#essay on disaster preparedness
seekergkfan · 2 years
Essay on "Disasters: Its Causes, Consequences & Mitigation measures"
Essay on “Disasters: Its Causes, Consequences & Mitigation measures”
Disasters: Causes, Consequences & Mitigation measures [PMS 2022] Essay on the topic “Disasters: Causes, Consequences & Mitigation measures” [PMS 2022] Disasters: Causes, Consequences & Mitigation measures Essay on “Disaster: A sudden call to engage in a contest” by CSSMCQs.com Team 1. Introduction 2. Flood Disasters in Pakistan (2022) 3. Causes of Disasters I. Natural disasters: II. Human…
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Advocating Media and Information Literacy in the Philippines
Being media and information literate is more crucial than ever in the age of information overload. Unfortunately, a lot of Filipinos still don't understand how important these literacies are to our daily life. As we, someone who are passionate about advancing media and information literacy, We think it is essential to increase awareness of the importance of these abilities. We will explore why Filipinos should become proficient in these areas in this essay, with a focus on the impact of the internet and the imperative requirement to recognize reliable information. We will also stress the importance of media and information literacy for spreading accurate information and enhancing societal well-being.
The internet has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our daily existence, shaping our choices, molding our viewpoints, and guiding our actions. We have grown accustomed to relying on online sources for information. However, finding the Wide Web comes with its own set of challenges, chiefly the intimidating task of distinguishing reliable information from a sea of falsehoods. The internet's expansiveness is a double-edged sword, offering a treasure hoard of knowledge while simultaneously exposing us to misinformation, disinformation, and fake news.
One of the primary rationales behind the urgency of media and information literacy in the Philippines lies in the risk of unchecked information. In a world where people are constantly gathering data without bothering to learn its accuracy, the consequences can be far-reaching. Misleading or patently false information doesn't just harm individuals; it can have catastrophic effects on entire communities. Consequently, it is important to emphasize the importance of verifying information before distributing it—a critical step toward responsible information consumption and discharging.
Advocating for media and information literacy is our contribution to our countrymen. We hold ourselves to the highest standards when it comes to evaluating the veracity of information before sharing it. We recognize the tremendous influence that information wields in shaping opinions, and therefore, We strive to be a responsible information distributor, ensuring that the knowledge We impart is both credible and reliable.
As an advocate for information literacy, We hold various social media platforms to reach a broad audience. A considerable number of individuals rely on these platforms to access trustworthy information, including news on sports, holidays, entertainment, and more. By sharing credible information through these channels, We play our part in keeping people well-informed about important events and issues.
Media and information literacy also have a critical role in fostering civic engagement. Informed citizens are better equipped to make decisions that benefit both themselves and their communities. By promoting media and information literacy, we empower individuals to think critically, harness digital tools effectively, and actively participate in civic activities.
In a country like the Philippines, which is prone to natural disasters, such as typhoons, responsible information sharing becomes utmost. As a student, I appreciate distributing accurate and timely information during these crises. Sharing dependable weather updates and preparedness tips on social media can significantly aid people in making informed decisions and ensuring their safety.
In our quest for media and information literacy, it is imperative to combat false and fake news head-on. Misinformation can incite panic and chaos, particularly during critical events like natural disasters. To combat this, we must educate ourselves and our fellow citizens on how to detect reliable sources and rigorously fact-check information before accepting it as the truth.
In conclusion, advocating for media and information literacy is a responsibility that every Filipino should wholeheartedly embrace. The extensive influence of the internet on our lives necessitates a thoughtful and selective approach to consuming and sharing information. By advocating these crucial literacies, we empower ourselves and our communities to make informed choices, actively engage in civic activities, and shield ourselves from the harmful effects of false information. Together, we can build a society that cherishes the credibility and reliability of information, ultimately leading to a more enlightened and responsible citizenry.
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digitalworldai · 1 month
Emergency Response Planning for High-Risk Industries
High-risk industries, such as oil and gas, chemical processing, and manufacturing, operate in environments where accidents and emergencies can have severe consequences. To mitigate these risks and ensure the safety of workers, the environment, and surrounding communities, it is crucial to have comprehensive emergency response plans in place. This essay explores the critical components of emergency response planning, focusing on risk assessment, Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP), Hazard Identification (HAZID), and Process Safety Management (PSM).
Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is the cornerstone of effective emergency response planning. It involves identifying potential hazards, evaluating the likelihood and severity of their occurrence, and prioritizing risks to develop appropriate mitigation strategies. The process typically includes:
Hazard Identification: Recognizing potential sources of emergencies, such as chemical spills, fires, explosions, and natural disasters.
Risk Evaluation: Comparing the analyzed risks against acceptable risk criteria to determine their significance and prioritize response actions.
Risk Control: Implementing measures to reduce or eliminate risks, including engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment.
Effective risk assessment ensures that emergency response plans address the most significant hazards and are based on a thorough understanding of the operational environment.
Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)
Preparation: Collecting process information and assembling a multidisciplinary HAZOP team.
Node Identification: Dividing the process into sections or nodes for detailed analysis.
Guide Words Application: Using guide words (e.g., "No," "More," "Less") to explore potential deviations from the design intent.
Deviation Analysis: Identifying causes, consequences, and safeguards for each deviation, and recommending corrective actions.
HAZOP helps identify potential emergency scenarios and develop response strategies to mitigate their impact, ensuring a proactive approach to emergency preparedness.
Hazard Identification (HAZID)
HAZID is a qualitative method used to identify potential hazards early in the project lifecycle, typically during the conceptual design phase. It ensures that safety considerations are integrated from the outset, enhancing the robustness of emergency response plans. The HAZID process includes:
Team Formation: Assembling a team of experts from various disciplines.
Brainstorming Sessions: Conducting structured brainstorming sessions to identify hazards and potential emergency scenarios.
Checklists and Guide Words: Utilizing checklists and guide words to ensure comprehensive hazard identification.
Risk Ranking: Prioritizing identified hazards based on their potential impact and likelihood.
Process Safety Management (PSM)
PSM is a regulatory framework designed to prevent the release of hazardous chemicals and ensure safe industrial operations. It is integral to emergency response planning, providing a structured approach to managing process safety risks. Key elements of PSM include:
Process Safety Information: Maintaining accurate information about process chemicals, technology, and equipment.
Process Hazard Analysis (PHA): Conducting studies (e.g., HAZOP, What-If Analysis) to identify and assess process hazards.
Operating Procedures: Developing clear procedures for safe operation and emergency response.
Training and Competence: Ensuring employees are trained and competent in emergency response procedures.
