#especially in this new au idea where she's literally a grown human adult
cvbullshit · 16 days
I thought of a cute Horror x Freakshow AU where Horror is a butcher and Freakshow was a poor customer who ends up helping Horror with the small business
Wacky adventures ensue
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
I don’t know what’s a better premise for a Humans-to-Cybertronians!Darbys in a Other!AU:
A world where the ‘bots and ‘cons are trying and failing to figure where the hell the random Cybertronian signal is coming from: it pops all over the place as if it can teleport or the disguise is so well hidden that no can tell what’s the alt-mode.
It’s Jack. And his “alt-mode” is a human teenager disguise. That’s why the ‘bots and ‘cons can’t fully triangulate on his position. His actual form is the Cybertronian equivalent of 10 year-old child. He’s an honest-to-Primus sparkling and it’ll drive everyone nuts since sparkling!Jack has no chill- 
Jack literally tore up Ratchet’s ambulance alt-mode when he was lured into a trap. Sure, the medic could withstand the damage from his naturally reinforced frame, but doesn’t mean it was an enjoyable experience getting clawed up.
Ratchet’s alt-mode was shaking at the base. He was literally bouncing on his tires from the sheer force, so the rest of ‘bots were prepared for a spooked child. When Ratchet unlocked his doors. Nothing. Until one brave soul approached to open the door and Jack came at them swinging with bladed extensions. He managed to cut a wrist and disable an arm before someone grabbed him by the scruffbar.  
Several hundred years ago, a Foundation site was working to contain an Artifact, which reacted extremely with several measures, so it induced a transformation within the personnel of the established perimeter.
Metamorphosis via scientific, magical, or alien measures is an occupational hazard. It was ruled that the new metal forms were a cross of Clockwork and the automata by Hephaestus, especially now they are sustained by fae-derived foodstuffs.
The Fair Folk had long since cultivated their crops and livestock by utilizing energon mines…
The personnel kept doing their jobs. Some managed to figure out T-cogs and transformative sequences far faster than others. Many opted to stay in a particular space in Elsewhere to take advantage of the strange time flow to get their new bodies under control to a degree they could return to mundane Earth. Sure, they can still go to the Night Markets as a 25-feet metal giant, but it would be nice to able to condense down and slap on an enchantment to go to the movie theater or the pick up the kids from a mundane school.
The Autobots are absolutely lucky that June is the one that fetched her son and not Grandma Darby because she would rain hellfire and brimstone.
This Jack has learned different lessons and is willing to stab and set people on fire. Much to Miko’s amazement and the ‘bots’ collective horror.
When Jack isn’t in his human form, he’s taller than an full-grown adult human, so he can actually give Miko and Raf piggy-backs if he needs to travel fast.
Then there’s a world where the Autobots stumble on the Other side because Raf calls Bumblebee on how to care for a robot baby that’s crying in his house -his sister’s room to be exact.
Raf, by sheer chance, came home to pick up things for a sleep over at the base because he needed to catch up the science project Of course, Bumblebee thinks it’s a weird toy or an advanced experiment because his sister just came home for a break-
And then Raf opens the window to the room and Bumblebee shits a brick because oh Primus, oh fuck, it’s a newspark-
Holomatter!Bumblebee and Raf carefully blanket-carry the infant to the black and yellow Urbana as Bumblebee is frantically hailing Ratchet over what to do.
Raf is riding with the baby in the back and has no idea that Cybertronians could be soft and kinda jiggling since his fingers leave smudges and the baby’s metal shudders and slightly warps while wailing and flailing rounded, short limbs.
Ratchet didn’t think it was funny and was chewing out the scout’s tailpipe until Bumblebee, after breaking so many traffic laws, hit the base and practically shifted with the newspark and Raf in his arms.
Autobots at the base: Bluescreen
Ratchet is trying to stabilize a premie infant when the intruders in the form of June’s friends (one former human and one hybrid) gets into a standoff with the Autobots over “kidnapping.” Pilar is there trying to diffuse the situation. June’s friends immediately nab Ratchet (and newspark!Jack) since he’s a well-trained medic that’s blowing a gasket over the baby and June really needs help from traumatic injuries from a breech containment.
Ratchet is spirited away. Pilar has to guide the others to the Other Half of Jasper Hospital where a fistfight almost breaks out.
June recovers. Grandma Darby is very grateful for the extra help, and hassles Ratchet about becoming a consultant since Ratchet is a treasure trove of necessary medical information with the new Cybertronians in the personnel.
Grandma also hassles June and Jack into the base because she’s utterly worried about their health and she’s flying blind about their new frames.
Grandma Darby, no matter the iteration, she’s the embodiment of “Do wanna start a fight? Do wanna catch these hands?”
Like if Airachnid tried to target the remains of her family, Grandma would pantomime the itsy bitsy spider using her fingers, shadow-stitching, precise weather manipulation, and Airachnid’s unwilling body.
Miko and Raf would be absolutely enamored by her since she’s willing to indulge their curiosity about the Other side as well as their heritage and how to tap into that potential should they want to utilize it.
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se0kie · 4 years
chapter 4: the boundless ocean
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pairing: taehyung x reader
genre: fluff, eventual smut, ANGST (whoo boy)
tags/warnings: some talks of mortality, otherwise nothing much
greek gods au, poseidon!taehyung, marinebiologist!reader
summary: it’s difficult being a god. what with all the immortality, the decades bleeding into each other and losing every human being you come to care about. and taehyung’s lived, or whatever it is gods do, for a very, very long time. he thinks he needs help but the fates are being the mysterious, useless hags they’ve always been. how can a conservatory and it’s passionate, fiery owner possibly help him. turns out Y/N is the only mortal he’s met who’s ready to challenge him head on. of course it’s not like she knows her new intern is the king of the sea, maker of horses, the earthshaker, poseidon himself after all.
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It’s next to chaos at Hamdeok beach.
The day after the male turtles returned to the shallow waters you made sure to have every worker and volunteer of the Blue Side Marine Conservation on your property and spread around the shore keeping an eye out for the slightest activity. Taehyung had successfully survived two whole weeks with you and your gang of flaky friends.
His job for now had mainly been running around passing on information about the temperatures of the water and the sand, sodium levels in the seawater and clearing any boats away from coming close to the shallow end of the ocean.
Although he didn’t really need to remember the results you passed onto him.
