#especially because that’s literally how i act when i’m high so i’m like hell yeah brother let’s get paranoid 🤝
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phlondsbian · 6 months ago
i believe them when they say they weren’t high during the final google feud but i also choose to ignore it just because the idea that they were fucked up makes the video even funnier
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pearblossommina · 2 years ago
ToG Read-a-Long, Queen of Shadows, day 9
I’m so normal about this chapter set you guys
Ch 52
"Not yet," he said roughly, his own breathing uneven. "Not now.”
Rowan you TEASE. How dare you.
Please, my crops, they’re so dry. Please. Chomp down on her neck. Mark her up, be a beast, I know you want to do it, SO DO IT! You think Aedion has never heard the sound of people having sex in the next room?!? It’s fine! He’s a big boy, he’ll get over it!
You can be as loud as the hell you want when you’re making love, don’t let the neighbors stop you from having fun; they’ll have peace and quiet when you’re good and done.
Ch 53
(SJM: hey are you turned on? Excited to read a chapter about Rowan and Aelin dancing around the idea of maybe potentially consummating?)
(Me: yeah yeah gimme gimme!)
(SJM: *writes about Dorian filled with doom and gloom and sorrow instead*)
(Me: *sigh*)
Who edited this. Who let her get away with this. I need to know where to send the bill for my whiplash.
Ch 54
Heyyyy well this is a surprise
Kaltain beat back the demon
(With fire) (mmmm)(sounds good I’m pretty sure we can muster some fire)
Good job Kaltain, can you tell our baby boy Dorian!
Ch 55
Lysandra god damn it
How dare you get kidnapped, my crops are turning to dust in the field and I’m so thirsty, I can’t be concerned for you right now
You better not be about to be killed violently like Nehemia
(I can’t keep going through all this intensity) (I CAN’T)(my feelings are all over the place)(what is even going ON)
Ch 56
I feel like I am actually being pranked right now
There is no way
There is no way she can keep getting away with this
Is the next chapter going to be another sad Dorian chapter, SMH
how much longer can these two possibly hold out! Another temptation and another postponement… yeesh
Ch 57
I’m getting so sick of all the war and high stakes stuff happening in this book
Like genuinely I can tell this is important and I should care about what’s going on right now and yet, HEAD EMPTY, DON’T CARE
Ch 58
I care a little bit
It made me kinda excited when Dorian managed to talk in his own voice, Dorian, what the hell have you been waiting for? The right moment when Aelin happened to be watching?
Is grandmother Matron fucking the king?
Probably not, since he has a wife
I just want to see Manon eat everybody, actually
Ch 59
My how the turn tables, CHAOL WANTS TO KILL DORIAN NOW
Chaol, are you fucking kidding me? This whole time you have been the only one holding onto hope
How could you let your hopes die now? Don’t you believe in good triumphing over evil? Weren’t you fighting for a better world, for humanity or whatever? What happened, Chaol? I thought you were on my side.
I thought we were doofuses together
Don’t leave me here to be a doofus by myself
I find Manon so sexy especially how she just effortlessly holds Chaol captive. I still think Baba Yellowlegs is the silliest name for any villain, it just rolls off the tongue in such a funny way. Shouldn’t Manon be glad that Baba Yellowlegs died, though? I mean maybe it’s bad when a witch dies because they’re so strong, but the fact that she died is what caused her and the other clans to join together and rival for a new Wing Leader, sooooo actually, Aelin did you a service, baby. If you look at the bright side. If you are capable of looking at the bright side.
Yeah! fight each other
Ch 60
“If he had been one inch farther behind, it would have hit his heart.”
Aw shit be careful Rowan! You can’t be out here getting mortally wounded! I am so sick of it! Get your act together, what do you think this is, an action novel? NO, dummy, it’s a steamy romance, I don’t have time for your bleeding heart heroics! Literally!
The Manon x Aelin fight is pretty hot actually
I am here for it
Guys this chapter set gave me hell
It wasn’t a very LONG set but boy was it hard for me to pay attention lmao, and I KNEW, I KNEW the stuff happening after the Rowaelin tease was important but I was like what the actual fuck is this! Get back in bed! No! I hate myself - I hate everything!
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 1 year ago
Omg I’m so happy I’m not the only one who feels like this about Mihawk! I even cosplayed him, because I think he is so cool, but if I actually had to choose between any of those characters I don’t think Mihawk would be that high up there? Maybe it’s because I felt let down, since a lot of fans talked about him and I finally read one piece and there’s just so many more fascinating characters, with much deeper relationships between them in one piece world? But I like cross guild, do you think we will finally get some content? Maybe we get to see his duels with shanks? You think it will be meaningful enough?
(re: this post)
yeah, mihawk has incredible vibes but… not much in the way of concrete lore available, lol.
and you know, i understand why those fans talked him up to you! he’s the first shichibukai we’re ever introduced to, he makes one hell of an impact! his mere existence acts as a warning to the characters we already know and love about what it means to be on the grand line, and what it will take to survive there. he’s very cool, very powerful, very honorable (thankfully for zoro), and shrouded in mystery. he’s meant to intimidate and entice. and it works, he definitely does that!
but we’ve been on the grand line since chapter 101, almost literally a thousand chapters ago. we’ve met tons of powerful characters since then—many of the strawhats have become powerful on that absurd, grand line level—and plenty of those characters have bonded with our heroes, told their stories, explained their motivations, been given depth. not mihawk.
a few thoughts on this:
these days, mihawk occupies a similar role re: zoro as shanks does re: luffy, and all we’ve learned of shanks’ motivations has been from other characters’ POVs. maybe this is just how oda operates when it comes to mentors? obscure motives for all??
we only know as much as we do about zoro’s motivations because the audience was shown a flashback; to the best of my knowledge, zoro has never told anyone about kuina (except tashigi, and he kinda botched that explanation). if we only knew what zoro wanted us to know about his motivations, i think we’d know about as much about zoro as we do mihawk. so maybe this is just a swordman stoicism thing.
or maybe oda just… can’t be bothered to provide backstory for characters who aren’t in the main cast or act as major arc villains. he’s got so many characters at this point i can’t really blame him, lmao.
but maybe cross guild will give us an opportunity!
i can’t imagine it happening any time soon—i’m not super up to date, i prefer to binge read arcs after they’re complete, but the current arc seems unrelated to the laugh tale/one piece hunt—but as i’ve discussed before, shanks and buggy both going after the one piece makes me confident they’re going to run into each other at some point. for peak drama, it would only happen at the very end of the hunt, but oda likes to undercut drama sometimes (especially where buggy is concerned), so who knows.
whenever it happens, mihawk’s consistent refusal to engage with shanks, to the extent that he once left a battlefield specifically to avoid him, should be a conflict within cross guild. and a flashback to at least one of their fights—maybe their last one? or maybe to the first time they met after shanks lost the arm?—would make a lot of sense in that moment.
now, would the contents of that flashback be meaningful? i hope so. i haven’t put a lot of thought into the potential whats and whys of mihawk, or his relationship with shanks—but i want him to be more complex than he sometimes appears. like, for example: i don’t want to think mihawk refuses to fight shanks just because he’s down an arm. i want the reason to be more interesting than that.
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badbitch-bookclub · 2 years ago
Week 2 Thoughts on Lost Gods by Gerald Brom
Chapters 26-50
Thot Pocket: Bomb, I think I am having a different vibe than you over Chet and I am so curious why we have different feelings about him.
Britney Smears: He’s become more interesting over time for sure.
Bomb Weasley: I feel like this story is set up to be a really high stakes mission and super important on all levels. And Chet is just some random dude who is like fumbling his way through. I think all the other characters are much better.
Hell No Kitty: What is your overall feeling about him Thot?
Thot Pocket: Personally I think the book sets up that Chet is kind of a bumbling fool because he can’t even stop being a drug dealer til Trish is pregnant. I think Senoy establishes that this is it for them and it is such a slim chance but it’s the only chance. He’s fumbling but surviving. I can’t imagine any human on that average level could handle that but because of his grandmother he is forced into it. I think him being so bad at it and still surviving is great because it’s like reading old Batman comics. Yes he will survive because he is expected to, but HOW will he. Also I think you’re right that all the other characters are interesting and I think that’s good! I think it makes us care about them the way Chet does.
Bomb Weasley: I’m not sure why but I just like super hate Chet lol.
Thot Pocket: I’ve noticed, because while I don’t love him, you seem like “booo you suck” lmfao
Bomb Weasley:
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Britney Smears: I was def shocked when Ado and Coach got killed so quick. I liked them.
Thot Pocket: I think it’s supposed to make us see the reality of how unforgiving it is. Both of them have goals we want to see fulfilled and in the end it doesn’t matter. I’m just glad Ana didn’t die.
Bomb Weasley: I feel like they died way too quickly.
Britney Smears: Very much so, literally one after another and I was like are you kidding me.
Hell No Kitty: This was so shocking!
Bomb Weasley: I wish Coach got to beat up Chet a bit more just for the drama.
Hell No Kitty: Was fully expecting Coach to have more conflict w/ Chet.
Britney Smears: Same, they buddied up quick.
Thot Pocket: Yeah that was underwhelming with how fast Coach just gave up. I’m wondering if we’re going to see what happens to the souls that float into the air or if they’ll just stay stuck in the winds.
Britney Smears: I hope so.
Thot Pocket: What did you think of the champion games? I think Chet tossing the rings in an act of defiance is great.
Hell No Kitty: This made me like him more, especially because I found him so boring initially.
Bomb Weasley: I agree on the ring toss, but didn’t like the games in general. I wish they were either the main plot of the story or omitted all together. I wish the editors told the author “less is more.”
Thot Pocket: Really? I liked it because it was a gathering of gods and was in line with historical events of how emperors liked entertainment. I feel like it showed their age.
Bomb Weasley: Like I would have preferred it to be the main plot of story, like if he won he got the key back.
Britney Smears: I like the idea of Chet getting the key back after winning the games.
Hell No Kitty: I actually agree! I like it in theory for the reasons you say Thot, but it felt meh in execution. Almost somewhat unnecessary unless they bring it back throughout the story.
Thot Pocket: Like let’s get all these “tropes of hell” out the way?
Hell No Kitty: That’s exactly what it feels like.
Bomb Weasley: Like if it was the whole plot we could have had more world building and understanding of the rules and a more sympathetic villain.
Thot Pocket: See I thought of the champions as world building because they do it every year and more and more is dwindling. So without us having the full history we know that even their godly celebrations suffer because of Green coat work and fewer gods. I keep thinking a lot of Dante’s Inferno compared to this and I like how it just gives you the breaths of the other lives and worlds because they aren’t for long anyways with revolution around the corner.
Bomb Weasley: I just prefer Tolkien type books where the author describes everything in super detail. I’m also just mean to books.
Britney Smears: A quote from actual librarian haha. I like hearing diff opinions. Like I didn’t realize it till I read y’all’s messages and I’m like yea, the pacing is fast! The god blood being in the shape of a star was also cool.
Thot Pocket: We also still have to experience hell. There’s no way he doesn’t go there at least once before the end right?
Britney Smears: He must go to hell eventually.
Bomb Weasley: On a positive note, I did like the “mean while at the ranch” chapters with the crazy grandma. I wish we got a little more of that, but I get that that’s not really the journey.
Thot Pocket: Agreed! I feel like we’re only getting “Trish is sleeping and Trish is not sleeping” but it’s still interesting enough that I’m like “MORE”
Bomb Weasley: Maybe she’ll put up more of a fight in later chapters.
Britney Smears: I’m ready to have Gavin and Lamia explained more.
Bomb Weasley: Me, too.
Hell No Kitty: I really need it explained more haha.
Thot Pocket: I want them on Maury.
Bomb Weasley: Can you hit a ghost with a chair?
Thot Pocket: “The DNA test determined… that was a lie. You are in fact a Lilith” queue Lamia running back stage with a camera following her.
Britney Smears: Someone HAS to run backstage lmao. Like why are these bitches so messed up?
Bomb Weasley: I have a feeling it’s gonna be a little misogynistic.
Thot Pocket: Same. Women are evil etc etc. like the more it goes on the more I feel like we’re going to get justifications for Gavin and 0 for Lamia.
Bomb Weasley: I’m willing to hear her out lol.
Thot Pocket: Same. She could be like “he didn’t compliment my new hair cut” you know what, you go girl. I stan a queen.
Bomb Weasley: I bet Gavin kinda deserved it.
Thot Pocket: Oh yeah. Especially since he “saved her.” It automatically makes her indentured to him.
Bomb Weasley: Exactly. Maybe there will be a plot twist and there’s some Adam and Eve thing going on idk.
Thot Pocket: Maybe they’ll both suck balls and we just root for murder/suicide.
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girlacticrailroad · 18 days ago
us, episode 8
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Not even Mim acting her ass off can save this one I’m afraid ;_;
Welp. Honeymoon’s over folks. After an encouraging step in the right direction last week, this week’s episode of Us trips over its own shoelaces and steps on a fucking rake. It’s shocking that something so clumsy was made by the creators of 23.5. Maybe high school comedy was just more in their wheelhouse, or maybe the editor called in sick and the sound mixer was hungover. At any rate, this episode is so messy it makes Pluto feel like an Oscar Wilde play.
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Okay to be fair this scene was cute as hell though.
It’s not all bad! It’s just that the good stuff feels utterly disconnected from whatever the plot is supposed to be. The scenes of Bua, Titang, Rak, and Pam being an adorable little found family? Hell yeah! And I appreciate the message that family is more than blood...and blood maybe isn’t always family...? Well, we’re still getting some mixed messages on that last point, but regardless, it’s very sweet to see these four women finding love and acceptance in each other, and Grandma Bua is such a gem, I would die for her. We’ve come a long way from Gap in our Thai GL grandmother representation.
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If any harm comes to this woman I will boycott GMMTV.
The scene in which Kawi’s Mom (who does have a name, I really ought to know it by now) apologizes to him for failing to save their family also works. It’s tragic when that brief moment of connection is destroyed as soon as Khem enters the room. And I did enjoy some of the PamRak fluff, especially the toenail painting. Okay I admit that this is the same kind of fluff-for-fluff’s-sake marshmallow sweetness that sickened me in The Loyal Pin—so maybe I am a hypocrite. To be clear, I am nearing my limit. How many morning snuggle scenes do we really need? But if there’s one key ingredient helping all the sugar go down, it’s how grounded and everyday these scenes are. No fancy dinners or candlelit beaches for these broke bitches. FOR THE MOST PART, no conspicuous consumption. I appreciate not feeling like the fluff is just there to sell me something.
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I say “for the most part” because of course there is one scene where the fluff is obviously just there to sell you something and it is fucking bananas. I’m already not a big fan of how jealousy is romanticized in GLs, but it’s even worse when it serves no character or narrative purpose. Pam is jealous for literally no reason except someone thought it was a cute way to market a yogurt drink. And I know they need to fund these shows somehow, but there had to be a better way to shoehorn this into the script—maybe one that didn’t make Pam seem as controlling as Dokrak’s dad, perhaps? It’s probably not a great sign for your script either if the only real conflict between the leads in the past five episodes is a silly fight written in to justify product placement.
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And the first prize in Seductive Bar Leaning goes to...
Oh right. I was trying to mention things I liked about this episode. Well, Mim does have more opportunity to shine as Nene. Oat and Nene remain the most interesting characters in Us because they both want something and are willing to do something about it. Oat wants Nene to open up and be vulnerable, Nene wants to feel powerful and in control, and these desires put them at odds with each other. It’s Screenwriting 101 but it works.
And that’s about it for stuff that works. The rest of Episode 8 is one bewildering choice after another. It starts from the very first scene in which Kawi confronts his ex and his sister about all the boinking they’ve been up to behind his back. Aaand all that tension built up in the last episode goes poof when it turns out he’s just a very nice guy who doesn’t resent them at all. Why is he so chill all of a sudden? I wish I knew, since Nene was pushing him in the opposite direction, and he seems on the verge of a psychotic break most of the time. Anyway, this tension-free encounter between Pam, Rak, and Kawi somehow continues for almost ten minutes. Yes, a fifth of this episode is a nice little chat in a park about how Kawi thinks Pam is really neat.
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When the resolution to your conflict for the past seven episodes is “actually this character doesn’t care about the conflict.”
The writers must have sensed that this scene wasn’t pulling much weight because they follow it up with another scene between Pam and Kawi to remind you that they are both still keeping secrets. No one would blame you for forgetting, since their secrets never matter. Pam is never put in a position where she has to keep any information from Dokrak, or use Dokrak to gain information, or anything like that, and Kawi’s secret is still just a vague question mark that makes him sad and sweaty sometimes. But like, come on—he definitely killed Pam’s parents, right? Or thinks he’s responsible? I can’t imagine any other dark secret he could possibly have that would matter in this story and not be pulled completely out of thin air.
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Yet another fascinating clue bringing us thiiiisss close to solving the Kawi puzzle-box.
Then there is the hospital clusterfuck scene, where half the cast bumps into each other at the hospital. Despite the potential for drama here, nothing really happens. Nene is sinister, Dad is mad, Rak is defiant, Kawi is nervous. Haven’t we seen all this before? The only escalation is that Dad gets into hot water with Mom when he has Nene removed from her patient list. There’s a lot of weird editing in this episode, but this sequence is especially jarring: It seems like Dad argues with Nene, assigns her to a different psychiatrist, and argues with Mom about the reassignment all in the space of about five minutes.
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“Code red—implementing Phase 3 of Operation Slay. Oh sorry I just said that because it sounded hot. What was the plan again?”
In the whole episode, the one really significant development is when Pam finally backs out of Nene’s scheme (whatever it is) in the final scene. Which was bound to happen eventually, but I have no idea why it’s happening now. What pushes Pam to finally draw the line here? Again I have no clue what’s going on in her head because the script forgot to develop her character for the past seven episodes. But at least it’s a direction that makes sense for her. Nene, on the other hand, makes no sense in this scene. Clearly she knows her justification for targeting Rak and Kawi is flimsy, which is why she hasn’t told Pam the truth—she knows she only wants to see them suffer because Khem was a part of their lives and refused to be part of hers. Why would she ever think Pam would be more inclined to help her ruin the lives of these poor abused kids after hearing her tragic backstory? It’s the stupidest move a master manipulator bent on revenge could ever make, and it’s absurd that someone who’s been so emotionally guarded would open up suddenly now. It’s not even clear why she needs Pam for her plot!
Here’s an idea: Just make this the Nene episode. Show us her tragic backstory right away. It doesn’t need to be a story she’s telling Pam. Put us in her POV and show us a flashback. These are the memories of her mother she’s forced to relive every day. Let us spend some time with her in her daily life so we see how empty it is, and how badly she needs this grand revenge scheme to give her a sense of purpose. Show us the insecurity that makes her so secretive—why she can’t possibly let anyone know why she hates the Chitarak family so much, because she’s terrified of being as delusional and pathetic as her mother was. Then, when Oat repairs the shoes, we know why it’s the wrong move. And, when Pam threatens to pull away, have Nene fucking lie! She can make up a story to justify why the whole family deserves punishment. Let her craft a story about how Kawi and Dokrak were cruel to her, like a clever manipulator would.
Pam’s decision to split with Nene would be so much more powerful that way. Because she knows Dokrak—and she believes in the Rak she knows and loves more than she believes Nene’s lies. It would be a more powerful moment for Nene, too, forcing her to come to terms with the fact that, even when she has total control over the narrative, she can’t control Pam.
Sadly that is not the episode we got this week, and my confidence in Us is at an all-time low. My only hope now is that Oat and Nene will somehow emerge from the wreckage unscathed.
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colemonroe · 1 year ago
“Oh yeah, ya caught me there,” Cole droned, brows giving a playful lift at the mere idea of him being teacher’s pet. He’d have actually had to attend class for that miracle to happen. Perhaps the real miracle was that he’d even finished high school at all. He’d always been somewhat of a loner, marching to the beat of his own drum. Thankfully, the Sons of Silence had given him the sort of foundation that his life had always lacked, but even now, he was still a rebel. In a lot of ways, he might as well have been the poster child of rebellion, something he figured Nellie could sense just in this brief interaction. Maybe that was why this little visit was already going so smoothly– aside from the fact that she’d brought him queso and beer.
Snorting, he shrugged a shoulder, “To each their own, I reckon.” It should have been odd– probably– sneaking any foreplay reference into a chat between a nephew and an aunt (especially considering it was their first conversation), but Cole appreciated how blunt she was– it made his shoulders relax a bit more and allowed him to settle a little deeper into…whatever this introduction was. He couldn’t deny that a part of him was a bit nervous, though– this was all so new to him. Apart from Michael, Laura, and the club, family was new to him, and he’d had quite the fucking dose of it ever since he’d learned the truth about who his father was. 
“Makes me wonder just how long I’ve got,” he quipped back with a chuckle, thinking that if bastards lasted a long time, the going rate for monsters had to be rather impressive, despite the target on his back the size of a reaper. It was a morbid thought, but Cole had never regarded himself all that highly– so naturally, he wondered where he stacked up against the Jeffrey Deckers of the world, especially in terms of longevity. 
