,” because he’d like his final message to be invalidating. And then there is HUGE problem that Dean was so disturbed by Cas’s declaration that he never mentions it over the course of 15x19 and 15x20. Even though his friend gave his life for him.
Bad Representation more Harmful than No Representtion
I could be wrong, but I feel like the inclusion of Destiel this late in the game just to make it unrequited was malicious. And that’s because Destiel is a big thing for fandom and especially LGBTQ+ in fandom. Even non-Spn fandom LGBTQ+ know all about Destiel. I never dreamed the ship would go canon, and that was fine because the show could play out and I could read and write fic. Destiel was a fun ship, because the characters had wonderful development from the show, and the actors had great chemistry and were good looking and talented. Dean and Cas were complex and multi-dimensional and ready to run a coffeehouse or become pop star wannabes in a televised singing contest.
The show never told fans Dean and Cas wouldn’t love each other, so it was so easy for me to imagine they would love each other. That has changed since I watched the finale. I personally can’t ship Destiel anymore because all I remember now is the angel giving the hunter his heart, and Dean being so cold and uncaring. Dean stays so far away from Cas like he can’t stand to be close to him. When the two characters used to be in each other’s personal space all the time. It’s like the show wanted me to know how wrong I was to ever read a romance there. As though I had personally offended Dean Winchester. I always thought Dean could be bi, but now he is canon cishet to me. Because if he was going to be attracted to a guy it’d be Cas, because he is the most badass character on show. I’m okay with explanation that Dean was shell shocked in 15x18, but Dean’s continued indifference in 15x20 makes it more likely to me that the show intended for Dean to just not feel that way about Cas.
LGBTQ+ Character Erased
The show ended 10 days ago, but many LGBTQ+ spn fandom members are still reeling from Castiel’s erasure from the story as soon as he came out. There was so much hope that the show was giving LGBTQ+ fandom a ship they never expected in 15x18. The way everything seemed to signal that Dean and Cas would be brought back together in 15x20. And theories abounded on possible scenarios. My personal favorite was Dean rescuing Castiel from the Empty in 15x20 as a reverse of Castiel rescuing Dean from Hell in 4x01. This felt historic to see an actual fandom mlm ship finally get validated on the show, like LGBTQ+ were being seen and told we were just as valid as cishet by the show we loved.
But in the end, the LGBTQ+ relationship was just a tease. A queer angel declared his love and died. Then Dean died so he’d never get chance to process his feelings (if he had any). Dean and the viewers learned Cas had been saved, but Dean never bothered to pray to Cas or make any other attempt to reconnect with him. Had Cas escaped before Dean’s death? Had Cas just let Dean die? We never find out. Whether intentional or not, Castiel no longer had any significance in the life or death of the man he loved so strongly. If you related to Cas the exemption was a gut punch. I saw Cas as important and he was my voice and my story, and then 15x20 had Castiel as unimportant to the story and he was silenced.
The Bury your Gay trope
Cas had come out, and now his last scene was his death. Castiel was written out of the show, and no one seemed willing to give him more than a passing thought. The series regular and reoccurring character of 12 years was treated like he was never very important to Dean or Sam. This wasn’t historic, this is the “bury your gay” trope and a real problem for LGBTQ+ representation in movies and shows.
Negative impact of teasing LGBTQ+ romance in movies and shows
15x18 didn’t just feature Cas coming out, his coming out could have been handled just like Chuck’s in season 11 by dialogue stating he liked guys too. Castiel’s coming out was part of a declaration of love to his best friend. This teased a possible LGBTQ+ romance between two male leads with no intention of follow through. Heteronormative fans can state my perspective was invalid, but I’d like to challenge them to see LGBTQ+ as just as valid and normal as cishet romance.
If unintentional:
this was insensitive and bad representation
If intentional:
at best queer baiting (Dean was cishet so any fans that thought reciprocation was possible were wrong. Never mind all the subtextual queer coding of Dean that non-heteronormative viewers had observed.)
at worst outright homophobia (if you read Dean as a closeted bisexual that is fridged before he has chance to come out)
The Intention of C* Spn?
I have to wonder what the LGBTQ+ in Spn fandom ever did to make the show runners so mad at us. I would really like to get the perspective of the show runners, because without that, it is just too easy to believe the worst.
Perceiving the Finale Message of We don’t Belong
And the worst is heart wrenching. The marginalized members of fandom that related to the outcast angel were excluded from the Winchester’s ending. Even though we cared about them so much over the years. Many members of fandom had found families, and were validated by the reoccurring theme that family doesn’t end in blood.
But the finale retconned that message. Castiel was queer, and he was erased. He wasn’t a part of Sam and Dean’s ending. Fandom that related to Castiel could see our affection for the brothers wasn’t reciprocated. We just helped when we were useful but in the end unworthy of love. Family actually did end in blood, and we were naive for believing otherwise.
Spn queer baited LGBTQ+ one last time to drive up viewership, so the marginalized part of the audience could bear witness to Castiel’s exclusion from the Winchester’s finale. We never belonged. This wasn’t our story. This was the story of cishet white brothers, Sam and Dean, that were the product of their cishet white parents, John and Mary, that lived up the road in their Heaven. The queer angel of the lord was not going to intrude in their story any longer, despite his devotion to them over the past 12 years. We didn’t belong, because Castiel didn’t belong.
Other Views are Valid
I just want to reiterate that everything I’m saying is just my own opinion. If other LGBTQ+ thought the episodes were perfect that is also very valid. If you are not a LGBTQ+ then I appreciate your support, and ask that you check any biases before disagreeing with my opinion. Cishet will never be made to feel marginalized, inferior, or abnormal because of their sexuality or gender. And if you want to save LGBTQ+ lives you can try to change your view to see queer as normal and become a LGBTQ+ ally.
Misha’s performance was amazing. Bobo Beren’s writing was brilliant. After 15x18, the romance was like a puzzle that had all the pieces carefully together except the last one. Then 15x20 took that beautiful, nearly complete puzzle and dumped it in a metal trash bin, soaked it in lighter fluid, and burned it to ash. I blame the showrunners. They should never have had a LGBTQ+ come out to have his love unrequited, die, and then get erased from the story. Bad representation is worse than no representation.
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crystal-moon-101 · 5 years
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My redesigns for this popular trio!
The Secret Generator 10 (Or Celebrity Trio but that doesn’t really work for me because of Zak...) I’ve been meaning to get around to doing this, since I am really fond of these three boys. With Zak and Rex both being part of my top two shows of all time. Sorry Ben....
-Zak Saturday-
He was the most fun working with. His warm colour palette isn’t something I work with often, but I think I did alright. He also as some small details you might notice, like the fangs, eyes and scales.
14 Years Old
5′5 (Will only grow to be 5′8. Which confuses him since both sides of his family have very tall genes. Ulraj pokes fun at him, saying all that height is going towards his ‘Kur Form’)
Dead on the inside.
Aggressively Pansexual
His human side has been growing reptilian features. Noticeable fangs, scales growing around his lower neck, around his chest and upper back/shoulders, pure orange eyes with pupils that can become thin slits and a slight forked tongue. 
Even also displays some reptile behaviour. E.g, soaking up sunlight on a rock, alert nature, able to stand still as a statue. (He’s done these things since he was young. His parents just thought it was something he picked up from Komodo.)
The light that forms around his eyes when using his powers have darkened the skin around his eyes. (Suggested by my friend)
He is oddly thin and lanky, but it’s often hard to see because of the baggy clothes he wears.
