#esmp the overgrown
messiergalaxy31 · 7 days
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My piece for the @empiropediazine! I got assigned The Overgrown, so I drew House Blossom Castle :D
You can download the zine HERE. Please check out everyone's contributions, they're amazing <3
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semicleanblanket · 11 months
i miss season 1 of empires
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euhezner · 2 years
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Protector of the Overgrown, Katherine Elizabeth
EmpiresSMP Season 1
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finleythequeer · 6 months
Revamp/Rewrite of a old fanfic I wrote.
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S2 Katherine who is a changeling switched with the princess of glimmer grove at birth send tweet
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jade-or-smthg · 1 year
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week 3! Stress as a member of mezalea
this is also a way to show off my personal hc that a lot of mezaleans (esp royals) get really intricate tattoo sleeves
rbs are greatly appreciated <3
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tev-the-random · 2 years
Some Overgrown Headcanons because I have ideas in my head
So I was gonna post my Empiresona today, but seen as they were born in the Overgrown (spoiler?) and I have some very specific thoughts about it, I thought maybe I should share some headcanons of mine first!
> As we know, the Overgrown is a living thing. More than that, it is a deity, and a very ancient one. While most gods take the form of creatures capable of moving around and speaking, the Overgrown manifests as an entire forest. It can house all kinds of living things, provide for them without the need for prayers, grow and expand and change its colours along with the seasons while remaining as eternal as any other god. Its children are the lives it nurtures and blessed are the ones who nurture it back. — The Overgrown as it is seen in season 1 came to be when the old gods banished the Corruption for the first time. It is said that, after the event, one of the gods fell into its slumber on a beautiful grass field. Slowly, its body disappeared, and it became one with the land. Once the deity awoke, still too weak to do much, it sprouted from the ground as a single flower. Eventually, that single flower became a garden, and then an entire forest was born. The Overgrown grew strong as millennia passed by, and it could not be more satisfied with its life.
— The Spring is essentially the heart of the Overgrown. It’s where its magic is at its strongest, and where the deity can communicate with mortals, though there are very few who can actually understand it.
— It is said that the Overgrown has influence beyond the boundaries of the flower forest; some believe that it overlooks nature itself. Because of that, many historians have come to conclude that it was a variation of Mother Nature, or perhaps an entire group of spirits. Due to its proximity to Gilded Helianthia, people have also speculated that it is related to Saint Pearl in some way.
> The Overgrown’s population consists mostly of Fae. Of course, there are many different types of Fae, from the ones who look like your typical tiny fairy to the ones that could easily pass for humans or elves. A descent variety of them shares the Overgrown with many other beings, most notably avians and fauns.
— Katherine looks mostly human, save for her wings and pointed ears.
— Though the origin of the Fae in general is blurry, some believe they were first born in the Overgrown. While some legends say they were humans who got blessed by the forest to become Fae, others say they were born from the land itself as the children of nature.
> The people of the Overgrown are very hospitable. It is common for close friends to exchange gifts without any particular reason, especially if one of said friends comes from another kingdom; they like to share the gifts of the Overgrown. However, stealing is not tolerated, and they can be rather harsh if anything is taken either from them or from the land without permission.
> The old families that live in the Overgrown are separated in many different Houses. Though this had some importance in the past, by the time of the first season it was just A Thing. It had become merely a cultural habit to call someone by their House name as if that itself was their surname, e.g. “Katherine Elizabeth of House Blossom”.
— Though it’s not obligatory or even expected, new Houses can be created from time to time, either because the family wasn’t born in the Overgrown — and therefore isn’t related to any existing House — or because someone has decided to emancipate their descendants from their family name by making up a completely new House for them. It is also not uncommon for people from different Houses who raise children together to either give the child a family name that is a hybrid of the parents’ Houses or create a new House name.
> The government system of the Overgrown doesn’t exactly function as the typical monarchy. Their ruler — most commonly called a Guardian, though the term “Queen/King/Monarch” is often used interchangeably — is assigned by the Spring. Once a Guardian dies, the Spring chooses a new one from amongst the people who live in the Overgrown, regardless of their House, gender, origin or species. Its criteria is unknown, but whoever is chosen gets the ability to communicate with nature on a new level.
— The duties of a Guardian were never formally specified, but it is widely understood that, as a ruler, their role is to protect the Overgrown and all the life inside of it, as well as make sure that the forest is healthy and that it grows.
— At some point in history, a castle was built on a floating island near the Overgrown. It was a gift for the Guardian at the time, given by their Rivendell neighbours as a thank you for helping them with their crops when one winter was particularly hard on them. Since then, the castle has been passed from Guardian to Guardian with every new generation.
— Because both Fae and fauns live fairly long, the Overgrown has been associated with its Guardians’ Houses multiple times. Nobody bats an eye when people call the Empire “House Blossom,” even though it used to be called “House Garland” not that long ago.
> Katherine was a Fae shepherd born in the Overgrown under House Blossom. She was the one who tended to the sheep in the Great Grass Field for the most part until she was chosen as the next Guardian.
— Katherine was one of the most prosperous Guardians the Overgrown had seen in many centuries. Her role in the defeat of Xornoth, as well as the measures she took to protect the forest and relieve it of the demon’s influence, granted her quite the reputation. She would have been greatly praised in their history books if there were any left.
— Seen as she made many new alliances, Katherine had to deal with political struggle more often than most Guardians. The worst part was probably the cultural whiplash, for her allies had a hard time understanding the Overgrown customs, such as the severity of stealing from the land or the expectation of receiving a head as a gift for their alliance. In that aspect, the Overgrown is very similar to the Cod Empire.
— Katherine especially commissioned artists from all around the Empires to make life-size portraits of their emperors to hang in the Secret Club meeting room. Lizzie’s had to be slightly downscale to fit in with the others; similarly, Shrub’s had to be upscaled.
— She took a long time to claim the floating castle. Katherine was pretty much satisfied with her family’s home, which, although smaller than the Guardian’s castle, was still spacious and comfortable. She feared she would get too home sick if she moved.
> The Cat Council is composed by spirits in the shape of cats. They were created by the Overgrown itself to help guide the Guardians, but sometimes they tend to commit the regular mortal soul’s mistakes.
> Though most of it was destroyed during the season 1 finale, the Overgrown didn’t quite die. The Rapture caused it to essentially disappear, fallen into slumber once again to protect itself. But as long as a single seed that was planted in its grounds survives, the Overgrown will live.
— Those who survived the apocalypse took shelter in Mezalea. Its climate was definitely less forgiving than the Overgrown’s, but out of the very few empires that were still safe to live in, it was the closest they had to their home in terms of flora. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the best of times to live in Mezalea, as the king was going through... a rough patch, so to speak.
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meteor752 · 2 years
How I’d look if I lived in the empires from Empires SMP season 1
Using this lovely picrew, because I can’t draw at all and I’m not putting together full cosplays for this
There’s of course twelve empires on the server and Tumblr only allows ten picture per post, plus I want a reference pic, so the remaining three empires will be in the Reblogs
Also for those who don’t know, I am non-binary so some of these will look more masculine and others more feminine, it was all just based on how I was feeling that very second
(I also recommend doing this yourself, whether you draw or use some picrew thing, it was genuinely really fun)
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The Grimlands
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Crystal Cliffs
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The Lost Empire
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The Overgrown
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Gilded Helianthia
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The Undergrove
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The remaining three empires in the Reblogs
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featheredenby · 5 months
Minecraft Gods
The Watchers and Listeners from Evo and Martyn’s Life Series Lore. Represented by Grian (A Watcher) and Martyn (A Listener)
Aeor and Xeor from Empires smp season one. Represented by esmp s1 Scott (Aeor’s champion) and Xornoth (Xeor’s champion)
The Blue Axolotl and The Cod Father from Empires smp season one. Represented by esmp s1 Lizzie (The Blue Axolotl) and esmp s1 Jimmy (The Cod Father)
The Overgrown and The Wolf Spirit from Empires smp season one. Represented by esmp s1 Katherine (Talks to the spring) and esmp s1 Shubble/Shrub (Takes up the identity of The Wolf Spirit)
God Joel IDK and Saint Pearl from Empires smp season two. Represented by esmp s2 Joel (Turned himself into a god) and Hermitcraft s9/esmp s1 Pearl (Saint Pearl is an ascended version of s1 Pearl and in s2 Sausage thinks that Hermitcraft s9 Pearl is Saint Pearl)
The Fates from Minecraft SOS. Represented by Fwhip (He is their messenger or prophet or something)
Feel free to tell me more.
