#evelyn zabini (blaise’s mum)
prongsiess · 2 years
TRIGGER WARNING: somewhat detailed descriptions of various forms of self-harm and referenced abuse
The Black and Rosier cousins’ loved ones are no strangers to their weird family dynamic and its consequences.
Rita and Evelyn sometimes see Bella kneeling face to a wall, muttering how she isn’t enough and needs to be better after receiving a bad grade on an assignment.
Ted and Amelia have both faced Andy’s wrath when something isn’t going her way, seeing her lose control and lash out only to cry herself to sleep later that night in regret.
Alice has had to wrestle Cissa out of the shower after she had scrubbed herself raw following a letter from her mother had sent critiquing her body and saying she was wasting herself not dating a man.
James has scooped Sirius off the floor and detangled and regrew his hair after an episode where he had chopped of his hair with his potion knives because he looked in the mirror that morning and saw his mother staring back at him.
Remus has healed Sirius’ hands, full of shards of glass, and repaired their whole dorm after Sirius had sent rogue spells flying when they received a letter from their parents.
Dorcas has made sure to escort Reg to meals and monitor his eating because he had fainted on the quidditch pitch at practice again.
James has sat Regulus down in the prefect’s bath and washed his hair for him when he hadn’t slept in days leading up to exams.
Barty has wiped away Ev’s tears and made sure all the bed curtains were opened and that there was a candle burning near Ev’s bed when he was extra jumpy coming back from breaks.
Lily has floated Pandora down from the astronomy tower roof where she was looking at the stars after climbing there to escape the great hall where there had been a fight at meal time.
All of their friends and partners had witnessed and experienced the negative repercussions of growing up in that environment, but had all also seen how, despite all the trauma, they had such kind souls.
How Bella would braid the first years’ hair and tell them wonderful stories about queens and fairies and how strong those women had been just to see the little girls smile a little bit brighter.
How Andy’s hugs felt like they could heal anything, as if her arms around you meant you were safe, and when she let go and gave you a kiss on the forehead you knew, no matter what had happened or was going to happen, that you would be okay.
How Cissa would sneak into the kitchens and bake with the house elves and bring back her friends’ favourite snacks, often somehow managing to get ahold of an old family recipe that just tasted like childhood.
How Sirius laughed so loud and their eyes twinkled in the sun, how he walked the halls with an arm around one friend and a hand in another’s, pulling them in as close as he could.
How Reg would leave little notes to those he cared about, sometimes to remind them of something he thought they might forget, other times simply because he had thought of them and wanted to let them know.
How Ev’s smile felt like a crackling fire, how he made a conscious effort every year to learn everyone’s name and stop and chat with people randomly in between lessons and in the common room.
How Dora would take an interest in her friend’s hobbies and learnt to crochet, paint, cook, fly, write, play guitar and so much more in order to make those she loved feel valued and important.
Their friends and partners grew to love every aspect of them, but sometimes they would forget that things aren’t always black and white, and some things are just inexplicably bizarre.
Sitting around the Potter’s yard after Reg’s graduation celebration, all the Black-Rosier cousins and their loved ones gathered around a fire pit and reminisced about their childhood. Everything was going smoothly; Lily had shared how she loved going to the record store with her dad on Sundays to pick out a new vinyl, Mary had shared stories about camping trips with her parents and brothers near the coast, Rita had shared how she would spend hours journalling everyday and how she still has all of her old journals from her childhood, Ted recounted how he loved trips to Ireland to visit his grandparents and how his parents always used to put on Frank Sinatra on long car trips, Barty shared how him and his mother used to spend hours doing puzzles and listening to old muggle movies because that was the only time Barty would be quiet for more than 2 minutes at a time, Dorcas shared stories of visiting their mother’s family in Jamaica and how delicious the food was, Alice told stories about James, Marlene, and Peter’s escapades in this very garden and how after an unfortunate incident with water guns that were somehow filled with Monty’s experimental potions she had refused to babysit ever again, James shared how they actually managed to get a hold of those potions, Peter shared stories of young James jumping onto his back as Marlene chased him with a chicken in her hands as Marlene rolled in the grass adding odd tidbits and remarking just how much of troublesome children they were, Remus explained that he wasn’t surrounded by chaos like James, Marls, and Pete were, but he did run away from his parents in London once to go read in a big fancy library.
