#eric sohn blurb
juhakx · 2 years
Forever- Eric Sohn
Genre: Angst, fluff, fantasy, Fae!Eric, Fae!Y/N
Word Count: 2595
a/n you do not have to have read the series mentioned to understand the plot.
Inspired by the ACOTAR universe (specifically Azriel)
Being turned into a high fae was physically the worst pain of your life. While it made your sister, Chae, great and powerful, you were left feeling empty. Like a void. The human world was your belonging. When your sister first left, you were almost thankful that it didn’t have to be you. 
She got to turn willingly, but nothing about being in this world was something you wanted. When you were taken, you should have seen it coming. Now that the war was over, you had to deal with the consequences of it. 
The entire story was messy and complicated. It was difficult not to be mad at your sister or Sangyeon. Sangyeon, the most powerful fae you had ever laid your eyes on. Though he had granted you a place to stay and live, a part of you wondered what would have happened if you weren’t captured as bait for Sangyeon and Chae to come to rescue you. It worked, however. They came to save you, but you’re not sure how much of it was considered saving if you ended up like this. 
The transition gave you power along with it, a darkness that entrailed you. Not only was it inherent, but you were able to wield it as well. Sangyeon suggested lessons, but you were against them. You would have to train with Younghoon and you didn’t want him to see you like that. 
You had met them all before. When Chae first turned, she brought you over to show you the fae realm and let you meet Sangyeon. He was kind and generous. Beautiful inside and out. Along with meeting Sangyeon came his best friends, Eric and Younghoon. Younghoon didn’t speak much, but he was helpful in your transition more than ever when you returned. He showed you the gardens and helped you eat, doting on you as a brother would. Eric, on the other hand, you could barely even begin to describe. 
He was hot and cold. His warm hand would lead you to the library all whilst bickering with you. Chae even teased you about it when you returned to the human world. Your second time around was much different. He seemed to notice the temporary bandaid that covered your heart. The lack of energy in your step as you walked. The hours spent behind your bedroom door. He didn’t try to push it, but there was still a lingering thought behind his eyes as he watched you. Even then, he would do what Younghoon didn’t. Attempt to speak to you as you did with him when you visited as a human; Bring you books to read; Food to your door when you didn’t leave your room.
“So what color did you like better?” Chae asks, looking around. Sangyeon was out, per Chae’s request. She was picking her dress for the wedding and it was bad luck for a mate to see their partner’s dress before the big day. 
That was another thing. Mates. 
It seemed like it was from a fairytale. One person was made for another. Two halves put together to make a whole. Chae said that every fairie had one, and even humans did too but they didn’t have to power to recognize it. You didn’t want to meet your mate. There was nothing one could do to fix you back up. No matter how much you had first wished for it when you met Eric. Not even Chae knew of those thoughts you had. They felt like a lifetime ago. A reminiscent dream. 
“The blue!” Eunji fervently nodded her head. She sat next to Eric, his hand on top of hers. You tried to believe that it didn’t bother you. Though they weren’t mates, it was bound to click sooner or later. Two best friends turning out to be mates. Another match made from above. 
“Definitely not,” Eric shook his head. He looked over at you. “What do you think Y/N?” 
You snap out of your thoughts, blinking to regain a semblance of being put together. 
“The red looked really lovely on you,” You throw a small smile in Chae’s direction hoping it proved your sincerity. 
“That’s the one I was going to choose,” Eric softly said, encouraging you. 
You didn’t say anything else, your gaze lowering to the hand that Eric removed from Eunji’s. Younghoon seemed to notice the same thing. 
Minutes later, you excuse yourself.
There was no vigor in your step unless you were going to one place in Sangyeon’s residence. The library. 
When you first visited, it was your favorite place to be. Now, however, it had a different purpose. Though Chae would scream at you for hours and you could imagine Sangyeon’s ashamed face, you couldn’t help but research ways to conceal your magic in the human realm. Fae rarely co-existed with humans, but you’re sure that’s where you were meant to be. Here, you felt useless. Your power was darkness and after the war, all you felt was a reminder of those that died in the war. It felt like a part of you died with them as well. 
Chae tried to explain it to you. That your power wasn’t just darkness. It was a connection to the dead. Along with the powers every fae got, your specialty was the afterlife. Sensing the dead, the dread that would come before they died. 
However, that wasn’t the one you wished to wield. 
You were leaving and you were going to find a way to do it without anyone knowing. 
You made sure to leave a note. 
Dearest Chae,
I am so sorry but I do not belong here. I hope you can find it in you to forgive me, but just know that I will be there in spirit when you join yourself forever with Sangyeon. He is perfect for you. I extend my thanks to Sangyeon, but I feel almost burdened to take advantage of his generosity. Please thank Younghoon, Eunji, and Eric as well. They helped me remain sane until I could no longer. Please do not come searching for me. I am safe.
Best, Y/N
Then, you left. While everyone was sleeping, you found a way to winnow out of the realm. It took you a couple of tries and you were panting by the end of it, but you did it. You made it to the human realm and as if it was what you were meant to do, in a clear patch of land, with a flick of your wrist, you made a cabin. 
Studying in the library helped you find out how to winnow, conjure, and most importantly, guard. You put a shield up around your home, making it virtually untraceable, and as soon as you entered, you felt safe. 
You knew that this was where you needed to be. 
The bandaid you covered your heart with was finally peeled, and the first thing you did, was cry. You cried for what felt like hours before you got yourself together. 
And you healed. 
You listened to your power, working with the darkness so it didn’t remain just inside you. Before you left, you took a couple of books from the library Eric had set up to help you learn how to make it so it wasn’t consuming you. You should have taken Sangyeon’s advice months ago and trained with Younghoon because all it took was you using your power to not have it fester within you. 
You spent days reading, and writing. You cooked, conjuring random ingredients up into your pantry to work with. And it took four months before you began to feel okay again. 
However, there was still something that bothered you. You couldn’t put your finger on it but you assumed it was about Chae–Chae worrying about where you were. There was no way to confirm if you were safe, even if you assured her. To ease your mind, you wrote to her again. You wrote to her that you were safe and healing and all about how you even learned how to use your power. And that was that. You walked outside, and threw it up into the air, watching it disappear, confident enough in your powers that you knew it would reach Chae. You stayed outside for just a moment longer and turned, content with the day, but you freeze as you hear a sound behind you.
“Nice place.”
You knew that voice.
“Eric?” You turn, jaw ajar at the man standing before you. 
“Well, are you going to invite me in?” Though he asked, he didn’t wait for your answer as he strode past you, entering the door to your wooden cabin. There was a jest underneath his tone. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask, following him in. You watched him look around, almost embarrassed at what he must be looking at. What you gave up at Sangyeon’s to live in instead. 
“What do you think I’m doing here?” Anger laced his words, almost as if every word was a physical jab. He turns, and your assumptions are confirmed when you see the fury behind his eyes. 
“Answer the question,” You jut your chin out. This wasn’t something he was going to win. He wasn’t going to put you in the wrong when you worked so hard to make things right for yourself. 
“What?” He scoffs, taking a step towards you. “You think I wasn’t tracing your every step, waiting for the moment you used your powers beyond your stupid shield? It’s been four fucking months Y/N. What the hell were you thinking?”
“I’m fine! I’m safe! I had to do this, Eric. I was losing my mind over there. I never belonged there,” You explain, almost pleading for him to understand. 
“Never belonged there? You never even tried! Instead, you ran. Like a coward,” He spits, turning back around. “I would have helped you. I could have helped you. We had no idea where you were for four months. You were safe back there. You were cared for. Looked after.”
Your mind scrambled wondering why this was all happening now. Why Eric seemed to care so much.
“I had thanked everything that was done for me in the letter but–”
“Oh!” Eric laughs, malice coating it. “The letter? The letter where I was an afterthought? I cared–I care about you. Do you think we didn’t deserve something better than a half-assed letter? You think I didn’t deserve better?” 
That’s when it clicked. Eric gasped, feeling the tug to his heart as well. You lurched forward, the distance between you two nearly nonexistent now. 
It was nothing like Chae described it. She said when she knew, she felt like her heart was glowing. This was different, though. It felt like there was an invisible string tying you to Eric’s heart. To your soulmate’s heart. 
