#essay on disaster
ironunderstands · 5 months
The way some of yall mischaracterize Ratio as being stoic in chill when in reality he is 24/7 resisting the urge to rip everyone around him a new one is crazy to me like. He cares so much, so much. It’s unhealthy, he loses the idgaf war every time because Ratio is the least nonchalant person ever like
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He was this close to breaking character and throttling Sunday like you cannot tell me he wasn’t planning a murder in this scene. Ratio straight up calls Sunday a crazy bitch but everyone brushed it aside 😭
Honestly his entire conversation with Screwllum is just him tweaking, watch it on YouTube the VAs performance is amazing, you can here just how much He Cares
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Genuinely, Aventurine is way better at concealing his true feelings that Ratio. Ratio may be acting for the sake of the plan but the way he truly feels about anything he’s doing always seeps through, it’s why he apologizes to Aventurine in 2.0 in their staged argument scene. It’s why he is as mean to Sunday as he can be. It’s why him pretending that he “hates” Aventurine makes him act so silly. Ratio can’t fully commit to the bit, he can’t force himself to not care or to be someone he isn’t, because fundamentally Ratio CARES and that is something he is incapable of hiding, alabaster bust or not.
The problem is that him expressing his care is often done in a rude and/or blunt manner which people tend to interpret as stoicism or apathy when it’s anything but. Ratio’s vial that he gives to Aventurine is short, sweet and gets straight to the point, because that’s the easiest way for Ratio to express his emotions, even if it’s often detrimental for him and anyone else around him. However Aventurine understands him quite well, and knows that although brief, Ratio telling him to “stay alive, survive this and keep on living” is how he truly feels towards Aventurine, and that’s enough to keep him going.
Underneath Ratios carefully crafted marble facade is a man who cares so much and is so bad at expressing it and I wish the community in general, especially Aventio shippers would acknowledge that more. Ratios true moments of sincerity are brief, but they are anything but stoic. Let the man be soft, it’s in character.
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
When Eddie comes out to him, Steve makes a big mistake. His first reaction was to thank him for trusting him, which is what Robin told him to do in this situation.
But his second reaction was to say “I also like guys.”
Eddie blinked at him, clearly confused and defensive, like maybe Steve was making fun or not taking him seriously.
“Uh. You do?”
“Yeah man! I mean, no one else knows, but yeah.”
Eddie smiled and thanked him for trusting him with it, said they should hang out more, and recommended a queer bar in Indy if he needed a safe place to explore.
And Steve smiled and nodded like he couldn’t agree more.
As soon as Eddie was gone, he rushed to the phone in his kitchen and called Robin.
She called him an idiot, a dingus, a bisexual disaster —whatever that was—, and told him he absolutely wasn’t allowed to go to a queer bar without her.
She did at least agree to keep up the lie until he could find a way out of it without Eddie thinking he lied to hurt him or something.
But he started hanging out a lot more with Eddie and finding that they had more in common than he originally thought.
Eddie took Robin and Steve to the queer club and Steve…felt at home, felt welcomed, felt like he belonged. Robin kept giving him these looks all night, and Eddie kept dragging him to meet people who he cared about, and one of the guys on the dance floor kept pulling him out there to dance with him.
He felt free and alive and-
It hit him as the guy, Paul maybe, was pulling him closer by his waist as his hips rocked to the beat of a song he didn’t recognize but felt like something he wanted on a mixtape. It hit him that he liked this because he liked dancing with Paul like this. He liked this because he saw himself visiting more, even without Eddie and Robin. He liked this because he could picture making out with Eddie in the bathroom.
He froze.
“You okay, sweet thing?” Paul asked him.
“I think I’m in love with my friend.”
Paul’s eyes widened momentarily before patting Steve’s hip. “Is he gay, honey?”
“Huh?” Steve was already trying to find Eddie in the crowd. “Oh, yeah. He’s here tonight.”
“Shouldn’t you be dancin’ with him then?”
Steve finally looked back at Paul, who had his hands on his own hips now, teasing smile on his face.