That being said, he’s a lot stronger than you think he is. Can easily lift people twice his size.
Constantly has to get new hair ties. They keep breaking because 1. Every time his powers cause all of his hair to flow, the tie snaps. 2. Working out in the wild, it keeps getting snagged by tree branches or slipping off when he tumbles downhills.
While quiet and casual outside of battles, he will become a lot like his mother on the field.
Has freckles from his maternal side. His mother doesn’t have them, but Doyle does.
Will casually mention his ridiculously and scary adventures like they’re nothing, not because he’s bragging, but because he truly doesn’t understand what normal really is.
So use to being grabbed by the scruff of his shirt that he will always go limp when you grab him like that, much like a baby animal. 
While he can act very eerie and strange, he’s a very sweet and understanding guy. 
That being said, he can be hella scary when he wants to be.
Don’t mess with his family or he will send an army of Grootslangs to your house.
Still trying to figure out his placement in life and what Kur was really meant to be.
After being taught by his family and uncle, he went to Tsul 'Kalu to be his new mentor.
-Rex Salazar-
I think I changed him the least, but I added extra details and made his shirt, pants and shoes into a one-piece suit. It always baffles me how he can pull off this colour scheme so well.
And while I didn’t draw it here. I would definitely make his pure EVO form a lot smaller. Make him come across more like a monstrous zombie robot thing. The reason why is because those EVO forms he had just felt like they belonged to different shows, like transformers. A more creature design would fit better, I feel.
16 Years Old
6′1 (Will grow to be 6′5. Yeeeeeee, he’s a big guy.)
Lady killer~
Best wingman and even offers pretend dates to help you.
Can always hear and feel the technology around him. Strange to everyone else, but he’s learnt to live with it. Even comes in handy when trying to find a good wifi connection.
Knows when to cut the bullcrap.
He does have a bit of a science brain, but he uses it differently than his family had.
Constantly jumping between worlds. Sometimes even tossed by someone.
Talks in his sleep, mostly reciting nanite binary coding.
Lonely lad and child solider, great mix, right?...
Goes all out with holidays. He once, somehow, got real snow in Providence. No one knows how to this day.
Hates lightening.
Has nearly called Holiday and Six mum and dad multiple times.
Has a lot more abilities he has yet to discover. (Including turning people EVO.)
Never asked for any of this, but, eh, what ya gonna do
Is always overexcited when doing normal things. (Werids out Noah a lottt.)
You’re endangered if he decided to use his full raw power. (Key signs to look out for is a large amount of circuit patterns covering him, glowing eyes, tips of his hair glowing too, sharp metal growths and technology around you flashing like crazy.)
Loves Imagine Dragon.
Sharp eyelashes.
Just wants hugs, give him hugs!
Always frustrated when someone from his past tries talking to him about the past. Sometimes he wonders if people forget.
Skilled drawer and smooth singer.
Has an EVO pet (Her name is Siri, Btw)
Some have compared him to being a living, breathing nanite. 
Eager to have family game nights! “Poker doesn’t count, Bobo...”
Once had a malfunction, his whole body was out of wack. (Noah laughs about it and even has some recordings, much to Rex’s dismay.)
Has a civilian outfit that Noah put together. (He refuses to take off his goggles, however.) 
-Ben Tennyson-
Now, I already made a redesign for him, along with Gwen, Julie and Kevin (Both for teen and kid versions). I used the same look, just adjusted some details and colours.
15 Years Old
5′9 (And he stays that height. He peaked in height very young, but stop growing quickly. This does annoy him.)
Dumbass with bad impulse control.
Even he’s confused by how he keeps attracting women.
Had a rather lonely childhood with many bullies. (It’s why he often seeks attention, he’s afraid of being alone and forgotten again.)
It’s also what made him jealous of Gwen when they were young. Most treated her like the better of the two.
Pretty crap at sharing his feelings. He would rather play it off as a jerk, then go and drown himself in smoothies...
A secret momma’s boy. “Benny Bear” As his mother likes to call him.
Has an interesting dynamic with Azmuth. Despite their arguments, they balance each other well. Others have even seen them taking care of each other (Almost like father and son), but the pair will always deny this and say it’s ‘strictly’ professional.
 Surprisingly great with kids. (This was truly noticed when seen around his 14 baby chills.)
In the future, he will have a nasty wound on the battlefield, which will result in the Omnitrix becoming his new arm and merging with him.
When he takes thing seriously, you know shits going down!
Has a german shepherd name Boston.
 Likes to call Vilgax ‘Calamari’.
Has grown to be close to most Tennyson members. (E.G Camille, who was actually his babysitter after she joined the family.)
He doesn’t like peacocks after...an incident at the zoo. His mother still apologizes to this day.
Decent singer and very skilled at the guitar. 
Has picked up combat moves from Tetrax.
Has always felt like he’s nothing without the watch. Others have said otherwise.
He knows how to speak certain alien languages, Galvan being one of them.
His schedule is a nightmare, because something is always popping up that involves him. This means he sometimes forgets to eat, sleep or even wash. It’s why he’s often caught napping.
Sometimes wonders if he’s human or alien at this point, maybe something else entirely. 
Very soft poofy hair.
Is hated by almost all his villains. He just loves pissing them off.
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This Week in Gundam Wing 25-31 October 2020
Here’s this week’s roundup! Oct 25th-31st!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works next week!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
I Can Kiss You For Free Now https://archiveofourown.org/works/27208864?view_adult=true
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Mature, Fluff, Vague angst
His insides were a riot of overgrown flower beds, bushes in need of pruning. When he tried to clear a space it was filled with something else--debris from his shipwrecked heart, mud from too much rain. It was a constant effort and Duo worked hard, so hard, to try and tidy it into something he could give away. Something neat and beautiful and with no sharp edges that he could offer with both hands, instead of what he had. Instead of slow seeping poison and the constant upkeep, the steady, leaching need for reassurance.
To Bethlehem It Slouched https://archiveofourown.org/works/27232870
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton
Mature, Mentions of Violence, Off-screen Minor Character Death, Hospital, protective instinct 
The hospital is a hospital. Duo hates it the way he hates all of them. It’s 12:04 in the afternoon and he all but runs to the trauma center. Stands blank faced as the nurse says words like “concussion” and “minor” and “lucky” and wonders how he’s supposed to be grateful for this. How he’s supposed to feel good that Wufei isn’t dead when he almost was. Lucky means close. Means a few inches either way and it would’ve been different words. Words like “sorry” and “condolences” and “tragic.”
You, Soft And Only https://archiveofourown.org/works/27247480
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Mature, Romance, Softness, Fluff
It’s evening. The kitchen is warm and full of smells. There’s soft light coming in through the window over the sink and Duo is up to his elbows in soap bubbles. He is illuminated, singing along to something upbeat and Wufei watches him from the doorway with wonder. This, he thinks, is his. It’s not exactly a reward. It’s more an offering. A vulnerability that Wufei knows Duo is only comfortable sharing because he trusts Wufei. Because together they’ve built something that’s safe, even if it is a little wobbly. They don’t have to be anything else here, just themselves, and just themselves is enough. It’s something they give to each other over and over, and Wufei treasures it the same way he treasures the man at the sink.