“You–” Eric begins, searching your face like he was looking at a brand new one. “You’re my mate.”
It all made sense. Why now, why Eric was acting like this. It was supposed to happen today. The bond between the two of you exposed to each other. It was like a riddle finally being answered. 
Panic seemed to seize Eric’s veins, not knowing what you were thinking.
“Don’t reject the bond,” He blurts, reaching for your hand. You back away, just enough so that he can’t touch you. 
Pain flashes across Eric’s eyes. 
This was something you had wanted for so long, whether you admitted it or not. But now, it seemed impossible knowing it was happening. 
The bond between a soulmate was said to be fate. But, there were ways to reject it. A painful disconnection. But it was written that even then, a part of you would always call for the other. You never planned on rejecting the bond when it was given to you, but you never even imagined ever finding your mate. 
“I wasn’t–” You swallow. “I’m not planning on rejecting the bond.”
Eric’s shoulders sag as if there was tension pulling at them. 
“What does this mean?” You whisper after moments of silence. You knew what it meant for Chae. It meant marriage. A cruel part of you wondered if they had the ceremony even if you weren’t there. 
A cruel part of you wondered if Eric was thinking about you when and if they did. 
“I–” Eric pauses, taking a tentative step forward. When you don’t step back, he takes another. “Ever since you left, there’s been this… It’s like this ache I kept feeling no matter what. I couldn’t place just why I felt like that but I guess it makes sense now.”
Eric’s admission makes you still. You noticed it before, assuming the missing place in your heart was for Chae and the way you left her… 
Now, you realized the missing piece was Eric. He was the last thing you needed to find inner peace. As a fae. 
Never to be a human again.
“I never wanted to be fae,” You blurt out. It comes out wrong–like you were not only admitting to not wanting to be fae–but not wanting a mate either. 
Eric flinches, but he recovers quickly. He always let his emotions show on his face like he didn’t care who saw them. Like he wasn’t afraid of loving so blatantly. 
“And never wanted a mate?” Eric questions, backing up. 
“I didn’t say that,” You whisper, hoping he could realize how you were feeling. The bond wasn’t sealed yet, always done by sharing a meal, so he couldn’t feel your emotions yet. How strongly you wished for things to turn out okay. 
“Then what are you saying?” He searches your eyes for an answer before letting another emotion pass through him. “Please.”
The one word sets you off, words spilling. 
“Eric, when I was human, I used to dream about being your mate. I used to think of all the different scenarios in how it could happen, but now this is actually my life and I wasn’t prepared for any of it. I never thought that it would be a reality. I’m only just now learning how to be myself, I can’t–” Eric reaches for you, cautiously, grabbing your hand. 
“That’s okay,” He consoles, rubbing your hand in circles with his thumb. Calming you down in just seconds. You could feel the tether, still unanswered. “We can figure it out.”
You hadn’t imagined there being a ‘we’ in your new life for years to come. It felt calming to be on your own, but even then, if you learned to start living this life, maybe you could learn how to add people back in. 
“Come back home. We can figure it all out together. Chae needs you home. I need you home,” He whispers. After a few more seconds of silence, he says again, almost dumbfounded. “You’re my mate.”
“Okay,” You whisper, losing a battle with yourself. You were tired of doing everything on your own. The sincerity in Eric’s tone made you understand. You didn’t need time alone or even a place to yourself anymore–You needed Eric. “But I–” You begin, trying to explain how you were feeling. How you had just begun figuring everything out. 
“It’s okay. You don’t need to tell me now. We can take our time,” He lowers his face to make eye contact with you. “You will heal. You have a long time for it. We have a long time for it.”
You guys had forever. 
a/n one day. one day i will stop writing angst based off the fantasy series i have read. today is not that day. by the way, expect 15k words of Sunwoo for his birthday <3
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kimsohn · 9 months
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pairing . eric x gn! reader about . 2k words, fluff (suggestive) warnings . 16+ cause there is heavy making out at the end, drinking wine, mentions of murder but it's all jokes!!
synopsis . it takes one dinner and a late-night drive for you to fall in love with your fiancé all over again. note . the inspo for this fic was @sohnric's plot twist make-out scene (and this pic) i hope i did it justice 💗 i wrote this on a whim and am posting this at 1am so please excuse me for this monstrosity 😭 tysm @juyeonszn and @mars101 for cheering me on YUPP tagging . @stealanity @invuwrld @gfksn (+ bar)
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The background noise of the waiters shuffling around fades away as your two glasses clink together. Vivaldi’s Spring is playing in the background, a piece you’ve only heard once in a blue moon at an orchestra concert. Eric seems to have experienced differently, though, judging by the taps of his dress-shoe-covered foot beneath the table and the twinkle in his eyes.
“Cheers,” you whisper, giddy with excitement.
“Cheers, baby,” Eric whispers back, the corners of his mouth lifting in a grin.
The wine in your glass swishes as you take a tentative sip. It’s sweet and fruity, and you’ve already forgotten the name Eric rattled off to the waiter as if expensive drinks were second nature to him. They probably were second nature to the Sohn family, considering the elegance of this fancy restaurant, the outfit he bought that now adorns you, and the sparkling ring that sits on your finger.
You set the glass down next to you, already a little overwhelmed with the elegance of this atmosphere. You knew you married rich, but it never particularly occurred to you just how rich your fiancé is. In fact, you feel a little out of place sitting in a chair that costs half of your monthly paycheck and staring at a menu that you once never would’ve been able to. Despite already being engaged to the love of your life, you’re not sure you’ll ever find a way to fit into the intricate setting that the Sohns have grown up in.
“What’s wrong?” Eric asks, seeing the glimmer in your eyes dissipate with your overthinking.
He reaches across the table to take your hands in his, running his thumb over your ring. He traces the lines of it, following the swirl pattern as if he were seeing it for the first time. As if he didn’t spend hours agonizing over what design to gift you, so sure that you would reject him if it wasn’t up to your liking.
(You would’ve said yes even if he proposed to you with a lollipop.)
“I feel like I don’t belong here,” you admit, your head hanging low as the embarrassment clouds your features.
He intertwines his fingers with yours, lacing them tightly. Eric is all too knowing of the nagging thoughts in your brain, telling you you’re undeserving of the man in front of you and the wealth that comes along with it. However, you’ve hit the jackpot in the fact that Eric is always ready to argue back with the devil on your shoulder, even if it’s three in the morning and you’re delirious from sleep or if you’re a little bit too tipsy and crying in his lap. Eric, for lack of better words, is always there for you. Even now, as he holds your hands and stares into your eyes as if you’re the only person in the universe, he is here for you.
“I’m going to eat that little voice in your head so it goes away,” he responds a moment later with finality, extremely serious.
The statement is so absurd and unexpected that it has you giggling, and you grip Eric’s fingers tighter as you lean forward and can’t find it in you to stop. All your previous tension disappears when you look into Eric’s eyes, filled with mirth and kindness.
“You’re crazy,” you voice through laughter, reaching for the wine glass to calm your jumbling nerves.
Eric just shakes his head, unable to hold back a smile that reflects your current predicament.
“Crazy for you, babe. Now stop worrying your pretty little head and enjoy your food, okay?”
And enjoy the food you do. The three-course meal followed by dessert has you clutching your stomach after, full and bloated from the amount of delicious food you’ve consumed. You can’t even bring yourself to take a couple more bites of the black forest delicacy that sits on your plate, but luckily, you have the universe to thank for the takeout box that now rests in Eric’s left hand.
His other hand holds the car keys, and as he clicks the unlock button, the Orange Corvette lights up from across the parking garage. Its bright color is exactly reminiscent of the man standing next to you, exuberant and dashing. You felt like a little kid the first time he picked you up in his car, extremely impressed with the interior neon lights he showed off to you in the earlier stages of your relationship. Now, as his fiancé, the car is something comfortable to you, having seen it too many times to count by this point. 
He helps you into the front seat before getting in beside you, one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on the back of your headrest as he backs the car out. You’ll never admit this to him, but the view of him looking back and inching the car out is devilishly handsome to you, and you have to fight the warmth that rises to your cheeks.