“Won’t argue with ya on that,” Jeffrey being a shitty guy, that was. In just his brief encounter, Cole had gathered that much, and yet, he’d seen so much of himself in him at the same time. They wore the same shade of rage– white hot and unyielding. So if he thought Jeff was a piece of shit, where did that leave Cole? Did he even want to know? Fixing his attention back on Nellie, he nodded just to show her that he was listening and trying to put himself in her shoes just to try and understand where she was coming from. “Guess that’s better than feelin’ a whole hell of a lot,” he supplied, shoulders shrugging simply. Not feeling much of anything was more of a blessing than a curse, from what he’d been told, but the problem with Cole was that he felt everything a tad too much more often than not.
Swallowing hard at her question, Cole shifted a bit, wondering where the fuck to even begin in a story he still really didn’t understand all that much. “Well, it’s all new to me too, so I’m prob’ly not the best historian, but–” he paused long enough to sip at his beer and buy a moment of time. “My mother performed at the old gentleman’s club ‘round here back in the day– had this Marilyn Monroe act,” he explained, lips twitching like they were trying to decide between a smile and a frown, “Guess Jeff liked what he saw.” And if he’d learned one thing about his father, it was that Jeffrey Decker tended to always get whatever he wanted. “From what I gathered, he started seein’ her soon after– one thing led to another, ya can figure out what happened next.”  That part wasn’t so difficult for Cole to spell out. Where he struggled was trying to piece together everything that happened after– not because he didn’t know the truth, but because the way his mother’s letters had painted it was rather painful for him to try and settle with. “Wasn’t too thrilled when he found out he’d knocked her up, though– hence why I sound like a fuckin’ banjo compared to everyone else ‘round here. It’s a Tennessee drawl, if ya were wonderin’,” Cole explained, hoping it was enough to drive home the point that Jeff had quite literally forced Diana to abandon her roots in Tonopah and start over somewhere else if she planned on seeing her pregnancy through. “‘m lucky to even have that, I guess– all things considered.” Jeff had wanted Diana to abort the pregnancy, to snuff his life out before it even had a chance to take flight. But what he’d wanted hadn’t meant shit to Diana, thankfully– she’d done what she wanted, and Cole was what was left over. “Sorry– that answer might be a bit more than ya bargained for, but…we’re family, no point in sugarcoatin’ shit.”
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He was quiet. She didn't quite know what to do with that. Or perhaps he was just being quiet around her. She really didn't know what to do with that. She was loud and obnoxious, and found it an easy way to make her way through most conversations. But this was not one that her battle axe of a personality could batter through, she had to tread lightly, it seemed, as wrong and foreign as that felt. "Oh yeah, I'm surer you're the picture of a teacher's pet," she snorted in response. She didn't know him from shit, but she knew that was a fuckin' lie.
"What can I say, I'm not a foreplay kinda gal." she said with a shrug, as if saying something like that was perfectly normal to say to a relative. For her, it was. But in normal society, not so much. She watched him as he answered, acting as if she was some sort of body language expert like the ones she had seen in shows. But all she could note was the constant motion of his hands. Beer bottle, chips. Of course, he could just be eating the food she brought him. But she also wondered if he was nervous. If he was, she'd understand. They had never met, they were dealing with one hell of a loaded topic, and practically playing Russian Roullete with it.
"Ain't that the goddamn truth," she took a large swig of her own beer at that sentiment, brows furrowed. "Somehow bastards end up lasting longer though, just to spite us." It still amazed her how somehow her Taylor only got some 40 odd years, while her bitch of a brother somehow made it over the 60 year hill. It didn't make any goddamn sense.
She hummed at his returned question, although she noticed he didn't really answer himself. "Fucking weird, I'm not going to lie. He was a shitty guy who took after our shitty father, in every way that counted, if you know what I'm sayin'," she paused, trying to sum up the confusing emotions she was feeling. "I'm not saying I wanted him dead, but I'm also not saying I miss him. It's just...He's gone. And I guess it feels strange that I don't feel much of anything."
"So, your mom and Jeffrey...How did that fucking happen?" Sawyer had given her a brief rundown, but she wanted to get to know Cole from Cole.
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kithtaehyung · 3 years ago
sundress season (3tan) | myg
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drabble: sundress season | chapter: post-anytime pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f) series: masterlist | three tangerines | fireworks | house party | basketball | stay | sidewalk talk | friends | dalo | like that | anytime  rating/genre: m (18+) ; fluff , smut ; brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au summary: you’re wearing a what.   warnings: language, his texts might need their own warning, yoongi on the phone, mentions of sexual acts, this gd outfit note: this takes place between 3tan8 and the upcoming 3tan9. if you haven’t read anytime or any of the three tangerines series yet, i highly recommend reading those first! it will make so much more sense lol note 2: again..... this literally happened bc of this post so it’s everyone’s fault lmaooo.. but since the goal was p big, i didn’t wanna slack on this one, so that’s why it took a bit longer to finish. i hope y’all know how much ily ! starting off the bday month with a bang. mood: wet dreamz - j. cole (sry lol i had to)  word count: 4.8k  release date: august 13th, 2022, 2:47pm est
“No, dude. Outta your league.”
“Fuck you, Chim.”
“I’m just saying.”
“What do you even mean? Hey, Yoong, look at this.”
Barely having paid attention, Yoongi only gets a bright screen shoved into his face before he retreats with a squint. “The fuck? What.”
“Shit, sorry.” His friend lowers the light before showing at a more acceptable distance, the only thing visible a photo of someone with her friends. “The one in the middle. I got a chance, right?” 
It only takes one good look to see that he probably doesn’t. “No.”
“Wow. Both of y’all can fuck off.”
“You asked,” Yoongi points out before taking a sip from his glass, the sounds of multiple conversations bustling around their table. 
It’s surprisingly busy for a Monday night, especially on this side of town. But who knows. Maybe this is their normal; he doesn’t come around here often. 
Besides, he’s only doing what he was told. Upscale hasn’t really been Yoongi’s thing, but Jimin’s newest way of cheering people up is to drag them to high-end, expensive as fuck restaurants. A bit different from inviting them over for drinks and a smoke. 
Tae probably has something to do with this.
Whatever. He’ll deal. Not like he has to eat anything. Frankly, he’ll shock himself if he ends up getting anything other than an overpriced cocktail. “If you really wanna know, just find out on your own.”
“Easy for you to say.”
Beside him, Jimin shrugs. “He’s right, Shiv.” 
“That’s because you both—People just—Look. This shit isn’t easy for me.” 
As soon as Yoongi says “we know” in tandem with Jimin, he huffs into his drink hearing the latter’s laughter. But this dude has been striking out lately, so he decides to soften the blows. “Just chill. You’ve been trying too hard.” 
“Yeah, I know. It’s just been rough since we split up.” There’s a big swig before Shiv continues. “Like if being myself caused that, then—”
“Nah, fuck that.” The thick leather of his chair pushes against him as he leans back. “Don’t let that get to you.”
“Just because she left doesn’t mean it was all you,” Jimin tacks on, bottle limp in a few fingers. “Especially when she dipped out of nowhere.”
Yoongi stares into his glass, unblinking as he peers through the dark amber liquid inside. “Exactly. She’s been wanting out for a minute.”
A scoff is all they get. “Is this your way of cheering me up because…” Shiv’s words fade out, but it isn’t until he says something else that his attention is given
“I fucking love summer.”
The hell is he looking at?
When Yoongi turns to look, all boredom and sense leaves his body. And everything else leaves his brain.
Because he spots you. Draped in a dress that feeds every goddamn fantasy he’s had since last week—maybe even longer than that.
What are you doing here? Was he always clutching his drink this hard? Shouldn’t he not be looking this long? Why does he frankly not give a fuck if he is or not?
You have to know how attractive you look right now. There’s no way you walked outta that house thinking anything else. 
And to think he almost stayed home.
Although, Yoongi’s a little regretful that he didn’t. Because seeing you without being able to do anything else has him on the brink. The edge. An edge he’s fucking close to ignoring because your ass looks even better than he imagined it would. 
You aren’t even doing anything. All you’re doing is waiting to be seated, your entire party talking and occasionally roping you into their conversation. 
And he can only stare. Knowing damn well he shouldn’t.
So damn beau—
“Oh, wait. That’s…” His friend that’s still very much present cuts into his thoughts. “Damn. Wait, that’s her? She looks a lot different now.”
Before Yoongi says anything he’d regret, Jimin goads, “Yeah? Different how?”
The dark, inward laugh that threatens to spill out of Yoongi’s mouth is potent, his tongue shoving all thoughts and responses into his cheek. 
Yeah, you’ve certainly matured. And sure, you look hot as fuck right now. 
But he guarantees that, above all, it’s your confidence that’s drawing everyone in. 
Calm. Unbothered. Staring right at everyone’s eyes as if they’re the most important people in the room.
You’re gonna be someone someday. 
And it terrifies him.
Suddenly, Yoongi hears your name leave his best friend’s lips, and it’s taking all of him to hope that you don’t hear him fuck you heard him. So damn loud…
But he laughs to himself in the end.
Because after all this time, you’re still so cute, with your looks of shock that are admittedly some of his favorites. 
Especially when he knows the main reason for them. It’s too easy to get a reaction out of you, and he’d be lying to himself if he said he didn’t fucking love it.
The only thing is: he can’t do anything. Absolutely nothing as you make your way to their table hold up why are you walking over? What the hell are you looking at—
Fucking Park. 
Of course.
“Hi,” you address in a sweep, looking even better up close. 
To Yoongi’s despair, it’s much easier to see how you accessorized yourself. And how well you fill that damn sundress that he still can’t believe you’re wearing. 
Of all the things to see you out in… 
Is there someone out to get him? Is this karma for all the shit he’s thought about? Or the way he had you on the phone last night?
He needs to not think about that, either. Not when he’s already dealing with you in the present. There’s no way he can handle both at the same time, especially since he’s already forcing himself to stay the fuck in his seat. 
At least he gets you tomorrow.
Wait, isn’t your interview tomorrow? Don’t you have work early, too?
Jimin’s compliment cuts through his realizations as it floats above the table, “You look nice.”
“Thank you!” 
Yoongi gives Shiv a once-over as you turn to greet him, and when you thank the guy for saying you look pretty, he hopes that you don’t face him next.
But you do.
And you give him a greeting that’s much to shy, for his heart does something stupid before he offers his own.
“Didn’t expect to see y’all here,” you comment, thankfully sparking conversation around him instead of with him. 
Which is for the best. He probably shouldn’t stare while thinking about how those nails would feel digging into his back. Or how you would react if he pulled you into a stall, one palm clamped over your mouth while the other can’t decide where to start. 
Another sinful laugh threatens to spill. 
Fuck, how he would ruin you if you let him.
Feigning nonchalance, he takes a slow sip from his glass while his eyes inevitably linger, finally tuning back in when you observe,
“It’s so busy right now.”
“Happy hour. It’s why we’re here,” Jimin responds before pointing at Shiv. “Cheering this guy up.”
“Excuse you?”
God, he can’t do this. Your small, innocent pout is enough to break him down, which should never, ever be the case. 
If you ever pull one of those on him… 
Nope. He doesn’t wanna know.
In a dumb attempt, Yoongi fishes out his phone as you turn to add your own encouragement. Because of course you would. 
“You okay?“
“Yeah. Just a breakup.”
“Oh, damn. I hope you feel better.”
“It’s nothing, sweetheart.”
He pauses.
What did Shiv call you?
The look on your face says it all. Yoongi has to fight his lips from spreading any wider, your sorry attempt to hide your expression way too adorable to ignore.
He’s definitely gonna give you shit for that.
“Well, umm. That’s good,” you offer before looking over a shoulder he wants to kiss. “I should go.”
And Yoongi offers a bye along with the others, clenching his jaw when you walk off because what the fuck.
He might damn near groan.
Forget tomorrow. You need to be bent over his couch right fucking now. 
If he were younger, and if you were anyone else, there’s no telling what he would’ve done to you in those bathrooms near the back. Or in his car after he swerved off the road.
But on the same token, there’s another emotion lingering in his chest. Something deeper, fuller, more important than the outright attraction he’s hoping to god isn’t so obvious.
How can he have that in someone that isn’t his?
Is that normal? How he feels watching you walk with your chin up and a new sway to your hips?
He’s seen that same walk hundreds—thousands—of times. So why does it seem fresh and brand new when it’s you?
He huffs from his nose before staring into his glass.
Showing you off would be too easy. 
Whoever gets to do that better do it right, and often.
“Was that too much again?”
Yoongi lowers his eyes to his phone before scrolling in his lap. “Sounded fine to me,” he lies.
There’s a tinkle of laughs while the guy laments, “I knew it. I’m so bad at this now.” 
“You wouldn’t’ve gotten that one anyway,” Jimin chides with one more chuckle. “Let’s keep going.”
Yoongi officially checks out when they discuss other potential matches. Because he may or may not have noticed that your table is easily visible, and he may or may not have decided to not leave you alone just yet.
Not like he’s going anywhere soon.
He can’t even stand up if he needed to anyway.
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Tonight is supposed to be a fun, celebratory party for Dom. You put on a nice, comfortable dress, and freshened up more than you have in a long time. Feeling great is an understatement.
But seeing Yoongi throws you off in every which way possible and inside you feel like a wreck.
While you’re delighted that he gets to see you done up, you want nothing more than to mount his lap and ride him until he tears you apart.
Because holy fuck, he looks so fine.
It’s decided. You’re sure of it. The universe is testing you and you haven’t studied a single thing.
Did he have to have his hair like that? Did he have to look the most dressed up you’ve ever seen him? Why did he follow this restaurant’s dress code and not opt for a more casual fit instead? 
Just don’t think about it. Any of it. Especially the way his hair would look between your—fuck!
Tonight is for Dom. 
When everyone situates around a multi-table setup, you tell yourself to not be distracted. Yes, there are a bunch of people—most of which you only semi-know—but you still can’t get too sidetracked by his frame in that suit. By the chains on his neck. By the spread of his—
Just try to converse. Be social. At least Reia and Yuri are in front of you.
That’s when you feel a vibration.
And you already know who it’s from.
Attempting to appear normal, it’s a wonder you only choke internally when you view what he said.
Yoongi [8:03pm]: Hey sweetheart :)
Goddamn it.
It’s a struggle to not smile like a fool. Admittedly, you didn’t exactly hold back your expression at the stranger’s forthcomingness. Which is exactly why you’re getting this text.
If you weren’t mistaken, you’re also pretty sure you saw Yoongi react. Which was way too attractive in itself, but you don’t wanna give him even more unspoken praise. 
You [8:04pm]: oh my god
You [8:04pm]: was my face that obv
Yoongi [8:05pm]: Lmao
You [8:05pm]: 🥴 
Why is he texting you now? Aren’t you both in public? Surrounded by people you know?
Yeah, your brother isn’t here, but Mr. Sweetheart could know him. 
Then again… What does Yoongi have your contact saved as? Is it your name? Something else? Just your number and no name at all? 
There’s still so much you don’t know about him, and it excites you as much as it pains you.
Before you can mull over it more, he keeps the conversation going.
Yoongi [8:07pm]: Afraid he’ll never recover
If he’s gonna keep texting… 
Why not lean into it?
You [8:07pm]: damn
A couple minutes go by without anything, and you’re pulled into a discussion. When a few other moments pass with no texts, you assume that’s the end of your thread.
So much for leaning into it. You definitely spoke too soon.
Probably for the best that it’s already over, though. There’s no telling how future texts would go, with the thrill of him being here and looking like sin.
Fuck, he looks handsome.
And quite frankly, you look pretty decent, too. 
Hummingbirds flit about your stomach when you know Yoongi got to see you tonight. Because all the other times he’s seen you, what you’ve worn has mostly been casual. Comfortable. Dalo was the only exception, but you assume neither of you wanna count that night. 
You briefly wonder what he thinks about your dress before a road trip talk materializes.
“I haven’t been on one in awhile,” Reia sighs as she places arms on tablecloth. 
When Yuri agrees before facing you, you already know what she’s gonna suggest. “We should go. It’s summer!”
“I have work,” you groan, frustration pursing your lips. With this interview also hovering over you, there isn’t much thought you can pour into something like that. 
“No fun!”
“Sorry, y’all.”
Although… You start thinking about how one with—
Another vibration pulses in your lap, and you check to see who it could be. 
Yoongi [8:12pm]: Wdy look so cute for?
What is he doing!
The other texts were harmless. What the hell is he thinking sending this?
You [8:12pm]: 😳
You [8:12pm]: be serious
Yoongi [8:12pm]: K
You snort when you see the curt reply, knowing that if it was anyone else, you would’ve been mad as hell. But it’s so him that you can’t help but laugh.
At least he came to his senses quick. Gotta stay safe someho—
Yoongi [8:13pm]: Wdy look so fucking hot for?
Your foot abruptly slides forward, shoe clunking against the middle table leg in your shock. 
Everyone around you doesn’t notice, but Dom eyes you with a cocked brow from the head of the table. How did she know that was you? 
You wave her off before taking a sip of your drink to cool down.
You [8:13pm]: ……..
Yoongi [8:14pm]: :) 
In your haste to just reply and get this over with, you discover that he can make you flounder even over texts. 
You [8:14pm]: don got promoted !!
You [8:15pm]: don*
You [8:15pm]: dom**** fuck
Yoongi [8:16pm]: Lmaooo
Why the hell did you ever respond? 
You don’t know how it’s possible, but just his texts are enough to make you sweat. Beneath your dress, both of your legs slowly shift, your thighs rubbing against each other a bit too often.
If anything, Yoongi certainly knows how to compliment someone.
Distraction comes in the form of servers, getting everyone’s orders and gathering menus. A bit thrown by a potential vibration in your lap, you don’t even remember what you got and you hope to everything that it was a relatively cheap option. 
More conversation sprouts around the table, and you try to listen to what’s happening on either side. Some are talking about work troubles, others are lamenting the down period for sports. But they’re all lively and let you feel included, just like the one that invited them all.
You feel a little bad when you keep checking your phone, but at least they don’t really know you. To them, it would just look like you’re…
What? Talking to someone you like? Someone you may or may not be seeing? 
Where were you going with that?
Glancing down, you do see another text. And its contents affect you just as much as the notification.
Yoongi [8:30pm]: Isn’t your interview tomorrow?
You [8:36pm]: mmhmm. i’m dd🙄
Why are butterflies mingling with the hummingbirds? And why do you feel like smiling like an idiot in front of all these people?
Maybe how last night ended is still staying with you. Because you feel pretty damn good right now, and knowing that you have Yoongi’s attention like this in a public space makes you feel something dangerous. 
There’s another reason why you decided on your outfit today. Since you left that part out, you allow yourself to slide another message up, riding this wave as far as it will go.
You [8:39pm]: but yeah it’s sundress season !
Yoongi [8:39pm]: My favorite :)
You [8:41pm]: ofc it is
Yoongi [8:44pm]: 😊
You [8:45pm]: don’t even 
Yoongi [8:45pm]: Haha
Yoongi [8:50pm]: But I’m serious. You look nice.
That’s where it should end.
A natural close. 
Just say thank you and move on. 
…But what if you do something else?
Be it the thrill of doing this in a public space, or the fact that you want to jump his bones right now, you don’t know. There’s just a tiny flame you see in his words that you want to stoke.
So you do.
You [8:55pm]: how nice
Of course, you sometimes forget who you’re dealing with.
Because your plan completely backfires when his response comes way too quick.
Yoongi [8:56pm]: Meet me in a stall and I’ll tell you
What the fuck!
You can’t even pick at your food. Not when he’s giving you plenty to choke on already.
You [8:56pm]: ???? 
You [8:56pm]: here?(?
He’s not serious, is he? No. 
Even if he was, that would be crossing multiple lines. Texting is already pushing it, but it would be glaringly obvious if the both of you were absent from your tables for too long. 
Yoongi [9:01pm]: I’m kidding 
Yoongi [9:01pm]: But I’d be down
You [9:05pm]: no !!
Yoongi [9:06pm]: You don’t wanna? :((
You hate how much you like this side of him. Or maybe this is just him, and you still can’t believe that you get to witness him in his natural, lethal state.
If you told yourself from a year ago that things would come to this, you wouldn’t have believed it for a second.
But if you also told yourself that you’d grow in ways you didn’t even consider, you wouldn’t have believed that, either.
You [9:10pm]: i do
You [9:10pm]: but i’d rather go home with you..
Looking back, much has changed.
But when you glance over to see him lift his eyes your way, your heartbeat concludes that some things will always stay the same.
You don’t ever think you’ll get over him. 
Which is fine, because you don’t want to.
Yoongi [9:11pm]: You don’t want that lol
Of all the responses that he could’ve sent, that certainly wasn’t the choice you were expecting. Cocking a brow at your screen, you respond. 
You [9:12pm]: i do🥺
Yoongi [9:13pm]: Promise you don’t
You [9:13pm]: why not?
What the heck does he—
You hear your name being called, and it takes all of you to not react like you’ve been busted. “Hmm?”
“The party’s this Friday, right?” 
“See,” Dom directs to one of her friends. “Busy.” 
A small smile is offered on your end before impatience ropes you back to your phone. You’re sure the song that’s playing above your head is nice, and you can guess that the giggles in front of you are about Rohan. 
