#es21 panther
incorrecteyeshield21 · 4 months
Sena: Thanks for dinner. Panther: I thought you paid? Sena: Panther: I guess we won’t be going back there.
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Buharou Ushijima
Assorted headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Clifford D. Lewis
Seducing his working partner scenario
NSFW body worship scenario
Kobanzame Osamu
Koharu Wakana
Kotaru Sasaki
Hair styling
NSFW headcanons
Mamori Anezaki
Date headcanons
Character aesthetics
Maruko 'Maria' Himuro
Natsuhiko Taki
Reacting to his sister bringing home a date
Relationship & NSFW headcanons
Patrick 'Panther' Spencer
Maruko 'Marco' Reiji
General & NSFW headcanons
First date scenario
Sleeping with his s/o scenario
Rikiya Gao
Giving a cold s/o his jacket drabble
NSFW headcanons
Rui Habashira
Assorted headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Make-up sex headcanons
Riku Kaitani
NSFW headcanons
Character aesthetics
Getting tutored by his crush scenario
A girl giving him her umbrella scenario
NSFW scenario
Yamato Takeru
NSFW headcanons
NSFW scenario
Sakuraba Haruto
Holiday, cooking, & sleeping headcanons
As a parent
Realizing he's in love with his best friend scenario
Make-up sex headcanons
Shun Kakei
Pros and cons of dating him
Taking care of a sick s/o
NSFW headcanons
Relationship & NSFW headcanons
His s/o finding him masturbating
Suzuna Taki
Date headcanons
Reacting to her brother bringing a date home
Would she want a big family
Nurse AU! Suzuna x Mamori scenario
Taiga Kamiya
Takami Ichiro
NSFW headcanons
Kink headcanons
Playing doctor NSFW scenario
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beansterpie · 2 years
I just finished my es21 re-read and bruh....... 😭
It's almost impressive how much of a mixed bag the final arc is lol, there's things I genuinely love about it, like seeing everyone working together, Panther being in the story again, and all the Hiruma and Agon stuff (huhuhu) among some other things, but then everything in between those moments is...... so bad. Either super rushed pacing, or the most contrived bs to explain how certain players are winning with the ~power of their feelings~, the fucking alpha male shit that suddenly pops up in the last 4-5 chapters?? And most of all the racism is back babeyyyy UGH
But then the epilogue that follows that mess is honestly so good and I love it to bits 😭
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hyatoro · 2 years
Childhood Friends Pt 2
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Part 1
Forewarning I did not do Tatanka’s prompt. It’s me analyzing him and talking about how little info we have on the dude. Don and Panther are filled though. 
Donald Oberman (Mr.Don)
Since the president was only “recently elected” (in the manga) he likely didn’t become the “President’s son” until the past year or so. That being said, Arnold Oberman was definitely some sort of politician until he got elected. You can tell by the way Donald behaves now that he was never low or middle class. Maybe he’d describe his family as “upper middle” class, but we all know that people don’t know what that means. He’s upper class and he acts like it too. What I’m trying to say is that these bitches don’t know what broke tastes like.
Don went to a private school basically his entire life. He didn’t stay in one of those residential ones, just the day schools. This is where you met him. You had to have met him in early childhood. It’s not that he wasn't sociable but you can tell that while he does have peers he doesn’t have many people he considers friends. But you guys started out with the simplest “lets be friends!” because that’s how easy it was as kids.
Though there are times where the friendship seems one sided he’s just as ride or die for you as you are for him. You offer a different perspective for him all the time and even if he thinks your opinion is dumb he rarely thinks it’s pointless. It’s actually interesting for him to think about why you see things a certain way when you two grew up so similarly.
Even though he’s 100% an underage drinker he doesn’t pressure you if you make it clear that you don’t want to. If anything that just means more good stuff for him. Does get drunk in your presence but not so much that you’d need to physically support him. Just enough to vibe.
I’m also going to say that you guys made a bet on what his jersey number should be and he lost and that’s how it became 69.
Patrick Spencer (Panther)
I just reread the manga and his parents broke up and the one taking care of him passed away, and that’s how his grandma ended up being his guardian. Double checked and yeah. “Separated from his parents through divorce and death” Volume 36, Chapter 323.
