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vsslxo · 1 year ago
Prayer Candle for Erishkigal
Sumerian Goddess of Death, Queen of Irkalla, and Annunaki Princess Erishkigal is a protector of lost souls, keeper of truth, and holder of the Book of Death.
Erishkigal speaks: Look for my face in the shadows, listen for my voice in the silence, my shroud will protect you.
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honoringthor · 4 months ago
I’ve noticed that a lot of the deities and entities I’m drawn to are associated with the afterlife like Hades, Nephthys, Erishkigal, Hermes, Hel. I’m. Reading about Hades right now. Anybody know where. Can find information about them?
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burnertracfone · 6 months ago
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猫娘 by -Yayako-
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white-whaale · 2 years ago
🔥+ bideo games :3
FGO or whatever that one gacha game is with all the historical figures should have never been a thing considering how much it whitewashes mythologies especially middle eastern ones
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anarcho-sin-dicalist · 1 year ago
Can I just say I love all the beautiful trans women who give themselves goddess names.
I love you Aphrodites
I love you Selenes
I love you Victorias (hey that's me!)
I love you Liliths
Wait is Lilith a goddess?
I love you Heras!
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year ago
October 2023 witch guide
Full moon: October 28th
New moon: October 14th
Sabbats: Samhain
October Hunter's Moon
Known as: Blood moon, drying rice moon, falling leaf moon, freezing moon, migrating moon, moon of the changing seasons, shedding moon, ten colds moon, winterfelleth & windermanoth
Element: Air
Zodiac: Libra & Scorpio
Nature spirits: Frost faeries & Plant faeries
Deities: Apollo, Astarte, Belili, Cernunnos, Demeter, Hathor, Herne, Horned God, Ishtar, Kore, Lakshmi & Mercury
Animals: Elephant, jackal, ram, scorpion & stag
Birds: Crow, heron & robin
Trees: Acacia, apple, cypress & yew
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, apple blossom, burdock, catnip, pennyroyal, sweet Annie, thyme & Uva ursi
Flowers: Calendula, cosmos & marigold
Scents: Apple blossom, cherry & strawberry
Stones: Amethyst, beryl, obsidian, opal, tourmaline & turquoise
Colors: Black, dark blue, Dark greens & purples
Energy: Artistic works, balance, creativity, harmony, inner cleansing, justice, karma, legal matters, mental stimulation, partnerships, reincarnation & uncovering mysteries or secrets
It is believed that this name originates from the fact that it was a signal for hunters to prepare for the upcoming cold winter by going hunting. This is because animals were beginning to fatten up in preparation for the winter season. Moreover, since fields had recently been cleared out under the Harvest Moon, hunters could easily spot deer and other animals that had come out to search for remaining scraps. Additionally, foxes and wolves would also come out to prey on these animals.
The earliest use of the term “Hunter’s Moon,” cited in the Oxford English Dictionary, is from 1710. Some sources suggest that other names for the Hunter’s Moon are the Sanguine or Blood Moon, either associated with the blood from hunting or the color of the changing autumn leaves. 
Also known as: All Hallow's Eve,  Ancestor Night, Feast of Apples, Feast of Sam-fuim, Feast of Souls, Feast of the Dead, Geimhreadh, Hallowmass, Martinmass, Old Hallowmas, Pagan New Year, Samana, Samhuinn, Samonios, Shadowfest & Third Harvest
Season: Fall
Symbols: Apples, bats, besom(brooms), black cats, cauldrons, ghosts, gourds, jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins, scarecrows & witches
Colors: Black, gold, orange, silver & white
Oils/incense: Basil, cloves, copal, frankincense, gum mastic, heather, heliotrope, mint, myrrh & nutmeg
Animals: Bat, boar, cat cattle & dogs
Stones: Amber, anatase, black calcite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, brass, carnelian, clear quartz diamond, garnet, gold, granite, hematite, iron, jet, marble, pearl, pyrite, ruby, sandstone, sardonyx, smokey quartz, steel & tektite
Foods: Apples, ale, beef, cider, corm, fruits, garlic, gourds, grains, hazelnuts, herbal teas, mushroom, nettle, nuts, pears, pomegranates, pork, poultry, pumpkin pie, sunflower seeds, thistle, turnips & wine (mulled)
Herbs/plants: Acorn, Allspice, catnip, corn, dittany of Crete, hazel, mandrake, mugwort, mullien, oak leaves, pine, rosemary, sage, straw, tarragon, thistle, wormwood & yellow cedar
Flowers: Calendula, chrysanthemum, deadly nightshade, rue & fumitory
