#erin simpson
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sixthemusicalextras · 8 months ago
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@/leapintomagic, and @/its_just_kias_camera on Instagram, 30 June 2024
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awkwardsimpsons · 1 year ago
A bunch of character biographies from The Krusty Book
(part 1)
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reinemichele · 1 year ago
Oh whoops I also meant to say in those tags:
The Master can handle a lot. There's a lot of insults and violence and betrayal that just rolls right off of him. So, I think he would've handled it just fine if Rassilon had himself a stupid villain monologue like "Hahaha it was a perfect plan no one suspected you being used I have a god complex I undid everything the hero did" (which is, ofc, why RTD didn't go with that, along with it being a tired cliche), I even think that he wouldn't have been as enraged about the violation of his sense of self, mind, past/childhood, and autonomy if Rassilon had a villain speech
But... who could handle being called diseased like that? Rassilon says it, and the Master's shoulders slump, and Rassilon gets ready to kill him like an annoying fly, and the Master says nothing! Because of course, how else do you react to being spoken of like that besides with shell-shocked, hurt silence?? But seeing that reaction multiplies the nauseating and horrifying impact of the scene/reveal, because previously, the Master just deflects and shrugs off all insults and attempts at his life, and now you see him, like, mirroring the same hurt you had when someone implied you were broken and unwanted for having symptoms of mental illness for the first time
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bookaddict24-7 · 1 year ago
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The Other Lola by Ripley Jones
Not Your Average Jo by Grace K. Shim
The Hedgewitch of Foxhall by Anna Bright
Book, Beast, & Crow by Elizabeth Byrne
Six Truths & A Lie by Ream Shukairy
These Bodies Between Us by Sarah Van Name
Ariel Crashes A Train by Olivia A. Cole
Strong Like You by T.L. Simpson
Meet Me In the Fourth Dimension by Rita Feinstein
Monster Crush by Erin Ellie Franey
Just Another Epic Love Poem by Parisa Akhbari
Infinity Kings (Infinity Cycle #3) by Adam Silvera
Happy reading!
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thequeendomeffect-noah · 1 year ago
I really wish the 23-24 UK tour queens were talked about more, I feel like they haven’t gotten as much buzz recently since they haven’t dealt with SIX chaos in a while. Such a fun cast.
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hang-on-lil-tomato · 1 year ago
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janedances · 2 years ago
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uk tour queens my beloved
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lightleckrereins · 2 years ago
Six UK tour 2023 costume breakdown
Guess who is doing the write-up this time. This will include the costumes that have been onstage so far: principal costumes, alternate principal costumes, silver swing and orange alt and will be updated with the rest of alternate costumes once we get good photos of those. Also a few general notes:
The entire cast has the numeral earrings and glitter IEMs.
The boots are custom made by LaDuca with rhinestones done by Crystalled by Jane who does all the UK boots and collaborated on the heel designs with Gabriella Slade. All boots minus Cleves have the single wide strap and alternates have silver heels and interchangeable straps. Ellie Jane grant gets a second pair of tigh high boots for Cleves.
Aragon: Nicole Louise Lewis (principal), Ellie Jane Grant (alternate)
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The costumes follow the style of recent UK Aragon costumes with a wide front panel and skirt gap. The peplum has been switched from a single piece laying mostly flat against the skirt that 2022 WE and UKT have/had to a more US looking rised peplum made of different panels. Unlike most Aragon costumes the shoulder straps widen at the bottom and are not fully aligned with the bodice seams and the horizontal band at the collar is wider than usual. The necklaces have black trim weaved through the chains. The costume is likely made by White Star costume.
They both have full wigs styled with braids at the front following the hairline. Nicole's wig is black and reaches her upper back, Ellie's wig is auburn slightly shorter and has a little more volume as both are made following their hairtype.
Boleyn: Laura Dawn Pyatt (principal), Izi Maxwell (alternate)
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This costumes have the darker green vinyl that was introduced to the UK in late 2022 and has become the standard since. Unlike most Boleyn costumes where the square cutouts start right at the waist or slightly higher (being partially cut on top) and are either cut before a third row of squares at the bottom starts or have the third row cut these skirts have solid black above and below the squares to complete the lenght. It is more visible on Izi as her skirt is longer. The costume is likely made by White Star costume.
