#eros supremacy
txemptress Β· 2 years
πŒπ”π‘πƒπ„π‘ 𝐎𝐍 𝑴𝒀 πŒπˆππƒ | 𝐄. π•πšπ¬π’π₯𝐒𝐨𝐬
π‘΅πŽπ“π„ ~ Eros confessing?? You wish <3
π‘ͺπŽππ“π„ππ“ π‘Ύπ€π‘ππˆππ† ~ poisoning, curses, murder! You've been warned, if not comfortable feel free to skip this!
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The three nobles now sat across from each other with two on one side and one on the other.
Eros Vasilios sat there as comfortable as he could possibly be. Satisfying his thirst as he drank the tea slowly, eyeing the other two seated before him.
Medea looked tense whilst Dekis looked as if he had not been sleeping for weeks. They act as if they had not been anticipating his visit. Surely now Medea would have realized his obsession with the princess who resided in these chambers. His eyes shifted from one sibling to another as he continued on with his drinking.
The room was ruled by silence. No one talked nor did they give gestures to one another. Silence grew so loud that Dekis felt uncomfortable being in the sight of the prince.
Finally, Eros put down the now empty cup. "Well then, how has the princess been faring?" His fingers folding together, he stared directly at the window away from them. This indicated that he was waiting for an answer as the ex-heir of the Solons murmured the response. "She's faring quite well, Your Highness." Dekis shot a glance towards Medea who gave a nod of confirmation.
His fingers gripped each other to the point that it hurt as he tried his absolute hardest to keep calm. "I see. As she should be, after all one small mistake could cause an entire war to be upon us, no?"
"I suppose so." Medea said with no interest in making her voice sound polite. "What is the purpose of your continuous visits, Your Highness? Must you always come by every week to ask continuously of the princess's welfare?"
"My, it seems someone is more annoyed than the person I'm looking for." Eros chuckled, wry amusement taking the wheel. "I am here only to wonder what she has been doing due to suspicions that she might not be treated as well as she says so." Unfolding his hands, his fingers gripped the chair's in impatience. "I also can't help, but realize that every time I visit, the princess seems out of bounds." His eyes flicked towards the duchess who stiffened. "I assume this is your doing, Lady Medea?"
Her hesitation was noted as she firmly stood her ground. "Yes it is my intention. During the ball weeks ago I have come to a realization that she may not exactly feel comfortable with you therefore we move her away every time you come."
Eros frowned. Not comfortable! He'd dare to laugh, but the truth may lie right in those words. Was Name really uncomfortable with him? Pondering onto this thought, he fell in a deep thought of whether or not this could be the case.
While he did so, Medea triumphantly knew she hit the right button when it came to the sudden outburst. Her eyes met her brother's as they both felt the satisfaction of their course of action.
This victory would only be short-lived as the next noise was not from this room.
Eros jerked up at the sound of a loud thump upstairs. What was that? Judging by the faces of the Solons, they were wondering the same thing.
Dekis stood up as he eyed his sister, worry written on his face. The noise had come from directly above them where the princess's chambers were located. This would mean one thing. Something must've happened to the princess. "Please excuse me a moment, Your Highness." Dekis murmured, bowing as he left onward.
Eros looked towards the duchess. His look was cutting and questioning. Medea just seemed as if she could not contemplate the matter at hand.
Seconds pass by as the silence loomed. They both awaited Dekis's return. As for Eros, he felt as if he already knew what was going to be said next. "The princess has been injured, has she not?" Eros spoke with no trace of emotion in his voice thus breaking the silence.
"We aren't sure of that yet." Medea replied, those purple eyes fixating on those venomous ones. After some afterthought she added in. "Also why do you care? Should you not have more troubling matters at hand? Leave this to the hosts."
Eros's hand clenched the arm of the chair once more as he continued to fight the war within. Debating whether or not to suddenly lash out, he found himself choosing the latter. Lashing out would lead to troubling circumstances. Something he did not want or need to have at the moment.
A slam of the door caused both to look towards them. Eyes shifting towards the figure by the door. Dekis Solon had returned and it seemed he was not bringing good news. "Name.. she's.." Eros frowned at this. 'Name'? When had the two gotten so close that he of all people was allowed to call her by her first name? Especially without title at that.
Medea's face paled with realization. "She's what?"
Eros braced himself for what he waited for, but was lashed with a bigger problem.
Words could not describe how much that hit him. That word came with a paroxysm of rage. "What do you mean gone?" Eros responded with his eyes flicking with rage.
"She's not in her room and not anywhere in the estate grounds." Those words brought worry to Eros. In fact, blaming those damnable guards for not taking her back then and leaving her now.
"So much for a 'great' stay." Eros said, venom lacing his voice as he stared at Medea who regarded him with the same kind of venomous gaze. "Show me." An order came from his lips that he had tried to contain. This caused the older male to look at his sister once more who nodded in defeat. Last thing they needed was a bloodbath from the prince.
Entering the princess's chambers they found a mess. As if someone was trying to rummage through her things and find something or anything at all that could be a blackmail.
Another thing that was noted was the shattered tea cup that now lied on the floor. Then it hit Eros almost immediately. On his way to the dining room where they had been staying before the incident started, he had noticed a maid carrying what seemed to be a giant bundle. Big enough to be a human.
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tagging, @roseadleyn , @d10nsaint , @that-one-pretty-bitch , @sidra-29
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iren-n-ire Β· 10 months
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨π₯𝐨𝐠𝐲 πŽπ›π¬πžπ«π―πšπ­π’π¨π§ πŸπŸ•
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If you had a conflict (fight, misunderstanding et.al) with a person who has Lucifer 7h, honey don't expect them to say sorry that fast and if they did (I bet they imagine you doing it like in shows or comics where a character is imagining a moment of supremacy), trust me there's a bitterness to it lol
Juno in the second house is like Taurus in the seventh house, they want their ideal I.T BOY or GIRL to be spoiling them with wealth or material things and don't forget that they must also be good looking.
