#this mingyu one will be another looong one
hannieoftheyear · 4 months
how many mingyu fics are too many?? he has some kind of grip on me I swear because tell me why I was just writing a quick wonwoo idea I had then suddenly I'm 1k words in on an enemies to lovers mingyu au again
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unmanageable-day · 4 years
Come to me
PART 26.5 - next
masterlist / previous chapter: 26
Summary. After what happened in a relationship in the past, you found it difficult to trust someone with the gentleman image. ‘Gentleman’ seems like merely a concept and it was probably impossible for someone to be a genuine one. Now that you’re stuck with the number one gentleman at campus for a group project, how would you cope with the one and only Joshua Hong?
Genre. College!au, non-idol!au / friends to lover
Pairing. Joshua x y/n x S.Coups
wc / warning. 1k / prolly grammatical error, and nothing more, i guess? (does mentioning shua’s nickname of the holy jisoos count?? if anyone feels disturbed about it, please do let me know!)
TAGLIST.  @samemagicpoint @unravellyn @nonuuu @seventeeneration @skylions-den @wooziverse @infinitemoods @haoraecane @sunflowergyeomie @flower0930 @riashushu​ — [ send ask or dm if you’re interested to be added in the list! 🖤 ]
a/n: i’ve decided to cut this written part into two chapters. hope you still enjoy it, any comments are warmly welcomed! i have this rough draft ready looong time before those smau parts but it took me a while to rewrite it, so it is kinda tricky to connect all the dots hehe
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You set the living room as if you were going on a picnic. Instead of a rug or carpet, you used a yoga mat covered with an old scarf—resulting in Joshua quietly laughed at this sudden creativity. The pizza box was wide opened between you and him. Yet what you two had in your hands were two scoops of ice cream. Joshua was the one suggesting to have this salty-sweet-salty-sweet eating pattern.
"Okay. Let's start with... why does everyone call you a gentleman? Oh, I think I've also heard about the holy Jisoos," you trailed off, stirring the ice cream on your cup.
Joshua chuckled. "I honestly have no idea. Some kids made that up. I mean, I do consider myself as a gentle person but I won't even call myself a gentleman."
You nodded slowly, a spoonful of ice cream went into your mouth.
"And, please, stop with the holy Jisoos. If I find out who started that, I think I will commit a murder," he said, rolling his eyes in annoyance. No one really had ever said this particular nickname right into his face, but still, it was the one he most despises of.
Unconsciously you watched his expression quite eagerly. It was probably the first rime you caught him making that face. Even he still kept his smile intact and never showed it if he was exhausted during overtime—unlike you who looked like a mess when it was past 9 PM in the office. And it was fascinating to hear him wanting to murder someone. Basically the word murder and his by-default smiley face simply didn't match.
He made eye contact and you were flustered. "Come on, ask me more questions," said him, looking as eager as you.
"Are you always this nice to people? I mean, not even a bad intention once a while?" That was the best filtered words you can arrange. The truth is, you wanted to ask 'are you sure you're not being fake with all that kindness?' but now that you think about it, it sounds very rude.
"I do plot some things. Well, not to random people, but to my friends." He shrugged, but his voice started to sound more excited. After the last bite of his ice cream, he took a slice of pizza. "Do you remember the first time we met?"
Your eyes got widened at that question. How can you not? You squinted your eyes, looking guilty. "You mean how I made you come late to your first class?"
"What? That was you?"
"... yeah?"
He paused. Tilting his head, he looked at you with puzzled expression. He surely remembered his first day of uni and the accident of coming late and getting scolded by one of the most legendary lecturer in campus because of somebody. Apparently he was too shocked to remember who it was.
“I know, I ran away when you went in to Prof. Lee’s class,” you shyly confessed, covering your face with your hands. “And our second meeting was not great either,” you mumbled.
“Was it coffee accident?”
You nodded.
He smiled wide to himself. Looking at you fondly, he continued, “I thought that was our first meeting. But knowing the truth of our first meeting, it was quite fascinating.”
“I know it’s probably too late, but I’m sorry about getting scolded by Prof. Lee and for ruining your white shirt.” You bowed down.
Still smiling, Joshua shook his head, suggesting to never mind it. “Anyway, about that white shirt..” A mischievous grin grew wider. "That’s not my shirt. It's Jeonghan's. Just a few days before my first day going to school, he dropped some ragu sauce on my shirt he wore. I was already plotting something, that was why I wore his clothes, but you unexpectedly did it for me. So..." He made a face, which strangely reminded you of Johnny’s ‘not my problem’ face.
"Wait, what?" You squinted in disbelief. "But you looked mad though?"
"I did?" The bambi eyes widened at your accusation. "Rather than mad, I think I was more shocked. I mean who wouldn't, right?"
Eventually, you two laughed it off. You were glad you cleared at least one unsettled matter with this guy.
"I'll confess one more thing. You can judge me as you please," he spoke rather excitedly and you just nodded. "You know, I often got anonymous love letters in my locker."
"People are still doing that like in Japanese comic?" you commented, holding your laugh.
"I know right. But that's not the point. Those letters, I never read them. Either I just leave it in my locker, or I just throw them away. Or sometimes Seokmin would read it for me, and still they ended up in the trash."
A dramatic gasp left your lips. "Oh my gosh, those poor girls.. Maybe they're just shy, you know? You should give them a chance." Instantly you realized what you said just changed the mood.
“Why don’t you give me a chance?” he calmly retorted.
You chewed your lips, unable to answer him right away.