He knew the exact temperatures of the sea, he could feel the number as soon as he reached the thought, he could taste the brine on his tongue as he conjured the digits for sodium levels and the boats... well let’s just say all he had to do to take care of the boats was swish the waves in the opposite direction.
Hoseok, you and Jungkook were keeping lookout at the rocks far out into the water, close enough to shore but distant enough to keep track of the dozen or so male turtles floating lazily in anticipation of their mates.
Taehyung would never admit this to his fellow Olympians but he was having fun here. He got to spend time with the sea as a regular mortal instead of solving disputes between whales and sharks. He would occasionally accompany Hoseok out to the deep waters to observe the coral reefs, even diving in sometimes if Hobi deemed it appropriate.
He had grown to like your two friends, Hoseok was a breath of fresh air from the dripping Nereids and his annoying brothers. Although he did remind Taehyung of his nephew, Apollo. Both of them positively radiated the sun’s energy. He would have to ask the god of archery about his mortal consorts, Hobi could very well be a demigod born of the fickle Olympian.
Jungkook was what he would’ve imagined all young adults were on earth, were he not an incredibly innocent and loving person. He had never met anyone as nice and helpful as Jungkook. He seemed like the paler photocopy of his sister, Hestia. They were both just so sickeningly likeable.
And then there was you.
Taehyung can clearly see you sitting on the largest rock, your knees pulled close to your chest as you stared diligently out at the horizon, then turned your head back again to catch sight of the green turtles poking their heads out of the surface of the water to breathe; and then diving back in with a small splash. Jungkook is writing in the journal that contains notes, statistics and other data regarding the nesting project.
Hoseok has his arms spread out behind him, soaking in the gentle sunrays as he hums a little tune. Taehyung settles down on the soft sand, tucking his legs crossed as he observes the trio on the rock.
He can almost feel your anxiety radiating off of you in waves, you seem to be especially sensitive about this nesting period. Subconsciously, he starts humming along to the tune Hobi is singing far away from him. The sweet melody filling his ears as he concentrates on the area you’re in. He can see the rush of the wind coming towards you, dangerously close to toppling your research material and snack basket into the water.
But quick as a sailfish, Taehyung flicks his wrist and the gust of air flows over the group’s heads.
He sits there in the sand patiently waiting for the female turtles to arrive along with you, he can see the enthusiasm slowly drain from your expression as a faint frown brushes over your brows. You’re disappointed, he can see it clear as day.
The office had received a call from the small group of professors sailing in the waters surrounding Jeju, they were the ones who had notified your team about the male turtles closing into the coast, how the females would follow close behind. But it seemed that the others were late, or even worse, lost or attacked by predators.
Professor Kim Namjoon and his husband had been so sure that the turtles would reach the nesting site in the mere matter of a day or two that you had made it your mission to overlook the mating process. You were beginning to look a little crazy to Taehyung, but he could stomach it.
He had seen far worse.
And you were now looking close to tears as the sun was setting gently into the waters and the seagulls were picking at the fish they had caught, Taehyung closed his eyes and looked for the group of distressed reptiles in the ocean surrounding the island.
He could see them clearly in his mind, the turtles were swimming hard but unfortunately the current was flowing in the direction opposite their destination. He breathed in slowly and coaxed the water to let the tired group make their way back to the coast where they had been born. He could tell these turtles were returning to the beach they had hatched in. Perks of being the literal god of the sea, huh?
He helped the animals swim back, letting the current slightly carry their bodies. When he opened his eyes again it felt like Zeus had knocked the air out of his lungs.
Because there you were, absolutely beaming at the sea. Hair caressing your face with the breeze as the orange sun glowed behind your head, making it look like you wore a halo. Your face was lit up by the rays of the sunset but not as much as by the dazzling smile you wore. You were softly laughing as you watched familiar green shells bobbing away in the clear, blue water.
A triangular head poked out, nose pointing straight at you as if trying to say hello. And if anyone was paying attention to the small, overwhelmed woman on the rock instead of the turtles, they would’ve caught how your cheeks glistened with silently shed tears.
Taehyung was paying attention.
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You and your newly befriended intern were walking along the shore, both on your lunch break, four weeks after the mating season had gotten over. The pregnant turtles would arrive any time soon to lay their eggs at the beach.
You were constantly on edge, anxious about the delicate situation but excited for the opportunities your little conservation would come across if the nesting season passed successfully.
“So how did you and Hobi manage to open up Blue Side? You’re both far too young to have done it all by yourself,” Taehyung voices from beside you. He wasn’t very chatty, not usually. But he had his moments when he would ask questions you had never been asked before, or take interest in the mundane routine of your life.
You release a puff of air, flashes of your past running through your mind as you lazily pick at one to answer, “Well, you know we’re a nonprofit organisation. But we had financial backing from Hobi’s parents, and my dad. Mr. and Mrs. Jung are both professors at the Stanford University. My dad used to be a research biologist, he’s a visiting lecturer now.”
You look up at your companion, softly kicking sand with your toe. You catch him looking at you with a peculiar smile painting his face, you reach out and brush the sun bleached strands of hair out of his eyes as you catch yourself squinting at the scene just behind him.
It’s a man you recognise from somewhere, his hand emptying a plastic bag full of trash into the foamy waves of the ocean. It clicks in your head and you know why he seems familiar. You shriek with sudden irritation, “YOU!”
You stomp the few meters towards the man, who now resembles a deer caught in headlights. Although it looks like you’d rather just run him over.
“What is the matter with you?!” It’s more of an accusation than a question. You don’t give the offender any time to retort when you’re flying off on one of your passionate rants.
“Do you have any idea what you’re doing? Green sea turtles, almost extinct by the way, just mated here in these exact waters a month ago, they’re gonna be back to lay their eggs any day now. You have any semblance of coherent thought to know how delicate they are and how trash in the ocean can literally suffocate them?!” you take a breath as you really look at the man’s red face.
You continue mercilessly, “Eighty percent of marine debris is plastic, the mass of plastic in the oceans are as high as one hundred million tonnes. You hear that? One hundred million. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is twenty times the size of Texas. You’re killing the planet, the animals and yourself. Have some empathy for your home,” you finish off with disgust lacing your tone.
