awordwasthebeginning · 3 months
Letter ask game: S, please(:
Séjourné's Concerto for Marimba and Strings 😍
(I'm cheating a little. I feel like I couldn't have pulled off a heartfelt one-word "SOZIALISMUS!". :D)
Thank you!
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@erminesandsable - Willkommen auf meinem Tumblr, hoffe dir gefällt mein Zeug auf deinem Dash.
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Hello, this is not a question about beasts or creatures per se, but rather about wandcores coming from those. You have sometimes for some of the 'lesser' or weaker cores suggested to combine two of them together to create a more powerful core overall. (The example upon which I stumbled were the Valravn feathers and Eikþyrnir cores in /post/111041834736). Now, could you, instead of combining different cores, just use more of one core, e.g., more Valravn feathers? Much obliged for your answer!
Honestly, I need to go back and make some edits to those, because the more I poke at wandlore the more doubtful I am that combined cores would necessarily work. My understanding is that the wood of a wand directs the magic that the core channels. A core needs to be strong in order to survive the power being sent through it, and the stronger a core is (that is, the more magical the creature it came from was when alive) the more magic it can withstand. This is why of the three Ollivander uses, Unicorn is the weakest and Dragon is the strongest.
If this is the case then combined cores .... may? work? Each separate core within would channel a different portion of the magic for the spell, but that might cause the end result to be a more... distributed? spell than it would if it was cast with one core. Rather than a single punch of a spell, its got a broader spread and is less precise. Of course, that’s assuming cores can safely combine; there are definitely combinations which wouldn’t work well (aquatic to fiery, for example) and beyond that.... would the magic distribute itself down the separate cores? Or would it try to all go down one core and end up overloading it, or the spell coming out weak because it only used one channel?
Increasingly I’m coming to think that while one can safely combine woods for a wand, cores are much less certain and more liable to go wrong if combined. Instead, I imagine that weaker cores would probably be used for toy wands or practice wands intended for children - ones which can’t cast any serious spellwork, but are useful for helping children get down basic wand movements and usage.
So uhh... if you spot any more posts with mention made of combined wand cores, please tell me. I think I need to go back and do some edits.
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farnwedel · 2 years
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@somenamewithepineapple​, @erminesandsable​, @dakrisart​, ihr seid alle böse und ich lieb’s, daher n Bonus für euch (Tim kriegt keine Sonderbehandlung, er wird’s überleben, ist ja hart im Nehmen, unser Goldjunge)
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connectingfannibals · 11 years
Hey, I would like to be added to the list. I live in Heidelberg, Germany.
No problem, got you added!
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Fanfiction Ask Thingy:
Wasser/water (:
Danke! :)
Dann steht er auf, schnappt sich seine Wasserflasche und den abgenagten Apfelgripsch und verlässt mit einem gemurmelten „Mahlzeit“ die Kantine.
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26 and 29?(:
Thank you! :)
26. Can you cook or bake? If so, what are some of your specialties?
Both. Baking better than cooking. And, hm, Hefezopf, I think, and a veeeery fancy fruit cake for Christmas.
29. Did you play with Legos as a kid? What was your favorite set?
I did. Lego is the most ingenious toy on earth, after all. ;) I didn't have a set though, just bricks in 3-4 different colours.
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Ask thing: 3, 43, 49? (:
Thank you! :)
3. do you leave the window open at night?
If it's not too cold and I wouldn't end up heating the whole street, yeah. (Not that I'd open the window with the heater on, mind.)
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
Delicious. Can't eat too much, but generally, spicy is good!
49. can you skip rocks?
Does twice count? :D
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Jetzt hast du mich tatsächlich dazu gebracht, mir das Instaprofil der JU Baden-Württemberg anzuschauen und ich wünschte, ich könnte es rückgängig machen, nicht gut für meinen Blutdruck😅
Au. Sorry 😅
Ja, es ist nicht schön.
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