But your full attention is on an answer you’re zero percent positive about. 
What the hell does Yoongi mean? And why is he so damn enticing even over texts? 
Yoongi [9:14pm]: Just cus 
Enticing, your ass! 
You [9:15pm]: wow
Yoongi [9:15pm]: :)))
It’s like that, huh… 
This guy is something else. 
Questioning why you started texting him in the first place, you put your phone down to take a few more sips. Because you’re thirsty. Certainly not to cool yourself down. 
“Damn, where’s our dessert?”
“I was wondering.” 
Now that people mention it, you agree. It’s been quite awhile since you all ordered, and you feel a bit bad that your party is so big. Damn Dominique and her brilliant way of gaining friends and keeping them. 
She looks positively radiant as she tells another work story, and you laugh a little when you know exactly which one it is. 
Not many people can say they had a tough conversation with their CEO and came out unscathed. But when you save your company a bunch of time and money, no one can really do anything except let it slide. 
Well, and promote you. Which is why all of you were invited to a place like this.
What would she tell you to do now? How would she tell you to respond? 
Probably to press the man for an answer. 
Following sound advice that you manufactured, you go back to your device and start typing.
You [9:22pm]: tell me🥺
He probably won’t, given his stupid, short track record. But damn it, you wanna know! 
The only solace you get from minutes of no texts is that you can always hound him tomorrow. You know exactly where to poke him to make him flinch, after all. 
Yoongi [9:27pm]: Can’t. Heading out now :) 
Forget poking.
The both of you are gonna fight.
You [9:29pm]: RUDE???
You [9:30pm]: ok🙄
After you slip your phone back into your bag, you turn just in time to see him walking away with the others. When he playfully shucks Jimin off at the exit, you wonder if it has something to do with you.
You blink.
Why do you feel so… peaceful? Like life is okay and there isn’t anything that can bother you except the man strolling out the door? It’s such a serene feeling that you feel like smiling for no reason.
For the first time in a long while, the sky in your mind is spotless.
Thunderclouds can’t be seen for miles, and there lies an abundance of soft grass and flowers at your toes—a stark difference from the thick, muddy sludge you’ve been trudging through for days. Weeks. Months. 
And something else drapes over you like a warm blanket, a feeling from the night that you kissed under moonlight. Another time Yoongi blatantly disregarded where you were and simply did what he wanted. 
You craft the scene from memory, staring and realizing that those two have no clue what they’ll go through in the coming days. How the uncertainty between them is going to wither and fade, bit by beautiful bit.
And then you leave them alone.
You join the present with newfound tranquility. Everything around you rings clear, from the voices around the table to the clinks of glasses around the restaurant. The summer breeze announces its presence through open windows, and you wonder if it’s been trying to get your attention for awhile now.
Everything’s good.
Observing a decorative clock on the wall you never noticed before, you can’t believe that you’ve been texting Yoongi for over an hour. In public.
If only you could sit next to him next time. Or maybe even… 
A text comes through.
And you figure that things are fine as they are now. 
Yoongi [9:40pm]: So are you 🤕
Shit, you know you’re beaming but you honestly can’t help it. You truly didn’t know he’d like your outfit this much, and this new information makes you feel more than a bit dizzy. 
Suddenly shy, you text back and hope he sees it when not being orbited by his friends.
Dessert finally arrives a couple minutes later, and it isn’t until ten minutes after that when you get a reply.
You [9:42pm]: i wish i knew you liked them. i have a lot.
Yoongi [9:55pm]: Show me sometime 
You intend to. 
You [9:57pm]: if you behave🥴
Yoongi [9:59pm]: Haaaaa
The giggle you let out is the one that gets you caught. 
You raise your eyes to Yuri and Reia, the two of them giving you smug as fuck looks. “Huh.” 
“You’re so gone, dude.”
“I told you!” 
Swatting their comments down, you give them sheepish lips before muttering, “Shut up.” 
“You are!” 
“Why didn’t you invite him!” 
“She wants to keep him to herself, look at her.” 
“Stop!” you playfully grit. “I told you, we aren’t a thing.” 
“But you’re married?” 
You outright groan through a grin, feeling bashful and elated and giddy all at once as you laugh with them right after. 
“Go on, keep sexting your man.” 
“I’m not!” 
“Sure you aren’t.”
“Uh huh.”
When they mercifully let you go, you chuckle to yourself before texting back your reply, thrums of doves invading your stomach when he immediately responds. 
You [10:05pm]: jk. i will☺️
Yoongi [10:06pm]: Thank fuck
It should be a crime how attracted you are to this man. 
Well, no.
That isn’t the real issue. While attraction and lust are certainly problems, they aren’t the feelings you’re really worried about. 
Yoongi [10:08pm]: Have fun doll
The scarier feelings are the ones you have to sequester to the innermost parts of your heart. Because your finish line seems a bit too much in reach right now, and you don’t wanna trip right before you can cross it. 
You [10:08pm]: see you tomorrow<33
As soon as you click your phone shut, your head shakes with a tiny smile.
Because somehow, seeing him makes you more nervous than your interview does.
And you’re determined to make the most of both.
You can’t.
You can’t leave this alone.
What did Yoongi mean? What did he have on his mind?
After everyone’s made their way to the standing bar, you sneak away to lock yourself in a stall. Inhaling, you ring him up, hoping that Jimin or the other guy aren’t around. 
Thankfully, he answers.
“You okay?”
“I wanna know.”
Your voice comes out in a whisper, even though you know you’re alone. “What you would do. If you could’ve taken me home.”
The soft chuckle on the line makes you weak.
“You’re in the bathroom, huh.”
“Maybe so.”
“You’re stalling.”
“Maybe so.”
Suddenly, some people walk through the door, the sounds of the restaurant a lot louder for a few seconds. After perking up, you realize it’s some of Dom’s friends. 
Do you think they’ll care? Would they even know who you’re talking to? 
Have any of them been with Yoongi before? 
It’s that one stupid question that convinces you to keep quiet. 
“Mm. Can’t talk?”
“I—” Your voice is hushed. “Yeah.” 
“Poor baby.”
You almost think about hanging up on him, but the deep, knowing laugh that strokes your ear renders you useless.
“I’d blow your fuckin’ back out, doll.”
Breaths turn ragged in a second. Vision is somehow blurred.
You weren’t ready. Fucking hell, you were not prepared. 
“Make you sit on my face until you come.”
You almost moan his name, and you have to press a palm against your mouth to keep it in. 
“Is that what the baby girl wants?”
“Yes,” you whisper, impossibly small and undoubtedly hoarse. 
”What was that?”
“I said fuck you,” you grit a tad louder, lowering your phone volume when Yoongi outright laughs through your speaker. 
“Please do. But get your pretty ass back out there.”
Why the fuck is he so perfect? 
Sighing, you shudder out before obliging. “Okay.”
“And good luck tomorrow.”
It’s not the interview you’re worried about anymore. While you feel prepared for that, you don’t feel ready for what’s to come after it in the slightest. “I’m more nervous to see you.”
For some reason, Yoongi chuckles again. And you don’t have a damn clue know why. 
“Don’t say that.”
Why not? “It’s true.”
“Always so cute.”
Well, you figure you’ll find out either way tomorrow. 
Maybe you’ll think of some preemptive revenge, as well. 
“Bye, babe.”
“See you soon.”
Everything goes silent again, only the ambiance of the bar and the music in the speakers accommodating the space. 
When you stare at your dark screen, you realize a few things. 
One, you’re alone again. Two, you call him babe way too easily. 
And three? 
Whether in secret or not.
You’re seeing someone. 
For real. 
And it’s Min fucking Yoongi.
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A/N: DID YALL SEE HIS SELFIES TODAY?? HOW TF DID HE KNOW HE’D LOOK FANCY.. anyways, i dunno what else i can say other than this is hopefully a part that was worth waiting for! i’m just glad i could swing it between anytime and 3tan9. did i expect for it to be this big? no lol. but i figured that i would spoil y’all. it’s bday month! i’m feeling pretty good, what can i say skfjlshf but seriously, i love you all so much and i hope this was okay! A/N 2: this is not the end of sundress scenarios >:))) so stay ready  ++ feedback box: ⇥ of course, any reblogs/comments/messages are appreciated! ⇥ for the ones that are too shy to reblog with a review, comment on this, or send a message, i went ahead and made another anonymous form where you can send in what you think! ⇥ no emails collected, no need to put in a username. it’s literally just a comment dropbox :D feedback can be as short/sweet or as long as you’d like! ⇥ here! ++ ⇥ masterlist
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moemoemammon · 4 years ago
(Two things, 1. This is my first time requesting so I'm sorry if this is not the thing to do it, and 2. Sorry if somethings is misspelled or grammatically incorrect, eng is not my first language:p)
May I request some of the bros, specially Mammon, Luci and Satan, with a MC who's similar to Lucifer in some aspects (like, some of their manners are the same as his and sometimes they're little bit too strict) and after a while they discover that its bc MC is also an older sibling. And (only if you want) meeting their younger sibling, please 🙏
Btw love your works ♡♡♡
Lucifer Number 2~
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
It doesn't occur to Lucifer how similar the two of you are, but the first thing he realizes is how pleasant conversations with you can be. You both share common interests, your tastes suit his own, and you seem to be the only competent person in this house.
You're the responsible type, and he likes it. He'll sometimes find you scolding his brothers for their behavior too, and as amusing of a sight as that may be, he doesn't want you to be burdened with their idiocy.
AND you're the eldest sibling in your household? Cheers to that. You too know the weight of being the responsible oldest, and the role one must take to ensure their siblings grow up well. You too know that you'd rather your siblings have things easier than you did.
But there's one thing he finds annoying... You can NEVER speak your feelings, and act as if it’d kill you to do so. He can respect secrecy when it's appropriate, but Lucifer would like to know what's on your mind. Not only that, but you can be HORRIBLY headstrong. There's nothing that can stray you away from what you've already decided.
"MC, I request that you take a few days off from school to do as you please. I've already spoken with Diavolo and your professors, and you've been given an excuse. I know you'll study anyway, so I've dropped off your assignments in your room. But... you should rest. It isn't good for you to be pushing yourself so hard. Hm? You're calling me a hypocrite?"
As if one Lucifer wasn't enough. Now there's TWO of em?! Why's his luck gotta be so lousy!
Definitely the first to realize how much like Lucifer you are, and was SHOOK. Seriously, what gives?! What horrors exist in the human world that could've made you like THAT..?
Ever since you showed up, it's been impossible to get away with anything! He can't sneak out of the house because you're always there somehow, you tattle on him when you catch him leaving anyone's room, and you won't even let him copy your homework! What gives?!
Avoids you like the plague. You're no fun! There's only rare moments when you're kinda okay, and he likes those the best. The times when you're kinda sensitive and you'll drop the high and mighty act. But then you're back to being a pest!
"For the billionth time, I ain't got time to study! There's money to be made, and a guy like me ain't gonna waste a second lookin' at a dumb book when I could be- H-Huh?! You're gonna call Lucifer?! N-now, there's no need to be so hasty, right? Oi!! I'm sorry, damn it-!"
What's the deal with Lucifer number two? As comedic of a trope as that may be, Levi doesn't really care for having two nagging types in the house. Especially a human...
When you're in his room, all you do is nitpick about how he should tidy up and open a window! Don't you know that an otaku's room is his pride and joy?! It's a sacred space not to be trampled on by the opinions of a normie!!!
But still... he has to admit that even if you don't get all the stuff he's talking about, you at least try to understand it. And there are even some of his interests that you're genuinely invested in!
You might be a pain in the neck and harass him about annoying things, but he guesses he can deal with it if you'll actually sit through a TSL marathon with him...
"I-I'll lend you this manga, so make sure you read it! And when you're finished with that, I'll lend you the spin-off series by the author's brother! I know you'll like it, since you're interested in gritty stuff. Oh, and- Huh? My laundry? Y-yeah.... I'll do that.."
You are... surprisingly good company. Satan enjoys talking to you over afternoon tea, and the two of you share stories between one another.
But still, he can't shake the feeling that there's something... unpleasantly familiar about your personality. It isn't until you say something that sounds suspiciously similar to what Lucifer would say that he realizes who you remind him of. And oh, he hates it.
Tries playing pranks on you, but somehow they never go to plan. How that is is beyond him, but you never fall for anything! No matter how sweet his smile, you're always rightfully suspicious. You're annoyingly meticulous about checking your surroundings, and you're so aware of yourself that it's troublesome! Be more gullible!!
The king of petty has decided that its now his life goal to make you fall for at least one of his pranks. He doesn't care how elaborate he has to make it, or how unrewarding the payoff may be. He'll make you pay for seeing his brother in two places at once.
"MC, would you like to join me this afternoon for a book reading? Though, I'd love it if you could read this book in particular. I think you'll find it very-.... Hm? 'Isn't this the cursed book that makes you grow hair all over your body', you ask? Ahaha.... tch."
Come now, there can't be TWO killjoys in the house! That's way too depressing!! It was funny at first to see that there's someone who can match the scary Lucifer's energy, but now it's becoming a nuisance!
You won't even go to the countless parties he's invited you to! Hell, you barely even give yourself room to mess around a little? Isn't it boring being so tightly wound? You're in luck, because the adorable Asmo-chan knows the PERFECT way to let loose~
You'll RARELY let him close to you, and that's usually when you're tired of him harassing you. Then he gets the honor of playing with your hair while you've got no energy to fight back! He'll style it wonderfully for you!
Also nags you to take better care of yourself. You're not a demon, so you have to care for your health! These late night study sessions are giving you bags under your eyes! And stop taking on so many extracurricular activities!
"Geez, MC! I didn't think you'd die from overworking, but that's the path you're headed on! You really are like Lucifer, you know? That being said, I'll do my best to make sure you relax! Shall we begin~?"
Beel may not be too bothered by Lucifer's strictness, but that doesn't mean he's immune to it. To think that even a human can be like that...
It's nice to see that you can take care of yourself, but aren't you working too hard? Your grades are good and you've got many interesting talents, but you also have to properly rest.
Has started bringing you snacks on the regular. And don't even think about skipping meals, because he won't allow it. He'll literally pick you up and bring you to the table if he has to. And if you're staying up late to study? He'll carry you to bed. Don't try to protest.
Beel is your babysitter now and there's nothing you can do about it. It's good to be responsible, but don't think about trying to take care of everyone else if you can't care for yourself. Now eat these twelve meat buns he bought for you.
"MC, let's eat lunch together. I know you were going to skip because I heard you talking to Solomon earlier, and I won't let you. Ah, don't worry about not having money, because I've already bought you some lunch. Let's eat in the courtyard."
You're such a drag. You harass him to attend student council meetings, but him about his studies, and won't let him avoid a single obligation he has. What are you, his mother?
Has 100% joined forces with Satan to try to make you fall for many, many unsuccessful pranks. Are you curse proof or something? When he tried a '10 hour bed-head' spell on you, it just rebounded right to him! Then he found out that you'd borrowed a spell repelling amulet from Solomon and realized just how prepared you are...
When you aren't bothering his entire soul by trying to make him do things, you're actually nice to talk to. You're knowledgeable, you pay attention to the people around you, and you can always read a room. He likes to ask you for advice sometimes.
"Aren't you tired of being like that all the time? So... attentive, I mean. You should just take a nap some time. Or better yet, take the week off. Maybe I'll teach you how to properly relax? Then you might finally be able to take that stick out of your- ow... What're you hitting me for?"
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moemammon · 4 years ago
When I was in High School, my crush and I got into a fight and neither of us were talking to each other. One day I was headed up the stairwell to get to my science class, when I saw them coming up from behind... I don't think they had even noticed me yet considering that they were busy talking to their friend BUT I am slow going up stairs so even if I rushed up the stairs roadrunner style they would have caught up to me, well; the little corner that connects the steps going up to the second floor and the steps heading down to the ground floor had a large open window... and I jumped out, like I literally just jumped out. I didn't even think it through, I just saw the window and my body was like "Yep, IK what to do." I landed on a bush or tree? It's too big to call a bush but too small to call a tree, landed in a squat before my feet gave out and I fall onto my knees and got two large grass stains on my jeans knee part, couldn't walk right either after that landing, I was shaky all day lol but it was a risk well calculated bc the whole thing would have been so awkward. I mean we used to be like BFFS before the rumors began and then they started and we just stopped talking without warning, we couldn't even look at each other. Our science partners, bc we were in groups of four, literally got fed up of our bullshit bc we literally refused to acknowledge the others existence... anyway, I digress...
Anyway, this whole story is a long winded way of me requesting how the brothers would react to an MC that literally just jumps out windows to avoid awkward moments, or to dodge people that want to ask them for favors, or when they straight up want to avoid someone?
And sorry about the large ass message, but thanks for letting me vent
You have a special place in my heart, window-jumping anon. Just uhhhhhhh look down next time okay? Ily
The Demon Brothers react to GN!MC jumping out of a window to avoid an awkward moment
(Mario jumping sound effect)
He approached you after class to ask exactly what you were snickering at your D.D.D. about during class.
Must've been real funny if you weren't listening to your lecture, huh?
"I imagine you've somehow found something worthy of laughing about in Demonology 101?"
You do not have the guts to tell him that you and Mammon were texting back and forth, abusing a new photo editing app to alter pictures of the eldest himself.
I mean, take a wild guess about how he’d react to seeing how big you edited his head to be-
The avatar of pride lets his eyes pierce into you, like he's trying to stare a hole through your blanket of "uh"s and "um"s,
You don't exactly see a way out of this one, but you can NOT let Lucifer see your photo gallery.
So you glance to your left to the open classroom window, and do the only thing you can think of: you jump.
Luckily you're on the ground floor so you??? really didn't have to jump so dramatically. But the fact that you yeeted yourself into a bush JUST to escape has left Lucifer speechless.
Honestly? He so impressed with your dedication that he's not gonna stop you. Besides, he's gonna see you back at home anyway so-
Also thinks you might be hanging around Mammon too much because that 100% seems like a stunt he’d pull.
He KNOWS Lucifer told you to bring the credit card to him, and he demands to know where it's hidden! He's positive you know where it is!
But you don't really though?? You just brought the card to him like you were asked. If anything, you're the victim here!
But Mammon isn't having that. The avatar of greed is circling around you like an angry cat, patting you all over like airport security to see if you've got his beloved card.
"Where is it, huh?! Ya really think you can steal from THE Mammon?! Even if Lucifer told ya to, who do ya think you are?!"
When he has confirmed that you don't in fact have his previous Goldie, he's now cornering you up against a wall.
If looks could kill, you would've exploded into a fine powder
And you feel like your mental strength is about to do just that. So what do you do after you notices the slightest of breezes caress your face?
You jump outta that open window, before Mammon can even finish his "Wh- Oi! What're ya-"
Even though you just face planted into the garden, you're up on your feet and making a mad dash for somewhere that wasn't here.
Mammon lets you run for ten while seconds before he's hopping out after you. You think you can outfox the Great Mammon?! Think again!!!
You... weren't interested in this movie in the slightest, but you didn't have the heart to tell Levi that. Especially not after he’d begged/harassed you for the past week about watching it with him!
Reluctantly you agreed, and now you were suffering,,,But Levi was ecstatic! This movie was a classic! Sure it was an old one and the acting was a little bad, but you could overlook that if you watched it with your heart, not your eyes!
According to Levi.
You managed to keep your eyes open for the grueling one and a half hour movie, enduring every corny line of bad acting, horrible CGI, and lame sound effects straight out of a 90s super hero movie, and now the hell was finally over...
Or so you though, until Levi followed that up by immediately pulling out a cosplay outfit worn by one of the supporting characters in the show.
Funny how it seemed specifically tailored to your measurements. Even funnier how Levi was looking at you with those damned eyes.
You knew what he wanted without him even having to say it. But one look at the gaudy outfit he presented to you made your heart burn with a sudden indescribable urge.... to escape.
Honestly you caught him so off guard by suddenly getting up and sprinting out of the room, that he makes a sound that's pretty much the noise equivalent of "?!?!?!?!?!?"
He watches you run down to the end of the hall, throw the window open, and fuckin JUMP. Pretty sure he just witnessed your death??
Also this kinda solidified his 'gross otaku' mentality, seeing as you literally jumped out of a window to get out of cosplaying with him. A simple no would've sufficed, MC.......,.,,..,,,
Hey gamers... can we get an F in the chat? 😔✌️💦
Satan lent you a book to read last week that he was sure you'd be interested in! He found it pretty interesting himself, so he wants to see if you'd like it as much as he did.
That being said, you don't have the heart to tell him that you,,, didn't read any of it. Well you kind of did, if the cover counts for anything.
You doubt he would accept that as an answer, considering how you told him how much you appreciated receiving the book, and how you'd definitely read it and let him know how it was.
So now, Satan had come into your room with two cups of tea, ready to settle down and have a nice, long talk about your thoughts on the riveting plot that you promised you would indulge in.
"I'm really glad you decided to read it. I found that the protagonist reminded me a lot like you. I'd like to know what you thought about it."
Satan sets down the tea cups, and one sip tells you that he brewed it exactly the way you like.
His expression is eager and warm as he waits for you to begin gushing about just how deeply the story touched you... how absolutely moved you are by the sheer majesty that was the book he lent you...