"Y/N, I'm shy too, but since we were assigned for group project, I encourage myself to talk to you instead of sending anonymous letter." He tried to break the ice.
"Like you, Y/N, they only see me as someone with that too good to be true image. If they really mean it, why not approach me personally? You see, I had bad relationships too. There are many people who only like the way I look, the way I behave. How I don't really voice out, how I never show them if I'm angry, how I always say "it's okay" when things start going bad and "I'm sorry" even when the fault is not mine. They thought I'm 24/7 an angel who is never upset."
A small part of your heart just melted to finally see another side of Joshua Hong. You simply could feel the honesty. It was nice to see the ‘humane’ side of him, to see his emotion as he shared a bit about himself. Now you felt bad for having bad prejudice about him.
"There is one thing I’ve been wondering. Why me?" you asked carefully after observing him catching his breath.
"I don't know." He shrugged. "It's just interesting to see you. It looks like there are so many sides of you."
You looked at him, confused.
“When you're with me, do you notice you're very quiet? But when you're with Johnny, you turn into someone else and you express yourself easily. When you're with Mingyu, Seokmin, and Soonyoung, you change again. You play along with them, you get their jokes, overall it's like you're a child again playing with your friends. Then Wonwoo, you used to have that sheepish smile when you talk to him. And when you're with Seungcheol...” Joshua paused, clearing his throat and looked away. “It's clear how you're comfortable with him, you talk freely with him, as if he's an old friend. And the way you smile at him.. how could I not envy him?”
You attentively listened to him while trying to digest everything. You were quite flustered that he paid that much attention to you.
"So I thought, there must be something wrong with me. I was insecure of myself. 'What is it that Seungcheol does better than me?', 'Why the quiet Wonwoo can be close with you while I can't?', 'Am I good enough to be with you?', 'Am I a trust worthy person to you?'. I was always doubting myself whenever I tried to make a move. Especially since Seungcheol butts in."
The pizza was long forgotten as you were drowning in his thoughts.
"If there is one thing I'm lacking, it's confidence. I don't want people to know about that. Also, I'm not really into telling others how I feel, not even to Jeonghan. I tend to bottle up everything instead of expressing my feelings. Then I would overthink, I would be overly sensitive about things. In the end, I wouldn't actually do anything about it. I'm a coward, Y/N." His hands were fiddling with the spoon on his empty cup.
"Y/N, do you like Seungcheol?" he asked suddenly, making you flinched in your seat.
"Honestly it's hard to not to.." you said guiltily. It was such a mystery to you too why you felt guilty. It wasn’t like you and Joshua were something in the first place.
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cheollies · 7 years
100 Reasons To Love Choi Seungcheol
dimples so deep that you could swim in them 
the mole on the right side of his face that’s above his mouth and by his nose (this is really specific but it’s a cute mole okay)
he only has one ear pierced. I think it’s his left ear that is his only pierced ear. 
has pajamas that match his blanket
the fact that he auditioned as a singer but became a rapper
his predebut bushy black hair
looong eyelashes, they’re so pretty and nice, why can’t I have eyelashes those good
raised twelve dorks on his shoulders
when he had fake tattoos and basically ruined the whole fandom
his bombass eyeliner, props to the make up artist
his very cute droopy eyes, this might be why a lot of people say he looks tired, they’re just a little droopy but it’s okay
his big toothy grin that basically takes up half of his face and it’s really cute
a triple threat man: can sing, dance, aand rap. what can't he do
he can't wink. if you watch him, he struggles with it sometimes
loves sports so much that he originally wanted to be a PE teacher
offered to cut wood on OFD and screamed while he did it
let his members throw all the kimchi they had into the pot and just watched on OFD
is very very competitive
when he played with his ear during his birthday vlive
screams a lot
like a lot
this boy screams in any situation
the vlive he did with mingyu and wonwoo was just him screaming half the time
when he snuggled up into jihoon during one of their predebut episodes
when he did the shoulder dance during his ‘Good Morning’ cover with Jihoon
he doesn't like rollercoasters
very touchy, he can be found multiple times hugging another member or just clinging to them
very cute and embarrassing dad dances
his cute hip dance during their Christmas vlive
when he broke the stage with his butt because soonyoung tried to put him down
during the Very Nice dance when he's doing his solo part and he gives that heavenly smile after saying his line
suggest the idea of the caratland bracelets as a gift to carats
his selfies
he literally takes great selfies. does he even have a bad side
nice butt
when he was suppose to wake up early on OFD Japan but instead slept in which caused them to be late
the fact that so many members go to him whenever they need to get something off of their chest
looks great in dad hats (probably has a collection of them)
when he tried to learn guitar from Jihoon predebut
when he fell to the ground laughing during one of the Burning Karaokes because he didn't harmonize with Seungkwan properly
his parted hair
when he wears flower crowns and cute lil headbands
he likes mystery novels and is reading books Wonwoo recommended
when he did the piggy bank with Joshua on Weekly Idol
buys the members food without a thought
but also made Wonwoo pay for a game of pool by escaping outside first
is in love with dogs
the gif of him hugging the golden retriever and it basically looks like he never wants to let go even though his hair and the dog's fur was blowing everywhere
when the small dog during backstage of a performance went under Seungcheol’s hand to be pet by him
when he said ‘Achuu~~’ as a guess to the song Jihoon would sing to his s/o
when he does a pouty face where his lips are pushed out a bit with his cheeks cutely puffing out
he sleeps with music playing and has Jeonghan turn it off for him
when Seungkwan woke him up on the first 17 project episode and he wasn't wearing a shirt
the fact that he slept with a little teddy bear by his pillow in that episode
he said he sleeps with the others more than he sleeps on his own bed
his top notch aegyo
S.coups wants to eat a macaron~~~
tried to eat a lemon and his whole face did a cringe
his thiiighs
really cute ears that stick out cutely
a real pro at DDR
have you seen the video, everyone gets shook behind him when he plays
his low voice tone
when he basically growls into the mic during parts of his raps
when he gets so into performing that he throws his whole body into the song and jams like there's no tomorrow
his signature peace sign pose
when he nonsense screamed while entering the studio
his alcohol tolerance is 6 bottles of soju
