#ares and eros are the only two gods who respect the boundaries of their relationships with their partners
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mamamiriamxo · 2 years ago
While I wouldn't call 'Ares "adorable" I do agree with all of these sentiments!
I'd like to add that the reason 'Ares is hated so much, and Athena worshipped like crazy, is because Athena represents the idealized, glamorised version of war. The strategies, the leadership, the glory, while 'Ares represents the reality of war. The horrors, the bloodshed, the death and the grieving. No one likes to recollect the tragedies of war, just what came of it.
Apart from being the god of war, he was also the god of generalship, manliness and civil order, which means that he was the god responsible for the correct function of every ancient city in order of laws and politics.
As the god of manliness, he was considered to be the patron of a fine man that every man looked up to. He was a fighter, not only as a merit from being the god of war, but he always fought for his beliefs, just like at the Trojan War when he complained to Zeus about Athena's unfair action. Also, he was the best father to his children and always supported them and their mothers, just like Cycnus fighting with Heracles, or when Aeropos' mother died during childbirth and he made it possible for the baby to drink milk from his dead mother's body.
He was the only greek god that never raped a woman. All his sexual encounters were consensual and he always seemed to respect his lovers, because he kept his private life low key and none of them suffered or were subjected to tortures, unlike Zeus' or Poseidon's lovers did.
He was the god of dance. Legend has it that before he was taught how to fight, Priapos, his tutor, refused to teach him unless young Ares knew how to dance. Afterall, war is considered to be the ultimate dance a man could perform in ancient times. Also, he appeared to dance for his daughter's Armonia wedding with joy, leaving behind the animosity for her husband Cadmus. Finally, in the feasts of the Gods, it was said that Apollo played the lyre, while the Harites, Artemis, Hermes and Ares danced with great joy.
He was a forgiving god. Despite his enraged and bloodthirsty behavior, Ares knew how to forgive someone and appreciated what they were doing to gain his trust. After Cadmus slaughtered the Dragon, he was put 8 years under servitude to indulge Ares. Finally, Ares not only forgave Cadmus for his crime, but he also blessed his wedding with his own daughter Armonia. Cadmus, in order to gratify the god, built the city of Thebes and made Ares its patron god.
He wasn't a coward. Many greek myths refer to Ares' lack of courage to face danger. This is far from true. At the Trojan War, when he found out about Ascalaphus' death, he disobeyed Zeus' order with the risk of his immortal life in order to go to the battle amd avenge his son's death. He was later stopped by Zeus' thunderbolts. Also, when the Aloadai were about to take Olympus, he was the first god to interfere in battle in order to save Olympus. Afterall, one of his epithets was "Olympus' Protector".
He was sentimental. At the Trojan War he was seen greaving for his children's loss and always wanted to inervene for their safety. Also, he understood the rejection of his parents towards him and he was a lonely god that lacked love. But he found the love he was seeking to Aphrodite, and did not only lust her, but he loved her deeply. Together they had 8 children, and both of them were jealous about each other's affairs, because of Adonis and Eos. They also had an open relationship, because he never refrained Aphrodite from her nature, which was love and sex. Afterall love is not meant to be given to only one person.
He was the protector of women. When Hallirothios attempted to rape his daughter Alcippe, he flashed in the scene and brutally killed the rapist. From that moment on, a temple in Athens was built for Ares "Gynaikothoinas", which means the one feasted/worshipped by women.
He knew the feeling of loss. A war has two sides, the winners and the defeated. A war isn't always to be won, and everyone must learn what it is to lose. He lost many wars, but he also won many. That's why he is among the Olympians.
He was a god of justice. That is because he was referred to be "Themis' Ally", which means that he was a helper to the goddess of justice. One of his least famous daughters, Adrestia, was the goddess of balance, justice and retaliation. Also, "Areios Pagos" or aka "The hill of Ares" was named after him because he was the first man ever to be tried for substatial homicide, for slaughtering Alcippe' rapist.
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nacricissa · 2 months ago
Davriel and the Olympians
Ok if I’m really doing this Davriel needs to have been a kid. Now to assess who /actually/ raised him because let’s face it it’s never just your parents.
Question one: is this what God intended? The answer is no.
Questions 2-13 will take a lot of words. No better way to worldbuild than to commit to writing a Tumblr post.
Zeus: Terrible at children. Becomes increasingly aware of Davriel as he gets older. Davriel learned some of his magic from Zeus, but Zeus would usually quickly lose patience at his low power and kick him out.