The severely embarrassed man was quietly leaving with his bag of rubbish as you stared holes into his back, crossing your arms across your chest as you blew the strands of hair hanging in your eyes. You can feel Taehyung’s gaze on you, but you can’t find it in yourself to turn to him. The god is looking at you with fascination, never has he met a woman quite like you. A violent blush is staining your cheeks as you feel your face heat up under his intense scrutiny.
“Why do you always do that?” you hear his deep baritone ask.
You still refuse to look at him but respond anyway, “What do you mean ‘always do that’? Do what?”
“I don’t know? Why are you always so passionate about the sea? It’s not just the sea either, the fish and the plants and everything underwater,” he’s still looking at you as he says, “You want to protect it all so badly. Why?”
You sigh as you finally turn your head to look at him, the pink glow of the sunset makes him look even more ethereal than he does on the regular. You sweep your eyes over his face several times, taking in his features as you carefully sort the words building in your throat.
Your gaze drops to the ground where the littlest of waves are kissing your toes, the smell of the ocean thick as you feel the wet sand under your feet.
“Because,” you begin.
“Because what?” he retorts.
You look back at him intensely, your eyes burn with the light of the dipping sun but Taehyung doesn’t think it’s on purpose. Your eyes just look like that whenever you talk of things you’re passionate about. He’s noticed that since he’s met you.
“Because!” you huff. “It’s my job. It’s my job to protect the sea.”
Taehyung scoffs at your reply, it’s lame and you know it but being vulnerable has always been difficult for you. “Yes, it may be your job but nobody expects you to do it 24/7. You’re always scolding people who litter, always picking up trash you catch in the waves. Hell, you’re always hanging out with the fisherman to make sure they’re using the right methods while out at sea and not overfishing.”
He presses on, “Tell me, Y/N, what’s it all about?” Only this time his voice is softer and infinitely more intimate.
“I want to do all of that. I love the sea, that’s the short answer. But the sea is all we know,” you reply with a breath. “Air, water, earth. It will all remain even if we die out. And if I could help save even a few inches of the ocean, just a handful of fish in my measly lifetime I will live on as the sea.” You say sincerely as you turn your eyes up to catch a glimpse of Taehyung’s reaction.
He’s looking at you with emotion you don’t recognise, a peculiar tilt of his lips and eyebrows slightly furrowed as if he’s doing a tricky math problem. You speak softly, your voice dropping to a low whisper now that you’re both standing closer than before, “My work, my achievements, my life. It’ll all be immortalised in the waves.”
Internally, the sea god thinks of what a wonderful woman you are. He has never met a mortal as selfless or as loving as you. You have so much love to give that it bursts out of the seams of your heart and splashes everything around you in golden hues.
“You, me, Jungkook. We’re all just mere human beings, Taehyung. The ocean and the sky? They’re what truly matters in this universe. I live my life for the ocean and its creatures so that years and years after I’m dead I’ll still be floating in the waves,” you tell him honestly, wondering how did you let a man you’ve only known for a month or a half hear your most personal truth.
But you know that if anyone deserves to know something like this about you, it has to be Kim Taehyung.
More minutes of comfortable silence follow, the hypnotic slosh of the waves pulling the stress and anxiety out of your mind. You and Taehyung face each other in front of the now barely visible sun, and the glittering horizon.
He says after a long minute of gentle breathing, “Y/N?”
“I like you,” he confesses, not a hint of hesitation or embarrassment laces his voice. Just sheer declaration.
Your cheeks flare up once again, something that seems to be happening increasingly ever since the new intern arrived. You somehow manage to keep your cool as you say, “It’s only been a few weeks, Taehyung. How can you know if you like someone if you’ve barely even met them?”
“Weeks, months, 400 years. It doesn’t matter. It’s all the same to me. Time doesn’t determine emotions, Y/N.” Taehyung says wisely, the young and carefree looking boy doesn’t talk like the many kids his age.
You smile sweetly... at him? For him? You don’t know, but you smile instead of affirming his confession.
“Sure Kim, but you still gotta clean the aquariums.”
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taglist: @a-kookie-with-my-tae @btsxdoll @taffyteffy @aesthetewriter @happyhrsme @yoongifiess
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writerly contemplation tag!
I was tagged by darling @j-pping to do this deep af and reflective set of questions that she hand picked herself (<3). I love shit like this, thank you dear!!!
what was the most challenging part of writing this year? Hm, for sure I’d have to say being consistent with updates. Not because I feel some immense pressure or get hate mail about it, but because I feel a little guilty and sad when I can’t update regularly for not only readers but myself because I love it. I also feel like half of the battle of writing more is when you’ve had this long stint of nothing so you have to go back and collect all of your work and reread your notes or even chapters to make sure you’re back in the right timeline/headspace to write the next part. I keep a notebook in my purse that is strictly for writing fanfiction (asdaslkdfsdfjgk), and it’s where I jot down like ideas for a scene or dialogue or how I want something to go. Character developments/important rites of passage or growth, etc. I go back and read up on my notes a lot and it can be exhausting when you’ve been away from writing for even just a month. what was the most enjoyable/rewarding part of writing this year? Without a doubt it was the journey of Allotrope. Y’all know why because I harp on it a lot. There’s something really grand and profound about writing a piece that not only speaks to readers but literally helps the creator grow over the length of time it was being written. Side note also all of the friends I made this year by writing! Y’all are literal angels and I love all of you. what piece has left the most impact on you and why? Hm... I think, again, Allotrope’s development from start to finish was really important for reasons mentioned above and in past posts. In all ways it was a heartbreaking story that makes you feel vulnerable and protected at the same time, forgotten by some characters and loved deeply by others. It feels real and relatable for readers. It’s also left me with the unexpected but appreciated realization that I am capable of writing something like that, and the pride that I did. What have you learned about yourself through the process of writing this year? I have definitely learned to love and accept myself a whole lot more, and a lot of that came through writing. Be it via my own struggles being written into my works, or my passion for art in all forms but especially drawing and writing, or the connections I’ve made with others (readers and content creators alike). The stories of personal struggles we’ve all shared and the close-knit community of support and acceptance and love is a breathtaking pillar of strength I had not expected to find in the kpop fanfic community, and yet, here we are, as one, especially in the EXO community. Through those connections, all of which were born of writing something, I got a lot more of myself back than I had originally thought was lost the year prior. I am very grateful. how has your writing changed in the past year? How have you grown? I used to be your typical smut writer and there’s nothing wrong with that because who doesn’t love a good down and dirty romp. I still enjoy writing those kinds of pieces, but more than anything I realized I absolutely THRIVE on emotional work. I want what I write to make people feel, and feel deeper than lust. I want then to feel everything between despair and elation on the emotional scale. Especially if readers are already feeling enough anxiousness and depression in their daily lives, that relatable connection to characters and being able to feel better by reading something and experiencing those emotions that heal along the way in a story with a good ending is really important to me as a writer. The comfort of it. I think that kind of awareness is how I’ve grown the most this year.