A person who has Lucifer 7h indeed simps for Lucifer lol, it's a plus to them if their suitors has Lucifer's qualities or vibes. Overall, their type embodies his aura
Is it just me or fire signs (especially Scorpio) has a thing for breaking things or relationship. It satisfies me in some way (for e.g. burning paper, throwing stuffs, deleting people in my life) lol like some sort of refreshment hahaha
Neptune in the third house, siblings have psychic abilities or a member of the occult and so does their neighbors.
Me and my siblings all have it, I feel sorry for our occult community because some imbecile witches who use magick for evil purposes are a disgrace, that includes are neighbors and they are using for income and to feed their jealousy. Witches like them don't deserve to be a part of the community.
Asmodeus in the eight house, the champion of freaks lol but they hide it still. They don't mind exploration in the bedroom, I think if they are in the medical field, they can be a segg therapist, researcher et.al.
Saturn and Pluto dominants really said to them by the Universe to learn it the hard way πŸ’€
People whose chart ruler is Saturn or Pluto is like a neverending test of patience πŸ’€
I can say that as a Native with Saturn in the eighth house, I want my chaos to be in order lol
Meanwhile if your Gemini is also in eight house like mine, I enjoy the Chaos is some way lol. The people who enjoys playing with fire and it's a bonus if your Venus is here too.
Asmodeus Gemini, if you want someone playful in the bedroom then this is it, booster if it's also in the eighth house (also if Eros asteroid here or in the seventh house)
Leo in the big 3, degrees, or stellium, are you like me who loves to play king, queen, empress, emperor or in short, you're a ruler when you were little?
Neptune in the third house natives definitely love playing fantasy in their head, when they were still a little child, their favorite character maybe also Ariel xD cause I do (Sleeping Beauty too xD)
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batsplat Β· 13 days
And where does Marc - even after I get out in the gravel I will get up and race for p18 unless my bike gives out - Marquez fall in the bike relationship spectrum
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(x) hasn't he talked in the past about wanking before getting on the bike for races. hm *cracks knuckles* I can work with that
freud believed that fetishism is an impulse designed to prevent male homosexuality, by *checks notes* "endowing women with the characteristic which makes them tolerable as sexual objects" to relieve focus from female genitalia (which are inherently repulsive, as they cause castration anxiety). fetishism can thus generally be described as a mechanism by which repressed desire is made acceptable. in this case, the bike does not constitute a replacement for the female form, but instead serves as an externalised projection of one aspect of the self onto an inanimate object that - when reintegrated with the physical self - engenders a type of 'self-penetration' (if you will), stemming from an inward-directed attraction and subsequent arousal centred around competitive attainment and, ideally, supremacy. this projection results from a process of condensation, wherein the single dream object ('the bike') has become symbolically representative of any number of urges and desires, allowing an alter-ego to be formed around the object that in material terms has the potential to realise the rider's dreams. masturbation is of course by definition an autosexual process - and in this situation represents a form of release, of subconscious acceptance of this mechanical alter-ego that precedes engagement in a non-erotic activity where integration of the object-centric alter-ego of the bike with the 'primary' subject-based ego becomes a productive process in supporting the assertion of dominance in the external competition versus non-self egos. we can classify this as an instance of a classic type c bike-centric paraphilia, i.e. autodicyclophilia, wherein the goal attainment itself (achieved through supremacy in competition with other riders) is conducted in a neutral, sterile space, but enhanced performance can be extracted from preemptive integration of the dual egos through a process of sublimation, i.e. a sexual drive that has been repurposed for a different goal. while this essentially constitutes a mature and productive defence mechanism, it comes with its risks - for the physical self tied to the primary ego may be increasingly treated as an extension of the object-centric alter-ego (rather than vice versa). this vicissitudinous impulse (in this case, exchanging subject for object) can lead to a suppression of ego-instincts (read: the self-preservation drive) by making all subject-based needs subservient to the object-centric goals of dream realisation. the desire for assertion over all other egos within the realm of competition may set off a maladaptive process where the over-identification with the mechanical alter-ego obfuscates the boundaries between the dual egos to such an extent that the subject is essentially assigned the ego-instincts of the object. until such a point in time where the primary ego can reassert the division between the dual egos, this suppression of the subject-based ego's needs is likely to lead to repeated self-endangerment in the name of dream realisation-oriented goals - an assertion of thanatos over eros, where the id becomes embued with self-destructive impulses. for those with autodicyclophilia, however, this conscious separation will never be a desirable or comfortable state of existence; the drive towards condensation followed by integration followed by sublimation followed by vicissitude must be forcefully resisted. it is a seemingly impossible balancing act, for some of the consequences of a rider's autodicyclophilia are not only socially acceptable but desirable - but the moment where the object-based ego gains supremacy, this paraphilia becomes concerning less as a source of stigma per se and more so in its tendency to endanger the rider
basically yeah he's here
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type c freak
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apexulansis Β· 1 year
Kariians have numerous ways of defining their periods of history, however the 'dominant' time period is the current era, with the secondary being the period in which resets with each induction of a new Speaker of the Dominion.
Most commonly, the eras documented start after the species first achieving space-travel. All eras before that point are considered pre-space history, and is often only regarded in purely academic settings.
AGE OF EMERGENCE β€” The Kariians discover how to access the space beyond their own system, and discover the hyperlane network of Eros.
AGE OF DISCOVERY β€” The time of early space-travel in which the kariians begin mapping out their area of space, discovering and documenting the left arm of the Eros Galaxy. The alliance between the clans is tenuous at best.
AGE OF ANGUISH β€” First-contact with intelligent sapients culminates in those aliens attacking the kariians and their home-world. The attack β€” called 'The Ravaging' in kariian history β€” transforms Kariio 15-R into a deadly radioactive wasteland, beset by an eternal nuclear winter ever since. Only through the efforts of early biological engineering and the proper technology for protection against the elements is the hostile world survivable. This attack is largely the catalyst for their xenophobic natures.
