#Kongo Unsui
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sabigawa · 30 days ago
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Unsui waterbending! 🌊
companion piece to this from a year ago: link
All poses were referenced from Shiho Saito's Taiji (Tai Chi) routine here
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sabigawa · 1 year ago
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this is from like, early last year lmfao that I never got around to posting-- atla AU!
it's not really that fleshed out, I just know it would be set post atla but before lok, before republic city is the metropolis that it is in lok. So I put the original gaang to be around their 40's-50's?
the Kongo brothers are from a mixed family, with a firebending father and a non-bender, water tribe mother. Agon is a fire bender, and as in canon, a prodigy in everything he does (he even has blue flames because he sucks like that). because they grew up with a firebender as a parent, and because they lived in a predominantly fire-nation neighborhood, Agon ended up getting the most attention and praise for his bending accomplishments, and he proudly incorporates both fire-nation and water-tribe clothing styles into his day-to-day wear mainly because he likes standing out.
Unsui is a water bender. he's a hard worker and practices for hours every day, but he didn't have the guidance of a water-bender parent, and no matter how hard he worked he could never get close to Agon's skill. sometimes he looks at Agon firebending, and seeing his blue flames while he seamlessly incorporates water bending techniques into his firebending as though it's the easies thing in the world makes Unsui feel as though Agon isn't just the better bender, but the better water bender too. eventually Unsui gives up trying to compete with his twin. it gets to a point where he stops wearing water tribe colors at all as a way to stand out less as a water bender.
Hiruma is a non-bender. he seems to know every nook and cranny of every district in republic city, but no one know where he actually lives. he spends his time being a menace to society with his blackmail book, gambling, and inventing things (he doesn't patent any of his work-- he privately invented hair dye (or bleach, in this case) and uses it only for himself so that people are unnerved by his appearance. rumors that he has something to do with the spirit world follows him around, but he neither denies nor confirms). he and Agon meet one day in a shady alleyway on the rough side of town....
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splickedylit · 1 year ago
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Eyeshield 21 doodling time will always devolve into Kongo brothers doodling time. Playing around with twins and twin-adjacent expression differences
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rdbrainz · 2 years ago
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something something one piece crossover
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splickedylit · 9 months ago
*Relationships: Kongo Unsui/Hiruma Youichi/Anezaki Mamori *Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Bisexual Awakenings, Emotional Repression, Polyamory, Canon-Typical Quarterback (And Manager) Mindgames, Dysfunctional Family, College is for figuring out you're not straight OR emotionally okay: the fic, …..Unsui deserves to date two people Agon struck out with simultaneously: the fic, It's not exactly hurt/comfort but, Hurt/Validation, isn't a tag
“Visiting your parents?” says Mrs Yamamoto.  “Such a good son! My youngest could stand to learn a thing or two!” “And I’m sure your grades are perfect, of course,” says Mrs Inoue, and reaches up to pat Unsui's cheek like he’s still eleven, beaming.  “As expected, with parents like yours, going to such a good school, you boys turned out just wonderfully.”
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(Occasional reminder that there's a shonen sports manga going on in the background of all my queer college drama lol )
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splickedylit · 2 years ago
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I know most of my new followers are for Homestuck but I just reread the entirety of Eyeshield 21 and: football manga good. So you'll have to forgive a brief interlude of "Splickedy's favorite minor character (and guests)" haha. Anyway do you think any of the gangsters Agon canonically cuckolded ever mistook Unsui for his twin brother and beat the shit out of him?? Ignore me.
...also tho relatedly I made a post about college Hiruma/Unsui in January and now I'm 26,000 words in, because,,, idk I've lost control of my life? Because "I realized in college that I'm queer and I have a million tons of repressed emotions behind a very cracked dam" is a big mood and maps onto Unsui too easily for me to resist? Because I'm still incredibly amused by the thought of how pissed off Agon would be if his brother started dating Hiruma? All of those things, lmao.
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eyeshields · 1 year ago
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Winter Gift Exchange '23 gift for @s0ciallyinapt! Here's Unsui and Hiruma having a (trash?) talk over some vending machine coffee for you. Happy holidays!