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saym0-0 · 7 months
oh my god. oh my GOD mechs esmp crossover. this is for SUCH a niche audience the esmp fandom is dead i dont care mechs esmp crossover
LISTEN TO ME okay ill have to add a sci-fi element to my established esmp world i am OKAY with this, grimlands are already victorian steampunk its not that big a stretch to add space travel, especially in the place of dimension travel.
okay so in my esmp lore the emperors are blessed by the gods with conditional immortality and flight, they know a new ruler has been born by if they're born with wings. i bet though i could twist that into the king cole/olympians idea of trading their citizen's lives for immortality. although it is kinda reversed? (mechs immortals tend to stop aging but can be killed, emperors still age and can die of old age, but cant be killed). hmm i mean theres definite differences between king cole and the olympians so maybe its just another variation, or something closer to the mechs themselves? though that ones less likely
honestly there literally is an esmp1 musical so i reckon its interesting enough to attract the mechs
but lets be honest with ourselves here, the only reason im doing this is so i have an excuse to draw grimlands!marius lmao
i think raph would be interested in it too though, with how they're so much more reliant on technical advancement than magical.
ivy would love the rivendell library, and crystal cliffs
hmmm jonny might have fun between mythland and the cod empire,,,
hmmmm brian would maybe like to hang out with shrub in the undergrove? he does like his garden,, maybe the overgrown with katherine too,, or gilded helianthia!
hrm,, i keep wanting to put people in the grimlands but i know thats only because its my favourite so therefore the most developed and also the most similar in vibe to the mechs
with that said though, tim really would have fun there,, like hes the gunpowder guy!! fwhip is the gunpowder guy!! they both r in charge of weapons!! guns, crossbows, same difference really
oough back to raph i think she and fwhip would bond over making their own wings,, fwhip made his to prove that he is fit to rule after gem fucked off to wizard school and raph,, uh actually i never found out raphs backstory beyond the fact im like 78% sure she made her and marius' mechanisms,, although that could be widely accepted fanon who knows not me
i think marius would also enjoy mezelea
but OH MY GOD TOY SOLDIER IN MEZELEA,,, i cant believe i almost forgot it,, i think it would immediately blend in with the clones and pretend to be one right up until they leave the planet, and have the time of its life the whole time,,
i dont know where ashes would go either.. i cant just say grimlands again because theres like four of them there already but,, the explosions!!
maybe mythland, or rivendell, those both seem like they'd appreciate a good mob boss taking over the place tbh
i think brian would get along with pix also
okay this isnt mechs but the fandom is a circle so if theres actually any fans of both out there reading this post, has anyone else noticed just how similar pix and jon's (tma) voices are?? genuinely when i started listening to the podcast i had to double check the va wasnt pix (and imagine my confusion when they share the same name too..)
anyways if anyone wants to scream about this with me please do, or if you want to know more about my esmp expanded universe feel free to do that too! in asks replies or reblogs idm
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lunarsands · 10 months
ESMP S1 Fanfic - A Garden's Path - Ch 1
Characters: Mythical Sausage, Scott Smajor, Bubbles the Dog, Sir Carlos, appearances by the rest of the cast of Empires SMP S1, featuring blaze-hybrid emperor TangoTek, and introducing: The Children of Mythland (specific characters to be tagged when they appear in each chapter)
Relationships: MythicalSausage/Scott Smajor, LDShadowlady/Smallishbeans, Shubble/Katherine Elizabeth, TangoTek & SolidarityGaming
Tags: Empires SMP S1 AU, scosage, adoption, fluff, wholesome, so much wholesome fluff you would not believe, a bit of angst here and there, Sausage has a few nightmares for Plot reasons, acknowledgement of amputation (not sure how else to tag that but just in case)
WARNINGS: fantasy racism (human v elf), loss of parent (with adoption inevitably comes orphans), minor character death in a later chapter
Chapter Summary: Sausage and Scott set out to Rivendell to start visiting orphanages, hoping to find a child who won't mind their differences. It ends up not being Sausage's prosthetic arm that is off putting, and yet it turns out they don't even have to worry about traveling elsewhere when they meet two young boys who are not only simply curious, but also a perfect match when it comes to compassion and magic.
(Also available on Ao3!)
[ Prologue ]
Chapter One – The First Princes
Dressed in plain travel clothes and with an overnight bag on hand in case they needed to stay in Rivendell for any extra time, Scott and Sausage stepped up into the simple carriage devoid of any official heraldry that waited in the stable yard. They settled in across from each other as the carriage began to move, and for about the tenth time that morning Sausage adjusted the partial shirt sleeve over the top end of his prosthetic, trying to get it to lay just right.
“Nervous?” Scott asked.
“A little. I hope this thing doesn’t scare too many of them.”
“It’s your arm, plain and simple. Just think of it that way.”
“Maybe I should have asked fWhip for a full sleeve cover or at least a glove.”
“I remember him saying things like that could get caught in the struts or the gears when you move.”
“Well, I could just hold it still in that case.”
“What if one of the children wants a hug? You would need to move it then.” Scott smiled, knowing the magic word.
“Oh! Oh, yeah, that is true.”
“So nervous, you forgot about things like that. It will be all right, Sausage. This is you now. Just be yourself. There doesn’t have to be any final decisions today, either. We have time.”
“You’re right, you’re right.” He stopped fussing with the sleeve and gazed out the window for a while instead. When they passed the final border into Rivendell territory he began to absently rub at his right shoulder. He was still at it when the carriage stopped. Scott gently pulled his hand away and gave him a reassuring smile before exiting onto the dirt road.
A large cottage with a moss-dotted roof and matching extension to the right side sat in a slightly overgrown grassy field. Further down the road the rest of the village was visible, but the area certainly gave the orphanage a spacious feeling. Sausage tugged at his cloak as he followed Scott to the door where they were greeted by two elven women who spoke warmly in Elvish at first – Scott translated that they were grateful the couple had safely arrived and that they were welcome to come inside and walk around.
As they entered, one of the women did a doubletake upon seeing Sausage’s right arm but she only offered a sympathetic smile afterward. Relieved to have passed that much judgement, they continued further into the building where a large classroom was set up. Most of the space was clear of furniture so the younger children could play with toys on the floor while some of the older ones were seated at desks by the far wall with books or actual classwork. Scott remained near the door, chatting away in Elvish, while Sausage ventured into the room, making sure not to startle any of the children with his approach.
He smiled when some of the little ones looked up at him, giving a small wave with his left hand, then stepped closer to start offering comments on their toys. However, a few of the older children suddenly came over and pulled the smaller ones away while giving wary looks – but it was the side of his head they were looking at, not his arm.