Once he repositions the vehicle and drives forward, the hand that’s behind you now moves to your thigh. The shiny watch on his wrist glints in the moonlight, and he absentmindedly draws circles on your clothed skin to the beat of the song. It doesn’t help that it’s an R&B track, so every movement of his finger is slow and torturous, and every trace ignites fire against the cloth. 
“Eric,” you start, watching as he pulls to a stop before the red light.
“Hm?” he responds, turning his head to face you.
You notice that he’s wearing a singular stud earring on his right ear. You can only pray that you’ll find some strength to survive the rest of this car ride because as soon as it’s over, you won’t let him see the light of day.
“How much longer?” you ask tentatively, like a little kid squirming in their seat.
He rolls his eyes, turning back to focus on the road. It doesn’t help though, because his side profile is just as alluring as his front.
“Couple more minutes, baby.”
True to his word, he exits the main road a few minutes later, driving up a dirt path unfamiliar to you. The road is slightly bumpy, and you’re a little tipsy from the wine so you shift around quite frequently, but Eric’s unwavering, strong grip on your thigh keeps you grounded. The more you stare at his hand, the more sexy you find his hand pressed against the silk you’re wearing.
You’re reconsidering your decision to spend the rest of your life with this ridiculously hot man when he pulls into a forest clearing.
“Are you going to murder me, Eric Sohn?” you tease as he parks the car, swiftly maneuvering the wheel.
You move to step out once he’s done, but he’s faster than you, and he opens the car door before you can even reach for the handle.
“If I wanted to murder you,” he says, holding your arm as you step out, “I would’ve already done so, my love.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes, but you have little to be annoyed about as you survey your surroundings. The dark forest around you is a contrast to the vividness of the car, but nothing seems brighter than Eric’s smile at the moment and the twinkling stars around you.
Eric leads you to a clearing, his hand pressed against the small of your back. You peer over, fascinated at the realization that you can see the whole city from here. The twinkling lights of the bustling city below you are something of a dream, and as you look towards Eric, you can see the stars reflected in his eyes.
Minutes like these, where you’re not surrounded by extravagance, are when you truly feel your connection with Eric. Raw, unearthed, and simply pure, you feel like you’re stripped of all labels. You both are just insignificant specks in the universe, and he is truly just some guy to you in this moment, but you know wholeheartedly that this very guy is the one you truly love. You would never have it any other way.
The grin on Eric’s face is infectious as you face him with one of your own. You wrap your hands around the back of his neck, clasping them together as his arms find their way around your waist. 
“Found this place the other day,” he explains as if he could hear your thoughts, “I kinda regret not proposing to you here.”
“Don’t lie,” you mutter, knowing that he definitely does not regret whisking you away to his private condo in the mountains just to put a ring on your finger.
He laughs, pressing his forehead against yours. The cicadas chirp around you, and all is silent when he calms down except for your two breaths in unison. His gaze circulates from your eyes to your lips and then back to your eyes, and whatever triangle method he’s using is working because one second later, you lean in to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
He tastes like strawberries, and you smile against his lips remembering that you’d gifted him strawberry lip balm two days ago. Your man, your sexy, diligent man, following your orders to take care of his lips stirs butterflies in your stomach. The fact that you hold some kind of power over the Sohn family’s heir makes you feel a little dizzy, but your only response is to pull Eric closer and kiss him harder.
The sweetness of both the strawberry scent and the kiss fade as he presses back with just as fervor, adjusting his arms around you to pull you in tighter. The space between you feels unbearable, and despite the proximity between you two, the gap is still too big for your liking. You need him viscerally, every part of him on you as if the very concept of distance is poisonous and Eric is your antidote.
“Baby,” he whispers, pulling back with shallow breaths, “the car.”
You end up in the front seat of his car, the seat tilted backward and you in Eric’s lap. One of his knees holds you in place against your back, and his hands rest on your waist. The position is far too intimate that anyone walking by will know exactly what’s going on. Your kisses have turned heady, mirroring the darkness in his eyes and the way you clutch onto the front of his black shirt. You work on unbuttoning his shirt, but Eric distracts you with his tongue swiping across your lips and the way he softly bites when you protest. By some miracle, you finish moments later, and you run your hands down his skin. He shivers, and everything feels like pure electricity between you two the way his fingers press into your sides tighter. 
(It will bruise tomorrow, but you don’t care. You’ll simply shrug on a shirt and try to fight a blush as Eric stares at you from the bed shirtless, a knowing grin on his face.)
His kisses trail down your lips, your cheeks, and your neck, finally finding a home in your collarbone, biting and sucking as if it was his favorite pastime. It probably is, with the way he kisses down your shoulder and tugs the strap of clothing down.
Your fingers trace his collarbone, and you hold his head in your hands as he looks up at you. He’s needy and restless, but he’ll always listen to you when you have something to say.
You may be an insignificant speck in the world, but in Eric’s eyes, you’re the whole universe.
“I love you,” you whisper.
It’s all you have to say before he flips you around, pressing you into the dip of the seat as he slides your clothing down. The air conditioning of the car and the ambient music bring goosebumps to your now exposed skin, but Eric makes everything disappear by resuming his previous ministrations.
He looks into your eyes before pressing a kiss right above your heart. It beats against your chest, heavy, and Eric knows it’s only for him. It will always be only for him.
“I love you too,” he whispers back, smiling against your skin.
“Forever and always.”
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daisyvisions · 1 year
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Random thot: thinking about playing hide and seek with a tbz member.
You were both invited to a house party and it's at the point where everyone is drunk as hell and someone suggests to play hide and seek in the house so you decide to run into a closet to hide.
You don't realize that a tbz member is also hiding in the same closet as you. The problem? there's a LOT of sexual tension between the two of you, even before the party. Just generally the air seems to get tighter every time you're around one another but both of you are too in-denial or dumb about your feelings.
So while you peek through the slits of the closet door, he also peeks with you, unintentionally whispering in your ear and it makes you get fucking wet. You gasp at the sudden feeling of his hot breath near your ear and he suddenly freaks out that he's so close to you that he can practically smell the shampoo on your head
You end up turning around to meet him but again, both of you didnt realize how close your faces are to one another that when you turn around your lips lightly brush. You both freeze. Is this really happening right now?
None of you remember who made the first move, but you both end up desperately kissing and touching one another, sticking tongue in each other's throats while his fingers deliciously abuse your core while you stroke his cock. You both cum together, just moaning in each other's mouths like your breathing each other's air 😮‍💨
Thank god the seeker was drunk and forgot about looking for the two of you that night....
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hannie-dul-set · 9 months
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— arranged by: member (eldest to youngest) | date (latest to oldest) | type (full-length to drabbles to blurbs) i don’t recommend reading my older works because they’re terrible. still putting them on here for the sake of bookkeeping | last updated: 23.12.18
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A REMEDY FOR BROKEN BONES. drabble game; “wait, no, don’t take kissing away from me” + “that was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done”.
PAIRING. eric sohn x reader. GENRE. established relationship! au, hospital! au, fluff, humor, skater boi bf eric. WARNINGS. mentions of injuries, hospitals, as well as slightly descriptive kissing. WORD COUNT. 757.
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THE BOYZ MASTERLIST. © hannie-dul-set.
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idyllic-ghost · 4 months
Hii!! It’s been so long since I sent something in but I saw you were doing a event so I wanted to request something if that’s ok 😅 I was thinking of a angst and fluff blurb/drabble based around “Everything I didn’t say” by 5SOS for Eric Sohn of The Boyz? My idea was Eric and the reader (she/her) were childhood best friends and started dating then Eric goes to join The Boyz as a member in Korea and over time he starts putting less effort and attention into their relationship thinking she would always be there (like she always was growing up) but the reader breaks up with him. I was thinking a few months or even years pass but both of them don’t move on from each other and then they meet again back at their hometown (which is Orange County, California for Eric irl so that works!). The reader is worried/nervous at first because what if Eric still can’t handle a relationship? but Eric shows all the letters he saved from their relationship and all the songs that he wrote about/for her plus that he has grown/matured and says that they can take it whatever pace she needs too so in the end they do end up together again and it’s a happy ending!! I thought this storyline and song would be a good one for Eric plus it’s one of my favorite songs so I wanted to offer the idea. I’m sorry for having so many ideas/details but thank you so much if you end up doing it!! - 🐼 anon (I have missed you btw, I hope you are doing well 💖 I will try to be more active here!!)
hi 🐼!! i’ve missed you too! i’m doing very well, i hope you are too :))
i love your idea, but it’s a little too long to put in a drabble sadly. if you want me to write a specific part of this, i’ll see what i can do! otherwise, i sadly don’t have time to write this for you :(
mini-event info!