AGE OF REPRISAL β€” War-Leader Rosysak azet Wohorok rallies the Great Clans together to officially form a more unified government within the species β€” The Kariian Dominion. The First Xeno War takes place, ending in the kariians utterly annihilating their attackers and their home-world.
AGE OF SUPREMACY β€” The era of subjugation that followed the First Xeno War, largely regarded as one of the greatest periods in kariian history. The alien life that shares the left arm of Eros is vassalized (then considered necessary to pro-actively prevent another attack on the home-world) and integrated into the Dominion.
AGE OF FELLOWSHIP β€” The Dominion is renamed to The Silent Dominion. The Council is formed; an oligarchy of kariians composed from the Great Clans of Kariio 15-R, effectively giving near-equal representation and more power to the people (or rather, the clans) as opposed to the Speaker being the sole representation. Great Clans turn their attention to bolstering the economy of the Dominion, stabilizing their vassals as well as their own ravaged home-world.
AGE OF GENESIS — A brilliant and renowned biologist named Isthiv va Kyoya creates the first iteration of the Ra Sævekhi, the bio-engineered mutualistic parasites that render their hosts, the kariians, immortal. Alongside Wohorok, Kyoya's legacy is well-known even to this day.
AGE OF FORBEARANCE β€” Also commonly known as the Age of Mercy due to the current Speaker Xaekath's penchant for taking pity on their defeated enemies and offering them peaceful integration into the Dominion β€” an unpopular move to the still-wary population.
AGE OF STRIFE β€” The beginning of half a dozen ages of conflict to follow. This age began after Xaekath was assassinated. As the first Speaker to be assassinated, it preluded a long chain of brief rules. (Yeskiv was born in this age.)
AGE OF INTRIGUE β€” The next two Speakers are also assassinated. The Great Clans squabble among one another and point fingers. Many consider this time period to be interchangeable with the Age of Strife β€” albeit, political strife.
AGE OF CORRUPTION β€” Also called the Age of Judgment. One of the Great Clans, the current Alpha Clan, is found to be the culprit of the last two assassinations. Clan Vyersa denies responsibility for the killing of Xaekath, but nevertheless, the other clans purge Clan Vyersa, slaying each and every member of it to rid the Dominion of its corruption β€” including the Speaker, the Dominant of Clan Vyersa, Vaxorhara wezet Zuvahav.
AGE OF INSUFFICIENCY β€” The result of the prior age's corruption, the Dominion's economy takes a sharp decline, nearly fracturing as a result of their dwindling resources and unity.
AGE OF STAGNANCY β€” A long period of economic depression and apathy; things have stabilized since the last age, but any improvements or inclines are happening at an incredibly slow rate.
AGE OF TENACITY β€” Upon Speaker Sovoth xora Zunamix's death (history is still not sure whether they died in battle or whether they, too, were assassinated) begins another violent power vacuum. With discontentedness at an all-time high, there are more vying for the mantle of Speaker than ever before. Traditionally, those from already affluent bloodlines/clans will make the attempt, and those without status as quickly purged from the process (one way or another). Evez etit Yeskiv, then extremely unpopular due to her essentially having a 'worthless inherent status' (being an orphan without any ties, and one with a mutation others look down upon), shocks her people by proving herself the victor to her higher-status opponents. These opponents had foregone the traditions of the Dominion (which decides the Speaker in a series of 1v1 battles to the death until only one remains) by teaming up against Yeskiv to take her out of the running, as they believed her 'worthless blood' would sully the title of Speaker, the Dominion, and their people. This event, called 'The Honorless Arena', ends in Yeskiv slaying them all, taking the mantle of Speaker in a single battle β€” a feat that had never been accomplished before.
AGE OF METANOIA β€” Without any of the inherent status of her forebears, Speaker Evez etit Yeskiv culls much of the lingering nepotism in their science and military divisions in favor of instilling a stronger meritocracy. The Clan she had founded β€” Clan Yukariksias β€” begins the new tradition of accepting non-blood-relations into her clan, something that had only very, very rarely been done. (This age began upon Yeskiv becoming Speaker.)
AGE OF TERRAFORMATION β€” Semi self explanatory. Most efforts during this age are placed upon terraforming thousands of planets within Dominion space, turning some into sanctuaries to primitive (engineered) life, and some into planet-sized science projects. While genetic engineering has long been a staple of kariian society, Yeskiv's many experiments leads to the creation of many, many more bio-mods.
AGE OF AFFLUENCE β€” Another golden age to the kariians β€” resources are in no short supply. Part of this is due to Yeskiv's investments into research, as well as her creating more specific, specialized niches for the Dominion's vassals, allowing them to bolster the Dominion with far greater efficiency.
AGE OF OBSTINACY β€” Named for the fact that it had been ages since the borders of the Dominion were last expanded, also for Yeskiv withdrawing from her intensive changes to much of Dominion society's structures. (Ardaka and Zovariy were born in this age.)
Self-explanatory; this is the measurement of time which is measured using both the name of the current reigning Speaker, and the current salient cycle.
Zorvex xora Qraazix zu Kariio 15-R ZxQ:EMERGENCE 0-149 β€” ZxQ:DISCOVERY 0-22
Kaezak zaa Aveksor zu Kariio 15-R KzA:DISCOVERY 23-139 β€” KzA:ANGUISH 0-15
Rosysak azet Wohorok zu Kariio 15-R RaW:ANGUISH 15 β€” RaW:SUPREMACY 319
Yorevia rov Zuevea zu Kiitaris 85-H YrZ:FELLOWSHIP 0 β€” YrZ:FELLOWSHIP 125
Isthiv va Kyoya zu Siixinis 222-H IvK:GENESIS 0 β€” IvK:GENESIS 4533
Xaekath za Yavaksi zu Viyro 12-A XzY:FORBEARANCE 0 β€” XzY:FORBEARANCE 629
Zentixora azet Lexyrrn zu Tizina 99-X ZaL:STRIFE 0 β€” ZaL:STRIFE 343
Syyrrokox za Rarokva zu Gala SzR:STRIFE 344 β€” SzR:INTRIGUE 17
Vaxorhara wezet Zuvahav zu Kariio 15-R VwZ:INTRIGUE 18 β€” VwZ:CORRUPTION 28
Yakova ver Syksyr zu Zetera 73-Y YvS:CORRUPTION 29 β€” YvS:INSUFFICIENCY 87
Sovoth xora Zunamix zu Kariio 15-R SxZ:INSUFFICIENCY 88 β€” SxZ:STAGNANCY 345
Evez etit Yeskiv zu Kariio 15-R EeY:METANOIA 0 β€” ONGOING.
