#especially so w/ battles
silusvesuius · 3 months
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this tree from my new drawing looking goated afffffff 👑👑
#yes this is a nel/vas drawing get off me😂#text#i wanted everyone to see it but also since i draw on paper in total silence i think a lot about everything so i wanted to voice some -#- thoughts too's. tbh i've been veeery self indulgent lately#actually i'm happy that n*lv*s is getting actual hits out of me that i like looking at#especially on-paper stuff that i can recall being fun for me to draw. all traditional art is fun to draw#and digital has turned into an actual task for me (only sometimes tho maybe i;m lying.. mspaint we're still bffs)#i think i just don't see the joy in trying to scrap up a ''' finished ''' piece in an art program .. pencil i love you and i love the -#- feeling of it scratching along the paper....sigh............ Rabu#i don't want my blog or thoughts to turn into traditional art suck-off ventures bc ik not everyone can get into it for many possible -#- reasons but if u feel like it U can ok? do it for Pencil✏️ and for me? for silusvesuius? 𝖎 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚#but Lord i hope i don't also come off as one of those people that r like 'to improve in art just draw that one fictional character u -#- rly like 😂😂' bruh gtfo my face with that.#i'm noticing 'improvement' in my stuff mainly...i think... because i'm always striving to impress#not so much other people that are here just for my art but more so myself#i have a very huge ego (Mind Battle)#also it makes me sad to think about how big egos or genuine (not obnoxious) flauntiness are looked down on#and i can tell bc i used to look down on people that would express the things i'm expressing now#especially in art focused spaces. now i'd rather be in a circle of artists that love to J*rk off their own brain for it's ideas -#-and talent than be w/ very self-conscious artists that are never expressing pride about any of their work#worse if it's to the point where they actively start to fish for compliments bc of it#fishing for compliments is always OK i just wish it didn't stem from insecurity in that context if that makes sense#but maybe that's very easy for me to say and admit bc i did develop a very big ego around my art and ... Creativity? like it's a sims skill#not that i still don't seek out 'attention' or compliments from others to soothe myself but hmmmmmm i hope u feel me.#it just turns me into a very competitive person#who am i competing with? Myself#i'm always in 'you can do better Because you're YOU' mode#which is much better i believe than comparing yourself 2 other artists#i don't think a lot of people read my tag ramblings but if u do i wonder how one feels about a very pompous artist#like me .......(?)
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syrcus · 10 days
FFXIVwrite 2024 Prompt 5: Stamp
Non-WoL OC. Set during Shadowbringers, spoilers for 5.0 story. Either the beginning or middle of the Thancred/Denh ship depending on how hard you squint at it. 1562 words ao3 link
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The arrival of the Warrior of Light is rarely a quiet affair.      The Rising Stones' main door slams, their voice bounces seemingly without end off the stone walls, amplifying itself. Denh ignores them. After all, she has a job to do, though it may drain and vex her. Whatever business brings Quoye Mhoros to Mor Dhona can remain their own, as far as she's concerned.
     She retains her focus with intent, channelling aether from the environment around her, into the pit of her heart, turning it over and allowing it to flow down through her arms and to the hand she holds. Her fingers tingle with the warmth of it, and perhaps a little with inactivity, but over the past weeks this particular aetheric manipulation has become a speciality of hers. How many days has she spent, lately, sitting in this chair immobile, doing naught but preserving the empty husks of the people she loves?
     Her gaze glides over her current charge, a knot gathering in her core.  Thancred was once one of her closest friends, almost more, and yet.  And yet, in recent years she has avoided him, treated him with pointed indifference whenever their paths were forced to cross.  She has been cold, she has been immovable, and now that he's gone it shames her.
     "Denh!" Even through the thick wooden door of Dawn's Respite, Quoye's distinctive holler is barely muffled. "Anyone seen Denh? Somebody point me at- Oh, is she? Should've known." And with that, the door bursts open, and the Warrior of Light through it. Denh's breath leaves her in a weary sigh. She doesn't look at them, or even otherwise acknowledge them; she keeps her eyes on Thancred, committing his face carefully to memory. Even the most minor change could bode ill for him, in this state.      Were his eyes always so sunken? she wonders. Is this a worrying sign, or did I simply fail to notice? Gods, when is the last time I truly looked at him? Nobody had expected this, of course. She could never have been expected to know, all those years she spent angry and hurt, how easily the people she loved could be taken from her. She'd thought she had more time.
     Quoye's footsteps echo against the walls, quick and excited, far too upbeat for a room like this. The candle on the dresser by Thancred's cot sputters, flickering in the disturbed air as the Warrior of Light draws to a stop beside her.