Okay yeah, you're sweating bullets. You can't imagine how the sparkly eyed avatar of wrath would react to learning that you chose the company of your D.D.D. over Satan's book.
You don't have such an ice cold hard that you can just crush this book nerds dreams like that! And every time you look at his expectant face, the weight of your crimes weigh heavier on you until... you break.
Satan watches in shock and awe as you almost perfectly reenact the big scene where the main character leaps out of the window of a building rigged to explode, before making their escape. And you did just that.
Wow.. he never thought you could be so moved by a story, but he completely understands...
He's made you model TWELVE outfits so far, and you swear if you see another ascot, you're gonna lose your mind.
Asmodeus doesn't seem to notice the way the light slowly fades from your eyes, because he's pulling out outfit number thirteen with that cheery smile of his.
"Isn't this one absolutely adorable? Look, this part will look lovely around your waist! This part here hugs your body in all the right places, and this-"
You can't do it. You've gotta get out of here. You'd love to stand around and get mild rug burn from trying on a billion different clothes, but-
Actually no you wouldn't.
You DID promise Asmo you'd hang out with him today, but this wasn't really your idea of a good time.
"-Oooh, just thinking about it makes me want to eat you up~! Here, put it on for me, will you? I'll give you a kiss as a reward!"
You would do no such thing.
You make a mad dash for his ornate window and push it open. He has no time to stop you as he helplessly watches you vault yourself out like the room was on fire.
"MC?! Wh-where are you going?? Come back here! Grass stains are impossible to get out of that fabric!!!"
He means well. I swear he does. It's just that Beel can be a little... overbearing when he's worried about you. He cares, okay?
But he hasn't seen you eat anything all day! You tell him it's because you've got a stomach ache from who knows what, and you promise you've had little snacks here and there to keep from starving, but he can't accept that!
Eating is important, and you need it to survive. So Beelzebub was currently trying to nudge your mouth open with a pizza slice, while you vehemently refused. "Just one bite. And then another after that. You have to eat, or you'll go hungry... and I don't want that."
Beel knows the true pain of being hungry, and he’d never wish that on you! So just forget about your stomach ache for two seconds and open up-
Not that you really can. The aroma of that pizza was not sitting well on your stomach, and you were pretty sure you needed a fast escape or you'd risk losing your lunch. Greasy foods didn't exactly mix well with sour stomachs...
Beel still won't let up. He has a strong hand planted firmly on the small of your back, as if trying to prevent you from leaning back any further in your attempt to escape the pizza.
"If you eat this, I'll treat you to dessert at Madam Screams," he says, as if bribing your refusal of food USING food will somehow work out.
You can't break his heart, but you seriously can't eat that! Your head is spinning, thoughts racing, face becoming greasier and greasier from the pizza pressed against it, and-
You snap. In a sudden burst of strength you break free from Beel's grasp, and sprint toward the nearest window. All you see is your chance for freedom, and you're taking it.
You leap out and tumble into the ground, all while Beelzebub wonders what?? Just happened???? Did you really hate pizza that much...?
He never knew you were such a picky eater... To think you'd go so far as to jump out of the window though...
You thought it was cute at first, when Belphegor wanted you to join him for his naps. And you didn't mind much. It was the weekend, you were tired, and he makes a pretty good body pillow.
But you didn't realize he planned for this to become an everyday thing. The youngest might not act it, but he sure could be spoiled.
But seriously, if you slept any longer, you might never have a normal sleep schedule again! It never occurred to you just how often Belphie sleeps.
He's definitely not human, because there's no way you can keep up with that, and maintain a normal lifestyle.
But the way he quietly, gently grabs your sleeve to cue your next nap session makes your heart clench. Why was it so damned hard to say no to this gremlin??
You were trying your best though, but the words always seemed to get caught in your throat. Belphie picked apart your excuses, doing everything in his power to take you back to the attic.
"You can study when you wake up." "Mammon wants to go shopping? Reschedule." "Lucifer told you not to be late to the board meeting? Just hide."
You're starting to get sucked into the sleepy lull of his voice, and it feels like your entire body is becoming heavy with fatigue. But no.... you resist!
Since there's no escaping this through words, you have to think fast. Fortunately, your fast thinking has led to an amazing solution!
Jump out of the window, baby
Belphie is just??? Did you fuckin???? Are your legs okay??????????????
He probably stops asking you to nap with him for a while, since you're willing to almost break your legs just to get out of it. You're gonna make him have weird dreams....
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thran-duils · 4 years ago
Learn Her Place
Title: Learn Her Place Summary:  Fem!Omega!Reader x Alpha!Tony Stark x Alpha!Steve Rogers x Alpha!Bucky Barnes. The reader works for S.H.I.E.L.D. and is on suppressants. In this universe, we obviously are working with multiple Alphas being able to share an Omega. The reader has had sex before but it has been with Betas. She is very distracting to the Alphas and they’re tired of not being able to focus on their work, so they decide to make sure her suppressants no longer work and she is where they think she belongs. Without the suppressants, the reader succumbs to her hormones very quickly. Words: 4,894 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Non-con, ABO dynamics, smut, breeding, brief mention of infidelity, multiple partners, angst. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Author’s Note: Kudos to whoever picks up on the movie line reference
Steve hated it.
Watching her come back from one-night stands with Betas and not feel any remorse about it.
She was an Omega and was granted freedom by the suppressants given to her. She was wasting her fertile cycles away on frivolous orgasms with random strangers. She was able to infiltrate regular society, mainly hide herself away into the crowd. It was not foolproof though.
There was still something there during what her cycle should be. If one did not know she was Omega, they would not attribute the feeling of arousal to her. But he – along with every other high ranking agent – knew she was and it was that much easier to pinpoint it. He could pick up on it and it made him clench his fists every time she was in close proximity, her infiltrating all his senses. He saw the other Alphas in the room tense too at those times, having a difficult time focusing on the mission briefs with her sitting so close. And one of those times was right the hell now. Tony was staring at her abashedly across the table, his fingers at his lips, his jaw clenched. His stare could be excused, he was an intense person. Bucky, next to Steve, chewed on his cheeks while he tried avoiding looking over at her.
It was selfish.
And foolish because the suppressants only did so much, and they acted like it was a solve all. S.H.I.E.L.D was trying so hard to be inclusive and it was only serving to bring down focus and morale when all they wanted to do was mount one of their team members who was acting above her Omega rank.
She had raised her hand and was answering a question. She was smart, there was no doubt about that. She had worked really hard to get up to this level and she continued to go above and beyond.
Steve’s eyes raked down her clavicle to where the top of her breasts were exposed above her shirt. She most certainly had a push up on. His thoughts trailed to what they looked like bare. How they would look at different angles… when she was riding him, below him, from the side… all the different positions he could get her in. His favorite: cradled in his arms, his hand on her round stomach…
He snapped to attention when Wanda literally snapped her fingers in front of his face. He had been spacing out.
“You alright?” she snorted.
“Yeah, fine,” he said rubbing the back of his neck. He gathered up his file and got up from the table without another word, walking towards the door.
He spotted her down the hall, speaking with Thor. Thor was enthralled, looking at whatever she was showing him in her file. He was a huge teddy bear, just like Bruce.
Steve caught sight of Tony and Bucky coming to stand next to him, their eyes fixated on her too down the hallway.
“Anyone else not catch a single thing that was said in that meeting?” Bucky half joked.
“She’s distracting,” Steve snapped in hushed tones. “How do they not notice the affect she has? Has no one said anything?”
“Oh, I’ve already brought it up,” Tony told Steve and Bucky, rolling his eyes. “They’re marking it up to me not being able to ‘control myself’ and shaming me for it.” He added scornfully, “Were you forced to watch that goddamn video—”
“Where they were described as ‘delicate flowers’? Yeah, I did. And was that supposed to make us feel any better about thinking about them being put in harm’s way?” Bucky muttered, shaking his head. “They shouldn’t be putting her out in the field. Here in the office is one thing. But they shouldn’t be putting any position outside. They’re too susceptible to persuasion.”
Tony said, “That’s why it’s supposed to be secret about their Omega status.”
“I don’t like them out there,” Bucky repeated. “Not just for them but for the rest of our safety too.”
Thor was so close to her, laughing at whatever she had said. He was not affected at all. Steve ground his teeth watching that in front of him. She was comfortable around him, her hand coming to rest on his arm. He felt jealously scratching away at his insides, knowing she was in a cycle.
“It’s gonna drive me insane if I don’t leave,” Tony grated, tearing his eyes away from her to focus on the other two. “You going to the party tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” Bucky and Steve said in unison, still staring down the hall.
Tony snorted, “Who the hell planned it on a Thursday, anyhow? Don’t get too worked up if she takes a random person home. I for one won’t be there to witness that. That is unless…” He pulled a syringe out of his pocket, holding it up and Bucky swiped it in the blink of an eye, making it disappear again. Tony threw him a wry smile and said, “I think it’s about time. Don’t hesitate too long now since she’s just gone into the cycle. It’ll take a day or two though to work, remember! And don’t let Banner catch you with that.”
He clapped Bucky on the shoulder before turning on his heel, leaving the other two Alphas to stew.
Bucky and Steve walked into the loud club, finding everyone in disarray already in the VIP area. They had been on last minute mission and had returned late and the party was already well underway. The upper space of the club was packed of S.H.I.E.L.D agents at all varying stages of intoxication. Some had set up tables to play poker – something normally illegal in clubs but no one was bothering them – as well as varying card games.
Of course both of their attention was drawn in towards Y/N. Clint was laughing at the fact she had walked back from up the stairs with a sandwich shoved halfway in her mouth. “Y/N! The food is on the way! You remember? That we ordered?”
“But I’m hungry now,” she whined, her mouth full. “And Wanda asked for half of it!”
“You’re such a baby,” Clint laughed barely keeping it together.
Wanda was in stitches, her head thrown back against her chair. Vision was laughing in tandem with Wanda, following her movement. She only laughed harder when Y/N held out the untouched part of the sandwich that was supposed to be for her.
“Thank you,” Wanda said, taking deep breaths as she tried to stifle her laughter.
Natasha appeared at Bucky and Steve’s sides, raising her eyebrows. “They are drunk,” Natasha hissed at them over the music.
And she smirked then, an unfamiliar kind of smirk. And Steve cocked his head.
“Are you drunk?”
She shrugged sheepishly which was all the answer they needed.
You grasped onto Steve’s arm, startling him. “Have you guys done shots yet?”
Steve’s eyes flicked down to her hand only for a moment and he could feel every press of her hand into his bicep. He looked back up at her and told her, “I can’t get drunk, Y/N.”
“Oh, right,” she said looking immediately pitying of him. She rubbed his arm excessively in her drunk state and he stiffened, his jaw clicking. “I’m sorry. I forgot!” She laughed, noticing how stiff he was and poked him in the chest. “You need to loosen up, Steve.”
“I’ll try,” he said forcing a smile.
“You too, Bucky,” she commented eyeing his stoic expression. She touched the side of his face and he inhaled sharply. She giggled at the response and said, “Maybe you’ll feel better after a drink? You can get drunk right?”
Before he could respond, her attention was drawn elsewhere by Wanda. As soon as she was gone, Steve let out a frustrated sigh and Bucky mirrored his state.
“She’s not taking care of herself,” Bucky murmured, shaking his head. “Anyone could take her home. Anyone!”
“Yeah, well, we’ll make sure that doesn’t happen,” Steve returned firmly. Bucky frowned and Steve rolled his eyes, “You can have some drinks. I’ll just be the sober eyes.”
“Thanks for that leeway, but this has gone on long enough hasn’t it?” Bucky asked.
“It has,” Steve exhaled heavily. Y/N was holding Clint’s hand as they danced their way down the staircase from the VIP section, away from where him and Bucky were standing.
Steve was close to her all night, especially on the dance floor. At one point, he grabbed a female Alpha who had started grinding on Y/N and yanked her away. The other Alpha had started to get buck until she realized who exactly she was trying to fight. He was not a hard man to mistake, not with all the press conferences and his mere presence on top of that. She gritted her teeth before leaving seeing his icy stare, taking the hint. Y/N was oblivious, dancing to the techno music, hands in the air still with Clint and Wanda.
Y/N fanned herself and her hands came to the hem of her shirt. Steve’s eyes almost bugged out of his head as she began to tear it off. Steve was at her side immediately, grabbing the shirt before she could remove it completely, yanking it back down.
She focused in on him, confused, and he demanded inches from her face, “What are you doing?”
“It’s hot,” she yelled at him over the music, as if that was a reasonable explanation for her behavior. He imagined all the eyes on her now, his blood pumping in his ears.
Steve shook his head and grasped her arm, pulling her through the crowd.
“Steve!” he heard Clint call from behind him, but it went ignored.
Bucky knew when Steve walked by with Y/N it was time. He got up, following Steve’s movement away from the VIP section towards a more isolated part of the club. Y/N was asking Steve where he was taking her before Bucky snuck up and administered the shot before Y/N could even react to his presence.
She began to ask, “What the hell…” but her eyes were already drooping.
Steve caught her before her knees gave out from beneath her. She was conscious but she was far past coherent. She groaned in his arms and he picked her up, hushing her.
“Wish I could have gotten even two drinks in before that,” Bucky said, eyes searching the club. He looked towards the hall and said, “Should try to take her out a back way or…?”
“She was reckless,” Steve grumbled in his ear as she slumped into his side. “Let’s take her home. She shouldn’t remember any of this. But no, let’s take her back by so everyone can see how ‘drunk’ she is.”
“Right, good idea,” Bucky agreed.
Tony walked in, seeing Y/N at the break room table already, at 7:00am. But, her head was resting on her forearms, a large cup of coffee next to her. He looked over his shoulder, seeing people were walking by in the hallway. Slowly, he closed the door, the handle clicking into place when it was fully closed. She did not stir, and he cocked his head. She must really be out.
He tapped her shoulder and she grumbled, sitting back uncomfortably. She was squinting at him and recognized him, before rubbing at her eyes.
“You alright?” he asked, feigning concern.
“Yeah, just… not feeling great,” she told him.
Hungover. Every clue of it clear as day to everyone else. But Tony was not everyone else. He knew this was not a withdrawal from alcohol but another drug entirely. Her body was correcting itself from that nasty medication, right at the height of her heat.
“You should be drinking water instead of coffee,” Tony told her, his Alpha peaking in his tone.
It was an easy way to worm himself in. He was not supposed to do this – but they had also not been supposed to administer that drug without her consent –, it was against protocol. But he just had to know. He had to see if she would respond.
Simultaneously to his surprise and not, she made eye contact with him. He saw… doe eyes. She quickly averted her gaze and looked at her cup.
“You’re right,” she told him.
Tony watched her with arousal as she got up and tossed the coffee in the sink. She went towards the fridge, but Tony was already there, opening it up to grab a water bottle for her.
“Let me,” he told her, and she stopped, looking at him patiently as he held it out to her.
She took it from him, taking a drink. “Thanks. I… I really don’t feel great.”
Tony pointed at her and said, “You probably need oxygen. And a lot of water.”
“Clears a hangover pretty quickly.”
“Oh, I’m not—” she began to stammer, and he could not help his lip twitching in amusement at her looking embarrassed.
Tony chuckled, “It’s alright. The party was last night. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Y/N looked unsure if she should relax or not for a few moments before she relented, nodding. “Yeah, what idiot decided tequila shots was the way to start off the night?”
“Probably the same idiot who planned it to be on a Thursday.”
“Thirsty Thursday,” she mumbled, taking another drink.
“Thirsty Thursday,” Tony agreed lightly. “Eat something too. Something healthy. Fruit, maybe.” She grumbled in response but nodded as she sat back down at the table. She swiped an apple from the center of the table and took a large bite. Tony watched her for a few more seconds, anticipation nipping at his heels before he parted with, “Feel better.”
He needed to tell Bucky and Steve she should be ready by tonight if she was already reacting to him like that.
Y/N was the last one in her office, the other two had gone home already. She looked up at Tony walking into the office, carrying a bag. Her stomach growled at the smell coming from the bag, her eyes falling to it. Tony only stalled for a moment, the smell of her coming to him. She was tumbling fast, she looked flushed.
Tony approached her desk, a friendly glint in his eye. “Ah, you are still here. Here, we ordered some food. I always go for greasy at some point after drinking and I’m sure it’ll help.” She looked past him to where Bucky and Steve were in the hallway.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Y/N told him timidly.
Tony loved the sight: she was tying to avoid direct eye contact, speaking in soft tones.
“Just thought we’d be nice.”
“Thank you.” She would not grab it from him. “Today has been… I don’t know. I can’t focus. I need to finish this before I leave. I just… I don’t feel great,” she said her voice getting smaller as her eyes were dragged back to her computer screen.
Tony ordered, “Press save and close the laptop. Eat.” He placed the bag on her desk. “It’ll help.”
He turned to leave, and she blurted, “Where are you going?”
Tony came to a stop, his gaze locked with Steve and Bucky, his back to her. To them, he gave them a sly, knowing smile that only lasted a few seconds before he turned back to her.
“I mean, you don’t have to leave and go eat somewhere else if you already have your food too. You don’t want it to get cold. I promise I’m not throwing up or anything. I just feel off. Like a headache… a little hot.”
She wanted them to stay, that was obvious. She needed something from them and even if she could not figure out what it was just yet, her body was telling her they were needed.
“Sure,” Tony chirped. “If it won’t bother you.”
She shook her head and he started walking back towards the desk beside hers. His suit jacket came off, and he swung it around the back of the chair. Steve and Bucky had come into the room as well, purposely leaving the door open. Bucky sat across from Y/N, his eyes following her movements as she opened the bag Tony had placed in front of her. He watched the way her hands shook ever so slightly, her tongue running across her bottom lip as she opened the container of food.
Y/N made a satisfied sound as she tasted it. “God, thank you. This is delicious. I needed it. I feel… shaky.”
The three of them around her was making it difficult for her to focus though. She kept stealing glances at them, being met with blatant stares back as they slowly ate. Steve adjusted, trying to hide his length that was starting to grow at her being so damn close and smelling so damn good.
Tony spilled some on the desk and said, “Shit!”
Before she could offer he was leaning over her, reaching across the grab a kleenex from the other side of her desk. He heard her inhale and he forced himself to not react, sitting back down, dabbing at the food he had spilled. His jaw was clenched; he should not have done that because now he was working himself up quickly.
The three of them noticed her chewing slowed to a stop and her eyes moved between the three of them. Something was starting to click… the tense silence in the room getting under her skin. The off feeling no doubt growing ever stronger.
Swallowing, she cleared her throat. Her voice was higher pitched than normal, “Do you guys want a cookie? To go with it for after, I mean? I… there’s some over here.”
She pushed her chair back quickly and moved away from her desk. Along the wall, she fumbled with the drawers, looking for these mysterious cookies. She was getting squirrelly, nervous, like she wanted some air. They could all sense it and they wanted to get ahead of her stressing out while they could. All three were out of their seats: Bucky strode across the room away from her, closing the door while Tony and Steve came closer towards her.
Y/N turned around startled at them all having moved so quickly, holding a handful of fortune cookies. Bucky leaned against the doorframe, staring directly back at her. She gave a small laugh, “Are people still working out there? Were we being too loud, do you think?”
Tony and Steve said nothing and her smile faltered, a frown growing. “Can…Can I just… get by,” she said trying to skirt around them but each time, one of them blocked her way. She tried to brush it off, holding the cookie out. “Do you just want it now?”
She asked, so innocently. Sweetly. Steve shuddered at it. She could not hide her true nature even in her tone. And the phrasing, the three of them smirked.
Bucky was still by the door, leaning against the frame. He popped a chocolate in his mouth, watching the scene unfold.
“Well, I would really like to get eat—” She said, trying again to break through their rank and being unsuccessful. She frowned visibly now, worry lines showing up on her face. She chuckled nervously, “Did I do something wrong?”
Steve noticed the spiral coming. He could hear the increase in her heartrate. She knew she was surrounded by Alphas and was growing uncomfortable. Especially since she was alone, it was late, and they were encroaching. His hand came up to slap over her mouth and she yelled frightened, the sound muffled. He pulled her away from the counter, dragging her back towards the third desk. Tony was ready, grabbing her arms and twisting them behind her back, slipping the retractable cuffs around her wrists. The cookies tumbled to the floor and he paid them no mind, stepping on them as he passed her to Steve solely. Her arms were bound at the small of her back and she fell face first against the table. All three of them were growing hard at the sight.
As soon as Steve removed his hand she began to scream, and he clamped back down.
“Omega,” Steve purred in her ear and she whimpered behind his hand. He laced his tone, his Alpha rumbling, “You’re going to be quiet aren’t you?” She said nothing, her chest just rapidly moving up and down. “Omega… are you gonna be quiet? Nod for me if you are gonna be good.” She nodded frantically against his hand and he slowly removed it.
Tearfully, she said, “Can you let me go?”
“Oh, no. No, we can’t, beautiful,” Steve said, his finger running down her exposed neck, causing her to squirm. He pulled away, turning his attention to Tony.