Laura wears her hair mid back. Izi has worn hairpieces in a few different lenghts but it seems to have settled on a chin lenght hairpiece with the tips curved inward.
Seymour: Erin Caldwell (principal), Tamara Morgan (alternate)
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The costumes are standard UK costume with a black trim weaved through the chain. The costumes are made by Kirsti Reid.
Erin has a full wig that reaches mid back. It is styled with a slight side part (that had only been used in the US and SK productions while UK did only mid parts), a styled front in line with the recent SK stylings, no beehive and soft curls towards the bottom. She wore a crown with a black base at the start of her run but switched to a white base, which had only been used in US productions and cruises at that point. Tamara wears her own hair styled with a side part and the sides pulled back, she also wears a hairpiece that reaches her mid back.
Cleves: Kenedy Small (principal), Ellie Jane Grant (alternate)
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They both have standard UK costumes made by Paul Aspinall (who has made all UK Cleves in recent years) and reveal leotards by Queen of stretch.
Kenedy wears a full wig styled in the usual Cleves updo with braids on the sides and curls styled towards the front and over her forehead; Samuel James wigs who makes all the UK wigs and hairpieces posted a different wig for her that seems to be cut (Ellie has worn her hair styled on a simpler version of the updo in varying heights, but she might get a wig in the future.
Howard: Lou Henry (principal), Izi Maxwell (alternate)
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They both have costumes made by Ella dancewear who is the primary UK Howard maker. The skirts seem to be slightly narrower than usual.
Right at the start Lou wore a base wig with styled bangs in the front and a separate ponytail attached to the wig; she had a different styling with a front poof instead of styled bangs during tech and wig fittings. Mid may she started wearing her own hair as base instead of the wig. Izi wears her hair pulled back into a bun with the ponytail on top in the usual Howard styling.
Parr: Aoife Haakenson (principal), Tamara Morgan (alternate)
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Aoife has a standard UK Parr costume. Tamara´s costume mostly follows the UK style but her pants havea higher waist than usual and her peplum is narrower to accomodate her build. Both costumes are made by AshleighCherrycostumes who is the primary UK Parr maker.
Aoife wears a full wig styled in a version of the braid and ponytail hairstyle that seems to be the new standard for non black Parr actors. She has a french braid on top and the sides pulled back into a ponytail lightly curled on the tips. And a crown on both sides like Roxanne and the SK Parrs. Tamara wears her own hair styled in the curly side ponytail.
Swing: Shakira Simpson
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Shakira has the silver swing costume made by Paul Aspinall. So far she has debuted Aragon, Seymour and Howard wearing the main silver skirt and Parr wearing pants, but from costume maker posts we know she has a Cleves costume. She has a K charm for Howard and likely a B charm for Boleyn. During rehearsals she posted boots with a new heel rhinestone design, but she got the usual silver design by the time she debuted.
She wears her own hair for all the queens she has debuted so far with hairpieces added for some of them. For Aragon she wears her hair pulled back on the sides with a short curled hairpiece and a silver version of the Aragon crown. For Seymour she wears her hair pulled back on the sides, and a mid back lenght hairpiece curled with soft waves. For howard she wears her hair pulled back into a bun and a waist long straight ponytail. For Parr she wears her hair styled in a simmilar way to Aoife with a braid at the front and a ponytail on the back. She wears different lipstick for each queen and regular silver hoop earrings.
Alternates: Ellie Jane Grant, Izi Maxwell
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Ellie has the teal costume for her second and third covers. Her costume is the current standard teal variation with pants and a peplum and a darker blue vinyl. So far she has debuted Boleyn and Parr in this costume. She has interchangeable boot straps in the teal square design.
For Boleyn she wears her own hair styled into spacebuns and has a B charm choker. For Parr she wears her own hair styled to the curly side ponytail.
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Izi has the orange costume for her second and third covers. She has debuted Seymour and Cleves in this costume. The costume is a standard UK orange with pants and peplum likely made by Camden costumes. It has a notable difference in the cutout panels on the front and back of her top being narrower than usual to accomodate for her build. She has interchangeable boot straps in the current orange style with black outlines.