Mechanical Integrity: Ensuring the integrity of equipment through regular inspection and maintenance.
Management of Change (MOC): Managing changes to process chemicals, technology, and equipment to prevent unintended consequences.
Incident Investigation: Investigating incidents to identify root causes and improve emergency response plans.
Emergency response planning is essential for high-risk industries to protect workers, the environment, and surrounding communities from hazards. By integrating risk assessment, HAZOP, HAZID, and PSM into their emergency response strategies, industries can proactively identify and mitigate risks, develop robust response plans, and ensure a swift and effective response to emergencies. Continuous improvement and adherence to best practices in emergency preparedness are vital to maintaining a safe and resilient industrial operation.
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k3-ias-indore · 2 months
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What Current Geographical Issues Should You Focus on for UPSC?
The UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) is a highly competitive exam that demands a deep understanding of various subjects, including Geography.  For UPSC aspirants in Indore looking to excel in this crucial subject, staying updated on current geographical issues is important. This blog, written with the guidance of UPSC coaching experts in Indore, will explore the most relevant contemporary geographical concerns you should focus on for your UPSC course preparation.
Why Current Geographical Issues Matter in UPSC
Geography is a dynamic subject with constant changes shaping landscapes, demographics, and geopolitical realities. Focusing on current geographical issues in your UPSC course preparation offers several advantages:
Enhanced Relevance: The UPSC course syllabus emphasizes the contemporary application of geographical knowledge. Understanding current issues demonstrates your ability to analyze and interpret real-world scenarios, impressing examiners.
Stronger Answer Building: By incorporating recent geographical trends and events into your answers, you can showcase in-depth knowledge and provide a well-rounded perspective.
Essay Paper Advantage: Current geographical issues often form the foundation of compelling essay topics. Demonstrating your grasp of these issues can elevate the quality of your essays.
Top Current Geographical Issues for UPSC
Here's a breakdown of some of the most crucial current geographical issues you should prioritize in your UPSC course preparation, along with insights from UPSC coaching institutes in Indore, with specific examples from 2024:
Climate Change and its Impact: Climate change is arguably the most pressing geographical issue of our time.  Focus on understanding its effects on weather patterns like the unprecedented heat waves that swept across India in April 2024, rising sea levels threatening coastal communities, glacial retreat in the Himalayas impacting water resources, and its impact on agriculture, food security, and migration patterns. A UPSC course in Indore can equip you with the latest data and trends in this critical area.
Water Scarcity and Management:  Water scarcity is a growing concern due to population growth, climate change, and unsustainable water use practices. UPSC coaching in Indore can guide you on comprehending water management strategies, transboundary water disputes like the ongoing water-sharing disagreements between India and Pakistan, and initiatives like rainwater harvesting and water conservation being implemented by various states in 2024.
Disaster Management: Natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and cyclones are a recurring threat.  Understanding disaster preparedness, mitigation strategies, and effective response mechanisms is crucial. The best UPSC coaching institutes in Indore can provide insights into recent disaster management practices and policies, such as the learnings from the devastating floods that affected Assam and Bihar in June 2024.
Urbanization and its Challenges: Rapid urbanization presents both opportunities and challenges.  Focus on understanding urban sprawl in cities like Bengaluru and Mumbai, challenges related to slums and inadequate infrastructure, government initiatives for sustainable city planning like the Smart Cities Mission, and their impact on the surrounding environment. Look to UPSC coaching institutes in Indore for guidance on analyzing recent government initiatives and global trends in urbanization.
Geopolitical Issues with a Geographical Context: Geographical factors significantly influence international relations. UPSC coaching in Indore can help you delve into issues like maritime disputes in the South China Sea, border conflicts like the ongoing tensions between India and China at the Line of Actual Control (LAC), resource scarcity and its impact on regional stability, and their geopolitical implications.
Mastering the Geographical Landscape with a UPSC Course in Indore
Given the importance of current geographical issues, enrolling in a reputed UPSC coaching institute in Indore can significantly benefit your UPSC course preparation. These institutes offer:
Experienced Faculty: Expert faculty with a strong understanding of current geographical trends can guide you in effectively incorporating them into your UPSC course preparation.
Comprehensive Study Material: UPSC coaching institutes in Indore provide updated study materials that cover the latest geographical developments, including recent events from 2024.
Test Series and Answer Writing Practice: Regular UPSC test series and answer writing practice sessions, incorporating current geographical issues like those mentioned above, help you refine your exam-taking strategies and improve answer quality.
The UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) demands a well-rounded understanding of various subjects, and Geography plays a significant role. For UPSC aspirants in Indore aiming to excel in this crucial area, staying updated on current geographical issues is essential. This blog, crafted with insights from UPSC coaching experts in Indore, has explored the most relevant contemporary geographical concerns you should prioritize for your UPSC course preparation.
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white-sun-scattered · 4 months
preppers were an op to discredit disaster preparedness. in this essay i will
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thibautcourtois01 · 4 months
Beyond the Banks: Assessing Flood Risks for Better Preparedness
Floods are among the most destructive natural disasters, causing significant damage to property, infrastructure, and ecosystems. Understanding flood risks is essential for effective disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation efforts. Beyond traditional methods of floodplain mapping, modern approaches employ advanced technologies and modeling techniques to assess flood risks comprehensively. This essay explores the significance of assessing flood risks, highlighting the benefits, applications, and implications for enhancing community resilience.
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Understanding Flood Risk Assessment:
Flood risk assessment involves evaluating the probability and potential consequences of flooding in a given area. This process considers various factors, including rainfall patterns, topography, land use, hydraulic modeling, and historical flood data. By analyzing these factors, experts can identify vulnerable areas, assess potential impacts, and develop strategies to mitigate flood risks.
Benefits of Flood Risk Assessment:
Improved Preparedness: Flood risk assessment helps communities and stakeholders understand their exposure to flood hazards, enabling them to develop and implement effective preparedness plans. By identifying high-risk areas and vulnerable populations, authorities can allocate resources, establish evacuation routes, and coordinate emergency response efforts more efficiently.
Informed Decision Making: Flood risk assessment provides decision-makers with valuable information to guide land use planning, infrastructure development, and zoning regulations. By incorporating flood risk considerations into development policies, authorities can minimize exposure to flood hazards, reduce property damage, and protect public safety.
Enhanced Resilience: By identifying flood risks and vulnerabilities, communities can take proactive measures to enhance their resilience to flooding. This may include investing in flood protection infrastructure, implementing green infrastructure solutions, and promoting community engagement and awareness about flood risks and preparedness measures.
