#esc monaco
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vintageurovision · 7 months ago
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Monaco in the Eurovision Song Contest: The 1970s
1970 - Marlène, Dominique Dussault
1971 - Un Banc, Un Arbre, Une Rue, Séverine 🏆
1972 - Comme On S'aime, Anne-Marie Godart and Peter MacLane
1973 - Un Train Qui Part, Marie
1974 - Celui Qui Reste Et Celui Qui S'en Va, Romuald
1975 - Une Chanson C'est Une Lettre, Sophie
1976 - Toi, La Musique Et Moi, Mary Christy
1977 - Une Petite Française, Michèle Torr
1978 - Les Jardins De Monaco, Caline and Olivier Toussaint
1979 - Notre Vie, C'est La Musique, Laurent Vaguener
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eurovision · 9 months ago
Fallece Françoise Hardy, representante de Mónaco en el Festival de Eurovision 1963 con "L'amour s'en va".
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eurovision-revisited · 4 months ago
Eurovision 2007: Qualification
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Last year's Eurovision turned out to be immensely popular. Both the lack of scandal and a hugely popular and novel winner not only went down well with the European public, but also the broadcasters of Europe.
It was enough to quell the doubts about the competition that had been increasing. At least for now. Austria and Hungary returned having registered their concerns and reassured that if a bunch of rock demons from Finland could win, then so could they.
Monaco however felt differently. They'd spend three years in the semi-finals since their return in 2004, never really threatening to qualify and given the low budgets and viewership (does anyone resident in Monaco actually watch Eurovision?), they once again pulled out. As of 2024, they still haven't returned.
After last years unpleasantness, both Serbia and Montenegro took part separately. Officially they were debuts, but they kind of weren't. It now meant that every republic that had formerly constituted Yugoslavia were now competing independently. Six countries where there had been one. There was still the question of Kosovo though, and that's a question that remains to this day.
Two other countries had a go at Eurovision for the first time: Georgia and the Czech Republic. That's forty-two countries in total breaching the EBUs forty country limit.
This resulted in the biggest semi-final ever with twenty-eight countries competing in one of the longest Eurovision performance schedules ever and it left the EBU scratching its head as Azerbaijan were asking politely to take part as well.
Of the forty-two entrants, ten went for internal selection, up two from last year. That still means that thirty-two national finals took place, three more than last year. Three of those were song-selections with an artist known in advance, and one (Hungary) was an artist selection show with a song already in mind.
Adding in Sanremo, that leads to a round 500 songs being in the contention for my bracket this year. That's actually a fifty-three song reduction on 2006, mainly because several of the monster selection shows slimmed down somewhat.
2007 is Eurovision achieving it's full size for the first time. There will be a couple of years that match it for number of entrants, but this is the one that grew beyond what the EBU was prepared for. But was exactly what the EBU wanted.
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myeurovisionsongcontest · 9 months ago
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Texto Wikipedia:
«L'amour s'en va» ("El amor se va") es una canción exitosa elegida con mayor porcentaje del país de Mónaco, para el Festival de la canción de Eurovision 1963. Esta fue interpretada en francés por la cantante y actriz francesa Françoise Hardy.
Los monegascos eligieron por mayoría de votos a Françoise Hardy, ya que el país no contaba con muchos artistas propios, pero finalmente se vio que fue una gran popularidad, en especial de la cantante que provenía de Francia. La canción terminó en quinto puesto con 25 puntos, ya que en primer lugar salieron Grethe Ingmann & Jørgen Ingmann con 42 puntos representando a Dinamarca.
Françoise Hardy era una cantante menor de edad cuando fue reconocida por el público en toda Europa, más tarde se crea un género musical llamado Ye-ye, en donde con tan sólo 18 años de edad en 1962 empieza a ser popular y aparece en varios programas de televisión. "Tous les garçons et les filles" es una de las canciones más conocidas por la misma artista, ya que en 1962 tuvo su lanzamiento y no tardó en llevar su éxito, se vendió 700.000 copias aproximadamente sólo en Francia. Luego pasó a ser una de las artistas mundiales de habla francesa más exitosas y populares de la década de 1960, así también como un icono de la moda influyente. Fue también conocida como una de las mejores artistas de género Ye-ye a partir de mediados de los 60, ya que también estaban otras como France Gall, quien también es elegida para Eurovision.