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hwaflms · 3 years
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𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚!⭒classmate!eric x reader 𖦹  𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗘! ⭒suggestive 𖦹  𝗪𝗖!⭒1k 𖦹 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦! ⭒highly suggestive content (no explicit sex), a lot of heavy making out, swearing
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[ 11:47 a.m.] "shh, eric, shut the fuck up, you're gonna get us caught."
"i bet you'd like that–"
he probably was going to get the two of you caught one of these days. it was ironic how he said you'd be the one to enjoy it when part of you thinks he gets off on the thought of getting caught, the idea of someone walking in on the both of you doing something you shouldn't be doing typically something that would appeal to him.
pushing open the door of the janitor's closet, you walk in, eric stumbling in noisily after you. you turn to glare at him, only for him to grin innocently back at you in return, shutting the door and locking it. ah, that lock.
something about the whole risqué nature of yours and eric's escapades caused a whole different type of warmth to pool in your stomach; the lying about feeling sick and needing to pay the nurse a visit, the sneaking around campus to find a place to make out, the hushed giggles, the janitor's closet itself.
the locking of the door was really the cherry on top, the icing on the cake. oh, and not to mention the way eric was looking at you now and how that served to dampen your panties.
finally positioned the way you liked it– you with your back against the door, peering up at him and eric towering over you, a singular hand placed slightly above your head, effectively caging you and holding you in place– you released a sigh, clasping your hands behind your back and smiling up at eric.
"hi", you giggled, making him let out a half-scoff and half-laugh, bringing a hand up to daintily caress the side of your face, picking a loose strand of hair between his fingers and twirling it around one sensually. "hi", he replied sarcastically, tucking the lock of hair behind your ear and leaning in a little closer with a small smile.
"i think we might need to find a new place from now on. i have a feeling that mr. kwon is getting suspicious about how this stupid bucket is always knocked over", you inform him, glancing at the said bucket that had toppled over due to eric's usual clumsiness.
"but i like this closet. it's so cosy and so, so tight", he remarked, voice gradually growing deeper as the sentence progressed. you let out a huff, drawing patterns on his firm chest with your nail ever so slowly, catching your bottom lip between your teeth while looking up at him. "is that so? what else is...tight in this room?" you preened, dragging your nail down his chest, bringing out a groan from him.
"hmm let's see. how about your little cunt", he smirked in an almost sadistic manner, your eyes widening at his brashness, only to narrow with a playful glint. "oh yeah? maybe it's because you just can't fuck it right, sohn."
his own eyes narrow as well, gaze darkening when his hand came up to wrap around your neck, giving it a light squeeze. "you're asking for trouble, princess", he said, tone light and airy when his actions proved to be contradictory, hand tightening and lip curving up slightly.
"and what are you gonna do about it?", you challenged, knowing you pushed all the right buttons when he lets out a low growl, crashing his lips onto yours hungrily. the kiss is a fierce one, full of aggressive tongues and clashing teeth, hands messily roaming the expanses of each other.
his lips move together with yours in a way that shows that he is in control of the kiss, tongue swirling around as if exploring you, mouth devouring yours furiously. his hand moves away from your neck and finds its way to your breast, squeezing and kneading it in his palm harshly, causing you to cry out into his mouth.
he manages to suck your tongue into his mouth, lips sliding up and down the length of it before attaching them back to yours for another kiss just as passionate as the last. his soft, pretty lips move on to commence their attack on your neck, licking, sucking and biting at your supple skin.
tilting your head back and moving your hair to your other shoulder, you allow him more access to your neck and an efficient way for him to grab a fistful of your hair into a makeshift ponytail, tugging on it just enough for it to sting yet feel pleasurable.
his curious hands find their way to your ass, tugging you up and into him before delivering a sharp slap to your ass cheek and grabbing a handful of it.
"god, i love this fucking uniform", he moans out against your mouth. "this short little skirt on you, giving me such easy access to this perfect ass of yours." with that, he brings his hand down against your ass sharply another time, delivering a resounding slap and grinding his hips into yours. he flips your skirt up, slipping his hands under your panties and grabbing your bare ass, giving it a tight squeeze which elicited a breathy sigh from you.
finally pulling away, a string of saliva connected your mouths, both of your lips red and puffy, chests heaving and pupils dilated. two of his fingers travel up your body to break the string, the spit now coating them and he holds them up to your mouth, tapping your bottom lip and mouthing "ahh". rolling your eyes, you still obliged and parted your lips, allowing for him to shove his fingers in, sucking them dry.
he let out an uncharacteristically broken sigh, eyes boring into yours before leaning in to lick a stripe in between your now pouting lips. he places his hands on your shoulders, the lust and desire that he felt practically radiating off of him. "on your knees, baby."
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kpopsfic · 3 years
oblivious ꩜ eric sohn
pairing: eric sohn x gender neutral reader
genre: high school au, best friends to lovers, fluff, angst
warnings: cursing, a kind of dumb and very oblivious reader, cheating (idk if this is a warning but oh well lol), hyunjae is depicted as a pos
word count: 2.3k
written by: tiff
description: you’re constantly dating people who don’t treat you well and eric is always by your side, even if you’re a dumbass.
a/n: i wrote this sooo long ago and i apologize if there’s any inaccuracies or plot holes. i just wanted to post something about eric since deobis have been missing him a lot lately. hope you enjoy!
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You always considered yourself fortunate to have Eric Sohn in your life. From the moment the two of you were born, you were pretty much inseparable. He had been there for you through everything that had ever happened to you in life, and you were there for him the same way.
From the first day of kindergarten to the awkward puberty phase of middle school up until now, where you were about to graduate high school and were finalizing what colleges you wanted to attend in the fall. You were always so grateful for him, especially in the times you needed him.
Especially now as you shakily dialed his number, holding your phone up to your ear and covering your mouth in an attempt to stifle the sob that threatened to slip past your lips. However, the moment you heard his voice sleepily mutter a quiet “what’s up?” guilt weighed down your entire body.
“Did i wake you?” you asked, trying your absolute hardest to keep your voice even. but, he knew you better than anyone on the planet, and instantly knew something was wrong.
“Y/N, talk to me, tell me what’s wrong,” his voice was laden with concern, “and don’t try to tell me nothing because I know you’d be lying.”
You chuckled, ironically, sniffling a bit as you finally said, “I think Hyunjae cheated on me.”
A heavy silence filled the other end of the line. You knew Eric had ill feelings toward him the moment you introduced the two, but you stayed with him despite all of Eric’s warnings. You wouldn’t be surprised if your best friend immediately started in on the “I told you so” and “you should have listened to me,” but instead, he abruptly ended the call. you instantly started texting him.
𝗬𝗢𝗨: eric for the love of god please don’t go to his house
𝗬𝗢𝗨: if you do i will never forgive you
𝗬𝗢𝗨: i mean it
Despite all of your texting, he never replied to any of your messages. You sighed in defeat, flopping back onto your bed with fresh tears streaming down your face. You couldn’t help but stare at the video of your boyfriend - if you could even call him that at this point - kissing someone who was definitely not you.
How could you be so stupid? How could you not listen to the one person you trusted the most in this world? If you had, you wouldn’t be in the position you are now. You wouldn’t be feeling so heartbroken. You couldn’t help but text Eric again in hopes he would reply to you soon.
𝗬𝗢𝗨: i’m sorry for not listening to you
𝗬𝗢𝗨: i knew there was a chance of this happening and still got into a relationship with him anyway
𝗬𝗢𝗨: and then woke you up only to more than likely annoy you
𝗬𝗢𝗨: just…. please don’t bring harm to him, i’m afraid he’ll do something worse to you too.
You tossed your phone to the side, covering your face with your hands and letting a quiet, muffled sob rumble in your chest. You were too absorbed in your own thoughts to even hear the loud footsteps in the hallway or your door barging open. You only took notice when a weight was sinking down on the other side of your bed and a pair of arms were pulling you into their chest.