     "Hi Denh," they chirp, sounding altogether too pleased with themself. Quoye's energy is infuriating at the best of times, even moreso now. She sets Thancred's hand down atop his chest and turns to them.
     "What do you want, Quoye." What are her odds, she wonders, of successfully setting them on fire? She'd never let it show, of course, but she's considered the question more and more often of late: Hydaelyn's Blessing may protect them from primal influence, they may have bested some of the world's strongest in combat, but surely a fireball to the face would take down even this vaunted hero? Some hero, anyway. What good have they done for Thancred and Shtola and the twins?      Quoye grins impishly back at her and laughs, bright and clear, blissfully unaware of the resentment Denh holds for them. Too bright for a room filled with such stagnant misery.
     "I've got something for you," they reply, in quite possibly the most aggravating singsong tone Denh has ever heard, brandishing a sheet of carefully folded paper and wiggling it above her head. "I think you'll like it." She considers snatching it, but Quoye is considerably taller than she is and could easily pull it from arms reach - which, she realises, is likely exactly what they're hoping for. She squares her shoulders and fixes Quoye with a level gaze. She will not embarrass herself for their amusement.  They can give her the note or not, it makes little difference.
     "Then hand it over and be on your way." She keeps her tone brusque, matter-of-fact, and for added effect extends an open hand. The intent is clear; put it in my hand and get lost. Quoye blinks a couple of times, perhaps surprised she didn't rise to their bait. Her tail flicks with irritation. "Now, Quoye. As you can see, I am busy and I am tired."      Hearing herself speak, she sounds tired. More than she'd expected. When is the last time she held a conversation that wasn't just a brief exchange, updating Krile on the vital signs of her closest friends? Quoye visibly deflates, apparently realising, at last, that this is neither the time nor the place for such gleeful behaviour. What thoughts exist in that empty skull? Denh finds herself thinking.
     Quoye sighs, looking vaguely ashamed, and places the note on a nearby table. "Sorry. Wasn't thinking, see… Everyone's fine, Denh. I was just talking to 'em all and they're fine, so I didn't…" They speak quickly, rubbing awkwardly at the back of their neck as they do. They look around at the lifeless Scions, their ears a little more lowered than usual. "Anyway. You'll want to read that soonish, I've gotta get back and he didn't say as much but I reckon he was mayhaps hoping for a reply- Not to rush you!" They wince. "Slightly to rush you, 'cause like I say I can't loiter long. I'll be out front. Sorry."      And they leave as quickly as they came.
     Alone again, or as alone as one can be in a room filled with empty bodies, Denh regrounds herself. She tries to ignore the note on the table, retrains her focus on Thancred; poor Thancred, sickly and grey in the candlelight. She breathes in deep, closes her eyes, drawing the aether back around her ready for use as she has done so many times.  It's delicate work, sustaining someone's corporeal form without them inside it, with little margin for error, but in recent weeks it has become as natural to her as breathing.      Today, though, when she reopens her eyes, they float unbidden back to that note on the table, and the aether she's so carefully collected fizzles and dissipates.  She tries to draw it back, but the unknown hangs in her mind like a bad omen.  Quoye hadn't mentioned the sender by name; had she imagined it, or had their gaze lingered on Thancred when they'd said 'he' was hoping for a response?  She quickly shakes that thought free.  Hope helps nobody, she learned that one young.  Hope leads to disappointment, hope lets one down.      That settles it.  I have to read that hells-damned letter.
     "Sorry, Thancred," she says quietly, almost a whisper.  "I shan't be away long."      She leaves the room in a few determined paces, grabbing the note and stuffing it into her shirt for safekeeping on her way out.  She passes Krile in the main foyer, hurriedly asks her to take over aether-sustaining duty for a little while without giving any excuse for her own abandonment of it, and skitters off up the stairs.      The dormitory hallway has never felt so long, nor had she ever realised before just how far down it her own room lies.  Try as she might to keep it away, by the time she reaches her door a small, irritating hope has settled in her chest.      She locks the door behind herself, and only once that's done does she pull the paper from her shirt and really look at it.
It's folded neatly, carefully, though now slightly crumpled.  A small drop of wax seals it closed, pressed flat with what looks, from the imprint, to be a one gil coin.  She flips it over, and sees her own name handwritten across the front in spindly, vigorous cursive.  Her breath catches.  That is, without a doubt, Thancred's handwriting.      She sinks to the floor, picking free the wax seal absentmindedly.  What could possibly be so important for Thancred to write to her from across the void, and send the hero of the realm to deliver it?        Perhaps he can offer some insight on his, and the others', condition.