"L'amour s'en va" es de estilo lento y expresado con apariencias tristes, popular en los primeros años del concurso. Hardy canta sobre una relación que se llevó a cabo, donde expresa que el amor es una cosa efímera, sin embargo, esto es lo que no importa a los amantes involucrados. Hardy también grabó la canción en versión alemana "Die Liebe geth" y más tarde también en italiano "L'amore va", respectivamente, viendo que también fue exitosa en países extranjeros.
La canción fue interpretada en decimoquinto lugar en el festival de la noche, después de Jacques Raymond que representaba a Bélgica, y precediendo a Nana Mouskouri que representaba a Luxemburgo. Al terminar la votación del Festival, la canción recibe 25 puntos, colocando en quinto lugar de 16 posiciones. "L'amour s'en va", sin embargo pasó a que Hardy pueda ganar el prestigioso premio francés "Grand Prix du Disque" en 1963 y unos cuarenta años después de su lanzamiento original de la canción, todavía cuenta como una de sus sinfonías.
En 1964, Romuald representa a Mónaco en Eurovisión, y obtuvo el tercer lugar. Más tarde, en 1971, Mónaco llega a primer lugar con la cantante Séverine, con 128 puntos, cantando el tema Un banc, un arbre, une rue.
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eurovision-facts · 2 years ago
Eurovision Fact #419:
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In 2011, unconfirmed rumors on the Czech Eurovision website, Eurosong.cz, announced that Monaco's national broadcaster, TMC, was discussing with the EBU a possible return to Eurovision for the 2012 contest.
However, this rumor was squashed as head of TMC, Phil Bosco, said that the costs were simply too high to consider a participation anytime in the future.
'Monaco: Talks About a Return to Eurovision?' Eurovisiontimes.wordpress.com.
'Monaco: Dampned Expectations,' Eurovisiontimes.wordpress.com.
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esc101podcast · 5 months ago
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Our Episode catch up continued with Episode 15 featuring artist Michele Torr who represented both Luxembourg and Monaco at the Eurovision Song Contest! Check us out on your favourite podcast platform!
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marswasnothere · 6 months ago
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escinsight · 1 year ago
Eurovision's Shrinkage Problem And Some Ideas To Fix It
Eurovision's Shrinkage Problem And Some Ideas To Fix It. The number of countries participating in the Eurovision Song Contest has been steadily dwindling for a while now. Since 2018, the trend of the 3-year average has been downwards. Hayden Kent looks at the impact this has on the Song Contest
Going, Going, Gone Over the past decade, several countries have disappeared from the roster as broadcasters left the Eurovision Song Contest for various political or financial reasons. Turkey and Slovakia last appeared in 2012, although the latter could potentially return in 2025. Bosnia & Herzegovina haven’t shown up since 2016 because of financial constraints. Hungary left in 2019. Belarusian…
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unibrowzz · 9 months ago
Early ESC 2025 predictions
Anyways, here's what kind of bullshittery I'm expecting next year.
🇧🇬 Bulgaria: Teases a return on social media. They announce their non-participation a day later.
🇲🇨 Monaco: Someone famous from there who is not a singer announces they'll compete if Monaco enters. They are swiftly shot down by TV Monaco.
🇽🇰 Kosovo's request for an invite is ignored.
🇱🇮 Lichtenstein: Someone at 1FLTV breathes the word "Eurovision", setting the news sites alight. They do not compete.
🇺🇦 Ukraine: Jury favourite wins Vidbir. They're soon disqualified after breaking some immigration law the Ukrainian government pulled out of its ass and the televote favourite gets sent instead.