“What are you crying for, dummy?” upon hearing his voice in your ear, your practically melted into him, your tears soaking into the fabric on his shoulder.
He pulled you closer, squeezing your frame tightly against his own with a sad sigh. He hated seeing you like this, especially over a boy who didn’t give you the time of day to begin with. He just wished you weren’t so oblivious about what he felt for you.
Oblivious to how he could treat you so much better.
Finally, you pulled away and look up at him, wiping underneath of your eyes with a quiet sniffle, “I can’t talk about it here, I don’t want my parents to hear.”
“Let’s go out for a drive then,” Eric stated.
“Dude, it’s 11:00 on a school night, there’s no way they will let me leave,” you replied, half-heartedly gesturing to your desk, “besides, I have work I have to do.”
“Do you really think you’re gonna do your homework in the state you’re in right now? Because I don’t,” he countered, his eyebrow raised slightly as if to question you.
You shrugged at his words, “even if you’re right, my parents still won’t let me leave.”
Eric clapped his hand onto your shoulder, a sly grin stretching across his thin lips, “that’s why we sneak out, idiot. When I came in I told them I was bringing you a textbook you left at my house. When I leave, just climb out your window and meet me at my car.”
He didn’t really give you much of a chance to answer before he was practically vaulting himself off of his bed and out of your room, closing the door tightly behind him. You sighed, shaking your head.
If you got caught, he was taking the blame.
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Once you were finally far enough away from your house to stop worrying, you relaxed into the passenger seat of Eric’s car and willed yourself not to start full blown crying again. He was the first to break the silence.
“How did you find out?”
You stared down at your lap, messing with a loose string at the end of one of your hoodie sleeves, “he went to a party with Kevin and Sangyeon. Apparently Chanhee as there too because he was the one who sent me the video.”
Eric’s grip on the steering wheel tightened and you could visibly see his jaw clench at your words, “they had the audacity to send you a video of it?”
You nodded, “at the end Hyunjae realized what was happened and practically begged Chanhee to turn off the camera. He said something along the lines of if I found out, I wasn’t going to let him live it down.”
After that, you continued to rant, allowing everything to be said into the open and lift the weight off your shoulders. Throughout all of it, Eric kept his eyes on the road but his ears open, listening to everything you had to say. He wanted you to feel like your feelings mattered and that he would always be by your side, no matter what.
Because he always would be, even if it broke his heart.
Despite the breakdown you had over Hyunjae, you still decided to give him a second chance. You talked with him and told him the next time anything of the sort happened, the two of you were done for good. Needless to say, Eric was more than pissed.
The moment he saw you walking hand in hand with the same man that cheated on you in the hallway, he saw red. You had only caught a glimpse of your best friend before he was storming out of the double doors, leaving school entirely.
Once fully settled in his car, he hit his hands roughly against the steering wheel, frustrated tears gliding down his face almost effortlessly at this point. When were you going to learn that you deserved better? When were you going to learn that when someone cheats once, they almost always do it again? When were you going to actually give a damn about yourself?
When were you going to acknowledge him?
As if on a queue, his phone chimed to several messages from you, ones of which expressed your concern as to why he was leaving school.
𝗬𝗢𝗨: are you okay?
𝗬𝗢𝗨: do you feel sick?
𝗬𝗢𝗨: do you want me to come with you?
𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗖: i’m fine. just didn’t feel up to being here today.
𝗬𝗢𝗨: do you want company?
𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗖: no, it’s okay. i just need to clear my head. besides, you have a test today.
𝗬𝗢𝗨: okay… be safe wherever you go today.
𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗖: i will.
𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗖: y/n?
𝗬𝗢𝗨: what?
𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗖: keep your guards up this time. i know for a fact he won’t hesitate to hurt you again.
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You really wished that Eric’s advice would stop being right.
Here you were, once again, feeling your heart shatter into a million pieces. All because Lee Hyunjae didn’t know how to keep his hands to himself when he was around other people that weren’t you.
After receiving a plethora of unledgible texts from you, he was able to only make out that you needed to skip school and wanted him to come with you. He didn’t mind the skipping, really, because he hated school anyway so it was never an issue.
However, what he didn’t expect was to find you stumbling out of the bathroom with tear stained cheeks a puffy eyes. He didn’t even need to hear you say what happened before he already knew your current state was because of Hyunjae. Sighing, he grabbed your arm and practically drug you out to his car.
Once the both of you were inside, he began driving out to the spot you always went to whenever you wanted to skip class because you knew nobody would ever find you there; the creek.
The drive there was painfully silently, the car only filled with your cries and sniffles every once in a while. You could sense that Eric was fuming next to you, and you didn’t dare speak until he asked you to explain what happened this time. Within minutes you were parked in your spot, sitting at the edge of the creek with your legs drawn up to your chest. Eric studied you for a moment before he finally decided to start talking.
“Why do you always settle for the people who you know will find some way to break you?” his tone was slightly bitter as he spoke, “why do you always settle for scum?”
You were taken aback by his questions, “I- what? since when has anyone other than Hyunjae been scum? Please, enlighten me, Eric.”
“Hmm let’s see… Juyeon put you down every chance he could get, Younghoon never cared about your opinion or what you had to say, and Hyunjae cheated on you, and with every single one I told you they were gonna treat you horribly. Do I really need to continue?” he didn’t hesitate to spit out a list to you, and you felt anger beginning to bubble up in your stomach.
“Since when do you get to decide who I should and shouldn’t date?” you fired back.
“I never said that, Y/N, but I told you before all three of those relationships that you should seriously take into account how their last ones ended. I was right about them all, especially Hyunjae, and you still went back to him anyway.”
You scoffed, staring out ahead of you, “I cannot believe you just said that to me. As a best friend you’re supposed to comfort me now and tell me later that I was an idiot and needed to do better.”
Eric rose to his feet, and started to pace back and fourth along the bank of the creek. He was fuming, and you knew it. You followed suit, standing up to start walking in the opposite direction of him before his words stopped you.
“I just want to know why you gave him a second chance after he broke you so badly the first time.”
You sighed, “I don’t know, Eric. I guess I just enjoy the feeling of someone loving me even if it’s twisted.”
“You deserve someone who truly loves you.”
You laughed sadly, stating, “well in case you haven’t noticed, nobody in my life seems to love me like that.”
Something within Eric seemed to snap, and the next thing you knew, his voice was echoing throughout the woods surrounding the creek, “I do!”
“What?” the tone of surprise was evident in your voice, “Eric, what are y-“
“I love you, okay? I have loved you from the beginning of our high school career all the way up until now. I have loved you even when you were at the lowest points in your life. I’ve loved you even when you were dating those shitty people,” he yelled, “and it has broken my fucking heart every time I have to see you get walked all over and every time you’re completely oblivious to me.”
He began to walk closer to you, standing only a few feet away from you now, his chest heaving and pain dancing effortlessly in his eyes, “I love you, Y/N, why can’t you see that?”
A small silence fell between the two of you before you quietly said, “I’ve been oblivious to you because I’m afraid of losing the one person I have ever truly cared about on this earth. If we were to ever date and break up, I really don’t think I could handle it.”
“You’re not gonna lose me,” eric’s voice cracked, but you could tell how genuine his words were, “even if you don’t feel the same, I’m content with loving you without it being returned. At least this way I can still have you in my life.”
Without any hesitation, you closed the distance between the two of you and pressed your lips against his own, taking the taller boy by surprise before he finally melted into you, his hands cupping your face gently. You pulled away, looking into his eyes before saying, “a part of me has loved you this whole time too, I’ve just been too afraid to admit to myself, let alone you.”
Eric only kissed you again, this time with the reassurance that you would never lose him, that he would never treat you the way any of the other people did. Somehow, you knew everything was going to be okay.
It always was when you were with him.
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jukyuu · 3 years
pairing: best friend! eric x reader
genre: fluff, slight bff2l!AU? idk LMAO
warnings: none, i think
word count: 300 words
a/n: first work for the boyz!!! hopefully it doesnt disappoint hehe <33
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Eric likes it when you come over for movie nights. He likes how excited you look as he opens the door, he likes how you bring snacks and ice cream for you to eat during the movie.
Eric also is very mesmerized by your little signs of affection, laying your head on his shoulder, handing him another bag of chips when you notice him fiddling with the previous one, your fingers that move close to his. He wants to hold them.