has a heart like a girl's according to Jihoon
when he's doing introduction and says ‘say the name’
when he gets embarrassed and basically looks like he's dying
when he did the dance to Pick Me
when his hair was blonde/red/brown/basically any color and once again killed the fandom
when he dropped his egg yolk and looked like it was the end of the world and that life was no longer worth living
the fact that he still picked up the egg yolk and ate it
during the comeback showcase performance of laughter when he burst into a big smile
his eye smiles when his eyes become small and all you see are his long eyelashes
on where is my friend's hometown, when he was cutely jamming out to music in the car
when the MC’s of weekly idol pronounced his name wrong and he did a brief look at his name tag before laughing really big
when he kept getting the dance wrong during random play dance and he looked like a very confused doggy
he can hold two matches on his eyelashes (man get you a man that has eyelashes as strong as cheol’s)
when he gets cold he shivers cutely and goes to his manager
the time he almost died because he almost kissed wonwoo
but he didn't mind playing the pocky game with jihoon predebut
the predebut video when they did a practice room cover of Nuest’s Hello and seungcheol just struts up the camera
when he yelled at jihoon to move during the Hello dance
his cheeky smile when Hansol was exposing him of taking his stuff
his singing voice is low and soothing
a cute fan of ballads
he's always thanking carats, always telling them to be healthy and even more
he cried because he couldn't visit his grandmother because of training
he wanted to be able to do more to contribute to Seventeen like Jihoon and Soonyoung so Seungcheol pushed himself more into producing
when everything was getting tense on OFD Japan, Seungcheol stepped in and called a meeting to clear the tension
attended P101’s final episode to watch his friends despite having just taken out his wisdom teeth and being tired
on the last episode of their first OFD, he helped set up photos and decoration for the rest of the boys and even wrote a heartfelt letter to them
said that when the rings were taken away during 17 project he was thinking of the other boys and how they were doing
despite going through group changes he's never once complained and continued to train, using it as a change to grow instead of as a sign of failure
he carries a large amount of stress on his shoulders as the leader of the group and seriously needs to be appreciated for his hard work
“Carats should be the ones more loved than we are”
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jaeminlore · 7 years
If you're still doing the bulletpoint scenarios (it's fine if you aren't anymore) could you maybe do one where coups really wants to start a family with you but doesn't know how to say it but it turns out you're ready for kids as well? -sunflower anon 🌻 (btw missed you I've been gone for a while but I'm back 🤗)
hi! you always know how to make me cry!
• okay so you and seungcheol have been married for a year or two• you guys dated and lived together a looong time before finally tying the knot• and literally seungcheol wanted honeymoon babies like,,,, he wants five kids better get started right• but you weren’t ready and he respected that so the two of you adopted a dog and left it at that• and seungcheol forgets for awhile like he’s content w just you and the puppy (which is a lil beagle it’s the cutest thing)• until like another member,,, let’s say mingyu,,, has his first child• he and his wife got straight to it and now mingyu has a little girl with the chubbiest cheeks and the cutest laugh• when seungcheol held her for the first time he legit cried and it wasn’t even his child he just??? ya know he’s technically and uncle now and it’s not dad level but it’s very close and he gets the biggest urge to just have a child of his own• but he’s afraid to bring it up to you• he knows you won’t get angry or anything but he’s afraid of coming off as pushy,,, and the last thing he wants to do is pressure you to do something you aren’t ready to do• which is sweet but seungcheol is having to hide his baby fever like it’s the freakin plague• you’ll send him out for milk and he finds himself in the baby section just staring at the bottles and pacifiers like,,, i wonder which one my kid would like• and it gets so bad that some nights he has dreams where he picks up his son or daughter from their first day of school• secretly buys clothes he thinks are super cute• nd he keeps them at jeonghan’s in this little box • “if any of this gets to y/n you are out of the group”• “my lips are sealed”• jeonghan’s lips are not, in fact, sealed at all• as soon as you come over to do something meager like pick up one of seungcheol’s hoodies he left over, or simply to borrow some eggs,, jeonghan is like hey y/n,,,, wanna see something funny?• you think he’s gonna show you an embarrassing pic of cheol or smth so you’re like ofc• but he just pulls this shoebox off the top of the refrigerator• “open it”• you do (rather cautiously) and it’s filled w baby clothes???• like there are little overalls and a matching tee that says “daddy’s little man”• and there’s a little dress with matching booties ,,, like it’s a pretty blue color with subtle frills and laces• there’s even some lil baby books about fire trucks and noses and other weird baby topics• there’s a parenting book and a notepad filled w baby names• you recognize seungcheol’s handwriting and pick it up like,,, hannie what is this• “your husband is a psycho that’s what it is”• after the jokes jeonghan explains that seungcheol has had baby fever ever since mingyu’s kid was born and he’s been buying stuff he thinks is cute,,, just in case• but he didn’t want to tell you in case you weren’t ready• the thought warms your insides • because honestly you’ve been thinking of kids a lot too lately• esp after talking to mingyu’s wife about motherhood and stuff• it’s something you really want and think you’re ready for :’)• you grab the box to take home like “thanks hannie! i’ve got to go talk to my husband now!”• seungcheol is asleep on the couch when you get home• “cheollie? do you want kids?”• the boy has never woken up so quickly in his life you legit gave him a mini heart attack• nd when his sleepy eyes settle on the box they widen “w-where did you find that?”• you set it down on the coffee table and sit beside seungcheol• and place your hand on his thigh gently, “you know you can talk to me about everything, right? you don’t have to hide stuff over at jeonghan’s.”• “he’s out of the group,” seungcheol muttered, laying his head on your shoulder to hide the red in his cheeks. “seventeen now stands for 3 units 12 members 1 band and 1 traitor”• you use your other hand to run it comfortingly through his hair • “well, don’t disown him just yet. him showing me this made me realize that i’m ready.”• seungcheol looks up and swallows “w-what? ready?”• you nod. “i want to have a baby, seungcheol.”• the biggest smile overcomes seungcheol’s face and he leans over to kiss you eagerly, his hands cupping your face as he pulls back and looks into your eyes• “can we start trying right now?”
