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At Eva Hospital, we are one of top-rated infertility and IVF Treatment clinic in Ludhiana. We offer personalised treatment to every patient as the cause of infertility is different from one individual to another. Before we start the treatment, it is very important to identify the reasons for infertility in the female. Some of the common reasons for female infertility include:
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चोट है जो घुटने की टोपी के नीचे और पिंडली की हड्डी के ठीक ऊपर, घुटने के अग्रभाग में केंद्रित होती है। इसे अंग्रेजी में AKP यानी एंटीरियर नी पेन कहा जाता है। सरल भाषा में इसका नाम है ‘रनर्स नी’ यानी एक धावक का घुटना। मूलतः यह एक स्पोर्ट्स इंजरी है जो खेल में भाग लेने वाले किशोरों या युवा वयस्कों में होती है
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IUI is an alternative way of putting the sperm directly into the uterus, using aids and instruments.
During the IVF ART, reproductive cells are retrieved from the female and male, combined in a glass dish for fertilization, and the resulting embryo(s) implanted in the uterus.
IUI is less invasive and kinda more natural. IVF is a little invasive, but more advanced and includes the use of donor eggs.
InVitro process includes several steps, such as ovary stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer. On the other hand, intrauterine insemination only involves injecting sperm inside the uterus during ovulation to facilitate sperm’s entry into the egg.
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The joints are made from more durable materials and operated with the most advanced tools and techniques.Let us take a look at the ways in which advancement in medical science is making a difference in the field of total joint replacement operations.
#total knee arthroplasty#total hip arthroplasty#reverse shoulder arthroplasty#orthopedicsurgery#evahospitalludhiana#arthroplasty
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If you have PCOS, you can still get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy with various treatment options available. PCOS is a condition where the female fails to ovulate regularly.
Ovulation is the process of release of eggs by the ovarian cells – once in every menstrual cycle. When the eggs do no release, they remain in the ovarian cells as cysts. This is called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
Infertility is the first consequence of PCOS because fertilization can not occur when the eggs are not available.
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On this day, organizations conduct activities to promote awareness and boost access to proper treatment as promptly as possible.
Arthritis is one of the most common diseases in the world. It affects nearly 25 per cent of adults during their lives, in some form or the other. Ironically, people do not know much about what it actually is. It is one of the topmost reasons for disability worldwide.
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Motherhood and happiness are almost synonymous. If you are desperate for a child or plan to have a baby you will understand this feeling much better. With almost 10%-15% of women finding it difficult to get pregnant, the infertility rates are bothersome and are further expected to rise because of the lifestyle and stress in today’s world.
With nearly 1 out of 8 women having difficulty in getting pregnant and giving birth to a child, the infertility treatments are gaining popularity. IVF or In-vitro fertilization is the most frequently chosen infertility treatment. In this procedure, the woman’s egg is fertilized with the sperm outside the uterus in a clinically controlled environment and the embryo is either frozen or transferred to the woman’s uterus.
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Are you finding wearing socks and shoes difficult? If you have been finding the process of walking difficult without support, or if any past fracture or arthritis has damaged the hip, you must consider a total or partial hip replacement. First performed in the 1960s, hip replacement surgery has come a long way in helping patients get out of the pain in the hip and any immobility that arises because of hip pain.
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Usually one in every ten girls suffers from irregular periods, unwanted hair growth and acne on the face. This is the case of the dreadful Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) which means no menstruation at all or irregular periods. PCOS causes delayed, infrequent or prolonged menstruation.
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Growing old or aging with grace- what is your status? Do you feel the lack of vitality and vigor as you are aging? Is weakness in bones a frequent complaint? You may be feeling it in the form of pain in the knees and legs, wrist and spine.
The bone mass intensity is at its highest by the age of 30 and it starts deteriorating as you age further. The levels of calcium drop down in the body and the bones become fragile and brittle, thus prone to fractures. This condition is called osteoporosis. If the research says that by the age of 50, you can easily break your bones, the condition is grave and needs serious attention.
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Highly advanced gadgets and mobile phones are inevitable phenomenon of the present day lives. Can you even think of staying without your mobile phone, Whatsapp, e-mails or even checking social media for more than half a day? Impossible, right? But what happens if we checking our quintessential phones every second? Scientists have coined a term called ‘text necks’ which implies the constant neck pain and the severe jolt on the overall health.
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You will be surprised to know that men produce new sperm almost throughout their life but women’s fertility graph is almost hill-shaped; it increases as they grow and begins to deteriorate after their 35th birthday tentatively. The egg cell is important for female fertility.
A unique egg reserve starts to form in the body of a new baby girl. As the girl grows, the majority of eggs are wasted in the process of growth and degeneration (apoptosis). By the time of puberty, only about 4, 00,000 eggs are left and roughly only 300-500 eggs qualify for ovulation in the fertile years.
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If you are facing constant pain in the knee or if your daily movement is affected by the immobility in the knee, you must read on. This blog will help people who have faced sports injury or are in turmoil because of immobility in the knee. The secret to staying fit is out. It is the Knee Replacement Surgery.
Knee Replacement Surgery is the new age modern surgical process which helps patients get rid of the pain and damaged knee because of arthritis. The best orthopedic of Punjab, Dr. Tanveer Bhutani says osteoarthritis is the most common reason for patients to undergo the knee replacement surgery. He recommends that patients whose knee joints have been damaged by arthritis or any trauma must consider the surgical procedure and get relief from constant pain.
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As arthritis in the body worsens, it may aggravate the pain in the hip to an extent that it interferes with your daily chores and sleep. You may be experiencing difficulty in climbing the stairs up or down. Is walking, even with a walker or cane, getting difficult? This is the most appropriate time to get diagnosis under a specialized orthopedic and seek help on replacement of the hip.
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