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mariodelmonaco108 · 1 year ago
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Mario del Monaco
Nei panni di OTELLO, Capolavoro VERDIANO e cantando l'aria prima: *ESULTATE*.
Source, Color & Copyright ©️: Esultate, MARIO del MONACO, EJR Mario Del Monaco & Claudio Del Monaco Oficial su YouTube. ScreenShots: Luz Butron Soprano LBS 24.
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echoes-of-this-planet · 9 months ago
🇬🇧🇵🇱🇮🇹 Supreme Mario del Monaco, Canary Islands, Las Palmas, 1972. Deeply rare + remastered. Clip featuring the original Castle of Otello.
   Although the merciless storm, with victory finishes the Grand Berber Otello yet another battle, mooring the ship betwixt betrayals, amidst the foes is where the final fight awaits. His true heart was not in recognition what are the vile whirls of manipulation...
P.S. The ending photograph of Mario manually coloured by @Enaveri, @ilMioPrimoAngelo
No acceptance for the popular yet primitive automatic colouring applications which give unnaturally insulting effect!
    Najwyższy Mario del Monaco, Wyspy Kanaryjskie, Las Palmas, 1972. Wysoce rzadkie + zremasterowane. Dodatkowo, klip przedstawia oryginalny zamek Otella.
    Pomimo bezlitosnego sztormu zwycięstwem kończy kolejną bitwę Wielki Berber Otello, cumując statek pośród zdrajców, pomiędzy wrogami oczekuje go walka finalna. Szczere jego serce nie było w rozpoznaniu czymże są nikczemne wiry manipulacji...
P.S. Końcowa fotografia Mario ręcznie pokolorowane przez @Enaveri, @ilMioPrimoAngelo
Brak akceptacji dla popularnych lecz prymitywnych automatycznych aplikacji koloryzujących dających nienaturalnie obraźliwy efekt!
   Supremo Mario del Monaco, Isole Canarie, Las Palmas, 1972. Profondamente raro + rimasterizzato. Clip con il Castello originale di Otello.
   Nonostante la spietata tempesta, il Gran Berbero Otello con la vittoria termina l'ennesima battaglia, ormeggiando la nave tra i tradimenti, in mezzo ai nemici, dove lo scontro finale lo attende. Il suo vero cuore non era in grado di riconoscere quali sono gli ignobili vortici della manipolazione...
P.S. La fotografia finale di Mario colorata manualmente da @Enaveri, @ilMioPrimoAngelo
Nessuna accettazione per le popolari ma primitive applicazioni di colorazione automatica che danno un effetto innaturalmente offensivo!
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dandelionsresilience · 1 month ago
Dandelion News - February 1-7
(sorry it’s late, I’ve had pneumonia. between fever and meds, today was the first day in over a week I could even think)
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my Dandelion Doodles!
1. These solar streetlights can withstand Category 5 hurricanes
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“[The solar-powered streetlights] can identify potential problems before an outage occurs, identify current outages without the need for customer reporting, and allow for remote control of brightness settings. The streetlights are built to remain operational even during widespread power outages.”
2. 15 Democratic state AGs stand by gender-affirming care
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“"Federal funding to institutions that provide gender-affirming care continues to be available, irrespective of President Trump’s recent Executive Order," the attorneys general say. […] “Health care decisions should be made by patients, families, and doctors, not by a politician trying to use his power to restrict your freedoms.”
3. India doubles tiger population in a decade
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“[India has protected] the big cats from poaching and habitat loss, ensuring they have enough prey, reducing human-wildlife conflict, and increasing living standards for communities near tiger areas.”
4. A North Carolina wildlife crossing will save people. Can it save the last wild red wolves too?
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“There are thought to be fewer than 20 red wolves left in the wild[…. S]tate agencies and nonprofit groups [plan to] rebuild a 2.5-mile section of the highway with fencing and a series of culverts, or small underpasses, to allow red wolves – as well as black bears, white-tailed deer and other animals – to pass safely underneath traffic.”
5. Merrimack Valley public transit system will keep bus fares free
“[… C]ollecting fares [used to] cost MeVa about $300,000 a year to maintain fare boxes, pay staffers and afford insurance. Since going fare free in 2022, the report found ridership increased 60% from pre-pandemic levels[….] The program is now funded by state allocated funds, including money from the so called “millionaire’s tax.””
6. Health care is key for youths getting out of prison. A new law helps them get it
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“[The new law] requires all states to provide medical and dental screenings to Medicaid- and CHIP-eligible youths 30 days before or immediately after they leave a correctional facility. Youths must continue to receive case management services for 30 days after their release.”
