#etta perault
ah0yh0y · 2 years
just finished The Bridge anyone got any reccomendations for a podcast like that?
also loosing my mind over the fact The VAlley and The Flood is now canon in the Bridge universe might post my thoughts on that maybe 
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Etta: hi, welcome to Denny's. I dont work here.
Kate: i have several bees in the place youd least expect them
Bertie: can a horse love a man?... should a horse love a man?
Roger: i think i have a condition of some kind and i dont know which one
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greerbaiting · 6 years
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I’m back on my bullshit
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morrithal · 7 years
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Podcast Aesthetics - The Bridge
For your safety, we’ve strategically placed watchtowers throughout the Bridge. Be sure to tune into 815 AM to get the quickest, crispest updates about traffic, weather, and any other difficulties you may encounter. We want you to have the safest time possible as you cross the Atlantic – so be sure to call into our watchtowers in case of anything suspicious. Or an emergency. 
Whichever comes first.
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vlasdygoth · 7 years
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honey i’m home and i’ve adopted three more children and married a grumpy supervisor
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theradioghost · 6 years
If we're sending them in, "Statement of Henrietta Perault regarding the Transcontinental Hotel..."
See, that one is interesting to consider because the Powers are essentially inherently malevolent – I mean, they’re literally the sheer concentrated force of human fear. But the monsters in The Bridge aren’t inherently evil. They just live there. They were there first. Which isn’t to say they’re exactly nice, but they’re something very different than what the Powers are. (And so it feels somehow contraditory to try and classify them under any. They’re not archetypes, they’re … people, almost. Or not almost. Just people. You could fixate on the Stranger for eerie puppets and imitating voices, or the Vast for the incomprehensible things that hide in the deep sea, but you’d be missing the point.)
There’s certainly plenty that goes on along the Bridge that’s statement-worthy material, but it’s interesting that Etta’s story is one of the few told on the show itself that makes an acceptable statement just because so much is hearsay, rumor, stories (at least, as far as we know. I’m still holding on to Roger being immortal). It makes for an interesting reconciliation of perspectives if we decide to put the two in the same room, as it were; what does the crew of Watchtower 10 think of the Archives crew, and vice versa? How do you value stories that may or may not be true? What’s the difference between a monster looming over you and a monster hidden under you? What is a monster (a sea creature; an Archivist) and is monstrosity inherently evil? And would the presence of both Bertie and Martin in any way balance out the effect of putting Jon and Roger in the same room?
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bertie-renard · 6 years
Fluffy Bertie/Etta headcanons bc I’m A Soft Bitch™️:
- Bertie giving Etta a jersey he found that has a little embroidered old-fashioned microphone on it bc he thought it was cute and she’d like it and it’s tacky but she DOES like it bc it came from Bertie
- No bridge Etta & Bertie going on holiday to some small beachside town and after like a whole day of driving, they get there and get an ice cream each and sit together on the beach eating their ice creams and it’s a bit of a cooler day - not super cold but it’s not like. Hot - and Etta sits there with her head on Bertie’s shoulder and when she’s finished her ice cream she almost falls asleep and he has to carry her back to the car
- Bertie and Etta painting a nursery together and Bertie making Etta wear a respirator mask thing bc “you’re pregnant what if something happens to the baby!!!” And they’re probably both pretty good at art so there’s a beautiful mural as a feature wall and oh my goddddd
- Bertie going away and Etta FaceTiming him so he can talk to their kid still and the baby has the biggest smile when it sees Bertie on the screen and the Etta laughs so hard at the baby’s confusion when Bertie can’t give it a hug
- Etta having a particularly bad dream and waking up in a panic and just barely making it to Bertie’s room and she wakes him up but is so upset she can’t speak but he just gets it and opens up the covers and she crawls in next to him and she’s shaking so hard and she buries her face in his chest and he wraps his arms around her and whispers “it’s okay, you’re safe” and so on until she falls asleep
- Bertie helping Etta with her hair when she’s tired and can’t be bothered doing it herself and she sits there crossed-legged, yawning and almost falling asleep while he carefully braids and ties her hair
- Obviously movie nights are a given, but the two of them making at least one snack together?? (Even if it’s just... popping popcorn and smothering it in caramel sauce or something) I love them so much???
- The two of them??? Just??? Painting each other’s nails??? Ahhh????
Feel free to add more!!
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anomalousresources · 8 years
Esther Roberts and/or Etta Perault for the character meme?
Sexuality headcanon: Lesbian Esther is canon!
OTP: …again, am I allowed to say Esther/Maxwell? (I do think Esther’s a little in love with Sally, but I headcanon Sally as aro, so I don’t really I ship it.) Esther and Maggie would have an interesting dynamic, but I need to see them, you know, actually interacting before I can say I ship it.
BROTP: Sally & Esther’s friendship is a beautiful thing but also I desperately need Esther to stop being so manipulative in their relationship. I’m…honestly a tremendous fan of Sally & Chet, just because all of their interactions crack me up? And obviously Esther & Jack Wyatt is a gift (bring him back).
NOTP: If Esther/Wyatt is a thing that anyone ships romantically, I would like to voice my eternal screaming.
First headcanon that pops into my head: Esther is absolutely the type of person to buy baked goods, take them out of their packaging, arrange them nicely on a fancy plate, and tell people she made them herself.
Favorite line from this character: I can’t even pick one I’m sorry Esther has so many good lines.
One way in which I relate to this character: I, too, want to devote all of the resources and funding of a secret government agency to the appreciation of Sally Grissom.
Thing that gives me second-hand embarrassment about this character: Her constant manipulation of the legendary Dr. Grissom. (And, you know, other people, I guess.)
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Apparently what we’re learning here is that all podcast characters are problematic faves.
Sexuality headcanon: Ooh, I haven’t even really thought about this…I think I see her as pan. Pan, maybe acespec?
OTP: I don’t really have any set romantic ships for TB yet. I’m not opposed to Etta/Bertie or Etta/Kate, though.
BROTP: Etta & Bertie are actually the greatest and I need more of these two dorks destroying menacing secret organizations with the power of their friendship.
NOTP: Etta/being kidnapped by nefarious groups for purposes unknown. (If it takes building a wall to keep her safe, I’ll back Roger on this one.)
First headcanon that pops into my head: Etta loves buttons and has about 500 pinned in various places around the watchtower: on her jacket, the back of her chair in the broadcasting room, every article of Bertie’s clothing, you name it.
Favorite line from this character: Not sure if it’s my favorite, but the “if you’re part of some creepy secret society, we don’t want what you’re selling” line was pretty quality.
One way in which I relate to this character: I love weird, Fortean, “anomalous” stories and would totally broadcast them instead of/in addition to traffic reports from the middle of a transcontinental bridge.
Thing that gives me second-hand embarrassment about this character: Honestly nothing is coming to mind? Etta is a gem okay.
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave: CINNAMON ROLL YES I CAN FINALLY SAY CINNAMON ROLL.
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Roger: you have GOT to start doing the tracffic reports
Etta: missed me with that gay shit
Roger: WHAT GAY SHIT!? YOUR JOB?!?!?!?
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morrithal · 8 years
Etta: I'm going to check on Percy again.
Roger: You've been in there like five times. What are you going to do, annoy him into talking?
Etta: Ha, ha.
Etta: *strumming random guitar chords and screaming*
Etta: Nope, I got nothing.
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