Everything was going smoothly, that is until the discussion got to Pandora who looked over at Evan and asked him if he remembered the time she pushed him off the swings and he had landed chin-first onto a stray garden rake, to which Evan laughed and added how, with a bleeding chin, he had decided to take his revenge on Dora and thrown rocks at her head. Cissa laughed and said it reminded her of the time she had stolen Bella’s makeup and had run away and climbed a tree to escape Bella’s wrath only for Bella to cut down the tree with Cissa still in it. To that, Andy added that when she used to babysit Reg and Sirius, they used to throw each other over the third floor railing and fall onto a couch on the first floor, climbing back up and doing that for hours. Laughing so hard he had to clutch his stomach, Sirius said that at least then they had been getting along and asked Reg if he remembered the time they snuck out of their summer home in France his last summer before Hogwarts and tried to hot-wire and steal a muggle car, only for Sirius to somewhat succeed, press the gas and roll straight over Reg’s feet then stall the vehicle on his toes. At that Reg grumbled an acknowledgment and was about to sulk when he was cut off by Bella’s roaring laughter saying that she had once gotten run over by Andy who was trying to drive their parents’ boat and nearly drowned because of it around the same time.
As the Black-Rosier cousins reminisced about their strangely endearing childhood stories, their loved ones exchanged befuddled, slack-jawed looks that fell somewhere between disbelief and fear. And it was at that very moment that they simply accepted the fact that their friends and partners had somehow even worse, more confusing childhoods than they had previously thought, but that it wasn’t any use commenting on it when they were rolling on the ground laughing at how they had nearly all mutually murdered each other before even attending Hogwarts.
(Context: I hc Pandora as Evan’s cousin, and since Druella is canonically a Rosier by blood, this makes the Black sisters big cousins to both Sirius and Regulus as well as Evan and Pandora. And with the intertwined nature of the sacred 28, I hc that they all grew up quite close to one another, whether blood-related or not)
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maraudcrsmap · 4 years
Home // Draco Malfoy
Chapter 3: Keeper 
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 
Evelyn had always loved the game of Quidditch. She enjoyed how fast paced it was and how in a matter of seconds the game could switch. It always kept you on your toes. Evelyn loved watching it and she loved playing it even more. Evelyn was Slytherin's best Keeper and had been the last five years. Though this year she was not able to play, her parents insisted that she focus on her studies instead of playing some game. She loved her parents dearly and knew they had her best intentions at heart, but they were so old fashioned sometimes. Evelyn was fully capable of balancing Quidditch and her studies, but she knew better than to go against her parents words.
So here she was sitting in the stands watching the tryouts for the Slytherin team this year. Wishing she was out there and not sitting on the wooden seats that were probably gonna give her a couple splinters. She saw Urquhart come towards the stands so she made her way down to the front.
"Sad to not see you out on the pitch this year Clermont."
"Yeah I know, but Mummy and Daddy know best and you better pick someone decent to replace me. Can't have us losing this year can we?" Evelyn teased.
"Oh don't worry, I think there might be someone down here probably better than you!" He said, walking back to the group of students.
"Doubt it!" Evelyn yelled, sitting back down. She scanned the pitch looking for a certain bleach blonde boy. Finally she spotted him talking to Blaise. Draco looked up at the stands and saw Evelyn sitting there. He jogged over to the stands and Evelyn couldn't help but think how good he looked in his uniform.
"Why aren't you on the pitch?" Draco questioned.
"Well maybe if you would have talked to me and not been so moody you would have known that Mum and Dad wouldn't let me this year. Said I needed to focus on my studies. Which I think is bullshit. I've balanced them for the past five years without a problem."
"They just want what is best for you Evie."
Evelyn rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah" Blaise had yelled at Draco to come back.
"Well I'm gonna miss you out there this year. We are gonna be rubbish without our best Keeper." Evelyn just smiled as Draco ran back.
It pained Evelyn to watch them run drills and see her potential replacement for the game that she loved dearly. Her eyes followed Draco's every move and she could tell he wasn't playing well. She didn't know if it was because he knew no one would even try to take his spot or the whole other thing he had going on that he wouldn't let her know about. Either way he was way off his game today and the others could tell too. At one point she heard Blaise yell at Draco for something. When it was all said and done a fifth year had been chosen as the new Keeper. Evelyn had been keeping her eye on her and she knew she was the right pick. Evelyn went down onto the pitch to congratulate her on making Keeper and maybe convince Draco to hang out with her later.