REVELATIONS β€” The discovery of the hyper-lanes and the space outside their solar system. (Emergence, Discovery)
HOSTILITIES β€” Focus on military-related technology. (Anguish, Reprisal)
DOMINANCE β€” Focus on political powers, greater means of communication and unionization. (Supremacy, Fellowship)
IMMORTALIZATION β€” Begins with the discovery of Rava, the key to kariian immortality. Much more work into genetic modification follows. (Genesis, Forbearance, Strife)
RESTRICTION β€” Kariians have always shared their technological discoveries, yet during this era, much of what was discovered was kept under wraps by each individual clan in an attempt to get the upper hand over the others. (Intrigue, Corruption, Insufficiency, Stagnancy)
RENEWAL β€” Regarded as a golden age of technological progress alongside Immortalization. (Tenacity, Metanoia, Terraformation)
REFINEMENT β€” New discoveries are very rare now, but everything is being fine-tuned and perfected where it can be. (Affluence, Obstinacy)
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minkyutie Β· 2 years
cc year in review - every month of 2022
rules: link your favourite and/or most popular post from each month this year (it’s totally fine to skip months) and tag some ccs you love! i was tagged by @woosanmas @coupsnim @hwiyoungies and @minghao-s thanks for the tag besties <3 i was kinda all over the place this year as usual and some months i made a lot and some not so much haha anyway let's have a look~
january [24 total] ↳ most popular ⨳ fave 1 2 despite this month having both 17daysofseungkwan and the start of 17daysofdino i didn't actually make a lot? at least not as much as i expected to lol i can't remember much from this month i guess i was busy haha anyway that jun grfx is easily one my all time personal faves, i'm so proud if it <3
february [6 total] ↳ most popular ⨳ fave damn i somehow made even less this month sdlkfgjsdfg also second month of a dino gifset being the most popular.... i see....
march [12 total] ↳ most popular ⨳ fave 1 2 ah march, a month without dino gifsets so seungkwan rightfully takes the top spot <3 also the month maniac came out and fucked me up real good lmao many hanji sets follow
april [21 total] ↳ most popular ⨳ fave 1 2 this month was wild cuz i got promoted at work, moved into my own place, and then caught covid lmao
may [34 total] ↳ most popular ⨳ fave 1 2 3 ok this month was HUGE cuz we had attacca/hot release as well as 17daysofseventeen. so far this is the month i made the most content in and honestly? i really like how all of it turned out :) also funny story about the seungkwan hot gifset: i made that set real quick since the mv came out 30min before i had to leave for work so the caption was more me just frantically typing than me freaking out over how hot he looked lmao
june [9 total] ↳ most popular ⨳ fave must have been burned out from the previous month cuz i sure didn't make a lot in june haha
july [13 total] ↳ most popular ⨳ fave 1 2 i think these were months when i was usually busy at work with training new staff and didn't have time to make much content </3 i did like what i made tho
august [15 total] ↳ most popular ⨳ fave 1 2 3 idk how i managed to make this much content when i was on vacation for a week (to see seventeen and chill with @neonunau and @softhyungkyun <3) but here we are haha this was also my most popular post of the year! seungkwan supremacy!
september [9 total] ↳ most popular ⨳ fave another pretty small month... seems to be the trend this year oops </3 anyway this hanji grfx is another all time personal fave :) and jun solo! so good!
october [51 total] ↳ most popular ⨳ fave 1 2 3 4 5 6 uhm.... i apparently lost my damn mind this month guys.... FIFTY ONE posts.... to be fair the majority are requests <3 but also i saw dpr in concert and came home a changed person lmao and then i also started stanning pentagon this month and lost my mind over hyunggu a bit... OH AND IT WAS SPOOKY MONTH had a lot of fun getting creative with those sets! wild times....
november [31 total] ↳ most popular ⨳ fave 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 made a fair amount of content this month too, and dino once again is the most popular haha i made some of my personal fave gifsets this month, probably cuz i changed up my colouring and sharpening a bit. a good month over all :)
december [32 so far] ↳ most popular ⨳ fave 1 2 3 4 pretty chunky month so far, mostly cuz i'm making sets for any mv in my top 25 that i haven't already giffed. low-key upset that my most popular so far is my seventeen season's greetings edits, considering i personally hate the styling for the pink eros concept lmao
alright besties, we made it, another year just about done. hope you all enjoyed the content i provided, and if you didn't then feel free to unfollow? why are you even here? lksdfjdsfv oh right i'm tagging: @neonunau @wonwooridul @softhyungkyun @woozi @shuatonin and anyone else who wants to do this~
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rosemaryonthehearth Β· 2 years
Welcome to my blog!
Hello, I'm Nova! I have been a practicing witch of many, many years. I am best described as a Hellenic-Kemetic Polytheist.
Yes, I will make pendulum divination my entire personality.
I will happily share my experiences with the deities I worship and have worked with in the past, and I’m happy to answer questions about my experiences. I do hold the right to deny a request for certain types of content.
Personal tag is "#burnt rosemary". Block that if you don't want to see my personal rants that may or may not be witchcraft/Hellenistic polytheism related.
I am a sex-positive ADULT and will sometimes post NSFW, but I will tag appropriately.