ignoring your wips for a second, if you had all the time and energy in the world to write your magnum opus piece, what would it be about? Why is that the dream story you’d write, all other things controlled for? Hm, honestly? I think I did it this year with Allotrope. I had in no way, shape or form anticipated the knockout punch to becoming a moderately known writer in the EXO community with that piece. If I had to choose another one, I am a real weak bitch for fantasy and superhuman AUs. Magic or superpowers, either or. Ernest Cline is one of my favorite authors and I actually want to write a book someday about an alien race fleeing across the galaxies from some inevitable danger of another world-eating race and one day they come to earth in the form of some kind of like star shower. They’re tiny and fall to the earth like snow or rain or dust and the first one that lands on a humans skin fuses to it and awakens some sort of dormant power in a human (usually based on demographics or environments (could be stress, weather, things like that (examples: police officers stress-related being shot at, so they develop force fields or become bulletproof. Firefighters can walk through fire unscathed or manipulate it; kinds of abilities like that.)). So these tiny creatures inhabit a human host (a 1:1 ratio) and basically the humans accept it without going into detail and essentially the use of these powers or abilities helps the alien species survive the onslaught that eventually comes via the world-eating alien species. In very Ernest Cline style, a battle to save humanity and the Earth.
how do you want to grow in your writing this year? I’d really like to get better with my sentence structure. When I get in the zone and write, it just comes out plain and simple. Elegant and captivating writing has a variety of sentence structure, especially in dialogue, so I’d really like to get better with that this year. I want to be better about being cognizant of it instead of going back to restructure or reorganize sentences over and over, because that gets exhausting and can end up looking sloppy. For me- when I go back and read my own work that’s had parts edited in that way rather than a whole- I can pick up on it while reading and it annoys me, hahaha. what’s one thing you wish to see in the fan-writing community this year? I don’t have any particular wishes but I think it would be cool to see more fan art from pieces. That’s been hard to do though since December 17th, 2018, regardless of adult content or not. As Jae said, more authors coming into the community too would be nice. :) I think, especially for EXO, the fanfic writing community is pretty tight-knit because of one reason or another, and that’s fine, but the more the merrier! <3 name one new thing you want to try doing with your writing this year? Honestly? Nothing more than what I am doing currently. I want to finish the series for An Adventurer’s Guide to Romance, especially since there are only 5 left and one is 1/3 of the way written. I will get Heat Seekers started, cautiously because quite frankly it is not lighthearted in any way. Fluff in this story will be nonexistent or scant under a microscope at best. I suppose you could say that’s what I want to try that’s new this year- raw and painful just... brutal emotion with moderate angst. Or, probably write a piece for Stray Kids since I haven’t yet and they’re very, very quickly renting space in my head for free. --------
Tagging: @jenmyeons, @kyungseokie, @guardians-of-exo, @jiminbbyboy, @saebyeog-i or anyone else who wants to do this! I know Jae tagged most of you already so I won’t lol. Forgive me if I’ve missed anyone! <3
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Modern day au Skeksis/ Mystics, part 2
SkekSa the Mariner:
Really, not a lot changed with her.
Relationship with the Sifa actually got even better after the Skeksis were no longer considered Lords.
She is still greatly respected and is still the Captain.
She still sails the seas with the Sifa, though she has also begun to aid them in actual modern day jobs instead of living like pirates.
Has entire maps set up for fishermen Gelfling so they know where the best spots for what sea creatures are.
Accidently monopolized the fishing empire on Thra.
Still works hard for the best life for the Sifa.
Is trying to get along better with her Mystic half at the request of the Sifa.
Its........ a work in progress.
Actually visits the land more often and has gotten in touch with some Skeksis and Mystics.
Has grown closest with SkekTek and SkekVar.
Living her best life.
UrSan the Swimmer:
Not a lot changed with her either.
There is a large lake by the Commune where the other Mystics live, so she visits more often.
Teaches the Gelfing of the Commune how to swim.
Those that wish to travel with the Sifa will be guided by her.
Is also trying to work on her relationship with SkekSa. Again, a work in progress.
The don't necessarily hate each other, but they also don't miss one another when they are apart.
Works with the Gelfling to ensure the waters stay clean and pure as technological advancements are made.
That is one of the few things that SkekSa agrees with her on and helps out with.
Enjoys her days swimming and living her best life.
SkekLi the Satirist:
Was literally tripping over himself when he found out that the Skeksis were no longer Lords of the Crystal.
The others tried to say he was still banned from the Castle.
Aughra let him back in.
May or may not be part of the reason why a bunch of Skeksis left.
Aughra thinks he is an absolute riot and is especially amused by how much he annoys everyone else.
He has taken to doing stand up and actually becomes a famous comedian.
The Skeksis may not like his humor, but the Gelfling love it.
He becomes genuinely liked and appreciated by the Gelfling for his jokes and humor.
Becomes close friends with mainly Gelfling.
He can and will put up posters for his comedy specials all over the castle and will gloat about it to anyone within a one mile radius.
Absolutley loving life.
UrLii the Storyteller:
He thought about leaving the Caves of Grot.
For like five minutes.
Chose to stay because the idea of leaving the caves was just unappealing to him.
Became an anonymous author under the name "Argot the Relic".
His books are sold out the moment they are put on the shelves.
Maudra Argot isn't as big of a fan because everyone thinks shes the author.
Upside, the Caves of Grot have been getting more visitors and it has become a very popular tourist destination.
The Grottan clan has become very popular thanks to UrLii.
Has become penpals with UrTih and UrSol.
SkekAyuk the Gourmand:
Still lives in the Castle, but travels often.
Became a wildly renowned chef and food critic.
Has multiple Gordon Ramsey style tv shows.
As well as multiple cook books.