"Congratulations.." Evelyn paused not sure of the girls name.
The girl smiled, "Grace"
"Well congratulations Grace on making Keeper! You better keep these boys in line!" Evelyn said.
"Thank you. I have some big shoes to fill, but thank you again."
Evelyn saw Draco walking towards the locker room and ran to catch up with him. She called out his name hoping he would stop, but he just kept walking.
"I've got somewhere to be Evie." They were in the locker room at this point. Evelyn rolled her eyes. He was being moody again, the new usual.
"I was just asking if you wanted to hang out, but I have got my answer, clearly." Draco had started to take off his uniform, but abruptly stopped like he didn't want her to see something. Evelyn found this weird, he had never had an issue taking off his shirt in front of her before.
"I already have plans with Blaise, sorry."
Evelyn didn't even say anything, just walked out of the locker room. She was so frustrated with him and when she was frustrated she cried, but she didn't want to show her emotions out in the open like this. She was always taught that Clermonts didn't show people that they were weak. Their emotions were to never be shown in public. As quick as she could she ran to the Slytherin common room and to her room. Then as soon as she closed the door behind her the tears started to fall. She crawled into bed and pulled the covers over her. She might be a little dramatic but it hurt and she was frustrated with Draco.
It hurt that he was being rude to her and acting like she meant nothing. She wonders what the hell is so important to him, what task is so important that he has to act like an asshole to the person who cares about him the most. It was like a switch had flipped in him over the summer. He had always been kind of moody, but not like this. He was never like this towards Evelyn, but maybe this was his way of telling her to screw off. That he wasn't going to be friends with her anymore. If that was the case then she just wasn't going to put any effort into trying to talk to him. She is Evelyn Clermont, daughter of Sterling and Greta Clermont. Her parents would be disappointed that she was crying over a boy right now. So she got out of bed, smoothed out her uniform, and wiped the tears from her eyes. She was better than that and even though it hurt, Draco Malfoy wasn't going to make her cry.
It was the first Friday night back at Hogwarts and everyone knows what the means, welcome back parties. Having parties at Hogwarts wasn't an easy task, but Slytherins were quite good at it. In fact Evelyn was known for her parties and that was the plan for tonight. It was always Slytherin only, but some exceptions were made for some Ravenclaws or whoever somebody was "seeing" at the time. Evelyn hoped Draco wouldn't be at the party tonight and that he would be off doing whatever he has been doing.
Pansy had managed to score some booze from lord knows who, but the girl had her connections, so now the party could really get started. Luckily the Slytherin common room was underground so blaring music wasn't a problem and Evelyn planned to have a good time tonight. She was already a couple drinks in and feeling flirty when Blaise had came up behind her and started dancing with her. "It's a good thing Draco isn't here." Blaise whispered into her ear, causing Evelyn to giggle.
"I wouldn't care if he was. He's been so hot and cold with me this past week and he doesn't own me so what does it matter what we do." Evelyn said, grabbing ahold of Blaise's tie, pulling him even closer to her. Their lips were so close and Evelyn wanted to feel his on hers, so she leaned forward and locked her lips with his.
The funny thing about Draco and Evelyn is that even thought they weren't together, every one knew that Evelyn was Draco's. He had always told everyone that Evelyn was off limits, that she was his and that he didn't want her heart getting broken by some guy who just wanted to get into her pants. Although, Draco had Evelyn's best interest at heart, he was being selfish keeping her all to himself. For the past six years Evelyn often wondered why none of the boys had given her the time of day. She was beautiful and she knew any guy would be lucky to have her. Little did she know Draco was the reason. So, Blaise suddenly giving her this attention was something she was not going to pass up.
"Woah." Blaise stated. "I've been wanting to do that since we first met."
"Should have done it sooner Zabini. I had to get the job done myself." Evelyn teased. She doesn't remember much after that, she knows she danced a lot and drank some more, but the details are fuzzy. Awaking the next morning would be quite the surprise for dear little Evelyn.