7. World’s smallest otter makes comeback in Nepal after 185 years
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“Scientists have for the first time in 185 years confirmed the presence of the Asian small-clawed otter in Nepal[….] The last time the […] the smallest of the world’s 13 known otter species, was recorded by scientists in Nepal was in 1839.”
8. B.C.'s smallest First Nation has big plans for a 'stewardship' economy
“The Kwiakah Centre of Excellence will be the base for a dedicated research station, an experimental kelp farm, the nation’s regenerative forestry operations and its territorial Indigenous guardian, or Forest Keepers, program[…. R]esults will include a 100-year management plan that integrates climate, salmon, kelp, and soil research to protect territorial waters and remaining old growth forests.”
9. Glades County schools deploy 13 new Blue Bird electric school buses
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“The students at the Glades County school district will directly benefit from the cleaner, quieter rides, and operational cost savings that electric school buses provide[, as well as] the addition of much-needed air conditioning in the new school buses. Until now, only three buses in the district provided air conditioning[….]”
10. e.l.f. Beauty CEO defends DEI: 'Our diversity is a key competitive advantage'
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“The cosmetics company recently held that it would not nix its DEI initiatives[….] "Our mission is to make the best of beauty accessible to every eye, lip and face," [CEO] Amin said. "One of the best ways we know how to live that mission is to have an employee base that reflects the community that we serve."”
January 22-28 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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abatelunare · 4 months ago
Gaudio e tripudio
Gioite ed esultate tutti meco! Finalmente ho terminato la lettura di Anna Karenina. Capolavoro, eh. Bellissimo, non c'è dubbio. Uno di quei libri che un lettore serio deve assolutamente leggere. Però è come i Rotoloni Regina. Non finisce mai…
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uquiz-database · 5 months ago
which song from The Great Impersonator are you?
updated my which great impersonator to include the full tracklist!!!
it took forever enjoy!!! https://uquiz.com/YwOrxS
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rainbowgod666 · 5 months ago
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cywo-61 · 8 months ago
Esultate, o giusti, nel Signore, la lode s'addice agli uomini retti. Celebrate il Signore con la cetra, salmeggiate a lui con il saltèrio a dieci corde. Cantategli un cantico nuovo, suonate bene e con gioia. Poiché la parola del Signore è retta e tutta l'opera sua è fatta con fedeltà. Egli ama la giustizia e l'equità, la terra è piena della benevolenza del Signore.
Salmi 33 1-5
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schmedterlingfreud · 9 months ago
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🦋 Day [4 of 100] of Productivity 🦋
Writing: Effetto Luna - Chapter 16 New chapter is nearly done, but I don't want to rush things just for the will of posting. We're approaching the end of the story, so I'm pretty excited. I decided to concentrate on Effetto Luna exclusively 'till its ending. After that, I will work again on my other long fics. Reading: American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis Listening to: Pasadena 1994 - NanowaR of Steel Snacking on: Fresh Cherries
Extra: Guess what? I'm still looking for a new flat to move on. I visited two new homes this week. I have an appointment next Monday to discuss about the last one (which was the nicest one so fingers crossed 🤞​). I don't want to esulte before getting things done, but good vibes are appreciated. ⭐​ I'm skipping my methotrexate shot on this weekend because fuck it, I don't want to be brain fogged and in the edge of nausea until Monday. I will surely talk about this to my doctor on our next appointment. I did some stationery shopping to re-organize my documents. Planning to do even more before the move out. Went to the grocery store and bought myself fresh cherries, the first summer watermelon, and my favourite ice-cream because I deserve it. I hope to have a nice writing weekend!
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echoes-of-this-planet · 9 months ago
Original here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoBGNnJI36J/?igsh=MTc4NTlkazNhNHBrZQ==
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cybernatedbeholder · 2 years ago
Hey Brenya, i heard you encountered Chimor. how did that go?
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--E-> I would say it w-Ent fairly w-Ell. Didn't r-Esult in -Eith-Er of us dying so that's a good start.
--E-> I hav-E to admit that h-E is quit-E th-E int-Etesting individual.
--E-> S-E-Em-Ed g-Enuine, though, I will lik-Ely talk with him again som-Etim-E.
-> he's actually really excited about their little 'date' but won't admit it.
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ninocom5786 · 2 years ago
Che cavolo esultate a fare per la ribellione del capo di un gruppo di mercenari russi che fino a ieri combatteva i mercenari ucraini armati e finanziati da tutte le grandi democrazie occidentali? 🤡🤡🤡
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andykaufmanisnotdead · 2 years ago
sì sì bravi, esultate tutti quanti. evviva, è morto l’oppressore, se lo meritava, finalmente, e così via. vedremo quanto saremo tutti contenti tra 4 anni quando voti, parlamentari, senatori e portaborse vari di quella che non sarà più Forza Italia finiranno in seno alla bella Giorgia. che secondo me si sta già fregando le mani, altro che lutto.
