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rodaportal · 4 months ago
Watch this intense debate where Members of the European Parliament go head-to-head over migration, physical barriers, and national safety. From calls for secure borders to arguments for open migration policies—this is a discussion you don't want to miss! 🌍💥
đź“ş Watch now: https://youtu.be/2ESZKt6Z-cg
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sgiandubh · 1 year ago
Honestly? I think it was an interesting solution for Mrs Marple: she gives what the people want (grisly stories with varying degrees of evil) and takes the focus off herself at this moment. It's not the 'packing your bags' promised, but she leaves the scene herself
Dear Solution Anon,
Oh, sweet summer child: 'takes the focus off herself', you say?
But, I beg your pardon, Anon: the whole blog is about herself and her inherent superiority to the whole rest of the human race.
There are silences that speak way louder than words.
She is simply punishing her very thirsty, quite insecure audience. Plus she is completely unapologetic about her very ugly, very insulting and very political time zone 'mistake' (especially if you know a bit of Europolitics current context). Nothing changed.
Cue in the puerile, tasteless, unnecessarily cruel Sunday Silly Sightings (or whatever the fuck that revolting crap is), and you'll have to agree I am right: not going anywhere.
All those grown-up women cackling along her 'silly Anons' should really, really feel ashamed of themselves. They won't, of course, and that's sad, Anon, but what can you do? There's an audience for virtually anything under the sun.
Tout ça, c'est d'un pénible... (yeah, I know it pisses her off - unapologetic myself, too).
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fangirlshameblog · 5 years ago
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Happy Birthday, Mutti and Papa, sorry the European Council sucks and is structurally designed to come up with dysfunctional, disappointing compromises that hold Europe back.
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sup-keatesy-blog · 7 years ago
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Let's take a minute to appreciate the #bbc #subtitles team ... #legands! #eurovision #europolitics #FFS #WTF (at Eurovision Song Contest 2018)
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fortune-maiden · 6 years ago
....ok I'm behind on europolitics. When did Macedonia become North Macedonia? ':/
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xhemilbeharaj · 3 years ago
Presidentia Osmani takime të shumta në Mynih
Presidentia Osmani takime të shumta në Mynih
Në margjina të Konferencës për Siguri në Mynih, në takime të ndara, presidentja e Republikës së Kosovës Vjosa Osmani ka vazhduar takimet e saj, këtë herë me ministrin e Jashtëm të Danimarkës Jeppe Kofod, sekretarin e shtetit të Vatikanit për marrëdhënie me shtetet Paul Richard Gallager, dhe drejtoren e Europolit Catherine de Bolle. Në takim me ministrin e Jashtëm danez, presidentja Osmani bashkë…
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nightlandsrp-blog · 7 years ago
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Irene Industries – Eden, Europolis
Situated at the center of Europolis, Irene Industries sees, hears, and controls each beat of its citizens’ hollowed hearts. Hardwired as the city’s control center, the corporation seamlessly monitors the general population, safeguarding the surviving world from violence they swore to leave behind. 
As a leading manufacturer of many popular products and services, including Trackers, Bionics, and food, Irene holds a monopoly on most of the world market. An overwhelming majority of Europolites citizens’ livelihoods depend on Irene Industries’ salaries, meager as they may be. 
Few dare to challenge the corporation’s vice grip – and many of those who do are quick to realize just how powerful Irene Industries has become in the years since the world collapsed. 
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apelmedia · 5 years ago
Operacioni i Europolit/ Arrestohen 25 shqiptarë
Pak çaste më parë, 25 persona, madje të gjithë shqiptarë, janë arrestuar pasi janë akuzuar për trafikim droge në vende të ndryshme të Europës.
Burimet bëjnë me dije se në këtë operacion janë përfshirë gjithsej 600 oficerë policie dhe se personat e dyshuar ishin anëtarë të një bande, e cila rezultonte në hetim që në vitin 2017.
Gjithashtu, portal kryesor i Europol është shprehur se operacioni u krye në bashkëpunim me në bashkëpunim me Policinë Federale të Belgjikës, Gardën Civile Spanjolle dhe Policinë Hollandeze.
Hetimi është drejtuar nga policia lokale e Antëerp dhe sipas tyre droga ishte e kontrabanduar, duke u fshehur në kontenierë në Belgjikë, përpara se të shpërndahej në Europë.
Policia lokale ka deklaruar se i njëjti klub kriminal po menaxhonte plantacionet e kanabisit në Spanjë dhe Gjermani.