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spawnofstark · 7 years
Anytime You Need A Friend || Cedlyn Drabble
February Fourteenth, nineteen ninety-five, Valentine’s Day... it was also the day of Evelyn Dolohov’s fifteenth birthday. 
Not that anyone seemed to remember the latter... She had been telling herself that morning as she filled her plate at breakfast that it wasn’t a big deal, that there was a lot going on with the excitement of the Triwizard tournament and everything else going on. As it was, Evelyn had been laying low and fully engrossing herself in her studies since her breakup with Blaise Zabini a few days ago. Just because it had been mutual and very quiet, didn’t mean that she wasn’t a little disappointed. 
She’d been planning on going to Hogsmeade that day to cheer herself up and to finally get a day outside of the stuffy castle, but when Draco had gotten a parcel from his parents - her godparents - and she didn’t... okay... yeah... that was more than a little disappointing. Very cranky by that point, she excused herself not long after that and holed herself back up in the library, which was almost completely deserted aside from a couple of first or second years. 
“Happy birthday, friend,” she looked up from her book at the voice and actually smiled as Cedric Diggory approached her, holding out a bouquet of purple lilies. 
“Ced...” she muttered, standing as she took the bouquet, inhaling their fragrance, “You really didn’t have to do this.”
Cedric shrugged, “I wanted to.”
“Well... thank you, they’re beautiful and my favorite, how did you know?” she asked, looking up at him in surprise.
“I asked your friend Tracey weeks ago. I... grew them myself,” he admitted, earning a brow raised.
“Wow... yet she hasn’t remembered.” she remarked, shrugging her shoulders. “Well... no matter, they’re gorgeous and I can’t believe you went to all that effort.”
“She forgot your birthday?” he asked, knitting his brows together. Evelyn shrugged her shoulders as she set the flowers aside, taking her seat again.
“You’re the first person to wish me a happy birthday all day... not even a word from my godparents,” she waved it off, “They never have though, so... it’s really not a big deal. They’ll probably realize it later and send an owl.”
Cedric didn’t look entirely convinced as he took the seat beside her, looking at her thoughtfully. “What about... your boyfriend, Blaise Zabini, is it?”
Evelyn sighed and shrugged. “We broke up... it was mutual though, but... we’re both kind of avoiding each other, it’s... complicated. We both wanted it to work, but we both realized it never would.”
Cedric nodded as he listened, rubbing her shoulder thoughtfully. “Still.. I’m sorry.” Evelyn shrugged again, looking down at her book. Seconds later, Cedric stood up, “Let’s get out of here... I’m taking your to Hogsmeade.”
Evelyn looked up at him with an arched brow like he’d suddenly grown three heads. “It’s Valentine’s Day, Ced,” she reminded him, ”while I happen to find the stupid holiday absolutely tacky and vile, Chang seems to be one of the many girls who will think otherwise.”
“She’ll understand, I promise. And if she doesn’t... well,” Cedric shrugged his shoulders. “Besides, it’s your birthday. You shouldn’t be spending it slaving away in the library.”
Evelyn shook her head. “What about your egg? Shouldn’t you be figuring out how to get through this second task? Whatever it is?”
“Already have,” he said proudly, “Bubble-head charm... apparently Fleur’s doing the same thing. Stop trying to get out of this, we’re going. I want to treat you to a nice birthday.”
Evelyn sighed at that, rubbing her temples at his stubbornness. “You really don’t have to do that, Ced. Really. I’m a big girl and it’s not like it’s my sweet sixteen or anything. I’m just turning fifteen... not really a big deal.”
“A birthday is always a big deal, Ev. Besides, I know you and I know you’re at least a little more upset than you’re leading on that no one else has remembered. I’m taking you out and that’s final, now...We can go to the shoppes and then I’ll take you to that little tea shop... Madame Puddifoot’s?” She made a face at the suggestion, giving him a look that caused him to chuckle loudly enough for Madame Pince to shoot him a rather dirty look. “Okay no... The Three Broomsticks?”
Evelyn smiled at that, nodding and giving him a wink. “Much better.”
Cedric shot her a grin and nodded. “Great... then go get changed, put your flowers in water and I’ll meet you outside in, what do you say... ten, fifteen minutes?”
Evelyn nodded her head, packing up her books and walking out with him until they had to separate to their respective common rooms.
