#evan buckley get your head out of your ass i’m begging
gregmarriage · 4 months
fascinating to me, that while abby was gone, she gained a fiancé and two step daughters, and buck gained a husband and a son, and buck isn’t aware of said husband and son, because he thinks they’re just his best friend and his son, who he sometimes has play dates with 🤦🏼‍♀️
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capseycartwright · 1 year
oh my god lorna well, that happened pls pls pls
“Well,” Buck sounded as out of breath as Eddie felt, taking a brief pause before he continued speaking. “That happened.”
Eddie felt – well, sticky. He’d never enjoyed this part – the after, of sex, when the endorphins that raged through your body started to calm down, and you were left sort of just – well, sticky. It was kind of gross, frankly, when the excitement wore off.
“Yeah,” Eddie managed, gaze fixed on the ceiling of his bedroom. He’d missed a spot, when he’d repainted, one corner slightly yellowing compared to the crisp cream of the rest of the paint. He made a mental note to fix it later.
“We should – well, we should talk about it.” Buck’s presence next to him was overwhelming, honestly. Eddie didn’t have the biggest bed in the world – not compared to the utterly ridiculous California king that Buck had in his loft – and they weren’t exactly small people. Buck was huge, actually, broad, and strong and all-encompassing, able to hold Eddie down in a way he hadn’t known he was very much into until an hour before.
Willing his face to return to a normal colour, instead of the bright red it definitely was, there and then, Eddie hummed. “We should.”
“You should start.”
Eddie snapped his head to the side, fixing Buck with a glare. “Why should I start?”
Buck’s smile was devastatingly familiar, a reminder of how well Eddie knew the other man – and a reminder of how they might have just ruined everything, sleeping together. Sex made everything complicated: that much Eddie knew. It had always been the additional level of complication in his and Shannon’s relationship, a sticking plaster for their problems that only ever served to cause more problems.
“You don’t have to,” Buck grinned, propping his head in his hand, unashamed in his nakedness in a way Eddie could only be jealous of, given he was clinging to his thin top-sheet, as if that could hide the fact that he was bare-ass naked in bed with his best friend. “I just wanted you to look at me.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, returning his gaze to the ceiling. “You’re an idiot.”
“You’re freaking out,” Buck pointed out.
“And you’re not?”
“Not as much as you, clearly.”
“We just had sex,” Eddie hissed, sheet fisted tightly in his grip as he twisted, looking at Buck. “What else am I supposed to do except freak out?”
“Was it bad?” Buck asked, sounding as though he already knew the answer to that.
(He did – of course he did. Eddie, quiet Eddie Diaz, hadn’t been able to hold in the breathy noises and strangled moans as Buck had touched him, too far gone to be embarrassed about the way his voice had hitched in his throat as he’d begged and pleaded for more. Eddie didn’t beg. Except – well, he clearly did, when it was Buck who’s teeth were grazing against the thin skin of his neck, making him question if God maybe was real, after all.)
Eddie huffed. “You know it wasn’t.”
Buck grinned. “Just making sure. You know, 38% of –“
“If you quote a statistic at me right now, Evan Buckley, I will kick you out of my bed and never let you back in it again.”
Buck instantly quietened. For a second, at least. “Again?” he asked, uncharacteriscally nervous sounding, the confidence of the man who’d pressed finger shaped bruises into the dips of Eddie’s waist gone.
“That’s why I’m freaking out,” Eddie sighed. “Because now I’ve had you, I don’t think I can stop wanting you. And I’ll probably ruin everything, because I think that – I think that if I get to have you, I’ll stop being able to pretend like I’m not in love with you, and then I’ll definitely ruin everything, and – and I really need a shower,” he grumbled, wincing at the sticky feeling plaguing his entire body – or it felt like his entire body, at least.
“I think I can solve a lot of those freak outs,” Buck hummed. “Because I love you, and you’ve got an ensuite.”
“You’ve got an ensuite,” Buck said. “There’s a shower, like, ten steps away.”
“No – no, the first bit,” Eddie felt like he was about to pass out. Was it insane, to be more nervous now than he had been when Buck had kissed the breath out of him in his kitchen? Because he was – more nervous.
“Oh!” Buck’s eyes lit up. “I love you,” he said, as if it were entirely obvious: as if Eddie should have already known.
“Is that okay?”
Eddie nodded. “Yeah,” he smiled at Buck. “It’s more than okay.”
“Good,” Buck beamed, pressing a sloppy kiss to Eddie’s gaping mouth. He was sort of still in shock. “I’ll start running that shower.”
He was gone, before Eddie could reply, warbling a song Eddie didn’t recognise in a key it probably wasn’t supposed to be in, the sound of the shower filling Eddie’s otherwise quiet room.
“I love you too,” Eddie called, realising he hadn’t said it yet.
“I love you!” Buck yelled back. “The water is hot, hurry up!”
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buckaroosboogara · 3 years
911 week - Day 4:
“It’s always been you.” + love
(1700~ words, Buck and Eddie, blackout fic.)
"How long have we been here? Are you okay?" Buck asked, his throat begging for water.
"We have been here for," Eddie looked at his watch, the only source of light in the elevator. "3 hours."
"Are you okay?" He asked one more time.
Eddie's silence dragged for almost a minute before Buck spoke again.
"I need to know if you are hurt."
"I'm fine... physically." He finally said, taking air sharply. "The darkness and tight space... it reminds me of..."
"The well accident. Fuck."
The first thing Buck noticed when he woke up was that he was in a dark place.
It was hot, closed, and pitch-black. Tight.
He didn't like the implications of that.
He tried to move from his laying position only to be stopped by a stabbing pain in his skull.
Buck hissed as he laid on the floor again and a voice sounded in the dark, quiet but worried.
"Hey, hey, Buck, you are awake," The voice said out of breath. Buck felt a hand come to his shoulder clumsily and pat him. "Welcome back."
Buck grunted. His throat was dry and his mouth felt like sand, contrary to his skin which felt soaked in sweat. At least the pain was more bearable.