Completely different from Don, Panther absolutely knows what broke tastes like. But he’s such a good natured boy that he doesn’t let it dampen his spirits. And with the way I know his grandmama raised him she did her best to make sure he didn’t feel the worst of it. Your family wasn’t in as bad of a financial state, but enough where you’d go to school with him or see him around the neighborhood. You guys would love to play catch together and whenever he practiced his running once he became interested in football you’d be the one to time him.
Your family would invite his family over every other week for dinner and his grandma would make sure he was always in his nice clothes. His family would return the favor, but it was usually just you coming over and enduring his grandma’s oatmeal. The adults knew how it looked, but his grandma was grateful that they’d let her feed you as some sort of exchange. Ever hear about how some lady would always ask for salt from her neighbor despite already having some so that the neighbor would feel better about asking for anything they needed? Same concept.
When Panther was getting shit on by Apollo you were so close to getting in a screaming match with the racist fucker, but luckily Panther calmed you down. You understood his logic, but it still broke your heart nonetheless how Apollo treated him just because of his own stupid reasons. You were also his biggest cheerleader when he started making huge strides towards his dream. You try to make it to most of his games, at least early on, and he always has a ticket and a high five for you no matter how the game goes.
This man has NO information. Literally the least info of all the Pentagon. Also he’s not 7 feet like the wiki states. 210cm is 6ft 10 ½ in. A little more. But not 7 feet. Still tall as fuck though. Tall enough that that’s all the info we have on him excluding his game stats. I had to go and reread AGAIN to get any info on what he’s like. So I will be recapping bits of what he’s like as a refresher for all of us instead.
100% spoilers below if you haven’t finished Eyeshield 21.
When Gao and Don first face off Bud starts betting on who would win. Bud places 50$ and then Tatanka says he’ll go for 3000$. This can be multiple things. He has that kind of money. Or he doesn’t have that kind of money and he’s just saying it for fun. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did because everyone else in the pentagon aside from Panther has money, but he could also just be from a middle class family and is just shouting that high number because 1) it’s a joke, and 2) that’s how confident in Don he is.
When he knocks down Kid’s pass he taunts Monta by wondering why he thought he could compete against Bud. Then he proceeds to say bullshit about how the it’s not a game but a slaughter show for the US and how it wasn’t an arena for them, who are “physically inferior” to compete anyway. Apparently he was speaking weird and Panther pointed it out. Turns out he was trying to be like Don and learn multiple languages at the same time, thus confusing words. Then he proceeds to taunt Kid by acknowledging his skill but then saying that he’d be number five, a substitute and how he can’t destroy his Human Dome. So he knows how to shit talk.
Don’t like the whole physically inferior bullshit, but the whole last American arc was hella weird with the physical comparisons. Especially “the run of a black man” shit that popped up so often. Like I get the whole underdog vibe and how yeah naturally asian people aren’t as big on average, but damn the vibes were weird. Still love Eyeshield 21, but it definitely has its flaws.
Panther wants to go 1v1 with Shin, but then stumbles back and is like “wait but if it’s linebackers then it’s Tatanka who’s the best right?” cause even though it’s a 1v1 he’s just clearing the air that Tatanka’s the best linebacker don’t worry right ok ok. And how he just wants to face off against Shin cause he’s a rival he respects. I love Panther. He's so cute. But then Tatanka responds with “Either way I can’t imagine how such a small man as that Shin should be a worthy opponent for you, Panther.” Again with the whole size difference means inferior thing, but I do believe that part of it is his faith in his teammates abilities. Like these past 3 instances of seeing him on screen have been of him being like yeah my teammates can crush you fuckers. Don, Bud, Panther.
Next panel we see is of him underestimating Musashi’s kick. How at 54 yards it’d be hard. That’s it.
He then gets absolutely played by Hiruma and Agon’s Chris Cross. He does borrow Don’s “it’s sad” quote. Literally saying “It’s a shame. If I had to say it like Don. It’s sad…” He then gets bamboozled.
Next panel of him is him talking about how Clifford dodged the triple blitz with a spin and how Clifford is faster than Agon.
And then the next is him talking about how Don can get up instantly after getting knocked down. How he’s a top class linemen and that’s why he can't be beat.
Then he’s starting to have a mental breakdown as the Japan team makes a comeback, claiming how the five men of the Pentagram are the five strongest men in the world. And then he gets shocked when Sakuraba and Takami do their tall pass. Then he gets even more frantic the closer things get.
