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nosuda-cringe · 7 months
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That one AU I never do anything with. Plus crab Gobber suggested by @ziggityzigg XD (click for better quality)
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And closeup of the sillys
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official-panini · 2 months
*in the tone of an ad*
have you ever asked someone for mosquito bite cream?
does the phrase "mosquito bite cream" take too long to say?
say "squito sauce" instead!
*side effects include: your parents not understanding what you mean, repeatedly saying squito sauce in random situations cuz it sounds so fun, and death!
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thetomorrowshow · 1 month
New chapter of oleander :)
Summary: MCC. He’s feeling more normal already! This will be good for him, he knows it.
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Lilith deserved to get a few stomps in at the end of watching and dreaming … Thank god she got to break his nose at least 🙏feminism
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pietroleopoldo · 3 months
Quindi i fascisti sono al governo in Italia, il fronte popolare sembra aver retto in Francia... *Guarda la Germania* UHM.
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Provando ad esorcizzare e metabolizzare La Primavera Della Mia Vita con una lista fatta nel memo del telefono prima che gli effetti di quel che mi è successo lascino il mio corpo per sempre (queerbaitata dai colartino sul grande schermo)
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il titolo dell’ultima track che sarebbe questo madonna mi mangio le mani :)
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chimiche nel cervello alterate irrimediabilmente
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resolvebound · 5 months
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@quiiscnt im taking the opportunity to do 3 😅 so here's #1/3
Send ⭐ for a sample of a new muse I am thinking of writing // accepting
The soft sigh she let out would have come across as exasperated to some, yet those who had come to know her well would see the touch of a smile and the warmth in her eyes. She watched Wendy fall deeper into sleep, marvelling at the way the girl could rest on the floor as she was. Even with the pile of blankets they’d amassed for their ‘movie night’, it wasn’t particularly comfortable on the floor of the lounge.
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Charle suppressed a yawn and eyed the movie Lacrima that continued to play softly. Would Wendy wake up if it was turned off? Perhaps she’d wait a few minutes more, just to be sure it was safe. Wendy deserved a good rest, after all. They’d had quite a day of travelling, finally returning home after an extended mission together. Tiring as it had been, it was…nice to not be involved in some world threatening danger for a change. Did they dare get used to it? She supposed she could channel her prophetic powers if she really wanted to know…But the future was too fluid, she knew, nothing could really be certain.
What she did know for sure, was that Wendy would wake up with a stiff neck from the position she was curled in now. Really, she should be moved to her bed, or at least the couch.
Another sigh slipped from Charle as she adjusted herself to stand, paws brushing invisible dirt from her clothes out of habit. Closing her eyes, she focused her magic and allowed it to wash over her, the transformation sending a warmth through her body. Now considerably taller than she was (though her ‘human’ form was still hardly tall), she opened her eyes and peered down at her dearest friend, watching for a moment to see if she remained asleep. Reassured for the moment, Charle quietly shifted closer, glad that she had pushed herself to gain new magic so that she could be of more use. Stronger (and longer) limbs certainly made gently scooping up the young dragon slayer now a lot easier, after all.
With Wendy’s slight form in her arms, she carefully lifted her to the couch and eased her down on the plush surface. Certain the girl wouldn’t wake, Charle straightened up watched her for a moment, a fond smile playing on her lips.
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She then turned and picked up one of the blankets from the floor, draping it gently across Wendy before moving to sit upon one of the nearby armchairs with her own blanket. Content for the moment, she allowed her eyes to close and peace to seep in.
And that was when the vision struck.