Devoted to: Hestia and Heru-sa-Aset
Worship: Hestia, Heru-sa-Aset, Hera, Apollo, Dionysus, Ares, Eros, Wepwawet, Artemis, Anpu, Rhea
Elemental Affinities: Water and Earth.
Astrological: All Virgo. Rising, Sun, and Moon.
TERFs/SWERFs, transphobia, homophobia, Nazis/alt right, white supremacy, ableism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and racism have no place here.
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slytherintragedy Β· 3 months
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β™‘ FULL NAME: Khaos Rogue Morelli β™‘ KNOWN AS: Kas β™‘ BIRTHDAY: April 1, 1961 β™‘ GENDER & PRONOUNS: Male - He /Him β™‘ ORIENTATION: Biromantic, Pansexual β™‘ BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood β™‘ HEIGHT: 6’3” β™‘ WEIGHT: 176 lbs β™‘ EYE COLOR: Ice Blue, sometimes wears contacts β™‘ HAIR COLOR: Brunette but usually dyes it β™‘ SPECIES: Wizard (Human) β™‘ PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Robin Hood's Bay, North Yorkshire, England, Great Britain Hogwarts β™‘ OCCUPATION: Student, Entertainer, Dragonologist, Photographer, Professional Quidditch Player β™‘ HOUSE: Slytherin β™‘ PATRONUS: Weasel β™‘ WAND: 14β€³, Acacia, Curupira hair β™‘ FACECLAIM: Nils Kuesel
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On the night of April 1st, 1961, Eros Ryu Morelli and Kasia Asteria Morelli welcomed a beautiful and healthy baby boy, naming him Khaos Rogue Morelli. Being born to pureblood wizarding parents, he was raised to believe in the ideals of pureblood supremacy but at the same time, he was raised to believe love was stronger than anything. Yet if Kas were to be honest, he didn't always believe in the pureblood supremacy bullshit and neither did his parents, his grandparents did though. Which is the only reason why he was raised to believe in it.
Growing up, Khaos was usually adventuring off somewhere on his own. Exploring his heart out, it was while he was on one of his adventures that he met Nikolai Regulus Atreides-Nightstar. Which turned out didn't live that very far from him but after that day, they had became instant best friends. It was though Nikolai that he met Nyxia, though at first neither of them really cared for each other. Well more her than him, mainly because Nyx was always too busy with Regulus Black to give him the time of day. Though Kas did kind of like finding ways to pester her.
When he was finally old enough, he attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Even though his grandparents wanted him to go to Durmstrang like almost all the boys in his family had while the girls had gone to Beauxbaton, yet his parents decided to send him to Hogwarts because they wanted a change. He attended from 1972 to 1979, in which he was sorted into Slytherin.
In his second year, Khaos tried out for the Quidditch team, going after the seeker position and the beater position as a back up. And he was glad he did because the seeker position went to Regulus, and he became a beater. It was during his third year that Nyx and Kas gotten closer, so close they were best friends. And by the end of third year, they were officially dating. Which Khaos could instantly tell how much it bothered Regulus, it is also what made them frenemies and by default enemies with Barty & Evan. It also annoyed Nikolai a bit because that was one of his triplets but he quickly gotten over it, though he did threat Khaos about what would happen if he hurt her which made Kas chuckle but agree to never hurt her.
Nyx and Kas dated for a few years, had fallen in love with her but he knew deep down that she was in love with Regulus, knew Regulus was in love with her. And yet he didn't care, he stayed with her and was planning on marrying her one day. Unfortunately life had other plans and they ended up breaking up during their sixth year, after he found out she became a death eater all because Regulus did. Was so mad that the youngest Black dragged Nyx into that bullshit that he nearly hexed him and exposed him, yet Nikolai had stopped him. It took him awhile before Morelli would even talk to Nyxia again but he couldn't stay mad at her so they eventually became best friends once had even told her that she should be honest and tell Regulus how she felt even though he was still in love with her.
During his final year, his world completely shattered when Khaos learned that Nyxia was missing and later announced dead. And he completely blamed it on Regulus because when he heard the youngest Black was missing as well, he instantly knew that Nyx had followed Regulus because she would blindly follow the male to the end of the world and did because now they were both gone. It was only a month after he graduated Hogwarts that he learned what truly happened, Nikolai had found goodbye letters Nyx had left behind in case something did happen. And oh how he hated being right but at least they'd be together forever like they always wanted. Khaos ended up getting a tattoo dedicated to Nyxia on his arm saying heaven is too far away surround by the moon and stars.
After Hogwarts Khaos perused a career as a Dragonologist for awhile until he got bored and decided to become a professional Quidditch player, as well as an entertainer and photographer on the side. Which truly made him happy, though there are days where he still misses Nyx and wonders what would have happened if he never let her go. And when Kas receives a time turner from his grandparents, there are several days that he is very tempted to use it so he can change Nyx's fate but Nikolai always talks him out of it. But for most parts, he's just trying to live his life the best that he can.
His band name is Slytherin With The Darkest Angel
Seeker for the Ballycastle Bats, was beater for the Slytherin team
Paints his nails black, sometimes with hints of different colors
Has several tattoos and a few piercings
Loves going on adventures, exploring new places
Loves a good mystery, loves trying to solve them
Loves being underestimates so he can prove people wrong
Loves listening to music, wizard and muggle
Dislikes showing vulnerability
Dislikes being lied to, unless one has absolutely no option but to lie
Acts confident a lot of the time but has insecure moments
Is fiercely loyal to anyone he cares about to the point he would do anything for them
Is quite a creative and talented artist in his own right
Actually quite a powerful wizard, a force to be reckon with if one should cross him
Is proficient in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Flying, Dueling, Transfiguration, Charms, Dark Arts, Nonverbal magic, Occlumency, and Magical repair
Despite being Slytherin, he processes Gryffindor and Ravenclaw traits.