But instead, he has them in his hair, running soothingly against his head. Eric relaxes in your hold, sighing at the feeling of you ruffling his hair around, playing around with the soft strands. You're into your second movie, and he's already sleepy. He'll blame it on the warm pastries you brought earlier.
But instead, he has them in his hair, running soothingly against his head. Eric relaxes in your hold, sighing at the feeling of you ruffling his hair around, playing around with the soft strands. You're into your second movie, and he's already sleepy. He'll blame it on the warm pastries you brought earlier.
You continue to rake your fingers through Eric's hair, he realizes he loves how soft your hands are, how warm they always are, how they hold so much care.
Eric loves it when you attempt a small braid, and your chuckle when it falls apart so easily. He loves how you fiddle with the strands that cover his eyes, loves how you mumble out how his hair is so messy because of your doings. He loves it when you push his hair out of the way from his eyes, and he loves how you lean down and leave the softest lingering kiss on the tip of his nose.
And as you throw your head back with flustered laughs, Eric realizes, he loves you.
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enluv · 3 years
level #14 – the big speech
wc; 926!
genre/warning(s): written content, angst, cheesy tooth rotting sweet fluff, beomgyu is so cute pls :(
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Beomgyu's nerves heighten as he watches you walk down the long red carpet into the Gala's home building. He'd shown up twenty minutes earlier with Yeonjun and Soobin, Hueningkai and Taehyun having already started hosting a few hours before. He knew you'd be there but he was still in awe at the way you'd walked out wearing the purple dress your best friends had chosen for you. They'd told him before hand what you'd be wearing so it was easier to spot you when he gave his speech.
Speaking of his speech, it was long. The longest thing he'd ever written probably, but every word meant so much. His time was short and if he was going to confess his love for you, he might as well go out with a boom while doing it.
Hueningkai's tall form walks towards him holding a mic, he'd just finished interviewing the last round of celebrities arriving and was now moving to the stage. Food would be severed shortly and then the moment Beomgyu had been preparing for would come.
"You look constipated," Hueningkai jokes trying to get his friend to laugh but to no end doesn't it work.
"Do you think she hopes we don't run into each other? She looks really happy with Eric and Sunwoo."
Hueningkai sighs, as his attempts fail at making Beomgyu's mood brighten. "Honestly Gyu, I think she's just trying to have a good time tonight, after everything that's happened, you're probably the last thing on her mind, but that's why you need to tell her how you feel. It'll get her to see you like she once did and things will be okay again."
The seating arrangement wasn't necessarily picked by anyone. The company hosting the gala had made a pre-planned seating chart and to his dismay, Beomgyu and his friends sat right next to your table.
Dinner was awkward to say the least, stolen glances and burning stares from the other really topped it off, but thankfully it went quickly, and soon came the winners speeches. Eric was up first, second was Felix, after him Chanhee, then Hyunjin, and finally, Beomgyu.
"...well it was a ride, but thank you to those who supported me throughout it all! This one's for you, my lovely supporters!" Hyunjin's final words fly past Beomgyu's head as he's quickly handed a mic.
"It's your turn Beomgyu. Good luck!" Taehyun ushers the boy on stage as quickly as possible and with his cards in hand he walks slowly towards the black podium in the middle.
His sticky hands set down the cards as neatly as possible while he tries to remain focused on the most important target in the room, you.
"Hello, sorry for the nerves, feeling a bit of pressure after all those amazing speeches before me," he jokes lightly, "I'll be honest, if you'd told me that I was going to be standing infront of all of you, here at the iconic Gaming Gala a year ago, I'd have laughed in your face and went on studying for midterms. Yet, here I am today, a year later thriving in my field and fully appreciative of that. I want to thank everyone who pushed me to follow my dreams, and kept me on the right track. My tomorrow brother's who continued to push streaming onto me even when I continuously said no, my manager who puts up with my "brat-like" attitude as some reporters would say, but most importantly there is someone here tonight that I'd like to thank profusely, and that's my girl," his hand points outward at you and the crowd surrounding him begins to murmur as all eyes turn to you, seated smack in the middle of your cheesing best friends.
"Y/N, without you there would be no me. If you hadn't left I wouldn't have been #1 and if you hadn't come back I would have never dmed you about getting that spot back, but most importantly if you hadn't shown me love and compassion I'd be lost in fame and money. You are the reason I want to continue doing what I love most, you are the reason I smile, the reason I go out and face this crazy ass world. I know that a lot has happened between us but I'm glad it did because if we never met, I'd be stuck and alone, never finding my purpose, which is to be my happiest in life, with you. I really do love you."
The crowd around you let's out a course of "awe's" and "wow", and Beomgyu knows he's done good when your eyes roll and you smile up at him from your seat at the table next to his. You may still have a lot to talk about but he knows things will be okay now.
As he walks off the stage, you're standing to the right waiting for him. His once confident demeanor falters, as he now has to face the reality of if you'll take him back into your life or not.
You awkwardly give him a wave and his heart beats faster. Maybe he should turn the other way – no he needs to do this, even if you tell him to get lost forever.
"Hi," he breathes stopping only a few feet in front of you.
"Hi gyu, heard you love me or whatever."
His smile widens at your words. He really does love you and if he has to spend days, weeks, months, even years reminding you he will.
"Yeah I do love you."
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masterlist | prev.
taglist - @bloom-bloom-pow @igyus @beomjunies @envirae @whatinthebts @jcngseongs @tyunningfiles @k6ho @spookybias @changmin-wrlds @junityy @sukirene @viscoolreal @faiirybread @vantxx95 @strwberrydinosaur @milkycloudtyg @nyfwyeonjun @staysstrays @jakeycore @lcvekdy @icywhatim @hjinnie @msxflower @lovebeomb @bbeomies @lokideadontheinside @eeheeeh @onigiriyuki @damselindistressanu @akaashisbunny @jjikyuu @ikyk-leeknow @softkons @loonathewurld @pr0dbeomgyu @hanniesss @sunooflowerss @gothmingguk @dongyucks @w3bqrl @baekhyunstruly @korejijiyo @soobsdior @shawnkneecaps @wooyoponyo @hobizi @032421 @meiiiwa @90s-belladonna @eclisqc (users in bold can't be tagged)
taglist: is CLOSED!
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lov3ric · 3 years
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summer nights | s.yj x gn!reader
word count | 1.6k
warnings | none
genre | fluff uwu
requested | yes "Sbsijabuhshudhjd first of all I love your dni? It's so simple and to the point but bits all the main points andit's amazing. Second of all do you think you could do some sort of Eric lifeguard/ beach au?"
a/n | ahhh I was so excited when I saw this request hehe, hopefully I did it justice and you enjoy :DD also @moonshineboyz hehe :D
it was the first day of summer break, your first grueling year of college was finally over and you and your best friends decided to rent a beach house for the first two weeks of break. once you all arrived and got situated in the house you ran for the beach, the beach was actually like the backyard of the house. all you had to do was slide open the back door and cross the narrow street and you were met with the fine, hot sand of the beach.
it was the first day, you all got ready bright and early in the morning to go watch the first wave of early surfers. a few of your friends were going to surf too though, you’d always wanted to learn but never really had time. and for now you were content with just enjoying the show. time passed quickly and the first wave of early morning surfers departed, the sun began to shine down onto the sand and the few friends who were surfing came back to set their boards in the sand. soon enough it was afternoon and you were all in the water, some surfing, some splashing others, and some casually wading through the water.
after some time you step away from the group to reapply your sunscreen. you stood up, making your way back to the array of colorful beach towels each belonging to one of you, and squatted while rummaging through your bag to find the sunscreen. eventually, you find it and stand up, but hit your head on the umbrella directly above, “ouch-” you hiss and rub the crown of your head. “hey-” you hear a voice from behind say while chuckling slightly, “you okay there?” you turn around only to be met with a boy around your age, with a tall, athletic build and deep brown eyes. “o-oh” you jump a little startled by him, you weren’t sure what you had been expecting but it certainly wasn't him. “yeah I’m fine, just hit my head on the big ass umbrella” you shake your head and he nods with a laugh.