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splickedylit · 11 months ago
*Relationships: Kongo Unsui/Hiruma Youichi/Anezaki Mamori *Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Bisexual Awakenings, Emotional Repression, Polyamory, Canon-Typical Quarterback (And Manager) Mindgames, Dysfunctional Family, College is for figuring out you're not straight OR emotionally okay: the fic, …..Unsui deserves to date two people Agon struck out with simultaneously: the fic, It's not exactly hurt/comfort but, Hurt/Validation, isn't a tag
Agon’s jaw works like he’s biting his tongue. “I didn’t hit you that hard,” he says, but Unsui knows his brother, deeply and painfully and inconveniently, and he knows the rare, uncomfortable edge of uncertainty in his voice. “Yes,” says Unsui, coldly. “You did.”
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Bonus: just some dudes having a very civil discussion :)
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Agon should get scruffed like a puppy every so often when he gets punchy. it wouldn't fix him but it would make me very happy.
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splickedylit · 1 year ago
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kongo Unsui/Hiruma Youichi/Anezaki Mamori, One-Sided Kongo Agon/Hiruma Youichi, Kongo Agon & Kongo Unsui Characters: Kongo Unsui, Hiruma Youichi, Anezaki Mamori, Kongo Agon, Lots of cameo Enma Fires and Saikyou Wizards throughout, …………………………and Musashi Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Bisexual Awakenings, Emotional Repression, Polyamory, Canon-Typical Quarterback (And Manager) Mindgames, these people can't be normal about shit to save their lives, Dysfunctional Family, Agon and Unsui's Convoluted Brother Emotions, And also. parent situation., College is for figuring out you're not straight OR emotionally okay: the fic, …..Unsui deserves to date two people Agon struck out with simultaneously: the fic, It's not exactly hurt/comfort but, Hurt/Validation, isn't a tag
“What,” says Unsui, and is keenly, painfully aware that whatever stoic expression his face might have locked itself into in his shock, his cheeks are damningly warm. One part of his mind demands, do something, his plan is working, you’re losing! The other part says, your first kiss was a cackling bastard of a man, because he thought it would make you more likely to lose to him at football. -- Kongo Unsui gets kissed by a man. He's proud to say his performance as a quarterback doesn't suffer at all, in the…extensive aftermath. Hiruma Youichi makes a move, and then does what he does best, which is scramble like a motherfucker and improvise an offense from scratch. Anezaki Mamori analyzes the situation, and politely intervenes. Kongo Agon has a goddamn crisis.
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splickedylit · 7 months ago
*Relationships: Kongo Unsui/Hiruma Youichi/Anezaki Mamori *Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Bisexual Awakenings, Emotional Repression, Polyamory, Canon-Typical Quarterback (And Manager) Mindgames, Dysfunctional Family, College is for figuring out you're not straight OR emotionally okay: the fic, …..Unsui deserves to date two people Agon struck out with simultaneously: the fic, It's not exactly hurt/comfort but, Hurt/Validation, isn't a tag
The date proceeds in a chill, peaceful way according to plan, with no further interruptions or interference, and everybody has a lovely uncomplicated time. :-)
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splickedylit · 1 year ago
*Relationships: Kongo Unsui/Hiruma Youichi/Anezaki Mamori *Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Bisexual Awakenings, Emotional Repression, Polyamory, Canon-Typical Quarterback (And Manager) Mindgames, Dysfunctional Family, College is for figuring out you're not straight OR emotionally okay: the fic, …..Unsui deserves to date two people Agon struck out with simultaneously: the fic, It's not exactly hurt/comfort but, Hurt/Validation, isn't a tag
“He seems to be threatening me,” says Unsui. “Oh, yes, definitely,” says Kurita, scratching at his spherical stomach with a soft, doughy-looking arm that could easily lift Unsui’s entire body. “It’s just the way he does things! Because he just likes football so much.” “Yes,” says Unsui. “I’ve noticed.”
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splickedylit · 1 year ago
*Relationships: Kongo Unsui/Hiruma Youichi/Anezaki Mamori *Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Bisexual Awakenings, Emotional Repression, Polyamory, Canon-Typical Quarterback (And Manager) Mindgames, Dysfunctional Family, College is for figuring out you're not straight OR emotionally okay: the fic, …..Unsui deserves to date two people Agon struck out with simultaneously: the fic, It's not exactly hurt/comfort but, Hurt/Validation, isn't a tag
“I’m performing a courtesy visit,” Unsui says coolly—instead of getting the fuck out, which is pretty clearly what Agon’s face is saying.  “I was invited in for tea.  It would have been rude of me to decline.” “Just a courtesy visit,” Youichi repeats, gleefully enjoying the way Agon looks at him with murder in his eyes.  “Between quarterbacks.  Since Enma took us out of the tournament last year, I thought we’d sit down and…talk.” Agon’s face transitions, at the reminder of their loss, from something rotten to I just bit down on a lemon.