So basically most of what we see of Tatanka is him saying that the Pentagon is the strongest and can’t be beat. A positive spin to this is that he’s confident in his and his teammates’ abilities. The other side to this is that he’s being arrogant, which really shows when he says all those “physically inferior” things. Part of it could just be his environment because everyone else also seems to think this way. He does respect those in the Pentagon and holds them to a high degree, most notably with Don. He just has this mindset of “I’m one of the best. I have to be the best.” and that’s a lot of stress to put on himself, which is clearly shown when he starts to unravel at the thought of being on par with people he so strongly believed were inferior. That may seem like a lot of text up there but that’s what it all boils down to. Justice for Tatanka. He needs more back story considering he’s one of the Pentagon.
Don is the President’s kid and has that rivalry with Gao. Clifford vs Hiruma. We love Panther. And Bud even has that movie star background to play into. Also Tatanka isn’t seen at the casino arc while the rest of them were there, though Panther and Bud were just watching Clifford. Though there is a possibility of the casino being owned by Tatanka’s family, what with all the stereotypes the final Eyeshield 21 arc has thrown at us. We don’t know though.
Honestly that’s probably the most someone has thought about Tatanka. Boy didn’t even get a full name.  
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fourheavenlysins · 3 years
First date with the pentagram
Category: Eyeshield 21
Pairing: Clifford/reader, Mr. Don/reader, Bud/reader, Panther/reader, Tatanka/reader
warning: none
Rating: PG
He had known you from school, but never really spoke to you until after graduation. You were closer to Bud back then than you were to him. It was Bud, actually, that introduced Clifford to you and ever since the blonde began to develop an attraction to you. He surprised himself when he approached you one day as you were out with friends and asked you out.
“Would you be interested?” he asked, not a hint of nervousness or hesitation in his voice. He had no reason to be.
“Ok, sure.” You smiled, giving your answer. You liked Clifford, so you figured ‘why not’.
A simple dinner date that’s all you thought it would be as the two of you made small talk over dinner. Although he didn’t really speak much, just listened and responded to you. You were curious when he told you he wanted to take you somewhere else.
He wouldn’t tell you where, so you accepted the surprise and what a surprise it was.
Clifford took you into a giant botanical garden. Your excitement was clear on your face and it pleased him to know that you were enjoying yourself. The autumn colours were a calming change to the sounds and blaring lights of the city.
Once you were back home, you thanked him for everything.
“Thank me by going out with me again,” he spoke smirking when he saw your face flush pink.
“Of course.” You just couldn’t say no to him.
Your friend had to ditch this weekend, meaning you had an extra ticket to the amusement park. You just didn’t know what to do with it. You sat alone on a park bench thinking of what you were going to do when you felt a hand gently pat your head.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You jumped slightly, but relaxed, realizing it was only Panther. You looked back to see the taller male leaning against the back of the bench.
You told him how your friend had cancelled your plans and now you had no one to go with. It was during your explanation that you got the idea of inviting Panther instead.
“How about you go with me?” you asked.
“Oh, sure, I got nothing planned.” He smiled back at you.
“You know,” you began, standing from the bench to fully face him, “I mean it as a date.”
Panther felt his face heat up at your words and had trouble forming words. “Bu-both… A da-date?”
You giggled at his sputtering and reddening face. He was too cute.
He agreed of course and after handing him the ticket you jumped onto the seat of the bench and wrapped your arms around him pulling him towards you in a hug.
To say your date was enjoyable was an understatement. It was the best time you had in a while.
Panther had kept in his mind that this was supposed to be a date and because of that he made a fool of himself. He didn’t do it intentionally, he was just nervous. You simply thought it was adorable and teased his clumsiness.
After some time together, he lost his jitters and became more comfortable with you.
You made it clear that you planned on going out with him again and of course he’d agree.
To say Bud was extravagant obviously didn’t know just how over the top he could get. And clearly dates were no exception.
This wasn’t what you had in mind when the stunt man asked you out; you really didn’t know how he got you to say yes in the first place. He had been asking you for some time and you told him that you weren’t interested at the time, but his playful flirting and constant affection might have been what changed your mind.
Whether that was good or bad you had yet to decide. And as you stood just 5 feet away from the basket that was supposed to keep the two of you in the air, you were beginning to think it was leaning more to bad.
“No,” you told him when he motioned for you to get in.
“Just give it a try, trust me,” he spoke, giving you a reassuring smile.
Nevertheless, he managed to convince you into the basket and, after assuring you he did in fact know what he was doing, he lit the flame.