“be more careful next time, never know what’ll be enough to concuss that pretty little head of yours” eric says half-joking about the concussion part, before winking at you and running back down the beach. you stared at him, awestruck and your eyes followed him until he eventually reaches a lifeguard tower and climbs up. “Oh, a lifeguard? hm, I guess that makes sense” you shrug, nodding slightly while remembering the bright red shorts he had been wearing. you stare off for a few more moments before a pair of hands rests on your shoulders, gripping tightly from behind. “hey y/n! You took forever and we’re all done in the water so we’re gonna head back and then get ready to get dinner at this place on the pier” she grins before beginning to pack everything up and you do the same.
that night at dinner you sat at the table, surrounded by friends, overlooking the water as a cool breeze swept through the air. it was perfect, the evening went on without a hitch and everyone could tell that this would be the perfect getaway. yet the entire night, only one thing...well person, was on your mind. “that damn lifeguard.” you huff under your breath, fist just barely slamming down onto the table gently. later on, after arriving at the house, you all settled in and got ready for bed. turned over on your side, with the comforter pulled tightly around you as you thought aloud, “i don’t even know his name-” you sigh softly before drifting off to sleep.
the next few days passed in a flash, filled with busy days, doing essentially everything you can at the beach. you saw him occasionally from afar but never had another close encounter with him like that day. before you knew it the last day had approached, it was already friday and you were set to leave on saturday morning. “this whole time and I never saw him again” you groan and lay on your back, sprawled on the cool hardwood floors of the house.
all of a sudden one of your friends comes bursting through the door, “guys! Guess what? there's a party on the beach tonight that some of the other surfers told me about, and they invited all of us” she grins while scanning the room “we should probably head down there around 8 so you have a few hours to rest up and get ready” she hums before turning on her heel and heading to the bedrooms.
“ugh, is it worth it though? it’s just gonna be a bunch of drunk people, nothing we can’t see at parties we normally go to” you groan softly before hearing a voice behind you. “not even if that cute lifeguard is there?” you turn to see another of your friends teasing while raising a brow. “I- how did you even know about him?” you state, mouth dropped open slightly while clutching a pillow to your chest. “it was obvious, a few of us were watching you guys the other day when you were putting on sunscreen,” they say, eliciting a string of laughs from a few others.
“well- no, he probably won't be there. I shouldn't get my hopes up” you sigh and sit up, scratching the back of your head. “i guess I should still go get ready though, just in case” you mumble the last part, a small grin spreading across your face at the possibility of eric being there.
back in the bedrooms, you brushed by the two others that occupied the room with you, each of you starting to get ready. you settled on wearing a navy blue swimsuit under a comfortable pair of running shorts you found in your bag and an oversized sweatshirt that almost went down to your knees. the swimsuit was just in case anyone decided to go for a night swim and the sweatshirt in case it got cold. after getting dressed you made your way to the living room, sitting on the couch while throwing your hair up into a messy ponytail while you were all waiting for the last few people to be ready.
eventually, everyone crowded into the living room and you all set off across the street to the beach. as soon as you hit the sand you slipped off your shoes and let your feet sink into the san. continuing to walk until you all reach a large group of people, slightly scattered around within each other at different fire pits. after some time you had a drink or two and a red solo cup in hand, filled with an unknown mixture courtesy of your best friend. taking a sip from the cup, a feeling of boredom envelopes you, prompting you to wander off to a rock ledge hanging a foot or two above the water.
what you didn’t know as you swung your legs in the air while hanging off the ledge, was that you caught eric’s attention, and a long time ago at that. in fact, you had caught his attention back during the umbrella scene, he thought your reactions were simple adorable. he’d even seen you a few more times throughout the week but didn't want to approach for fear of being seen as ‘creepy’.
eric watched as you wandered off, ending up on the hidden little rock, and decides to follow you. “hey, mind if I join?” you hear a smooth voice ask gently from behind you, sitting down beside you while you nod. turning to face the mystery person seated beside you, a gasp slips past your lips rather unexpectedly. “oh...it’s you” you mumble under your breath, a bit embarrassed. “me?” eric questions in response while raising an eyebrow, amused “what does that mean, darling?”
“nothing” you quickly shake your head and place a hand on your cheeks, now burning up “I just didn't expect to see you here... I mean I was hoping I would, but-” by the time you caught your words it was too late, “hoping? have you been hoping you would see me since we talked the first time?” he asks with a small smirk spread across his lips “i- well maybe...” you admit in a hushed tone and his smirk breaks into a slight grin. “well maybeee I’ve been hoping to see you again too~” he hums in a teasing tone while inching closer to you, now so close that your shoulders are touching.
you blush at the gap between the two of you being closed and look at him, tilting your head to the side, “why are you over here anyway?” you ask quietly and eric smiles before responding, “well, the party was getting to be a little much anyway and then I saw a pretty little thing wandering off over here and decided to follow. it was just a bonus that it turned out to be the person I’ve been hoping to see all week, maybe even fate” he ends with a wink as he looks out into the darkness enveloping you both. “fate hm?” you question whilst staring up into the same deep brown eyes you saw earlier that week, “yes” eric answers simply before brushing a strand of hair from your face, allowing the moonlight to filter through the few clouds in the sky and shin down onto your skin. you were quite literally glowing and he was mesmerized by you, absolutely captivated. eric slowly leans in with his eyes closed, yours following suit and fluttering shut as his lips meet yours. the soft skin of your lips melting against his, a feeling he’ll never forget...even in a million years.
he pulls away, meeting your eyes immediately and gazing into them, "mhm, it was definitely fate" he concludes confidently as he flashes a toothy grin at you. "you think so? we just met a few days ago though" you reply, quirking a brow. "well everything has to start somewhere right? and after all, we have the whole summer ahead of us" eric hums quietly, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as the soothing sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks below echo through the air.
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sunlightwoo · 4 years
The Boyz Masterlist
updated as of 05.21.22 (all gifs in unit masterlists belong to respective creators!!)
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✰ OT11 timestamps:
(TBZ 3 YEARS) | sangyeon | jacob | younghoon | hyunjae | juyeon | kevin | chanhee | changmin | haknyeon | sunwoo | eric
(Summer Things) | sangyeon | jacob | younghoon | hyunjae | juyeon | kevin | chanhee | changmin | haknyeon | sunwoo | eric
✰ OT11 Series:
Under The Spotlight | social media au [discontinued]
✰ OT11 Specials:
Fallin’ For You | cupids, fallen angels and demons aus
Rating How I’d Fight TBZ
12 Months I Loved You | TBZ Collab Hosted by Me
Loving You Is A Losing Game | soulmate aus
Dad!TBZ Collection
Storms of Broken Hearts | collection based on 5sos songs
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✰ Hyung Line Masterlist
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✰ 98 Line Masterlist
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✰ Maknae Line Masterlist
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juhakx · 2 years
Love- Eric Sohn
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 744
Inspired by. “what thing worthy of love can be found in me?”- franz kafka
“I don’t know,” You whisper into the darkness. The slight peak of moonlight between the curtains gave you the only reassurance you needed to see the shadows of Eric’s face. “I just can’t imagine it.”
This was why you loved staying up late with Eric. There was a side of him that you saw that no one else got to, and you could share things with him that no one else had ever heard. In the end, it’s why you two got along so well–why no one questioned how the two of you became best friends. 
“That’s ridiculous. Why can’t you imagine it?” Eric asks, shifting closer. Sharing a bed was never a problem. You had been sharing beds with Eric since you were in elementary school. If you closed your eyes long enough, it felt like you were back in your Hello Kitty pajamas, trying to keep in your giggles as Eric made you laugh long past when you were supposed to be asleep. 
“Like–” You begin, turning over so you were facing him. “Guys have never been interested in me like that. And–And! Can you just imagine one person deciding, ‘Yes, this is the person I want to spend every single waking moment with?’ I can’t imagine someone choosing me out of the millions of people in the world to love. There’s nothing that deems me so special from everyone else that would justify that.” When you’re done with your spiel, you lower your hand that began to make wild gestures to get your point across. 
These thoughts had been trapped in your head for years. It was almost comical how Eric brought up subjects that you wouldn’t dare speak aloud unless it was to yourself. Just minutes prior he had breached it when asking “Do you think you’ve ever been in love?” How that spiraled to you confessing your deepest emotions, only the moon knew. 
