#est control
velvetjune · 5 months
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Another case of Dr Darling being hilariously enthusiastic about the fbc’s latest morally questionable efforts with scientific research, but I love that his passive aggressive complaint got censored. I just know someone was feeling annoyed and petty at the callout
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ryvnk · 1 year
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altas horas nocturnas son, como suelen serlo, sus más grandes cómplices. podría asegurar que, en medio de vástagos, algún ignorante humano debe encontrarse perdido, tal vez demasiado ebrio, o demasiado obsesionado con encontrar un premio fútil en aquellas máquinas. un poco como ellos. ni siquiera repara en la ausencia de su reflejo en los numerosos espejos de aquel comercio, pinturas brillantes que distraen de aquello que, para él, ya es una acostumbrada realidad. observa las filas interminables de máquinas, y suspira en silencio, antes de reparar en una presencia cercana. "¿piensas que esté divirtiéndose con esto?" el vampiro que está detrás de todo, como si estuviese observándoles. "podríamos tardar años en revisarlas todas," pero había escuchado, también, de que varios cainitas habían encontrado suerte en lugares así. "¿cuáles crees que sean las dichosas reliquias?" tenía sus teorías, pero quería escuchar unas cuantas más.
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davidjenkins · 6 months
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whetstonefires · 2 years
pretty fun how okay so, the tiger seal is a thing that is naturally in two parts, right? that you stick together to unleash hell aka war.
like a mirror version of the roman-derived concept of crossing the rubicon; you are committed to the course of warfare at this transformative instant not because you have defied the legal authority that originally gave you this army and need to win or die, but because the authority that gave you the army has now told you to go kill with it.
so wei wuxian makes his necromantic power-buffing object in this form for whatever reason, presumably melodrama, and then promptly splits it in half because it came out an unmanageable op asshole.
(and on a symbolic level he doesn't want to live like that, on a perpetual war footing.)
so he's. just swanning around carrying both pieces. and he will decide when he's gonna stick them together and rain hell. he is in charge of that. he decides. he is the emperor and the general in this scenario. except then after the first qiongqi disaster wen ning is the general i guess.
also he's doing this while wearing black, a color which was in history intermittently restricted by sumptuary law to actual emperors.
like if he'd actually been trying to convince everyone he was wildly power-hungry and placed himself over everyone and might at some point decide to subjugate the existing power structure, i don't think he could have managed such a pervasively offensive arrangement of symbolism.
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hannieoftheyear · 4 months
how many mingyu fics are too many?? he has some kind of grip on me I swear because tell me why I was just writing a quick wonwoo idea I had then suddenly I'm 1k words in on an enemies to lovers mingyu au again
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smileflowcr · 6 months
Minjun tu arreglas algo de forma madura o simplemente le echas agua a todo aquel que te molesta? /le acerca el micrófono(?)
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"¿Por qué debería responderte, plebeya? Esfúmate antes que te lance al océano y seas comida para algún tiburón."
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luiwritings · 1 year
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rachellaurengray · 2 months
The Illusion of Control: Breaking Free (trigger warning)
Many of us have faced moments where we felt overwhelmed by the need to control aspects of our lives. For some, this manifests in extreme behaviors around exercise and eating. I want to share a story that might resonate with many of you—a story of finding oneself trapped in a cycle of control and the journey to break free.
The Need for Control: A Common Struggle
It all starts with a common struggle: a desire for control in a world that often feels chaotic. For me, this need turned into an obsession with exercise and diet. I found solace in the rigid structure of my daily routines. Spending hours working out each day, fasting, and then eating around 8 PM became my way of managing the chaos in my life.
This isn’t just my story. Many people use exercise and strict dietary habits as a way to cope with stress or emotional turmoil. It’s a way to impose order when other areas of life feel out of control.
The Paradox of Control: Loving Food, Yet Feared
Ironically, despite my love for food, my relationship with it became fraught with anxiety. After carefully planning my meals, I’d indulge only to feel a deep sense of guilt. This guilt often led to destructive behaviours and self-talk that seemed like a way to regain control. This paradox—loving something yet fearing it—can feel incredibly isolating.
If you’ve ever found yourself caught in a similar cycle, you’re not alone. Many people experience this conflict between their desires and their fears, creating a constant internal battle.
The Cycle of Control: From Empowerment to Entrapment
The pursuit of control can start with good intentions but quickly becomes an all-consuming force. What was once empowering—structuring my workouts and meals—turned into a rigid routine that dominated my life. The quest for control can easily become a trap where the initial sense of mastery turns into a source of suffering.
This cycle can feel like a prison, where every effort to control one aspect of life leads to losing control over another. Recognizing this entrapment is a crucial step in the journey towards healing.
Breaking Free: A Collective Journey
Breaking free from this cycle involves more than just altering habits; it requires a deeper understanding of the underlying need for control. It’s about acknowledging that the quest for control often masks deeper issues, such as anxiety, low self-esteem, or unresolved trauma.
For many, seeking help from a mental health professional is a vital step. Therapy can provide tools to address these issues and develop healthier relationships with food and exercise. It’s about learning to embrace balance rather than perfection.