@jisoodrinkssopretty hey you’ll like this
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littlecaratarmy · 7 years
Happy Father’s Day || Jeongcheol Smut
Sooo, basically this is my first ever smut and it’s also my first fanfiction! :D I’m really excited that I finished it since this fic was looong overdue since I wanted to finish this for Father’s Day but oh well. I hope that you enjoy this!#
Warnings: Smut, Daddy Kink, Lingerie???
Pairing: Jeonghan X S.Coups
Father's Day, that one day in the year where fathers around the world get treated nicely. Flowers being received, the house being cleaned, picnics being made and eaten. The day that brought smiles to the various fathers of the world being around their families and being spoiled by them. Jeonghan wanted to do something special as well, just to show his thanks for everything. He wanted to show his thanks to his one and only, leader. Seungcheol, more known as S.Coups, the leader of the boy group Seventeen, was Jeonghan's lovely boyfriend that would do pretty much anything for him and the others. Someone was thirsty? He was the first one to buy drinks for everyone just in case they thirsty as well. Someone was tired? He made sure that they were able to take a nap without anyone noticing or bothering them. Jeonghan had to admit, Seungcheol was everything he ever wanted and admired in a person. Seungcheol was always so nice and caring, always noticing the little things, like what his favourite flowers were, how he styled his hair and what his favourite movie was. Not only was he a great leader, he was an even better person. The way he cared for the members, always putting them before himself and making sure that they were healthy. The way how he held Jeonghan after a long day at practice or when he tried his best to braid Jeonghan's once long hair. (He had a bit of help from Jeonghan's younger sister.) It showed him how much the leader cared and how adorable he could be, using his aegyo to convince Jeonghan to do something for him. Don't even get him started on his body, his beautifully built body that had Jeonghan drooling over, but also cuddling into during the night, that held him snugly to the eldest. What better way to thank his lovely boyfriend, than to suprise him on Father's Day? Jeonghan made the boys clean up the dorm while Seungcheol was out with the American Line and once they were finished, he made dinner for Seungcheol and him. (More like he forced Mingyu to make them a fancy dinner.) After everything was set out, he sent out all the boys, making sure that they left for the night, so that they wouldn't be disturbed by the two eldest's "boombooming". They had a cute dinner, Mingyu's Jeonghan's food tasted delicious. They had a big plate of spaghetti, Lady and Tramp style and a bottle of Seungcheol's favourite wine. (It was expensive but totally worth it.) Throughout the meal, sensual touches and sexual remarks came from Jeonghan, causing Seungcheol to get turned on and wanting. When the two finished eating, Jeonghan stood up from the table and smiled devilishly down at Seungcheol, '' Go to our bedroom and wait for me there love. '' he stated simply, swaying his lips lightly as he walked to their shared bathroom, leaving the leader shocked and with a hard on. The elder quickly scrambled up and made his was to their shared room and sat down on the bed, anxiously waiting for Jeonghan to appear with pink cheeks, pink lips and lightly blown out eyes. Once he heard the door open, his mind when blank and his jaw dropping slightly at the sight, his erection straining against his jeans now. Jeonghan stepped out of the conjoining bathroom, wearing only a pair of pastel pink lace panties that crossed in the back, matching thigh highs and a short silky skirt that barely covered his throbbing sex. He looked over at his boyfriend sitting on their shared bed, eyes wide and blown out with lust, eyes drinking in his barely covered body and looking absolutely ravishing with his white shirt and ripped jeans that made his thighs look unbelievably hot, perfect for riding. Jeonghan walked over slowly, making sure to sway his hips, just how Seungcheol liked it. Once in front of the elder, he let his fingertips run over Seungcheol's torso, leaning in close and whispering seductively in his ear, " You can have me however you want me, " pulling away with a kiss to the jaw, biting his lips and a mischievous look in his eyes. Seungcheol swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing, " However, I want to...?" he asked, his hands on the younger's waist already, rubbing his thumbs over the soft skin. The younger nodded, sitting down on those glorious thighs that Seungcheol was proud of, placing his hands on the chest in front of him. " Any way you want me, you do so much for us and now it's time to do something for you too. Let me take care of you daddy. " Hearing the younger's sweet yet dirty words, Seungcheol pulled him in for a searing kiss, full of passion, love and lust. He was quick to make of his shirt, throwing it across the room and opening his belt, letting the younger take off his lower garments. He hissed when the cool air of the room hit his hard cock, standing proudly against his abdomen. ​​​​​​ He laid down, pulling Jeonghan down with him, only to roll over so that he was on top. With roaming hands, Seungcheol kissed open, sloppy kisses down the younger's body. Being sensitive already, Jeonghan let down soft moans and whimpers, hips rolling up only to be met with nothing. He let out a small gasp when he felt a kiss being pressed to his inner thigh. With a quick motion, his silk skirt was pulled down in a rapid movement and thrown across the room without a care as to where it would land. Jeonghan could feel the smirk on his lover's face as his face got closer and closer to his sex, peppering kisses that made Jeonghan's head spin with lust. He