🇸🇪 Sweden: Same old, same old, clean polished pop song nobody aside from Swedish people, the ESC jury and normie televoters like. 6th place.
🇧🇪 Belgium: Goes back to an NF. Fan favourite entry (see: something with nothing noteworthy about it other than being in French) doesn't get sent. Cue butthurt.
🇫🇷 France: Does what they did last year and pulls a random bestselling artist out of a hat. Top 10 finish.
🇮🇹 Italy: Usual schtick, sends something which does gangbusters on Spotify and Apple but is ultimately held back by crappy staging and weak live vocals. Comes top 10 regardless.
🇲🇩 Moldova: It's their turn to be the next Käärijä or Baby Lasagna. Top 3 finish.
🇵🇹 Portugal: Sends a breathy-voiced Billie Eilish wannabe with a murky blue stage. Does surprisingly well.
🇮🇪 Ireland: Cruachan finally get into the Late Late NF Special. They lose out to some Voice UK reject and a song written by a music student from London with an Irish surname. The fandom is not pleased.
🇸�� San Marino: Holds another dismally long NF full of the usual rejects from other, more popular, NFs. Doesn't qualify.
🇬🇷 Greece: Hires a stable full of Melfest regulars to write a song for some bi-national diaspora born and raised anywhere in the world but Greece to perform.
🇨🇾 Cyprus: See above, just replace the bi-national with "some Australian with Greek heritage".
🇬🇧 United Kingdom: All the good artists got scared off again so we're back to one hit wonders from 20 years ago and/or absolute nobodies destined for the right side of the scoreboard. British tabloids have a field day.
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ah-un-due-tre-stella · 17 days ago
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Questi due fotogrammi dall'episodio 162, 32x06 (nessuna corrispondenza nel manga ahimè) mi riducono il cuore in uno stato simile a una pesca spaccata a metà a mani nude e non sto scherzando perché sono sempre mortalmente seria riguardo le mie affermazioni su Inuyasha. C'è così tanto in queste immagini e non so se sarò mai in grado di trovare le parole adatte per sviscerare ogni punto.
Rin, che cerca di divincolarsi dalla stretta del maestro Ungai e invoca disperatamente tra le lacrime "Sesshōmaru-sama!" perché tornare a vivere in un villaggio umano le fa ancora troppa paura, i suoi traumi, le sue paure, ci rendiamo conto, sono ferite ancora non ben cicatrizzate, semplicemente nascoste sotto la superficie del suo viso sempre raggiante. E Sesshōmaru, che è già lì per lei ma non si rivela, la sua presenza resta nell'ombra, coperta dal manto della foresta e della notte, e intanto combatte dentro di sé una silenziosa battaglia, forse la più dura della sua intera esistenza. Perché le parole di Ungai dicono il vero e lui lo sa: una bambina umana non può vivere in mezzo ai pericoli e le insidie della natura selvaggia, senza un tetto sopra la testa, isolata dal resto del mondo. Sesshōmaru può proteggerla, è vero, ma non basta. Qui, più che altrove, vediamo quel misterioso lato paterno di Sesshōmaru: non immediatamente visibile la maggior parte del tempo, eppure c'è. Sesshōmaru che è assalito dal dubbio e si chiede se stia davvero facendo la cosa giusta per Rin portandosela dietro nei suoi viaggi, Sesshōmaru che non sa se è in grado di offrire alla bambina ciò di cui ha bisogno. È esattamente così che si comporta un neopapà. Soprattutto se giovane, single e con una figlia adottiva.
Ma le grida di Rin lo straziano e così infine sceglie di agire.
Forse perché intuisce che Rin non è ancora pronta per tornare tra gli esseri umani? O lasciarla andare, benché sappia che probabilmente sul lungo periodo si rivelerebbe la cosa più giusta, è più di quanto il suo cuore possa tollerare? O ancora, esce allo scoperto in modo che Rin sia nella posizione di prendere una decisione da sola? Ma la scelta della bambina in questo momento non è forse ovvia? E allora: è veramente una scelta la sua?