Sausage brought his left hand up to trace the outside curve of his ear, realizing that him being a human was more of a concern than the appearance of his arm. He lowered his hand and turned toward the blackboard, pretending to study the words written there as if what had just happened hadn’t bothered him. He recognized a few of the letters and knew the sounds that went with them from what Scott had begun to teach him. Just to take his mind off the less-than-welcoming reception, he muttered a few out loud. “Lah-ela-ha. Sen dra-ah-din. Te…Tehn. Si-veh…”
“Almost got it,” said a voice to his right. “We’re learning constellation names. The accent can be hard on some of the syllables.”
Sausage glanced down to see a boy with a warm umber complexion, tightly curled orange hair, and amber eyes, who then reached up to tap one of the words. Another boy, pale-skinned with longer, dark green hair and light blue eyes stood behind him. “Sieveh.”
Sausage repeated the word, trying to imitate the melodic sound. The boy shook his head. Sausage tried again, then chuckled. “Sorry, I need more practice. I just started learning.”
“That’s okay. Common is hard to learn sometimes, too.” The orange-haired boy nodded sagely. “By the way, I’m Azahar. I’m eleven years old. This is my best friend, Elowen. He’s nine.” It came out sounding rehearsed. “It’s very nice to meet you, sir.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too. My name is Sausage. I’m here with my husband, Scott.” He pointed toward the door with his right hand, being the side closer to it.
Azahar nudged the younger boy and said quietly, “I told you it worked like a normal one.”
Elowen nodded enthusiastically then piped up, “Excuse me, can I ask about your arm? It looks really cool! Have you always had it?”
Relieved that they were interested over intimidated, Sausage gave a patient smile. “You can, and thank you. I think it’s cool, too. It’s actually pretty new.”
“Can I touch it?” Elowen asked, and Azahar nodded as well.
“Um, sure. Just be careful of the wiring and those overlapping parts there, they might pinch your finger.” Sausage got down on one knee so his prosthetic was closer, stretching out his fingers so they could get a look at the mechanics of his hand, too. He turned it over as they cautiously poked at some of the metal.
Azahar began looking over the parts connecting to his upper arm but refrained from lifting the partial sleeve. “Can I ask what happened to your real arm?”
An amusing thought popped into Sausage’s head. “A dragon ate it during a fight!”
“Whaaaat?” Azahar’s eyes went wide.
“That’s even cooler!” Elowen exclaimed. “Did it hurt when the dragon bit it?”
“Yes, but I have a friend who is good with healing magic and she helped me.”
“Did you try to get it back?” Azahar asked.
“No, the dragon really wanted it for lunch.”
“Where did you get this one?” was the orange-haired boy’s next question.
“A friend who invents lots of cool stuff made it for me.”
“How does it wo—”
“What happened to the dragon?” Elowen cried, interrupting. Azahar didn’t seem to mind, and was actually looking happy to see the younger boy so engaged.
“Well, I had to take a break from fighting because that was also my sword arm, but my friends defeated it.”
Elowen was beaming, although still attempted to be a little quiet as he said, “I could have a dad who fights dragons? That’s so cool…”
“Two, actually. He helped me.” Sausage pointed again to Scott, who had noticed the exchange going on and was now walking over. “Scott, this is Azahar and Elowen. We were just chatting about dragon battles.” He gave a quick wink.
Azahar asked something in Elvish, to which Scott laughed and spoke a reply where the only word Sausage understood was brave. Then Scott switched to Common. “So, boys, I hear it’s lunchtime soon. Would you like to sit with us and talk some more? Besides about his fascinating arm?” He grinned, directing the look mostly at Sausage.
“Yeah!!” Elowen cried, then ran back to the desk he had previously been sitting at.
“We have to put away our schoolwork before eating,” Azahar explained. He glanced after Elowen, then gave the two adults something of a sad smile and looked up at Scott in particular. “His eyes are like yours.” Then he walked back to his own desk.
Sausage and Scott traded glances and then started toward the door. Scott asked quietly, “Did – Did you tell them we were only looking for one?”
“No, it didn’t come up,” Sausage answered. “They just wanted to know about my arm. Both of them,” he abruptly marveled. “And neither seem to mind that I’m human, which…the others do care about.”
“Maybe we’ve gotten lucky that there are two who are accepting of the situation,” Scott murmured thoughtfully.
“I think Azahar was trying to make sure we at least choose Elowen. They’re already close friends…”
“We could take both…”
“Let’s see how lunch goes. Maybe… just to make sure they’ll be okay with other stuff about us – uh, aside from that part about where we live. Ahem.  We could talk about some other things besides the obvious. Do you want to show them some ice magic, to be on the safe side?”
“I could. Let me talk to the lead caretaker.” Scott broke off to wave at one of the women, while Sausage wandered further from the classroom door, not wanting to be a disruption when the children left for their lunch at wherever the eating area was.
As an accommodation some food was brought to him, Scott, Azahar, and Elowen in the classroom so they could talk without stares from the others. The boys asked about things like their adventures and hobbies, while Scott and Sausage volunteered as much information as they could without giving away their full identities. Azahar grew increasingly more involved when it became obvious that they were both being considered together.
Scott revealed a few tricks he could do with conjured ice magic, making the boys even more curious and intrigued, leading to questions of whether they would be allowed to learn magic. It was agreed that it could be included in their education, prompting them to promise they would do their very best at all their studies and then they showed off some of that day’s classwork.
Not long after that, the boys were sent to pack up their belongings while Scott and Sausage finalized documents with the lead caretaker. She eyed the official seal of Mythland that Sausage placed after his name before hiding the stamp back in his pocket. “Are you sure you don’t want to tell them who you really are before you leave?” she asked in Common.
“We’re certain,” Scott replied. “We’re just two fathers starting a family.” He did trade another glance with Sausage, however. “If for any reason it doesn’t work out, we’ll do the right thing and let you know. But we both hope the next you hear will be about them settling in at their new home.”
When they met the boys at the door, they each took a bag to carry for them, letting Azahar and Elowen run ahead to the carriage, where they none-too-quietly speculated about the size and style belonging to a noble, and asking if it had been rented for the trip since Sausage had told them over lunch that they would be travelling a fair distance to get home. Once their bags were stowed they inspected the interior, having never been inside an enclosed carriage before. Scott and Sausage sat together and watched them with amusement at their curiosity, fielding more questions as the journey home began.
The boys eventually settled down, each taking a side to stare out the windows as the scenery changed from the familiar lands of Rivendell’s climate to the different hills and fields of the neighboring empires. When the first outlying settlements of Mythland came into view, Sausage reached for Scott’s hand with his left, seeking a little reassurance for his nerves.
“Are those giant mushrooms?” Azahar asked, peering out the window at an angle as if to look up under the plant’s cap. “I’ve seen this kind of forest in a book before, it looks amazing up close!”
“We can take a walk out to see some tomorrow,” Sausage suggested. “You’ll be able to see them from the – house, too, when we’re actually home. This is just the outskirts of where we live.”
Elowen looked over with wide eyes. “How big is this forest? It just keeps going! There’s no mountains anywhere!”
Sausage chuckled. “The forest of Mythland is mostly flat, but you’ll be able to see more when the trees thin out.”
The boys went back to watching the outside pass by, having the occasional comment but staying calm until the carriage finally rolled into the main city. Then Elowen gasped and beckoned Azahar over to his side. “Look, look! There’s a big castle!”
“Whoa! Are we going to go past it? Who lives there?”
Sausage couldn’t contain a grin. “We do, and now so do you.”
Azahar turned a look of disbelief toward him. “Wait, that means you… are nobles? So, you own this carriage?”
“Well, not just any nobles,” Scott said, grinning as well. “Our official titles are Lord Sausage of Mythland and King Regnant Scott.”
“K-King? …W-Wait, that means we’re…” Azahar looked at Elowen and wondered if he understood the implications.