Cost Savings: Assessing flood risks and implementing mitigation measures can result in significant cost savings over the long term. By preventing or reducing flood damage, communities can avoid the high costs associated with property loss, infrastructure damage, disaster recovery, and insurance premiums.
Applications of Flood Risk Assessment:
Urban Planning: Flood risk assessment informs urban planning decisions by identifying areas prone to flooding and guiding development away from high-risk zones. Authorities use flood risk maps and modeling tools to determine suitable land uses, building codes, and floodplain management regulations to minimize flood damage in urban areas.
Infrastructure Design: Engineers and designers incorporate flood risk assessment into the design of critical infrastructure such as bridges, roads, and stormwater drainage systems. By considering potential flood impacts and designing infrastructure to withstand extreme events, authorities can reduce the vulnerability of infrastructure to flood damage and ensure its resilience over its lifespan.
Emergency Management: Flood risk assessment supports emergency management agencies in developing evacuation plans, flood response protocols, and disaster recovery strategies. By understanding flood risks and potential impacts, emergency responders can pre-position resources, coordinate evacuation efforts, and provide timely assistance to affected communities during flood events.
Implications for Community Resilience:
The adoption of flood risk assessment has significant implications for community resilience, influencing policy-making, infrastructure investment, and public awareness efforts.
Policy Development: Flood risk assessment informs the development of floodplain management policies, building codes, and land use regulations to minimize exposure to flood hazards and protect public safety. By integrating flood risk considerations into planning and zoning decisions, authorities can promote sustainable development and resilience-building measures.
Infrastructure Investment: Assessing flood risks helps prioritize infrastructure investments and allocate resources to mitigate flood hazards effectively. Authorities can invest in flood protection measures such as levees, floodwalls, and stormwater management systems in areas with the highest flood risk, thereby reducing the vulnerability of communities to flooding and enhancing their resilience.
Public Awareness: Flood risk assessment raises public awareness about flood hazards, preparedness measures, and mitigation strategies. By educating residents about flood risks and encouraging them to take proactive measures to protect themselves and their properties, communities can build a culture of resilience and empower individuals to take action before, during, and after flood events.
Assessing flood risks is essential for enhancing community resilience and reducing the impacts of flooding on lives, property, and the environment. By understanding the factors contributing to flood hazards and vulnerabilities, communities can develop and implement effective preparedness, response, and mitigation measures. From urban planning and infrastructure design to emergency management and public awareness efforts, the applications of flood risk assessment are diverse and far-reaching. As communities continue to face increasing threats from flooding due to climate change and urbanization, investing in comprehensive flood risk assessment is crucial for building resilient and sustainable communities that can withstand and recover from flood events.
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utsavatime · 7 months
World Civil Defense Day Wishes, Quotes & Messages Images
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World Civil Defense Day Wishes: Protecting Our World, One Community at a Times World Civil Defence Day: observed annually on 1st March. It serves as a worldwide reminder of the importance of civil protection and emergency preparedness. It's a day to honor the efforts of civil defence organizations, volunteers, and communities worldwide, who work tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of ever people or individuals and communities in times of crisis. The civil defence plays a crucial roles in different crisis i.e. from natural disasters like earthquakes & floods to man-made emergencies such as industrial accidents or conflicts, civil. With theri efforts they always save life of the people globally. On this day of World Civil Defence Day: we recognize the dedication and bravery of those, who serve on the frontlines of disaster response and we salute their commitment to safeguarding lives and livelihoods. It is the day that reminds us of the collective responsibility we share in building resilient communities and supporting each other in times of need. On World Civil Defence Day i.e. 1 March : here we are sharing with you some of the latest & new World Civil Defense Day Wishes, Greeting & Messages Images as well as some trendy taglines and quotes that you can use your status on different platform.  World Civil Defense Day Greeting & Wishes in English:-
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World Civil Defense Day Wishes in English -  :lol: Life is precious, be careful about your safety. - :lol: On this special occasion of World Civil Defense Day, I hope that you will try to make as many people as possible aware about the issue of civil defense. - :lol: Human religion is to protect one's own life as well as the lives of other citizens. - :lol: “Salute to the brave warriors who save us without risking their lives during natural disasters." - :lol: I hope that on World Civil Defense Day, your family and your loved ones will be more aware about civil defense. - :lol: Do not be afraid of natural disasters but find a way to avoid them. You Can Read About:- World Civil Defence Day Short Essay World Civil Defense Day Quotes /Tagline for Status  -  8-) "Honoring Resilience: Happy World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Celebrating Preparedness: Best Wishes on World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Strength in Unity: Wishing You a Safe World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Guardians of Safety: Happy World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Safeguarding Our Future: Warm Wishes on World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Building Resilient Communities: Happy World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Thank You for Your Service: Happy World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Together for Safety: Best Wishes on World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Heroes Among Us: Celebrating World Civil Defence Day!" - 8-) "Protecting Our World, One Community at a Time: Happy World Civil Defence Day!"  You Can Read About:- World Civil Defence Day Facts World Civil Defense Day Shayari & Wishes in  Hindi:-
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World Civil Defense Day -  :lol: "जीवन अनमोल है, अपनी सुरक्षा का ध्यान रखें।" -  :lol: "विश्व नागरिक सुरक्षा दिवस के इस विशेष अवसर पर, मुझे आशा है कि आप नागरिक सुरक्षा के मुद्दे के बारे में अधिक से अधिक लोगों को जागरूक करने का प्रयास करेंगे।" -  :lol: "अपने जीवन के साथ-साथ अन्य नागरिकों के जीवन की रक्षा करना ही मानव धर्म है।" -  :lol: “उन बहादुर योद्धाओं को सलाम जो प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के दौरान अपनी जान जोखिम में डाले बिना हमारी रक्षा करते हैं।" -  :lol: "मुझे उम्मीद है कि विश्व नागरिक सुरक्षा दिवस पर आपका परिवार और आपके प्रियजन नागरिक सुरक्षा के बारे में अधिक जागरूक होंगे।" -  :lol: "प्राकृतिक आपदाओं से डरें नहीं बल्कि उनसे बचने का रास्ता खोजें।" So on the World Civil Defense Day pick anyone of the wishes & greeting card from here above & must share with your best friends as well as family member and give them best wishes of the day. You Can Read About:-  Republic Day India | 26 January Read the full article
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logesh0007 · 1 year
Title: Choosing the Right Location for Your Business: Top Considerations for Buying Commercial Land in Chennai.
