#european rose chafer
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goodlouse · 3 months ago
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hellsitegenetics · 10 months ago
...is this reaching you?
A little animal, on the floor of my chamber. I think I know what you are looking for.
You're stuck in a cycle, a repeating pattern. You want a way out.
Know that this does not make you special - every living thing shares that same frustration. From the microbes in the processing strata to me, who am, if you excuse me, godlike in comparison.
The good news first. In a way, I am what you are searching for. Me and my kind have as our purpose to solve that very oscillating claustrophobia in the chests of you and countless others. A strange charity - you the unknowing recipient, I the reluctant gift. The noble benefactors? Gone.
The bad news is that no definitive solution has been found. And every moment the equipment erodes to a new state of decay. I can't help you collectively, or individually. I can't even help myself.
For you though, there is another way. The old path. Go to the west past the Farm Arrays, and then down into the earth where the land fissures, as deep as you can reach, where the ancients built their temples and danced their silly rituals. The mark I gave you will let you through.
Not that it solves anyone's problem but yours.
String identified: … t acg ? A tt aa, t ca. t at a g . ' tc a cc, a atg att. at a a t. tat t t a ca - g tg a tat a tat. t c t cg tata t , a, c , g ca. T g t. a a, a at a acg . a a a t tat catg cata t ct a ct t. A tag cat - t g ct, t ctat gt. T act? G. T a tat t t a . A t t t t a tat ca. ca't cct, a. ca't . tg, t at a. T at. G t t t at t a Aa, a t t t at t a , a a ca ac, t act t t t a ac t ta. T a ga t tg. t tat t a' t .
Closest match: Cetonia aurata genome assembly, chromosome: 8 Common name: European Rose Chafer
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(image source)
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mirtapersonal · 2 years ago
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Cetonia aurata (I think), ie European rose chafer
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occudo · 10 months ago
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The last bugs!✨ Sir Martin Blacwood - Blue Hoplia Coerulea (armor) and Clouded silver moth (cape) Sir Timothy Stoker - European rose chafer (armor) and Peacock butterfly (cape) Knights getting beetle armor based on @flamingfinch's ask and the butterflys were suggested by @themgayelfboiz for Martin and @deaderthandoubledead for someone stranger related- I chosed Tim! Sorry I didn't answered your asks, I combined them into one post. Thanks everyone for the suggestions, but I'm think I'm done with these for the time being- thanks for stikng around!
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inutiliacapra · 6 months ago
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go my scarabs! 🪲🪲🪲
pine chafer beetle and european rose chafer beetle (?) cumpleated B)) glad i got to do them both in one sitting *kills you*
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speakingofnature · 7 months ago
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Five-banded Thynnid Wasp (Myzinum quinquecinctum)
It is unfortunate that many people lump all wasps together as being bad for fear of being stung. The female Five-banded Thynnid Wasp has the ability to sting but uses her stinger to disable beetle larvae, specifically those in the Family Scarabaeidae, which includes pests like the Japanese beetle, European chafer and rose chafer. The female wasp looks for these beetles in their grub stage when she can paralyze them with her stinger and deposit her eggs on them. The wasp larvae hatch and attach themselves to the beetle larvae which they gradually consume before entering their cocoon. After spending the winter in the soil the adult wasp emerges the following year.
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uhode · 4 months ago
i need you all to know that my halloween costume is european rose chafer 🪲
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power-handmaiden · 20 days ago
Day 40: European rose chafer
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Been thinking about flower chafers a lot… they’re cute. Digital art continues to feel Weird but I’m determined to keep messing with it
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the-stars-blooming · 9 months ago
all the marauders era hogwarts friend groups and their animagus forms
James Potter - Stag
Sirius Black - Black Dog
Remus Lupin - Werewolf 
Peter Pettigrew - Rat
Lily Evans - Red Panda 
Marlene McKinnon - Magpie 
Mary McDonald - Hummingbird 
Alice Fortescue - European Hare 
Regulus Black - Black Cat 
Barty Crouch Jr - Racoon
Evan Rosier - Sparrow 
Pandora Rosier - Dove 
Dorcas Meadowes - Black Panther 
Bella Black - Carrion Crow 
Cissa Black - Pit Viper 
Andy Black - Lynx
Zoya/Maya Zabini - Red Fox 
Rita Skeeter - European Rose Chafer Beetle 
Emma Vanity - Black and White Manx Cat
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trannykisser · 2 years ago
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i watched this guy eat a dock bug European Rose Chafer (Cetonia aurata)
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lena-rosey · 2 years ago
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Une cétoine dorée (Cetonia aurata) qui dort sur les nouvelles fleurs d'une viorne lantane (Viburnum lantana) // a European rose chafer sleeping on the new flowers of a wayfaring tree.
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whatanimalisinthatpainting · 3 months ago
The scale is pretty strange on this one. The pine chafer is massive. Anyway.
Eyed Hawkmoth (Smerinthus ocellata) (photo source)
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Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) (photo source)
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Female Pine Chafer (Polyphylla fullo) (photo source) but she made it MASSIVE, a cool creative decision I respect.
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Vespillo Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus vespillo) (photo source). I'm not that confident on this one, but it certainly isn't a treehopper, and I can't find anything native to the region that looks closer.
