#evak gifset
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bluevallery · 4 months ago
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peacestew · 3 months ago
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62 Degrees North
written by MeropeMerope Isak/Even | Rating: E A Faroes Island AU
Summary: I'm squinting against the sun for most of the day, taking in the island, taking in Isak, in these oblique little chiaroscuro glimpses: a flock of hunting fulmars, darkly silhouetted against the pale sky, darting up the cliff face with blade-like speed. Isak's weathered boots scraping over the uneven basalt stone, finding footholds, as he clambers up the final stretch to the peak of Kolturshamar ahead of me.
He has the low sun at his back when he turns to me. His face is mostly in shadow but the sweep of his cheek, the curls peeking out underneath his beanie, are burnished gold by the light.
The rough wind scrapes across the ridge and snatches his words away. I can just about make out his laugh. Then he burrows against me and speaks right into my ear. "Do you want to hear a tragic story?"
Read the completed fic on AO3 here with art by @peacestew ✨
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eohachu · 1 year ago
Fave Gifsets of 2023
I wanted to do some more gifmaker appreciation, and wanted to list some faves from 2023!!
Rules: link your favourite gifsets you reblogged from other creators this year!
yunmeng shuangjie text posts by @sandushengshou mysterious lotus casebook - i asked you not to leave by @rhymaes difanghua shenanigans by @smittenskitten something lgbt just happened by @qpjianghu nam seon ho by @highwarlockkareena the blood of youth squad by @difanghua raysand by @khaoray in my dreams i am kissing your mouth (wangxian) by @valarinde my hand was the hand that you reached for by @radishayuan xiao xingchen art by @wisesnail jiang wanyin hands by @evakant wangxian art by @mmagurro zhang ping and lan jue by @smittenskitten seonrok by @yohankang (you were insane for this one man) moonlight chicken by @wanderlust-in-my-soul lan wangji birthday set by @khaotunqs power couple wangxian by @zhanyings
tagging @highwarlockkareena @sandushengshou @evakant @gege @yibo-wang @lan-xichens @weiwuxian @morshiberna @bienmoreau @whoisthatmovinginthedark but no pressure 💙
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zalrb · 9 months ago
Have you ever seen such good chemistry just from a gif set that it made you run to watch the actual show to see them together?
If so, did the chemistry from the gifs translate or was it not as good?
The Man in High Castle
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and the chemistry was on point but I didn't finish the show because I found the characters boring and the only character I didn't find boring because Rufus Selwell is charismatic was John Smith and I was like, I'm not watching a show for a character who is a nazi and then an anon explained to me the trajectory of the show and I was just like, yeah I'm good.
Basically any drama that Jang Ki-yong is in. He always has chemistry with his leads
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and I never care, which is such a weird phenomenon but they're always boring to me and he's boring to me and for kdramas, my expectations are much, much higher so it doesn't end up working for me.
I think I saw the gifs of the shower scene in Melting Me Softly because I started watching the drama
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and again the couple had a lot of chemistry but the drama wasn't all that engaging so I ended up forgetting to watch it and just gradually fell off.
Basically if you see me reblog a gifset with a couple and I say "interesting" it's because the chemistry in the gifs intrigues me.
I'm wondering if I finally decided to watch Merlin because I saw gifs of Merthur and I'm not sure because I know anons kept asking me to and I kept saying no and then one day I decided to so I wonder if I saw a gifset of the pilot...I can't remember.
Same thing with SKAM, for two years anons had asked me to watch it and I was like eh, and then one day I just decided to and I'm trying to remember if I saw a gifset of Yousana or Evak or if I was just bored and decided I'd do it.
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littlespoonevan · 2 years ago
okay so i will admit i didn’t notice the nose moments when i watched the movie because there was just so much going on in the movie and in my feels (just because of the movie itself but also because the book is one of my top faves so finally watching it was just aHHH)
but as soon as i saw that first GIF with the noses even before i saw the last one and then your tags on that GIFset, i was like aHHH SKAM VIBES
then i saw you had the same train of thought and it made me SO happy!!! but it also made me miss the good ol’ days of Skam lol
haha i also didn't noice the noses when i was watching the movie - i think especially bc the scene is quite frantic so seeing it all slowed down and zoomed in really adds another layer!!! but yeah i've never been the same since the evak nose bumps we bore witness to in isak's bedroom and isak's kitchen, rip to my heart 🥹
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evyisaks · 2 years ago
If I had a laptop I'd make a parallel gifset but since I don't, this will need to be okay:
"And I've never felt like this for someone, ever before." (SKAM, Even) 🤝 "I have never felt like this about anyone" (RWRB, Alex)
Of course I have to somehow mention and parallel SKAM and Evak with Alex & Henry.