For Seymout she wears her own hair pulled back with a long back hairpiece styled in a very small beehive. For Cleves she wears her hair in an updo with three buns that is the standard for UK alts with straight hair, the buns are likely a hairpiece as her hair is too short to create enough volume. For her promo photo she wore the orange costume and her Parr hairstyle which is the same combination of braid and ponytail Aoife and Tamara wear, in Izi's case it is her own hair styled at the front and a hairpiece for the ponytail in the back.
Note: we have seen tamara in her pink alt costume in promo photos and backstage but she hasn't debuted any queens in pink I didn't add that costume yet. All the alt costumes are likely made by Camden Costumes.
All photos come from the queen's personal instagram or tiktok accounts (@/nicolelouise_lewis, @/lauradawnpyatt_, @/erincaldwellxox, @/kenedysmall, @/louhenry, @/aoife_haakenson, @/s.simpson, @/elliejane.grant, @/izimaxwell, @/tamannemorgan) the six main accounts (@/sixthemusical), and promotional photos are by Pamela Raith (@/peachyraith)
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unwrittenemmy · 2 years ago
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thatoneguyatthecorner · 2 years ago
has anyone got an audio of the new uk tour cast?
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sixthemusicalextras · 10 months ago
@/izimaxwell on Instagram, 25 March 2024
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rookontheice · 2 months ago
PWHL Hit Stats Per Team
There was a lot of interesting comments on my last hit stats post (specifically about the Sirens and Victoire) so I thought I would expand on my findings!
Boston Fleet:
Megan Keller: 25 (league leader)
Emily Brown: 21
Jessica Digirolamo: 21
Shay Maloney: 19
Daniela Pejsova: 13
Minnesota Frost:
Kendall Coyne Schofield: 23
Taylor Heise: 21
Britta Curl-Salemme: 13
Klara Hymlarova: 11
Denisa Křížová: 9
Montréal Victoire
Marie-Philip Poulin: 10
Erin Ambrose: 6
Anna Wilgren: 6
Alexandra Labelle: 5
(Four way tie): 4
New York Sirens: 
Allyson Simpson: 10
Abby Roque: 9
Jamie Bourbonnais: 8
Micah Zandee-Hart: 6
(Six way tie): 5
Ottawa Charge: 
Emily Clark: 16
Aneta Tejralová: 13
Tereza Vanišová: 12
Ronja Savolainen: 10
Jocelyne Larocque: 8
Toronto Sceptres: 
Emma Maltais: 20
Renata Fast: 18
Allie Munroe: 16
Blayre Turnbull: 14
Julia Gosling: 12
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reality-detective · 11 hours ago
This is the list that was compiled from Pastor Bob Joyce (Elvis.) He has said; quite a few who are alive. There are supposed to be over 900 so this 👇 list is still short.
Alive & Faked Death
Elvis (Pastor Bob Joyce)
Bruce & Brandon Lee
Princess Diana
JFKennedy Jr
his wife Caroline
her sister Lauren
Nicole Brown Simpson is Megan Kelly
Glen Campbell
John Denver
Bee Gees
Freddie Mercury
Marilyn Monroe
Isaac Kappy
Patrick Kennedy
Arabella Kennedy
Robin Williams
John Lennon
Yoko Ono
Joan Rivers
Kurt Cobain
Pres. J.F.Kennedy Sr
Kobe Bryant & daughter
Corey Haim
Jimmy Hendrix
Paul Walker
Bob Marley
Chris Farley
Whitney Houston & daughter
Roddy Pipers
Dick Clark
Peter Jennings
Rush Limbaugh -Jim Morrison
Richard Beland
Luther Vandross
Dale Earnhardt
Johnny Cash
Shirley Temple
Janis Joplin
Big Bopper
Buddy Holly
Hank Williams
James Dean
Dennis Wilson
Natalie Wood
Ron McKerman
John Bonham
Heath Ledger
Brittany Murphy
Patrick Swayze
Debbie Reynolds
Annette Funicello
Joe Cocker
Lynn Anderson
Dudley Moore
Ashley Babbitt
Anna Nicole Smith
Elvis brother Jesse
Amy Weinhouse
Jon Benet Ramsey
Heather Rourke
George Michael
Elizabeth Montgomery
7 NASA astronauts
Seth Rich
Marty Fieldman
John Ritter
Sonny Bono
Jeffery Epstein