He gets to eat and cook all the time and couldn't be happier.
Aside from SkekLii and SkekEkt, he is amongst the most famous of the Skeksis.
Not as well liked due to his prejudices against the Gelfling still.
His chunk has only gotten chunkier.
UrAmaj the Cook:
Actually lives in the Castle, along with UrUtt and UrNol.
Chose to live there after finding life in both the Valley and Commune unsatisfactory.
Reached out the SkekAyuk first and worked a deal out with the Skeksis.
Is SkekAyuks coworker.
Is the co author of the cook books and also the voice of reason when it comes to the cooking shows.
Trying desperately to have SkekAyuk not be so bigoted towards the Gelfling with mixed results.
Also has helped in developing dishes that Gelfling can actually eat.
Has also been working on getting the Skeksis to at least slaughter the animals before eatting them.
Be more humane about it please.
Enjoys making more than just Mystic food anymore.
SkekEkt the Ornamentalist:
Also lives at the Castle still.
Has made his own clothing lines and is particularly popular amongst the Vapra.
Also has his own makeup line and runway show.
Now that he is distinguished even more so amongst the Skeksis, he is an even bigger drama queen than before.
More respectful towards Gelfling compared to SkekAyuk, but definitely patronizing towards them.
Actually ended up becoming good friends with SkekLi when he came back and has even had him as a guest at a few runway shows.
Collaborates with UrUtt and has a respectful relationship with his Mystic half.
UrUtt the Weaver:
Went with UrAmaj to live in the Castle.
It was actually SkekEkt that reached out to UrUtt after seeing the impressive stitchwork he could do.
UrUtt and SkekEkt both worked together to help modernize some of the Skeksis and Mystics fashion.
Not all took to the new styles, though some, Such as SkekLi and a few in the Commune, came to love the styles.
Ended up having a good relationship with his Skeksis half.
Was always a bit of a drama queen, but being around SkekEkt made it a lot worse.
Started their own fashion tv show and is one of the judges.
SkekEkt will occasionally join as a guest judge, but he has enough on his plate as is.
Makes outfits for UrSus orphanage in his spare time and donates all of them anonymously.
SkekOk the Scribe:
Lives in Har'ar.
Worked with the All Maudra and greatly expanded the Vapran Library.
Also began the arduous task of actually making sure all Gelfling were literate.
He did not just make a huge library for all those books to go unread!
There is actually a tower attatched to the Library where SkekOk lives.
Aside from SkekSa and SkekGra, he became very close with the Gelfling, especially the family of the All Maudra.
He even started programs for farmers to send their childlings to lessons where they may learn for a couple hours and still be back home soon enough to continue to help with the farm work.
Acts as though his interest in Gelfling is superficial. All the Gelfling closest to him know it is genuine.
He is best friends with the Librarian, whom has become his newest gossip partner.
Still keeps in touch with SkekEkt and SkekLach.
UrAc the Scribe:
Lives in the Commune.
Teaches the childlings how to read and write, as well as the adults who may not know how.
Works with SkekOk and receives books and writing materials for the orphanage in exchange for original stories or first hand copies of UrLiis newest book.
Has his own blog where he talks about things from the latest goings on to the weather.
Usually has a spot dedicated for which celebrity did what recently.
SkekOk is his source of information for that spot.
Close friends with SkekOk.
Works closely with Podlings to translate books into their language as well, so they may have more literature.
SkekLach the Collector:
With UrIms help, they actually got the pustules taken care of!!!
Without the pustules and always being sick, SkekLach became infinitely more pleasant to be around.
They still complained, but not nearly as much as before, and even had something decent to say every now and then.
Still lives in the Castle, keeps in close touch with SkekOk.
Didn't know what to do for the longest time.
Just had their collection.
Seeing SkekOk expand the Vapran Library actually gave SkekLach an idea.
They opened up a museum.
They have such a lovely collection doing nothing and gathering dust.
A museum was the perfect way to have their collection displayed in a way that satisfied SkekLach.
They also quickly discovered that some stuff in their collection was more valuable than they originally thought.
Their museum is actually super popular and Skeklach actually ends up discovering that they like having their museum.
They don't really care about all the nerdy history and everything, but having their collections displayed so lovingly and actually being appreciated?
That makes SkekLachs day.
UrSen the Monk:
Stayed in the Valley.
Helped UrZah out with his religion and is the one who helped build the main church and temple in the Valley.
Ended up starting his own religion on accident, aiding Gelfling who wanted to lead their lives as monks.
The Valley is now filled with monks and those that practice UrZahs religion.
Thankfully, the two groups get along well and there is little to no fighting.
UrSen enjoys his life and has become a great teacher to the Gelfling monks.
SkekNa the Slave Master:
Another Skeksis that didn't take the changes very well.
Joined SkekUngs failed rebellion.
As one of the more violent Skeksis, Aughra kept a close eye on him.
He was put in jail at one point for beating a Podling.
He was put in jail again shortly after being released after he cut the finger off of a Gelfling.
Like SkekMal, he got the talk that Aughra had no issue imprisoning him forever if he couldn't behave.
Unlike SkekMal, he didn't take Aughras advice.
As it stands, he is still imprisoned.
Raunip is working with him to see if perhaps his love for music can be worked into something healthy.
The process is slow going.
UrNol the Herbalist:
Went with UrAmaj to live at the Castle.
Worked with him and SkekAyuk to change the Skeksis dishes to be more palatable for Gelfling.
Created a large garden at the Castle.
Became close with SkekAyuk and showed him plants the Skeksis had never seen before.
He finally got to keep a plant that spits acid and he is very happy about it.
Also works with UrIm, sending plants and herbs used as medicine.
Has started a business of crossbreeding various plants and herbs to create new varieties and flavors.
Enjoying the peaceful life.
SkekShod the Treasurer:
Went back to the Castle for a little bit before leaving again.
He found there was no place for him there.
Ended up in the Commune, shortly before SkekVar showed up.
Quickly realized that the Mystics had absolutely no concept about how money worked on Thra.
Really had no concept on how material possessions in general worked on Thra.
He began to set up a system where the Commune would actually be able to function and survive in the modern world instead of having a bunch of broke Gelfling and Podlings with no idea how the world works.
Set up banking systems for individuals, set up the funds for the Commune as a whole, and even started a class teaching Gelfling, Podlings, and Mystics alike how the monetary system on Thra works.