“Yeah. I should,” Steve thanked him, apologized for any misleading, which was immediately brushed off. Paul was here to dance, he didn’t much care for who he was dancing with.
“Send that beauty over here. She looks like she needs some lessons,” Paul pointed to Robin, who was still looking a little nervous despite the friendly bartender handing her sodas every time he passed by her.
“She’s gay, man.”
“So am I! Doesn’t mean we can’t dance!”
Steve laughed. “You’re right.”
He walked over to Robin quickly, avoided getting pulled back into the crowd.
“I’m in love with Eddie.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “I know, dingus. You literally risked your entire reputation to come to a queer bar to try to impress him.”
Steve balked. “That’s not what this was!”
“Uh huh. Well he’s sulking in the bathroom if you wanna go tell him.”
“Sulking? Why?”
“He saw you dancing with that guy. Think he assumed you were interested in him.”
“Not a chance. I prefer long hair and ripped jeans,” Steve winked. He turned to walk towards the hall with the bathrooms when Robin stopped him.
“Don’t do this if you’re not 100% sure,” she said seriously. “Eddie really likes you and it would destroy him if you were lying to make him feel better.”
“I wouldn’t do that,” Steve started, but stopped when Robin gave him a look.
“You’ve literally been pretending to be queer for the last two months because he came out to you and you accidentally came out to him. You’re lucky it wasn’t a complete lie.”
“Yeah but I wouldn’t fuck with his feelings like that.” Steve knew what it was like to be led on. He wouldn’t do that to Eddie. “I’ll be careful with him.”
“And be careful with you.”
He saluted her as he walked away.
When he found Eddie sitting on the counter at the sink in the bathroom, he was swinging his legs back and forth and humming something distinctly less pop than what was playing on the dance floor. No one else was in here, but that didn’t mean no one would walk in.
He walked over to Eddie and placed a hand on his knee.
Eddie immediately stopped kicking his feet and looked up.
“What’s with the face?” Steve asked, reaching up to touch the line between his brows that always appeared when he was pouting.
Eddie shrugged. “Just not feeling it tonight I guess.”
“The music isn’t really your thing. Kinda surprised you like this place,” Steve said as his hand drifted down to his wrist. “Seems closer to a small club than a bar.”
“You seemed to be enjoying yourself.”
Eddie’s tone was sharp, laced with jealousy. Even if Steve hadn’t had his realization five minutes earlier, he would’ve seen what that was from a mile away.
“I was until I realized I’d rather be out there with you.”
Eddie snorted. “I don’t really dance.”
“But you’d dance with me if I asked, right?” Steve’s fingers circled his wrist and he tugged Eddie off the counter. “Even if I asked you to do it right here with no music?”
“Steve, what are you doing?”
“Dancing. Or trying to.” Steve rested his hands on Eddie’s hips and started swaying them in sync with his. “It is hard without music.”
“Why don’t you go back out there?” Eddie’s hands went around Steve’s neck.
“Because you’re not out there. I don’t wanna be where you aren’t.”
“You know I didn’t actually know I liked guys until tonight?” Steve huffed out a laugh. “Well, I really like this one guy. Not sure about others yet.”
Eddie was silent, but didn’t push Steve away.
“He was hiding in this bathroom though. I didn’t really think he’d join me out there, so I brought the dancing to him,” Steve winked.
“You like me? You? Like me?”
Steve nodded.
“And you just realized this?”
“In a queer bar?”
“That’s pretty gay, dude.”
Steve snorted and smacked Eddie’s chest. “That’s the point.”
Eddie moved in impossibly closer, no room for Jesus between their chests anymore. “So you lied when you came out to me?”
“I panicked! But it doesn’t actually count as a lie if I’ve seen the light.”
“Was it a rainbow light? Or the reflection of the disco ball in the glitter shorts Perry was wearing?” Eddie joked.
“Perry!” Steve smacked his own forehead. “He’s nice. Made me come tell you how I feel.”
“Oh. He did?” Eddie seemed shy for maybe the first time ever.
“Yeah. Said I should come dance with you if I’m in love with you.”