He turned on his back to sense the voice's owner, Eddie, sitting next to him on the floor. "What happened?"
"What happened was that we were helping a woman out of this elevator when the lights went off again and the elevator went down some stores before I pressed the emergency button." Eddie explained, with his breaths still shaky. "You hit your head pretty bad and I bandaged it with what I could. The radios don't work here, so I'm hoping Bobby will notice we are not out there with them."
Buck's hand climbed to his wet forehead where a piece of cloth was held to his skin with two pieces of tape. Rough but it would work.
"What happened with our coats' flashlights? And our helmets?"
"They ran out of battery, we used them for 8 hours straight Buck." Eddie yawned. "I took mine off as well as yours, this place feels like an oven. And the helmets... they are somewhere here."
"I kind of became desperate when I couldn't see or hear you. I haven't been able to look for them." Eddie huffed.
"And how long have we been here? Are you okay?" Buck asked, his throat begging for water.
"We have been here for," Eddie looked at his watch, the only source of light in the elevator. "3 hours."
"Are you okay?" He asked one more time.
Eddie's silence dragged for almost a minute before Buck spoke again.
"I need to know if you are hurt."
"I'm fine... physically." He finally said, taking air sharply. "The darkness and tight space... it reminds me of..."
"The well accident." Buck said with a huff. "Fuck, Eds I..."
"I am fine." Eddie forced out through his gritted teeth.
"No. I'm fine. End of conversation, we need to keep the oxygen."
Buck nodded although Eddie couldn't see him.
So he would of course avoid the topic.
He heard Eddie place his head against the metallic wall and breathe with difficulty.
Buck rolled his eyes, he knew how stubborn Eddie could be and he didn't need that in stressful moments like that one.
"Have any news about Chris?"
"Nope. My phone died like an hour ago," Eddie answered. "I couldn't find yours."
"Well, that's because mine is..." Buck muttered as he looked for the device on the back pocket of his pants. "Safe on my ass."
Eddie snorted a laugh and Buck smiled, mission accomplished.
The phone almost slipped from his hands and the air was taken from his lungs.
He turned it on and the light made him hiss. He could now see the elevator - it was indeed very small - and he could see Eddie, who was very much shirtless. His shirt was on his shoulders, missing the piece that was on his head.
"I-I guess I'll have to buy a new one. Great." He said, avoiding to look at the man by his side.
The device buzzed with a notification of very low battery, only 5%, and Buck noticed the screen had cracked in the fall.
"I could buy you one, after all, it's my fault that it's broken. Now give me." Eddie spoke and Buck did as told.
"So, what's the diagnosis doc?"
The former medic proceeded to turn the flashlight on and crouched in front of Buck to check his pupils.
"Pupils are matching, but you will need a CT scan once we get out of here."
Buck groaned again. He hated those.
Eddie passed Buck his phone but stayed still in front of him for some seconds.
Apart from being very much shirtless, Buck noticed he was very much pale and shaking. There was fear in his shiny eyes, which were scanning him in detail.
A hyperfixation.
Buck closed his eyes as he sighed, he should have known.
"Are you having a panic or anxiety attack?"
Eddie went back to his side feeling embarrassed and huffed a humorless laugh, "Honestly... I don't know. It just feels bad."
Buck shifted positions to look fully at Eddie. "It's okay. I'm here Eddie, I just need you to breathe. Will you do it with me?"
Eddie nodded, the world went black again.
His phone had died.
Eddie's breaths went faster.
"No, no, don't do that. You are going to hyperventilate and we don't want that." Buck grabbed Eddie's hand and squeezed it. "I'm here okay? I'm here with you. We are going to breathe together, how about that?"
"Inhale, one... two... three... four... yeah like that, and exhale, one... two... three... four..."
Some minutes later Eddie could calm down, the shudders went away with the cold sweat and they stayed in silence. Buck's hand was still tangled with Eddie's, on the other man's lap.
That encouraged Eddie to voice his thoughts.
"I... I hadn't remembered what it felt like until today. Not for years." He whispered into the air.
"I could have died. But I remembered a promise I made Chris once." Eddie turned his head to watch Buck. He found pitch-black that somehow made it easier to talk. "That I would always fight to come back to my family."
Eddie looked at the front again and simply said, "You are my family."
He felt Buck's body tensing by his side as he started stuttering. "I- I Eddie-"
"Why did you think I changed my will? I trust you more than I trust my own parents." He scoffed bitterly, squeezing his hand.
"I... I thought you only saw me as your best friend."
"If you knew..." he shut his mouth quickly. He had gone too far.
How could he have gone that far? Voicing his thoughts didn't mean telling Buck the truth about the things he felt for him. About the warm wave of happiness that washed over him every time they locked eyes. Every time Buck smiled. Every time Buck was with Chris.
The feeling of home never faded whenever he was with Buck, instead, it gained strength every time they saw each other.
"If I knew... what?" Buck asked and Eddie could feel his look on his side. His cheeks started to burn.
"Eddie-?" Buck was cut by hot lips on his cheek, giving him just a sweet short peck and going away. He gasped and Eddie tried to untangle their hands but Buck grabbed him tighter.
With his heart running wild on his chest, he reached a hand into the darkness and found a chest, he went up until he found Eddie's chin and clumsily made their lips meet halfway.
The kiss turned to be as good as a kiss in the darkness could be.
So unexpected, so romantic.
It was a mess. Both were a hot, sticky mess - in the good way, not the horny one - in a dark elevator at 5 am, sealing their mouths in their first kiss.
Buck loved it.
Eddie loved it too.
They separated to catch up with their breaths and smiled to the dark.
"If you knew," Eddie started, feeling Buck's head resting on his chest. "That it’s always been you, Buck.”
"I always saw you, Evan Buckley. For who you are, your good things and your bad things. I've seen your worst and your best, and I wanna be there for and with you in them for the rest of our lives."
"Ever since I saw you in the firehouse for the first time, since I saw you smiling in your car when we went to look for Christopher after the earthquake, since I saw you pinned under that truck... I have always known it's you. You who I want to experience life. You who I wanna watch Chris grow. You who I wanna marry someday. You who I wanna grow old with." Eddie answered with a smile.
