anomalousresources · 4 years
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Jumping on the bandwagon w/ ace colors Fitzroy! 
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anomalousresources · 4 years
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this week on: watch lucretias heart break in real time
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anomalousresources · 4 years
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theyre,,,on my mind
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anomalousresources · 4 years
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I’m back with new commissions info!
If you want to commission me, you can message me here on tumblr or email [email protected].
Prices are in USD; I accept payment via PayPal. Transcription of prices can be found in my description.
After you contact me with the details of your commission, I will send you a PayPal invoice and will start drawing after payment is processed (processing time is usually 1 day or less)
I reserve the right to refuse any commission I’m not comfortable with
If you want something that doesn’t fall strictly within what I’ve outlined here, contact me and we can discuss whether it’s possible!
Even if you can’t commission me, please consider reblogging this post to spread the word!
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anomalousresources · 4 years
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commission for @captainoflifeandlemons of some NaNoWriMo characters!
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anomalousresources · 4 years
Okay, I’m still in my perpetual state of partial hiatus, but I’m morally obligated to drop this link here for anyone who hasn’t had the chance to read this yet. 
Long Story Short Productions—the creative minds behind Wolf 359, Zero Hours, and Time:Bombs—are hard at work kickstarting money for their upcoming audio drama, Unseen. If you haven’t been tracking Unseen already, I’d highly recommend looking into it, and maybe supporting the project if you’re able to. I’m genuinely extremely excited by everything we know about it so far (the crew! the cast! the script snippets! the cryptic AMAs! the trailer!), and can’t wait for the first season. But for those of you who are more familiar with the team’s previous work, I have fantastic news: to celebrate reaching 666 backers, they released the script (written by Sarah Shachat!) for a non-canonical mini-episode of Wolf 359 in which Eiffel rants to Hera about Dungeons and Dragons. It’s a work of art. Enjoy—I certainly did. And remember to check out Unseen!
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anomalousresources · 4 years
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this man looks very pretty in purple!!!!
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anomalousresources · 4 years
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"yes I'm sexy, yes I'm ace, we exist"✨
-Fitzroy Maplecourt, probably
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anomalousresources · 4 years
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{ID: Variations of art of Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt, a half elf man with tan skin and auburn hair. He wears black glasses, a fancy black and purple tunic, a short grey cape with white fir lining, and black trousers. His attire has accents of lace and puffs. He is poses with one arm stretched outward and the other close to his chest. He looks fierce, as he fires purple lightning blasts from both hands. His eyes glows white behind his frames. The background of the first image is the ace flag. The background of the second and third images are splotchy blacks and purples. End ID]
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anomalousresources · 4 years
You mentioned you transcribed it for posterity? Can you share that with us??
indeed! this can be checked against the official transcript when it’s released/listened along to for verification. i did the best i could/only focused on the parts where Fitzroy’s asexuality was discussed:
Starts at 61:03
Griffin: I wanted to talk real quick about this question real quick from Lucy, and kind of work it out as I talk, uh: "Would you consider playing/making a character who is romantic and/or asexual?" Which is something I have thought about specifically in regards to Fitzroy, for - I mean really, since - for as long as we have been playing, um... Partially because right when we started Graduation, the Outer Worlds came out - did you guys all play that?
Travis: Yes!
Justin: Yeah.
Griffin: There was this amazing character Parvati who was an asexual character who was like… uh, it was a representation of asexuality in a game or piece of media that I had never really seen before? Like, there was an attention to detail and a care and a sweetness about it that, you know, sort of took the internet by storm. 
And the time I was thinking about Fitzroy, and I didn't want... It's a tricky thing, right, asexuality is a spectrum, and the very last thing I would wanna do is paint a character who is so ambitious that, like... he doesn't have time to be sexually attracted to anybody, or he doesn't have - or he has some sort of, you know, mental disorder that keeps him from having that particular attachment to people? Uh, like, I don't want his ambition and his sexual identity to be one and the same, 'cause I think that that is a problematic thing. 