The Fire In Your Eyes https://archiveofourown.org/works/27264679
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Mature, Plotting
“No what ifs.” It’s firm. Steely, and Duo finds himself at the end of one of Wufei’s looks. Finds himself melting despite the chaos around them. The hurricane of fear in his chest. How he loves this man. How he loves the way he understands him, his need to fix this, and combats it with chamomile and the promise of bed, together. Duo takes a sip of his tea and leans into him.
The Blood Is On Your Tongue As Well As Your Hands https://archiveofourown.org/works/27282487
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Mature, Panic Attack, PTSD, Rage, Violence, Suggested Co-dependence
He doesn’t feel safe. Avoids eye contact and looks out the window. Doesn’t know how this room of people can stand him, after everything he’s done. All the little pieces he’s stolen from them, or the big pieces. Duo isn’t exactly a liar but he is a thief and none of the people he loves are safe. Are, in fact, in the most danger and Duo takes another sip of whiskey. Takes another sip of whiskey and tries not to taste the rising bile. Not to feel the sharp scratchy static at the back of his neck. The base of his skull. There is heat. There is heat and electricity and Duo’s hands shake.
Lay Us Down https://archiveofourown.org/works/27286864
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Explicit, soft, Confessions, Smut, Feelings
Sometimes their bed seems endless. An expanse of sheets and skin and the silk of their hair, spread out on a pillow. Falling like a curtain around them as they kiss. Wufei has had his body his whole life, but this is the first time he’s ever felt settled in it. Felt like all of it belonged to him in a way he could revel in. Whatever insecurities he has seem to fall away under the heat of Duo’s violet gaze. Under every greedy sweep of Duo’s hand from the back of his neck to his tailbone. They are lying side by side. They are only kissing and it’s such a simple thing but Wufei isn’t sure he’s ever felt anything like this before. That the brush of lips against his has ever sent such a spark through him. Coiled such a fierce need in his belly.
Stand Without Flinching (Ch. 24) https://archiveofourown.org/works/22763293/chapters/66640444
5 pilots + The Avengers
1x2, 3x4, 5xS, TonyxSteve, WandaxVision
MATURE, post-canon, canon divergent, fix-it, GW/MCU crossover, PTSD, found family, slow burn, moral ambiguity, Tony Stark is Duo’s father
For Duo Maxwell, family are the people he has loved and lost and whose names he bears. For Tony Stark, family has always been blood and a name and Howard’s shadow looming over him.
Deadly Intent (Ch. 8) https://archiveofourown.org/works/25576657/chapters/66603631
F/M, Heero/Reader, ???/Reader
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, Lady Une, Relena Peacecraft, Reader, Trowa Barton
Mature, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Reader Insert, Drama, Angst, Romance, Violence, Lime
Eleven years is a long time for a ghost to come back and haunt him. But Heero Yuy finds himself unable to dodge or outrun it. It’s the start of a dangerous cat and mouse game between one of the most powerful organizations in the world and a loner who has every intention of dragging him down with her. After all, she has come with deadly intent.
Comfort https://archiveofourown.org/works/27222649
F/M, Heero Yuy/Reader
Teen And Up Audiences, Romance, Fluff, Angst, Reader-Insert
“I want to thank you for last night,” you said softly, while looking up at him. “It was nice of you to take care of me like that.”
A frown formed on his face. “You sound as if none ever did that for you before.”
Six Feet Apart https://duointherain.tumblr.com/post/633016132898521088/fic-six-feet-apart
Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Wing. I also don’t own the song in the Tumblr post I’m about to link. I barely own my own mind as I’m studying to much these days.  Neither do I own: Song  Grow As We Go, by Ben Platt.
Link: https://rosespirit.tumblr.com/post/633002398703616000/priscellie-candiikismet-coffeefoxgirl
Note: Gundam Wing is Sci-fi. It’s a m/m story.
It had all stopped so suddenly. It hadn’t been like anything had been declared, nothing permanent. After the war they’d just sort of fallen in together. First it was the hotel room. Then it was a pizza. Duo’s laughter had saved him. Even months after he last heard it, Duo’s laugh was what he kept breathing for. It wasn’t like there was a lot of other purpose. Weapons are supposed to be decommissioned, after all. Except the memory of Duo’s laugh, Duo’s kisses, Duo sleeping next to him, these things meant he was human. Pain meant he was alive. He still had the ring, though his finger was too small to keep it on anymore.
Gundam Legends 14
Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Water https://archiveofourown.org/collections/GundamLegends14
A collection of fics by various authors for the Gundam Legends event. Previous years can be found here: https://tzigane.neocities.org
To Love and Love Again https://archiveofourown.org/works/27309412/chapters/66724459
F/M, M/M, Chang Wufei/Relena Peacecraft, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Relena Peacecraft, Hilde Schbeiker, Sally Po, Lucrezia Noin, Lady Une, Mareen Darlian
Teen And Up Audiences, background Sally Po/Lady Une, Post-Series, Post-Canon, Post-Endless Waltz, Preventers, BROTPs abound, Fluff, Romance, Slice of Life, Wedding Fluff
Following their Christmas engagement, Wufei and Relena bring their family together for their nuptials. The celebration gives their guest an opportunity to reflect on their own romantic inclinations.
Chase https://vegalume.tumblr.com/post/633532147170476032/title-chase-a-drabble-author-vega-lume-written
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
The knock at the door startled him more than he would like to admit. In a way he had been expecting it. It was a sort of nervous, anxiousness that had been strumming through his body since he had woken hours before. Now that it was just past sun down he knew what was waiting for him on the other side and he was both apprehensive and excited.
Fanart/Crafts/Photo Manips:
EXHALE, Heero/Trowa, comic
GW Merch
Heero Yuy/Relena Darlian-Peacecraft, fanart
Duo Maxwell, fanart
Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker & kiddos, fanart
Head Canons:
GW OC-October 2020 Day 24 Prompt Response
GW OC-October 2020 Day 1 Prompt Response
GW OC-October 2020 Day 2 Prompt Response
GW OC-October 2020 Day 3 Prompt Response
GW OC-October 2020 Day 1 Prompt Response
Fandom Discourse:
Over the next few days, a story scanned from the doujinshi “Guerrilla show” by Sango Show.
Dorothy, Duo, and Quatre
Duo & WuFei
Add-ons by @lemontrash
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, November 6th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/633500173247627264/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-november
In need of WINTER/SPRING prompts!
GW OC October 2020!
GW OC-October 2020 is now over!
Do come by and check out all the amazing entries, and remember that if you’d still like to answer any of these prompts, you are more than welcome to! Just send them our way and we’ll reblog them!
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/624053314842230784/event-calendar-update
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
GW Holiday Gift Exchange 2020
Rules: https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/627952774875906048/gw-holiday-gift-exchange-2020
Check-in 1 https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/633566440354627584/gw-holiday-gift-exchange-check-in-1-notice
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lladyariall · 5 years
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Badgerclops literally falls in love with Mao Mao at this point (officially) because this is probably the most touching moment he has ever had alongside the grumpy hero. The cyborg's intentions are pretty clear that Badgerclops does have a small crush on Mao Mao, since he is bisexual in this series, throughout the entire start of the show, and he deals with quite a bit of neglect and bad tantrums from his boyfriend- I mean, best friend.
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To start off, Badgerclops wants to be physically closer to Mao Mao.