"I love you too."
"Eddie... Oh god, all this time you... Fuck, I- I want that too." Buck chuckled, placing his hand carefully on his jawline and pulling him for another kiss.
"I love you."
The last thing they expected next was to hear the 118 outside the doors, having heard half of the conversation.
"As much as I love listening to you two getting your shit together-" Hen's voice cut through the elevator's doors. "And I really love it, we need to get you two outta there so, Albert! Bring the jaws!"
Then cheers were heard as both were freed from the elevator, coming out half hugging the other.
"You should have told me it would take you some hours in a sauna to get together! I would have gladly paid!" Chimney teased them.
"Amen, you said it, Chim." Hen agreed, making Buck seat on the gurney and transporting him down with the rest of the crew.
She checked both of them once they were in the parked ambulance and exclaimed to the street, "You all owe me 20 bucks each!"
The couple heard the whole 118 groan before they closed the ambulance doors and started making their way to the hospital, the light of the sunrise illuminating the city which was slowly recovering the electricity.
"You had a bet on us?" Buck whined from the gurney.
"Yup, and I just won. Took you three years and a month, but who's counting?" Hen smirked.
Eddie rolled his eyes fondly and took Buck's hand. "You can have all the bucks you want Hen. I already have the one I love."
(Tagging: @perfectlynervousbeard bc they asked me)
Chimney cried from the front, "Ugh, they are going to be that type of couple."
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vivacesole · 4 years
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Evan “Buck” Buckley x Reader
Summary: You get a surprise visitor while you’re working in the jail.
Requested by Anon: 43 and 34 from Prompt List
34. “What made you think that it was an accident?”
43. “Getting arrested is kind of a win win when you think about it.”
Warnings: Begging for forgiveness?
Word Count: 874
Masterlist | Prompt List | Request
It was a slow night for you, and you didn’t like slow nights. Nothing interesting to keep you busy. Just typing in information after information, confirming that you had custody of inmates in the jail. You spun around in your rolly chair to grab a snack when you got the buzz that someone was coming in.
“Finally.” you muttered under your breath and stood up to put a pair of gloves on. And then the arresting officer walked through the door, he was holding on to none other than Evan Buckley.
“You have got to be kidding me.” you glared at him and he smiled at you, his face full of guilt.
“Hey (Y/N).”
You ignored him and stood in front of your computer, fresh form on the screen. “Name.” was all you said.
“I know I know your information but for legal reasons, you’ve gotta tell me.” you snapped.
“Evan Buckley.” he sighed, frustrated as you continued to ask him questions that you already knew the answer to. You dismissed the arresting officer and obtained his brief report when another corrections officer came over to stand by while you finished the booking process.
You waved Buck over to the mugshot station as you looked over the report and looked up at him in disbelief. He sighed, knowing what was on your mind.
“Stand there.” you pointed and set up the camera. “And don’t talk during this.” you narrowed your eyes at him. “Turn left, stand straight.” Click. “Other way.” Click.
“Look, getting arrested is kind of a win win when you think about it.” he smirked cheekily at you when you finished. “I mean I get to see your beautiful face.” You guided him to the fingerprinting counter.
“You’re joking right? Speeding? Third offence? And right in front of a well known speed trap might I add. What, you just accidentally got the shits in the same spot over the past two weeks? Are you dumb or are you dumb? You’re lucky you’re just being detained for a little while” you rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand to stick his fingers on the ink pad. You were fairly close to him now.
“What made you think that it was an accident?” he whispered in your ear. You froze and tried to put more distance in between the two of you.
“What are you talking about?” you whispered back as you continued to press his fingers onto the white card.
“You won’t talk to me (Y/N). Won’t answer my calls, or texts.”
“So you decided to get arrested to see me?” you scoffed. “You skipped showing up to my apartment.” you joked sarcastically.
“Actually I didn’t.” I stood outside in the lot for a while but I thought better of it.
“And this was a better idea?”
“Would you have answered the door?” he raised an accusing eyebrow. You shook your head in disbelief.
“What do you want Evan?” you asked coldly.
“A second chance.” you chuckled. “No I’m serious (Y/N) please. I know I messed up and I’ve been dying to make it up to you, I mean look, I got arrested to come talk to you! I think that’s dedication.”
“I think it’s psychotic.”
“Point is, I’m willing to do anything.”
“Buck.” you softened up. “You can’t fake feelings, and I know you still have them for Abby. I won't fight that.”
“No no no, I don’t. Remember? I got over her a long time ago, but she was back in town for a bit and I was just in shock. I didn’t actually mean that I missed her. You have filled every piece of my life that I thought was missing. So it’s complete, because of you.”
“I know, I know we weren’t official or whatever that means but there were feelings. There were things said. You and I both know that. And I don’t want to lose you, I can’t lose you. Nobody else matters. Just, let me start over. Let us start over. Proper date.”
“What, you’re gonna ask me to go to dinner in the jail cafeteria?” you chuckled, smirking to the ground.
“When I’m out of here.” he laughed and loosened up, knowing he was getting you back. “I’ll pay all of my fines and take defensive driving or whatever, and I’ll get to take you on a proper date. One that you deserve.”
“You know what? I think I’d be okay with that Buckley. I’ll just make sure that they set your bond really high.” you chuckled and waved the corrections officer over to take him.
“Wait (Y/N)-” Buck narrowed his eyes at you as he was taken away. “I’ll be back!”
“Yeah you will!” you laughed and shook your head at him. “See you in the cafeteria!” you joked.
Request: Hello! I was wondering if you could write about 43 and 34 from your requests with Bucky from 9-1-1?? Btw I love your writingg
A/N: Two posts in a day? Whaaaat?? Okay I kinda pulled this one out of my ass but i thought the prompts given were so funny and I could totally see Buck doing something like this, but I hope you’ve enjoyed it!!