Steve hadn’t felt like this in a while, and hadn’t left his heart on his sleeve like this in even longer. As Eddie’s face went from shy to shocked to flustered, Steve thought about how long he’d been dancing around these feelings.
But no more dancing around them. Now it was time to dance with them.
“Can’t believe you just said you’re in love with me in the bathroom of a queer bar. Don’t even think they clean this place,” Eddie laughed, letting his forehead fall against Steve’s.
“I’ll tell you again outside.” Steve kissed his cheek. “And in the van.” His nose. “Your house, my house.” The corner of his mouth. “Everywhere.”
Eddie licked his lip, skipping over a soft kiss for a hungry one. It was hot, desperate, impatient. Everything Steve hadn’t known he needed.
Then again, he hadn’t even actually known he liked guys until tonight. Maybe he was just late to learn things about himself.
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seekergkfan · 2 years
Essay on "Disasters: Its Causes, Consequences & Mitigation measures"
Essay on “Disasters: Its Causes, Consequences & Mitigation measures”
Disasters: Causes, Consequences & Mitigation measures [PMS 2022] Essay on the topic “Disasters: Causes, Consequences & Mitigation measures” [PMS 2022] Disasters: Causes, Consequences & Mitigation measures Essay on “Disaster: A sudden call to engage in a contest” by CSSMCQs.com Team 1. Introduction 2. Flood Disasters in Pakistan (2022) 3. Causes of Disasters I. Natural disasters: II. Human…
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longreads · 5 months
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Death of the Hiker 
"Their digital camera showed that 90 photos were taken a week after they went missing, between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m., mostly of nothing but dark woods."
Lost on a dangerous trail, Leyton Cassidy wrestles with dark thoughts of missing hikers. 
This dramatic new #longreads essay is jam-packed with mysteries. Make sure you don’t miss this one—read it here.
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churrochamp · 30 days
Let's talk about Merlin and lying. This isn't meant to be character bashing, but it might not be the most generous take either.
In All About Love, bel hooks writes: "In our culture privacy is often confused with secrecy. Open, honest, truth-telling individuals value privacy. We all need spaces where we can be alone with thoughts and feelings - where we can experience healthy psychological autonomy and can choose to share when we want to. Keeping secrets is usually about power, about hiding and concealing information."
(hooks has a lot more to say about the reasons why people lie in relationships, and our need for love and difficulty with love in general. Book is fantastic, highly recommend.)
The question is: was Merlin's years of lying about his magic, and all that he did in Arthur's defence, justified? Why'd he do it?
I've been trying to think through how the fandom generally interprets Merlin's character and choices in the show, and how this character makes me feel. It's really complicated and interesting (to me at least lol).
I often see the claim that Merlin lied about his magic for years out of fear for his safety, but it's never fully satisfied me as an explanation. Given that as a fandom we pretty much all agree that magic can be a metaphor for queerness, there's a natural alignment with the claim that queer people aren't ever obligated to come out, for any reason, but it's often said, especially if their physical safety might be jeopardized (which I agree with btw).
And it's true, given Camelot's genocidal laws, Merlin's life could be threatened if he revealed himself as a sorcerer. On the other hand, Merlin is basically all-powerful in the universe of the show, and I don't think the rest of Camelot could do much to him if he were prepared.
What's more convincing to me is the claim that Merlin's afraid of the potential emotional harm that could come from revealing himself. What if Arthur hates and rejects him? That's something his magic can't defend against.
I think Merlin's heart is in the right place. He believes all his work is done in service of Arthur and their joint destiny, which is the good of Albion. And he does save Arthur's life a whole dang lot.
The issue is, probably a good half of the show's major conflicts directly relate to Merlin's actions and inactions - usually, lies he's telling (Morgana, Mordred...). Conflicts that maybe could have been resolved with much less harm if Merlin, who often is the only one with crucial knowledge, had made different choices (and Gaius too oh my GOD). Dude is shooting himself in the foot. Merlin's lying isn't just about personal privacy and autonomy. It becomes a fundamental part, baked into his relationship with Arthur and his role in their prophecy (and the governing of a kingdom jeez).