“You are the new princes of Mythland,” Scott declared warmly.
Azahar sat back against the seat, digesting the news while Elowen seemed to still be working things out. “So…my new dads fight dragons and are kings of a whole big place with giant mushrooms and no mountains… This is kinda weird but it’s still cool!”
Azahar gave a little laugh and patted his friend-turned-brother on the head. “So, are we supposed to call you ‘Lord’ and ‘King’, um, ‘King Regnant’, too? I don’t know how being a prince is supposed to work except what’s in fairy tales.”
“You can just call us Dad,” Scott indicated himself, then pointed at Sausage, “And Papa, if you like. Or just our regular names. Titles are for use outside the family. You’ll meet some of our friends who go by names like Count fWhip and the Wizard GeminiTay. fWhip was the one who created Sausage’s prosthetic arm. He’ll be like an uncle to you. You’ll see him around because that arm needs regular maintenance, so you’ll see it when he’s not wearing it, too.”
“I hope that won’t bother either of you?” Sausage put in.
The boys shook their heads and Azahar replied, “We’ve seen – what’s it called – ampu…tees? Before. There are some old veterans in our village. But none of them have anything like that.”
“It’s a fWhip original,” Sausage explained, and then began to think of asking the inventor if he was interested in doing similar projects.
Scott had more he wanted to tell them, but at that moment the carriage came to a halt. “Here we are,” he said instead. “Mythland Castle. I am going to ask that you not run around right away. It’s a big place and you could maybe get lost.”
“We won’t, sir—uh, Dad.” Azahar paused then gave a delighted smile at being able to say the word. He helped Elowen get down from the carriage and held his hand to make sure he didn’t start wandering off, since the younger boy was already looking around in fascination.
Sausage followed next and took all of the bags as Scott handed them out to him. Then all four of them went up the steps to start a tour of the boys’ new home. One of the first stops was their bedrooms, down the hall from the royal chambers, and Sausage was now glad he had the foresight to clear a second room previously intended for guests.
However, the boys looked very confused by the options, each staring into the same room, with Elowen questioning, “Where’s my bed?”
“You can each have your own room!” Sausage pointed to the other doorway. “See, there’s another right across from here.”
“No, I wanna be in his room.” Elowen suddenly clung to Azahar’s arm.
The older boy spoke quietly to him in Elvish, and Scott flashed a sympathetic look as he overheard, then Azahar asked, “Can we share one for now? I’ll help move a bed over if you need me to.”
“Don’t worry! I’ll get it,” Sausage chirped, and set down the bags to bustle about in the second room, removing the bedding. Scott directed the boys to stand to the side and went to help him, and a short while later they had rearranged the agreed upon room to accommodate everything. They left the bags to be unpacked later and continued the tour, which included the library, treasury, dining hall, and a stop off in the courtyard for an introduction to Bubbles, which lead to more delight from the boys when they were offered a chance to run around with her.
Sausage told them that she had her own castle to look after but she visited often, so she was their dog to play with, too. Bubbles gave her approval of the children – not that Sausage ever thought she would doubt his decision in the matter. Not long after, he joined in the running around, pretending Bubbles was a scary beast that required fleeing, with extra flee. At one point he hoisted Elowen onto his shoulders, getting him out of range as Bubbles feigned nipping at his ankles. She jumped repeatedly, not getting much higher than Sausage’s stomach, causing Elowen to laugh.
Azahar, meanwhile, drifted over to where Scott sat on a bench watching with his own joy at seeing Sausage having such unrestrained fun. He commented to the older boy, “You’ve been watching out for him for a while, haven’t you?”
“He was really shy when he first got there. I don’t know what happened to his family, but I wanted to help.”
“I heard you were there for a long time.”
“Yeah. I just wanted the littler kids to get a home. I thought I could just, you know, grow up there, and work there. That seemed okay.”
Scott’s heart broke a little at hearing the tone of his voice, the weight of too much knowledge for his age. “If that’s something you would like to do when you’re grown up, we’ll support you. But you’re allowed to be a kid right now, and we’re here to look after Elowen now, too. So go play some more.” He turned a kind smile to him.
“No, let him have Papa to himself for a while. I’d like to sit here with you, Dad.” Azahar returned the smile and sat down. For the next hour or so they simply chatted in Elvish while Sausage and Elowen tired themselves out chasing or being chased by Bubbles.
Later, after dinner, the boys returned to their room to unpack their things. Azahar had a few of his favorite books that he placed across the top of his dresser. Elowen held up a picture book of his own, which the older boy smiled at and put next to his. Then he helped Elowen organize his clothes before hopping up on his bed to think about the day’s events.
Elowen took a slightly ragged-looking teddy bear out of his bag and climbed up next to Azahar, hugging the doll as he, too, thought about things. “Do you think they’re going to let us stay?”
“I think they’re very happy to have us. Papa is… different, and the other kids didn’t like that.”
“But he’s nice! And a lot of fun! And he has Bubbles!”
Azahar chuckled. “Well, we didn’t know about Bubbles before, either.”
“He let me ask all those things and didn’t get mad and was nice at our home. I don’t know why everybody else didn’t want to talk to him. They didn’t even try to ask him anything!”
“I’ll explain it to you later. Are you going to sleep in your own bed, or do you want me to tuck you in over here?”
“Umm… Can I stay here?” Elowen squirmed. “This place is nice but it’s… kinda scary, too?”
“Well, it’s a lot bigger than we’re used to, and it is a castle.” Azahar went over to get an extra pillow from the other bed, then arranged the blanket over Elowen and smirked. “There might even be ghosts hiding in some secret passage!”
“Nooo! That’s too scary!”
The older boy laughed. “Don’t worry, our dads are brave heroes, remember? They wouldn’t let ghosts or anything else hurt you. We’re their family now, right?” He climbed back onto the bed and made himself comfortable, letting the younger boy snuggle against him for familiarity’s sake.
“So, if we’re princes now, do we have some kind of job we have to do?”
“I don’t know. You can ask tomorrow. But I think we just get to be kids, and run around and have fun like you did today.”
“Okay. … … I’m gonna be extra good, just in case. I wanna stay here.”
Meanwhile, down the hall, the two newly minted fathers were also settling in for the night. Scott picked a stray leaf out from under a strut on Sausage’s prosthetic as he put it away. He looked at the leaf with amusement as he twirled the stem between his fingers, then set it on the windowsill before turning to his side of the bed.
Sausage was already laying down and gazing at the ceiling, then he looked over at Scott. “We have kids now. Two kids. Two… sons.”
“I know. I was there.”
“H— come on, now! Don’t ruin the moment!”
Scott laughed lightly. “I’m sorry. You did seem to be having a lot of fun out there.”
“I’ve ended up always being too busy to play with Bubbles most of the time. But today it felt different, anyway.”
“Now you have someone to share that with you, and meeting Bubbles was like a new experience for them, too.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” Sausage went back to staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, then said, “I hope they’ll want to stay. Mythland is going to be different for them.”
Scott thought back to some things Azahar had told him. “It’s something of an adventure for them. Give it some time and we’ll find out how they feel. But I think we made the right choice.”
Over breakfast the next morning the boys were more subdued and being extraneously polite, with a few ‘sir’s slipping out as food was passed along the table. Sausage cast a couple of worried glances at Scott, who wanted to assure him that they were still adjusting but didn’t want to say it out loud in case it might make them feel like they were doing something wrong.
Finally, it was Elowen who broke the tension. “Excuse me, I wanna ask ‘cause Azahar didn’t know – do we have to do anything special because we’re princes now? Do princes have jobs? I know they rescue girls sometimes but that’s always in stories! What do they really do?”