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elisela · 4 years
you’ve got my love to keep you warm buck x eddie, 1.8k, nsfw, vermont verse for @extasiswings who asked for: I want CUDDLES. Lazy winter mornings snuggling up in bed because it's too cold, there's too much snow, and no, the hot water bottle does not count to rectify these things, that's what husbands are for.
He wakes up to an empty bed, pushes himself up and immediately drops back down, burrowing deeper into the covers and pulls the thick duvet over his head. Fuck, the house is freezing, worse than normal. He doesn’t know where Buck has gone, mourns the loss of his body heat and sticks a hand out, groping around the nightstand for his phone.
Eddie: Cold hunky husband: Don’t look at your weather app Eddie: Stop changing your name in my phone and get up here hunky husband: u don’t think i’m hunky??? :(
He rolls his eyes, thumbs over to the weather app and curses.
Eddie: I’m moving to a beach in Mexico hunky husband: I told you not to look at the weather app, you big baby. hunky husband: Come downstairs Eddie: I’m not leaving this bed. Eddie: I’ll freeze to death.
He tosses the phone down at his side and tries to tuck the duvet around him more tightly, which works for all of a minute before it’s being yanked off him and he yelps, grabbing for it.
“Rise and shine, baby,” Buck says brightly.
He reaches out and grabs, hooking his fingers into the waistband of Buck’s—shorts? What the fuck?—and pulling him down. “Fuck off and warm me up,” he says. “It’s five degrees outside, what the hell are you wearing?”
“If you’d ever exercise—” Buck twists away when Eddie pinches him. “Oh, just for that you’re not joining me in the shower,” he says, and laughs when Eddie scrambles off the bed after him.
He catches Buck around the waist and presses into him, resting his head against his shoulder blade and nuzzling in despite his damp, sweaty skin. Buck’s hands come up and rest on top of his; Eddie feels their wedding bands click together as Buck squeezes his hands. There are goosebumps on his skin, and his knees knock into the back of Buck’s legs as they shuffle towards the bathroom but he keeps holding on, not wanting to let him go. He hears the water running already, and when Buck gets the door open, they’re met with a wall of steam and Eddie sinks into the warmth.
“Genius,” he mutters, pressing a kiss to Buck’s bare skin. “This is why you’re the one with the degree.”
Buck’s chest rumbles as he laughs. “Yeah, that B.A. in Husband Pampering is really paying off.”
“Sure is,” Eddie says, stepping back to pull his clothes off. He rolls his eyes and gathers up the shorts and boxer briefs that Buck leaves in a pile on the floor, and tosses them into the laundry hamper before stepping into the shower and immediately wrapping his arms around Buck again. He hums and melts against him, twisting easily when Buck pivots so he’s under the spray. “Why’s it so fucking cold in this house?”
“Because when you got the heating bill last month you said you weren’t made of money and the co-op was bleeding you dry,” Buck says, and Eddie doesn’t have to look to see the smile on his face. “So I turned down the thermostat a few degrees.”
He pulls back at that, pushing Buck’s shoulder until he can look him in the eye. “You did what?”
“The co-op says that keeping that house at fifty-five degrees—“
“Fifty-five?” His mouth drops open—Buck’s heard him complain about the cold for seven years now, and he turns the temperature down to fucking fifty-five? “That’s hardly above freezing,” he says—says, not whines, because Eddie is thirty-five years old and he does not whine. “Get out and turn it up.”
Buck laughs and pulls him forward, and Eddie allows him because there’s not a chance in hell that he’ll ever willingly refuse being pressed against his husband, especially when Buck’s strong, extremely capable hands are wandering down his back, sending a different type of shiver down his spine as his fingers stroke gently against Eddie’s skin. “You can handle a little cold,” he says, “you’ve got my love to keep you warm,” and then he slaps Eddie’s ass and snorts.
“To think I was going to let you fuck me,” Eddie says, and Buck laughs helplessly against his shoulder. “You don’t get to now.”
“You’ll change your mind,” Buck says. “I have plans for you, me, and that rug in front of the fireplace tonight.”
“At least I won’t freeze to death,” he says, pressing forward and turning Buck into the wall—if he gets a certain pleasure at the hiss Buck lets out from being pressed against the cold tile, it’s only because he deserves the revenge. Buck’s fingers trail across the base of his spine, and Eddie pulls him closer, bites just below his ear before he whispers “if you keep me warm, maybe I won’t make you wait until tonight.”
He pulls back enough to see the way Buck’s eyes light up at the challenge and is not at all surprised when Buck pulls him in for a kiss, holding onto his hip with one hand and wrapping his other arm around Eddie’s waist to keep them close as he slides his leg in between Eddie’s. Eddie catches his bottom lip and bites down, rocking himself against Buck’s thigh and groaning, hands groping at his husband’s arms. Sometimes he’s still stunned at how badly he wants Buck, how quickly he can get to the edge with him, like the past several years of domesticity has disappeared and he’s back to seeing Evan Buckley standing shirtless in his backyard, watching the way sweat rolled down his chest and feeling the desperate need for relief.
And now that he’s thinking about that—
Buck’s short gasps are quiet against his mouth as Eddie reaches between them and strokes them together, breath coming faster as he rocks up into Eddie’s fist, his tongue sweeping across Eddie’s lips. Buck rests his forehead against Eddie’s, eyes dropped down, and Eddie knows he’s watching how they look together, gets a thrill from the way Buck pulls back and looks at him before he groans. “Baby,” Buck says, his breath hitching, “you’re so fucking hot.”
He shudders when Buck moves and presses his hands against the cold skin on his back where the water isn’t falling, and maybe it’s difference in temperature that throws his body into overdrive or maybe it’s the way Buck bites his neck before throwing his head back and closing his eyes as he comes with a gasp; either way, Eddie loses his balance a little and stumbles forward, groans when the head of his cock drags against Buck’s stomach, and follows him over.
He leans on Buck for a moment, tries to get his breathing under control before sliding a hand around his neck and pulling him down, and lets Buck kiss his shoulder before Eddie whispers into his ear, “baby, I’m so fucking cold.”