In addition to plot SNAFUs, the way I see it, Merlin's lying has two major consequences for him:
His most important relationship, with Arthur, is deeply flawed and incomplete.
Merlin remains the most important, influential character in the show. His energies go to trying to keep the power for himself.
As bel hooks argues, there can't be true intimacy in a relationship if one or both parties withhold and deceive the other. This could look like lying to manipulate the other party to get what you want, or even lying to make the relationship go easier. Relationships built on untruth aren't fair to all parties - the deceived person can't make informed choices in the relationship, and the deceiving person robs themselves of the opportunity to be fully supported and loved for who they are. When Merlin lies to Arthur about magic, when he tells Arthur that magic is evil, even if it is for "his sake," he's taking choice away from Arthur often at crucial moments, for both their relationship and the well-being of the kingdom. Without knowledge of the truth about magic, and about Merlin, Arthur can't make fully informed choices as a king or a partner. Things go to shit, and it's terribly lonely for both of them, even if only one of them know about it. Merlin's reason for this might be fear of pain. However, when you don't give someone the opportunity to love or reject you for who you are, how can you feel held by that person? You deprive yourself of the chance.
Another reason to lie can be desire for power and control. By keeping the secret of his magic and their destiny, Merlin keeps all the responsibility and power to himself. This is the premise of the show: Merlin is the only person who can turn Arthur into a good king, save magic, secure Albion's future well-being--and he must do it all secretly. The show jokes about it, the characters joke about it. This premise is a kind of power-fantasy - being the secret power working from the shadows, using all your wit and guile to succeed despite the secrecy, risking life and limb for no recognition, but having the satisfaction of knowing that you are instrumental. It's very James Bond. Without the secrecy, what would be the point of Merlin? The secrecy might be part of what makes Merlin feel special, worthwhile.
As the years go by, the lies compound and the relationship becomes inseparable from them. The most significant on a personal level, probably Merlin's poisoning Morgana, Mordred, Ygraine, and Sophia.
Merlin can't control all the factors, he can't do it all by himself, he can't make Arthur into the ideal king and boyfriend of destiny, and from the start it's a doomed endeavour. Luckily Arthur loves him all on his own, and does get to see him at the very end, and they'll get a second chance.
So in summary, why does Merlin lie about his magic and his actions for so long? Fear, love, and power, is what I suggest. And ultimately it leads him and Arthur to ruin. It's not exactly exemplary behaviour, but it is very very human.
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kinoshi · 3 months
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Ужастики смотрят
Яньцин не понимает, куда он жмал
Долго думала, выкладывать или нет, ибо жестко ошиблась при рисовании этой работы, из за чего все пошло под откос. Но ладно, пусть будет.
Полтора часа рисовала скетч на еще одну работу и в итоге удалила его, ибо вообще не вышло. Надо потренироваться, научите рисовать...
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montypng · 1 year
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out here in the desert, your shadow lives on without you (otherwise known as grief, in five acts)
[ID: a digital drawing of the girl from a high angle —her head is tilted, eyes tearing up angrily. large, shadow-like figures of the fabulous four stretch out behind her, each of them faceless and pictured in the position of their death. party poison’s chin is tilted upwards, jet star is outstretched, limbs askew, fun ghoul raises his arm, aiming their ray gun, and kobra kid falls backward, arm limply falling to his side and head turned away./end ID] 
inspired by @graffitibible / @omegalomania’s incredible fic i’m not a messiah (just a mess)
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feelingthedisaster · 3 months
one more person says aftg is badly written and im writing that essay
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sunflowerfl · 2 months
Coming back with a little crumb to lighten up my mood & everyone's else I guess 🤣
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Took this vid when it aired so quality is sh** since then the episode's disappeared from their app and still no sign of it being uploaded again so that'll do for now
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syndrossi · 8 days
I really hope that by becoming a father, Daemon will understand Viserys better. Yes, Viserys has made and continues to make many mistakes, but like Rhaenys said, he is not an innocent victim himself. What would he do if someone was celebrating the death of his children? Or took them to a brothel in the slums and then dumped them there? Hopefully, Daemon will rethink some of his actions and maybe even talk to Viserys. Empathy has never been his strong suit, but as a father, he might understand his brother a lot better begin to rebuild their relationship.