Operacioni përfundoi me këto rezultate:
9 arrestime në Belgjikë,
6 arrestime në Spanjë,
3 arrestime në Hollandë,
6 arrestime në Gjermani,
1 arrestim në Francë. /Apel.al
from WordPress https://apel.al/operacioni-i-europolit-arrestohen-25-shqiptare/ via IFTTT
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fangirlshameblog · 5 years ago
Continuing to do nothing is also a choice. 🔥🔥🔥
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benrleeusa · 6 years ago
[Stewart Baker] How we know the North Korean Embassy break-in wasn’t the work of the CIA
Episode 257 of the Cyberlaw Podcast
In today's News Roundup, Klon Kitchen adds to the sory of the North Korean Embassy invasion by an unknown group. Turns out some of the participants fled to the US and lawyered up, but the real tipoff about attribution is that they've given some of the data they stole to the FBI. That rules out CIA involvement right there.
Nick Weaver talks about Hal Martin pleading guilty to unlawfully retaining massive amounts of classified NSA hacking data. It's looking more and more as though Martin was just a packrat, making his sentence of nine years in prison about right. But as Nick points out, that leaves unexplained how the Russians got hold of so much NSA data themselves.
Paul Hughes explains the seamy Europolitics behind the new foreign investment regulations that will take effect this month.
Nick explains the deeply troubling compromise of update certs at ASUS and the company's equally troubling response. I ask why the only agency with clear authority over an incident with important national security implications is the FTC.
Nick and I comment on the FTC's pending investigation of the privacy practices of seven Internet service providers.
Speaking of sensitive data practices, Klon talks about the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States' belated recognition that maybe the Chinese shouldn't have access to the most intimate desires of the US LGBTQ community. I try to explain the difference between Tik Tok and Yik Yak and mostly fail.
Meanwhile, in splinternet news, the EU Parliament has approved the controversial Copyright Directive. A bunch of MEPs, soon to be running for reelection, claim they meant to vote against it, really, but somehow ended up voting for it.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is suing Facebook for violating the Fair Housing Act. I ask listeners for help in finding guests who can talk about whether it's a good idea to bar ad targeting that lets companies look for more customers like the ones they already have, even if their customers already skew toward particular genders and ethnicities.
Finally, Nick and I break down Gavin de Becker's claim that the real killer in the Bezos sexting flap was Saudi Arabia. Plenty of smoke there, but the lack of a reference to any forensic evidence raises doubts about de Becker's version of events.
Download the 257th Episode (mp3).
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As always, The Cyberlaw Podcast is open to feedback. Be sure to engage with @stewartbaker on Twitter. Send your questions, comments, and suggestions for topics or interviewees to [email protected]. Remember: If your suggested guest appears on the show, we will send you a highly coveted Cyberlaw Podcast mug!
The views expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not reflect the opinions of the firm.
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centre-al-blog · 8 years ago
Europol paralajmëron për kërcënimet serioze terroriste
Europol paralajmëron për kërcënimet serioze terroriste
[ad_1] Sulmet ndaj revistës satirike franceze “Charlie Hebdo”, në janar të vitit 2015 shënuan një tranzicion të një strategjie më të gjerë të terrorizmit xhihadist, në veçanti i ashtuquajturi Shteti Islamik, frikësoi  vendet perëndimore nga sulmet e njëpasnjëshme terroriste që bëri në të gjithë Evropën, thuhet në një deklaratë të Europolit, transmeton lajmi.net. Zyra e Policisë Evropiane thekson…
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diplomaticbedouin-blog · 7 years ago
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It is such a pleasure to reach the end of the weekend with a good #cigar and some G&T. As we also getting closer to the end of the year I would like to open the last #politishoutout to you, my awesome followers , for a vote. Yes, you will help to decide! Who do you think performed best? Which MP\MEP moved us more boldly forward? Whom do you think should get the politishoutout #leader of #2017 ? Please answer here, via mail, FB or DM. You can vote till the 25th. The post will be up on the 31st. #instapundit #europolitics #instapolitics (bij Hotel de l'Europe)
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xhemilbeharaj · 4 years ago
Europoli: Kokaina më e pastër ka arritur në shtetet e BE-së
Europoli: Kokaina më e pastër ka arritur në shtetet e BE-së
Në pandeminë e coronavirusit mund të përfitojë krimi i organizuar në Evropë për vite me radhë, i cili tashmë ka arritur një pikë kthese për shkak të kontrabandës së paparë të kokainës, paralajmëroi raporti i publikuar sot i Europolit. Rrjetet kriminale ka të ngjarë të përfitojnë nga kriza ekonomike e shkaktuar nga COVID-19 për të infiltruar në kompanitë ligjore që janë bërë më të prekshme,…
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fangirlshameblog · 5 years ago
favorite macron pic?
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This but unironically.
Special mention:
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