Loves causing mischief, a little trouble marker but pretends to be innocent when caught
Nikolai Regulus Atreides-Nightstar - Best Friend / Crush Nyxia Kalea Atreides-Nightstar - Ex / Best Friend / Still In Love With Twyla Artemis Black - Goddaughter Regulus ArcturusΒ Black - Frenemy Ruel Adonis Greengrass - Best Friend Davian Kieran Lestrange - Best Friend Aelin Lareina Parkinson -Friend Leilani Nerissa Avery- Friend Rika Kamari Aria Prewett - Friend Amias Reign Draven Cromwell - Friend Kasia Selene Halliwell - Friend Runa Oceane Halliwell - Friend Bartemius Crouch Jr - Enemy Evan Rosier - Enemy
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kindtobechurlish Β· 2 years
If you have people making art of Eros, then you could be making wyte supremacy. This is why many can’t fathom words. β€œArt is easier”, and now you understand IST
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txemptress Β· 2 years
𝐓𝐇𝐄 πƒπ„π•πˆπ‹'𝐒 π–πˆπ’π‡π„π’ | 𝐄. π•πšπ¬π’π₯𝐒𝐨𝐬
yes I've finally gave in to temptation.
warning: This'll be stalker Eros? If that's the best term for it? As well as yandere actions such as implicated murder and kidnapping. But, it's Eros so what do you expect. Anyway enjoy.
reminder: F/N means Father Name!
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It was long past known that the Vasilios empire was one of the most ruthless to ever be mentioned in the history of this world. Due to this there are a lot of very incompetent empires barely proving their worth to such an empire.
But, what's more interesting for the empires were the rivalry between the Vasilios and [Empire Name]. Because of the other empire's competent attitude towards the Vasilios, it became known that the two empires could barely fathom getting alone with one another. Alliances had been forged, these were either broken or bent by one of the two parties. It came to a point that it started hatred and long lasting war between both empires.
When a fight broke out or a raid was sent, F/N made sure to take his family to safety. Scattering them across the land to ensure that at least one would make it out alive if ever the others were found during the war's battles.
The youngest of the family was the F/N's beloved Name. She barely even knew of such a fight because of her father's protective behavior. To her those journeys to scatter were simple vacation plans made by her father last minute, but of course as she grew older this excuse started getting old on her.
Her father had hoped that it'd last until she grew old enough, but it seemed that wasn't the case since by the age of 18, the cat finally came out of the bag. Name was quite disappointed that he did not find it fit to tell her of their struggles to hold peace in this empire. As far as she was aware a simple answer to the question on why as a child was enough for her to understand, but she did not bring this up for her father's palate was already full enough.
With a wave of goodbye she was sent off once more to the never changing destination of a cottage in the woods. This was the place her father sent her to live off a few days when the war's effects came strong. Here she lived with a few maids handpicked by the members of her family who had always troubled each other with their choices.
"This place looks wondrous!" A maid giggled with delight as she looked around the beautiful cottage filled with plants and herbs. It was perfectly camouflaged to befit safety for Name and her servants. The structure loomed deep inside a dome of plants structured to hide such a place.
Name nods at the maids' excited chattering. This gave her great comfort. Normally, her maids changed depending on the severity of the war. Most times her maids rarely chatted on and on like this. They usually kept quiet and held their peace unless their mistress asked that they entertain her.
Easing herself to the comfort of a windowsill, perfect for climbing she moved herself onto the roof of the house. Slowly, but surely reaching nooks and climbing onto whatever would hold her weight. Most times she made sure to keep silent doing this because of the fear that the maids would go around telling her father.
Looking around the roof tiles, she saw, with much delight, a paper envelope peeking through one of them. So he had responded. Crouching down, she sat on the roof , back pressed onto the chimney and opened the envelope.
These letters had started coming years back when she had first come to this place. They held great comfort and the person who wrote them knew how to make her feel great enjoyment for this place. Though this person was seemingly unknown to her, she had always thought it was written and placed here by her older brother who treasured his sister's feelings most of all.
Reading through the letter's contents she found herself smiling with joy. Folding the paper carefully, she stood up and made her way back down the roof to her bedroom window where she pretended to lay on the bed just as a maid went in.
Far away, lips smiled with delight. So she had finally come back. A relief. The male thought, jumping off the branch of a tree. Perhaps this time, he could finally take a closer eye on this beauty.
The day drones on quickly and the moon had finally shown. The last light was blown out of the quiet cottage. Now he would make his move.
Moving quietly to ensure no sound was made that'd rouse suspicion, he lifted himself onto the bedroom window. There laid his beautiful Name. His lips curled into a smirk as he sat down softly onto the mattress. Making sure his impact was light enough to let the female sleep on. A thumb caressed the female's lips. So soft.. He thought as he leaned closer to the girl. It wouldn't hurt to kiss her while asleep now would it? Leaning closer, he pressed his lips on her own. Pulling away seconds later, he felt overjoyed with the feeling.
Her first kiss was his now! This was better than he had imagined.
Quite pleased with himself, a bubbling laughter nearly came out of him. Making sure to catch himself, his hand clapped onto his mouth. That was close. He had to be careful. It was far too early for her to meet him.
Rummaging through the things she had brought for the stay, he found a few papers. Much to his delight, it seemed she kept most of his letters, no not most, all of them it seemed. A caught smile came to his lips as he looked through her things. The smile slowly curled into a malicious smirk when he saw a letter that read about a death between some old male friends of hers. It seemed she had written a letter, but never sent it. Perhaps due to hesitation or embarrassment? It did not matter to him if she mourned for those bastards. After all he was the cause of their death.
They lingered with his beloved too much. To the point it drive him mad. He had made a simple offer. To break the female's heart and lose their friendship or lose their life. The idiots chose the latter, thinking they could fight him and received a gruesome death much to his amusement to say the least.
He enjoyed the looks on the males' faces when they realized who he was. They had dared choose fighting him, their death was merely their own fault. A sneer escaped from him at the thought. He truly 'hoped' the next ones would be wiser than the rest though there was doubt to laid in them.