“Well,” Scott replied, “Princes your age don’t have to worry about jobs yet. You might learn some things about the work we do when you’re older, but even I was only a prince until I married your papa. My brother, who is now also your uncle, has the job of a ruler, and I would only help out if he needed it.”
Azahar waved his fork. “So, if you lived in Rivendell instead of here, we would still be princes?”
“That’s right. Your whole family is royalty.” Scott smiled, feeling that he got past the technicality of having also been a king elsewhere. “Sausage does most of the work because this is his kingdom. The only work you have to do is your studies. We’ll set something up in the library later for that, but this morning we can all go out for a walk or look around the castle more if you like.”
Then Elowen remembered. “The giant mushrooms!”
Sausage nodded, also recalling the boys’ fascination from the day before. “There are some right behind the castle. We’ll go out after everyone is done here.”
Elowen excitedly began eating faster to finish his breakfast, although Azahar quietly reminded him to not eat too fast.
On the way out they ran into Bubbles, so the boys had another good run through the trees until they came across one of the giant mushrooms, which they inspected and made a brief attempt to climb. This time Scott was the one to lift Elowen on his shoulders to reach the underside of the mushroom’s cap, with Azahar watching from below while Sausage had a word with Bubbles.
Apparently, there was something important she needed him for, so after helping Elowen down from Scott’s shoulders, Sausage excused himself but promised to meet back up with them for lunch. The three elves walked for a little while so Scott could show them some of the paths that led either to other outside parts of the castle or into town, then they headed back inside for the remainder of the tour they hadn’t finished the previous day.
They ended at the library, with Scott saying, “I have someone else for you to meet who will help with some of your studies. Please wait here while I go get him.” He held the door open and the boys began to wander around to get a better look at the inside of the library. Elowen hopped up on one of the armchairs by the fireplace, glancing at the books someone had left on the table beside it, while Azahar went to the nearest bookshelf and looked at some of the titles.
Scott returned a few minutes later with some paper and quills tucked under one arm, and the boys were extremely confused to see that he was being followed by a… chicken. A chicken wearing armor with red and yellow heraldry, but still very much a chicken. “Boys, this is Sir Carlos. He’ll be teaching you Mythland’s history and helping with some other lessons.”
Sir Carlos tilted his head at each of the boys in turn, then clucked and said, “Young master Azahar, young master Elowen, it is a pleasure to meet you. I understand your studies center on Rivendell, so I will include that in your lessons. You are welcome to ask any questions about Mythland and I will do my best to answer.”
The two boys couldn’t help staring. Sir Carlos clucked quietly, then sighed. “Yes, I am currently a talking chicken. No, I wasn’t always a chicken. Your… papa has endeavored to return me to my original form but the spell was cast so long ago that it has been lost to time. I have gone on several quests to find the solution, and yes, I will tell you about them, but that will come later. Sire,” he nodded to Scott, who motioned for the boys to join him at one of the reading tables, where he set out the paper and quills, with one set of each for himself, as well.
Sir Carlos flapped his wings and got himself up onto a chair, then onto the table where he began to walk back and forth. “Firstly, tell me about your schoolwork so far, then we will choose a curriculum from there.”
Scott explained the concept of a curriculum in Elvish, then proceeded to help, translate, and take notes of his own. He and Sir Carlos soon had a general list, and then it was Azahar who reminded them about the possibility of learning magic. That one was out of Sir Carlos’ realm of expertise, but Scott decided he could get them started on some of the casting forms for ice magic, while another tutor would be needed for other types.
A little while later Sausage returned from the business with Bubbles for lunch as promised. He put in his thoughts on school lessons and agreed to sit in on the ones about Mythland’s history when the boys asked if he could tell them stories about their new home, too.
Extra-curricular lessons ended up diverging after a few days, however, when Scott was teaching them how to shape spell sigils in the air and, while Elowen was able to get it on the second try, Azahar struggled – with not a wisp of spell energy being conjured. It soon became clear that he simply didn’t have the propensity for magic. Sausage stepped in and offered to begin his sword fighting training early so that he would have something to do while Scott helped Elowen develop his burgeoning skills; Azahar was, of course, happy for his brother, especially because it looked like ice magic could be his specialty, and it gave them each a different way to bond with their new fathers.
What he lacked in magic he made up for with agility and analysis while using a blade, quickly picking up on the forms, if not yet having the strength to back up his strikes – although those, too, were only meant as examples, and Sausage didn’t push him too hard during practice. He enjoyed the chance to spend time with Azahar, though, getting to know him and making up for the slight lack he felt about not being able to hold full conversations in Elvish like Scott. The boy, in turn, helped him work on learning the language in between their own lessons and Sausage’s kingly duties that kept him busy.
Around three weeks later, everyone seemed to have settled nicely into their new routine, and there were no more worries on either side about whether things would work out. The boys were out playing in the garden with Bubbles during an afternoon off from lessons. Scott sat reading a book and occasionally glanced up when they ran by, although it was something mentioned in the book that made him get up and wander off in search of Sausage.
He found him where he expected to, standing over a desk sorting through a wide assortment of papers with requests from around the kingdom. Scott leaned on the doorway, tapping the spine of the book against his chin. “Sausage, I was just reminded of something. Do you remember how old you were at your debut gala?”
“Ummm, I think maybe I was ten.”
“Oh. It’s different for the elven court. But since this is Mythland, we could start thinking about having one for Azahar soon, since we missed that window.”
“Well, I think my parents waited for one reason or another. Considering the stories, they might have been waiting out a curse or something.” He laughed but cut himself off. “Uhm, maybe it’s not that funny actually, eh-heh. Okay, well, we could just make our own tradition. Split the difference and have one now for both of them, instead of introducing them separately. That might…actually work out better for Elowen, you know? I noticed he, um, gets a bit clingy toward Azahar when new people are around.”
“That’s true,” Scott agreed quietly. “I do like the idea overall. It might be easier on them to experience that part of royal life if they’re sharing a special day.”
“How big are we going to make this thing? Mine was open to the whole kingdom because I was the sole prince at that point. I don’t want to put too much pressure on them.” Sausage then added in a mutter, “Also, remember what happened at that one party after the wedding…”
“I think we’ll at most invite our friends, with the rulers of all the empires being a courteous necessity. It isn’t a secret to our kingdom anyway, but this will be one of those official introduction things.”
“Okay!” Sausage grinned and pushed all the missives into one pile, then took out a fresh sheet of paper and a drafting pencil. Then he began to rattle off fancy phrasing in an ostentatious voice, “Dearest friends, allies, and others, you are hereby invited…”
Scott chuckled as he continued with an exaggerated courtly tone and waited until he was done writing to pluck the pencil from his hand, turn the paper around, and start adding decorative flourishes around the border.
Everyone had just settled down for breakfast when Sausage announced, “Lessons today will come later, boys. We have an appointment at the tailor shop for something special.” He couldn’t help throwing an excited look at Scott. “We decided we’re going to have a special party for you that royal families hold when introducing a new child to the kingdom called a debut gala. Usually, it’s for one child at a time – well, unless there are twins or triplets, or something – but we’re going to have it for both of you at the same time, so you can share it. We thought you would prefer that.” He smiled gently at Elowen, whose eyes had gone as big as saucers.
Azahar seemed to be fighting back some tears of his own. Then he blurted out, “That – That sounds like it really makes things official! That we… we really do get to stay!”
Now Sausage and Scott traded alarmed looks, and the latter said with concern, “Of course you’re staying! You’re our sons. I – I’m sorry if anything in the last few weeks made you think we weren’t going to keep you.”
Sausage abruptly stood, nearly knocking his chair down, and hurried over to enfold Azahar in a hug. “We - We’ve been worried you might not want to stay, because things are different here, and we’re a little different, but… we love having you here with us! We want you as our family.” He tried to convey his sincerity without squeezing the boy too hard with his metal arm.