moaned, his hands shooting to Seungcheol's hair, tugging when he felt his lover pull down his panties, his teeth grazing over the younger's length. " A-Ack! " he brought out, the kiss to the tip of his cock afterwards already feeling too much for him. Usually Jeonghan didn't receive blow jobs, instead he was usually the one to give them. Of course he got help when he needed, but they mostly consisted of hand jobs or being fingered. Blow jobs were pretty much only for special occasions, like birthdays or holidays. But he didn't mind, in fact, he preferred giving blow jobs since he always got off on how drop dead sexy Seungcheol looked, sounded and tasted. With a voice that was deeper than usual, Seungcheol purred out, " Patience kitten. " Jeonghan felt a shiver go down his spine at the sound of his boyfriend's voice. " On your hands and knees. " Seungcheol commanded to which Jeonghan immediately complied to. Staring at his boyfriend's ass, Seungcheol rubbed over the soft skin of Jeonghan's ass before quickly letting his hand land a hard smack on the younger's right ass cheek. He smirked at his boyfriend's reaction, a moan and his back arching. " Doesn't my kitten love it when Daddy spanks you? " he cockily asked, already knowing the knowing the answer. Another spank came across the other cheek, to that also another moan. Continuing the spanking a bit, Seungcheol saw the bottle of lube and a condom foil lying on the pillow. He gave one harsh final smack to the younger's ass before leaning down to kiss the raw and sensitive skin. " Always so obedient and eager for Daddy. " he mumbled, before pulling away and moving to the head of the bed to grab the lube and the foil. The elder opened the foil and rolled the rubber onto his dick, pumping slightly, moans spilling softly out of his mouth. Jeonghan whimpered in front of him, pushing his ass back slightly, his cock red, throbbing and needing release. '' D-Daddy... p-please... '' the younger moaned out, gripping the sheets under him. Seungcheol smiled down at the younger cockily, putting some lube on his fingers, rubbing them together to warm the gel up a bit. His gelled fingers circled around Jeonghan's hole and slowly pushed two fingers in, slowly pumping them in and out. Moans quickly filled the room, the air getting hotter and hotter with every second that passed. Seungcheol pulled his fingers out, wiping them off on a tissue, throwing it and the condom foil away. " Get on your back love. " he said in Jeonghan's ear, who was shuddering and painfully hard. The younger quickly changed positions and spread his legs apart for his lover, already needy and completely submissive for the leader. Pressing his length to Jeonghan's hole, he pushed in slowly, stilling for a moment, making sure that Jeonghan was alright, even after all the times that they had sex, he always made sure the other was comfortable before continuing anything, a trait that made Jeonghan's heart swell in love. " P-please move... " the younger mewled out, his hips bucking up to feel any sort of friction. Dragging his hips slowly, the elder smiled down cockily at Jeonghan, " Beg for it. " Jeonghan felt like he was about to cry, he couldn't believe that he had to beg. All he wanted was for Seungcheol to just completely wreck him. With red cheeks and teary eyes, he begged like the good boy he was, " Daddy, please fuck me so good, only you can make me feel so good! Please fuck me Da- " He couldn't finish his sentence, due to Seungcheol thrusting into him harshly. Seungcheol kept up this pace, gripping onto his partner's hips. " Such a good baby boy, only wanting Daddy's cock. " he growled, a smirk on his face. ​​​​​​Jeonghan was a moaning mess under his boyfriend, moans seemed to keep spilling out if his mouth endlessly. Pleasure and red hot lust seemed to fill every inch of his body. He quickly wrapped his legs around the leader's hips and his arms around Seungcheol's neck, bringing them closer and more pleasure. Seungcheol was pulled down by the younger, his left hand going up next to Jeonghan's head, letting out soft groans himself. No matter how often he slept with Jeonghan, it always felt the first time, it never got boring or undesirable. " Fuck Hannie... " he murmured out, dipping his head down and leaving bites along the younger's neck and leaving small licks over the soft skin. Jeonghan whimpered, he had the feeling that if Seungcheol would keep up this pace, he wouldn't be able to last long and he has barely been touched from the elder. '' Cheol... '' he moaned out while pulling out the vowel, tugging on the dark locks of hair of the elder, gaining a growl from the other. '' M-More! '' he cried out, his back arching and head thrown back. Seungcheol willingly complied to the younger's request, thrusting faster, almost pounding into Jeonghan. Cries left the younger's mouth, he could feel his orgasm coming quickly, the familiar feeling building up inside of him. The same applied to the elder, his own peak coming quickly as well. He felt nails run down his back, he knew that it would definitely leave marks and that the members would never stop teasing him about it, but he felt no shame in showing them off, knowing that the reason he had them was that he fucked Jeonghan amazingly. A wail left Jeonghan's lips when Seungcheol hit his G-Spot, leaving him with sobs leaving his mouth. '' R-right t-there! '' Jeonghan stuttered out, biting into Seungcheol's shoulder. Without hesitation, the elder rammed into the spot, over and over again, bringing them rapidly to their release. '' So close... '' Jeonghan brought out, bringing his lips to Seungcheol's and into a searing hot kiss. '' Let go. '' Seungcheol mumbled against his lips and two thrusts later, the younger's back arched, head thrown back and a loud moan along with the elder's name as he came all over his chest and a bit of Seungcheol's tummy. Seungcheol