“But… I… I didn’t do anything wrong,” she tried to plead, looking at Bucky across the desk to where he was standing at the door. “I followed all the rules. I—” Tony’s hands lifted up underneath her dress and she let out a choked noise, craning her neck to look back at him. “Alpha, please!”
Tony audibly groaned at her slipping up and giving in to calling him by his title. He yanked her leggings and underwear down to her ankles. He freed himself from his slacks and his fingers pressed at her pussy. She buried her face in the desk, trying to squeeze her legs together.
“Oh, come now. None of that,” Tony ordered, and she loosened. His fingers pressed in, stroking her slowly. She was already wet, probably had been for the better part of the day. It is why the three of them had stayed away, they could have lost control before now and ruined it all otherwise.
“You’re not being punished, Omega,” he told her. “Rewarded actually…” She whimpered and he cooed as he continued stroking her gently, “Oh, sweetpea… beautiful Omega. You’re going to be just fine. You’re in the perfect hands. You feel sick for a reason and we are going to help you.”
The more he spoke, the more he watched her body relax against his hand and his tone. The smell of her was driving him insane – he could only imagine Steve and Bucky not being able to touch her at all. He should not stall for long, wouldn’t want to start a fight.
“You’re going to feel so much better,” Tony promised as she tried to push back on his fingers, and he bit his lip at the sight. His fingers were gone, and she let out a disappointed noise. Tony rubbed his cock up and down her ass, slowly. “God, this is gonna feel so fucking good.”
Tony’s head pressed in and she gasped, adjusting to his width. He gave a strangled laugh, relishing in how tight her walls were. She was squirming beneath him and he gave her a rapt smack on the ass.
“I know you haven’t had an Alpha cock before but relax, Omega,” Tony ordered gruffly.
“It’s too much,” she said pitifully.
“You’ll adjust. You’ll adjust,” Tony moaned, pressing in further. “You’ll be able to take all of me. All of us. It’s what you were built for.”
Bucky was becoming shifty, chewing on his thumb nail, his eyes boring into Y/N. He had stepped away from the door, coming closer to where she was. His dick was outlined in his jeans but he had refrained from releasing himself just yet. Steve on the other hand had taken his cock out and was stroking himself, needing some type of contact. Both of their eyes were blown wide.
“Oh. Tony,” Bucky said, aroused. “You would love this sight.”
Y/N’s eyes were glazed over as Tony thrusts grew deeper and quicker. Looking the perfect example of a subservient Omega, impaled on an Alpha’s cock.
“I love the feeling,” Tony choked back, holding tight to her wrists to drive himself deeper.
Soon, they came tumbling down. Tony came with loud grunts, emptying inside of her and he left a claim mark on her shoulder. Tony only took a moment to kiss at her neck, whispering something sweet into her ear before he backed off. His pants were buttoned back up and he collapsed in one of the chairs, his eyes falling on her.
Steve wasted no time coming behind her and entering her with ease. She whimpered at the intrusion, still so sensitive. His thrusts were unbridled, worked up into a frenzy. Y/N’s hips bounced off the desk.
“Alpha,” she whined.
“You’re okay, you’re okay,” Steve panted, his fingers digging into the skin at her hips. “You feel so goddamn good, Omega. You’re doing so well. So, so well. Everything I dreamed.”
The room was filled with skin slapping skin and the aroused moans leaving Y/N.
“Alpha,” she whined again, and Steve groaned, knowing she was getting close. He could feel her clenching around him.
And when she did, shaking and whimpering, Steve thrusted quickly as she tightened. He finished with a shout unable to help himself, coating her walls. He left another distinct claim bite at the base of her neck. His fingers traced it gently before he noticed Bucky standing there.
“You know, for an Alpha. Buck, you sure as hell are patient,” Steve joked.
Bucky gave a curt smirk before shoving Steve out of the way. Steve held his hands up in surrender, turning away and letting Bucky have his way with her. Y/N was doing so well still, behaving and letting Bucky rut her into the desk without pushback. Bucky had been right, Tony thought to himself. He loved that look in her eyes. She was lost to her arousal.
“P-p-please, alpha,” she begged moments before she cried out again.
Bucky grunted loudly, his thrusts becoming more erratic, chasing his high. He shook as he emptied himself and went to the opposite shoulder to leave another claim mark. She was exhausted, breathing heavily having not one but three Alphas imprinting themselves on her and using her.
The door opened and all three of them froze, Bucky still buried in Y/N, his large hands at her hips.
Clint was standing there, his mouth fallen open in disbelief at the scene. There were a few seconds of suspended shock before he asked them disgusted, “You couldn’t even lock it?”
“Didn’t think about it,” Tony admitted.
“You? You didn’t think? That’s rich,” Clint spat back at him. He noticed Y/N was handcuffed and realization dawned on him. He glared daggers at the three of them and snapped, “You’re going to get sidelined for this!”
“No, I don’t think so. More like chewed out… I’ve been chewed out before,” Steve said. Impatiently he added, “Now, will you close the damn door?”
His request went ignored by Clint, who pressed on furiously, “No, seriously. You guys know that right? Compromising an agent like this! Especially one they’re trying to keep up because they’re in such big demand to even out the ranks! She’s only going to respond to your Alpha commands now! That compromises her!”
“And why is anyone complaining about that? She should be answering to her superiors,” Tony remarked, watching her intently. She was so lost, trying to figure out what was going on. She had no purpose without feeling a cock being driven into her when she was this worked up into her heat. Tony almost felt bad for her…
“Barton, are you going to let Barnes pull out so we can untie her or what? She’s got to be getting sore by now. Wouldn’t want to hurt our ‘delicate flower’.” Clint stood his ground and Tony lost his humor, snapping, “Get the fuck out, Barton. It’s already been done. Now. Before I lose my goddamn temper.”
Clint’s jaw was clenched as he turned away from the three Alphas, slamming the door behind him so loudly it shook the wall.
“Speaking of that,” Bucky said, clearing his throat. He leaned in, catching her attention. “Darling… do you want Alpha to finish inside you?” She nodded fervently and Bucky grunted in response, rutting against her backside even as he pulled away from her. He pulled her up and she stood on shaky legs. In her ear, he asked, “Do you want to always be finished inside of?” She nodded again, biting her bottom lip. “Hmm… you want to please us? That’s what I thought. So. How about after you take in that feeling of that warm seed inside you, you go up to the director and tell her you want to resign? Tell her you wanna be a good little housewife for us? How does that sound?”
“Okay,” she agreed.
Steve’s fingers pressed her cheeks in, pressing her lips out and he smiled. “You wanna be an asset to the team in your best way. Such a team player.” He shot Tony a look at the end of the desk, an aroused gleam in his eye. “I’m sure we can get you a proper collar.”
“I’ve already got it built. I’ve been waiting for her to learn her place.” Tony then added, “But she can’t live with me. Pepper will kill me.”
“I’ve got it,” Steve said.
Steve rubbed her stomach and said, “Regardless, she’s gonna be serving her real purpose soon.”
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 
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sukirichi · 4 years ago
jujutsu kaisen characters as students in high school: (non-canon AU)
featuring: itadori yuuji, fushiguro megumi, gojo satoru, getou suguru, & ryoumen sukuna notes: some parts include you as their friend, or even their high school love! (this is unedited/ not proofread)
masterlist ! requests are open 
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he’s not the brightest bulb, but he makes up for it through hardwork and enthusiasm
yuuji is literally that classmate everyone is just friends with
the type who waves with a smile, saying “good morning!” the moment he walks through that door
with that being said, since he’s everyone’s friend, i headcannon that yuuji doesn’t really have a best friend because he’s so open and available to everyone it’s hard to have just a one on one conversation with him
not to say he’s always surrounded by a crowd that you can’t get near him, but everyone likes talking to yuuji
he just fits in so well and understands people 
kind of like how he easily clicked with junpei (please, i miss him, i still can’t believe that he’s...you know...)
whether it’s the guys raving to him about sports
or girls shyly talking about their crush on class or about that new shojo manga
yuuji is open to anything and everyone. this boy wears his heart on his sleeve and he’s honestly such a precious boy, please be kind to him <3
the type of student that gets called to answer in class but isn’t shy to admit he doesn’t know the answer while rubbing the back of his neck
he does pay attention tho
i think it’s canon that yuuji is a dedicated man, like from that time he just watched movies straight and kept his cursed energy controlled so the cursed corpse would stop hitting him
overall, yuuji is a very hard working student! 
he wouldn’t get over the top grades, but he’s really proud of himself (and he should be!)
also that one kid in class that is surprisingly good in sports despite his lanky figure and laid back persona, because all the other sports-craved people are always flexing or challenging other captains 
but plot twist, this boy is ripped and very, beautifully kept in trim
yeah he’s not really into club activities that much
not because he hates them, but he’s just not that into it. he’s more than glad to join in whatever activities though and enjoys them, but if asked what he’d like to do, it wouldn’t be that first thing that came to mind
in conclusion: itadori yuuji is the class sunflower that lights up everyone’s day  🌻
yuuji’s role: the hard worker! 
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hands down, megumi is THAT student
if you’re volunteering in the library, you can sure as hell guarantee you’ll see megumi there
he doesn’t like studying in class because it’s too noisy, so if he’s in school, you’ll always see his name in the library logs
he’s that kid that aces all exams
the type to scowl when he sees a 96% mark because he’s expecting a perfect mark
okay before you come at me, i’m not saying megumi is that annoying smart kid in class that goes, “Oh, I’m so dumb, just a 96?”
no he’s more frustrated at himself because he knows he studied hard and lost sleep over it. he’s just wondering where he went wrong. he has literal note cards and customize flash cards on an app on his phone, waking up every four am and probably taking supplement classes after regular school hours
i headcannon that megumi is someone who always wants to do his best and actually goes through lengths to prove his worth
maybe it stems from having the need to show who he really is and what he’s capable of
but yeah i can totally see him doing that
also that cute student that keeps visiting the cafe every saturday morning, wearing a black hoodie and headphones tucked in, his pretty hands nestling over a book
he looks like a gamer but honestly i don’t think he’s got time for that lmao
would also be that guy people find hard to approach because of his quiet and reserved self
he’s pretty intimidating too
definitely sits beside the window at the back of the class. you can’t fight me on that
just because he’s smart and loves studying, it doesn’t mean he’ll sit on the front row and raise his hand every damn second
the teachers will encourage him to participate in class a little bit more, especially after seeing he’s awkward during group activities, but megumi just really prefers to do things by himself
i also headcannon him eating in the cafeteria like everyone else instead of having his alone time during a rooftop? like idk i can’t picture megumi completely isolating himself like that
he blends in well in a way that you know he’s just like everyone else; a human
but he also stands out in the manner that he’s a lot more introverted and reserved compared to everyone else
surprisingly good during sports and relay games
100% reliable
the type to stay up at midnight to finish a group project, sighing because his groupmates doesn’t care as much as he does, but turns it in anyway the next day
he’d be annoyed at them, but he doesn’t really like confrontation so he doesn’t out them to the teacher like that
but he’s also not someone who lets people walk over him, so he’ll simply say something about his groupmates becoming more responsible and to be serious for once as a “warning”
and yeah, he may be closed off, but once you get really close with him (even better if you have similar interests) you’ll find there’s a lot more to him than what you’ve originally seen and he’s actually a pretty great friend and supportive classmate
would teach you instead of just letting you copy his work or snap pictures of his notes
ugh he’s so responsible and morally right and that’s so attractive help
in conclusion: fushiguro megumi is the hidden gem  💎
megumi’s role: the intellectual outsider!
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man...i don’t know how to start this
i’ve said this about megumi, but gojo is also that student
no, in fact, he’s THE student
everyone loves him. literally everyone
the teachers? smitten
his classmates? in love
the school guard? calls him by his first name
the cleaning lady? turns into a star with the way she lightens up when he’s there
the cafeteria staff? yeah free food because he’s gojo satoru
gojo is what i like to call the “one who has it all” because....well, he kind of does
he’s really smart and talented, which comes as a surprise to everyone in the first day of school when he nearly gets kicked out for falling asleep in class
only for everyone to be shocked that he knows the answer already and the teacher is only discussing chapter 1 lmao
yeah he’d be that kid who always sleeps in class
or is playing games on his phone behind an open textbook
he literally doesn’t listen to what the teacher is saying at all - or at least that’s what he wants you to think
man is a god at multitasking and his seatmate would snicker because he’s crushing his enemies at a phone game, but then gojo coolly corrects the teacher about history or something
he’s pretty laid back tbh
but when he’s got everyone’s attention on him? ofc he’d show off
basketball meats are wild. even students from neighbouring schools would visit just to see gojo play - and he’s not even an official member! the coach just asked him to replace a sick player but boy won that champion shot
but he pretty much excels at everything
except cooking class, gosh, don’t ever bring this man anywhere near a fire. that’s probably the only thing that really got him to detention this time because he always somehow talks himself out of getting that red card with his words and charm
also that kid that would receive lots of confession letters, chocolates, and random gifts in his shoe lockers
he knows he’s handsome and he’s not shy about it. in fact, he’s shameless when it comes to his allure on people
but he also doesn’t really date anyone (it’s canon this man won’t stay loyal to a single woman lmao)
if he and megumi were classmates, they’d be sort of rivals
megumi would always come on top of class, but gojo is just a breath away from the former’s perfect marks. if it only weren’t for megumi’s squeaky clean record and reputation - whereas satoru’s is TAINTED as heck - and the fact that gojo doesn’t really study as much as gumi, then yeah he’d also be top of the class if he wanted to
on a much more serious note,,,gojo acts like nothing really bothers him and he’s simply that effortless
but i feel like he grew up with tutors from a very young age and that’s how his natural intelligence was just further improved and increased with that type of environment in his childhood
and unlike megumi, i don’t think gojo would really have a set goal in mind on who he wants to be or what he wants to do in the future
he’d just be enjoying the moment <3
in conclusion: gojo satoru is the effortless god!
satoru’s role: the lazy king everyone is envious of 
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the playboy
you can’t argue with me on this one
he just is, i feel it deep in my SOUL he just is
moment he walks in, all classy and suave aura and all, you can honestly smell and taste the amount of confidence that drips from him
probably came from a well-off family
probably the mayor’s kid lmao and he’s been used to the attention ever since he was young
much like megumi, he’s not really the type to show off his intelligence
and similar to gojo, people are surprised he’s actually got them brain cells just because everyone is more focused on his appearance first
like who would expect this tall hunk beautiful beast of a man with long hair and piercings actually liked classic novels and could effortlessly recite sonatas and poems in different languages
yeah i headcannon that getou is an intellectual, cultured man
ofc having long hair and piercings isn’t allowed in his school, but because he’s geto and the school knows about his family’s influence, they just let it slide
probably comes late to school too
he eats in the cafeteria, but you don’t really see him indulge much. some days, he’ll have his own fancy bento box prepared by a family chef, but geto is actually pretty simple and humble that he also buys packed bread or canned coffee 
takes the library volunteer by surprise when he drops by one friday after class to borrow an old classic novel that even your professors had a hard time analysing
but geto’s like, “oh this? yeah i last read it when i was thirteen, thought i’d read it again”
IDK WHY but I can see him as sort of breaking the rules when it comes to the school uniform
top three buttons of his shirt open when he’s feeling hot or something
doesn’t really keep his tie that tight too
but overall, geto is a composed and well-put together guy
i just can’t picture him slacking when it comes to his appearance, he’s too fancy and pretty for that
he’s also similar to megumi in a way people find it hard to approach them, but most definitely, geto also receives confessions often 
i can see him dating someone after being interested in someone in school and actually being serious with them unlike gojo
then they would be “that” couple that’re just so couple goals
not the type that goes overboard with pda and pulls off the angry face emoji when they hear someone talking about them and they’re like, “NO HE’S MINE”
okay that’s cringe but i legit witnessed that way too many times in high school yall cant blame me lmao
but they’d be more like the chill laid back couple that supports each other in everything and you can just tell they have a happy, healthy relationship
(oh to be getou’s girlfriend in high school and his first love and all his firsts)
in conclusion: getou suguru is the unpredictable!
getou’s role is: that one classmate you really admire but he’s so far out your league but he’s genuinely a good guy anyway so you’re happy for him no matter what <3
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okay okay hear me out but...the stoner
i really can’t see him any other way guyssss
and if you’re his classmate, you most likely wouldn’t see him that much either
dude is like 2-3 years older than everyone in class and he doesn’t give a shit about it
he’ll come like...once a week, if he’s in the mood enough
teachers don’t even bother scolding him for his tattoos anymore because there’s rumours going around he’s the son of a yakuza leader or that he’s a gangster who sells organs or some creepy dark stuff
ofc he doesn’t do that
he just does drugs and gets drunk at most
sukuna doesn’t really have that much friends either. yeah he parties with people and often gets high with some older kids, but he doesn’t genuinely enjoy their companies either
would totally come to school with his uniform unironed
red-eyed from his high and naps at the back of the class, making the teacher soften their voice in fear of waking him up
also doesn’t have a pen or paper
i mean...he doesn’t even bring a bag
fails the exams all the time, making him repeat year by year, and he’s even known for beating his senpai up for something stupid and sending the guy to a hospital where he stays for two weeks
but on the other hand
he’s also freakishly attractive and surprisingly easy to talk to
you probably bumped into him one time and you profusely apologize, but then he notices something about, something odd like, “did you just cut your hair?”
“uhm yes...you noticed?”
sukuna shrugs lazily, “noticed something was different, but whatever. it looks good on you though.”
he’s just soooo nonchalant most of the time, it’s hard to believe he’s actually pretty violent
but yeah this man has anger issues i’m sorry
but with that speaking, i actually don’t see sukuna as a bully with like a gang of his “followers” or that type of jazz
he’s more like the kid that hides under the bleachers or gets high in a storage room while everyone else is occupied with school festivals
it’s a shock he even came, but sukuna just says “free food is always a gift” but ofc it’s not free food...he just steals from the stalls
now here comes the fun part
so now that we know sukuna pretty much is a hopeless case...suddenly, he isn’t? maybe he meets you, the class volunteer who goes out of their way to visit his shabby apartment just to hand him his class work that he’s missed out on
he obviously disses you at first and ignores you, telling you to get lost
but somehow your kindness and persistence has him breaking
now he starts coming to school often, carrying a pack of gum or mint pops because he smells like weed and he’s slightly conscious of himself
this is supposed to be just them being students in high school, but i could honestly sukuna changing colors once he just gets a better grasp of what would be good for him
or maybe something finally interests him and gives answers to his silent questions
i feel like he’s such a troubled kid and just lacks proper care and attention, but once you become his friend and show him you don’t have bad intentions, he’s actually a loyal and decent guy
and when you two finally get close, you eventually gain enough courage to tutor him. sukuna is actually pretty smart too, he just doesn’t like studying, but when you compliment him, oh man, he melts
“yeah, you actually got that right! i told you you could do this!”
tsk,” he scoffs, “that’s all kindergarten shit.”
“if it is, then why haven’t you graduated?”
“shut the fuck up.”
although he sneers, you and sukuna have gotten close enough that you know both of you don’t mean anything bad behind those words and it’s all light hearted teasing
oh and when you ask him to take a picture with you for “high school memories?”
sukuna is disgusted
“get that thing away from my face - did you just take my photo?”
“yeah, you look pretty cute here! i’m so printing this and putting this in my album.”
sukuna is about to scold you even more, but the thought of you putting your photo together - even when he’s frowning in the picture - in something as sentimental as a photo book really has him softening up
would even try - keyword is try - to study more just so you’d stop frowning when you see his paper covered in red marks all over again
and he’d even try cutting down on his weed for the sake of his “health”
ofc he won’t suddenly - or ever, even - become the amazing student megumi is
he’ll still get into trouble because he’s impulsive and has poor coping skills, also he’s not good with words or dealing with his emotions
but on his good days, he’s a pretty funny guy
it just takes a lot to see that side of him, but it’s worth the time and patience
also i was expecting to write funny scenarios or imagines of stoner! sukuna because he’s too high to even hold a proper conversation sometimes but all i got is him saying weird words like “snail trap” or something when you ask him how his day is
would also have that garbled little laugh when he’s so out of it
sukuna will try to be better though, you just need to be patient him
but my GOSH when he finally graduates
he’s going to hide that little smile because deep down, he’s also pretty proud of himself and how far he’s come <3
lol now this makes me want to writer a high school au lololol
in conclusion: yeah he’s the stoner with a good heart 
which is so not canon...this shouldn’t even be a headcanon we know ryoumen sukuna is PURE EVIL but oh well maybe when I’m down from my sukuna high I’ll write him a lot more canonically
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tbmaybank · 4 years ago
Hi, I was wondering if you could write an imagine with Jj where the reader is Topper’s little sister and she’s friendly with everyone. (Rafe could have a crush on her or something if u want to spice it up a bit) Well, she is starting to date Jj ( with a little bit of help from John B and Sarah) and Topper and Rafe find out about their relationship at a party or at midsummer because they catch them almost doing the dirty. I hope this isn’t wierd and I hope you understand cause English is not my first language.
Here you go, doll! I hope you like it :)
Warnings: drinking, smoking, smut, and violence
Requests are open!