Badgerclops has a new family now that he believes he can try to find new ways in this life to settle down a little more, and according to research, natural ways Badgers show their mates they care by providing a secure den to share kits with or hibernate. Sure, they didn't give birth to Adorabat, but adoption is still as thick as blood, so these two are kicking it in to high gear when it came to welcoming this little girl in their lives. Both heroes already settled to being Mao Mao as a dad figure/hero trainer and Badgerclops has the mom figure/positive role model in their family.
Badgerclops is super ready to have a family, by now. It shows that Badgerclops see's his chance to find someone close to him (besides Adorabat) since after finding Bobo-chan; yet, he catches unto this big maternal instinct to go raise a monster baby.. by himself. He grew waaay too attached to that creature too fast, too soon without thinking of the consequences. He already has a child but he doesn't feel like he has a legit family since Badgerclops and Mao Mao keep faltering their relationship, sometimes. Hell, even when he could have done more to prevent from Bobo letting be adopted by Badgerclops, not even Mao Mao argues any further to ditch off the baby; which, for SOME reason, he just let's Badgerclops be happy as a pretend mother to the point of holding Adorabat back from attacking the two. It's crazy how Mao Mao may not want Badgerclops to touch him all that much, but he's okay with letting his boyfriend- friend go off on his just so he can be happy? I think in the end of every episode, Mao Mao sees more and more how his friend's feelings are, in small and big ways, that only adults can see and Mao Mao is not acting on them, for a reason.
To be fair, I think that Badgerclops has been giving off hints to Mao Mao, and it just goes way past the little guy's comfort zone; it seems like he grew a bad case of needing his personal space every social encounter he has that Badgerclops and Adorabat both try to break, and he will guard his body to prevent from anyone touching him (especially the Sweetie Pies.) Buuut we forget how "persistent" Badgerclops can be when it comes to provoking Mao Mao on purpose VS him laying down a few attempts to be able to, well, touch the sheriff cat. He wants to be physically closer to Mao Mao, which is not working out; but there is a twist to this. I think Mao Mao notices these touches quite often (after all, he is always on duty for action) that he allows it from time to time, and yet he probably never touched Badgerclops unless it was a time or moment that he forgot to keep his emotional guard up. He doesn't cherish Badgerclops as much as he should because he believes that so much could take his reputation away, and even ditches off his boyfriend's feelings from being so high-strung to be beside his abusive dad. Wow. That's.. that's harsh, right there.
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These two are super duper close as best friends go. They just don't know where to truly talk down their feelings for each because the pressure of Mao Mao's actual wants and desires are stronger than having a stable relationship right now. It's crazy how much they cherish each other to the point of interacting as a legit cartoon couple; from the bickering, to the small challenges they engage with each other, giving each pther compliments, trying to make the other jealous, having a lot in common, being each other's ying and yang, small touches, adopting a child, never giving up on their relationship, sharing a home, and I could keep going but I would take up this entire paragraph. So, Badgerclops shoves it all down; the feelings he tries to hide from Mao Mao, and they slip up from time to time, because he thinks he has the emotional stability to let Mao Mao lean on him, like how the black feline sort of leans on their daughter. But the grumpy sheriff can't take Badgerclops that seriously if he has to admit he's wrong, going back on what he believes, and crashing a lot of reality on him at once.
To be fair, I think since they crashed by accident in the Ruby Pure Heart, maybe they are emotionally being more open and Mao Mao is having a small crisis in his mind that he could already be living the life of a full time husband and father; and that freaks him out. Mao Mao doesn't truly adore labels, unless they're heroic ones, and his one goal in life is to hear his dad say the words he wants to hear. And Badgerclops can't fill that hole. I think the deep pain in Mao Mao's heart is too great to let him move on and grow up emotionally for him to find a stable relationship with anyone. Badgerclops can deal with Mao Mao and his hard personality, unless given a reason to, from their recent history; but.. what if Mao Mao actually knows he just isn't capable of working a relationship out with Badgerclops, is because he makes him a better person when he wants the one who HURT HIM to take that pain away until he's ready to mentally find himself inside? I think he hides out from Badgerclops' advice because he doesn't want to hear a dad, he wants to hear a boyfriend/co hero be able to support his childish decisions (since he practically raised himself) but Badgerclops is only trying to be a little hero in Mao Mao's beliefs and save his confusion from getting any worse; which it normally does.
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If Badgerclops knows his friend well enough, becoming a legendary hero is not going to be put aside because of some relationship they love each other in. It probably is on Mao Mao's list of what a hero should and shouldn't do, and sadly, it's probably a "should not date your co hero" priority. I think Mao Mao does have feelings for Badgerclops and I will talk way more about that in my future blog, but he rejects everything Badgerclops physically offers and even advice is from being unable to admit he might be the best fit for his soft-hearted companion.
Final thoughts about Badgerclops having a crush on Mao Mao is that if it comes to not getting off the couch at all, the large mammal will not give up on Mao Mao. To him, Mao Mao is more worthy doing whatever can make him happy (or stop bitching) and he can't push any further to court the cat, until Mao Mao comes around through his past issuses. For his own emotional support, Badgerclops has found a perfectly comfy spot to be in between a good friend as well as letting out a little love when he comforts Mao Mao. He even gets him to listen in the very end, sometimes, and throughout the series, Mao Mao listens to Badgerclops more and more from every experience they share as a family. It's truly touching how much Badgerclops gives a lot of his life to be around Mao Mao. He doesn't have to stay with him or Adorabat, at all. He can leave at ANYTIME and he freaking doesn't!
Like, if you really think about it, Badgerclops is almost a better fit for a legendary hero if he put all his energy into bringing down Mao Mao, and the Pure Heart Valley Kingdom, he could rule the world. He has the smarts, the tools, and the strength to out live this evil idea but he doesn't because being beside Mao Mao.. is what makes him truly happy. (I'm pretty damn sure if you have the cherishable locket to Badgerclops, a photo of him and Mao Mao meeting is what will probably pop up.. just saying. Lol) He doesn't want to live up to Mao Mao, he wants to be by his side throughout of the rest of their lives. Badgerclops made his choice to live forever beside this stranger he once almost got his ass kicked by, and now they're raising a little girl. Huh.
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These two are going to get closer somehow. I hope they become canon as soon as possible. They belong together and if they could be a little more able to talk about their emotional feelings without too much critism than I'm pretty sure they would be making out, by now. Lol. Oh well, we'll have to wait and see :)
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 4 years
Excessive cuddling? In my Dankesy ship? It's more likely than you think.
Anyway I can't stop myself from writing this and the end of this chapter will directly flow into the start of the next one so this chapter is shorter.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Men out of Time Chapter 3
Deke lay across Daniel’s lap, trying to message his grandparents and future mom as Kora and Daisy managed the ship. They all did their best to pull their weight but both boys admitted that Daisy and Kora were more important to the crew than they were. Sometimes Sousa felt like he didn’t even belong there at all, since he couldn’t fight like Daisy and Kora or innovate like Deke. Then a crisis would happen and he would realize that he held the one brain cell whenever something stressful happened. Because everyone else on this ship chose fighting or martyrdom as the response to almost everything and Daniel was the only one who could talk any of them down. 
Of Daisy’s boyfriends, Daniel was the only one Kora actually liked. He got along great with family, he was just charming. Whenever Deke called his grandparents they spent more time talking to Daniel and Daisy than him, which is why Deke had started messaging them more than calling.
Coming out to FitzSimmons had been an absolute trip for Deke.
“Nana? Bobo? I have something to tell you,” Deke had mentioned after they had all finally gotten used to the whole not dying thing.