When purchasing commercial land in Chennai, picking the ideal location is crucial. The city attracts entrepreneurs and investors because of its robust infrastructure, excellent location, and vibrant economic environment. In this extensive essay, we'll examine the crucial factors for selecting where to buy commercial land in Chennai. Understanding these elements will enable business owners to make well-informed choices that advance their objectives and promote success in the cutthroat Chennai market.
Section 1: Analyzing the Target Market and Business Needs:
1.1 Define the Business Environment:
 Before searching for commercial land, businesses must identify their specific requirements, including available space, layout options, zoning requirements, and potential for future growth. To choose the ideal location, one must be aware of the needs of the company.
1.2 Market Analysis:
Researching the target market's demographics, tastes, and location preferences is necessary to match the business's location with its target market. Being near the target market improves accessibility and visibility, which in turn boosts foot traffic and possible earnings.
Section 2 Accessibility and Connectivity:
2.1 Transportation Networks: To establish how accessible a property is, take into account its location in relation to highways, the local road network, and the availability of public transport. Transit-friendly areas make it straightforward for employees, suppliers, and customers to travel.
2.2 Port and airport accessibility:
For businesses involved in import-export trade or frequent travel, the accessibility of airports and ports is crucial. International connectivity and logistics are facilitated by commercial property near active ports and airports.
Section 3: Infrastructure and Amenities:
3.1 Accessibility to Utilities:
Ensure access to fundamental services, including broadband, electricity, and water. Utility services must be reliable and consistent in order for businesses to operate effectively.
3.2 Appropriate Infrastructure: 
A region with established infrastructure, including appropriate roadways, drainage systems, and waste disposal facilities, reduces operational obstacles and enhances the general business environment.
Section 4: Regulation and Zoning Compliance:
4.1 Recognize Zoning Restrictions: 
Recognize any zoning restrictions that the neighborhood may have implemented. Verify that the commercial property is allotted for the required corporate activity to minimise any potential operational and legal difficulties.
4.2 Regulatory Compliance: 
Research any unique permits, licenses, or approvals the company may require. Procedures are made simpler and unforeseen problems are avoided by ensuring regulatory compliance.
Section 5: Analysis of Market Demand and Competition:
5.1Demand analysis for the market:
Analyze the present and future market demand in the chosen region for the company's products and services. The chance of business growth and success improves in the presence of a favorable demand-supply balance.
5.2 Think About the Market: 
Conduct a competitive analysis to learn more about the sector's current rivals. One can examine the strengths and weaknesses of competitors to find market inefficiencies and potential niche business possibilities.
Section 6 Security and Safety:
6.1 Security Precautions and Crime:
Think about your security options, local crime statistics, and neighborhood security. Client and staff confidence both increase in a secure environment.
6.2 Risk of disaster and preparedness:
Investigate the region's susceptibility to disasters and the presence of safety measures. Business continuity and asset security are guaranteed by picking a site with low disaster risk.
Section 7: Future Development and Growth Prospects:
7.1 Urban Development and Planning Projects:
Look at current and upcoming construction initiatives in the region. Infrastructure and urban development investments imply the potential for growth and rising property values.
7.2 Consider Your Neighborhood:
Consider how long-term neighborhood changes might affect the company's prospects.
Section 8 Budgeting and Cost Considerations:
 8.1 Cost Element Assessment:
Include all costs associated with the commercial property, including the purchase price, registration fees, legal fees, and any other expenses. Budgeting for these costs in advance ensures a smooth and trouble-free transaction.
8.2 Calculate expected costs:
In addition to the original purchase, take into account anticipated future expenses like property taxes, maintenance fees, and utility payments. Consider these expenses while selecting an investment.
Section 9: Employee and Talent Pool Convenience:
9.1 How far are the nearest towns and cities?
Remember to factor in how convenient it is for employees to commute. Employee accessibility and productivity are improved by being close to residences.
9.2 There is access to the talent pool:
Verify whether there is a talent pool of qualified people in the desired field. In terms of luring and keeping top personnel, a company may gain by being close to industrial clusters, innovation parks, and educational institutions.
Section 10: Sustainability and Environmental Impact:
10.1 Environmental Impact Evaluation:
Take into account the risks and the effect corporate operations have on the environment. Put eco-friendly practices first to lessen your impact on the environment.
10.2 Green Certifications and Initiatives:
Look into green programs and designations that promote environmentally and energy-aware behavior, such as LEED or Green Building Certification.
Section 11: Local viewpoints and professional ideas:
11.1 Ask professionals for guidance:
Consult with professionals who have experience in Chennai's real estate industry, such as real estate agents, solicitors, and property consultants. When choosing the ideal site, their assistance could be quite beneficial.
11.2 Local market analysis:
In-depth research should be done on Chennai's real estate market. To find prospective investment possibilities, analyze market trends, supply-demand dynamics, and expanding commercial regions.
Section 12 Competitive Analysis and Long-Term Viability: 
12.1 Evaluate the competition:
Watch the fierce competition that exists in the target location. To strategically position your business, look at the market share and business strategies of your current rivals.
12.2 Looking at the Big Picture:
Consider the region's long-term stability as well as how it aligns with your company's expansion objectives. Think about the potential and challenges related to sustainability.
Section 13 Budgeting and financial viability under: 
13.1 Create a Realistic Budget:
After determining your financial situation, set a fair spending limit for purchasing commercial land in Chennai. Include any other costs, such as taxes, registration fees, and other fees, that are incurred in addition to the purchase price.
13.2 Projections Financial:
Make financial projections to determine the expected return on investment. Future market trends, anticipated maintenance expenses, and rental income should all be considered when determining if a property will be viable.
Section 14: Public Policies and Incentive Programmes: 
14.1 Take into account these laws:
Be aware of current modifications to the real estate laws. Government programs like tax breaks and subsidies may have an impact on the investments you make.
14.2 Tax Consequences:
Knowing the costs of owning commercial real estate, such as capital gains tax and property taxes, may help you better manage your budget.
Section 15 Site Inspections and a Sufficient:
15.1 Look around your neighborhood:
Visit potential locations in person to assess the surroundings, accessibility, and fit for your business needs.
15.2 Take precautions: 
Give each of the properties you select a thorough analysis. Verify ownership, title deeds, and any encumbrances to ensure a seamless transaction.
 Section 16 Discussions and Documentation in
16.1 Write the Contract:
To complete the sale, negotiate a favorable purchase agreement with the property seller. Hire a real estate agent or lawyer to assist you in negotiating fair conditions.
16.2 Create legal records:
Create a thorough purchase agreement that details every condition in detail. Seek legal assistance to ensure that all legal obligations are completed.