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mxdam · 1 year
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two marriages during her mortal life were quite enough; margarethe would not spend eternity trapped in a third, the next unwilling addition to a harem of wives kept by a powerful, ancient vampire. she made her escape. armed with only the weapons given her by her new, immortal form, for centuries since she has roamed the earth, solitary, dangerous–and hungry.
information of note:
vampire margarethe is depressed, lonely, and bitter. she's still great at parties, but she is very much a darker, sadder version of the character.
she is incredibly indifferent to human life. she is a wasteful killer who doesn't always feed from her kills, and although she does like to seduce, doesn't care about consent when she does feed.
because she spent a significant portion of her early life as a vampire away from humans, she has forgotten how to "play human," and will often come off as creepy, staring without blinking, or not obviously breathing, for periods of time.
she needs to be invited before she can enter a human dwelling. she is susceptible to direct sunlight, wooden stakes, dismemberment, and fire, but not religious symbols nor garlic.
this post will act as a permanent starter call. please like it if you would like to receive starters, asks, etc. from vampire margarethe.
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lvcdrms · 1 year
TASTE - jaeyi & mile + reverse
TASTE + reverse for receiver to take sender's fingers into their mouth. with @spaceny
chegava a ser vergonhoso o quanto mile já estava elétrico, os nervos à flor da pele, mesmo que ele e jaeyi não tivessem feito muito. mesmo que só tivessem trocado beijos e amassos o suficiente contra aquela parede para que a blusa de mile desaparecesse no caminho e os lábios de jaeyi acabassem em seu pescoço em algum momento — e aquela havia de ser a posição mais desconfortável possível, ainda mais para o mais alto, mas mile tinha de admitir que a forma que jaeyi conseguia encobrir seu corpo inteiro com uns bons centímetros de vantagem fazia algo borbulhar em si. tinha que ser culpa da vida que levava, do tesão acumulado que a rotina apertada não o deixava extravasar. de tesão acumulado de tempos de antes de jaeyi entrar em sua vida e não só finalmente lhe oferecer uma válvula de escape, mas lhe deixar subindo pelas paredes de novo. parecia um adolescente de novo.
o que quer que fosse, apenas sentir os dedos dele contra seus lábios bastou para que mile se arrepiasse, sentindo-os mais sensíveis do que seus beijos já costumavam deixá-los.
até sentir a pressão contra eles.
quando se deu conta do que jaeyi queria fazer, estremeceu. mas tamb��m partiu os lábios na hora. like a good boy or some shit. quando deu por si, ia de encontro aos movimentos dele, inclinando a cabeça até ter todos os dedos dele em sua boca. até senti-los em sua garganta.
só percebeu que o gemido era seu quando o som já tinha escapado.
só percebeu que tinha fechado os olhos quando voltou a abri-los, encontrando a mirada de jaeyi.
a decisão foi instantânea. mile agarrou o pulso dele como se para se firmar, e percorreu a língua pelos dedos dele até se certificar que não tinha um milímetro que não estivesse encharcado. não podia se preocupar menos com a saliva que começava a escorrer pelo canto de sua boca também, estava ocupado demais chupando os dígitos de jaeyi enquanto sustentava seu olhar, como se quisesse fazer alguma propaganda própria. imagina se fosse seu pau.
pois mile estava imaginando. e, por mais que amasse a mão de jaeyi e tudo que ela era capaz de fazer — não conseguia deixar de pensar que ela não preenchia sua boca o suficiente. não ia fundo o suficiente.
fez o seu melhor para parecer sensual enquanto retirava os dedos dele da boca, deixando um fio de saliva a conectá-los. mas sua paciência logo se esvaiu, e foram as suas próprias mãos que voaram para o botão da calça de jaeyi, tentando abri-lo apressadamente. "off — take this off, c'mon."
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
Ok uh ma se loro tipo. Se loro si rivedessero per la prima volta dopo trent'anni no. Cioè loro si rivedono, no? Due che non immaginavano neanche quanto si sarebbero amati etc etc. Si rivedono e fanno l'amore.
A quanto è quotato uno dei due che nel mezzo dell'atto scoppia a piangere e tra le lacrime dice all'altro "mi sei mancato così tanto"
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hey. hey fellas.
emesis blue actor au
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greenscreen-dress · 1 year
Hello aux 5 fans de Hermitcraft francophones sur ce site, j'ai fait 2-3 recherches pour voir s'il existait un hashtag ou un serveur discord ou même un groupe FB, n'importe quoi qui permette de réunir les gens FR qui sont fan de MCYT, mais de l'extérieur j'ai rien trouvé... Alors.
