
I know, I know. I got your DMs and messages about #my lack of activities this past two weeks. And as sinful as it is, #I did it for a good purpose. Both with an exciting #new project and something new for you guys as well that I’ll publish very soon. So let’s get back to our tradition on Mondays - #politishouout !🙌 Meet Javier Nart @alde_group and Partido de la Ciudadanía member 🇪🇸 Why the #shoutout ? As #Europe was struck by terrorism the EU parliament didn’t stand idly by. With new legislations the parliament pushed both new security measurements and regulations to protect #EU citizens. Yet, you can’t always stop #radical thought, but you can make sure to cut the finance for jihadists from getting tools of murder to carry their sinister acts. This week Javier will bring the Committee on Foreign Affairs new recommendations to cut the sources of income for Jihadists to the mini-Plenary session in #Brussels . So far the EU has work together with both the national security agencies her in the continent as well as @interpol_hq and the bank federation to block the movement of money and donations to jihadists. Javier’s newest proposal is touching on a critical part of the financing chain. Most money is not always transferred in large donations, but with small and medium “donations” that amount together to large amounts of money. Javier said: “We adopted a new “microfinance” approach aimed at cutting off transfers of funds to jihadi terrorist groups. A common information platform and coordination centre for intelligence services, checks on anonymous debit cards, registration of hawala and similar practices, and monitoring funds received by cultural and worship centres, are just some of the proposals in this recommendation.” Good work Javier! You and the committee do us all very proud! I hope that these recommendations will be adopted for our security.📷Efe. #instapundit #europundit #europolitics #politics #instapolitics #diplogram
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Whether cold or hot, high or low, always follow your heart! (bij Amsterdam, Netherlands)
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I know you guys waited for the usual weekly #politishoutout , but today will be a bit different. Over the past few months I’m getting more and more requests from you asking #me to writing more articles about the ever changing state of our political world in Europe. #Like you I’m also working , while keeping our #favourite tradition alive and kicking. As a consultant my duty is to my clients (MPs, MEP’s, candidates and of course parties). But I also have my duty for you guys. And so #I could keep building up the “programming” for you all we need to answer a simple question.... Should we turn the politishoutout into a monthly or bi-monthly tradition and I’ll create more articles about what is happening on our continent and our political and ideological spheres? Or should we continue as we are used to with a weekly politishoutout? You’re welcome to let me know by DMing me, via mail, Snapchat and of here. Your answers will decide the “big question of our age”🙃: politishoutout #weekly or not? #instapolitics #diplogram #europolitics #instapundit (bij Strasbourg, France)
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With the latest “World Economic Forum” behind us and renewed bicker and financial fears about #BREXIT still ahead, I believe that today’s #politishoutout will ease a bit of your anxieties. Meet Brian Mikkelsen Danish Minister for Business Affairs 🇩🇰 Det Konservative Folkeparti Why the #shoutout ? Some of the former “reder” ministers who “handled” our economic affairs believed that the more you #tax the citizens the more income the gov has to give more so called benefits to the public. Unfortunately such protectionism did the opposite, it crashed #Greece , #Spain and even the “good old” #USSR . To ensure our citizen’s prosperity we must make sure that they have more money in their pockets to use it. Either for creating #new business, expand and recruit new workers and yes even to invest in more affordable housing. This is exactly what minister @mikkelsen.brian has pushed for. In the reform, he will save #Danish house owners, as well as new buyers, 28 billion krone till 2025, due to the housing tax agreement with the Danish People's Party, Social Democracy and Radical Left in May of last year. For example the high real estate tax rate is reduced from 3 percent to 1.4 percent and the low #RE tax by over 0.45. Lowering the tax burden doesn’t hurt the gov or the nation, it strengthen them and give more financial liberties to the citizens. #Great work minister Mikkelsen! #instapundit #instapolitics #instadaily #diplogram #denmark #europe #politics
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The question about a federal Europe has mostly been answered - it’s happening! The real question that we must ask ourselves is what kind of a federal rule we would like to have. My answer is: we need to insure the trust of the citizens in the union and the only way to achieve it is by city/region up and not “super capital” down. #instapundit #instapolitics #instadaily #diplogram #europolitics