Section 17: Plans for Future Expansion:
17.1 Growth Approach:
When selecting a site, take your long-term objectives for company expansion into account. A location with room for growth can reduce expenses and improve operational effectiveness.
17.2 Zoning regulations' adaptability:
Check the local zoning laws to make sure the property can be altered or expanded in the future to meet the needs of your business.
Section 18: Development of Neighborhood Infrastructure:
18.1 Take infrastructure-related activities into account Close to:
Look for any infrastructural developments that are planned or already underway in your neighborhood. Future construction could increase the neighborhood's charm and property value.
18.2. How far are the amenities from the hotel?
Examine the accessibility of important locations like schools, hospitals, shopping malls, and recreation facilities. Both clients and employees benefit from being close to facilities.
Section 19: Sustainability and Environmental Considerations:
19.1 Environmental impact assessment:
Recognize how the environment is affected by the location. Verify if the structure complies with moral and ethical business norms.
19.2 Certification for green buildings:
Take into account homes with green building certificates, which encourage environmentally and energy-aware behavior.
Section 20: Documentation and Legal Compliance:
20.1 Verify the Ownership of the Property:
Verify the ownership of the property and the title deeds by conducting a thorough inspection. Work with a lawyer to develop a title that is distinctive and marketable.
20.2 regulatory approvals:
Verify that the property has the necessary licenses and permissions from the local authorities for its intended use.
Section 21: Accessibility for clients and customers:
21.1 Customer Comfort:
Decide on a location that clients and customers can get to. Easy accessibility may lead to increased foot traffic and economic opportunities.
21.2 Facilities for parking:
Consider the parking possibilities nearby the commercial property to accommodate customers' and clients' parking demands.
Section 22: Competitive and Market Potential Analysis:
22.1 Market Competition:
To understand the advantages and disadvantages of the present competitors, analyze the local competitive environment.
A thorough review of a variety of variables is necessary to choose the ideal location in Chennai to purchase commercial land. Prioritizing infrastructure requirements, market potential, legal compliance, and potential future expansion are vital for business owners and investors. Businesses in Chennai's thriving and dynamic business scene can gain a competitive edge, expand their customer base, and speed up growth with the right location. Investors can make smart investment decisions that support their business goals and ensure long-term success in Chennai's commercial real estate market by carefully examining each component and getting professional guidance.
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phantomtutor · 2 years
SOLUTION AT Academic Writers Bay Select a nursing research article from the list below that includes a theoretical or conceptual framework and the exploration of a clinical problem. Identify the nursing research article components using the Week 5 research template. (All articles are available in the South University Online Library.) Emotional Work and Diversity in Clinical Placements of Nursing Students Nurses’ Preparedness and Perceived Competence in Managing Disasters The Lived Experiences of People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Phenomenological Study Effects of Multivitamin Supplements on Cognitive Function, Serum Homocysteine Level, and Depression of Korean Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment in Care Facilities The template will be evaluated on the effectiveness of the discussion of the following components. If a component is not present in the article, its absence should be discussed. Identify the research problem. Identify the research purpose. Summarize the review of literature. Identify the nursing framework or theoretical perspective. Identify the research questions and hypotheses. Identify the variables. Identify and discuss the appropriateness of the design. Discusses the validity and reliability of the instruments, tools, or surveys. Discuss the significance of the study. Did it resolve the question? Discuss the legal and ethical issues of the study. Include the use of human subjects and their protection. Describe any cultural aspects of the study. Describe the final sample. Describe the procedures for data collection. Summarize the results including statistical analysis used or other method of analysis. Describe how the results of the research may impact future nursing practice. Apply the research to the student’s nursing practice. NOTE: If a component is absent, student receives a zero for that component. Submission Details: Cite any resources in APA style and include a copy of the article with the submission. By the due date assigned, submit your template to the Submissions Area. Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you. We assure you an A+ quality paper that is free from plagiarism. Order now for A 100% ORIGINAL PAPER!Use Discount Code “Original Paper” for a 15% Discount!NB: We do not resell papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you. research questions and hypotheses. .   “” CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS CLICK THE BUTTON TO MAKE YOUR ORDER Related posts: Write my essay on: Research objectives, research questions, and hypotheses 3 questions needs to be answered: 1. Marketing research. 2. WCU Clinical Issue and Research Questions Developed Using PICOT Discussion 4 questions in academic writing research
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digitalworldai · 6 months
Ensuring Workplace Safety: The Benefits of Process Safety Management Education
In any workplace, safety is paramount. Ensuring the well-being of employees not only fosters a productive environment but also safeguards against accidents and disasters. However, in industries where processes involve hazardous materials or complex operations, such as manufacturing, chemical processing, or oil refining, the stakes are higher, requiring specialized safety measures. Process Safety Management (PSM) education plays a role in mitigating risks and promoting a culture of safety within such industries. This essay explores the benefits of PSM education in ensuring workplace safety.
Comprehensive Understanding of Hazards:
PSM education provides employees with a thorough understanding of the hazards associated with their work processes.
It includes identifying potential risks, such as chemical reactions, equipment failures, or human errors, and their consequences.
Through education, workers learn to recognize warning signs and take preventive measures to mitigate risk effectively.
Enhanced Risk Assessment and Management:
Educated employees are better equipped to conduct risk assessments accurately.
They can identify vulnerabilities in the system and develop strategies to manage risks effectively.
PSM education instills a proactive approach to process safety, focusing on prevention rather than reaction.
Improved Emergency Response:
In accidents or emergencies, a quick and effective response is critical.
PSM education equips workers with the knowledge and skills needed to respond to emergencies promptly.
Cultivation of Safety Culture:
PSM education promotes safety by instilling the merits of awareness, responsibility, and teamwork.
When safety becomes ingrained in the organizational culture, it becomes second nature to employees, reducing the likelihood of accidents.
Reduction of Incidents and Losses:
Educated workers are less prone to making mistakes that could lead to accidents or losses.
By understanding the risks and following proper procedures, employees can prevent incidents from occurring in the first place.
By providing employees with a comprehensive understanding of hazards, enhancing          risk assessment and management capabilities, improving emergency response preparedness, ensuring compliance with regulations, fostering a safety culture, and reducing incidents and losses, PSM education contributes significantly to maintaining a safe and productive work environment. Investing in PSM education protects employees and assets and upholds the reputation and sustainability of businesses. Therefore, organizations must prioritize PSM education as an integral part of their safety initiatives to mitigate risks effectively and ensure the well-being of all stakeholders.