I think Daemon will look back to his actions, particularly the brothel incident, and be retroactively aghast with the context of being a father now.
I tend to view the "heir for a day" incident (at least my own version of its events) as Daemon grieving really terribly, and mostly for Aemma, who he knew and liked. A bit like Rhaenyra's "do you think for the few hours my brother lived that my father was happy?" quote from the show, but angrier. He probably said something similar "it took butchering our cousin to do it, but at least he got his heir for a day" and the establishment took the "heir for a day" part up as a toast, and Daemon embraced it, which is what Otto played up to Viserys: "He was CELEBRATING your son's death in the wake of both his and your dear wife's tragic loss because it ENHANCED his position!"
There's really no excuse for the brothel incident, though, and Daemon knows it.
Where the hurt lingers for Daemon is the type/proportionality of the response. If a family member had done either to Daemon's children (Viserys or Laenor), he would have beat the person bloody, and shunned them for perhaps months afterward, depending on how grave the offense and the harm done. I think he expected that manner of response from Viserys--something personal, something that shows emotion/how he cares/how deeply he was hurt by Daemon's actions. But instead he was given the most impersonal and brutal of punishments: banishment. No chance to regain Viserys's good will, just "begone." The implication being not that Daemon had done a harm against Viserys, but that he was a threat to the realm. That Daemon had done it out of ambition or greed, rather than hot-headedness, grief, or stupidity. That it wasn't that Viserys was hurt by his actions, but that he viewed him as a budding traitor/usurper.
It's sort of a fundamental difference in how either of them approaches punishment. The old "when you are a hammer, every problem is a nail." Viserys is king, therefore punishments of the realm are what occur to him (and the impersonal nature somewhat lets Viserys off the hook, emotionally, as a people-pleaser; "I'm not punishing you, your king is punishing you"). Daemon is not, and he's a very passionate person, therefore violence and lashing out verbally are his tools of choice in dealing with that sort of thing.
So Daemon was not innocent, but the punishment didn't fit the offense, from his perspective. The fact that Viserys refuses to either see that or admit it means he might do it again, that it's a matter of Viserys mistrusting him rather than Viserys feeling wronged.
The understanding that Daemon sort of lacks here is that Viserys wasn't thinking particularly clearly for the "heir for a day" punishment. He was grieving heavily for his wife and baby, wracked by his own guilt, so Otto proposing the nuclear option probably felt good in the moment with his anger. Could Daemon say that, in Viserys's position as king, he absolutely wouldn't have let someone talk him into a harsh punishment like banishment?
IMO their conflicts mostly arise from their differing personalities, which is another thing that requires some empathy to understand. Viserys is all about avoiding confrontation. Banishment is as impersonal as you can get, and doesn't require him to see Daemon or dwell on things. He can forget and move on, no further confrontation even possible. And Viserys is very good at forgetting. (Daemon is not.)
Whereas Daemon is 100% in-your-face confrontational, with the main exception being his recent care in dealing with Viserys (which is born out of fear). And that kind of response is almost what Viserys views as the worst case scenario were the situation flipped. Someone feeling intense anger/hatred toward him? The worst feeling.
And there's also the underlying question of "what are the challenges facing each individual" which is another thing where both of them would benefit from thinking from the other's perspective.
At the end of the day, there is no single silver bullet solution to repairing their relationship. Daemon can be as empathetic as he likes, but if Viserys never reciprocates, the resentment will continue to fester, especially as Viserys continues to misstep. (His recent decisions have all been ones where Viserys is aware that his actions may hurt Daemon but he does them anyway. And the influence of the crown is such that he's even angry with Daemon for disobeying him by taking the children out for the day, rather than imagining why Daemon might have done so. He assumes Daemon is doing it just to be contrary or rebellious toward him. That it's about Viserys and not Daemon/the kids.)