You sat at the dinner table, mindlessly pushing your food around on the plate, ignoring the on going conversations. You hated coming to the Cameron’s for dinner. Rafe was always making comments or trying to find excuses to be alone with you. You kind of felt bad pushing him away, you were once really close. He was your brother, Toppers, best friend, and at one point you had a huge crush on him. But now, with how much he’s changed lately, you couldn’t stand being around him. Plus, you were now secretly dating one of the boys he hated most, JJ Mayfield. All you wanted to do right now was to get through this dinner so you could sneak away to see him.
You hadn’t meant to fall for the Pogue boy, but after the infamous Sarah and Topper break up, you ended up seeing a lot of the group, as Sarah was more of a sister to you than a friend. After seeing how horribly everything went when everyone found out about John B and Sarah, you decided to do everything you could to keep your relationship a secret. As much as you hated having to hide the boy you loved, you had to admit it made everything more exciting.
A buzzing from your pocket pulled you out of your thoughts. You pull the phone out, seeing a text from JJ.
-Is Rafe behaving himself around my girl?
Smiling at his obvious jealousy, even though he would never admit that he’s jealous.
-More or less. Nothing too bad. I’d much rather be getting annoyed by you though ;)
-Oh don’t worry, I fully plan on being extra annoying tonight. Can’t wait to see you.
“Y/n, are you listening at all?” Your father asks. You quickly put your phone away, turning a little pink.
“I’m sorry, I got lost in my own head. What did I miss?” Adding a sweet smile, which always got you out of trouble with your dad.
He sighs as he says “I was saying your mother and I will be leaving with Ward and Rose tomorrow morning for a couple days. You are to listen to your brother while we’re gone, understand?” Internally you roll your eyes. I’m 17. I don’t need a babysitter you think to yourself. But nows not the time to argue, especially when this can give you an excuse to spend more time with JJ.
“Yes, dad. I understand.” Everyone was finished eating by this point, but you knew this meant you still had about another hour of after dinner drinks to sit thought. However, your parents were okay with you, Topper, and Rafe going to sit outside on the dock. Almost as soon as you guys sit down, your brother is pulling out a joint. He lights it, takes a hit, then passes it to you. You immediately start to pass it over to Rafe, on the other side of you. You didn’t like being high around your parents, so you never joined in these after dinner smoke sessions.
Rafe throws his arm around you, “come on y/n, have fun for once.” Trying to hand the joint back to you.
“I have plenty of fun all the time, I think I’ll survive being bored for an hour.” He rolls his eyes and takes a hit.
They start talking about throwing a party the next day at your house. “Are you actually gonna join us this time?” Rafe asks you, moving his hand to grab your hip.
“Sure, but only if I get to bring my friends.” You respond while moving his hand off of you.
“You mean those pogues? Hell no. Why are you even friends with them?” Topper says.
“They’re nice, plus if they come, Sarah will be there.” Knowing that the chance to talk to Sarah would make him agree.
“Fine. But you better tell them to not start shit.” Smiling, you hug your brother.
“ Thank you Topper!”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”
Later that night, you were finally on your way to see JJ. Sarah had picked you up down the street from your house after you snuck out your window. Sarah was the biggest help to you being able to hide JJ. She was always willing to give you rides to see him, or covering for you and saying you were with her.
Once you guys park the car, JJ is instantly at the car opening your door for you, pulling you straight into a deep kiss.
“You guys literally saw each other this morning.” Sarah says, laughing at his eagerness to kiss you.
“Yeah, but if y/n was your girl, you’d miss her this much too.” He says as you guys start walking to join the others.
Everyone’s in their own conversations when you walk up, and you and JJ sit on a log, his arms going around you. You all start talking while drinking beer, a couple blunts being passed around. This time, you happily took hits as they came to you. You tell everyone how there’s a party the next night at your house, and how you got Topper to agree to them coming as long as they promised not to start anything, making sure to shoot your boyfriend a look as you say the last part.
“When have I ever started anything with them?” JJ asks, prompting everyone to start listing examples of when he most definitely started problems with them. “Okay, okay fine,” he throws his hands up “I promise not to start anything, but if Rafe starts touching you I will-“
“You will do absolutely nothing and let me handle it so everyone there doesn’t find out about us.” You interrupt, giving him a quick kiss at the end. He finally agrees, but not without pouting.
The next night, the party was in full blast. You sat in your room though, until you got the text from JJ that they were here. And when you did, you rush to meet them at the door, determined to keep them away from Topper, and more importantly, Rafe.
As the night progressed, you found it easy to keep everyone separated. Other than a few nasty looks exchanged, nothing bad happened. You and the Pogues stayed in a corner drinking and having a good time. After awhile, you were definitely drunk.
“Can we sneak away?” JJ whispers in your ear. Giggling, you nod. Carefully, making sure no one sees, you lead him up the stairs to your room. As soon as he closes the door, his lips are on yours. His hands on your hips, pulling you as close to him as you can get. He backs you up, til you softly hit the dresser. Without breaking the kiss, he lifts you up and sets you on the dresser, sneaking his hands under your shirt. You pull away to your shirt off.
“God you’re beautiful.” He whispers before attacking your neck with his lips, letting his rands roam your body. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer against you. You lift his shirt and yank it off him, and pull his lips to yours again. His hand going under your skirt to rub you through your panties. “You’re so wet for me, baby.” Moaning at the feeling of his hand, and his words, and whimpering when he pulls his hand away.
“JJ,” you pant breathlessly, “I need you. Please..” he smirks at your words before lifting you just enough to pull down your thong. His thumb returns to rubbing your center while he kisses your neck again, slowly moving to your chest before his fingers enter you, causing a gasp. His fingers thrusting, as he sucks at your nipples, makes moans fall out of you beyond control. You start to feel the warm feeling build up in your stomach, before the bedroom door swings open.
“Hey y/n, where’d you- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HER!?”
You guys quickly pull apart, you covering yourself with your arms as soon as you hear Rafes words.
“Rafe, get out!” You shout at him.
He ignores you, and goes straight for JJ, throwing a punch. You quickly throw your shirt on and start trying to pull them apart, which you knew was a useless effort. You instead ran downstairs to find Pope and John B. Your eyes scan the people in the party. The music covering the noise from the fight upstairs. Finally your eyes spot the boys your looking for. You run up to them, not even realizing your crying and try to say what’s happening, but the words won’t come out. All you can manage to say is “Rafe. Upstairs.” Luckily, they understand and run up. You follow behind and watch as they successfully get Rafe and JJ apart. Each still trying to get at each other, though.
“Don’t ever tucking touch my girl again!” Rafe shouts at JJ, but before he can respond you cut in.
“I’m not your girl, Rafe. Just because you have a crush on me, and try to act like my boyfriend, doesn’t mean you are. JJ is my boyfriend; not you.”
He looks between you and JJ for a minute, before smirking “so you’re a pogue slut now? I should have seen that coming.” JJ tries to go for him again at this comment, but Pope keeps him back.
At this point, Topper makes his way upstairs, noticing all of you missing. He walks in and sees Rafe and JJ being held back from each other, JJ still shirtless, in your room. He looks to JJ, and asks “were you fucking my sister?”
“Topper, Rafe, get out of my room.”
“Are you seriously with him, y/n?” Topper asks.
“Yes, Topper. I am.” You sigh.
“Get out.” He says.
“Topper, you can’t kick me out. Mom and dad would kill you.”
“No, they’re gonna be thankful when I tell them why. Now pack your shit and get out.”
You felt your eyes getting filled with tears. You knew it would be bad if he found out, but you didn’t expect him to look at you with such hatred. “Topper..”you say quietly, walking towards him.
“No, y/n. It’s them or us. And you need to choose right now.” The tears falling fully now. No body in the room dares to say anything or move, all watching you two, waiting to hear your answer. Suddenly anger rises back up in you, before you turn away from him, snatching up your old book bag, and stuffing as much as you can from your dresser in it, and walking out without a word to any of them. Your plan was to go wait by John Bs van, but then realize it was pretty bold of you to assume he would be okay with you coming back to his place tonight. So, here you were, aimlessly walking down the street. You walked like you had purpose, a goal in mind, but really you had no idea where you were going. You hear footsteps running up to from behind, and suddenly your arm is grabbed and your spun the other direction. You were about to scream, before you saw JJ standing there.
“I’ve been shouting for you,” he says out of breath, “didn’t you hear me?” You honestly didn’t, your head full of so many thoughts at this time. Looking into his blue eyes, seeing the cuts and bruises from Rafe, you feel the anger melt away, and instead all the other emotions hit you, and you just start sobbing. He pulls you close to him, “baby, y/n, it’s gonna be okay, okay? You can come stay with us, if you want?” You just nod against his chest, unable to stop crying enough to actually talk. He starts leading you towards John Bs van, continuing to tell you how it’s gonna be okay, and you guys will figure everything out together.
When you reach the van, Kie and Sarah rush to hug you. “I think this officially means your a pogue.” Kie says while hugging you, getting a small, but sniffly, giggle out of you.
“I’m sorry guys, I should have known this wasn’t gonna go well.” You say, trying to wipe away tears with the back of your hand.
“Hey,” John B says while lightly grabbing your shoulders and looking into your eyes, “it’s not your fault. At all. Rafe is a psychopath.” Nodding; you thank him.
You all pile into the van, riding in silence back to John Bs house. JJs arm around you as you try to clean his wounds in the bouncing van. You guys finally arrive, and climb out. JJ dramatically holding his arms towards the house, “Welcome Home, y/n!” He says smiling.
Home. You liked the sound of that.
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mayaflowerxs · 4 years ago
hi there! can you do nsfw a-z for hendery? thank you! <3
NSFW Alphabet w/ Hendery
Warning: Smutty!
A/N: Thank u for the request hope you enjoy!
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He’s alllll for aftercare. Even if he’s not there with you and are doing phone sex he still does it. He’s asking you if you’re okay, to go get cleaned up, get some rest, eat and take a few minutes to yourself. If he went too hard on you he tends to stay with you whether it’s on the bed cuddling or just flat out following you to make sure you’re not having a hard time walking or doing any other activities that’s requiring you to move. Your safety means the world to him so even when you tell him you’re fine he won’t stop budging. At one point I can see him brushing you off and sending you to the couch or bed while he cleans and fixes the place up.
Body Part:
Not really a body part but he loves your hair. He loves tugging your hair just as much as he loves his being tugged.
In any hole really. Hendery is just a sucker to see you full of him. He doesn’t like it splattered on you because he’s convinced it’s being wasteful and he may or may not have a breeding kink 😶
Dirty secret:
He has an oral fixation. Like the dude is literally in love with eating you out and sometimes it can get too much for you when you two get intimate. He can’t help it he loves it so much but won’t show it because he thinks you might get annoy of him constantly attacking your pussy :( so when you two do get handsy he seriously does not hold back at all. If he gets to a point where he has you practically sobbing then so be it but he’s not going to back off until he’s for sure done with you (if that’s what you’re into)
I see him as experienced. Had a partner here and there and definitely went past making out. But oh boy they just didn’t hit the way you do. Everything he always wanted to try out was with you which is why it’s all the more special. Because you’re so accepting that he grows more and more confident in pleasuring you.
Favorite position:
Definitely doggy and cowgirl. He needs to be in charge. Now when you’re in cowgirl he never once has you think you’re in charge. I see him as one who’s very dominant behind all that goofiness. He’ll have you leaned down on his chest, an arm around your neck and the other around your waist as he relentlessly pounded into your fucked out cunt. Not holding back until every last drop is deeply stuffed in.
Okay he’s definitely goofy in the beginning. He’ll crack a hole here and there and overall just make it all the more comfortable. But as soon as the first moan leaves one of your guys mouth he’s inner dom comes out and no more Hendery now you’re face with Kunhang.
Honestly it’s one or the other. No I’m between he’s a pretty confident man so he won’t worry whether he still keep it nice and trimmed to bare. If he wants to leave it as is he will and same goes for you. He literally does not mind what you do with your girl down there as long as he’s stilling tapping it it’s literally all that matters to him smh.
The only time there’s real intimacy is if you two have been away for a long time. Missing you so much just as has him wrapped around you the entire time. And when you two are climaxing he’s pressing kisses to your shoulder, temple, lips anywhere silencing telling you, you did a good job and he loves you so so much.
Jerk off:
Oh yeah. He does it quite often. The boy literally is a puppy who grew attachment issues. He tends to miss your touch and presence and eventually that longing turns into sexual frustration that he just can’t tame. Kinda surprised how he still hasn’t been caught cuz of how often he does it especially since he shares his room. He loves to jerk off with you, so phone sex is a must.
The biggest breeding kinker. Bondage. Those are his go to but he’s up for anything. Nothing is ever a routine when it comes to him he always has to try something new, nothing to big of a new but just something to spice things up. So things like choking, he grew fond of that as well. He also tried using ice but it only irritated him because the ice wouldn’t stop sliding down so that was a big turn off for him which only resulted in him taking out his frustration on you, annoyed that it didn’t work out to well but hey you didn’t mind. You got fucked by a frustrated Hendery that’s a pretty win win for you.
Okay hear me out, Hendery is literally in denial when it comes to this. But the man can literally do it ANYWHERE. Just with the right amount of edging and or sexual tension is why gets him to snap. Usually when his mind isn’t going fuzzy and he’s not in a lustful state he won’t even think to the idea of taking you in a public restroom. Or fucking you in the car in a parking lot filled with other cars. But as soon as you begin to tease him or whisper him how much you need him he slowly starts turning into the dommy man you oh so love just like his regular self and before you know it you’re coming back home with a slight limp.
How lost you get. You will be minding your own business but won’t notice how every move you’re making is a bit more seductive to Hendery’s eyes. He snaps as soon as you flash him that ‘innocent’ smile at him and that’s when he has you pinned. He also loves how confident you get, when you’re in the mood you don’t hold back. Already on a mission to tag Hendery’s whereabouts and pounce on him. Seriously ends up falling more in love with you when he’s all of a sudden gets dragged away from his activities and pushed onto a surface to lay or sit on. Biting his lip as you begin to attack him in kisses. Yeah he’s a goner right then and there.
Honestly Hendery says no to anything he considers not that fun or interesting. Like the ice, won’t ever do that again what a waste of time and ice.
My god YES. He loves you sucking him but usually he gets impatient because he’s the one who wants to eat you out. Might get a bit selfish because you like oral too so he might take up your time just so that he gets to work on you. The boy literally loves eating pussy he can go for hours and not get tired. Though eventually it gets too much your hands are pushing at his head and legs desperately trying to shut, hot tears running down your cheek by how sensitive you’re getting. Close to seeing spots.
He has a good pace. Not too fast or slow, doesn’t stop often nor does he pound into you continuously without break. He knows exactly what pace to go which is right in the middle of it all which is what gets you to cum hard. His pace reflects on his thrusts and stamina and when all three come together he gets his baby happily pleasured which is all that matters to him.
Into it definitely. Hendery is overall a sex addict. That’s the truth. And the thing is he does good when you’re not around, for some time. But once your in view, in arms length or just the mention of your name is an instant click in his brain to desperately fuck you to tomorrow. Always before practice, after concerts, before grocery shopping. Hell he might even drag you to the bathroom and fuck you while you two were in the middle of shopping. He’s all for it and he’s not ashamed of it.
Doesn’t give a fuck. Quite frankly he wishes someone catches you two in the act. Just the mere thought already has him climaxing so hard. Just seeing the shocked face of someone catching him fucking you balls deep is probably a deep desire of his. Like I said earlier this man can fuck you anywhere and won’t care who can see.
This boy has such a high sex drive he’s learned how to keep a high stamina. Hell even after you two are finished he still might have some energy he still needs to let off but never acts upon it because he sees how tired and worn out you are he just no longer has the heart to keep you going. You already did so much for him his needs can wait.
Yes! I see Hendery as secretly kinky so using toys is a must for him. He’ll mostly use them to edge you on, yes he might like using them but he will never have a toy make you cum. If anything only he can, not even a toy shall do that to you. I also see him as the type to have lots of phone sex with you and have you use them but as soon as you’re close to cumming he’ll demand you to get rid of em and use your fingers to finish you off.
It’s a 50/50 for him. Usually he likes to tease you but not for long. He’s not the biggest fan of not giving you what you want.
I feel like he’s one who’s kinda shy to show you his sounds of pleasure when you first go out but the more he gets comfortable and the more you reassure him he gets more vocal. Now that doesn’t mean he’s the loudest mf, I feel like he is only ever loud when he hits the spot to the point where his fingers are practically leaving a bruise on you by how good it feels. But other than that he’ll most likely grunt and have heavy breathing. Sweat running down his forehead which is what gets you going and have you get him to grunt louder when you either ride him faster or squeeze around him.
When he plays video games with the boys he tends to have you on his lap throughout the game. Cock warming is his absolute favorite. He treats it like a challenge. How long can he have you on his lap without fucking you and usually it lasts around four rounds until he’s saying goodbye and fucking you from behind. Letting all his sexual needs on to you who is currently shaking his desk top like crazy.
Feel like he’s a bit over average. I feel like he’s more long than girthier but doesn’t mean it’s skinny as hell. Don’t get it twisted the boy be packing no doubt.
The man craves for you literally all the time. The only time he doesn’t yearn for you is if scheduling is kicking his ass and he’s too sleep deprived to even eat properly. Even then he might make it up by having lazy sex with you as soon as he wakes up. You guys have sex pretty regularly, if anything it’s a lot than regularly. You must have some nice working birth control because man with all these rounds and you’re still not knocked up. Only making it a challenge for Hendery to succeed in. And let me tell you once he challenges himself he most definitely succeeds.
Hendery is either or. It’s either he’s so worn out of his energy he falls asleep or he still has some energy left and uses that to clean up and yourselves. Usually because of how much he puts you through you’ll be the one knocked out so he’ll probably distract himself by playing the drums or doing what Hendery usually does.
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tothemeadow · 4 years ago
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Art trade with @azurenocturne​
Art originally done by @ Lsjenjen on twitter
Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader
- Kyojuro decides to take your relationship to the next level while teaching you how utterly amazing you are, no matter what anyone else says. -
warnings: NSFW, oral sex, mentions of emotional abuse, Douma is kind of a dickhead
words: 2k
“You’re doing it again.”
Snapping away from your reverie, you nearly drop your phone as you fumble around, embarrassment heating up your insides. You hadn’t even realized you were spacing out again. Still, Douma cracks a smile. You tense as he reaches over the table, the rings adorning his fingers catching the afternoon light streaming in through the windows. He merely pats the crown of your head with a gentle touch; you know that this is all for show since the two of you are in public. While Douma has never struck you during the course of your relationship, he isn’t gentle either.
“Stupid girl,” he mutters. “There isn’t anything that important in your life to distract you this much.”
Ah, there it is.
You’re used to the biting words, the snarky comments, the endless insults. On some days, it’s like his sole mission in life is to yell at you constantly, but what can you do about it? It is your fault, after all. Maybe if you had your head on straight or weren’t so sensitive, things could be better for you in life.
You swallow dryly. The plate of half-eaten food sitting in front of you doesn’t even look appetizing anymore. “I’ve got exams coming up, you know that,” you tell him, voice low. You know better than to talk back to him, especially when you’re in public like this.
With a scoff, Douma leans back in his seat. It’s unfair that he’s still unbelievably attractive even when irritated; strong jaw set, eyes heavy lidded, and birch hair pulled up high, he looks like he’s ready to set foot out on the runway rather than be sitting here on a lunch date with you. The houndstooth material of his jacket ruffles as he crosses his arms. He’s just so pretty, incredibly so, and you’d be damned if you said you couldn’t bear to stare at him all day.
“Well, you’re with me,” he spits. “Exams be damned.”
“Douma, you know I can’t fail these courses if I want to graduate-“
“I don’t care,” Douma interrupts. “Christ, all I did was ask you out to lunch, and all you do is think about it your classes? What am I, chopped liver?”
“No,” you say frantically, “of course not. I’m sorry. Please… Please don’t be mad.”
Douma sighs. His expression softens, then; getting up from his chair, he opts to take the spot next to you instead. “I know you’re sorry, my little cherub. You know all I want to do is to be stuck in that pretty little head of yours, right?” With a gentle hum, he slings an arm around your shoulder and nuzzles the top of your head. “You’ll be a good girl for me, won’t you?”
It’s those simple words that makes your tummy flutter and the ice around your heart to melt. This is why you love Douma, after all. Sure, he can be mean sometimes, but he means well.
A smile blossoms across your face as you lean into his warmth. “I promise.”
When it comes to playing life, you always act the fool.
Words are cheap, enough said. It just so happens that Douma’s are practically dirt.
Although he knows you’re sorry about focusing on your studies lately, it’s almost if he never drops the subject. He has a point though – he is your boyfriend, after all. It’s just your fault that you have the improper abilities of juggling your love life and schooling at the same time. It’s when he’s attending his own classes that you’re finally able to breathe, even though you feel guilty about thinking that way in the first place.
You still can’t shake off the guilt as you venture through the school’s library, browsing for books your professor recommended for you to better understand the material. It’s a slow process, your eyes scanning over each of the exposed spines. “No… no… no… “ you say to yourself, the quiet mantra continuing on while your search comes up with nothing. “Dammit, why can’t I – ah!”