Goddesses: Al-lat, Baba Yaga, Badb, Banba, Bast, Bebhionn, Bronach, Brunhilde, Cailleach, Carlin, Cassandra, Cerridwen, Copper Woman, Crobh Dearg, Devanyani, Dolya, Edda, Elli, Eris, Erishkigal, Fortuna, Frau Holde, Hecate, Hel, Ishtar, Kali, Macha Mania, Morrigan, Nemesis, Nephthys, Nicneven & Rhiannon
Gods: Arawan, Baron Samede, Belenus, Coyote, Cronus, Dagda, Dis, Hades, Loki, Nefertum, Odin, Osiris, Pluto, Woden & Xocatl
Issues Intentions & Powers: Crossroads, darkness, death, divination, honoring ancestors, introspection, the otherworld/underworld, release, visions & wisdom (of the crone)
Spellwork: Divination, fire magick, night magick, shape-shifting, spirit calling & water magick
Related festivals:
• Day of the Dead- (Spanish: Día de Muertos or Día de los Muertos) is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality. It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed & is also observed in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage. Although related to the simultaneous Christian remembrances for Hallowtide, it has a much less solemn tone and is portrayed as a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning. The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. These celebrations can take a humorous tone, as celebrants remember funny events and anecdotes about the departed.
• All Saints Day- is a Christian solemnity celebrated in honor of all the saints & martyrs of the Church, whether they are known or unknown
• Dedicate an altar to loved ones who have passed
• Boil a simmer pot to cleanse your space
• Have a silent dinner
• Light a candle for your loved ones & yourself
• Decorate your house and/or altar
• Release negative energy & cleanse your with a ritual bath
• Pull tarot cards to see what may be in store for you ahead
• Cleanse, clean & de-clutter your space
• Leave offerings to the Fae
• Journal & reflect on your accomplishments, challenges & everything you did this year
•Go on a nature walk
• Learn a new form of divination
• Have a bonfire with your friends and/or family
• Carve pumpkins
• Express yourself creatively through art, music, ect
• Visit a cemetery & help clean off areas that need it or to visit a family member/ ancestor & leave an offering
• Hold a seance
• Bake spooky treats & bread as offerings
• Refresh your protection magicks, sigils & rituals
Samhain is a Gaelic festival on 1 November marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker half" of the year. Celebrations begin on the evening of 31 October, since the Celtic day began and ended at sunset.
This fire festival is celebrated on October 31st & is considered the Pagan New Year. It is the first Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year, a cross-quarter festival & the third (final) harvest festival of the mundane year. This is the time when the veil between the worlds of the living & those who have passed is the thinnest, which allows greater communication between the two
Some believe this is the time of the Goddess's mourning of the death of the God until his rebirth at Yule. The Goddess's sadness can be seen in the shortening, darkening days & the arrival of cold weather
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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a-s-fischer · 1 year ago
One of the things I hear a lot from Gentile witches and neo-pagans who want to work with Lilith or claim to work with Lilith, is that she is actually a Mesopotamian goddess, usually either Ishtar/Inanna or Erishkigal, and that it was the Jews, with their horrible patriarchy juice, who slandered her and cast her down, and so the Jews do not deserve to say what happens to her and it isn't antisemitism to work with her, or to completely ignore what the Jews say about what she is in a Jewish context.
Lilith is not Ishtar or Erishkigal. However, there is a Mesopotamian figure that is pretty stinking analogous to Lilith, and is probably her folkloric ancestor, by which I mean the idea of Lilith probably comes from this Mesopotamian figure. In fact, Lilith almost certainly is either a Jewish version of this figure, or, they are both descended from the same Near Eastern and Mediterranean basin folkloric figure. That figure is Lamashtu.
Lamashtu is, much like Lilith, the supernatural embodiment of maternal and infant mortality, a figure of power and terror, who functions as a way to embody and cope with the profound dangers that are pregnancy, childbirth, and infancy without effective medical care. the Mesopotamians never worshiped Lamashtu, but they did seek to appease her, including making symbolic gifts to her, to keep her from visiting them, and killing them or their children.