Valutiamo la situazione. Rin è stata rapita dal demone Ongokuki e si è ritrovata così dentro la sua tana insieme ad altri bambini che la creatura ha strappato al loro villaggio e ha avuto così occasione per la prima volta da molto tempo di interagire con i suoi simili e coetanei, ma risulta subito chiaro che non parlano la "stessa lingua", tra lei e loro c'è una distanza che diventa tristemente lampante quando, alla presenza di Ungai (il rigido monaco sterminatore di demoni che si era già imbattuto in precedenza nella strana, piccola ragazzina), uno dei bambini rapiti riferisce che secondo Rin gli esseri umani fanno più paura dei demoni, suscitando lo sdegno e il vigile timore del sant'uomo. Stando così le cose, un tentativo di integrazione all'interno dello stesso villaggio di questi bambini difficilmente potrebbe essere un'opzione buona per lei, specie se vi fosse condotta da Ungai che con ogni probabilità raccomanderebbe agli anziani di "correggere" le stranezze della bambina (se non direttamente di esorcizzarla). Date le premesse, solo se Rin fosse così fortunata da trovare qualcuno dal cuore buono e privo di pregiudizi le verrebbero risparmiate nuove sofferenze.
Rin forse non sarà in grado di trarre queste esatte conclusioni, ma di sicuro dentro di sé sa che con queste persone non si sente al sicuro, non si sente "a casa". È probabile che riconosca le pur buone intenzioni di Ungai, tant'è che prima di scomparire di nuovo tra gli alberi al seguito di Sesshōmaru, rivolge al monaco un sorriso dolce nel salutarlo, ma cionondimeno quello che le viene offerto non può essere il suo posto. Non al momento, non a tali condizioni.
Quindi, provando a tirare le somme di queste riflessioni, penso che Sesshōmaru, perlomeno nelle sue intenzioni, volesse sinceramente rendere chiaro a Rin che non è costretta a seguirlo, che lei non è una cosa sua, che non c'è inganno né malizia nelle sue attenzioni, ma il punto è che rispondendo al richiamo della bambina, Sesshōmaru di fatto ha riconosciuto il suo legame con lei e si è presentato ancora una volta come il suo guardiano. Forse se non fosse accorso, vedendosi rifiutata, Rin si sarebbe messa il cuore in pace prima o poi (non senza ulteriori traumi da abbandono in mezzo da dover elaborare ovviamente), ma vederlo lì, per lei, le dà nuova certezza del suo affetto. Quale altra scelta avrebbe mai potuto fare una bambina?
La sceneggiatura di Katsuhiko Chiba ha assicurato con questo episodio delle aggiunte preziose che non solo approfondiscono la psicologia di Rin e i dilemmi di Sesshōmaru rispetto alla bambina, anticipando questioni che verranno riprese nel Final Act (cfr. episodio 176, 09x07 = capitolo 469 ed episodio 193, 26x07 = capitolo 558), ma a livello più macroscopico vanno a toccare con una rinnovata delicatezza che ha in sé un che di sbalorditivo il tema-cardine della convivenza tra umani e demoni, un fatto che lo spettatore a volte finisce per dare per scontato preso com'è dal seguire il filo della trama principale, dimenticando così che situazioni come quella della Inugang e della Sessgang sono in realtà delle vistose eccezioni in un'epoca in cui povertà, guerra, carestia, malattia, paura piagano il cuore umano rendendolo arido, e diffidente, e crudele, e bigotto.
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vintageurovision · 2 months ago
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Notre Planète, Maryon | Monaco, Eurovision Song Contest 2004
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sztansescheadache · 2 years ago
monaco is now eligible to participate in esc (which they probably won’t do this year, there’s too little time left for the application (but who knows, surprise me)) and it’s so interesting and honestly exiting. like with luxembourg coming back and now this possibility for monaco there’s a chance that the little states will start paying more attention to esc, as it is a huge chance to show themselves to the world. the more countries at esc the merrier
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bettyg196 · 2 years ago
My Eurovision 2024 predictions
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Hi !