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splickedylit · 1 year ago
*Relationships: Kongo Unsui/Hiruma Youichi/Anezaki Mamori *Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Bisexual Awakenings, Emotional Repression, Polyamory, Canon-Typical Quarterback (And Manager) Mindgames, Dysfunctional Family, College is for figuring out you're not straight OR emotionally okay: the fic, …..Unsui deserves to date two people Agon struck out with simultaneously: the fic, It's not exactly hurt/comfort but, Hurt/Validation, isn't a tag
They drink tea in silence for a few moments. Then Sanzo says, “...He kissed you because you’re a very handsome man. I know I said that already, but you’re apparently still not aware.” “Ah,” says Unsui. “You should dress a little sluttier sometimes.” “…Hm.”
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splickedylit · 10 months ago
*Relationships: Kongo Unsui/Hiruma Youichi/Anezaki Mamori *Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Bisexual Awakenings, Emotional Repression, Polyamory, Canon-Typical Quarterback (And Manager) Mindgames, Dysfunctional Family, College is for figuring out you're not straight OR emotionally okay: the fic, …..Unsui deserves to date two people Agon struck out with simultaneously: the fic, It's not exactly hurt/comfort but, Hurt/Validation, isn't a tag
"What the fuck are you trying to pull?” “I’m trying to have a nice date,” Mamori says brightly—and then, because she’s seen plenty of enamored women hanging on Agon’s arm, and heard exactly how he talks about them when they aren't there, she adds, vengefully sweet, “We’ll see where things go from there. The clean-cut look is very handsome, I’ve always thought.” Agon makes a noise Mamori can only compare to the sound Sena’s cat makes before it vomits on the carpet.
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(There’s a fumbling sound; the quality of the sound changes.  “There,” says his mother’s voice.  “Dear, can you hear both of us, now?” “...Yes, mother,” says Unsui, to his ceiling.)
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splickedylit · 11 months ago
*Relationships: Kongo Unsui/Hiruma Youichi/Anezaki Mamori *Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Bisexual Awakenings, Emotional Repression, Polyamory, Canon-Typical Quarterback (And Manager) Mindgames, Dysfunctional Family, College is for figuring out you're not straight OR emotionally okay: the fic, …..Unsui deserves to date two people Agon struck out with simultaneously: the fic, It's not exactly hurt/comfort but, Hurt/Validation, isn't a tag
“You’re my brother,” Agon says, like that explains everything. “Oh,” says Unsui, through lips that feel almost numb with rage.  “I’m aware.  Every day I’m grateful for my luck, sharing a family name with the blessed genius Kongo Agon.” Agon gives him a narrow-eyed look at that—like he knows there must be sarcasm in that sentence somewhere, but he can’t seem to find it among all the true statements Unsui just said. Unsui could throw the cup directly at his face.  It wouldn’t make contact, Agon’s reflexes are at the knife-edge of physical possibility, almost inhuman—but it would feel so damn good.
Mamori signs back, Limited field to your vision. Where should I look? She raises a hand, but doesn’t sign anything yet.  On the screen, Unsui pushes himself upright, looking after his brother as he stalks away, jaw set and shoulders square. Mamori signs, Keep looking, but opposition is watching you.  Trick play incoming?  All options risky. Youichi snorts, despite himself.  She’s not fucking wrong.  Ten-four.
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beansterpie · 2 years ago
i'm so glad that unsui and agon decide to go to different unis, like what a healthy development. and I can't imagine a better friend for unsui than kurita!! someone who's emotionally really open and kind, who has a whole thing about protecting his friends!
and I think it's just good for both the kongo brothers (yes also agon) to not be living on top of each other anymore-- unsui for uh, very obvious reasons, and agon basically to not be around people who will let him get away with everything lol. plus agon's thoughts on unsui are likely more complicated than we really get to see in canon. the two of them having separate social circles and lives where they can focus on their own goals without treading on each other seems like the best option for them, and I think their relationship will improve drastically for it
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