The two had spent the entire afternoon wandering in and out of all of the shops in Hogmeade, and Evelyn had to admit, it was shaping up to be one of the best birthdays she’d had in a long time. Cedric insisted on buying her selection of sugar quills, chocolate wands and glacial snowflakes when they were in Honeydukes, however she absolutely refused to let him pay for the Phoenix feather quill and purple ink she’d picked out for herself at Scrivenshaft’s Quill shop (”It’s my birthday present to myself, I’ll take care of it!”). Finally, after they had finished roaming, they made their way to the Three Broomsticks for lunch.
As they were finishing up, Cedric spoke up. “I have... one more present for you, just one.” he said as he procured a medium sized green box, tied with a black ribbon.
Evelyn sighed, shaking her head with a laugh as she took it from him. “Cedric, you... you really didn’t-”
“I really didn’t have to do that...” Cedric finished for her, a knowing grin spreading across his face as he shook his head. She laughed a little as well at the realization of just how many times she’d uttered that phrase that day. “I know. I wanted to though. Is that hard to believe?”
His smile, as disarming as it was the first day the two met was also just as contagious. She returned it easily with one of her own, looking down at the small box, pulling at the black ribbon. “Well... with you, not really,.” She opened it to find a necklace, tilting her head to the side as she admired it. “Oh... it’s...”
“It’s called a Hamsa hand. It’s said to bring luck and protection,” Cedric explained as Evelyn examined the necklace, separating the charms to see the words on the silver hand underneath. “And those are what I hope and want for you in your future. You deserve all of them and more.” He took the box from her then and lifted the necklace out, “here, turn, I’ll put it on.”
Evelyn stared at Cedric for a moment before a rare, genuine smile spread across her face, shaking her head as she did as she was asked, moving her hair to the side as he fastened the necklace around her neck. “Thank you...” she said honestly, turning back and leaning forward and giving him a friendly hug that he returned. “Not just for the necklace,” she clarified before pulling back. “For... today, for being an... absolutely amazing friend to me all these years... everything really.”
Cedric shrugged his shoulders, giving her that smile again as he placed his hand on hers, giving it a squeeze. “Of course, Ev,” he said, “Thank you... for being a great friend yourself and for well... believing in me. Happy Birthday.” 
It was the day of the final task and Evelyn was probably more nervous than Cedric over what was to transpire that night... though high anxiety levels were not unusual for her. She’d spent the day with Cedric, Cho and Cedric’s family, meeting his mum and dad for the first time... after the initial coolness over her house wore off, the five of them had had a pleasant time wandering about the castle. She found that she got on quite well with Cedric’s mum in the few hours that they’d spent together. As the hours ticked by and nighttime grew nearer, she found herself growing more and more anxious for her friend and his life and, opting to skip out on dinner, wandered outside towards the Black Lake for some much needed fresh air.
She uncorked a bottle of Draught of Peace, drinking down the contents and closing her eyes as the effects of the potion ran through her. Feeling significantly more calm, she pocketed the bottle in her robes and dropped to the ground, wrapping her arms around her knees. She wasn’t sure how long she was sitting there, watching the Giant Squid occasionally surface before she heard footsteps behind her.
Evelyn jumped, her hand diving to her wand, immediately relaxing and giving him a small smile. “Hey Ced.” She watched him as he plopped down next to her on the grass, both of them turning to face out to the Black Lake. There was silence between the pair for several moments before Evelyn spoke again. “When do you have to meet with the other champions?”
“Eh... About an hour. Right after dinner... I wasn’t hungry. I guess I wasn’t the only one.” He mentioned, giving her a knowing smile.
Evelyn shook her head before glancing over at him with a smirk, “And you’re spending your last hour with little old me? I’m touched... What about your girlfriend and your family?”
Cedric shrugged his shoulders. “I saw Cho earlier during lunch with my family and we talked then. My parents both like you by the way. Dad said he was surprised at how pleasant you were to talk to for a Slytherin.” Evelyn laughed a little at that, shaking her head.
“So... You spent Valentine’s day with me instead of Chang, I’m apparently the thing you would miss most in the second task... now you’re spending what could be your last living moments with me instead of your girlfriend...” She arched a brow, giving Cedric a playful elbow to the ribs. “Should I be worried there, Diggory?”