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As the political balance in #Europe seems to shift like the #winter winds. It is #important to remember that we are viewing a #great correction, rather than breaking of our union. Today's #politishoutout represents that road and the great correction that will bring us a more prosperous union. Meet Christofer Fjellner @insta_epp and @nyamoderaterna member Why the #shoutout ? In my new lecture, “European Rejuvenation”, I talk about the importance of federalisation that starts from the bottom up and not from top to bottom. @cfjellner embodies that demand with policies to make sure that our continent is more custom made by regional demands, rather by monolithic regulations from the EU Parliament. Such policies ensure the ability to better tailor solutions for all Europeans, by focusing on the unique needs of their regions. For example we heard a lot from #UKIP members about the “Northern sea fisheries disaster” due to EU regulations. They were right, adopting successful regulations from Spain and Portugal wasn't effective for British, Dutch and Danish fishermen. Christofer knew that there is a long way to go between realising a mistake by the EU, to demanding its demise. For if we break everything that might just need a fine tuning, we would have still lived in the Stone Age. Christofer's policies would like to harness Europe's potential by making it more “light weight” on regulations, thus turning it to “heavy weight” on both economic prosperity as well as a more stable and stronger union. We need more cool minded politicians, we deserve politicians who put our best first and if you are one of my dear #followers in #Sweden you can rest assured that your voice is heard in the European Parliament. #instapundit #instapolitics #diplogram #europundit #eupolitics #sverige #politics #europeanrejuvenation
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Blijf warm en een goed weekend! 🧤🔥🧣🤗 (bij Hotel de l'Europe)
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With the upcoming #elections in #Niederösterreich it is time to take a stand and give a #big #politishoutout to the candidate that will best represent the region. Meet Johanna Mikl-Leitner @volkspartei 🇦🇹 Why the #shoutout ? The #best rep a population needs is one that lives the region's issues both as a local and as a politician. @johanna.mikl.leitner has it both with plenty of experience. Right from 1995 as a national director of the #ÖVP #NÖ all the way to Minister of the Interior in 2011. moreover you know she has a “friendly ear” in the gov, as she worked closely with Kanzler @sebastiankurz when he was her state secretary. And so she continued to serve NÖ in 2016 and 2017. So we see her deep commitment to NÖ as a local and a politician that has strong influence in the federal gov. but you might ask: “what have you done for me lately?” well the ÖVP had pushed an extension of the NÖ building law; it gave new apartment allocations for young families to buy or rent affordable housing in the region. Till mid 2017 over 2,500 families enjoyed the new policy and the forecast is even more #positive till the end of this year. Thus securing the population strength of NÖ for years to come. If you are one of #my beloved Austrian #followers in NÖ, I urge you to vote for Johanna Mikl-Leitner in the upcoming elections!! 📸:JML IG #wir018 #instapolitics #instapundit #eupolitics #österreich #🇦🇹 #europundit #diplogram
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Compromise is one of the building blocks of a better union. Yet a compromise that is achieved by being overwhelmingly unfair against one side, will eventually become the ram that brings down the union. #instapundit #instapolitics #brexit #negotiations #diplogram
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New month, new year, new #politishoutout 🙂 I hope everybody had a good start of the #new year! Today we look at one of the most successful new parties in the #Czech Republic as well as in the EU zone. Meet ANO 2011 🇨🇿 Why the #shoutout ? When I write a SO it's mainly due to #my personal engagement with the party, previous knowledge about the party and most important is their political performance. I first noticed the party when it showed that they have the most efficient coordination between their local, national and European reps. For example when they pushed the issue of keeping environmental efficiency with the growth of the economy in the Czech republic, they did the same in the European Parliament. So they do in other fields. This strategy allows the party to show greater success back home, but also make sure that if their initiative is blocked at home, they can show some success of it on the EU level and vice versa. One of their initiatives was the demand to make “digital” and “physical\paper” invoices equal in front of the authorities. Such a reform does not only save our carbon footprint, but it also saves a lot of administrative expenses for companies and individual in the county. Some countries in the EU still haven't made such critical reforms, I can only hope that via @alde_group in the @europeanparliament , ANO Bude Líp could push the same reforms on a European level🇪🇺. One of the core parts on my new “European Rejuvenation” #lecture is about the efficiency of political parties. ANO 2011 is an example for a party that does things right! 📸:Vojtěch Marek #instapolitics #instapundit #eupolitics #diplogram #🇨🇿
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“Those who keep saying that #Europe is a tired continent are right. We are tired of hearing that bullshit and even more tired when it comes from those who have a lot to fix in their own troubled homes.”🇪🇺🔝 #europeanrejuvenation #lecture #instapundit #instapolitics #eupolitics #europerising (bij Amsterdam, Netherlands)
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#2018 is here! and just like last year, we open the New Year with our “ #politishoutout leader”. We take a moment to look back and see who influenced us the most during the past year. This time I asked you, who would you vote for? With votes coming by mail, DM's and right here on Instagram, excluding those who already being featured here, our PSO goes toooooo Meet Jean-Claude Juncker President of the European Commission @europeancommission European People's Party @insta_epp 🇱🇺🇪🇺 Why the #shoutout ? As you remember last year the PSO went to Nigel Farage, the difference between the two couldn't be starker. But just as @nigel_farage led the UK towards the Exit door, Juncker showed the union a new path forward. He understood that #BREXIT is a vote for #EU reformation, not the union's collapse. If the British wanted to leave – good for them. We have the responsibility to fix issues that we face, not run from them. Thus pushing for a better union that works for all of us in the continent. #Juncker led the way! Digital single market, new ECB controls, better energy regulations and long term investments, a new migration doctrine as well as a new look at EU-World trade increases. Those are part of the issues Juncker tackled so far during his term in office. Moreover, he showed that the EU is not broken nor weak in his strong negotiation positions with the UK. Juncker embody the will and determination that we all have in the EU. The road might be hard, but we are tough. #Europe always endures and so we will again. Let the year of reforms and strength begin! Juncker has done great job representing EU interests abroad, while building the EU up from within. With your 🗳 and #my personal belief in his #great work, Juncker is our politishoutout leader of 2017. 📸: JunckerEU #instapolitics #eupolitics #instapundit #diplogram