Elowen let out a sort of squawk and ran around the table to throw his arms around Scott. “We love you, too! I told Azahar I would behave really good because I really wanted to stay! I’ll keep being really good! A big party sounds scary but I still wanna be a prince!”
Scott gently patted Elowen’s back. “It’s not going to be too big. We’re inviting just our friends and other rulers so they’ll know we have more family now. It will be a bit fancy, but you still don’t have to worry about knowing everything about being a prince. You’ll be introduced to everyone by name, then everyone dances and has some food, and they might ask you some things to get to know you a little. We’ll be right there if you’re not sure about something, or even if it is a little scary.”
Sausage returned to his seat after straightening the chair. “And there’s one more thing: you’ll each get your own special crown! Not like my silly old thing, but something nice that you can wear whenever you want, or not at all – unless there is another fancy event that you’d like to go to.”
Azahar asked curiously, “Then, what will they look like?”
Sausage grinned. “It’s a surprise. But you do get to pick out the outfit and colors you want to wear for it! We’ll head out after breakfast, so eat up!”
As with almost all of the recent trips into town, such as the last time they had gone out to get the boys some new clothes in general, the more people they passed the more Elowen retreated into himself. He clung to Azahar’s hand and shied away against him despite the warm greetings from citizens who were merely happy to see their king and his husband out among them. By the third instance of a shopkeeper attempting to draw a smile from the shy boy, Sausage fell in beside Elowen and offered his left hand for him to also hold, acting as a second barrier to what was meant as politeness, yet was obliviousness on the part of the outgoing citizens.
By the time they reached the tailor’s shop, Elowen had begun to peek around with more curiosity toward his surroundings. Inside, the tailor also greeted them kindly before bustling off to the back room. He returned a moment later with an assistant and a small basket. From it he took three bobby pins with tassels made from metallic string on the ends. He gestured for Scott to lean forward, then he slid a pin with a red tassel into his hair near his ear, then turned to smile at the boys. Azahar accepted a gold one threaded carefully into his hair, while for Elowen the tailor knelt and gently slipped a silver one onto the cuff of his shirt sleeve.
Elowen looked at the tassel dangling from his cuff and the tailor lightly flicked it to make it sway. Elowen smiled and began playing with it, neatly distracted. The tailor then moved to get a tape measure from the basket and took Azahar’s measurements, with the older boy following instructions for how to stand and when to hold out his arms. When it was Elowen’s turn, the tailor asked him to hold out the tassel in different ways, effectively getting him to make the same poses for measuring.
The next step was picking out the style of outfit they wanted. The assistant brought out some examples, which were decidedly on the Mythland side of fashion. Seeing that both of the boys were uncertain, Sausage suggested they could get the same thing in different colors. Azahar glanced at Scott a few times then asked if they could get something similar to his elven tunic with a Mythland-style doublet over it (after he figured out what the clothing pieces were called).
At that point Elowen began to clutch at the tassel instead of still playing with it. Sausage held out his hand again, and now the boy practically buried himself in his papa’s cloak. The tailor cast a sympathetic look at Sausage and Scott, then quietly asked if Elowen would like to touch the fabrics; he didn’t even have to choose one, it was okay for him to just see what they all felt like.
Elowen nodded, and soon he and Sausage were walking through the shop patting at the assorted bolts of fabric with Sausage commenting how soft one was or how the textured pattern on another was weird, getting Elowen to laugh a few times.
Azahar smiled after them, then turned his own attention to choosing something he liked. He eventually settled on scarlet and yellow, hoping to lend significance to the colors of Mythland’s banner as his new home. After some gentle coaxing from Sausage, Elowen went back around and patted some dark blue fabric to indicate his choice.
With everything settled and a follow up day for a fitting agreed upon, they set off back home. Elowen was quiet the entire way and only relaxed once they were on the castle grounds. Instead of departing right away to tend to daily work, Sausage nodded meaningfully to Scott, then nodded toward Elowen as the boy seemed to meander aimlessly away whereas Azahar set off immediately toward the library for the expected delayed lessons.
Sausage moved to Elowen’s side with Scott a step behind. “Elowen, can we talk out in the garden for a moment?”
The boy glanced around for a second, but not seeing Azahar for reassurance, he silently nodded then lowered his head. Sausage gently took his hand and the three of them walked down to the doors leading to the securely walled-in outside area. Once there, Elowen continued to look at the ground. “Sorry if I didn’t act like a brave prince should today. I’m… I’m…” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “I get scared sometimes…”
Sausage lowered himself to one knee to get closer to eye level. “You know what? It’s okay if being around a lot of strangers makes you nervous. All those people out there were happy to see us, and they’ll be nice to you, but if you’re nervous about it, you just tell one of us, and we’ll be right there to keep you safe. We don’t expect you to be brave all the time. I mean, we appreciate if you be a polite young elf, of course. But if there’s something you want to talk about so we can help things not be so scary…” He attempted to drop a hint without being pushy. He couldn’t help wondering if something in the boy’s past had contributed to this.
Scott, however, was the one to pick up on the hint. He placed his hands on Elowen’s shoulders. “Um. We’ll listen and help you with anything, but you don’t even have to talk about it right now. We just want you to know that as your dads, we’re here for you.”
Sausage smiled up at Scott with a sheepish look, realizing he was softening the potential pushiness. Sausage then placed his right hand on Elowen’s arm. “It’s always okay to say if something scares you. Adults get scared of things, too.”
Elowen glanced at Sausage’s prosthetic arm, then put a hand over the metal and gave a small smile before hugging his human father. “Thank you, Papa, Dad. …I don’t wanna talk about anything right now, but I feel better. I’ll try not to be so scared next time.” He stood back but kept his hand on Sausage’s prosthetic and said quietly, “Getting bitten by a dragon must be scary, too, and maybe too scary to talk a lot about.”
Sausage smiled back at him then ruffled the boy’s hair with his left hand. “That’s a good point! I’ve got an idea for something else we can do today that’s more fun than scary dragons: Why don’t you help me finish the invitations and get them sent out? You know all those ravens that hang out on top of the tower? We can tell them to go to Uncle fWhip and everyone that’s invited to the party! Let’s go find your brother!”
The three of them quickly went to collect a surprised Azahar from the library, but he caught on to Elowen’s enthusiasm after the quiet walk home. They relocated the stack of invitations – and Sausage’s stack of daily paperwork – to the dining room table to have space for all of them to work.
Now that they had an idea of when the boys’ outfits would be ready, they could set an official date for the gala, which Azahar and Scott wrote in the space left blank in the original draft. Scott signed each one, then passed them to Elowen, who put them in a neat pile for Sausage to sign in between his other missives. Elowen then took each one back and carefully rolled it up. Scott showed them how to apply enough wax before pressing the seal of Mythland into the middle to show that this was an approved royal message. He put the boys in charge of keeping hold of the dozen invitations while they waited for Sausage to seal some other scrolls, then up they went to the raven aerie.
The majority of the ravens were out on the rooftops. Sausage took care of a few unrelated missives first with quiet instructions, then turned a big grin to the boys. “Okay, where should we start? Alphabetical in Common? The closest first? The farthest – oh, we should probably send Tango’s to Jimmy, I don’t think any of the ravens know how to get to that particular Ancient City, um. Hmm…”
Elowen glanced at a raven that was hopping around on the nearest windowsill. “Are we gonna go by their first names or the name of their empire?”
“Good question!” Sausage replied. “What do you think? Which ones do you remember better from geography lessons?”