was brought to the edge as well with Jeonghan clenching around him, a long and low groan leaving his mouth with his head hanging low as he filled the condom with his seed along with a few shallow thrusts, letting the both of them ride out their highs. Seungcheol pulled out slowly, kissing Jeonghan slowly, a kiss full of love and passion. He pulled back slowly from their kiss, standing up to get rid of the used protection. Once discarded in the bin, he plopped down next to Jeonghan, who was already in a half sleep daze, having an after sex glow that made him look like a literal angel. '' Was I too rough? '' Seungcheol asked him, kissing his forehead and pulling the younger into him softly, running a hand over Jeonghan's side. Jeonghan just shook his head tiredly and cuddled into the elder with closed eyes, almost falling asleep and enjoying the warmth that was being radiated off. '' It was perfect as always Cheollie, I hope that you liked your present. '' he said, giving a sloppy kiss to the elder's lips to which the other just smiled and nodded, eyes closing as well, '' I did Hannie, I really did, thank you. '' '' Happy Father's Day Cheollie, I love you. '' '' I love you too baby. ''
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incorrectioiquotes · 8 years
I've seen you around on incorrect twice quotes and I was wondering if you can drag me down to ioi hell I've listened to their songs and they're good, I just need help knowing the names of the members and all that fun stuff ;-;
Okay so first of all I feel very freaking honored that you come to me for this so I’m going to try my best to introduce you to IOI as best as I can :) (Warning beforehand: I am very sorry if my gay was showing through at some moments. Istg it wasn’t my intention, it just happened)
Second of all, I am very sorry that it took a while to answer you. When I received your ask I was in the middle of my testweek and I didn’t have the time to fully answer you. Now that I do, let’s go! (I’ll be adding a ‘keep reading’ so I won’t fill up peoples dashboards too much because holy heck I never meant it but this ended up being looong)
First of, the members! IOI consists of 11 very lovely girls, but before IOI became IOI, they all participated in Produce 101. I highly recommend watching this,  
Lim Nayoung (Pledis Entertainment)She is the leader of IOI, often times also called ‘Stone Nayoung’, ‘Stone Buddha’, ‘Buddha Nayoung’. Outside of being the leader, she is the Main Rapper, Lead Dancer and a Vocalist for IOI. Wow. Not to forget that her visuals are ON POINT.
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If you want to check out more of Nayoung, than here are some videos of her! We have 1 2 3 beautiful 1:1 eyecontact videos of her performances in Produce 101, as well as her official practice video for Pristin! She will also get her debut with Pristin on March 21st so make sure to look out for that!
Kim Chungha (M&H Entertainment)Honestly, if you watch one video of her dancing, you’re hooked. She is such an amazing dancer and I’m still planning on stealing her skills someday, but anyway. Not only is this beauty the Main Dancer, she is also the Lead Vocalist and one of the rappers! Sadly we don’t see this last part of her often, but when you do, expect to be slayed by her.
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If you want to check out more of Chungha, than here are some videos of her! We have 1 2 3 beautiful 1:1 eyecontact videos of her performances in Produce 101, as well as her absolutely slaying in the first round where they had to show their talents. Believe it or not, this wasn’t practiced or anything, she came up with it on the spot. How, I don’t know, but I am jealous of her skill. Chungha will also debut soon as a solo artist. Although the date hasn’t been announced yet, M&H officially announced that it will come soon!
Kim Sejeong (Jellyfish Entertainment)This girl is both low-key and high-key gay at times, and she is seen a lot either teasing/pranking the other members or helping them when they are having troubles with something. She is the main vocal of IOI and daaaaammn can she sing.
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If you want to check out more of Sejeong, than here are some videos of her! We have 1 2 3 beautiful 1:1 eyecontact videos of her performances in Produce 101, as well as her solo debut Flower Way that absolutely slayed. And if you cannot get enough of her performances than don’t worry! She debuted with Gugudan in June of 2016 and they recently had their first comeback that is definitely worth checking out!
Jung Chaeyeon (MBK Entertainment)From what I heard there was a lot tumult when Chaeyeon came on Produce 101 because she had already debuted with another group, DIA. (I cannot say for sure since I wasn’t a fan of kpop back then and didn’t know this all existed) Despite this she still got to debut with IOI as a Vocalist and the Visual of the group (honestly that last point is some kind of universal fact. I know that Chaeyeon wants to be known for her skills rather than her looks but we just cannot deny those of her, tho I would love it if at one point when her name gets mentioned, people talk about her skills before her looks). Let’s also not forget that this girl is super dorky, even when we don’t see it at first.
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If you want to check out more of Chaeyeon, than here are some videos of her! We have 1 2 3 beautiful 1:1 eyecontact videos of her performances in Produce 101, as well as a video of her during fanmeets with food. I know that this one is less focused on her skills, but let me assure you that you fall in love with Chaeyeon when you see this adorable side of her. If you want to see more performances of her, make sure to check her out in DIA! They are having a comeback soon, and it is definitely one to look forward to!