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Some kind of chafer beetle, subtribe Cetoniina. I have trouble with these, even in high res from a top-down view. If I had to guess, probably Copper Chafer (Protaetia cuprea) or European Rose Chafer (Cetonia aurata). Incidentally, I have kept both these species as pets :> (photo src)
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Margareta de Heer Butterflies and beetles around a rose on a stone ledge 1655 gouache on vellum 15.6 cm (6.1 in)19.4 cm (7.6 in)
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scavenging-carrion · 4 years ago
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A shiny little friend found around the school
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marywwriter · 5 years ago
Italy 19: Florence (Part 1)
Italy 19: Florence (Part 1)
The Lovely Villa Belvedere
May 22, 2019
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Welcome / reception line, Villa Belvedere
Late on the afternoon of May 22, we arrived in Firenze (Florence) after a long drive through central Italy from Salerno. The Hotel Villa Belvedere, our accommodation for our visit, was so lovely that if we had been advised that every tourist site in the city had been unexpectedly closed for repairs and we…
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 4 months ago
I love you summer!
I love you, bird cherry flower smell. I love you, fields full of grasses, clovers, buttercups, cranesbills, ground-ivy and flowers and plants I can't even recognise. I love you cycling, I love you, planning routes and pushing myself to go longer and faster than ever before on my bike and picking up speed with every uphill and making small side to side slithering sways with every downhill and viewing the everychanging scenery around me. I love you, shady shades of green in the forest. I love you, ice cold soft drinks. I love you, walking or cycling around the neighbourhoods and viewing people's pretty gardens and houses. I love you, walking outside and closing my eyes and letting the cool drops of rain fall on my hear and face. I love you, sundried warm blankets. I love you, doodling in a notebook on a park bench. I love you, t-shirts and summer dresses and shorts. I love you, standing on the bridge and looking down to see the fish under the surface. I love you, watching tiny brown baby mallards and spotted yellow baby gulls growing through the summer months. I love you, common swift trills. I love you, wading through the cool water in my water shoes and seeing the juvenile fish swim around me. I love you, making that first dive into the water, being engulfed by the quiet. I love you, chasing perches and roaches and looking for old mussels and their trails. I love you, diving right to the bottom to see how the colour and light shift ever so subtly at the different depths. I love you, raspberry ice pops. I love you, hot surface water and the steep cold wall of the thermocline. I love you, green and yellow fields of wheat and oat and barley that sway in the wind like waves. I love you, sparkling surface of the sea that nearly blinds you. I love you, patches of fireweed and the buzzing pollinators flying from flower to flower around it. I love you, shield bugs and scorpionflies and large pine weevils and summer chafers and rose chafers and ringlets and European peacocks! I love you, small tortoiseshell caterpillars in the nettle and bird-cherry ermine caterpillars in the bird cherry. I love you, ice cream sandwhiches. I love you, warm sunny days on the porch with a book. I love you, roaring thunder and lightning, and heavy rain and hailstorms that make the roof rumble. I love you, cooler windy days when a hoodie is just the right amount of clothing. I love you, sitting outside, watching the mountainous white clouds drift in the distance and the fieldfares doing their thing, listening to the alder and birch leaves rustling in the wind. And for a moment, there's not a worry in the whole world.
Now, obviously September and October are not summer months, despite the unusually warm September we had (thank climate change for that). I was merely dreading if I would not have enough to say, if I could put into words the things I experience in the summer. Clearly, that ended up not being an issue. I love you summer!
I love you winter!
I love you, first snowfall of the season. I love you, powdery snow and frozen grass in the mornings. I love you, pink and purple sunsets. I love you, heavy snowfall. I love you, waking up in the morning to find a thick blanket of untouched white snow. I love you, skiing trips through the woods. I love you, hot berry juice. I love you, making running steps through the untouched snow to see how far you can leap. I love you, frost and snow in the tree branches making everything look glistening and perfect. I love you, grey cloudy days when everything looks monochrome except for the red trunks of the pines. I love you, downhill skiing. I love you, trying out new routes and tricks while downhill skiing and getting out of my comfort zone! I love you, hot chocolate and whipped cream. I love you, great tits and magpies flying about looking for food. I love you, clear days when the sky is blue and you remember how beautiful it really is. I love you, heavy snowfall illuminated by the street lamps at night. I love you, walking on the sea ice and lake ice and accessing places I never could before. I love you, glögi. I love you, snowflakes and inspecting your patterns. I love you, steaming hot saunas. I love you, ice swimming, even though you also frighten me! I love you, fairy lights in the trees. I love you, wind-carved waves and shapes in the snow. I love you, blue hour. I love you, warm blankets. I love you, tiny black streams still staying unfrozen and moving. I love you, icicles and other beautiful ice formations. I love you, crown snow-load and thick snow covering the trees. I love you, northern lights. I love you, fireplaces. I love you, waking up in the middle of the night in your warm bed, finding the house completely quiet as you walk through the hall, and upon looking out the window, all you can see is the calm snow slowly making its way to the ground, illuminated by the colourful fairy lights and the orange street lights. And you get this magical feeling inside of you, that you’re so warm, and calm, and perfectly safe and sound in this very moment. And you feel like you could stand there forever and just… take it all in.
I love you winter!
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daily-bug-stuff · 3 years ago
Green Rose Chafer
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Cetonia aurata
Green Rose Chafers are a European and Southeast Asian beetle in the Scarabaeidae family, not to be confused with North American Rose Chafers. (will post more information about North American Rose Chafers if requested)
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Green Rose Chafer Fun Facts:
Green Rose Chafers are very important decomposers and feed on compost, leaf mold, manure, or rotting wood.
They are a kind of Scarab beetle
Rose Chafers have a very reflective and usually green exoskeleton. Sometimes discolorations make these beetles look copper, silver, or gold. (see image above)
On foot, Green Rose Chafers can crawl 1.5 meters per second (around 5 feet) and they are very fast fliers, travelling around 3 meters per second. (A little less than 10 feet per second)
Along with being decomposers, Green Rose Chafers also sometimes feed on flowers (specifically roses, lending it its name) and are important pollinators.
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