Also helped set up a safe system so that any valuable possessions would be kept well guarded and away from any thieves.
Realized two things very quickly:
One, that he didn't have to worry about being harshly judged or mocked by those in the Commune.
Two, that the quieter, shy childlings were drawn to him.
And three, that he absolutely adored the quiet childlings and saw a bit of himself in them.
Many of the quieter young ones grew up and ran successful businesses, often given startup donations by an "anonymous backer".
UrYod the Numerologist:
Lived in the Commune.
Became a teacher at the Orphanage, specializing in teaching math.
Despite his stuttering, he was a very popular teacher and excelled in his work.
Was the first Mystic to actually get a grasp on what SkekShod was trying to teach them and, in turn, taught the other Mystics.
Worked closely with SkekShod and developed a good relationship with him.
Was the one to set the various schedules of the Commune, as well as the one to make sure they all ran at the correct time.
Even if they weren't in his class, he worked closely with any childling that was struggling in the orphanage.
Both he and SkekShod ended up becoming visited frequently by the quieter childlings or ones going through issues in life.
When all were asleep, he would meet up with SkekShod and the two would discuss which childling was having which issue and how best to take care of it.
Theres all the Skeksis and Mystics in the Modern AU!!
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Finished s1 ep5 again.
Some random thoughts as the episode progressed:
That’s a lotta walkers... 
Is it weird that my first thought was, “Boy, James could stuff a whole bunch of barns with that many walkers!”
Oh, piss off, Stranger.
Kenny over here tryin’ to make me feel better...
Aaaaaaaaand Lee’s down. Great.
Fuck it. I’m cuttin’ it off. I never cut it off because I know it won’t work and I don’t exactly love seeing Lee get his arm sawed off buuuuuuut... I’ve been making a few different choices this time around so... 
*This is going to hurt
Yeah, no shit game thanks
No no no no nononononnononononoooooaaaaack
yeah, that wasn’t fun.
I don’t know what’s worse: Ben saying he peed himself as we’re climbing the damn ladder or that fact that I no longer have two hands. 
Lee’s already starting to look paler. It’s amazing that I’ve played this game several times, but I still get anxious seeing Lee get paler and weaker. I’ve grown so attached to him throughout all my playthroughs and it actually hurts worse every single time I have to watch him slowly die throughout this episode.
I made a post about this before, but the idea of Ben surviving and being the one to take care of Clementine rather than Christa and Omid is such a fascinating idea given how much of a screw up he’s been. He could’ve seen this as a way to atone for inadvertently getting Duck killed, y’know? 
I know I’ve yelled at him a lot because he does a lot of things that make me mad, but I do feel real sympathy for his character. The poor kid is constantly shit on and he’s just so lanky and sad looking with that teenage mustache... how do you not feel bad?
I really like Omid’s voice acting. Something about his voice is very... soothing.
Kenny is so supportive I’m still dumbfounded at that
The boat is gone and now Kenny and his fisherman shirt are throwing a tantrum.
Ben’s freak out is one of my favorite scenes this episode. It’s very humanizing and it’s nice to see someone, especially someone like Ben, put Kenny in his place. This is also a great place where Ben’s voice acting is really good. His voice cracks and the emotion feels real. 
Oh hai Brie
“You ruined that dude’s face.”
“Shut up, sweetie.”
Christa and Omid are the otp of this season I stg
“You still with us, Ben?”
“Yeah, Lee. I just want to help.”
The fact that Ben doesn’t even realize that he’s been impaled...
Ben’s dead, Kenny’s “dead”, and I’m doing my longest, deepest of sighs.
Seriously, though, I don’t know if it exists, but if someone did an AU of Ben being the one to take care of Clementine and him surviving to the final season I would cry. Imagine him running into Kenny again, and then Lilly in s4. Think of the character growth he could’ve gotten helping take care of Clem, and then AJ. And then him ending up being the oldest person, literally the “adult”, at Ericson? 
Lee is such a badass. The dude has only one arm and he is taking out these walkers left and right and fighting his way through this goddamn herd and this music is so damn epic AH
Another one of my favorite scenes, hands down.
Oh hai Stranger
Yeah yeah, guilt me about what a bad dude I am and how I personally ruined your life blah blah blah
This guy has to be the most boring final antagonist ever. Like, I can’t help but laugh at him, really. His story is sad, yeah, and I feel for him, but it’s still not my favorite. 
I stick by what I said, this would’ve been so epic and very full circle if Jolene had been the one to kidnap Clementine. Hell, you just tone down some of the “crazy” and throw in a few more hints about her and boom!
 But, nah, we got this skinny, dead-looking Mr. Rodgers knock off. 
It’s fine.
“You abandoned a defenseless, grieving woman!”
Oh don’t you even go down that road with me, mister-
“I’m gonna hurt you so bad.”
Oh no. I’m shaking in my boots. My stump is quaking. Please. Don’t do it.
Aaaaaaaand you’re dead. Good job.
Cue the obligatory cover-ourselves-in-walker-guts scene.
Oh, Clem, sweetie, don’t worry. You’ll be doing this plenty of times in the next eight years. 
Oh... this truly is the worst day of Clementine’s life. 
Lee’s too fucking weak to even stand. I could sit here mashing A all day and he just... can’t.
 How does this manage to make me cry every time I play it...?
“Keep that hair short.”
😭😭😭*distressed chihuahua squeaks of sorrow*😭😭😭
“I’ll miss you.”
“Me, too...”
Such a damn good episode. Such a damn good game.
If I had to criticize some things, I’d say that the gun controls are shit, but I believe that they improve over the other games. There's also the good ol’ complaint about choices not really mattering, but that’s just old news at this point.
Seeing Clementine’s beginnings again after knowing how her story ends is really a strange, but good[?] feeling. Can’t wait to make more questionable with her in s2, my favorite season oh boy
Looking at the end cards now, I’m fucking wheezing at my Lilly one. 
You called her a bitch when you first met.
You called her crazy when supplies went missing.
You left her on the side of the road.
I should probably feel bad because you could argue that my harshness sent her down the path to the delta, but... it didn’t. It really didn’t, guys. I could’ve kissed her ass every chance I got. She’ll still be kidnapping kids and murdering my son Mitch later down the road. AND she killed my girlfriend, so... there. 