Zhou Jieqiong / Pinky (Pledis Entertainment)Ahh, our talented Chinese unnie! Jieqiong is a dancing machine, has pretty amazing vocals (her highnotes during Whatta Man prove that), can play Pipa and she is someone you easily start to love. There is honestly no chance that you don’t and if that ever happened to someone can you please tell me how cause are you sure we are talking about the same person here?!?! She is the Lead Dancer, Vocalist and Visual of IOI, as well as the member who is best in Chinese. Talking about that, by the way, because I sometimes still cannot believe that she is Chinese because her Korean sounds so good (judged from Korean speakers, not me. I’m not Korean nor know enough of the language to state such things).
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If you want to check out more of Jieqiong, than here are some videos of her! We have 1 2 3 beautiful 1:1 eyecontact videos of her performances in Produce 101, as well as a video of her playing the pipa! She will also get her debut with Pristin on March 21st so make sure to look out for that!
Kim Sohye (Redline Entertainment / S&P Entertainment)Ah, Sohye. During Produce 101 she was kind of the odd one out, coming from an acting company and having no vocal or dance training before starting the show. I strongly believe that they put her in as the ‘comic relief’ to have her send back home after the first ranking. Sohye however, decided to take none of that shit and use Produce 101 to grow and get better and BOY DID SHE GET BETTER. She got first during dance evaluations in her team and second of all the dancers overal, and her strength and her never giving up, only continuing to grow are definitely what got her in IOI, and she freaking deserved it. She is a Vocalist and Rapper, and is now focusing more on her acting.
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If you want to check out more of Sohye, than here are some videos of her! We have 1 2 3 beautiful 1:1 eyecontact videos of her performances in Produce 101 (you can definitely see her grow in this), as well as not one, but two videos of her in the SS 360 episode with Seventeen, acting with both Wonwoo and Mingyu! (Truthfully I wanted to put only one of those but I just couldn’t choose they are both gold) You can see how good her acting is here, and we can look forward to her acting debut which will be soon!
Yu Yeonjung (Starship Entertainment)Yeonjung is another powerhouse vocal who can honestly slay my entire existence whenever she hits these high notes. She is the Main Vocalist and currently in Cosmic girls, where she just keeps continuing to be amazing and sing wonderful and wow sometimes I just need to stop to fully appreciate her amazing voice.
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If you want to check out more of Yeonjung, than here are some videos of her! We have 1 2 3 beautiful 1:1 eyecontact videos of her performances in Produce 101, as well as her performance in King of Masked Singer! Her promotions with Cosmic Girls for their latest comeback have just ended so we have to wait again until their next (I hope that Starship lets the girls rest cause they deserve it) but in the meantime we can just look back on all their amazing songs and moments and look forward for the next!
Choi Yoojung (Fantagio)This smol bean is a talented ball of floof and the Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist AND Lead Rapper of the group. I mean like, wow, that’s a lot of leading positions, and she manages to slay any of those. She is also best friends with Doyeon and believe me when I say that they are cute together. She was an MC for the program ‘Golden Tambourine’ and boy did she slay there too. (I have now officially come to the conclusion that no matter what she does, Yoojung freaking slays)
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If you want to check out more of Yoojung, than here are some videos of her! We have 1 2 3 beautiful 1:1 eyecontact videos of her performances in Produce 101, as well as her performance of BTS ‘Fire’ during ‘Golden Tambourine’!  Although not much is known about her debut with Fantagio, we know that it will be during the first half of this year!
Kang Mina (Jellyfish Enterainment)This talented girl is the Lead Vocalist and Rapper of IOI and I hate it so much that we had to wait for their semilast comeback to see that part because Mina as a rapper = amazingness. Luckily Jellyfish realised this too and added a rap in Gugudans latest comeback so now we can see her being amazing even more. She is also the squishiest girl you will ever meet. Ever. Even if that squish is now mostly gone *glares* she will still be the squishiest. She also loves eating a lot, which is honestly super relatable and makes her even better
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If you want to check out more of Mina, than here are some videos of her! We have 1 2 3 beautiful 1:1 eyecontact videos of her performances in Produce 101, as well as a video of her being absolutely adorable! And if you cannot get enough of her performances than don’t worry! She debuted with Gugudan in June of 2016 and they recently had their first comeback that is definitely worth checking out!
Kim Doyeon (Fantagio)Kim Doyeon is apparantly only a Vocalist for IOI, something that I do not understand because this girl is amazing in literally everything she does?! Why is she only a vocalist?! She was a freaking cheerleader for three years, the captain and she led her squad to a freaking national title. She is best friends with Yoojung, the amazing tol&smol duo and if you ever want to talk to me but don’t know about what than Dodaeng (their ship name) is guaranteed to start a conversation.
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If you want to check out more of Doyeon, than here are some videos of her! We have 1 2 3 beautiful 1:1 eyecontact videos of her performances in Produce 101, as well as a video of her showing of her cheerleading skills!  Although not much is known about her debut with Fantagio, we know that it will be during the first half of this year!
Jeon Somi (JYP Entertainment)You might recognise the Maknae of her time during SIXTEEN where she almost joined TWICE but then was send away because her dancing wasn’t good enough, only for her to come on Produce 101 and end up as number 1 of all the 101 trainees. Wow. That’s seriously insane to think about. She is the Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Rapper, face of the Group AND the Maknae, and although she is pretty young she is incredibly talented.