An interesting side note is that there is also a Mesopotamian figure who specifically opposes Lamashtu and functions as the protector of pregnant women and infants, and that figure is Pazuzu, a wind spirit, who ruled over other wind spirits, including ones called the Iilu in the Akkadian language. Akkadian is a Semitic language, related to Hebrew, and this word is probably a cognate of Lilith, but the Iilu probably have no relationship to the figure of Lilith except her name. You might know Pazuzu as the demon featured in the movie, The Exorcist, and ironic fate for a mythological protector of women and children.
Anyway, if you'll remember, I implied above that the Lamashtu/Lilith figure, was present in various guises throughout the Mediterranean basin and the Near East, so there are of course figures analogous to both of them throughout the region, such as Lamia of Greece, and the Strix of Rome.
So if you really really want to work with a figure who functions as the supernatural embodiment of maternal and infant mortality, Lamashtu, Lamia, or the strix would all be excellent options that don't come from an extant closed religious practice. All the baby killing, none of the antisemitism and cultural appropriation.
While all three figures are almost certainly descended from the same folkloric root, they're all subtly different, because as stories and characters travel, they change. as such, they all have particular good points about them as figures of veneration.
Lanashtu is the OG bad bitch, who commanded fear, respect, and offerings, like a mythological mafiosa, collecting protection money.
Lamia has attached to her the story that she was one of Zeus's dubiously willing lovers, who was screwed over first by Zeus, the embodiment of patriarchical rule, then by a jealous Hera, the embodiment of patriarchal marriage, so if what attracted you to Lilith was the story from the Alphabet of Ben Sira, about a victim of the patriarchy getting her own back through violent vengeance, Lamia might be the girl for you. With her however, the emphasis is less on her murder of children, then on her seducing and eating men, though she does also get strongly associated with killing children, especially boys.
And the strix is particularly interesting, because the word comes down to us in the modern Italian word for witch, striga. Indeed, one of the theories as to where the witch figure came from in Early Medieval, and then Early Modern Christianity, was as the strix demon made human. This might explain the close association between Early Modern Witchcraft and infant mortality, including Italian stories of witches causing infants to die seemingly natural deaths, so that they could dig them up and eat them after their funerals, something that ties these human supposed witches very closely to demonic folkloric antecedents. If you are looking for a figure of unfairly maligned female power, the strix and her close association with later human witches, might be the one for you.
All three of these figures, much like Lilith herself, are reflections, both of the power women wielded even within patriarchal societies, over the process of pregnancy, birth, and childrearing, and also the powers of death and loss that everyone was subject to. There is something powerful, transgressive, and even healthy in acknowledging the fears and dangers presented by this death and loss,and for some people, that might take the form in venerating the underlying powers. If this is something that would be spiritually meaning for you, and you wish to work with such a figure, and you are not Jewish, please respect the fact that Lilith is part of a closed religious practice, and remember that Lilith has sisters, in other parts of the Mediterranean basin and the Near East, who are not from extant closed cultures, and who might serve your needs better anyway.
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thescarlettbitch · 6 months ago
Inanna / Ishtar masterpost
Inanna / Ishtar is the deity that I am devoted to, and there is a lot of misinformation out there about her, so this is a masterpost about her and her mythology, which does involve sex and rape, and revenge. Read with care.
Edit: I forgot certain points I wanted to add, so instead of editing and adding them in as an after thought, find them here :)
Sources disagree on who her parents are. Some say Enki or Nanna, both male presenting, but most often she is depicted as the granddaughter of Enlil, and the niece of Enki. Her mother, as stated in Inanna Prefers The Farmer, is Ningal, as it is the only story that discusses her mother. Perhaps she is the daughter of Enki, Nanna, and Ningal. Regardless of who her parents are, she is the twin sister of Utu, and the sister of Ereshkigal. In the story of Gilgamesh and a few others, she is also portrayed as Gilgamesh's sister. She is married to Dumuzid.
Inanna and the Huluppu Tree: "A young woman who walked in fear of no man, and would not be owned, Plucked the tree from the river and spoke: “I shall bring this tree to Uruk. I shall plant this tree in my holy garden.”"
Enki, God of wisdom, planted a tree by the Euphrates at the beginning of time. Eventually, the tree was taken by the Euphrates. Inanna came, picked the tree, and decided she would nurture it so she could carve her throne and bed from it. Many years passed, and a serpent who couldn't be charmed made it's home in the tree. Then the Anzu-bird raised his family in the tree. And the dark maid Lilith made her home in the trunk. No matter how much Inanna wept, the creatures would not leave the tree. Inanna called to her brother, Utu, God of the sun, for help. He refused. She went to her brother, the great hero Gilgamesh, and he helped. He struck the serpent who couldn't be charmed and the birds flew away and Lilith fled to the wild uninhabited places. From the trunk, he carved her throne and her bed. From the roots, Inanna fashioned a pukku for her brother, and from the crown a mikku for Gilgamesh.