Elowen placed his set of invitations on the floor so his hands were free to count on his fingers. “Uncle fWhip is in the Grimlands, Auntie Gem is at the Crystal Cliffs… Auntie Pearl is in Gilded Heel-lee-lanthia—”
“Helianthia,” Azahar corrected.
“Umm, so, Auntie Pearl would be first by the closest empire, but Auntie Gem would be first by name…”
“Wait,” Azahar put in, “Would the Cod Empire be first by empire, or does it go under ‘the’ instead of ‘cod’? …That would mean the Grimlands wouldn’t go under ‘g’ either, huh?”
<i>”Cod! Cod!”</i> the raven on the windowsill called out.
Azahar nearly dropped the scrolls he was holding. “D-Did that one just say ‘cod’ or ‘caw’…?”
Sausage tried to suppress a giggle but failed. “Crows caw, ravens have a deeper kind of <i>grunk.”</i>
“Cod! Cod!” the raven repeated. “Cod Empire!” It then tilted its head and looked at the invitations Elowen had put down. “This letter is for Jimmy!” It hopped down to the floor and began to poke at the scrolls with its beak.
Scott scooped one up and held it out to the raven. “They don’t have individual names on them, but you can deliver this one to Jimmy, in the Cod Empire.”
“Cod! Cod! Jimmy is a cod!”
Scott smiled with a chuckle of his own. “Close enough.”
The ruckus got the attention of a few more ravens, who fluttered onto the windowsills and were soon calling to each other as word got around among them that there were quite a few scrolls in the hands of their young masters, as Elowen picked his up to start offering them to whichever raven ventured near. “This one goes to… GeminiTay at the Crystal Cliffs,” he said, trying to sound authoritative while keeping the order of empires listed in his head – since the choice had been decided for them. “Oh! This one goes to Tango the Blaze Emperor, he’ll get his from Jimmy – in the Cod Empire,” he said to the next raven, almost forgetting what Sausage had said earlier.
After he had gone through his half of the invitations, Azahar took over. “This one goes to King Joel in Mazelea. This one goes to Queen Lizzie in the Ocean Empire. Next is Shrub… no, Princess Katherine, in the Overgrown. Heh, I kinda keep messing up the Overgrown and the Undergrove, sorry.”
The next raven croaked at him then plucked at the scroll still in his hand. He hastily handed it over and continued with the rest of the list. He and Elowen then ran to a window to watch the ravens flying off in various directions, including the two going the same way to their neighboring empire.
Sitting on the dock outside the humble, littlest shack in the Cod Empire, Tango the Blazeborn Emperor held his feet just above the water, casually humming while watching Jimmy swim around under the surface. He was generally careful to not touch the water himself, out of an overabundance of caution, but he did lean over to look at how his fires, black cloak, and blazerod crown was reflected between the ripples.
The mirrored image of two birds flew into view, then they circled and landed at the edge of the shack’s roof. Tango could see they each had a scroll clutched in the talons of one foot. He stood up and held out his hands. “Those are for Jimmy, right? I’ll give them to him. You can’t swim either, can you?”
“Jimmy the cod!” croaked out one. The birds – ravens, Tango now remembered they were called – looked at each other. The second one croaked, “Give it to Jimmy! For Tango the Blaze!”
“Hey, that’s me! So, you were going to give both to Jimmy, and he’d give me one? He’ll probably be up in a minute, but it works the same way: give both to me, and I’ll give him one!”
The ravens conferred with each other in quiet creaking sounds, then both fluttered off the roof. Tango held his hands out again, only for both birds to drop the scrolls while remaining a distance above him, missing his hands completely. He realized they probably didn’t want to get too close to the flame atop his head. “It’s okay! I don’t take it personally!” he called after them as they flew off back the way they had come.
Tango picked up one scroll and broke the seal, softening the wax with his touch but reining in his heat to not set the parchment itself on fire. He unrolled it then tilted his head as he puzzled over some unfamiliar words.
The Codfather climbed up onto the dock a few seconds later and noticed his companion’s look of concentration. “What have you got there?”
“Hey, so – what’s a gala? And what are princes?”
“What? Let me see.”
“Oh, there was one for you, too! I guess they’re the same, but…” Tango turned and bent to pick up the other scroll that the ravens had dropped. “Here! Tell me if yours says it, too!” He handed it over and rather eagerly bounced on his toes while Jimmy struggled for a second to break the seal with his still-damp fingers.
Tango waited patiently for confirmation and an explanation, but all Jimmy did was exclaim, “Wait, since when has Mythland had princes??”
[Chapter Two - The First Gala ]
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asterssunzephyr · 10 months
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Grimlands & Crystal Cliffs share a lot of traditions and customs, as well special dishes because the two original founders were brothers! Count Grim & Wizard Grim :) - Later down the line when River Grim meets Mai Moon, the grand wizard of Crystal Cliffs, they fall in love & have twins. Some people in the Grimlands & Cliffs believe Fwhip & Gem are reincarnations of the original Count & Grand Wizard :) (Gandalf was Wizard Grim's apprentice who mastered a spell for immortality and transformation, Gandalf has been the "familiar" for each wizard since until Gem left & he took over)
Rivendell has customs every winter, such as Winter Balls and Winter Mourning periods for those who were lost in prior wars, or prior champions of Aeor. Many of the Aeor champions were Rivendellian royals - Scott breaks tradition of keeping one of the plaques covered in snow (Exor Champions). Scott & Xornoth's names are later added to the plaque & Rivendell keeps the plaques uncovered forever. They have a lot of frozen foods/treats/frosted treats during warmer months and hella fuckin good hot chocolate for hard winters.
Overgrown has a tradition of Spring Balls, and very sweet food. (not much here sorry..)
Undergrove has very spicy food and but Fae, Gnomes, and Vampires are "immune" to the spice, in the sense it doesnt bother them. Full blood elves, such as Rivendellians, do not have this. They are very affected by spices. Shrub has apologized for an attempted assassination on Scott, Scott doesnt even see it as that it was a simple unknown factor.
The Swamp & Ocean empires have very similar traditions and foods together. prior to Jimmy & Fwhip, the two empires had an alliance with the Grimlands and due to Fwhip growing up with Sausage as neighbors their entire childhood, the alliance was ended and the Cod War started. The Ocean Empire has a trident for their ruler that has new things added to it each time theres a new ruler, the CodFather has a very similar tradition but with a necklace and adding a bead to the necklace for each ruler – The Oceanic rulers tend to cover the trident with beads on strings, tightly :)
I'll do more soon
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Slimecicle character notes/headcannons for myself that definitely has NO ULTERIOR MOTIVES under the cut (feel free to tack on your own ideas or takes on Slimecicle guys™ I'd love to see them)
Aka "Live"
Absolutely shameless, he loves cursed shit.
Always has a kazoo on him
Pathetic in a "all of his pranks goes wrong" kinda way
Aka "Godcicle"
Half elder god half trickster god don't trust this guy
Loves to fuck with his domains just to piss people off but plays it off as trying to make things easier
Never fucks with apples of any kind though.
Does not sleep so he just hovers over them menacingly.
Aka "Survivor"
Always incredibly tense, but easy to talk to
Very jumpy, easy to startle
Obsessively makes sure everyone is ok at all times.
Is scared of silence
Aka "Guy" or "Bones"
Very goofy and cheerful but still incredibly smart.