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Oh #2017 , what a year it was. We had so much #good times , with a vibrant new gov in #Austria 🇦🇹, an #inspiring rise of #conservative and #libertarian values in our continent🇪🇺 and of course a path for a fair #Brexit deal. But not all wad shiny, we lived through a year of unspeakable evils from radical Islamic terrorists, that never broke us, to regional threats for both the nation states as well as the EU itself, yet we persevered, and yeah we didn't see the same rise in economic strength as we hoped for. Yet the year in my view is the year of the hopeful. A year that showed us the cracks that need to be fixed in 2018. From re-federalisation reforms to immigration and all the way to new solutions for our societal demands. It is my wish that both politicians and the #great women and men of our societies will take this challenges and make 2018, the year of “European rejuvenation” to a better more prosperous future. Happy New Years and may you all have a successful 2018🎊🥂🎊 #instapundit #instapolitics #europeanrejuvenation #diplogram #myyear2017 #europe2017
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We wish you all a merry Christmas and a successful and prosperous New Year🎄🎅🏻. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your interest and support, together we opened a window into 🇪🇺 politics here on Instagram. With every step , thanks to your support, you lifted me to one of Europe’s biggest insta pundits. I appreciate and extremely thankful to each and every one of you🙏🏻. May we continue to grow and excel in 2018! 🥂 #thankful #blessed #kerst #christmas #instapundit #instapolitics #europeanrejuvenation (bij Amsterdam, Netherlands)
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With the ascension of Austria's #new government today, I believe that it is a great opportunity to give a big #politishoutout to someone that is not usually in front of the camera, but her work can fit several overly photographed reps with ease in the amount of work she did for #Austria as well as Europe. Meet Judge Karoline Edtstadler Staatssekretärin im Innenministerium🇦🇹 Why the #shoutout ? Well if you listen to the protestors outside today proceeding you might hear such moronic rhetoric of the Germanic “N” word up to more “acceptable” political worries about possible future corruption. While the left already proved they can't forecast the future, Austrians can sleep in peace knowing that one of the most moral and capable people is in the gov. From her work as a lawyer and than a judge in #Salzburg regional court as well as on her previous work as a senior prosecutor in the CP office. @karoline_edtstadler shows she is a fighter for civil dignity, moreover she also worked hard at Strasbourg at the European Court of Human Rights. Her passion for preserving and protecting Austrians is beyond reproach. But let us look closer at the claims of “future corruption”, declared by the uninformed and politically extremist left protestors. If there was even a hint to it, the all issue would disappear like “a fart in the wind” when you see that one of the country's top anti-corruption fighter is in the coalition. Karoline worked at the Vienna Public Prosecutor under than Justice Minister Wolfgang Brandstetter and is no stranger to looking at cases with critical eyes. Even as many including yours truly, would rather see her at the justice department, she will hold the critical role of the anti-corruption office within the government. Insuring that Austria is indeed clean of corruption. Karoline is both a great pick, but more than that, she is also an important sign that today's government in Austria is ready to lead the country in a better and more morally right path. 📸 © APA/Roland Schlager #instadaily #instapundit #instapolitics #diplogram #europeanrejuvenation
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It is such a pleasure to reach the end of the weekend with a good #cigar and some G&T. As we also getting closer to the end of the year I would like to open the last #politishoutout to you, my awesome followers , for a vote. Yes, you will help to decide! Who do you think performed best? Which MP\MEP moved us more boldly forward? Whom do you think should get the politishoutout #leader of #2017 ? Please answer here, via mail, FB or DM. You can vote till the 25th. The post will be up on the 31st. #instapundit #europolitics #instapolitics (bij Hotel de l'Europe)
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Whether you like president @realdonaldtrump or not, the truth of a gravelly needed cut to the extreme regulatory industry in our parliaments is in all of our interests. It is one of our continent’s greatest ills. If the EU wants to continue to prosper in the future, a grand anti red-tape reform is in need. #europeanrejuvenation #liberalisation #realworldeconomics #instapundit #instapolitics #diplogram #EU #europundit #Repost @gop (@get_repost) ・・・ @realdonaldtrump cut regulatory red tape yesterday. Literally. (bij The Hague, Netherlands)
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