Inanna Prefers The Farmer: "No, brother!
The man of my heart works the hoe.
The farmer! He is the man of my heart!
He gathers the grain into great heaps.
He brings the grain regularly into my storehouses."
Inanna asks her brother, Utu, who she will marry. He tells her to marry Dumuzi, the shepherd. She responds that her heart is with the farmer Enkimdu. Utu tells her no, Dumuzi is the better choice, but she says no, Enkimdu is. Dumuzi and Enkimdu fight over this, but eventually Inanna is swayed and marries Dumuzi, in a rather erotic scene.
Inanna's Descent: "Then Erishkigal fastened on Inanna the eye of death.
She spoke against her the word of wrath.
She uttered against her the cry of guilt.
She struck her.
Inanna was turned into a corpse,
A piece of rotting meat,
And was hung from a hook on the wall."
Inanna goes to the underworld for her sister Ereshkigal's husband's funeral, having been the cause of his death. Inanna tells her priestess Ninshubur what to do should she not return. Dress in a single cloth like a begger, go to the temple of Enlil and beg for his help. If he does not help, go to Nanna. If he does not help, go to Enki. Inanna arrives at the gates, and as she passes through each of the seven gates, a garment is removed until she stands naked. The Anunna pass judgement, and Ereshkigal turns Inanna into a rotting corpse with the Eye of Death, and hangs her on a hook on the wall. On the third day, Ninshubur follows instruction. She dresses in a single cloth like a begger and goes to Enlil. Enlil denies. She goes to Nanna. Nanna denies. She goes to Enki. Enki creates the Kurgarra and the Galatur, neither male nor female, and gives them each the food of life and water of life. He tells them how to get on Ereshkigal's good side and to take the corpse from the wall and give it the food and water. They do, and Inanna rises, but the Annuna prohibit her from leaving. She must put someone else in her place. The Galla, demons from Ereshkigal, try to take Ninshubur, Shara, and Lulal, but Inanna spares them, as they mourned her. Then they find Dumuzi, dressed beautifully, with women around him. Inanna was betrayed, her own husband did not mourn her. The Galla take him away. Eventually, Inanna misses him, and sets a deal. For half of the year, Dumuzi will be on the wall in the underworld. For the other half, his sister.
Inanna and the God of Wisdom: "“In the name of my power! In the name of my holy shrine! Let the me you have taken with you remain in the holy shrine of your city. Let the high priest spend his days at the holy shrine in song. Let the citizens of your city prosper, Let the children of Uruk rejoice!”"
Inanna goes to Enki, and Enki treats her with butter cake and water and beer, lots of beer. Enki, while intoxicated, gives Inanna the Meh, the various humanities. She takes them and flees with Ninshubur. Enki, now sober, sends his servants to get the Meh back. Ninshubur protects the Meh for Inanna. They go back and forth six times, until Inanna gives the gifts to her people, and Enki resigns himself.
Inanna and Utu: "She makes perfect the great divine powers, she holds a shepherd's crook, and she is their magnificent pre-eminent one."
Inanna is given reign over fertility and sex, but she knows nothing about that subject. Utu and her go to the underworld and Inanna eats the fruit from the tree of knowledge, gaining that information.
Inanna and Su-Kale-Tuda: "He recognised a solitary god by her appearance. He saw someone who fully possesses the divine powers. He was looking at someone whose destiny was decided by the gods."
Inanna had had a long journey, so she rests on earth beneath the shade of a tree in a garden. The farmer Su-Kale-Tuda sees her sleeping and rapes her, then flees to his father. Inanna wakes up, seeing what had been do to her, and vows to find the man who did this. Su-Kale-Tuda confesses to his father, who tells him to hide. Inanna turns the water of the realm to blood, she sits on a storm cloud and drowns the world, then sends a dust storm, then stopped trade entirely within the world. Unable to find him she cries to her father, Enki, demanding his help. Enki turns her to a rainbow so that she stretched across the sky, and saw everything. Su-Kale-Tuda still tried to hide, but he could not hide from her any longer. She found him, and her first words are lost to time (some words translated to "How ......? ...... dog ......! ...... ass ......! ...... pig ......!") Su-Kale-Tuda tried to defend himself but Inanna told him "You will die, but the world will remember your name. Rapist."