Finding Balance: The Path Forward
The journey to balance is ongoing and personal. It involves shifting focus from rigid control to flexible, mindful living. Enjoying food without guilt, exercising for health rather than punishment, and allowing oneself to experience life’s unpredictability are key aspects of this balance.
This collective journey towards balance is shared by many. It’s a process of learning to navigate the tension between control and freedom, and finding peace in the imperfections of life.
Conclusion: Embracing the Journey Together
The illusion of control can be powerful, but it’s essential to recognize when it’s causing more harm than good. For those who find themselves in this cycle, know that you are not alone. By seeking support and working towards balance, we can all move towards a healthier and more fulfilling relationship with ourselves and our bodies. Let’s embrace the journey together, finding strength in our shared experiences and the hope for a balanced future.
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californiaquail · 2 months
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me when i definitely care about horse welfare
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schumigrace · 11 months
why is he blaming fernando😭😭
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andoutofharm · 2 years
OKAY my timezone doesn’t get stardust for another 3.5 hours and i want to experience it Correctly so i’m gonna be offline until i hear it! love y’all and have fun ✌️
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stil-yr-sand · 9 months
tmr i gotta eat all thrre meals tho i have a soccer game and no passing out!! cuz thatd gay asf
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bitternace · 2 years
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Lay down your bets for the Gambler of Fate—
[ID: two digital drawings of kingdom hearts character, Luxord. the backgrounds are light blue, and the colors are faded.
in the first image, he’s shown looking to the side with a slightly satisfied smile. He half-squats, with both arms raised to chest height in a wide stance, one hand extended and the other curled somewhat on itself as if throwing something underhand. Beside his head, there are five cards of Fair Game, blurred with movement. His organization 13 coat flares a little behind him.
the second image is a close-up of his face. /End ID]
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lunaetis · 8 months
▸▸ [ @elysiumtouched || belle & yinyue || starter call ]
─「银月」─  the CRIMSON TIDES seen from the higher vantage point looked almost like a sea of blood. the rover could hear the static noises and even screams being drown out underneath the red liquid that swept over the area so fast. if it weren't for the person standing next to her, she would've been caught in the red waves themselves. even the sky was painted in the same shade of sickening ruby. it was making her feel UNEASY, so much that she had to filter out some noises or else it'd drive her mad.
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                " the tide ... it's like they're alive. " thousands of WHISPERS echoing in the air even when she tried to filter them, breaking apart as it clashed against the base of the building, spilling forth and eating up everything in its path. from where they were, she could see the mindless mechanical bodies trudging through the path before being devoured by the red tide itself. " the corrupted, you called them ? " her line of vision landed upon the other. " thank you for saving me. did you get hurt anywhere ? "
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Operación "paperclip", nazis al servicio de Estados Unidos. ¿Demócratas todos?
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La Operación Paperclip tuvo sus orígenes cuando la Segunda Guerra Mundial aún estaba en marcha y fue el nombre en clave de un programa militar ultrasecreto ideado por los servicios de inteligencia estadounidenses para extraditar científicos nazis a Estados Unidos.
Originariamente denominada Operación Overcast, nombre en clave de la operación que tenía como objetivo la extradición a los Estados Unidos de todos los científicos nazis especializados en las denominadas "armas maravillosas", el 6 de julio de 1945, el Estado Mayor Conjunto de los Estados Unidos emitió un memorando ultrasecreto y tan explosivo que ni siquiera el presidente Truman fue conocedor del mismo. Titulado Explotación de especialistas alemanes en ciencia y tecnología en los Estados Unidos, este memorando detallaba un programa ultrasecreto para "la obtención, utilización y control de especialistas". En otras palabras, se trataba de un plan encaminado a reclutar científicos nazis y llevarlos a los Estados Unidos. La Inteligencia Militar del Departamento de Guerra, una unidad conocida como G-2, recibió el control total del programa al que cambió su nombre original por el de "Paperclip", por los clips que sujetaban los dossieres de los científicos seleccionados.
Hacia principios de 1945 era obvio que Alemania no lograría la victoria en la guerra, por lo que Von Braun empezó a planificar su futuro en la posguerra.3
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​Von Braun, con el brazo escayolado a causa de un accidente de coche, el día de su rendición a los estadounidenses el 3 de mayo de 1945.
Von Braun pudo contactar con los Aliados y preparó su rendición ante las fuerzas estadounidenses, quienes desarrollaban la operación Paperclip para capturar a científicos alemanes y ponerlos al servicio del bando aliado. Von Braun se entregó junto a otros 500 científicos de su equipo, sus diseños y varios vehículos de prueba.3​ Estuvo a punto de ser capturado por los soviéticos, que deseaban integrarlo en el equipo de Serguéi Koroliov.[cita requerida]
Una vez en los Estados Unidos, Von Braun y sus colaboradores fueron instados a cooperar con la fuerza aérea estadounidense, y a cambio, se les eximiría de culpa por su pasado nazi; esto incluía las muertes ocasionadas por el uso de sus proyectos aéreos por los nazis y por utilizar obreros esclavos. Von Braun obtuvo la nacionalidad de los Estados Unidos el 14 de abril de 1955.
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pocima · 8 months
Miss Alba… you will get your flowers from me this time.
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