How are you ?
Here are my predictions for Eurovision 2024 nobody asked !
Disclaimer : I'm not clairvoyant, so most of my predictions won't come true. Also, please note that I don't mean to offend anyone in this post, I just like to guess what will happen in the next Eurovision season.
The jury system will remain the same but EBU won't bring it back in the semi-finals
The rest of the world will still have the ability to vote
They will introduce a new rule where we have to create an account to vote from the Eurovision app
38 countries will participate
In plus of Luxembourg, North Macedonia will come back
Romania will withdraw following the bad result in ESC and because of poor TV ratings
Turkey won't come back for obvious reasons
Monaco will be back... in 2025 because TV Monaco will join EBU only in 2024
A ballad will win the contest
The edition will be dominated by pop songs in English
Malmö will host
Petra Mede won't come back as a host but Måns Zelmerlöw (Sweden 2015, host in 2016) will
Farah Abadi or Sarah Dawn Finer will be the other host
Carola Häggkvist (Sweden 1983, 1991, 2006) will be involved in the contest
🇦🇱 Albania
The winner of FiK will also be chosen by the public as the representative
The entry will be a power ballad which will be revamped in English
The artist had already participated to FiK once
Will be in the same semi-final than Serbia
Will finish 11th in its SF
🇦🇲 Armenia
The country will send a woman again
The entry is an up-tempo pop song with disco influences
Will be the last song to be released
Will be a favourite of the eurofans
Will qualify but will flop in the grand final and finish in the right side of the table
🇦🇺 Australia
EBU will confirm that the country will participate to the contest during summer
Internal selection
The chosen artist has never participated to Eurovision- Australia Decides
The song will be a sad ballad
It will be popular on TikTok
🇦🇹 Austria
A male duo will be chosen
The entry will sound like a Troye Sivan song
Will not get attention from the fandom until the rehearsals
The staging will be simple but efficient
Will qualify but will finish in the bottom 5
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan
The chosen artist is famous in Turkey
The song will be an up-tempo pop song in English
Most of the songwriters are from Sweden
The staging will be similar to the Euphoria one but with dancers
Will close its semi-final
🇧🇪 Belgium
The chosen artist has participated to The Voice Belgique and was in the team of Beverly Jo Scott aka BJ Scott
The entry will sound like an Axelle Red song, but in English
Most of the songwriters are from France
Will be in the first semi-final
Will qualify
🇭🇷 Croatia
Dora 2024 will take place
A former representative will be involved as a contestant
A man will win the nf
The entry will be a sentimental ballad in English and in Croatian
Will get attention during the rehearsals
🇨🇾 Cyprus
A drama will happen during the nf
The winner of the nf will be a woman
The entry will be a pop song about love with a dancebreak
Will be high in the odds
Will be in the second semi-final again
🇨🇿 Czechia
ESCZ will take place again
A boy band will win the nf
The entry will sound like if Backstreet Boys and BTS had a baby
It will be a contender for the win
Will place at least 15th in the final
🇩🇰 Denmark
DMGP will be a weak nf as usual
The winning artist will be an Instagram model
The entry will be a bubblegum bop in English
Thomas G:son will be one of the songwriters
Will do better than expected
🇪🇪 Estonia
A former representative will be involved in Eesti Laul 2024
A band will win the nf
The entry will be a scam themed funny song in Estonian
Will be overhated by the fandom
Will be in the top 20
🇫🇮 Finland
UMK 2024 will be a good nf
An underdog act will win it
The song will be a catchy pop song in English
It will be liked by a lot of people
Will finish second last in the final
🇫🇷 France
A nf will take place (but not necessary CVQD)
Bilal Hassani will take part as a jury member
A southern man will win
The entry will sound like a 2010s French song
Will finish somewhere in the right part of the table but will get at least one "12 points"
🇬🇪 Georgia
The Voice of Georgia will be used to select the representative again
A woman will win again
The entry will be a dark edm pop song
It will cause a controversy in the country
Will compete in the first semi-final
🇩🇪 Germany
Ikke Hüftgold will be involved in the nf again
The winner of the nf will be a woman
The entry will sound similar to Flowers by Miley Cyrus and the artist will be accused of plagiarism
Will be hated by Germans and the fandom