     She unfolds the letter.
          Denh, Truth be told, I am not wholly sure you will welcome this correspondence.  You were, if I recall, not entirely pleased with me when last we spoke.  Would you believe me if I were to tell you that it feels like a lifetime ago? In some ways, I suppose it has been.  I have had more time to think since my... "collapse" than one may imagine, and it is my - perhaps vain - hope that you might wish to become acquainted with the man I have found myself to be. I am deeply sorry.  For all I've had you endure. If you are not averse, I should very much like to hear back!  How are things at the Rising Stones?           Sincerely,           Thancred. p.s.  You may wish to employ a wax seal of your own, should you choose to reply.  Quoye showed an unnerving degree of interest in the contents of this letter when I asked them to deliver it.
     A lone droplet of water lands upon the page as she reads the last line, smudging the ink.  Another quickly follows it.  She blinks, brings a hand to her eyes, and is almost surprised to find that she's begun to cry.
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p4nishers · 2 years
remember obi wan kenobi?? man was he gay
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flovverworks · 2 months
haha u should read promise of wizard its a rlyyyyyyy good story
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solar-net · 3 months
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mars-ipan · 9 months
y’know i think the most annoying thing about trying to discuss reproductive rights with cis people is the complete and utter refusal to include trans people in the discussion. like they will only ever say “women” and if you dare to point it out it’s “well this is all being done to control women” or “‘people with vaginas’/‘people assigned female at birth’ is way too wordy” it drives me fucking crazy
like first off do you seriously think that the people who seek to remove bodily autonomy from women have nothing against trans people. do you think they hold zero ill will towards us. also do you think they view trans afabs as anything other than women.
#marzirants#my mom would say shit like this sometimes and it drove me fucking insane every single time#with her i truly feel like i have to pick my battles#bc 90% of the time she fully understands where i’m coming from! she understood the weird nuances of my queer stuff way better than any other#cishet i’ve met. ESPECIALLY considering she’s in her 50s#but every now and again she says some shit that drives me up a WALLLLL#i remember once i was talking about the language around it#and my mom brings up that she ‘disagrees’ with saying like ‘people with uteruses’ or whatever#and this kinda surprised me (she tends to catch me off guard with it) so i had no actual explanation for her#but i tried anyways i was like ‘well trans folks are affected by this too so it’s important that we’re included in the language’ right#and THIS WOMAN. someone who i know would fucking lay down her life if it were the best way to keep me safe#SAYS TO ME.#‘well this issue is about women. it isn’t about being trans and i don’t think the discussion should be derailed to trans issues’#WHAT????? W. WHAT HUH????#first off. this bitch goes hand in hand with trans issues we are talking bodily autonomy that is a huge trans issue#second of all. WHO THE FUCK IS DERAILING????? WE’RE ON YOUR SIDE WE’RE LITERALLY ASKING TO BE INCLUDED IN THE FIGHT#WH??? BITCH????#my mom is so fucking smart. but sometimes the cishet nonsense overrides her smartness and she says the dumbest shit i have ever heard#don’t tell her i said that she’d get mad at me. even tho it’s literally smth all cishets do
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vaugarde · 1 year
kudos to the xy anime at least for a) using zygarde in a genuinely really interesting and fun way and b) not trying to be like “ohhhhh lysandre has a point thoughhhhhh hes just extreme about itttttt”
#the world if we got pokemon z#which ig the anime did give us in a way so.#xy hurts me personally bc like its so close to being fantastic and a really good expansion of the games w a darker tone#but its held back by the fact that the anime will never really get as dark as it wants to its ''dark'' moments come across as forced#the time it felt the most natural was during the flare arc which felt appropriate bc they finally set up that people were going to die#and there were massive stakes at hand instead of. ''oh boo hoo ash lost a battle''#quoting dante but like just read pokespe xy it does a much better job at being a darker adaptation of the game and expanding on it#also personally just dont like it when media is like ''oh!!! oh!!! we're ADULT actually!!!!!! look at us reference porn!!! and DEATH!!!!''#and it puts no effort into actually being a more mature take. especially when we're talking about a kids show#like. gravity falls is mature in a way thats palatable to kids still while still being enjoyable and tense for adults#because it does talk about death and family estrangement and drama and focuses on that stuff#it takes the time to dedicate itself to those moments#and thats why the flare arc is so good to me and not the rest of xy. flare arc is able to focus all of its energy into the emotional stuff#bonnie's song is hands down my favorite xy moment tbh like the buildup for that througout xyz was phenomenal#its just that to get to that i had to sit through ''ha ha this scene looks like ash is begging serena for sex'' and ''ha ha snake kink!''#echoed voice
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goldensunset · 1 year
ooh girl i am really tired of sharing a tight space with my parents!