Artemis: Technically Davi and Elise’s birth mother, Artemis has some weird feelings about it. Her godly and human personas often clash, leaving interactions with her, and especially her and several others, confusing and sometimes distressing. Many of Davi’s more practical skills come from Artemis, and are varying degrees of out of date. While she generally refused to teach him things “most human boys can’t learn”, she would bend the rules a bit as his passion for magic visibly increased, by teaching him scriptural history that was perhaps broader than humans could really know.
Ares: A greater portion of Davriel’s rhetoric than anyone is willing to admit comes from Ares. As far as most people know, they’ve barely talked. Attempts to keep them apart are strong, since even gods that usually get along with him are seen with black eyes from his outbursts. Ares never hits Davriel, though, drawing the line very clearly between his Wrath and both humans and children.
Logos (Athena): Technically Davriel and Elise’s birth father, Logos is a tenuous compromise between his godly and human selves. Logos was most often the one responsible for discipline after Hera found him misbehaving, and the one that set most of the boundaries around Davriel’s young life.
Eros/Aphrodite: Eros actually has a much better marriage with Hephaestus than anyone would imagine. While one might assume that Hephaestus would remain loyal to his human wife, he is actually perfectly happy to take the “my two halves are separately married” loophole in a way that remarkably satisfies everyone. Eros is thus seen about his workshop quite often, and so Davriel would speak to them after or even during lessons. Davriel also received his entire Sex Ed from them. Eros is also how Davriel first met Ares. While they do not speak frequently, Davi and Eros’s relationship is pleasant, and Davi often finds himself wishing he could speak to them more.
Hera: Hera is the one who cares the most about the fact Elise and Davriel’s births were not prescribed by God, and is the one responsible for sealing Elise. Attempts to teach Davi magic must generally be kept from Hera lest she stop them. She will also intervene when people forget that Davi is not sustained by a godly mantle and forget to feed him. While she is probably the only reason he survives infancy, their mutual resentment is strong.
Poseidon: Davriel’s most practical magical education came from Poseidon, in the sense that it is mostly those lessons that get him through his attack on Olympus. Davriel has worn the mantle of Poseidon once, and been allowed to channel its power many more times.
Hephaestus: Hephaestus is a timid but excellent parent. His time on Earth prepared him very well to be sort-of-but-not-technically someone’s dad, and he takes his job very seriously. Most of Davriel’s more formal homeschooling, in art and science and math comes from Hephaestus, during irregularly scheduled school hours. While he respects God, he respectfully disagrees, and teaches Davriel the fundamentals of the flow of magical power alongside more mundane subjects.
Demeter: During the winter, when Persephone is in Hades, she is overbearingly doting. During the summer, she focuses on Persephone and nearly ignores Davi. While Davriel never particularly liked her, he appreciates that she tends to give the best Christmas gifts, and is perfectly willing to shamelessly drop hints to get the ones he wants.
Hermes: Hermes misses being human the most, and can generally be convinced to take Davriel on field trips with a line about how growing up away from other kids really sucks *pouts adorably*.
Dionysus: Essentially uninvolved. The met only at gatherings that involved both sets of gods, which were few and far between. A handful of attempts to get drugs and alcohol to Davriel (without his asking for them) were effectively rebuffed by other Olympians. Davriel did try beer at thirteen (without Dionysus’s help), but was unimpressed.
Apollo: Apollo is the one that put Davi on puberty blockers. While promises of HRT were made, they were dated well into the future at the time of the story. Apollo is generally reluctant to provide things for risk of spoiling Davi, but level, persistent interest is usually enough to swing him on “reasonable” asks.
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igotanna · 5 years ago
GOT7 as Greek gods - part two
part one here
Hades - Jinyoung
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Hades was greek God of underworld. He is known as “the bad guy” which is misinterpretation. He was just and rightful, never did any evil towards people. The fear and respect he had was just because he was the one you met after death. He knew what he wants and was determined to have it. But actually he couldn’t care less about things going on beyond his kingdom (”everyone who was born will end up here anyway” - his words) so he can seem flegmatic or just “i don’t give a shit” man. But he can be passionate (his wife Persephone could talk - but the stories of her abduction are not as they seem, his brother Zeus told him to do so and Hades agreed to let Persephone go once a year outside to meet and be with her mother so don’t judge him he was in love just didn’t know how to deal with it). He made Persephone queen of the underworld and she got powers thanks to him. He -unlike other God- cheated on her only twice (veeery low rank tbh) and Persephone always was there to stop it (she loved him too, see?). So Hades was among the three most powerful God and the most feared one. But now you know he also had a heart.
Why Jinyoung?