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rjzimmerman · 4 years
This essay was published by The Hastings Center and the Center for Humans & Health. It is written by Bruce Jennings, who is an adjunct associate professor at the Vanderbilt University Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society, a senior fellow at the Center for Humans and Nature, and a senior advisor and a fellow at The Hastings Center, where he has co-directs a project on civic learning. He is author of Ecological Governance: Toward a New Social Contract with the Earth, among other pieces.
This is one of the best essays I’ve read about public health and the social contract. It will make you think, a lot, particularly if you read it slowly, or more than once, or both of those.
Covid-19 is teaching us the stern lesson that economic well-being and health justice are two sides of the same coin. Measures to limit the spread of the disease and the loss of life have brought economic activity to its knees in many of the richest countries in the world. Public health measures like social distancing induce economic coma, and economic revival risks further assaults on the public’s health. These are the stakes in the pandemic now and writ large in climate change soon enough.
Here I want to turn attention from public health emergency response today to public health disaster preparation and planning tomorrow. This time, the failings of disaster planning are manifest in all countries seriously affected by Covid-19 especially in the United States, where the infrastructure of pandemic preparedness was deliberately dismantled.
What about next time? Will it be Keystone Kops or well-informed and judicious leadership inspiring trust? And there will be a next time, and a time after that. Zoonotic disease alone is a global sword of Damocles waiting to descend. Thousands of viral types are being exposed to naïve and rapacious human contact and stand poised for an evolutionary leap into our own bodies and lives.
To weather pandemics and restore the social contact that economic life demands, we need to sign a new social contract with public health.
One part of that involves disaster preparedness planning as an ongoing—not merely a periodic—activity. How we plan affects how we respond, and how tragic the ethical dilemmas of the response measures may be. I suggest that we rethink disaster planning so that it becomes a civic practice. If we do so, then a disaster preparedness planning process will come to be seen as an expression of the entire community about the value of the lives and health of its members. It is less like a commercial contract between seller (the experts) and buyer (the tax payers and those subject to the plan’s provisions) and more like a social contract, an agreement to be entered into by all that establishes commitments of responsibility for each.
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camillasgirl · 6 years
The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall will visit St Lucia, Barbados, St Vincent and The Grenadines, St Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Cuba and The Cayman Islands
17th March – 29th March 2019
Their Royal Highnesses' visit to St Lucia, Barbados, St Vincent and The Grenadines, St Kitts and Nevis and Grenada will celebrate the Monarchy’s relationship with these Commonwealth Realms. Furthermore, at the request of the British Government, Their Royal Highnesses will also visit Cuba to highlight the growing bilateral relationship with the U.K. and showcase some of the cultural links between the two countries. Their Royal Highnesses will also visit the British Overseas Territory of The Cayman Islands to celebrate its place within the British family.
Their Royal Highnesses will visit six countries and one Overseas Territory, undertaking over fifty engagements across ten islands.
This will be the first official visit by a member of The Royal Family to Cuba.
The tour will begin in St Lucia on 17th March, where The Prince of Wales will be guest of honour at an event to mark the country’s 40th anniversary of Independence, following a welcome to the island by The Governor General and The Prime Minister. The Prince of Wales will later attend a reception for guests from across the island.
On Tuesday 19th Their Royal Highnesses will undertake a number of engagements in Barbados including a parade and wreath laying at The Cenotaph in Bridgetown. His Royal Highness will then have the chance to visit the oldest synagogue in the western hemisphere, which was recently restored with the help of The Barbados National Trust. The Prince will attend a demonstration on the island’s hurricane preparedness mechanisms and meet teams involved in responding to recent natural disasters across the region. His Royal Highness will also learn more about the work that The Prince’s Trust International has been doing locally.
The Duchess, who is President of the Women of the World Festival, will attend an event for Barbadian women of influence. The Women of the World festival (WOW) is a global festival movement to celebrate and encourage women and girls to overcome inequality. Her Royal Highness will also join a Commonwealth Big Lunch, and visit a diabetes clinic, before joining His Royal Highness for a meeting and reception at The Prime Minister’s residence.
Their Royal Highnesses will visit St Vincent and the Grenadines on 20th March, where key themes in the programme will include youth opportunity and female empowerment, as well as the preservation of the islands’ natural environment. Her Royal Highness will visit the St Vincent and Grenadines Community College and St Vincent Girls’ High School, where pupils have been busy creating their entries for The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition.
On Thursday 21st March, The Prince and The Duchess will visit both parts of the dual-island nation of St Kitts and Nevis and will undertake a programme that will demonstrate the country’s commitment to heritage restoration, the environment and local culture.  The Prince of Wales will also have the chance to return to The Brimstone Hill Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that he last visited in 1973. The Prince will learn more about the history of the fortress, the restoration work that has been undertaken there, and attend a showcase of local culture, dance and music. Their Royal Highnesses will also attend receptions on both islands for members of the community, featuring local music and culture.  
The Prince and The Duchess will visit Grenada on the 23rd March where Their Royal Highnesses will learn more about local agriculture and the importance and history of cocoa and spice production on the island. The Prince of Wales will attend a meeting on the importance of the blue economy and meet organisations involved in marine protection and conservation.
Their Royal Highnesses will arrive in Cuba on Sunday 24th where, after an official welcome, they will commence their visit to the country with a wreath laying at the Memorial of Cuba’s national hero – the essayist and poet– José Martí. The Prince and The Duchess’ visit will highlight cultural and academic connections, links between the people of the U.K. and Cuba, and explore key themes, such as the arts, youth entrepreneurship, heritage restoration and sustainable agriculture.
On Monday 25th March, Their Royal Highnesses will undertake a varied programme in Havana including a joint visit to a community and arts centre. His Royal Highness will also be able to meet some of Cuba’s young entrepreneurs at an event in central Havana. That evening, The President of Cuba will officially welcome Their Royal Highnesses before hosting an official dinner.
On their second day of engagements in Havana Their Royal Highnesses will have the chance to meet a group of owners of British classic cars and pay a visit to a Cuban music recording studio. Their Royal Highnesses will also visit one of the country’s leading dance studios and The Prince of Wales will travel out of Havana to learn more about renewable energy and organic farming in Cuba. Their Royal Highnesses will later attend a reception hosted by the British Ambassador.
Their Royal Highnesses’ visit to Cuba will end on Wednesday 27th March. The Prince will visit Cuba’s south coast to learn more about the country’s flora and fauna. His Royal Highness will also attend a roundtable discussion on environmental conservation, whilst Her Royal Highness will visit an equestrian centre helping students from primary school level through to the country’s National team. Her Royal Highness will also attend a roundtable to discuss the work being done to help those affected by domestic violence.