You started out worried about the idea of getting into a hot air balloon with him, but you had to admit it was a little exciting once you were up in the air.
He never spoke much and when he did it was always straight to the point. During your study sessions, he’d ask questions and respond when necessary but that was all. He spoke frequently with the other guys from the football team, so you thought maybe it was just you.
So when he stopped you from leaving during one of your study times and asked you to accompany him at the park the next afternoon, you were a little lost for words. You accepted his invitation and didn’t bother asking why he asked you to join him.
A picnic. It was a picnic he had planned for the two of you and it was the most calming and pleasant evenings you had the pleasure to share with him.
He was even being a little more talkative, not much, but it made you glad to know that he really didn’t dislike you after all. It was the exact opposite.
“Hey, Tatanka,” you spoke, gaining his attention from the water bottle he had been staring at for nearly 4 minutes. You were afraid to ask afraid of making a fool of yourself, but you just had to know, “is this a date?”
The poor boy went stiff and his face went red faster than anything you’d seen before. Immediately after he turned away from you, you felt like an idiot for asking.
A minute of awkward silence passed before he turned to look at you. You avoided looking at him and that gave him the idea to lean in close and gently kiss your cheek.
You jumped not expecting the contact and looked at him, his face still a faintly flushed.
“I should have been more specific when I asked you to join me.” He was looking directly into your eyes and honestly, you couldn’t understand how someone who looked so intimidating could be so timid.
“I wanted this to be a date.” Now it was your turn to blush. You made it known to him your previous thoughts of him disliking your company and when he asked why you’d think that, you told him.
“Because we never really talked much before today.” You noticed the brief flash of shock on his face before it disappeared.
“I was too nervous around you to speak.”
The two of you were awkward, but that didn’t stop you from wanting to be around him and next time he promised to ask you out properly.
Mr. Don
You were the type that kept to yourself. You were more reserved than most and the only reason you even knew him was because your brother would drag you to football practices and games against your will.
To get you out of the house he’d say.
You had seen the kind of female company Mr. Don kept and honestly, you never expected to be his type.
Yet here you were sitting with him in a restaurant just a little too extravagant for your taste. You were becoming extremely nervous, not being used to these kinds of setting put you on edge. It didn’t go unnoticed.
“Are you feeling okay?” Mr. Don asked you. You were reluctant to tell him, but if it helped you leave this place faster, it wouldn’t hurt.
You told him of your discomfort and he smiled before crossing his arms and asking, “Well, where would like to go?”
You jumped at the chance to leave and he followed.
Claustrophobic, that’s what you’d call it. Being in that place made you trapped and now that you were out in the open you felt so much better.
There really was no set destination you just wanted to walk and oddly enough Mr. Don was okay with that. He said whatever made you happy.
That alone made you agree to join him on a second date when he asked if you’d be willing to try again.
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tariah23 · 6 years
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fuhscia · 3 years
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lost on the town
i miss eyeshield 21…….
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midorikawawas · 4 years
We don't talk enough about Homer/Panther and I feel that's just rude.
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kabutoraiger · 6 years
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hotdog privileges: canceled
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es21fanzine · 2 years
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🏈 Production Update 🏈
It's time to highlight the merch that has arrived at Mod Ari's place! So far we have received our charms, die cut stickers, sticker sheets, and prints.
Up next, the zine!
@arsanders (Hiruma + Sena charm, Trio + Suzuna Die Cut Sticker)
@manaohu (Gunmen Print, ES21 Sticker Sheet, Panther Die Cut Sticker)
@saisaixchan (Devil Bats Sticker Sheet, Hiruma Dangle Charm)
@toboldlymuppet (Back Cover Print)
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Mr. Don: Well you see, Panther...can I call you Panther?
Panther: No.
Mr. Don: You see, Panther...
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vroomian · 3 years
would the vibe still be the same if hana was in e21 instead of knb? i don’t know much about e21 but it couldn’t have been as melodramatic as knb was it?
Oh no there was definitely drama in es21! But the vibe would be different because there’s way more people who can keep up with her, like agon, shin, hiruma (mentally), akaba, mizumachi, the Alexanders, gaou, the kid, panther, mr. Don ... and that’s just the ones I can remember! Hana would have waaay more challenges, and would therefore feel less like she was piloting a video game character. She’d have fun playing football!
Also, one person can win a basketball game, but one person can’t win a football game, no matter how talented they are. Not to mention Hana would be able to get her more violent impulses out in a healthy, society approved way.