Will finish in the bottom 5 again
🇬🇷 Greece
A Greek-German artist will be selected in internal
Greek locals will hate their representative for some reason
The entry will be a radio-friendly pop song in English and the title will be in Greek
Will compete in the second semi-final
Will NQ
🇮🇸 Iceland
Söngvakeppnin will be disappointing in terms of quality
New rule in the nf
A woman will win against the odds
The entry will sound like a song from Taylor Swift's Midnights album
Will NQ again
🇮🇪 Ireland
The nf will be a beautiful disaster
The chosen artist will be the youngest of the edition
The entry will be a pop song about a Swedish artist/band
A drama will happen after the pre-party season
Will have the weirdest staging
🇮🇱 Israel
The Rising Star will have new rules
A woman will win the nf
The entry will be dance pop song in English
A drama involving politics will happen
Will finish 17th in the final
🇮🇹 Italy
A big controversy will happen before Sanremo week
Diodato will participate in the festival
The winning artist openly supports Meloni
The song will be a modern ballad
Will finish top 10
🇱🇻 Latvia
Initially, a Supernova SF will be planned but will be ultimately cancelled for only one final
A girl band will win
The entry will be an up-tempo pop song in English
Will get attention from the pre-parties
Will qualify but end up in the bottom 5
🇱🇹 Lithuania
PiN 2024 will be an average edition
The favourite of the nf will win both the jury voting and the televoting
A member of InCulto (🇱🇹 2010) will be involved in the nf
The entry will be a slow ballad in English
Will be the only baltic country in its SF
🇱🇺 Luxembourg
A nf will take place
Any artist from any country can participate but Luxembourgers singers will be privileged
A well-known French artist will be selected
The entry will be a French chanson that will sound like a Juliette Armanet's song
Will sadly NQ
🇲🇹 Malta
MESC will be the longest nf
Matt Blxck will participate again
The winner will be a man
The entry will be a love ballad
Will compete in the second semi-final
🇲🇩 Moldova
35 artists/bands will participate to the nf's audition
A finalist will withdraw in the last minute
A female former representative will win
The entry will be a folk-pop song in Romanian and in English
Will be a borderline qualifier
🇳🇱 Netherlands
A nf will take place and almost everyone in the fandom will hate it
Between 5 and 10 acts will compete
The most disliked act will win
The entry will be a schlager in English
Will do better than expected
🇲🇰 North Macedonia
Internal selection
A male artist will be chosen
The entry will sound like a movie score
Will be cancelled by the fandom for some reason
Will do better than expected
🇳🇴 Norway
Autotune will still be allowed in MGP
Emma Steinbakken will be involved in the nf at least as a songwriter
The winner will be a woman
The entry will be a power ballad about trust
Will place somewhere in the left side of the table
🇵🇱 Poland
A nf will be planned but will be cancelled and replaced by a last minute internal selection for some reason
A male YouTuber will be chosen
The entry will be a dance pop song
Will divide the entire fandom
Will make the final thanks to the artist's fandom
🇵🇹 Portugal
A drama will happen before the reveal of FdC tracks
A fado artist will be the favourite for the win
An underdog act will win
The entry will be a folk song in Portuguese
Will be underrated by the fandom
🇸🇲 San Marino
UVPSM will be shorter than usual
Some artists from the 2023 NF season will participate
An unknown Italian artist will win
The song will be a disco-pop song in English
Will somehow become a meme
🇷🇸 Serbia
The nf will be nice overall
An eccentric artist will get attention
A woman will win
The song will be a balkan ballad in Serbian
Will be high in the odds
🇸🇮 Slovenia
Internal selection again
A female pop star will be chosen
The entry will be an up-tempo pop song in English with some words in Slovenian
Will be overhyped by the fandom
Will do worse than expected
🇪🇸 Spain
Pol Granch will be involved in the Benidorm Fest
A controversy will happen during the nf
A famous artist will win the festival
The entry will be a dark ballad in Spanish
Will finish 20th in the final
🇸🇪 Sweden
Melodifestivalen will be better than the last edition
Both Anna Bergendahl and Dotter will be involved at least as songwriters
A LGBTQ artist will win
The entry will be a pop song in English about self-love
Will finish 6th in the grand final
🇨🇭 Switzerland
A good-looking male artist will be chosen
The entry is another sad ballad, but this time about break up