I guess my TL;DR here is: in many ways, Daemon probably understands Viserys even less when viewing him through the lens of fatherhood. Why didn't Viserys threaten to gut him back then? Why was his assumption that Daemon did those things out of cold ambition? Why does Viserys care so little for his current children, while focusing all his attention on Daemon's?
It'd take thinking a lot about who Viserys is as a person (and a king), which may be something we see Daemon doing, but somewhat unrelated to fatherhood, aside from being much more motivated to do so out of fear over losing the boys.
(We do have a moment coming up between them that I quite like in chapter 28 that peels back the curtain a little on Viserys while also being a bit ouch in both directions.)
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anghraine · 3 months
I wish my department wasn't so dependent on Facebook for many reasons, including the fact that the site is constantly shoving "relevant to your interests!!!" things at me, like dudebros whining about how Unfinished Tales isn't canon because it might in some way undermine their meltdowns over ROP Galadriel being too manly.
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More ROTTMNT Headcanons: cause I don't want to write my essay
After the movie, Leo bought the team shirts that said “frequently bought together” on the front and “do not separate” on the back
He bought them as a joke thinking the team would just throw them away but they wear them often
April Cass and Casey Jr all wear them as sleep shirts because no one in their human friend groups gets the joke
Whenever someone asks who the evil twin is everyone responds with “both of them”
God forbid you piss off both of them at the same time
Because Leo will come up with a plan to ruin your life and Donnie will make it happen
And no one accuses them because they’ve already covered their tracks
Leo April and Mikey will go ghost hunting 
After the whole gumbus situation they became obsessed with ghost videos
And if they stumble upon a really scary one April begs Leo to teleport them to the location 
So they can see for themselves if it’s real or not 
Leo does it because he wants to prove that it’s not a ghost 
And Mikey tags along because he wants to see if there are real ghosts out there
They have a whole youtube channel dedicated to ghost hunting (because if Donnie gets to have a youtube channel so do they)
Donnie and Raph watch every single one of their videos and laugh their asses off
I don't know if they can get sick (besides the rat flu) but if they can these are my headcanons
When someone gets sick the whole family drops what they're doing and tries to help
They get the sick person all the food and water they need
When Raph gets sick he tries to act like he isn’t sick
He’ll try and train and patrol and hang out with his brothers
But they’re always able to tell when he’s sick because he’s spacy
When they do catch onto him being sick they treat him like a baby (and he loves it)
When Leo gets sick no one can tell because he doesn’t even act sick
The only way the family can tell a difference is by how much tea he drinks
When he’s healthy he’ll have like two cups a day when he’s sick he’ll guzzle that shit
And when they call him out on it he’s in total denial
He will try and convince you he’s completely healthy while hacking up a lung 
It’s ridiculous
And when they make him rest he will bitch and moan 
Donnie is the total opposite 
Whenever he’s sick he will make it known to every single person in the house
He will wake people up from their peaceful slumber to tell them he threw up
And if someone is not catering to him he will moan and groan about how they don’t love him
Mikey tries to be like Leo but he’s more like Raph
His symptoms are always super obvious and he can never stay up for more than eight hours
And when the family tries to baby him he throws little fits
He has to be sick to ask for help and even then it’s begrudgingly
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tacomanarrows · 2 months
God what I would’ve given to ride Twister - Ride It Out at Universal Studios Florida before it closed in 2015
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waterme-stories · 10 months
Loki so gay for Mobius that when he had warning Sylvie was about to go for that kiss, he straight-up sucker punched her 🤣
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funarisjournal · 4 months
Confession Talk! Manga Edition 2
It's been a bit, had work to deal with, but now I can sit down and write more about how Valentine's Day played out in Vol. 4. Again, if you haven't read it yet, I'll put my essay under a cut!
I talked about Kasuga's POV last time. Now it's time to look at it through Nomoto's!
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As we know, Nomoto has realized her feelings and put it into words sooner than Kasuga. She has been falling head over heels for the woman every time they hang out but trying really hard not to show it out of fear of weirding Kasuga out and possibly lose their friendship. As we have learned in Vol. 2, friendships are REALLY important to Nomoto. She's basically lost all of hers over time and has been alone for a long time!