The Prince and The Duchess will arrive in The Cayman Islands later that day, officially opening the new airport upon arrival. Their Royal Highnesses will attend a meeting with The Premier and The Governor.
His Royal Highness will be visiting all three of the Cayman Islands, and will meet members of the local communities from each island and attend a series of engagements focusing on sustainability and marine conservation. The Duchess will visit a crisis centre for young people and their families who have been affected by domestic abuse, as well as a new hospice providing end of life palliative care for those in need. Her Royal Highness will also attend a cultural performance at a local primary school.
The Prince of Wales will have the chance to meet hurricane relief personnel based on the islands. Their Royal Highnesses’ visit will end with a reception and celebration showcasing local music and culture.
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utsavatime · 7 months
World Civil Defence Day | 1 March Short Essay & Facts
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World Civil Defence Day: Empowering Communities, Protecting Families World Civil Defence Day is more than just a date on the calendar; it's a global call for action that the acts like a constant reminder of our shared responsibility to protect our communities against unforeseen threats. In this article we are going to discuss about, when, What, How, Where, Whose, Who, some important & funny facts about World Civil Defence Day. Utsava- A Global Celebration: Think of World Civil Defense Day as a global occasion that transcends borders. It's like an international holiday that brings people, communities, and countries together to discuss the crucial role civil defense plays in keeping everyone safe and well. During this celebration, various activities, public awareness initiatives, and collaborative efforts take place, all aimed at enhancing our collective preo mjuy6/paredness. Who Champions Civil Defence? Civil Defence is a cause taken up by individuals, organizations, and government agencies devoted to ensuring the safety and protection of communities. From emergency responders and volunteers to ordinary citizens, everyone plays a part in embodying the spirit of preparedness and unity. What Does Civil Defence Entail? Civil Defence involves a range of measures designed to protect people and property during emergencies. It's about responding to disasters, reducing risks, and creating resilient communities. Whether facing natural disasters or man-made crises, civil defence strategies are crucial for lessening the impact of unforeseen events.  You Can Read About:- World Civil Defense Day Wishes & Quotes World Civil Defense Day Short Essay in English
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World Civil Defense Day Short Essay in English You Can Read About:- Holika Dahan Short Essay & Facts Where is Civil Defence Relevant? Civil defense is important everywhere, both in isolated rural areas and major urban centers.Consider World Civil Defense Day as a worldwide holiday-like occasion that transcends national boundaries. It brings people together to have conversations about how important civil defense is to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone globally. When is World Civil Defence Day Commemorated? Marked annually on March 1st, World Civil Defence Day is strategically placed at the beginning of the year. This timing allows nations and communities to start afresh with a renewed commitment to civil defence measures. The day serves as a focal point for reviewing and enhancing emergency preparedness plans. Why Celebrate Civil Defence? Celebrating Civil Defence isn't just a formality; it's a call to action. On this day we emphasize the importance of proactive measures, preparedness and community participation in the face of uncertainties. Civil defense is not just about responding to crises but it is about building a better environment. Which Initiatives Strengthen Civil Defence? Many initiatives contribute to the strength of civil defence efforts. Investments in modern technology, community training programs, and international collaboration are key factors. Sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices enhances the effectiveness of civil defence measures globally. You Can Read About:- Holi Puja Rituals, Vidhi & Material Guide for Celebrations World Civil Defense Day Short Essay in Hindi
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World Civil Defense Day Short Essay in Hindi  You Can Read About:- World Civil Defense Day Messages Images Whose Responsibility is Civil Defence? Civil defense is a shared responsibility. In this, governments take a leading role in creating policies and allocating resources. Whether through individual preparation or community involvement, each individual contributes to the collective strength of civil defense efforts. How Can Individuals Contribute? Individuals can contribute to civil defence by staying informed, participating in community drills, and being prepared for emergencies. Basic knowledge of first aid, evacuation procedures and communication plans can make a difference in times of crisis. Conclusion: World Civil Defense Day honors the courage of emergency responders and emphasizes the need for global cooperation. This day emphasizes our shared responsibility to enhance community preparedness. Let us commit to fostering a world where every person is safe in times of crisis. Together, through unity and preparedness, let us build a more secure future for us all. You Can Read About:- Guru Ravidas Jayanti Wishes & Shayari Facts about Civil Defence: :idea: Origin: World Civil Defence Day has its roots in the efforts of the International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO), emphasizing the need for international collaboration in civil defence. :idea: Global Participation: Over 50 countries actively participate in World Civil Defence Day, organizing events, drills, and awareness programs. :idea: Multifaceted Approach: Civil Defence addresses a wide range of emergencies, including natural disasters, industrial accidents, and public health crises. You Can Read About:- Ayodhya Ram Mandir Celebration Wishes, & Messages Images   Read the full article
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jtq1844 · 5 years
Musings from the Car ...
Ensuring that my pre-owned, book-on-CD from a few days ago would be put to good use, I listened to Amy Tan’s Opposite of Fate.  It is a series of essays where Ms Tan’s sets the record straight on a few things like spurious internet-propagated “facts” about her professional and personal lives and what is family-history-inspired and what is fiction.  She examines the synchronicities and hurdles of her writing experience as well with wry skepticism and deep gratitude.  After an essay on how the events of 9/11/01 inculcated themselves into her life, I thought about the same.
Here is an essay I wrote which may be part of a vaguely-realized memoire-style set of essays which might eventually be entitled Living with the Extraordinary While Washing Socks:
 Where Was I on 9/11/01    
     On September 11 every year, someone invariably asks, "Where were you when the World Trade Center fell?"
     I’ll tell you, but first, I have to mention a few things that happened in 1999. The Millennium Panic that year still annoys me because the 2nd Millennium didn’t end in 2000; it ended with 2001.  It’s a math, off-by-one, how-to-count-years thing.  Because of mostly harmless short-sightedness by some software engineers, there was potential for some computer programming problems. The real concern was in regards to mischief-making, troubles that might be devised to be symbolic. My husband, having a background in "thinking like a terrorist” or other kind of trouble-making, headed up the Y2K Preparedness program for Cisco Systems. In brief, they planned for many contingencies and he knew a lot of people.
     The morning of 9/11/01, his cell phone bleeped extra early. I got up and turned on the news. We never turned on the TV in the morning, but this time I did. Mike shouted to me, “Turn on the News. Something happened.” 
     “It’s already ready on.”  We watched the Towers standing there with smoke billowing from one of them, as a newscaster explained that a plane flew into the one of the Towers. It was unclear whether it was an odd accident of some kind.