"Yeah, Deke? You can tell us anything," Jemma assured, per usual a thousand times more patient and affectionate with Deke than her husband. 
"I'm in love with Daisy."
"That's not news. We already knew that," Fitz said, ready to get back to their daughter. 
"Oh, Deke, I'm so sorry. I know it can hurt to be in love with someone who doesn't see you that way. But Daisy has a boyfriend," Jemma broke the news so gently that Deke had to hold back his laughter.
"Uh, no, actually, we have a boyfriend. I'm in a relationship with both Daisy and Daniel. I'm bi. And polyamorous."
Fitz surprised him the most, "Was it Mack?"
"Everyone's a little bi for Mack."
"Bobo, are you attracted to Mack?"
"Everyone is!" Fitz protested.
"Tell him about Hunter," Jemma suggested, and Fitz let out the loudest groan.
"Before Simmons starts making stuff up we should probably go."
"Leopold," Jemma started.
"Right. We're very happy for you, Deke. We're very proud and glad that you could be open with us."
"Thanks, Bobo, that means a lot to-" Fitz had clearly hung up, "-me." Deke didn't mind his Bobo's impatience or teasing. He was just happy that his family accepted him.
Of course, Daisy and Daniel were his new family now. Their acceptance was the only kind that really mattered. He felt so comfortable and seen with them, he didn't have to be on guard, didn't even have to pretend to be happy all of the time. He didn't feel like a nuisance or a pet because his partners always treated him like a person.
He tried to make it up to them in a thousand ways. Lemons, easy chores, broken electronics. He'd learned how to repair Daniel's typewriter, and was perfecting his backrubs. Sometimes he almost felt good enough for the relationship and then Daisy or Daniel would run their hands through his hair and he'd feel so good and so small at the same time. 
His other family helped with that. Just talking to Nana and Bobo, or Mack and Elena, or Coulson, or sometimes even May helped immensely. Because they all kept in touch with Daniel and Daisy as well, so all of Deke's frantic calls could be met with the assurance that his partners were madly in love with him, that he didn't have to prove anything to anyone, he just had to start believing it himself.
Daniel was better at saying it than either of them. He could say, "I love you," without a moment's hesitation. It had taken Deke and Daisy a little longer to be comfortable with the turn of phrase. At first, they found other ways to say it. Easier ways to say it. They got so tongue-tied around love that they would rather just lock lips or tangle bodies than commit to the sentence. But eventually even the hardest I love yous fell easily from their tongues, the earned reward of a difficult devotion. 
They clicked together so naturally, but their love wasn't always easy. Deke, Daisy, and Daniel all had heads full of storms, pasts from which they could never fully recover, moments of insecurity that cut them deeply. Together everything made sense but apart their heads jumbled and their love took work. It was easy to love each other. It was much harder to love themselves.
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dotthings · 5 years
Heavily cluttered, as many Bucklemming eps are, but worth the trip. There was a lot of goodness in 15.08 and there were two moments where I shrieked out loud.
My two out loud-shriek moments, let’s get that out of the way: 
Queen Rowena. Caaaaalled it.
Dean and Cas are going back??? To???? Purgatory???? Together?????? And Bobo???? Is???? Writing the episode???????????? *SHRIEKING AND FLAILING*
Okay more orderly and sedate now. Eileen is so damn fierce. She’s a very physical fighter, she’s smart but seems to use a blunt fighting skill. She can punch HARD. I love watching that so so much. I would enjoy female characters on SPN like this regardless, but the fact that this is a hero character with a disability and it’s never a big deal is deeply refreshing and SPN did something really really right bringing her back, amen.
Protective Sam shows up and Eileen is happy to see him but literally pushes him aside so she can make the kill. She doesn’t need his protection, but she also values him as a hunting partner as the ep shows. Also they’re trying to build a relationship here. Eileen seems used to hunting solo and Sam wants to offer backup, and he got worried. 
So the plan is to lock up Chuck like Chuck locked up Amara. The sweet irony of this delights me. He tried to shut away the divine feminine rather than actually stepping up to deal with his sister as, well, a person (well, a divine deity, but still, a being with feelings and thoughts and complexities). Chuck, the arrogant and narcissistic toxic masculinity God, maybe to be locked up now instead as his hubris and his lack of empathy and his petulance is exposed. What if Amara was the more competent deity all along? 
There is no way Dean doesn’t know what an Achilles’ heel is. The random WTF of this is so much it’s not even angering it’s just so bizarre. LOL what even. Look I am really enjoying S15 but I hope the butterfly net tightens on stopping this kind of thing because honestly. I’ll just pretend that scene isn’t there. Luckily I enjoyed the episode overall a lot.
Team Free Will in research mode together in the bunker just really makes me happy. Cas is where he belongs.
Donatello!Chuck threatening Jody, Donna, Eileen, “pretty much everyone on your speed dial” as a deterrent to Sam and Dean is bearing out again my impressions of how Chuck views these characters. I’m still not 100% sure what he thinks of Cas who is right in the room but Chuck doesn’t seem to acknowledge him, except as some sort of right arm to Sam and Dean, as I’ve said in other posts, I think Chuck regards him as a nuisance now, and a deterrent to his miserable endings, and a pawn. Just like Donna, Jody, and Eileen, to him, they’re just pawns. They’re all people Sam and Dean care about, and Chuck will use them to keep his two favorites in line.
See what I did there?
Yeah. Chuck doesn’t care about the characters as people. Everyone except Sam and Dean are expendable and tools to be used so he can control Sam and Dean and that’s it. He’ll destroy them with a snap of his fingers and won’t care. Look at that. Familiar attitude, isn’t it. How interesting.
“If you want to stay here, stay here.” Dean’s gone back to not!listening to Cas I see. While Cas is Dean-avoidant and trying not to look at him throughout the episode. But both of them are thawing just a little.
Like when Cas heals Dean’s cut palm and the way it’s staged looks like he’s going to take Dean’s hand to do it which I don’t think is an accident. That moment was meant to be soft.  Dean didn’t ask. Cas offered. And Dean didn’t jerk his hand away or say no. Then there’s the fact that Cas is going to go with Sam and Dean into Hell despite all his misgivings about Michael and this entire plan. 
Team Free Will, getting all researchy together, and then getting all BAMFY together with their angel blades going into Hell.
We didn’t get any kind of nod back to Dean and Cas’s last visit together to Hell and that’s the second time they have been back to Hell (well the last time was some sort of Hell ante-room, the cage was brought up iirc) and SPN failed to nod to it, WHY AM I CONTINUALLY DENIED THIS.
“Hello, boys.” There it is. My actual shriek of delight. I hope it didn’t alarm the neighbors.
“I took it.”  Yes you did, my red-headed goddess queen of the underworld. You sure did. GET IT ROWENA. Rowena won the game of thrones. Boom.
She’s a little flirty with Sam, still has a soft spot for him I think. 
And then starts playing marriage counselor for Dean and Cas. “What am I picking up with you two? A wee tiff?....So fix it.” Someone called this, I’m fairly certain, that if Rowena saw Dean and Cas again during their divorce she’d size that situation up and down and comment on it. FIX IT. So say we all.
“Family sucks.” Jake Abel did such a fantastic job in this. tbh I didn’t give much thought to Adam all these years, it seemed like SPN was never going back there. I liked Jake’s performances in S5, but it just seemed like a story that was over. But Jake Abel, man. He comes back after all this time and owns the dual roles and made me care. With a performance that was alternately fearsome and vulnerable. 