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The fact that "But we're both girls!" is NOT a factor in her worries about confessing is an interesting one, but I get it. As a fellow demisexual, that never crossed into my mind when I had those crushes on my best friends growing up, or when I fell in love with my wife. My top worry was, if I were to say something about it, would I lose my friends? I already weirded out my bestie from high school by liking yuri, so I always kept it to myself. (I'm glad that Leigh confessed first, though, because by then I WAS too scared to reveal my intimate feelings)
Anyway, back to Nomoto. She was the one who initiated the Valentine's Day get-together back in Vol. 3, and she's both nervous but excited. She puts on a neat food idea with that hot plate fondue...
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I like to point this tiny bit out. Nomoto loves her booze, but she knows if she were to have some today, something weird will happen, or she'll fall asleep, and she doesn't want that to happen. All that within that simple response, huh?
Anyway, the meal is amazing. They have a moment of coincidence, sparking a little heart fluttering...and a wish that maybe, just maybe, there really could be something more.
But oh. Something weird DOES happen. Kasuga announces she plans to move out of her apartment soon.
Nomoto's world starts crashing down. As she hears WHY Kasuga is moving, it makes sense to her, logically. And, out of her love for Kasuga, forget romance, forget attraction, out of her love for this woman, she wants to help her.
...well, maybe.
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Nomoto is known to be a little selfish. She has a tendency to start enthusiastically taking over things or get chattery about her feelings. Things happened so suddenly, she was NOT expecting this outcome at all!
Kasuga moving away means she won't be nearby. She may not even be able to visit anymore. Just like that, she has lost her dearest friend, and it wasn't even due to her personal feelings. She's just...moving on, like all her previous friends did. Things are changing, for the worst, and she is scared.
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Her emotions are running wild. Her logical side takes a backseat. It's there, but it no longer has control. Nomoto has one last hope here. If she doesn't get it out, she will regret everything in the future.
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Nomoto is aware this was pretty much It. She was going to lose Kasuga with that move, anyway, but there was some hope that maybe, just maybe confessing may keep her here, close to her. If anything, her feelings are released, these feelings she had been bottling up for so long. If the worst-case scenario happened, she would be able to continue, maybe, but she'd be a much more somber woman afterward. At least she'd have Yako to talk to, right?
....Then we find out that Kasuga hadn't even finished her own comments from earlier. There was a part 2 to the whole thing! She wants Nomoto to room with her!
...OH! Nomoto, there you go yapping nervously and making mountains out of molehills! Hahaha, you can't even blame the alcohol on this one, this was all you! How their relationship will recover from this, she doesn't have a clue, but it SEEMS like it'll be okay, right??
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But then...a double whammy?!
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Kasuga says the feelings are mutual?! Can Nomoto's heart take all of this so fast?! She's been on an emotional roller coaster this whole time, I think she wants off now, to be honest!
What else is there to do, though?? Think, Nomoto, think!
Now, you would think, if this was a typical yuri, she would finally just get up and kiss Kasuga, huh? Well, this ISN'T your typical yuri. These ladies have grown up not really dealing with romantic relationships all their lives, not really caring about it, really. They are literal babies with 0 experience, so Nomoto does the one thing she can think of...
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And it's reciprocated.
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Congratulations, Nomoto. Your secret feelings no longer have to be secret. This journey you have gone through in the past few months has lead you to this. You not only have a girlfriend now, but the friendship is as strong as ever!
And omg, you actually held her HAND!! Pretty sure this was their first-ever moment of skinship!
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kitchen-light · 1 year
When a meteor lands, we call it a meteorite. When a tree dies due to climate change, should we make another name for it? Should there be a new language for this off-kilter world? When mackerel, the traditional catch of West African and Spanish fishers, show up in Iceland, are they still mackerel? Are pelicans that glide over the Schuylkill River, at least five degrees north of their historical habitat, still pelicans, or must we translate them? What are the words to express a world circumscribed by climate catastrophe?
Anna Badkhen, from her essay “The Language of Catastrophe | On how to discuss the death of giants”, published in Orion Magazine, Spring 2023 | March 20, 2023
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