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beansterpie · 2 years
god eyeshield 21 is one of my favorite manga to re-read-- the characters are so fun, it's so visually engaging, it actually tricks me into liking football while I'm reading it-- but then it'll slap you in the face with racist shit for an extended period of time out of nowhere.
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hyatoro · 5 years
Romantic headcanons for Panther, Yamato, Taka, Akaba and Unsui with shy and quiet but kind and patient s/o please?
He’s a sweetheart that likes to drag you out and show you fun new things. He doesn’t mind staying inside, but really does prefer the outdoors since it’s more his element. This is more veered towards to urban outdoors though seeing as though he leaps over buildings like it’s nothing.
Has no problem waiting for you to open up, since he got through to Sena (though that was more a letter of challenge than a love letter).
Loves it when it’s just the two of you in your own world. A majority of your relationship is him bouncing around and showering you with hearts and you softly sending them back while he clenches his chest cause you’re so cute.
Charismatic and patient in return for your love and affection. He adores the small things you do for him and other when you think no one’s looking. It’s how he fell for you in the first place.
Warms you up slowly with little touches of affection. Starts with being in close proximity, then upgrading to slightly friendly pats on the back/head, then holding fingers, then hand, etc etc. He takes his time so as to not startle you.
Truly appreciates how much patience you exude when he zeroes in on something and drowns everything out. Normally the team members would shake him out of it or leave him to it, but nowadays they get you to snap him out. If they shake him, his mind would still linger, and who knows when he’ll get himself out of it. It has to be something really intense for the man of charisma to lose his self awareness. But when you gently pull him out of it his focus shifts to you and it’s easier on everyone involved.
He’s the kind of person to have a s/o without anyone knowing, simply because “you didn’t ask.”
The small moments he spends with you are sweet and filled with comfort. Don’t take it as a ‘im with you cause its easy and im comfortable cause its low effort’ cause it would honestly be less effort to not date in the first place. It’s not like he doesn’t do special things a boyfriend would do, but he’s definitely not one of those ‘profess your love from the top of a tower at night’ kind of guy. Very low-key and perfect if you’re one of those people that can communicate without words.
Likes it when you comb through his hair. He has it long and he does take care of it, but not with extreme care or anything. He shampoos, conditions his ends, rinses, and dries his hair, which is more than some guys. He kinda melts when you dry his hair for him. His favorite is when you’re seated on the couch, and he’s on the ground between your legs so he can just tilt his head back and enjoy the pampering. Massage his scalp while you’re at it and he’s a goner.
Another combo of loud and quiet. Though it’s not really his words that are loud. Expresses himself with his guitar and ridiculous antics but with a straight face. I don’t know how he does it.
Gets a read on you pretty easily and respects your boundaries the second you show any signs of discomfort.
You would honestly have to be the one to confess because he’s worried he might overstep any boundaries.
Oh man ask him to teach you how to play guitar, and he’ll just use it as an excuse to get you in his lap. Though if you’re actually serious about it he’ll take his time to actually teach you in return.
Put his glasses on yourself indoors and he instantly stops whatever he was saying to admire you. It’s also endearing when you put his glasses on for him.
They’re all good boys, but Unsui is The Good Boy. When he does something he puts his mind to it.
Does his best to make you happy and asks for little in return, something he had gotten used to after his past with his brother (they’re brothers but he’s gotten used to getting the short end of the stick and not complaining). Please shower him with love.
Tells the other teammates to back off since he’s probably the second person on the team to get a lover, the first being Agon ofc. They’re rowdy but they do genuinely support the relationship.
PDA is uh. Not ideal for him. Hold his hands, and MAYBE peck his cheek, but he’s shy too and would prefer the more intimate things you guys do be kept behind closed doors.
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fourheavenlysins · 3 years
Naughty/Romantic headcanons for the pentagram
Category: eyeshield 21
pairing: Clifford, Panther, Bud, Tatanka, Mr. Don
Warning: various mentions of different kinks
Warning: Mature
Not much of a romantic
Occasionally buys gifts, mostly jewelry
Sometimes when alone, he’ll pull you close and hold you
Doesn’t say it, but believes you to be the greatest thing to happen to his life
Kisses your hand whenever you part ways
Holds your hand when you’re asleep
Big on pet play
Enjoys seeing you in collars
Hair pulling
Always on top
Orgasm denial
Really a sadistic lover, but never to the extreme of actually harming you.