Unlike the 2 previous songs, it will be more appreciated by the fandom
Sacha Jean-Baptiste will stage it
Will qualify but will flop in the final
🇺🇦 Ukraine
Vidbir will be good as usual
A female pop star will win
The entry will be a world music influenced pop song in Ukrainian and in English
A big drama will happen after the nf
Will finish 4th
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
There will be a rumor that Dido could represent the UK to make her big comeback on stage
The actual representative has worked with a British star
The entry will be a mid-tempo pop song
Will be a favourite of many fans
Will finish 16th in the final
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eurovision-revisited · 1 year ago
Copenhagen 2001: Wrap Up
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Eurovision 2001 is a year living in the shadow of the previous year's competition. The hosts saw what Sweden had done and perhaps in friendly rivalry, attempted to go one better. Parken stadium is huge and had to have a roof installed to make it a suitable venue. There was a lot of money spent ensuring that Denmark would host a Eurovision audience twice as large as the previous record set the year before.
Fireworks and stage pyro, massive lighting installations, and an overarching concept for presentation involving rhyming couplets and light comedy romantic flirtation between the hosts. It feels a little like overcompensation for an inferiority complex between this year's hosts and last year's.
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I have no idea if that's exactly what was going on, but it sure feels like a broadcaster trying to prove something and finding out that going large can fall flat. The stage was too big for many acts, the cameras too far away, the screens too small for the size of the enormous audience. The benefits, such as the huge, involving crowd noise that comes with hosting in a football stadium, were there (especially as the host song did so well), but they didn't outweigh the problems. Lessons were being learned by future hosts.
In terms of songs, Eurovision is floundering, trying to reinvent itself. There's good and there's bad this year and personally, I find the final to be a small step up on the previous two years. Having said that most of the songs on stage sound and look like they're playing it safe. More like old Eurovision than new. Perhaps the most odd thing about the year is that winner is a party song, not a genre that has typically done well prior to this. Maybe a tiny movement towards commerciality? Maybe not, but at least it demonstrates that the Eurovision audience can shift its tastes, although in this case it shifted them sideways rather that forward into the full commercial relevance the EBU craved for the longevity of its flagship institution.
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The most recent songfestival.be/ESC Radio top 250 has five entries for 2001, one up on 2000. It's still low, but inching back up. The big problem for 2001 is that the national finals and selection process for choosing the songs in Eurovision was just awful. It feels like the broadcasters didn't care, or perhaps spent all the money on the 2000 editions. Eurovision is poison both for the acts, their managers and the record companies that sign them. It's also poison for the broadcasters who all fear picking a duff song and getting flak from the fans and their national press. Yet, they're duty bound, contractually bound even, to pick a song knowing that no one this year wants to take part.
The resulting national finals were not good. Amateur even. The nets were cast very wide and in several cases there was only ever going to be one winner. There are a few who are trying - especially the Netherlands after the trials of the 2000 Eurovision song contest - but even here, their efforts are stymied by the massive stage and a running order leading to relegation.
Relegation. That's going to be the next big problem that the EBU need to address. It just doesn't feel fair. Delegations can pour time, money and effort into doing Eurovision right and through sheer chance end up getting relegated, leading to more criticism. Then there are all the new countries who wish to take part. Where the was once a single Yugoslavia, there are now five countries, soon to be six and then seven. All the former Warsaw pact and ex-Soviet Union countries who have not already taken part want to. Italy might come back one day, and the microstates such as Monaco, Andorra and San Marino, how will they fit into this? A solution is needed rapidly.