But as we've gone on, and especially, Trav, in the episodes where he was having this sort of flashback to his time at school, at Clyde Nite's Knight School, there is a differentness about Fitzroy that I think has always been there, that is not necessarily attributable to his - to his ambition, that I think just really came out in that episode, that, you know, kind of fell in line with the way that he has been developed throughout the whole season. 
Uh, so I think of him as asexual, which is not the same thing as being, like, aromantic. And it's like - it's a difficult thing to kind of set in stone, because again it is kind of a spectrum, but like. I feel like, over time I felt like more comfortable with that being a definitive part of his personality. Like it is just... in everything I have thought about in this character, and I feel like I have thought about a lot of things, like his - which is funny, because I think [through laughter] the very first thing I said about him is that he's a very sexy, sexual person, which looking back is -
Travis: Well, but that could be other people's perceptions of him, y'know!
Justin: [crosstalk] It all starts out with rough sketches, yeah.
Travis: Yeah, that's something - I'm still dealing with Magnus in the first episode, I  talk about him having some, like, sexy wood carvings or something.
Griffin: Sure. I, like, I - I think it's important for us to know a lot about our characters, and we think a lot, a lot, a lot about our characters, and this is an important thing to think about our characters, but it... I don't know, it is a... It's a decision that I felt like, uh.... was something I wanted when we started? But over time, and especially during those flashback episodes, I feel like it is just sort of... it just makes sense.
[64:23 to 65:56 - Justin talks a bit abt Taako and sexuality, playing as discovering a character rather than “sitting back with a board and writing out their entire biography” - you discover the character as you go]
Travis: And that was something - to jump back in, going into “Creative Writing,” like, I asked all three of you what it is your characters’ sexual orientation, because I didn’t want to assume any of that. And when griffin said, “Y’know, I don’t think… I don’t think Fitzroy really feels that,” I was like, “Oh, okay, cool, great!” Like that is an interesting thing to know about that character so that I didn’t assume anything. So it also, then, informed, for me, some potential scenes I could have coming up that would be, like, an interesting interaction between some characters, just so I could see how everyone - like, that’s the thing, is, it’s interesting. 
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anomalousresources · 4 years
Not to be ruining the Atmosphere of Secrecy by saying this publicly, but: if you have any interest whatsoever in the upcoming podcast Unseen, or if you’re a fan of the team’s previous audio fiction works (Wolf 359, Time:Bombs, & Zero Hours), I would highly, highly recommend signing up for the newsletter over at their website. Every email they send just feels so good to read, guys. Like...come on in, the vibes are fine. It’s all magical and wonderful and exciting. Also, ars PARADOXICA fans, I feel obligated to mention that There Are Codes!
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anomalousresources · 4 years
Unseen is a new audio fiction series from the minds behind @wolf39radio. Crowdfunding in 2020.  Watch closely. 
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anomalousresources · 4 years
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We hit 1000 followers on Twitter today, so we released a couple sneak peaks at one of our scripts! 
If we get to… oh, let’s say, 120 followers here, we’ll drop another script snippet, and on Tumblr first. ; ) 
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anomalousresources · 4 years
me in 2015: oh, i've heard good things about this wolf 359 podcast, and it seems pretty good
me in 2020, watching the trailer for unseen: so urbina, shachat, and valenti are just gonna own my soul for the rest of my life, aren't they
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anomalousresources · 4 years
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anomalousresources · 4 years
Long Story Short Productions: here's a trailer for our upcoming audio drama!
Me: okay so uh looks like I'm on 24/7 Unseen lockdown, my apologies to all existing podcasts but I will be thinking about this and only this for the rest of—
Griffin McElroy: Fitzroy Maplecourt is asexual
Me: okay so uh looks like I'm on 24/7 TAZ Graduation lockdown—
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anomalousresources · 4 years
Long story short: Back in 2016, a group of folks in the Wolf 359 fandom started working on a Wolf 359 Musical. Although life happened and the project never got completely finished, we did write some pretty baller songs. This is one of the ones I’m most proud of. Lyrics by the amazingly talented Lem (@anomalousresources), composition and performance by me.
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