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If you want to check out more of Somi, than here are some videos of her! We have 1 2 3 beautiful 1:1 eyecontact videos of her performances in Produce 101, as well as her collab with Eric Nam. Although there isn’t much known about her joining a new JYPE group or a possible solo debut, she is currently starring in season 2 of Sister’s Slam Dunk, which is a very fun tv show that is definitely worth watching!
If you want to watch some more programs with IOI in them than here is a list with all the shows they have been on! A big thank you to @knqyebin for sending me the link to her post, which also links towards every episode which makes it a bit easier to get to the eps to watch them :)
I hope that this will help you! I’ll add the link to this in my bio so if you ever want to look at it again you don’t need to search that far. I hope that this will also help any other new fans when they are just getting into IOI. If you have any more questions you can always message me and I’ll answer!
*This seriously took days to write and put together which is one of the reasons that posting this got delayed. I AM SORRY FOR THAT!! I’ll try to answer asks like this earlier next time!**Also rip me this was, excluding gifs, pictures and links 4 pages long in google docs*
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his-spare-hats · 6 years
Here we go, I was tagged by @his-pair-of-spare-glasses and have no idea whom I should tag...euh..since I don’t know anybody and Glasses tagged and was tagged by whom I know before: I tag you who is reading this. Go ahead. Yes, you.
List 10 of your favorite ships, in no particular order. Don’t cheat by scrolling down to see the questions yet, either!
Ardyn x Gilgamesh
Luna x Nyx
Axel x Saix /Lea x Isa
Gladio x Ignis
Thorin x Bilbo (smol men feels)
Balthier x Fran
Wakka x Lulu
Minhyuk x Wonho
Ardyn x Prompto
Mingyu x Wonwoo
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6? Uh…I never had to explain this ship because Balthier and Fran are just a power couple since scene 1. They come, they wreck, they leave together. They know each other like no other and it’s lots of little remarks on the side that made my feels grow because they subtly look out for each other and…ugh. Let’s not get started on the Draklor Laboratory. 2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2? No ;^; I have many ffxv ships due to HisGlasses but I didn’t get to read Lunyx yet :/ (Aside from HisGlasses’ side story for SAViD) But I’m ready for the pain, I love angst stuff so if you’ve got something throw it at me.
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screensaver/profile picture/tumblr screensaver? Nope, I only recently got into that one so it’s still pretty unknown to me… 4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? WHO GETS TO TAKE CARE OF THE BABY?? No but seriously, them breaking up would affect so many people, oh god, I don’t want to imagine.
5. Why is 1 so important? Because Ardyn deserves soft love but rarely gets it. He’s always the evil sadist dude people use for non-con stuff and on top of that I really like the theory (oh come on, it’s almost canon fanon) of Gil being Ardyn’s Shield. I mean, how else would you explain Gilgamesh?? The fact that he sticks around for ages, maybe hoping, maybe dreading Ardyn’s return (?) makes me all the more curious. And it’s my main ship here on tumblr sooooo /shrugs/ 6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship? Oof. It would be dead serious, then lighten up, then grow darker again until it becomes a balance of funny and serious. Ardyn’s carefree attitude with a dark past and Prompto’s happy-go-lucky positive character that is way too easily frightened make it hard to decide on one.
7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry? uh…in the sense of understanding and working things out with the other? 6 and 7. Balthier and Fran are just tuned to the same wavelength, not needing many words to get things done or change plans to get out of somewhere. Wakka and Lulu are just THE fluff couple to me. Wakka doing everything for Lulu because she’s his goddess and Lulu being affected by the positive vibe? It sounds cute, to me at least, and I think that’s a sort of chemistry as well. 8. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond? Ardyn and Gilgamesh? I mean, they went through quite a lot and Gil is still out there, phasing pink and hanging on because Ardyn is alive as well? If that’s not strong, I don’t know what is. 9. How many times have your read/played/watched 10’s fandom? Read lots of looong fanfic about the two of them, is that enough? Each more than 190k at least. Like, they’re real life idols, I don’t ship them in reality, I just like them as character pattern for the AUs I read. I don’t watch music videos and am like “oh god they looked at each other, it’s true love”, I just think their characters would be compatible in another universe…does…does that even make sense idk?? 10. Which ship has lasted the longest? In their universe in a romantic way? Wakka and Lulu.
Since I got to know them? Uhhh…would be them as well, I played FFX when I was, like, 10/11 years old? 11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up? Oh, it’s on and off with them because they know the other will always come back, I think. They’re confident so even if there’s someone else from time to time, they know the other will get bored sooner or later and come back to the one who knows them best. 12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8? Oh god, Lunyx or a not-even-real idol ship? Definitely apocalypse-trained Lunyx!
13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? Nah, they’ve been obvious ever since. 14. Is 4 still together? They are not, for Ignis’ heart had moved on to Noctis so long ago, Gladio could never compete. A sad and broken ship. 15. Is 10 canon? nah. Real life. Again. 16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win? Ugh…I’m somewhere in between Gladnis and Gilgardyn because they are both made of the tactician and the tank…out of loyalty I would decide for Gilgardyn. They are just a long-established team.
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship? How about the world? Like, literally everything was against them for some reason. Well, nobody tried to tear them apart in a direct sense but…death was right behind them, so was madness. 18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond? 1, Gilgardyn. You can’t tell me nothing happened. You can’t. Full stop. 19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page? Nope but I have one blog that sometimes puts their content on my timeline and that makes me happy~ 20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink? 8, Minhyuk and Wonho. They would have other choices ready as well ;^;
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