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woodohwanedandproud · 1 year ago
OP tags (@seamayweed): #they are swordmates and antagonistic soulmates and you can't convince me otherwise @rhaenys-queenofkhyrulzz #gif 1: #i love the way you highlighted all the blues in the pottery and wooden latticework #and the way that seon-ho's durumagi is so brilliantly pigmented #while in contrast #bang-won's is a very dull and muted maroon shade #i can't remember the scene directly but it makes me think that seon-ho is in his element and has won this time #while bang-won walks away in 'defeat' #(honestly the blues throughout this entire gifset are just so striking!!) #gif 2: #did you put it in slo-mo? #because i swear their eyes are lingering on each other with such intensity and depth #gif 3: #ahhh this is my absolute FAVOURITE bangseon scene #the way the reds on bang-won's hanbok are jumping out at me now along with how stark the blood on seon-ho's skin are really do show that #bang-won's colour is dominant here and he has won #utterly delicious #cuz the blue highlights in their hair pale in comparison with it #gif 4: #my eyes are immediately drawn to those beautiful shades of red #with the lack of blue in this scene bang-won has won yet again but it feels so much more final #gif 5: #hehe my boi is back in his bright blues #and i see that blue on hwi's sleeve in the corner! #is seon-ho tryna stake his claim on hwi to bang-won's face? #gif 6: #ahhh they're both in their element again!! #seon-ho looks so confident in his brilliant blues #and despite the shade of maroon #bang-won is NOT backing down #gif 7: #ohoho do i have things to say about this one #first off i love just how much seon-ho's blues shine here #to the point that blue is even highlighted in bang-won's armor #it feels like an extra head pat now that i've remembered that this is the scene where bang-won tells seon-ho #'because you are like me' #second of all i really like that when the scene switches to bang-won's face #the red tree in the bg is still so striking #like #despite the fact that the blue links them together #the presence of bang-won's colour shows that there will always be these stark differences between them #gif 8: #despite the fact that they're wearing blue and black #i like that you highlighted their men wearing blue-ish black and red regardless of which side they're on #a battle of blue against blue and red against red #how ironic #so when seon-ho charges at bang-won #i like to think that those colours warring against themselves show both of them havingan internal conflict about facing each other #bravo sea! #thanks for sharing this fantabulous work of art <3 @xcziel #my country the new age #red and blue #and bang won that wine color: red tinted with blue @pondsphuwin #[INTENSE PROLONGED SCREECHING] #ONCE AGAIN I'M SUPER NORMAL ABOUT THEM!!!!!!!!!!! #OOF LOOK AT THESE COLORS LOOK AT THIS SEXY BLUE THIS GORGEOUS RED!!!!!! #THIS SET SPEAKS TO ME ON A PERSONAL LEVEL #I LOVE THE BLOOD ON SEONHO IN GIFS 2 AND 3.... RED IS BANGWON'S COLOR SO IN A WAY SEONHO IS WEARING HIS COLOR........... #THIS IS STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!! @evakant #rs: it seems we have our differences @pashminabitch #love first gif most... #bangwon walking slowly.menacing..seonho standing there all polite and defiant.not breaking eye contact w the prince🥵🥶
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No, because you are like me.
↳ (pt. 1)
[ID in ALT]
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parallel-univers · 3 years ago
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Was that a smile?
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seandorothy · 8 years ago
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skam week: Day tre - Favorite relationship → Isak and Even
Are we going on a vacation together? What kind of vacation? I wanna do stuff with you. We’re doing that anyway.
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signedupforthis · 3 years ago
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Henrik Holm as Even Bech Naesheim from SKAM (2015-2017)
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joanabianchi · 4 years ago
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Skam + Minute by Minute
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briennejamie · 5 years ago
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Am I the man of your life?
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eohachu · 1 year ago
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So. Some time ago I reached 1000 followers on this blog, and I'm in the mood to celebrate, chat, and most importantly, take requests!! This is how it works:
Send me...
🦋 + make me choose (between dramas/films/characters/dynamics) 🌵 + ask me my favourite (drama/film/character/dynamic) ❓ for a surprise bag gifset 👀
Much love to everyone who supports my gifmaking, it really means a lot to see people enjoy my art <3
Took prompt inspo from @khaotunqs 🌈
Tagging a few people who I want to especially thank:
@bienmoreau @bitterfrosts @dengswei @evakant @flamingwell @gege @hedvig-ulrika @highwarlockkareena @huaschengs @jiaoliqiao @lan-xichens @lesbianmangoes @sandushengshou @shuangdaozhang @suibianjie @treemaidengeek @weiwuxian @yibo-wang @yohankang
i hope i forgot noone, if so, i'm so sorry and i love you 🥺💙
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fatoudixon · 4 years ago
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aslancallenreese · 5 years ago
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infinitely many
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alexiaugustin · 3 years ago
why do people think ismail’s season parallel with isak?? i dont see the connection tbvh. and just bcos they used the infamous bathroom first meet up scenario doesnt mean lou’s going to be the next even
i dont think that this season intentionally parallels isak's either. obv. there can always be scenes that remind you of other skamverse clips or the dynamic of two characters n that okay but people would also do well to consider that not everything has to be about evak, especially considering that they were two white cis men)
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