“That’s adorable.” Dean is SO happy about Sam and Eileen, he looked so soft, and still a bit not okay because his chosen other half is barely looking at him, but mostly Dean’s rooting for Sam to have some happiness. “If it was to work, she gets it, she gets us, she gets the life.” It’s a retreated on Sam’s speech back during “Baby” about someone...something...who understands the life. And Sam has found that with Eileen.
Meanwhile Cas is right there, with Dean, with this great big chasm still open between them but...he’s there. And all the arrows point towards him for Dean. 
Dean and Cas are being magnets again. Not like in S14 where every time there is a crisis they stand very close together and are drawn together, now they’re like magnets that are trying not to feel the pull but they cannot escape each other’s pull nor do they really want to, but they can’t quite figure out how to cross the distance. 
There’s more than one scene where Dean or Cas is out of focus and the other in focus, as if to emphasize how they’re both there but not in phase with each other. Not yet.
I so enjoyed the Cas and Michael stuff. Cas’s prayer to Michael, Michael’s mad on for Cas. “Oh, I didn’t come to beg.” And there’s the ruthless strategic angel.
There’s also something really...fitting about Sam and Dean and Cas all being the ones standing outside the ring of holy fire together to trap an archangel who they effectively hope to bring in from the cold, to their side, in a post S6 era of the show. 
“To paraphrase a friend you had an entire oak tree shoved up your ass.” I see Cas is still quoting Dean, having Dean as a compass point or a North star. Even if he can barely look at Dean right now.
Cas telling Michael his unimportance to God and keeping the upper hand is just...so satisfying. Cas has grown so much. I keep thinking about S5 Cas and how despite how powerful Cas was back then, radiating power in ways he doesn’t quite do the same way now, Cas always seemed so...smol next to the archangels. Punching above his weight class. But now he faces down Michael and tells Michael rawly how it is with their dad Chuck. And when Michael tries to choke him, he fights past it and goes into Michael’s mind to show him everything, to help him see the truth. Cas has grown so much, this felt a lot like a little brother constantly picked on leaves home, grows, and comes back to find big, big brother isn’t quite as big and intimidating as he remembers. 
Which in fact he isn’t, because Michael is capable of insight and change and feelings too. He’s not his father. Despite being the favorite. Despite clinging still to his hero-worship. But Cas worked past that with Chuck long ago.
When Eileen’s friend needs help on a hunt, and Eileen goes to Sam, Sam goes with her, no doubts. Tells Dean he’s going, as Dean recounts to Cas, and Dean seems cool with it. 
Sam and Eileen seem to be growing closer and closer, and while there is something tentative about Sam, he definitely is drawn to her and cares. That tentativeness is from past hurt and loss and maybe he’s scared to enter into this kind of relationship. But they’ve got their own magnetic pull together, they fit. 
Dean and Cas facing each other in that bunker kitchen, the lighting darker and colder than usual. They’re facing each other, and each shift in and out of camera focus, not looking at each other much. Cas can’t look at Dean at all in this scene, while Dean keeps sneaking glances at Cas. In other scenes, Cas does sneak looks at Dean. They are ridiculous and my heart hurts. The blocking here is them facing each other only not--they are a few feet off, so looking past each other.
Cas sitting at that table, hands folded, staring straight ahead and working very hard obviously to Not Look at Dean. 
Dean’s reaction on Cas reporting the words Michael said, “I want you dead, get out.” The things Dean has said to Cas are coming back to haunt him, coming from the words of their once mortal enemy, that’s gotta sting.
Both Dean and Cas have some work to do here, but Dean definitely is already very aware his own words went too far, and has been for a while. 
“God lied to me. I loved him.” Oh wow that hurt, I didn’t expect these feelings. 
A thing about Adam and Michael, both feeling so abandoned by their families, and losing everyone. They offered support to each other. They worked out a time-share in Adam’s body. We’ve seen genuine vessel and angel bonds form before (in Lily Sunder). There’s also a S7 episode by Ben Edlund about the bond between a human and the demon who possessed him. Not sure how healthy Adam and Michael are, but they seem weirdly functional, and don’t despise each other and I kind of have some feelings about Adam and Michael bonding the way they did in The Cage. Perhaps Michael shielded Adam from the worst of it. It’s how Adam is coherent after being down there for so long. Maybe Adam made Michael less lonely. Did I ASK for feelings about Adam and Michael, no I did nOT and yet here we are.
Then there’s Adam. It was interesting that scene where Sam acknowledges maybe they gave up too easily. Because Sam and Dean refuse to accept it when it’s each other they lose, and have gone way over the line to get the other one back. Here Sam is admitting that it shouldn’t be just for them. That Adam was worth saving. Even though they don’t know him well, he still didn’t deserve what happened (as Dean acknowledges at the end of the ep). And Sam and Dean never mentioning him again or giving him another thought apparently, all these seasons...well, that kind of made me assume that was that. Just because someone is blood, doesn’t make you family and they barely knew Adam. 
But if it’s someone who could potentially earn that? Someone basically good? And they just...forgot about him and left him to his torment in Hell? So this did need addressing. There’s not much time to develop a relationship with Adam and TFW this late in the game but there was a start here. 
Dean likewise offers his apology to Adam at the end. “You’re a good man. You didn’t deserve that.”
Right when I was thinking, so many of them don’t get what they deserve, they just keep getting Hell heaped on their heads, Adam says “Since when do we get what we deserve.”
There’s a subtle thing there where Adam looks at Cas, Cas very pointedly still tries to be not looking at Dean, and after Adam leaves Dean turns to Cas looking so...sorrowful for a moment. I keep saying, Dean and Cas deserve each other, and right now they can’t figure how to have each other. 
But Michael left them a strange gift. The Leviathan flower, to seal away Chuck, but the gift has a double meaning (unintentionally on Michael’s part). It’s not just the tool to shut away the villain, Michael opens a door to Purgatory and boom just like that, opens up a whole doorway on Dean and Cas’s story because of the emotional significance of Purgatory for them. What they had there. What happened there. The way that place broke loose some of their feelings. I’m not sure what’s going to happen now, if they both go, as the promo glimpses seem to suggest, does one return and the other gets trapped? Is Dean’s prayer to Cas going to be inside Purgatory, is Cas also still in Purgatory and they get separated? Is being thrown together back into that environment going to help them heal? Or will they be torn apart again but that provides another route to reconciliation?
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incarnateirony · 5 years
Optimism, Nihilism, Absence, Realism.
Alright, so I’ve got time for some real talk here.
By the title you’re probably expecting a meta, but that’s not really what this is. It’s time for a rare post laced with enough negativity to break my mold, but more congealing thoughts I’ve been banging on about in the background since I came to tumblr into a set of realities on my thoughts on the show at large.
Before this begins, this is absolutely not an invitation to come to my wall and start crowing and screeching about your ship, your characters, bagging on the authors or anything else. If you can understand the difference between constructive conversation, and prim word laced unbridled and pointless cynicism and complaining, you’re welcome to engage, but don’t mildew up this post.
But it’s about time we talk about the elephant in the room with the show. And despite this fandom’s gong banging, it isn’t Andrew Dabb. It isn’t MuH dEStiEl. It isn’t muh poor baby (fave char)
It’s SingerBuckLeming.
And I mean, in a way that’s obvious, and I really don’t think everybody has really, truly, wrapped their heads around it because they’ll still come yelling about Dabb whenever anything goes wrong.