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loveantoniolove-blog · 17 days ago
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➡️🌼🙏Lunedì 3 Marzo 2025
Ss. Marino e Asterio; S. Cunegonda; B. Innocenzo da Berzo
8.a settimana del Tempo Ordinario
Sir 17,20-28; Sal 31; Mc 10,17-27
Rallegratevi nel Signore ed esultate, o giusti!
Vendi quello che hai e vieni! Seguimi!
+ Dal Vangelo secondo Marco 10,17-27
In quel tempo, mentre Gesù andava per la strada, un tale gli corse incontro e, gettandosi in ginocchio davanti a lui, gli domandò: «Maestro buono, che cosa devo fare per avere in eredità la vita eterna?». Gesù gli disse: «Perché mi chiami buono? Nessuno è buono, se non Dio solo. Tu conosci i comandamenti: Non uccidere, non commettere adulterio, non rubare, non testimoniare il falso, non frodare, onora tuo padre e tua madre». Egli allora gli disse: «Maestro, tutte queste cose le ho osservate fin dalla mia giovinezza».
Allora Gesù fissò lo sguardo su di lui, lo amò e gli disse: «Una cosa sola ti manca: va’, vendi quello che hai e dallo ai poveri, e avrai un tesoro in cielo; e vieni! Seguimi!». Ma a queste parole egli si fece scuro in volto e se ne andò rattristato; possedeva infatti molti beni. Gesù, volgendo lo sguardo attorno, disse ai suoi discepoli: «Quanto è difficile, per quelli che possiedono ricchezze, entrare nel regno di Dio!». I discepoli erano sconcertati dalle sue parole; ma Gesù riprese e disse loro: «Figli, quanto è difficile entrare nel regno di Dio! È più facile che un cammello passi per la cruna di un ago, che un ricco entri nel regno di Dio». Essi, ancora più stupiti, dicevano tra loro: «E chi può essere salvato?». Ma Gesù, guardandoli in faccia, disse: «Impossibile agli uomini, ma non a Dio! Perché tutto è possibile a Dio».
Parola del Signore.❤️🙏
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incamminoblog · 1 month ago
#PANEQUOTIDIANO«Rallegratevi in quel giorno ed esultate»
La Liturgia di Domenica 16 Febbraio 2025 VANGELO (Lc 6,20-26) Commento:Rev. D. Enric RIBAS i Baciana(Barcelona, Spagna) In quel tempo, Gesù, disceso con i Dodici, si fermò in un luogo pianeggiante. C’era gran folla di suoi discepoli e gran moltitudine di gente da tutta la Giudea, da Gerusalemme e dal litorale di Tiro e di Sidòne.Ed egli, alzàti gli occhi verso i suoi discepoli, diceva: «Beati…
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babyawacs · 4 months ago
.@theeconomist @bbc_whys .@10downingstreet  @eu_commission @eucouncil @euparl_en .@euparl_dk . @emmanuelmacron germany needs a new businessmodel germanyinc over the #keypoint deeper integration of europe but theyare a tot al monster and allknow ‎the nationalisms as threat seem rather templated and miseryamplified ‎ the eu hasnolegs as its integrationwas only as deep as the advant ageof market carried now theglonal conditions changed to notonly economic competition but to dirty governance and war glad the eu has an optionleft you shouldbe with rollback of eu theworst for the tiny and small evenmore the aeh aeh aeh  filthy easterners a bloodwarcontintent is the r esult
.@theeconomist @bbc_whys .@10downingstreet @eu_commission @eucouncil @euparl_en .@euparl_dk .@emmanuelmacron germany needs a new businessmodel germanyinc over the #keypoint deeper integration of europe but theyare a total monster and allknow ‎the nationalisms as threat seem rather templated and miseryamplified ‎ the eu hasnolegs as its integrationwas only as deep as the advantageof market carried…
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f1byjessie · 8 months ago
I'm sorry, but all I can think about right about now is the visual of the shumacher twins touching foreheads before a race to calm down and then esulting by touching helmets when one of them wins. I don't even know where it came from, it just spawned in my head reading your gorgeous gorgeous fic
This is so cute ❤️!
As a twin myself, a lot of the stories I write featuring siblings tend to mirror my own experiences growing up with my brother. Me and him were never all that touchy-feely with one another as children and hugs have only really become a thing now that he's halfway across the country and only visits once a year 😅, so admittedly it never occurred to me to write the Schumacher twins sharing more than just a quick hug here and there as my own brother and I do. But I think them having a sort of pre or post race ritual like this would be really sweet!
I'll have to look into adding something similar 😉!
I am also very thankful that you're enjoying the story so far! I hope you continue to stay tuned for the future updates 🫶!
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