Lions - she is often depicted with lions harnessed, to symbolize her power over the king of beasts
Roses - roses are symbols of beauty and sex, and their thorns represent the war side of her. At one point, the rose/rosette eclipsed the eight pointed star as her main symbol
Doves - another symbol of beauty and sex, in one of her temples was a mural of a dove emerging from a large palm tree, leading many to believe she was able to take the form of a dove.
Lapis Lazuli - the only precious stone I have seen be named as something she wears, specifically referenced in The Descent Of Inanna
Eight pointed star - the symbolic meaning is lost to time, but it shows up frequently in her depictions
Hook shaped twist of reeds - a symbol of fertility, and was her cuneiform ideogram
The planet Venus - many hymns credit her as being the personification of the planet
Carnelian - one of her epithets means "precious carnelian"
Thank you for reading, and I hope to make a similar masterpost detailing Mesopotamian mythology as a whole.
Edit: I did, you can find it here.
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7fatweeb · 1 month ago
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I saw your cute poly thing and wanted to ask if you would do a Ereshkigal and Quetzalcoatl one? For letters b d h k m n r s y
I most certainly can my good Anon!
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B-Bed: what's the sleeping situation like? Are there regular sleeping arrangements - does anyone like to sleep alone?
Quetz is a very physically affectionate lady who is also quite muscular and quite strong.
Ereshkigal is an extremely petite and touch starved girl.
It took all of three days before Quetz was using the two of you as human sized teddy bears. This has led to the semi-amusing situation of Quetz not being able to sleep without the two of you around.
D-Dates: What do dates look like? Who usually plans them, or is it a group affair?
Erishkigal plans the more extravagant dates, the ones where all of you would have to get all pretty and dressed up nice, she also picks out the clothes for those, but she does have a preference for the dates Quetz plans due to the simplicity and intimacy of them.
A nice picnic under the stars lit by lanterns, a day at the park, a cold winter day spent snuggled up under blankets, these are the dates Quetz has with you all.
H-Hobbies: Does anyone share any hobbies/passions? how do they include the rest of their partners in them?
Quetz is really into luchador wrestling and while she knows she can’t use those moves on the two of you, she can definitely talk excitedly about them, infodumping everything she knows in almost one sitting which Ereshkigal is quite fond of.
Ereshkigal on the other hand, dabbles in streaming and up until her most recent spat with her rival Osakabehime, no one even knew she was dating anyone. Alas, the bat had a way of getting under Ereshkigal’s skin like no other and so one thing lead to another and now over two million people know that Ereshkigal, one of if not the most adorkable streamer in the world, is dating not just one, but two people at once who are also dating each other. That being said, she does truly love it when the two of you make cages with her or take her mountain climbing.
K-Knowing: Who can read their partners like a book? Is there anyone who’s got their walls up, even around their partners?
Ereshkigal is, surprisingly enough, extremely good at knowing what is up with either of you at any moment with only a single glance. Unfortunately, she was the one who had her walls up starting out and it took a while for the both of you to get her to let them down completely.
M-Memories: Is anyone more on the sentimental side?
Ereshkigal is perhaps the most sentimental person you could meet. She has seen the lives and deaths of countless humans and she values each one of them and the lesson she learned from them. That lesson being this.
Love, true love, is always something worth remembering.
N-Nights: What’s the nighttime routine like when they’re all together?
Quite honestly, whenever Ereshkigal gets tired she kinda just… wraps herself up in the covers like a burrito. Shortly following this, a sleeping Quetz then grabs the Ereshkigal Burrito and you and holds the two of you close like her life depended on it.
R-Romantic: is anyone a bit of a sap for their partners?
Quetz is perhaps the most obviously affectionate with the two of you, not being afraid to tell you both how she feels or show it.
On the other hand, Ereshkigal is more… subtle in her affection, showing it through acts such as making a favorite dinner after a long day or simply being there for either of you when you need it.
S-Sharing: is there anyone who’s particularly territorial of their partners?
Quetz can be… rather viscous when it comes to the two of you but she’ll let the offending party live if they apologize.
There is no such guarantee with Ereshkigal, she may not often show it, but she is the goddess of the dead and up until quite recently, she was a rather brutal ruler.
Y-Yearn: who misses their partners the easiest (ie, calls them to hear their voices when all they’ve done is run to the grocery store)?