Looking back at the female who continued sleeping on without a sense that she was in the presence of the person whom she found comfort in, he was two minded on this particular situation. Waking her up and finally revealing his appearance to her was a must, but so was keeping hidden in case her father accidentally captured him. As he paced back and forth unsure of his decision he finally snapped to reality. He'd choose the latter.
Easing himself out of the window slowly, he crept out quietly.
Another time would be best for such a meeting. He hoped by time they finally met, she'd be glad to accept him. If not well... There were more drastic measures to be used.
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taglist?? (sorry for the tag)
@d10nsaint | @that-one-pretty-bitch | @jeweledflowers | @sidra-29
β€’ I just tagged the ones who chose Eros in the monomania poll I made β€’
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bugthegremlin Β· 3 years
@dream-of-eros appreciation post
they're just very cool!!
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eleiwitch Β· 3 years
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We call everything on ice, love.
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doomed-prophetess Β· 3 years
Eros and Medea Love is War AU
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todayisawthewhxlewxrld Β· 3 years
scripted love: freaky shit
act 1
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-i miss code name kids next door </3 numbuh 3 was my favorite :(
-tbh i had to look up what their coach’s name was….
-kuroo is so annoying n flirty this smau it’s absolutely wonderful.
-blunt kenma supremacy
-god when will i get someone who only treats me special ‼️
-i’ma be real honest i have no idea how theater works………. so this story is inaccurate ‼️
-lev n yn a littol freaky 😍 /j
-lev exposing yn supremacy
-kuroo n kenma supremacy
-also ima b real honest this smau took so long cause i was too busy reading gay little stories…. IM YEARNING OK???? I DEMAND A BOYFRIEND πŸ’”
-y’all like my new theme?? i’m in my scene era. well trying to be….. my scemo era if you will😍
-also yall r only getting this rn cuz @pl4yb0ybunnybitch said they wouldn’t let me give into peer pressure πŸ˜™
@pl4yb0ybunnybitch @kozu-chan @revrse @akuri-shinsou @kuroaka @deeshyonigiri1122 @eros-miya
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earlgreyinpajamas Β· 2 years
can we have even more bamf!q? that dynamic of others realizing q can and will rain hellfire is my favorite
1.Β Competing with Solitude by spotlightonmringenue
β€œHello. Can you hear me?”
Bond would like to say no, just to distract himself from the lightning currently wrapped around his spine.
β€œI think you’re dying but I would appreciate it if you didn’t. I’d feel obligated to dig a hole and that’s not really within my body’s capabilities.”
He coughs in response, wet and uneven.
β€œOh, a collapsed lung. Thank you for that.”
Perfect, Bond thinks. I’ve been saved by a smartass.
i adore q’s sass so much in this fic.Β this author's dialogue and banter is always so spot on
2.Β A Second Time by SgtSalt
Bond's an old dog that's outlived his owner. Where else is his loyalty supposed to end up now that M is gone?
in this house we believe in q and moneypenny supremacy. discuss
3.Β Parachute by wirewrappedlilyΒ 
It was all very familiar.
In the old days, he'd brought tyrants to their knees and toppled empires with a single shot--when his shots had been made to find the victim true love.
Eros, the Greek god of true love, oldest of the gods, had been trained as a sniper.
hello this is so good i adore the premise to bits and the execution is mwah
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chocoenvy Β· 2 years
falls down a flight of stairs POS READER/TSARITSA FOOD?????????
hhhhbut now im thinking abt fatui / Harbinger reader w Yelan too....... πŸ‘ - eros
pos reader supremacy
AND HELLO???????????? fatui/harbinger reader.... yelan's story quest 0 - 0 i froth.
Playing a very elaborate game of chess with Yelan. Or at least you think it's chess, in reality it's more of a cat and mouse game. And soon Yelan's gonna finally capture you.
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txemptress Β· 2 years
π–πŽπ'𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐓 π˜πŽπ” π†πŽ | 𝐄. π•πšπ¬π’π₯𝐒𝐨𝐬
β€” β€œπ–π‡π˜ πƒπŽπ'𝐓 π˜πŽπ” π‹πŽπ•π„ πŒπ„?”
marq's note: I have nothing to say.
tw: blood, attempt murder.
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Medea has been a kind hostess to say the least. Her overlooking with how Name was treated was given with utmost respect and thanks from the female. She seemed quite intent with making sure she was at home. This almost felt like home. Almost.
Taking a necklace out of its box, she fitted it on checking herself in front of the mirror. It was time.
The ball was being held that night, and it was time for her to meet this great Prince everyone had chattered on about.
Coming out of her room, she found Marquess Helio standing there waiting for her. "Good evening, Your Highness, ready to go?" His eyes seemed to gleam with delight when she gave a nod.
She noticed his hand was out, taking this as a sign to take his hand. She did. Hand in hand, they walked out of the building where the duchess stood with none other than her brother, Dekis.
No denying that the brother was handsome, it seemed visuals came in the blood with this family. "Good evening." Both ushered them inside, saying they could be late.
Time passed and they made it to the location where this Coronation ball was being held. It seemed the Prince was there already for as Name walked past the others. Some ladies of the court whispered about how attractive His Highness looked and how he looked his best.
Why are they so surprised? Shouldn't everyone look their best during their Coronation? Name highly doubted anyone wouldn't look their absolute best on their ascension.
As she entered the room, she was met with bad looks toward her. As expected, after all she was of the rivaling empire. Silence ruled the room as she and the duchess walked side by side. She could feel looks of anger all around. It seemed the aura of this room was only one. Venomous rage.
Were they angry at her or Medea? She couldn't be sure, but they were angry. No, more like pissed. Was this the reason of her invitation? To feel emerged with the venomous hatred given by the nobles of the empire..?
Suddenly, they stood in front of the throne. A male sat there, one leg positioned across the other, his cheek pressed against his hand in a bored expression. That was until his eyes fixated onto her own.