But Kenny fucking loved me this time around which was... strange, to say the least. Like I’ve said, he always is Mr. Grumpy Pants with me because I tried to save Larry but damn... “Pal,” just wow. 
Playing as Lee again is always a treat. He’s one of my favorite playable protagonists in any game. He’s funny, he’s strong, he loves Clementine to death.
 He didn’t have to take care of her. He could’ve just left her there, or left her with someone else. But, he didn’t.  
And I love him. 
Goodbye, Lee. 
You beautiful man. 
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thealexchen · 5 years
More Pajarita AU Stuff
OMF your response is great! Yeah, the branching of Andy either being in the Haven Point Compound with Daniel vs Andy Alone paths would be very different. Like, they have the potential to be completely different paths entirely. Okay maybe I enjoyed the diverging Telltale Batman S2 final eps a bit much lol.
Andy Alone Options: Either it’s framed as a penultimate tragedy (as it’s ep4) to LiS2, because there’s a possibility of Andy having wandered far off enough that there’s no way for Sean (or even Karen) to track her down, because Crows are pretty nomadic and cults are pretty stationary. It could either be her exiting the story for the season, and framed like the tragedy for Sean & Daniel that it is, also giving the player some tangible consequences (especially if the players have gotten attached to all these characters so far) or her making her way to meet with them separately. And it could affect the fifth episode, with them going off to search for Andy with Karen.
At worst, the pressure from the law enforcement (honestly fuck the law at this point, they suck) that they are forced to flee for Mexico instead, most likely without Andy. And boy would that hurt the feels.
And I’m just imagining a possible DLC ep midquel between whatever passes for S3 and S2 events… Or whatever the epilogue for S2. Where the players get to once again play as a superpowered kid, except much younger this time (Max was 18ish and Andy being like 7-8 or younger). Of story-focused survival and “talking” to the animals, and doing petty crimes to humans (i.e. stealing). Trying to get inside the head of a kid who understands/finds more comfort in the harsh (at least to humans) survival-focused nature of nonhumans animals rather than her own species while in a lonely survival setting (blend of both urban & wilderness) would be interesting.
How successful Andy herself is in these survival ventures, both in taking care of herself as well as her survival arrangement with the crows is up to the players. Andy is prompted by events to move with the crows again because there are park rangers who have been sniffing around due to reports of a “lost child” near the woods.
It could end one of 4 ways:
1:  Land of Wolves Requires Players paid practically zero attention & engagement to Andy, players need to fail at least half  or more of the Survival Crimes Andy engages in. - Players find Extremely difficult to locate Rumination spots that will let Andy think/remind herself enough about how she misses her Dad, Sean and Daniel and Lyla, and their lives Before. Regardless though, Andy has grown extremely independent, decides to make her way to Puerto Lobos by herself. 
2: Left Behind  Requires Players paid practically zero attention & engagement to Andy, also to succeed in almost all the Survival Crimes & Actions Andy engages in. Players mess up the Ruminations or don’t find them at all. - Andy has a small play section of packing up her stuff, and then goes it alone, walks off into her own new story when the Murder of Crows moves again, up to players if she changes her mind or not later, the vaguest ending. 
3: Meeting (You) Halfway Requires Players to have paid a lot of attention to and engaged with Andy a lot, take most of the Ruminations; the success rate of Andy’s survival crimes/actions don’t matter. - Let Andy ruminate on what she misses about Sean, Daniel and their Dad, and all the times Sean and Daniel have been there for her. In the end, Andy decides to make her way to Haven Point.
4: Law of the Jungle (AKA: the Worst Secret Ending) Requires Players to have Ignored Andy most of the time, fail all Andy’s Survival Crimes and actions, missed all the Ruminations spots, and it will activate a nonspecified timeskip where not even the crows will be with her anymore (it’s not explained). Andy is done with humans though, and refuses to head toward civilization, and moves further into the woods.
Andy at the Cult Options: Andy would find Haven Point stifling, and the abstract nature of the religious teachings to be a bit too weird for her liking (she likens God to that kid who likes burning ants with a magnifying glass or shaking the ant farm for the lulz, or like someone who promises food even when no food is there). So she’s just… Quiet, extremely quiet. Stays outside whenever she’s able, quietly listens to the wildlife, and feeds them when she can. Most of the adults find her creepy (typical of the religious neurotypical) because of things like her staring quietly & directly from a distance a lot, the “strange” body language, and not speaking much or acting very cute. The few times Andy speaks, she asks uncomfortable questions and voices uncomfortable (for everyone else) observations.
They tolerate her because of Lisbeth & Daniel, mostly. Not that Andy doesn’t literally go out of her own way to avoid people. Unsure if there’d be any sustained attempt by an adult to interact with her or not.
Andy talks to Sarah Lee a bit though, she knows Daniel thinks she’s cool.
Daniel is being further isolated by Lisbeth though, I’m unsure how Lisbeth acts around Andy tbh. Like, Andy doesn’t have guilt that Lisbeth can exploit, really the only thing keeping Andy here is Daniel. So Lisbeth could double down on Daniel while using them both to leverage each other, indirectly. I don’t think Lisbeth could overtly act against Andy with Daniel around though.
Unsure about how this would affect Daniel’s view of things, like, him trying to struggle with being the Only Big Brother to Andy now, plus his guilt feels, and the whole drinking the koolaid with Lisbeth thing.
Also yes, Andy would be convinced by Karen in the confrontation scene; weirdly enough, with Andy’s animal/nonhuman communication powers, they make her with a tendency to be like, a more outwardly weirder version of Karen in a way, interesting similarities, thoughts? 
And I just remembered that Sean has powers in this AU too, I have no real idea how to incorporate his future art vision into the story AU, I feel like it’d be pretty uncontrolled and changing a lot, sometimes even completely unrelated to him even.
Wow this got long, lol.
Don’t worry, I read it all, and WOW you have clearly put a lot of effort into this AU. I’ve loved seeing it evolve over the months and giving it a home right here on this little blog! Can you refresh me on what Rumination spots are though?
Also, is Lyla with them in this AU? I started plotting a “Lyla is with the brothers” AU in my head on the nights I couldn’t sleep about two weeks ago, and uh... let’s just say it got way more detailed than I anticipated.
Thank you again for your submission!