Mindy McCready
Erin Moran
River Phoenix
Penny Marshall
Donna Summers
Dana Pluto
Andre the Giant
Kenny Rogers
Michael Landon
Theresa Saldana
Bill Paxton
David Canary
Mary Tyler Moore,
Dudley Moore,
Princess Grace Kelly,
Steve McQueen,
John Candy,
Kate Spade,
Mama Cass Elliot,
Michael hutchence,
paula Yates,
Jackie O
George Carlin
Anthony Bourdain
Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Andrew Breitbart
Chris Liddell
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Tom Petty
Lucille Ball
Martin Luther King Jr
Brian Wilson
Chef Anthony B
Davey Jones
Chester Bennington
Chris Cornell
Erin Moran
Florence Henderson
Layne Stanley
Ricky Hendrix
Robert Trump (DJT) brother Patty Duke
Judge Scalia
Paul Newman
Donna Summer
Keith Moon
Mac Miller
Edyie Gorme
Tony Snow-GWBush press sec Brad Nowell
Caleb Logan
Conway Twitty
Keith Wheatley
Teena Marie
Rick James
Frank Zappa
Mickey Mantle
June Cash
Seal Team 6
You Decide 🤔
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randomfoggytiger · 5 months ago
Collector's Edition: Colleagues, and Agents, and A.D.s-- Oh My! (Part I)
For the anon who requested: do you have any fic recs with Mulder and Scully case filing with other law enforcement tasks forces? or general pov outsider?
Loose chronological order below¬
ML/ML_is_me/ml_griffonnage's (Alt. Ao3, Invidiosa)
XF Friday Nights 02 - Space Invader (Ao3)
She was a cool customer, this one. He was impressed by her composure in the midst of this cacophony, curiously at ease in the maelstrom.
Deep Throat observes Mulder and Scully's dynamic.
XF Friday Nights 03 - J. Edgar, Junior (Ao3)
If you want to be a blue-flamer, act like a blue- flamer, was his motto.
Squeeze's Colton is using Scully for his own benefit.
XF Friday Nights 04 - Impertinent Questions (Ao3)
He'd already known it had to be Mulder, and Holtzman probably had already known too. Nothing seemed to set alarms off faster than if word got around Mulder was investigating something. He might as well have a hotline to the NSA.
The Conduit NSA officers' takes on Mulder and Scully.
XF Friday Nights 05 - Warm Bodies (Ao3)
There were rumors a-plenty about Dana Scully, same as Mulder, but Saunders felt there was no point in mentioning those, either. It all amounted to water-cooler gossip; none of them had anything to do with her ability to do her job. Saunders understood the reasons behind those rumors better than Webster or any man ever would, and she would not be a party to them.
Shadows agents end up liking the dynamic duo (and subtly refer back to the Conduit agents.)
XF Friday Nights 07 - COS of Death
His former partner turned toward him. Next to him stood a petite redhead; a real knockout. She must be the whiz kid from Quantico, Dana Scully.
Ghost in the Machine Jerry Lamana observes Mulder and Scully's strange coexistence.
The New Truth, A Project 09x04 - Home Fires 01 (Ao3) and The New Truth, A Project 09x04 - Home Fires 02 (Ao3)
JD had just about given up on Phoebe when she called him. 
AU-- S9 Mulder and Scully are secretly helping the Resistance when an old "friend", Phoebe Green, drops back in with "information."
Evil_Little_Dog's Credibility
The great 'Spooky' Mulder was talking. Pontificating, even.
A random agent observes, then comes to respect, Mulder's abilities.
tiredmoonlight's Stuck in Storage - Chapter 1
Warren took a breath before speaking again. “But half the officers out there are spooked, and no one wants to work the night shift anymore because it’s they’d be all alone.”
S1 Mulder and Scully end up being saved from case shenanigans by the police chief.
Juliettt's Verdict
Guess there *were* advantages to doing the kind of work "Spooky" and "Skulls" did on a daily basis.