But Dabb isn’t the one that’s been obsessed with a psycho dark godbaby story; Dabb’s the one that tried to at least craft it into something fruitful for TFW and subvert it into something more than burning bibles -- it’s SingerBuckLeming trying to relive the Lois and Clark fantasy they were denied.
It’s not Dabb that decided to hard push the AUverse story and all its attached splendors. The idea started as a one-off intro idea for Wayward, but it had to be pushed off a year, and Leming admitted to snaring the idea and, summarily, attaching it to their evil godbaby and making it their plot point.
It’s not Dabb that has an honest to god boner for Mark P and can’t shut his mouth up about him, that’s Eugenie too. It’s not Dabb that obsesses over half crocked characters like Asmodeus and Donatello. It’s not Dabb addicted to big shiny CGI and super saiyan powerups.
You’ll notice how many of these ideas are enmeshed into one giant ball of fuckery that, somewhere along the way, Dabb has tried to groom into having some sort of substance but there’s a very clear line going on here.
“How does this relate to my ship/my favorite character reeee”, why? Because with the amount of weight being tossed around via advantageous nepotism and a different core cluster in the author room quite clearly on a different creative page than everybody else, guess what -- everybody else gets railroaded.
And at times, yes, some presentations are becoming stressed and stretched. They only way to even bring any sort of emotion to the content is by retreading or exaggerating emotional roads, especially at the end of seasons. A season starts strong, and poetic, and then somewhere around or right after episode 14 everything starts fucking falling apart, often with one or two disjointed episodes in advance but strong character driven arcs. Traction and motion are lost. Poetry starts falling into pieces. Superpowers and over the top manpain become the leading thing.
This happens every year, and this year is more vivid than last. I do remind people that the last time we had SingerBuckLeming throwing their weight around on decisions so hard they double-directed-and-wrote an episode was Dark Dynasty, which the rest of the author room was uncomfortable with, even argued about, even lost author heads in the aftermath of. Guess what - we just got our second episode like that. The attempt to work into this weight-throwing by the rest of an author room tends to turn into a lack of cohesive storytelling. S10 turned into a rapid degredation into a benny hill chase for a book. This year - well, shrug.
That’s not to say I agree with every piss and moan about characters being “OOC” as often, in this fandom, the fandom’s idea of “OOC” ends at “things I don’t personally like”. There are differences between OOC and just not really... belonging in the moment. Because they’re often things the character has in their range of potential action, but whether or not the story is cohesively meshed in a way that’s worth a damn is a WHOLE other topic.
And this has just gotten worse. As the writing room gets newer and younger and SingerBuckLeming age older and older -- some of you may have remembered my panic attack realizing BuckLeming were being seated in position to become the next showrunners and Bobo had been bumped back. At the time, even meta bloggers I trust held different opinions that, frankly, I considered daydreamy “Oh don’t worry BuckLeming only handle this but all of the emotional stuff goes through Dabb co” but no, once BuckLeming get their hands in enough of that, the rest ends up on a railroaded crash course everybody is trying to write around to deliver as better than a doggie doo bag.
And I think, honestly, J2M know that. I’m sure a huge amount of their decision was indeed about family time, but the real question is, looking at this show that SingerBuckLeming have been aggressively railroading off a damn cliff while everybody tries to compensate, is it really WORTH negotiating more family time, do they really WANT to wait for it to crash out, do they really WANT to let Eugenie Leming run the show out of gas in the middle of a desert with hew new, bestest idea once Dabb inevitably leaves and she and her baes get full reign to make the endless Lucifer clone fleet and their godbaby powers all going super saiyan? Is that what they want their legacy to be, or would they rather go home, and be with their family instead of propping this up as it continues to veer to the left?
I keep praying SBL disappear for the final season, kinda like Singer buggered off in S11. And it’s kinda sad, because I do recognize that without Singer we wouldn’t have the show at all but somewhere along the way, he lost his nut, he lost his directing skills, he lost common sense and he let his seniority get to his head, probably in tandem with bringing his wife back in and getting to be a power unit which is just WOEFULLY unadvised to be honest.
This is so far beyond how anyone’s ship or favorite character is treated. It’s about the internal war in a writing room that’s as clear as plain day that’s causing a deterioration of the show that Dabb has DESPERATELY been trying to curtail into SOMETHING of note only to catch shit from people who can’t do a little bit of common denominator searching into events even before his showrunning time that just keep getting louder.
Right now I’m at a point where I’m just begging for cohesion and emotional worth from the final season. For something that BuckLeming aren’t just throwing off the cliff like a sacrifice to their new, bigger, dumber idea once S14′s Jack Course reaches its cap. And honestly, I’d hope that’s everyone’s primary concern rather than circular bitching about whatever element they’re hyper fixated on because this is an issue that spreads well and far beyond whatever singularity you choose to scream about. And most people just blind sweep in rage at the first name that’s easy to pick out that they feel is responsible. But this has been going on. FOR YEARS. It’s just getting louder.
I try to not be negative about the show in general. I do appreciate Dabb, Berens, Yockey, Merecuda, and to some extent Perez (though I still hold he’s the least artistic of that bunch.) I’m still in love with Sgriccia and Wright and Showalter. I still love this crew. But I’ve never been shy about pointing out BuckLeming problems and at this point, it’s just THE problem, to whence nobody is even realizing where they need to set their sights and complaints at. Everything else is an emotional or continuum casualty in their fuck offs to the new shiny idea. Or, in cases of the Lois & Clark godbaby, their old AF tarnished idea.
Some people may remember me saying that without Dabb converting Jack into being a TFW mirror for catharsis, Jack’s only individual arc is that of a villain, and here we are swinging around full force with BuckLeming sinking in, waiting to see how Dabb may subvert that in the final episode. 
“I’m losing faith in Destiel” “I’m mad about Sam/Dean/Cas” “This plot is dumb” ultimately all fall down into the same goddamn railroading that habitually, like clockwork, louder each year, fucks up the end of a season and I just want them to disappear before the final season, but I doubt I’m going to get that. Maybe, just maybe, they can be staved knowing they won’t need the new ultimate escalation to carry on the show yet-again. Fingers and toes and arms crossed. 
That said, this vivid repeat of S10 author room shift should also, hopefully, give at least some potential hope to meta authors who at least remember that S11 was recoverable and was in fact recovered, and also had final season plans afoot. It was on the table, at least, in thought in early concept, just not without the true bang announcement to promise it through. So I’m going to hold out some hope that this is going to shape up fine in the end.
But don’t expect me to humor your bitter bitching about your ship or favorite character of choice. You wanna bitch about the strokes Singer seems to have had that have stripped his directorial gifts, or Eugenie’s obsession with SSJ archangels and Mark P, by all means. They’re major culprits in everything else being flattened on the way with an author room y’all are bitching at trying to make it at least vaguely cohesive.
I’m a natural optimist experiencing distinct nihilism at the absence of any sort of respect for the show or J2M going on with SBL right now, and as ever a realist looking at it in the frame of what’s going on beyond our surface level issues, and what I can hope to maintain to roll back around to the optimism part. Ouroboros. Hopefully ending at the start of the journey and not to loop back through the nihilism by next season.
Can they just retire? Please?