Will that happen next year? Will the hosts find the right-sized venue and approach to hosting? Will the EBU's desire for relevance bear fruit? Let's find out in 2002.
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residentraccoon · 1 year ago
ESC 2005 vs 2006
Albania: Tomorrow I Go vs Zjarr e ftohtë (but I kinda like them the same idk)
Andorra: La mirada interior vs Sense tu
Armenia: Without Your Love
Austria: Y asi
Belarus: Love Me Tonight vs Mum (none lol)
Belgium: Le Grand soir vs Je t'adore
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Call Me vs Lejla
Bulgaria: Lorraine vs Let Me Cry
Croatia: Vukovi umiru sami vs Moja štikla
Cyprus: Ela Ela vs Why Angels Cry (I don't really like any that much tbh...)
Denmark: Talking to You vs Twist of Love
Estonia: Lets Get Loud vs Through My Window
Finland: Why vs Hard Rock Hallelujah
France: Chacun pense à soi vs Il était temps (underrated tbh)
Germany: Run & Hide vs No No Never
Greece: My Number One vs Everything
Hungary: Forogj, világ
Iceland: If I Had Your Love vs Congratulations (underrated bop, I really like it though her 99 one was better)
Ireland: Love? vs Every Song Is a Cry for Love
Israel: HaSheket SheNish'ar vs Together We Are One
Latvia: The War Is Not Over vs I Hear Your Heart
Lithuania: Little by Little vs We Are the Winners
Malta: Angel vs I Do
Monaco: Tout de moi vs La Coco-Dance
Moldova: Boonika bate toba vs Loca (by a landslide. Loca is wayyy too cringey for me)
Netherlands: My Impossible Dream vs Amambanda
North Macedonia: Make My Day vs Ninanajna
Norway: In My Dreams vs Alvedansen (I like 2005 too but Alvedansen takes it)
Poland: Czarna dziewczyna vs Follow My Heart
Portugal: Amar vs Coisas de nada (none)
Romania: Let Me Try vs Tornerò (this was hard. I love both)
Russia: Nobody Hurt No One vs Never Let You Go
Serbia and Montenegro: Zauvijek moja vs Moja ljubavi
Slovenia: Stop vs Mr. Nobody
Spain: Brujería vs Bloody Mary
Sweden: Las Vegas vs Invincible
Switzerland: Cool Vibes vs If We All Give a Little
Türkiye: Rimi Rimi Ley vs Süper Star
Ukraine: Razom nas bahato vs Show Me Your Love
United Kingdom: Touch My Fire vs Teenage Life
2005: 18
2006: 18
We have a tie)))
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because-its-eurovision · 2 years ago
what are some of your favorite esc winners of all time?
not in any order, but each of these has been my favourite winner at some point:
Monaco 1971
I love the melody so much and her voice is so beautiful, how it goes from soft to powerful within the verses. The whole song and performance give me strong classic Esc nostalgia with the live orchestra and singing in one's own language and how simple everything is, and of course it's made even more charming by the fact that I don't speak French.
Ireland 1996
Beautiful melody, hauntingly beautiful voice, the lyrics tell a story, I'm a sucker for everything ethnic and especially Celtic and I love that this is so clearly Ireland's entry. Could be from a fantasy movie's soundtrack. This used to be my favourite winner for years on end.
Ukraine 2016
The lyrics, Jamala's voice, using Crimean Tatar language. Biggest chills I've ever gotten at a live show. How heartbreaking the quiet lullaby part is and how filled with raw emotion the cry after it is. The combination of traditional and modern in the production. The staging with Ukrainian colours in the tree, the light pillars as prison bars, the pulsating red as heartbeat. Very unpopular opinion, but 1944 is my favourite winner of 2010's and possibly of this century.
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