FBI agents slipped down to the basement to watch the OJ Simpson trial verdict.
@gaycrouton/OnlyTheInevitable's Nurse Mulder
The young agent stood up immediately and ran over to her. "Agent Scully, I am so sorry," he repeated for the thousandth time.
She walked past him and motioned for him to follow, which he did like a puppy. "Officer Thompson, some sneezes are impossible to suppress. I assure you I bear no grudge. The perp was caught. No one was killed," she rambled half heartedly, trying her best not to walk differently because of her injury.
The local cops (and seasonal allergies) set off a chain reaction of shenanigans for one Mulder and Scully.
Erin M. Blair's (Alt. Ao3) Softball Accident
A pale-faced young FBI Agent Jim Rodgers stood by, looking on helplessly with concern lining on his face.... "I'm sorry, Mulder. I hope you'll feel better. I... feel bad about this."
Scully and a fellow agent drive Mulder to the hospital after a minor baseball injury.
@mulderwearingglasses's (Ao3)
Stupid Cupid (Ao3)
Was everyone going undercover? Was her outfit en route? Was this some kind of bizarre-o dream? Why did everyone look like they were about to do some sort of red carpet event when she was clad in black leggings, a sweatshirt and -- oof -- she didn’t think she’d even run a brush through her hair, gone puffy and scraggly from her post-work couch nap.
Season 4 Scully is called in by Skinner on Valentine's Day... and is surprised that Mulder didn't have a date, like she'd assumed.
If Walls Could Talk (Ao3)
As she walked up to the crime scene -- a dilapidated house in rural Virginia -- local police and her colleagues shot each other bemused looks, ushering coy smirks off their lips. Some turned to their partners to whisper and cover a snicker behind their hands.
S6 Scully's diary is plastered all over the walls of a crime scene.
Anne Haynes's (xf-redux)
Fragile is the Glass
He tried not to react to her statement. So Hollis knew that Scully was having nosebleeds? Was that common knowledge around the Bureau now? He and Scully had tried hard to keep anyone but Skinner from finding out what was going on with her health.
Post Tempus Fugit Mulder and Scully don't disabuse a fellow agent of her Pendrell convictions.
Someone Else's Child (Gossamer) and Shatter
"I wasn't sure about adopting him at first." Pollack folds up the photo sleeves and tucks them back into the wallet. "You hear things about adoptions--I wanted kids of my own, and I was afraid that once they came along, I might treat Mike differently or something because he was someone else's kid."
I feel the memory cresting, hard and painful. I feel the tiny hands curled around my neck, the sweet smell of little girl, the fevered heat of her tiny body in my arms.
Over six months have passed and it still cuts like a razor.
Post Emily Mulder watches the new, hard edges of Scully's character form as she struggles with the loss of her daughter; and opens up about his VCU days, demonstrating that she's not alone.
Rachel Howards's Gypsy
The boulder field, a few hundred yards off of the trail, was steep and wide and required careful footwork. Dana scrambled over her section, above Levison, who had nimbly made her way to the rocky bottom of the slope and was picking her way along the ravine, bounding, surefooted, from rock to rock, peering into the crevices between the largest boulders. Above her, Mulder walked, silhouetted against the sky, the light above him blacking out his features so that all she saw was an outline of his body as he moved, parallel to her, sometimes stooping to examine the rocks.
Post Elegy Scully and Mulder silently stew in their complicated feelings while on a similarly complicated case.
@syntax6's (Gossamer, FFN, omniscribe) The Queen of Hearts
The chief frowned from Scully to Mulder. "You're the alien hunters. Gunther told me he was writing you a pile of nonsense, but I didn't expect you to show up all the way out here."
Post Redux II Mulder is avoiding x-files cases; and it's Scully who insists they get back into the field, and Scully who acts as Mulder 2.0
robot iconography's Still Life With Moth Men
Somewhere in the Apalachicola National Forest Wednesday
Either 4:36 or 4:40 p.m.
AU-- Pre-Detour Skinner forces both agents to attend a team-building seminar. Hijinks ensue.
I love reading other people talking about/observing Mulder and Scully. Please please!
Stonecypher rolls her eyes. “Weird,” she says. “But nice.”