Quetz, oddly enough, is the one to do this if she is separated from either of you by a great distance, this distance being about a 30 minute walk away from her. Though, for someone who is the type to get excited just like a puppy whenever one of her lovers returns, that is to be expected.
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individualist-infp · 3 months ago
I can't stand my mom. I hate this. I wish I could live away from here. Why must she always be a vicious petty woman that cuts me to the core with one of her murderous looks. She's Erishkigal murdering with one stare in the Underworld and letting me rot there. She's just extremely vicious and toxic, I know I'm not exaggerating. That's who she is, she even treats her ESFJ mom like trash too.
And she's a hypocrite too, when she's in a family reunion or something like that she's all smiles and kindness. Please, that's not your true self. Why don't you show others your true vicious bitter face?
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brokenhardies · 1 year ago
for context; madoka is the daughter of eikichi mishina from p2. her initial persona is laura bullion, also known as della rose, member of butch cassidy's wild bunch. she has a very goth/visual kei theme to her design as seen in this amazing drawing by @latenitewaffles ;
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mrbexwrites · 2 years ago
It's blorbo blursday! Care to share 5 fun facts about your favorite OC? 👀
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Happy Blursday! You have tricked me into sharing things about my WIP! You're craftier than I gave you credit for :P
My favourite OC, Morgana Dodds, my protagonist from Memento Mori has the following fun facts about her:
Most of her clothes are hand-me-downs, so when she was old enough, she taught herself to knit, and now mostly wears jumpers & cardigans that she has made herself
She is a thoughtful gift-giver; she tries her best to please everyone, which often leads to her downfall. But she tries. She really does. And if all else fails, she knows that she can win over Avery at least with a cool mix-tape. Which leads me to...
Has a better taste in music than Avery, her sibling who is an actual international DJ and literal party god. Ave often uses Morgana's mix-tapes to build their sets around. Although, Ave would never admit this, and Morgana doesn't think highly enough of herself to see how she is a positive influence on her siblings.
Is a terrible judge of character when it comes to the living. Well, specifically men. She has a better track record with her friendships with ghosts. It's awkward. Reeeally awkward.
May or may not be related somehow to the Ancient Sumerian Goddess Erishkigal.... 👀👀
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xxx-calibur · 1 year ago
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"Hey hey, looks like Ru-Ru's having fun again with Erishkigal. He's super lucky, you know?" Alibaba you literally sleep with the Fates on a regular basis.
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lightdancer1 · 2 years ago
The queen of the Grave is one of the oldest archetypes of the Goddess:
An ancient archetype that goes across the more than slightly artificial frontiers of language families and tribalism that later generations tend to treat as more gospel than the people living among them did is the Goddess of the Dead and of Death. Freyja and Hel of the Germanic peoples, Proserpina/Persephone of the Greeks, and this one, the Goddess who was first of them all.
Now why does this matter? First, because there's an entire wing of the modern feminist movement promoting the heavily simplistic concept that a Goddess concept is innately progressive in concept and in the societies it produces. The Ancient and Classical world were deeply and profoundly misogynist, as is the modern world. Both had and have active Goddess traditions.
Erishkigal is one of the most ancient Goddesses out there. She is one of Them who is most powerful and splendid in her own ways. Sumerian society was and is an archetypal inventor of misogyny. The concept of the Goddess did not alter these realities.
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isolaradiale · 3 months ago
Lost in Space #65
Howdy, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of September!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
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Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for May, have two in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of May).
Only one meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
Only one drabble of 500+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
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Lancer (Erishkigal) (TOWNHOUSE 212)
Saber (Charlemagne) (PERSONAL HOUSING - ARCHIMEDES - Charles Patricius (6BR))
Warrior of Light (Dark Knight - Lycelle Astarinn) (TOWNHOUSE 221)
Sissel (HOUSE 110)
Apollonia Vaar (CONDO 409)
Kirby (CONDO 404)
Judar (Personal Housing - Southern Clocktower)
Aoko Aozaki (APARTMENT 306)
Kumagawa Misogi (TOWNHOUSE 204)
Dabi (APARTMENT 301)
Ichimokuren (HOUSE 103)
Qimir (HOUSE 118)
Shionne Imeris (CONDO 415)
Astolfo Granatum (APARTMENT 306)
Ceres (TOWNHOUSE 218)
Sakura Haruka (HOUSE 104)
Euini (APARTMENT 308)
Wise (TOWNHOUSE 210)
0 notes