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jazy3 · 6 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy Premiere: 15X1 & 15X2
Okay here we go! I really loved the two part Premiere of Grey’s Anatomy’s 15th Season! It was really funny and heartwarming and gut wrenching and good. It reminded me of Season 1 and why I fell in love with Grey’s in the first place! Some really excellent writing here and the actors did an amazing job!
I was really worried about the whole Meredith and DeLuca pairing. When the episode started and Meredith woke up and it was all just a dream I was so so thankful. First I was confused then I was relieved. I thought it was interesting that it was from Mer’s perspective and that it was a crazy sex dream with more than one person in it. I didn’t see that coming. I was thinking it was going to be a dream or fantasy from DeLuca’s point of view. Mer seemed surprised and startled too which I think emulated how the audience and the fans were feeling. When Zola barged in I almost had a heart attack along with Meredith! Thank god! Oof! When the second episode started I was so confused! Grey’s really got me good there! I was freaking out!
Alex and Jo on their honeymoon was too cute! I’m glad they are finally so happy and get to be together freely. They so deserve it. I love that Jo got the vacation she never had as a kid and Alex got to relax a little bit. When Bailey made Alex Interim Chief I was surprised and really excited! He so deserves it and I think he’s going to be great at it. He hasn’t had a good career storyline in a long time so I’m excited for this. The scene at the end with him and Mer was one of my favourites. It was so classic Grey’s. I love their relationship. And Jo finally gets to be a Fellow and wear dark blue scrubs! You go girl!
I didn’t get Teddy at all this episode. Why would she fly across the Atlantic and show up at Owen’s house on a work day without calling ahead first? And why hasn't she talked to Megan at all during this time? I was rooting for her and Owen before this, but now she’s being so irrational and ridiculous I just can’t buy into it. I never thought I’d root or care for Amelia and Owen, and I’m still not a fan I think they are better off as friends, but compared to that hot mess I’d take them any day.
I liked that Owen and Amelia showed real maturity in this episode. I think the conversations her and Owen have this episode are the most real and honest conversations Amelia and Owen have ever had. I’m glad to finally see them acting like adults! Amelia will always be recovering and that’s important for her to admit. I love how meta Amelia was in her speech to Bailey. Post-tumour Amelia is actually an interesting character that I don’t totally hate. I’m even starting to like her a little bit which is no small feat considering how badly she was written for so damn long. Which is a real shame because the actress who plays her does such a fantastic job and does comedy really well.
I liked the interactions between Parker and Teddy. I didn’t like the interactions between Teddy and Maggie. I’m not a Maggie fan, but Teddy was complete jerk. Although the patient in the bed next to her was hilarious! She needs her own Vegas show! It was really unfair of Teddy to just randomly show up, divulged personal information Maggie didn’t need to know, and then ask her to lie and omit the truth to everyone she lives and works with and is close to, and then disappear. I liked her character when she was on the show previously, but in the premiere there was literally nothing likable about her. I also didn’t like Teddy saying that Meredith, Maggie, and Amelia aren’t sisters. That’s just mean. Especially considering that Maggie, Zola, Farouk, Leo, and Betty are all adopted. You don’t have to share blood to be family, but Teddy is saying you do and that’s just stupid!
I loved the African art at Jackson’s place. I like that they are doing more with the décor lately. It really rewards you for paying attention. When Maggie and Jackson almost got hit by a car I thought thank goodness DeLuca was there to save them! I never thought I’d say that! I really disliked DeLuca’s character the last few seasons as he went from interesting to being really whiny and stupid. But in the premiere, he really redeemed himself. He was on a roll this episode!
Bailey seemed to really be enjoying herself at the beginning of the episode and I felt bad for her when Teddy bailed. Bailey had some great one liners this episode! Her and Link were hilarious together. The Moon Spa line cracked me up! I loved Catherine’s dress! She always has such great fashion sense and such beautiful clothes! I want to raid her closet! Anyone else? Carina was great in this episode. Telling it like it is! Too funny. If they keep her around for comic relief I could get into that. I loved her whole ‘don't blame the gays’ speech! Sing it sister! Sing it!
I also felt really bad for Jackson this episode. He worked so hard to no avail. I’m glad we are seeing some character growth and personal discovery for him. I realized after watching the episode that we haven’t really seen a lot of growth with Jackson, in comparison to the other characters. When you compare them to where they started when they were first introduced most of them have grown and changed a lot. But Jackson really hasn’t for the most part. It would be nice for instance to see him let go of his big picture not caring about the little people or actual humans and focusing solely on the bigger organization outlook on life. It gets him in trouble every single time yet he keeps adhering to it.
I actually liked the new Ortho surgeon Link. He was funny and charming and reminded me of Mark Sloan. Plus his interactions with Meredith were hilarious! He’s worth keeping around just for that. Nico the hot doc eyeing glasses was funny! I’ll be interested to see where that goes. Vik Roy is good for literally nothing it seems. Sigh. I mean how stupid can you be? When he says back away BACK AWAY!!!! Webber is not dealing with losing his sponsor well and I can see how they are setting this up to be a big arc for the rest of the season which I didn’t foresee coming.
I actually liked Maggie and Jackson this episode. I disliked them in the past but this episode made me like them. They seemed sweet together and their relationship seems stable and healthy and mutually supportive which neither has really ever had in the past. Hopefully Maggie can be there for Jackson as he struggles through his issues this season.
The patients were really well played and written this episode. They had depth and character and I was really rooting for them. The relationship between CeeCee and Neesha was so sweet and touching. I really wanted both of them to make it and was so sad when Neesha didn’t. My heart broke for CeeCee. It wasn’t her fault, but what a terrible thing to live with. When she started gasping and dry crying saying she didn’t want the heart she came right through the screen. I connected with her so much! A+ acting! CeeCee was also really funny and warm and she totally knows what’s up with Meredith!
Meredith is back to using her old purple scrub cap!!! Be still my beating heart! Meredith taking her dream out on everybody was funny. I really loved the interactions between CeeCee and Meredith. I like the idea of her being set up by a matchmaker. It feels right for her and is a good way to broach the subject and for her to wade out into the dating pool again. I’m excited to see where this journey takes her.
Looking forward to hearing everyone else’s thoughts! The promo for next week looks good. Looks like a funny episode overall.
And that’s all folks! Till next week … Au revoir!
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