“Gorgeous,” Kinsley repeats, dreamily. “Fox Mulder smells like an anthropomorphic regatta.”
Post Detour Kinsley and Stonecypher swap their thoughts on Mulder and Scully with other interested agents.
Petrichor and Singing of Mount Abora
“This is K9 Officer Jangles,” Scully says, introducing Mulder to the dog. “She’s new.”
Both follow-ups of The Waters of Babylon, Mulder and Scully work alongside other parties to solve two differently horrific cases (while crafting new boundaries for their evolving relationship.)
David Hearne's Hartwell
I admit that I was impressed by Agent Mulder, too. Right after Scully got done with her scientific theories, he started spewing a lot of stuff about vampires, some of which was actually true.
Sheriff Lucius Hartwell's POV on his town, Ronnie Strickland, Mulder, and Scully.
catsndogs's All Creatures
Officer Rogers immediately lost his confidence when she repeated his story almost verbatim: "So you're saying, you're worried because you heard Agent Scully drop her phone and you haven't been able to reach her?" Rogers proposed that that Agent Scully could have dropped her phone into a toilet.
In this unfinished fic, Mulder and Scully try to solve an impossible case-- one in which all signs point to murderous dogs.
Khyber's IMTP Virtual Season 08x03 - Imperial Violet
"Agent Mulder? It's Mulder, right? This is Owen Purcell," he drew out his l's, "the person who's trapped in here with your lovely partner for the night. Dana's out of her head with hunger. Her stomach is making terrifying sounds. I fear for my life. Bring us barbecued ribs, preferably from Nate's. With everything, and whatever the cheesecake special is. I'm guessing she has a weakness for cheesecake."
Mulder works alongside a few helping hands (including TLG) to save Scully and a doctor from Roush's latest infectious disease.
agoodwoman's (WBM) You Are Here
Agent Sherman approached Mulder with an envelope in hand and his camera bag over one shoulder. "Hey Mulder."
Post Detour Skinner gets his revenge by assigning Mulder and Scully to the bullpen for a month.
Every Picture Tells A Story
Yeah, they praised him after, but laughed at him when he suggested an outlandish idea. 
Pre-The End duo are ridiculed as Team Spooky... but they get a picture out of it.
Just Beyond the Edge (Ao3)
“Listen up,” he called to his officers and all chatter stopped. “Not all of you have had the pleasure of meeting the FBI agents yet. This is Agent Mulder and Agent Scully. They are here to help find the missing men.” 
S7 Mulder finds a nice Halloweeny case for Scully: the Tali Keno.
In the Wind
Leaving the morgue and coming back to the motel late at night, she would pick up greasy cheeseburgers and fries, eating them mechanically as she looked over case notes and photos. Mulder had not been around much, as he was busy in the field, helping Detective Hannon, the lead on this case. 
Post Millennium Scully is annoyed by a stupid case (and a flirty female detective on that case.)
Lovesfox's Erroneous Equation
Larger than life, and twice as loud, Tom Colton had hardly changed in the five plus years since Mulder had been blessed with an introduction. The Agent's face was still pudgy and youthful, his eyes still sly and mean. And his artificial jocularity was as stale as the old 'Spooky' joke.
Post One Son Colton drives a wedge between Mulder and Scully.
Pattie's They Call Him AGENT Mulder
Now, I know we all referred to him as "Spooky Mulder" at the F.B.I. Academy, and this reputation persisted years after he had graduated. The legend lived on about him even after I attended and graduated. We all knew he was a target for whispers, looks, even loudly malicious castigation not only throughout the halls of the Academy, but at Hoover's Haunt.
Mulder doesn't have the best track record dealing with annoying or out-of-line agents.
Namarie's (LJ, mulderscreek) Patchwork
"What brought your partner out here?" Deputy Greer asked. He was looking at Scully with frank curiosity.
Scully hesitated. Finally, she decided that the truth was the best option here. "He was investigating the reports of a patchwork creature that had supposedly been seen in the area."
AU-- S6 Mulder gets kidnapped while on an x-file weekend.
Girlie_girl7's Glow
"Agents," Kinsley began, as he looked from Mulder to Scully, "I saw a man."