Eros was overjoyed to finally see her face-to-face. Holding his excitement, he tried his best to keep his mood into the normal bored expression he kept. "Good evening, Duchess Solon. I see you've brought a guest." His voice was slightly tainted with a cheery tone to keep his beauty comfortable. "Good evening to you, Princess." He was about to add her name, but decided not to.
Name's lips were pressed in a firm line. So he did know. Was he actually the one who sent the letter then? Suddenly remembering her courtesy, she bowed respectfully. "Good evening, Your Grace. I speak for both myself and my family to give you a congratulations. May your reign be a successful one for everyone to talk about years from now." Lifting her head up, she managed to catch a smile from the prince. It seemed she had earned the respect.
"I see.. I thank you then." He answered, then inquired with curiosity. "How has your stay been with the duchess?" He needed to know. After all this girl was top priority for him.
"She has been treating me quite well, Your Grace. She's in fact made it so it seems I am at home." Name was confused on why he had to question her stay. Shouldn't he be focusing more on other matters?
Eros frowned at this. So she was enjoying staying with Medea. How infuriating. It made him angry that she was enjoying the duchess' company instead of being with him! Collecting his emotions, he nods. "How... nice of her." He made sure to cast a glare towards the duchess that referred the glare back towards him with no hesitation. He decided to shoot his shot, suddenly standing up to stand next to her.
Name's heart raced as she felt him against her, hand on her shoulder while his lips neared her ear practically touching it. So close that she felt his hot breath against her, making her shiver. Her stomach churned as she felt sick. What was he trying to do..?
"If you'd like you could stay here with me." He whispered as he leaned back away as he looked at her. Optics directed to optics. "I'd truly enjoy such a honor."
This made her heart skip a beat. Stay with Prince? When he could most likely kill her? No, that was suicide at its finest. She doesn't even trust him.
"No thank you." She started. Voice shaking ever so slightly as she looked him straight in the eye. "The duchess has treated me just fine, and as much as I'd like to talk more with you, Your Highness.. I might distract you from your work which wouldn't be good as you have just ascended in your role." She gave a small apologetic smile in response.
This made him stop. No? Did she dare say no to him? All because of Medea? "I see. Thank you for your concern, if you change your mind you know where to find me."
A hand then grabbed her as Medea helped her walk away whilst giving the prince one last fitting glare. "Let's go, everyone's looking at us." She whispered lowly to which Name nodded.
The two of them made it to a corner in which they stood as the prince went on with speech thanking everyone who had joined that night. After a while, Name had gotten overwhelmed with the amount of people attempting to talk with her. She managed to find the balcony empty enough for her to take a breather.
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The assassin watched her soon to be victim in silence. A smile forming in her lips. Now was her chance to murder the person who was keeping her from getting the attention of her master.
Watching her movement, luck was on her side! The female turned around to face the way she wasn't on. A laugh nearly escapes from her as she prepared to pounce. Boosting her self, she nearly stabbed the girl.
A quick movement was made as the assassin felt a blinding pain. Crimson splattered on the floor as the red liquid gushed from a mortal wound. Eyes flying back and forth she was met with a sight of white eyes glowing with fury and rage.
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Name turned to the sound of a faint scream to see a female with a sword so close.
Had she been planning on killing her? It didn't matter either way for the Prince had gotten to her first.
Eros slowly pulled out the sword as the girl bled to death. He walked over to Name whose face grew pale in realization of her near death. "Are you alright?" He asked, inspecting her for wounds.
"I'm fine.." She mumbled, eyeing the now dead body. "Who was she..?"
"An assassin or rebel no doubt." He said plainly. "I'm surprised she showed her face here today especially after a specific incident where I warned her of returning." He looked back at the body.
"I see." So this assassin had been here before. And the prince had nearly killed that time. Like he did to many others, including her own empire's men. Why did he spare lives in the brink of death? A warning? Or was it pride? It didn't matter to her. If he thought if it as a good way to scare enemies it worked in wonders. "I thank you for saving me then." She whispered as he turned back to look at her.
"No problem, if I hadn't the war would be raging as far as the eye can see." He murmured as his fingers made their way to her hair. Touching it he leaned and slowly took a few strands of her hair, kissing it gently. "Please excuse me now, Your Highness. It seems I am needed back in the Ballroom." He murmured once more as he moved back. "Please be careful now. You never know what lies in these trees." She nods, giving a small smile to which the prince surprisingly returned.
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He walked past the nobles who were making their leaves known. The ball was over now and his Name had gone home with the Solons long before it even finished, much to his annoyance. He did not say anything when the other assassins wondered aloud where their member was.
That was until they asked him. "She's dead." This statement stirred a lot of uneasy questions and rage between the members of this association. Such as "How did she die?" or "Why didn't you say sooner?" some even wondered where the body laid.
But, the question asked next was one of great importance amongst the rest of them. "How do you know about this, Your Highness?"
Eros gave a look of boredom as his fingers slowly tapped the table. A sight of impatience and one with no interest. "I killed her." A plain and straightforward answer. One he did not care the response for as he stood up and walked away from the room. Loud yelling heard behind him, but he didn't care. That girl tried hurting his wife to be! Not just hurting in fact, murdering was the best answer. She didn't deserve mercy. She got what she exactly deserved. Her death wasn't pretty, but it was better than leaving her alive when there could be more possible opportunities of her killing what was his.
He threw his glass across the room in frustration as it shattered into a million pieces. This was getting out of hand. His emotions were getting out of hand. He had her. She had him. Why didn't he take her back then in the balcony?
Mercy. A laugh emerged from him, breaking free. He had given her mercy! How different. See how insane she was turning him? She was given mercy! By someone who never gave it.
Let her spend her next few days of kindness because sooner or later he'd use his trump card. And she'll finally be his forever.
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@d10nsaint , @sidra-29 , @rouecentric , @roseadleyn , @that-one-pretty-bitch
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