Before you know it, your body is colliding into someone else’s; as you’re about to take an inevitable tumble and land on your ass, a strong hand grasps onto your forearm while another lands on the small of your back.
“Whoa there! Sorry about that!” a deep, attention-getting voice whisper-yells.
As you open your eyes (you didn’t even realize you closed them to begin with), your met with a boy around your age, eyes bright and blond hair held back with a backwards ballcap. As he flashes you a cheeky smile, you’re struck by how white his teeth are compared to his golden skin, the sharp line of his jaw. Your heart thuds in your chest, and for good reason, too – this man is hot.
“You’re not hurt, are you?” this stranger continues. He pulls you upright, making sure you’re properly balanced before giving you a onceover to check for any bruises.
“I’m alright, thank you,” you say awkwardly. It’s incredible how quickly your body heats up under his gaze despite literally just bumping into the guy. “I wasn’t paying attention anyway, it’s all my fault-“
“Hey,” he interrupts, his eyes crinkling even further, “I wasn’t paying attention either. Don’t take all the blame for yourself, eh?” He sticks out a hand, then, the prominent veins in his forearm and hand instantly catching your attention. “Rengoku Kyojuro, at your service. You can just call me Kyojuro, though.”
The name rolls around your brain like a loose bolt. You wonder how it tastes on your tongue, how your lips feel when you say it. “Kyojuro,” you say, testing it out. You immediately decide you like it. Grasping onto his hand, you introduce yourself, an easy smile making its way onto your features before you even realize it. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Right back at ya,” he chirps.
His hand is large and warm. In fact, heat seems to radiate off his body, tempting you to lean in and hold him close.
“Say,” Kyojuro says, a hopeful glint shining in his eyes, “do you want to grab a coffee or something?”
Your heart nearly gets stuck in your throat. For a moment, you think of Douma and what he would he say if he found out about you grabbing coffee with some other guy. However, Kyojuro just seems so nice and, well, perfect.
“Yeah,” you tell him, “I’d love to.”
After that fateful meeting, things started to change.
During the free moments you had, you would meet up with Kyojuro, either to go out to eat or simply have a study session together. You quickly found yourself thoroughly enjoying his company, and all for the right reasons. Despite his excitable, bold behavior, he was kind, more so than most people you know. You craved to be in his presence, to have his pearly smile directed at you. Hell, even the thought of him made your heart throb.
Of course, it didn’t take long for Douma to start noticing your “odd” behavior. You acted distant whenever the two of you were together, so much more… closed. What really got him, though, was when he confronted you about it. I found someone else, you had told him, face and voice equally solemn. This is the end of us. Even you were shocked by the mere fact that you had dumped him; after all this time, you were finally free of his cruel words and the endless pain.
“You’re doing it again, sweetie.”
Just like that, you’re snapping back to reality and away from your thoughts. “Sorry,” you mutter, “I was just thinking of… things.”
Even after a few months of ditching Douma for Kyojuro, you still find yourself spacing out. Kneeling on the bed like this, your hand hangs in the air, absentmindedly holding a brush while the other is still holding onto Kyojuro’s blond locks. Turning around fully, Kyojuro’s thick brows furry together as a glint of worry sparks in his eyes. “Hey, hey, look at me,” he urges, taking your face into his hands. “I am not Douma. I’ll never be like him, you got it?” Gently stroking your cheek, he flashes you a soft smile. “I couldn’t bear to put you in pain like that, my sweets. You’re too special for anything like that.”
Oh god, he’s so gentle, so freaking sweet that you’ll get a toothache. As cheesy as it sounds, your heart yearns for him, for his promises, and for his loving touches. You don’t think you’ve ever met someone like this in your life.
“So please,” Kyojuro continues, gaze dropping to your mouth, “trust me.”
And you do. For the love of everything high and mighty, you trust this guy with your entire being. The kiss you two share starts off slow, yet it’s so full of unspoken feeling that it makes your heart soar. You can’t deny the fact that his hands feel good as they trail lower, brushing over your neck and shoulders before settling on your waist. Hell, you love it when he presses you onto your back, his weight hovering over you protectively. Like this, Douma can’t hurt you. Douma can’t even get near you, not when Kyojuro is around, not when he’s treating you this softly.
It didn’t take very long for you to confide in Kyojuro about how your relationship with Douma went. Appalled by Douma’s so-called methods, Kyojuro promised to treat you like the queen you are because you deserve it.
Even as you quake, Kyojuro holds you steady. And he’s always so warm, so wonderfully warm as he rids you of your shirt before following suit. Your fingers drift over the swell of his pectorals, the divots of his abs. Now, things have escalated between you two before, but nothing to this extent. The last person you slept with was Douma, and even then he would degrade you and make you feel like utter trash. But no, not with Kyojuro. Never with Kyojuro.
“You’re gorgeous,” he mutters, mouth slanting over your neck and down your chest. Your heart quickens as mouths your breasts, hands slipping around and unhooking your bra. “And you’re so soft and sweet…” Trailing off, he lifts himself back up, his eyes meeting yours. “You’re perfect, (y/n). I’ll be damned if anybody tells you differently.”
Heart leaping to your throat, you sling your arms around his broad shoulders and pull him back into a kiss. You refuse to let yourself shed any tears, but you can’t deny the dampness gathering in your eyes.
“Pretty girl,” Kyojuro says, mouth beginning its descent once more. This time, he carries on past your chest, lips brushing against your tummy as he carefully removes your pants. Your fingers comb through his hair as little gasps slip through your lips; nuzzling you through your panties, he openly gropes your thighs and ass, deep, rumbling moans vibrating in his chest.
“Kyojuro,” you breathe, back arching as he yanks down your panties and presses his mouth against your quivering pussy. His movements remain slow, but the deep stroke of his tongue inside your pussy or the strong suckling on your clit has you seeing stars. His bright eyes never leave your face, a lustful yet loving expression carved into his handsome features. A slight yank on his hair has him redoubling his efforts; easily bending your thighs to your chest, he works at your pussy vigorously, the lewd noises and his husky groans filling your ears.
“So fucking perfect,” he mutters, thick fingers slipping past your folds. You keen at the touch, your velvety walls fluttering around his digits. “You’re wonderful, my sweets,” he coos, pressing his mouth to the inside of your knee in a quick kiss. “I love you.”
“Kyojuro, please,” you pant. The tears building up in your eyes finally break free as you reach out towards him. “Make love to me… won’t you?”
Drawing away from your dripping pussy, Kyojuro hovers over you, a dazzling grin painted on his face. “Are you sure about that?”
You nod frantically. “Yes. I… I trust you, my love.”
Hearing the pet name tumble from your mouth has Kyojuro’s eyes crinkling. “Anything for you, sweetie,” he purrs, reaching down and undoing his pants. “Everything for you.”
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looooooooomis · 4 years ago
Somebody’s Baby
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a stu macher x fem!reader one shot requested by the lovely @slasherscream​ 
I try to shut my eyes, but I can't get her outta my sight. I know I'm gonna know her, but I gotta get over my fright.
pairing: Stu Macher x fem!reader word count: 5.6k warnings: s m u t, longing, fluff, angst, oral, teasing, honestly I went off (my bad)
Stu Macher never really did stand a chance. At least not when it came to you.
He was putty in your hands, whether you knew it or not. He’d do anything for you, everything for you – even if that meant taking a backseat to Billy Loomis. He had to admit, it was gutting to watch you and Billy interact the way you did. The two of you were close – hell, the three of you were close – but there was something about you and Billy that seemed to just…make sense.
And, for the most part, Stu was okay with that. For the most part being the key words. Because, fuck, he’d be a liar if he said that tonight of all nights wasn’t bothering him. It was a night not unlike any other. The three of you had decided on a movie that Stu couldn’t really bring himself to care about all too much as you and Billy harped on and on about whatever it was the two of you were talking about, but it was your attitude that was rubbing him the wrong way.
You were distant tonight. You were cold. You seemed to smile real big whenever Billy would make a comment about the movie but if Stu said a goddamn word it was as though he’d sucker punched you in the gut. It didn’t feel angry, or at least he didn’t think you were angry, but there was something off about the whole damn thing and it was driving him mental.
You were tucked away in the chair with your knees curled up into your chest, frowning at a particularly bloody scene on the TV, a seemingly important one too, but Stu couldn’t bring himself to watch it. He was far too busy trying to discern what the lines on your forehead meant, what the furrowed brow and small, barely-there frown on that pretty face of yours meant. Had he unknowingly done something wrong? He didn’t think so, but stupid shit came out of his mouth all day long so, he supposed, it wasn’t impossible.
But there was a niggling feeling in his gut that told him that couldn’t be it. You weren’t mad or annoyed, you were cold. You were distant. It was as though you’d barricaded yourself away from him and done so with purpose. But why?
Why, why, why?
“It’s eight, Stu,” Billy muttered, far too engrossed in the movie to bother looking his way. “Didn’t you have to be at whatsername’s by eight-thirty?”
Glancing down at the time on his watch, Stu stretched out his long limbs and chanced another look at you only to find that your eyes were solely focused on the wall just beyond the television. For a moment, he remained still, waiting for you to do something. To look at him, to make a quip about his date, to do literally anything besides ignore him, but when your stare remained cast ahead, Stu sighed and stood up to his full height. “Yeah, yeah, I’m going.” He griped. “Think she’ll put out?”
It was meant to be a joke, something to lighten the mood or, at the very least, get you to crack a smile or roll your eyes, but when all you did was continue in your stare-off with the fucking wall, Stu’s stomach fell.
What the fuck was your problem tonight?
“Tact, fucker. Y/N is right here.” Billy rolled his eyes but shot him a small smirk. “And if she has a brain, don’t count on it.”
“Hilarious,” Stu mocked. “You guys need anything before I go? Some water? Some beer? Handful of condoms?”
“Fuck off,” Billy cracked a grin. “Don’t do anything stupid tonight.” He gave Stu a knowing look, being sure to keep his mouth shut around you in fear of letting anything regarding their little charade slip.
“Me?” Stu feigned hurt. “Never.”
Once again, he waited for you to say anything – a goodbye, at the very least – but when he got nothing in return, Stu merely rolled his eyes and walked out of the house.
You, on the other hand, remained stoic as ever as you blinked back a flurry of tears daring to spill out of the corners of your eyes. Your heart was in your stomach and your nails, which had been digging into your palms for the better half of the evening, carved out tiny half-moons into the sensitive flesh as you fought back every urge you had to scream and yell at the idiot for leaving you yet again.
The sound of the front door shutting was enough to make your body relax just enough for a few stray tears to roll down your cheeks. You were just so mad and so incredibly hurt all at once and, while you should have been used to it by now, it never got any easier watching that tall bitch of a man you’d grown to love over the years walk out for yet another date with another woman who was not yourself.
“You okay?” Billy asked, lulling his head towards you from his spot on the couch. He was the one person in the world to know your true feelings about Stu Macher and, while he’d never admit to it out loud, you knew he was oddly protective of you when it came to Stu’s idiocy, especially where his dating life was concerned.
You swallowed hard, not quite trusting your voice in fear of breaking down in front of him. So, instead, you remained silent and barely nodded. Was it hot in here or was it just you? You suddenly felt like you couldn’t breathe as you sat in the dark room with Billy to your left and Stu now long gone. Deep breaths, you thought to yourself, squeezing your palms yet again. Deep, calming breaths.
You heard Billy sigh as he paused the movie. “Y/N,” he muttered, his tone careful, “how’s he going to know how you feel if you don’t actually say shit about it?”
Through the thick blanket of tears still gathering in your eyes, you focused your glare on the dark-haired man. “Fuck off,” you barked out, “like it’s that easy.”
“It is,” he shrugged. “What’s stopping you?”
“The idiot has a date every week, Billy,” you hissed, “am I supposed to show up with a bouquet of fucking roses declaring my feelings as his tongue’s down some other girls’ throat?” With your emotions at an all-time high, you stood up from the chair and raised a shaky hand to anxiously toy with your hair. “I mean does he have to parade his shit around here the way he does? It drives me nuts.”
Billy remained quiet and still as he watched you pace in front of the tv. He’d seen this frenzied look on your face only once before, but he knew what was coming next. It wasn’t often that you let your feelings finally bubble over to the brink of explosion, but if your current state was any indication, he was about to witness a breakdown.
Standing up to his full height, Billy quietly walked towards you and placed his hands on either shoulder, holding you in place as his brown eyes searched your own watery gaze. “Hey,” he cooed, brow puckered. “Stu’s a fucking idiot if he doesn’t see what’s in front of him.”
You chewed on your lip in an attempt to contain the sob desperately clawing its way up your throat. “I can’t watch him do it anymore, Bill,” you finally said, barely above a whisper. “It just hurts too much.”
It wasn’t often you were met with the soft side of Billy Loomis, but you cherished those moments – though so far and few between – each and every time. With a sigh, Billy wrapped his arms around your shoulders and tugged you close. He said nothing, though, because what could he say? Stu was a fucking moron when it came to you, he knew as much, but uttering those words at a time like this would only hurt you more.
You sniffed, your tears bleeding into the cotton of his white t-shirt. “I swear he—”
“Wow,” Stu’s voice rang out into the silence of the room. Snapping your head towards his sudden appearance, you froze in Billy’s arms, terrified of just how much he’d heard. At first, he seemed to just stand there for a second, staring at the two of you wrapped up in each other’s arms with a resigned, almost defeated look in his blue eyes. But all at once, in typical Stu fashion, that serious undertone slowly morphed into an almost amused sneer. “You two move fast, huh? Guess I should’ve grabbed those condoms.”
You rolled your eyes, barely hearing Billy’s sly comeback as you gently pushed him away. That heaviness in your chest that had made you cry only seconds prior was now a raging fire inside of your chest. The audacity this big, dumb, ass of a man had.
“Hilarious, Stu,” you griped, sniffing as you walked back to your chair. “Forever the comedian.”
“Hey,” he held his hands up in surrender. “No shame in it, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“You didn’t interrupt shit,” Billy said. “And you know it.”
“What are you even doing back?” You snapped, glowering across at the idiot. “Or did you get bored of this one already?” You made a show of looking down at your watch-less wrist. “Five whole minutes, that’s got to be a new record.”
Stu pretended to laugh. “I forgot my wallet, ice queen,” he grabbed his wallet off of the table but continued to glare down at you. “What’s your problem tonight, anyway? You’ve got a stick shoved so far up your ass it’s practically coming out of your—”
“I wouldn’t go there,” Billy warned, flicking the play button on the remote. “Stop while you’re ahead.”
Stu barely glanced at him. “Nah, Billy,” he shrugged and took a seat on the edge of the couch closest to where you sat. “I’m curious. Can’t a guy be curious as to why a broad suddenly decides to give you the cold shoulder?”
“I warned you,” Billy merely shrugged.
“A broad?” You growled. “Get fucked, Macher.”
“What is your issue?” Stu reiterated. “I’m serious. You’ve been acting like a—”
“I’m not getting into this with you.” Pushing yourself off of the chair, you stormed passed both men towards the front door. “Enjoy your date, dipshit.”
Stu watched you go in utter confusion but before he could get up to follow you and continue this entire fiasco, Billy smacked him upside the head. “Leave her be, idiot,” he merely said, not tearing his eyes away from The Exorcist. “Let her cool off.”
“Cool off?” Stu asked with a furrowed brow. “Cool off from what? You two got that heated that fast that she stormed out because I came back inside?”
A long, deep, heavy sigh escaped Billy’s lips as he – yet again – had to pause the movie. His eye twitched in irritation as he surveyed the almost dopey look on Stu’s face. “I just want to watch this damned movie and it’s like a fucking soap opera with you two.”
Stu blinked. “What are you talking about?”
“You seriously don’t know, do you?” When all he received was a blank stare from his friend, Billy pinched the bridge of his nose and swore under his breath. “You’re even dumber than you look, you know that?”
It was a few hours later when there was a casual knock at your front door. Your parents were gone for the night and, as you glanced at the time, your stomach gave a nervous twist. It was nearing midnight and, while it was a Friday and you were by no means tired, just who would be knocking at your door this late at night eluded you.
Debating on whether or not to answer, you remained firmly situated on your couch as you eyed the front door in disdain. Maybe if you waited long enough, they’d move onto the next house and your life could be spared for another night. But, before you could get too much hope on the matter, another loud knock erupted from the door. This time, however, followed by an all too familiar voice.
“Hey dipshit,” Stu’s muffled voice rang out, “open up.”
“The fuck?” You whispered in confusion before making your way to the front door. Sure enough, as you unfastened the lock, there he stood. Stu Macher in all his glory. His eyes were somewhat wild as he silently stood on your front porch, soaking you in from all angles as his Adams apple bobbed up and down in his throat. For the first time in…well, ever, it appeared Stu was at a loss for words.
“Stu, what the hell?” You asked. “My parents could have been home do you know how late it is?”
“Yeah,” he simply said, not moving an inch from where he stood. “But this couldn’t wait.”
You blinked. “What couldn’t wait?” You asked, glancing over his shoulder to see if this was some weird prank that he and Billy thought up. “Come inside, you’re freaking me out.”
“I—” His words seemed to die on his tongue. “I just need to know if it’s true.”
You frowned. “If what’s true?” You racked your brain for a possible answer but came up empty. “Did something come up on your date or something? If it’s about that rumour with me and Matt Sewinski, I promise you that’s not true. The guy’s a creep.”
Stu shook his head but his eyes remained glued to your face, unblinking. “No,” he simply said, “and I didn’t end up going out with Heather.”
You wrinkled your nose. “I thought it was Sarah tonight?”
Stu shut his eyes in sheer annoyance. “Heather, Sarah, whoever the fuck it was,” he opened those blue eyes open again and the raw intensity inside of them made you take a small step back. “I didn’t go.”
You swallowed hard and suddenly felt a wave of nausea overcome you. “Why?” You gulped out.
Stu licked his lips and ran a hand through his hair. He was yet to step foot inside your house and between the maniacal look in his eye and the chilled breeze seeping in through the open door, you shivered absentmindedly. “I talked to Billy.”
Four words. Four tiny little words was all it took to make the room around you spin on its axis. A cold sweat broke out across your chest as you averted your eyes to the wall directly beside his head. Maybe if you didn’t quite look him in the face, you could get out of what was about to become an incredible awkward, painful situation. With your breath trembling, you swallowed again and tried to find your voice. “About what?”
Stu cocked his head to the side. “Y/N,” he warned, “cut the shit.”
Another painful gulp. Your throat felt like it was closing in on you as you stood there facing the boy you’d been in love with for as long as you could remember. You’d often dreamt of this day, the day where he’d finally realize your feelings only to have them reciprocated fully – but when you’d pictured it, Stu looked a lot less crazy than he did looking back at you now. But, even still, there was a glimmer of emotion shining brightly behind those blue eyes that made your breath hitch in your throat.
It made you nervous.
Worse, it made you hopeful.
“Stu,” you tried to find some conviction in your tone, but your nerves got the better of you. “Can you just get inside first? You’re scaring me.” Despite feeling as though you were going to faint, you managed to reach across the divide to yank him inside of your house. Locking the door behind you, you took a few even breaths before turning back around to face him. “What did Billy say?”
Stu ignored your question as he began to pace around your hallway. He was this tall, broad, string bean of a man on a regular day, but the mass of him tonight was all encompassing as he governed your foyer. “Seven years,” he began, his voice slightly shaky. “We’ve known each other for seven fucking years, Y/N. And I’ve hung on your every fucking word for all of six years, eight months and a handful of days, give or take.” He turned on his heel rather abruptly to face you. “But you liked Billy.”
You opened your mouth to respond to the first half of his statement before realization dawned on you. Grimacing, you shook your head. “Billy? He’s like my brother, where the hell did that come from?”
“You act like he hung the fucking moon, Y/N!” He exclaimed, emphatically. “What was I supposed to think?”
“What?” You shook your head in sheer confusion. “Okay, one thing at a time. Billy is one of my best friends. So are you. What’s the problem here?”
“The probl—?” Stu laughed. “The problem? For seven fucking years you’ve been the first person I think of when I wake up and the last person I think of before I go to sleep. And literally every fucking second in between. And this whole goddamn time, I thought you were in love with Billy.”
You were reeling. You weren’t entirely sure if your heart was beating as loud as it appeared to be, but you were sure he could hear it from where he stood a few feet away. “I—” You tried to form a sentence – any sentence – but nothing seemed to suffice. “But the dates?” Were the only words that seemed to spill from your lips. “You were dating – are dating – constantly.”
“Yeah,” he breathed out, “wonder why.”
You weren’t sure when you’d done it or just how your legs managed to carry you back into the living room, but you found yourself falling against the arm of the couch in an almost dream-like state. “What are you trying to say?”
“I’m not trying to say anything,” Stu fussed. “I want to know if what Billy told me was true.” He walked up to you and searched your face. “Do you love me?”
You didn’t answer at first. You couldn’t. Not when it felt as though your lungs were about to explode in your chest. You must have opened your mouth a dozen times over, each time with the promise of a formative sentence, but nothing seemed to suffice.
Suddenly Stu’s hands were on you. Squeezing your thighs with those large hands, he demanded your focus as he swooped down and caught your eye. “I need you to answer me, doll.”