“You’re treating me like a child,” Eddie says—says, not pouts, because he is thirty-five years old and needs to save the pouting for when he really wants to get his way, say, when his husband and son are ganging up on him.
But this is not one of those times, so he just says it in a completely normal tone of voice.
“Maybe that’s because I can’t tell if it’s Eddie or Christopher begging me for something right now,” Buck says. “Eds, I swear, I just need to finish submitting these forms and I’ll go get your book. Or, you know, you could go get it.”
And leave his nest of blankets, curled up on the couch with his feet in his husband’s lap? “Or could you keep me warm like you promised.”
He knows Buck’s trying to keep his face neutral, but the corner of his mouth curves up for just a moment before he fights it back down. “I think you could make it up to the office and back,” Buck says. “Pretty sure your body heat will hold for that long.”
“Can’t risk it,” Eddie says, letting his body fall back onto the couch and picking his phone back up. “What do you want for lunch? Hen just dropped the boys off and says she’s stopping at Bobby’s on the way back and she can pick us up something if we want.”
“Just get two of whatever you want,” Buck says, and shakes his head when Eddie mutters about liver and onions. “Real nice,” he says. “Just for that, I’m not building the garage you want.”
“I’ve wanted a garage for seven years,” Eddie says, finishing the text to Hen and setting his phone on his stomach, “and every year you say okay, now you’ll build it. It’s not exactly a threat anymore.”
Buck pushes Eddie’s feet off his lap and stands up, laptop dangling from one hand. “Yes, but now I submitted the permits, so you’ll actually get it. Or you will if Hen doesn’t show up with liver and onions.” He leans down and kisses Eddie’s forehead before bounding up the stairs, and Eddie grabs his phone and unlocks it.
Eddie: Can you pick up chocolate cake from the bakery? Hen: Can you watch Denny on Friday night? Eddie: Definitely. Two slices? And that dark hot chocolate.
He takes a screenshot and sends it to Buck, hears the chime on his phone at the same time Buck comes clattering down the stairs, and despite Buck dropping onto the other end of the couch, his phone buzzes a moment later.
hunky husband: aww u do love me!
He waits for Buck to toss the book to him, but Buck just pats his lap and says, “c’mere, Eds,” and helps rearrange the blankets around him after he settles his head on Buck’s lap and turns his face in, almost pressing his nose against Buck’s stomach.
Buck reads to him, holding the book in one hand and rubbing the back of Eddie’s neck with the other, until Hen drops by with their food and stays long enough to tease Eddie about his aversion to the cold, and Buck turns on Say Yes to the Dress while they eat and indulge in Eddie’s favorite trashy television past time—making fun of people for choosing ugly wedding dresses.
He’s not sure how they end up on the “Hallmark Christmas Movies” category, but by the time the room is getting dark, Buck is sprawled out against him, sniffling suspiciously when a man wearing fatigues shows up to a school concert last minute, and Eddie doesn’t have the heart to tease him about it, just kisses his forehead and rubs his back slowly.
But as much as he loves his husband, he does not love overly sappy, poorly written Chrismas movies, so he reaches for the remote when the credit rolls and turns it off. The only light comes from the fireplace, which reminds him—
“Didn’t you have plans for you and me and that rug over there?” he asks, letting his fingers wander underneath Buck’s hoodie.
“Can wait,” Buck says, snuggling closer to him and tilting his head up; Eddie feels his lips against his neck, a soft kiss pressed into his skin. “I’m nice and warm right here.”
And surprisingly, despite the bitter cold outside, Eddie is too.
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stydiaeverafter · 4 years
Ch. 5: Love is Sweet
Day 5: Hot & Sexy | Domestic (I did both)
For the @buddiefirstkissweek event
Read on ao3
** Warning sexual content is in this chapter ** (Rated: M)
Summary: Eddie and Buck have the house to themselves. Keeping their hands off one another proves to be a challenge.
Christopher had left for camp. The house was quiet, eerily so. His son leaving was a void that couldn’t be filled in his heart.
Yes, it was only two weeks, but it was still bringing Eddie back to when he had re-enlisted into the military, running away from the hardships life had brought onto his family.
That’s not what was happening here, but his heart still hurt.
Buck had been the one that reminded him that this would be good for Christopher. He would grow and see what he could do, without Eddie being the helicopter dad.
Which had been a surprise; Buck missed him just as much as he did, but Buck knew what he had needed.
Work had kept them both very busy, and their shifts hadn’t matched up lately. So hanging out in their spare time hadn’t been a possibility.
Eddie was about to go tell Cap. what was going on between them, so they could have the same shifts.
But truthfully, he was enjoying their time together without an audience. They had been moving into this new territory of their relationship, and that was scary enough.
Eddie looked out the window at the sunset, as it painted the evening sky like paints running down a canvas.
It looked like it was going to be another night like the one before.
He ordered a pizza and cracked open a beer as he flipped through the channels. Shutter Island was just starting. This one was a good one with Leo DiCaprio.
As he was getting into the horror movie, the knock at the door startled him as he jumped what seemed like a foot off of the couch. “Shit!”
He shook his head as he grabbed his wallet for the pizza. When he opened the door, there stood Buck, holding the pizza box in his hand, “Now this smells good!”
Eddie smiled in surprise, “Buck?”
“No, the Easter Bunny!”
“Shut it,” Eddie replied with a laugh. “What are you doing here? What about your shift tonight?”
“I swapped out with Hen.”
Eddie’s heart fluttered. Yes, fluttered. Buck had that effect on him. “What reason did you give?”
Buck faked a cough, “I think I’m coming down with something, Doc.” He smiled and winked. “Uh, can I come in? This pizza is freaking hot!”
“Oh yea,” Eddie said, opening the door wide, “Come in.” As Buck made his way in and walked to the kitchen, Eddie looked out the front door and yelled to Buck, “Where did the delivery person go? I didn’t pay.”
“I did!” Buck called.
Eddie shook his head and closed the door. He made his way to Buck, “Why’d you do that?” He saw Buck brought some beers as well.