Dump Mark P. Dump Donatello. Hell, dump Jack at this point with as much as they’ve fucked that off again. Dump the AU. Dump the Drama Coffin. Dump the instaboop angels. Just dump all of their dumb ideas and let the final season roll out without the resulting tire fire of all of their ideas and suddenly, the show is infinitely cleaner. Don’t think this is all their bullshit? Literally follow their episode impact in reverse the last few years before you come at me. It’s literally all their bullshit.
I really don’t give a shit about fandom drama around Mark P’s opinions. I get it, but I don’t care. What I care about is his unwillingness to look at his character and refuse a contract for any sort of integrity, doing literally anything to pull a goddamn paycheck out of milking this show. His character, formerly one of the most inspiring renditions of an overshadowing idea of good and evil and biblical scale, has turned into a toddler throwing tantrums on the floor of mcdonalds, begged for redemption that underscores the entire point of the hero’s journey, splattered in remnants of Hallucifer that wasn’t even the original character, and just won’t go away.
And antis can say what they want about, say, Misha or Castiel, but his character at least has a solid direction, and growth, and a real hero’s journey. It’s not just vomit splatter on the wall of whatever he can be niched into like Not!Lucifer. Mark S at least had the dignity to leave when he saw shit degrading for his character.
Oh yeah a lot of that was BuckLeming too. The plotholes in Crowley’s story he called out were BuckLeming, who summarily pitched Rowena. And I love Rowena and Ruthie and wouldn’t undo it for the world but GODDAMN am I glad Yockey basically adopted her. She was turned into something past their basic dumb ideas and, as of yet, BuckLeming has yet to unravel that like they’re proactively doing with Jack after Dabb and co put so much effort into him.
Like literally the fandom’s collective bitchfits have a very common denominator and nobody’s willing to suss out why.
SingerBuckLeming seem to have had a collective stroke and still think they’re creating for Lois & Clark in the 70s and not Supernatural as made manifest into absurdity by 13.23; and several people like Mark Pellegrino refuse to have the basic decency to say, you know what, pass. I had my show here, it’s been good. They feed it. But it still falls back to SingerBuckLeming in the end at the heart of it. 
Not enough for you? Still think it has nothing to do with J2M or Mark Sheppard’s choices? Don’t even just listen to the scalding tea, look at the post-engagement between Jensen and Mark S.
They need to go away.
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utlukka · 5 years
Benrex Headcanons
This is tied in with my Albedo Tennyson Au. Just thought you guys should know.
Ben and Rex actually didn’t develop feelings for each other until Breach (a girl from Rex’s world) tore a dimensional portal into Ben’s world.
With some help from Paradox, Rex came to Ben’s world and the two reunite.
After cornering Breach, she told them she was bored and wanted to try exploring a different reality.
Paradox proceed to explain how dimensions and realities are actually different things entirely.
Deciding to catch up, Rex agreed to stay as long as Breach promised to go back to their world afterwards. She promised.
Rex got formally introduced to Ben’s grandpa and cousin and adopted brother along with several of his friends like Rook, Julie and Kevin.
Ben decided to show Rex around Bellwood and the squad decided to join in since they had time to spare.
After visiting several tourist sites in Bellwood, the two males slowly develop feelings for one another.
The squad quickly picked on the budding romance and decided to leave early to give them alone time.
Deciding to take a break at the park, the two of them decided to tell stories of things like their childhood, how they got their powers and the hardships they faced. This only strengthened their affections.
Sadly it was time for Rex and Breach to leave so Ben and the squad decided to bid farewells.
Ben was upset. The one person in the entire multiverse who understood him, aside from himself, was leaving and who knows when they’ll see each other again.
When it was time to go, Ben and Rex exchanged a few tender words before Ben did something that shocked everyone except Paradox. He kissed Rex on the lips.
The reactions were instantaneous: Julie and Breach were squealing like a couple of fan girls, Rook looked away out of respect, Gwen looked like a mix between pride and embarrassment, and Albedo and Kevin were pretending to vomit. Oh, and Paradox still kept his blank face on.
The two of them admit that they didn’t want to see each other leave and even considered staying or leaving to stay in Rex’s world.
Paradox advised against it since both worlds need their respective heroes. However he did give each of them a device that lets them travel back and forth.
According to him, with Rex’s appearance into Ben’s world, the timeline has changed. Ben was no longer destined to be married to Kai Green. He can now choose his own future and who he loves.
The next several months of them dating mostly involved them going back and forth between their worlds and they would go on little adventures. Rex even introduced his ex-girlfriend Circe, best friend Noah, and his old gang to Ben.
Ben and Circe immediately got along despite the initial jealousy Ben had. They mostly bonded over embarrassing stories about Rex.
Holiday was both surprised and pleased when she met Ben again. Surprised he was back and pleased that he and Rex were together. The same applies to Six though he needed time to process their relationship.
Bobo was VERY shocked that Rex was dating a guy but he got over it. As long as his best bro was happy, he didn’t care!
Breach often tags along with Rex and she was quickly well-liked and accepted by the squad. Breach was really happy that she finally had a place with people were she belonged.
Rex and Albedo actually get along the best surprisingly. Albedo said it was because he made Ben “less intolerable than he usually is.”
Kevin was interested in his ability to change his body in machinery and wanted to try dismantling him. Rex mostly avoids him during hangouts.
Gwen and Rex get along decent though she did threaten him if he hurt Ben.
Rex and Julie get along for the same reason as Circe and Ben. They shared embarrassing stories about the holder of the Omnitrix
Rook and Rex got along civilly. However Rook actually told Rex in secret that he had feelings for Ben but saw how happy Rex made him so he decided to stay out of the way. Rook explained that he told Rex this so there wouldn’t be any future hostility or loathing between them.
Max and White Knight were able to keep in touch with one another and this began the alliance of the Plumbers and Providence.
Whenever something bad happens, alien or EVO, the Plumbers and Providence would always send each other backup via Ben and Rex.
All in all, things are pretty cool and wonderful between the two heroes and they couldn’t ask for more.
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
Cas’s flashback to his time hunting with Mary, as I’ve already pointed out (with the help of Mr. Bobo Berens), happened probably shortly after the events of 12.03. But with that context, please to be remembering this conversation from 12.02, ONE EPISODE BEFORE THAT:
Dean: When Dad disappeared, Sam and I looked around and something became very clear. The only thing we had in this world -- the only thing, aside from this car -- was each other.
*THIS* is the context for Mary’s reply to Cas:
Castiel: I know you know this, Mary, but... Sam and Dean -- they're -- they're glad to have you back. Whatever you still have to deal with and however long it takes, you should know they're happy. I mean, finally, they don't have to be so... so alone. Mary: Castiel. They were never alone.
If not for Cas, they WOULD have been alone, is what Mary is implying there. That line in 12.02 was depressing as fuck. I think everyone on my dash was actively yelling at the tv.
But even more than the recontextualizing of 12.02 and 12.03 that this line accomplished, when faced with the reality that Mary was most likely dead, and at Jack’s hands, this is the specific memory Cas held on to.
This was a time when both Cas and Mary felt adrift, wondering if they really belonged here at all, let alone could consider themselves “family” to Sam and Dean. This was their shared journey during s12, and they supported each other through it. Even when-- like we learned in 12.06-- Mary was keeping her hunting life secret from Sam and Dean, just as she had with John back in the 70′s and 80′s.
Even though she was still wary (if not outright afraid) of Cas, she still trusted him to hunt with her, and to keep her secret for her.
Which is an interesting thing to keep secret all this time, especially when Things Kept Secret is shaping up to be the actual Big Bad of s14...
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