You were so focused in on the overwhelmingly glorious feeling of his hands on your thighs that you forgot to answer. Hell, you forgot to breathe. It wasn’t until you slowly managed to tear your eyes away from his hands to trail up the rest of his body towards that striking face of his, that you found your words.
“You came to my house at midnight. You’ve been the one going on dates like it’s a part time job. You’re the one claiming to have been hanging on my every word for the better half of our friendship so, no, Stu, I’m not saying a fucking word until you tell me what it is that brought you here this late?” You pushed his hands off of your thighs and stood up. “All I’ve done this entire time is sit idly by and watch you carry on like Heffner at the Playboy Mansion. You want me to answer you? Not until I get a—”
Your answer came in the form of a kiss.
On instinct, your hands tangled through his hair as his tongue slid along your bottom lip. He might have been on your shit list at the moment, but fuck he was a good kisser. You’d been thinking about this very moment for as long as you could remember. Longer, even, and god was it everything you thought it would be and more.
His hands were on your face at first, cradling it gently as he backed you into the sofa, and then they were on your neck, holding you close as his tongue massaged against your own. Shivering beneath his touch, you instinctively leaned into his broad chest as the pair of you continue to stand there, kissing like your lives depended on it.
“Stu,” you mumbled against his lips. “What are we doing?”
“Kissing” he rasped out before finding your lips yet again. “Bed or couch?”
Every red flag in your head was going off to stop this and properly talk about what was not so subtly insinuated only seconds prior, but he just felt so good and you’d wanted this so so long. “Bed,” you told him breathlessly, without a second thought.
Stu wasted no time in leading you towards your bedroom, kissing his way down your neck as you stumbled down the narrow hallway. Obviously losing his patience about halfway through, he pushed you up against the wall and trailed sloppy kisses down your jaw and neck. “I love you, if that wasn’t obvious.” He breathed out. “Like, a lot.”
His words struck you blind. Ever the dutiful distraction, however, Stu’s hand trailed down your sweatshirt before settling on the waistband of your pajama shorts. Your body reacted to the promise of his hand. Arching into him, you bit your lip and sighed in contentment as his fingers slipped beneath the band. You were already soaked. Your body responded to the man in a way you couldn’t begin to comprehend, and you weren’t sure you wanted to. And as his middle finger slid into your folds, instantly finding your clit, a soft moan escaped your lips.
“Is this the horny part of your brain talking?” You growled, tugging at the ends of his hair so that you had full access to his lips. “Or are you serious?”
“So fucking serious.” He hummed into your mouth. He pinched your clit, garnering a rather surprised hiss to escape from your lips as your entire body lurched forward. Hearing him chuckle, you popped an eye and began to pull his shirt over his head. When you tossed it across the hallway, his eyes met yours. “Do you love me?”
“Yeah, but I have bone to pick with you first,” you chided, doing your best to control your breathing as he quickened his pace on your clit.
He ducked his head down to bite your lip. “Unless it’s this bone,” he ground his hips into you, and you could feel his rock-hard erection even through his jeans. “It can wait.”
You laughed before you could think of stopping yourself. “Jesus Christ, you’re disgusting.”
He was smirking across at you. “You love it.”
Still grinning, you rolled your eyes before your lips took refuge on his neck. Which, as it turned out, was a massive turn-on for Stu Macher. Running your tongue along it and nipping at the sensitive flesh, was getting him incredibly riled up if the bulge in his jeans was any indication. Biting down on the sensitive flesh, the groan it drew out of his mouth was enough to make your already wet pussy clench around his fingers.
“Fuck,” he drew out, sliding the finger that had been assaulting your clit only seconds prior inside of you.
You let out a small moan of your own as you hurriedly got to work on his belt. “Why the fuck wouldn’t you just tell me how you felt?” When you’d managed to practically rip it off of his waist, you wasted no time in unzipping his jeans. His cock sprung free within seconds.
“I thought you liked Billy,” he rasped out gruffly as you began to pump his cock with your hand. “What was I supposed to do?”
You wiggled free from the hand currently down your shorts and dropped to your knees. Looking up at him through your thick eyelashes, you raised your brow. “You could have asked me?” You reminded him, swirling your tongue around the tip of that perfectly girthy cock. The man might have been a pain in the ass but good god he had the assets to make up for it.
Stu braced himself against the wall behind you and threw his head back. Fuck, you were lethal with that mouth of yours. “Hindsight,” he breathed out.
You released his cock with a pop. “You’re an idiot.” Was all you said before getting back to work. With your hand, you circled the base of his dick and took the length of him inside your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip each time you made your way back up.
He grabbed your hair and gave it a firm pull. “Fuck,” he growled. “Keep going.”
You hummed against his dick, digging your nails into his thigh briefly before looking back up at him. “Or what?” He allowed his forehead to fall against his forearm currently stabilizing him against the wall. You knew you were driving him crazy, but he’d done the same thing to you for the last seven years and you were nothing if not a petty bitch when you wanted to be. “Say it again.”
He furrowed his brow. “Say what?” Realization dawned on him. “Fuck, baby, you keep doing that I’ll put a ring on your finger tomorrow.” Stu’s blue eyes were hungrily taking you in. How you’d managed to stay fully dressed as he stood there with his jeans around his ankles and his cock out was beyond him but, sure enough, that was his reality. “I love you. A lot.”
You dug your nails into his thigh again, and slowly licked up the base of his cock. “Hmm,” you hummed with a nod of your head, releasing it to stand up to your full height. His eyes were pleading with you to finish him off, but as you slinked up the wall and mirrored his hungry gaze, he surprised you by sliding his calloused hand up the side of your neck until it cupped your cheek. You were practically nose-to-nose as he slowly pinned you against the wall and, as he leaned forward and nudged your nose with his, a slow, lazy grin broke out across your face. “I love you, too.”
Slowly, you leaned in and kissed him. Unlike the deliberate make-out session you’d had minutes prior, this kiss was slow and methodical. When you pulled away, you kissed the tip of his nose and nodded towards your bedroom. “Get on the bed.”
Stu’s eyebrows shot up in amusement. “Pushy.”
You gave his dick a tug. “Go.”
He swooped in again and kissed you before haphazardly kicking off his shoes and jeans, punting them across the hallway as he backed you into your bedroom. When you were close enough to your bed, he broke the kiss to peel off your sweatshirt. Throwing it across the room, his hands were back on you within seconds, kneading and massaging your breasts before taking one in his mouth. Expertly, his tongue ran along your nipple before he began to suck and nip at them. Arching into his mouth, you fisted a handful of his hair and groaned as he pulled you in even closer.
“Stu,” you moaned, shutting your eyes momentarily as you allowed yourself to get lost in the feeling of his mouth on your tits. The man truly was a god with his tongue.
But you had a trick up your sleeve. A little payback, if you will. And this, melting into his mouth, was not part of the plan.
Hating yourself, you pushed him away. The back of his knees hit your bed and you watched as he fell back onto the soft mattress with a slight bounce. There was confusion in his stare as he sat there ogling you. “Get over here,” he beckoned, voice low.
Slowly, you shimmied out of your pajama shorts, feeling his eyes on you every step of the way as you stepped out of them and walked towards the bed. Towards him. Sitting himself up, he opened his legs so you could step between them. His hands were slow as they trailed up and down your thighs, hips, and waist before sliding around to your ass. Squeezing and pulling at your cheeks, he pulled you closer and placed a tender kiss to your sternum before craning his neck up to peer up at you.
“I always knew you had a thing for my ass.” You raked your fingers through his hair, pushing it back and away from his forehead as you grinned down at him.
His answer came in the form of another firm squeeze of your ass only rather than stop there, he tugged you closer until you were tumbling onto his lap. You gripped his shoulders as you straddled his lap, subtly grinding your hips so his erection settled between the folds of your pussy, rubbing against your clit.
“Lay down on your stomach,” he uttered. When he noticed your apprehension, he raised a single eyebrow up at you and squeezed again. “Do you trust me?”
You nodded mutely and did as you were told. And, before you knew it, you were sliding off of his lap to lay stomach-down on your bed. You felt the bed shift as Stu crawled towards you but before you could question him on it, you felt his hands slide beneath your hips to pull you up so that your ass was raised in the air.
“What are you—”
Your words died in your throat as you felt his tongue glide along your pussy. Gasping, you nearly buckled forward, but caught yourself on your pillow. You were face down, buried in the comforter and pillows of your bed, but with your hips bent at the level Stu had moved them into, he had full access to both your pussy and your ass. You could feel his fingers kneading into your ass as his lapped up your every fold until settling on your clit. You groaned and buried your face into the pillow as he began to suck your clit. You could hear how wet you were as his mouth imbibed every inch of your pussy.
His name tore out of your throat and your knuckles whitened as you gripped the bedsheets. The veins in your neck swelled with every laboured breath you managed to draw and you found yourself bucking into his mouth as an orgasm rippled through your body. You moaned and groaned and cursed into the bed but Stu’s mouth was relentless. And as he pinched your clit all the while still lapping you up, you all but collapsed. When he was sure you couldn’t take another second of torture, he pulled away and allowed you to collapse onto the bed. Your cheeks were flushed, and your lips were parted as you attempted to catch your breath. With a quiet chuckle, he kissed his way up your spine, grinning against your skin as your legs continued to twitch.
“Can I?” He asked, his cock at the ready.
Nodding, you gasped when you felt him slide inside of you. He bit down on your shoulder as he thrust into you and his quiet moans and unsteady breath was enough to kill you. “Fuck,” he whispered. “You feel so fucking good.”
This was a high unlike any other for Stu. Watching his cock slam into you, watching your ass slap against him with every wild thrust and pump he provided and feeling just how fucking wet you were for him – this was the unattainable high. You were the unattainable high.
He reached around to play with your clit again. He could feel it throbbing between his fingers and, feeling you tremble made him weak. Quickening his pace on your clit and steadying his thrusting to ensure you finished again, Stu bit down on your earlobe. “Come for me, baby.”
Your answer came in the form of another thick, guttural moan as you came undone yet again. He watched you quiver and shake and the vision of it was enough for him to quicken his thrusts. Groaning, his hands fell from your clit to hold your hips as he pounded into you. The sound of your cheeks slapping against him was drawing him closer and closer to one hell of an orgasm and as you let out one last breathy moan, his whole body seemed to erupt in fire.
His breathing was heavy as he came inside of you and the more sensitive his cock got with every thrust, his pace slowed. For a moment, neither of you moved. Instead, he allowed his forehead to fall back against your shoulder before he slowly pulled out.
“If I’d have known that’s what I was missing, we should have had this talk a lot sooner.” You teased, earning a playful smack to your ass from the man. Grinning, you flopped back onto the pillow and stared up at him. He was leaning on one arm as those blue eyes scraped over every inch of your face. You could see the words he wanted to say splayed out across his face and found yourself reaching up to brush his hair back and away from his sweaty forehead.
“Right back at ya,” you smiled.
Fuck, you really were in love with the idiot.
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helliontherapscallion · 4 years ago
Catching Up (Adrenaline Junkie Part 9)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 2,156         
“Did you kidnap a child?”
“I can ex- wait what? Of course I didn’t! Why would you think that?”
“Well, for starters, you just came home with a random kid! What were-”
“Dad. I didn’t kidnap anybody, especially Arthur,” you said exasperated. “It started when I was leaving the village.”
And so, you told your dad about how you met Arthur. Needless to say, he was furious. “(Y/n) (m/n) Minecraft, you yelled at a child? Not just a child, but an orphan that was so clearly in need of help?! I raised you better than that.”
“Dad, I know that yelling at kids is wrong. Just-just let me finish.”
He gave you a wicked side eye and nodded at you to continue. “So then he told me that he was alone. That he had no family. I couldn’t just leave him out there Dad. He would’ve been alone in the city. Hell, he’s been alone for god knows how long already” you ran a stressed hand through your already messy hair. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you if he could crash here-”
“-but he could’ve got hurt! The village’s dangerous at night-”
“Do you know how many people get mugged there just in a day? God, I can’t imagine him getting hurt, he’s so young and-”
“(Y/n) (m/n) Minecraft.” Your hand froze in your hair. “...Yeah?”
“It was a good idea to bring him here. But there’s gotta be someone out there looking for him.”
“I really don’t think so Dad. You saw him when I brought him here, he looked like he didn’t get a proper bath in months! Even if he did have someone, I’d rather him be here instead of with the bastards that left him like that.”
He sighed. “You’re right. I remember when I found you when you were a baby. Your biological parents were awful, they ignored you. I found you on the porch, they must’ve left you there overnight. You were filthy and you were so small and fragile. I remember being so pissed that they treated you like that, but they never gave me their names.”
You squinted at him. “You’ve never told me that. You told me that you found me in an alleyway.”
“I didn’t want to tell you how I actually found you, it was never important for you to know.”
“What do you mean it’s not impor-” you stopped yourself. That’s not important right now. “We’re going to talk about this later. Right now, we need to talk about Arthur before he gets out of the shower.”
Glancing at the clock, you felt worry engulf your being. “Speaking of, he’s been in there a while, do you think he’s okay?” You felt your heart drop. “What if he slipped!” You stood up in a panic. Philza pulled you back onto the bed giving you a knowing look.
“He’s okay hun. Remember, he’s probably just enjoying the shower.”
You bounced your leg. “You’re right, you’re right… What’s with that look?”
“What look?”
“That look.”
“I just think-”
You heard a knock on your door and a small voice calling your name. Immediately jumping up and forgetting about the conversation, you opened your door. 
“Hey buddy, have a good shower?”
He yawned, rubbing at his eye with a closed fist. The pajamas he wore were slightly too big, but he would grow into them. His auburn hair that he came in the house with was now a brilliant copper color and you could now make out freckles dotting his pale cheeks.
You softly smiled at him and grabbed his hand leading him to Wilbur’s old room since it had the comfiest bed. You helped the small-statured boy into the large bed and he flopped down without pulling the covers over himself. You huffed in amusement, pulling the soft blankets out from under him and tucking him in.
You spoke in a calm voice, not wanting to disrupt the peace that engulfed the room. You gently brushed the hair out of his face. “Sleep well, Artie.”
As you stood up and turned to walk away, he grabbed the back of your shirt. Glancing back, you saw that he had his eyes groggily half-open and he stared at you blearily. “Stay?”
Oh, you couldn’t say no to that. Feeling your heart melt, you whispered “of course buddy.” You pulled up an old chair and sat next to the bedside holding his small hand in your larger one. He was out like a light. 
He was so small for his age. It was probably because of the malnutrition from being homeless, and that broke your heart. Your poor, poor baby.
Your poor baby? What the fuck were you thinking? This child doesn’t even know you, you only met him earlier in the day. And yet, you already felt affectionate towards him. You wanted to protect him from danger. Why were you feeling like this?
You heard the door creak open and a small sliver of light streamed into the room. Philza poked his head through the small crack in the door. He smiled at you when he saw you sitting next to Arthur holding his hand as he slept. Reaching in an arm, he gestured for you to follow him before slipping out and closing the door.
Reluctantly, you slowly let go of the boy’s slender hand and quietly opened the nightstand drawer. You pulled out a pen and paper and wrote a quick note for him in the morning in your messy handwriting.
“Arthur, when you wake up, Philza and I’ll be downstairs making breakfast. Hope you like bacon and eggs : )
You placed the paper on the nightstand where you hoped that Arthur would see when he woke up and quietly left the room. Philza leaning against the wall greeted you. He was smiling softly at you. He once again gestured for you to follow him downstairs.
Philza felt ecstatic that you were going to give him another grandson. Even if you would inevitably deny being a parental figure to Arthur, he knew that you were going to accept it sooner or later. He raised you, so he should know when you deeply care for someone. Arthur and you both shared a love for innovation and creativity, so he knew that you two would bond over that. He felt like soaring high in the sky. He was so happy that there’s going to be another addition to the family soon. 
He sat you down onto the couch and disappeared into the kitchen. A few moments later, he came back with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. Your favorite.
“Anytime hun.”
You both sat in a comfortable silence on the couch and stared into the crackling flame in the fireplace. The fire swirled with various reds, oranges, and yellows illuminating the living room. You closed your eyes for a brief moment, savoring the flavor of the chocolate and the smell of smoke with the fire popping in the background. You felt relaxed.
“So, how’s Tommy and Wilbur? Are they adjusting well to L’manberg?”
“Oh, they’re thriving. Wilbur’s a natural leader so he’s in his element and Tommy’s always exploring with Tubbo. They get into trouble sometimes, but they always come back in one piece, so I’m not worried about them. They’re having fun.”
“And you?”
“I set up my new workshop next to the capitol building. I think I’m gonna start selling some of the stuff I make, I think it’d make a decent profit.”
“I think that’s a great idea. Ya know that the people in the village are crazy about you, right?”
You groaned, dragging your hand down your face tiredly. “How could I not? I hate it.”
“Why would you hate it? They really admire your work, you should appreciate that.”
“Dad, I do appreciate that they admire my work, but do you remember how they treated me when I first went there after I lost my wing? They treated me like a fucking outcast. And now they’re acting like they actually know me and that they were always friends with me. I know everybody deserves a second chance, but I can’t help but feel like they’re on thin ice.” 
“People change hun. Maybe they realize that how they treated you was wrong and they want to make amends?”
“That’s the thing. They’re only treating me like this only because of my inventions. I can only tolerate it for so long. I don’t even know why they’re treating me like this, I’m not special. I’m just another person.”
“...You aren’t gonna let a few two-faced people ruin your vacation, right?”
His cheeks slowly stretched into a smile. “Why? Who are you?”
“I’m (y/n)?”
“I said who. Are. You?”
You spoke up a little more confidently, but kept your voice down. “I’m (y/n) (m/n) Minecraft.”
He quietly laughed. “Damn right you are. You’re ‘(Y/n) Minecraft, Conqueror of the Unknown’. You’re (y/n) goddamn Minecraft and don’t you forget it.”
You chuckled. “You read that book? ‘(Y/n) Minecraft, Conqueror of the Unknown’ was a bit too dramatic for my taste.”
“Why wouldn’t I read something all about my precious little inventor?” He drug out with an overly sweet tone.
“Dad, I’m 20 years old. I’m not little anymore.”
He slung an arm across your shoulders and pulled you into his side. “I know, I know, but you’ll always be my child.”
You sighed and leaned into him. You haven’t spent any time with him since you left the house to help Wilbur and Tommy fight for independence, so this felt nice. “I missed you Dad.”
“Not a day goes by where I don’t miss you or your brothers. It’s way too quiet around here without you four.”
“Do you remember when Tommy put green dye in the shampoo to try and prank me?”
An almost silent laugh reverberated throughout his chest, sounding slightly muffled. “Of course I do. It took at least a few weeks to get it off my skin and a full month after that to get it out of my hair.”
“You should’ve seen his face when I walked into the kitchen in the morning,” you deepen your voice. “‘If you’re not in the shower, then who is?’ Aaaannd then you walked into the kitchen looking like you lost a fight with a witch.” You snorted. “You didn’t know why everyone was staring at you.”
He huffed. “You guys didn’t even tell me until after breakfast.”
“Have you seen yourself in the mornings? You’re literally so grumpy. We didn’t have a death wish.”
“Hey, I’m not that bad in the morning, Mx. I-can’t-function-without-eight-hours-of-sleep.”
“At least I’m fully awake in the morning.”
“Oh, wow, what a zinger,” he said in a monotone voice.
You reached up to playfully slap his arm. “Shuddup.”
You both quietly laughed before the room fell back into a comfortable silence. You took a deep breath. “Arthur knows about The Warden. What it did to me”
You felt him tense up and heard his heart start to beat a little faster. He moved his arm away and leaned back to look you in the eyes.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. He said that he knew what happened and he needed my help. He… he said that The Warden took someone important to him.”
“Was it his paren-”
“I don’t know. I’m going to talk to him about it tomorrow.”
“Do you want me to talk to him with you?”
“I don’t know if Arthur’s comfortable with that yet. I’m not even sure if he trusts me enough to tell me.”
You grabbed your’s and Philza’s empty mugs and took them to the kitchen. You ran your hands down your face. You felt very drained after everything that happened today. You weren’t used to so much human interaction, let alone people staring at you like you were some kind of deity when you weren’t. You leaned against the sink and closed your eyes. 
“(Y/n), I’m turning in for the night. Is there anything you need before I go to bed?”
“No, thank you Dad.”
“Alright, goodnight. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
You heard his retreating footsteps gradually fade out and the room was thick with silence yet again. The darkness in the room was cut by the moonlight streaming in through the window. Your mind was racing as you remembered that you were going to have to talk to Arthur about The Warden soon. 
You hadn’t talked about The Warden for years and now you were being forced into it. You didn’t think you were ready. You wanted to move on with your life, but The Warden was inevitable. It was everywhere around you. It won’t ever leave you alone, will it?
You didn’t think you were going to get much sleep tonight.
Taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@acecarddraws  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @ravennightingaleandavatempus  @dirtydiavolo  @yeiras-world  @immadatmostthings  @hee-hee-haw  @jackalopedoodles  @m1lkmandan  @vanhakirja  @im-a-depressed-gay  @coolleviauchihadreamerlove  @questioning-sanity  @camisascam
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