Buck shrugged as he pulled out some plates, “I figured I was crashing your pizza night, and I needed to contribute.”
“I can think of other ways you can contribute, Buck.”
Buck froze and put the plates down on the counter. “Oh, is that so? And we haven’t even had dinner yet, and already moving to dessert….”
“With you, it’s always dessert.”
“I have been told I taste quite sweet.”
Eddie laughed, “You’re insatiable.”
“Only for you, babe.” Buck walked over to him and pulled Eddie in by the waist. Their lips touched and the joking nature seemed to melt away. “I missed you,” Buck whispered into his mouth.
Eddie’s lips were caressing Buck’s as he touched his face softly, “I missed you, too. I’m so glad you faked sick.”
“Me too. You can be my doctor,” Buck replied with a grin, as he deepened the kiss. He pulled Eddie up closer and tighter to him as they rubbed up against each other.
There was always this hunger between them. Eddie hoped it never would fade away.
He moved from Buck’s lips to his neck and sucked gently, then licked his way up his throat.
Buck moaned and grabbed Eddie’s hair, his hips jacking forward. “God, you’re always so good at this.”
“Baby,” Eddie said as he pulled away slightly, “you haven’t seen nothin’ yet.” Eddie pushed him up against the wall as his lips found Buck’s again.
He pushed his tongue in Buck’s mouth and bit his lower lip with just enough pain that would get Buck to respond. It worked.
Buck, who was up against the wall, slid his hands into the back of Eddie’s sweatpants. Thank God he had removed his jeans before this surprise visit.
It was his turn to moan, as Buck gripped his ass and ran a few fingers under the material there. When a finger slid in and went between his cheeks, Eddie threw his head back.
“You’re so sexy, Diaz.”
“Mmm...likewise,” Eddie moaned, as Buck’s hands moved to the front. When he finally gripped him, Eddie’s eyes rolled back. It was delicious and he wanted more of it.
As if Buck had read his mind, he broke the kiss and moved down Eddie’s body, tugging the sweats and underwear down.
Buck was now on his knees and gave a little smile as he took Eddie into his mouth.
“Fuck….” Eddie cried out, as his hands hit the wall.
His lover was working him so well; taking him all the way back as he squeezed his ass. Eddie had never felt this turned on in his life.
The fact that it was Evan Buckley down on his knees, sucking on him, was enough to make him come so hard he saw stars.
Buck took it all and swallowed. He looked up with rosy cheeks as he wiped his red plump lips, “Delicious.”
Eddie was trying to catch his breath, “That was...wow….”
“Thank you, my love,” Buck smiled that beautiful amused smile. He pulled Eddie’s clothes back up in place and stood up. “Did that meet your hunger a bit?”
“Damn right it did,” Eddie replied, wiping his forehead. “Who needs pizza when you can get the best blow job around?”
Buck laughed, “I’m flattered, Ed, really… but actually, I need pizza.”
“Okay, okay,” Eddie exclaimed as he pushed Buck towards the pizza. He looked down and smirked, “But I think afterward I better return the favor.” Buck was clearly as hard as a brick.
“I won’t say no to that,” Buck said as he moved in to give Eddie a small kiss.
Dinner was delicious, but it was the fact that he was sitting next to Eddie on the couch that was grasping his attention. Food be damned.
They were watching Shutter Island, and Buck couldn’t help but jump at certain parts. He just laughed to hide the fact it was freaky as hell.
His heart started pounding when Eddie pulled him back against his chest, putting a blanket on both of them.
Buck smiled. This was perfect, almost as perfect as having Eddie in his mouth. He closed his eyes at the memory. Not that he wasn’t enjoying this moment, but he wanted his mouth full again.
He tried to change the subject for a moment, “It’s quiet without Chris.”
“Too quiet.”
“I miss my buddy,” Buck replied honestly. He wasn’t going to be emotional about this. He had to stay strong for Eddie.
“Me too,” Eddie said. “So much.”
Buck looked back at him, “He’ll be back before you know it. But hey, if you want, I can stay here while he’s gone...so you don’t, ya know, get lonely.”
Eddie smiled and kissed Buck’s forehead, “I would love for you to stay. Feels complete with you here.”
Buck couldn’t agree more. He pulled Eddie’s arms around him and rubbed gently.
They continued watching the movie until Buck started getting all twitchy. He wanted Eddie, all of Eddie. The waiting was too difficult.
The two of them were linked. They had to be. Because Eddie’s hands, which were on Buck’s arms, moved down Buck’s stomach.
Buck smiled as Eddie undid his belt, “I thought you were watching the movie?”
“I can’t watch anything but you, mi amor.”
Buck loved it when Eddie spoke Spanish, especially to him. It was so sexy.
Eddie’s hand moved under his underwear and gripped him tightly. Buck leaned back and moaned. The moans Eddie brought out of his mouth could be his new language.
He moved back further onto Eddie’s chest, as Eddie moved his legs wider apart and nipped Buck’s ear.
“Hungry?” Buck nodded widely. Eddie lifted Buck’s shirt off and he motioned for Buck to lean on the other side of the couch. That’s when he saw the ice-cream. “I do believe it’s time for dessert.”
“I thought we already had it?”
Eddie shook his head, “You did...I didn’t.” He opened the vanilla ice-cream and dropped it onto Buck’s chest. Buck jerked and bit his lip. Eddie’s tongue shot out and he licked all the way up Buck.
Buck gripped the side of the couch as he leaned back further. Hell, this was enough to make him melt.
Eddie took a spoonful in his mouth and his expression was full of hunger. It was enough to make Buck come on the spot.
Lowering his head, Eddie sucked on Buck’s nipples and Buck swore loudly. Good thing his little buddy wasn’t around for this show.
Eddie continued moving up and down his body until he was where Buck desperately wanted him.
“Please….” he begged. Yes, begged.
“I know, baby,” Eddie murmured against his skin. He kissed Buck gently through his briefs and his tongue moved out to dampen the material.
Buck was breathing so fast, just wanting more. He begged again as Eddie pulled him out. His hard length parted his mouth, and the vision of Eddie taking him into his mouth was overwhelming.