    Mike quickly dialed the phone, barking orders as he occasionally did, particularly when talking to people in the New York City office.  It's a speech pattern thing.  He said, “Just go with your gut. Grab whatever you can and start walking in the direction away from the Towers.”  The Cisco Offices were located in a building next door to the Twin Towers.  “Just. Do. It.” 
     We watched live footage of the second plane flying into the tower. It seemed like several moments before the building collapsed. The collapse was gratefully an implosion onto itself, taking out a minimum of its surroundings which could have included thousands of more lives. News reports of the Pentagon airplane and Pennsylvania crashes were filtering in. 
     On the house phone, Mike called one of his Y2K crisis management associates on the East Coast. His cell phone rang – it was the CEO. It seems that the big full-time Disaster Management Team at Cisco were at an all-hands, brainstorming meeting and were incommunicado.   (Yes, we got the irony.) Could he please head this up in the meantime?  Of course.
     It should be explained here that the emergency communications center for all of New York City – Fire, Police, Ambulance, etc – were located in the bowels of the WTC Twin Towers. They were gone. Out. Nothing.
      On the home phone, Mike next dialed one of the NYC Cisco people whom he hoped had followed his orders.  “Now, go to a cop and see how you can help.”  In his cell, he spoke to others.  No, that’s not right. He barked at others. This went on for several minutes, but Mike needed to get to his office. He barked back and forth like a General commanding troops over the two lines, occasionally hitting the flash button for call-waiting. I held fresh underwear for him to step into, pulled up his pants, buckled his belt, put on his socks, tied his shoes, buttoned and tucked his shirt all while he spoke with, ordered, devised, advised, and otherwise communicated. Maybe I should mention that Mike had had a kidney transplant nine months before and was on high amounts of steroids making his barking extra barky and his circumference extra challenging. From my point of view, dressing him was a heroic act.
     At one point, both phones were quiet. He went rigid and started to vibrate, reliving his own bombing trauma.  Oh, did I mention his survival of the 1983 truck-bomb into the American Embassy in Beirut as a covert CIA agent? This was how he had gotten his thinking-like-a-terrorist-or-other-kind-of-trouble-making training.  Tears streamed down his cheeks. His limbs were both floppy and locked at the same time. His cell phone buzzed. The tears stopped immediately, his body re-engaged.  “Mike here.  What do you need?”
     He was out the door in 5 minutes with a banana and thermos of tea.
     The remarkable communications recovery caught the eye of Interpol, trying to understand how in 24 hours, after losing ALL emergency communication systems, “How did NYC do it, Mr. Giuliani?”  “I dunno. Ask Cisco.”  “How did Cisco do it, Mr. Chambers?”  “I dunno. Ask Mike.”
     Mike did his part, as did so many people. Because of this and his position at work, he and a few others had an idea. What if every Cisco office anywhere in the world no matter how small reserved a closet to hold an emergency network backbone kit? It could be deployed within hours after any disaster needed communications to help with recovery. Mike doing his best Cap’n Pickard said, “Make it so” to the six gorilla cases in a closet in every Cisco office on Earth. This little plan was tested to its limits soon enough, during the Indonesian Tsunami. Then Katrina and ever since. Under his aegis, his group created Cisco-sponsored emergency vans with communications equipment that drive to disaster sites.  It has made a difference, largely an unsung difference. This is as it should be.
     Great changes at the Dawn of the New Millennium did bare out as the events of 2001 did in fact change everything, just not in the literal sense which to my mind is among the least important.  What other prophetic events would have some credence if we just looked at them another way?
    Where was I on 9/11? At home, washing his socks.
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homeoflearning1 · 2 years
Disaster Preparedness Essay
It is vital in the present life to have precautionary measures and adequate disaster management forces for tackling emergency situations when disasters are on increase due to the virtual effect of the advancement of science. In this post, we have written Disaster Preparedness Essay. Disaster Preparedness Essay (600+ Words) Numerous disasters are striking the people and the properties, which are…
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Empowering Manolo Fortich through Disaster Awareness
* This essay won as first place during Disaster Awareness Month celebration hosted by LGU Manolo Fortich
Max Mayfield, a meteorologist once said that “Preparation through education is less costly than learning through tragedy.”
Floods, earthquakes, and land slides are common natural calamities that occur in our municipality due to our geographical location. We have been blessed with so much abundance yet we all know the perils of the life in the upper lands. Throughout the years these calamities have been part of the lives of our forefathers and will always be a part of the lives of our generation and our future generation. Thus it is always wise to think that we can never really escape disasters but we can always minimize the risk of these disasters.
In affirmation to the wise words of Max Mayfield, when it comes to calamities the most effective way to safety is through proper awareness and preparedness. Thus in reducing loss of life and property during floods, earthquakes and storms we have to go back to the most basic thing- prevention. Preventing what? NOT the disaster but the risks of these disasters.
Prevention means building resilience to people since we are both the most vulnerable yet the most capable of all in terms of protecting lives and properties. So how do we work out the power of prevention? It is simply done by awareness through proper education. The government together with the non-government organizations and sectors has been very active in disseminating information regarding disaster management in the recent years. Here in our municipality it is evident through the flood warning systems that are posted in almost every Barangay, the visibility of RQRT (Respond Quickly Rescue Team), and the infrastructures that are developed to minimize floods and accidents. In the mainstream media, we have information advertisements that promote awareness to various calamities such as flash floods, fires, earthquakes and even created programs that teach the people how to protect themselves in different crisis. All of these are done in order to help all the civilians.
Just imagine living in community where most of the people know what to do in times of crisis. The chances of survival increases, there will be less damage to life and property and most importantly there is faster and greater chance for recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction since there is lesser damage. The way to achieve this vision is through proper education among the people for us to be aware of what to do, where to begin and why we should be doing these things. In an era where technology and development is booming it is a sin to be ignorant and unaware. We have come to this age where information and education is at the tip of our fingers.
Although faith and hope are necessary to motivate us to live however, realistically speaking, wishing won’t keep us safe, preparedness will. As the famous Filipino phrase goes, “Lamang ang may alam.” We may have been lucky that we have not received the lash of Sendong at its worst or the enormous waves of Super Typhoon Yolanda but who knows how Mother Nature will test the resilience of the people of Manolo Fortich?
The final question will then be thrown to each and every one of us; do we have what it takes to save our own lives, the lives of the people that we love and the beautiful home that we have been blessed to live with? If not then better keep yourself aware of our power through awareness before it’s too late.
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