Soit une communauté MCYT / Hermitcraft FR existe mais elle est très petite &/ou se cantonne à quelques Discord privés entre amis proches.
Soit elle existe mais je l'ai pas trouvée dans mes recherches qui certes étaient très brèves.
Soit elle existe pas du tout, ce qui serait triste, & très improbable vu que j'ai croisé qqun déguisé en Ranboo a une convention novembre dernier.
Du coup voilà je lance un appel: VOUS ÊTES OÙ VOUS DISCUTEZ OÙ LAISSEZ-MOI ENTRER svp merci. (._.).
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fceriestcrdst · 1 year
my autistic ass avoided watching the x-files because i knew it would consume me....
& now here i am fully consumed even though I've only watched the first few handful of episodes of s1 (i'm regaining spoons needed for media consumption), but let me tell you w h a t!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was so excited i started crying because it combines unbridled pining, a skeptic & her believer husband partner, true crime, weird mythology, aliens (which i already knew abt obvi), unlikely besties who are prepared to square up at all times (re; scully being cold towards the agents mocking mulder & mulder being ready to fight g o d whenever anything happens to scully).
i just love the show a lot & i expected this but goddamn!!!!!! it's wormed into my spin category & now my alien spin is returning along with my 'unexplained happenings spin!!!!! i'm being consumed i tell you!!!!
#i'm excited to watch the movies as well!!!#i'm a little nervous for s10 & s11 due to the time jump etc etc#so i may not watch those--but i intend on watching 1-9 & the films#tho i'll probably watch s1 - 5 & the watch the first movie. watch s6-9 & watch the last movie#i knew i would be consumed by the autistic coded FBI agents & their ufo sightings but DAMN YALL-----i started going bonkers#on dya fuckin' one & now they're all i can think about#maybe this is to fix the void i have due to w*tcher being a mess (I'm season 3 is good--i ma just petrified dfghkjldfh)#if this end sup in tags no it doesn't <3 but also if it does---don't follow me due to this post#i post a mishmash of stuff!#kylo rambles#kylo's audhd/disability posting#<- putting this there bc it just feels right to do so <3#the reminders im getting of like--the fucked up alien shit i know & ALSO 2 OF MY FAVORITE ALIEN CENTRIC MOVIES-#(those being close encounters of the third kind & starman)#i've gotta rewatch those now & c r y because those movies remind me of watching them in my grandmother's livingroom while my mom played-#-games on her pc. they also remind me of the summer nights i'd watch them back to back for days on end#god--for a 25 year old i talk like someone who gre wup in the 80s when i--alas did not---i grew up in the 200s but my parents#showed me a lot of 80s & 90s media so i feel more at home with those films & early 2000s films then i do most things from the 2010s#i'm talking a lot in tags--if you read all this--i'm so sorry. i don't know the art of shutting the fuck up#anyways; once again--if i end up in tags no i don't & don't follow me solely due to this post because i post a lot of stuff that's unrelate#to this (also please be above 18 if you're gonna follow me <3)
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elainemorisi · 2 years
has canon ever tried to square the circle wrt Federation social morals and the use of imprisonment as punishment?
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themhac · 2 years
allora sono preoccupata nell'ordine per:
1) thomas che forse non mette abbastanza spf (anche se il segno degli occhialini mi fa tenerezza😭😭)
2) nicolò che fa i selfie a cena come un boomer qualsiasi
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spidersinmysoup · 6 months
En un reel de ig habia un flaco quejabdose de que le dejo de gustar fito pq es muy político y ES FAN DE ONE PIECE MY BROTHER IN CHRIST MEDIA LITERACY HAVE YOU HEARD OF IT? CLEARLY FUCKING NOT
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