The sucking and the cold from the ice-cream were a combination driving him over the edge. Eddie moved up and down with that perfect mouth and his hands. Buck couldn’t hold on any longer; he yelled out Eddie’s name as he released into his lover’s mouth.
Eddie licked his lips, “You’re much sweeter.”
“Damn, Diaz...that was….” Buck said shakily, as words failed him. His body was trembling from the pleasure he was given.
“I know the feeling. You and that talented mouth of yours didn’t disappoint.” He moved up Buck’s body and kissed him softly.
They stared at each other for a long time.
Love was sure sweet.
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Talk Dirty to Me
Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz Rating: Explicit Word Count: 951 Alternate: AO3 Summary: Eddie talks dirty to Buck Warnings:
Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Dirty Talk
Author's Note: I didn’t really want to do the other prompt but I’m not very good with dirty talk. I’m ace and have no clue what people like when it comes to this stuff. I try though so I hope you all like this and enjoy! This is for @buddiepwpweek​ day 2! Prompt: Day 2 - Talk Dirty to Me
If it’s one thing Buck hadn’t been expecting from his relationship with Eddie, it was the dirty talk. To be honest, he hadn’t’ really expected anything out of the ordinary when it came to Eddie and sex. He thought it would be complete vanilla sex and nothing more. Nothing kinky, nothing too daring, nothing too weird . Just… normal.
However, Buck was pleasantly surprised.
Eddie drags his tongue up from the base of Buck’s cock to the very tip, the end of his tongue rubbing against Buck’s slit and causing pre-come to ooze out. Buck moans, body already drenched in sweat just from the foreplay that has been going on for at least an hour now. Eddie smirks up at him, nestled between Buck’s thighs as Buck lies on his back on his bed. “I bet you want me to suck you so bad, huh?”
“God, Eddie, yes,” Buck moans, eyes shutting as Eddie licks a stripe up his cock once more. “Please.”
Buck feels the bed shift and opens his eyes to see Eddie sitting up. The older man crawls over to him, nosing at Buck’s stomach before reaching his mouth and planting a hot, wet kiss there. When he pulls away, he grabs a hold of Buck in his hand and starts stroking painfully slow. “I don’t know. I think I might just go straight to fucking you.” He leans down, nuzzles at Buck’s neck. “Doesn’t that sound good? Hmm, Buck?” Their noses drag along each other as Eddie switches sides. Buck arches, Eddie giving him a particularly pleasurable squeeze. “Do you want your cock in my mouth more than you want my cock in your ass?”
“To feel you, so tight around me. I would go slow at first,” Eddie continues, demonstrating with his hand around Buck. “So slow you’ll be begging to speed up.”
“Please, Eds,” Buck practically begs now .
“And then, when you think you can’t take it anymore, I’ll go faster. Pound you nice and hard.” Eddie bites his neck, sucking at the bruise he leaves there, and Buck groans, wishing Eddie would just do what he is telling. “You won’t be able to sit for days. Can you imagine that, Buck?” Buck pants, not being able to answer. “We’ll be at work, out on a call, and you’ll be limping. Everyone will wonder what happened to you. Maybe someone will even ask you. Then you’ll turn all red, so pretty and embarrassed.”
“God, Eddie, you’re-” Buck gets cut off when Eddie removes his hand and moves it down, finger prodding at Buck’s hole.
“What would you tell them, Buck?” Eddie’s finger breaches him, pumping in and out. It’s easy as Buck had already prepared himself ahead of time. It’s not always easy to get this time alone between them and so they had arranged it prior. He’s glad for it now, seeing as Buck just wants Eddie to fuck him as soon as possible. “Buck?”
“What would you tell them?”
He opens his eyes and sees Eddie above him, eyes blown wide with lust. “I… I don’t know.” Eddie’s got three fingers in him now, pumping slowly. “I could,” he swallows thickly. “I could tell them my leg is bothering me.”
This makes Eddie smirk and he removes his fingers to only replace them with his cock. He pushes in slowly, bottoming out with one swift move. They both groan at the same time and Buck brings his legs up to wrap around Eddie’s waist. Eddie takes no time at all to start moving, starting out slow like he promised but quickly speeding up. They both are way too wound up to take their time now, both of them chasing their relief as if it were a lifeline.
“They would all know you were lying,” Eddie pants, hands gripping at Buck’s thighs to hold him there. Buck keens, too gone to reply. “They all know your mine and they all will know that I’m the one who fucked you.” He shifts and hits Buck’s prostate, causing Buck to cry out in pleasure. “That’s right, Buck. You’re so good for me.” Eddie leans down, buries his face in the crook of Buck’s neck. “So good.”
They both come at the same time, bodies shaking together as they both cling to one another. They stay in that position for a long time, Eddie on top of Buck and Buck with his arms and legs tight around Eddie. They pant hard into each other’s ears, slowly coming down from the pleasure. When he’s able to move again, Eddie carefully pulls out of Buck and slowly crawls up next to him to lie down.
Buck immediately gathers him into his arms and Eddie lays his head down on Buck’s sweaty chest. Buck tilts his head and pecks the top of Eddie’s head. “This was good.”
“Just good?”
“You know what I mean,” Buck says playfully. “You and me getting this time together. It feels like ages since we’ve been able to.”
Eddie hums, sounding tired. “We should try and do this more often.” He sits up. “I mean, spending alone time together, not just sex.”
“So, like, more dates and stuff?”
Eddie nods, his hair tickling Buck’s chin. “Yeah. We could go out to dinner and maybe even watch a movie that isn’t geared towards kids.”
Buck squeezes Eddie in a hug making him groan by the strength of it. “I would love that.”
“It’s a plan then,” Eddie says. He now sounds like he might fall asleep.
As Buck lies there, holding Eddie, he smirks at his next statement. “The sex was fantastic.”
He can feel the way Eddie’s shoulders shake as he chuckles against him.
A/N: The End! Thank you for reading!