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acathea · 1 year
i did finish the game.
time to start a new save.
(spoilers in tags more or less pls dont look)
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seokmatthewz · 1 year
miroh is such a weird choice for a survival show performance song .
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scattered-winter · 1 year
looking for one of my 911 meta posts to answer an ask and realizing how much hate mail i've gotten for my 911/ls opinions lmfao
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bitterpngs · 2 years
HUH… nayuta. wasn’t expecting that
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fuzzyunicorn · 3 days
Babe I just put somethin’ together & im mind FUCKED
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selvepnea · 5 days
My Drow Warlock Talfrin :)
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#sel talks#Talfrin#I love them#kinda a he/she/they kinda fella#so sad I'm almost done w chapter 3#bg3#I'm going to miss playing with him :(#wish I had taken more screen shots u_u#excited to hear they're working on a photo mode though!#Might have to do a second play through with them :3#this is such an awful time sink for me I honestly want to drop it#but it's so fun T^T#also kinda tempted to do a fic where I go through her misadventures#oh! I hadn't mentioned his bg yet :3#I don't have a lot of details#but basically they got fed up with the way his father was raising her in the underdark; made a deal w some sort of fae to escape/get reveng#not sure if the got captured right after or if they were just starting to venture out hen they got tadpoled#I actually modelled the gaurdian after his father so she imediatly distrusted it#which I think is kinda funny (especially with the reveal that they took that form to gain his trust;#and what that could mean for his subconscious feelings about their father :3c#I adore them <3#I want to make something for her#ah! and his eyes!#they're actually hetrochromatic; but only slightly :3#I imagine the black sclara(??) are a result of his deal ( the dark marks around their eyes could also be a part of it but *shrug*)#now the white pigmentation on his hands (I can't remember what it's called; also you can't see it cause gloves :( ) is from using magic :3#really wish you could stack scars; really wanted to add more the further I went; show the battles they've faced#in love w the yellow eyes <3#v cat core#alright I'm done shpealing
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dutybcrne · 14 days
The fact that Tartaglia is outright stated to have been running away from home the day he got lost in the Abyss got me THINKING,,,
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//It says it was bc of wanting to leave his ‘monotonous life’#//So he was ALWAYS abt excitement and thrill; maybe wanting to be a hero or great warrior of some sorts#//esp if he’d want to live up to his namesake#//The main part of Belle (Reprise) honestly RESONATES w him#//But ye; can you IMAGINE what must have been running through his mind?#//Maybe silently apologizing to his precious siblings for having to leave them; to his parents; bc he was too restless to stay?#//Did he think they’d hate him if he were to come back?#//Which hits harder knowing his dad was quick to send him off to the military when he came back ‘wrong’ compared to before#//Why he focuses on and dotes on his youngest siblings most over everyone else#//bc they would have still loved him as they did before; never treating him any different#//Or perhaps with MORE love and awe bc of all the stories he now has to tell of his exploits#//Teucer esp; with the lad wanting to be like him when he grows up#//Which makes Taru especially happy bc he does love the idea of seeing his baby brother take on the world as he has#//Though he certainly wants the lad to build up his own strength in due time; NOT by falling into the Abyss alone like he did#//He would like to spare Teucer and their mother that whole ordeal; thanks#//Thiugh if Teucer wanted to see and train in that place WITH him; well#//He wouldn’t be so opposed; as long as he and Teucer were both aware of it and the ramifications#//but he does like toying with the thought. Him and Teucer; against the Abyss! he likes the ring it had to it#hc; tartaglia#//Bc of some of the above jdbd#//Genuinely makes me wonder if he himself didn’t take his father shipping him off too hard BC of the monotony#//That maybe he might have been GLAD to get away from there again; now in a place where he could chase thrill& battle with WORTHY opponent#//Where he could gain MORE stories to tell his precious baby siblings; and see their little faces light up each time#//Getting a chance to be a great HERO to them#//Yet still is v well aware of how his parents and others now see him; how they Mourn the boy he once was; no matter what he does now#//Or smth idk lol#//Thinkings thinkings#//Would take it v hard when his baby siblings stop idolizing him so much; thinks they’ve come to be just like their parents& elder sibs#//He doesn’t care when it comes to the latter; but it be a genuine blow to his trust and heart. Teucer he fears this of especially
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caramelmochacrow · 9 months
making a competitive double battle team in swsh and it's so hard.... i didnt think much for my sun and moon team....
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