Always gives you flowers
Likes to carry you
Anything involving him holding you
Very shy about PDA
Everywhere you go, he’s always holding your hand
Believes in the “kiss for good luck”
Extremely submissive
Not really into many kinks, but wouldn’t disagree with trying new things if asked
Loves the feeling of your legs wrapped around him
Enjoys PDA and expressing his affection, no matter where you’re at are who’s around
Sneaks up behind you to pull you into hugs and if you’d let him lift you in his arms
Randomly placed gifts around the house, from exotic flowers and clothes to simple mushy love letters.
Treats you like royalty
Spontaneous dates
Hand permanently on your waist whenever you walk side by side
Very handsy with you
Sends dick pics to “ruin” your day
Enjoys coming on you instead of inside
Daddy kink
Likes having you in his lap
Always kisses your forehead when you part ways
Doesn’t talk much, but enjoys listening to you even if its pointless babble
Always up for cuddling, but only with you
Very demanding in bed
Leaves marks all over no matter if they are visible
Is always in control
Enjoys tying you up
Mr. Don
A little overprotective
Constant compliments just to see you flustered
Loves seeing you blush
Always wants you next to him even when sitting at a table , he wants you next to him
Spoils you as often as he can
Nothing this guy loves more than foreplay
Can get pretty handsy even in public
Always in control even if your riding him
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zorbs · 3 years
ok so !! to answer ur questions (heads up im. im gonna talk a lot sorry!! i have a Lot of thoughts about es21 esp how it deals with race and i dont usually speak on them so theres. theres a lot i wanna say!)
1) the whole. weaponry thing is like. "why does hiruma have a bazooka" is essentially the eyeshield 21 equivalent of "why does bakuten have a ghost" no clue, it just Is. and aside from being funny the blackmail serves to help with the question of "they are children how is [insert thing] happening." its just like. his character i guess? that he's evil ???? i dunno
2) would i recommend es21 ?? well like. in terms of story, character development, art, etc. yeah! theres a lot of character growth for everyone (i cried at some parts..) and yusuke murata also did the opm manga hes got cool art. i read the first volume when i was considerably younger and i was utterly hooked like whenever i went somewhere that had manga i would look to see if they had the second volume. small rads was desperate to get her hands on vol2 hrjjr
3) However.
um. as uve probably realized anime has this Problem with Portraying POC That Are Not Asian and also Portraying Anyone That Isn't Japanese. in the case of es21 its like. theres a lot to unpack ! i will preface this by saying that i dont know anything ab the creator outside of the manga so i what im saying is what ive presumed from reading es21
i genuinely believe that es21 tries to be anti racist, but because of the creator's own ignorance and internalized racism it like. didnt work :|
bc its about american football they have chars from america which is all fine and dandy. and then theyre like "wow the american team's coach is really fucking racist" which is. an accurate portrayal of american football coaches 😭
"he's not letting panther, who is amazing and super good at football, play because panther's black and coach is racist. which is bad. he sucks" which like. so far so good. yeah. racism is bad!
"he also hates asians. which is bad." cool so now we've got this Racist Dick Guy who is Bad And Racist. the story is Condemning Racism. there were probably a
and then he like. gets a backstory ?? like "this char is evil bc..." except its "this char is racist bc..." essentially his spot on a football team got taken by a black dude and hes being a little shit about it. which. could be fine cause like yeah in a lot of stuff in Real Life when poc do something that white ppl haven't let them do previously and are just as good at it white ppl get Upset and Angry. but thats not?? really how the manga wrote it?? it was more like hes racist but he has a reason this being that he was racist but he got more racist after getting kicked from his team
so its like "im racist. ok sorry im racist im also petty and racist. im not going to be as racist anymore. im still racist though but not as horribly and terribly racist"
its not that simple and theres other stuff but thats essentially the gist of that whole thing. so they tried to do anti racism. it didnt really work though. the general message is "racism is Bad and Gross" but the way they go about it is enh
but wait! there's more! theres a second thing! this is rlly long so ill send a different ask
i think. i’m nearly speechless. okok wait
1) okay gotcha. bakuten ghost vibes i’m here for it
2) yeah i think whats most attracted me to it in the past is the art but thats cool to hear that the story is good too
3) hmmm yeah… that’s definitely…not great. i’m scared to see how “there’s more!” this one ask felt like a rollercoaster
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