“Well, do you think that about me?” Eric asks, not like he was defending himself, but in a way like he knew what the answer was. 
“No, you’re different,” You simply state. You notice the way Eric rolls his eyes, even in the dark, making you laugh. 
“Really? So you’re condemned to a life of solitude because you think no one will love you and I get to be loved just because I’m different?” Eric flicks the top of your head, almost as if he was annoyed that you thought like this.
“Well, yeah.” You look up at Eric, making sure he could see your eyes so he knew you were being serious. “You are so nice and you always make sure the people around you are happy and you’re so cool and really good at baseball–Oh! And you can dance. I love people who can dance.” You roll back away so you’re staring at the ceiling. “There’s, like, not one bad thing about you. You’re better than the rest. You’re different,” You emphasize. 
After a beat of silence, Eric picks the conversation back up. “It’s good to know that if no one will love me because I’m nice, they’ll love me because I can dance.”
Eric laughs when you push at his chest, annoyed. You were never good at words and he always used it against you. 
When you begin to pull your hand back, he reaches for it, his hand circling your wrist and bringing it back. 
You try to ignore the way your heart stutters. 
“You’re different too,” Eric begins. “You are so kind and not in the way you think I am, but you make sure to look after the people you care about even when they don’t deserve it. And you always kick my ass in Just Dance so technically you’re good at dancing too. And even though you’re sitting here thinking that no one could love you, you love everyone so much. And everyone you meet can’t help but love you too.” 
Eric was always better than you at words, anyway. 
“Don’t cry you weirdo,” Eric laughs once he notices the wetness pooling in your eyes. 
“Shut up, I’m sensitive,” You sniffle, attempting to pull your hand away from his so you can turn your back to him. 
Instead, he lets go willingly, grabbing at your chin so you can look up at him again. 
“I love you,” He whispers. He reassures. 
And for now, it didn’t matter how he meant it. All that mattered was that he loved you.
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kimsohn · 11 months
𓇼 3:04 am
pairing . eric x gn!reader about . 499 words, fluff warnings . none! tagging . @gfksn @invuwrld @stealanity
honestly, eric has to applaud how committed you are to this.
it's pitch black outside, and even though he doesn't know the exact numbers, he can tell it's far past your bedtime. it's far past anyone's bedtime, really, as he sees sunwoo knocked out next to a half-asleep sangyeon. the long hours of partying after another successful award show win seem to have taken a toll on everyone in this car, and he can't blame them for resting.
you especially have been nodding off for the entirety of the ride. however, the only thing keeping you from falling asleep is a surface to rest your head on, so every time your head veers even slightly to the left, you readjust yourself only to nod off again.
eric doesn't know whether to find it funny or maddening. he wants to yell at you that his shoulder is right there and that he would literally be the last person to care about you using it. however, you don't seem to have any plans of popping the question, opting to try and sleep upright (and fail) instead of being comfortable.
so eric does it for you.
"y/n, you know you can sleep on my shoulder, right?" he whispers, tapping the side of your head to wake you up.
"hm? oh," you respond, rubbing your eyes awake, "are you sure? it might be uncomfortable."
"it's fine, really. i don't mind."
normally, you would've argued more, but eric can tell you're too tired to care. you curl up into his side, wrapping your hands around his right arm like a pillow and resting your head on his shoulder.
your head on his body does make it a little hard to breathe, but he can't tell if it's because of the weight of your head or if he's hyperventilating at this close proximity. maybe the sleep had made him delirious, but he'd completely forgotten that yes, he did indeed have a major crush on you and yes, you clinging to him like a koala bear would make his heart palpitate.
he wonders if you can hear his heart beating out of his chest or the deep breaths he's having to take in this position. whatever he feels doesn't matter though, because he would sacrifice his breathing for the rest of eternity just to make sure you were safe.
okay, that might be a little too much (nothing is ever too much when it comes to you).
you feel as if you were meant to be there, so correct that eric is already imagining waking up next to you every day, your head on his chest and your hands around his torso. he closes his eyes, envisioning a lazy sunday morning with you and just you.
and maybe the party had taken a toll on eric too, or maybe your very presence had lulled him to a dreamy sleep, because as sangyeon wakes up when the car reaches their destination, he spots eric's head resting atop yours.
he'll give you two lovebirds five more minutes of peace. the universe can thank him later.
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daisyvisions · 1 year
Eric Sohn Masterlist ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
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Series ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
➤ A Little Motivation | Pt.1 | Pt.2
Being a volunteer tutor can be challenging, especially when it’s the university’s star athlete who hardly pays attention. How will you get him to focus and what lengths are you willing to go through to get his full attention?
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One-shots ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
➤ Kinktober Day 21 - Food Play
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Blurbs & Requests ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
➤ Desperate (bf! x choking)
➤ ...Surprise? (best friend! x fingering)
➤ Teach Him a Lesson **(foursome ft. Hyunjae & Juyeon)
➤ Eric's Kinks and Turn-ons
➤ [12:17AM] - Love and Death
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Others ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
➤ Face Sitting with Eric
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Hard Hours ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
➤ under construction 🚧
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pixieminutes · 4 years
my bias is eric from tbz and i was thinking of a cute romantic dinner on valentine’s day! 😍😍
sounds amazing, anon!! i wish i could go to a restaurant rn!🥺💓
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18:25 - “eric, this is...”
a short breath left your mouth, somewhere between a gasp and a sigh.
“beautiful, isn’t it?” he grinned, “i found it a few months ago.”
“it looks so expensive!” you exclaimed, “the seats are velvet, hun!”
eric giggled, “i know right?!”
you laughed, “we can’t afford this!”
“it’s valentine’s day,” eric shrugged, “i’m doing everything for my girl.”
“you’re terrible,” you laughed, waving off his comment as you sipped your complimentary champagne.
“if worst comes to worst, we’ll take off that ring you’re wearing and pretend i’m proposing. they’ll have to give us something for free then,” eric shrugged.
you choked on your champagne, putting down the uber expensive glass flute as you coughed.
“what?” eric laughed.
you giggled, trying to keep the volume low. you and eric just looked like two children, giggling at the adult’s table during dinner. eric was wearing a three piece suit and you were wearing a dress that you bought to go to a wedding a couple years ago (eric dug it out your closest, saying nothing apart from ‘there’s a dress code’).
“you’re terrible,” you laughed.
“am i wrong?” eric teased, opening the menu, “shit me! okay, give me the ring now.”
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httpsohnpouts · 4 years
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ღ pairing: eric x reader
ღ genre: suggestive
ღ wc: 0.4k
ღ requested by: @bobagyu
ღ a/n: hope you like it!! pls feel free to give feedback! <33
➸ gameboy
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you and eric had a chilled day. he had the weekend off and so you both tried to make the most out of the limited time you had left before he had to leave again. whenever it was just you and your boyfriend, there was never a dull moment or place in time where you felt anything other than happy and loved.
hence as why you felt a little neglected when you found him on top of your bed, a random programme playing on the tv in the background, whilst he paid all of his attention to his phone, familiar sounds playing out of it. he was playing a game. the same game you’ve had to peel his mind off of ever since he came over.
now whilst he still spent quality time with you - something you could never hate him or take away from him for - you wished he spent a little less time in his device and more in your company.
“hey babe,” you whined, stomping your feet lightly in the entrance of your shared bedroom. eric found you adorable, with you dressed in his t-shirt tucked into your jeans in which were making you look even cuter. obviously not that cute since he soon continued playing the game on his phone.
with a huff, you plonked yourself on your side of the bed, peaking over your shoulder for a second to see if eric was getting the hint or not; he quite obviously didn’t so you shuffled to the very edge of the bed and turned onto your side so your back was to him.
you heard a chuckle come from behind you and the click of his phone locking before you felt his arms wrap around your waist and his breath hitting your neck, “sorry baby, did i leave you waiting?” instead of replying, you just pouted and turned away even more.
hooking his slender fingers around the loops of your jeans, pulling your hips against his, leaving little-to-no space between the two of you before trailing kisses down your cheek all the way to your exposed collarbones, “did my baby miss me?” he cooed, not once taking a break from decorating your sweet spots with kisses and kitten licks, slowly shredding you of your clothes.
“here, let me make it up to you.”
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