Cedric laughed at that and shook his head at her. “You’ve been a bigger, more important part of my life a lot longer than Cho has. Cho’s important... but you’re always going to be more important that her or... any girl that I end up with. You’re one of my best friends, Ev.”
Evelyn couldn’t come up with a snarky comeback to that... she didn’t really want to. She was touched. She merely smiled and scooted closer to her friend, resting her head on his shoulder. She let out a long sigh as she felt his arm circle over her shoulders as the bad feelings she had about the Triwizard Tournament surfaced again to the front of her mind. She, like many others hadn’t really realized just how dangerous this tournament could be until she’d realized that Cedric would have to face a bloody dragon. 
“You’re worried... aren’t you?” Cedric observed. Evelyn let out a scoff and threw her hand up before extracting herself from his embrace so she could look at him fully.
“Of course I’m worried...” she murmured, chewing on her bottom lip. “You could die and... well, you know I don’t go soft... ever, but... it would really suck. You’re one of my best friends, Ced. You know me better than... anyone really. What would I do without you?”
Cedric laughed, earning himself a glare from Evelyn. How the hell could he be laughing about this? “Ev... I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” He said plainly, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Okay? I’ll be fine... I’ll get through this task, maybe I’ll even win, but I’m going to get out of it alive, then we’ll go home for the summer, and when start of the next term comes around, I’ll meet you in Diagon Alley and we’ll spend the day together, getting our start of term books and everything else. We’ll even go to Fortescue’s when we get done and eat so much ice cream we get sick... and then we’ll come back here. One more year for me, three more for you. I promise... everything’s going to turn out alright.”
Evelyn sighed and rolled her eyes. He was distracting her from the present and she knew it, but it all sounded fantastic, so she let him, managing a small smile, shaking her head. “You’re insane, Diggory... you’re insane for entering this horrible event... but I understand why you did it.” She glanced at his watch when she heard it go off, letting out a sigh as the pair rose from the ground and she pulled him into a tight hug, closing her eyes. Despite the distraction in the picture he’d painted for her, she was still worried... it was what she did best, after all. She pulled back and gave him a weak smile. “Good luck... go out there and make everyone proud to be a Hufflepuff.”
Cedric beamed that million dollar smile that made almost any girl go weak in the knees and kissed her forehead, ruffling her hair as he pulled away. “I’ll see you after,” he promised as he started walking away. “We’ll sneak out to the Three Broomsticks and get a butterbeer.”
Evelyn laughed and rolled her eyes. “I’ll hold you to that, Diggory,” she called after him, folding her arms over her chest as she watched him leave. Once he was out of sight, she sat on the grass again, looking out over the lake as her fingers absentmindedly played with the birthday necklace he had given her for her birthday.
It was by far the most boring of the three tasks... including the one where Evelyn had been unconscious. She was immensely glad she’d brought a book with her while the four champions were facing Salazar only knew what in that wretched maze. If she hadn’t, her anxiety levels would have skyrocketed for the second time that day. On one side, just as bored as Evelyn was, was her best friend Tracey Davis, sporting the Support Cedric Diggory badge and on her other side was Draco, who had, of course, started laughing when she pulled the tome from her bag, but she’d silenced him when she read off the instructions for an Instant Scalping Hex and voiced that she really needed someone to try it out on.
Suddenly the crowd erupted in cheers and Evelyn perked up, a grin on her face as she saw Cedric... but her smile was gone in an instant. It took seconds for her to realize something was wrong and she realized Cedric was still, much too still, his eyes staring off into nothing. The crowd was still going on in jubilation, not realizing, as Evelyn let out the horrified scream as the reality set in, her hands covering her mouth as her knees went weak underneath her. 
Tracey looked to her best friend in shock and grabbed her before she could go down. “Evelyn, wha-”
“He’s dead! Cedric’s dead!” She was shaking as she looked back towards the sight, realizing for the first time that Harry Potter was there too, the Triwizard Cup in his hand and from where she stood, she could see the anguish on his face. It was growing harder to see Cedric now as Dumbledore, Fudge and others began to realize what happened. Evelyn could hear Amos Diggory crying out over the loss of his son and it was enough to set her off again, a wave of tears flooding her dark eyes as she turned, clutching onto her friend as the horrors of reality set in.
Cedric Diggory, her best friend, was dead.
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