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cherishingstydia · 5 years
Double Booked
Evan Buckley was sick of city life. He’d just broken up with his work obsessed boyfriend Jackson. They’d had plans to stay at a Cabin in Colorado they found on Airbnb, but Buck decided to still go since he’d already paid for it and could use an escape.
He’d arrived at the cabin just before a large amount of snow was supposed to hit. After his Uber dropped him off at the cabin he went to bed nearly right away he was exhausted from his travels.
He woke the next morning to the sound of the shower. He heard it shut off and waited with a frying pan from the kitchen. From the bathroom exited the most beautiful man he’d ever seen wearing only a towel. His body was incredible.
“Wh-who are you and why are you here?” Buck stammered.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Eddie snarled.
“I’m Buck, and I rented this place for the week. Your turn.”
“I’m Eddie, and I rented this place for the week. Also could you please lower the frying pan.” Eddie said.
“They double booked us. It’s probably a scam.” Buck sighed, and sat the pan down.
“Wait how long have you been here?” Eddie asked.
“I got in last night. How about you?” Buck asked.
“Early this morning.” Eddie nodded.
“Well we’ll call them, and then you can leave.” Buck hissed.
“Not happening.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“I was here first.” Buck crossed his arms.
“Does it look like I care?” Eddie laughed .
“Ok then we’ll call the owner,and let him sort it out.” Buck said dialing the phone.
The call failed.
“There’s no service.” Buck whined.
“Aww poor little city boy can’t make it out here with out electronics.” Eddie mocked.
“Um how’d you know I’m a city boy?” Buck scoffed.
“The hair, the clothes, the entitlement.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Whatever!” Buck groaned.
Eddie looked out the window there was snow everywhere. He pulled the curtain back. “This explains the phone not working.”
Buck caught himself looking Eddie up and down.
“You should probably put some clothes on now.” Buck said.
“Okay?” Eddie said grabbing his duffel bag from the couch and going in the bathroom to get changed.
Eddie came back out. “So what are we gonna do about all this?”
“Roads look too bad and I don’t even have a car.” Buck answered.
“I’ve got a truck we can see if in awhile it seems like they might clear the roads.” Eddie said.
“So what are we supposed to do until then?” Buck asked.
“I’m going to take a nap. I don’t care what you do.” Eddie said entering the bedroom.
“That’s my room!”
“No it’s not we can alternate nights. I’m not sleeping on that couch every night.” Eddie said.
“Fine!” Buck yelled.
Eddie woke up hours later to a delicious smell.
He came out of the bedroom the table was set for 2.
“I’m sorry for earlier. It’s been a rough few weeks and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. This is my way of saying sorry so I hope you like steak.” Buck smiled.
“ I love it!” Eddie grinned before yawning and stretching slightly exposing his abs.
Buck didn’t know how he was supposed to handle this. Eddie is so hot it’s ridiculous.
“Take a seat!” Buck grinned. “Would you like beer, water, or pop?”
“I could really use a beer!” Eddie said. “I wanna apologize too for my attitude I just went through something, and I’m trying to get a new place so when I move to LA I have somewhere to live. I’ve been a little stressed lately.”
“What? I live in LA small world.” Buck laughed.
“Wow what are the chances?” Eddie smirked.
They enjoyed their dinner talked for hours. They connected rather quickly.
“So do you wanna watch a movie?” Buck smiled.
“Yeah I’d like that.” Eddie nodded.
Not long into the movie Buck, and Eddie were fast asleep, and soon cuddled up on the couch.
The next morning they woke up. Buck looked up at Eddie and smiled. “This still counts as your night for the bedroom.”
“Hey!” Eddie smiled.
“I’m willing to share tonight if you want.” Buck smirked.
Eddie leaned over and their lips met for a short soft kiss.
“I’ll be right back.” Buck said getting up and entering the bathroom.
Eddie answered a knock at the door.
“Who are you?” The man asked.
“I’m Eddie and you are??”
“Jackson I’m Bucks boyfriend.”
“I’m sorry. Um it’s not what it looks like we were double booked. I’m gonna go now.” Eddie said grabbing his coat.
Buck exited the bathroom to see Jackson.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Buck demanded.
“Coming to see you.”
“ We broke up Jackson, and where is Eddie?”
“Oh don’t worry he’s gone now.” Jackson said moving closer and kissing Buck before Buck could push him away Eddie was back.
“I’m just grabbing my bag.” Eddie said quickly leaving.
“Eddie wait!” Buck was chasing him out.
“No. I’ve been cheated on and I would never do it or never be other man. So screw you Buck. I never want to see you again.”
“Eddie please listen to me.” Buck begged, but Eddie got in his truck, slammed the door, and sped away.
A few months had passed since Bucks trip to Colorado. He entered the fire station it was just a normal morning that was until he saw the new team member. It was him. It was Eddie.
“Buck I’d like you to meet Eddie. He’s our newest member.” Bobby smiled.
“Hey.” Buck said trying not to get upset.
Eddie nodded with a frown on his face before heading to the locker room.
Buck followed him.
“Ok can we talk? Please.” Buck begged.
“You have 5 minutes.” Eddie crossed his arms.
“I’m telling you everything. That guy was not my boyfriend I mean he was, but we broke up a month before I even met you. Me and you shared something real unlike anything I’ve ever had with anyone. He kissed me I know that sounds like a line, and not believable, but it’s true. Please give me another chance.”Buck said as his eyes filled with tears.
Eddie stared at Buck in shock.
“I’m such an ass.” Eddie groaned. “I need to realize not everyone is like my ex, and I should have stayed, and let you explain. I should be the one asking for a second chance.” Eddie said moving closer, and wiping away Bucks tears. “So what do you say?” Eddie smiled.
Buck pulled Eddie close and kissed him. “I say I’m the luckiest guy ever if I get to be with you.” Buck rested his head on Eddies forehead.
“I think it’s fate for us to be together. First we get double booked, then I move to LA where you live, and now we are coworkers.” Eddie smiled.
“I think we’re more than coworkers.” Buck blushed.
“Yeah we’re so much more.” Eddie said as he tightly hugged Buck.
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