"It could have been a woman," Stonecypher interrupted.
Kinsley rolled his eyes. "Okay, I saw a being, but it wasn't a person."
S6 Mulder and Scully are bailed out by the Detour agents.
@scully-eats-sushi/ijustknew's You're Not Alone, You're Not Alone II, and You're Not Alone III
Beside him, Springfield chuckled. “No. She gave a couple of my guys a dressing down yesterday over how they were handling bagged evidence. They’re still stinging.”
Post Millennium Scully and Mulder slowly work toward a relationship while solving emotionally strenuous cases.
KatyBlue's Absence of a Heartbeat (Gossamer)
An officer knelt down on Mulder's other side. She didn't know him. He looked young and scared. He had a towel that he placed over the wound. Scully shoved his hands into a good position and pushed down on them to show him the correct amount of pressure. "Press down and don't let up," she ordered.
Scully and a young field agent try to bring Mulder back to life with CPR.
dlynn's If a Frog had Wings . . .
"I'm not sure," he whispered. "Corelli and Mulder were on the trail ahead of me. I heard Mulder say that something didn't feel right and the next thing I knew Corelli was shoving me hard. I landed behind this boulder. I think it protected me from the blast."
Mulder and another agent get trapped under a tree.
Madeleine Partous’s (The Annex) Floaters
Hansen's case was being treated as an internal affair. No local authorities.
"They're keeping it quiet, Scully," he muttered after the second polygraph. "We wouldn't want one of our boys to go down in flames in the media."
Scully is almost murdered by a fellow FBI agent; and she and Mulder must fight against the FBI overhead when she kills her attacker.
TessMooreXF's Armadillo Season
Staring at the pictures of the lake in new-found horror, Scully startled at the sound of a sharp knock on the door. Confused about who could possibly be knocking, she was dismayed to find that private bed and breakfast operations rarely featured peep-holes. Opening the door revealed a clean-cut looking officer waiting in the hallway. He was relatively tall, maybe 5'11, and perhaps 30 years old. His knit brows signified his attempt at sobriety and professionalism, but his face was boyish and friendly. His name tag identified him as Officer Foster.
Kersh sends Scully on a case, solo, that devolves into messy chaos. Mulder arrives to track her down and back her up.
Thalia D'Muse's On the Wings of Destiny
An ear-piercing screech, in the fashion of every door in every old horror movie, filled the hallway as Thomason pushed open the door and took a few steps inside.
When Scully crossed the threshold of the room, an acrid bouquet of smells accosted her nostrils: mildew, animal feces, sweat, dust -- and the unmistakable metallic scent of blood.
S7 Mulder is kidnapped; and Scully scours every crack and crevice in her attempts to find and save him.
Rebecca Rusnak/Anonymous's (mulderscreek, The Annex) Silence, Sea and Sky
Roscoe smiled at them and ambled back towards his office. Scully watched Mulder. He stared straight ahead for a long moment, then looked down at her.
"Want to meet one of the most heinous agents in the history of the Bureau?" he asked.
This case has a little of everything: a jerky guy from the FBI Academy, a little girl that must be saved from a fire, and a broken psychic serial killer courtesy of one Dana Scully.
@mldrgrl's (Ao3) Tumblr drabble prompts of various shades of MSR - Chapter 9
She heard laughter as she approached the door to the office. 
Post Requiem Scully skewers fellow agents mocking Mulder.
Thanks for reading~
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thequeendomeffect-noah · 7 months ago
No one talk to me, I just watched the last 23-24 UK Tour Megasix.
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janedances · 2 years ago
UK Tour 2023-24 Queens!
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Nicole Louise Lewis (Dreamgirls) as ARAGON
Laura Dawn Pyatt (42 Balloons) as BOLEYN
Erin Caldwell (Heathers) as SEYMOUR
Kenedy Small (Wicked Das Musical) as CLEVES
Lou Henry as HOWARD
Aoifie Haakenson as PARR
Completing this cast are the incredible swalts!
Ellie Jane Grant as Aragon/Cleves, Izi Maxwell as Boleyn/Howard, Tamara Morgan as Seymour/Parr and Shakira Simpson as Super Swing!
They begin performances 25th April in Tunbridge Wells!
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