Jinyoung is known to be te savage member who is sometimes misinterpreted as cold hearted or even evil one. Wel he is not, obviously. Just has the best way how to deal with situations he does not approve. He is straightforward, he couldn’t care less of what other people think of him, is very passionate and hides most of himself. He might seem serious most of the time but he know good fun and has his own specific sense of humour or signs of affection (”why do you always choke us?” - “It’s my way of affection, it’s out of love..” = his words). When it comes to team he never misses a chance to prank someone, he is a good actor and I think others come to him when they want to rest from the other down-to-Earth members (he will try to give a good advice in need but is also good at the “don’t give a shit about people” attitude and can provide it).Is pretty possesive and jealous. Talking about women he is trying to pretend he is cocky and womanizer, but he could be a good husband material who would still flirt with other women but never ever would actually cheat on his wife (he would just like the fact his wife is jealous of him).
Eros - Youngjae
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Eros was greek God of love, affection and feelings in general. He is either one of the first god ever born - son of Gaia and Chaos or he is son of Aphrodite and Ares. Nevertheless, he is mighty enough to even witch and blind Gods themselves. He is known for his bow and arrows and his never missing shot. He is known for no one - mortal or immortal could ever resist his powers - therefore is very respected  and some even fear him. He sometimes got involved in some serious situations among the mortal and was actually pretty fine with it. He was kinda playful and light-headed. People sometimes didn’t like him because he was unpredictable, carelessly using his powers to “throw people into agony of love”. But  he was also good at receiving love - he fell for Psyché and they had daughter (no cheating relationship tbh). So you must give Eros his powers of enchanting people and Gods or you can curse him for making you fall in love again.
Why Youngjae?
Youngjae is the one who seems purest, sweetest and kindest of GOT7. He  si known for his kind behaviour, open heart and vulnerability, he loves to laugh and does very often. He doesn’t make evil jokes or pranks, and others never do such things to him. As if he’d have some kind of power over people. He is good to them and they are good to him. He is definetly not the one you’d go for a advice but you are definetly about to go to him to comfort or hug you. Like Eros he would be good at giving love and little restrainde when receiving. He is a good friend but it would take time to really fall in love. Sometimes one might feel he gives love to everyone and not  preffering one person. But once he’d love, he’d love forever and deeply. About his powers he is the best singer among GOT7 and as Eros he “never misses a sho-” well note in his case. He can enchant people by his singing and he loves his job.
Dionysus - Bambam
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Dionysus was greek God of harvest, wine and last but not least - fun, son of Zeus and taken globally not the most powerful God. On the other hand he was very respected and loved by people because he took care of harvest. He was known as “showman” or clown, just the one who “brings the party”. He liked to drink, have fun, loved women and very often got involved in human things (had many mistresses, taught men the culture of wine, but also was benevolent and “do what you want” towards people). When he fell in love he was very nice and devoted (when his loved one died he put her on the sky as stars to be there forever). He spent part of his life as mortal and grew up among people - therefore he knows their nature, he knows what they want and how they think. Was also worshiped as god of theater and poetry.
Why Bambam?
Well Bambam is the showman, is the man who brings the party like Dionysus. When on stage he owns the show. He is funny, likes to make jokes, pranks etc., just search for trouble and fun and you get Bambam. He is also very sociable and good at entertaining people. Can seem light-headed and careless and well maybe he really is. If you go to Youngjae to comfort, then you go to Bambam to make you laugh. He never fails to make someone laugh and often is love-kicked by the members. He knows what to say and is offhand.
Hypnos - Yugyeom
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Hypnos was greek God of sleep, rest and dreams. He was also very powerful, was able to put to sleep even Gods. He had wings, was known to be kind and gentle, helped people many times. He lived in the underworld with his twin brother Thanatos (presented as death). Because he  owned half of human’s life (sleep) he was respected and prayed. He was given his wife by Hera and therefore might seem as quite unexperienced or at least not really active in love manners. But they had three sons and were happy. Hypnos was also  the one who got easily out of trouble - he put to sleep Zeus and never got caught, he helped people on his own and no one said a thing. As well when it comes to dreams and sleep itself. Sometimes he put to sleep entire army just for fun and no one would blame him because - well you don’t want to stay awake for the rest of your life do you?
Why Yugyeom?
Yugyeom is the maknae of GOT7 and he does it perfectly. He makes fun of people, jokes around, sometimes even steps some boundaries. But is always forgiven either because he turns the situation into joke or because he is the youngest. He is not the one to be messed up with - he strikes back. He is sensitive and soft, can be gentle and he loves his friends. He is devoted dancer. As he likes to make fun of others they make fun of him as well. But he got used to it and by his attitude he makes you think he doesn’t really care. As for love manners I can’t really say but he seems rather unexperienced or as I said for Hypnos - rather inactive and preffers when someone approaches him. He’d be shy to do so himself. But after falling in love he’d be gentle and caring partner. He also has his deep side but he keeps his secrets to himself.
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