Good at picking up subtle changes in people but bad with other social cues
Will in fact try to steal your books to try and read them
Mr Cycle
Constantly seeking out new stimuli, 100% an adrenaline junkie
Hates repeating himself
Still has a slightly staticy "speaking through a mic" voice
A sort of faking being chipper kinda guy
Aka "Pal" or "Goggles"
Not a big fan of repetitive tasks/doing something over and over again
Enjoys caves, especially if they're overgrown
Pretends to be a happy goofball but he's paranoid and sad
Aka "Slime"
Pretty laid back and silly
Likes to become unreasonably small to harass people
Pretty cool with going along with whatever plan people have involving him
Curious to the point of self destruction (See: finding a desert to see if he dries out, letting Ranboo make him into a slime farm)
Aka "El Backflipo"
Hopeless romantic but derogatory. Falls hard and fast and immediately tries to back track angrily
100% un-fucking-hinged. But also mellow. It's like a light switch
Likes to fuck around but not find out
Void Mod!Charlie
Aka "Dr Cicle"
LOVES science and the scientific method
Also likes to poke fun at people
Almost always cold to the touch
Kinda like your crazy science teacher, loves experiments
Lava Ravine!Charlie
Aka "Chesticuffs"
Cheerful and loves nature, but most importantly loves his card/chest game
Very easily focuses on one subject and blocks out everything else
Goofy but smart, kinda bad at tactic games though.
Surgery Mod!Charlie
Aka "Subject"
Willing to be experimented on for the potential bits
Goes from 0 to 100 really quick
All in or all our kind of guy and he's always all in.
Aka "Strange"
Things are about to get strange
Aka "Spirit" or "Demon"
He's gunky and slimey
A bit of a nasty boy y'know
Kinda just wants friends but he's bad at it
Will goop you to make you his friend
Other than that he's fucked up. Do not let him dry up he will DIE
Ghost Hunter!Charlie
Aka "Haunted"
Definitely not a professional
Doesn't take things all to seriously
Easily scared and doesn't like being alone
Ghost Gun
Chad Bussy
Gives 0 shits attitude
Actually pretty smart he just doesn't care
Secret nerd so he sticks up for the little guys
Definitely owns a metal bat
Walking Dead!Charlie
Aka "Stranger" or "Caller"
Always carries around a disconnected phone that he sometimes gets "calls" on
Simply carries out the whims of the chat that calls him
Not good at surviving but somehow he did
Kissed a guy once cause chat told him too
Something something burger king pizza hut monstrosity. Burger on pizza… what.
Slime Story!Charlie
Aka "Researcher"
Very passionate about researching slimes in their natural habitat
Doesn't shy away from the darker aspects of slime ecosystems
Will insult them but he loves them
A bit blunt
Slime Rancher!Charlie
Aka "Rancher"
Laid back farmer guy
Likes working with slimes, but Glooby is his favorite still.
Enjoys learning how they interact with each other but doesn't do much in depth research
Once he sets his mind if a task he won't rest til it's done
Can be a bit cruel/mean if he thinks it'd be funny
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finleythequeer · 1 year
Empires SMP S2
You can't just say empires smp s2 is coming to end.
I found out the worst way possible (On TikTok). But that doesn't mean I'll stop writing Fanfics about them, so my Ancestors of the Overgrown fanfic will continue until I finish writing it.
I will probably rewatch Jimmy's POV of S1 and 2 once S2 ends if I'm being honest, and I will also watch other Esmp members also, both S1 and 2.
I will also be crying (In a corner) and complaining to my friends once it ends, tbh.
I watched Katherine's final EP, and it was a happy end, which is nice, but will all the empires get a good one? (I hope so)
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Hi hi hi
I'm having -thoughts-
and I really wanna share it-
So Katherine Elizabeth, right? Guardian of the Land, Ruler of the Overgrown, Collecter of Heads, right?
Yeah, I corrupted her.
Or, more accurately, the Spring did.
Let's say that the Overgrown wasn't always so peaceful. In fact, Katherine's time of ruling is the longest time where no blood has spilt on the land. (All the empires have existed before Seablings was born in this AU)
The Spring admits this to Katherine one day, telling her that one day, she'll be the start and cause of a major war. And how she'll be the leader of it all.
Obviously, she is terrified of this concept, but she can't exactly tell her parents about this, can she? The Spring is a secret to her, something she has to look forward to other than being a ruler, something that she chose. That's why she wants to be a peacekeeper, the middleman, the watcher. She wants to delay the time where she'll eventually start the war.
She...somewhat succeeds.
Then, Xornoth decided to make an appearance.
The Spring informs her that her war may or may not concern the deity that corrupted Xornoth. That night, no one had heard the princess when she screamed curses at every deity that she learned in her training to be a ruler existed like a sailor.
The war still awaits Katherine. She did not start the war against Xornoth, Xornoth did.
Every day, she tries her best to keep the peace as long as she could.
The Spring shows her where all of their greatest weapon and armoury are hidden. Sure, the weapons and armoury they gave her at the start were amazing, but these? These things make netherite look like gold!
She refuses to use the armoury, saying that even if she won the war, she wants to win it fairly.
Her eyes linger on the sharp battle axe before she left the room.
Her parents found out what was going to happen.
She was exiled long before she could start the war.
The Spring was burnt down.
The Spring, despite being burnt, stays with Katherine in spirit. They apparently are spirits of former guardians, mainly females. "Well, that explains why the Spring sounds so androgynously female," Katherine thinks. They apologize for their existence and for her future. She says nothing about it.
That's all I really have for now, but I'm planning to have ESMP S2 in here as well! I'll let you guess how ;)
This sounds like a lot of (very painful) fun!
I love the hints at Katherine the Monster Slayer...You'll have to let me know once you have more for this!
And I love the idea in particular of the Overgrown as having not been always peaceful. That's how I've been planning it for the AU In Which All the Marriages Are Arranged, with the idea that the Overgrown itself while fairly neutral as an entity (because nature spirit) is under the protection of the Fae. Who are. Not.
I am just really invested in the idea of a Katherine who was not raised for peace and has fought very hard to achieve it, against all traditions and inclinations.
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scitties-enjoyer · 1 month
ESMP S1 Worldbuilding thoughts
Okay so I might be overthinking things a little (I'm very normal about my ESMP S1 worldbuilding and I'd more-or-less let it fade into the background for a while but I'm afraid it's back with a vengance)
So. My biggest headcanon is that the continent it takes place on is in the southern hemisphere of the planet. I know the second you travel outside the actual empires that theory falls apart because minecraft terrain generation however. If you look at the Empires alone and their geographical locations, we have Mezalea and Pixandria as the northern-most empires and Rivendell and Crystal Cliffs as the southern-most empires.
One problem: House Blossom is actually further south than Rivendell.
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Now I had a crisis over that this morning (I had somehow got it in my head that House Blossom was northwest of Rivendell rather than southwest) but then I remembered my headcanon that House Blossom is a particular kind of Faerie settlement which is always built on magical convergence points. Belatedly, afterwards, I also remembered that the Overgrown is a thing.
If all that paragraph is a bit much to parse: House Blossom is very magical. It can be warm if it wants.
Now. I am not (currently who knows what the future holds) trying to work out the size of the planet this is on, the specific tilt the planet has, or anything like that, so I don't have accurate teperature bands here, but if I overlay a gradient where blue is cold and yellow/red is hot....
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It's not perfect. There's a badlands biome in the southwest, and ideally the jungle wouldn't be so far south. But I'm not looking for the whole seed to have perfect geography. The thing we care about is roughly correct.
I could just extrapolate the size from this small one but you know what would be more fun?
Thus step one of mapping each empire is complete. We know sort of what's going on climate wise in each empire. (Did I mention that's what the end goal is here?)
Step 2: I'd like the rivers to make sense. But for that I need a good idea of like. The size of the land. And real life countries aren't just one town or city. So I need a big world map.
Making a large biomes world with the original ESMP seed and getting the whole map to trace over by flying around. I don't remember what I said in this video but here's where I started doing a perimeter of Mezalea.
Unfortunately this is taking a while.
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Perhaps I will continue this
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